Class hour “Saints Peter and Fevronya. The Legend of Peter and Fevronia

KGSCOU Maralikhinskaya special (correctional) general education

boarding schoolVIIIof the kind
Classroom hour

"Orthodox Saints Peter and Fevronia"

7th grade

Classroom teacher:T.V. Golieva

2011-2012 academic year

Target: the formation of the foundations of family education on the example of the Orthodox saints Peter and Fevronia.


To acquaint with the history of the origin and the meaning of the celebration of the Day of Saints Peter and Fevronia;

Development of perception and thinking during the assimilation of auditory and visual information;

Formation of the moral foundations of the upbringing of the future family man;

Fostering a respectful attitude towards Russian Orthodox culture and the history of Orthodoxy.

Equipment: computer, projector, screen, presentation, card Kievan Rus, icons depicting saints.
The course of the class hour.

1. Introductory conversation.

Who is Saint Valentine?

Who are the saints?

Are there saints in Orthodoxy, patrons of love, family and fidelity?
2. The main part.

Conversation "How Russia Was Baptized".

(Based on the knowledge gained in the lessons of the history of the Fatherland).

What faith did the Eastern Slavs have?

Under what prince Christianity was adopted in Russia?

How did Vladimir choose the faith for his people?

When did the baptism of Rus take place?

How and where did the baptism of the first subjects of Vladimir take place?

How old is Russian Orthodoxy?
The story "Who are the" saints ".

What kind of person can be called a saint?

Man serves God sincerely; his life is full good deeds for people; able to do the unusual for other people.
Presentation story "Peter and Fevronia"

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Today even children know that February 14 is Valentine's Day, the patron saint of all lovers. But Russia has its own defenders of lovers: the Orthodox saints - Peter and Fevronia ...

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A long time ago, there was a prince named Peter in Murom. Unfortunately, an evil winged serpent appeared in those parts, causing, as usual, a lot of harm. The brave Peter was not afraid of the monster, he opposed and killed him, but the serpent's blood spattered on the young man, and his whole body was covered with scabs and sores. None of the doctors could cure the prince.

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And then they heard that the wise girl Fevronia lives in the village of Laskovo in the Ryazan land. She knows how to heal from ailments, predict the future and perform many miracles.

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When a messenger came from Peter, the girl ordered him to tell the prince's son: if he does not take me as his wife, I will not treat him. Peter was surprised at this demand, but, on reflection, reasoned: let him heal as best he can, and heal - I will marry. Then Fevronia scooped up the bread leaven with a ladle, blew on it and handed it to the prince's messenger, admonishing: let them heat the bathhouse, wash the patient and anoint this leaven. No sooner said than done.

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After the first "session" Peter recovered. He ordered to give the girl gifts, and he, forgetting about the promise, drove off to Murom. Fevronia did not accept the gifts, and soon Peter became even more ill. But this time he repented and himself came to her to ask for forgiveness. She, without offense, healed him again - this time finally and irrevocably. They got married and lived in peace and harmony.

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Soon the elder brother of the prince died, Peter himself had to take possession of Moore. And everything would be fine, only the boyars and their wives from the first day fiercely hated Fevronia. It hurt them that they, well-born men, should bow to a simple peasant woman. All kinds of intrigues and slander were not led to the princess, but Peter was so fascinated by the mind and kind heart of his wife that he did not want to listen to any gossip.

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Several times the enemies of Fevronia approached him with the demand to send her to hell, until finally the prince left his wise wife to judge everyone. His wife, without hesitation, delivered an ultimatum: I will leave, she said, I will only take with me what I want. The boyars agreed. Then Fevronia, to the great joy of the nobility, announced that she would leave this city only with her lawful husband. In short, it all ended with the couple boarded the ship and swam wherever they looked.

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Together with them, as it turned out, another married couple traveled - also a prince and a princess. And it must happen that this very prince painfully liked Fevronia. The princess noticed his looks, unraveled the impure thoughts and decided to teach the insolent a lesson. “Scoop water from the river with your left hand and drink it,” she told him. He was surprised, but did as he asked. - And now scoop up the right one and tell me, is the same water or is one sweeter than the other? The prince admitted that she was the same. “So the female nature is always the same,” the wise woman admonished him. - Why do you, forgetting about your wife, think of a stranger?

