Do-it-yourself distillation column: reflux condenser. Coo cooling column Granule cooling column drawing

Available and under the order of an okhdazhdeniye column!

The cooling column is designed to cool the granules and separate the non-granular mass of the product into technological lines granulation of animal feed, bran, fuel pellets, as well as grain processing products.

Cooling column

Type of Productivity, t/h power, kWt Dimensions, mm Weight, kg. price, rub.
KO-5.5 countercurrent up to 1 6,24 2300/1400/3700 360 203 000
KO-11 countercurrent up to 2 11,74 2400/1400/4300 550 269 000
KO-15 countercurrent until 3 15,74 2400/1500/3710 550 302 000

Cooling column device

The basis of the cooling column is the sieving frame (table). The reshetny camp is located in a frame and is suspended to it by four rubber suspension brackets. Behind the frame is a shaking mechanism driven by an electric motor through a belt drive. An unloading pipe is fixed in front of the frame finished products, below the sieve pan there is a branch pipe for unloading non-granular material. On top of the frame, KO-5.5 and KO-15 have a cooling hopper and a sluice gate; KO-11 has two cooling hoppers, a divider and a sluice gate.

Operation of the cooling column

The formed granules are fed by a conveyor through a sluice gate to the cooling hopper. At this time, the fan included in the complex must be started, the slide valve and the air damper must be closed.
When filling the hopper above the level of the lower air windows, it is necessary to open the air damper so that the heated air comes out more intensively. The level of the product in the bunker is controlled visually through viewing windows.
As soon as the lower layer of granules has cooled down to the required temperature, it is necessary to start the shaking mechanism, open the slide gate to supply the hardened granules to the sieve pan. During the operation of the sieve pan, the non-granulated part of the product passes through the sieve openings and is discharged through the discharge pipe. Whole granules remain on top of the sieve, roll down it and are unloaded through the nozzle.

The cooling column is designed for cooling the granules and separating the non-granulated part of the product in the production lines for granulating feed, bran, fuel pellets.

Cooling column device

The basis of the cooling column is the sieving frame (table). The reshetny camp is located in a frame and is suspended to it by four rubber suspension brackets. Behind the frame is a shaking mechanism driven by an electric motor through a belt drive. In front of the frame there is a branch pipe for unloading finished products, below the sieve pan there is a branch pipe for unloading non-granulated material.

Operation of the cooling column

The formed granules are fed by a conveyor through a sluice gate to the cooling hopper. At this time, the fan included in the complex must be started, the slide valve and the air damper must be closed.

When filling the hopper above the level of the lower air windows, it is necessary to open the air damper so that the heated air comes out more intensively. The level of the product in the bunker is controlled visually through viewing windows.

As soon as the lower layer of granules has cooled down to the required temperature, it is necessary to start the shaking mechanism, open the slide gate to supply the hardened granules to the sieve pan. During the operation of the sieve pan, the non-granulated part of the product passes through the sieve openings and is discharged through the discharge pipe. Whole granules remain on top of the sieve, roll down it and are unloaded through the nozzle.

1. Purpose and technical characteristics
Advantages of the cooling column KO-3M:

cools the granules coming from the granulator press during the cooling process has a minimal mechanical effect on the granules evenly cools the granules

has low level dust emissions

the cooler mechanism is equipped with a sieving table, which allows you to separate finished product from fine fraction, dust and non-granulated part.

Type of KO-3M KO-4M
Performance up to 1.5 tons per hour up to 3 tons per hour
Useful volume 0.7 m3 1.1m3
Energy consumption 6.62 kW 8.6 kW
Pellet temperature drop at 30 C°
Sieving table sieve hole diameter from 2 to 10 mm (optional)
Fan performance 5200-8300 m3/hour 5200-8800 m3/hour
-height cm
180 cm
120 cm
330 cm
195 cm
120 cm
350 cm
Weight 425 kg 475 kg

1.2. Reliability indicators are shown in Table 2.

table 2

Name of indicator Value


1. Service life up to overhaul, years, not less 4
2. Service life, years, not less 8
3. Mean time between failures, (To.), h, not less than 1000
4. Average recovery time (Tv.o.), h 6
5. Ratio technical use(Kt.i.), 0,85
5. Failure criteria

Failure of one of the nodes:

Failure of bearing units

Mechanical damage to pulleys

Breakage of V-belt transmission

The column is manufactured in climatic version "U" category 3 according to GOST 15150 for operation in the temperature range from -10 to +30°C.

