Dream about milk, dream book: milk is a complete interpretation of dreams. What does sleep mean by day of the week

The first food of mammals is very important, therefore this partly sacred symbol gets into dreams not only as memories of real events. In an attempt to figure out what milk is dreaming of, one must take into account all the details of the dream.

Dream Interpretation: see milk in a dream

Dream Interpretation of Gustav Miller deciphers dreamed fresh milk as a sign, especially favorable for the fair sex. If a farmer or gardener had a chance to drink a delicious product, the future harvest will be very pleased. For those who are going on the road, the plot portends a fun and successful journey. I had a chance to taste sour milk - a symbol of concern for others. You will have to help friends and relatives in reality.

According to Vanga's dream book as a sign of a subconscious guess or premonition, milk is dreaming. Drink it - significantly worry. It is worth listening to the voice of your own intuition in order to move in the right direction.

Ukrainian dream book interprets milk as a cash flow if it was fresh. Sour means minor quarrels and gossip. To change your well-being - drink milk.

Women's version the dream book interprets a lot of milk very positively. Such a plot predicts excellent health and excellent material security. Bathe in milk in a dream - be at a pleasant event. This is a symbol of fun in the circle of people with whom it is very comfortable.

Friendly attitude and support of an influential woman - this is what milk is dreaming of according to the version gypsy dream book . Shedding it is losing money through your own fault, or breaking up with someone close.

Dream interpretation of the 21st century explains the purchase of milk as a fraud. Eating a sour product is an unpleasant conversation with a woman. Drinking fresh milk is good, joy lies ahead. However, sucking it directly from the chest is a signal to think about your own unscrupulousness.

Slavic dream book interprets dreamed milk with blood as help from relatives. Most likely material support.

Esoteric Evgeny Tsvetkov interprets milk with blood a little differently. A favorable period begins in life.

According to the dream book of Catherine II tea with milk is not the most pleasant dream. Waking will have to do tedious, and even unpleasant things.

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud directly associates milk and reproductive functions. A container with milk symbolizes an increased possibility of conception for a woman, and pouring means ejaculation. Pour milk - want to join someone in intimate relationship. Drinking milk is not a good plot for this very specific interpreter. This action means a disease of the genitourinary system.

Dream Interpretation of Veles interprets fresh milk as praise from others. Sour means that there are gossips around the sleeper spreading dirty rumors. Boiling milk is a warning dream. In order not to make an unfortunate mistake, one must be more attentive to the small nuances of the upcoming affairs.

Modern dream book suggests that shortly before the sudden receipt of money, milk and bread are dreamed of. It can be a one-time sudden bonus or even a salary increase.

If you dream of coffee with milk, there will be chores. They will take a lot of effort, but the result will be magnificent.

Why dream of breast milk

It is necessary to interpret dreams with women's milk separately. This first natural food for babies is important waking and sleeping, and every detail must also be taken into account. If you dream of milk from the mammary glands, it is safe to say that this is a favorable sign. In reality, a happy ending to an important matter will soon follow. Seeing milk from the breast in a dream means you have to experience positive emotions.

When dreaming feed the baby breast milk, you should pay attention to whether this is your baby. If it was his own son, this is how the thirst for mutual understanding, the need for support and advice is displayed. Feeding a daughter means amazing meetings. An alien baby sucking the dreamer's breast is a warning. The woman shouldered the responsibility for the problems of outsiders.

Good sign to see how flowing breast milk in a dream. Health in the coming period will be exceptionally strong.

If breast full of milk dreamed of a woman who was not officially married, an offer can be expected soon. For a married lady, a dream promises replenishment in the family.

As the personification of the pleasure of one's own life dreams express breast milk. It is also a sign of social recognition.

Women's milk in a dream suggests strong experiences in reality pregnant girl. If you dreamed that it was pouring from your chest on its own, you should try to take control of your emotions and not exalt yourself too much over others.

Dating someone you haven't seen in a while means drink breast milk in a dream. It is also a sign of a safe journey.

Actions with milk in a dream

Ahead is a favorable period of life, if you dream pour milk. In personal communication and in the business sphere, success awaits.

Warning symbol - spill milk. Such a dream is a harbinger of financial loss.

Depending on the quality of the product, the meaning of the plot in which it happened drink dream milk. Fresh means joyful events. Sourness portends trouble.

If you dream buy milk in the store, then career advancement is ahead. Buying in the market or in the village - experience an attack of nostalgia.

Good sign - sell milk. There is a white streak in life.

Where was milk in a dream

Milk is a sign of a special disposition of fate. in the bank. In the near future, everything will turn out very well.

Milk dreams of success in business in a bucket. At the same time, there will be hours of leisure that will delight you with joyful meetings with friends.

Milking a full bucket of milk on your own is a great sign for a sleeper of either sex. All the efforts that will be made in reality will be appreciated by the authorities and will be duly paid.

Man dreamed of milk in the bottle portends good health. For a married lady, the plot indicates the possibility of becoming pregnant. Empty containers - ahead of a harmless, but unpleasant ailment.

Milk in the package indicates that success will have to be fought a little. It will only be possible to benefit by overcoming numerous, seemingly out of nowhere, minor difficulties.

What kind of milk did you dream about

Important in interpreting what milk is dreaming of is its origin. It is also worth considering the quantity and quality of the dreamed product.

The most common milk cow, seen in a dream in large quantities, symbolizes well-being. If it was very little, the state of health will require increased attention.

For an unmarried woman, a dream goat milk is a particularly good sign. Soon a secured and worthy groom in all respects will appear. For the rest, such a dream indicates that well-being depends entirely on the dreamer.

It has great value double dream milk. Life will generously please you with happy years. Also fresh milk indicates the nature of the sleeper. This dream reflects kindness, willingness to selflessly help.

Dreaming of financial losses sour milk. The dream warns that you should not quarrel with your superiors in the near future. Any conflict will seriously complicate career advancement.

dreaming sour milk suggests the need to reconsider your manners. Experiences and worries are coming in reality. At the same time, sour milk suggests how depressing the dreamer is the current life situation. The routine of affairs is addictive. A person "turns sour", and changes cannot be dispensed with.

spilled milk in a dream indicates the inevitability of the approaching danger that the sleeper anticipates. Unfortunately, there is no way to influence.

Beautiful symbol - condensed milk in a dream In reality, it is possible to purchase very profitably the right thing. Life will provide a long-awaited chance to realize your plans.

When dreaming of horse milk, soon someone will offer something obscene. Bearish means that someone will decide to seduce with selfish intentions.

Milk is a multifaceted sign in a dream. But for the most part, the value is favorable, and there is no particular reason to worry. Taking into account all the clues, it will be possible to bypass most of the unpleasant life moments.

Seeing milk in a dream is a reflection of your selflessness, kindness, generosity. A dream is evidence of parental dedication or an indication of the presence of childhood infantile needs in an adult.

What kind of milk did you dream about? What happened to milk in a dream? What was milk in a dream? What did you do with milk in a dream? What did you do in a dream when you saw milk? Whose milk are you dreaming about? What foods do you dream about with milk? How much milk did you see in a dream? What things and events related to milk did you see in a dream?

What kind of milk did you dream about?

Breast milk

Dreaming of sour milk

Why dream of sour milk? You are not alien to the problems of friends and relatives, you are always ready to provide all possible assistance, support morally. Your efforts will not go unnoticed.

Dreamed of spilled milk

I dreamed of spilled milk - intuition will not let you down, all bad forebodings will not be groundless. Prepare for this mentally, physically you will not be able to change anything.

See curdled milk in a dream

The dream book interprets curdled milk as an upcoming journey, which is very beneficial for you. A dream promises to receive positive emotions, new experiences, interesting acquaintances.

If you dream of boiling milk

Boiling milk is dreaming - you are tormented by the fear of making a mistake, offending someone with your actions, which often becomes a mania. You apologize too often for things you've done. Try to be bolder in dealing with others, it will do you good.

Condensed milk

Dreaming of fresh milk

Seeing fresh milk in a dream - to well-being, a prosperous life. Buy fragrant milk in the village - you were overcome by nostalgia for the past, the desire to return to a happy childhood and carefree youth.

Dreamed of mother's milk

Why dream of mother's milk? A dream is a symbol of support provided to you by close relatives, parents. V Hard time you can always count on them.

Dreaming of women's milk

I dreamed of women's milk - joyful, happy events are expected. Drinking a woman's milk is a symbol of immorality, vicious behavior. Think about the actions you are taking.

Milk with blood

What happened to milk in a dream?

Milk is pouring in a dream

Why dream that milk is pouring? If the event happened through your fault - in reality someone will be punished because of you. Swimming in the milk river - the ability to take responsibility in critical situations, the ability to be responsible for one's own actions.

What was milk in a dream?

Seeing milk in a bottle in a dream

Dreaming of milk in a bottle - to health, wealth in the near future. You will be able to achieve stability, prosperity in all areas. Life will give an ocean of joy.

Dreaming of milk in a bag

A dream about milk in a bag promises minor troubles, overcoming which will contribute to gaining benefits. The efforts made will not be in vain, you will be able to achieve what you want.

Milk in a jar Milk in a bucket

Dreamed of milk in a flask

I dreamed of milk in a flask - happy events are expected, receiving cash income. Your affairs will improve, fortune will present an unexpected gift.

Dreaming of a big bottle of milk

Dream Interpretation of Felomena defines a large bottle of milk as making a profit, monetary reward, or other financial income. A dream can also symbolize possible nervous experiences.

Seeing a jug of milk in a dream

A jug of milk is dreaming - you are overwhelmed with feelings caused by the beginning of a new relationship. It seems to you that the current chosen one is the man of your dreams. The novel may very well end in marriage.

Dreaming of a can of milk

A dream about a can of milk promises to make big profits. In family relations, harmony and mutual understanding between family members are outlined. The calm atmosphere will last for a long time.

What did you do with milk in a dream?

buy milk

Bathe in milk in a dream

Bathe in milk in a dream - to spend time in the company of people close to you in spirit. You are attracted to those with whom there is a strong mental connection, with whom understanding arises from a half-word.

Feed a kitten with milk in a dream

Why dream of feeding a kitten with milk? Maximum care should be taken in household and work affairs. Pour milk in a saucer to a stray cat - to the appearance of a gullible friend. Breastfeeding a kitten is a pleasant chore.

Why dream of pouring milk

I dreamed that it happened to spill milk - a small loss is expected. Family troubles will be temporary, losses in financial affairs are possible. Focus on the essentials, don't pay attention to the little things.

Pour milk in a dream

Why dream of pouring milk? A joyful event is coming, receiving a lot of positive emotions, a positive attitude. You will be able to conclude a profitable business, sign a good contract.

If you happened to pour milk in a dream - your house will be a full bowl, prosperity will become permanent. For cultivators, gardeners, a dream promises a rich harvest, a fertile period.

Pouring milk on someone in a dream

A dream where you pour milk on someone indicates the desire of this person to improve their own unenviable financial situation. Your wishes will come true, financial stability will not pass by.

Why dream of standing in pure milk

Dream Interpretation Felomena considers the fact that you had to stand in pure milk as a harbinger happy life. Good luck will smile at you in work affairs, on the love front, your plans will be fulfilled, your goals will be achieved.

Milk was brought to the hospital in a dream

It is a dream that milk was brought to the hospital - things will be successfully completed. Your health will improve, circumstances will begin to develop in the best possible way, which will contribute to your well-being.

Dreaming that you fill the seeds with milk

The dream where you fill the seeds with milk symbolizes prosperity, improved well-being, career advancement. Things will go uphill, business partners will offer lucrative contracts.

Drink milk Breastfeed your baby

Sell ​​milk in a dream

I dreamed that you were selling milk - you would render a service out of good intentions. Your selflessness will be well rewarded, and your efforts will not go unnoticed.

