The wisdom of forgiveness: seven easy ways to get over hurt. Forgiving yourself

It is necessary to forgive not only others, but first of all yourself. Feelings of guilt or resentment often cause a wide variety of diseases, including "incurable" ones.

Why is this needed? In order to live consciously, to love oneself with unconditional love, to let go of the past, to be healthy physically and mentally, to bring more mutual understanding and sympathy into relationships with loved ones, to feel strength, energy and confidence in oneself. Key to perfect health lies inside every person.

Sometimes we do not realize how much any byaki from the past is carefully stored in the cells of our memory, poisoning the future. And taaaam .... reproaches from parents hand in hand with resentment at them, anger at everyone with whom they built unsuccessful love relationship, coupled with a feeling of burning shame, impotent rage from injustice and humiliation, originally from the elementary grades of school or after visiting government institutions like a clinic or social security. Or even such a psychological trauma as a feeling of self-doubt, insecurity and hostility of the world after going to church, it also happens. I came, like to God from the best and bright intentions, and there immediately from the doorway there was an announcement on the door, something like "you are not allowed to enter, the saints forgive sins and return health only with candles bought in our church", from the priest with might and main it reeks with the products of alcoholic decay, and grandmothers - God's dandelions at the church poke and sprinkle: "you are not baptized like that, you got up in the wrong place, went in the wrong place."

And for all these negative experiences, we blame ourselves or others, and in turn blame ourselves again for resenting others. It is clear as day that this is not good enough. Chronic runny nose, cough, headaches, indigestion, jumping pressure, cancer, allergies, frequent colds, gastritis, colitis and hundreds of other diseases that cannot be treated with medication or come back very quickly after treatment can be left in the past once and for all if eradicated psychological reason their appearances.

And, perhaps, the first stage on the road to recovery is the practice of forgiveness. They work with our consciousness and subconsciousness in such a way that in the end we get the same situation in memory, but already conscious, colored positively, full acceptance of ourselves, love for ourselves even in a problem, together with a problem, health and taking responsibility for our life.

Here is a really working practice of forgiveness., which helped many of my acquaintances to establish relationships with relatives, become happy and healthy people, and which I myself use with pleasure.

This practice is also called psychological diet and you can write it on yourself, on all the relatives who raised you until the age of 16, on the Soviet regime, the party (for those who found this wonderful time), the church and all state institutions (hospitals, maternity hospitals, kindergartens, schools, institutes etc).

Where to start is your business, but the best thing is with yourself, mom, dad, and then everyone else.

For seven days without a break, you need to write 70 different sentences (one fact or one emotion in one sentence) in the following form:

"1. I, (your name), forgive myself for .....

2. I, (your name), forgive myself for ......

70. I, (your name), forgive myself for .... "

The name must be written in full, for example, if your name is Maria, then write this way, not Masha, not Marusya, but: “I, Maria, forgive myself for my fear that my man can change me”. The main thing is to write 70 sentences during the day, the border of the day can be set individually, for example, not at 00:00 at night, but at 02:00. You cannot re-read what you have written and let others read it.

Then, this leaf must be burned and the ashes returned to the ground.(i.e. can be flushed down the sink or down the toilet too). Thus, negative energy your experiences will be transferred to the bank of the universe for processing into neutral. After burning, repeat the affirmation several times:

"I love myself and give myself the freedom to live my own life."

After seven days in a row you write a psycho diet on yourself, you can start forgiving your parents for seven days and 70 sentences a day, using the same formula:

"1. I, (your name), forgive my mother for ....

70. I, (your name), forgive my mother for ... "

You forgive your mother not only for your obvious disagreements and resentments with her, but also necessarily:

  • for your birth trauma;
  • for her fear of childbirth, toxicosis, etc .;
  • for all her illnesses;
  • for all her illnesses that have passed to you by inheritance;
  • for all your illnesses;
  • for all your bad bosses and teachers;
  • accidents;
  • if you know what and where it was difficult for her in life, you also need to forgive for this;
  • if she did not get along with your father, then for that too;
  • for all your unsuccessful relationships with your beloved;
  • for her attitude towards money and work;
  • and also for everything that you do not like about her, and you would not want that for yourself.

After burning the scrapbook, say the following affirmation:

"I forgive my mom for my pity for her and her pity for me. I love my mom and I am grateful to her for the gift of life."

After writing a psycho diet for the state (party, state institution) and burning what has been written, say the following:

" I build my relationships with any states and any societies out of true mature love for myself. "

After the psycho-diet to the church:

"I love myself and am open (a) to direct interaction with higher powers."

If desired, writing a psycho diet for yourself can be repeated an unlimited number of times, and on all the others only one more time and no later than six months after the first implementation of this technique. Experience shows that writing a diet will take you about 40 minutes a day.

Deep work at the subconscious level will begin from the first days after the beginning of the practice of forgiveness, and will continue for about a month. During this time, in no case should you quarrel with the person for whom you wrote a psychological diet.

I wish everyone, without exception, out of love for themselves, to look at their lives honestly, openly and with full acceptance!

An unknown yogi has written well on this subject;

"Perhaps the lion's share of your attention is absorbed in the past. Do you often talk and think about him with bitterness or warmth? Do you remember your victories, adventures and experiences, or imagine yourself in the role of the victim, endlessly reflecting on how unfairly you were treated or how you yourself hurt someone? How these thought processes make you feel - guilt, pride, resentment, anger, remorse, self-pity? In this case, you not only strengthen your false self-perception, but also accelerate the physical aging of your body, accumulating the burden of the past in your psyche. Something in your past did not work out the way you wanted it to, and you still resist what it was, and now there is added resistance to what is. However, if you dwell on a mistake made in the past, you begin to feel remorse, reproach yourself and struggle with feelings of guilt, you turn this mistake into a part of yourself, you identify yourself with your past, with your mind. The inability to forgive invariably carries a heavy burden of psychological time. "

In order not to waste energy on thoughts about the past, it is necessary to forgive the past (everything and everyone), to accept it.

How to forgive the past?

First of all, it is important to forgive your parents or repent to them if you feel guilty. Then do the same for the rest of the people.

