The character of the letter e and the story about the letter. A short story about the letter "e"

Sometimes a person comes up with various thoughts and strange questions, for example, about how to compose a fable. For all lovers of strange questions, we will try to give a certain direction in solving this problem. Naturally, most likely, a person who asked such a question is unlikely to claim the laurels of La Fontaine and Krylov, and nevertheless, sometimes a person wants exotic things, or he has schoolchildren. And at school, as you know, there are all sorts of tasks.

Moral of the fable

Before you think specifically about how to compose a fable, you need to understand what kind of morality you want to “mount” in it. Simply put, what should this creation teach.

If we read interviews of different writers, they almost unanimously say: "The idea is the head of everything." In this case, the volume of the work of art is absolutely not important, the main thing is that it should not be empty.

Usually, if a person asks himself how to compose a moral fable, then he has a clear goal, why he needs it. For example, a parent wants to compose something to show a child how to keep his room clean. The plot is built according to the author's intention.

Since our task is to show a specific example of composing a fable, we will use the moral of the fable “The Fox and the Grapes” and come up with new characters, or rather, even a face.


The next step in solving the “how to compose a fable” problem is choosing a character. Usually these are animals that are very similar to people. But here it is important to observe some realism. Animals should really be like people in their habits or in those ideas that are traditionally accepted in society. For example, the ant in the fable cannot be lazy, and the dragonfly cannot be a workaholic. For this is contrary not only to certain images of animals, but also to cultural tradition. And yes, this is especially important when we are talking how to compose a fable with a moral.

In other words, maybe a fable is, of course, a fiction, but everything in it must be realistic and built on the basis of at least worldly common sense.

The Dog and the Showcase, or the Fox and the Grapes in a New Way

Imagine a wet, hungry stray dog ​​walking the streets, he is malnourished and underdrinking. And then a butcher shop window appears in front of him, there are hams, chicken, meat for every taste and wealth. But here's the problem: dogs are not allowed in the store. Our dog walks around the window this way and that, but no. Glass does not allow him to break through to the desired object. And then he says to himself: “Probably they sell rotten stuff,” and goes away to dig in a nearby trash can.

This is how the essay turned out, we wrote it as an answer to the question of how to compose a fable. It cannot be said that we succeeded, like the classics, but it also seems to be quite tolerable.

Now let's talk about what to do if the fountain of fantasy has dried up.

How to find a plot and moral for a new fable?

By the way, that is why the main characters fables are usually animals. They represent some collective images all people, and if all, then no one in particular. They are laughed at because no one thinks of himself and everyone looks at his neighbor. They cackle at our smaller brothers. And all because the fabulists, thinking about the plot of the next fable, are wondering what kind of fable to compose about animals? But if animals composed, then we, people, would not think enough.

If nothing comes to mind, and you are creatively fruitless, then try to imagine those around you in the guise of animals. Your wife, boss, colleagues, friends. In this case, life itself will helpfully suggest a plot.

Child and fable

True, if a child decides to engage in creativity, then everything is much simpler for him. Children think very figuratively, probably up to 15 years, then, when the turbulent time of puberty begins, a person loses the connecting thread with childhood, and thinking becomes “adult”.

After all, it was not for nothing that Christ bequeathed: "Be like children." And the point here is not only that the newcomers to the world are sinless and very close to God, but that children's thinking is not yet blinkered, they are very close to life, to its primary source, so writing is very easy for them. For them, writing is like breathing. It is also indicative that for a child the world of fantasy is closer than real world. Children could subscribe to the words of G. Hesse: “Reality is rubbish”, but when people grow up, they take this rubbish seriously and forget about the important.

Thus, if you offer a student, for example, a 5th grader, to create a fable, he will easily do it. True, only if the parents control the process. They should ask themselves the question of how to compose a fable. 5th grade, for example, can be chosen as a target, so he should take it favorably. If you are lucky and you have a quick-witted fifth grader at home, then give the composition of the fable to him at his mercy, just direct your child’s violent fantasy into the mainstream of cultural norms and common sense.

We hope that the article will help to write at least one decent fable.

Ё, ё - the 7th letter of the Russian and Belarusian and the 9th - Rusyn alphabets. It is also used in some non-Slavic alphabets based on the civil Cyrillic alphabet (for example, Kyrgyz, Mongolian, Chuvash and Udmurt). After consonants means their softness (if possible) and the sound [o]; in other cases - a combination. In words of primordially Russian origin (except for words with prefixes three- and four-) it always carries an accent. V rare cases unstressed use (which is possible only in borrowings: Königsberg surfers, compound words: loess-like or words with prefixes three- and four-: four-part) is phonetically identical to unstressed "i", "e", "I" or has a secondary accent, but may reflect the spelling in the source language.