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However, Fevronia not only read other people's thoughts, but also worked miracles. Somehow young trees were cut down on the shore in order to hang boilers on them and cook dinner. Seeing this, the princess felt sorry for the stumps. Then she blessed them with the words: "May they become big trees with branches and foliage in the morning." In the morning, when everyone woke up, they saw that two huge giants were rustling nearby.

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Meanwhile, in their native Murom, the boyars fought like spiders in a bank, wanting to seize power into their own hands. Then the people asked Peter to return, which he did. Since then, the prince and princess ruled over the city and were reputed to be the most just and meek rulers, accepted strangers, helped the poor.

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And they also tirelessly prayed to God to die in one day. We even made ourselves one coffin in advance with a thin partition.

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Before their death, Peter and Fevronia accepted monasticism, as was the custom of that time among the princes in Russia. They began to call him David, and her - Euphrosyne.

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Once the prince felt the approach of death and sent to tell Fevronia: "O sister Efrosinya, I sense that I am dying, but I am waiting for you so that we can go to God together." At that time the princess was finishing embroidering a cover for church vessels and asked him: "Wait, sir, until I finish my work." Having coped with her, Fevronia lay down next to her husband, they prayed together and gave their souls to God on the twenty-fifth day of the month of June (according to the new style, July 8).

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They tried to separate the spouses even after death. They decided to bury the prince in the city in the cathedral church Holy Mother of God, and Fevronia - in the country nunnery... They made different coffins for them and laid the bodies for the night in different churches. However, in the morning they found the coffins empty, and the prince and princess lying in a common coffin, the same one that they had ordered to make for themselves shortly before their death. The foolish people tried to separate them again. But the next day, the couple were together. After that, they did not dare to touch their bodies. Peter and Fevronia were finally buried the way they wanted.

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Since then, the married couple has become a symbol of that very great and pure love that overcomes all obstacles. They were canonized in 1547 Orthodox Church, and the day of their memory - July 8 (according to the new style) - since that time has migrated to the category of favorable for lovers and family people. Therefore, everyone began to turn to the holy righteous with prayer, asking for support and help in love and family matters.

Such was the day of Peter and Fevronia in Russia - saints who were greatly revered by our ancestors. This is understandable: the righteous gave people a new, hitherto unknown ideal of love based on kinship of souls, mutual respect and long-term affection ...
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And both in the old days, and in our time, any sufferer can turn to them with his prayer, ask for help in love affairs, prosperity and goodness in family life. If you go to the ancient town of Murom and find the Holy Trinity Convent there, in which the relics of the spouses still rest, and make a secret wish there, it will certainly come true.

In any case, knowledgeable people say so. Apparently, this is why people come and come from far away in an inexhaustible stream of people there even today with a deep belief that Peter and Fevronia will intercede for those who ask before the Lord, help resolve differences between lovers and spouses and instill peace and grace in their souls ...

At the initiative of the residents of Murom, the pre-revolutionary traditions of celebrating the day of Peter and Fevronia were restored in the city, which were then supported in many other cities of Russia. Before the revolution in Russia, the holiday in honor of Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom, who personified conjugal love and fidelity in Russian culture, was widely celebrated. Today this tradition is being revived.

A song about Saints Peter and Fevronia is played.

They pray for family happiness

All over Orthodox Russia

Murom miracle workers

So that they ask the Lord.

Hope, love and faith

And loyalty to each other to the grave.

And beyond the grave, too, an example

They both shine for us.

Life is similar at all times:

The same requirements for every century,

The same sorrow and the same happiness

Man has temptation.

So that the darkness does not cover the sun

So that lawlessness does not multiply

They pray fervently for you and me

Peter and Fevronia.

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Lighting candles today

And light your hearts with love,

To be together forever

Ask for intercession.

And give daisies to your loved ones

A sign of loyalty and purity.

May they be forever from now on

Russian field flowers.
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Monument to Peter and Fevronia in the city of Murom.

Monument to Peter and Fevronia in Arkhangelsk. Monument to Peter and Fevronia in Abakan. Monument to Peter and Fevronia in Sochi.

Monument to Peter and Fevronia in Yaroslavl.

3. The final part.

Children are given icons depicting Peter and Fevronia with wishes of happiness and understanding in the parents' family, in a successful and happy family future.

Conversation with Archimandrite Melchizedek (Artyukhin).

July is a month rich in the holidays of the saints who are the patrons of the family, fidelity, and the model of marriage - these are Saints Peter and Fevronia, Euphrosinia of Moscow, etc. The Day of Remembrance of Saints Peter and Fevronia is now considered the Day of Family, Love and Faithfulness. It is amazing when the feast of the saints is combined with a secular feast.

