Horoscope for the last week of June.

The first half of June, especially before June 12, is a very harmonious and dynamic period that will leave a noticeable mark on the lives of many people. Mars will leave the dual sign Gemini and enter Cancer on June 4.

Mercury will enter his house on June 7 - the sign of Gemini, and Venus on June 6 - into the sign of Taurus. Their energies in the period from 4 to 7 June will give impetus to energetic restructuring and renewal of feelings in many people, and at the same time they will have a fairly high vitality. This will also be facilitated by the waxing moon until the full moon phase, which will occur on June 9. At this time, it is necessary to implement many of your plans and projects and, thanks to new meetings, negotiations, significantly strengthen your well-being.

Relationships during this period between people and organizations can be very constructive and creative. New plans and projects, investment business planssigned and launched during this period will have a good and lasting effect. Also, this period is favorable for weddings, for the birth of children, for a start new job or creative projects.

Read also: Horoscope for 2018 for all signs of the zodiac

After June 13, the situation will change, as the Earth falls into a zone of more disharmonious vibrations. The aging moon and especially the new moon on June 24 will depress the activity of many people. However, this is not a very strong influence, therefore, in the second half of June you need to act as actively as possible, since at this time you can significantly strengthen relations with loved ones or partners, create good foundation for new creativity.

In the third decade after June 21, when the Sun and Mercury enter the sign of Cancer at the same time, a calm and creative period will begin, which will allow more attention to be paid to your previous plans, personal life. It is also favorable for establishing order in relationships in a team, in family or family ties, suitable for planning new development cycles. The Black Moon before the new moon, which occurs on June 24, may cause some stagnation at the beginning of the third decade and uncertainty in feelings and relationships.

However, after June 26, there will be a significant increase in activity in many people due to an increase in their vitality. At the beginning of the third decade, difficulties and confrontations may arise in the world political arena, and problems during travel are also possible due to the likelihood of injuries and accidents. At the beginning of the third decade, you need to prepare for a future thunderstorm, which will happen already in the first half of July, and for this it is necessary to solve all the main tasks in order not to face conflicts and problems.

June is not the best month for Pisces, as they can be more vulnerable, fixated on their problems. True, in the first half of the month, active communication, events, trips can open up good opportunities for them to prosper, both in their careers and in their personal lives. Therefore, they should not ignore the events that are taking place in order not to miss the good chances that fate offers them. In addition, unexpected and risky proposals may appear, which will also help Pisces to make a breakthrough in business. In the second half of the month, they can be captured by a stream of meetings, information, which can be a good stimulus for the manifestation of the creative personality of Pisces. However, their interests and hobbies may be in some conflict with generally accepted norms, rules, and even lead to a break in previous agreements.

June for Aquarius is a very favorable period for health, creativity, love, travel, entertainment, sports achievements, as well as for the manifestation of their individuality. Many Aquarians will be in the center of the action and will not go unnoticed. However, this month they need to show frugality, since financially this is not a very profitable period. Especially in the first half of the month, communication and meetings can bring them a lot of vivid impressions, as well as benefit, since they will help expand business and social ties. After June 15, the Aquarius is expected to have a decline in activity, and in order to maintain their income, they will be forced to plunge into business, take on additional responsibilities, which will cause them to worry. It is possible that at the end of the month, Aquarius can be drawn into unpleasant squabbles.

In June, Capricorns will have the opportunity to settle old problems, actively engage in their work and provide assistance to others. In the first half of the month, they will be able to receive timely support from friends and colleagues, and a fortunate coincidence of circumstances will help them get out of difficulties with minimal losses. Capricorns may also have an unexpected chance to change their usual way of life, move to a new place of residence, get rid of the burden of past problems. In the second half of the month, there will be a more harmonious period for their energy and health, although they will have to understand more about their relationships with partners. It may be necessary to document your business or love relationships, to resolve the contradictions that have arisen. However, at the end of the month, after June 25, conflicts may move into a more active phase.

For Streltsov, June is a very dynamic and positive period when they can show their organizational skills, declare themselves as an accomplished and very responsible person. This month Streltsov has the opportunity to start his own business, organize a new creative project, and receive great powers. And in the first half of the month they will have enough good chances and supporters, so they can occupy their niche in social connections... True, at the same time they need to defend their common interests more than their own, then they can also receive support from higher planes. After June 15, Streltsov's life will become calmer, everything unnecessary will be eliminated, and they will be able to act more systematically. However, at the end of the month they will have to be distracted and deal with routine matters, and mistakes made in the leadership can shake the authority of Streltsov.

