The Venerable Korniliy of Komelsky is an adherent of the "cruel life". Reverend Korniliy of Komel Reverend Korniliy of Krypetsk what they pray for

Venerable Korniliy of Alexandrovsky

Icon of Cornelius Alexandrovsky with a particle of relics

The Monk Cornelius was born at the beginning of the 17th century, in the difficult, mournful and ruinous Time of Troubles for Russia. His parents Ignatius and Evdokia were merchants and lived near Moscow, in Troitskaya Sloboda. In holy Baptism, they named their son Cosmas. He diligently studied the Holy Scriptures and other soulful books, learning to turn his mind to God. From his youth on Cosmas lay the seal of a special man chosen by God, he was adorned not for his age by humility, meekness, solitude and silence. The heart of the pious youth did not lie in the commercial business, which his father was engaged in. His soul yearned for the Highest, incorruptible and truly blissful wealth, hidden in faith and love for God.
Having reached the age of 23, he decided to finally renounce the world. In one of the Moscow monasteries, Cosmas took monastic vows with the name of Cornelius and after living there, for five years, he moved to the Florishchev Monastery, then already known for the strictness of its charter. The ascetic bore the choir and other fraternal obediences with great diligence. The pious and righteous life of the monk, his spiritual experience, his meek, loving soul vividly attracted people who wanted to receive instruction from the ascetic, or even a blessing for a new way of life.
Learning about the labors and exploits of Blessed Lucian, the original founder of the Theotokos-Nativity Desert, Cornelius was imbued with great reverence for his holy memory. He wished to remain in this God-saved monastery, consecrated by the pious life of the monk and the burial of his holy relics. The brethren, orphaned after the death of Blessed Lucian, soon fell in love with the Monk Cornelius and began to pray to him to take the priestly dignity, to be their pastor, and at the same time the builder of the monastery. Coming to the Alexandrovskaya Sloboda on business at the monastery, the Monk Korniliy did not disregard the nuns of the Dormition Monastery founded by Saint Lucian, giving them alms and consoling them in sorrow. Abbess of the monastery Julitta with her sisters, like the brethren of the Lucian Hermitage, also began to pray to Blessed Cornelius to be their shepherd. And the elder did not refuse. From that time on, the Monk Cornelius, like Saint Lucian, took care of two monasteries.
In 1658 Patriarch Nikon confirmed the Monk Korniliy in the rank of the builder of the Lukin's Hermitage and entrusted him with the administration of both monasteries, male and female. His love and compassion, like the sun, extended widely to both monks and laity. More and more sisters came to the Dormition monastery.
The Monk Cornelius reposed on 11/24 August 1681 and was buried in a crypt under the altar of the Trinity Cathedral of the Assumption Monastery.
Every year on the day of his death, and on August 1, the next priest serving in the Trinity Cathedral, after the liturgy with all the nuns and the white bearers, goes to the grave of the teacher. Cornelius and performs there a requiem for the ordination of the church.
Celebration on 23 June / 6 July and also locally on 1/14 November and 11/24 August.


Discovery of the relics of the Monk Cornelius

The righteous live forever: to the acquisition of the relics of the Monk Cornelius. 1995 year
The newspaper "Voice of Labor" June 3, 1995
Celebrations on the land of Aleksandrovskaya

Uncovering of the relics of the Monk Cornelius in 1995

Righteous people live for centuries

Amid the terrible wavering of people's morals, the hands of the holy saints of God - Lucian and Cornelius of Alexandrovsky - are stretched out to us.

A great event took place on May 27 and 28 on the Alexander land: the glorification of the memory of the Monks Lucian and Korniliy of Alexandrovsky (the Organizers of the monastic monasteries - the Nativity of the Lucian Hermitage and the Holy Dormition Convent) and the uncovering of their holy relics, which attached special importance to the current procession of the cross, performed according to custom every year, in the sixth week after Easter from the Assumption Monastery to Lukianova Hermitage. On this occasion, representatives from all monasteries and deaneries of the diocese, pilgrims from different regions of Russia arrived in Alexandrov ...

The fact that these celebrations took place precisely in the difficult, disastrous time of our earthly life is not accidental: the prayerful help of the Alexander saints, guardians of the Christian perfection of life, is necessary for each of us, regardless of whether he is walking the path of God's commandments or his soul is still rushing about among the passions. the world in thirst for something higher.

The relics are found incorruptible, intact ...

For more than three hundred years, the relics of the saint of God, the Monk Korniliy, rested in the basement under the altar of the Trinity Cathedral of the Assumption Monastery in a specially arranged crypt. The Lord saved them from being mocked by the atheists - in the years of hard times the entrance to the basement was covered with earth and hidden from prying eyes.

To acquire and transfer the holy relics to a more worthy place - in compliance with all the rules of archeology - church archaeologists were invited: senior researcher at the Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences S.A. Belyaev, employee of the Institute of Archeology V.A. Bushenkov, as well as V.I. Starikov, priest Fr. Jacob Yakovlev, member of the diocesan council, head of the restoration and construction department of the diocese, and governors of nearby monasteries.

As a result of the excavations in the basement, carried out according to a strictly scientific method, the relics of the Monk Cornelius were found incorrupt, intact, intact. They were of a waxy, ocher-golden color, which is characteristic of holy relics. Remains of a mantle and a cross have also survived. After that, in compliance with all the rules of the church charter, the relics were brought to the surface. Archbishop of Vladimir and Suzdal Evlogiy dressed them up and placed them in a specially arranged tomb.

After the uncovering of the relics on the evening of May 26, the All-night Vigil began: at 21 o'clock - Vespers, and at 24 o'clock on the night of May 26-27 - the Great Matins and Divine Liturgy, which were served in honor of the Monk Cornelius. In the Trinity Cathedral sounded the life of the Monk, an akathist. During Matins and the reading of the canon, all the worshipers went down to the basement, and for the first time with great joy they venerated the relics of the saint of God, who had rested under the bunk for about 300 years. The relics were temporarily left in the basement; the psalter was read continuously next to them.

The star leading to Christ

On May 27, at 6 pm, a solemn Sunday All-night Vigil began in the Trinity Cathedral, combined with the service to the newly glorified saints - the Monks Lucian and Cornelius of Alexandrovsky. It was headed by His Eminence Evlogii, Archbishop of Vladimir and Suzdal. More than 30 clergymen took part in the conciliar divine service.

During the litiya, the tomb with the holy relics was surrounded by a procession of the cross and installed in the Trinity Cathedral in a specially made shrine for worship and veneration by the people of God.

