Flower cornflower description cornflower blue application cornflower meadow. Flower - cornflower The story of the appearance of the cornflower flower

Irina Vyacheslavovna Mozzhelina

Blue as the sky, a flower - cornflower

And among the ears of rye,

Where the moths circle

Yes, the grasshoppers are playing

They throw a friendly look

Blue cornflowers.

S. Drozhzhin

According to ancient Greek legend, "flower of the Centaur", or Centauri, hence the Latin name cornflower - Centaurea(scientific name cornflower blue - Centaurea cyanus, was in the healing arsenal of the centaur Chiron, who raised a young hero in the deep forest, hidden from the bloodthirsty ruler. The old centaur had the gift of healing, he treated with ointments, herbal infusions, and one of his favorite plants was just "centaurea" - cornflower blue. He found that juice cornflower, especially Centaurea jacea, has the precious property of healing wounds, and healed with it the wound inflicted by the poisoned arrow of Hercules. This was the reason for the name of the plant Centaurea. As for the second half of its name - "cyanus", it simply means "blue" in Latin, a color that is characteristic of our flower.

In one of the ancient Roman legends are spoken that this flower got its name in honor of a blue-eyed youth named Cyanus, who was struck by its beauty, collected these blue flowers and wove garlands and wreaths from them. The young man even dressed in a dress of blue color and did not leave the fields until all those he loved cornflowers were not collected to a single. A beautiful young man was once found dead in a grain field, surrounded cornflowers. Having learned about this, the goddess Flora, for such constancy and as a sign of special disposition towards him, turned the body of the young man into cornflower, and all cornflowers became known as cyanus (cyanus means blue).

One day the sky reproached the field for ingratitude: "Everything that inhabits the earth thanks me. Birds send me singing, flowers - fragrance and color, forests - a mysterious whisper, and only you do not express gratitude, although none other, namely, I fill the roots of cereals with rainwater and make them ripen ears". “I am grateful to you,” answered the field. “I decorate the arable land with ever-wavering greenery, and in autumn I cover it with gold. I cannot express my gratitude in any other way. Help me, and I will shower you with caresses and talk about love.” "Well," the sky agreed, "if you can't go up to me, then I'll go down to you." A miracle happened instantly, magnificent blue flowers grew among the ears, similar in color to the sultry sky. Since then, the ears of cereals, with every breath of the breeze, bow to the messengers of heaven - cornflowers and whisper sweet words to them.

The great Russian fabulist Ivan Andreevich Krylov was very fond of these flowers, and in his last will he asked to put them in his coffin cornflowers. "... we give the history of writing fables by I. A. Krylov" cornflower", dedicated to Empress Maria Feodorovna. The fable begins So:

"Blossoming in the wilderness cornflower

Suddenly fell ill, withered to half

And, bowing my head on a stalk,

Sadly waiting for death ... "

Since 1968 cornflower blue is the national flower of Estonia. In some European countries it is known as the German flower. (flower with German character). Of all the peoples of Europe, the most loved and popular cornflower enjoyed and enjoys the Germans. It has become especially dear to them since it became the favorite flower of Emperor Wilhelm I and his mother, Queen Louise.

. cornflower came to us from ancient times. During the excavations of the tomb of Tutankhamen, many items from precious stones and gold. But found in the sarcophagus a small wreath of cornflowers shocked archaeologists. The flowers dried up, but retained their color and shape.

The Slavs also knew about the healing power cornflower and since ancient times this plant has been used to treat a number of diseases. FROM cornflowers the Slavs have two holiday: "an ear went to the field" - was celebrated when ears of corn appeared on the field and "birthday sheaf" - was held at the end of summer before harvesting.

During the holiday, young girls and boys gathered on the outskirts of the village. They stood in two rows opposite each other, took hands, and along the hands, as if over a bridge, walked the tucked-in cornflowers and ribbons girl. The couples moved from the last rows to the first until the girl walked along their hands to the field. At the field, she descended to the ground, plucked several ears of corn and ran with them to the village, where her parents were waiting for her. The procession from the village to the fields was accompanied singing: "The ear went to the field, to white wheat, rye with oats, with wild grouse, with wheat for the summer."

