What is Dosha Pitta. Pitta's mental constitution

According to Ayurveda, the traditional system of medicine in India, the entire material world, as well as the human body, consists of five elements: ether, fire, and earth. These elements in the human body are grouped into three main types vitality(doshas), which regulate all vital functions. Let's talk about dosha in this article Pitta.

According to Ayurveda, at the base of the Pitta dosha are the elements of fire and water. Its name is translated as "something that is able to digest", "bile" and is associated with biochemical processes in. In living cells, there is an imperceptible combustion of substances all the time, and this process takes place in aquatic environment... Therefore, Pitta dosha actively reveals itself in acids and is found in the stomach and small intestine, liver and spleen, endocrine glands, blood and lymph, sebaceous and sweat glands.

This dosha affects digestion, thermoregulation, pungency, thirst and, color, density of the body, on the process of comprehending something by the mind.

If Pita is overly active, this leads to the following:

  • increased acidity and;
  • stains, stool, whites of the eyes and mucous membranes in yellow;
  • increased appetite and constant thirst;
  • violations;
  • temperature increase;
  • and inflammation.

Did you know? The Ayurveda system is the oldest school of medicine. The earliest Ayurvedic treatise, Charaka Samhita, was written about 2,500 years ago.

Type Description

Pitta is characterized as fluid, pungent and sour, light, harsh, wet, oily, hot.

Pitta people have excellent digestion and excellent appetite, missed meals spoil them. Body temperature may be slightly higher than normal, they do not like hot weather, they sweat a lot and drink a lot of fluids. They have excellent eyesight, but their eyes do not tolerate the sun's rays as well as their skin. The skin is prone to inflammation and allergic reactions, it has moles. They have moderate fatigue and a normal duration (8 hours). They fall asleep easily and wake up quickly. They sleep soundly, but they may wake up at night, for example, to go to drink water.

Important! In Ayurveda, treatment begins only after determining the dosha. The same disease in people with different types can be treated in a variety of ways.

They have abundant any secretions of the body: urine, feces (usually watery), sweat. The first two are usually yellow. Sweat can have a strong unpleasant odor.

Pitta people are very energetic and active, and this leaves an imprint on their appearance.

People with Pitta dosha have proportional average facial features, pointed nose and chin. The shape of the face is in the form of a heart, there is often a blush on the cheeks.

The skin of people with a predominance of Pitta dosha is thin, oily, shiny, often -. To describe races with dark color, skin and eyes, not all of these criteria apply.


Pitta people are of medium height, medium build, and classic proportions. Having an excellent appetite, they do not gain; they have practically the same appetite for many years. Pitta usually has a moderately developed musculature or an athletic build, a well-developed chest. The bone structure is also medium, they have medium hands and medium feet. These limbs are usually warm and sweat frequently. There are moles on the body (often red) and. They rarely slouch, they have an athletic confident gait.

People under the influence of Pitta dosha are energetic, domineering, confident and successful. There are many scientists and researchers, lawyers and politicians, athletes among them. They are good speakers, administrators, and psychologists.

They prefer to adhere to the routine, they are neat, they bring everything to the end. Despite the average fatigue, Pitts are often present. They always remember what they need. Any resources are used for any purpose and know how to properly distribute them. All their decisions are well thought out, but their inherent passion and inclination to take risks can fail. Demands a high fee for his efforts and usually receives it.

Did you know? Many Ayurvedic methods have been successfully incorporated into the practice of modern medicine. These are diagnostics by pulse and breathing, diets, cleansing with enemas, some water procedures (taking medicinal baths and douches).

Positive traits

They achieve their goals, they like to control everything, they know how to put pressure on authority. They have a well-delivered persuasive speech, a clear presentation of thoughts, they are witty. They have their own opinion, which they can defend. They are energetic and active, fearless and determined. Leaders with great organizational skills who are unafraid to take on responsibility. They have a well-developed discipline and punctuality, they know how to focus well on solving problems. They make great leaders.

They have an insightful, inquiring mind that penetrates the very essence of any problem.

Balanced pittas are loving spouses and good parents.

