Shma boris monosov. Boris Monosov The Big Book of Practical Magic

MONOSOV Boris Moiseevich



Moiseevich Monosov is the author of popular books on parapsychology and magic. For more than 10 years he has been teaching at the St. Petersburg author's school "Atlantis". His wide area of ​​interest includes issues of bioenergy, psychology and psychotronics. In addition, Boris Moiseevich is a professional cyberneticist. He has developed and produced several bioenergy devices and has a copyright certificate for his developments.

The system developed and described by Boris Moiseevich in his books is based on such a respectable source as the ancient Egyptian sacred Book of Thoth. And the roots of this knowledge go back to the secrets of the legendary Atlantis.

The methodology of B.M. Monosov is based on the technique of working with Fireball - energetic gymnastics and the practice of working with Tarot cards to use the energy of different planes of the Universe.

The system of exercises "Fireball" is primarily associated with the acquisition of magical consciousness. It appeared at a time when the magicians of the sunken Atlantis were building new cities and restoring lost knowledge. To create new sorcerers, they developed a methodology for connecting human consciousness with the consciousness of the planet. The tuning system was laid out in the Book of Thoth. And the priests Ancient egypt with the help of symbols, they encoded this knowledge and placed it in a deck of Tarot cards. The knowledge inherent in the Tarot served as the basis for the development of such directions of philosophical thought as Kabbalism, astrology and numerology.

B.M. Monosov talks about using the Great Arcana Tarot not for fortune telling, as most occultists practice, but for practical magic. A prerequisite to work in "Fireball-2", "Fireball-3" and "Fireball-4" it is necessary to have a correctly made Tarot deck.

Majority modern maps Tarot is just pretty pictures, and from many existing options it is necessary to select the created correctly.

The book "Fireball-1" presented exercises for working with your own energy. These practices are necessary to increase energy potential.

The book "Fireball-2" deals with the use of the energies of the Great Arcana Tarot associated with the physical world. Mastering this level of work will allow the practitioner to interact with any objects within the radius of his personal power and protect himself from negative energies... In this book, the author acquaints readers with the Major Arcana and the energies that they allow to conduct.

"Fireball-3" continues the course of familiarization with the Great Arcana and opens up the opportunity for practitioners to enter the astral world. Acquaintance with the astral world begins with the lower astral. The practices described in the book will allow readers not only to get acquainted with the astral plane, but also to contact its essences, as well as work with the energies that they conduct.


In "Fireball-3" the work with the Major Arcana of the Tarot continues and the readers' acquaintance with the astral plane begins. But before starting new discoveries, let us briefly repeat what we had to work out in the previous cycle - "Fireball-2".

"Fireball-2" was dedicated to mastering the technique of working with energies physical world... In addition, readers have learned a lot about the three major religions and learned to recognize the energies on which they are based. The principle of recording these energies on talismans was determined. Accordingly, within the framework of Fireball-2, practitioners learned to use these energies - the energies of the physical world.

Mastering the Tarot cards found out that there are two energy circles - direct and reverse, the difference between which is that the reverse circle is energy for oneself, and the direct one is for others. In addition, you already know that each arcanum of the Tarot has its own sidhi, or higher abilities, associated with the full conduction of the energies of this arcana. That is, a person who conducts the energy of the arcana completely and completely tuned in to it becomes Siddharta. I also talked about what qualities each lasso gives.

In the "Fireball-3" cycle, we will deal with getting rid of the attachments to these arcana. In addition, "Fireball-3" will continue to acquaint the reader, but in more detail with the Major Arcana of the Tarot.

Now we will be interested in new spaces - the levels of the lower astral. We will learn how to navigate their landscapes and contact the entities located there.

The main task of the book "Fireball-3" is to teach readers the basics of working with the astral world.

It is very important to develop sufficient skills in order to go out into the astral plane and return, without losing anything valuable from your personality and getting rid of what prevents the development of new abilities and mastering them.

In essence, "Fireball-3: Acquaintance with the Astral World" is a work associated with the conduction of the energies of the Great Arcana at the level of the lower astral. By the concept of "astral" magicians mean the world of images and spirits, and you and I will also adhere to this terminology.

Probably, readers are more familiar with the concept of "astral", but in this book we will adhere to the terminology adopted in the school of magic "Atlantis" and use the designation "astral".

When working with "Fireball-3" it should be borne in mind that the book does not set itself the task of opening your vision (clairvoyance, "third eye"). By its concept and structure, it is more focused on people who have any ability to do this. (Take a short test. Close your eyes. What do you see? If something is three-dimensional, moving and colored - perhaps you meditatively plunged into the astral world, that is, saw it with your inner vision. If these are reflections of your thoughts, motionless structures, or maybe , something gray or black means that you see your closed visual channel (“third eye”). astral world it is very important to have a vision, and it will be difficult for those who have not yet mastered this quality.

Unlike the physical world, the astral world has completely different properties and parameters and contains a special type of matter, traditionally called an elemental. Therefore, it is possible to navigate there, using only the sensations of the body, but it is inconvenient.

A person's consciousness creates imprints on this matter (elemental) - thought forms, or essences. Thought forms are created from the energy that we put into our thoughts. The time during which these entities can live in the astral world depends on the amount of energy put into them during creation.

The book was prepared with the participation of the Literary Agency of Alexander Golod

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form whatsoever without the written permission of the copyright holders.

© Monosov B., 2011

© ACT Publishing House LLC, 2016

About the author, methodology and extraordinary possibilities

As a practice, Fireball appeared after the death of Atlantis. The Atlanteans used techniques that were different from those existing today. In Atlantis there were such machines and devices that we never dreamed of. After the death of Atlantis, after most of the machines and devices were out of order, techniques were developed, which the Atlanteans called "the poor man's techniques." These practices allowed a person who did not have any powerful devices at his disposal to work with his own consciousness, actively influencing the world.

At the time of the secondary settlements of the Atlanteans, when these techniques arose, they were called "the practice of fiery spheres." And the English name "Fireball", that is, "fireball", appeared in the early Middle Ages.