One of the most effective technicians forgiveness or repentance is prescribing simple phrases with your left hand addressed to the person you are offended or hurt. For example:

"Dear dad (mom, spouse, spouse, friend, abuser), forgive me for everything. Dear ... I forgive you for everything. Dear ... I thank you for everything. "

Then it is advisable to burn the leaf and throw away the ashes.

If you are deeply offended, especially at your parents, it is important to prescribe daily for at least 40 days, and preferably 108 days. Also, your message should not contain the "not" particle, since the subconscious mind does not perceive it.

You can tell if you have forgiven a person by feeling grateful when you remember them. If at the moment of recollection, a feeling of resentment or an unpleasant aftertaste still remains, then the practice should be repeated. Through the forgiveness of our parents, we harmonize the feminine and masculinity, which is the guarantee of a harmonious personal life and healthy offspring.

To be offended by someone, you need to accumulate a lot of pride.

The best way to combat ego and pride is to bow to the offender, either in your mind, or to bow completely with your forehead, hands and knees touching the floor (leaning on 5 points). The latter has tremendous power, since pride and, as a result, aggression quickly leave the subconscious, the heart is cleared and opened. You can bow when no one is seeing, simply by imagining the person in your mind. The essence of bowing is that the mind in the process of bowing becomes lower than the heart, the Soul, that is, the Soul and Love become more important than the mind.

It is also important to combine the technique of prescribing with bows when harmonizing relations with parents. To bow to the mother, especially on Mondays, on the day of the Moon, and to the father on Sundays, on the day of the Sun (do more bows on these days).

To make a full bow to a person whom we are offended, seeing in him a part of God, is the fastest way to a state of gratitude and a Loving Presence.

Energy and Time

Below is a diagram showing the dependence of a person's energy level on his interaction with time (past, present and future). At several thousand consultations, I have seen that if a person uses this knowledge, he can quickly recover or simply change his life for the better.

Time table (indicator of energy level and possible consequences):

-250 dmg.- death or fatal illness;

-50 units- illness, trouble;

0 units- apathy, depression, laziness;

+150 dmg.- inspiration, enthusiasm, creativity;

+250 dmg.- a great desire to give, fullness, great degree presence and acceptance;

+1000 dmg.- presence state; waves of mind, thoughts practically do not affect the state of joy and the position of the observer, complete acceptance of this world, everyone and everything. It gives Divine Love.

Description of the scheme "Past - present - future".

Spiritual arithmetic

We come to this world with a certain level of energy. This level depends on:

Karmic level (how pious the person was in past lives);

Level spiritual development;

The level of consciousness;

How many fears, aggression, claims, envy, etc. a person has;

The most important thing is that the level of energy depends on the level of egoism: the more egoism, consumerism, the less energy at birth and vice versa.

Someone comes with an energy of +1000 units (as a rule, successful, very creative, wise people from birth).

Someone comes with an energy of -200 units (as a rule, people with disabilities, those who are born in difficult conditions and terrible families, already in childhood they have increased aggressiveness, even if they are physically healthy, etc.).

In order to make it easier to explain the scheme, we will take the average value of 100 units. (on the diagram). Consider an ordinary person, a little working on himself, engaged in self-development.

We expend this energy on a daily basis for physical and mental activities. Physical activity without overload (swimming, walking, cycling in nature, skiing, etc.), on the contrary, gives us energy.

But modern life, especially in the city, takes energy: work, movement, studying news, communication (if unconscious and not aimed at the benefit of all living beings) and much more. As a rule, such activity takes from 20 units of energy (the worse the air, food, ecology, the more it takes, and vice versa), i.e. current activity to ensure the vital activity of the body takes an average of 20 units of energy. This is the energy expended in the present.

A lot of subtle energy at the physical level is spent if a person is engaged in masturbation, sex without love, sexual perversion.

Mental activity is the activity of the mind, emotions, and here, oddly enough, the loss or gain of energy can be on a much larger scale.

Mind u modern people is mainly:

1) in the past (regret, rejection of the past: "Why did I marry her?", Etc., resentment or even obsession with the positive moments of the past: "Wow, 5 years ago I was a director and lived like in paradise, but now ..." and etc.);

2) in the future (fear for the future, unnecessary worries and fears for children and grandchildren), dreams and dreams (if a person begins to live by them, and not reality), despondency, attachment to the result and to the fruits of his labor, and much more.

These are thoughts in the head, a mental movie that constantly scrolls in the mind and takes up a huge amount of energy from us. By by and large any activity of the mind takes energy. This is one of the reasons why people who are nervous, active, quick thinking, tend to be thin.

Regret about the past, rejection, guilt and especially resentment can easily take 80 units of energy from us. Thoughts about the future, despondency, expectation of results of activity, attachment to the result, vanity, but primarily fear for the future, take at least 80 units of energy.

If we take the average city dweller under stress, then initially he has +100 units of energy. Taking away 2 times 80 units (because of regret about the past and fears for the future, only 160 units), he has -60 units left. But after all, our energy is also consumed at the physical level, and even if we take only 20 units, the result is:

60 units - 20 units = -80 units, and these are already diseases and blows of fate, a state of constant stress and lack of energy (from my experience, which is based on the vision of a person's subtle body, if a person has more than -50 units, then these are serious, diseases and painful blows of fate , problems with childbirth and children).

If a person's energy is on the minus, then any task is given to him with great difficulty and almost any relationship brings suffering. He lives by inertia, feeding on lower energy from other people, which gives temporary stimulation, only worsening the state of affairs: through coffee, alcohol, overeating, low-quality films or, much worse, porn, etc. And if he does not dramatically change the situation , it can end life quickly and very tragically, just like if you turn off electrical energy, cities will turn to hell; and if the car runs out of gas and the battery is discharged, it will not be able to drive, even if it is the most luxurious car.

So a person in the material world needs to live different kinds energies, but the main one is spiritual: it is endless and constantly increasing, and all energies in the material world are its derivatives. And we are now talking about how to get access to it, to our original endless source.

Although it is customary to consider their parents to be the best, honest and fair, a lot of people hide in their hearts or openly express their resentment to their parents. Resentment towards your own parents can come for a variety of reasons. Here is dissatisfaction with their behavior towards you, and the opinion that they do not understand you, “Resentment and how not to accumulate it inside yourself”, resentment for their inattention and many other reasons. However, resentment is a very negative feeling that is best to let go and forgive your parents.