Why dream of separating milk

According to Felomena's dream book, to separate milk is to make a profit. A dream promises a successful deal, the achievement of prosperity, good luck in business. Mutual understanding also reigns in relationships with loved ones.

Drink a cat with milk in a dream

Dreaming about how you give a cat milk is a good sign. Soon it will be possible to reach an agreement with their main opponents. Even sworn enemies can turn into allies.

I dreamed that I broke a can of milk

A dream about how a can of milk was broken is a warning. You should pay attention to your material well-being, household chores. Financial losses, difficulties in personal life are not excluded.

Why dream of collecting spilled milk

Collect spilled milk in a dream - a dream portends a good relationship with a dear person. All conflicts will soon be settled, communication will become as pleasant and useful as before.

Pouring milk in a dream

Why dream of pouring milk? A dream promises completely unnecessary spending. It is worth moderating your wastefulness so as not to squander all the funds acquired by overwork.

What did you do in a dream when you saw milk?

Milking a cow in a dream

I dreamed that you were milking a cow - in reality you will be incredibly happy. Joy and enthusiastic feelings will begin to haunt you. There is a high probability that you will be able to fulfill your dream.

Seeing a full udder of milk in a dream

The dream book considers a full udder of milk as a symbol of a good financial situation, big earnings, and a successful deal. In the home sphere, everything will be fine too.

Milking a goat in a dream

Dreaming that you are milking a goat is a good sign. Fortune will smile at you, and at the most unexpected moment. Take full advantage of a happy occasion, do not miss your chance, you deserve real well-being.

Whose milk are you dreaming about?

Why dream of goat milk

The dream of goat's milk is a harbinger of disappointment. It is likely that the bulk of them will fall on the affairs of the heart. Get ready for the fact that on the personal front, everything will not turn out the way we would like.

Dreamed of cow's milk

Seeing cow's milk in a dream - a dream indicates an unstable state of your health. Drinking cow's milk - the state of health will change, but no one will guarantee that it will be for the better.

What foods do you dream about with milk?

Why dream of milk with bread

Why dream of milk with bread? As a rule, this dream is a harbinger of profit. Most likely to find new way earn extra money and successfully test it.

Dreaming of coffee with milk

I dreamed that they were going to drink coffee with milk - a favorable time to resolve the accumulated problems. All conflicts will be settled, mutual understanding will be reached with relatives.

Dreamed of tea with milk

Dream Interpretation Felomena considers tea with milk as a symbol of an imminent quarrel. After it, a bright streak will come, the current problems and disagreements are temporary, you should not take them seriously.

Dreamed of buckwheat porridge with milk

Buckwheat porridge with milk dreams of difficulties, serious problems. It is highly likely that they will have to spend a lot of money to resolve them. The problems will not affect you personally, but the next of kin.

Buy kefir and milk in a dream

A dream about how you buy kefir and milk has a positive meaning. Soon it will be possible to get rich, achieve universal recognition, earn authority, respect of others.

Dreaming of milk and cottage cheese

Seeing milk and cottage cheese in a dream - to a stormy, eventful period in life. Especially the accelerated passage of time will be felt at work. You have to work very hard to get it all done.

Dreamed of milk with cream

Why dream of milk and cream? This dream portends the successful completion of affairs, especially those related to creativity, as well as good luck on the love front.

How much milk did you see in a dream?

A lot of milk

What things and events related to milk did you see in a dream?

Milk and pregnancy

Dreamed of dairy products

Dairy products in a dream are an indication of your state of health. Soon there will be a chance to improve the financial situation, achieve financial stability, financial well-being.

Dreamed of baby bottles with milk

I dreamed that I saw baby bottles with milk - to improve health, material well-being. The financial situation will stabilize and stop bothering you for a long time.

Dreamed of fish milk

Seeing fish milk in a dream - to receive a monetary reward. Taking out milk and putting it in a pile - there is a high probability of personally harming your career advancement.


I dreamed of Milk what it is, which means Milk in a dream

Star dream book Dream Milk why dream?

Dream Interpretation interpretation of dreams: You dreamed of Milk for what it is - a very good dream, for cash receipts, profits and benefits. Good health. The main thing is that the milk is pure, and the fatter, the better. Venus and Taurus.

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife Dream had a Milk.

Seeing milk in a dream is dedication; mother's love; prosperity. Bathing in milk is the pleasure of your own life; bliss; drinking milk - financial success; milk in large quantities- wealth and health; distributing milk - caring for others; love for children; spill milk - light losses; drinking sour milk - suffering; people unsuccessfully trying to drink milk - something that does not bring satisfaction; drink hot milk - fight for the fulfillment of your desires.

Dream Interpretation of Artemidorus What does Milk mean in a dream:

You dreamed of Milk, what it is for - a quarrel and worries. Drink milk - make a good friend. Spill milk - to losses, failures, losses. Sour milk is a missed opportunity.

Dream Interpretation of K. Hall Interpretation of sleep Milk:

What does Milk mean in a dream - to health and well-being. Spilling milk is a small loss due to the fault of loved ones. To wash with milk or bathe in milk - to have friends close in spirit or faith.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina What does Milk mean in a dream:

You dreamed of Milk, what is it for - wealth and health await you. Imagine that there are jars full of milk on the table in your house. You treat all your relatives with milk.

British dream book Milk dreamed in a dream:

Seeing milk in a dream is one of the main foods that newborns eat in the first months of life. What the dream is about: If you drink milk, this may indicate a desire to return to an infantile state, when someone else solved all the problems for you. Such dreams are dreamed when you are in stressful situation. See also Chest, chest

Dream Interpretation of A. Mindell What does Milk mean:

You dreamed of Milk, what is it for - you seem to be drinking milk - a dream promises prosperity to your home; if you are doing agriculture you can count on a rich harvest. You drink sour milk - friends will cause you concern; another interpretation of sleep: you will be very upset - because you will miss a real opportunity to improve your affairs; while you are thinking, your train will leave. It’s like you spilled milk - you will run into trouble - but small; you will soon forget about them.

Phoebe's big dream book Interpretation of sleep Milk:

What does Milk mean in a dream - recovery will not take long, you will be provided with good health in the near future. Imagine that a milkman has come to your house and offers you fresh fresh milk. You buy milk and pour it into jars. There is so much milk that the whole table is lined with jars. You are happy to drink yourself and treat all your relatives and friends.

Russian dream book What does Milk mean in a dream:

You dreamed of Milk what it is for - a hint of good maternal influence, a symbol of easily digestible knowledge; powerful burst of energy.


Dream Interpretation: what milk is dreaming of

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Milk

See milk in a dream. If a girl dreams of a bottle of milk standing on the table, in reality she will have many rich admirers. If she dreams that she drinks milk, she will make the right choice among the fans and will be happy with her husband for the rest of her life.

A dream in which a guy sees a container of milk warns him that he is too infantile and dependent on his parents. The dream tells him that it is time to show independence. If he sees that he is drinking milk, it is a sign that the parents will interfere with the young man in his desire to decide his own destiny.

For a woman, a dream is important in which she cooks something from milk. Such a dream portends her a full bowl in the house, respect and love of relatives, success in work. If she sees a container of milk, then she will have to make every effort to keep peace in the family. Drink milk - a close friend will help with good advice. Drinking milk to someone is a warning that a woman will soon displease her husband.

If a man dreams that he drinks milk, they are waiting for him in reality fun entertainment and pleasant innocent fun. Seeing a container of milk - the desired goal is close, and soon he will be able to achieve it.

In our dream book, you can learn not only about what dreams about milk mean, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see milk in a dream in Miller's online dream book.


What is the dream of Sour milk, dream book Sour milk to see in a dream what does it mean?

Autumn dream book

Why see sour milk in a dream?

Why dream of Sour Milk - Drinking sour milk - to the sullen expression on her husband's face.

Sour milk - To bad weather, rainy weather.

Sour Milk If you have sour milk that you recently bought in a dream, you don’t know how to get out of a difficult situation.

Summer dream book

Why see sour milk in a dream?

Interpretation of sleep: Sour milk - Drinking sour milk - to your displeasure.

Sour milk - To see sour milk in a dream - to a gloomy girlfriend.

Sour milk - Buying sour milk in a dream - to worry about your friend's illness.

Spring dream book

According to the dream book Sour milk:

Sour milk - to ruin,

Sour milk - to the loss of money.

Pocket dream book

Why does sour milk dream, what does it mean?

Interprets the dream book: Sour milk - If a woman dreamed of milk, then she would be happy.

If a peasant saw milk in a dream, then a good harvest awaits him.

If the traveler saw milk in a dream, then his trip will end successfully.

If you saw sour milk in a dream, then you will worry about a friend.

If in a dream you drank hot milk, then you will have to try hard to make your dreams come true.


Milk to buy

Dream Interpretation Milk to buy had a dream, why dream of buying Milk in a dream? To select the interpretation of sleep, enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Milk in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Milk

In general, milk in a dream means prosperity, profit, receiving money. The more milk you see in a dream, the greater the benefits this dream promises you. Drinking goat's milk in a dream is a sign of a happy and prosperous future. Drinking fresh milk in a dream portends joy and prosperity. Hot milk in a dream means disputes, discord over inheritance or property. Drinking a lot of milk in a dream is a big expense. The dream warns you of the need to be frugal and not throw money away. Drink milk in a dream and see that it does not decrease - sure sign what you can afford to live without counting a penny. Sometimes such a dream predicts endless happiness. Spilling milk in a dream is a sign that you will foolishly give away your money yourself, believing in false promises. You will never get this money back. Pouring milk from the top is a harbinger of abundance and prosperity. Sucking milk from the chest in a dream is a sign of illness or an immoral act, unless there are pregnant women among your loved ones or you yourself are not pregnant. For the poor, such a dream predicts wealth.

For a man to see milk oozing from his chest in a dream, the dream predicts that soon some misfortune will happen to his wife and he himself will be forced to take care of the children. However, more often such a dream means that the sleeper will always be able to provide himself with bread and butter. Bathing in milk or seeing a milky river in a dream is a sign of the fulfillment of your wildest desires. Buying milk in a dream is a sign of deceit or vain hopes. Boiling it in a dream means that you will make an unforgivable mistake. If the milk in your dream runs out of the pan, then your enemies will give you a head start because of your slowness. Sour milk in a dream is a sign of a quarrel or grief. Bargaining with a milk seller in a dream - quarrels and altercations over money or inheritance. Feeding someone milk in a dream indicates your affection for the person you are pampering. If you dream that you are given or poured milk, then expect to receive easy money.

Dream Interpretation - Milk

Seeing a huge amount of milk in a dream - to a deterioration in well-being. However, the dream where you bathe in milk is a harbinger of unprecedented joy and encouraging prospects.

Drinking fresh milk in a dream is a sign of a prosperous and prosperous life. Sour milk portends a quarrel with superiors with all the ensuing consequences. Boiling milk in a dream means the sudden departure of relatives and complete calm in the house for several days.

Drinking boiled milk means a profitable business, by taking on which you will further strengthen your success. Burning yourself with hot milk portends a tough struggle for spheres of influence, as a result of which you will be able to take the initiative into your own hands and insist on your own terms. Escaped or boiled milk portends a cooling in friendship.

Buying milk in a dream is a sign of joyful events in the family, selling it - you will render a service out of good intentions, but you will be thanked for it almost royally.

Fresh and fatty milk means that you will experience minor losses and losses, but you will suffer more from the fact that you are deceived by people whom you trusted and sympathized with. Skimmed milk portends a conflict with colleagues at work. Dirty milk with garbage in it - devote your free time to children.

Canned condensed milk means the danger of losing the favor of an influential person who is interested in your success as in his own. The condensed milk that you enjoy in a dream portends the acquisition of a long-desired thing, and relatively inexpensively. Powdered milk means a fun pastime in the company of friends close to you in spirit and interests.