“Two bright stars, leading to Christ, shone over the Alexander land, two pillars of fire, driving away the darkness of unbelief and ignorance, burn over it; two inextinguishable lamps, enlightening its inhabitants, glow inexhaustily before the Throne of God; and at the same time - a brilliant couple that have left a good memory of themselves for centuries - this is what can be said about the saints and reverend fathers of this region Lucian and Cornelius ”, - we read in the brochure“ Lives of the Monks Lucian and Cornelius of Alexandrovsky ”, published by the Alexander Dormition Monastery on the eve of the celebrations.

From the Monk Cornelius to the Monk Lucian ...

On the icon, the Monks Lucian and Cornelius are depicted together as co-organizers of the spirit of the monasteries, fellow-men in prayers. They are inseparable from each other as intercessors before the Lord for the land of Alexander. Therefore, they were glorified at the same time, and now they are already known to the entire Vladimir land, obviously for everyone staying with their incorruptible relics in the monasteries they built.

The procession of the cross this time began at 7 o'clock in the morning with a thanksgiving prayer service to the Monk Cornelius at the shrine with his holy relics. Many hundreds of people with the icon of the Nativity of the Theotokos, with gonfalons, with the singing of Easter troparions, prayers, moved along the streets of Alexandrov to the Lukianova hermitage. Children - the youngest Christians, pupils of the Sunday school - walked ahead with white-pink lilies in their hands. The singing of pure children's voices sounded wonderful. It seemed that the angels themselves descended from heaven to lead the procession. Yes, however, it was so. Those townspeople who, because of everyday worries, did not want to devote this wonderful Sunday to God, stopped at the sight of the procession, amazed by the grace emanating from the worshipers. Even the driver of the electric locomotive, on the flyover in front of Dvorikovskoe highway, saw the festive church procession, braked, and the passengers crouched to the windows ...

A pilgrim came from Nizhny Novgorod, Kaluga, Vladimir and even Transnistria to participate in holy celebrations, in order to glorify God with one heart, with one mouth, pouring out His mercy through His saints.

For the healing of spiritual blindness

Met at the entrance to the Lukianova Hermitage with a bell ringing, the procession participants entered the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Mother of God, destroyed and beheaded by the atheists. Once again, after many years of desolation, the Divine Liturgy was served in this holy place, and for the first time - a common conciliar prayer to the Monk Lucian in front of his holy relics, in a sign of the glorification of this saint of God. With a procession of the cross, the relics of the Monk Lucian were carried around the monastery.

“But why did we come to this holy place - and we see humiliation, poverty, ruin? - said during the sermon Archpriest Georgy Gorbachuk, rector of the Vladimir Theological School. - Because spiritual blindness gave birth to it! The blindness of those who did not heed the word proclaimed by Lucian, proclaimed by Christ Himself. This was done by the spiritual blind ... whose soul is blinded by a terrible blindness, which engenders ruin, darkens everything around him ... The Monk Lucian foresaw the humiliation that his monasteries would once endure, and warned of the judgment of God: if these monasteries are ruined, then the Lord will also destroy him ... "

The saint also foresaw the glorification of the monasteries. And the fact that the Lukianova Hermitage and the Dormition Monastery miraculously came to life in the Alexandrovsky region, literally rising from the dead, from the complete ashes - isn't it evidence of the prayers of the Monks Lucian and Cornelius? With warm faith and love, fellow countrymen came to them, for the saints are alive and pray for the salvation of all of us. And the spiritual enlightenment of our blind souls has already begun ...

“A man in this world, raging with the passions of life, is not at all alone: ​​after all, thousands of the hands of the holy saints of God are stretched out to him in every possible way to restrain his falling away and show him the gates of eternal life,” said Archbishop of Vladimir and Suzdal Eulogius in “ACTS for the glorification of the memory of the saints Lucian and Cornelius of Alexandrovsky, who shone in the land of Vladimir, and the acquisition of their holy relics. " - May the blessed memory of the Venerable Fathers of Alexander Lucian and Cornelius ... the founders and builders of spiritual life, become a guiding star for all in this night of this passionate and sinful world, so that in its non-evening God's light we, Christians, can do as much good, eternal and salvation - to those far and near, without distinction, to the glory of God, to the adornment of our Church, to the strengthening of our Fatherland. "

A. Dobrosockikh.

Copyright © 2015 Unconditional Love

Church calendar. January 10 (December 28, art. Style).

Today is Sunday, Christmas Week. Christmastide continues, there is no fasting.

Today the Church creates memory: Pravv. Joseph the Betrothed, King David and Jacob, the Lord's brother in the flesh; ap. from 70 Nikanor; 20,000 martyrs who were burnt in the church in Nicomedia at the very beginning of the IV century, and others who suffered outside the church there: sshmch. Glyceria, presbyter, mch. Zinona, schmch. Theophilus, deacon, mchch. Dorothea, Mardonia, schmch. Migdonia, deacon, mchch. Indis, Gorgonia, Peter, Euphemia, prmts. Agathia, abbess, mtsts. Blast furnaces, Theophilos and others. Venerable Ignatius of Lomsky, Yaroslavl ascetic of the 16th century.

Saints of the XX century: St. Korniliy Krypetsky, who died in 1903; csmhh. Nikodim (Kononov), Bishop of Belgorod, presbyters Alexander Dagayev, Feoktist Khoperskov, Leonid Viktorov, Nikolai Rodimov, Arefa Nasonov, Alexander Tsitseronov and Arkady Reshetnikov, deacon.

We congratulate the birthday people on the day of the angel.

Brothers and sisters, the hero of our today's program is the ascetic of the second half of the 19th century, the Monk Korniliy of Krypetsky. Twenty-five kilometers from the city of Pskov, on a small island among swamps and forests, the Ioanno-Theological Krypetsky Monastery is now located. Its founder in the 15th century was the Monk Sava, who, leaving the Spaso-Eleazar Monastery, settled in this, then still deaf and impassable place. The Monk Korniliy was a native of the Pskov region, from the village of Velikoye Selo, which is eight kilometers from the city of Pskov.

In the world he was called Luke and already in childhood he was distinguished by piety. Luka came to the Krypetsky monastery in his early youth, where he was tonsured into monasticism with the name Cornelius. In the monastery of the Monk Sava, the monk Cornelius carried out the obedience of collecting donations for the monastery. At one time it was a hotel. It so happened that the brethren misunderstood Father Cornelius: in his behavior he was more like a defenseless child than an adult sedate man. They openly disliked him, embarrassed him, even envied him, for Blessed Cornelius had many admirers. Elder Cornelius never had a separate cell. Collecting donations for the monastery, the monk Cornelius was distinguished by amazing honesty, he was afraid to spend a penny on himself, although there was often an urgent need: "at least to buy bread." He usually waited patiently for someone to offer food.