For many people, regardless of age, it is difficult to forgive their parents, their resentment is so strong. And the fact that the people you hold a grudge gave you life does not in any way contribute to forgiveness, but rather the opposite. Very often, we hold a grudge against our relatives and friends much more than against outsiders. This happens because the betrayal on the part of loved ones is much more painful than the betrayal of absolutely strangers. But “Understand and Forgive” is worth forgiving parents, and here's why:

To avoid becoming strangers. Perhaps the main reason why you should forgive your parents, no matter how strong the offense is, because you do not have their people closer. And in difficult times, when friends will not be around, who will you come to? Of course, to the parents. Therefore, forgive them, and never become strangers with loved ones.

You must be grateful that they gave birth to you and raised you.
Very often, in offense, we forget that parents are the people who gave us life, and for this we should be grateful to them. Someday you will become a parent, and you will feel on yourself what they should be. Will you cope with this difficult task?

Resentment analysis allows you to understand how other people feel. Very often we do not think about why people, including parents, in one way or another, act. The reason is not important to us, it is more important to us unpleasant consequences... And it’s in vain, because having understood the reason for the actions of our parents, we ourselves will be able to draw conclusions for ourselves how to act and how not. In addition, the analysis of resentment often makes us understand that we are “sulking”, in fact, because of a trifle.

Parapsychologists are sure: "children choose their parents."
According to many people, for whom the human soul is not an empty phrase, they are sure that children, in fact, choose their parents. And if they were destined to be born in this or that family, it means that they should have been. And to be offended by their parents for the will of fate is simply irrational.

The pros that your parents have done for you outweigh the cons.
Usually, when we are offended, we always think about the disadvantages that our parents made us. But if we get together a little and make a list, dividing everything that our relatives have done to us into "pluses" and "minuses", then we will see that there are much more pluses. But for some reason we forget about them. And in vain!

Put yourself in the shoes of your parents. Just imagine - you are a parent and your "How to raise a child correctly?" child, holds a grudge against you. How will it feel for you? Now think about how your parents feel? Here is the answer to why you should forgive your parents.

The offense causes discomfort. As already mentioned, there is probably no worse condition than an all-consuming resentment and anger. And especially resentment towards loved ones. Try to let go of your resentment, and you will see how easy it will become for you right away.

Here are some reasons why you should forgive your parents. Try not to hold a grudge against them, because they are the closest people whom fate has awarded you. Hold on to them and be happy!

Your relationship with men is now also heavily influenced by your relationship with your father. It doesn't matter whether you grew up in a complete family or not. It is the attitude towards the father that lays the further attitude towards men in your life.

At a young age, the girl identifies her father with all men. In adulthood, no matter how you treat your father, sooner or later you will begin to treat all men the same way. Unless you specifically work through and forgive insults and discontent.

Relationships with a father, no matter whether he is alive or has gone to another world, leave its mark on relationships with men. If you don’t solve your inner conflict with your father, don’t forgive him and don’t let go of everything that has accumulated over the years of your life, firstly, it will be difficult for you to become happy yourself, and secondly, it is almost impossible to create a happy relationship with a man

But even if you are already married, the grievances and claims that you have towards your father will automatically leave an imprint on your relationship with your husband. No, no, yes, in some quarrel, you will periodically mention that he is the same as your father, that all men are the same, and so on, so on, and so on. Those. you will automatically transfer the grievances that you have accumulated since childhood onto your spouse.

After forgiving parents, relationships with men improve, plus we begin to look and feel much better. After forgiveness, it feels like you are not walking, but floating. The body becomes light-light, it seems that you were dragging mountains of one hundred percent on yourself, old clothes for many years, and now all of a sudden all this old stuff flew off you. And you go - and it is easy for you. You seem to be floating. You feel lightness and strength, energy and thirst for life.

Another nice bonus from forgiveness is that old, supposedly chronic diseases go away. And if you are tired of fighting overweight, then after forgiveness you will be surprised that you will start losing weight, your appetite will decrease and you will no longer want to eat so many sweet, starchy foods and fried foods. In general, all that, than before you seized your grievances and discontent.

After forgiveness, a person's life begins to occur amazing events... Everything that he had dreamed of for years is much easier to come true. And if earlier with a mountain of grievances it was difficult for him to move through life and realize his dreams and goals, now, freed from grievances and discontent, from claims and anger, many dreams and desires come true by themselves. But all this, of course, is great, it all works and brings results. But not every one of us can sit down and begin to forgive a person who has been offended for many years.

Forgiveness implies in the future compulsory communication with the person you forgive. But this is the deepest delusion. Forgiveness and communication are two different things. To forgive means to be cleansed, to let go of all filth and all negativity from yourself, from your soul, from your body and from your life. Forgiveness is like cleaning. So you washed everything in the house, put things in order, after all, no one forces you to bring a bucket of dirt from the street after that and pour everything on the floor, and then live with it.

So it is with forgiveness. Understand that to forgive is not to become best friends... You forgive for yourself, for your soul, for the improvement of your life. You forgive not for the person you are offended at, but in order for your life to improve!

After forgiveness, you will stop procrastinating every five minutes with the thoughts of “How unfairly you have been wronged. How life has been cruel to you. What is your dad bad person... Etc". After forgiveness, you will understand what you do not understand now. And after forgiveness, you will finally have the strength, time, energy and desire to finally take care of yourself and your life. After forgiveness, you will start thinking about yourself and how to realize your desires and goals.

So in order to begin to forgive, you need to tell yourself several times that you forgive for yourself! You forgive in order to make YOUR life better. You forgive in order to find happiness and joy in your life. You forgive in order to improve your relationship with your husband (man).

After all, letting go of the negative from yourself, from your thoughts and your body, everything that is ugly and feigned leaves you, and you seem to open up. You begin to shine and glow from within with some unusual, unearthly beauty and purity. And your life takes on joy and light. You begin to live the way you always dreamed and wanted.

Convince yourself this way until one wonderful moment really want to forgive and let go. And not just forgive, but start living differently, without resentment and hatred. To start forgiving, start forgiving with your parents, and best of all with your father.

Take also a piece of paper and write down those grievances that you remember. Write down any negative thoughts and complaints about your father. Write down all the unpleasant situations, negative thoughts, emotions and feelings that you have for him.