Drinking goat's milk in a dream portends a rich groom, which you can only dream of. Koumiss, that is, mare's milk, will be at a loss from the unexpected offer of the boss to become his mistress. Bear milk dreamed of in a dream means the danger that threatens you, which comes from a young and beautiful rival. If you are offered donkey milk in a dream, it means that in reality you will begin to indulge your whims to the detriment of household duties and caring for children and your husband.

Making a milkshake in a dream means the absence of changes in the course of your affairs. Buying at a milk bar and drinking a cocktail - mislead your friends about your sexual capabilities and inclinations. Follow a milk diet in a dream - you will lose the trust of your creditors due to the inability to pay them off on time.

Feeding milk from a nipple in a dream means that what seemed impossible will find its fulfillment thanks to a happy accident.

If you feed a child with your milk, giving him a breast, this portends the successful promotion of business and the support of friends.

Dream Interpretation - Milk

this is the innate quality of every person from childhood to be a Muslim ("Al-Fitrat"), as well as the Sunnah and knowledge.

Cow, buffalo and camel milk mean good. In a dream, the benefit of goat's milk is less than the benefit of cow's milk. If you see yourself drinking mare's milk, he will gain good fame. If you see yourself drinking milk female dogs, this indicates fear and great danger posed by the enemy.

If you see yourself in a dream drinking fox milk, then this means joy and goodness, and pig milk means madness. If someone sees that he is drinking milk from the breast of a woman, this is interpreted as trouble and sadness. Others say that such a dream is for enrichment. And if a married woman sees that they drink milk from her, then a lot of good and good will fall on her. Drinking your own milk in a dream is treason and betrayal. For a woman who is trying in vain to feed people known to her with a breast that has run out of milk, and for these people the doors of endowment with blessings will be closed. Drinking curdled milk is a journey that will bring benefits. Some believe that such a dream is not good.

Seeing or drinking milk from pets is to receive honest money from an influential person. The ruler or some representative of power will show favor to someone who sees in a dream that he is drinking mare's milk. Seeing yourself drinking snake milk is a blessing. Seeing camel milk is for earthworks, and drinking it is for marrying a pious girl. Drinking the milk of a lioness is a victory over enemies. Also, seeing or drinking the milk of any wild animals promises strengthening of strength and power in matters of religion.

Dream Interpretation - Milk

Wealth and health await you. Drinking milk - to the fulfillment of a cherished desire. Milking a cow is a fruitful year for successful undertakings. Breast milk is a quick marriage and a big family. Animal milk - your good intentions will not go in vain. Bathe in milk - to receive an inheritance. Sour milk - you will be able to adequately overcome a difficult test. Fresh - you have enough strength to achieve your goal. Milk river - your knowledge will help you get rich. Spill milk - to pregnancy. Spilling on the ground is a fleeting meeting that you will never forget. Buying on the market is a new profitable acquaintance. Buying in a store is a promotion. Boil - you will be able to prevent the scandal generated by gossip about your friend. Carry - recent investments will bring tangible profits. Fresh milk - enjoy communicating with like-minded people. Distribute milk - your recovery depends only on you. Milk has escaped - you will have another attempt to correct the situation. Cold milk - every deliberate step brings you closer to victory. The cat laps milk - wipe your nose to a secret ill-wisher.

Imagine that there are jars full of milk on the table in your house. You treat all your relatives with milk.

Dream Interpretation - Milk

To dream that you are drinking milk means a rich harvest for the farmer and contentment in the house; for a traveler, this is a sign of a future successful trip. This is very auspicious sleep for women.

Seeing milk in large quantities means wealth and health that await you ahead.

Distributing milk - portends that you will show benevolence, seeking your own benefit.

Spilling milk means that you will experience light losses and suffer from temporary misfortunes. The same consequences have a dream where you see impure milk.

Drinking sour milk in a dream means that you will be worried about the suffering of your friends.

To dream of people trying unsuccessfully to drink milk means that you should be afraid of losing something very important to you or the friendship of a high-ranking person.

Drinking hot milk in a dream portends a struggle, in the end of which you will achieve wealth and fulfillment of desires.

To dream that you are bathing in milk means pleasure and the company of like-minded friends.

Dream Interpretation - Milk

Buying milk is a hoax.

Boiling milk is a mistake.

Eating sour milk in a dream is a quarrel with women.

Drink fresh milk - to joy and well-being.

Drinking milk from a woman's breast is your immorality and unscrupulousness.

Drinking monkey milk in a dream - you can get an incurable wound.

Drinking goat milk - your recovery is entirely up to you.

Drink mare's milk - to fun, news, health.

Drinking donkey milk - to receive gratitude, public recognition.

Drinking koumiss in a dream - if you are sick, your health is on the mend, if you do not complain about your health, then this will only strengthen it.

Dream Interpretation - Milk

If in a dream you drank milk, you will have full prosperity in the house. And this dream can also mean the friendship and love of a woman. In addition, you can safely go on a trip - it will be very successful. The more milk you saw, the stronger your health and the higher your prosperity.

If you were distributing milk, then show benevolence towards someone - however, for your own personal purposes.

They spilled milk - you will suffer light losses, you will survive minor troubles, or maybe you will fail in love.

Sour milk portends your concern for friends.

Hot milk dreams of a struggle, as a result of which you will achieve wealth and fulfillment of desires.

If in a dream you bathed in milk, then you will enjoy the company of like-minded people.

Dream Interpretation - Milk

Drinking or just seeing milk is a sign of health, profit, well-being.

A large amount of milk is wealth.

Such a dream also means sexual harmony.

Buying milk is a hoax.

Boil - to an error.

Shedding - to minor temporary troubles.

Distributing milk is beneficial through goodwill.

Drink sour milk - worry about the misfortunes of friends or quarrel with women.

Drinking hot milk - in the struggle to achieve wealth and fulfillment of desires.

Bathe in milk - be in the company of people whose views and sympathies are close to you.

Dream Interpretation - Milk

To dream that you are buying milk in a store is a sign of promotion.

You will feel a surge of strength and energy in yourself, you will be able to solve those problems that were beyond your power before.

Your superiors will notice and appreciate this, offering a much more worthy position.

Don't let this come as a complete surprise to you.

But be prepared for the fact that the burden of responsibility will fall on you, which cannot be shifted to anyone, so if you do not feel the desire in yourself, it is better to reject the offer.

If you dreamed that you were buying fresh milk in the village: such a dream says that you will soon be overcome by nostalgia for the past, you will want to return to the place where you spent your childhood and youth.

If time permits, by all means make this trip to boil milk: you are a very pedantic person, this often interferes not only with you, but also makes it difficult for you to communicate with loved ones.

They have long been tired of your nit-picking.

Allow yourself and your family to feel more free if boiling milk escapes in your dream: this means that you are afraid of making a mistake, offending someone, and this fear sometimes literally develops into mania.

You constantly apologize for your words and actions, as if anticipating a possible storm.

But no one is going to arrange it.

Be bolder in dealing with others, you will only benefit from this.

Watching in a dream how someone greedily drinks cold milk: you constantly compare yourself with other people, and often not in your favor.

In this way, you are trying to rise in the eyes of others, which is completely in vain if you lack self-confidence, try the following: take a love plot and read it late at night (preferably after 12 o’clock) three times.

You will see how after a few days it will begin to work.

A dream in which you drank milk with great pleasure - portends you the pleasure that you will get from communicating with someone you have not seen for a long time.

Your meeting will happen by chance, but will bring a lot of pleasant moments.

Dream Interpretation - Milk

A few words about the situation when milk in your dream is given to you in abundance.

You buy it, drink it, etc.

Such a dream may indicate your habit of abusing the guardianship and help of relatives.

You've been a "child" for too long.

But if you give milk to someone in a dream, this emphasizes your dedication and parental care towards these others.

Milk Symbolizes parental dedication or childhood infantile needs in an adult.

Give milk - to success in love, marriage, family.

Drinking milk is joy, satisfaction of desires.

Milk is not available to you In the store, on the table and the like - you will find loneliness and disappointment in love.




I dreamed that I again had milk in my chest. hope sleep for next pregnancy


I dreamed that I was pumping breast milk into the bath and there was a lot of it and sometimes blood came out, and my mother and I were surprised that there was so much of it ... because I had already stopped breastfeeding the baby. (I actually stopped breastfeeding 4 months ago)


I had a dream that I have milk in my chest .... and I “milked” it into a cup of coffee for my child. I had this dream at Christmas - on the night of the 6th to the 7th. what could this mean?


I have small child i she fed him for up to 2 months. Then the milk burned out. Today I have a dream, I’m sitting in the kitchen and milk flows from my chest when pressed, there’s a lot of it and it’s fatty, that’s what I need. Mom tells me in a dream, it’s not very good when milk comes again , such as a restructuring in the female body. And I'm so glad, I think I'll feed the baby.


Milk, they gave a cow, milk, then manure or cow poop began to fall there. After that, the cow turned into a cat


In a dream, I was looking for a kitten, which I really want to get at home in reality .... finding it, I wanted to feed it and there was milk at hand, but when I started pouring it, it turned out to be sour.


my mother and I went to buy milk, but I had to look, because no one was selling it. We found it in one stall, the seller there was a guy, somehow behaved inappropriately, joked boldly (supposedly he was offended that they stopped buying milk from him). After my verbal beatings, he began to shoot from an air pistol on the sides. Mom at that time left to talk about life with his assistant (there was also a guy). I took the milk and change when I left, threw his gun on the ground and stepped on it with my foot, but did not break it.


Tatyana, I had a dream that I was driving in a car, I saw a house on the right, and there was a man about 60 years old and ten! there was earth dug up by large ruins, the earth was black and greasy, and on top of this earth there was light green grass, a man folded this earth. and there was a lot of milk nearby!? it was the color of natural homemade sour cream and very tasty, I got out of the car and asked to drink milk, he gave me a whole glass of milk, I drank it and thanked this man, he seemed very familiar to me, although I didn’t know him, and then I woke up …


Hello, Tatyana. I have a lot of dreams. This morning, after the morning prayer, I dream that I am bathing in milk. My grandmother washes my back with milk. She died 3 years ago. And then I see men of Arab origin came. I combed my hair, it was long and beautiful. I tell them not to enter the room because I am without a headscarf. Then I went outside and started collecting sweets. There were more and more of them. First, I put it on a plate, then on a large bag, then I collected sweets in a wheelbarrow. There already turned out to be a lot of bags of sugar and flour. The wheelbarrow was full, there was nowhere to put it.


I dreamed of a can of milk, full and fresh milk, but then I ended up in some kind of trailer and terrible things happened there, from which I got scared and splashed out some milk, then ran and found 100 UAH with one piece of paper


I saw a large square container filled with milk, dipped my hands into it, as they usually do when they try water in a river


Good morning, Tatyana, I dream that men bring me cow's milk in 3-liter cans, I drink it and breastfeed the baby, and the milk is pouring in my breasts.


I looked in the refrigerator and saw several packs of milk there. and said in surprise, why did you have to buy 5 packs of milk?


I cook porridge and pour it with warm milk from plastic bottle. Next to the bucket is a red-and-white cat and starts brazenly lapping milk from a container of porridge, and I drive her away, but she turns her arrogant muzzle and continues to climb into the milk ..


I was breastfeeding my daughter.. (but I saw her little.. about 2 months old.. now she is almost five years old).. there was a lot of milk..


I dreamed how milk was pouring from my chest, and even if you touch it, it pours even more, and next to me is a child who drinks my milk


my 5-year-old son comes up to me, I'm in the store, He drinks milk from a white broth, I drink from him - hot milk, I ask: He:. I am very surprised I ask:. He: I wake up in bewilderment; since my son is 35, and my grandfather and grandmother died long ago,


I drank goat's milk a lot, and the woman told me that the benefits of it are so great that they will come in another month.


carried three liters of milk in a jar with a closed lid, held it tightly, then spilled a little on the ground and carried it further, then drank with a young lady


I ended up in the market, went up to my grandmother, who sold village dairy products and told me milk please. She let me pour sour cream, cream, cottage cheese, cheese, yogurt, milk with her neighbor from a parallel trailer, with the words try something else, you might like it, take it from us. I took a plate and started eating, the first thing I tried was either swept or cream. The taste was bright and pleasant, milky-sweet. I liked it very much. I woke up feeling the taste.


