The main customs rules that a tourist needs to know about. Beware of customs! What can and what is prohibited to be imported into Ukraine

It happens that travelers go to an unfamiliar country in search of adventure and find it already when crossing the border. Moreover, in some countries, items that we are used to using at home are prohibited. Some novice smugglers manage to get them through customs, but no one knows if airport officials might want to check your luggage.

Gum in Singapore

For more than 20 years, Singapore has been banned from importing chewing gums. So local authorities are fighting for the cleanliness of local streets: because of the hot climate, spit out chewing gum cannot be removed from the sidewalk. Also, discarded rubber bands got stuck in the doors of the subway, hindering the operation of electric trains. Violation is punishable by a fine of SGD 500. Today, chewing gum can only be purchased at local pharmacies, showing a prescription from a doctor.
Some tourists manage to carry gum, as well as cigarettes banned in Singapore (you need to pay a fee for them). But we do not recommend joking with the laws of this country - if you are caught on the street, you will have to explain yourself to the police.

Telephone in Indonesia

Indonesian customs rules, along with weapons, drugs and explosives, prohibit the transport of cordless phones. Equipment may be confiscated without special permission. Another oddity: printed editions on Chinese will also be confiscated, and all books, cassettes and disks will be given for information verification.
It's not about mobile phones, but about those devices that we use at home.

Contraceptives in the Philippines

In the Philippines, abortion is illegal. Tourists who are accustomed to carrying a first-aid kit with them on a trip should be prepared to check it for the content of medicines for abortion. Components for the manufacture of such funds will also be confiscated. Take with you only what you really need and to which you can attach a conclusion from a doctor.
By the way, many sedatives and painkillers cannot be imported into the UAE, for example, valocordin, Corvalol, Pentalgin, Imodium, Sedalgin, Nurofen, Solpadein, etc.

Camouflage in Barbados

In Russia, even on a pretty girl, you can see clothes of spotted camouflage coloring, and in Barbados, wearing camouflage is strictly prohibited. In the Caribbean, this is the prerogative of the military, and the authorities value their reputation. Therefore, tourists in clothes of such colors will be offered to change clothes and say goodbye to "false combat" vestments.
Camouflage in Barbados will cause, first of all, the surprise of local residents. They sincerely do not understand how ordinary people in Europe can wear such clothes.

Carbonated water in Nigeria

Those who wish to smuggle a bottle of mineral water across the border in Nigeria will acquire the status of smugglers and receive a large fine or even imprisonment for six months. It is forbidden to import any carbonated drinks into this country, as well as seemingly harmless items such as Mosquito nets and fabrics.
Beer, fruits and vegetables have also been included in the list of prohibited goods in Nigeria.

Electrical appliances in Cuba

When going to Cuba, do not put a travel iron in your suitcase, it can be confiscated at the border. The ban also applies to other electrical appliances: an electric frying pan, a toaster, a kettle, a stove, a water heater, and so on.
In some cases, it is possible to import equipment of a certain power, but it is impossible to understand all the subtleties - which is what Cuban customs officers use.

Kinder Surprise in the USA

In 2010, there were about 1,700 incidents related to the ill-fated chocolate eggs in the United States. This was the reason for the ban not only on the wholesale import of kinder surprises, but also on a single one. The measure was explained by the fact that inside the eggs there are “non-edible components”, which can be dangerous for a small child. Possible import fine is $300.
The title of one of the online publications about this is curious: "American customs officers tear off children's eggs." But the ban is really serious.

New clothes in Malaysia

It's better for fashionistas to stay away from Malaysia. Bringing into the country more than one unworn pair of shoes and three items new clothes strictly prohibited by law. If, by some miracle, T-shirts with printed quotes from the Koran turn up in your suitcase, they will also not cross the border of this multicultural country. They don’t joke with such things here, as well as with weapons: you can’t even bring in a toy.
The ban exists so that the tourist buys more in Malaysia itself. There are restrictions on the import and export of goods for a certain amount in many countries.

Musical instruments in New Zealand

Surprisingly, bring a friend in New Zealand your favorite guitar or flute is unlikely to work. The exception will be those cases when the tourist undertakes to take the musical instrument back. The attention of local customs officials will attract and various equipment on wheels: bicycles, strollers and even children's toys on wheels.
Question about musical instruments is very relevant, since in New Zealand, as in neighboring Australia, much attention is paid to the quality of music - there are excellent recording studios here.

