Frank Kinslow's quantum shift read. Frank Kinslow "Quantum Shift" - a method of expanding consciousness

Frank Knslow, an American chiropractic healer, has spent over 35 years researching and developing his method, which he calls “ Quantum displacement". At the heart of his method, as well as other methods that we will analyze in this heading, is the understanding and recognition of the fact that the Universe is conscious and all Its manifestations - all the forms and phenomena we observe are basically Her consciousness in action. Every object, every form, phenomenon, process are means and variants of manifestation. The Unified Consciousness is the basis and substance, so to speak, of being. From him and in him everything comes and is done. It may be difficult for us to believe in this right away, since our picture of the world is built on several other grounds, and in order to switch to this description, some breakthrough in consciousness is needed - “ explosion of understanding ”That would make this statement obvious. But if you set yourself such a task and learn to peer into the surrounding reality from this angle of view, you will definitely get it and new possibilities of perception will appear clear, obvious and unclouded.

This Consciousness is called by Frank Kinslow “ pure awareness". It is, as we said in previous conversations, comprehensive and healing by definition. His all-inclusiveness does not miss a single detail and detail, so his vision is universal, and his actions take into account all possible details. That is why the result of its influence is always the best in the given conditions. Its impact is for the benefit of everyone involved in the process.

Therefore, in order to practice this method, you need to learn to be aware of it. pure awareness .

In short, the stages of mastering his technique are as follows:

1. Learn to observe your thoughts and catch pauses between them (see Practical Healing Method Exercise 1). The perception of pauses between thoughts is, in fact, the perception of non-being - in any case, the mind in this place stops, is lost and dies for a while - it has nothing to deal with, since the very basis of thinking - thoughts - cease to come to it for processing ... Intention not to think leads to a violation of the connectedness of the picture of the world, it stops, and we have the opportunity to discover something else besides thoughts, to find pauses-intervals between them. Observing these pauses leads to rest and relaxation of the body, which is very important in this case.

2. Ask the question "Who is watching thoughts?" and understand what the mind is observing. When there are no thoughts (in the pauses between them), there is no mind either - in the pauses the mind dies, because there is nothing to watch. But always the Observer remains. He is - pure awareness, that is, It observes itself. In other words, this is pure awareness observing itself. And this is the true self.

3. Having realized this state, learn to enter it at will and reproduce whenever it is necessary to restore your integrity of perception. Entering a state of pure awareness, he calls “ gate technique ”And gives a dictation that helps to feel this state well.

(here you can select a language and listen to audio files using this method:

Instant Healing Technique (Quantum Displacement)

a) find the painful area associated with the violation and put the fingers of one hand on it; fix the sensation that occurs in the fingers;

b) find a similar healthy area on the body (for example, symmetrically located on the other side) and feel its “health” with the fingers of the other hand;

c) keeping fingers lightly on both areas (sick and healthy), observe them simultaneously, calmly and relaxed. At the same time, after a while you plunge into a feeling of pure awareness (go through the gates of pure awareness, since you have already learned to plunge into pauses between thoughts). Immersion in pure awareness is accompanied by the experience of a special feeling - euphoria, in Frank's terminology - spontaneous and unconditioned. It can be described as pacification, calmness, serenity, joy, lightness, blissfulness, etc.

d) triangulation - to hold simultaneously three points (three states) - painful, healthy and euphoric. Healing is due to the fact that you express intent heal the selected area and hold three states simultaneously in consciousness. At the same time, you do not need to do anything yourself - just be aware of what is happening.