The Monk Cornelius was distinguished by his great love for people, and he treated everyone who came to him with something. The elder's favorite saying was: "If you wish for another, you will get it for yourself!" The monk Cornelius, wishing to hide from the brethren and other people his virtues, which the Lord had endowed him with, took upon himself the most difficult feat of foolishness in Christ. For example, here is how Father Cornelius predicted the death of one of his fellow villagers, who was engaged in a carriage. Once he was taking Father Cornelius somewhere, and the saint fell out of the sleigh three times into deep snow on the way. It was not clear why Cornelius was lying around, and the cabman told his family about his bewilderment. But several days passed, and, returning drunk from the city, he himself fell out of the sleigh and froze to death in the open field.

Anna Fedorova, a peasant from the village of Velikoye Selo, a fellow villager of Fr. Korniliy, said that Fr. Korniliy often pretended to be drunk. He staggered in front of everyone. The elder also had the gift of bold prayer from the Lord. The peasant woman Ustinia told how the blessed monk Cornelius healed a blind girl. “He took her by the handle and led her to the lake, washing her eyes from the lake with water, the blessed elder said:“ This is holy water! ” The next morning, the young woman, who recovered her sight, served a prayer service to the Monk Savva of Krypetsky and returned home healthy. "

Hieromonk of the Krypetsky Monastery Julian told Father Amfilochiy (Yegorov) how, through the prayers of Father Korniliy, the Krypetsky Monastery was saved from a natural disaster. Julian was then still a young novice, a sexton. He also occasionally helped Father Cornelius. Now he will put the cell in order, then he will bring firewood. Once Father Cornelius said to him:

Ivanushka, on such and such a day (I appointed the day exactly two weeks later!), When you call back for Vespers and give a censer on "Lord I have called", come to me immediately.

When the appointed day came, the novice, according to custom, called back for Vespers. When I was standing on the bell tower, I noticed a thundercloud that hung over Pskov. Having served the censer on "Lord I have cried", I left the church. On the way to Father Cornelius, he saw that a thundercloud had already covered the monastery. Father Cornelius was in his cell for prayer in full monastic attire. Father Cornelius said:

The Lord wants to punish us for our sins. Become with me and we will pray, may the Lord have mercy on our monastery.

They began to pray. There was a terrible clap of thunder from a lightning strike. At the first moment it seemed that everything in the monastery had collapsed. Father Cornelius, interrupting the prayer, said:

Thank God! The Lord has mercy on our monastery. Go, Ivanushka, to the farmyard. Look what happened there ...

In the barnyard there were five huge birches, split into small chips by a lightning strike. As the saint said: "This blow was directed at the monastery, but for the sake of our prayers the Lord had mercy on our monastery."

This is how, brothers and sisters, the prayers of the holy ascetics work for our cities, the Fatherland and the whole world. The blessed monk Cornelius died on December 28, 1903, on the third day after Christmas.

Reverend Father Cornelius, pray to God for us.

Deacon Mikhail Kudryavtsev

MonkMartyr Korniliy of Pskov-Pechersk was born in 1501 in Pskov in the family of the boyars Stephen and Maria. To give their son an education, his parents sent him to the Pskov Mirozh Monastery, where he labored under the guidance of the elder: he made candles, chopped wood, learned to read, write, and decorate books and icon painting. After completing his teaching, Cornelius returned to his parental home with the decision to become a monk.

Once the sovereign clerk Misyur Munekhin took Cornelius with him to the Pskov-Pechersk monastery, lost among the forests, which was then poorer than any Pskov churchyard. The beauty of nature, the quiet service in the cave church made such a strong impression on Cornelius that he left his home forever and took monastic vows at the Pskov-Pechersk monastery. In 1529, at the age of 28, the Monk Cornelius was elevated to the abbot and elected abbot of the monastery. During his reign, the Pskov-Pechersk monastery reached its peak. The number of brethren increased from 15 to 200 people. This number of inhabitants was not exceeded under any of the subsequent abbots.

The activity of the Monk Cornelius extended far beyond the monastery: he spread Orthodoxy among the Estonians and Setu who lived around the monastery, built churches, hospitals, houses for orphans and those in need. During the time of the terrible plague in the Pskov region, the Monk Korniliy fearlessly walked through the plague villages to receive communion for the living and to service the funeral service at the round pits of the dead.

During the Livonian War, the Monk Cornelius preached Christianity in the conquered cities, built churches there, with a generous hand distributed to the Estonians and Livs who suffered during the war, benefits from the monastery reserves; in the monastery they treated and fed the wounded and mutilated without compensation, buried the dead in caves and wrote their names in the monastery synodikon for eternal remembrance.

In 1560, on the feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God, the Monk Cornelius sent a blessing to the Russian troops who besieged the city of Fellin, prosphora and holy water. On the same day, the Germans surrendered the city. In 1570, a certain abbot Cornelius was appointed Bishop of Yuryev and Velyansky (that is, Fellinsky) as Bishop of Yuryev Livonian See. Some identified him with the Monk Cornelius, but this is not true. The Monk Cornelius was a great connoisseur and lover of books - a solid library was collected in the monastery. In 1531 he published his work entitled "The Story of the Beginning of the Pechersk Monastery". In the middle of the 16th century, the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery adopted the tradition of chronicle writing from the Spaso-Eleazarovsky Monastery. The chronicle was based on the information of the first two Pskov chronicles in a rough continuation from 1547 to 1567. In addition, Abbot Korniliy started a large monastery Synodikon to commemorate the departed brothers and benefactors of the monastery, began keeping the "Feed Book" in 1558, compiled a "Description of the Monastery" and "Description of the Miracles of the Pechersk Icon of the Mother of God".

The Monk Cornelius expanded and decorated the monastery, dug further the monastery caves, transferred the wooden church in the name of the Forty Martyrs of Sebastia beyond the monastery fence, to the visiting monastery courtyard, and in its place in 1541 erected a church in the name of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, in 1559 he built a church in honor of the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos.

The Pechersk monastery, which arose on the border of the Russian state, was not only the beacon of Orthodoxy, but also a fortress against the external enemies of Russia.

In 1558-1565 the Monk Korniliy erected a massive stone wall around the monastery, and over the Holy Gates, according to his own design, he built a stone church in the name of Saint Nicholas, entrusting him with the protection of the monastery. A wooden sculptural image of "Nikola Ratny" was placed in the church.