June for Scorpios is a period of spiritual transformation, revaluation of values, revision of their views. In addition, in the first half of the month, you may have an opportunity to increase your income, as well as do something new and very interesting. Scorpios can have powerful and wealthy patrons who can provide them with serious financial support, and they can also receive inheritance or access to public funds. And the first decade in this regard can turn out to be very successful for Scorpios. In the second half of the month, there may be changes in relationships with partners, especially in the love sphere. Scorpios' feelings will become deeper, they will feel more responsibility for those who are around. At the end of June, conflicts with others, problems while traveling, as well as the consequences of past mistakes and frivolity are possible.

Many Libras in June 2017 are waiting for a very eventful and active lifeespecially in terms of partnerships. In the first half of the month, the energy of Libra will help them openly demonstrate their feelings, declare their rights and claims, so there will be an opportunity to change a lot in the relationship, to discard everything that interferes with fruitful cooperation. This also applies to love unions, and this month can bring them new hobbies, love, and these feelings can be very long-term and stable. With all the events that take place, Libra should not forget about their affairs and responsibilities, since there may be dissatisfaction from the leadership. After June 15, Libra may begin a streak of troubles, which may be caused by their excessive demands, unfounded claims, non-compliance with laws and accepted rules.

June for many Virgos is a period when you can get the financial equivalent of your efforts at work. And although this is a period of exposure to favorable energies, Virgos will be constrained by certain obligations, deeds that will not allow them to carry out their personal plans, to act more freely. However, many of the Virgos can be very lucky financially, they can receive lucrative orders, gifts, winnings. But at the same time, they need to be more careful in taking on obligations, since deceptions, ambiguity in actions, failure to fulfill promises are not excluded. In the second half of the month, their energy and emotional condition stabilizes, they will be able to make reasonable and balanced decisions. At the end of the month, after June 25, they need to be more careful in their spending, as their financial situation may be at risk.

This month will bring many positive changes and good luck to Leo, especially in the first half of the month, when there will be good opportunities for career advancement, both due to their professional qualities and thanks to their charm. The transformations taking place at work will help Leo to take a higher position, expand their sphere of influence, and engage in interesting creative projects... This is a favorable period to try your hand at television, to realize your acting talent. In any case, Leo's sociability and openness will help attract the right people... After the 15th, the positive energies of the Cosmos will not actively influence Lviv, a decline in business is possible, but after June 25 they may face betrayal, envy, and competition. It is possible that the Lions themselves could provoke such behavior of others.

June for Cancers is not the most favorable period, however, the positive energies of the biosphere will help them cope with all difficulties and support their body. In the first half of the month, Rakov can be assailed by business, not only his own, but also colleagues, relatives who will need help. Emotions of Cancers will be heated, so they will hardly endure any pressure, control, and often even minor remarks can lead to serious quarrels. At the same time, they will feel the support of friends, colleagues, their sympathy and understanding, so Cancers will have someone to cry their vest to and let off steam. In the second half of the month, their energy and emotional state will stabilize, and creative inspiration and strong intuition will help them act very wisely and successfully. However, you should not make claims to anyone and count on much, since patience and methodical movement will bring them much more results.

Astrologers offer representatives of all zodiac signs to familiarize themselves with the horoscope for June 2017 for a better understanding of the fateful moments and building their lives.

Psychologists have conducted numerous studies and reliably say that even those people who usually do not believe in astrology as a science and are not subject to esotericism and mysticism will read the horoscope. Everything happens because:

  • no one wants to argue with Fate and go against the truth;
  • celestial objects do have an impact on man;
  • often horoscopes come true with one hundred percent probability.
  • And so it turns out: whether a person believes or does not believe in the predictions of the stars is a secondary matter, but nevertheless he tries to be safe and follow their recommendations, which is why he reads the horoscope.

    What awaits us in June 2017 according to the star horoscope

    In June 2017, a lot of vivid impressions and unexpected events await all zodiac signs. All extraordinary changes, as a rule, will be accompanied by the sudden appearance of rather abrupt and serious problems... But soon there will be an opportunity to resolve all issues and correct even the most confusing situations. The stars advise not to retreat in front of difficulties and all the things started, be sure, to bring to their logical conclusion. Only in this case it will be possible to achieve the set goals and success.