I dreamed that I saw my bare chest. And some kind of white-yellow liquid flowed from the right breast, and then from the right, but less. At first I was scared, but then I realized that it was colostrum. This dream ended


I drank milk in baths, in general I don’t drink it at all, but then I drank it with such pleasure, I looked at the jar and there were 3 layers, the first one was transparent (I called it whey), the second milk, and the third cream (thick), I was soaring girl (classmate) and we were talking about something


Dream: I met a sister with whom I have not communicated or greeted for 4 years. We started talking and decided to go through, in general, we began to communicate well again (if anything, I had never dreamed of her before and I don’t miss her, I just met her in the store yesterday). Then we went to the stadium and sat in the stands, talked with people who had already sat there before us, at the end of the dream 2 boys come and they have 2 babies in their arms. I asked one of them to let me hold the kids. And one of the kids sewed my breast milk to eat, when my mother came up to them and saw that I was feeding, she asked me, MONTH OR ONE AND A HALF ?. I didn’t understand what it means to my child or what? (never dreamed of this before)


i dreamed of milk on the stove in a saucepan. as if I was boiling it and it spilled a little, but everything around was white, not burnt


I opened the refrigerator, began to pour milk into coffee, then I decided to try it, but it was sour, I looked at the label, and it was already two days overdue ... - such a dream))


i got up at night in a dream, went to the refrigerator from its wing and saw an empty refrigerator and one milk in a flat bottle and several livers on the table


I dream of my girlfriend with her husband. Her husband hands me large capacity with milk, it was not warm, but closer to hot, I started drinking it. Then, I dream of my goddaughter (although I never had her in my life). Allegedly, everyone died with her, and I tell her that I will move to live with her so that she will not be alone. But I don't think I moved in. I don't remember anything else.


There were 3 cups of tea on the table. The fourth is a little aside with sugar and a spoon. 3 cups were not mine. I thought why is it tea for them, and not for me? After that, I took the 4th cup and poured out the sugar, and quickly licked the spoon, because the sugar is sweet and immediately milk formed in the 4th cup! Full cup of milk! And yet, the spoon turned out to be old with a peeled edge.


Hello! I dreamed that I was drinking milk from a baby bottle and at that time the thought appeared in my head that I would get rich in the near future ... And I also felt spiritual satisfaction ...


I saw a lot of milk, it seems to be from a cow and at the same time, as if my sister’s breast milk, she seemed to express it at the same time, I saw a cow’s udder. Then I poured 2 full buckets and a bowl of milk into a 3-liter bank


A familiar man handed me many different bottles of alcohol, lemonade, and there was a glass bottle of milk, I took the milk and drank it straight from the bottle, it was at room temperature.


I’m walking down the street, poorly dressed, and I see a classmate selling milk in 1.5 liter bottles, cottage cheese, sour cream, we talked about something, and she gives me a small bottle to take with her, I come to some enterprise, I ask where the refrigerator is to put the milk, I'll drink later. A lot of people. They tell me to go to the director and ask for the key to the booth to undress.


the villagers have a lot of milk in the refrigerator, and I sort of bought a lot of it - a flask, I was with my mother, we carried this milk together, but I somehow stole a black short skirt and they also sewed a suit for me, a skirt and a jacket white polka dots for my nephew's wedding, which is actually in a week.


In a dream I saw a small child lying next to me. It’s as if I take out my chest and see that colostrum is coming out of my chest and it smells like apple juice. I taste it and it’s sweet.


Hello! I had a dream that I was flying high high into heaven and holding milk in my hands and I want to pour it even higher, and then it repeats all the time, I woke up from drying out in my mouth.


I am in a strange house and they are preparing for a commemoration for a dead man, I know this man and ask his wife for milk, she says pour it herself, I pour the milk into a 2-liter jar and think, but they themselves need milk and that’s all I wake up


I buy milk in a three-liter bottle from my best friend's older sister. Milk is warm, warm, almost hot. For some reason this makes me feel very good and happy.


Hello, Tatyana !!!) Today I dreamed about how I drank boiled milk, but not hot .. I can’t stand it boiled .. Please tell me what this means ?! Regards, Tatiana. Thank you in advance.)


Hello. Walking along the road with the whole family, unexpectedly for us we see two large pits finished with concrete slabs filled with milk in one of them, onon ran from the road and was hot in another good drink. Without any thought, we went downstairs and got ourselves some milk.


there is a refrigerator in my apartment, I go up and open it and there on the top shelf there are 2 cans of sour milk (3-liter cans and both are half full) and one 3-liter can of raspberry jam.


I dreamed today that I bought village milk, sour cream and cottage cheese. and my daughter seemed to shed all this - and I was very upset and cried. Daughter accidentally knocked over milk and I saw how it poured out of the jar


In a dream: My grandmother brought the cow straight into the house, into the room. Since the grandmother cannot milk her (sore leg) she asked to be milked. I started, I don’t know how much I milked, so as not to spill, I decided to pour it into jars, then milk it further. poured a large jar and still left, began to pour into another and the milk flowed smoothly into the jar and along the edges, i.e. past.


my classmate, but not a very kind woman, brought me a 1 liter jar of milk. then for some reason it boiled, but right in the bank. all.


I dreamed that I came to some village and bought milk from a woman and my grandmother accidentally cracked a jar and half of the milk spilled. I also collected a large walnut from this woman. Also in a dream there was a horse with a cart running along the river


I knew that it was cow's milk, I was standing near the refrigerator and my mother-in-law was standing nearby, there was a lot of milk in the refrigerator, I knew that it was fatty. I have always loved him very much. my mother-in-law gave it to me, also warning that it was fatty .. I drank it .. it was delicious ... the dream was warm, the sensations were warm ... I woke up and my first words were: I drank such delicious milk ..


I dreamed that I was sitting at the table, and fiddling with milk, there was a lot of it, I didn’t drink it, then we started talking about a cow, my parents said something in a dream, and everything was a dream in the morning


Colostrum flowed from the chest, she bent her head and there.


Hello. I dreamed that breast milk appeared in my chest again and I feed my daughter with it, while experiencing very warm feelings of happiness. What does this mean? Thank you.


I have a girlfriend. And I had a dream about her mother. She sold milk in a beautiful jug. And she said that it costs 21 rubles. I somehow got them out, counted them, and gave them to her. And she says, “how do you know that milk costs so much?” And I say that they say you yourself told me. She says that “no, Dima, I didn’t tell you that.” I say, well, how did I find out about the price then? She: “I don’t know, I probably guessed” .. and the dream ended there


a little girl comes up to me and asks to drink milk, I answer her that only pregnant women have milk, she asks again: “pregnant women?”, I answered yes


i dreamed that they give me milk not in large quantities and I pour it over and put it on the stove to boil


Good day! I have a difficult situation now: sorting out relations with one person at work, and so today I dreamed that I poured something white on her, maybe milk, and I also rubbed an egg into her head (hair). I would like to understand: is this a good dream or should I be afraid of something


Someone was hunting for us, we closed ourselves in the room, it was dark, they killed everyone, except for me and my father. I ran out of this room and ran around green grass and a river of milk, I began to cross the river and it was hard for me to walk, a car was walking along the river bank and I tried to hide in it, but my father pulled me out of there and said that he would not beat me.


I cooked something with milk, my sister was present. I forgot and the milk boiled so much that it was divided into two sides - water and cottage cheese, and the pan with it almost melted in two, but remained intact.


I don’t really remember the whole dream, but I clearly remember the moment that I open the refrigerator and there are 3 packs of milk lying on top of each other, MILK is written in red letters on a white pack.


saw how former lover packed a bag big piece butter and a large package of powdered milk ... He hugged me, pressed me to his chest, buried in the top of my head with his lips and nose ... I felt just wonderful.


hello, I dreamed that I was carrying a large jar the size of a can, but the jar was glass and there was warm milk in it and it was so heavy that I didn’t even want to accept no one’s help!


milk stood in the refrigerator in several jars. from one was spilled a little on the shelf. ex-husband was sitting next to the refrigerator.


She milked hers, a neighbor says a lot of your cow, mine gives little, and I said let me milk


I saw roses, I bought them for an employee who is pregnant, for her birthday. But for some reason I decided to put them in a jug either with cottage cheese or with milk. When it came time to give them, I remembered that they were in a jug, pulled them out, and they were already withered.




My work colleague, who married a man I dated 10 years ago, comes to visit me and brings a can of milk to treat me.


Hello Tatyana! I dreamed of milk, four buckets in half. In two buckets it was good clean, and in the other two it was sour with hair, there were a lot of them! Thank you!


Some kind of female voice told me to pour milk to the kitten. I poured the milk from my glass into the kitten's bowl and placed it under the table. The kitten was very beautiful, climbed into the bowl with his paw and spilled half the milk. I picked up the bowl and put it back on. I didn't see myself drinking this milk.


I was informed about the death of my father-in-law, and the next day about the death of my dad. I cried a lot and worries. It was summer in my beloved village. I went underground, got cold milk in bottles and drank with pleasure. small rest of the zodiac constellations.


Stall with black cows. I milk one cow and the milk in the bucket is dirty. Then I looked closely - it turns out the udder is in the mud. After a while, a black bull attacks me. I dodge, but I find myself pressed against the wall.


Large room. Empty. sat on the floor and drank the posterized milk. She pressed on the bag so that a large amount of milk poured into her mouth.


The mother of the man I am currently dating is sitting at the table (I didn’t know her, she died 2 years ago). She asked for milk (or I offered her milk - I don’t remember), I serve it to her and at the same time I understand that she died ... at that moment she begins to turn into a skeleton ... I woke up from horror. What is it for? Please explain, this dream does not go out of my head in any way, I don’t remember dreams at all, or maybe I don’t see them. Thank you in advance.


I saw in a dream that I was expressing milk in two bottles, one as if to my child and the other I wanted to drink for myself ... What would it be for? But the milk was not enough for half a bottle in each))


I'm standing in the kitchen, making coffee for myself ... everything is the same as always, a spoonful of coffee, a spoonful of sugar. I start pouring milk, and it is so sour that it looks like coarse-grain cottage cheese


My husband and I were chased by two hyenas. We ran away from them, and a mountain of mud arose on the way. We climbed it with difficulty, and at the top we saw a huge pool full of milk. The dirt disappeared and we began to bathe in milk.


I stood and saw a man (Buryat), he drinks milk. Then I understand that I am this person (but I am Russian) and I drink milk, although I can’t stand milk in my life. Milk tastes spoiled.


in a dream she drank cow's milk and saw that it was on the table in a jar and a bottle and flew to the same place as a child in some kind of balloon


Hello, I dreamed of a huge pan of milk, I wanted to collect hot water to wash the dishes, but the colonel pours hot milk from a wood-burning stove (the pan is on it, about 3 buckets), I see pasta floating in it, but I only scoop up milk ...


I saw the nipple as if I opened it and milk flowed from there


I see freshly brought cheese and milk in bright packages in the store


dreamed a strange dream: as if some kind of feast, relatives of the husband (woman) are sitting. One of them says "pour me something to drink vodka." i go to the kitchen and start pouring something into a mug and at the same time in a mysterious voice, repeat like a spell “pour 10 drops of wolf blood…” then I look into the mug and see milk with very thick and heavy cream on top. I take a spoon and try to stir the cream, it doesn’t work, then I start collecting them with a spoon. Then I am immediately outside. (not in the city) there is snow all around, in the middle there is something like a small icy pond of a very dark blue color. Wolves walk around (at least 5, maybe even more, I didn’t count) I stand, they don’t react to me in any way, as if I’m one of them .... then woke up. Please tell me why this could be a dream?