Their lives are taken as a model. Difficult in modern world someone should be considered an ideal for imitation, therefore it was the saints who became the model. Many young people say: “They got married, lived a happy life and died on the same day. And we would like to do the same. " This is what many couples who start a family say. But they don't know where the story comes from. And this is the story of Saints Peter and Fevronia, who lived a happy life and died on the same day. It's amazing. If you touch their lives just a little, what kind of a model for modern man! Today's Russian statistics for this year show the following figures: seven hundred divorces per thousand marriages. Before the revolution, there were three divorces for a thousand marriages. Do you feel the difference? This is the answer to the question of what freedom, life without the commandments of God has brought. The other day I re-read "The Captain's Daughter" by Alexander Pushkin ...

- And I recently watched the 1958 film " Captain's daughter". Great movie.

But he was incredibly politicized. There Pugachev is a fighter against tsarism, and he is also a patron family happiness... And what words Alexander Sergeevich has! "Love is an ardent feeling." And the acquaintance? Heroes for a long time were together in this fortress, and suddenly he makes her an offer: “Let's get married. Your parents will bless us. And then we'll persuade my parents. Mamma is docile, but ... there will be problems with my father. " He writes letters, the father does not bless, because the son is young, a duelist, he almost took the life of another person - Shvabrin. When he and Marya Ivanovna read this letter, she says: “Without parental blessing, we will not be happy. Let us submit to the will of God. And may the Lord send you a happy one, kind person, and I, apparently, are not a couple for you. " Interestingly, in this 1958 film, the spirit of Alexander Sergeevich's story is fully conveyed ... Here's a look at life! Now it is so archaic. Young people decide everything themselves. And what happens? For a thousand marriages, seven hundred divorces, and before only three.

There was some kind of special providence, a special blessing, there was a bondage when they tried to do everything according to advice, reasoning and, most importantly, according to the commandment of God. By the way, it is interesting: Father Pavel Gruzdev once married a couple, and something was revealed to him. He saw these people for the first time, but said: “Wow, the bride is called in a white veil. And what a bride she is, she already knew everything five times already ”. It turns out that the "bride" from the verb "to know" is "not knowing". Why doesn't she know? Not knowing any marital relationship, because only now, with the blessing of God, the blessing of parents, the Church will begin this happy life... Therefore, she is in a white veil, White color- a symbol of purity. She is a bride - ignorant.

There is a custom in the Church: when the Sacrament of the Wedding is celebrated, the groom stands in one corner, and the bride in another; the priest brings them in and puts them on the rug, gives them a candle, and this is where the betrothal begins. It precedes the Sacrament of the Wedding. This is a symbol: they now meet so closely in the church - she stood in one corner, and he - in the other. They had a period of grooming, but there was no intimacy yet. Here they are in the corners, they didn't even come to the temple together. First the groom comes, and then the bride comes. When I was in Italy, I saw an amazing custom in a Western Rite church. The groom is standing, waiting in the church. The path to the temple, covered with flowers ... And the father leads the bride into the temple - in a black jacket, in a white shirt. He brings his daughter to the altar and puts her hand in the groom's; the priest comes out, and the Sacrament of the Wedding begins. The father leads - the young people did not come together. Close family life, personal relationships, matrimonial relationships will begin only now, with the Sacrament of Marriage. It was the same with Peter and Fevronia.

I'll tell you one too interesting story... I recently filmed a film about the wonderful Savior Church in the village of Dvory along the Assumption Highway. It was built by the famous architect Yakov Bukhvostov, a serf who was a brilliant architect. He did not study anywhere, self-taught. He built a temple in Fili of incredible beauty, it is impossible to take your eyes off. And there are several versions of why he is Spassky. One of the most reliable versions: Peter Sheremetyev named the temple in memory of his wedding, when his father blessed him and the bride with the icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands and wrote a prayer on this icon. It has survived to this day. The father wrote a whole prayer, addressed to the Savior, about the preservation married life Sheremetyev and his bride. And the temple is dedicated to the memory of that icon, which the father blessed.

