Convenient pot from an old thermos. Convenient do-it-yourself tripod for a fire Questions on volume

My homemade bowler hat from a mug.

Strongly do not kick, because this topic has already been discussed here. But I decided to unsubscribe about my experience.

Somehow I was walking through the market and caught my eye a stainless steel mug, large, but it can be seen that it is slightly less than a liter. It was sold on one of the trays such as "thousands of little things" or "all by 5". As I understand it, she was lying around at the seller and her price remained the same. Literally half an hour before that, he asked how much stainless steel mugs cost now. Small ones at the new price are more expensive than this big one at the old one. In general, I could not resist - I bought it. I have something to buy, or just bring something home, and then I think why I did it and what to do with it next. So it is with the mug. In addition to the function of the mug, I came up with such an application for it.
I made a cable with loops and hung crocodiles at the ends, on which curtains used to be attached.

The loops on the cable are made with high quality, by weaving, and not just bent. A heat shrink, so, for beauty.

The idea to use a cable here is not my invention, it is taken from this resource. But further tests showed the difficulty in using such a pot.
When trying to hang such a pot of water and heat it, he tried to move out like this

Decided to redo it. I drilled holes in the mug, made a bow out of wire and got a small bowler hat.

If you fold back the bow and put the native handle, then the mug performs its functions quite normally.

Sea trials showed an urgent need to make a lid on this pot, otherwise the water boils very hard. To do this, I took a piece of aluminum, marked and cut out the mugs and polished it a little ...

In order to give rounding around the edges, it is necessary to find objects of the appropriate diameter. I got a paint can. But it is better to use a wooden block of suitable diameter.

Tried to push on a soft surface. First I took a work towel, then an old camera from a truck. I lay down the blank, put the jar on top, and hit it with a hammer. Then, for beauty, I tried to bend the middle in the other direction, for this I used a workpiece of a smaller diameter.

But it still didn't work out perfectly. The collar came out, so to speak, not bent enough, I had to press it with pliers.
But in general it turned out

Instead of a handle, I made a loop of rope, it is convenient, does not interfere and does not heat up.

I was surprised how much better water boils in a pot with a lid.
In general, I got a small light pot, which I use as a mug, and if necessary, I can boil water in it for a seagull.

This topic is primarily addressed to tourists, survivalists and people who just love to relax in nature, and indeed to everyone who is thinking about the question of how best to hang a pot to cook food on a fire.

There are actually quite a few ways, as well as opinions about which method is the best. We will not draw any conclusions, but only express our opinion on this matter and describe the methods that are used most often.

However, before talking about ways to hang a pot over a fire, it should be noted that sometimes hanging a pot is not required, for example, if you decide to use one that allows you to place the pot directly on it or next to it. For example, !

How can you hang a pot over a fire?

1. For the first method, we need a stick that can support the weight of the pot, as well as suitable items that can create two elevations above the fire (put stones in a pile or bricks, large cobblestones, substitute logs. You can make a fire where there are natural irregularities that rise above the fire on sufficient height).

Logs are fine too.

One stick is also enough when using .

Suspension of a kettle over the Dakota hearth.

2. The basis of the following method is also a stick, but only one support is needed. You need to find a horn and drive (screw) it into the ground so that it does not fall, so you get a support. For greater stability, you can drive in two or three horns inclined towards each other (see photo below).

Two horns at an angle give more stability than one vertically.

Then you need to choose a stick of sufficient length and put it at an angle on a support, while at one end of the stick we will hang a bowler hat, and securely fasten the other by pressing down with a load (for example, a heavy log), or use a peg hammered into the ground (which will press the stick to the ground ). You can even fasten the end of the stick with a cord, tying it to a driven peg, this will allow you to adjust the inclination of the stick-holder, and hence the height of the pot above the fire. You can also not fix the second end of the stick, but immediately hammer it into the ground at the desired slope, as shown in the figure below.

We drive a stick into the ground.

3. Next comes my favorite method and I love it for the relative simplicity, convenience, stability and aesthetic appearance that the finished design has. To hang the kettle, a crossbar is used, which is usually supported on two supports. The difficulty in the construction can only be the search for suitable spears and the hardness of the earth. But, if you can handle this, you get a pretty convenient hanger for bowlers.