In Russian (that is, in Russian writing), the letter “ё” is used primarily in those positions where the pronunciation [(j)o] was formed from [(j)e], which explains the form of the letter derived from “e” (borrowed from Western writings). In Russian writing, in contrast to Belarusian writing, dots above the “yo” are optional (see the rules for using this letter).

In other Slavic Cyrillic [note 1] the letter "ё" is not used. In Ukrainian [note 2] and Bulgarian scripts, “yo” is written after consonants to indicate the corresponding sounds, and “yo” in other cases. In Serbian writing (and the Macedonian written on its basis) there are no special letters at all for iotated vowels and (or) softening the previous consonant, since to distinguish between syllables with a soft and hard consonant, not different vowels are used there, but different consonants, and iot is always written in a separate letter. In the Old and Church Slavonic alphabet, there is no similar letter “ё” due to the lack of appropriate combinations of sounds; Russian "yokane" is a common mistake when reading Church Slavonic text.

Yo - the seventh, lucky letter of the alphabet

V. T. Chumakov

Now we can definitely say that only at the very end of the last century, namely in August 1999, was it possible to make a historical and philological discovery and publish information about when the letter Y was first written by hand on paper and when it - a beauty - began to be replicated in books.

November 18 (29), 1783 in the house of the director of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, Princess Ekaterina Romanovna Dashkova, in the presence of prominent writers and scientists - G. R. Derzhavin, D. I. Fonvizin, Ya. B. Knyaznin, I. I. Lepekhin and others - the draft of the first explanatory dictionary of the Russian language ("Dictionary of the Russian Academy", parts 1-6, 1789-1794) was discussed. Book. Ekaterina Romanovna asked the men of science why in the word "iolka" one sound, which is often used in Russian, is denoted by two letters and would it not be more convenient to introduce a new letter? And then she drew it on paper. There were no objections, since the scientific authority of the book. Dashkova was very tall. So this day became the birthday of a new Russian letter.

However, the fairy tale soon tells, but the deed is not soon done. After that, the letter Yo for 12 years occasionally appeared only in handwritten form and, in particular, in the letters of G. R. Derzhavin. It was replicated with a printing press in 1795 at the Moscow University Printing House by H. Ridiger and H. A. Claudius during the publication of the book “And My Trifles” by Ivan Ivanovich Dmitriev, a poet, fabulist, chief prosecutor of the Senate, and then Minister of Justice. This printing house, which, by the way, printed the newspaper Moskovskie Vedomosti since 1788, was located on the site of the current Central Telegraph.

The first word printed with the letter Ё was the word "everything". Then followed the words: light, stump, deathless, cornflower. In 1796, in the same printing house, N. M. Karamzin in his first book “Aonid” with the letter Ё prints: dawn, eagle, moth, tears and the first verb with Ё ​​“drip”. Then, in 1797, the first unfortunate typo in the word with Y. The proofreader did not see it through, and the circulation was published with “garnished” instead of “faceted”. And in 1798, G. R. Derzhavin used the first surname with the letter E - Potemkin. These are Yo's first steps through the pages of books.

Before the publication in the publishing house "People's Education" in October 2000, the book by B.V. Pchelov and V.T. The letter Yo was N. M. Karamzin, and he began to replicate this letter in 1797. This is exactly how it is written, for example, in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. Alas, this error persisted for a long time. Now in reference books and encyclopedias it will be necessary to print that the initiative to introduce the letter Yo belongs to the book. E. R. Dashkova, and this letter began to be replicated in 1795 in the work of I. I. Dmitriev.

We can safely say that the letter Yo is one of the symbols of the Russian mentality. And indeed, where else and in what country would they blacken out an optional letter for writing, although it is legalized in the alphabet and ranked in it under the holy, mystical number seven? Where else is there a letter that is mandatory in books for children and foreigners, but optional for adults, although foreigners may be among them? Let's break the chain of questions, and there are still a lot of them, and try to understand why the invincible and immortal publican - the letter Yo has been living in Russian orthography for 218 years, and when her torment finally ends, of course, with victory.

The scope of the publication does not even allow a cursory trace of her, without exaggeration, dramatic fate. Therefore, we will immediately answer the question, did Pushkin use the letter Yo after Karamzin, Derzhavin and Dmitriev? Yes. Frankly, not very often, but still it is found in his works. Here is the epigram - "To Lev Sergeevich Pushkin."

Our friend Pushkin Lev
Not devoid of reason
But with champagne fat pilaf
And duck with milk mushrooms
We will prove better than words,
that he is healthier
The power of the stomach.