I dreamed that I was buying milk and still offering someone to buy it from one woman until it ran out,


In a dream I want to buy dairy products, but I don’t find them in any stores


I milk the cows in the barn, the angry one spilled milk, and the young one is afraid of the angry one and runs away all the time. I chase after her and in fits and starts milked half a bucket. although that's not all and I'm thinking how to finish her. young and very dairy cow.


Why dream of milk - Seeing or drinking in a dream portends the conclusion of friendship with women; spilling milk means loss, and for married people, the death of a wife or children.


i dreamed that my sister and son-in-law poured boiled milk in buckets onto the dough and the dough was cooked or even fried in this way, and I stood and thought how sorry it was to pour so much milk


I had a dream that there was a 3-liter can of fresh milk on the table and a can next to it in which milk was left at the bottom. And two cans of milk were spilled under the table. I asked my husband who spilled the milk, but received no answer. Poogite please figure out what the dream is for.


Hello. In a dream, she poured milk into a glass for her son, after a minute it turned into water and some white plaques floated on its surface. What could it be?


Hello! Three days ago I had a dream that I was pressing on the nipple of the breast and thick milk was pouring out of the nipple, like cottage cheese, like milk, what is it for? I am 35 years old married


I dreamed that I drank milk from a mug) It was warm and pleasant


I buy milk in a 3-liter jar. I put it on the ground, overturns, pours out. 1/3 can of milk remains


Why dream of milk - The milk of animals that you saw in a dream means food obtained legally; another meaning of this dream is a good deed and a worthy path. When sour milk is dreamed, the meaning of sleep is opposite in meaning. To see in a dream the milk of animals whose meat is not suitable for consumption - to worries and illness.


the dream was short, I just drank goat milk from some container, like from a can, although I didn’t see milk as such, but when I almost finished drinking, there was a sediment similar to goat dung at the bottom. I didn’t finish my drink and threw out the rest, but when I woke up, my soul was not calm.


I dreamed about how some young man gave me milk to drink in a small saucepan, and said that you drink it, and put the rest on your hand, it seems like he gave a ring from milk, I drank a little, and tried to put the rest on my finger.


hello !!! I had a strange dream from yesterday to today, my ex-husband had never dreamed of me before .... and yesterday he dreamed that he had come to my house in alcohol intoxication and brought me a lot of milk, yoghurts, sour cream, I seem to not understanding why he clicked, I try to get him out of my house, and as if I succeed and I wake up. Tell me, why is this a dream?


I gave milk to my dead father (the father is alive in a dream), there was cream on top of the milk.


Hello. The dream was black and white. A boy of about 12, dressed in black, was driven by someone, and he poured milk diluted with sour cream from a three-liter can. At the end of the dream, a man appeared with his back to me, he was wearing a cloak with a hood. Then he turned to me and I recognized him


In my dream, a young man, but I don’t remember his face, serves a glass of milk or kefir and I drank it


i dreamed of milking milk for a calf and grass for a calf was floating in it, I thought

Alevtina Fedorovna:

A private house or a temple, I go in from the porch, I see through the window they are praying, but they are not standing one after another, but somehow looking in a circle. In the first room, in the middle, there is a table in the middle, and I’m sitting from a can, pouring milk and drinking black bread. From the second room, a friend of mine (very kind) comes out and says: Maybe something else is needed? I say "No. Then she asked if he would have milk, he agreed. Batiushka took a chair and sat next to me .. I began to get this can from a shelf of some kind. I also poured some for myself, there were some type of bees in the milk. She told him, he says take it away. I wanted to pour him a drink, And next to him someone began to look for a glass where the dishes were, then the bell rang, to get up. So I didn’t pour milk for my father. I was upset, I wanted to hear what Father Eugene would say to me.


My duty is in some kind of kindergarten, and around there is some kind of fuss and confusion. The attendant takes out a black screaming baby, and in order to calm him down, I inject milk from my chest onto his lips. he falls asleep on the pillow...


I ordered milk and they brought me 4 or 5 bottles, I thought that actually it’s a bit too much for me and I can make cottage cheese out of it, but then this is not enough, I thought, and asked the woman to bring more milk ... And they serve me a bag in of which there are 5 more bottles and on top there are 2 bags of cottage cheese and on the bottom I see another bag of cheese, but in the form of slices. I’m at a loss and I don’t even want to take it anymore, because it’s so much, and apparently expensive, and then the neighbor’s voice- if you don’t want to take it, I’ll take it ... and I, no, no, I’ll definitely take it!


i dreamed that I was expressing milk at home, there was a lot of it, but then it darkened and began to run with blood


i dreamed of a former son-in-law who really asked to buy condensed milk, he loved him very much, and I tell him that the new mother-in-law does not buy something that I tried all the time to not hurt him badly with us

Liza Tazova:

Hello! 7 years ago, my mother passed away .. since then I almost never saw her .. in a dream. she brought an almost full jug of goat's milk, while she herself was very surprised .. and said that she had milked milk from a goat, which had not given milk yet.


my daughter-in-law brought three cans of sour milk. in one half there was a little less than half in the other, and in the third even less


No matter how stupid it was, I dreamed that I was feeding a white kitten and he was starting to say something to me like a person!

Dream interpretation to feed the baby

The dream book will help interpret visions in which it is necessary to feed the baby. A common explanation promises joy, fun and carefree days, but, given all the details of the dream, the picture can take on a negative meaning.

To dream that you are feeding a baby for the first time - the inner world of a person is at rest, in reality a person is wise, benevolent, calm.

Popular interpretations of sleep

If you dreamed about the process of feeding a child, then expect unexpected surprises that will drastically change your plans.

A bottle of milk prepared for a baby hints at the need to solve old problems as soon as possible, to start a new life stage.

Why take food from a baby? The vision hints at such character traits as greed, greed.

Miller value

Different explanations for night dreams are given by the dream book of a famous psychoanalyst.

Putting food in your baby's mouth in a dream

  • Why dream about feeding a child? Love feelings will flood over the dreamer.
  • A person will find reliable partners, make a good deal if a mother who feeds a baby is seen.
  • negative emotional condition throughout the dream is interpreted as the need for care and guardianship over the visitor to the world of Morpheus.

Such dreams promise men pleasant household chores, the restoration of a trusting relationship with their beloved woman.

Dream Interpretation by Miss Hasse

The opinion of the seer is based on the emotional perception of a person.

  • To feed a baby in a dream is to express your insecurity. Similar visions are a request for help.
  • Did you see a lack of funds for feeding a child? For men, dreams hint at experiences associated with the realization of their potential.
  • Moms who have recently given birth should not worry if they dream of a lack of breast milk. Thus, the subconscious shows its experiences, care for the newborn.

A moderate and calm life is foreshadowed by a dream where the baby falls asleep in his arms while eating.

How was the child fed?

Offer food to a child in a dream

The reliability of the interpretation of dreams depends on the method of feeding. A dream where the mother refuses to breastfeed the baby hints to pregnant women about complications during childbirth. For women of Balzac age, such stories will tell about a feeling of longing, sadness, resentment towards children who rarely visit her.

To dream that you are feeding a baby is good news, news that will help you gather your courage after a black streak in life.

When you dream that you are breastfeeding a baby, this is a harbinger of good health and longevity.

The dream interpretation characterizes a person who dreamed of feeding a baby as a sympathetic and highly moral person.

According to the plot, the dreamer is not a mother, but only a nurse? In reality, one of the trusted persons will try to deceive you.

other methods

Sometimes mothers in a dream have to feed their baby with milk from a bottle or spoon. Why such night dreams, the dream book will help to figure it out.

You are afraid of swindlers and adventures when you dreamed of a clogged dummy.

Development of sleep events

Plot dreams can tell not only about the near future, but also hint at the dreamer's state of mind. Considering, at first glance, the insignificant details of dreams, it will be possible to give an accurate interpretation of dreams.

The reluctance to feed the baby is dreamed of by young mothers against the background of psychological fatigue, general overwork of the body.

Who feeds a newborn baby in dreams

The interpretation of dreams directly depends on the gender of the dreamer, his emotional state.

The dream interpretation interprets: to watch a young girl how she feeds a baby with milk - to the loss of independence, independence.

The dream interpretation claims that household chores will appear in married women when in a dream a newborn reaches for the chest.

Girl feeding a baby

Dreamed of breastfeeding

Young mothers often dream of breastfeeding. Such dreams are based on a subconscious fear that there will not be enough milk or the child will refuse it. What can a dream dream of, where, according to the plot, it is necessary to feed the baby?

  • For a young girl, a dream where she feeds a child hints at the psychological and physical readiness of the body for pregnancy.
  • As the dream book interprets: if an adult woman dreamed that she was feeding a baby, then such a dream hints at excessive concern for her children.

For pregnant women, a dream where you need to feed a baby portends an easy birth of a healthy baby.

If a man dreams

As the dream book says, a man feeds a baby with milk to fulfill a dream, the embodiment of what was conceived.

Why dream that a young guy puts food in a baby's mouth? The plot dream is a reflection inner peace person. Such a development of events speaks of a strong-willed character, the ability to quickly solve problems, the ability to focus on the tasks at hand.

Watch the process from the side

Well-being, prosperity and happiness will accompany the family when a man in a dream watches his woman feed a newborn child.

  • Why dream of looking at an outside nursing mother? Business will develop, new prospects for its development will open up.
  • If you dreamed that the process of feeding milk is accompanied by negative emotions of the baby, in reality beware of bad news that will shake the peace and harmony that reigned.

Possible values

Relatives and friends will soon need material assistance if the dreamer needs to feed a sick child.

Did you see a baby who reaches for his mother's chest? For girls, such dreams portend marriage, a successful marriage.

Why dream that it is necessary to hire a nanny, a nurse? A person cannot forget past grievances. In his soul lurked resentment, envy.

Your mark:

The article on the topic: "dream book baby bottle for feeding" - provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

I dreamed of a baby bottle - a reflection of your need for care and guardianship. The subconscious mind projects your desire for reliable support, the lack of it causes you to panic when it comes to solving problems.

We bought a baby bottle - a reflection of your moral readiness for the upcoming replenishment in the family.

Don't be afraid to appear weak by talking about your needs to a loved one. Such a question will not cause misunderstanding, on the contrary, you will be able to get what is so necessary.

A personal horoscope for 2018 will tell you in what areas of life you will succeed in the new year.

I dreamed of a baby bottle, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what the Baby Bottle is dreaming of in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

I plucked a baby bottle from a tree and then threw it in the trash.

The first half of this day will bring an increased desire for personal freedom and independence. You want to express yourself in an original way, to prove your uniqueness.

The magazine's website contains the largest online dream book, which contains 90 collections of dreams and more than 450,000 interpretations of dreams. Regularly updated horoscopes for today, tomorrow, week, month and year, including love, compatibility and many others.

I dreamed of a bottle, what is it for, what does a bottle mean in a dream

I dreamed of a Bottle in a dream, what is it for:

A bottle - to see an empty one - to melancholy, a hangover. Full - to drunkenness, a cheerful company. Moon.

I dreamed of a Bottle in a dream, interpretation:

Bottle - vagina; overwhelmed feelings. A filled bottle - intellectual or spiritual resources; a bottle of wine, vodka or beer - a desire to have fun; spiritual quest to change your life.

What does it mean if you dreamed of a Bottle:

You dreamed of a Bottle - An empty bottle on the table - the end of the painful expectation of something unpleasant. Break a bottle - there will be a desire to break with the past and start a new life.