Order entry example:

Cooling column: KO-3 TU5144-009-13918047-07

KO-4 TU5144-009-13918047-07
2. Completeness*

1.3. The delivery set includes the items shown in Table 3.

Table 3

* Upon delivery of the column, a control panel is supplied as part of the complex.
3. Device and principle of operation
3.1 General form columns is shown in fig. 1 (Appendix 1).

3.2 The column consists of the following units:

Housing (cooler);

Bed with sieving;

3.4 Slinging diagram fig. 3.

3.5 Technological scheme fig. four.

3.6 Kinematic diagram and lubrication diagram fig. 5.

3.7 The body of the column consists of a receiving chamber (1) installed above the cooling chamber (4) with a window for additional air suction (3). The cooling chamber has a damper to control the direction of the air flow (14). The bed consists of a frame (5), a sieve pan (10) and a drive mechanism connected by means of a belt drive (12) to an electric motor (6).

The principle of operation of the column.

The filling of the column occurs when the fan is turned on, the slide gate (13) is closed and the control gate (14) is open. Hot granules continuously flow through the receiving chamber (1) into the cooling chamber (4). At the same time, an air flow created by a fan is blown through the layer of granules in the cooling chamber. Air is blown through 3 inlets: a window for air suction (3), a slide damper (13) and an adjusting damper (14). The damper (14) regulates the direction of the air flow. The fan cools the granules, reduces their humidity, and sucks out a part of the non-granulated product. Cooling, the granules quickly harden and acquire a marketable appearance. As the cooling chamber fills up, the level of granules reaches the mark top level. After that, it is necessary to open the slide gate (13). Adjust the damper (13) to evenly fill the cooling chamber so that the product level is always at the upper mark. The granules must evenly flow into the sieve pan. On the sieve mill, the granules are separated from the crumbs. The non-granulated part and the crumb, having passed through the sieve, are removed from the nozzle (11) of the sieve mill (10) and are sent for recycling. Conditioned granules are sent through the ramp (9) to the warehouse of finished products.
4. Mounting
1.4. The room in which the column is mounted must be equipped with ventilation and air conditioning.

1.5. The column is mounted in a room of category "B" SNiP 31-03-2001 (VP according to PUE).

1.6. Before starting installation, it is necessary to check the completeness of the equipment, the presence of fasteners, prepare essential tool, materials and lifting equipment.

1.7. The column is mounted on a pre-prepared site of concrete or asphalt concrete with a coating thickness of at least 200 mm.

1.8. Set the column in place. Fasten with anchors. Install vehicles for feeding pellets into and out of the column (if necessary).

1.9. Ground the column body.

1.10. Check the resistance of the windings of the drive and fan motors. The resistance must be at least 1 MΩ.

1.11. Check belt tension.

1.12. Install the fan on the prepared site. Attach a flexible hose to the fan inlet and tie it to the column.

4.10. Preparation of power supply is carried out in accordance with the rules for the installation of electrical equipment (PUE, sixth edition, revised and supplemented, as amended, 2002), rules industrial safety PB 14-586-03.

4.11. Protection of electrical equipment is carried out in accordance with the rules for the installation of electrical equipment (PUE, section 3).