Lyovushka, Lev - this name was pronounced and written like that in the 19th century, and Pushkin considered it necessary, despite typographical difficulties, to use Yo so that the reader could immediately read the verse in which the words "Lev" and "pilaf" rhyme.

And here is another giant of our literature - Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy - due to the unwillingness of the printing house to bother with the manufacture of the letter E, he could not defend the correct spelling of his last name goodie novel Anna Karenina. Tolstoy called him Levin, using his own name for this, but instead the printing house took on a completely different and clearly not Russian surname - Levin.

It seems that Apollon Grigoriev later recalled how Tolstoy was angry with the printers, telling them that a certain Levin kept a pharmacy in Odessa, and his Tolstoy Konstantin Levin was a landowner-digger. However, nothing came of fixing the apparent error. And so the Russian aristocrat still remains the bearer of a Jewish surname.

It has not yet been established exactly when and who was the first to insert the letter Yo into the Russian alphabet system, but Lev Nikolayevich did this in his New Alphabet in 1875. In it, Yo alone occupies the 31st cell and stands after the yat and before the letter E.

And even earlier, in 1863-1866, our other luminary Vladimir Ivanovich Dal in the first edition of " explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language ”placed Yo along with the letter E and introduced a fair amount of words with the letter Yo into the Dictionary.

And how many words in our language now begin with this letter? In the latest editions of the famous "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" by S. I. Ozhegov and N. Yu. Shvedova, the letter E finally got its own vocabulary, leaving the yoke of the letter E. It contains 12 words: hedgehog, hedgehog, hedgehog , yokat, tree, herringbone, capacious, capacity, fidget, dwarf, ruff and ruff. But there are many more words that begin with the letter Yo. In the dictionary of the use of the letter Ё, placed in the book “Two centuries of the Russian letter Ё”, 50 words are given, and among them there is not a single word of taboo.

It has been clear for a long time that the Russian language cannot do without this letter. Our great poet Nekrasov in the poem "To whom it is good to live in Russia" uses the word birch bark, which is now almost universally pronounced birch bark.

Two ran for vodka.
And the rest for a while
The glass is made
I pulled the birch bark.

It seems that Nekrasov's opinion is worth listening to. Birch - birch bark - this is more correct than birch bark. Unfortunately, in some dictionaries now there is only the last and obviously erroneous option.

Recently, a book appeared on the shelves, which directly begins with a gross spelling mistake. On the cover of a solid folio, it is typed in large numbers: “ Godfather Kremlin...” It is clear that the book will be of interest not only to native speakers of the Russian language or graduates of the philological departments of Russian universities. Perhaps non-Russians will also want to read it. So, I dare to assure you that very many will pronounce it this way: “godfather”. because there is a “procession of the cross”, “torments of the cross”, “ sign of the cross”, “Kissing the Cross” and, finally, “Power of the Cross” (The power of the Cross is with us!). And this should not be confused with a godson or daughter, and even more so with a father. After all, there is the "Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation" - State standard Russia, in which paragraph 10 reads: “Letter yo is written in the following cases: 1. When it is necessary to prevent incorrect reading and understanding of a word, for example: learn Unlike know everything Unlike all; bucket Unlike bucket; perfect(participle) as opposed to perfect(adjective), etc. 2. When it is necessary to indicate the pronunciation of a little-known word, for example: Olekma river. 3. In special texts: primers, school textbooks of the Russian language, orthoepy textbooks, etc., as well as in dictionaries to indicate the place of stress and correct pronunciation.

This Standard is now shamelessly ignored, and as a result the cited book is perceived as a solid waste, stuffed with spelling errors. I'm sure many people think so, not just me.

And there is a lot of such a marriage in the country, despite the fact that now the process of printing and layout, which was once difficult and expensive, has been greatly simplified thanks to computerization, and the appearance of the letter Y or the letter under stress on a page or page has ceased to be a problem. Now it's a matter of seconds to print YO of any size and any typeface. And then it will automatically appear in the entire circulation. However, an unquiet, careless attitude towards the native language or great-power arrogance takes over. One highly learned philologist, an opponent of the letter Yo in our alphabet (believe me - there are some), answered my arguments with anger: “Let the Russian language be taught better!”. And how can you learn here if you stumble upon continuous artificially created obstacles? For example, the Institute of the Russian Language. V. V. Vinogradova prepared in 2001 a draft of the new “Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation”, in which the letter Y again remains optional for use. And no explanation. Perhaps they have nothing to object to such supporters of the mandatory use of Yo in writing and in print, such as Academicians L. V. Shcherba and A. A. Reformatsky.

I am deeply convinced that in addition to the obligatory writing of the letter Ё, the entire structure of the Russian language requires the wide use of the third diacritical mark in our spelling (the first two are Ё and Y) - the accent mark.