The Fireball exercise system is primarily associated with the acquisition of magical consciousness. There are certain qualities - the highest abilities (called siddhas), which can be acquired in different ways. In this book, we suggest that you follow the path of special exercises followed by the adepts of the Sephiroth (working with the "Sephiroth" - spheres on the Tree of Life described in the teachings of Kabbalah) magic, also called Kabbalah, which is the basis of Western magic. Modern Kabbalah adherents sit for years in search of a successful combination of letters, with the help of which they hope to find Power, but it is acquired in a different way.

There are ancient keys designed to enter the desired states of consciousness. These keys, previously contained in the Holy Book of Thoth, were hidden by the priests of Ancient Egypt in a deck of Tarot cards. In this paper, we show a method for "getting" these keys.

In order to understand the principles of the Tarot cards, the principles of the influence of the arcana on the situation, you need to completely disconnect from your usual idea of ​​the world. You must understand that there are many worlds, that each of them contains completely different versions of being. You should abstract yourself from the familiar world in which you live every day.

Magic as a discipline is a collection of knowledge that may or may not be in demand. And it depends on the level of work of consciousness. These disciplines, this knowledge become necessary at a certain level - at the moment when you cannot do without them. There is Golden Rule for artists and writers: don't write - don't write. At a certain stage of his development, a person simply cannot but engage in magic as such. There is one person who says all the time: "I don't do magic." But what he does is one hundred percent magic. However, he has to reinvent the wheel all the time. He comes to those techniques that have been known for a long time: at a time when everyone is already making televisions, he still reinvents the wheel. There is no sense in this, it is much easier to familiarize yourself with the device of a bicycle from a book.

The presented system of knowledge is based on some concepts that you could meet in the books of Indian yogis and in the books of Carlos Castaneda. It may seem strange to many, but terms such as "chakras" and "Assemblage Point" have always been known to European magicians. Some of the concepts were named differently by each school. The rest was unnamed. In European magic, they talked about states, and not about mechanisms, information about which was unpronounceable: “... perception is possible thanks to the Assemblage point - a special formation (in the energy body-cocoon. - B. M.), whose function is to select internal and external emanations (energy fields - the aura and the external world. - B. M.) to be configured. The specific setting that we perceive as the world is the result of where in the cocoon the Assemblage point is at the moment. "

There are people who create a space around themselves that negatively affects those around them. Such a person can change jobs all the time. The work suits him, but some time passes - and everything falls apart. He moves to a new place of work - and everything is fine there again, after a while everything falls apart again. He begins to think: "Is there some kind of my fault here?" So, such a person carries the situation within himself. This situation is precisely the lasso that he conducts. There is magic on that. By changing some of the parameters of such a person, we change the situation in which he finds himself.

The fact is that it is impossible to change space at all points, it is simply unthinkable. We tune a person, and in the future, at all those points in which he finds himself, the situation develops the same as ordered, provided that it is possible to change the person's habits.

Fireball is the ability to connect to real-life energies for your own benefit and for the benefit of other people, which is necessary in healing. The magician never heals with his own energy, he conducts the energies of the arcana, which have 22 qualities. Working with a person, he uses one or another type of energy.

The exercises included in the book should by no means be considered as gymnastic health complexes, although they are somewhat similar to Chinese qigong, partly to Indian yoga, and are related to the magical complex of Tensegrity. Their task is different.

The book opens up new worlds for you, the opportunity to learn what was previously available only to a select few, and to learn how to do it.

Part 1
Fireball-1 - the basis of magic

1st lesson
Practice of fire spheres

Fireball - A fireball is what we usually call the Assemblage point. This is the place of the greatest concentration of energy in our body. Moving the fireball of our energy through the chakras, concentrating energy on a particular chakra, we begin to interact with various objects of the surrounding world.

Chakra is the energy center on the human cocoon.

Cocoon is an energy shell that separates us from the world around us. Accordingly, when the cocoon breaks, life ends. Sometimes small holes appear on the cocoon - the so-called evil eyes, which, in principle, can be survived, there are also all kinds of injuries: fatal and non-fatal.

Chakras are projections of the plexus threads of the energy cocoon and are possible positions for fixing the Assemblage point. All chakras are associated with the front and back middle meridians.

There are 12 main meridians, each of which has a connection with the main circle, and this same meridian is associated with one or another organ. That is, the main circle has a connection with almost any organ. When we connect the Fireball with this or that organ, the system of a certain meridian starts to work automatically.

When fixing the Assemblage point on any of the seven chakras (Fig. 1), there is an increase in the circulation of energy in the meridians associated with the organs located in this area.

Rice. 1. Chakras

By doing Fireball practices, we learn to focus our attention on specific chakras; at the same time, they are activated and the Assemblage point is displaced to the specified position.

Seers can observe seven luminous spots, with one chakra always more active than all the others. It is in the area of ​​this chakra that a person has the Assemblage point.

Assemblage point anchorage levels

Everyone has a fireball, everyone has the Assemblage point, but it has a predominant, main fixation point, which determines a person's belonging to a caste.

The first caste is fixing the rotation of the Fireball at the Muladhara Chakra.

The second caste is on the Svadhisthana Chakra.

The third caste is on the Manipura Chakra.

People belonging to the first three castes, whatever they do with energies, can make changes only within themselves, because the Fireball is fixed in them at the level of the three lower chakras.

Starting from the fourth caste, where the Fireball is fixed at the level of the Anahata chakra and above, magic goes on, that is, work directed outward - the magician's energy affects the external situation.

Magic has 4 levels.

1st level - Fireball is in the Anahata chakra area. Magicians of this level can be overly emotional. Communication with clairvoyants presents great difficulties, because they are a very unbalanced, one might say, scandalous people.

2nd level of magic - Fireball is fixed on Vishuddha, that is, the mind. These are intelligent magicians, they know how to restrain emotions, communicate with everyone calmly. But these are rational people. You come to such a magician, ask him to take pity on you, and the magician thinks: "So he will enter the coffin and so he will enter the coffin."

