A plot from a fairy tale is a good deed. Short stories about good and evil

Autumn is a magical time. Nature is changing so quickly that it seems as if this does not happen by itself, but by the wave of some magic brush that instantly painted everything around with multi-colored paints. The hedgehog loved autumn. He loved to watch how nature changes, how plants and animals change.

And these changes were not only external. The squirrel, for example, every autumn became more strict with its children, was constantly angry with the kids, who were still frolicking and walking, as if an eternal summer awaited them ahead, and not a harsh winter. The hare became very anxious. He was constantly counting stocks, wondering if they would be enough for him for the winter. He ran through the forest all day, collecting the last mushrooms, berries and apples. For the Hedgehog, autumn was a time of old acquaintances and pleasant memories.
Once the Hedgehog met the Starling. They became friends and since then the Starling flew to his friend every autumn on the way to warmer climes, if, of course, the weather allowed. This year the weather was warm, and the Starling stayed with the Hedgehog for the whole day. The hedgehog was pleased with the guest, he pulled out the most delicious supplies from the pantry, which he himself loved, and even a specially prepared treat for the guest, began to regale his friend. They sat all day telling each other interesting stories that happened to them in a year. They felt so good together that time flew by completely unnoticed. Evening came.
- It's good here, - said Starling, sipping tea, - warm, cozy.
- Yes, - the Hedgehog agreed, - good. Stay another day.
The starling brooded.
- No I can not. It's time. Tomorrow the wind will change and it will be much harder to fly. And the way to the sea is already not easy.
- To the sea? - I do not understand the Hedgehog. - And what is it?
- The sea? - The starling thought. - You can't explain it right away. The sea is a lot, a lot of water.
- How is the river? There is also a lot of water in the river! - Hedgehog guessed.
- No, - Starling smiled, - There is more water in the sea. So many, that apart from water, nothing is visible from horizon to horizon. And the sea, as it were, is alive.
- Live? - the Hedgehog was surprised.
- Yes, it is huge and alive.
- How is it alive?
- How can I explain this? There are many creatures living in the sea, and from this it itself seems alive. This is especially noticeable in the morning, at dawn. First, the sea sleeps, its surface is flat and smooth. Then the breeze begins to blow - this is the breath of the awakening sea. It has not yet woken up, but its sleep is no longer sound. Here and there, waves begin to run over the surface, sometimes a jellyfish or a bunch of algae will swim. And now the sun rises. It rises straight out of the sea, big and red. And the sea immediately wakes up, begins to breathe in waves, seethe with foam. And everything wakes up in the sea: fish begin to dive near the surface, birds scream, gigantic swim sea ​​creatures... And it becomes audible how the heart of the sea is beating loudly by the sea surf.
The hedgehog was sitting at the table, leaning on his paw, and dreamily listening to his friend. The bird talked about such unusual things that it all seemed like a fairy tale.
- What color is the sea? - Asked the Hedgehog.
- It can be different. When it gets angry, it is even black, but more often it is blue-green.
- Green. Eh, - the Hedgehog sighed dreamily, - if only with one eye to look at the sea.
- It's very far from here. You can only fly there. Don't get there. - Starling said a little sadly.
He suddenly became alert.
- It's time for me to fly, the weather is changing.
The hedgehog looked out the window. The sun was setting on the horizon, a light breeze was blowing, the sky was clear and cloudless.
- Sit a little longer, look how good it is outside.
- I would be glad, - Starling sighed, - but I have to go. We, migratory birds, we feel the changes in the weather very well. I feel like a storm is coming soon.
- Then fly, of course. The path is not close. - Hedgehog agreed.
He accompanied his friend to the street. There Starling flew up, made a circle around the spruce and, chirping goodbye, turned south.
The Hedgehog spent the rest of the evening as if half asleep. The words of the bird never got out of his mind. He really wanted to see the sea. But he knew perfectly well that he would never get to the sea.
So he sat until late in the evening, sighing softly and a little sad.
In the evening Belka ran to him.
- Hi, Hedgehog, - she greeted, - something you haven't seen all day. Are you sick?