Spirits in Madagascar

The exotic island of the Indian Ocean Madagascar is known among seasoned travelers for its unique flora and fauna, as well as a strict ban on the import of perfumes. Perhaps this is due to the fact that Madagascar is rightfully considered the birthplace of vanilla, it is here that the factories for the production of perfume oils - eucalyptus, ylang-ylang, etc. are located. Therefore, it is better to leave your favorite, and even more expensive perfumes at home.
Customs Madagascar provides rather vague information on this matter. More likely, we are talking about paying the fee, but it's better not to risk it.

The basic rule is as follows: any tourist has the right to import into Russia free of charge, without duties, goods purchased abroad, the total value of which does not exceed 65 thousand rubles and (or) total weight which are not more than 35 kg. However, there are exceptions for certain products:

Alcohol: you can carry no more than 2 liters free of charge for each person over the age of 17. That is, it will not work to write off a few more bottles from duty free for underage children. All alcohol in excess of the specified norm must be declared in writing and paid customs duty - 30% of the cost;

Tobacco products: cigars - up to 50 pcs., cigarillos - up to 100 pcs., cigarettes - up to 200 pcs., tobacco - 0.25 kg. In the case of the import of tobacco products of only one type, it is allowed to import 100 cigars, 200 cigarillos, 400 cigarettes or 0.5 kg of tobacco.

Souvenir or antique value?

It is imperative to declare at customs and register cultural property imported into Russia with Rossvyazokhrankultura. These include paintings, old Jewelry, old books and other similar items, as well as things that are over 50 years old.

Modern souvenirs, cultural objects of serial and mass production are not subject to mandatory declaration.

How can a simple tourist understand whether, say, souvenirs bought somewhere at a foreign flea market are cultural values? The FCS says that the customs officers themselves prefer to turn to professionals in such matters: in case of doubt, things are transferred for examination.

And tourists are advised to declare souvenirs similar to cultural values ​​just for every fireman - this way they will be able to avoid liability for failure to fulfill the obligation to declare if the thing really turns out to be valuable.

By the way, declared and registered cultural values ​​are generally not subject to duties, regardless of cost and weight. But souvenirs are equated to ordinary goods and are taken into account along with other things when determining the standards for free import.

Did you buy a fur coat abroad? write a declaration

Many vacationers bring wine and cognac as a gift - and obviously more than two liters. Someone goes abroad for a fur coat. We bought a fluffy beauty for 2 thousand euros - that's an excess of 65 thousand rubles! "Excess" goods must be declared and paid for - a 30 percent duty is charged on that part of the value that exceeds the norm. However, a rare tourist does it!

Of course, we will not check the luggage of each person who enters, - the Federal Customs Service explained. - Customs officers carefully check the luggage of individual tourists, based on information about foreign countries and popular products in them, baggage scan data on the scanner, etc.

So basically anyone has a chance to get caught.

What does it threaten?

Punishment can be both administrative and criminal. The customs authority has the right to impose administrative fines, other types of sanctions can only be imposed by the court.

Failure to fulfill the obligation to declare goods or false declaration, including in order to avoid paying the duty or reduce its amount, is punishable by an administrative fine up to twice the value of the goods with or without confiscation of the thing.

If a traveler secretly, without the necessary declaration, carries goods worth more than 250 thousand rubles across the border, then criminal liability is already threatened - up to imprisonment.

How to prove that you are not a "shuttle"

Purchases imported in excess of the norm (see above) are required by law to be included in the customs declaration. They will be subject to duty: 30% of the value of the goods, but not less than 4 euros per 1 kg.

You specify the cost yourself by filling out the declaration. In case of doubt, customs officers may require checks, invoices, receipts, etc. If such documents are not available, the customs authority has the right to determine the cost of the goods itself (based on catalogs of foreign trade organizations or other price information). These average prices should be adjusted according to the quality of the product (maybe the tourist bought a discounted model with minor defects on sale), country of origin and other factors that may affect the price.