If the Pitta dosha is unbalanced, then negative traits: harshness and, irascibility and aggression, jealousy and vindictiveness. For such people, everyone is to blame for their failures, except for them, they often become domestic despots, rude and bilious. The raging Pitt is hard to calm down.
Often people of Pitta become overly fanatical, they want to initiate everyone in their faith and win over to their side. Their opinions can be intrusive, they can disregard people and their needs.

In addition, the owners of this dosha can become conceited, they are often very proud and conceited. Often, excessive pride and arrogance prevent them from asking for forgiveness when they are at fault. They also cannot always forgive others.

People who are dominated by Pitta, despite their love of an active life, should not turn into workaholics. After all, it is known that workaholism is very tiring, such a lifestyle negatively affects the health and personal life of medium-hardy Pitt. Unfortunately, this often happens to them. They need to develop a balance between work and rest, adhere to a balanced diet and regimen, and do not forget about sleep. You should avoid conflicts in the team, learn to control outbursts of anger and adhere to a calm line of behavior. It is helpful to practice meditation and relaxation techniques.

Did you know? Now Ayurveda is the official system of treatment along with the traditional European system of medicine in India, Sri Lanka, Nepal.

This type of people does not tolerate heat well, but they are not afraid of the cold. Therefore, Pittas should not overheat in the sun, and in order to avoid, they need to consume enough water. A cold or cool bath will be helpful during the hot season. You can practice hardening the body by pouring cold water swimming in the ice hole. It will work well before bed, especially near a river, pond or other source of water.

The most favorable climatic conditions for living and recreation is a cool, windy dry climate. It is recommended to live in a place with water and varied vegetation. Countries that are most suitable for Pitta's residence: the Far East, Norway, Ireland, etc.
It is better to choose clothes in calm pastel colors.

It is important for people like Pitta to follow a specific daily routine.

  • ... Rise at about six in the morning. Pittas need to go to bed early and get up earlier to get a good night's sleep. The earlier you go to bed, the better you rest, and the dosha comes to balance. After waking up in the morning, it is advisable to drink a glass of water - this will make your stomach work and will help eliminate toxins. In order to stock up on calmness for the whole day, as well as to achieve balance, it is advisable to devote at least ten minutes. It is wonderful to do a special set of exercises specially designed for the Pitta dosha in the morning before eating;
  • day... Do not miss lunch on time from 12 to 13 hours. It is recommended that lunch be the highest calorie meal of the day. After all, according to Ayurveda, when noon, fire digestive system most intense in Pitt. After lunch, it is useful to take a leisurely walk for about fifteen minutes, especially along a pond or in a park area. It has a sedative effect on Pitta;
  • evening... For dinner, eat light food and do not eat after seven in the evening. To help digest your food, sit quietly for about ten minutes after dinner. Evening walk on fresh air very useful before bed. A short meditation is recommended at sunset to calm down and prepare for sleep. A warm bath and an interesting book before bed will also help you relax and relieve stress. It is better to go to bed no later than 22 hours.

Sports and physical activity

Pitts are inherently fond of and. During sports, they shed the excess. But when choosing what kind of sport to practice, they should avoid overheating during exercise. They prefer team games with passion and risk. Therefore, they are advised to go in for swimming, skiing, figure skating, speed skating, football, jogging, mountaineering, etc.

A set of exercises has been developed for Pitta people. The recommended ones allow them to cool their ardent temperament and relieve tension. So, the complex of yoga exercises for balancing the dosha of Pitta includes: Surya Namaskar (or the Salutation of the Sun complex), Chandra Namaskar (or the Salutation of the Moon complex), stretching the Kitty, Vipari Karani (or the pose of a bent candle), Shavasana (or the pose of a corpse), etc. .NS.

Also, meditation is very important for people of fire to achieve balance and tranquility. The practice of yoga of knowledge or self-knowledge (Vedanta, Zen Vipasana) will help to avoid anger and frequent quarrels. It is better to choose the breathing technique (this is a complete yogic breathing), sitali or moon breathing (through the left nostril).

In the morning, it is useful to do or self-massage using oils that have a cooling effect. This is coconut, olive or ghee oil, and essential oils- lotus, pink, sandalwood, jasmine, vetiver and others.

It is advisable for people of the Pitta type to take cool baths or showers, a contrast shower is useful. In summer, it is very good for them to swim in the sea, in a lake or river.