The holiday "birthday sheaf" was held at the end of summer, before harvesting bread. Women-hostesses went out with bread and salt to reap the fields. Knitted the first sheaf, decorated it cornflowers and placed in the red corner of the house. The first sheaf bore the name of the birthday man.

Ukrainian fairy tale about Cornflower

Once upon a time there lived in a village a poor widow with her only son - Vasil. He was a handsome and hardworking guy, and many girls looked at him. But I didn't pay attention to any of them. Vasil attention. From morning to night he worked in his field, and returning home, he went down to the river - to wash, relax, admire the sunset. He did not know that a mermaid lives in that river, that every evening she looks at him, parting the leaves of water lilies. He looks and sighs softly.

Ah, - the mermaid whispers, - if you fell in love with me, we would live with you in the depths of the river. Look how beautiful I am, how cool and beautiful I am underwater!

When Vasil saw a mermaid, heard her words, flatly refused to leave his land, his field, did not want to even look at the beauty of the mermaid.

Then, - the beauty got angry, - do not get you to anyone! Become a flower in your field!

A flower swayed among the rye. He was blue-blue, like the eyes Vasil, how deep water in a river! And people called that flower cornflower- in memory of the missing young man.

According to one ancient Roman legend, this flower got its name in honor of a blue-eyed young man named Cyanus, who was struck by its beauty, collected these blue flowers and wove garlands and wreaths from them. The young man even dressed in a blue dress and did not leave the fields until all the cornflowers he loved were collected to a single one. A beautiful young man was once found dead in a grain field surrounded by cornflowers. Upon learning of this, the goddess Flora, for such constancy and as a sign of special disposition towards him, turned the body of the young man into a cornflower, and all cornflowers began to be called cyanus (cyanus means blue).

Another legend tells: Once the sky reproached the field for ingratitude: "Everything that inhabits the earth thanks me. Birds send me singing, flowers - fragrance and color, forests - a mysterious whisper, and only you do not express gratitude, although none other than it is I who fill the roots of cereals with rainwater and make the ears ripen." “I am grateful to you,” answered the field. “I decorate the arable land with ever-wavering greenery, and in autumn I cover it with gold. I cannot express my gratitude in any other way. Help me, and I will shower you with caresses and talk about love.” "Well," the sky agreed, "if you can't go up to me, then I'll go down to you." A miracle happened instantly, magnificent blue flowers grew among the ears, similar in color to the sultry sky. Since then, the ears of cereals, with every breath of the breeze, bow to the messengers of heaven - cornflowers and whisper tender words to them.

Cornflower came to us from ancient times. During the excavations of the tomb of Tutankhamun, many items made of precious stones and gold were found. But a small wreath of cornflowers found in the sarcophagus shocked archaeologists. The flowers dried up, but retained their color and shape.

The Slavs also knew about the healing power of cornflower and since ancient times used this plant to heal a number of diseases. Two holidays are associated with cornflowers among the Slavs: “an ear went to the field” - was celebrated when ears of corn appeared on the field and “birthday sheaf” - was held at the end of summer before harvesting. During the holiday, young girls and boys gathered on the outskirts of the village. They stood in two rows opposite each other, took hands, and a girl adorned with cornflowers and ribbons walked along their hands, as if on a bridge. The couples moved from the last rows to the first until the girl walked along their hands to the field. At the field, she descended to the ground, plucked several ears of corn and ran with them to the village, where her parents were waiting for her. The procession from the village to the cornfield was accompanied by singing: "The ear went to the cornfield, to white wheat, grow rye with oats, with wild grouse, with wheat for the summer."

Cornflower lure,
Blue, joyful real!
Like a swoon, fogs -
At night, the goblin crushed them.