In Russian, stress is not fixed. With a change in the place of stress, the meaning of the word can also change. Numerous homographs are an example of this: za mok-zamó k, doro ga-road, uzna yu-know, mý ka-muká, etc. It is important to stress the pronoun what(in the nominative and accusative) to distinguish it from the union what.

I will give another example of an error from the book "The Godfather of the Kremlin ..."

"Vagit Alekperov showed what a smart and energetic leader can do with a Russian oil company."

Only after reading the sentence to the end, you discover with annoyance that the author mentally put a semantic stress on the word “what” - and therefore this is not a union, but an interrogative-relative pronoun, and here you should put a semantic stress - “what”. And if this were done when laying out the book, then the reader would not spend extra time researching and returning to the beginning. That would save the time of thousands of readers.

They would take an example from the classics, say, from M. Yu. Lermontov.

Laughing, he defiantly despised
Alien land language and customs;
He could not spare our glory,
I could not understand at this bloody moment
What did he raise his hand to?

These are not editors, it is Mikhail Yuryevich himself who put the emphasis on the word “what”. But not to put a semantic accent or a dot over the letter Y, in my opinion, means raising a hand to our shrine Russian language.

Open a newspaper or magazine at random, where the letter Ё and the accent mark are prohibited, and you will see a placer of "masterpieces". “Everything for the home”, “Everything for the dacha”, “We have everything for you”, “Everything in the Kremlin is like 100 years ago”. And one respectable newspaper with a circulation of half a million, forgetting that there is different words“body to” and “heifer” gives such a heading: “Fighting bulls will be sent to heifers.” That is, they will send them to put them on veal-beef or to make them friends with heifers? However, anyone who knows at least a little about the methods of raising cattle will be completely at a loss, because for 40 years it has been used all over the world artificial insemination, and bulls to cows, and even more so to heifers, are not allowed. Only after reading the article, you are convinced that the author meant to send the bulls not to be slaughtered, but to heifers, which does not happen in reality. This is how you can get into trouble and mislead readers if you neglect the letter Yo and the accent mark.

It should be especially noted that the absence of the letter Y leads to a significant increase in the time of reading and comprehending the text. The reader, as it were, stumbles while reading in order to understand whether the letter E is needed here or not. And, on the other hand, if the letter Ё was printed regularly, then it, as a dominant in the text and, as a rule, stress in a word, would be visible in advance with peripheral vision, which would undoubtedly increase the speed of reading. Academician D. S. Likhachev wrote: “The more graphic signs in the language, the easier it is to read, since each word becomes more characteristic, more individual, acquires a certain physiognomy ... The interests of reading should prevail over the interests of writing (he writes a book alone, and read 30,000 for about 50 years). And now imagine how much time the 200 million people who read Russian have lost in 50 years, if for this reason they lost at least one second per page of a medium format book. Are we not paying too high a price because of the stubbornness of individual linguistic scientists and because of the laziness of editors and editorial typists?

In 1999, a huge thousand-page book “Faces of Russia. Modern political history of Russia. It contains 15,000 references on persons who make up the intellectual and personnel elite modern Russia. So in this book, its creators managed to use only two (!) Letters Yo in the entire text (Yolkin D.V. and Yolchev V.A.). In the rest of the heading (black) words there is not a single stress! And this is a gross defect, a violation of the Standard of encyclopedic publications. As a result, many surnames cannot be read correctly. Any schoolchild knows that some surnames differ only in stress: Ivano v and Ivanov, Novikov and Novikо in ​​(the outstanding educator N. I. Novikov was the carrier of the second option), Dá shkov (princely family) and Dashkó in (noble) and in those surnames that more and more often sound wrong, but allow only one option: Rémbrandt, K. D. Bálmont, F. A. Brýni, I. S. Sokolov-Mikútov, A. F. Kerensky, AM Kaledun, S.I. Ozhegov, S.D. Druzzhin, E.S. Shúlovskaya (wife of M.A. Bulgakov), N.K. Mikháilovsky and others. By the way, the stress also testified to social origin. Representatives of the noble families of the Chichagovs and Eropkins argue that their surnames should be pronounced as Chichagó in and Eropkú n. In the 18th and early XIX v. the surname of Count Zadanaisky and his son Nikolai Petrovich was Rumyantsov, and the museum founded by his son was called Rumyantsov. Noble surnames ending in "-tsov" did not always have an accent on the last syllable (Kolokoltsó v, Zvegintsó v): the surname Kokovtsov was pronounced as Kokóvtsov. But as for the legendary world chess champion, his full name Alexander Alexandrovich Alekhin (and not Alekhin!), on which he firmly insisted in his time.