Because it brought them happiness. Since faithfulness to the commandment of the father, to the commandments of the Church was maintained. It turns out that this is a temple of gratitude to God for a happily lived family life. And if you go back to the life of Saints Peter and Fevronia, I must say, there was an amazing moment. A dilemma arose: she was a peasant woman, the daughter of a poison dart frog, a gatherer of wild honey (by the way, they say about this honey that he has beautiful healing properties, we call it onboard; honey is rare, but if someone has the opportunity, get it). But in fact, this was his profession, with this he earned his bread. Peter had a disease, almost leprosy. He had a vision that only a girl named Fevronia, the daughter of a honey collector, could heal him. Eventually she heals him.

It's a long story. He will marry her, although he doubted: he is a prince, and she is a simple peasant woman. But there were a lot of revelations, visions. When she healed him, he at first did not obey, deceived, did not marry, and the leprosy resumed. Only then, through her prayer, was he finally healed and decided to marry: there was clear evidence of God's help that she was sent to him from God. They live for some time, but they were jealous that a simple peasant woman is a princess: human envy, black envy, ingratitude. They put him before a choice: either you remain a prince, but without her (let her take as much money as she wants), and you take any other wife for yourself. Here's a look at life: as if they took and changed clothes - not an evangelical view. How can you: "Take another"?

Husband and wife are one soul, one body, one spirit. What is the ideal of a family? Man is threefold - he has a spirit, soul, body. Although the first thing that attracts is the external qualities of a person: image, aesthetics, beauty, and so on. To connect in the body is a simple matter, no mind is needed here. And to become one soul, to know the character of another person, to be able to understand him, love, accept not only the merits, but also the demerits of a loved one - this is very important. And not only to be friends, but to live in perfect harmony. Peter and Fevronia lived in perfect harmony, and there is still highest degree connections - when people are in the same spirit. We know perfectly well that there are a lot of people who understand each other, love each other, but one has faith, and the other does not. There is no unity in the spirit, and to their liking they can have excellent mutual understanding, in the bodily relation, too, everything is safe, but in the spirit - no.

The unity of Fevronia and Peter was body, soul and spirit. And they say to him: "cut" yourself in half. But spouses are two halves of one whole. What does Peter decide on? He leaves the reign. What happened next? The Lord made up for everything ... They leave, sail along the Oka, it is not known where they will be. Very little time passes: those who were involved in this fought for power, shed blood and realized that they would live in a terrible enmity, because there is no justice, no authority, the power is illegal. And they return Peter, asking him to return to reign in Murom. He acts out of love, according to the commandment, and God rewards him a hundredfold.

People sometimes think: "I can lose something, lose something." Nothing of the kind: a person who in life goes to the end in his principles, convictions, morality, no matter what it costs him, will not be forgotten by God.

An amazing story about the lives of these saints. When such a church narration is associated with folklore, this is perhaps the only case when two biographies go in parallel: church and folklore. This suggests that, apparently, the image of Peter and Fevronia was so vivid that the people even laid down a whole tale about it.

The priest Erasmus compiled their biography, and three centuries separated them from the general narrative. Over the course of 300 years, a lot of things have flowed away from my memory, and in this fabulous life, too, much is idealized. Well, so be it. Each of us should strive for the ideal. One of the wise people said: "A fantasy begins with a dreamer." The person came up with an idea, a goal and begins to strive for it. A tailwind does not blow to someone who does not sail anywhere. You should always take the bar higher, and then you will represent something from yourself. By the way, there is a law of the game of chess - you should always play with those people who play better than you. It will make you more experienced. Don't play with those who are weaker. Here, too, is a very specific science about this sports chess art. It is necessary to take the bar higher and higher all the time. Even if she is largely idealized ... By the way, in Murom, Peter and Fevronia are still in cancer together.

This always surprises, and many people who come to church ask: "Did they really end up in the same coffin?" It is difficult to believe our rational, cold modern mind that such a divine miracle can occur. What is surprising is not that he was faithful, but that they remained in the same coffin when they were separated.

This is a clear evidence - “come and see”. Many young people from our youth movement "Pokrov" necessarily go on a trip to Diveevo through Murom before marriage, or, conversely, through Murom to Diveevo. That is, they go to pray and see with their own eyes: two people together. The imperishable relics of one and the other, and they are together. The word "together" is the very level to which one must strive: together with the body, together with the soul and together with the spirit. This is, of course, for us secular people who live family life, - ideal and aspiration.