4.12. Connect electrical supply in accordance with GOST R 51330.13 - 99 "Explosion-proof electrical equipment"

4.13. Upon completion of installation, it is necessary to run the equipment on Idling at least 30 minutes. In this case, there should be no extraneous noise and vibration.
5. Operation
5.1 When preparing the column for operation after long-term storage, do the following:

5.1.1 Remove protective grease from unpainted surfaces of metal parts.

5.1.2 Check the reliability of bolted connections. Special attention to attach the sieve pan to the frame.

5.1.3 Adjust the tension of the sieve pan drive belts.

To control the tension of the drive belts, use a spring dynamometer or a load according to the deflection of the non-working branch of the belt from an applied force of 4 kg. The place of application of force should coincide with the place of measurement and be located approximately between the supports.

Measure using a ruler after turning the pulleys a few turns.

The tension of the drive belts of the sieve pan is regulated by changing the position of the engine in the grooves of the sub-engine plate. The maximum amount of deflection of the non-working branch of the belt is 6 mm.

5.1.4. Run the column at idle for 30 minutes. Check its operation and make sure that there are no vibrations, knocks, bearings and the electric motor do not heat up.

5.2. The column is put into operation in the following sequence:

5.2.1. Connect the column to the electrical network;

5.2.2. Close the slide gate;

5.2.3. Fully open the side control damper;

5.2.4. Turn on the fan;

5.2.5. Fill the column up to the top level mark.

5.3. To ensure stable operation of the column, it is necessary:

5.3.1. Switch on the sieving motor.

5.3.2. With the fan turned on and the cooling chamber filled, adjust the position of the adjusting and sliding gates, ensuring uniform supply of hot granules to the column receiving chamber and uniform descent of cooled granules to the sieve pan, so that the product level in the cooling chamber is always at the level of the upper mark.

5.3.3. Adjust the direction of the cooling air flow with the position of the side damper:

  • position 1 - the damper is fully open - there is an intensive transverse blowing of the product with a slight blowing through the window and the ajar slide damper;
  • position 2 - the damper is open to a distance at which the product is blown uniformly from all 3 air inlets (the damper position is selected experimentally).

5.4. Column stop:

5.4.1. Stop feeding pellets into the column.

5.4.2. Unload all pellets from the column.

5.4.3. Close the damper and stop the fan and sieving motors.

Failure to follow this sequence may lead to the impossibility of restarting the column!
6. Maintenance
1.13. To ensure reliable, uninterrupted operation of the column, it is necessary to carry out periodic maintenance, including:

daily maintenance - at the end of work;

maintenance No. 1 after 150-200 hours of operation;

maintenance No. 2 after 500-550 hours of operation;

1.14. The frequency and scope of work carried out during maintenance are shown in Table 4.

Table 4

Content of works Technical requirements Tools, fixtures, materials and work methods
1 2 3 4
Daily Maintenance

(conducted at the end of the working day)

1. Inspection of equipment, checking of external fasteners Tighten loose fasteners Visually.

Locksmith tool.

2. Checking for grease leakage in bearing assemblies Leakage and ejection of grease is not allowed Eliminate the causes of leakage (ejection) of lubricant.

locksmith tool

4. Cleaning of equipment and production premises from dust, dirt - -
Maintenance No. 1

(carried out after 150-200 hours of operation)

1. Carry out daily tasks maintenance - -
2. Check belt tension Sagging boom no more than 2% of the value of the center-to-center distance locksmith tool
3. Check bearing temperature Bearing heating temperature should not exceed 60°C contact thermometer
Maintenance No. 2

(carried out every 500-550 hours of operation)

1. Carry out maintenance work No. 1
2. Measure the insulation resistance of power networks Megaohmmeter М4100/3
3. Measure the insulation resistance of the motor windings Insulation resistance must be at least 1 MΩ Megaohmmeter М4100/4
4. Check Status coatings and, if necessary, restore them Visually Paint and varnish materials, brush or paint sprayer

6.3 At the end of the service life of the bearings and the service life of the electric motor, they must be replaced.

6.4. At the end of the service life of the column, to resolve the issue of the possibility of its further operation, it is necessary:

6.4.1. To carry out, with the involvement of an independent organization, an examination of the industrial safety of the column with the determination of its further service life;

6.4.2. Perform work on the recommendation of the conclusion of the industrial safety expertise of the column.
7. Security requirements
1.15. Personnel who have undergone mandatory training and certification in industrial safety in accordance with Section 3 PB-14-586-03 are allowed to service the column.