    By horoscope for June 2017 the first half of the month will be a very harmonious and dynamic period that will leave a noticeable mark on the lives of most people. This will be especially pronounced before June 12, 2017. Mars will leave the dual sign Gemini and enter Cancer on June 4. On June 7, Mercury will enter his home - the sign of Gemini, and Venus on June 6 will enter the sign of Taurus. Thanks to their energies, in the period from June 4 to June 7, 2017, people will receive a good impetus for energy restructuring and renewal of feelings. All this time, most people will be accompanied by a high vitality, as well as the growing Moon until the Full Moon, which will occur on June 9 according to the 2017 horoscope.

    Try to implement all your projects and plans during this period. You will have a lot of meetings and negotiations, thanks to which you can strengthen your well-being. Relationships during this period between people and organizations will be constructive and full of creative, creative ideas... At this time, it is good to play weddings, have children, start new projects, etc. All investment business plans signed during this period will have a good and long-term effect.

    But after June 13, 2017, the situation will change dramatically. The earth will fall into a zone of more disharmonious vibrations. The waning moon and especially the New Moon on June 24 will depress the activity of many people. But, do not succumb to this influence. During this period, on the contrary, it is necessary to act actively, because right now it is possible to significantly strengthen relations with close people and business partners and create a good foundation for further cooperation.

    From June 21, 2017, you will have more time that you can devote to your loved ones or return to old projects, it became known w. This will be facilitated by the Sun and Mercury, which will simultaneously enter the sign of Cancer. Use this time to put things in order in work relationships, in family or kinship ties. The Black Moon before the New Moon period, which will occur on June 24, 2017, can contribute to some stagnation at the beginning of the third decade of the month and cause some uncertainty in feelings and relationships.

    However, already from June 26, most people will experience a significant increase in activity, due to an increase in their vitality. But, on the world political arena at this time, difficulties, confrontations can arise, and problems during travel are also possible due to the likelihood of injuries and accidents. At the beginning of the third decade of June 2017, you need to prepare for a future thunderstorm, which will occur in the first half of July, and for this it is necessary to solve all the main tasks in order not to face conflicts and problems.

    Horoscope by zodiac signs

    People of the fire signs of the Zodiac (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) will discover new opportunities for themselves in familiar circumstances. The harmonious aspect of Saturn and Uranus supports the desire to get things done. Many will become bolder and more confident in themselves, decide on what previously seemed unthinkable. You have a huge reserve of energy, but it is better to use them not in entertainment, but to direct them to more reasonable and practical activities.

    Representatives of the Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) in June 2017 are lucky in love. And even if you have to go through disappointment, do not worry - in the end everything will turn out in the way that is best for you. In general, relationships, not only love, but also business, family, friendship are your strong point. When it comes to love, shared intellectual interests play a significant role in helping lovers to get closer together.

    Signs of the element of Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) have achieved a lot at work and in the financial sector. With Jupiter on your side, there is a great chance of success. It's a good time to travel, luck may await you in distant lands. Rely on the support of the stars, but do not forget that personal input is also necessary. In other words, if you do nothing, it is unlikely that something will work out.

    Water people (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) are full of energy. New growth prospects open up for you, but responsibility also increases. Not everything will unfold as planned, as there is an element of uncertainty. Change is inevitable and most likely for the better. Chances are good that your dreams will come true.

    Detailed horoscope for June 2017

    Aries in June will be tuned like a real fighter. You will want to prove to the world what you are capable of. Well, Aries will succeed if he pacifies his pride and ambition. In your personal life, you need to be softer with the chosen one, and also not to have affairs on the side. In June, Aries should pay attention to nervous system... A relaxing bath before bed and walking can help restore shattered health.

    Taurus is advised to be careful in words. Otherwise, you may accidentally offend the people you love. To achieve financial well-being, you need to sign contracts with foreign partners. Allergies and decreased immunity are possible, so adjust your diet and do not self-medicate. In love, Taurus will harm himself if he renews a relationship with a former lover.

    Gemini should find a hobby that will not only give moral satisfaction, but also bring income. Change your anger to mercy, then everything will work out in your personal life. Gemini can fall in love at first sight, as well as seriously think about starting a family. Give up bad habits in June, then there will be no trouble with health. A good month for mastering a new profession and a profitable investment of money.

