What can you wear for this new year. How to dress for a New Year's party

In addition to the fact that the chosen clothes should be stylish, they should also stand out with the right color scheme.

It is worth considering which shades will be fashionable in the coming year:

  • The first thing worth noting is that the upcoming year of the Rat simply loves light and silvery tones. This applies not only to the standard color of the noble metal, but also to its basic shades. Perhaps it is yellow or orange, mustard is considered the hit of this season.
  • Also, you should pay attention to the gray color, because it is optimally popular in the coming year. It will also look good on a metallic fabric, with stones of the same shade.
  • You can also use the Pantone color palette. Here you can find a variety of types of shades, such as red, olive, green, warm and cold tones of blue.

Fashionable stylish images for the New Year 2020 in a dress

Every year, girls are tormented by the question of what to wear for the New Year. Of course, the best and standard option would be a long floor-length dress, since this is a win-win type of New Year's outfit.

In the coming year, it can be a form-fitting silhouette that will go well with a fluffy skirt.

Also, it is worth noting the relevance of the Greek style.

A cocktail dress will look good.

You can opt for minimalism, the outfit will be strict, but at the same time expressive.

If possible, if the format of the event allows, you should choose trousers or overalls, preferably yellow or mustard.

Those options that fit well on the figure will look especially good.

Fashionable images for the New Year 2020 in trousers and overalls

If we talk about how appropriate this year to use trouser suits, overalls, then the answer is unequivocal: only yes. They are quite relevant this year and therefore will help make you the star of this evening. This year, they have replaced the popular stylish, long dresses, massive jewelry. Now minimalism has taken a popular niche. Solid colors look good, which are not distinguished by a variety of stripes, lines, patterns.

That is why, it is worth choosing the most optimal and simple option for yourself. Then, you will be the most fashionable at the social New Year's party. I hope the question of what to wear for the New Year, original and fashionable, has disappeared. But clothes are only the beginning of your image.

Selection of jewelry

It is worth noting that the rat loves wealth and luxury. Therefore, you need to choose for yourself expensive, high-quality jewelry that will emphasize the chosen image. Rubies, emeralds, sapphires and diamonds will look best.

As an economical option, you should choose high-quality costume jewelry that is great for cocktail dresses. They sit tightly on the figure, emphasizing it, thereby allowing such jewelry to highlight in the best possible way.

Many people think that it is necessary to select according to the signs of the zodiac. In their opinion, this is a guarantee that next year will be successful for such a representative. This is a fairly detailed concept that has settled tightly in the life of fashionistas. It is not known whether this is right or not, but situations confirming the benefits of this have been made public repeatedly. It is worth considering in more detail which clothes under which sign are most suitable.


This sign of the zodiac is distinguished by a fairly strong energy, character and additional leadership qualities. This year, these representatives should abandon the fiery red color. And replace it with more gentle, warm colors. For example, yellow or gold. Of the fabrics, it is best to choose silk, it will look beautiful in light, flying suits.


The following colors are perfect for this sign. It can be green, brown, orange and yellow. It is worth paying attention to puffy skirts, vests, sleeveless jackets. The outfit should be as simple as possible, but diluted with high-quality, original jewelry, and in large quantities.


This is a fairly versatile sign that prefers harmony in everything. They will suit delicate white, green. From clothes you should choose light overalls, you can add some masculine elements to your image. On New Year's Eve, you can combine discreet colors with bright scarves.


This is a very attentive sign of the zodiac, which pays attention to a large number of small things and details. They should choose blue, yellow, different shades of gold. Also, it is necessary to pay attention to headdresses and hairstyles. Here you can add additional accessories that need to be selected with high quality. The dress should be chosen exceptionally light.

a lion

This is another fire sign that also requires attention at all events. Here it is worth paying attention to red, gold and yellow.

You also need to add certain attributes to the hair. It is desirable that it be a small diadem, it will perfectly emphasize all the greatness of this sign and thereby make it a star at the New Year's corporate party.


This is a very pedantic sign that follows all the details and trifles, so their outfits are thought out thoroughly. This New Year's Eve, they need to choose delicate, creamy colors that will create an extraordinary girlish look. Therefore, fabrics should be natural and light.