Dreamed of a bottle in a dream, interpretation:

What does a bottle mean in a dream - guests, many bottles - the temptation to drink, a bottle of champagne - a housewarming celebration. To pour something from a bottle - to an unexpected guest. Handing over empty bottles is self-indulgence. A broken bottle is a quarrel.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

I dreamed of a Bottle - what does a dream mean?

You dreamed of a Bottle - Empty - to strife, full - to success in love. If you dreamed of an empty bottle, imagine that you filled it with clean water or wine.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

I dreamed of a Bottle, why:

Bottle - you see in a dream a bottle filled with some kind of liquid - success in business awaits you; if in love you had any obstacles, then very soon they will be overcome. You see an empty bottle (or several empty bottles) - troubles and even misfortunes await you; try to meet them with dignity; perhaps dignity is the only thing you still have left. It’s like you are uncorking a bottle - a good dream; it simply guarantees you prosperity. You, on the contrary, clog and seal the bottle - the dream speaks of your organization, internal discipline; you have done your business well; you know very well that only those cases bring profit in which order reigns.

Why is the Bottle dreaming in a dream?

You dreamed of a bottle, what is it for, a bottle, a bottle - The style and contents of the bottle affect the interpretation of sleep. Why dream: An elegant bottle with expensive perfume means the need for elegance in life, while a half-empty bottle of milk means the need to pay more attention to the basics of life! An empty bottle means disappointment, emptiness where there were hopes and desires. A bottle that you cannot open means a subconscious understanding that you are not ready for the opportunities that await you.

Had a dream in a dream Bottle, what is it for?

What does a bottle mean in a dream. 1. The interpretation of a dream depends on which bottle was dreamed of. If this is a baby bottle for feeding, then the person feels the need for good, proper care and help. A bottle of alcohol suggests a desire to celebrate something or curb excess, while a medical vial suggests that there is a need to take an interest in one's own health. A broken bottle can mean either aggression or failure. 2. Opening a bottle speaks of the resources available to you, which, however, can be suppressed. 3. The bottle is a symbol of the uterus, the principle of storage and inclusion.

Dream Interpretation: See a bottle in a dream

You dreamed of a Bottle, what is it from a pumpkin - see also Vase. 1. As a carrier of both water and food, the gourd bottle that appears in a dream can be directly related to our own view of femininity and education. It is also an opportunity to connect with untapped information and knowledge. 2. A pumpkin bottle is often a symbol of magic. After all, she is unusual in herself: after she grew up, she was turned into a vessel, she became physical body. 3. A gourd bottle symbolizes the mystery surrounding spiritual development.

What does sleep mean by day of the week

  • Dreamed of a bottle from Sunday to Monday?
  • Dreamed of a Bottle from Monday to Tuesday?
  • If from Tuesday to Wednesday you dreamed of a bottle?
  • I dreamed of a bottle from Wednesday to Thursday, why?
  • If you had a dream Bottle from Thursday to Friday?
  • If from Friday to Saturday I dreamed of a Bottle, why?
  • Why did the bottle dream from Saturday to Sunday?

Had a dream Bottle? Share!

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Feed the baby according to the dream book

Interpreting what dreams of feeding a baby, the dream book notes a curious detail: such dreams are not only for women, a man can also see himself in a dream with a baby bottle in his hands. The dream often symbolizes the realization of plans, the long-awaited changes in life and other "dream come true", not necessarily associated with children. The appearance of the baby brings a sense of accomplishment to the plot.

For a new mother, a dream is often a reflection of her day-to-day worries and a perfectly natural concern about getting enough milk. If there really are no small children in the house, the symbol may be a harbinger of something inspiring and completely exciting in the dreamer's life. It can be a new business, hobby or acquaintance with an interesting person.

When male dreamers happen to bottle feed a baby in a dream, this image in most cases symbolizes the ideas and achievements that they rightfully consider their offspring. A dream is often associated with career growth, an increase in salary, or the unexpected discovery of a new source of income that will significantly improve the financial situation.

For representatives of creative professions, the dream book promises the successful completion of an earlier project and inspiration for new ideas. True, what he saw in a dream does not negate the efforts that the dreamer will still have to make.

Unfavorable is the interpretation of what dreams of breastfeeding someone else's baby. The dream interpretation warns that you have to deal with ingratitude. A sincere desire to help strangers will either not be understood, or will be regarded as a sign of the dreamer's weakness. Do not be surprised if the same people will not miss the opportunity to shift their problems and responsibility onto your shoulders in the future.


Why dream of breastfeeding a baby will tell the behavior of the child in a dream. A hungry crying baby reflects real problems that frankly frighten you with their scale and imaginary insurmountability. A contented toddler with a good appetite also portends chores, but they will seem easy, as they will be associated with joyful events.

Chinese dream book believes that everything that dreams of breastfeeding a baby who has clearly outgrown infancy is nothing more than a look from the future to the present.

The subconscious in this way is trying to cheer up the sleeping person, to make it clear that in the end everything will turn out the way he intended. The main thing is not to retreat in any case - you must admit, it will be a shame to find out that you have given up, being one step away from your goal.

As the most popular interpretation of dreams says, breastfeeding a baby most often happens to family-oriented women. It is not surprising that expectant mothers often see something similar in a dream - the dream book regards the dream as a harbinger of a successful birth. Girls who dream of a family will soon get married.

Loff's dream book believes that a woman's life partner can be transformed into the image of a baby, to whom she also seeks to give love and care, despite the fact that she considers him to be quite mature, courageous and accomplished as a person.

Gender of the baby

If you had a chance to breastfeed a baby girl in a dream, the dream book portends an event that will surprise you a lot. In general, the dream book considers everything the girl dreams about to be a good and happy sign.

Feeding a baby in a dream with breast milk: what does it mean?

Undoubtedly, at least once in her life a woman had a dream in which she was breastfeeding a child. Why, a woman, even a man can have such a dream. Different feelings overwhelm at that moment, but this dream is very unusual. Therefore, the question arises: why dream of feeding a baby with breast milk?

Feeding a baby in a dream with breast milk: interpretations in dream books

Feeding a baby in a dream is a symbol of health and well-being. This dream promises warm atmosphere v family relationships. For a woman who is of childbearing age, such a dream portends a bright streak in life. There comes a favorable time for the dreamer. You will be able to accomplish what you could not realize for so long. Relations with the opposite sex will improve. For unmarried ladies, this dream is a harbinger of a meeting with a future husband. In addition, there is another interpretation of this reference:

  • You are in desperate need of help and care. That is why you spend more time on others than on yourself.
  • You are worried about your future and the future of your children. This dream symbolizes self-confidence. You will be able to overcome all obstacles and create a truly happy and bright future.

The dream also suggests that by nature you are a very vulnerable person. Embarrassment keeps you from having relationships with the opposite sex. This barrier of insecurity has enveloped you and you are unable to build your personal life. Try to work on it, and in the future you will be happy with your soulmate.

Chest in a dream book (video)

If in a dream a married woman is breastfeeding a baby: what is it for?

For married women, a dream is a harbinger of a real idyll in family relationships. You will be wrapped in care and love from loved ones.

If the mistress of sleep is still in position, then this vision portends the birth of healthy children. Good luck will accompany you in everything. All affairs will be successfully completed, and unfulfilled desires and dreams will certainly come true. A real wave of success threatens to sink you. Each of your undertakings will surely be crowned with success.

This is exactly the period when it is worth directing all your strength to the realization of your cherished dream. You will surely succeed. But try to be very attentive and careful, as your enemies are not asleep. Each of your take-off will be a real blow in the stomach for them. Do not waste time and start building your life in a new way. Embody all the brightest and most daring ideas. Do your best to achieve your goals. And in the future you will certainly be rewarded.

If a pregnant woman dreams about how she is breastfeeding a newborn baby, then this also indicates that she will have an easy and painless birth.

Breastfeeding someone else's baby in a dream

A dream has a different interpretation, depending on what kind of feelings overwhelmed you after it.

  • If after such a dream you have not the most pleasant feelings, then this means that someone will try to harm you. The ill-wisher will take advantage of your naivety to solve their own problems. In return, you will receive unflattering words addressed to you.
  • A sense of harmony and some fun suggests that success in your work awaits you. You may be able to find a worthy partner with whom you can successfully complete a difficult project. Salary increase guaranteed. Thanks to this, you will improve your financial condition and gain stability.
If after such a dream you have not the most pleasant feelings, then this means that someone will try to harm you.

In addition to the above, the dream suggests that in the future you will be doing useless things. In the end, they will not bring you anything, they will only take a lot of time and effort. Your desire to help others will be completely useless, no one will appreciate it. So try to help as needed. Spend more time on your own business.

If you continue to help people who do not appreciate it, then in the future you will face real betrayal. Stop patronizing such people: they will use you until they suck all the strength out of you.

Feed a girl or boy in a dream with breast milk

The dream in which you feed the child may have different meanings. What feelings did you experience in your dream? What exactly did the child do? Gender is also important. For example, a dream in which you are breastfeeding a girl indicates that news will come soon that will be very unexpected.

  • A vision can also mean that a maternal instinct has woken up in a woman. Perhaps you are quite ready to start creating your own family.
  • It also suggests that the mistress of sleep is trying in every possible way to control her own life. This may negatively affect you.
  • You are waiting for news that are related to money. Perhaps you will receive a small amount that will come to you at the most opportune moment.
A vision may mean that a maternal instinct has awakened in a woman

Breastfeeding a boy also has several meanings:

  1. There are things that require a lot of effort. Some problems may arise, they will spoil your mood a little, but this will not interfere with the implementation of some plans.
  2. It may also mean that the dreamer will be able to climb the career ladder. You will make very profitable trades. Everything that you do not spend will pay off twice in the future.

These dreams promise rather positive events. Basically, they portend material wealth and prosperity in your work.

To dream about how someone feeds a child with a bottle or from a spoon

If a man sees a baby sucking a bottle, then this means that he will have the opportunity to change his job. The position will be very fruitful and interesting. New connections will appear that will help you move up the career ladder in the future. He will be able to expand his capabilities.

How many people - so many dreams. How many dreams - so many opportunities, sometimes - missed. The meaning of sleep is difficult to understand without taking into account all its aspects, the person's personality and context. In order to find out what sleep REALLY means - write to the site's expert, it's free!

If a woman sees an unborn baby sucking a bottle in a dream, then this suggests that the time has come to turn all attention to herself. You must firmly decide what exactly you want to achieve in this life. Show your talents and start building a brilliant career that will bring you a lot of profit.

To dream about how someone feeds a child from a spoon - to an unsuccessful marriage. A woman can marry an unworthy man who will not strive for a better life.

Miller's dream book: why dream of breastfeeding?

Miller's dream book says that breastfeeding is a kind of clue from above. Such a dream promises a favorable period. It is at this time that you have the opportunity to realize all your plans.

  • Seeing a mother feeding her own child means that a woman is waiting for a speedy marriage, as well as a large number of children in the future.
  • For an unmarried girl, a dream suggests that not the best period in life will come. There will be some instability in the mood. Incredible joy can be replaced by gloomy sadness.
  • For a married girl, a dream promises favorable events. A pleasant atmosphere in the family, great success at work, wealth and health - all this will await the mistress of this vision.

Seeing you breastfeeding your baby means that in the future all your dreams will come true. If this dream dreamed of a man, this means that he will be able to overcome all the difficulties that will accompany him in the near future. Breastfeeding also suggests that you will make new friends. Things at work will improve significantly, and you will get closer to the next promotion.

Why dream of milk (video)

Take care of your family, try to devote more time to your family and close friends. Do not worry about trifles and know how to say “no” to those who do not appreciate your help at all. Strive for your goals and make all your dreams come true. Break barriers and be happy.

Attention, only TODAY!

Astrologer. Forecast of life events using Tarot cards, help in choosing a life strategy.

dreamed of a feeding bottle with milk. and I drank milk from this bottle. The milk was very sweet and delicious.