So, in order to understand the "Persons of Russia", which were created by the "Spiritual Heritage" and "RAU - Corporation", the use of other, more competently compiled reference books is required ...

One of highlights the existence of the letter Yo in personal names is legal aspect. There is no doubt that any official documents, both personal (passports, birth certificates, marriage certificates, etc.) and public, up to the highest legislation, must be legally unambiguous. This is an axiom of the functioning of any state. But what kind of discord arises when you do not want to write and print Y. After all, many surnames differ only in this letter. An absolutely unacceptable situation of legal ambiguity is created. What kind of citizen is this: Fedor Semenovich Zhikharev or Fedor Semenovich Zhikharev; Pyotr Fedorovich Séleznev or Pyotr Fedorovich Seleznev; Chernyshov, Chernyshev or Chernyshev. Isn't it clear that there shouldn't be any questions here, just like in any legislative acts. We see the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, published without a single letter Y. Someone will say: "It's nothing, and everything is clear." But the text of the law is, first of all, a legal document, and not a trivial reading, and here references to the ingenuity of citizens are indispensable, therefore, in the interests of the unambiguity of the text, the presence of the letter E in it, the legal letter of the Russian alphabet, is absolutely necessary. In my opinion, any legislative act of the Russian Federation can be legally complete and irreproachable only if it contains dots in all letters Y, as well as stress marks in all words that can be read in two ways. After all, laws are written for the whole people, and not only for highly educated native speakers of the Russian language. And in confirmation of this, we cite here the very first words of our Constitution: “We, a multinational people Russian Federation united by a common destiny on their land...”

However, it is gratifying to note that in the country and beyond its borders, the process of increasingly widespread introduction of the letter YO on the pages of books, newspapers and magazines is spontaneously going on. Now there are several dozen titles of periodicals in which the letter Y is printed regularly.

In the credits on television, the widespread use of Yo began and we see the names of Seleznev, Podberyozkin, Chebyshev, Degtev, Ognev; other words: actor, director, "Day by Day", "Hockey Stars" and much more.

In the metro, new inscriptions on signs are made only with the letter Y: “Savelovskaya”, “Semyonovskaya”, “Shchelkovskaya”, “New Cheryomushki”, etc. But the station “Planernaya” was not lucky. We woke up late. It is no longer called otherwise than “Plá nernaya”. Meanwhile, this is completely wrong accent gives the name of the station a dangerous meaning - in the language of drug addicts, "plan" is called marijuana ...

For the last 4 years, during the construction of new roads, they began to write Yo in road signs: Korolev, Zhigulevsk, Venev, Dulevo, Belev - cities; Psel, Ocher, Yorsa - rivers, etc.

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and writer A. I. Solzhenitsyn always prints the letter Y in his books and does not forget, where required, to put a semantic stress.

Everyone who sincerely loves the Russian language experiences the joy that for everything more compatriots come to a simple truth: the non-use of the letter YO in writing generates erroneous information, leads to distortion and disfigurement of the Russian language, and this must be put an end to. I am convinced that soon the disgraced letter of the Russian alphabet will take its rightful place in our language. Prominent figures of Russian culture, literature and linguistics, such as Prince. E. R. Dashkova, G. R. Derzhavin, N. M. Karamzin, Ya. K. Grot, V. I. Dal, L. V. Shcherba, and A. A. Reformatsky.

It so happened that since 1917, as a result of 12 years of work of the Commission on Russian Spelling, 33 letters have been fixed in our alphabet and, I think, forever. Exactly thirty-three, and this number is sacred. Recall at least 33 heroes from Pushkin. Since 1710, when Peter I introduced the civil script, the number of letters in Russian writing has decreased by exactly ten. And, probably, it is worthy of surprise that among this blessed number of asterisks-letters of our alphabet, the letter Yo took the seventh and, of course, sanctified position. What is it - a game of chance or the will of Providence? It's not for us to judge. It just happened that way... And I would also like as many people as possible to realize that our alphabet is the foundation of our entire culture. This is the fundamental principle of the existence of Russia and all peoples speaking the Russian language. And therefore, discrimination of at least one letter leads to sad, devastating consequences for the Russian language, for our entire culture.

List of words containing the letter ё

actor hips* birch cow boiled bucket* all* nimble springs* oars* takeoff takeoff take off faceted distant turf conductor hedgehog hedgehog tree capacity snuggle yellow hard stiffness burnt flight green grain* seed take off red-hot nibble cool maple riveting wheeled bonfire loess oats pilot flame eagle sedentary donkey screwdriver alarmist diapers stump feather dog motley film ples poklovka podonny lift drifting snow flight flight reception acceptance svokor condensed milk condensed shogun saddles * salmon shooting taiga calf dark three-level three-star cliff tricycle chauffeur fourth fringe stale shit * dashes

An asterisk (*) marks words that can also be written with the letter e and in this case have a different meaning.