But not everything was so simple. Here is the moment: she has a peasant upbringing, he has a princely upbringing. The boyars whispered to him that after dinner, according to the peasant custom, she swept the crumbs off the table, as if hungry. And this sacred attitude to bread: "Give us this day our daily bread." This attitude: bread and food are God's gift. One priest once told me: “One day the thought occurred to me that food is an expression of Divine love for us. Horses, bulls chew the same grass, they cannot understand what bananas, apples, milk, sweets are ... Only a person can appreciate the variety that God gives. " Fevronia treated bread as a gift from God. The princes whispered; he saw it at the table: she began to sweep away the crumbs, gathered them into a fist. He came up, took her hand and asked her to unclench it. And he was shocked: there were not crumbs of bread, but incense in his hand. And he, perhaps, prepared for her some kind of speech, instruction, morality, edification, but suddenly, instead of crumbs, incense is in her hand! And what is it? God's gift. The man reacted gratefully even to these crumbs so that they would not be trampled.

- In the Vvedensky Vladychny Monastery, the custom of blessing is still preservedukruh. When the monastery was being built, I saw where they started. There was not enough bread, food for the nuns, and they swept away the crumbs and finished them off. It was so hungry. This custom is a memory of how hungry it was. Everything is fine now, but still everyone collects and blesses this food, which the Lord gave even in the form of crumbs.

And my mother kept telling me: “Take from the common plate or pan as much as you eat. And if you are visiting, then you have to finish everything. " Why? First, so as not to show disrespect, as if it were tasteless. And you need to warn all the time how much to put, so as not to leave, so as not to throw anything away. Everything is made up of little things, this is respect for the gift of God, which the Lord sent. If you didn’t take it, someone else will get it, but you cannot throw it away. Many people say in confession: "I throw away food." This is actually a sin. You do this with carelessness, imprudence.

- People worked hard ...

God sent money, you earned it, also not without God's help. You exchanged money for food, and then it turned sour ...

We stepped aside a little. This interesting topic- consumption, to which the media and supermarkets are pushing.

Why did Fevronia have such an inspired gift of prayer for her family so that he would remain faithful, would she remain faithful? She had a godly life. And here, through this small step, the following is revealed: "Be faithful in small things, I will put you over many things." Faithfulness in little things made her a saint, she preserved this holiness - and not only in little things, but even more. By the way, probably his grandmother or his relatives had read this life to Vysotsky, and he somehow knew about it. I once came across his memories. And there is such a sketch. They ask him: "What quality do you value in people?" - "Most of all in people I value loyalty, because if you are not loyal, you are nobody and you have nobody." Amazing. Loyalty, which even touched the mind of a person like Vysotsky, is worthy of attention, worthy of imitation, worthy of becoming the content of our Everyday life... And not necessarily just married life; loyalty to your duty, the Fatherland, the Church, loyalty to the brotherhood in which you live, to the work in which you live ... This is the feeling that should be inherent in all of us.

Leading Lyubov Akelina
Decryption: Natalia Maslova

Holy Faithful
prince PETER and princess FEVRONIA,
Murom wonderworkers (+ 1227)

The holy noble prince Peter (monastic David) and the holy noble princess Fevronia (monastic Euphrosinia) are Russian Orthodox saints, Murom miracle workers.

The life story of the holy princes Peter and Fevronia is a story of fidelity, devotion and true love, capable of sacrifice for the sake of a loved one.

The love story of this married couple is described in detail by the greatest author of the 16th century Yermolai Erasmus in Old Russian "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia" ... According to the "Tale", the couple reigned in Murom in the late 12th - early 13th centuries, they lived happily and died on the same day.

Prince Peter was the second son of Prince Yuri Vladimirovich of Murom. He ascended the Murom throne in 1203. Several years earlier, Saint Peter fell ill with leprosy - the prince's body was covered with scabs and ulcers. No one could heal Peter from a serious illness. Enduring torment with humility, the prince surrendered himself to God in everything.

In a dreamy vision, it was revealed to the prince that the beekeeper's daughter, the pious maiden Fevronia, a peasant woman from the village of Laskovoy in Ryazan land, could heal him. Saint Peter sent his people to that village.

Fevronia, as payment for the treatment, wished the prince to marry her after the healing. Peter promised to marry, but in his heart he was lying, since Fevronia was a commoner: "Well, how is it possible - for the prince to take the daughter of a tree frog to be his wife!"... Fevronia healed the prince, but since the beekeeper's daughter saw Peter's craftiness and pride, she ordered him to leave one scab unoiled as evidence of sin. Soon from this scab the whole illness resumed, and the prince with shame returned to Fevronia again. Fevronia again cured Peter, and even then he married her.