After you are ready to forgive, create a special file on your computer or a forgiveness notebook. Write down everything that you do, what feelings and reactions arise during this, and, of course, those results and improvements that will begin to occur in your life after about a week of forgiveness. The technique of forgiveness is very well described in the book by A. Sviyash. But for those who have not read, I will describe this practice in an article, based on my personal experience.

You lie down, or sit down (I like the lotus position the most, but someone is better to lie down, someone likes to forgive while sitting on a chair so that they can sway from side to side), completely relax. The main thing is that the phones are turned off and no one bothers you at these moments. If this is not possible, say that you are going to sleep, because it is difficult to understand whether a person is sleeping or is engaged in forgiveness.

After you have completely relaxed your body, pay Special attention on the muscles of the face. Usually a person's cheekbones are always compressed. Relax your face, smile a little and part your lips. Now try to stop all the thoughts that rush through your head.

As you begin to forgive, your grievances will sabotage your activities in every possible way. After forgiving, you erase them, i.e. take their life. But you find your life, happy and prosperous. So your insults will try to hinder you in every possible way, come up with a bunch of excuses. And as soon as you relax and stop the flow of thoughts a little, you "suddenly" remember about an "urgent" business or call. Don't give in, jump up and start calling someone or doing something. Continue lying down and stopping thoughts. It helps very well if you start breathing slowly, while watching your breathing: inhale-exhale, inhale-exhale, inhale-exhale ...

Or you just observe the thoughts from the sidelines, and at the same time not really concentrating on something. After a while, there will be fewer and fewer thoughts, your breathing will slow down, and your body will relax.

And now take one offense from the list that you have compiled and start remembering it. Yes, yes, it is to remember and how to relive the situation that you considered unfair. Live those moments over and over. Live them as brightly as you can. Express within yourself everything that has been accumulating in you for years and decades. Imagine telling your father everything you have to say over the years.

But pay attention to your body! You yourself should not actively participate in the discussion and that situation, your inner consciousness should be uninvolved, you should, as it were, observe all this from the outside. And your body should remain relaxed.

Imagine that your body seemed to expand, it expanded so much that it took over your entire room, now the whole house and the whole city. It has expanded and relaxed so much that you feel how it has opened and it is as if that old resentment and negative situation flows out of it. Again, on the one hand, you continue to live that unpleasant scene, and on the other hand, you continue to be an independent observer and release the resentment from your body.

Living and releasing the resentment from yourself (try to understand where the resentment sits in your body, usually it is the throat or stomach, and imagine that the resentment comes out of that place), begin to pronounce the following words:

“Dad, I forgive you. I forgive you, dad, for all the unpleasant moments, situations and circumstances. I forgive you and accept you as you were and are. I accept you. And I love you the way you are (or were). And you forgive me. You forgive me and accept, you love me as I am and as I was. "

I want to tell you right away that such words of forgiveness and love, most likely, you will be able to say far from the first lesson for forgiveness. Perhaps after the second, third time of residence. Perhaps in a month or two. These are already details. Most importantly, start to forgive. Begin to remember those situations that were unpleasant to you and to live them, as it were, anew, but at the same time do not get involved, but remain an outside, sober observer, do not forget to expand and open your body and feel that resentments and all troubles are flowing out of you. and out of your body.

You can also imagine that pure light, a stream of energy is streaming down on you from above, and it washes out all troubles, resentments, anger and discontent from your body and from your life. You forgive your father, and your soul becomes easy and calm. And amazing changes and wonderful events enter your life step by step.

It will be necessary to forgive every insult until one fine moment you can not even remember, but for what, in fact, were you offended by your father then? And even if you can remember, you will have only a slight bewilderment “Is that all? And why did you take offense? "

After forgiving one offense, take on the second, third, fifth, tenth, and so on. Goodbye and goodbye. Goodbye until your soul sings. Goodbye until you feel that you are so tired of living with old, unnecessary experiences and emotions for a hundred years, and how you want a new life, new events, new relationships and happiness in your personal life!

After you forgive your father, remember to forgive your husband too. Or those men who have been offended for many years. Only after you have forgiven your father and other men will you be ready to shape a new way of life in your subconscious mind.

By the way, if you are not very good relationship with your mother, then forgive her too. And, of course, do not forget about the most important person in your life - your beloved about yourself!

I would like to draw your attention to the following, although I have already written about this, but many do not attach due importance to this aspect. After you begin to forgive, be sure to take notes in which you record all the changes and miracles. And these changes and miracles will surely begin to happen in your life almost every day. Once you begin to shed negativity, anger, and disappointment, joy in life, love, success, and miracles will come in their place that you never knew existed.

Forgiving we affirm

The world around you.
His descendants.
The person we are forgiving.
Peace. Divine nature.
Divine superiority.

When we don't forgive, we ...

♦ we create chains between ourselves and those whom we do not forgive. These chains will last not one, not two or three lives. As long as you do not forgive the person.

♦ we trigger reactions in the body that will remind us every fraction of a second that there is someone who is hostile towards us (because we are hostile). This means that the body will be in a state of war all the time.

♦ we find ourselves in such situations, attract such people who respond to our vibrations: deceived and deceivers, suffering and causing suffering.

Practice of Forgiveness - one of the most powerful and most important for spiritual development. Through Forgiveness, you can work with images, with problems, and with reality. We always have someone to forgive, there is something to forgive and something to ask for forgiveness for. We have something to forgive ourselves, parents, partners, God and the Universe for. Forgiveness makes you free, because when you forgive someone, you let them go. When you ask for forgiveness, you are liberated yourself.

This is the hygiene of the soul. Since childhood, we are taught to wash our hands before eating and brush our teeth in the morning, but they are not taught at all how to ask for forgiveness so that it really works - without humiliation and guilt. The practice of Forgiveness provides liberation on an emotional, physical, and spiritual level.

To do this, it is not at all necessary to personally communicate with the person whom you want to forgive. This can be done through meditation. And this does not mean at all that this person will leave your life forever. You just let go of the emotional burden, the negative beliefs about relationships that you drag along with you.

It is difficult for us to live here and now, we often dwell in memories of the days of the past, of past negative experiences, or making plans for the future. We also perceive a specific person. We pull his image from the past with us, not giving this person a chance to manifest for us in a different way. We perceive it "there and then." And you can learn to see a person in a new way - this is a task that reveals two partners. Practicing Forgiveness will cleanse those past relationships.