1.16. Persons who have been trained and have a safety qualification group of at least the third are allowed to service electrical equipment.

1.17. Installation, adjustment and maintenance of the column must be carried out in strict accordance with the "Electrical Installation Rules" (PUE) and the "Safety Rules for the Operation of Electrical Installations by the Consumer".

Work with the V-belt guard removed;

Clean the equipment, remove blockages of the product when the column is turned on;

Repair electrical equipment under voltage.

1.19. When operating and repairing electrical equipment, observe the following requirements security:

The body of the column must be grounded;

Wiring must not have insulation violations;

The insulation resistance of the windings of electric motors, electrical wiring must be at least 1 MΩ;

Electric motors must have a degree of protection IP54 GOST14254, designed for operation in class B-IIa rooms;

The resistance between the grounding bolt and each accessible metal non-current-carrying part of the machine, which may be energized, should not exceed 0.1 Ohm;

when repairing electrical equipment and machines, it is necessary:

Disable the knife switch;

Remove fuses;

Check the absence of voltage at the terminals;

Post a sign saying “Do not turn on! People are working!

1.20. Fire safety must be ensured in the room in accordance with the Fire Safety Rules in Russian Federation. The production room must be equipped with fire extinguishers, fire equipment (fire shields, fire buckets, water barrels, sand boxes, etc.) and hand fire tools (fire crowbars, hooks, axes, etc.).

The complete set of fire shields and stands must comply with the fire safety rules for this category of object, agreed with the fire protection authorities.

1.21. The norms of natural and artificial lighting of the production premises must comply with building codes and rules, and sanitary and hygienic standards. Illumination of the workplace is not less than 150 lux.

1.22. The microclimate of the production premises must comply with the requirements of GOST 12.1.005.

1.23. When carrying out hot work in a building (electric welding, gas welding, gas and electric cutting, etc.), it is necessary to follow the Instructions for organizing the safe conduct of hot work in buildings and structures of fire and explosion hazardous industries and grain storage and processing facilities. 1996, "Fire Safety Rules for Enterprises, Organizations and Institutions of the System of the Ministry of Procurement of the USSR" (1978), "Safety and Industrial Sanitation Rules at Grain Storage and Processing Enterprises" (1989).

1.24. The meaning of sound power levels in octave frequency bands (in dB) and corrected sound power level (in dBA) are given in Table 5.

Table 5

The value of sound power levels (dB) in octave bands with geometric mean frequencies, Hz The value of the corrected sound power level, dBA
31,5 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
79 82 86 95 87 86 81 74 68 89

Sound level (dBA) and sound pressure levels (dB) in octave bands with geometric mean frequencies (Hz) should not exceed the values ​​allowed by GOST 12.1.003.

1.25. The value of the vibration parameters should not exceed the values ​​in accordance with GOST 12.1.012 given in Table 6.

Table 6

1.26. In accordance with clause 2.2. PB 14-586-03 "Industrial safety rules for explosive production facilities for the storage, processing and use of plant raw materials", the enterprise of a hazardous production facility must have a plan for eliminating accidents and protecting personnel.
8. Possible malfunctions and how to fix them

Malfunction Cause


1. Stopping the motor Electric motor overload (blockage, jamming, etc.) Remove the cause of the overload. Empty the sieve pan from excess granules.
3. Fan vibration Impeller out of balance balance
Worn motor bearings Replace bearings
4. The sieve pan does not vibrate The sieve pan drive belt is loose or broken Tighten or replace belt
5. The granules do not cool down to the desired temperature Disconnected air outlet hose Connect hose

9. Rules for storage and transportation
1.27. The treated, unpainted surfaces of parts and assemblies of the column, plates with inscriptions) are conserved by the supplier in accordance with the requirements of GOST 9.014-78.

1.28. The column can be transported by rail and road. Loading and transportation is carried out with strict observance of the current rules for the respective mode of transport.