Together with the young princess, Peter returns to Murom.Prince Peter fell in love with Fevronia for her piety, wisdom and kindness. The holy spouses carried love for each other through all trials.

After the death of his brother, Peter became an autocrat in the city. The boyars respected their prince, but the haughty boyar wives disliked Fevronia and, not wanting to have a peasant woman as ruler over them, taught their husbands to be unkind. The proud boyars demanded that the prince release his wife. Saint Peter refused, and the spouses were expelled. They sailed on a boat along the Oka from hometown... Saint Fevronia supported and consoled Saint Peter. But soon the city of Murom overtook the wrath of God, and the people demanded that the prince return with Saint Fevronia. Ambassadors arrived from Murom, begging Peter to return to reign. The boyars quarreled over power, shed blood and now again sought peace and tranquility. Peter and Fevronia humbly returned to their city and ruled happily ever after, observing all the commandments and admonitions of the Lord flawlessly, praying incessantly and giving alms to all people under their power, like a child-loving father and mother.

The holy spouses became famous for their piety and mercy. Whether they had children - oral tradition did not convey information about this. They achieved holiness not by many children, but by mutual love and keeping the holiness of marriage. This is precisely its meaning and purpose.

When old age came, they accepted monasticism with the names David and Euphrosinia and prayed to God to die for them at the same time. They bequeathed to bury themselves together in a specially prepared coffin with a thin partition in the middle. Marriage vows, even after tonsure, retain their power for them, because they fulfill their last promise to each other - to die at the same time.

They died on the same day and hour on June 25, 1228 , each in his own cell. People considered it wicked to bury monks in one coffin and dared to break the will of the dead. Twice their bodies were carried to different temples, but twice they miraculously turned out to be nearby. So they buried the holy spouses together in one coffin near the cathedral church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos. In this way, the Lord glorified not only His saints, but also once again sealed the holiness and dignity of marriage, the vows of which in this case turned out to be no lower than monastic ones.

Peter and Fevronia were canonized at a church council in 1547. Memorial Day of Saints is June 25 / July 8.

Saints Peter and Fevronia are an example of Christian marriage. Through their prayers, they bring down a heavenly blessing on those entering into marriage.

The holy noble princes Peter and Fevronia are revered by the Church as patrons of Christian marriage. It is they who should pray for the sending of peace to the family, for the strengthening of marital ties, for the achievement of family happiness. They are placed on a par with the apostles and martyrs and other great saints. And they were honored with such glorification "for the sake of courage and humility", shown by them in keeping the commandments of God in relation to marriage. This means that each of those who ascend in a Christian marriage and follow their example can be placed in this row and can acquire the crown, which was awarded to Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom.

Their relics are in the city of Murom in the Trinity Convent ... The Day of Remembrance of the Murom Miracle Workers in pre-revolutionary times was one of the main citywide holidays. On this day, a fair was held in Murom, many of the surrounding residents flocked to the city. We can rightfully say that the relics of the holy princes were a citywide shrine and the main Orthodox symbol of the city.

In Moscow there is revered icon of the holy princes Peter and Fevronia with a particle of relics in the Church of the Ascension of the Lord on Bolshaya Nikitskaya("Small Ascension"), where every Sunday at 17.00 they serve an akathist.

In 2008, with the support of his wife the Russian president Svetlana Medvedeva was established new holiday - Day of Family, Love and Fidelity , falling on July 8 - the day of remembrance of the holy noble princes Peter and Fevronia. This holiday is part of a forgotten tradition of our people. Earlier, on this day, engagement took place, and after the end of Petrov's Lent, the couples got married in the church. The symbol of the holiday has become a simple and close to everyone chamomile - as a symbol of summer, warmth, comfort, purity and innocence.

Prepared by Sergey SHULYAK

for the Temple Life-giving Trinity on Sparrow Hills

Troparion, voice 8
As if you were a pious root of the most honorable branch, / having lived well in piety, blessed Petra, / so and with your spouse, the wise Fevronia, / in the world you pleased God / and venerable life be honored. / Pray with them to the Lord / Preserve your fatherland without harm, / Yes, we will ceaselessly honor you.