Frank heals a lot of people this way. More precisely, heals pure awareness, or Consciousness of the Universe, restoring damage to its manifestation. The technique helps a person to tune in the right way and get out of the scenario that led him to violations. Perhaps the most striking thing is that it is completely unnecessary to know the reasons for the violation, the prehistory of the disease. This method can be practiced by both professional doctors, supplementing their methods of treatment, and by everyone. Moreover, the method does not require special knowledge in the field of medicine. He cannot harm, but he always acts in the most the best way, because, I repeat, the Universe itself, its Universal Consciousness heals, and it knows better than any doctor what is happening in its domain, everywhere, in every nook and cranny of the galaxy, in every cell and atom. The most difficult thing here, perhaps, is to understand that in general there can be such a Consciousness. But this is already our human momentary difficulty. And, I assure you, we will gradually overcome it and begin to build our life, relying on this universal foundation, eternal, indestructible, undoubted and omniscient. But what prospects this simple fact opens up: we are in the ocean of eternal consciousness! How simpler and more natural our progress through life can be, if we are imbued with its understanding.

For more detailed instructions you can refer to the book by Frank Kinslow “ The Secret of Instant Healing (Quantum Health Synchronization) », Sofia, 2012

On my own I would like to add words of gratitude to the author, who managed to put large-scale and stunning truths for the ordinary mind into a simple and easy form of a technique, effective and generally available. More and more authors (from Carlos Castaneda to the directors of the films "Secret" and "Secret-2") are now beginning to talk about the role and significance of the Universal Consciousness, but Frank Kinslow managed to fit all the furious baggage of knowledge into a natural method. Anyway me others simple techniques we are not acquainted. If you are familiar with them, write, and we will supplement the description with your version.

Practice and be healthy.

Hello to all! IN recent times I'm not a frequent visitor here in terms of posts, but as it is, words cannot help matters! :-) In general, I was preparing for the reconstruction of the entire magazine, but I do not yet know which side to approach it from. The fact is that he ceased to be alive in the direct sense of the word and turned into a museum of pictures and videos, which, apart from myself, are actually of little interest to anyone. There is undoubtedly not enough of me and my reasoning :-) It will be necessary to change it somehow! The thread of communication with my main friends has also been lost, but those who are still interested in me undoubtedly still remember me. So, what did I want to talk to you about today? The fact is, something unusual has been happening over the past few days.

And the name of this strangeness Quantum Entrainment (QE), which in translation means quantum displacement (QS), which is also sometimes called quantum healing. The name of this technique was given by its founder, Frank Kinslow, with whom I was lucky to meet in Hamburg last weekend. About a month ago I heard this name for the first time and, as a result, I decided to get acquainted with his books, video materials, biography, everything that could be found on the Internet. Livejournal gave me no small help in this matter. It was he who became the starting point for getting to this seminar. It was in him that I consciously came across Frank's personality, although I tried to practice the method developed by him even earlier. The fact is that there is another person (his name is Richard Bartlett, the method is described in the book "Matrix Energetics"), who almost simultaneously with Frank came to the discovery of the quantum displacement method, which is also called the method of two points.

Why was she "trying to practice" and not practicing? Because I did not have 100% certainty that I was doing everything correctly and that I did not have the very sensations that supposedly should have been (oh, this attitude towards correctness!). Plus, Bartlett and Kinslow have each approach, which confused me even more. But in fact, everything turned out to be much simpler and more elementary than I thought. Yes, our mind is used to complicating many things, even the fact that it is already nowhere easier. And thank goodness Frank is one of those people who know how to make complex things simple. You know, yesterday I came across an article by a young discerning man named Eugene (lately I have been lucky to Ev-Genius and Ev-Genius) and was surprised how accurately he described Frank's personality and his method. Let me quote it with my additions!

So who is Frank Kinslow?

