How does artificial conception take place? How does artificial insemination take place? Intrauterine insemination method

Artificial insemination- this is a real miracle for those couples who cannot conceive a child themselves.

If many years of unsuccessful attempts lead to zero results, then the spouses feel despair. In this case, artificial insemination becomes the only way out.

Achievements of modern medicine make it possible to make dreams of children come true. Nowadays, no one is surprised to hear about IVF.

What do you need to know?

If you want to use artificial insemination, then you need to familiarize yourself with its basic principles... Feedback from people who have gone through this procedure is always a good help.

According to statistics, most infertile married couples prefer to carry out artificial insemination... This procedure has an affordable cost. It is done in many Russian clinics.

average price for artificial insemination (artificial insemination) fluctuates within 15,000 rubles.

The advantage of this procedure- it does not require a break from the usual life. That is, immediately after the session, the woman can start her work.

Reviews about this procedure, usually positive... Here you need to understand that success depends not only on the skills of doctors. The health status of the spouses is the most important factor that determines the outcome of the session.

Concerning in vitro fertilization, sometimes this procedure is the only way out. Judging by the reviews, women who have undergone IVF recommend a thorough approach to the choice of clinic.

It is important to determine what kind of medical equipment the center is equipped with. It is equally important to find out the level of qualification of embryologists.

If the embryology of the clinic is at a low level, then the procedures may fail. In this case, the treatment turns into a banal pumping out of money from an infertile couple.

But IVF performed by professionals works wonders. There are excellent specialists in Russia who have helped many people become happy parents. Therefore, choose a medical center it is necessary according to the recommendations, not the cost of services.

Methods and types of artificial insemination

Under artificial insemination understand a whole range of special methods of infertility treatment.

This includes in vitro fertilization with the transfer of cleavage embryos into the uterus and fertilization by artificial insemination.

What is artificial insemination?

This method is also called insemination... In this variant, sperm is injected into the lumen of the fallopian tubes or into the uterine cavity.

Artificial insemination is used in the following cases:

  • with some diseases of a man (impotence, hypospadias, lack of ejaculation, etc.);
  • anatomical changes in the cervix;
  • vaginismus that does not respond to treatment;
  • if antisperm antibodies are found in the woman's cervical mucus.

Before the procedure experts examine the man's sperm. They find out the cause of infertility.

Insemination is carried out 2-3 times during one cycle. The procedure is repeated at least 3 cycles.

If the examination revealed that the husband's sperm has pathological changes (a decrease in the number of sperm cells or none at all), then we are talking about the donor's sperm.

Sometimes the reason for using donor sperm becomes, which is not amenable to treatment, as well as genetic diseases in the husband's immediate family.

Thus, the man's seed is introduced into the female genital tract, bypassing the barriers that are detrimental to him. The procedure mechanism is as follows: sperm are placed in the genital tract or in the uterine cavity.

Further one of them fertilizes a mature egg (artificial insemination). After that, it is implanted to the wall of the uterus, and the embryo continues to develop. With such fertilization there is no problem of "extra" embryos.

The positive result of the procedure largely depends on the diseases that the couple has. Sometimes a woman may not be menstruating even though she has not become pregnant. Therefore, you can only find out exactly about conception with help.

If no ovarian stimulation is performed, then insemination can be performed several times.

Usually, after insemination with donor sperm, pregnancy occurs in 80% of cases... Women who have undergone artificial insemination are under the supervision of a specialist from the antenatal clinic.

Pregnancy and childbirth usually proceed without complications. Fetal anomalies in such cases do not occur more often than in other pregnant women.

You can get tested for hormones or buy.

If you want to carry out insemination on your own, then keep in mind that sperm retains its activity for no more than 2 hours... It cannot be properly frozen and stored at home.

That is, it will not be possible to completely imitate the conditions of the clinic. Therefore, the sperm must be used immediately after ejaculation.

The procedure is performed using a syringe without a needle. You will need a sterile and dry container to collect semen. You can use a vaginal dilator.