The 3rd level of magic is the fixation of the Fireball on the Ajna chakra. Magicians of this level not only see energies well, but are able to project the images they create outward. There is an active impact on the environment.

The 4th level of magic is the fixation of the Fireball on the Sahasrara chakra, that is, almost any thought materializes.

There is a danger in magic of wishful thinking. A person has cured someone's cold and on the basis of this he considers himself omnipotent, he thinks that he can do absolutely everything. For such "omnipotent" the path to learning is closed. And it is closed for one simple reason - it is impossible to get where, as you think, you are already. Such a person cuts off the path to learning for himself.

Magic is a very clear control of what you really are at the moment, and what you specifically know how to do. Only then do you have a chance for development. And if you say that you have been for a long time, already three years ago ... it is impossible to teach you.

Energy scheme of a person

There are basically two various techniques Fireball: forward and backward circles of energy movement inside the physical body. The straight circle is also called Taoist (Fig. 2 a). This concept is associated with bioenergy, with the conduction of energies along the meridians. Without going into the details of the theory of meridians, we can say that in the human body there are two main meridians (energy channels), which are connected to each other and form a ring that passes in the middle of our body. Paired meridians forming a system of lines parallel to the main circle; energy channels of arms and legs - several meridians passing through the arms and legs; the anterior and posterior median canals - all this forms the energy scheme of a person. The canals of the arms and legs connect to the main ring at the shoulder joint and at the sacrum.

Rice. 2 a. Straight Taoist Circle

The flow of subtle energy that comes to us in the area of ​​the Sahasrara chakra, the highest energy center, located in the subtle body and projecting onto the physical body of a person in the region of the crown, is called the upper subkey. Most often, energy channels run along the nerve trunks.

The lower connection is the flow of a qualitatively different vital energy entering the Muladhara chakra.

There are so-called points of entry and exit of energy through which energy is sucked in from the outside or, conversely, is dumped through the arms or legs. The largest such points are about 15, but we are interested in the main points to which the meridians approach: a point in the middle of the palm and a point near the heel on the sole. In these places, the channels are open, that is, there is an entrance and an exit.

Taoist circle and reverse circle

Every person, no matter what he does, no matter what he thinks, constantly turns energy in his body. She can move in one of two ways: in the Taoist (straight) circle mode or in the reverse circle mode. In the Taoist circle mode, energy travels along the spine from bottom to top, along the front surface - from top to bottom. The ring is spinning. In this case, energy is taken in points located on the feet of the feet, and is thrown out through the points of entry and exit of the hands. This is how the bottom subkey works. Energy passes through the arms and legs differently. The diameter of the canals of the legs is larger than the diameter of the canals of the arms, therefore, a certain energy increase is constantly accumulating, which leads to an increase in body weight. People who have a Taoist circle are plump and calm. They have the ability to heal with their hands, as their hands are a source of energy.

Those, who have a reverse circle, conduct energy up the front surface of the body, then through the neck down the back (Fig. 2 b), the energy ring closes, and the energy goes up again. They take energy through the entry and exit points of their hands and release energy through the entry and exit points of the legs. These people are usually thin and nervous.

Rice. 2 b. Reverse circle

Some people are capable of changing circles. If a person strongly spins the reverse circle, then he begins to lose weight. If he constantly spins the Taoist circle, then he is actively recovering.

Conducting energy in the Taoist circle mode causes a change in the state of other objects. When working with energies in the reverse circle mode, changes will occur within you. With poor conduction of the leg channels, the changes within you will be strong. If the channels of the legs and, accordingly, the blood vessels of the legs are working well, then the changes will not be very strong.

Therefore, if they want to change themselves, then they twist the reverse circle, crossing their legs, that is, crossing the channels. In this case, the energy is not dumped down, and biggest changes occur within you. Thus, in the reverse circle mode, you can change your qualities. In the Taoist circle mode, crossing your arms, you can close the energy channels and stop the release of energy.

If you concentrate the Fireball in the area of ​​the three lower chakras, working in the Taoist circle, then the changes that you are able to make in your body will spread to the organisms of the people with whom you work. If you focus the Fireball in the area of ​​the upper chakras, then your influence will affect the behavior of these people. In the same way, work with your own body is carried out in the reverse circle mode - at the level of the lower chakras and with changes in situations and behavior - at the level of the upper chakras.

Taking the correct posture

For this we use a pose that the Japanese samurai have been practicing for a long time.

The Japanese came up with the idea that you need to turn the socks inward, and the knees, on the contrary, outward, then you get such a comfortable stand, in which the legs themselves hold the human body. You can "sit" deeper, you can "sit" higher. The best option next: you kind of hold the sky so that it does not fall, and at the same time push off from the ground.

It is difficult for an untrained person to be in this position. Therefore, we will first master an easy stance, not very tense. In this case, it is important that there is a certain angle at the elbows, but not very large. You can't grip your hand too much, as the energy won't go out. A small knee angle will allow you to disperse the energy. It is very important that the foot is firmly pressed to the floor, and the palm is open, then the points that are in the center of the palms and feet are activated. When you spread your fingers, you will feel how the "hole" will open there. And when you firmly press your feet to the floor, turn your socks inward, knees outward, you will feel tension in your legs. At the same time, you should feel the lowest point on the foot. This is the basic stance.

"Putting down roots"

Try to lift the energy up your legs.

Close your eyes, stand up, press your feet firmly to the floor. Imagine that a network of capillaries goes down into the ground, as if you have taken root to the level of magma. And this molten magma begins to rise through the capillaries, enter your legs, warming them, filling them with fire and energy. And then she came to the sacrum. This is the base point at which the energies flowing down the legs connect. At this point, the energy enters into a large circle.

Working with the Taoist circle

The energy rose through the legs through a small angle in the knee and entered the sacrum. The moment the sacrum is full, tension will appear in it.