I wander into the rye gave,
Blue in my eyes - forever.
cornflower blue sorrows,
Vasilkov satin run.

Maybe fortresses with battlements
Gone forever into flowers?
Maybe the sky is next to us
Eternal secret height.

I will wrap my forehead with that secret -
The abysses are compressed and light.
Quietly captured misty
Delicate blue cornflowers!

They say that in ancient times a mermaid fell in love with a young plowman Vasily, the only son of her mother. From afar, under the cover of reeds, from early morning the mermaid was inseparably watching the handsome young man, and when once having finished work, Vasily went to the river to wash, she could not stand it and appeared before him in all her beauty. They fell in love with each other. And the mermaid began to call the young man to her native element, and Vasily persuaded her to stay on earth. In everything they had an agreement, only they could not agree where they should live together. And when the mermaid realized that the plowman would not leave her native land, in desperation she turned him into a modest flower growing in the fields, but with a color reminiscent of her blue element. People, sympathizing with the good fellow and his old mother, in memory of him named a flower named after the young man - as his mother called - Cornflower.

Needless to say ... the cornflower is beautiful, it attracts everyone with its unusually bright blue color. There are also purple, crimson, bright blue and light blue flowers of this plant. And although it grows mainly in the fields and is considered a weed, the cornflower has many useful properties. In medicine, it is used as a diuretic, for diseases of the kidneys and bladder, as an antipyretic for colds, for heart palpitations, as an anesthetic for intestinal disorders, and also for gargling with sore throats. It is used for conjunctivitis, for washing the eyes, for swelling and redness.

Cornflower flowers are used for cosmetic purposes, for example, as a remedy for getting rid of dandruff and hair loss. To do this, take two tablespoons of dried flowers of cornflowers and insist in two glasses of boiled water. Rinse washed hair with filtered infusion. A good effect is obtained by rubbing the infusion of cornflowers into the scalp.

An infusion is used to wipe the face, especially with oily skin, to narrow pores, with a greasy sheen of the face. It is advisable to store the infusion in the refrigerator and use only fresh. It is possible to freeze it in cubes and, if necessary, wipe the face and eyelids.

In the cornflower blue field,
Far from big cities
We want to get lost in the wild
Only under the shadow of clouds.

Breathe in the aroma
Herbs in the midday heat,
And, falling, drown, as once
Only in childhood it happened, sometimes ...

Hear the lark's concert again
With a song pouring somewhere in the sky,
And in delight, aching, child
Feel happiness again!

Passing by the corner, it is impossible not to look at some beautiful fruit. And usually an idea arises, or maybe it is necessary to plant a garden? Plants are a good decoration for design. If the morning starts with positive emotions, then the whole busy day is much more fun. Gardening is quite a favorite hobby, which gives pleasant feelings not only to relatives but also to all passers-by.

Ukrainian fairy tale about Vasilka

There once lived in a village a poor widow with her only son, Vasil. He was a handsome and hardworking guy, and many girls looked at him. But Vasil paid no attention to any of them. From morning to night he worked in his field, and returning home, he went down to the river - to wash, relax, admire the sunset.

He did not know that a mermaid lives in that river, that every evening she looks at him, parting the leaves of water lilies. He looks and sighs softly. - Ah, - the mermaid whispers, - if you fell in love with me, we would live with you in the depths of the river. Look how beautiful I am, how cool and beautiful I am underwater!

When Vasil saw the mermaid, heard her words, flatly refused to leave his land, his field, did not want to even look at the beauty of the mermaid. - Then, - the beauty got angry, - do not get you to anyone! Become a flower in your field!

A flower swayed among the rye. He was blue-blue, like Vasil's eyes, like deep water in a river! And people called that flower cornflower - in memory of the disappeared young man.