Please note: if the customs value of imported goods exceeds 650 thousand rubles, and (or) their total weight is more than 200 kg, or if a citizen crosses the border of the Russian Federation more than once a month (the period is counted from the end of the previous trip abroad), then rates are applied customs duties provided for participants foreign economic activity. They are very impressive, the calculation systems are complex.

As explained by the Federal Customs Service (FTS), such measures are intended primarily for "shuttle traders". But even ordinary tourists can visit abroad more than once a month! Say, on the February holidays you are going to Kyiv for a couple of days, and on March 8 - for three days to the Baltic states. Of course, I want to bring souvenirs and gifts to relatives from everywhere. And someone goes to work on frequent business trips ...

1. When leaving, do not be too lazy to fill out a customs declaration. Indicate in the declaration the things that you are taking out, so that when you return you do not have to argue about whether you bought a camera or a fur coat abroad or at home. The legislation allows you to temporarily export clothes, personal jewelry, equipment (telephones, cameras, cameras, etc.), as well as other goods for personal use abroad without any duties.

The trick is that by presenting a declaration on the way back, you will avoid customs proceedings and will not have to pay a fee for your own things that were imported back upon return.

If you make the second trip in a month and did not declare anything when leaving, then on the way back, strictly according to the law, even personal items can theoretically be recognized as goods subject to duty. Although, according to the FCS, in practice, customs officers are unlikely to check those who return with undeclared socks, underwear, toothpaste.

2. There is another way to save money and nerves. Let's say you know that you will need to travel abroad twice in a month. On the first trip, do not buy anything. When returning, go through customs along the red corridor and fill out a declaration in which you indicate: there are no purchased goods. Then, with this document from the second trip, you can safely carry purchases without paying duties (of course, subject to weight and cost standards).

How to transport goods through customs? Customs import of fashion items from Milan Fashion Week or grocery shopping in Finland now, few people can be surprised. This is no longer an indicator of luxury. Now, few tourists who go abroad come empty-handed. The prices for which you can buy goods there simply cannot but tempt. But here's the moment... Returning home, you will have to go through customs control. And so that such a check does not overshadow the impressions of the trip and the purchased goods, you need to familiarize yourself with the customs rules of our country.

How to transport goods through customs?

First you need to clearly understand what customs is and "what it is eaten with."

Customs is a specialized government agency whose actions control the importation and importation across the borders of any country different type cargo. This includes the traveler's luggage and postal items in particular. Customs has the right to charge a fee in the form of a duty for some goods. Some items are strictly forbidden to be transported, and some are subject to a certain import fee. Payment is made in favor of the state treasury.

Customs control offices are located on the territories of checkpoints across the border of a particular country. It can be railway stations, automobile checkpoints or air and sea ports. Regardless of whether a citizen is an individual or an employee of an organization that transports cargo on an international flight, communication with customs representatives will be inevitable.

If a Russian citizen goes abroad and plans to transport certain items with him, then filling out a declaration is not required.

The document is not required if:

  • You have cash in excess of $3,000 with you. In rubles or in foreign currency it does not matter. If with you bank card, then finances are not declared on it, their number is not limited. In order to withdraw cash in excess of $10,000, you will need permits from the Central Bank.
  • Traveler's checks up to $10,000.
  • If personal precious jewelry or expensive items that leave the country only for a certain time. But still, it is worth declaring expensive jewelry, exclusive watches or fur products. This is recommended for the convenience of travelers first and foremost. If you have a declaration with a list of these things, when you return to the country, you will not need to explain and prove that they were not bought abroad.
  • Sturgeon caviar, not exceeding a mass of 0.25 kg and up to five kilograms of seafood.

It should be understood that employees have the right to inspect personal belongings at any time. Do not hide any things or reduce the amount of cash. In the event that employees discover that it was planned to export cash at least $ 1 more than allowed without a document, then the money will be seized, a protocol will be drawn up and a case of violation of customs rules on the territory of the Russian Federation will be initiated. Therefore, you should not check the "sense" of employees. After all, if you need money that exceeds the allowed 3 thousand dollars, then without filling out additional documentation, you can spend it on plastic card. The state does not limit and does not check the limits on them.