Lift the energy up the spine: through the neck, back of the head, head along midline... Then, through the nose, lower it to the chin. The energy will pass through the chest and, passing through the perineum, will close in the sacrum.

At shoulder level, the energy will flow from hand to hand. Push it out and make room for new energy.

Imagine once again that a new portion of fire has entered through the legs, lift it up to the sacrum, then along the spine, lower it along the front surface of the body, let it enter the sacrum. And all over again.

The rest of the energy that was not thrown off through the palms, since more energy passes through the legs than you throw down through the hands, will go down the chest, and will close in the sacrum. Thus, you are a cyclical mechanism that constantly sucks energy down your legs and releases it through your palms.

How to create a fireball

Let's try to create a fireball - Fireball.

Start concentrating energy in the area of ​​the Manipura chakra, imagine that a ball of fire is inflating there.

With each of your breaths, a set of energy from below, this ball is filled with magma. A small part of the energy is dumped through the hands, and the main stream inflates the balloon. There is tension in the solar plexus area. The Manipura Chakra begins to increase, grow. Feel it, then relax, release the tension completely. You should feel warmth in your body.

The presented practices are intended for those who see or try to see energies, that is, these people have a "third eye" or Ajna chakra working. If a person does not have a vision, but he wants to develop this quality, then he needs adjustment. In what follows we will say: “Look” - for those who see; "Tune in to ..." - for those who are just trying to do it.

When working with Fireball, there is a rule: if you work with energies, do some exercise and you feel worse, stop, sit on a chair (if you are standing), wave your hands, come to a normal state and after a while try again. If you are not feeling well, then just skip this practice.

We make the ball pulsate, energy comes out of it, passes along the spine, then returns back to the ball. The main circle is spinning. The ball is growing all the time due to the fact that new portions of energy are absorbed. The main circle begins to work like a pump that sucks in energy through the legs, and a small part of it dumps through the hands, so that there is no excess of it. The remaining energy is used to increase the Fireball.

Try doing 10 cycles now with the energy suction and ring spinning mode. After that, relax, rest.

Spin the reverse circle

Now let's try to spin the reverse circle.

Imagine a stream of air entering and leaving the arms. This air begins to inflate a fireball, the Fireball begins to spin. If earlier it was just boiling, now it is acquiring a strong rotation. Energy enters through the hands, this air blows through the spine, rises along the front surface. Fireball spins, rises up. Passes through the head, enters the solar plexus area. Then a new portion of air flows in again. The fireball spins up at high speed, the energy begins to dump. At this moment, the magma is actively boiling. It is as if you are blowing a layer of magma, and the Fireball itself is spinning very quickly.

Now inhale through your legs, raise the fire from below, and spin the Fireball. The fireball will fill with energy. Then breathe in through your hands, take the wind from above, the circle will spin in the opposite direction. In this way, you will raise the fire, then you will fan it with air. The fireball will multiply. Do it slowly.

Channel cleaning

Your task now is to clear the main channel. Everything that will come across there, everything that will interfere with the passage of energy, you will destroy and throw off your hands. All slags, all plugs, you will clean and throw off through your hands.

Work again in the Taoist circle mode: fire goes down the legs, fills the sacrum, rises up the back.

In reality, now you have removed the information plugs that impede the passage of energy. Now let's try to clear the channels of the hands.

First, lift the energy up the back, then go into the hands, blow first one, then the other. This will clear the channel and dump any debris from there.

"Blowing" the spine

Now let's do the opposite. Let's enter the reverse circle.

Take the energy through your hands, lift it up to the shoulder blades, run it down the spine and throw it out through your legs. If we burned the spine with fire from the bottom up, now we will “blow through” it with air from top to bottom. In addition, we will also "blow through" the channels of the legs.

Svadhisthana Chakra - the first horizontal chakra

The twisting of energy at the level of Svadhisthana harmonizes sexual relationships, transfers them from an exacerbated phase to an even, calm one, and also eliminates problems in urology and gynecology.

Try to spin the Taoist circle in Svadhisthana, then work in the reverse circle. This energy improves innervation, restores connections to the peripheral nervous system and the spine.

The next chakra is Manipura

At this level, the energetics of digestion, respiration, and partly the heart are aligned. This energy is also good for the gallbladder, which is associated with tuning the body to an even, calm state.

Try to work in the Taoist circle.

Anahata chakra - second horizontal chakra

In the Taoist circle mode, you normalize the people who are associated with you through Anahata. You calm them down, feed them sugar syrup with honey. This energy gives internal "goodness" without changing the external situation.

Tune in for a bright summer day. Remember the fountains ... Plant roses around the fountains, try to see dense, lush vegetation, the sun, blue sky, water.

After completing this task, work on Anahata in the reverse circle.

Why are we getting old

A person uses work with Fireball for self-healing. Although the word "cure" is not quite appropriate here, it is rather a hardening. The fact is that the aging process has its own reason, it boils down to the accumulation of errors.

There is an initial drawing - a matrix, it is located in DNA molecules. According to this drawing, the body is constantly renewing itself, reproducing itself. Cells are constantly dividing. What prevents them from recreating the organism in the same version? Unfortunately, any reproduction without error is simply impossible. The error is growing. Moreover, with each subsequent reading of the primary drawing, this error increases, because the primary drawing is already read by the system, which is built on the basis of the error. Aging at first proceeds at a slow pace, and then begins to grow rapidly.

In reality, these errors represent some kind of information that forms energy plugs - clots of stagnant energy that interfere with the passage of energy along the meridians.

When you engage in a practice designed to clear the channels, you begin to expel information wastes from your body. By erasing this error, removing the consequences of the process of interaction with the outside world (and the organism can be considered as a kind of information structure, information matrix), you get rid of the error itself. And the next time you copy, you are already self-replicating better than you were.

Fireball techniques - forward and backward circles - allow you to clear channels at different levels. When we create a Fireball, we accumulate excess energy and interact with the elements. We work first with the element of Fire, then with the element of Air.