After receiving the sperm from the donor, wait for it to liquefy (no more than 20 minutes). After that sperm is drawn into a syringe and inject it into the vagina.

Wherein is strictly prohibited inject sperm into the uterine cavity. Self-manipulation should not affect the sterile cavity. This can cause infection or injury.

If home insemination is successful, pregnancy will result.

Despite the fact that artificial insemination does not always end in conception, do not despair... Persistent efforts, patience and a professional approach of specialists are important factors for success.

The long-awaited baby will be the reward for your work.

ECO. School of Doctor Komarovsky.


Artificial insemination or insemination is used for certain diseases (impotence, lack of ejaculation, hypospadias, etc.) with anatomical changes in the cervix, vaginismus, as well as when antisperm antibodies are detected in cervical mucus in women. With this method of artificial insemination, sperm is injected into the uterine cavity or into the lumen of the fallopian tubes. One of the sperm is a mature egg, after which it is implanted to the wall of the uterus.

Insemination is carried out two to three times during one menstrual cycle, the procedure must be repeated at least three cycles. If, during examination, pathological changes were detected in the husband, donor sperm is used. The reason for the use of donor sperm is also the Rh-conflict, which is not amenable to treatment, as well as genetic diseases in the husband's closest relatives. The positive result of the procedure will largely depend on the diseases that the couple has. As a rule, after insemination, pregnancy occurs in eighty percent of cases.

In vitro fertilization is performed outside the body. This procedure is resorted to if a woman's fallopian tubes are removed, with low patency and obstruction of the fallopian tubes, in the absence of the effect of long-term treatment (more than five years), in case of unexplained infertility. Before IVF, a study of the condition of the genitals is carried out. A woman's uterus and ovaries must retain their functions; neoplasms, inflammation and anatomical changes must be absent in the reproductive organs.

The in vitro fertilization procedure includes: obtaining eggs from a woman, fertilizing eggs with the sperm of a husband or donor, observing embryos in the laboratory, transferring embryos into the uterine cavity. Miscarriage with IVF occurs in 40% of cases, fetal death during childbirth is often observed. Doctors associate these circumstances with the age of women in labor, as well as with pathologies in their reproductive system.

Artificial insemination by ICSI (intracytoplasmic injection) is performed in cases of severe male infertility. During the procedure, a sperm cell is injected into an egg taken from a woman's ovary. The difference between this method and IVF is that with ICSI, one, the most viable sperm is selected, which is placed inside the egg with a needle, and with in vitro fertilization, the sperm are together with the eggs in a special solution and penetrate inside on their own.

The procedure of artificial insemination of a woman in our time has ceased to be news. It allows infertile couples to give birth to a long-awaited healthy baby. In our article, you will find out what methods of artificial insemination exist and how this procedure is performed.

Artificial insemination is an assisted reproductive technology that allows women to become pregnant through medical intervention.

It is used in two cases: when a married couple is infertile (one of the spouses is infertile) or when a single girl wants to give birth to a child. This procedure is carried out in specialized medical centers using high-tech equipment.

The fertilization procedure itself is preceded by tests and a conversation with a doctor. Based on their results, the specialist selects the most suitable method of artificial insemination for a couple (or a single girl). The consequences of this procedure are unpredictable: on average, pregnancy occurs in 10 - 40 percent of cases, depending on the method chosen. Hormone therapy is sometimes necessary, which can cause side effects, but more often than not, this is not required. It should also be noted that it is impossible to predict the sex of the child with artificial insemination. In addition, when using some methods, it is possible to conceive twins and even triplets.

Artificial insemination methods

Now let's take a closer look at the methods of artificial insemination. They can be divided into two types: when the sperm is injected into the girl's body and when the sperm and the egg are combined outside the female body, and an already fertilized egg enters it. Each of the methods has its own characteristics and contraindications, therefore, when choosing a method, the indicators of the reproductive health of men and women are of paramount importance.