    The horoscope predicts Cancer a great June, when there will be many promising projects and tempting proposals in terms of love. Money problems are temporary, so don't be discouraged and borrow finances from friends. Morning jogging, exercise and swimming will help Cancer keep good health... In June, a fight with competitors is possible, so do not lose your composure and turn on intuition.

    Leo will have enough energy and strength to get what they want. You will be surrounded by worthy partners, and your financial situation will please. In order to make a career, Leo needs to be more proactive. Just don't confuse this with arrogance. In order to tighten your forms, in June you should go to gym... IN family life harmony is expected if Leo does not bring all work problems into the house.

    If Virgo in June does not doubt their capabilities, then they will easily and quickly come to success in different areas life. Business partners may offer lucrative offers, so they should be carefully considered. The horoscope for June 2017 advises Virgo to be attentive to the state of health, and also not to forget about preventive measures. In his personal life, in June he will have to dot the "i's" with the former chosen one.

    If you take a job seriously, then in a short time you will improve your financial situation and move forward on the career ladder. In love in June 2017, you will be torn between a few chosen ones. In terms of health, Libra may have problems from the outside of cardio-vascular system... In order to maintain peace and harmony in your family, you need to organize holidays for loved ones more often in June.

    In June, Scorpio should show creative imagination at work. Only in this way, you can establish yourself in front of your superiors and raise your reputation in the eyes of colleagues. In a relationship with a loved one, Scorpio needs to be less tough in June. To stay healthy and not catch a cold, you should not sit under the air conditioner. In family life, trust your spouse more, and do not bother him with suspicions.

    If Sagittarius in June 2017 will only have fun and feast, then he will definitely not see financial success. To make a career, too, will require a lot of effort, desire and investment. Sagittarius needs to help teenage children choose a profession. A lot of money will be spent on treatment and medical examination. The month is quite traumatic, so Sagittarius should be more careful on the road and when working with power tools.

    The beginning of summer 2017 for most of the inhabitants of planet Earth will be a period of great achievements. It is difficult to single out the main area in which the most ambitious success awaits you, so your June successes will be harmoniously distributed over all the most important aspects of life. Moreover, there are no those strict boundaries that determine the framework of your success! If you are ready to completely turn your usual way of life, if you are mentally ripe to qualitatively change your existence, June 2017 will open up a lot of paths for you, and it only depends on you where you go and what the pace of your movement will be.

    Heavenly patrons

    It is clear that in addition to the favorable nature of June 2017, we, the inhabitants of planet Earth, owe a lot to our powerful heavenly patrons. At the beginning of this summer, not one, not two, but three "authoritative" planets will act on the side of earthlings. It is they who will give you and me a chance to succeed in spite of all unfavorable factors (all, except for our own laziness). Yes Yes exactly! If in June you allow yourself to be relaxed, idle and lazy, your success will remain in the “potential” status.

    So which planets will take on the role of leaders and mentors of all of humanity? The first and main patron of the planet Earth in June 2017 will be the Sun. Its energy will still be very strong, and this solar potential will become a powerful impetus for you and me to new victories.

    The Moon and Venus will have a slightly less pronounced positive effect on earthlings. Both planets are primarily responsible for the sensory-emotional aspect, without which, you see, our existence is simply impossible. While the Moon and Venus are very friendly towards humanity, one can safely expect new victories both in love and in human relations in general. In addition, both romantic planets will condescend to people full of creative ideas and thirst for unusual discoveries (it turns out that everyone whose profession is related to creativity, the Moon and Venus will patronize both in love and in terms of work).

    Heavenly ill-wishers

    It's time to find out which planets are responsible for the appearance of small "clouds" on the cloudless horizon of earthlings. We hasten to reassure you, in June 2017 you and I will have only one heavenly opponent (though so powerful that you can expect very dangerous tricks from him).

    Jupiter is the name of the main June antagonist of all mankind. Be prepared that at the beginning of summer this planet will begin to actively intervene in your life, sending more and more new tests to your lot! What kind of trouble to expect from Jupiter? I must say that this planet is extremely inventive, and therefore the trick it has arranged can await you in various aspects of life.