About the martyrdom of the Monk Cornelius in the annals compiled by Hierodeacon Pitirim, it is written: then on the lands of Russia, rebellions suffered a lot and, finally, from this corruptible life of the earthly king, he was pre-sent to the Heavenly King in an eternal dwelling, in the summer of 1570, February on the 20th day, in the year 69 from his birth. " (The same date is also found on the ceramic plate - ceramide, which covered the mouth of the original tomb of the Monk Cornelius.)

In the ancient manuscript of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra it is written that when Abbot Korniliy went out of the monastery gates with a cross to meet the king, angry with a false libel, John cut off his head with his hand, but immediately repented and, lifting his body, carried him to the monastery in his arms. The path, stained with the blood of the Monk Cornelius, along which the tsar carried his body to the Church of the Assumption, is called the "Bloody Way". The tsar's repentance is evidenced by the generous donations to the Pskov-Caves monastery, made by him after the death of the Monk Cornelius. The name of Abbot Cornelius was also inscribed in the royal synodikon.

The body of the Monk Martyr Cornelius was laid in the wall of the "God-made cave", where it remained for 120 years unharmed. In 1690, Metropolitan Markell of Pskov and Izborsk, the relics were transferred from the cave to the Cathedral of the Assumption Church and placed in a new coffin in the wall.

On December 17, 1872, the relics of the Monk Cornelius with the former coffin were transferred into a copper-silvered shrine, and in 1892 - into a new shrine. It is believed that the service to the Monk Martyr was compiled on the day of the opening of the relics in 1690.

Iconographic original

The Brief Life of the Monk Korniliy of Komel

Pre-like Kor-ni-liy Ko-mel-skiy pro-ex-went from Bo-yar-ko-go Kryu-kov family. His brother Lu-ki-an served in the Mos-kov ve-li-ko-prince's house. When Lu-ki-an, having reached-stig-nov of his advanced years, decided to retire to the mo-na-junction of pre-do-do-no-go Ki-rill-la Be -lo-zer-sko-go, followed by him-to-shaft and Kor-ni-liy, from an early age-s-that striving-to-go to ot-shel-ni- human life. Having accepted the haircut, the young Kor-ni-li began his other-motions with the ty-zh-lo-go by-sha-niya - in the bread, no-forces heavy faith-gi, and on rare occasions from-dy-ha for-ni-mal-sleep-si-va-ni-em of church books. Later, out of love to leave, the pre-like Kor-ni-liy left the Be-lo-zer dwelling, po-seated Rostov. In New-go-ro-de, the saint (memory 4 de-kab-rya) tried to keep him with him, but the mover in the se-lil Xia in a deserted place not far from New-go-ro-da. When people began to sow him here too, striving for a foreign life, he moved to Tverskaya Sav -wa-ti-e-woo pus-chill, and later, in 1497, po-se-lil-sya in Ko-mel-le-su, not to-da-le-ku from Vo- log-dy, where he arranged se-be kel-liyu. To the place in-dv-gov pre-do-go-no-go Kor-ni-lia began to co-bi-rat-Xia ino-ki, and in 1501 he was built-in this place de-re-vyan-ny temple in honor of the Entry into the temple of the Pre-Saint Bo-go-ro-di-tsy. In the same go-do mit-ro-lit, Si-mon blessed the pre-do-no-go Cor-ni-li in the rank of hiero-mo-na-ha. In 1512, when the number of brethren grew up, a pre-like, built-silt stone temple and a-pi-sal for the brethren a charter , composed on the basis of the mouths of the pre-like and. This was the third statute, na-pi-san-ny Russian saint for all of us. The pre-like Kor-ni-liy Ko-melsky from-li-chal-sya generous-growth to the poor, in the time of go-lo-da they were for children at the mo-na-str-skiy yard. For love to the poor and si-ro-there, the pre-like Kor-ni-liy many times got-a-hundred-and-val-xia bla-go-d-no-go v- de-nia pre-do-do-no-go (memory of 17 yan-va-rya), to ko-ro-mo p-tal special bla-go-go-ve-nie and moving in honor of ve-li-to-go in-move-no-ka temple in its obi-te-li. Strict guest of the life of the holy who-bu-di-la ro-pot of some of the brethren, and the pre-like Cor-no-liy you-needed-den was to leave the dweller and sow on the Sur-lake, 70 miles from his-th-th mon-on-st-rya. For some time, he went to see the Tro-and-tse-Ser-gi-e-howl Lavra. According to the ho-da-tai-st of the foreigners Kor-ni-li-e-voi obi-te-li ve-li-ky prince Va-si-li Iva-no-vich persuaded-gave pre-do-add- but go back to your abode. Po-mover-nik-vi-no-val-sya and, returning to your mo-to-butt, sent-re-gave to-a-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th to the disciple of Love-ren-tiyu and created in his cell.

At the time of na-pa-de-nia ta-tar on the Volo-god-land-lu pre-add-on Kor-ni-liy, both of the brothers, together with them removed to the Bel-lo-zer-sky region. Died pre-like at the age of 82 on May 19, 1537. Many disciples of the pre-add-on of Kor-no-lia also pro-glorified the sacredness of life: pre-like Gen- n-diy Lyu-bi-mo-grad-skiy (memory 23 Jan-varya), Kirill No-in-e-zer-skiy (memory 4 February-la), Iro- di-on Ilo-zer-sky (memory of September 28-tyab-ry), Adri-an Po-she-khonsky (memory of March 5), Lawrence and Kas-si- an Ko-mel-skie (memory of May 16).

Society-church-no-id-no-va-pre-add-on to Kor-no-li (May 19) ustan-nov-le-no 25 Jan-va-rya 1600 yes pat-ri-ar-khom Job and co-bo-rum epi-sko-pov. The life of pre-add-but-go co-became-le-but his disciple Na-fa-nai-lom in 1589. There is a service-ba and praise-la-to-mu, co-kept the charter, na-pi-san-ny pre-like Kor-ni-li-em ...