Cool, heavy and dry foods are recommended for Pitta people. Eliminate hot, light and fatty foods as much as possible. Give priority to sweet, astringent and bitter tastes. Limit spicy, salty and sour foods.

Important! An important step in Ayurveda practice is proper nutrition, suitable for the dosha. A person with proper nutrition does not get sick, and no medicine will help a person with an improper diet.

Strong tea, coffee, red meat, and sugar should be consumed as little as possible. It is advisable to completely abandon consumption, in particular.
It is better to exclude from the menu fried food, especially cooked over the fire.

  • - chicken, turkey, as well;
  • dairy products, very useful goat. It is better to limit dairy products;
  • - preferably eaten raw, but can be boiled or steamed. At the same time, reduce consumption, kelp, turnips and;
  • -, pears, plums, oranges, apricots,. The main thing is to choose fruits of non-acidic varieties. It is advisable to give up citrus fruits, bananas and cherries;

Seasonal and everyday types activities

Summer is rightfully considered the Pitta season, therefore, in summer, people whose constitutions are dominated by this dosha, there are many problems. The natural heat of Pitta under the sultry scorching sun only intensifies. This is why the Pitts need to prepare in advance for this season and prudently reduce their level of activity.

An ideal summertime activity for Pitt is relaxing with family and friends near cool streams, springs and mountain lakes where you can swim. It is not recommended to relax in the summer on the hot beaches of the ocean and sea coasts of Pittam, since the skin of fiery people easily burns and becomes inflamed in the sun. If the Pitts still prefer to relax on the coast, then they can only appear on the beach at sunset. Then it is useful for them to swim and jog on the beach sand.

When rage ignites Pitt's fiery fuel, the health effects are devastating. When unstoppable, hot-tempered and impetuous rams rush on the lead of their own anger and are guided by fiery passions, they drain their energy resources and lose their vitality.

If Pitts are under stress, they must find the strength not to explode, as usual, but to calm down and cool down. Pitts can achieve a state of calm and serenity when they paint landscapes, admire the beauties of nature, green meadows, fields dotted with flowers, or the sparkling smooth surface of the river. Coolness, calmness, contemplation and serenity, bathing in the moonlight - all this perfectly harmonizes Pitta.

Since Pitta time comes from ten in the morning to two in the afternoon and from ten in the evening to two in the morning, people of a fiery constitution should try to avoid situations that provoke irritability and stress in them. At this time, it is advisable not to get angry, not shout and not get into heated arguments and conflicts. The behavior of the textbook Pitgs is even described in books: it is the Pitts who tend to arrange wild antics and explode emotionally in the middle of the day at lunch and in the evening before bedtime.

With Pitt's exuberant, irrepressible appetite, they are nevertheless recommended light food and weak drinks. They should not abuse spices, hot, pungent and bitter condiments, as well as spices that stimulate the appetite and disperse the blood. They shouldn't drink alcohol. If the Pitts follow this advice, then they will cease to be angry, violent and explosive.

Digestive fire Pitt is most active at midnight and noon. Pittas can eat well throughout the day because they have high level metabolic processes. Proper nutrition can regulate the fiery nature of Pitta. It is a kind of medicine that smooths out and soothes their explosive nature and helps them remember their cognitive self. Therefore, Pitts must purposefully form their own taste and eating habits and eat consciously.

To tame the raging fire and relax after an intense mental work It is useful for Pittam to meditate before going to bed. After 6 p.m. they should slow down and relax. They find it helpful to visualize beautiful landscapes in subdued or pastel colors, in which the cool waters of the river roll, the sands and snows turn white, the forests turn green, the animals move gracefully and the birds sing.

In the middle of the night, the Pitt have a burst of creative energy, but they would be wise to resist the temptation to spend the night awake and fall asleep at dawn. Typically, Pitt's sleep lasts six to eight hours, and they sleep mostly on their backs. Pittas need to sleep longer than Vatas and Kaphas to replenish the energy they waste during the day.

When evening comes, Pitta must forget about victories and exploits. Trusting the inner wisdom of Vata and the ability to feed and warm Kapha, Pitta will be able to completely restore the lost energy and prepare for the battles of the coming day.

Pitts must learn from their air and water partners tact and courtesy, mercy and the ability to forgive, graceful grace of feelings, as well as many other humanly attractive qualities of character.