- No, - the Hedgehog smiled at her, - I'm healthy.
- What is so sad then?
- Yes, here the Starling flew to me, talking about the sea. It is very beautiful and large. I would like to see the sea, but it is far away.
The squirrel just grinned.
- Found someone to listen to, Starling. He will not sing about anything, he comes out big and beautiful.
- Yes, yes, - the Hedgehog agreed reluctantly, not being distracted from his thoughts.
- What have I come in, - Belka realized, - can I borrow a large basket from you for nuts?
- Yes, of course, - the Hedgehog went into the closet and brought out a large basket.
- Thank you, - Belka thanked, - you always help me out.
She walked to the door, but stopped at the threshold.
- So what, you say, is the sea?
- Huge, to the very horizon. And there are also waves. It makes noise, especially at dawn, and many, many different creatures live in it.
The hedgehog spoke quickly and incoherently and, of course, not as beautifully as the Starling.
The squirrel left, and the Hedgehog began to get ready for bed. In bed, he could not sleep for a long time. He lay and thought about the sea. And so, when he finally dozed off, there was a soft knock.
The hedgehog was alert. The knock was repeated again. The hedgehog opened his eyes and sat up in bed. Someone knocked quietly but persistently.
The hedgehog went to the door.
- Who's there? - He asked.
In response, there was a knock again, and then the Hedgehog realized that they were knocking not on the door, but from the side of the entrance leading to the lower branch of the fir tree.
The hedgehog climbed the stairs to the entrance.
- Who's there? - He asked.
- It's us, squirrels, - a familiar voice came from behind the door.
The hedgehog opened the door.
- Are you so late?
- Rather early, soon morning already, answered the squirrels. Mom sent us. Go with us.
- Where? - Hedgehog was surprised.
- Upstairs, let's go. Mom didn't tell me to talk, there will be a surprise.
The hedgehog was surprised, but went for the squirrels. Two squirrels galloped along the branches in front of him, showing a safe path. It was easy to walk: ropes were stretched along the branches, and in some places, in the most difficult places, they were attached rope ladders that weren't there before.
- Where are the stairs from here? - Asked the Hedgehog.
“We did it,” the squirrels noted with pride, “to make it easier to climb to the very top of the head.
- To the top of your head !? - The Hedgehog was horrified. “I've never gotten that far.
- Nothing, we prepared the road well. Let's go!
And indeed, soon they passed the hollow of Squirrels and the hollow, where the supplies were kept. They climbed higher and higher. The further they climbed, the more ladders and transitions made by squirrels became, so that soon the Hedgehog climbed almost to the very top of the head.
Up there, Belka was already waiting for him.
“I’m glad you found the courage to get here,” she said, smiling mysteriously, “here, sit down comfortably.
The squirrel pointed to a large fork similar to comfortable armchair... The hedgehog sat down and only now was able to look around. He was high, very high in a tree. The spruce was taller than other trees, so the Hedgehog saw the forest as birds see it.
True, at first it was not very visible, it was still dark. But then the sun began to rise, raising its huge body above the horizon. And the Hedgehog saw a forest, green and endless, to the very horizon. And then the wind blew, cold and gusty. And the waves ran over the tops of the trees. The leaves rustled discontentedly, flew upward in whitish armfuls. Several birds first emerged, it was, from the forest, but then, frightened by the wind, dived into the depths again. And the sun rose higher and higher, and the wind became stronger. And the forest roared, seethed, throwing up the branches of the trees. Clouds were looming over the horizon.
The hedgehog looked fascinated and suddenly it dawned on him:
- It's the sea! Like a real sea! I didn’t know that our forest is the same as the sea!
The squirrel just laughed. They stood a little longer, and then the squirrels led the Hedgehog down. He didn't want to go down, but the squirrels insisted. The wind grew stronger and it became dangerous above. Even the squirrels decided to stay at the Hedgehog's house for now and wait out the beginning of the storm. And the storm was not long in coming. A hurricane wind blew, it started raining. But in the Hedgehog's hole it was warm and cozy. The animals sat by the samovar, drank tea with jam and listened as if outside the window, somewhere above the green forest "sea" was raging.