One of the types of artificial insemination is intrauterine insemination with the husband's sperm. In this case, prepared and purified sperm is injected into the girl's uterus or fallopian tubes during ovulation. This method is used in the event that women's health is normal, and problems with conception arise due to male infertility (most often this is a decrease in the ability of sperm to conceive, impotence, lack of ejaculation). In addition, an indication for insemination may be the presence of structural features of the uterus, in which sperm cannot reach the egg, or the presence of mucus with antisperm bodies in the cervix. Because of them, sperm can die before reaching the egg.

The insemination method is one of the most affordable methods of artificial insemination. Moreover, it has the least side effects, since hormone therapy is rarely prescribed. Insemination can be performed up to four times in one menstrual cycle. The effectiveness of the method reaches 40%.

Is artificial insemination with donor sperm possible? Yes, insemination of this kind is carried out when the quality of the spouse's sperm is poor: the absence of sperm, their pathological changes, Rh-conflict, genetic diseases. In addition, donor sperm is used to fertilize the eggs of single girls who want to give birth to a healthy baby. The use of donor sperm is possible only after the written consent of both spouses.

There is also a method of artificial insemination, in which sperm and an egg cell are injected into the fallopian tube of a girl (GIFT method). The puncture is made from the side of the abdominal cavity on the most suitable day of the cycle (day of ovulation). The indication for this method is also male infertility. The procedure is performed only once per cycle.

In addition, you should know what is called artificial insemination, in which the finished embryo is transferred into the fallopian tube. This ZIFT method is quite productive. The embryo is inserted through the cervix. However, the GIFT and ZIFT methods are extremely rarely used in Russia, as they have analogues.

The intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) method is used for severe male infertility. In this case, only one sperm cell, the most mobile and viable, is injected into the egg for fertilization with a special thin needle. Often this method is used when other methods have remained ineffective. The percentage of successful fertilization of an egg is quite high: every third woman becomes pregnant.

One of the most popular methods of artificial insemination is IVF. In vitro fertilization is the insertion of ready-made embryos into a girl's uterus. Fertilization of eggs by sperm takes place in a special incubator, from where they are planted into the uterine cavity. To do this, with the help of special hormonal drugs in a girl, they stimulate the maturation of several eggs at once in one cycle. The effectiveness of the method reaches 40%.

It is used in cases where it is the woman who is infertile. Most often this is due to the absence of fallopian tubes or their obstruction. Also indications for IVF are endometriosis, hormonal dysfunction, the absence of pregnancy with unexplained reasons. However, IVF can also be used for male infertility.

How does artificial insemination work?

Of course, all couples preparing for these procedures are concerned with the question of how artificial insemination is done: this process has many features. We will tell you about this using the example of IVF and artificial insemination.

When carrying out in vitro fertilization, you must first pass all the necessary tests. There are no contraindications for IVF for a man. The state of health of a woman is assessed: the ability to conceive and bear a child. The next step is taking hormonal medications. They allow you to get several eggs in one menstrual cycle, because the chances of fertilization depend on their number.

The man receives sperm on his own through masturbation on the day of fertilization. Otherwise, it can be frozen. In laboratory conditions, semen and spermatozoa are separated from each other and the highest quality "individuals" are selected. Fertilization is carried out in the laboratory: for this, sperm are combined with the eggs in a special container or injected into the egg in a directed manner using needles.

In the incubator, embryos are stored for six days. From the second day they can be "planted" in the uterus. Part of the "material" is frozen in a cryostorage for re-introduction if pregnancy does not occur the first time. During the entire time of preparation for fertilization, the girl receives special preparations that will prepare her uterus for embryo attachment. The procedure itself is painless and takes a few minutes. Several embryos are transferred into the uterus using a special catheter. After that, you should wait 12 - 15 days and test for the amount of hCG in the girl's blood.

Many couples who are faced with the problem of conception are looking for ways to become parents, in which case the question often arises as to which method to choose.

Despite the fact that there are many ways in modern medicine, it is important to start with less radical procedures.


To achieve the highest probability of conception, it is important to know the date of ovulation. You can determine its onset in different ways, for example, by keeping a schedule, tests,.

Before taking action, many women do not turn to a doctor, but start asking questions in an Internet search engine, for example, how insemination is done at home, reviews from experienced people help to gain confidence before the procedure.