The best way in my opinion.

Usually the bowler hat is hung directly on a stick (I usually do this), but if this is inconvenient for you, you can carry metal hooks with you or build a “hanger” from a stick with a knot, as shown in the video below:

By the way, the stalk for supports can also be replaced with ordinary sticks, only then you need a rope or something similar to tie tripods to replace the stalk supports.

4. Still a fairly common and viable method, but requiring the construction of a rather large tripod. We need three long sticks that need to be tied together from one end. And spread the unbound edges of the sticks to the sides. A rope is also attached from above, for which the bowler hat will later cling. Tripods are good for use on hard and stony soils where it is difficult to insert supports into the ground.

Pot under a tripod.

5. Fifth way. This includes various cables and ropes, usually stretched between two trees, on which a bowler hat is hung. True, in this method it will be necessary to use some kind of hooks (possibly taken or made in advance), otherwise it will be very problematic to remove the bowler hat.

On a rope.

6. The next, one might say, group of methods includes devices taken with you in advance, most often metal, with which it is very simple and quick to fix the bowler hat (these are some purchased tripods, special home-made devices, etc.). To be honest, I'm not particularly fond of this approach. Firstly, it is extra weight, and secondly, which is more important in my opinion, it is much more interesting to do everything right there on the spot, with your own hands! However, we must admit that situations are different and sometimes you don’t want to spend time on it at all ...

An example of such a device.

7. The seventh point includes all other suspension methods based on your ingenuity and design abilities. You can always come up with an unusual and effective method of fastening, as long as it is reasonable and does not turn into the invention of a bicycle!


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In any hiking trip, the most important phase is cooking and eating. For these purposes, you need a suitable camping kettle.

It is important to know its features and varieties, as well as ways to independently create a camping kettle.

Differences in material

Cast iron version

This material has been used since ancient times.


  • resistance to corrosion, high temperatures;
  • durability;
  • high heat capacity;
  • food cooks pretty fast in it.

Cons: large mass and fragility. This is not the best option for winter hiking.

Aluminum version

Pros: lightness and relative strength.

Minus: it takes much longer to cook food in it than in paragraph 1

steel version


  • plastic;
  • good resistance to mechanical influence;
  • decent strength (better than item 2).

Minus: high risk of leakage. But it is only soldered and riveted versions.

Stainless steel version

Stainless steel is in high demand today. A stainless steel fire pit is best in terms of the speed of cooking any food. This material withstands high temperatures, is very reliable.

Titanium version

It surpasses items 2 and 3 in many characteristics.

Other pluses:

  • easy to clean, you can use sand or any detergent.
  • the food in it remains hot for a long time, almost does not burn (when cooking, it must be stirred - so the heating will be uniform).
  • high strength,
  • corrosion resistance.

Its mass is less than the mass of item 4, but more than the mass of item 2.

The main downside is the hefty price tag. But those costs quickly pay off.

Often a city dweller buys a titanium hiking kit

Form Questions

Today, only two forms for a tourist bowler hat are common:

standard sphere

Its key advantages are:

  • comfort of cooking and cleaning dishes;
  • uniform heating on the fire.

There are also weaknesses:

  • serious dimensions;
  • the inconvenience of moving.

Going on a hike, you can easily put some kind of cup or pan and other auxiliary utensils in such a pot. This saves a lot of space in your backpack.


Products of this form are easy to transport. They fit easily into a backpack. True, the culinary process in an oval bowler goes with complications. Yes, and the water in it warms up unevenly. Military products usually have a similar form. They were originally intended only for meals, and not for culinary processes.

Pen Questions

The bowler must have a convenient and practical handle. This is also an important aspect. You need to make sure that it is attached to the product very firmly. In the worst case, the entire contents of this dish will spill on the fire. You can also get seriously burned. No need to take a bowler hat with a very thin handle. It must be inflexible and have excellent strength.

Volume Questions

To prepare wonderful first courses and cereals in field conditions, you need to take the product based on this calculation: approximately 0.5 liters comes per person.

If you intend to brew a drink, for example, tea, you need to rely on the following calculation: 0.3 liters per person.

It must be borne in mind that when food is cooked on fire, water evaporates more actively. For this reason, always add about 15% more capacity.