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And on the floor below the letter "D" there lived two sisters - the letter "E" and the letter "Yo". They were exactly the same, only the letter “Yo” had magic dots-circles, which, due to its absent-mindedness, constantly lost.

The letter "E" is magic letter, because it could turn into other letters. How? But like this:

For example, if the letter "E" stood up on its arms and legs, it turned into the letter "t". And if she stood on her head, she turned into the letter "E". And if she lay down on her back, she turned into the letter "Sh"! Here is such a magic letter "E"!

She also looked like a ladder, and if someone needed her help, she never refused.

Once the letter "E" went for a walk in the forest, where spruces grew and hedgehogs ran. There she met one hedgehog. At first, the letter "E" thought: "Oh, what a big thorn lies in the grass!" She touched the hedgehog and immediately pricked her finger and cried: “Oh-oh-oh!”

The hedgehog immediately removed his thorns, straightened up, before that he was curled up in a ball, and said to the letter "E":

– Forgive me, please, I didn’t see you, I thought that someone dangerous was coming. Now I will attach a plantain leaf to your finger, and everything will immediately heal.

He found a plantain leaf, applied the letters “E” to his finger, which she pricked, and the finger immediately stopped hurting. And then they suddenly heard someone crying.

- A-A-A! – someone went and cried.

The letter "E" together with the hedgehog went towards and saw ...

They were very surprised because they saw the letter "E".

- Ouch! - said the hedgehog, - it seems to me that I have double vision and I see two letters "E"!

- No! - sobbing, the stranger answered him. - I'm not the letter "E", I'm her sister, the letter "Yo", only I lost my dots again! A-A-A! she cried again.

“Don’t cry,” the hedgehog told her, “I will call all my friends, and they will definitely find them.”

The hedgehog called all the other hedgehogs and asked for help. For a long, long time, hedgehogs were looking for dots from the letter “Yo”, but they still couldn’t find it.

And now, in the evening, a joyful hedgehog came running and shouted:

- Hooray! Hooray! We found your dots, the letter "Yo"! They were on the lake!

- Oh yes! - said the letter "Yo", - I went swimming this afternoon, and probably forgot them there.

And she took and quickly attached the dots to her.

- Hooray! - shouted the hedgehogs, now they were very happy, because they began with the letter "Yo". And they would not be hedgehogs, but hedgehogs, if they had not found these dots.

And the joyful sisters, the letters "E" and "Yo", thanked the hedgehogs and ran to their home until it got dark.

At home, the letter "Yo" very carefully removed its dots and put them in the locker.

- Now I will be very careful and attentive, and I will always watch my dots! she said to the letter "E".

And then they washed, brushed their teeth and went to bed and rest.

And they dreamed of a forest with fir trees, where hedgehogs ran, blackberries grew, and hedgehogs ate this blackberry. The blackberries were very tasty. So delicious that even our sisters smacked their lips with pleasure in their sleep.

The purpose of the lesson: we study the letter Y, the formation of reading skills, the development of speech skills, the improvement of phonemic hearing, the basics of an elementary graphic skill.

  • introduce the preschooler to the letter Y, correct pronunciation sound;
  • teach to write printed letter Yo in the cells;
  • to form an interest in learning with poems and riddles.

Name what is shown in the pictures below:

Ruff Yolka Hedgehog Christmas decorations

  1. What letter does the letter Yo look like? What is the difference between the letters E and Y?
  2. Repeat: Hedgehog.
  3. Say the word Hedgehog, clap your hands and count the syllables.
  4. How many syllables are in this word? What is the first syllable in the word hedgehog?

The letter Yo is a vowel. Please remember this.

Consider the letter Y. We sewed the letter Y in the air and once in a notebook neatly in the cells with a simple pencil or ballpoint pen.

In cases where a child is asked to write a whole line of a letter, syllable or word, the adult gives a spelling pattern at the beginning of the line.
If a preschooler has difficulties, then an adult can draw two reference lines, or put anchor points that the child will connect with lines, or write the letters in their entirety, and the child will simply circle them in a different color. Calligraphy at this stage of training should not be required.

Continue the phrase

Good-natured, businesslike.
All covered with needles.
Do you hear the clatter of nimble feet?
This is our friend ... (Hedgehog).

Behind the river grew
They brought them to the feast
The branches have needles.
What is this? ... (Yolki.)

The whole family go for a walk
At night along the paths
Hedgehog-father, hedgehog-mother
And the child ... (Hedgehog).