The whale hunted for small fish.

Small fry in the ocean are walking in clouds. The whale will come running, the mouth will open up! - and the mouth is full. The mouth will close, the water will filter through the mustache. All the small fry - down the throat. His throat is small.

The little fish, as soon as it sees the whale, goes straight to the shore. Keith follows her.

Ran away - once! - and waved to the shore.

It's good that the whale is an animal, not a fish: it won't die without water.

Lies on the sand like a black rock - neither here nor there. He sighs heavily: wait now for the water to come!

There are wolves along the bank.


They are searching for something to profit from. They see - a mountain of meat. Barely moving.

They ran up. "Where to start from?" - they figure it out.

Crab saw it from the water.

“The end of the whale! - thinks. - You have to help out your sea animal.

I got out on the shore.

Stop! - shouts to the wolves. - And I'm with you. There is enough whale for everyone. We’ll wait - and we’ll get started.

The wolves stopped.

Why wait for something?

How - what? Don't you know: a whale is eaten only in the moonlight. The higher the moon, the tastier the whale!

The wolves were surprised, but did not argue. A crab lives in the ocean, with a whale. He, the goggle-eyed one, knows better.

We sat on the shore around the whale, their muzzles lifted up.

Already evening - not long to wait for the moon!

The whale lies, sighs.

From behind the mountain, the moon peeped out and crept up the sky.

The wolves are sitting, silent, looking at the whale. They do not notice that the water rises in the ocean. They snap their teeth with hunger. They look at the crab: isn't it time to start looking for a whale?

The crab sits for itself, stroking its sides with its claws.

Suddenly wolves smell - it has become wet to sit.

They ran to the mountain and did not take their eyes off the whale.

The moon has become over the wolves' heads.

The whale also smelled water under him. He sighed, took a full chest of air and how he would give with his tail! Splashes in all directions.

Scattered wolves.

The whale foams the water with its tail, drives a wave at the wolves. Wolves - up the mountain.

The whale turned his head towards the sea, boiled his tail and went, went! I swam to the depths, took some air - and disappeared. Only his tail was seen.

And the crab slowly - sideways, sideways - behind him.

The wolves came to their senses - no whale, no crab! We sat on the shore for a long time. They look up at the moon, then down at the water.

They do not understand anything - they are land-based people. How can they know that there are ebbs and flows on the sea-ocean!

And the higher the moon, the stronger the tides.


There was a fly on the ship.

She loved giving advice more than anything else.

The sailors are pulling the rope - the fly is right there!

F-f-live! Raz-z-zom, raz-z-zom!

It buzzes until they drive it away.

A fly flew into the ship's kitchen - the galley. There is a cook - a cook, all dressed in white, - cooking compote.

The fly sat on the shelf where the salt was, and rang:

From-z-zyum z-z-forgot, out of zyum! W-w-in vain, w-w-in vain!

The cook has had the raisins for a long time. He endured, endured - but as he slammed a towel. I didn't hit the fly, but the salt in the compote - boo!

Fly out of the kitchen.

He sees: on the deck the ship's dog is catching its tail. She to him:

S-z-go, z-zine, s-z-go! S-s-teeth, s-s-teeth!

The dog is on a fly. I missed - but overboard! Barely saved.

And the fly is already sitting in the gap.

How to get rid of it, sticky? ..

The ship came to a hot country. Has stopped. A fly crawled out of the crack.

W-w-hot! S-s-sultry!

She boarded in the shade. Sits, looks into the water.

Lo and behold - a short, wide fish emerges from the depths. The back is gray-green, with four stripes on the sides.

The fly wanted to give the fish advice on how best to swim in the water. Did not make it. The fish took water in its mouth - and how it splashes into the fly!

Knocked her off the side. The fly flies head over heels into the water! While flying, she managed to buzz:

And what is horror - is unknown. Her sprinkler fish - hop! - swallowed.


Chilim swam between stones, nibbled bryozoans.

Chilim is a small crustacean, a whiskered shrimp - like a fish, swims like a flea, gallops. Clicking his tail - and disappeared.

Floats, but in my head: "As if the ebb tide is not missed!"

I looked around - everything was calm.

The big-eyed goby lies on top of the silt, looking out for prey. The balanus crustacean is asleep in the house, with a mustache. He has a nice house: a lime bottle with a cap. Another cancer - the hermit - wanders along the bottom, dragging the house on itself. His house is stolen - a snail's shell.

No one is in a hurry to leave - it’s true, the ebb tide will not be soon ...

Suddenly he sees a chilim: at the bottom there are three brown balls. Something familiar, but what - will not remember in any way. He goes to them.

Just swam up - immediately the needles stood upright at the balls. Chilim jump back!