Kontakion, voice 8
Reigning and temporarily thinking of this world, / for this, for the sake of piously in the world you lived, Petra, / together and with your spouse, the wise Fevroniya, / pleasing God with alms and prayers. / and now pray to Christ, // save the city and the people who glorify you.

Prayer to the holy noble Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia, Murom
About the great saints of God and the prejudice of the miracle workers, the faithful prince Peter and the princess Fevronia, the representatives and guardians of the city of Murom, and about all of us zealous for the Lord of prayer! We run to you and pray to you with strong hope: bring your holy prayers to the Lord God for us sinners and ask us from His goodness all that is good for our souls and bodies: faith is right, hope is good, love is unfeigned, unwavering piety, prosperity in good deeds, peace, peace, fruitfulness of the earth, goodness of the air, health and eternal salvation for souls and bodies. Proceed to the Heavenly King: His faithful servants, in grief and grief, day and night crying to Him, may our heartbreaking cry hear and lead our belly out of destruction. Ask the Church of the saints and the entire power of Russia for peace, silence and prosperity, and for all of us a prosperous life and a good Christian end. Protect your fatherland, the city of Murom, and all the cities of Russia from all evil and all the faithful people who come to you and worship with power, overshadow your favorable prayers with the grace-filled action, and fulfill all their petitions for the good. She, miracle workers of the sanctuary! Do not despise our prayers, which are offered to you with tenderness, but wake up representatives of us in a dream to the Lord and grant us with your holy help to receive eternal salvation and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven; let us glorify the ineffable love of mankind of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, in the Trinity of the worshiped God, forever and ever. A min.

The Tale of Peter and Fevronia has a lot in common with fairy tales.7 The first part of the Tale tells how the serpent got in the habit of flying to the wife of Prince Paul, assuming his image, and was killed by the prince's brother, Peter. The plot of the seductive snake is very common in fairy tales.

The hero of such a fairy tale, having withstood a serious test, receives a wonderful helper, enters into a struggle with the snake, wins and becomes, as a rule, the husband of the princess. The hero's victory over the serpent is a reward for his kindness, for helping those in trouble (animals, birds, an unknown person) .8 And Prince Peter in the "Tale" behaves like a true fairytale hero... Having learned that the serpent will die "from Petrov's shoulder of Agricov's sword," he has no doubts that it is he who must kill the serpent. The noble and decisive prince is helped by heavenly forces: during prayer, it is revealed to him where the Agrikov sword lies. Peter kills the snake, but his blood gets on Prince Peter, and his body becomes covered with scabs. Comparing the construction of the plot in "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia" with a fairy tale, R.P. Dmitrieva came to the conclusion that in the "Tale" "the development of the plot follows an independent path, independent of the laws in force in the genre fairy tale”.9 In particular, the end of the fight with the serpent is unexpected from the point of view of the structure of the fairy tale: instead of receiving a reward for the heroic deed, Peter acquires a serious illness. This is due to the function that the episode of the fight with the serpent performs: it serves as the starting point for the second part of the Tale, which tells the story living together Prince Peter and the peasant woman Fevronia, from marriage to death. The story of the life of Peter and Fevronia is also based on a fairy tale about a wise virgin: a simple girl, thanks to her intelligence, resourcefulness, ingenuity, withstands the test and becomes the wife of a tall man social status(the king, the master, the voivode) .10 Like the fairy-tale heroine, Fevronia speaks in riddles, finds a worthy solution to the impossible tasks that Peter gives her, testing her wisdom (to weave him a shirt from a piece of linen), takes the prince with him from the city as the most precious (in contrast to the fairy tale, the boyars expel it from the city). Fevronia's miracles are also fabulous: bread crumbs turn into incense, felled trees sprout. The development of the action in The Tale and its individual motives have direct parallels with the tale of the wise virgin. But the fairytale plot undergoes significant transformations in the Tale, it is complicated by the introduction of new heroes, a change in the conflict, the psychologically complex drawing of the characters of the heroes (Fevronia is not only smart, but restrained, noble), which turns the plot of the tale of the wise virgin into a novelistic story about the omnipotence of love that overcomes all trials. Having lived long life ruling the city wisely and justly, Peter and Fevronia die on the same day, and after the death of their bodies, buried in different places, miraculously connect together.

Fevronia's conversation with the young man is a kind of test of his mind, which he cannot stand. The function of the youth in the Tale can be compared with the function of matchmakers: the youth finds the girl Fevronia, who will then become the wife of his prince.