Dilemma with the number of bowlers

If you are planning a large-scale trip with more than 10 participants, then you will need 2-3 bowlers. Many of these products will cause inconvenience when moving. And tourists already have an abundance of equipment. Taking fewer bowlers is also not wise. Usually, in such a campaign, one product is used to cook soup or other dishes. The second is for boiling water. And in the third, you can cook compote from the collected fresh berries.

This is a classic camping kettle set.

How to make a bowler hat with your own efforts

How to make a campfire pot if you do not intend to purchase one? This question is very relevant. The easiest way to make it is an aluminum version and a matching pan. The process is simple: instead of two handles on the sides, make one. And this handle should go through the top of this container.

This is the easiest DIY option. In addition, aluminum is not the best material. It is much more logical, but also more difficult to create a stainless version.

You can make a bowler hat with your own hands from this material by following the following instructions.

You should be good at welding using the argon arc method. There must be appropriate technology. You can contact a special company or friends.

We need a material with a density of 0.8 - 1 mm. You can take the tank from the activator washing model.

Its advantages:

  • High strength.
  • Excellent thermal conductivity.
  • chemical inertness.
  • It is easy to process mechanically.

You will get an oval-shaped product. Example:

The desired proportions of the bottom are 2:1. The height is identical to most of the bottom.

The required volume is calculated based on the data on the number of participants in the trip. For one tourist - 0.4 liters. And an additional 0.5 liters is needed.

cutting material

A strictly rectangular blank is used. You need to bend the walls. For this, a block is made of two logs - cylinders. Their length corresponds to the height of the product. And their diameter is half of its height.

The formula works to calculate the volume. In it, D is the diameter of one log. Then 2 x D are the parameters of the container: its width and the height of the walls.

To calculate the volume (V) of a cylinder, multiply the bottom area by its height. The bottom is two semicircles and a square. The first have a diameter D. The second has a side D. The formula is as follows:
V = (((Pi/4) * D^2) + D^2) * 2 x D = D^3 * ((Pi/2)+ 2) = 3.57 x D^3.

Here Pi = 3.14 The ^ sign denotes exponentiation.

D is better to immediately calculate in decimeters. So get the value in liters.

The workpiece parameters are easier to identify. Here the width is 2 x D. The length is calculated as follows: 2 x D + Pi x D = D x (2 + Pi).


  1. Fix the logs - chop together with nails. The upcoming seam must follow the narrow side of the container.
  2. From all short sides, the workpiece is bent. This can be done using a mallet. The procedure takes place on a metal pipe.
  3. The workpiece is bent around the circumference of the block. To fix it, you need a steel wire. In the area of ​​​​the intended seam, all edges must be tightly connected.
  4. The workpiece is pulled together along the contact line of the logs. She does not wrap them around in a long plane. The wire does not pass through the intended seam.
  5. A strip of asbestos is placed under the seam. So during welding the tree will not be charred. It is done with the utmost care.
  6. When it cools down, you need to make sure that the walls are not skewed. The bottom is cut and welded.
  7. Since, after bending, the wide part of this cylinder has a bulge outward, it is necessary to develop the length of the workpiece by 2-3%, by analogy with the calculation.

A boiler of 5 liters or more is often obtained with a lack of symmetry. Then a bow and eyes are created. For the bow, do not make holes in the walls at the top, at the edge.

Stainless steel is used to create the eyelets. Work is proceeding according to the following drawing:

The bows are made from wire. Its diameter is 3 mm. It should be elastic, steel, coated with zinc. It bends according to this scheme:

In lowered conditions, it should be in close contact with the wall and rotate with little friction. Therefore, the distance between the bent ends in a free position is slightly inferior to the width of classic boilers.

Before the indicated bending, the ends are annealed at a length of 1.2 - 1.5 cm. They must be bent with pliers by 90 - 100 degrees.

Eyelets are put on, bent and welded. Their width is 1.5 - 2 cm. The length of the bent elements of the bow: 7-10 mm. The gap between it and the wall is 0.3 - 0.5 mm.

A military set of boilers (cauldrons) is often purchased. It contains a pot, burner, spoons, etc. Also, for convenient fixation of a tourist bowler hat, you can arrange a tripod.