    June 2017 is going to be a crazy month. The volcanoes of passion, the incredible dynamics of what is happening and the general non-working attitude will, perhaps, be the defining features of the beginning of this summer. Of course, all of us are accustomed to the fact that with the arrival of the sea and vacation season, few people think about work. However, in terms of its “non-working” moods, this June surpasses all previous June! If you are a true workaholic who is constantly set as an example and who almost lives at work, be prepared that in June 2017 you will remember your career and other things only in between constant entertainment. And, it should be noted, to live this way, without the heavy burden of problems that will never end anyway, you will really like it! But don't worry, this crazy June is unlikely to be the very reason that you will forever turn into a bum!

    This is just a short stage, and it is worth living this way: fun, bright and dynamic. This is especially true for those people who are still completely free from bonds. happy marriage... Seize the moment! Flirt, chat, make friends, fall in love! You are unlikely to get tired of the fact that the opposite sex itself seeks to get closer (in June, the attraction between the sexes will increase significantly, which will become another important feature this month). In general, it is unlikely that at the beginning of this summer you will be bored, languishing with loneliness. A bright romance is guaranteed for you. Just before you take this flirting seriously, have a little conversation with yourself. You need to decide once and for all that a relationship that began at a time when you and your partner are very frivolous about life is unlikely to be long. If you want them to end in marriage, this romance should be developed by “introducing” into it not only joint trips and entertainment, but also something more banal (for example, household chores, for which, by the way, you will not be ready, nor your June passion).

    For everyone who has already started a family, June 2017 will give many bright moments. Trips and entertainment that you will do together with people dear to your heart should be recorded in numerous photos. Someday the moment will come, and you and your family will once again face the cold with longing, mentally preparing for the long evenings spent at home watching TV. So that's it. It is he who will brighten up your winter leisure - the photo album that will keep your June memories. But summer is not just for this! You can (yes, you must!) During this short month get rid of everything that prevented your married couple from considering themselves happy and harmonious. In the end, when, if not now, while you are spending a huge amount of time together, you and your partner can let that crazy fervor that is inherent in young lovers into your couple! Shaking off the dust from your monotonous marriage, you will be able to insure it from family scandals for a long time.

    June, of course, will give all of us a great positive, but do not forget that not everyone has a vacation during this grace period! For those who will be at the beginning of this summer to divide time for rest and for business, all the recommendations below are intended. Leisure is leisure, but you should not forget that work requires the utmost concentration from you (even if your boss is absent all month, enjoying the sea and sun somewhere on a tropical island). June 2017 is the best time to put things in order in your current affairs and finish all that you have been putting off for a long time. Of course, it is unlikely that during this frivolous June you will achieve new professional victories (they will become a reward only for those people who are true workaholics and are ready to give up even unforgettable summer leisure for work). But on this segment you will be able to draw up a small strategic plan in which direction you will further develop your professional future. While this is just a project, you will start to implement it a little later. In the meantime, seeing off June, where financial worries will become more important for you (bright leisure hurts your pocket, and therefore at the very beginning of the month, plan for what, when and how much you will spend your "hard-earned money").

    Horoscopes for January 2017 by zodiac sign

    Horoscopes for February 2017 by the sign of the zodiac

    Horoscopes for March 2017 according to the sign of the zodiac

    Horoscopes for April 2017 by Zodiac sign

    Horoscopes for May 2017 by zodiac sign
    Horoscope for June 2017
    Horoscopes for June 2017 according to the sign of the zodiac

    Horoscopes for July 2017 by the sign of the zodiac

    Horoscopes for August 2017 by zodiac sign

    The main influence of June 2017 will be the return of Jupiter in direct motion in the sign of Libra - 9 June 2017... This determines the gradual restoration of the lost positions in the business and professional sphere. Priorities and professional activities may change. Many can change their type and occupation this summer and autumn. Preliminary events, career changes will take place from mid-June 2017. Get ready for big change.

    Mars passes into the sign of Cancer - for the period from June 4 to July 20, 2017... On the one hand, this is a good period for renovation, work in the country, outdoor activities. On the other hand, it will require accuracy and care, compliance with safety rules and regulations.

    Neptune's turn in the opposite direction - in mid-June, - puts issues on the agenda spiritual development, release from illusions in partnerships, both personal and business.

    1 - 3 June 2017 - Venus enters into conjunction with Uranus in the trine to Saturn. Good time to restore, harmonize relations. A lucky coincidence in the financial sector. You may be able to discover a new source of stable income. A favorable period for merchants and artisans.