And the balls began to stir and crawled along the bottom.

It's funny to crawl! Yellow sucker legs are released between the needles. The leg will stretch out, stick to the pebble and pull the ball forward. Behind her is another.

Bah! Yes it is sea ​​urchins! How did he not recognize them before?

Chilim cheered up. It snaps its tail, jumps around the hedgehogs.

"If only to leave the sea before low tide!"

I thought and forgot again.

And hedgehogs crawl over the stones, leaving three paths behind them. They ate the greens from the stones as they took them off with a knife.

We climbed onto a large boulder, fiddling at the very top of the head.

Chilim looked closely.

Ah ah ah! - even jumped up from horror. - Hedgehogs gnaw a stone!

One rose, it became clear: the hedgehog has a mouth below, five white teeth in its mouth. The thorny ones are silent, they scrape the stone with their teeth. I scraped out each hole for myself, lay down, spread the needles and started spinning, drilling a stone.

“Crazy! - the chilim decided. "They have nothing to do."

The crawlers are slowly leaving the stone, as if they are drowning. The stone is soft shell rock. The walls between the holes were ruined - it turned out to be a common pit for three.

“There are so many thorns, but they hide in the stone. Silly! " - thought the chilim.

Grabbed - there is no water around. I missed the low tide! He fluttered, thrashed. Jumps from stone to stone, suffocates.

"Lo and behold!"

With the last of his strength, he jumped, turned over and into a pit of water - a splash! I caught my breath and saw that the needles were sticking out next to me. So he got to the hedgehogs! Well, to what cunning: they dug a hole for a reason! They are not afraid of the ebb now.

“And what about other sea inhabitants! - remembered the chilim. He stuck his head out of the hole. "Come on, are they all dead?"

No matter how it is!

The goby buried itself in the wet silt. One tail sticks out. Balianus hid in his little house-bottle, slammed the lid. The hermit crab climbed into the sink, plugged the entrance with a claw, like a cork.

Each has its own supply of water:

by the bull - in the silt,

at the balianus - in a bottle,

in the hermit's shell.

Everyone is settled, everyone is waiting for the tide.


A rumor spread across the sea that a new fish had appeared in it.

Natalia Bobrysheva
Tale "The Sun" about the inhabitants of the Black Sea

Lou: Maybe, Sun swims all night under water to emerge and ascend, on the other side.

Lou: It shines for sure sun under water! I'll dive deeper and find out everything.

Lou: You did not see Sun? I'm sure it's here somewhere! (looks around)

Jellyfish: The sun is me, jellyfish Aurelia! See how beautiful I glow in the water!

Lou: No, you can not be the sun! You glow, but not so bright, and in general you look like jelly!

A fish - Sunflower: The sun is me! They call me Fish - Sunflower! My fins are like Sun rays.

Lou: But you don't shine at all! What are you Sun?

Night lights (2 - 3 people): This is us Sun, the sea shines at night thanks to us. We are night lights!

Lou: No, you can't be By the sun! You are very tiny, but the sun is big and round!

M. Dragon: The sun is me! And just try to disagree with me, I will immediately prick you with poisonous thorns. (approaches Lou with thorns)

author: Seeing the terrible thorns of the Sea Dragon, baby Lu was very scared and swam away from the dangerous fish, but suddenly he was in complete darkness. The water became muddy and dirty, the dolphin wanted to emerge to the surface, but he did not know where to swim. And suddenly Lou saw a glowing ball in front, then another and another. (children come out) Where the light balls appeared, the water became clear and the dolphin could see the jellyfish of the sisters of Aurelia.

Lou: What are you doing here?

Jellyfish: We eat the waste that ends up in the sea and so we clean it sea ​​water... Someone has to take care of the sea!

Lou: I didn’t know that you need to take care of the sea.

Jellyfish: Of course it is necessary, if the sea becomes polluted, all of it the inhabitants will die!

Dolphin mom: Lou, there you are! Is it possible for a kid to dive alone at night? How you scared me! It's good that I found you mine Sun

Lou: Mom, I'm sorry. I was just looking Sun that hides in the sea! And it turns out that the sun is me?

Dolphin mom: The sun- this huge star in the sky, which gives life to everyone on earth! And moms call the sun of that, who is loved more than anyone else in the world!