Another optimally critical sign, which is distinguished by an additional selection of the best for itself. That is why a representative of this sign can try on a large number of outfits, but after that, choose the very first one. On this New Year's Eve, they need to play in contrast, choose, for example, fur and silk, black and white, massive jewelry and a light hairstyle. In terms of the main color, it is better to give preference to light tones.


This is a fairly strong and charismatic sign of the zodiac. In addition, he is also considered the sexiest among the rest. Therefore, they choose appropriate outfits. It will be fashionable to focus on short dresses, bright colors, such as electric blue, or gold. Also, it is worth choosing a high heel, which will emphasize the length of the legs. You can use fur.


This is another fire sign that chooses bright, original colors for itself. This New Year, they should pay attention to hairstyles that must be performed at the highest level. Also, you need to choose bright colors, red, yellow, gold. Because it is they who perfectly emphasize the previously created image.


This is one of the most discreet signs that chooses only the neatest images for itself. They need to choose light makeup that can be emphasized by additional accessories. They should be the right amount. In order to stand out, you need to focus on the eyes and lips. In terms of clothing, you should choose brown, dark green, orange.


Clothing should be light in color. It can be green and white. Also, it is worth choosing transparent jewelry. Just not a massive size, so that they do not look extremely sloppy.


Pisces will look good in white, blue and gold. Also, they are advised to use a combination of gold and silver, since it should bring some luck to this sign. It is worth paying attention to manicure. It can be made in steel tones, which will perfectly emphasize a clutch made in the same style.

New Year's wardrobe for men

Our men also want to look great on New Year's Eve. That is why, it is necessary to consider which image is right for them, and what to wear for the New Year of the Rat 2020. After all, not only girls need to be beautiful.

  • the first thing to choose is things with bright colors, you can stripes or rhombuses.
  • the second is the possible use of velvet clothing.
  • the third factor can be considered vintage suits.
  • also, use cozy things, it can be sweaters and jackets.
  • a festive costume, official style will always be in fashion.

What not to wear for the New Year of the Rat

There are several options that you need to remember in order not to use them in your New Year's outfit.

Never wear this:

  • flower applications should be excluded.
  • suits that have fur trim.
  • overly revealing outfits.
  • summer dresses are best left in another closet, let it be not a warm outfit, but not a sundress.
  • accessories should be selected in moderation so as not to overdo it. Otherwise, you and your decorations will be compared to a Christmas tree.
  • acid shades should be avoided, they look quite vulgar and thereby spoil the previously created image.

In addition to the fact that it is necessary to select high-quality accessories for your dress in order to look good not only in your memory, but also in the photo, you need to clarify some good tips.
The New Year is a positive event that requires maximum fun, but this is not always possible when a girl spends the whole evening in uncomfortable heels and thereby spoils her mood.

Also, it is worth choosing comfortable clothes, so that it does not hinder movement. It will be a shame to sit out the whole holiday, because the corset or trousers are crushing.

There is another, one more important aspect, if you are engaged in make-up, then you do not need to do it to the maximum. After all, there is a whole New Year's Eve ahead, during this time, the powder can crumble, the mascara can flow, and all the excesses on the face will look, to put it mildly, not very good. Focus on the eyes and lips. Then you will look expressive, but not vulgar.

In addition, try to avoid massive jewelry, especially if it is earrings. After all, they are able to put weight on your ears, thereby giving them additional discomfort. And this is not very prudent. If a girl wants to look like a queen, let her meet the chimes in full dress, but after that there is always the opportunity to switch to an easier option.

Also, do not make too voluminous hairstyles, they look great only for the first few hours, then they tend to fall and take a terrible shape. Therefore, it would be more logical to do something simpler.

New Year holidays are an unforgettable time, so you need to think over your image in advance in order to be as self-confident as possible at this celebration. This means that you need to pay attention not only to the appearance, but also to the inner mood. So it’s not in vain that girls worry a few months before the holiday and look for what to wear for the New Year, because this event needs to be celebrated in all its glory.