Forgiveness gives freedom, joy, strength and happiness, helps to restore the field of love between people, as it allows you to see a person at the level of the soul, where all are equal and are one.

Another plus of Forgiveness is that this practice can be carried out everywhere and always, an unlimited number of times with the same person - close or barely familiar, for example, with the one who stepped on his foot in the subway. It can be not only a person you are angry with or harbor a grudge, but also just someone you do not accept or condemn.

Forgiveness- it is a great healer, it can free us from past wounds, resentments and misunderstandings. But sometimes it is beneficial for us to be offended. Sometimes it is difficult for us to forgive those near or far. Why? Because this is how we unconsciously protect ourselves. With Forgiveness, we can change painful situations in our past by simply changing our attitude towards them. Through the practice of Forgiveness, you can come to terms with yourself - forgive yourself, your past, your parents. Forgiveness can heal not only your life, but the planet as a whole. It will be great if all people get rid of old grievances, anger, claims to each other.

With the help of Forgiveness, you can even heal from many physical diseases and ailments, since it has long been proven that every illness is an unconscious, unmanifest and unworked emotion. And with Forgiveness, we can let go of the situation or emotion that led to the disease. Lack of Forgiveness not only makes life difficult, but also destroys body and soul. And if you use this practice, you can make life easier and more joyful.

How and whom to forgive?

Make a list of the people you want to forgive.

Make a list of people you don't want or cannot forgive.

Forgive your parents.

Forgive yourself, your childhood and your inner child.

Forgive your feelings, emotions and worries. (This is perhaps the most difficult task because we are often angry with ourselves and do not accept our feelings - anger, anger, resentment. Make a separate list of what you can't forgive yourself for.)

Forgive your Rod

Forgive your ex-partners. Write down a list of your most significant partners who have had a serious relationship, or a deep feeling on your part, even if it was unrequited. Asking for “exes” helps free yourself and prepare space for new, happy relationships.

Forgive your colleagues and superiors (or subordinates if you are the boss). In any team there are conflicts, this is reality. It is important not to get stuck in them. By mentally forgiving your coworkers, subordinates and boss, you can easily resolve even the most explosive conflicts at work. At the same time, your efficiency will increase many times!

Forgive all the so-called "third parties". These are the people with whom you contact every day - in transport, in a bank or in a store. These are people who seem to accidentally hurt or insult you. But in fact, all accidents are not accidental, if we talk about the spiritual plan. Each person comes into your life to help you free yourself. It is precisely the Forgiveness technique that gives this liberation. Having spent a Forgiveness with this seemingly random person. You can pay back your karmic debt or just clean up the relationship with your loved ones.

Forgiveness to professionals. These are situations related to specialists - lawyers, doctors, tax service, traffic police, etc. When you sit in line for a lawyer or doctor and you get nervous: “Will he accept it or not? Are all the papers in order? ”, Then, mentally conducting Forgiveness with him, you energetically prepare the field of love with this person. As a result, any issue is resolved quickly and easily.

Forgiveness Higher Forces... We all take offense sometimes at God, at fate, at love and exclaim: "Why do I need these troubles and punishments?" By tuning in to Forgiveness, we receive powerful support from the Universe and the Cosmos.

Forgiving tragic situations: accidents, attacks, gross insults, robberies, etc. Forgiveness in this case allows you to open your heart - your spiritual center and protect yourself from such situations in the future.

What are the obstacles to forgiveness?

Fear # 1:“What if I forgive him and this person leaves my life forever?” But to forgive is not to say goodbye.

Fear # 2:“What if I forgive him and this person returns to my life? I need it ?! " If you let go of a person from a pure heart and do not want to cling to this relationship, then they will stop - for the common good.

I can forgive, but I don't want to.

We always have a choice: either continue to be victims, want revenge, feel resentment, anger, pain, or forgive and choose love. What do you choose for yourself?

The essence of our being is Love. Forgiveness teaches us to choose love over pain, hurt, fear, and suffering. Forgiveness is a universal technique that anyone can learn, regardless of age, gender, experience, religion. Try it and your life will become much brighter!

Resentment and forgiveness

Resentment is the essence of a state of insufficient energy in bodies (physical and subtle).

If a person is offended, he is an instrument of the astral plane, which timely pressed the “buttons of weakness” of the human ego.

Resentment is one of the methods of energetic vampirism, which, however, has karmic working off, the essence of which is in the separation from the Energy of Love - the endless stream of the Universe coming from the Higher Self. The man himself must unlearn his dependence on the astral plane.

When a person is offended, he lets out low-vibration energy emanations to the alleged “offender”. He experiences an unconscious (or conscious) feeling of guilt. And this allows you to use energy this person, since the feeling of guilt opens the way to a person's energy flow.

There is no point in being offended - it makes sense to act, talk to each other, solve problems. What happens when you get hurt?

First, the imbalance of yin-yang, which is the Divine basis of the Energy of Love. This energy flows out through the crown chakra. From this moment, the flow of the Energy of Love is stopped.

Second, the ego is out of control. Since you are energetically weakened, your vibrations are understated, the colors of the aura are weaker and less saturated, you become accessible to the astral plane. Astral is not able to influence you through your Soul. Astral is not able to influence you through your Body. He is able to influence you ONLY THROUGH the EGO, which is out of control. Previously, before the state of imbalance, the Energy of Love helped to keep the ego "in check."

Astral subjugates your ego, because it knows its "weak points", and begins to influence it.

The following happens:

1) Siphoning off the energy you need for your health and vitality.
Notice how you become during the resentment (exhausted, gloomy, resentment, etc.);

2) "Suction cup" of certain types of astral projection to weaker, unprotected organs. Also, in this choice, the cause of the resentment can "help". If she is on a man from a woman, then the reproductive organs are the weak point. For men, respectively.

If you are offended by the realities of life, then your eyes suffer.
If you are offended by what others are telling you, your ears can be hurt.
If you have lingering grudges against close relatives, your teeth will start to ache and crumble.
If you have a grudge against someone about your, in your opinion, "uncomplicated" life, then the organs of the solar plexus chakra (the location of the ego) suffer: gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas.
If the resentment has lived in you for years, and you could not forgive yourself or your neighbors, then oncology begins.