And believe it or not, but one thing is true in it: the blue cornflower grows only among the rye, and if it is found in another place, it means that once there was a rye field here. In those countries where rye was not sown, they did not know about blue cornflower, for example, in Ancient Egypt. In general, cornflowers - more than 550 species! Among them there are not at all blue: they are lilac-red, and pinkish, and almost white. People look at cornflowers - admire, collect bouquets from them, weave wreaths. But the farmers are not very happy with such beauty: cornflowers deplete the soil, when there are many of them, they destroy crops. They are also harmful to animals - cows, horses. If they eat cornflowers, they may even die.

Oleg Tikhomirov)

Tales of flowers

Tales of flowers

Cornflower - a weed or ornamental flower

Cornflower is an ornamental plant of the Asteraceae family. A colorful plant with pink, red, white or blue flowers. Although in our minds at the word "cornflower" an image of a blue flower among the ears of wheat and large field. Many of us drew such flowers in childhood.

For rural farmers, this is of course a weed, and for a grower, cute village flowers.

Cornflower flower - annual or perennial with a stem up to 80 cm high and narrow leaves. The inflorescence is terry or semi-double in diameter 4-5 cm. There are also perennial cornflowers with large flowers and large beautiful leaves. flowers from June to September.

Lovely rustic flowers

Cornflower is widespread in Europe, Asia, America and even in North Africa. Up to 500 different types this flower. Varieties can be distinguished by the shape of marginal flowers and baskets of inflorescences, which are spherical and cylindrical.

Cornflower is unpretentious. resistant to cold and drought, loves the sun. Create a garden for him comfortable conditions- water, feed, planting them at a distance of 20-30 cm and the cornflower flower (photo attached) will give you abundant and long flowering.

From the story of the cornflower

There are many legends associated with cornflower flowers. Even in ancient times this blue flower was known. A wreath of cornflower was found in the tomb of Tutankhamen during excavations.

Ancient Greek legend says that the centaur Chiron was able to heal his wounds with cornflower juice. Hence the scientific name of this plant centaurea cuanus - centaur flower.

The Russian name is also associated with the Greek word basilicon (basil) and with the name of a young man named Vasily. According to legend, a mermaid turned it into a blue flower.

Cornflowers in the field

It is known from history that I.A. Krylov loved cornflowers and in his will asked to put them in his coffin. The fact is that when Krylov in 1823 received a severe apoplexy, the doctors were powerless.

And then the empress sent him a bouquet of these flowers and asked him to bring the patient to her. Having recovered, the fabulist was deeply touched by such care and wrote the fable "Cornflower". in which he depicted himself as a simple wild flower, and the empress as the sun.

cornflower flowers

cornflower flowers

Hello dear readers of my blog!

Glad to meet you!

Today I will tell you about cornflower flowers and how to grow them correctly in a summer cottage or garden plot.

I'll probably start with short description this plant is a native of Russia. This plant has long been a decoration of Russian fields. Among local villagers, this plant has always been considered a weed. In principle, it is true, but this weed is painfully beautiful.

like poems from blue lines,

danced ballet in it.

Mom picked a bouquet.

Followed with a long look

us in the village old people.

They argued: "townspeople

collect. weeds"


The plant is accustomed to our growing conditions, just give it a sunny place. In addition to wild forms of blue cornflower, thanks to the work of our breeders, garden forms have appeared that have different colors: pink, white, dark blue, purple. Also bred, very undersized cornflowers, 20 - 25 centimeters high.

Cornflower represents annual plant with a stem up to 80 centimeters high and narrow leaves. The inflorescence is double and semi-double, up to 4 - 5 centimeters in diameter. In addition to annual plants, there are also perennial forms of cornflowers with large dense double inflorescences and large beautiful leaves. Cornflowers bloom from June to September. Undersized cornflowers look beautiful in flowerbeds and flower beds, while tall ones are used for cutting.

Cornflower flowers. Cultivation and care.