Be beautiful and healthy!

new year 2019

Good afternoon, dear readers! Before the New Year 2019, there is very little left. It's time to start preparing.

Have you thought about how you will meet, what dishes you will prepare for the festive table, what outfit will be appropriate that night, and you also need to take care of gifts in advance.

There are a lot of questions and at the same time you need to please not only yourself, the guests, but also the Yellow Pig, which, according to the eastern calendar, will be the mistress of the next year. Let's solve all the questions in order!

What to expect from New Year 2019

The coming year will pass under the sign of the Yellow Earth Pig. The pig is a very kind, domestic, rural animal, it is sincere and hardworking. Therefore, it should especially guide people engaged in agriculture and agritourism.

The pig patronizes large families and loves children, the coming year will be the happiest for those who plan to build a family nest and have a baby.

The coming year will pass under the sign of financial luck and material well-being. People of financial and economic specialties will be less exposed to various risks. The year is favorable for investments, establishment of business and friendly relations.

The patroness does not tolerate hypocrites, freeloaders and cunning people, the path to success and prosperity is only through hard work.

How to celebrate New Year 2019

How to celebrate New Year 2019

If you want to meet the New Year 2019 correctly and please the new patroness, then it is better to listen to some tips:

1. On the eve of the New Year holidays, do not borrow money, and if there are debts, even not large ones, it is better to pay off 3 days before the holiday, otherwise you will have a lot of trouble and a debt hole. And on January 1, do not lend money to anyone, even the minimum amount, this attracts a leak of unreasonable financial resources for the whole year.

2. Get rid of dishes with chips and cracks, such dishes only attract waste and unnecessary expenses. Only new cups and plates.

3. On New Year's Eve, keep a few bills in your pocket. Celebrating a holiday without money is a bad omen.

4. A minute before the chiming clock, throw a coin into glasses of champagne, drink champagne, and carry a coin in your wallet all year like a talisman.

5. Before the New Year, it is better to do a general cleaning in an apartment or house. Wash all the dishes, wipe the dust and mirrors, clear the space of unnecessary old things, create harmony in the surrounding space.

6. Review your personal wardrobe, it is better to distribute unnecessary things to those who need them. Update a couple of things in the interior, you can just buy new bedding.

7. When choosing a New Year's outfit, it is better to stay on a new thing or a recently purchased one.

8. You need to celebrate the New Year with good intentions and pure thoughts, then luck will be on your side.

9. The pig does not tolerate loneliness, so try to gather a cheerful company, and choose how you will celebrate and choose the genre of the party according to your financial capabilities. Although Piggy is very generous and loves to spend money, she can even be called a spender.

Video: New Year's signs for the New Year

What to celebrate 2019

The main color of the upcoming year of the Yellow Earth Pig is naturally yellow or gold. But! And this does not mean at all that you urgently need to buy a yellow dress, a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bgold jewelry, and bright orange shirts for men.

Yellow has many beautiful shades. In addition, you can take: brown, beige, white, gray, silver, coffee and all shades of these colors.

Leave strict dresses and business-style suits for another time, on New Year's Eve only a festive outfit, bright and comfortable. Eliminate leopard print, fur inserts and vests.

From jewelry, choose gold, silver, amber, but everything should be in moderation, you don’t have to be brighter than the Christmas tree.

Any hairstyle that will complement your image. Piggy will approve even a simple tail. You can sprinkle the curls a little with glitter varnish or weave them into a golden rain, pick up a beautiful hairpin, rhinestones or beads.

What to cook for the New Year's table

The table this year should be luxurious! You must please the Pig with an elegant, bright table setting and New Year's treats.

A new tablecloth, beautiful napkins, various New Year's compositions and, of course, you can put a piggy bank with coins in the center.
The main ban is pork dishes, no kebabs and chops, and everything else is up to your taste and wallet.

Any fish and seafood dishes, poultry and beef. The pig is very fond of vegetables, fruits and sweets. Truffles can become a New Year's feature of the table, but if there are none, then any other mushrooms will do.

In order to catch good luck and increase your material well-being, it is recommended, according to Feng Shui, to put meat and fish dishes next to each other.