I slightly redid a couple of small boilers from stainless steel manufacturer 555.

When did I buy them? ... Almost six years ago. Used infrequently. Two of my friends have them too. Their price tag was ridiculous then, 55 and 65 rubles for 0.5 and 0.75 liter boilers, respectively. These boilers have two minuses - heavy, infection, and one does not fit into the other - the lugs for the bow interfere. At one time, my friend and I quickly abandoned them and made bowlers from mugs of the same manufacturer

So, the weight of the larger boiler is 270 grams, the smaller one is 240 grams, for a total of 510 on both. Plus they take up a lot of space. I take in my paws that bowler hat, which is bigger, and with a grinder I cut off the bow from it. Instead, pulling a strand of cable. I also cut off the bow from the lid, along with the eyes for it - the bowler hat is ready, we have 225 grams (164 grams without a lid). From the second boiler I cut off the bow along with the lugs, closer to the upper edge opposite each other I drill 2 mm holes and thread a cable through them. I throw away the lid. Total weight 125 grams. In general, I rarely use boilers with lids, one for two pots is enough.

Now the boilers easily fit into each other. In order not to rattle, I throw between them two army wipes for disinfecting dishes - 3 grams of weight. The total output is 353 grams and almost half the space occupied. In principle, we can not take the second cover, then the weight will decrease by as much as 61 grams, 292 grams will come out on both bowlers. Army bowler hat weighs 232 grams, plus 135 grams of cover. It is inconvenient to use any boiler with lids, the only thing is that you can fry on the lid of an army one, but in reality the benefit is doubtful, because everything burns to this aluminum.

Stainless steel mugs come out much easier. There, the meaning is the same - we cut off the handle with a grinder, drill holes for the cable and the pot is ready. For the burner, they will be more convenient than these mine here. Their service life, on the one hand, is shorter, on the other hand, we are unlikely to feel it 🙂 With the minus of bowlers from mugs, food burns in them more often, but it depends more on the skill of the one who cooks, as well as the approach to nutrition .

Converting "555" mugs to use as a bowler hat

In preparation for the next “Marsh”, I decided to make myself
light bowlers, since buying ready-made titanium ones did not allow stuffy
amphibian. In fact, everything is very simple, first you go to the store
and buy 1-2 mugs of a suitable volume, while keeping in mind that
the volume that is indicated on the price tags, it clearly does not correspond
reality, for example a mug with a diameter of 11cm is advertised as
one-liter, while it only holds 800ml. Mug diameter
12 cm holds 1 liter, although 1.4 is written.

So, we take a freshly bought mug by the handle and deprive it of what? Correctly!
This same pen! It is most convenient to do this with a small cutting wheel on
typewriter like “DREMEL” or, in my case, “SKIL”. Good for the cost
it is quite affordable and will pay for itself already on the second bowler made.

Moreover, it is not at all necessary to cut to the end, so you can do the mug itself
cut through, it is made of fairly thin stainless steel, just a little
file in the area of ​​​​the place of welding ...

The top mount can also be cut off or, if too lazy, just tear off,
at the same time, almost ready-made
cable holes.

It is desirable to make the lower (and upper) stub as flat and
smooth so that in the future it does not cling to anything.

You can either drill holes for the cable, if you don't mind
drills or, as in my case, just punch with a center punch

And then remove the bulging metal with a small grinding wheel.

Now it remains only to cut off a couple of pieces from a suitable tube
about 1 cm (I used a piece of an unnecessary telescopic antenna) and
crimp on a 1mm thick cable (purchased in the same Maksidom as

And the cauldron with a volume of about 800ml and a weight of 104g is ready for use.

In the same way, the next largest pot per 1 liter is made, it weighs only

Tellingly, the bowlers fit perfectly into each other, you can
make up to 6 bowlers included in each other for different volumes and take from
are the ones that are most appropriate at the moment.

You can also make a very small pot for one mug of tea, with
this it can be hung over a fire or a burner for boiling
water. Effective volume 450ml, weight 80g, mug diameter 9cm. Or 600ml
95g 10cm respectively.

And if you sew a ribbon to the cover for the bowler, you get a light mug!

Tellingly, the resulting bowlers, although they cost 10 times cheaper
branded titanium but weigh no more, with the same volume.