Cornflowers are propagated by sowing seeds in open ground. Sowing time - April - May. Seeds are sown in the same way as, for example, delphinium: a small bed is isolated, two kilograms of peat and humus are added per 1 square meter, plus one hundred grams wood ash and one tablespoon of nitrophoska. After that, the bed is dug up 25 centimeters deep, leveled, tamped, grooves are made, then they are watered abundantly and seeds are sown in them. The seeds are covered with a one-centimeter layer of finely sifted earth on top. From above, the crops need to be lightly tamped by hand. Further, right on the bed, you need to put covering material and water the crops from above, according to the material every 2 to 3 days, 2 liters of water per 1 sq. meter. Material should be removed immediately after germination. This usually occurs in cornflowers 6-8 days after sowing. A little later, the seedlings must be thinned out, leaving 10 - 12 centimeters between plants.

In order for cornflowers to bloom profusely, you need to feed before flowering begins. To do this, we need nitrophoska (1 tablespoon) and urea (1 tablespoon). We dilute these fertilizers in 10 liters of water and water at the rate of three to four liters per square meter.

It is very good to accelerate the flowering of cornflowers by spraying with the Zircon preparation just before the start of budding. For 1 liter of water, you need to take 1 milliliter of the drug. This solution is enough for spraying 30 square meters landings.

Varieties of perennial cornflowers, such as "Mountain blue", "large-headed yellow" rejuvenate every three to four years, by dividing the bush. And the seeds of perennials are sown in open ground in May and October.

Among gardeners, one of the favorite varieties is the annual cornflower "Mix of Colors". These cornflower flowers come with inflorescences of different colors: white, blue, pink.

I will be glad to your comments and additions. And that's all for today. See you, friends!

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Cornflower (Centaurea): description and types of flower in the photo

The name of the plant comes from the ancient Greek word "kentaurion" - in honor of the mythological famous centaur Chiron, who perfectly mastered the healing secrets of herbs and flowers, including cornflowers.

  • Origin: Southern Europe.
  • Family: Compositae.
  • Content temperature: from +15 to +35°С.
  • Watering: spring - autumn moderate, does not require watering in winter.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight.

Cornflower is a flower beloved and appreciated by many gardeners for a long time. abundant flowering and grace. It is also popular because it does not require special care and is quite suitable for growing beginner gardeners.

Cornflower - plant description

It is a herbaceous, flowering perennial, biennial or annual plant with erect or lying stems, reaching a height of 120 cm. Leaves arranged in a regular order, from whole to variegated. Inflorescences - baskets different shapes, from simple spherical to cylindrical, scale wrappers naked or drooping, located singly or in several pieces in corymbose or paniculate inflorescences. Funnel-shaped marginal flowers, middle tubular-funnel-shaped or tubular, with different colors. There are white, blue, yellow, pink, purple, blue, red and burgundy. Root systems the flower is varied.

Depending on the species, cornflowers are:

  • long branching rhizomes;
  • thickets forming due to a large number of root offspring;
  • with a short and strongly branching root forming a curtain;
  • with a deep root rod;
  • with a thick powerful rhizome.

Cornflower - plant species

In nature, cornflower has species, the number of which is about 500, differing from each other in the shape of the leaves, basket, stem height, color and structure (double or non-double) of flowers and the nature of the root system. The most common and well-known species include the following species.

(Centaurea cyanus) - also has whole line other Russian names, namely: voloshka, blavat, laskutnitsa, blue flower, cyanosis, blue and others. It is a two- or one-year herbaceous plant of the Compositae family, with an upright stem up to 80 cm tall. The leaves are gray-green, alternate, cobweb-woolly. lower leaves- petiolate, and the rest - linear, sessile, entire-extreme. Inflorescences are single baskets located at the ends of the leafless parts of the stems. The plant has very beautiful blue, blue or azure flowers. Blooms from early June to late autumn.

(Centaurea margaritalba) - a perennial plant up to 25 cm tall, with double white flowers collected in inflorescences-baskets with a diameter of 4 cm. A rare species is listed in the European Red Book.