The time free from the routine struggle for self-affirmation and power becomes for Pitta a time for strengthening and healing. vital energy... Pitta's free time should be devoted to charity work. Through her humanitarian work, Pitta learns to be compassionate and empathic with people. When Pitta becomes human, he loses the need to protrude and draw attention to his "outstanding" person, because he begins to understand that narcissism and vanity are ridiculous, and that the spiritual qualities, subtlety and liveliness of his fiery nature are important.

These types of pitts are useful physical activity that are uniform rather than intermittent. Swimming, acrobatics, skiing, figure skating, speed skating, jogging, cross-country and marathon runs, tennis, chess, are very useful for their physical and mental health. hiking trips and mountaineering.

Fiery people naturally love sports. But they should always remember that sports that require a lot of energy - be it swimming, running, aerobics, rowing, tennis or football, can only be practiced during cooler times of the day.

During sports activities, Pitts burn excess energy. But they must be sensitive to themselves and prevent the acceleration of metabolism in the body.

It is useful for Pittas to perform a complex of yoga asanas twice a day. Pittas should be turned Special attention to bring your mind into a calm, peaceful state. From yoga asanas, they are shown poses aimed at overcoming mental fatigue and relaxation.

Remember, if you want to stretch your body or target specific systems and organs with yoga, do these exercises before you start any other sporting activity!

Aromatherapy and body care

Pitta types benefit from dry, cool, sweet aromas that are slightly spicy but not tart. To balance the Pitta dosha, it is beneficial to inhale the aromas of rose, leaves and young roots of bitter orange, cinnamon, vanilla, sandalwood, calamus, borneol, myrtle, narcissus, lotus, peppermint, nutmeg, artabotris, jasmine, licorice, violets.

Pitta is activated and causes increased tension:

- from ten o'clock in the morning to two o'clock in the afternoon and from ten o'clock in the evening to two o'clock in the morning,

- from 27 to 42 years old,

- in hot weather with high humidity air,

- from mid-March to mid-July (in summer),

- in extreme heat,

- with an excess of sunlight.

Get out of bed as soon as you wake up.

6: 00-8: 00 Quietly do your morning chores. Take a cold shower or cold bath. Apply a gentle, natural lotion (you can use soy or coconut oil) and sandalwood powder to your body. Massage all areas of your body with a dry brush three times a week to exfoliate dead skin cells. Breathe deeply and regularly. Perform a cycle of yoga asanas that are beneficial for your Ayurvedic type. Take your morning run.




Engage in those areas of professional activity that require contact with people and are associated with telephone conversations.


Engage in a calm mental activity, while remaining alert and calm (the load should be moderate). Get busy creative work that does not provoke stress. Do all things carefully and in a good mood. When dealing with people, be considerate and sympathetic, show concern and tact.


Lunch in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.


Take up a detailed study of the problems arising at work, participate in conferences, hold business meetings. This is the time to present your suggestions and constructive ideas. A period of intense business activity.


Take a break, drink tea, or have a snack. Switch to another activity that requires an inner attitude and peace. Relax and reflect on the successes and failures of the day (very important point for Pitta).


Time to take stock of the day, relax and plan.


Lunch with family or friends. Long walk, quiet activities.


Reduce your workload by reading books or getting ready for tomorrow's work day.


Have an evening drink that is nutritious for your Ayurvedic type.


Breathe slowly, meditate using visualization techniques, or practice aromatherapy. Perform a cycle of yoga asanas.


Go to sleep.

Note: Slow down in summer. Minimize warming up of the body. Switch to quiet activities that require thought and contemplation.

Hello dear readers, I continue the block of articles " Ayurveda and style"=)
Let me remind you of the previous articles on the topic:

And today let's talk about Pitt... As mentioned earlier, I do not pretend to be the ultimate truth, purely research project=)

Since the idea is very important, I'll say it again - much depends on whether you want to increase or decrease the dosha =)

And to begin with, again the description from the book "Absolute Beauty".

Imagine a blazing fire. The heat penetrates him, excites and dries, and sometimes scorches. Imagine flames - sharp, violent and unbridled. In anger, fire scatters sparks and devours everything in its path; only a few are able to pacify his rage.