However, it is worth getting the advice of your doctor in order to have an accurate idea of ​​what can and cannot be done during insemination.

What is needed for the procedure

Before starting manipulations, it is necessary to prepare a sterile container for collecting semen, a disposable syringe without a needle with a volume of 10 ml; if necessary, a disposable sterile vaginal dilator is purchased.

The spouse or partner should collect the semen in a pre-prepared container. You cannot use it right away, you need to wait until it becomes a little thinner.

It takes about 10-20 minutes. During this time, the container can be wrapped in a towel to keep it warm, avoiding too high temperatures and shaking.

Sperm can be stored in this way for no more than two hours.

Step-by-step instruction

It should be understood that it will be impossible for a person without special education to introduce sperm into the uterine cavity itself without damaging it.

Therefore, artificial insemination at home is possible only if the syringe is inserted into the vagina as deep as possible without damaging the cervix.

Pressing the plunger of the syringe must be done carefully, without damaging the sperm.

If a vaginal dilator was used or it is also called a mirror, then the scheme of actions will be slightly different. For the convenience of its introduction, it is permissible to use a lubricant, without spermicidal lubricant.

The expander is inserted with a downward slope, at an angle of 45 °. The legs of the mirror should be moved apart by 2-3 cm so that the cervix becomes visible. With the help of the retainer, the expander is fixed in this position for further actions.


Do not spread the legs of the dilator too wide, so as not to injure the surface of the vagina.

The piston should be pressed smoothly. The contents of the syringe should not fall into the neck area, but only at its base, as this can lead to her injury. After the manipulation, it is necessary to smoothly loosen the dilator and close it, only after removing it from the vagina.

Success rate after home insemination

Both with natural fertilization and with insemination, no one can give one hundred percent guarantee that everything will work out the first time.

According to statistics, if you carry out artificial insemination of a woman at home, then the chances of success are no more than 20%.

It may take not one, but two or three attempts. If a woman is experiencing the growth of several eggs, it is best to carry out several such procedures during one cycle, this will increase the chances of successful conception.

As a rule, when infertility is established with unexplained reasons for its appearance, it is recommended to first resort to such a procedure as artificial insemination without stimulation.

That is, when eggs are produced by the body on its own, without the need for hormonal drugs (for example, duphaston or).

In this case, it will be possible to carry out a similar procedure for no more than six months in a row. If pregnancy does not occur, you will have to resort to the method.


As you can see from the article, the procedure itself is not very complicated and quite feasible at home. The success rate depends not only on the physical, but also on the psychological state of the couple.

You can combine the procedure with intercourse, since there is a possibility that when a woman has an orgasm, there are more chances of successful fertilization.

However, do not be upset if the attempt was unsuccessful the first time, it is important to have a positive attitude and conserve your strength so that the body is healthy and strong before pregnancy.

Video: Artificial insemination. Pros and cons

Unfortunately, in our time, up to 20% of married couples face the problem of infertility. If a diagnosis has been made, and the cause of the disease cannot be eliminated, then artificial insemination by the IVF method comes to the rescue. It is carried out when the spouses cannot conceive a child for several years.

What it is

If a couple cannot conceive a child naturally, it is worth paying attention to artificial methods.

What is the most commonly called artificial insemination? Usually the abbreviation IVF is used, which means extracorporeal conception. It is used in the presence of various pathologies in women and men. This is a procedure that has conquered infertility.

Fertilization occurs by the introduction of sperm into the uterus (insemination) or extracorporeally (in vitro - in a test tube, outside the body).

They perform the procedure in clinics that specialize in just this.

The efficiency is about 35%.