Don't need to forget important point! Alcoholic products can be exported outside the Russian state in unlimited quantities, but import to other countries is already strictly regulated by laws. If from Russian Federation withdraw and succeed, but with the import outside of another country, it is unlikely to be able to get. In addition, a large consignment of alcohol will arouse interest among employees, and such export can be regarded as purchased for a trading purpose, and this is already prohibited by the laws of the Russian Federation.

For what kind of luggage content when imported into the Russian territory, you will need to pay a fee.

Import restrictions. Citizens directly need to be aware that it is possible not to pay customs duties if the amount of items of luggage or cash is within 10,000 European rubles for air travel and 1,500 European rubles for land travel. And the total weight does not reach a total of 0.05 tons.

If the value of items imported from abroad is higher than indicated, but within 650 thousand rubles, and the total total weight is between 0.05 and 0.2 tons, then you will additionally need to pay 30% of the cost, but not less than 4 -x euro for 1 kilogram. Again, you need to know that such things, say, several boxes of shoes, customs representatives to the right to regard as a wholesale quantity of goods for trading purposes. And other rates are already applied to this. If the weight exceeds 200 kg, then the duty is set as for a participant in foreign economic activity.

If the following conditions are met, then the import will not be subject to indirect tax:

  • Items are intended solely for the personal use of the citizen or family. This is extended to previously used items and to household appliances.
  • Luggage does not reach a weight of 0.05 tons.
  • For rail or road transport, the total value does not reach 1500 euros, and for air travel 10 thousand euros.
  • But, as with every rule, there are exceptions. This applies to certain categories of citizens.
  • First, they are immigrants. Who, on a voluntary basis, took part in any State program. They and other members of their family have the right to transport their personal belongings (used), without restrictions and without paying a fee.
  • Secondly, these are migrants who are simply forced to move due to some circumstances. If they have a written confirmation of this status, they will be able to bring in the amount of personal luggage they need and not pay the prescribed fees.
  • Thirdly, these are Russians who have lived outside the country for more than six months. They will also be able to bring their own luggage back to Russia's borders at no extra charge, despite their weight and cost.
  • Regulated norms for the import of tobacco products and alcohol across the border of Russia.
  • The moment of importation of alcohol is strictly regulated and monitored by authorized bodies. It is strictly forbidden to import alcoholic products from other countries in quantities exceeding five liters. Plus, if more than three liters, then you will need to make a declaration and pay 10.00 euros for each additional liter. This is in cases with weak alcohol. And if you carry more than 3 liters of strong alcoholic beverages, then already at 22.00 euros for each liter that exceeds the established norm. Only people who have reached the age of eighteen will be able to import alcohol.
  • As far as tobacco products are concerned, maximum amount per passenger is 200 cigarettes, 0.25 kg of tobacco or 50 cigars.

As for the import of products into the territory of Russia.

For private consumption, it is allowed to import no more than 5 kilograms. If the weight exceeds the norm, then most likely there will be a withdrawal of products and penalties will be applied. For animal products, such as cheese, meat, milk, a production container with details is required. In case of its absence, customs officers will need to present certified quality certificates.

But there are also those goods that are forbidden to be imported:

  • Products from the markets that do not have factory packaging.
  • Potato.
  • Seeds.
  • Or products that are from countries where there have been outbreaks of any infections. Such restrictions are imposed for a certain amount of time.

The Russian food embargo, which was introduced in response to some countries, will not "hurt" travelers who have purchased goods for private use.

talking plain language- a tourist, legally, will be able to introduce a product that is prohibited by sanctions, if the weight does not exceed five kilograms and the factory wrapper is preserved. Therefore, lovers of Italian cheese should not worry. It will be legal to bring delicious parmesan. But note that kilograms of such goods may arouse suspicion. Customs may consider them goods for sale, and not brought for personal use.


If you need to import potent drugs or those that contain toxic impurities, then this will only be possible if you have the appropriate documentation. Documents must confirm the fact that they were brought for medical reasons for a particular person. This list contains: clozapine, chloroform, androstanolone, tramadol and the like.

What is the declaration procedure?

There are two ways to cross the customs zone - these are the "red" and "green" corridors.