(Centaurea montana) is the most famous of perennial species. A rhizomatous plant with an ascending stem up to 80 cm tall and whole, oblong-lanceolate leaves of a gray-green color. The marginal flowers are funnel-shaped bright blue or blue, the middle ones are tubular, purple, dark blue or violet-lilac, collected in single large inflorescences-baskets 5-7 cm in diameter.

Yellow cornflower (Centaurea macrocephala) is a perennial shrub that holds a cylindrical shape up to 100 cm tall with bright yellow flowers up to 5 cm in diameter and oblong-lanceolate leaves on straight and thick stems.

(Centaurea macrocephala Muss. Puschk. ex Willd.) – perennial shrub up to 120 cm tall with large, up to 7 cm in diameter, light or bright yellow flowers. The flowering period begins in July and lasts 1.5 months.

(Centaurea orientalis) is a perennial, mostly wild plant from 80 to 120 cm tall, with leaves pinnately divided on long petioles and yellow flowers collected in an inflorescence basket. Known since 1759.

(Centaurea jacea) is a herbaceous perennial plant up to 80 cm tall, completely covered with a grayish or cobweb cover and a hard, ribbed, erect (branched in the upper part) stem. The leaves are alternate lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, the lower ones are located on winged petioles, and the middle and upper ones are sessile. Purple-pink, sometimes white flowers in baskets, located one at the end of the stem and branches. The marginal flowers are large, sterile, funnel-shaped, and the middle ones are tubular. This species is widely distributed in Eurasia.

(Centaurea cyanus L) is a herbaceous, annual plant up to 60 cm tall, with gray-green lanceolate-linear leaves. The upper leaves are entire, while the lower ones are slightly lobed. Single flower baskets are blue or blue, the marginal flowers are funnel-shaped, and the middle ones are tubular. Blooms from May to August.

(Centaurea dealbata Willd.) is a perennial with erect, branched, spreading and leafy stems up to 60 cm tall. One of the most beautiful views with the upper (slightly drooping) leaves of green color, and the lower leaves are white, pinnately dissected, oval in shape on long petioles. Upper - gradually reduced, sessile. bright pink flowers up to 4 cm in diameter. Blooms from early June to late August.

(Centaurea diffusa) is a biennial, strongly splayed plant from 15 to 50 cm tall, rough and grayish with cobweb hairs. The lower leaves are twice pinnately dissected. The middle ones are pinnately dissected, and the upper ones are solid. Baskets are numerous, small, up to 5 mm wide, singly located. Marginal flowers are sterile, funnel-shaped, pink, pinkish-purple or white. Blooms from June to September.

(Centaurea macrocephala) - herbaceous perennial up to 100 cm tall, with erect, strong, strongly swollen stems under the inflorescences. The leaves are oblong-lanceolate light green. Inflorescences are solitary, large, up to 5 cm in diameter. Pink cornflower blooms from the beginning of July for 1.5 months.

Cornflower garden perennial

When using cornflowers in ornamental gardening, preference is given to perennials, as they are unpretentious, multiply easily and almost do not get sick. Cornflower garden perennial can grow in one place up to 10 years, while it develops well and blooms profusely, without requiring special care.

In flower beds, the plant is used in group plantings. Low-growing species are great for framing flowerbeds, flower beds, mixborders, garden paths and successfully complement the rose bushes. and tall varieties are used as background plants of the second plan.

Cornflower - planting a plant

Planting is carried out in the spring, when the soil warms up. Usually this is the period from late April to mid-May. Cornflower is undemanding to the soil, its planting is allowed in poor and even lime-containing, previously loosened soil. Segments of rhizome with a bud, root offspring, delenki with a segment of rhizome and seedlings are planted. It is important that the distance between the seats is at least 50 cm, so that the plant has the opportunity to form a beautiful and regular bush.

After planting, the soil around the seedling is slightly compressed - this technique eliminates empty cavities in the soil and contributes to better rooting of plantings. When planting, the roots must be straightened down and to the sides, and the bud must be at the level of the soil, and for species with a horizontally growing rhizome, a slight (2-3 cm) deepening of the bud into the ground is allowed.