Lou: Now I understand everything, the sun is in the sky, and its rays are reflected in the water! It cannot be found at the bottom of the sea among the sea inhabitants whom I met today! Mom, I also learned today that you need to take care of the sea, purifying its waters! (mom and Lou float away)

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Why does the crab have no head?
(African folk tale).

Goddess Nzambi created all animals. She started creating the Crab before it was time to go to bed, and she didn't have enough time to finish it. “Come tomorrow, I'll give you the head,” she said. “It takes Nzambi two days to make me, because I'm a very important person,” the Crab boasted to other animals.
Nzambi heard about the crab's bragging and decided not to give him the head.
The crab hid under a rock out of shame. To this day, he pokes his eyes right out from under the sink as he still has no head.

Tiddalik is causing a flood.
(Australian folk tale).

Tiddalik was the largest frog in the world. Once he drank water from all the ponds, lakes and rivers of the world. There is only water left in the seas. But the animals could not drink salt water, so they had to die of thirst. Fortunately, the Eel has an idea. He began a funny dance that made Tiddalik laugh. When his mouth opened, water gushed into ponds, lakes and rivers, and the animals were saved.

Magic fish.
(Scandinavian folk tale).

One day a poor fisherman caught a magic fish. “Let me go and I will do whatever you want,” said the fish. The fisherman wanted big house, and his wish came true.
He caught magic fish over and over and made more and more wishes. And his every desire was fulfilled. But when the fisherman demanded the moon and the stars, the fish decided that he was too greedy, and took all his gifts. And the fisherman became poor again.

Why is the water salty.
(Norwegian folk tale).

One day a sailor stole a magic mill that could grind anything you wanted. He took her to sea on his ship and demanded that the mill grind salt for him. When there was enough salt, he ordered the mill to stop, but did not know magic words... Soon there was so much salt that the ship and the mill sank to the bottom of the sea, and the mill continued to grind salt. She continues to grind it to this day, so the sea is salty.

How the starfish was born.
(Based on a story by Donald Bisset).

One day, on a dark starry night, seven elephants decided to catch a shooting star. They went to the top of the sea cliff and, climbing one on top of the other, formed a tower. The baby elephant, who was at the very top, reached out and took out the shooting star with its trunk. But he did not hold her and dropped her into the sea! A fish passing by swallowed it and turned into a starfish.

There are words delicious, tasty. Say such a word - and immediately drooling will flow. For example, "banana". And remember "pineapple", and the mouth water will flow even more.

There are words soft, fluffy and affectionate. For example, "kitten" and "chicken".

And there are also scary ones. Here is one such word - "barracuda". Say it out loud:
-BAR-R-RAKUDA! - And immediately everyone will be scared. Even for those who do not know what it is.
And the barracuda is a sea pike, so big and long. Even longer than a sofa or bed. She has large, sharp teeth and small, predatory eyes.

She lives in the ocean and hunt all living things that come across her on the way. Her scales are silvery, shimmering blue. Therefore, in clear water the barracuda is almost invisible. And when he looks out for prey, he freezes. Only its toothed mouth with the lower jaw protruding forward now opens and closes. As if she is making faces at someone. That's how terrible she is!
Once I met a barracuda lobster and said:
- Langouste - sea crayfish, I'll eat you!

And he said nothing. Once. You need to save yourself. He ducked into a deep hole, and only his mustache sticks out from there. Do not get the barracuda spiny lobster.

A nimble fish hid behind the corals, whose body was densely covered with needles.

Found her barracuda and says:
- Fish-hedgehog, I'll eat you!
The fish got scared, swelled in all directions from fear.
Became round, round, like a ball. It was frozen in the water, and the thorny needles were spread out: do not come near! Not a fish, but some kind of spiky balloon.

I tried the barracuda to bite the fish ball. Where there! Needles do not give. Sharp, and even poisonous, stick out in all directions. So the barracuda sailed away, not salty.
Meanwhile, a shell was crawling along the bottom. She carried her heavy shell-house on herself.
- A curly shell, I'll eat you!

And the shell hid in its house, solid, like a stone, and fell silent. Try it, get it out of there!

I saw a barracuda swimming away octopus.
- Octopus cephalopod, I'll eat you!

As soon as she said, he splashed dark ink directly in her eyes. While the barracuda looked around, the octopus disappeared.