So milk is a symbol of the MILKY WAY, as in a fairy tale, there are milk rivers and jelly banks. And the Dream testifies that the desire and aspiration to the stars is growing stronger inside you, more precisely, to be righteous and even a saint.

Only saints have access to other stars. You feed in yourself all the best that you have and reject the unworthy, a dream about it. Soon you will get what you are looking for and you will be adequately rewarded.

dream interpretation

baby bottle

Dream Interpretation Baby Bottle had a dream about why a baby bottle is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Baby bottle in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation baby bottle for feeding

Dream interpretation to feed the baby

The dream book will help interpret visions in which it is necessary to feed the baby. A common explanation promises joy, fun and carefree days, but, given all the details of the dream, the picture can take on a negative meaning.

To dream that you are feeding a baby for the first time - the inner world of a person is at rest, in reality a person is wise, benevolent, calm.

Popular interpretations of sleep

If you dreamed about the process of feeding a child, then expect unexpected surprises that will drastically change your plans.

A bottle of milk prepared for a baby hints at the need to solve old problems as soon as possible, to start a new life stage.

Why take food from a baby? The vision hints at such character traits as greed, greed.

Miller value

Different explanations for night dreams are given by the dream book of a famous psychoanalyst.

Putting food in your baby's mouth in a dream

  • Why dream about feeding a child? Love feelings will flood over the dreamer.
  • A person will find reliable partners, make a good deal if a mother who feeds a baby is seen.
  • The negative emotional state during sleep is interpreted as the need for care and guardianship over the visitor to the world of Morpheus.

Such dreams promise men pleasant household chores, the restoration of a trusting relationship with their beloved woman.

Dream Interpretation by Miss Hasse

The opinion of the seer is based on the emotional perception of a person.

  • To feed a baby in a dream is to express your insecurity. Such visions are a request for help.
  • Did you see a lack of funds for feeding a child? For men, dreams hint at experiences associated with the realization of their potential.
  • Moms who have recently given birth should not worry if they dream of a lack of breast milk. Thus, the subconscious shows its experiences, care for the newborn.

A moderate and calm life is foreshadowed by a dream where the baby falls asleep in his arms while eating.

How was the child fed?

Offer food to a child in a dream

The reliability of the interpretation of dreams depends on the method of feeding. A dream where the mother refuses to breastfeed the baby hints to pregnant women about complications during childbirth. For women of Balzac age, such stories will tell about a feeling of longing, sadness, resentment towards children who rarely visit her.

To dream that you are feeding a baby is good news, news that will help you gather your courage after a black streak in life.


When you dream that you are breastfeeding a baby, this is a harbinger of good health and longevity.

The dream interpretation characterizes a person who dreamed of feeding a baby as a sympathetic and highly moral person.

According to the plot, the dreamer is not a mother, but only a nurse? In reality, one of the trusted persons will try to deceive you.

other methods

Sometimes mothers in a dream have to feed their baby with milk from a bottle or spoon. Why such night dreams, the dream book will help to figure it out.

  • Do dreams show that there is a need to bottle feed a baby? To receive a reward deserved by hard work, to become a respected person among colleagues.

Offer a bottle to a baby in a dream

You are afraid of swindlers and adventures when you dreamed of a clogged dummy.

Development of sleep events

Plot dreams can tell not only about the near future, but also hint at the dreamer's state of mind. Considering, at first glance, the insignificant details of dreams, it will be possible to give an accurate interpretation of dreams.

The reluctance to feed the baby is dreamed of by young mothers against the background of psychological fatigue, general overwork of the body.

Who feeds a newborn baby in dreams

The interpretation of dreams directly depends on the gender of the dreamer, his emotional state.

The dream interpretation interprets: to watch a young girl how she feeds a baby with milk - to the loss of independence, independence.

The dream interpretation claims that married women will have chores around the house when, in a dream, a newborn reaches for her chest.

Girl feeding a baby

Dreamed of breastfeeding

Young mothers often dream of breastfeeding. Such dreams are based on a subconscious fear that there will not be enough milk or the child will refuse it. What can a dream dream of, where, according to the plot, it is necessary to feed the baby?

  • For a young girl, a dream where she feeds a child hints at the psychological and physical readiness of the body for pregnancy.
  • As the dream book interprets: if an adult woman dreamed that she was feeding a baby, then such a dream hints at excessive concern for her children.

For pregnant women, a dream where you need to feed a baby portends an easy birth of a healthy baby.

If a man dreams

As the dream book says, a man feeds a baby with milk to fulfill a dream, the embodiment of what was conceived.

Why dream that a young guy puts food in a baby's mouth? The plot dream is a reflection of the inner world of a person. Such a development of events speaks of a strong-willed character, the ability to quickly solve problems, the ability to focus on the tasks at hand.

Watch the process from the side

Well-being, prosperity and happiness will accompany the family when a man in a dream watches his woman feed a newborn child.

  • Why dream of looking at an outside nursing mother? Business will develop, new prospects for its development will open up.
  • If you dreamed that the process of feeding milk is accompanied by negative emotions of the baby, in reality beware of bad news that will shake the peace and harmony that reigned.

Possible values

Relatives and friends will soon need material assistance if the dreamer needs to feed a sick child.

Did you see a baby who reaches for his mother's chest? For girls, such dreams portend marriage, a successful marriage.

Why dream that it is necessary to hire a nanny, a nurse? A person cannot forget past grievances. In his soul lurked resentment, envy.

Dream interpretation baby bottle for feeding

Why dream of milk

Miller's dream book

To dream that you are drinking milk means a rich harvest for the farmer and contentment in the house; for a traveler, this is a sign of a future successful trip. This is a very auspicious dream for women.

Seeing milk in large quantities means wealth and health that await you ahead.

Distributing milk - portends that you will show benevolence, seeking your own benefit.

Spilling milk means that you will experience light losses and suffer from temporary misfortunes. The same consequences have a dream where you see impure milk.

Drinking sour milk in a dream means that you will be worried about the suffering of your friends.

To dream of people trying unsuccessfully to drink milk means that you should be afraid of losing something very important to you or the friendship of a high-ranking person.

Drinking hot milk in a dream portends a struggle, in the end of which you will achieve wealth and fulfillment of desires.

To dream that you are bathing in milk means pleasure and the company of like-minded friends.

Why dream of milk

Freud's dream book

Milk - associated with the conception and birth of children, and also symbolizes orgasm.

A vessel with milk symbolizes pregnancy.

A jet of milk - symbolizes ejaculation.

Pouring milk - symbolizes the desire for sexual contact with a loved one with whom (or from whom) you want to have children.

If you drink milk, then you may have diseases of the genital organs.

Why dream of milk

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Milk - disputes.

Cow - have unstable health; to buy is a joy; wear - you will get a lot of money; drink - you will be thrifty, losses through great haste; boiled over - to have enemies; distributing milk - calm in the house; to have wealth in one's own chest.

Why dream of milk

Family dream book

If in a dream you drank milk, you will have full prosperity in the house. In addition, you can safely go on a trip - it will be very successful. The more milk you saw, the stronger your health and the higher your prosperity.

If you were distributing milk, then show benevolence towards someone - however, for your own personal purposes. Spilled milk - you will suffer light losses and survive minor troubles.

Sour milk - portends your concern for friends.

Hot milk - dreams of a struggle, as a result of which you will achieve wealth and fulfillment of desires.

If in a dream you bathed in milk, then you will enjoy the company of people who are close in spirit.

Why dream of milk

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Milk in a dream - symbolizes wealth and prosperity. If it is fresh, then such a dream promises you good health and an excellent course of affairs.

Hot milk in a dream - portends difficulties and disputes related to property.

Dirty milk - symbolizes envy, which can complicate your life.

Sour milk is a sign of failure, which can be caused by your discontent or pessimism.

Spilling milk in a dream is a sign of not very big losses and temporary setbacks that will bother you. The dream also suggests that your own indiscretion may be the cause of these failures.

Why dream of milk

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

For a young woman, milk is pregnancy; in all other cases - means good health; for the patient - a long-awaited healing.

Drinking milk is a litigation.

Why dream of milk

Spring dream book

They saw in this how a cat or a dog drank water or milk - it means that someone will be able to take advantage of your labors and leave you with nothing.

Sour milk - to ruin.

Sour milk - to the loss of money.

If you have sour milk that you recently bought in a dream, you don’t know how to get out of a difficult situation.

Hot milk - to hidden money.

Why dream of milk

Summer dream book

To dream of a cat or dog lapping milk or water means that all your savings will shamelessly be pulled out of you.

To see sour milk in a dream - to a gloomy girlfriend.

Drink sour milk - to your displeasure.

Buying sour milk in a dream - to worry about your friend's illness.

Why dream of milk

Autumn dream book

Seeing kittens lapping milk in a dream - to the birth of twins.

Sour milk - to bad weather, rainy weather.

Drinking sour milk - to the sullen expression of the husband's face.

Why dream of milk

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Seeing a huge amount of milk in a dream - to a deterioration in well-being.

However, a dream where you bathe in milk is a harbinger of unprecedented joy and encouraging prospects.

Drinking fresh milk in a dream is a sign of a prosperous and prosperous life.

Sour milk - portends a quarrel with superiors with all the ensuing consequences.

Boiling milk in a dream means the sudden departure of relatives and complete calm in the house for several days.

Drinking boiled milk means a profitable business, by taking on which you will further strengthen your success.

Burn yourself with hot milk - portends a tough struggle for spheres of influence, as a result of which you will be able to take the initiative into your own hands and insist on your own terms.

Escaped or boiled milk - portends a cooling in friendship.

Buying milk in a dream is a sign of joyful events in the family, selling it - you will render a service out of good intentions, but you will be thanked for it almost royally.

Fresh and fatty milk means that you will experience minor losses and losses, but you will suffer more from the fact that people you trust and sympathize with will deceive you.

Skim milk - portends a conflict with colleagues at work.

Dirty milk with rubbish in it - devote your free time to children.

Canned condensed milk means the danger of losing the favor of an influential person who is interested in your success as in his own.

The condensed milk that you enjoy in a dream portends the acquisition of a long-desired thing, and relatively inexpensively.

Powdered milk - means a fun pastime in the company of friends close to you in spirit and interests.

Drinking goat's milk in a dream - portends a rich groom, which you can only dream of.

Koumiss, that is, mare's milk - you will be at a loss from the unexpected offer of the boss to become his mistress.

Bear milk seen in a dream means the danger that threatens you, which comes from a young and beautiful rival.

If you are offered donkey milk in a dream, it means that in reality you will begin to indulge your whims to the detriment of household duties and caring for children and your husband.

Making a milkshake in a dream means the absence of changes in the course of your affairs.

Buying at a milk bar and drinking a cocktail - mislead your friends about your sexual capabilities and inclinations.

Follow a milk diet in a dream - you will lose the trust of your creditors due to the inability to pay them off on time.

Feeding milk from a nipple in a dream means that what seemed impossible will find its fulfillment thanks to a happy accident.

If you feed a child with your milk, giving him a breast, this portends the successful promotion of business and the support of friends.

Why dream of milk

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Cow's milk - to have unstable health; to buy is a joy; wear - get a lot of money; drink - you will be thrifty, losses through great haste; boiled over - to have enemies; distributing milk - calm in the house; to have wealth in one's own chest.

Why dream of milk

Esoteric dream book

Drink milk - to health.

Seeing is a dangerous acquaintance.

Pouring - to the harmony in the family, well-being in the house.

Why dream of milk

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

Drinking milk in a dream is a very auspicious sign for a woman.

Sour milk - means concern because of the suffering of your friends.

Milk in large quantities - portends wealth and good health.

If you were handing out milk in a dream - pursuing your own goals, you will show favor to others.

Bathing in milk in a dream means pleasure and the company of congenial friends.

Why dream of milk

Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov

Milk is good.