Complete life of the Monk Korniliy of Komel

Pre-like Kor-ni-liy Ko-mel-sky, Volo-god-chu-do-you-rets, born in 1457. He was a family member of the noble Bo-yar family of Kryu-kovs, who lived in Ro-sto-ve Ve-li-com. Dya-dya pre-do-do-no-go, clerk Lu-ki-an, served with two-ve-li-koy princess-ni Mary, su-pru-gi ve-li- ko-th prince of mos-kov-go Va-si-lia Dark. With an average of Lu-ki-a-na, the young Kor-ni-liy was determined to the Mos-kov-sky-mu-li-to-prince-same-li two-ru. For learning from-ro-ka, it was impossible to find a better place, like that-gdash-niy ve-li-ko-prince-same-yard, I did not resist in the very strict use of all the rules of the church-of-the-mouth of any other abode. Here Kor-ni-li could see and study one thing only good. The modern description of his life, by the name of the good and the sweetness of all the former sti-i-mi and all-whole-lo-dan-naya vos-pi-ta-ni to their children - peers of Cor-ni-lia, she could serve for tsa-re-palace-tsa is the best living example for support. Mo-lo-doy Kor-ni-liy as it is impossible more than re-pol-zo-val-happy-in-the-word-alive-shi-mi-Xia ob-hundred-i-t-st my youth: I got it in the knowledge, having received my best at that time, not about -ra-zo-va-ny, and together with this, so-nil chi-one hundred-a heart and innocence of morals, so that, not yet reached over-the-top years, he seemed to be already a man over-the-top. From early age, to-cha-lo in him to develop an attraction to life co-zer-ts-tel-noy, ot-shel-n- che-sko, which-swarm-li-va-los under the influence-i-ni-em bes-sed uncle-di and the great princess-ni, striving monasticism. And when the pre-old Lu-ki-an left the courtyard service and got a haircut in Ki-ril-lo-ve, followed by the shaft of the same two-dtsa-ti-years-old Kor-ni-li, although a service with two ve-li-to-prince could-la-do him honor , wealth and other living things.

Having received a haircut in the Be-lo-zer-skom mo-na-st-re, he with a good cut gave it-bye in-le pro-zor-li-in-go , a lot of experience in the spiritual life of the elder Gennadia, I see him with love, like a father, and not de no-thing without his bliss. After some time, Kor-ni-liy called his youngest brother Ak-in-fi to the blissful abode.

The young monk began his foreign motions in the mo-na-st-re with tya-lo-go-go-sha-niya - in bread, but-strength ty-zhe- lyye faith-gi, and on rare occasions from-dy-ha pe-re-pi-sy-val b-th-th-ser-zheb-ny books.

More and more heavier in hearing and roaring about the highest consistency, pre-like Cor-ni-liy , with-pro-siv blah-th-words-ve-nia of his-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-n-ka, he-sowed many abodes near Ki -ril-lo-Be-lo-zer-sko-mo-na-st-rya. Like a bird, he was looking for a nest, and, like a bee from a honey of different colors, so he was carrying tried to get a spiritual benefit from everything that you saw and heard. By-by-vav in all those closest to Ki-ril-lo-wu mo-na-st-ryah and p-st-nyah, pre-like Kor-no-liy na-pra- wil-Xia to New-go-ro-du, glorified-viv-she-mo-that-where with a multitude of foreign abodes.

In Nov-go-ro-de ar-hi-epi-skop (memory 4/17 de-kab-rya), in-zn-ko-miv-shis with bo-go-bo-yaz-n-n and experienced in the spiritual life of someone else and seeing in him a rare book for that time, a ho-tel ru-ko-lo-to-live pre-add-no-go Kor-no-li to the rank of priesthood. But he deviated from such a honor, before-on-the-way, without a word, go away. Po-mover-nik-cha-la po-se-lil-sya in an empty place not far from New-go-ro-da, that is why he lived in silence in pu -sty-nyah of new-go-rods and Tver, pre-ter-pe-vaya “a lot of work: and thirst-du, and glad, one-day and the heat of Christ-old di". When they began to impart his love-bi-te-whether of a different life, he went to Tver Sav-va-ti-e-wu shit. But here, too, he did not find in the expected t-shi-ny and without-saying-pre-like, for the brothers Sav-va-ti-e-howl neither and the countries-ni-ki that came into it and the god-moll-ts began to send-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-e-kel-lia Cor-ni-lia, about him co-ve-tov and n-st-le-niy, due to the pre-like-again, he decided to run away and look for another place.

And in 1497, on the Volo-god-land, in the dense ko-mel-forests, about the pe-re-seeding of the rivers Nur-ma and Ta- face, pre-like-kor-ni-liy went to a thrown-out-of-fight-no-ka-mi hi-zhi-well, which kel-liu for silence. One-na-wa-na-pa-li on the old-time-boy-no-ki, but, apart from books, they did not find anything. Blah-go-da-rya zealous prayer and God-zhi-she-help-to-that from-shel-ni-ku was able to die-ro-do-to-break the fight-no-one people, who lived at that time in the woods -take the sin-wicked raz-fight-no-one's-brother's on the path of ras-ka-i-niya and re-ruling.

At the age of so-ro-ka years, the pre-like Kor-ni-liy got the opportunity to live in a co-superior-shen-uedi-not-nii and without -vii, staying in a hundred-yang prayer and labor. After 4 go-yes to the place of the pre-do-do-no-go Cor-ni-lia began to come-to-go li-bi-te-li without a word. Pu-stin-ni-ki pi-ta-lied to the labor of their hands, each one prayed in his cell, and when the number of their cleverly lived elk, then you began to ask the pre-add-no-go of Kor-no-li to build a church, considering we-li-kim gorge-bom and hinder-house for dus-shi li -shenie of the Divine service. Hearing about the blissful wish of his sp-movers, he was very happy. It was then that he realized that the time had already passed for him to leave, and that the time had passed for him, that it was just time to live not for himself, but to work-to-do and for the benefit of the brethren and a terrible time-to-fight-no-t-tone to turn to a holy abode for the other -you.

In 1501, a de-re-vyan-ny temple was built in honor of the Entry into the temple of the Pre-Saint Bo-go-ro-di-tsy, and in the same go-do mit-ro-po-lit Si-mon po-til pre-add-no-go Cor-ni-lia to the rank of hiero-mo-na-ha. Having decided to live in the society of the brothers, the blessed Kor-ni-liy did not do it for their benefit, along with the other dil-sya in the forest and in the abode, and in general for the device of the abode, he trans-carried a lot of work and effort. In 1512, when the number of brethren grew up, a pre-like, built-silt stone temple and a-pi-sal for the brethren a charter , composed on the basis of the mouths of the pre-like and. This was the third charter, na-pi-san-ny Russian saint for mo-na-pole-vu-yu-shih.

The charter of the pre-do-but-go Cor-ni-li includes 15 chapters, containing a number of new ones in general th mo-na-st-rya.