1.29. In case of violation by the consumer (customer) of the rules of storage and the terms of re-preservation, the supplier is not responsible.
10. Disposal
1.30. The column is to be disposed of as scrap metal for remelting.

1.31. Before disposal, the column must be disassembled into components that are convenient for transportation in compliance with the safety measures provided for by GOST 12.2.003-91 and GOST 12.2.124-90.

1.32. It is allowed to dismantle electric motors to extract copper and silver (if any) and aluminum from it.

The design of the column after the end of its service life and operation does not pose a danger to life, health and the environment.

Separation of granules from crumbs. The non-granulated part and the crumb, having passed through the sieve, are removed from the nozzle of the sieve mill and sent for recycling. Conditioned granules are sent through the ramp to the finished product warehouse. - also, Watch the Video of the KO Cooling Column, on Our Official. site. - Data of Cooling Column...

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Works: Hot granules are continuously fed through the sluice gate into the cooling chamber. At the same time, the layer of granules in the cooling chamber is blown by the air flow created by the fan. The fan cools the granules with air, reduces their humidity and sucks out a part of the non-granulated product. Cooling, the granules quickly harden, acquire...

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Appointment of the Sieving Table: Sieving Table, Granule Sifter KO - is intended for separating the non-granulated mass of the product in the technological lines for granulating compound feed, bran and grain processing products. Structure and operation of the cooling column: Device: 1. The basis of the Sieving table is the sieving frame 1. Sieve pan 3 ...

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We produce the Pellet Sifter: - This Pellet Sifter, Mixed Feed, is designed for screening and separating the non-granulated mass of the product in the production lines for granulating mixed feed, bran and grain processing products. The device and operation of the cooling column: 1. The basis of the Sieving table is the sieving frame 1. Sieve...

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0-2 mm 0-2 mm 0-2 mm Motor power 7.5 kW 11 kW 22 kW Granulator cooling column KO-04 (with a capacity of the Granulator from 400 kg/h) – (price 203,700 rubles) (cooling and screening Granule) TOTAL: _____________. (with VAT) (Delivery cost is negotiated separately: in Moscow and the regions closest to it - free of charge). Start...

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The granulator, heated by the granulator to 65-75 degrees, enters the belt-scraper conveyor, through which it is fed into the granule cooling column. They are blown with a fan, cooled and sieved here. Unloading from cooling columns occurs by gravity into a bag or also along a belt conveyor into a storage hopper for finished products.

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For moving, in a horizontal or inclined direction, bulk products: grain, granules, sawdust, wood chips, charcoal etc. Apply to various stages in technological lines for transportation of raw materials and finished products 9. Cooling column; The hot pellets are continuously fed through the sluice into the cooling chamber.

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...) 1 115 700 0.75 12. Cooling column KO-5.5 (with 2 fans, sluice gate, sieving table, mechanical system for dosing granules into bags) 1 164 670 6.24 13. General control panel control Granulator + Cooler + TLS 1 34 000 - Total: Cost of the Line: (VAT included) 1 1 293 997 rubles 78 + Add. Storage and Packing Granules in bags 14 ...

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The granules are cooled by air flow passing through the column, excess moisture is removed from them. The cooler is equipped with a sieving table, which allows separating the finished product from fine fractions and dust. Advantages: -countercurrent principle of operation -minimum mechanical impact on the pellets during cooling -uniform cooling of the pellets ...

In stock / Wholesale and retail

Cooling columns, cooling blocks, buy,

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Column, the granules are cooled by the air flow created by the fan, and acquire strength and hardness, excess moisture is removed from them. The cooler... Advantages: -countercurrent principle of operation -minimum mechanical impact on the granules during cooling -uniform cooling of the granules -low level of dust emission -always...

The distillation column is a complex technical device. It is more difficult to make it than the usual one. But it can be done at home. And although distillation columns are freely sold, not everyone has the opportunity to purchase them. In addition, houses, especially in rural areas, are full of improvised materials from which you can make a workable structure and enjoy a drink. own cooking. Self-construction will cost about 2-3 times cheaper than a purchased mini-distillery.