Why dream of milk

Modern dream book

If you dream that you are drinking milk, then the dream promises a bountiful harvest for the farmer, peace in the house. For travelers, such a dream promises a successful journey. Also, this dream is favorable for women.

Seeing a lot of milk in a dream is a prediction of wealth and health.

Trade in milk - to great luck.

Handing out milk is a sign that you will be too complacent when trying to achieve good luck.

Spilling milk means that a small loss awaits you. Also, expect temporary trouble from friends.

Seeing dirty milk in a dream is a prediction of minor troubles. Sour milk - dreams of anxiety. You will worry about your friends with whom misfortune happened.

If in a dream you are unable to drink milk, then in reality you are in danger of losing the friendship of a respected person or some valuable thing.

Seeing hot milk in a dream is an omen of a struggle. However, in the end, your perseverance and wealth will bring you victory.

The dream in which you bathe in milk promises pleasure and communication with friends who are close to you in spirit.

Why dream of milk

Eastern dream book

See milk - to abundance; drinking milk - to good health; bathe in milk - to wealth and prosperity.

Why dream of milk

Dream Interpretation of Schiller-Schoolboy

see, milk or drink - health, profit and well-being.

Why dream of milk

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Drinking milk - good circumstances / joy, profit, fulfillment of desires.

Drinking monkey milk is an incurable wound.

Goat milk - recovery is entirely up to you.

Mare's milk - fun, health.

Donkey milk - gratitude./ important person you will become.

Why dream of milk

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Milk - well-being in everything.

Milk, cream - for good and prosperity.

Why dream of milk

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

You dreamed of Milk, what is it for - wealth and health await you. Imagine that there are jars full of milk on the table in your house. You treat all your relatives with milk.

Why dream of milk

Dream Interpretation of Lucky Omens

Seeing (or drinking) a lot of milk is good luck.

Why dream of milk

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

Milk - For profit.

Why dream of milk

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

The milk of animals that you saw in a dream means food obtained legally; another meaning of this dream is a good deed and a worthy path. When sour milk is dreamed, the meaning of sleep is opposite in meaning. To see in a dream the milk of animals whose meat is not suitable for consumption - to worries and illness.

Why dream of milk

Star dream book

You dreamed about Milk, what it is for - a very good dream, for cash receipts, profits and benefits. Good health. The main thing is that the milk is pure, and the fatter, the better. Venus and Taurus.

Why dream of milk

Modern dream book

Drink milk - be healthy

Why dream of milk

Big dream book

Milk - All is well; buy - deception; boil - a mistake; eat sour - a quarrel with women; drinking fresh milk - joy and well-being; drinking women's milk is immorality.

Why dream of milk

British dream book

Seeing milk in a dream is one of the main foods that newborns eat in the first months of life. What the dream is about: If you drink milk, this may indicate a desire to return to an infantile state, when someone else solved all the problems for you. Such dreams occur when you are in a stressful situation. See also Chest, chest

Why dream of milk

Dream interpretation of Artemidor

You dreamed of Milk - to a quarrel and worries. Drink milk - make a good friend. Spill milk - to losses, failures, losses. Sour milk is a missed opportunity.

Why dream of milk

Dream interpretation of A. Mindell

You dreamed of Milk, what is it for - you seem to be drinking milk - a dream promises prosperity to your home; if you are engaged in agriculture, you can count on a rich harvest. You drink sour milk - friends will cause you concern; another interpretation of sleep: you will be very upset - because you will miss a real opportunity to improve your affairs; while you are thinking, your train will leave. It’s like you spilled milk - you will run into trouble - but small; you will soon forget about them.

Why dream of milk

Phoebe's big dream book

What does Milk mean in a dream - recovery will not take long, you will be provided with good health in the near future. Imagine that a milkman has come to your house and offers you fresh fresh milk. You buy milk and pour it into jars. There is so much milk that the whole table is lined with jars. You are happy to drink yourself and treat all your relatives and friends.

Why dream of milk

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Milk - Symbolizes parental dedication or childhood infantile needs in an adult. Give milk - to success in love, marriage, family. Drinking milk is joy, satisfaction of desires. Milk is not available to you (in the store, on the table, etc.) - loneliness and disappointment in love await you.

Why dream of milk

Russian dream book

You dreamed of Milk - a hint of good maternal influence, a symbol of easily digestible knowledge; powerful burst of energy.

Why dream of milk

Dream Interpretation of E. Erickson

What does Milk mean in a dream - to health and well-being. Spilling milk is a small loss due to the fault of loved ones. To wash with milk or bathe in milk - to have friends close in spirit or faith.

Why dream of milk

Women's dream book

Milk - Drinking milk in a dream is a very auspicious sign for a woman.

Sour milk means concern about the suffering of your friends.

Drinking hot milk in a dream is a struggle, in the end of which you will achieve wealth and fulfillment of desires.

Milk in large quantities portends wealth and good health.

If you distributed milk in a dream, pursuing your own goals, you will show favor to others.

Spilling milk - to minor losses and short-term troubles. The same means a dream in which you see impure milk.

Bathing in milk in a dream means pleasure and the company of like-minded friends.

Why dream of milk

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

Seeing milk in a dream is dedication; mother's love; prosperity. Bathing in milk is the pleasure of your own life; bliss; drinking milk - financial success; milk in large quantities - wealth and health; distributing milk - caring for others; love for children; spill milk - light losses; drinking sour milk - suffering; people unsuccessfully trying to drink milk - something that does not bring satisfaction; drink hot milk - fight for the fulfillment of your desires.

Why dream of milk

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Good value If you dreamed that you were drinking milk, you are doing everything right; to continue to avoid mistakes, drink milk with coffee beans.

Bad meaning If you dreamed that you were swimming in milk, they want to deceive you. To prevent a person from succeeding, brew salty coffee in milk and wash your face with it before going to bed.

Why dream of milk

Dream interpretation of catchphrases

MILK - "milk rivers" - full prosperity and good luck. "To absorb with mother's milk" - stable views, ideas; "get into milk" - to please past the target.

Why dream of milk

Italian dream book Meneghetti

Means positivity as an image of a nutrient element.

Why dream of milk

Old Russian dream book

Why dream of milk

Dream Interpretation of the Pechora Healer

Milk - for profit.

Why dream of milk

Muslim dream book

Whey, cheese, sour milk - to the emergence of sadness and care.

The milk of animals whose meat is allowed to be eaten means food obtained in a lawful way, or a good deed and a laudable way; and sour milk - on the contrary; the milk of animals whose meat is not eaten - to worries and illness.

Why dream of milk

Idiomatic dream book

"Milk rivers" - full prosperity and good luck; "to absorb with mother's milk" - stable views, ideas; "get into milk" - to please past the target.

Why dream of milk

Italian psychoanalytic dream book A.Roberti

Milk is the food most suitable for humans (naturally positive).

The food that we take in large quantities in childhood, it is a symbol of strength, power, fertility. A symbol of all those qualities that can be associated with the image of any food. Also a symbol feminine

Why dream of milk

Online dream book

Dreaming of milk in huge quantities - you can get sick.

If you bathe in it, it promises a lot of happiness.

Drink fresh milk in a dream - you will live long and prosperously.

If it is sour, quarrel with your leadership.

It is a dream that you are boiling it - soon one of your relatives will leave somewhere, and your house will be quiet for a couple of days.

Drink boiled milk - a profitable business that you undertake will bring you success.

The dream book says that if you get burned by it, only thanks to your initiative will you be able to win in the struggle for some kind of sphere of influence.

If the milk has run away or boiled away - a dream promises you a cold in some kind of friendly relationship.

Dreaming about how you buy it - some kind of joyful event will soon be in your home, and if you sell milk

You see that the milk is fresh with a high fat content - you can easily survive the losses, but then you will suffer because of someone's deceit, since you believed this person.

It is fat-free - quarrel with employees.

Littered milk with dirt - will devote a lot of time to his children.

In a dream, you preserve it - you can lose some influential person who was interested in your success.

Condensed milk is dreaming, and you feast on it - soon you will buy yourself some desired thing on the cheap.

Dried milk is dreaming - you will walk in a pleasant company.

I dreamed that you were drinking goat's milk - you would find yourself an enviable groom.

If this is koumiss - in the near future your leader will offer you to become his mistress, from which you will immediately be confused.

It is bearish - you are in danger from a young competitor. If it's donkey

See how you feed a baby from a nipple - something that seemed impossible to you will suddenly come true. If you feed him with your milk

If in a dream you drink milk, well-being awaits you in everything, your house will be a full bowl, and you will not need anything. If in the near future you have a trip, it will certainly be successful.

If you are farming

The dream in which you acquire it portends you good luck in everything, circumstances will always develop in your favor, fate has prepared for you a lot of pleasant gifts.

It is a pleasure to eat condensed sweet milk - you will finally get what you wanted for a long time, and the fact that you get it at a low price will only increase the joy of purchasing.

You dream of breast milk - it means that you have nothing to worry about, your happiness will be cloudless, and invariably good health will only contribute to high spirits.

For a man

According to the dream book, feeding the baby with your milk means that in real life right now it is worth starting to implement new projects, everything will turn out as successfully as possible.

The dream interpretation interprets breast milk in which blood is mixed - as a warning of impending troubles associated with a serious illness of one of your loved ones or yourself.

Why dream of milk

Universal dream book

Milk is a sign that you should put some problem out of your head. How many times have we been told that tears cannot help grief! Why are you so attached to what, in fact, you do not need? It's in the past, it's gone, but it still occupies your thoughts.

Milk is also a symbol of abundance, since we all dream of getting to the place where milk rivers flow and jelly banks stand.

Why dream of milk

American dream book

Mother's milk - nutrition; support.

Why dream of milk

Dream Interpretation of Health

Seeing milk or drinking it means that you need to switch to a dairy-vegetarian diet.

Why dream of milk

Old English dream book

If you drink milk in a dream - this is a joy, and if you sell it - this portends a bad trade and disappointment in love.

If you dream of a nursing mother - this portends you marriage and a very large family.

If in a dream you see how a cow is being milked, this dream promises a farmer that he will have full abundance, healthy livestock and a rich harvest.

Why dream of milk

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

For a woman, a dream in which she sees milk is an excellent omen. This portends a rich marriage, a strong family and good children.

Spilled milk - dreams of small quarrels between lovers or spouses; sour - to concern for the fate of a loved one.

If you dream that people are trying to get drunk on milk, but cannot do it, this means that you will lose the friendship and love of a loved one.

The dream in which you see that you are bathing in milk portends an acquaintance with a congenial person with whom you may connect your fate.

Why dream of milk

Lunar dream book

Milk is joy.

Why dream of milk

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Milk - well-being.

Why dream of milk

Dream interpreter 1829

To see or drink milk in a dream - portends the conclusion of friendship with women; spilling milk means loss; and married - the death of his wife or children.

Why dream of milk

Psychoanalytic dream book of V. Samokhvalov

Milk is a symbol of the feminine, as well as strength, power and fertility; among a number of peoples, it is a symbol of the seed and the masculine. Responsibility for dominance, in connection with the so-called "milk ritual" in Gimba, which consists in the fact that after milking, the chief tastes the milk from each cow first. If the milk is of good quality, he allows others to drink it. In a number of cultures, adults have an intolerance to fresh milk, in which case milk is taboo.

Why dream of milk

Old Persian dream book Taflisi

The milk of animals that you saw in a dream means food obtained legally; another meaning of this dream is a good deed and a worthy path.

When sour milk is dreamed, the meaning of sleep is opposite in meaning.

To see in a dream the milk of animals whose meat is not suitable for eating - to worries and illness.

Why dream of milk

Islamic dream book

Also, if he sees that he has drunk milk, he will acquire wisdom and knowledge and become rich.

Why dream of milk

French dream book

A dream about milk is always to abundance.

If in a dream you drink milk - a dream promises you health, self-confidence, a calm lifestyle.