In the 1st chapter, go-to-rit-sia about the church blah-go-chi-nii, in the 2nd - about the blah-go-chi-nii tra-peza, and in the 3rd - about food and food. The 4th chapter demands from other people not to eat or drink anywhere, except for a common meal, 5th chapter re-co-men-du-em mo -on-the-march-to-u-schim have only two clothes: one worn-out, with for-pla-ta-mi, and the second strong; the rest is “de-lo mother-of-glory and temptation for the brethren,” the 6th chapter of the side-of-them, and the 7th - to have some kind of property: “a monk who has something of his own in society, ma- loe or great-something, alien to the love of God. " In the 8th chapter, it’s all about taking anything without a bliss, the 9th chapter on-teaches that "you should not go timelessly but in tra-pe-zu", and the 10th pre-pi-sy-va-et pre-by-va-on -shey work-bo-those in the word-cha-nii and prayer-ve. In the 11th chapter, the pre-like Kor-no-liy forbids, without a special need, to sow “neither relatives nor strangers ", And in the 12th - take-mother of-yes-i-nie for myself. About the lack of-put-sti-most-sti in the abode of the drunken on-pit-kov go-in-rit-sya in the 13th chapter. The 14th and 15th chapters are composed of re-co-men-da-tions about how to take-the-mother who-come-to-go-to-mo ny property and how to deal with those who, having left the monkey, will return to it.

The strict charter of the pre-do-but-go Cor-ni-li is not all understood with the hearer; in the obi-te-whether the vol-na ro-po-ta-na-na-po-ta-na-la-na-na-po-ta-na-la-na-po-na-la-na-la-na-po-na-la-na-la-na-na-po-ta-na-la-na-la-na-na-po-ta-na, a-cha-la-cha-la-ta-ta.

With go-da-mi, the number of monks of the brethren increased, there was a need for more ma. Pre-in-di-my own igu-men, ko-mel-skie ot-shel-ni-ki themselves took up a work-b-that, strut-and-li us, dense-no-cha-li, so-zda-va-li ikons, ne-re-pi-sy-va-li tser-kov-ny books and from-go-tov-la-li my own-and-mi hand-ka-mi need-need for the temple-ma utensils. In 1515, by the blessing of mit-ro-po-li-ta Var-la-a-ma, the new temple was erected and consecrated in honor of Introduction to the temple of the Pre-Saint Bo-go-ro-di-tsy. After some time, there was a tra-pez-naya church, a strange-prized house and bo-ha-del-nya. Pre-like Kor-ni-liy Ko-mel-skiy from-li-chal-sya generous growth to the poor. The spa-si-tel teaches us: “Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. Yes, wai-te, and it will be given to them: me-swarm good-swarm, utra-sen-noy and pe-re-half-n-noy from-pour-fierce to you in pa-zu-hu; for what kind of measure you are, the same measure is possible for you too "(). Pre-kind-of-extra-ben-but love-beat-nyat this for-in-after Spa-si-te-la. He once-da-val mi-lo-st-nyu generous-swarm with hands and firmly believed both-that-va-nia Gos-da-svo-th-th. It happened that by the day of the holiday, An-to-nia went out for-pa-sy and there was nothing to do. Pre-like-n-ra-til-Xia to prayer and on the light of the day of holidays Va-si-lia brought a great mi-lo-st-nyu, so that the whole people pi-tal-Xia with from-everyday life. My-lo-ser-dye and his faith were revealed at the time of the go-lo-yes, in the same way, the Volo-god country. Ro-di-te-li left-la-li children at the walls of the obi-te-li, not having anything to feed them; pre-do-ny arranged for them bo-ga-del-nyu on the mo-na-stry-dvor and cor-mil. For love to the poor and si-ro-there, the pre-like Kor-ni-liy many times got-a-hundred-and-val-xia bla-go-d-no-go v- de-nia pre-do-do-no-go (memory-memory 17/30 yan-va-rya), to ko-ro-mo pi-tal special bla-go-go-ve-nie and mobilization in honor of the ve-li-to-go-no-ka temple in its obi-te-l.

The pre-do-good lived in trust in the Gos-po-da, and the Gos-pod guarded him with His-her blah-go-da-tyu. With unchanged diligence, the pre-like Kor-ni-liy took care of the spiritual spa treatment of those who were introduced to him -niyu monks. As a wise and spiritual instructor and ras-in-a-di-tel-ho-zya-in, pre-like, considering the ancients paternal great-vi-lam, like-but-no-ras-pre-de-lil all church services and mo-na-styr-skie work-you, so that no one did not remain idle, and gave everyone a hundred-yang, with every ru-to-de-lia, but to have in their mouths a prayer to Jesus so-wu. He taught everyone, both his own, and those who came, to live according to the rules of the holy fathers, in everything to be te-la and mo-lit-ven-but co-ver-move according to-hearing in all those times of life.

Strict-guest of the life of the holy who-bu-di-la ro-pot of some of the brethren. And, not looking for support from the great prince, the pre-like Kor-ni-liy together with young-lo-smoke vos-pi-tan-ni- com Gen-na-di-em po-ki-zero mo-na-butt, leaving him to sing two-at-dts-ti senior pupils. When they came to the Kostroma forests, then the old man liked a place on the shore of the Sur-lake near the Ko river - we are fast, 70 versts from Ko-mel-sko-th mo-na-st-rya.

Despite his advanced age, the holy old man began to build his cell, ruled the forest and planted a place for plowing neither. So it was-la-lo-same-on-no-va but-in-th-mo-na-st-rya (in the wake of Gen-na-di-e-va inhabited). In-pre-ki several times in-torture of the monks of the Ko-mel-sko-mo-na-st-rya and the ve-li-ko-prince Va-si-lia return the elder to his native abode, the saint remained unwavering. Only a few years later, after pa-lom-no-ness and stay-in-the-za-t in Tro-i-tse-Ser-gi-e-vom mo -na-but-re, pre-like-kor-ni-liy returned to the Ko-mel-dwelling, but the He gave his disciple Lav-ren-ty (memory of May 16/29), and he himself again zapped in the cell.

At the time of na-pa-de-nia ta-tar on the Volo-god-land-lu pre-add-on Kor-ni-liy, both of the brothers, together with no-mi went to the Bel-lo-zer-region by the example of Spa-si-te-la, Ko-that-ry hid from Iro-da in Egypt ... The brothers, together with the instructor, prayed for the spa session of the obi-te-l, and the Lord heeded their prayers. Ta-ta-ry unexpectedly-given-but from-stu-pi-li in the pa-no-che-skie, having taken a po-ki-well-ty-n-th-to-butt for the thunderstorm-but-in- an armed fortress with a large number of troops.

After the appearance in the native monk, the pre-like Kor-ni-liy soon-re-feeling-in-the-shaft came-near-con- chi-ny. By the same love to forgive with the brothers, the great great-ved-nickname announced his direction. He begged the other-kam strictly to observe the mo-na-asyr charter, to live in peace and co-ordination with each other. On the fourth week after Pas-khi, the old man, who had not been able to from his years, led him to the church in order to once again partake of Holy -tykh Ta-in. Returning from the church, I forgave everyone, you heard the aka-fist Spa-si-te-lyu and Bo-go-ma-te-ri and ti-ho pre -gave his spirit Gos-do-do; it was May 19, 1537, on the 82nd life.