There are 2 types of fertilization. In each case, the type is selected individually, taking into account the medical indications. The types of artificial insemination are represented by sperm insemination (partner - IISM or donor - IISD); ECO:

  1. During insemination, ready-made sperm is inserted into the uterine cavity by a catheter. Thus, the sperm is not interfered with by the protective mucus of the cervix, the acidic environment of the vagina, it is directly transported to its destination without obstacles. Further, the sperm cells themselves move to the tubes, where the natural fertilization of the egg takes place. Both live and frozen semen are used. It is first purified and then concentrated. This method is recommended if a woman has an increased acidity of the vaginal environment, high viscosity of cervical mucus. For men, these are the indications of this method: with a small number of motile sperm, erectile dysfunction, high sperm viscosity. The procedure is performed without anesthesia. Upon completion, the patient should lie down for 20 minutes.
  2. IVF artificial insemination. The resulting eggs are combined with sperm in a test tube. A few days later, they are transplanted into the uterus. Their further development takes place there. A variation of this method is ICSI. Used for male infertility. Only here the doctor, using a powerful microscope, places the most fertile sperm in the egg. After a couple of days, it is inserted into the uterus.

Method description

How does artificial insemination take place - the essence of the method: sperm in a test tube are placed in an egg. When they merge, the material is inserted into the female uterus. If the procedure is successful, several embryos can take root. After all, they use not one egg, but several.

IVF, IVF together with ICSI are classic.

The ICSI method is auxiliary. They turn to this method for help when the sperm of a man is of poor quality (incorrect sperm structure, low motility). Having selected viable sperm, they are injected into the egg using a microscope, special. surgical instruments.

Fertilization methods also include:

  • Gift. For natural fusion, both male and female germ cells are injected into the uterus.
  • Insemination inside the uterus. Artificial insemination is carried out directly in the fallopian tubes.

Important! If the family wants one child, then the rest of the engrafted embryos can be removed (reduction). But sometimes it provokes a miscarriage.

Indications, contraindications

The main indication is infertility, which is not amenable to treatment. For women, this is:

  1. bilateral tubal sterility;
  2. operations on them after 30 years (plastic);
  3. long-term treatment of tubal obstruction;
  4. unknown cause of infertility;
  5. endometriosis (when natural pregnancy does not occur throughout the year);
  6. decreased work of the female reproductive system;
  7. age-related infertility;
  8. anovulation.

Indications for men for the additional ICSI method:

  • varicose veins of the spermatic cord;
  • azoospermia (lack of ducts or blocked ducts that do not produce semen).

In such cases, an operation is performed or a puncture is taken to obtain sperm. After selecting healthy cells, they are combined with the egg.

Note! Bad habits, low immunity, physical inactivity, excess weight are also contraindications.

There are absolute contraindications (either they do not perform the procedure at all, or they are carried out under the strictest control, with great care, with constant supervision) for two parties, these are:

  1. tuberculosis (active form);
  2. syphilis;
  3. HIV, AIDS (allowed if the form is subclinical or stage of remission);
  4. acute hepatitis of any form, chronic exacerbations of hepatitis B, C;
  5. malignant formations;
  6. benign formations of the female reproductive organs;
  7. leukemia (acute form);
  8. various anemias;
  9. diabetes;
  10. renal failure;
  11. serious mental disorders;
  12. severe movement disorders;
  13. heart diseases;
  14. rheumatoid arthritis and many other diseases that the doctor will familiarize with.


Geneticists carried out artificial insemination of pigs in the past, and they continue to do so now. The method has been used on women for over 100 years.

The procedure is performed in specialized honey. clinics, after a full examination of a couple planning a pregnancy. It is important to exclude contraindications. It is necessary to pass a bunch of tests, to pass many tests. A woman definitely needs:

  • check the uterus and its tubes (x-ray with contrast agent);
  • or do laparoscopy to make sure the reproductive tract is patent.

To obtain eggs, hormones stimulate ovulation for several weeks. At maturation, the eggs are removed by a reproductive specialist and placed in a test tube.

An important advantage of IVF is the genetic diagnosis of the embryo (it detects deviations, possible diseases, developmental abnormalities).

You can check all chromosomes, select only healthy embryos.