Pigs have a big sweet tooth! Cakes, cookies, sweets - all the most delicious and most beautiful than you can appease the hostess of the next year.

And everything should be elegant, tasty and varied.

What to give for the New Year

The most difficult and most enjoyable thing before the holidays is the choice of gifts. This year, the most correct and relevant would be to give a gold or yellow piggy bank.

piggy bank

You can present any interior items with the image of the Pig to relatives and friends. You can prepare pillows, bed linen, towels, kitchen utensils, dishes, handmade soap.

Lovers of country life can be presented with beautiful flower pots in the form of Pigs or garden tools with the image of pigs.

Pigs love everything bright and expensive, so it would be appropriate to give jewelry or simple costume jewelry in the form of a pig.

A pig is a pet that loves to be cozy, so any gift for home improvement, such as household appliances, will do. It's even better if you prepare handmade gifts. And most importantly, give with all your heart and soul.

Towel and slippers
chocolate bar
Planter for grass or flowers
A set of bed linen

After the year of the peaceful Dog of the elements of the Earth, the no less good year of the Yellow Earth Pig is coming. According to the Eastern calendar, it will begin on February 5, 2019, and end on January 24, 2020.

2019 will pass under the sign of financial luck, prosperity, family happiness, increased childbearing, but subject to your optimism, clear goals and hard conscientious work: The Pig, itself very optimistic, sincere and hardworking, does not tolerate cunning, freeloaders, hypocrites.

Everyone who is engaged in agricultural work should be especially lucky in the year of the Earth Pig. Representatives of financial and economic professions will be less exposed to various risks this year, investments should be successful. A good year will be for establishing strong friendships and business ties. The pig also patronizes the family, loves a large number of children. For those who have not yet built a family nest, this year there is every chance.

Have you already wondered how to celebrate the New Year 2019 - the year of the Yellow Earthen Pig? First of all, you should find out the preferences of his patroness and deliver maximum pleasure to her at the meeting, including yourself!

How to celebrate 2019, superstitions

New Year 2019 is coming. How to celebrate, what to cook, what to wear, what to give. Many of us ask ourselves these questions. If you want to celebrate the New Year in the right way, listen to a few tips:

In no case do not borrow money on the eve of the holiday, and if you still have debts, pay them off. Otherwise, you will find a debt hole and a lot of trouble.

Give old clothes to those who need it, update the interior, or at least get a few new things and new bedding.

When choosing an outfit for the New Year's Eve, keep in mind that it should be a recently purchased item that will be the key to success and bring you wealth, new acquaintances and vivid impressions.

Preparing for a meeting with the Earth Pig, you need to have pure thoughts and good intentions. Then luck will be with you, and fortune will smile more than once.

What to celebrate 2019

Naturally, the Pig will appreciate the Yellow outfits, but this does not mean that all people will run together to the shops and start buying golden dresses and bright yellow shirts. Let's take into account that Piggy's element is Earthy, and we'll try to pick up a wardrobe. An orange top and a blue bottom, a brown blouse and a bright green skirt, a white shirt and red trousers - there are no restrictions for either men or women, the main thing is not to overdo it with decorations and not try to outdo the Christmas tree.

An ideal option for the fairer sex will be stylish dresses made of silk. Chiseled figures can be fitted, but for ladies with magnificent forms, the Pig has a surprise prepared - loose and flying outfits will hide the so-called flaws and give the figure lightness, airiness and mystery.

Strict suits and elegant dresses are best left in the closet - the main thing is that the outfit is festive, bright and comfortable. It is advisable to choose jewelry taking into account your element, for example, silver and amber products will come in handy for air and water guys, but earthen and fire signs can surprise the Pig with gold pendants, pendants with pearls or emeralds.

The hairstyle can be anything, Yellow Piggy will appreciate a carefree ponytail, a classic braid, a short ragged haircut, and long curly curls. To complete the look, you can sprinkle your hair with shiny varnish, decorate the strands with golden rain or yellow tinsel.