The "green" corridor, as you might assume, is intended for travelers who do not carry in their personal bags objects that are mandatory for declaring. In fact, the passage of this corridor is equivalent to the oral proof of the traveler that he is not going to carry any items that are subject to mandatory documentation. And it should be understood that a customs officer can at any time inspect the traveler's belongings. If prohibited goods are found, this will be equated with an offense. The further measure of punishment for the tourist will depend on the quantity and origin of the product itself. In some cases, it is realistic to get off with a fine, and some even imply criminal measures of restraint.

Accordingly, the "red" corridor is passed by those who import objects into the Russian territory that must be included in the declaration. In the luggage of such travelers there are goods that are subject to duty.

The laws of the Russian Federation have long provided for not small penalties with an exemption for smuggling. Sometimes it is also possible that the amount of the fine will reach as much as double the value of the goods.

Customs declaration.

Passenger customs declaration is filled in at customs. After filling out, the document must be handed over to employees for verification.

The customs service draws attention to the fact that the information that is entered in the declaration must have accompanying supporting documents. Customs officers are allowed to require the presentation of items being transported for additional control.

Until the age of 16, the declaration is signed by the parents. And after 16 years - on their own. The document must have 2 copies. One copy for customs, the second one for the traveller. The document must be completed legibly and correctly. After filling out the documentation and receiving a copy, they also give out:

  • International passport.
  • Confirming payment documentation with a certain, specified cost of any product.
  • Tickets for travel/flight.
  • A document confirming the availability of benefits. If there is one, of course.

Please note that if there are no payments, then customs officials have the right to calculate prices based on the prices in the catalogs for similar goods that they have.

Mandatory declarations are subject to:

  • Funds in excess of $3,000.
  • Securities.
  • Traveler's checks totaling more than $10,000.
  • Gems and metals.
  • Medicines, which contain toxic or potent substances. As well as medications for narcotic or psychotropic purposes.
  • Nuclear metals.
  • Values ​​for culture, the state. You will not need to pay a state fee, but you will have to fill out a declaration.
  • State awards.
  • Auto or motorcycle equipment, etc.
  • Weapon. But for transportation, there must be accompanying documents from the relevant authorities.
  • And so on.


There are also rules for transporting animals. To transfer livestock outside the border, you will need an international veterinary certificate or an international passport for this Living being. The papers contain information about vaccinations and general health. is vaccinated at least 1 month before the trip, but no later than 1 year ago. After the trip, international papers are changed to Russian veterinary certificates.

The weight of the pet is included in the calculation of kilograms of luggage. Excess weight, respectively, is paid additionally.


For import to Russia are prohibited:

  • Photo or video products containing pornographic, Nazi, terrorist, religious nature. Or elements of the state. secrets.
  • Plants or animals that are on the verge of extinction.
  • Narcotic substances.
  • Fruits or vegetables that do not have a health certificate.
  • Human organs, biological tissues or blood and its constituents.
  • Weapon. Without the relevant decision of the competent authorities.
    In this article, you learned How to get goods through customs. If you have any questions and problems that require the participation of lawyers, then you can seek help from the specialists of the information and legal portal "Sherlock". Just leave a request on our website, and our lawyers will call you back.

Editor: Igor Reshetov

very complex and frequently asked question for tourists who are going shopping in Europe, there is an issue with the import of things from abroad.
Perhaps some of you will be surprised, but according to Russian law, not all purchased items can be imported without paying special duties into the territory of Russia.
Amendments have been introduced in the customs legislation (according to the Protocol dated 10/19/2011 “On introducing amendments and additions to the agreement on the procedure for the movement of goods by individuals for personal use across the customs border Customs Union and performance of customs operations related to their release dated 18.06.2010”)

The basic rule for importing things from Europe to Russia is as follows:
One person (regardless of age) can bring into the country purchased goods for personal use (excluding vehicles) whose total value does not exceed 10,000 euros and whose total weight does not exceed 50 kg (thanks to the comments). Anything above is subject to a special duty - 30% of the value of the goods, but not less than 4 euros / kg

What our customs considers personal goods:
Goods for personal use- goods intended for personal, family, household and other purposes not related to the implementation entrepreneurial activity, the needs of individuals moving across the customs border in accompanied or unaccompanied baggage or in any other way.