3) Since you have little energy, the astral is interested (if possible) in influencing other people through your ego. This is how your ego provokes others to feel guilty by seeing and feeling your "resentment." Thus, they (people) give up their energy. But it goes, in the end, not to you, but to the astral. And you remain with your resentment in complete energy impotence. But ... until you stop this activity.

It is necessary, absolutely essential, to learn to forgive.

What Happens During Forgiveness?

This state has a color - purple.

As you forgive, a cloud of violet flame envelops you. It helps you understand the essence of the lesson. Allows you to free yourself from the power of the astral over the ego. Allows your ego to find its "place". And, most importantly, it opens your crown chakra to restore the flow of the Energy of Love in you. At this moment you feel the rain, the energetic rain of Love, which irrigates your Soul, subtle bodies, Temple of the Soul - Body. At this moment, you have a yin-yang balance.

Resentment- this is unwillingness to accept a karmic lesson so pertinent for the development of your soul, a lesson that your karmic teachers teach you with love and true compassion.

And at the same time, those people who are on you in this moment Now "offended" - these are also Souls who did not want to accept the Karmic Lesson of Soul Perfection, presented with Love and Compassion by You!

A simple hint: if one side is offended, it means that the Lesson was meant for ONE!

If two parties are offended - A LESSON IS INTERACTIVE! In this case, both of you are both karmic disciples and karmic Teachers!

You, me and all the world- is the essence of one whole. You came into my life with your pain and suffering for a reason. You show me, as in a mirror, that pain and suffering exist deep in my soul, in my subconscious.

And I am fully aware that I am involved in your problems, because I know that everything that happens in my life is the result of my thoughts and actions in the past.
I regret what I have done.
And by my free Will, I cancel all my destructive programs in relation to you, your ancestors and your entire Family.

I forgive you and your ancestors for all their wrong thoughts and actions, committed intentionally or unintentionally in relation to my ancestors from the Creation of the world to the present day.
Forgive me and my whole family, for we did not know what we were doing.

I thank you for coming into my life and helping me to clear my mind and get rid of everything old and unnecessary, become truly free, transform and be happy, living according to Truth and Conscience.

I love you and bless all your family with love. I wish you, your loved ones and your descendants happiness and good.

And may all my wrong thoughts, words and deeds, which led to your pain and suffering, be transformed by the power of Divine Love into righteous thoughts and deeds, and may they bring happiness to our families and the entire world around us.
May Love, Peace and General Prosperity reign on Earth.

May it be so!

I accept you with love in my heart!
Forgive me and all my Rod!
I thank you!
I forgive you and all your family and bless you with love!
I wish you happiness and good!

Sit down, relax, take a deep breath and exhale, and again - a deep breath, and with an exhalation release all the tension in the body, all the heaviness, swing on the waves of your breathing.

Bring up the image of the person with whom you would like to perform the ritual of forgiveness. It can be a close or distant relative, friend, boss, or a person who has offended you or whom you have offended.

Imagine that he is standing in front of you. Take a closer look at his image: how he looks, what he is wearing, whether you see him clearly or the image is vague. What do you want to tell him: "Sorry" or "Goodbye" ? The first thing that comes to mind will be the most correct one.

Now tell this person:

- Forgive me, and I forgive you, and I forgive myself in my relationship with you. And I forgive and let go of all that dark that was between us, I forgive myself all the feelings, emotions, experiences in relations with you. I forgive and let go of everything that is not love in our relationship. .

Imagine the violet flame entering your body and the image of this person.

- I ask purple fire to clear all feelings, emotions in relations with you, I ask to clear pain, resentment, envy, hatred, jealousy - everything that is not love in our relationship. I forgive and let go of it all, everything that interferes with my disclosure, freedom, love.

Now imagine how golden and pink rays of light enter your crown and fill you with those qualities that you lacked in your relationship with this person.

I give myself as much light, love, support, freedom, attention, value as I lacked in relationships with you in all genera and incarnations.

Let the golden ray fill every cell of your body with love, light, warmth.

And now imagine how the same ray of light enters the crown of this person.

I give you so much light, love, warmth, forgiveness, acceptance, support, as you lacked in your relationship with me in all genera and incarnations.

Let the golden ray fill this person's body with love, freedom, forgiveness, light.

I ask the Universe to restore the field of love between us in all genera and incarnations.

Tell this person:

I thank you for what was between us, and for what was not between us, for who you were for me, and who you were not for me, and for the lessons of love that you gave me.

Bow down in your mind.

Now take a deep breath and, as you exhale, return to the here and now.

Forgiveness meditation - 2

For forgiveness meditation, sit comfortably, allow your eyes to close and your body and breath to become natural and light. Let your body and mind relax. Breathe slowly with the region of your heart, allow yourself to feel all the obstacles and accumulations that you carried with you, because you did not forgive - you didn’t forgive yourself, you didn’t forgive others. Feel the pain of your incessantly closed heart. Then, after breathing gently through your heart for some time, begin asking for forgiveness and spreading it by repeating the words below and allowing them to open your forgiving heart. Let the words, images, and feelings deepen as you repeat them.

Prayer for forgiveness

These prayers should be said sincerely. Listen to yourself to see if the forgiveness has really happened. Practice as much as necessary. With someone it will be possible to resolve a karmic situation in one go, for others it may take weeks or even months.

I apologize to the Divine soul _____ (name) for all inharmonious thoughts, feelings, states, words and actions manifested in relation to its embodied personality from the subjective consciousness of my human being.

I forgive human _____ (name) for all inharmonious thoughts, feelings, states, words and actions shown by him in relation to the embodied personality of my Divine soul.

Feel your own precious body and life, say: there are many ways in which I betrayed myself or hurt myself, left myself in thought, word or action, knowing it or not knowing it. Allow yourself to see the ways in which you have hurt yourself or hurt yourself. Outline them, remember them, visualize them. Feel the sadness that you have borne because of all these actions, feel that you can free yourself from these burdens, extend to them, one by one, forgiveness.

Then tell yourself:

“On every path that I have harmed myself by action or inaction due to fear, pain and delusion, I now extend full and sincere forgiveness. I forgive myself.