Components of the structure

A home-made device has the same functional parts as its factory counterpart. The column design consists of the following elements:

  • Frame.
  • Dephlegmator (refrigerator).
  • Nozzles.
  • Thermal insulating material.
  • Electronic assistants.

The moonshine still as a whole additionally contains:

  • Coil.

With proper self-production of a distillation column, it is installed on any tank with a capacity of 20 liters or more. Optimal volume is in the range from 20 to 50 liters, as the calculation shows. When using a tank of a smaller volume, the column can only be heated up to operating temperature and get half off possible way out product.

Tank use optimal volume makes it easier to set up optimal temperature. This parameter during rectification is the main one for the production of a quality product. In addition, preparing for pasture 2-3 liters of moonshine will take the same time as 8-10 liters. Why use time inefficiently when you can get more out of it? In addition, this reduces the cost of the product.

How the column works

Braga is poured into a cube, which is heated. As a result, vapor with an alcohol content is released.. The vapor is lighter than the liquid and rises to the top of the column. There is a dephlegmator, which is cooled running water. As a result, the steam condenses and flows down, but on the way it gets on special elements. Braga at the same time continues to boil, and its vapors go up, where they mix with condensate. This one is continuous. No worse than homemade: a do-it-yourself distillation column will have the same properties as factory product, while respecting the design parameters.

As a result of rectification, the condensate, which is called reflux, is saturated with vapor. And steam, on the contrary, is saturated with phlegm. As a result of this exchange, the lightest vapor particles, which have a high concentration of alcohol, rise up. Its boiling point is below water. From the top of the column, alcohol vapors are discharged to a reflux condenser for purification and saturation, and then to a refrigerator. The result is pure moonshine.

Features of the distillation cube

suitable container, which will answer the following queries:

  • Consists of stainless steel.
  • It has a suitable volume - 15-20 liters.

Beginners use a pressure cooker, but for optimal operation of the column, a larger capacity is required.

Cube heating:

  • Electricity.
  • Gas.

Many people will decide to install the cube on the stove, but the height of the column can get in the way. Therefore, it is optimal to place the cube on the floor. Accordingly, it is better to heat the mash with electricity.

It is easier to regulate the power of electric heating. For this, I installed a heating element in a cube, and took the voltage regulator from an old TV. The Chatelier principle works in the work - with greater heating, fusel oils enter the body of the product. They are dangerous. Therefore, you need to monitor the heating, and automation copes with this better.

Note! The presence of a smooth adjustment of the heating power of the mash will greatly facilitate life. Otherwise, it will be impossible to achieve stable operation from the device.

Application automatic systems control is not essential. To do this, it is better to increase the experience of moonshine. Therefore, at first, a simple mash heating power regulator is sufficient.

But over time you can automate the process. In addition, many people are sorely lacking time. And the automation system in this case is a good help. will run with minimal human intervention. Finished technical solution, which will prevent tailings from entering the product, can be purchased from a specialized store. The task of such a system is to block the extraction of rectified product at the moment when the temperature in the column ceases to be optimal.

Device and construction assembly

Question self-manufacturing distillation column is considered half. Now you need to take on the main components of the design.

The tsarga of the rectification system consists of:

  • A pipe that has a heater and a nozzle.
  • Dephlegmator. Includes product take-off unit, cooling jacket and temperature sensor.
  • Fitting for external communication.

Alcohol is a volatile substance that is highly flammable. At the top of the column is a hole for communication with the atmosphere. You can't leave it open. It is required to insert a tube into it, and put a rubber tube on it. You can also use a harness.

The end of the tube should be lowered into a container of water. The presence of bubbles will indicate if the alcohol vapor is escaping outside the device. With excessive pressure, and it occurs due to overheating, this will help to avoid an accident.

Column tube

This is directly the nozzle for the column. Here there is a process of interaction of cold phlegm and hot steam. To increase the contact area of ​​these substances, a filler is used. The most common filler is metal washcloths for washing dishes. But any stainless steel wire will do. The packing density is about 250 g per 1 liter of column volume.