What to put on the New Year's table in 2019

The pig loves to eat deliciously, and, in principle, can sweep away everything that is cooked - from banal fried potatoes to delicious battered pineapples. But you should feel sorry for the feelings of the Yellow Mistress of the Year, and do not serve pork skewers or chops made from a fresh pig. Beef dumplings, chicken skewers and roast fish - a compromise has been found, and the guests are full, and Ground Piggy is not offended.

But no preservatives, additives and chemicals - a week before the New Year you need to go to visit village relatives and pick up mushrooms, cucumbers and other blanks.

Not a single New Year's table is complete without salads, and in the year of the Pig, fantasy will work to its fullest - classic Olivier and traditional Herring under a fur coat look great surrounded by cuts of exotic fruits and salads made according to grandmother's recipes.

Do not forget about sweets - the Pig loves chocolate cakes and sweets (from the traditional "Petrel" to modern products with strange names). And we are not greedy - the remnants of goodies can be put into jars and distributed to guests, in extreme cases, the dishes will stand in the freezer for a couple of days.

Signs for attracting money in the New 2019

To attract wealth, you should appease the Yellow Earth Pig. To do this, often go to rest in nature with the whole family. A quiet rest on soft sand or grass-covered clearings will not only help you relax and gain strength, but will also arouse the favor of the patron of the year.

Meet the Year of the Pig 2019 should be a plentiful feast. Saving on treats is not worth it: the Boar will not like it. It is also worth to fork out for the purchase of new Christmas toys. It is preferable to choose colored balls: their rounded shape will protect against strong quarrels and strife.

Get rid of any chipped dishes. It attracts spending, financial losses. It is better to purchase new plates and cups.

You need to buy a tree. It is better to buy a live tree. A good way to attract material well-being is to buy a live Christmas tree planted in a pot. The tree in the future can be transplanted in a summer cottage when it grows strongly. A spruce tree decorated for the holiday attracts money to the house. It is recommended to use toys in colors approved by the Yellow Earth Pig for decoration. Some experts also advise hiding a few coins and banknotes in the middle of the spruce. You need to do this so that no one sees.

To celebrate the New Year with empty pockets is a bad omen. To live in material abundance in 2019, keep a few large bills with you on New Year's Eve.

Another monetary sign: a minute before the New Year, you need to throw a coin into a glass of champagne. Champagne should be drunk to the sound of the chiming clock, thinking about prosperity, and a coin should be worn in the wallet as a talisman all year round.

All debts must be repaid in advance. It is better to do this at least 3 days before the celebration. Otherwise, you can attract new debt in the coming year. On January 1, you should not give anyone even small amounts of money. Such an action will attract a drain of funds over the next 12 months.

If there is a cat in the house, another sign is applicable. The family member to whom the animal will be the first to approach after the chiming clock will be financially prosperous in the coming year. Great luck awaits him.

What to cook for the New Year 2019

Let's talk about the holiday menu. It should be plentiful and consist of simple but satisfying dishes. Be sure to make sure that there are meat dishes on the table - roast, sliced ​​\u200b\u200bor appetizers.

Meat is combined with vegetables, so salads are indispensable. All this variety is advised to be diluted with several dishes of sea fish. At the end of your dinner, please your guests with fruit desserts or sweet pastries based on shortcrust, unleavened or puff pastry.

It is not an easy task to do everything in the New Year. So that you have no problem choosing an outfit, we will tell you what to wear for the New Year 2018. Following these tips, you will look great.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

Are you over 18 already?

What jewelry to wear

Libra: what to wear

How to choose the right outfit for the New Year 2018?

By the way, not only women are worried about what to wear for the New Year. Men also want to look decent, so they better choose a win-win option - a stylish suit. When asked what color is best for this year, we can confidently answer that any shades of gray, because the Dog will be Earthy. The same color scheme is perfect for a teenager.

As for shoes, there are no specific recommendations for this year. But in order to properly celebrate the year of the Dog, we advise you to go out for a walk down the street for a while or celebrate the holiday in a large and noisy company. Therefore, it is best to choose comfortable shoes so that nothing gets in the way of having fun. Or take a change of shoes with you to visit, which will suit every occasion.

What to wear for the New Year 2018?