By nature, he is purposeful, fearless and indomitable. Like the sun itself, it generates powerful energy. And while it burns, an incinerating heat emanates from it. In an enticing dance, he weaves magical patterns of light; the game bewitches and enchants him.

Once you look into her fiery eyes, you will not forget the beauty of Pitta until the end of your days. You will forever remember the piercing gaze of these green, gray or brown eyes, framed by flawless eyelashes and eyebrows.

Her straight hair can be sandy brown, golden, copper or fiery red. Her skin is warm, pink and soft, and her cheeks and nose are most likely strewn with freckles or moles and constantly moisturized with natural skin lubricant. She has perfectly shaped scarlet lips, sharply defined facial contours and a proportional figure.

Cool shades of green and blue soften the tension of her natural beauty, while silver jewelry with pearls or moonstone accentuates the mysterious sparkle of her eyes.

In love, as in everything else, Pitta is naturally hot. Her desires are strong and her passions are violent. She knows perfectly well what she wants, and, as a rule, knows how to humble her impatience, if it is necessary to achieve the goal. When she is happy, she shines with warmth and irresistible charm.

But be careful, otherwise you will burn in its rays! If you try to push her, Pitta can become impatient, impetuous, irritable, hot-tempered and even aggressive. Most likely, she will turn the sharp blade of her intellect against you, and remember that her criticisms hurt aptly and deeply.

In addition, Pitta is prone to outbursts of jealousy, and her desire for perfect perfection is at times simply unbearable. Even without being unbalanced by Pitt, he can commit such actions that more shy and cautious people seem reckless.

Pitta's fireworks light up easily under the influence of hot weather, spicy food and all kinds of stimulants. But she can go without a sweater on cool days and eat ice cream at any time of the year.

When energy boils in her, Pitta feels invulnerable. However, everything has its limits. It is good if Pitta is guided in life by the motto "everything is good in moderation" and reminds himself: "Chill out, or you will burn out."

At its most extreme, Pitta is a classic A-type personality. She turns into an angry arguer, intolerant and obsessive, and falls prey to diseases typical of this dosha: ulcers, hypertension and heart disease.

At the same time, the acidity of the gastric juice increases; the breath also becomes "sour". The pretty pink skin is covered with a rash or rosacea. True eczema or other inflammatory skin disease may occur. In this state, you should especially beware of sunburn and contact with allergens. To cool himself off, Pitta should allow himself a break from hectic activities, a change of scenery, the scent of sandalwood, meditation, or a walk in the moonlight.

Well, let's see what to do in practice for those who have pitta as the leading dosha. By analogy with Vata, I propose to divide the dosha into its two elements - fire + water.

Fire - punching power, dedication, sweeping away obstacles, energy, a leader who knows what he wants , some dominance. The main message of style is a persona - a person who "achieved everything / achieves", a drama or a classic with the addition of drama. The images are quite tough, the message shows strength. moreover, it can be both the power of the ruler and the power of the rebel.

Water ... The element of water is usually associated with emotions. As you remember, Kapha also has the element of water. I see the difference in the manifestation of the water element in pitta and in kapha as just the difference between emotions and feelings. The concepts are close, but not identical. The senses - deep water, slow current, changes slowly. Emotions - the surface of the water, it changes quite quickly, the flow is fast. To make it clear what I mean - "I love him (feeling), but how does he infuriate me with his behavior (emotion)." Here is the water of Pitta - this is the brightness of emotions, the Queen of Drama in all its glory, Diva ... The main message is brightness, emotional storm, Italian passions.

And about that how to manifest dosha and how to reduce

1) Colors and combinations

Let me remind you about the difference between the color-type concepts of heat-cold and heat-cold color wheel, this will come in handy - following any color recommendations is possible within the native palette -

To show:

Fire pitta - bright warm colors (red, purple, gold) are often combined with black for European culture (one of the associations of black is status, the other is protest. Both are suitable for fire =)). They are usually combined in contrast in two, for a clearer and louder statement.

Pitta water - also saturated warm colors, maybe a little less bright. Red, burgundy, gold, purple, terracotta, peach. Sensuality. Combinations of these colors with each other in two or three.

To reduce pitta, you need to "cool" and "slow down" it - for this, the colors of the cold part of the color wheel in related or monochrome combinations are suitable.