For planting, it is best to choose an open sunny place. Partial shade is also allowed, but in this case the beginning of flowering will shift significantly and the plant will develop worse.

Cornflower - plant propagation

Reproduction occurs by root cuttings, dividing the bush and seeds, which are sown in April at the place of permanent growth, followed by thinning (keeping a distance of 15-20 cm). Also, cornflower reproduces by abundant self-seeding after flowering.

Transplantation and planting can be carried out after flowering (late August - early September). To do this, a bush intended for division is dug up, thoroughly shaken off the ground and the roots are washed with water. Ground shoots are cut off and a part is cut off from the peripheral part of the bush. In such a plot there must be at least 3 buds of the next year. Then the delenka is immediately planted in place, cutting off the ground part so that it is no more than 10 cm high from the soil level. Water moderately 3-4 times a week for a month for normal rooting. The plant will bloom profusely next summer.

Annuals. with a taproot, they reproduce only by seeds that are sown in the ground in early May. Shoots will appear in a week. It is better to sow immediately in place, since most annual species do not tolerate transplanting well and may not take root.

Cornflower - growing in the garden

As a rule, cultivation takes place in open ground in a well lit sunny position. Cornflower involves growing in free space, so the distance between individuals should be within 20-50 cm, so that as they grow, the seedlings do not obscure each other and do not interfere with the formation of the bush. When growing cornflowers in a group of plants or flower beds, it should be planted on the south side in the first row so that sunlight evenly hits the leaves.

The best, for most varieties, is fertile, neutral acidity and humus-rich soil. But some varieties (Marshall's cornflower, mountain, Russian and musky) prefer alkaline soils.

Moderate watering is necessary, since most types of cornflowers tolerate drought much better than waterlogging.

Cornflower - plant care

The vast majority of species are labor-intensive and light crops, caring for cornflower comes down to periodic loosening of the soil (1-2 times a month), weed removal as needed and moderate watering. To maintain decorativeness and stimulate flowering, it is recommended to remove faded flower stalks, and also, after flowering, remove shoots to the level of the rosette.

Cornflower grown for cutting prefers care with periodic (1 time in 2 weeks) application of complex fertilizers for garden plants during watering.

The culture is practically not affected by pests and diseases, but in rare cases, leaf damage is possible. spider mite, as well as Fusarium disease.

When infected with a tick, the affected leaves are removed, and in case of fusarium, ash is sprinkled and sprayed with foundationazole and topsin-M at a concentration of 0.1%.

Cornflower - plant application

Culture, in addition to gardening, is widely used in areas such as traditional medicine, practical medicine, gynecology and cosmetology.

IN folk medicine infusion is used as a choleretic and diuretic for inflammation of the kidneys and bladder. As a remedy for cough, nephritis, whooping cough, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, uterine bleeding and treatment of the nervous system.

In practical medicine, the culture is used for various eye diseases, cardiovascular diseases, liver and biliary tract, wounds and fractures, skin diseases, gout, rheumatism, polyarthritis and salt deposition, as well as a diuretic.

In gynecology, a decoction and infusion of cornflower normalizes the menstrual cycle and is used as a means to enhance lactation.