From recommendations on what to wear on New Year's Eve, we'll move on to what you absolutely must wear, of course, if you want next year to be successful. So, it is best if you wear gold jewelry. There shouldn't be many of them, but one thing won't hurt.

You can combine gold with black, which is also recommended this year as one of the main colors of the earth. You must constantly ensure that the number of different colors on you is no more than three. A dog is an animal that is not too colorful, so a combination of two or three shades would be appropriate.

What to wear for the New Year 2018 girls?

The dog is a friendly animal, however, always observes discipline. No need to celebrate the New Year in the clothes that will hamper movement and make you feel unnatural. Every woman wants to attract attention, and this New Year, your smile will be the best decoration. Full girls will suit a long dress with a belt at the waist, and a pregnant woman will be very beautiful in a dark brown dress without an abundance of jewelry. Designers recommend opening the back or shoulders, which catches the eye of men. This dress will look great on a blonde. The best combination of images:

  • floor-length black dress with gold embellishments;
  • beige or dark brown with an open back;
  • airy dress from yellow to terracotta;
  • blouses with open necklines;
  • trouser suits.

The main thing is not to try to combine everything in one image, just one thing is enough to be unique this New Year.

What dress to wear for the New Year 2018?

Since we are talking about dresses on New Year's Eve, it is worth remembering that the most important thing is an outfit that is suitable for your figure. It is much worse to follow fashion and look ridiculous at the same time. Remember what dress Nadezhda had from the movie "Irony of Fate"? Now the same shades of yellow and mustard are relevant again.

In addition to dresses, there are hundreds of options that are perfect for you. The choice of outfit will also depend on the environment in which the holiday itself will take place. If you find yourself in a restaurant, then trouser suits will become relevant here. Stylists even insist on overalls in red and grenadine colors. It is not at all necessary to dress in a business style, but if the nature of the party is more corporate, then pay attention to a blouse or shirt. Complementing these clothes with stylish accessories, you will never get lost in the crowd of guests.

What to wear to the New Year 2018?

It is known to everyone that as we celebrate the New Year, we will spend it, therefore we need to meet it fully armed, but with comfort. Such requirements are for the Dog, which loves comfort, warmth, prosperity and as a reward serves as loyalty to its owners. The same Nadia from "Irony" almost forgot to put on a festive dress for a party at home. And it’s right that she put it on, because for the celebration of the New Year you need to prepare the best that you have.

Going to meet your loved one, remember that you are a luxurious woman who knows how to dress with taste. Even a knitted dress will do, if the situation is favorable. A country house, a fireplace and a Christmas tree are the best attributes for informal but stylish clothes.

If you are going to a corporate party, it is better to know the style of the party in advance. Perhaps you are waiting for the carnival! Then you do not need to give up masks and bright images. The same recommendations if you go to a club with friends. It is important that you feel comfortable dancing all night.

As another hero of the New Year's story said: "The main thing is that the suit sits!". We completely agree with him, especially if a New Year's trip to a restaurant is planned. No one talks about a strict, formal setting, but etiquette still obliges.

What decorations to wear for the New Year 2018?

As mentioned above, abundant jewelry on a dress for this New Year's Eve is undesirable. But high-quality and tastefully selected jewelry will be relevant. The main favorite is gold earrings, bracelets and rings. Just remember that you don't have to put it all on at the same time. You can choose one thing, and this will be enough to meet the requirements of the symbol of 2018. Men are also encouraged to wear some discreet jewelry. Even if they are not visible, you will already have an attribute with which you need to meet this year. It is believed that it was then that good luck and prosperity will also accompany you throughout the whole time.

Libra: what to wear for the New Year 2018?

Libra, like the symbol of the year, is a very balanced sign, so let's start with it. Libra in the year of the Yellow Dog can be amazing and meet him in a cocktail dress with a rich shade of red or marsala.

In order not to get lost on New Year's Eve, it is better for Pisces to pay attention to the following colors:

  • blue;
  • indigo;
  • green;
  • grassy;
  • dark green.

Aries can also be bright, because they are always in the center of the company. Red suits and floor-length dresses are your option. Complete your look with an original manicure.

Massive gold jewelry is what suits Taurus best of all. They should not be afraid to be overloaded, on New Year's Eve Taurus and accessories will be more harmonious than ever.