The matter of our world consists of five primary elements. This concept is in principle different from the concept chemical elements... Primary elements are groups of properties that exist in astral plane... For example, in the world of forms, we see liquid substances, solid, gaseous, plasma and vacuum. In the astral world, there are prototypes of such "aggregate" states: Water, Earth, Air, Fire and Ether. It is these five elements that define our world, our universe. Any material object consists of a combination of primary elements, the proportions of which determine the properties of these objects. Man combines five elements. Being in the middle of the Cross of the Elements means having an equal number of qualities inherent in each of the elements.

Energy plug

A plug is a certain amount of standing low-frequency energy that is in the channel and interferes with the passage of energy of a different quality. Then a trembling arises in the body during the practice.

Now you and I will do one thing very important exercise... It consists in the fact that you will absorb the energy of the Fireball, that is, distribute it throughout the body. This energy must dissipate and be absorbed into every cell of your body.

There is one big mistake that many people make when practicing Fireball. If you have worked energetically and went about your business, then the energies instantly leave the body as soon as you stop fixing them with your consciousness. As a result, you find yourself not just with your former energies, but with minus energies.

Each exercise must be finished by dissipating the energies of the Fireball inside your body.

Having evenly distributed energy throughout the body, we do not lose it, but save it.

Enter the Taoist circle mode, focus on the Fireball. Spin the fireball in the Taoist circle mode in the Manipura chakra area. You need to clearly concentrate. You should feel it swell, increase fireball.

Begin to absorb this energy by all the cells of the body so that the entire body shines evenly. Focus also on the blood that is circulating in your body. When you pump it up with energy, it will carry energy throughout the body.

There is a regularity associated with the fact that as the spiritual growth of the body's energetics changes. That is, a person eats less and receives more energy from the outside. For high-level magicians, the Fireball in the Taoist circle mode spins constantly by itself. In addition, their blood gains the ability to accumulate energy.

When we create a model for the dispersion of energy throughout the body, then in some way we affect the cell membranes, which come to a certain state. They then transfer this energy to the cells.

As you develop, evolve, you will have the ability of the blood to accumulate energy.

Try to pump the body, working in the reverse circle, and properly "blow through" it with the elements of Air. In order to work with the element of Air, one can imagine the movement of clouds across the sky; tune in to the smoke spreading from a burning incense stick; or just watch the gusts of the wind, feel its movement.

When working with Air, the Fireball will spin very quickly. The small excess of energy that you managed to pump up, you accumulate. Working in a reverse circle, pump your neck, otherwise you will have a headache.

Working with top and bottom connections

Now we will work with the top and bottom subkeys. The connection is the place of penetration of the energy flow coming from the outside, on the cocoon of a person: the lower one - through the Muladhara chakra, the upper one - through the Sahasrara chakra.

First spin the Fireball in Taoist circle mode. Then, begin to introduce this energy, which circulates in the main circle, into the upper channel, into the upper subkey. This is where you work with guided attention.

There is a so-called "ray of attention" - this is an energy ray emanating from the "third eye". With Fireball practices, you are trying to manipulate this tool. The "ray of attention" is connected with the human consciousness and is controlled by it. In the process of obtaining practical skills, the position of the Assemblage point becomes controllable. The "Ray of Attention" is like a peephole located above the Assemblage point.

Further in the text you will encounter such commands as: "Look how the energy passes", "Try to enter there and see ...", "Put the card down and lead the energy through Muladhara", "Direct the flow down." All of these exercises deal with the controlled position of the Assemblage point. It is difficult to tell exactly and give any recommendations on this matter, since each person has completely different abilities and he perceives information in his own way. Sorcerers are constantly engaged in developing vision and adjusting the position of the Assemblage point.

Move your attention along with the movement of energy. The channel will start branching. Your task is to go through this channel with your attention and see where the energy goes. These are your hookups. The upper subkey connects you with egregors.

Egregors are called energy structures, which are a set of energies of consciousness of people engaged in the development of one idea. It can be a religion or some other structure - for example, there are egregors of a country, city, esoteric school. These energies are associated with structuring your behavior.

Try to enter Taoist circle mode again. Then work in reverse lap mode. Your task is to view the sacrum. There is also a channel from there that leads down. Try to go in there and examine your lower subkeys.

Connecting to your parents is a natural bond, and generally needs to be handled carefully. Children should not break this bond: they lose their immunity. When children are over 20, then the connection can be cut off. Or you can leave it. But if you are already over 40 or over 50, and the children are adults, then the energy through this connection will go from them to you, therefore, you become energy vampires for your own children.

Interaction with other energy structures

We have seen what the channel inputs are: our upper and lower connections. Man is a range of seven frequencies. At the same time, at the upper and lower frequencies, it is connected with other worlds. The upper sub-connection is the binding to high-frequency luminous worlds. Bottom subkey - binding to the dark worlds.

During our life, we interact with the structures with which we are connected by bindings. Bindings are energy lines connecting cocoons of people. The human cocoon, as well as any living or inanimate object, represent a certain energy structure... Subkeys (top and bottom) can also be called bindings; here the energy lines tie a person to the upper or lower worlds. These structures interact with our bindings in the place where the main current of energy passes - between the two poles, as if between plus and minus. This is the main polarity of man. Accordingly, the greater the potential difference, the stronger the currents circulating inside. The potential difference can be increased by striving upward.