"He could be called an Enlightened Teacher, if he, in principle, did not disown any praise and honors addressed to him, nevertheless performing daily miracles of healing and not making any secrets from his skill. Three books and a few video lectures, and also the American Forum - they set out unique technology Quantum Displacement, or KS for short. "

Something tells me that Eugene is familiar with Frank firsthand :-) Because at the seminar I saw just such a Frank: modest, simple, charming, and meanwhile attentive and sensitive. He was joking, he was telling funny stories, amused with his gestures and dramatization of his stories, but at the same time the next moment he was again serious and collected. However, judging by the words of Eugene, then Frank's books make a similar impression on his readers:

"Frank Kinslow is distinguished from other authors like him by a very simple, optimistic, humorous manner of presenting very serious material. To arrive at what he now offers to all who are thirsty, Frank spent more than 25 years of his life. among the great Teachers of our time, he founded his own school - and everything, as he admits, was in vain.As a result of many years of searching for happiness and serenity, he came to a sad result - he was alone, in a strange city, depressed, seriously ill and without any hope for The best. It was then, in a cafe over a cup of tasteless green tea, that enlightenment came to him. But most importantly, the idea of \u200b\u200bQuantum Displacement came as a universal and ideal, in principle, way of healing your life from any problems. "

At the seminar, Frank said that at the age of 61 he was in the ruins of his life: he was head over heels in debt, he did not like his job and the pay was too low for the living wage, he was sick and did not understand what he had done wrong because he tried to live righteously and follow the spiritual path all the time. It turned out that all these years of meditation and other esoteric teachings went down the drain. He realized that he had missed something very important, something that makes us happy and brings us back to ourselves. This is not money, this is not work, this is not a relationship, this is being in our I, in our real I, and not in who we are used to thinking of ourselves. And he found a way to achieve it! Quantum Entrainment! (COP!)

"At first glance, QS is an ordinary Zen-style meditation, when we silently observe our own thoughts and emotions. At the same time, everyone who meditated in this way knows that our Ego, or little" I "(according to F. Kinslow) is very does not like this kind of attention to oneself and literally melts under the gaze of our inner Observer. Thoughts quickly fade away, and negative emotions, literally just crushing us from the inside with heavy painful clots, imperceptibly dissolve. "

And this is really only at first glance! Yes, the difference from ordinary meditation is difficult for an outside observer to notice. To be honest, before I quite often found the process of meditation a rather boring activity :-) Now you just don’t feed me bread, just let me spend at least a few minutes in silence! Another main difference for me between ordinary meditation and KS is that I don’t even have to watch my thoughts, they immediately disappear as if on a signal somewhere, this is an incredibly light and airy state when my head is filled with anything. but not in thoughts. What is our head filled with at this moment? Eugene tells us about this in detail in his article:

"But this is where the most interesting thing begins - it's Frank's know-how. The fact is that any, the weakest and most vague, manifestation of connection with our higher" I "is accompanied by the so-called Eufeeling. What is this thing? , this is an unconditioned feeling, that is, it has nothing to do with the work of the mental apparatus, our ego. And it manifests itself the stronger, the more qualitative and stable our connection with the Higher "I." This means that for the Eufeeling there is a certain gradation of manifestation. and the simplest thing is a feeling of silence, freedom from thoughts. Then we can feel - incrementally - peace, serenity, joy, bliss, ecstasy. All this does not come at once. But silence and peace - they can be found in ourselves and after too long practice, which means that the channel of communication with the Higher "I" is working - with all the ensuing consequences for us, and they are very, very pleasant! "

Undoubtedly, I can only confirm the truth for me personally of what Eugene is talking about. At the seminar, I practiced the KS technique with various and often unfamiliar people, but the effect was very, very clear every time! I acted both as a partner and as an initiating technique. In the role of a partner, the sensations were about the same: heat all over my body, a relaxed smile on my face and a desire to burst into joyful laughter, all my problems suddenly seemed so petty to me, a feeling of security, comfort, harmony, as if I was sitting in God's arms, a feeling of peace, peace, bliss, all shades and can not convey. And this is not the point, because everyone will reveal their own range of sensations in the process of practicing QS. Further, as an initiating COP, additional nuances appeared in my sensations from entering into contact with another person. For example, when my first partner was a woman who was sitting next to me, I suddenly got an impulse to cry during contact, and when the session ended and she turned to face me, I saw tears in her eyes ... But you shouldn't being afraid that you will "catch" another person's problems. It's just out of the question. If you are an empathic person, then you are probably able to feel what the other person is feeling without a COP. The cop simply removes all of your husk from you and your partner.