2) Textures and lines

To show pitta Smooth fabrics with crisp edges are fine. For fire pitta, they are stiffer, giving a sharper cut, for water pitta, they are more fluid and form-fitting. As for the prints, the fire pitta will have repetitive, rhythmic, sharp, sharp prints, while the water pitta will have sweeping, sharp, but with some smoothness, such as tropical leaves and lilies.

To pitta smooth out, as well as for Vata, you can use soft loose textures, moreover, softer, as well as prints with a fuzzy edge or "ethereal" - such as feathers.

3) Stones and metals

To emphasize- gold, copper, brass, bronze. From stones - corals, amber, carnelian, tiger's and bull's eyes, jasper of warm colors, pomegranates, rubies and other stones of the warm part of the color wheel. Pitta jewelry is always statement jewelry. They are catchy and rather large.

To smooth out cold metals are used for pitta - silver. platinum, and from stones - airy stones of cotton wool and green stones of kapha fertility - pearls, turquoise, emerald, malachite, jadeite, moonstone, chrysocolla, amethyst.

4) Aroma

To strengthen fiery pitta , sharp warm smells are suitable - geranium, ginger, cloves, black pepper.

To strengthen aquatic pitta - warm enveloping aromas - black musk, lily, sage, nutmeg

To smooth out The hotness of the pitta uses meditative and cool floral scents: jasmine, rose, sandalwood, incense, lavender

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Ayurveda pitta dosha. It is characterized as hot, oily and pungent. This dosha is rarely out of balance. However, its imbalance, as a rule, causes serious health problems for a person. In this article, we will introduce you to basic nutritional and lifestyle guidelines for Pitta dosha.

One of the main features of Pitt - a huge amount of energy, which, of course, manifests itself in a person's appearance. Pitt's people enjoy power and their own authority, they try to control everything that happens to them. Usually people under the influence of this dosha are confident and successful.

Ayurveda Pitta is characterized as researchers and discoverers, since it is to them that civilization owes the main leaps in science and technology.

Pitt's people are purposeful, reliable, brave, punctual, domineering, ambitious. They have whole character and are able to take responsibility by following their path.

The flip side of the medal of this dosha is irascibility, irritability and anger. These traits usually appear when the dosha is out of balance.

As for the physique, people with this constitution can boast of a proportional and athletic build, the muscles are moderately developed. The hands and limbs are medium in size, they are usually warm and characterized by increased sweating. There are usually many moles on their body.

Separately, we note the high appetite of this dosha, it is often increased.

Pitt's skin is thin, oily, shiny, often problematic. The eyes are light, with a piercing and attentive gaze. The facial features are sharp, the face is heart-shaped.

Diet for Pitta

As mentioned above, Pitt's people have a great and sometimes brutal appetite. Regularity of food intake is important for them. If lunch, dinner or breakfast is excluded, Pitta begins to show aggression and irritability. As soon as their hunger aggravates, the Pitts urgently need to freeze the worm. People with such a dosha tolerate fasting very badly, especially if it is stretched for a long period. As a last resort, Pitts can fast for no more than three days.

Regular Nutrition for Pitta Dosha

Fasting days, when it is necessary to take only light food in small quantities, Pitts stand much more calmly. Of all the doshas, ​​only Pitta tolerates a raw food diet well. Taking advantage of this, it will be useful to arrange fasting days for yourself by eating fruits, vegetables, and various juices.

Pitt has a very vivid feeling of hunger, which entails the absorption of an incredible amount of spicy and fatty foods, alcohol, which, as a result, causes typical disorders: heartburn, stomach pain, burning.

Ayurveda recommends reducing the Hot and Sour Flavors in food. We advise you to pay attention to the Sweet and Bitter tastes of food. Food should not be either oily or too dry or overcooked. Be wary of fermented milk products and fermentation products.

For fruits, all juicy fruits with sweet and tart flavors are suitable. Minimize the use of citrus fruits, because they have a warming property.

Since Pitta tolerates a raw food diet, it will be beneficial for her to eat all green vegetables.

Pitta Diseases

Diseases characteristic of Pitta dosha: allergies, diseases of the gallbladder and liver, myopia, inflammatory processes, hair loss, hemorrhoids, gastritis, dermatitis, jaundice, bilious vomiting, burning sensation in the body, ringing in the ears, skin rash, colitis, conjunctivitis, urticaria, fever, migraine headache, liver disorders, hyperacidity, hypertension, heartburn, stomatitis.