People have long been trying to understand the purpose of Sex in our lives. Many works have been written on this topic. And yet - Sex remains a mystery.
In general, the readers of our site should already be clear - why exactly? Because I exist different levels development of consciousness, different castes. And Sex in different castes will be completely different. The esoteric model of the world and man considers man as two connected multidimensional objects - Soul (Monad) and Body. At the same time, the body is also multidimensional and every physical organ we know also has energy structures. Modern medicine operates only with the physical, the lowest-frequency component of the body.
Therefore, it is unusual for many to hear that all our organs have additional, energetic functions. For example, a woman's Womb is a generator of the Capture Ray - an energy vortex that, on the one hand, “captures and holds” Men, and on the other hand, in the process of Sex, uniting with a male vortex, captures the Soul of the unborn child.
We will not consider Sex from the perspective of the first 3 castes - a lot of manuals have been written about this, we will try to analyze it from the position of the 4th caste - since nothing has been written about this so far.
More precisely, it is written, for example, the Kamasutra, but it is completely misunderstood, and therefore profane, like all Ancient Knowledge in its modern interpretation.
The fourth caste senses energies. The fourth caste "assembles" the external world around itself - within the radius of its Personal Power. This fundamentally changes the work of all human mechanisms, including the sexual one.
People of the 4th caste begin to face sexual problems that are not described anywhere, and by reading all kinds of manuals and studies intended for the first 3 castes, they create additional problems and difficulties for themselves.
The purpose of our article is to help people of the 4th caste or those passing into the 4th caste to look differently at the sexual aspect of being.
The first thing I want to start with is that the relationships between people of the 4th caste are built on the upper chakras - Anahata (Love, Higher Emotions), Vishuddha (Mind, Consciousness). If there is no contact on these chakras, then no closer contacts are possible.
We will not consider situations when a person is deprived of sex for a long time and is ready to pounce on anyone. Any deprivation radically changes the functioning of the human "mechanism", blocks the mechanisms of consciousness and releases the mechanisms of the body - unconditioned reflexes ...
If for the 2nd caste it is enough to see a beautiful body, and for the 3rd caste it is enough to meet a "worthy" partner, then for the 4th caste it is necessary first of all to establish a friendly, open, completely trusting contact on the upper chakras.
Such contact, as a rule, can only be established with a person who has similar parameters of the Personality (Consciousness), a similar position of the Assemblage Point.
Since in Men, TS is usually more fixed than in women (hence the female mediumship), it is much easier for a woman to "synchronize" with a man than vice versa. Those. A woman who accepts a given man with her consciousness and wants intimacy with him is able to tune in with him. Of course, this does not happen instantly and can take months and years. We are talking about a man of the 4th caste. For a woman, such a connection will be the strongest stimulus in the development of consciousness and Personality. The whole question is whether a woman who graduates from the Warrior caste will be able to go through her Principles and Sense of Self Importance in order to realize this union.
Developed men with a high TS position are more popular among women ... Their “high frequency” is perceived by women of lower castes as sexual attractiveness.
A man of 1-3 castes who meets a woman of the 4th caste will not understand her at all.
He will evaluate her behavior from his own level, and for him she will seem arrogant, abstruse, emotionless, uninteresting. And all this will be true.
A woman of the 4th caste is really not sexually interested in a man of the 1-3 caste ...
The energy configuration of the cocoon of such men is “simple” and “not catchy” for a more complexly structured cocoon of a developed woman.
Without synchronization on the upper Chakras, as a rule, no sexual mechanisms are triggered. At the same time, it does not matter at all what a woman looks like, and what kind of Macho a man is. All elements of appearance and social success that are so cultivated in modern society cease to work at the level of the 4th caste.
It is safe to say that at the level of the 4th caste, sex is an extension of trusting Friendship. After contact is established on the upper chakras, it gradually begins to capture the lower chakras as well. In the 4th caste, the energy of the cocoon is at the top, feeding more consciousness than the body. Therefore, unconditioned reflexes, which are the "consciousness" of the organism, stop working and the person begins to be controlled by Consciousness.
If a person has 1-3 castes, sexual arousal occurs as a result of the reaction of the body - an unconditioned reflex, then a person has 4 castes, sexual mechanisms are triggered by a "command" from the level of Consciousness. And until Consciousness issues such a command, no sex is possible in principle ...
For this reason, many people of the 4th caste begin to experience difficulties in finding sexual partners, and as a result, they form a wrong idea of ​​both sex itself and its place in life, and of themselves, loved ones, supposedly already "outgrown" the need for sex.
This is a fundamentally erroneous opinion from the category of building one's own "problems" into Virtue.
Indeed, at the level of the 4th caste, the man-woman contact no longer occurs in the same way as at the level of 1-3 castes. If your friend or friend from the 1-3 caste can easily meet and sleep with almost anyone, just “it’s not disgusting”, then in the 4th caste this is no longer possible ... Just don’t dramatize and make hasty conclusions about the “viciousness” of sex. Your caste has simply changed, and with it all your needs ...
Indeed, in the 4th caste, people eat differently ... what can we say about sex !!!
So, we tracked down the first and very important difference - the choice of a partner according to completely different parameters than we are used to. The problem here is as follows. In our minds, stereotypes of “correct” partners, developed over many incarnations, are still very strong. Yes, and modern Glamor imposes on us long-legged blondes in lush breasts, or muscular Macho with a Ferrari.
As a result, we find ourselves in some kind of internal conflict. On the one hand, we have information that is confirmed by our past experience about choosing beautiful, socially successful partners, but on the other hand, we are no longer able to build close relationships with them. And those partners who suit us in terms of Mentally and Energy parameters do not always turn out to be in line with modern social standards.
There are many books, including the Kamasutra, on various sex positions. At the same time, some of them are very clever and not entirely clear to the modern reader of 1-3 castes. Why, they say, be so "perverted" when the same effect can be achieved in a much simpler way.
And indeed it is. Most of the positions have practically no meaning for people of the 1-3 caste who do not feel the flow of energy through the cocoon.
Let's remember two energy circles - Direct and Reverse. With a straight Circle - the energy is drawn from below, rises along the spine to the head and descends along the chest to the perineum ... being partially thrown out by the hands ...
In the reverse circle, the energy is taken in by the hands, rises up to the head and down the spine to the perineum ...
At the same time, there is a very important function of the language - the Language is a circuit breaker, or a circuit breaker. The tongue pressed to the upper palate closes the circle, and the tongue not pressed to the upper palate opens the circle and turns into a powerful energy store ...
Feeling and realizing these energetic realities, coupled with the energetic meridians and points of the body, you can rethink the whole variety of sexual positions.
In sex, we use the genitals, hands and tongue.
With the energetic synchronization of partners and the preliminary elimination of all energetic blockages (without this, Magical sex is basically impossible), automatic synchronization occurs in the flow of Yang and Yin energy between different energy points of the couple.
This is where all the poses become clear.
If the pair is connected only through the genitals, then there is an accumulation and alignment of the energy level - as in two connected vessels.
If the pair is connected through the genitals and hands, or the tongue, then energy flows along the corresponding energy meridians and channels.
Energy begins to circulate in a circle created by the pair, creating a single energy structure. Such circulation can continue for hours, filling both partners and building the egregor of the pair. There is nothing like this in sex of the 1-3 caste ...
At the same time, both oral and anal sex become clear. We are simply connecting different chakras.
Do not forget - the genitals are Svadhisthana, Anus is Muladhara, Hands are Anahata / Vishudha, Language is Vishuddha / Ajna ...
Those. our language on energy level is the most high-frequency and highly energy-saturated point, since when the energy circle is opened, a mass of energy is concentrated on it ...
Thus, Magical Sex of the 4th caste is a powerful energy process, in which energy saturation and alignment of the work of all organs and systems of the human "mechanism" occurs.
As in many other systems, sex has a multi-level meaning.
This is both procreation on the physical plane, and getting pleasure on the emotional plane, and energy regulation and balancing of all systems and mechanisms on the energy plane, and a powerful impetus to the development of Consciousness ...
With the complete synchronization of the energy systems of partners during sexual intimacy on the upper chakras, the formation of the egregor of the couple occurs.
This happens only at the level of the 4th caste and when the energy-informational parameters of the partners coincide.
The formed egregor gives birth to its own consciousness, which captures the personal consciousness of the couple.
Both partners begin to perceive the world not through their own consciousness, but through the consciousness of Egregor - the consciousness of the 3rd level.
This is the very “cool” state described in esoteric literature and incomprehensible (inaccessible) to modern understanding.
Sex is, in most cases, a pleasant “procedure”, after which a person relaxes and often falls asleep ... But this is not the “flyaway” we are talking about.
Tantric Sex is based on the formation of the egregor of the couple.
It follows that Tantric Sex is available only to people of the 4th caste. Moreover, in contemporary groups Tantras are "handful" exclusively by people of the 2nd caste, with TS in Svadhisthana and therefore very fond of sex ... but having nothing to do with Tantra ...
As we have already written many times on the site, all practitioners work fully only in their Agreement, their Egregor. Therefore, the 2 castes certainly have sex - but far from Tantric ...
When the Egregor of a pair is formed, a person completely "falls out" of the feeling and control of himself.
Our sense of self is built on the work of our Personal Consciousness, and when the Egregor of a pair is formed, the individual personal consciousness disappears, it becomes a part of the Egregor ... That is, our personal "I" completely disappears ...