Forgiving those who have offended, offended or hurt you

There are many paths in which I have been injured, where I have been harmed, where I have been hurt and abandoned by others in thought, word, action, knowing it or not. Outline them, remember them, visualize these many paths.

Feel the sadness that you brought from this past and feel the ability to release this burden by spreading forgiveness if your heart is ready for it.

Now tell yourself:

“On many paths, others have wronged me and harmed me out of fear, pain, delusion and anger; I see them now. To the extent that I am ready for this, I offer them forgiveness. I've worn this heartache for too long. For this reason, those. Whoever harmed me - I offer forgiveness. I forgive you.

Allow yourself to quietly repeat these instructions for forgiveness until you can feel relief in your heart. Maybe you will not feel relief from some of the severe pains, but only free yourself from the heaviness, longing and anger that you have kept in yourself. Touch them gently, forgive yourself for that too. Forgiveness cannot be forced, it cannot be artificial. Just keep practicing: let the words and images gradually work their way. Over time, you will be able to make forgiveness meditation part of your regular practice, letting go of the past and opening your heart to every new moment, approaching it with the wisdom of loving kindness.

Louise Hay's Forgiveness Technique

The topic of Forgiveness is the most important one today. The ability to forgive removes limitations, heals space, gives a person Divine qualities and opportunities. As we forgive, we become stronger in spirit.
The offended person is bound by the chains of enslavement by his own emotions and karmic knots with the offenders, and almost all energy is spent only on maintaining these chains.

1. Introducing the Golden Triangle

2. inside we put the image of a person with whom you need to balance relations

3. looking at this image mentally (you can also out loud) say ...

a. I represent the left side of the triangle - I'm sorry
b. right - forgive him (her)
v. bottom of the triangle - forgive us

4. then ...

a. we take very close people into our hearts
b. if people are more distant and it is difficult to place them in the heart, we embrace them
v. the deceased - we send them to the Higher Powers.

If we do not know the names of those who need to be forgiven or from whom we need to ask for Forgiveness, we light a candle, you can make it yourself, but it should be made of light wax and say this:

Higher Powers, you know all the names, may those forgive me, forgive my Rod, who are offended by me, us, willingly or unwillingly. I forgive all those who have offended with Love

The art of forgiveness from Valery Vasilchenko

Forgiveness is perhaps the hardest thing to do. But without forgiveness, there is no health, no luck. “Unforgiveness” means negative emotions and low vibrations, which greatly impedes the fulfillment of desires.

What is unforgiveness? It is an ingrained resentment, claim, and accusation from another person. Do you think that someone is to blame for your troubles? No, my dears. The outside is only a projection of what is inside. And every unpleasant situation is a task of accepting and forgiving, including yourself. And if there is another person's fault, then the punishment will find him according to the Law of Attraction.

Forgiveness is intelligent selfishness, if you will.

If there is no forgiveness in your heart, you should not expect a change for the better! Visualize at least!

1). Enter the alpha level. Invite the problematic person to your perfect place rest or in the laboratory, have a heart-to-heart talk, invite him to agreement and mutual forgiveness. Finally, surround him with a field of light, love and goodness.

2). Sit comfortably, relax, take a few gentle breaths in and out. Then slowly say the phrase:

« I turn to God the Creator. Please. Teach me to forgive. I forgive (name) _____ here and now! I forgive everyone who ever hurt me, who hurt me, who mocked me. I forgive those whom I remember and who I do not remember. From this day on, I begin to live without offense. From this day on, my Divine Self can merge with me even more, and I feel the presence of Divine Grace, a warm wave flooding my heart, my mind and my entire body.».

Repeat this appeal so often until you feel that you can thank the offender for the lesson and mentally present a valuable gift, with love and respect, surrounding him with light and warmth. After that, miracles can happen.

Energy affirmation from Vilma - forgiving yourself

I forgive _____ (my fear, my guilt, etc.).

I forgive myself for letting in this _____ (my fear, guilt, etc.)

I ask you, my dear body, forgive me that I let _____ (this fear, guilt, etc.) into you and thereby caused you pain and evil.

Forgiveness Technique by Louise Burbo

Here are the steps true forgiveness, already passed by thousands of people and rewarded with wonderful results:

1. Define your emotions (there are often several of them). Become aware of what you are blaming yourself or another person for, and determine what feelings this causes you.

2. Take responsibility. Being responsible means realizing that you always have a choice - to react with love or with fear. What are you afraid of? Now realize that you may be afraid of being blamed for the same things that you blame the other person for.

3. Understand the other person and relieve tension. In order to relieve tension and understand another person, put yourself in his place and feel his intentions. Think about the fact that he may blame both himself and you for the same thing for which you blame him. He's afraid, just like you.

Here are some tips.

Give yourself the time it takes to go through all the stages of forgiveness. At one stage you may need a day, at another - a year is the most important thing for your desire to go through these stages to be sincere. The more trauma and ego resistance, the longer it will take.

If Step 6 turns out to be very difficult, know that your ego is resisting it. If you think: “Why on earth should I ask this person for forgiveness, if not I offended him, but he me? I had every reason to be angry with him! " - it is your ego speaking, not your heart. The most important desire of your heart is to live in peace and compassion for others.

Don't worry if the person you are asking for forgiveness doesn't react the way you expected. Some things are almost impossible to predict. He may not say anything, change the subject of the conversation, be surprised, refuse to talk about it, cry, ask for forgiveness from you, throw himself into your arms, etc. Try to treat with understanding the feelings of the other person - as well as your own.

As I noted in the description of the sixth stage of forgiveness, you should not tell the person who offended you that you have forgiven him. There are three reasons for this:

1. It may turn out that the person you are angry with had no intention of offending you. Reality is very often different from our perception. Maybe this person did not even suspect that you were offended.

2. You must understand that you need forgiveness in order to free yourself. Forgiving another person means taking the necessary step towards forgiving yourself.

3. You must also realize that it is not in your power to truly forgive another person. Only he can forgive himself,

4. Forgive yourself. This is the most important stage forgiveness. In order to forgive yourself, give yourself the right to fear, be weak, be delusional, have shortcomings, suffer and be angry. Accept yourself as you are at the present moment, knowing that this is a temporary state.