It is better for Gemini to listen to their duality and submit to it next evening. Opt for symmetrical patterns for your outfit, allover prints, and mirrored patterns.

Cancer stars are advised to wear iridescent outfits. A wide belt on the dress will emphasize your beauty on this day. This is the option when you can safely pay attention to a cocktail dress with sequins.

Lions should not limit themselves to anything on December 31st. They can come up with any, even the most amazing image. In any case, the Lions will be great. You can add a crown or a diadem as a final chord.

But it is desirable for Virgos to dwell on dark discreet shades. This will emphasize their natural grace and calmness. Pay attention to matte outfits or velvet.

Scorpio, as the most seductive sign of the zodiac, can safely bare his back or open his neckline. A dress that opens the leg to the hip will also be a great option, the main thing is to decide on one thing.

Sagittarius, who is always and in everything patronized by Jupiter, is best to choose an outfit of blue or emerald color.

Capricorn is hidden sexuality. Choose an outfit with long sleeves but an open shoulder line. Play in contrast with a minimum of jewelry.

Aquarius is always elegant, even on New Year's Eve. Fluffy dresses and skirts suit them. Fatin is welcome.

If you believe the forecasts, then the year of the Dog will be successful for everyone, it is only important to follow some rules:

  1. Do not get angry over trifles and do not get annoyed.
  2. Trust your loved ones and work partners.
  3. Resolve issues diplomatically.
  4. Approach tasks creatively.
  5. Don't give up too soon, but keep trying.

You should always try to improve your life. Horoscopes and predictions can only show the right direction, but the main work is still on you, do not forget about it. So that you don’t have to think about “how boring we live, we stopped climbing through the windows to our beloved women,” do the things that you think are right. After all, regretting what you did is always better than regretting what you did not dare to do.

New Year's Eve without a beautiful outfit is impossible to imagine. It's like excluding champagne or a Christmas tree from the celebration. The coming year calls to remember the traditions, but dictates its own vision of what what to wear for new year 2018 modern women.

New Year's outfits are distinguished by a cozy and warm range of yellow flowers, as well as cute floral prints. Of course, we owe this homely mood to the symbol of 2018 - the Yellow Earth Dog. If you appease the mistress of the year and meet her in appropriate clothes, the Dog promises to reward us with financial well-being and peace in the family and home.

Color of the year 2018: yellow

With the color of the outfit, a fashionista is often determined even before the style of the formal dress is chosen. In the coming year, it would seem, everything is simple - yellow or orange. But these sunny colors, alas, are not for everyone, and the wrong tone of the dress will easily nullify all efforts. An unfortunate color of an evening dress can add a painful yellowness to fair skin, and dark-skinned women will age ugly.

For example, lemon yellow will accentuate bruises under the eyes and signs of fatigue, so dresses in this shade are recommended for women with a slight tan. A good choice for brown-haired women is mustard green - dresses of this color are always in trend, and this New Year they will be to the taste of the Yellow Dog.

Fortunately, the New Year's palette of 2018 is very wide: there are terracotta and juicy peach shades, a variety of nude beiges, reddish saffron. It is not at all necessary to wear an all-yellow outfit - floral and floral patterns and prints are in vogue.

Yellow can be flowers on your jacket and nail polish; feel free to add golden shades to your holiday makeup. If keeping a serious look in the New Year is not your style, choose clothes with funny patterns: lemons or coins.

The most difficult thing to create an image with a bright yellow color - the color of "separate" tulips and mimosa. It will easily overshadow the appearance: you run the risk of getting lost against the background of your own outfit. It is better to replace this overly bright tone with a pastel version, or choose an exquisite sand-colored dress.

An incredibly luxurious and solemn dress will look the color of noble champagne, or
greenish white wine.

New Year's accessories for the fashionable image of 2018

It is best to complement a chic New Year's dress in yellow tones with accessories of related shades. Brown shoes and a handbag are ideal for a terracotta dress, you can choose a deep marsala, but with pronounced brown earthy notes. To match the lemon yellow, there will be mustard or soft green accessories.