Of course, such Egregorial states can be achieved not only with the help of Tantric sex, but sex in the 4th caste is one of the most accessible methods of developing Consciousness.
Experiencing periodically Egregorial states of consciousness, a person gets used to them and gradually begins to perceive his own egregor - Consciousness "not-I", formed by all structures of past incarnations ...
And this, in turn, accelerates progress towards the formation of a "continuous" consciousness "Super-I", including both the Subconscious and the living Personal Consciousness "I".
In conclusion, we can say that Magic Sex (sex in the 4th caste) is fundamentally different from the sex of the first 3 castes and is a powerful stimulus for further energetic and Spiritual development.
Our advice to everyone who considers themselves “above” or “beyond” this is to pay attention to possible blockages and “troubles” in the field of sex, developed by long prayers in past religious incarnations or wrong upbringing in this incarnation - and open to Magical Sex ... will not only bring you back to reality, but also help in further development ..

Material from Atlantis School of Magic Encyclopedia

Overcoming the Abyss - About reaching the 2nd level of Magic - 2012

A little about the acquisition of Immortality.

Fixing the Assemblage Point on Anahat - About the transition to the 1st level of Magic - 2010

Practical advice for beginners to study at the Atlantis School of Magic, on how to move to the 1st level of Magic.

Sephirothic Magic Training System - 2003

Sephirothic magic is based on the idea that the human mind is included in planetary consciousness.

Magic Training in the Atlantis School System - 9.05.2002

An article by Boris Monosov about the education system at the Atlantis School.

Competition in Magic Schools - 9.05.2002

An article by Boris Monosov, which tells about the ethics of relationships in the Schools of Magic.

Brief impressions of the trip to Israel - 23.09.2001

The main goals of the trip were achieved: meeting with relatives, meeting with Israeli esotericists, inspecting the condition of some artifacts located in Israel, receiving some help from the Masters in this territory.

Passerby - 29.05.2001

An article about a different "near - magical" audience.

Development prospects, an essay on magic - 14.03.2001

There are many predictions further development civilization. As a rule, most of these predictions are not based on anything and, of course, do not come true ...

Magic and technology of the seventh millennium - 14.03.2001

The great technology of the Atlanteans ...

Market for magic services - 11.03.2001

The Market for Magic Services has ancient history and great prospects. Turning to the Magicians for help, people meet with a miracle, and this miracle transforms their lives: they begin to rapidly evolve ...

On the issue of human cloning in the Third Reich - 11.03.2001

In a very interesting correspondence entitled "Homunculus" (confession of Dr. Brenner-3), the journalist A. Kotov describes the attempts of scientists of the Third Reich to clone humans ...

Spells, prayers, conspiracies - 09.03.2001

In Magic, there are several types of procedures, such as, for example, "spell", "prayer" and "conspiracy", which are similar in appearance, but differ greatly from each other in the mechanism of action. In numerous publications on Magic, these differences are often omitted.

The beginnings of magical science - 09.03.2001

An introduction to talking about Magic. An introduction to the physical model underlying ritual Magic. N-dimensional space.