Fur coat - needles.
He will curl up - sharp.
You can't take it by hand.
Who is this? ... (Hedgehog)

Oh, and the dress:
All needles.
They wear it forever ... (Yolki).

Prickly, but not a hedgehog.
Who is this? ... (Ruff.)

The gray hedgehog was very quiet
And the hedgehog too.
And they had a child
Very quiet ... (Hedgehog).

Tale about the letter Y

Hedgehog and brush

All the animals went to bed for the winter, and the hedgehogs lay down in a hole under the tree. And the little hedgehog can't sleep.

Mom! What is it that we are all sleeping and sleeping ... May I go to my friend the brush?
- Yes, what are you? You will freeze more. Sleep!

The hedgehog lay, lay, fidgeted, fidgeted, waited until his mother fell asleep, and crawled out of the hole. Get out and be surprised. Everything is white-white, and the snow on the Christmas trees looks like a chicken, then a hedgehog and even a brush!

Oh how great! And the brush is sitting in the river, he doesn’t see anything!

He ran to the river, and instead of the river - one ice, and a hole in the middle.

Ruff, and ruff! What have I seen! Well, ruff!

The hedgehog called for a long time, he froze all over. Finally, a sleepy ruff emerged:

Well, why are you screaming, won't you let me sleep?
- Are you sleeping too?
- And how. Until the spring. Would you go too?

The hedgehog trotted home, into a warm hole. He froze all over, ate honey so as not to get sick, and lay down to sleep until spring.

Riddles for children with the letter Y

Here are the needles and pins
They crawl out from under the bench.
They are looking at me.
They want milk.

On the back of the needle
Long and spiky
And he curls up into a ball.
There is no head or legs.

A ball is rolling in the forest,
It has a prickly side.
He hunts at night
For bugs and mice.

Walking along the path.
The forest is on the back.

Touchy, covered in needles,
I live in a hole, under a tree.
Though the doors are wide open,
But animals do not enter me.

The master sewed a fur coat for himself,
I forgot to take out the needles.
I come with gifts.
I shine bright lights.
Dressy, funny.
On the New Year i'm the main one.
(Christmas tree)

What a beauty -
It stands, shining brightly,
How beautifully trimmed...
Tell me who is she?
(Christmas tree)

Prickly, but not a hedgehog.

Proverbs and sayings starting with the letter Y

Do not bother - do not eat honey.
If you don't crack a nut, you won't eat the kernel.

Funny poems about the letter Yo for children

Tell me, letter Yo,
How is your life-being?
Letter Yo
- Nothing life
I am always a drummer!
- Oh-yo-yo,
(A. Shibaev)

sea ​​urchin at the bottom of the sea
He sang about the forest hedgehog:
Oh you, hedgehog, brother hedgehog.
How do you live without the sea?
The hedgehog lives in the wilderness of the forest,
Yolka is his native home ...
(B. Timofeev)

What are you, hedgehog, so prickly?
- This is me just in case:
Do you know who my neighbors are?
Foxes, wolves and bears!
(B. Zakhoder)

Somehow I had a dream.
Like a cavalry squadron
Walking down the alley.
So he pounded and stomped loudly.
What woke up all around.
I woke up all of a sudden.
Light lit...
I see a hedgehog
Under the bed - tuk tuk!
From his short legs
This stomp
This knock.
(A. Volsky)

And the hedgehog ran away at night.
Nobody offended him.
He's been grieving since morning
He was sad yesterday.
What did he, stupid, yearn for?
Nobody approached him.
We loved him so much
And ironed and washed.
But he curled up and trembled.
And then he took it and ran away ...
We searched all the bushes.
Until the darkest darkness
And I screamed
And my brother was screaming.
And the hedgehog hid and was silent.
Spiders scurry in the grass,
The crickets sang softly.
With native nature in the world.
The hedgehog was in his apartment.
(Yu. Mogutin)

Restless neighbors
Look, look:
Five neighbors in the alphabet -
The letters g, d, e, e, w -
Everyone is grieving about the hedgehog.
They always think:
"Where is the hedgehog?"
You won't comfort
You won't get away...
(A. Shibaev)

The hedgehog and the Christmas tree have
Very sharp needles.
The rest of the tree hedgehog
Doesn't look like it at all.
(G. Satir)

How does a tree not look like a wolf?
Wolves live in the spruce thicket.
Christmas trees grow in the spruce thicket.
They look like us
And we can easily confuse them.
And the wolves walk, huddled in a pack,
And the trees are growing in bunches.
The wolf can scratch with its paw,
And the fir-trees scratch with their paws.
Wolves walk quietly, silently,
Such is the habit of the wolf.
And the tree, if it doesn't creak.
It is silent, as if sleeping.
(G. Kopylov)