5. Feel the urge to ask for forgiveness. As you prepare for the stage, imagine that you are asking for forgiveness from a person whom you have condemned, criticized, or accused of something. If this image makes you feel happy and free, you are ready for the next stage.

6. Meet with the person you want to ask for forgiveness. Tell him about your experiences and ask for forgiveness for judging, criticizing or hating him. That you yourself forgave him, mention only if he talks about it.

7. Make a connection or make a decision about a parent.

Remember a similar situation in the past with a person who represented power and authority for you - with a father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, teacher, etc. This person must be of the same gender as the one you just forgiven. Repeat all the steps of forgiveness with him.

If the emotions you are experiencing are directed against yourself, go through steps 1, 2, 4 and 7.

If a person does not want to accept your request for forgiveness, it means that he cannot forgive himself. You can forgive him, but that's not enough.

If you tell another person about your experiences, and he begins to justify himself out of surprise, he may have thought that you were blaming him. If so, then you have not yet forgiven this person and hope that he will change.

If, when you are going to meet this person, you hope that he will understand the depth of your suffering and ask you for forgiveness, you still have not forgiven him. In any case, you should not be angry with yourself; you just need a little more time to move on to stages 2 and 3. You have probably already forgiven this person with your mind, but have not yet had time to forgive him with your heart. To forgive a person with the mind means to understand the motives of his actions, but this does not bring either relief or inner liberation. This happens a lot. Forgiveness in the mind is a good start, as it is at least a sign of goodwill.

Remember, forgiving someone doesn't mean you agree with their accusations. Forgiving someone, you seem to say that you look with the eyes of your heart and see something more important in the depths of this person's soul than his accusations.

This forgiveness will make it easier for you to empower yourself to be yourself and express your human feelings.

Now let's look at the three emotions that people experience the hardest: fear, anger, and sadness. A person usually suppresses, controls, hides these emotions - in a word, he does everything so as not to experience them, since they reignite the emotional wounds received in childhood and adolescence. These wounds are caused by five negative psychological factors: trauma of the rejected, trauma of the abandoned, trauma of humiliation, betrayal and injustice.

Rather than giving themselves the right to be imperfect and suffer mental wounds, most people continue to blame others as the cause of their fear, anger, and sadness. That is why people experience so many negative emotions, and emotions, in turn, cause all kinds of illnesses.

But these emotions can be used for good:

Fear helps you understand that you need protection and are looking for it. He also reminds that real protection should be sought in oneself.

Anger is useful in helping you discover your need for self-affirmation, articulate your requirements, and listen more closely to your needs.

Sadness helps you realize that you are suffering from a sense of loss or from a fear of losing. Sadness teaches a person not to get attached.

It means taking responsibility for your own life and giving yourself the right to exercise this responsibility. If you love yourself, you will have a healthy and energized body that will allow you to fulfill all your dreams.


To change life for the better, heal diseases, improve relationships with children, loved ones, become calmer - all this will help to do the practice of forgiveness. Remember, while the resentment "sits" in you, the roads to happiness are closed! And it doesn't matter who you are offended: your parents, yourself, or ex-husband... You need to work with this in order to find strength, joy, peace and happiness.

Forgiving yourself

Forgiving yourself is main step on the path to self-love, this is an opportunity to improve all areas of life and experience happiness.

To practice forgiving yourself, you need a piece of paper and some free time. Remember and write down the names of all those whom you hurt, with whom you were cruel or unjust. Or describe a situation after which you felt resentment towards yourself. It is very useful to close your eyes and remember it in all colors and details, no matter how painful it is.

Now imagine the person whom you offended and ask to forgive you, to give you his blessing. After that, write coarsely on top of the sheet: "I forgive myself and absolve myself of all the blame here, now and forever!"... You will then need to burn a sheet of paper on a candle and throw the ashes into the water.

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The Practice of Forgiveness: Forgiving Parents

Our parents symbolize for us not only a strong bond with the Family, but also the past, childhood. If you are offended by your parents, then the energy support of the Family is closed for you, and all childhood memories are also darkened. Unwittingly, under the influence of resentment, we tend to "paint" all childhood in dark tones and multiply the negative.

Resentment against parents (or just against mom, dad) has much more real consequences. For example, resentment against a father who left the family prevents a woman from trusting men and building relationships.

Resentment against the mother, who did not pay due attention to her son, prevents a man from fulfilling himself. Grievances also find a way out in the form of illness, depression, problems with children.

To avoid all of this, it is necessary to conduct a series of practices for forgiving parents. If you have a grudge against your dad, then you need to start the practice on Sunday, if you are against your mom - on Monday.

So, every day we make two or three full bows to one of the parents, preferably in front of his photo and with respect. Bows are best done at home alone, daily, in the morning or evening, or even before bed. If the parents are not alive, the practice still works.

We put a photo, stand next to it and thank the parent out loud. You can say this: "Mom, I accept you for who you are, and thank you for the life that you gave me!" Then bow in full bow (you need to touch the ground with 5 points - arms, legs, forehead), stretch your arms forward, palms up. Make 2-3 bows.

Additionally, with your left hand (if you are left-handed, then with your right) 10 times you need to prescribe such phrases and then read them aloud:

“Dear mother (name), I ask your forgiveness for everything.

Dear mom (name), I forgive you for everything.

Dear mom (name), I thank you for everything "

You also need to work with a grudge against your father. It is advisable to practice the practice for 3-4 weeks, and if the grievances are old and deep, then even longer. Finally, believers can go to church and pray for their parents.

This is a very serious study, the results of which improve life in many ways, improve health and personal relationships.

Forgiveness of the "ex"

This practice of forgiveness helps to let go of not only former loved ones, but also any other abusers. It's simple but very effective.

So, retire, put an empty chair in front of you. Imagine a seated person with whom you hold a grudge. Now tell him everything, do not restrain yourself, you can shout, swear, stamp your feet! Speak without stopping or controlling yourself!

When you run out of words, go to the table and write on a piece of paper: “With love and gratitude, I forgive you (name) and let you go! I apologize to you (name) for my negative thoughts, emotions and actions! From now on, be happy! " ...

It is advisable to perform this practice for 2-3 weeks so that the result is lasting. After her, she manages to establish her personal life, meet new love, bring harmony to the house, in relations with a partner and children. Life becomes happier, calmer and more successful!

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