Keep in mind:
According to changes in customs legislation:
The classification of goods transported by individuals across the customs border as goods for personal use is carried out by the customs authority using a risk management system based on:

  • statements individual about goods being moved (orally or in writing using the passenger customs declaration) in the cases established by this Agreement;
  • the nature and quantity of goods;
  • frequency of crossing by an individual and (or) movement of goods across the customs border
If, under the guise of goods for personal use, goods imported for the purpose of their use in entrepreneurial activity are declared and released, then such goods are considered illegally moved across the customs border.

How do customs officers understand that these are purchased items, and not your own, worn and brought from Russia? After all, it may be that you travel with your favorite five bags, have 7 pairs of shoes just in case and cannot live without your entire wardrobe.

In this case, customs officers look at the following:

  • whether things have tags (if they do, then the thing is, by definition, new)
  • what things you are taking with you (if in size ranges, then most likely you are going to resell them, which means these will not be things for personal use)
  • whether things are tax free (VAT deductible). If you have issued tax free at the airport in Italy and received a VAT deduction, then even the absence of tags on things still proves that these things are new and only bought (all information about those who issued tax free and received money is transferred from European customs to Russian customs )
  • Well, the very last opportunity to determine the novelty of things is to make an examination. According to our laws, customs officers can confiscate things and conduct an examination within a month to determine the value of your things and their novelty.
What then to do in this case, if you still have more than the norm for the purchased items?

We will tell you what some tourists do in such situations:
(however, be aware that some methods are risky and illegal)

  • pay a fee
  • hope they don't get stopped at customs
  • declare imported items so that upon return, customs officers do not have questions about their own things (a laptop or their own fur coat)
  • take children with them to increase the rate of import of things
  • cut tags from things, give things a used and shabby look, throw away all branded packages
  • they dress simpler and poorer, so that no one stops and checks luggage at customs when leaving the airport (I even read on one forum that one tourist usually does not shave and drinks from the evening before the flight in order to have a rumpled look)
  • do not pack luggage in expensive branded bags that scream that their owner is leaving for shopping
  • not direct flights are booked, but flights with transfers through other European cities. The chances of checking the luggage of tourists from Milan or Rimini will be much higher than checking the luggage of tourists from Prague or Brussels
  • take tickets to Domodedovo airport, because they say that there are fewer checks there than at Sheremetyevo
  • put on a lot of new things (especially fur coats, jewelry or watches)
  • do not pack luggage in wrapping bags or remove packaging when leaving the airport (so that there is no feeling that they have something expensive in their bags)
  • do not make tax free from the amount of things more than possible to import (tax free checks confirm that all things are new)
  • dress up as athletes, put luggage in covers from under the guitar, skis and baby carriages (well, here fantasy can roam)
However, if you are a wholesale buyer, then it’s better not to take risks and do not try to carry goods duty-free on an airplane (you definitely can’t wear all things, especially if these are shoes in size ranges).
There is a risk that your goods will be arrested, you will be forced to pay customs duties and a fine.
It is better for wholesale buyers to use the services of official transport companies that do the delivery and customs clearance of goods on their own. In this case, you pay for the services of the company and receive the customs-cleared cargo in your city without any problems.

P.S. thanks to changes in legislation, before the baggage allowance was only 65 thousand rubles

For unhindered import and export of goods abroad, it is necessary to carry out a number of procedures. First you look for and conclude a contract with him. Naturally, the contract is concluded on the basis of documents confirming your activity. In addition, you must be registered as a participant in foreign economic activity. Plastic bag necessary documents quite voluminous, it cannot be assembled in one day, it will take at least a month.

According to the established form, you must collect certificates for products, their origin, register at the customs post and confirm the customs value of the goods being transported. Further, the list of documents and the amount of the foreign trade operation are agreed with the customs broker. After that, an agreement is concluded with the carrier company.

Air transportation is the fastest, but at the same time the most expensive type of cargo delivery. If, when delivering goods by road, the number of approvals and the timing of the collection of documents seem unbearable, here the situation is even more complicated. Tariffs for transportation range from 90 to 200 rubles per kilogram of cargo. In addition, in the rules of operation of air carriers, there are a number of strict rules and restrictions. Here it is simply physically impossible to do without a company specializing in this type of cargo delivery.