Oh what beautiful flower grew up in the forest on a sunny meadow surrounded by bluebells, daisies, forget-me-nots and night violets! He looked like a magical star. His cheerful blue eyes smiled at everyone-everything-everyone! The whole day the Flower walked around the clearing and made friends with literally all the flowers. Curious, he learned a lot of interesting things from new friends. The flowers told him that the Sun often looked into the clearing. During the day it walks in the sky, and in the evening it hides behind the trees. And friends also told the Flower where the Veterok flies to the clearing, and where the bees live. By nightfall, the young blue-eyed Flower was terribly tired and quickly fell asleep.
The next morning he woke up before everyone else and was the first to greet the striped bee. She flew into the clearing and buzzed loudly with her wings, because she wanted to wake up the familiar fragrant flowers. Having asked them for delicious nectar, the Bee deftly filled her proboscis with it and was about to fly back to her hive home.
But then a curious Flower suddenly asked her:
“Perhaps you know, dear Bee, who lives behind the forest, on that yellow field over there?”
“Wheat Spikelets,” the Bee immediately answered.
“Please introduce me to them,” asked the inquisitive Flower.
"Good," Bee buzzed. - Follow me.
And she flew forward, and the Flower ran after her. Because he couldn't fly.
And there, on the yellow field, everything was different, because the Wheat Spikelets do not look like flowers. They looked down at the blue-eyed Flower. Their stalks were much taller than the Flower.
- How big and mustachioed you are! - the little blue Flower was surprised. - And grains ripen in your heads. How interesting!
– Yes, we are! murmured the Wheat Spikes. “But in the fall, people will gather all our grains, and they will turn into flour. And delicious pies and fragrant buns will be baked from flour!
- Marvelous! Flower smiled. “I wonder how people will do all this. May I visit you again? - he asked.
- Come! We will be glad! replied the Wheat Spikes.
And the young inquisitive Flower ran home.

The next morning, a large brown-eyed Bumblebee flew up to him in a sunny clearing. He, like the Bee, collected odorous nectar. The Blue-Eyed Flower found out that the Bumblebee lives in a small hole near the rye field with his family, and asked to be taken to this rye field.
- It's far away, over that hillock. You will get tired of running,” Bumblebee warned him.
But the curious blue Flower was not afraid of anything. He so wanted to know what it was, a rye field, that he boldly set off. And not in vain! This field looked like wheat. Only Rye ears turned out to be almost the same height as him. And Chamomile grew on the field! She was such a beauty in an openwork white dress and a yellow Panama hat! Chamomile liked the blue-eyed Flower, and she cheerfully chatted with him about all sorts of things. And the Rye Spikelets looked at the flowers and smiled. They had long wanted to introduce their lodger to someone good and cheerful.
- Do you also bake delicious pies and buns from your grains? asked the Flower.
“But first, all the grains must be ground into flour,” explained the Rye Spikelets.
“Yes, yes, I know that,” Flower shook his head.
- And then black bread is baked from flour. It is very nutritious and gives a lot of strength, - Rye Spikelets importantly shook their long antennae.
“What good fellows you are,” the blue-eyed Flower praised Spikelets.
He liked this rye field so much that he decided to live there for a while next to the lovely Chamomile. But after two days, Flower wanted to go somewhere else to meet someone else. The stray breeze led him beyond the distant forest to the oat field. There the blue-eyed Flower saw many, many panicles of Oat Bells. They fluttered in the wind and lowered their heads modestly.
“You can cook delicious porridge from our grains,” they told the inquisitive Flower.

For many years, the blue-eyed Flower ran through the fields and gradually explored the entire native land. He became a true traveler. People noticed him by his fluffy blue head and cheerful radiant smile.
“My son Vasilka has the same blue eyes as this flower,” one man said to another, working in the field.
Since then, people call the blue-eyed Flower so gently Cornflower. It can be seen in the fields between ears of wheat, rye, oats and rapeseed, in meadows and forest clearings. Everyone loves cornflower - people and plants. He is accommodating, does not interfere with anyone, but only decorates the golden fields with blue stars.

Once Alyonka was walking out of the forest with a full basket of mushrooms. Passing through the field, the girl saw Vasilek. She approached him, but did not pluck, but only stroked and kissed. And then she composed a song about her favorite flower.
Here listen:

And we have a flower growing
Blue-eyed cornflower.
Decorate our summer
He has his wonderful color.

This star is shining
Here and there, here and there.
Light, happiness adds
He is my hometown.

P.s. Dear Guys! Read my fairy tales and stories at http://domarenok-t.narod.ru
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