The little Christmas tree is cold in winter.
We took a Christmas tree home from the forest.
They hung the beads, stood in a round dance.
Have fun, have fun in the New Year.
(3. Aleksandrova)

Christmas tree in ice sparkles,
In warm resinous tears.
Fresh, green, sunlit.
(E. Blaginina)

What grows on the tree?
Cones and needles.
colorful balls
They don't grow on a tree.
Do not grow on a tree
Gingerbread and flags
Nuts don't grow
In golden paper.
(S. Marshak)

If the Christmas tree had legs,
She would run down the path.
She would dance with us
She would have banged her heels.
Toys would spin on the Christmas tree -
Multi-colored lanterns, firecrackers.
Flags would spin on the Christmas tree
From crimson, from silver paper.
Laughed at the Christmas tree matryoshka
And they would clap their hands with joy.
Because tonight at the gate
The New Year has arrived!
new, new,
With a golden beard!
(K. Chukovsky)

Ira and hedgehog
Ira asks: “Hedgehog, hedgehog!
Will you sew a dress for me?"
The hedgehog answered from under the tree:
"There are no threads - only needles."
(F. Bobylev)

Raccoon and hedgehog
The hedgehog washed his ears in the bath,
Neck, skin on the abdomen.
And the hedgehog said to the raccoon:
- Won't you rub my back?
(G. Vieru)

Lesson summary:

  1. The pronunciation of new words increases vocabulary preschooler, develops speech and memory.
  2. Cellular exercises develop fine motor skills hands
  3. Riddles develop in children ingenuity, the ability to analyze and prove. Educators use riddles in teaching children to increase interest during complex tasks.
  4. Poems affect not only the development of memory. It has been proven that if you learn several lines every day, new neural connections appear in the brain, and the overall learning ability increases.

And on the floor below the letter "D" there lived two sisters - the letter "E" and the letter "Yo". They were exactly the same, only the letter “Yo” had magic dots-circles, which, due to its absent-mindedness, constantly lost.

The letter "E" is a magic letter because it could change into other letters. How? But like this:

For example, if the letter "E" stood up on its arms and legs, it turned into the letter "t". And if she stood on her head, she turned into the letter "E". And if she lay down on her back, she turned into the letter "Sh"! Here is such a magic letter "E"!

She also looked like a ladder, and if someone needed her help, she never refused.

Once the letter "E" went for a walk in the forest, where spruces grew and hedgehogs ran. There she met one hedgehog. At first, the letter "E" thought: "Oh, what a big thorn lies in the grass!" She touched the hedgehog and immediately pricked her finger and cried: “Oh-oh-oh!”

The hedgehog immediately removed his thorns, straightened up, before that he was curled up in a ball, and said to the letter "E":

– Forgive me, please, I didn’t see you, I thought that someone dangerous was coming. Now I will attach a plantain leaf to your finger, and everything will immediately heal.

He found a plantain leaf, applied the letters “E” to his finger, which she pricked, and the finger immediately stopped hurting. And then they suddenly heard someone crying.

- A-A-A! – someone went and cried.

The letter "E" together with the hedgehog went towards and saw ...

They were very surprised because they saw the letter "E".

- Ouch! - said the hedgehog, - it seems to me that I have double vision and I see two letters "E"!

- No! - sobbing, the stranger answered him. - I'm not the letter "E", I'm her sister, the letter "Yo", only I lost my dots again! A-A-A! she cried again.

“Don’t cry,” the hedgehog told her, “I will call all my friends, and they will definitely find them.”

The hedgehog called all the other hedgehogs and asked for help. For a long, long time, hedgehogs were looking for dots from the letter “Yo”, but they still couldn’t find it.

And now, in the evening, a joyful hedgehog came running and shouted:

- Hooray! Hooray! We found your dots, the letter "Yo"! They were on the lake!

- Oh yes! - said the letter "Yo", - I went swimming this afternoon, and probably forgot them there.

And she took and quickly attached the dots to her.

- Hooray! - shouted the hedgehogs, now they were very happy, because they began with the letter "Yo". And they would not be hedgehogs, but hedgehogs, if they had not found these dots.

And the joyful sisters, the letters "E" and "Yo", thanked the hedgehogs and ran to their home until it got dark.

At home, the letter "Yo" very carefully removed its dots and put them in the locker.

- Now I will be very careful and attentive, and I will always watch my dots! she said to the letter "E".

And then they washed, brushed their teeth and went to bed and rest.

And they dreamed of a forest with fir trees, where hedgehogs ran, blackberries grew, and hedgehogs ate this blackberry. The blackberries were very tasty. So delicious that even our sisters smacked their lips with pleasure in their sleep.