Te-lo pre-do-add-no-go Cor-ni-lia with a huge number of on-ro-da and all-in-general cry-che was-lo-no near Vve-den-sko-th temple. His holy powers were in consequence of the pro-glav-le-ny of a lot of chu-de-sa-mi.

The whole life of Kor-ni-liy was one continuous servant of God and his neighbors, like a luminary, placed on a no-tse, he shone the modern-men-no-kam his-and-mi dob-ro-de-te-la-mi. Among the many-numbered dream-ma saints in motion liy za-ni-ma-et is one of the first and most prominent places. He raised a lot of holy disciples who became a consequence of os-no-va-te-la-mi mo-na-is-rey: Kas-si -an and Lav-rents, hegu-mens Ko-mel-skie (memory of May 16/29), Kirill No-vo-e-zer-sky (memory of 4/17 Feb- ra-la), Iro-di-on Ilo-e-zer-sky (memory 28 sep-tyab-ry / 11 ok-tyab-ry), Gen-na-di Lu-bi-mo-grad-sky (memory 23 Jan-va-rya / 5 Feb-ra-la), Adri-an Po-she-khonsky (memory 5/18 March) and others. Igu-men Lav-ren-ty for another 10 years after the elder guarded in the world the past-woo he had collected and, together with the former hegu-men, Kas-si- a-nom took se-be-next-at-a-st-n-shche near the gro-ba bla-wen-but-his-e-his teacher-te-la.

Society-church-nov-no-va-nie pre-add-no-kor-no-liyu - May 19 / June 1 - usta-nov-le-no 25 Jan-va-rya 1600 year of saint-te-lem Job, the first Pat-ri-ar-khom Mos-kov-sky and all Rus-si (memory of June 19 / July 2). The life of pre-add-but-go co-became-le-but his disciple Na-fa-nai-lom in 1589. The poses were the composition of the text-words of the service and in the praise of the holy word. So-kept-nil-Xia and the charter of a foreign life, from-whether-cha-yu-si-simple and experience-ness of the spirit.


Translation: From your youth, you served the Lord, the world shone forth from the Holy Virgin, as an angel, blessed, and by His power the desert became like a city, because you gathered in it many disciples, enlightening them with teaching. Therefore, we appeal to you: "Rejoice, our father Cornelius, monks are Divine adornment."

Prayer to the Monk Cornelius of Komel

Oh, holy head, earthly Angel, Heavenly man, great miracle worker, reverend father Cornelius! To you with faith and love, we earnestly come running, tenderly ask thee, our heavenly representative: to us, humble and sinful, love your fatherly and the Lord's wretched sorrow, this wretched sorrow about those we need for our needs, but for you, a supporter of prayer to Him, we offer, without a doubt, believing that we can ask for all the good that we can from His goodness, but if we like it. Ask us, God's pleasure, from the All-Gracious and Human-loving God, the faith of the right, unshakable piety, perfect repentance, living the rectification of the most decisive, so that we will not be angry with Him for the sake of God. Pray, miraculous saints, the King of kings and the Lord of lords to grant peace and prosperity to our country, as that all those who oppose it may know, as God and the sanctuaries are with us. Preserve, holy of God, with your prayers the Church of Christ from heresies and distractions, superstition and unbelief of mankind, so that holy Orthodoxy bloom in it in all its power and fruitful souls. Observe from all evil and the dwelling place you created, and all who live and labor in it according to your ordinance, so that wholeness and harmlessness will remain from the temptations of the enemy of human salvation. Behold mercifully, both those who are coming to you and praying people, like those who come to your abode, will come to worship, and all their prayers are good for you: to those who are sick, who grieve, who grieve. But to all of us, mental and physical health, the earth is fruitful, a quiet and godly life, I have the good Christian end and a good response to the Great Judge of Christ from the all-good God of God, I have an exodus To her, father! Véma, for a lot can your prayer be in the presence of the Almighty Lord, for this reason we trust in you and in your holy prayers, we hope for you, for you have brought us all the promise of Christ in heaven. But do not shame, more holy ours, our hope, and grant us, together with you, the blessings of paradise, to enjoy, let us glorify, praise and magnify the great mercy to us of the Divine God, the Father of God, the Father of God, the Father of God, and the Father of God. eyelids. Amen.


The Monk Kornilits of Krypetsky. Icon. 1999 year. Photo. The beginning of the XX century.

Very little is known about the childhood of Saint Cornelius. But even the scant information that the admirers of the elder brought to us indicate that he was the chosen one from the mother's womb. The future elder was born in 1841 in the village of Velikoye Selo, which was located not far from Pskov (7-8 kilometers). His parents, Mikhei Alekseevich (1796-1846) and Vassa Grigorievna (1806-1873), Luka was the fifth child, the youngest.

The Lord marked the newborn with a bodily ailment - the boy was born half-blind. But even with bodily weakness, just like the Blessed Matrona of Moscow and the Monk Elder Gabriel from the Pskov Spaso-Eleazarovskaya Hermitage, already in his youth he was distinguished by spiritual sight. He saw what was happening in his native village and in the nearest village, spoke to people about it, warning against future disasters. God made little Luke know everything about man: the present, the past and the future, and, as he confessed, "what doves say, I know." But not everyone liked it. So already in childhood, he experienced a misunderstanding and persecution from people of an alien spirit, which he would have to endure repeatedly in his mature years. Like iron in a crucible of fire, trials and ridicule only overwhelmed the saint - he never responded to evil with evil, and even in his soul he was not indignant.

With all his behavior, the boy reminded of life according to the Gospel.

For example, as a child, little Luke loved to take on other people's sins! Village children often played pranks in other people's gardens and orchards, and although the blind boy who "loved from his youth" never took part in these tricks, when they were looking for the guilty, he shouted with joy: "It's me! I'm guilty! I took these beetles from you. ! " He was scolded, punished, severely beaten, but he continued to behave in the same way.

The childish humility of the boy Luke is shocking, and not only humility, but also compassion for his neighbors - he took on the blame of others out of pity, so that others would not be punished. All this suggests that a simple peasant boy who loved to visit the temple of God took the Gospel commandments with all his heart. And, not being taught literacy, not being able to read, he, like the gospel simpletons, without hesitation and reasoning, took the Savior's word as a guide to action - as unshakable rules of life.