    June 4, 2017 - Mars passes into the sign of Cancer. Choice situations will arise. Day of active work with documents. A situation related to a change of residence, the acquisition of a summer cottage, a summer residence, a car is likely. You will need legal advice, work with documents. Venus conjunct the Andromeda Nebula. Key, fateful in the world political arena, in the world economy, related to the future of Russia.

    June 6, 2017 - Venus enters the sign of Taurus. Venus in her abode stabilizes the financial sphere. Until July 5, 2017 - you can be relatively calm about a stable income level, regular receipt of funds. The relationship also begins a period of relative harmony and peace. Only you yourself can disrupt the positive course of events with too impulsive and untimely actions.

    June 7, 2017 - Mercury passes into Gemini. Mercury in its sign determines the period of expanded, intensified work of the mind. You will be able to make successful trips, decide very challenging tasks, hold positive meetings, negotiations. Perhaps the conclusion of successful agreements and contracts with a long-term perspective. But this is a very short period of time. Already on June 21, Mercury will change its sign. Try to solve the most important questions over these two weeks.

    June 9, 2017 - Jupiter returns to direct movement in the sign of Libra. A positive period is coming for the signs of Air (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra) and Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius). Try to solve the most important and significant issues and make a change this summer. In autumn, the signs of Water and Earth will intercept the baton of success. Detailed information.

    June 9, 2017 - Full Moon - Moon in the sign of Sagittarius, the Sun in the sign of Gemini. Difficult day in the commercial, intermediary field. Disruptions in the supply of goods, movement of funds, violation of agreements and obligations. Emergency situations in transport, on business trips are likely. Do not rush to meet the problem, be careful while driving. Control emotions during negotiations, in difficult situation... You can break a good partnership.

    June 12, 2017 - Mercury conjunct the star Aldebaran. Day of strong cosmic energies. In ancient times, Aldebaran was considered the star of kings. Cosmic energy has no plus or minus sign. Therefore, the events of this day will be indicated by the vector of development of civilization, actions and motivation individuals... On a personal note, you should be careful when visiting mass events, entertainment venues. Crowd energies are not recommended on these days.

    June 16, 2017 - in the opposite direction, Neptune unfolds in the sign of Pisces. A period of uncertainty, doubt, difficult psychological states. The question of ideological, religious doctrine will again arise, both in Russia and throughout the world as a whole. A society without an ideological foundation has no goal, it moves nowhere. In the economy, the question of the need to return to a planned, national economy will sound more and more acute. The market, chaotic economy does not take root in Russia and leads to abrupt, critical events. There may be regular corruption scandals and exposure of big-time businessmen from the economy.

    June 21, 2017 - Mercury enters the sign of Cancer. Favorable period for resolving real estate issues. Perhaps successful fast registration documents, transactions, apartment exchange, purchase and registration of a summer cottage, a summer residence, a car, transport for recreation, tourism. Do not miss your chance. Good time for vacation.

    June 24, 2017 - New Moon in Cancer. Good time for family fun, work on summer cottage... Uranus moves along the point Andromeda Nebula. The period of restoration of patriotic traditions, Russian statehood at all levels. Intensive development of the domestic, national economy. It is possible to adopt new laws and support entrepreneurship, cooperatives at the state level. Recovery domestic production... Planning for the restoration of light and heavy industry enterprises at the state level. The beginning of the change in the vector of Russia's development from capitalist to neo-socialist. Breakdown of the outdated doctrine of market development in Russia.

    26 - 28 June 2017 - Mars, Mercury conjunct the star Sirius. The period of spiritual revelations, the discovery of the innermost, sacred Secrets of Destiny. Dedication days. At such moments, one can feel unity with the whole world, the Cosmos, and world harmony. Favorable time to visit places of power, historical and cultural monuments, temples.

    June 30, 2017 - the tense position of the planets determines difficult, emergency and traumatic days. Complex engineering is not recommended, renovation work, long distance travel. Difficult weather conditions. Crisis, critical events in the world economy and geopolitics. Aggravation of confrontation of conflicts at the macro and micro - level. Avoid conflicts and provocations at work, in business sphere... Be prepared for unexpected checks on your performance. In a complex, there are no unsolvable problems and questions.