This process is quite laborious. How artificial insemination is done - let's get acquainted in stages:

  1. Preparatory. Diagnostics of a couple, making diagnoses. Detection of diseases that do not have the best effect on fertilization. If necessary, carry out treatment. Preparation lasts up to 3 months. The main thing is that the basic indicators of health are normal for both.
  2. Stimulation for superovulation. With the help of hormones, they stimulate the production of eggs. A clear schedule of drug intake is observed. During this period, the blood is constantly checked, an ultrasound is done. Obtaining high-quality material directly depends on the correct performance of all preparatory procedures. The doctor prescribes the necessary drugs, the method of artificial insemination is determined.
  3. Sperm collection, follicle. The man just donates sperm. A woman undergoes transvaginal puncture of the follicles with a thin needle. Lasts 15 minutes, monitored by ultrasound. The resulting liquid is sent to the laboratory, the eggs are taken. The woman remains under observation for several hours. Before going home, she has another ultrasound scan.
  4. Embryo formation. Make a solution as close as possible to the uterus environment. Eggs are placed there, later they will be fertilized. The quality of the sperm affects the way of fertilization. For example, the in vitro method - a sperm is injected into a solution, and it itself enters the egg. ICSI - introduction with tools. The doctor observes all the stages, fixes the features of the development of the embryo.
  5. Introduction. The embryo is injected after fertilization from day 2. It happens quickly and doesn't hurt. According to the law of the Russian Federation, 1-2 embryos can be injected. Rarely, more is introduced (there must be a solid evidence for this, a woman's written consent).
  6. Cycle support. Definition of pregnancy. Over the next 2 weeks, the embryo should attach inside the uterus. Hormone therapy is prescribed by the doctor. A woman has the right to sick leave. Physical rest, emotional calmness is recommended. Better to stay at home, reduce contacts, stick to bed rest.
  7. Diagnostics. After 2 weeks, a diagnosis is made to determine pregnancy. They are tested (urine for hCG, blood). The exact answer about the presence of pregnancy will be given by an ultrasound scan in another week. Then the number and position of embryos will already be clearly defined.
  8. Pregnancy. Coincides with natural.

Clinic selection

Having decided on a serious procedure, you should only contact professionals who have been practicing artificial insemination of women for more than one year.

It is worthwhile to contact the clinic if:

  • there are specialists of a narrow profile (genetics, embryologists, reproductologists, andrologists);
  • preparations, materials are used only of high quality, original;
  • specialists form individual programs after a thorough study of the couple (age, health, illness);
  • doctors use hormones for stimulation in minimal amounts (thereby they take care of the health of their patients, avoiding hyperstimulation);
  • no more than 2 embryos are transplanted (to exclude multiple pregnancies);
  • the clinic has only modern medical equipment;
  • all sperm analyzes are performed in the same clinic, by embryologists (they will accurately assess fertility, morphology);
  • it is better if the chosen clinic will cooperate with a laboratory that has international standards (the quality of analyzes is extremely important at all stages of the procedure);
  • it is important that, from the consultation to the end of the manipulation, the patient is guided by the same reproductive specialist;
  • it is imperative to keep in touch with the doctor (phone, mail), to clarify questions, in the event of various situations;
  • it is great if pregnancy can be monitored at the same clinic.


Since 2015, the IVF procedure is free in Russia. This requires:

  1. availability of evidence;
  2. compulsory medical insurance policy;
  3. age from 22 to 39;
  4. the conclusion of the doctoral commission, referral to the procedure on a quota;
  5. no contraindications.

Spouses, partners and single women can choose the clinic themselves from the list of the federal program presented.

According to the conditions, it is allowed to make an unlimited number of fertilization attempts until the result is obtained.

Insurers give about 100 thousand rubles for each procedure. The rest, if necessary, is paid by clients.

Standing up in line for IVF, they draw up a compulsory medical insurance policy (a passport is presented, an examination is carried out, a diagnosis is made, sent to the commission, a clinic is selected, paperwork is drawn up).

It's worth noticing! The insurance does not cover the ICSI procedure if the infertility is male (unsuitable sperm). You will have to make the payment yourself (the average cost is 15 thousand rubles).

You can also always make a paid procedure. Prices are different. They must be immediately checked with the clinic manager and find out what is included in the price.