Remember that Pitta intensifies under the influence of spicy food, coffee, tea, alcohol, excess heat. Remember that emotions can also throw the dosha out of balance. Such as hatred, jealousy, latent anger.

If the Pitta dosha is unbalanced, a person begins to experience such ailments as: blood diseases, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, gastritis, skin problems. As a rule, problems with digestion, inflammation, thirst, sweating, and headaches begin immediately.

Diseases often occur in such areas: in the blood, eyes, skin, small intestine, sweat glands, gastrointestinal tract.

Pitta, in fact, is hot, based on this, we choose an antipyretic and cooling method for treatment. The dosha will also be balanced by sedatives and nourishing agents.

Of the 6 tastes in Ayurveda, sweet, bitter and tart are chosen. This choice stems from the fact that all of these flavors have a cooling effect, with bitter being the most effective.

Health Tips for Pitta

Pitta dosha unites the elements of fire and water, embodies the principle of energy. The main function of Pitta is transformation, such as regulating body heat by transforming food into energy, controlling fermentation, and even neurotransmission.

Physical Pitta constitution

There are no peculiarities in the physique and appearance of the representatives of the pitta constitution, their average proportions occupy an average position between light Vata and heavy Kapha. They are characterized by good digestion and a strong appetite, and often consume sweets and cold drinks without gaining or losing weight. Pitta people enjoy physical activity, but easily get out of balance with too much heat, preferring a cooler climate.

  • Skin: light, shiny, soft and warm; prone to sunburn, moles and freckles.
  • Hair: Fine and smooth, often blonde or red; turn gray prematurely.
  • Face: Heart-shaped with balanced functions and a tapering chin.
  • Eyes: clear and bright, light sensitive.
  • Nose: pointed and straight.
  • Mouth: medium in size and shape, sensitive teeth.

Mental Pitta constitution

Ambitiousness - Purposefulness - Confidence. A bright mind and good concentration are the most characteristic characteristics of Pitta people. They quickly absorb information, know how to use it, have a good memory for things that are important to achieve a goal. Their determination and ambition will allow them to achieve a high position in life. Pitts are usually good orators, have leadership qualities, and know how to contribute to their advancement. On the other hand, this constant inner fire and alertness can lead to aggressiveness, impatience and high blood pressure, so Pitta Dosha practitioners need to be careful not to overdo it.

The doshas are influenced by the Gunas (qualities), which cause various mental states. The nature of Pitta has the following tendencies:

  • Sattva- clear thoughts, leadership, good teachers, discernment.
  • Rajas- dissatisfaction, irritability, condemnation, desire to control, jealousy, resentment.
  • Tamas- hatred, harm, cruelty.

The following symptoms may indicate the need to balance the Pitta dosha.

  • Excessive criticism or irritability.
  • Problems with excess stomach acid.
  • You are hot and thirsty all the time.
  • It is difficult for you to return from a project or work.
  • Low tolerance for annoying situations or other people's behavior.
  • You often feel frustrated or have mood swings and unnecessary outbursts.
  • A tendency to be sarcastic or easily involved in an argument.
  • General warmth, inflammation, bleeding, redness, burning sensation and thirst.


Pitta is ruled by the Sun, the energy of this planet fills all types of its life. Pitta people love to be in the epicenter of events; they tend to be in the center of life. The brilliance and grandeur of the planet Sun affects their personal qualities, dreams and desires. They feel good in front on a dashing horse, including showing the hot qualities of the Sun in love and intimacy.

Pitta people consider themselves to be excellent partners, but they usually lack calmness, patience and poise. It is difficult for Pitt to negotiate, it is difficult to be in harmony with their romantic partner. Often people of pitta constitution, burning from fiery passion, break away from the start, and burn out before reaching the finish line. Pitta people, as a rule, are happy with their other half, if this does not interfere with solving tasks and achieving their goals.

The best romantic partners for pitt are the kapha people. They spill a healing balm on pitta burns and wounds.

How to balance Pitta doshu

Ayurveda offers the principle of opposites to maintain balance between all energies. Since the main traits of Pitta are hot, light, and pungent, anything heavy, cooling and soothing can help balance this dosha. Pitta can be aggravated by repressed emotions, in summer, from excessive ambition, in hot and humid climates.