The boy's confession that he understands the language of animals is evidence of a deep, secret life and that already at the beginning of his life he was a "heavenly man." As we know from the lives of the saints, the earthly creature especially feels the holiness of man (even more than the people around him), opens up to the saints and leads with them as it was in paradise - being in obedience. Grace rests on the saints, and animals feel it especially keenly.

As a child, blind Luka was entrusted by the villagers to graze their cows. He was an unusual shepherd - he drove the flock to pasture and left it to the will of God, while he himself went to church. And when in the evening it was necessary to drive the herd back, every single cow gathered in a herd and obediently followed after their shepherd. Undoubtedly, everything aroused considerable surprise among the fellow villagers of the future elder, one of them, Vasily Grafov, himself marked by the traits of foolishness, retained the memories of the wonderful boy and young man for life and passed them on to the first biographer of the Monk Korniliy - the Pskov priest, Archpriest Alexy Inov. (Based on the brochure of Protopresbyter Alexy Ionov "Blessed Monk Cornelius", Riga, 1944 with additions from other historical sources).

Everything that we know about the life of the Monk Cornelius from eyewitnesses - witnesses of his exploits, surprisingly reminds stories from ancient collections about the holy elders: from "Spiritual Meadow", "Lavsaik", "Memorable Legends", "Fatherland" and "Ancient Patericon" ... The same spirit of simplicity, absence and a drop of cunning, gentleness and humility is the gospel spirit. The indicated similarity of the life of the Monk Cornelius with the ancient narratives about ascetics especially concerns stories about relationships with animals, these stories abound, first of all, "Spiritual Meadow," the immortal book of St. John Mosch, describing the exploits of the ancient ascetic monks of the 6th-7th centuries. Here we find the famous about the lion of St. Gerasim and about other elders who lived with the animals. The interpretation of the Spiritual Meadow says: “Many stories have been preserved about the power of the saints over the beasts ... The mystery of this power is explained in chapter 18 of the Spiritual Meadow:“ If we kept the commandments of our Lord Jesus Christ, then the animals would fear us. But for our sins we became slaves, and now we are rather afraid of them. In chapter 107, after the touching story of the lion's affection for the Monk Gerasim, the conclusion says: “This is what happened - not because the lion had an intelligent soul, but according to the will of God, who glorifies those who glorify Him not only during life, but also after their death and who showed us in what obedience the animals were with Adam, before he broke the commandment of God and was expelled from the paradise of sweetness. "

The Monk Korniliy of Krypetsky lived on earth like an angel, nothing earthly bound him to itself. The heavenly grace that dwelt in the heart of the young ascetic also influenced the body, so that even before the monastery he was able to walk barefoot in winter, and his body was not afraid of either frost or snow for many years.

From recently discovered archival sources it became known that a certain nameless elder prepared the young man for life in the monastery, who gave him his clothes, "emitting the fragrance of incense." The blessed one wore this dress for three years.

The wondrous Cornelius was not created and born for this world. He was not just a virgin in body and soul, but until his death he was like a child - pure, sincere, defenseless, knowing no evil. “I didn’t have a deep old age, and I didn’t know it,” the ascetic said about himself, “I didn’t feel it in myself all my life.”


In 1875, after being fired from the society of state peasants, the "monk from the womb" Luke arrived at the St.

We do not know why, out of all the numerous Pskov monasteries, the young man Luka chose the Krypetsky Monastery. The author of the akathist to the monk explains this by his special love for the holy Evangelist John the Theologian, in whose honor the monastery is consecrated. The Apostle of Love was indeed a role model for the young monk, who showed love for everything and everyone. It seems that the Krypetsky Monastery was chosen as an ascetic also because it was one of the most difficult to access monastic monasteries in the Pskov Territory with a strict charter.

The monastery was founded in the 15th century by a Serbian native of Mount Athos - pri. Savva. Among the Pskov bogs, surrounded by dense forests, he set up a desert, similar to those secluded cells for which Athos was famous. But, as in the case of many ascetics, the Lord saves thousands through one - people learn about the exploits of hermits and prayer-books and reach out to them for help, support and guidance - this is how the monks began to flock to the pre. Savva both the monastery in Krypets grew and grew. In the 1870s of the XIX century, when the young man Luka came to the monastery, it was a monastery known throughout the Pskov region, from which such famous ascetics emerged as the Monks Nil Stolobensky (XV century) and Nikandr Pskov (XVI century), monk Anthony Ordyn -Nashchokin (XVII century), Metropolitan Evgeny Bolokhovitinov (early XIX century).

The ascetic who was closest in time to the Monk Cornelius, who began his monastic path in the Krypetsk monastery - Hieroschemamonk Sampson (Sivers) - left a description of the monastery, which may well be attributed to the time when Saint Cornelius arrived there.

"We are going through the forest along a country road. Swamps, bumps and sticks, Komarov - clouds ... We drove up to a small lake, passed the lake. Around the lake and the monastery stands, huge walls and a small, cozy, cozy monastery. In the middle of the monastery there are wooden buildings: bathhouse, laundry, refectory, abbot's chambers, Brothers' building, barns where flour was kept. Animal farm outside the fence, separately throughout the monastery graves and inscriptions: Shimnik such and such ... "

"There were goats in the cell, a board on the trestles, on the board - a bag full of hay, the same pillow. Such an old, very shabby blanket, like some kind of footcloth. A nail for a cassock. Icon of the Mother of God. A cross over it. On the table. kerosene lamp. Psalter, correct. Gospel in the Slavic language.

As you can see, the life of the inhabitants of the Krypetsky monastery was harsh, ascetic. But for the future monk Cornelius, it was even more difficult - and he did not have his own cell, he had to spend the night where he had to. Probably, mostly in the barnyard, since the first obedience he received in the monastery was to graze the monastery's cows. The Monk Cornelius deliberately chose this position in the monastery from the very beginning. Here are his words: "I went to the Krypetskaya monastery to enter and made a vow and asked Sawa the Monk of Krypetskiy so that I might live and be in the monastery: lower than everyone else and least of all. I set myself this way and my whole life: lower than everyone else ..."

The first obedience in the monastery - to graze the cows - was a familiar thing for Luke. And although the monastery flock could no longer be abandoned and left for worship, the shepherd's obedience itself gave unlimited time for prayer - almost a whole day in nature, in solitude. It is not for nothing that the prophet David was chosen by the Lord from the shepherd's rank - he had a habit of communion with God on his pasture from a young age.

The following case is connected with shepherd's obedience.

Once the novice Luke led a herd of cows out of the cowshed, and he had to be taken to the field along a narrow path past the sown fields. It would be natural to expect that the cows would be tempted by the crops and would not want to walk in a row one after the other along a narrow path.