Three texts about an intelligent bride, recorded in the Pskov region and included in this collection, contain a matchmaking situation. In two of them (№№ 55, 57) matchmakers appear in the bride's house at a time when she is busy with the same business as Fevronia when the princely boy came to her: sitting at the weaving camp. In the variants presented by texts №№ 55,56, matchmakers, like the princely messenger in the Old Russian story, find the girl in an untidy state, which is played up in the plot: “... the girl nya knew that the matchmakers would cheat. She is a canvas weave ... to sit. Uterus: "Rub it! Wipe the cotton print! " (You all walk on the greaves and move: wipe your skirt!). And she pulled down her skirt and sit in a shirt. And weaved ... And the matchmaker came, and seeing that it was a navest to sit in a shirt. And they say: "Something in you forty coarse calico tail?" And the nyavesta replied: "We have a coarse calico yard in us!" .. (... the dog does not ...) (No. 55). The same situations and motives are found in text no. 56: “Matchmakers came, they found a bride without a dress:“ Why a magpie without a tail? ” And there is no dog in the house. They are answered. "And v we have a yard without ears!" In the above examples, there is an obvious similarity between the bride's remarks ("We have a coarse calico yard in us!" “It’s bad when the house is without ears”) and explanations of their meaning (“the dog ... these are the ears of the house”) in “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia”.

Day of family, love and fidelity - this is the name of the holiday, which is celebrated on July 8 in our country. By Orthodox calendar this is the day of Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom - patrons of family and marriage.

What God has combined, let man not part

Last year I was interested in the story of Peter and Fevronia, but I didn’t have time to write a blog. Since studying at the music school and the institute of culture, where much attention was paid to the history of culture, including painting, and still I really like paintings, especially by Russian artists, for example, Vsevolod Ivanov from the series "Vedic Russia", and much What is connected with Russia: its history, folklore, ethnography ... During the preparation of the blog, I found on the Internet wonderful paintings by Petersburg artist Alexander Prostev from the series "The Life of Peter and Fevronia", which harmoniously blended into my blog.

Young Prince Peter

Young Fevronia

Prince Peter

Saint Fevronia

According to legend, a few years before the reign, Peter fell ill with leprosy. In a dream, he dreamed that only the daughter of the beekeeper Fevronia could heal him. She cured Peter and asked the prince to marry her as a reward. However, he did not keep his word, since Fevronia was a commoner, and the disease returned again. Then he nevertheless married a girl, but having inherited the reign after his brother, he faced resistance from the boyars. They did not want a peasant princess and demanded to drive her away, or leave Murom with her.

Prince Peter's dream

Meeting of Peter and Fevronia

Deception of Prince Peter. Fevronia leaves

Repentance of Prince Peter

Prince Peter's dream


Fevronia bride

Wedding of Prince Peter and Fevronia

Unity of souls

The envy of boyar wives

Whispering boyars

The prince took Fevronia, and in two ships they sailed along the Oka. In the city, however, turmoil began, the struggle for the throne and murders. The boyars asked the prince and the princess to return, they agreed, and later Fevronia managed to earn the love and respect of the townspeople.

Expulsion of Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia

Princess Fevronia consoles Prince Peter

Return to Murom

Peter and Fevronia became models of conjugal love and fidelity. According to legend, they lived happily ever after and died on the same day - June 25 (July 8, new style) in 1228. Their bodies, laid separately, ended up in the same coffin, which was considered a miracle. In the 16th century, Peter and Fevronia were canonized and since then are considered the Orthodox patrons of the family. Their relics are kept in the Holy Trinity Church in Murom.

Holy consorts

I bring to your attention the cartoon "The Legend of Peter and Fevronia" Studio VGIK, Director: Nadezhda Mikhailova. The text is read by Gleb Deryabkin. Duration - 13 minutes. 2008 Look you won't regret it!

The plot is based on the life of the Russian saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom. The light of their love and faithfulness reaches us to this day. The holy spouses traveled their earthly path, never parting, with meekness, patience and wisdom, overcoming all the difficult trials that fell to their lot.

The symbol of the holiday is chamomile. In Russia, for many centuries, there was a tradition to arrange an engagement on July 8. V modern Russia Family Day has become widely celebrated quite recently, since 2008, but it also has its own customs: for example, to celebrate a wedding on this day.

I congratulate everyone on the holiday of family, love and fidelity! Appreciate your family, love and cherish the most sacred thing in our life - your loved ones!

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