By the way, the rule of “3 colors” has long been forgotten: today it is fashionable to combine many shades in an image. On New Year's Eve, you can safely combine colors: a yellow dress with brown shoes, a green handbag and wine lipstick; brown dress with red shoes and warm metal jewelry.

Of the mandatory New Year's accessories - a bright headband. An ideal option would be a silk scarf with a bright floral or floral print. Orchids, tropical creepers and ficuses, firstly, will please the Yellow Earth Dog, and secondly, they will make your holiday look relevant. The scarf can be tied in the manner of a turban, or wound with a tourniquet and worn as a bandage.

A chic choice for the 2018 meeting will be a diadem of sparkling stones and crystals. In the year of the Yellow Dog, of course, the diadem should be gold or gilded, with yellow, red, brown stones. The same applies to other jewelry, however, it should be remembered that the mistress of the year symbolizes restraint and chastity, which means that the measure must be observed in the outfit.

Jewelry, of course, should be present in a full-fledged festive image. The Yellow Dog will be happy with massive jewelry made of large metal beads. Natural materials are in trend: huge beads made of glass, wood, beads made of shells and raw stones.

To the place on New Year's Eve there will be an unusual jewelry innovation - a fur choker. A wide strip of sheared mink fur will replace the familiar and outdated elastic choker, which can remind the Earth Dog of a banal collar. Fur jewelry can be combined with metal beads, and worn under warm homemade woolen dresses.

Styles of fashionable New Year's dresses.

When we decided on the color, it's time to decide what it will be - the main and first dress of the coming year. Fashion weeks in New York and Milan lean towards understated, if not modest, options. Exquisite velvet sheath dresses that fit the figure, but do not hinder movement; noble, but simple with an A-line and embroidered decor in the neckline.

By the way, a lush lace jabot decorated with a cameo, as well as vintage lace cuffs, can become a fashionable detail of your dress.

For a New Year's corporate party by 2018, choose a long dress with an open back or an expressive deep neckline: these accents will be on the fashion wave all year. In other parts, the dress should be as closed as possible - long sleeves, hem to the floor.

Meeting the New Year 2018 at home with family and friends, consider the trouser version of the outfit. The trend is simple classic costumes, but for the New Year you can choose a set of velor, velvet or satin. Fashion designers do not exclude sequin fabrics either: a top made of sequins on thin spaghetti straps in combination with breeches or a pencil skirt will look brilliant in every sense. By the way, with cropped trousers and tight skirts to the middle of the calf, put on shoes with an ankle strap - this is a win-win option.

If you are lost in the variety of options and fabrics, pay attention to suede and leather. Sleeveless blouses made of dense glossy leather will help to correct the lines of the figure, besides, they are incredibly relevant this year. For those who are afraid of freezing, designers recommend choosing cozy sweaters and skirts made of wool "grass" with printed embroidery.

For a romantic holiday, you can choose a trendy leather dressing gown. You can decorate the image of the hostess of the New Year's reception with a fur coat or boa: in 2018, yellow fur dyed using the ombre technique will be in fashion.

Consider every little thing: fashionable details for New Year's Eve

In order not to anger the Yellow Dog, give up the "cat" motifs in the image: leopard or tiger print, patterns with cats. For the same reason, avoid fur accessories made from wolf and fox, and products dyed to look like these canine relatives.

Don't be shy in 2018 with shiny details. A top embroidered with beaded threads or large, under the scales, sequins will look stylish. In order to look elegant and romantic, decide on a long dress with a chiffon skirt. Embroidered chiffon, tulle and organza will “blow up” all fashion magazines in the spring of 2018.

New Year 2018 outdoors: what to wear?

For those who spend New Year's Eve not only at the table, but also on the street, there are also fashion tips. Deciding to treat yourself to a new fur coat for the holiday, choose a medium-length fur coat in rich burgundy, eggplant or silver gray colors. You can complement the outdoor kit with black or brown wool gloves.

For a mild winter, an up-to-date coat will suffice. In 2018, we will wear colored coats with expressive fur trim: fluffy fox collars, wide mink cuffs and hem. Match the color of these fur details with a headdress.