General Principles for Balancing Aggravated Pitta Dosha

  • Cool your body and mind. Take a cool (but not ice) shower or bath, relax your mind and try Ocean Breath (Ujai Pranayama): with your mouth closed, breathe slowly and deeply through your nose, squeezing your throat muscles; like trying to say "Haaaah" with your mouth closed.
  • Use a bitter taste in your food, as well as sweet and astringent.
  • Sweet scents and meditation, quiet environments, and any low-activity activities are good to calm your mood.
  • Use cooling and soothing herbs and spices such as peppermint, aloe vera, coriander, cardamom, or fennel. Triphala balances all three doshas.
  • Try to stay calm in every way, avoid heat or exercise during the hottest hours of the day, and try to get into situations that make your blood boil. When the weather gets hot and sunny, wear loose clothing and sunglasses to protect your eyes. Try to stay in the shade or be near a body of water, water is ideal for cooling Pitta.
  • Avoid excessive consumption of oils, salty and spicy foods, and eat refreshing, liquid and sugary foods instead. Drink more water and never go hungry.
  • Stay away from competition and aggression. Maintain a good work-life balance and try not to get too overwhelmed by projects. If you can't get away from work, or wake up early in the morning and can't go back to sleep, it's definitely time for you to rest.
  • The practice of compassion. Whenever you feel irritated, angry, judgmental, try to stop and practice gentle, supportive, and loving thoughts towards someone who seems to be stimulating your temperament.

Below are some general recommendations for a diet that soothes agitated Pitta dosha in the body. Since everyone has different needs, these guidelines are not absolute, so use them and see how they work for you. Feel free to experiment, watch your physical reactions and make adjustments.

  • Refreshing, light foods with big amount liquids.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables, organic if possible. Choose sweet, ripe fruits over unripe and sour ones.
  • Eat sweet, bitter and astringent tastes such as fresh milk and butter, natural sweeteners (other than honey), lots of fruits, green vegetables, green smoothies, or coconuts.
  • Greens such as cockatiel, spirulina, and wheat germ.
  • Hot, spicy, or fried foods, or anything cooked with cheap oils.
  • Too much spicy, salty, or sour tastes. Hot spices, salt, yogurt, or other acidic foods.
  • Too many nightshade vegetables (tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, potatoes) and burning vegetables like garlic, onions and radishes.
  • Be careful with hot spices like chili, pepper, mustard seeds, asafoetida, dry ginger, and salt.

Functions and Pitta dosha dysfunctions

Pitta controls all transformation processes in the body, its main functions are to control digestion and metabolism, and release energy. Pitta is also responsible for skin color, complexion, some chemical processes in the skin, processing impulses from external environment, the process of vision by converting light rays falling on the retina into electrical impulses for processing in the brain. Pitta also contributes to the analysis and sorting of information received, is closely related to intelligence and understanding. She controls appetite, hunger and thirst, emotions of anger and fear.

The main places of concentration of Pitta are the stomach and small intestine, some places in the liver, spleen, gall bladder, blood, sweat, eyes and endocrine glands. This means that problems in these areas, combined with Pitta function (transformation), are most likely related to unbalanced Pitta dosha.

Typical Pitta Dosha Disorders

  • Skin diseases, redness, irritation and discoloration.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Malabsorption of food, loss of appetite, or excessive hunger and thirst.
  • Improper digestion, acidity.
  • Bleeding, hemorrhoids and ulcers.

Mixed Pitta constitution

Vata Pitta

The Vata Pitta constitution is a lot like a pure Vata constitution, but the influence of Pitta often gives such people a stronger and stockier physique. This combination is very active and shows a curious combination of doubt and determination. The Vata Pitta constitution is sensitive to neural stimuli such as light, heat, sound and dryness, and emotional changes. Their digestion is usually as strong as Pitta's, but may be irregular.

Pitta Kapha

Typically Pitta-Kapha types are very healthy and resilient, combining the power of Pitta with the power of Kapha. They tend to have a stronger physique than pure Pitts and gain weight more easily. Since they are more physically active than pure Kaphas, they can usually maintain balance. Warm, humid weather affects negatively people of this constitution.