Note! When using washcloths as a filler, you need to make sure of their quality - boil a piece of washcloth in a saline solution. If the product is made of a metal other than stainless steel, then signs of corrosion will appear. It is necessary to cut the product before testing - manufacturers are cunning and sometimes only apply protective layer from stainless steel. The internal structure must be exposed.

Pipe size:

  • The minimum diameter is 32 mm.
  • The length of the treb affects the quality of the fractionation. The longer, the better the separation.
  • The optimal height is 40-60 diameters.
  • The minimum height is at least 20 diameters.

Outside, the pipe is wrapped with a thermally insulating layer.

In order for the filler to be securely fixed inside the pipe, a stainless steel mesh should be placed on it from below and from above. The pipe must have a thread for fixing from below to alembic, and from above - for joining a dephlegmator.

Ideally, the height should be 1.5 m. This will allow you to get pure alcohol. Standard version - 2 sides 80 cm.

I fill the apparatus with washcloths, and fix them with a tea strainer. In this case, the pressure does not jump. Output speed - up to 1 l per hour. The distillation is not as difficult as it seems.


Light fractions condense in the dephlegmator. Device designs may vary. In practice, the straight-through dephlegmator is the simplest. It is also called a shirt or refrigerator condenser. Drawings of a reflux condenser are presented on the Internet, but it is easier to make an option, which is described below.

The design is made of two pipes, which have different diameter and inserted one into the other. A cooling jacket is installed between them.


  • Fittings for a supply and removal of water of cooling.
  • At the top is a tube for communication with the atmosphere.
  • At the bottom of the fitting for the selection of the product.

Note! To ensure product quality is not compromised, use only silicone tubing and gaskets as the sampling port and sealant.

The material for the manufacture of a dephlegmator can be old thermos or ordinary stainless steel pipes. Inner pipe equal in diameter to the nozzle tube. There is no welding at hand - use a soldering iron.

Note! Experts recommend using copper or titanium for moonshine. The thing is that copper absorbs sulfur oxide, and this improves the properties of moonshine. But this material is expensive, and it is difficult to work at home without welding with it.

The product selection unit is a washer that is welded into the inner tube of the reflux condenser. Located below. The selection unit must contain holes:

  • For sampling tube.
  • For the thermometer when using it.

For experienced thermometer may not be needed. But for beginners, it is advisable to install it. The operating range of the column is 45−55 degrees of cooling water. You can measure the temperature at the junction of the dephlegmator and the drawer. Then the indicators should be in the region of 77-81 degrees.

Before the end of the pasture, the temperature usually jumps.

For effective cooling, a screw spiral should be used. Then running water will better go around the dephlegmator.

Refrigerator selection

Note! The use of the Dimroth refrigerator is impractical. The design is different in that substances with a low boiling point can slip through the cooling zone. A dimrot refrigerator is good for those liquids that boil at temperatures above 160 degrees.

An air cooler should not be used. Cooling in this case will be inefficient. So it would be if a dry steamer is attached to the distillation column. But in this type of apparatus it is not needed.

The laboratory glass cooler is an ideal alternative. It can be purchased at any laboratory glassware store. To regulate the rate of product withdrawal, the tube from the reflux condenser to the refrigerator should be equipped with a tap. You can use a faucet clamp.

Connection sequence:

  • Bottom of the refrigerator.
  • Fridge.
  • Top of the refrigerator.
  • Dephlegmator top.
  • Dephlegmator.
  • Dephlegmator bottom.
  • Stock.

Cooling running water will move along this route. It is important that it gets into the dephlegmator shirt warm.

Ideal Design moonshine still with the separation of fusel oils is distillation column. Subject to temperature regime in it you can get the purest product. But it will be devoid of a peculiar taste.

But in the usual - distiller - you can get moonshine with a pronounced bouquet. For this in . But there is a nuance - with a bouquet of aromas, moonshine-distillate may contain impurities of fusel oils.

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