Magical healing and karma - 09.03.2001

Flowers with neutral stripes - 09.03.2001

The World of Magic has always attracted people, instilling in them vague hopes and vague fears. Many went in search of a mysterious and enigmatic force, and few returned. Some perished on the dangerous paths of the knowledge of truth, others reached the heights of knowledge and remained there, and some, horrified by the phenomena they encountered on the way, rushed back to seek refuge in religion ...

Astral Wars - 09.03.2001

V recent times numerous near-esoteric publications intimidate the general public with all sorts of nightmares, and healers, sorcerers and shamans promise to save them from certain death, which carries damage and the evil eye ...

Secrets of the World of Mages - 09.03.2001

The civilization of Mages exists in parallel with the civilization of people. However, the civilization of the Mages is much older. Long before the death of Atlantis, the Mages discovered the possibility of traveling to parallel worlds. A feature of such travels is that the Magician is practically immortal in an alien world ...

Sociology through the Eyes of Magicians - 09.03.2001

Humanity presents for itself the secret of secrets. No one can really say why this or that process suddenly began. Wars and epidemics, demographic explosions and revolutions always take humanity by surprise. Magic, being a body of knowledge of science of a higher level, not only describes the causes of social phenomena, but also makes it possible to foresee such phenomena with a high probability ...

Technomagic - 05.03.2001

In this article, Boris describes what he specifically does, as well as how the Atlantean technologies are arranged that affect internal development.

Magic as a social factor - 20.02.2001

Some explanations about the relationship of magic to social factors. And also what can Mr. Boris Monosov at his level.

Exclusive Interview with the Master for - 2001

Interviewed by Maxim Parfenov

Tutorial 3 - 2001

Tutorial 2 - 2001

Continuing the topic of training, I would like to note that there are countless techniques for teaching Level 1 Magic.

We start training - 2001

The main problem in teaching Magic is the presence of stereotypes of the teaching process created by "external" schools.

On the goals and methods of teaching Magic - 06.10.2000

I do not really imagine the methods of distance learning Magic, a discipline that requires personal contact with the teacher. Therefore, I will acquaint you with the program and methods of my school, after which we will think together ...

The practice of managing human health in Magic - 19.09.2000

In this article, I tried to show the features of Magic in terms of managing the state of Biological objects. Hence the difference in approach between medicine and Magic is absolutely obvious. In this regard, in my opinion, science and Magic may not be at enmity, but coexist, complementing each other, as has been happening for millennia.

Summer Conferences Report - 24.08.2000

Per summer period 3 seminars took place. As far as I understood, there was still some benefit from them, although everyone seemed to like it ...

- 03.08.2000

One of the questions that arise before those who do not sweep away everything incomprehensible to him without looking, but try to at least figure out what in question is a search for information. In particular, the search for the "right" books. In this article, a person who is a practicing magician talks about what is worth reading and where these or those books come from ...

Talking about practices - 06.07.2000

As mentioned above, by Magic we mean the direct impact of consciousness on the world around us. There are three types of Magic, in which this effect is organized in different ways.

Seminar "Golden 2000" from 1 to 12 August - 18.06.2000

The technique of teaching Magic and healing according to the programs of the Atlantis School of Magic and the Order of the Lords of the Golden Cloud. Seminar for specialists and potential leaders in this area. (3 two-hour lessons daily).

A Few Personal Considerations About Magic - 17.06.2000

I was once again thrust into the race for new technologies by pushing my favorite horse, the "hyperspace tunnel." Currently, I am following this direction, conducting research into the possibility of implementing the "hyperspace channel" technology with the use of an improvised element base ...

Answers to the questions asked - 04.06.2000

Actually, I wanted to devote another publication to the physical model of the world of Mages, but quite a few letters came, to which there is not enough time to answer individually. After a while, we will make a teleconference there, or some other Means for public conversations, but for now I want to give some overview of the letters that have come.

Magicians at noon, late afternoon - 28.05.2000

This article continues a series of publications on Magic begun on the Internet and is intended to familiarize interested persons with some events, as well as with the immediate plans of the author. The article mentions events partially described by the author in his books "A Furious Ride on a Pale Horse, or This Side of Magic", "Phantasmagoria, or the Inside Out", "Entering Rapan" and "Universal Sorcerer." These books, except for "Rapana "were included in the collection" Combat Magic "released in 1999 in Minsk, publishing house" Harvest ".

Small additions to the above, or the Magician who came from the "cold" - 06.05.2000

So, who is this Magician Boris Monosov? Obviously not Merlin, not Paracelsus or Agrippa. If he claims that he has lived for a long time (and he claims that he has lived 65 thousand years), then why is nothing known about him? Or was he hiding all this time, and now decided to get out of the underground? And then, Magic is a secret science, why is it written about it openly here?

Physical model of the world of Mages - Part 2 - 22.05.2000

Continuation of the conversation started in the article Physical model of the world of Magicians.

Physical model of the world of Mages - Part 1 - 28.04.2000

Continuing the series of publications on this site, I bring to your attention the basic cosmogonic concept of Magic in my presentation.

Principles of the Esoteric Approach to Literature - 28.03.2000

Is there any truth in fantasy? And who writes the truth in our time?

On the question of the possibility of studying Magic - 10.01.2000

Magic is an interesting thing, especially if you take it with an open mind. Where to get tutorials and do they exist at all?

Alarming symptom of beer - 25.08.1999

“Production and consumption of beer in Russia is increasing ...” from the Radio Liberty program in Russian.

"The Nazis began their movement at beer tournaments ..." line from the film on the theme of World War II

Magicians about Magic - 22.08.1999

What associations do a "normal" person have with the word "magic"? Fairy tales, fantasy, charlatans ... But sometimes, looking at the huge number of esoteric books sold in any bookstore, a seditious thought creeps in: "Well, humanity cannot spend so much time and energy arguing about something that does not exist." ...

Magic as it is - 1998

The relationship of magic to religion, And more about magic itself.