"The second feature of the Eufeeling, as a manifestation of awareness of Pure awareness (in the words of F. Kinslow) is that with close observation, gazing into it, it does not disappear, does not melt, like the notorious manifestations of the ego, but on the contrary - grows and intensifies. Observation meditation KS is distinguished by an attitude (intention) to feel the Euphysicus. When it comes, there is no need to keep it and in any artificial way strengthen it - you just need to silently, dispassionately observe it. And enjoy it. That's all. And it is desirable to do it as often as possible - 20 times a day, taking short breaks daily activities or using natural pauses in business. "

If 20 times seems like a lot for you, do at least 2 times a day to start the COP, as Frank advises, in the morning after waking up and in the evening before bed. Start with 5 minutes and then continue to practice QE for as long as you like. But remember one thing! It is important!!! If the COP is not easy for you or does not give you any pleasure, it is NOT a COP! According to Frank, you shouldn't try to do it, you just have to do it without any effort, strain or difficulty. Because where tension begins, contact with your true self is lost.

"And one more thing. When you feel the Euphonic feeling, you can return from the state of meditation to everyday life without losing it. That is, you think, act, speak, but at the same time practice Quantum Entrainment. This skill is also sharpened with practice."

I confirm with all my confidence this statement of Eugene, because the Euphonic feeling is really present not only when your eyes are closed. It was this skill that we honed at the seminar: a smooth transition from real estate with closed eyes to slow movement around the room with open eyes without losing the euphological feeling. And it's easier than it sounds!

"What does it give? Firstly, we become a source of amazing (and always only positive) changes in the lives of people around us and in our own, of course, too. Kinslow is known as a wonderful healer, able to sometimes cope with serious diseases, injuries, mental disorders.

At the same time, according to him, he is nothing, in the literal sense, nothing does not do for these healings - except for entering the QS. True, there is a nuance - some kind of intention, some kind of installation, even if very vague, he gives himself. For example, he conducted the first sessions of KS for healing, giving himself a specific mental setting for the disappearance of a specific pain or symptom, and also laid his hands on the patient, controlling the relaxation of any muscle group. But later it turned out that if you need to lay your hands on, then only to calm the patient himself, and you don't need to know anything about his illness at all - what worries him will be healed (or not - everything here does not depend on the healer, but from the decision, so to speak, from above). No sending of energy, no figurative representations - nothing of this is required - except for being in the COP, in other words, in bliss. "

Still, I can't help wondering how accurately Eugene laid out the core of all that Frank told us at the seminar! Of course, this is all written in his books, but you need to be a very attentive reader to grasp all the nuances of this approach. And yes, I like the moment that the responsibility for the healing in this case does not lie with the initiating QP, so there is no one to blame for the failure to heal. Is that on oneself, and then within the framework of this practice it is excluded, because healing is not its goal, as such, it is just pleasant by-effect! The goal of practice is to immerse yourself in the state of " pure consciousness"This is all that is required of you, healing is applied to your success only as a bonus. After all, what is the state of healing really? A person is healed because universal harmony, order, balance, tranquility are manifested in his body. Peace is the source any healing. The deeper the peace, the deeper the healing. Health is order. The more orderliness within us at the level of all our systems, the more health.

“Knowing the realities of medicine in the United States, it is quite possible to believe Kinslow - if he did at least something to heal the sick - would have had huge troubles long ago, because official American medicine does not like healers very much and persecutes in every possible way, using the full force of the law. In case, there is simply nothing to catch on - a person is simply blissful, but the fact that at the same time someone nearby (or even thousands of kilometers away) is being healed from incurable ailments - what does Frank Kinslow have to do with it? "

It is difficult for me to comment on this paragraph, because I am simply unfamiliar with the realities of medicine in the United States (maybe you know?). But the essence of the technique is stated very correctly: while Frank, I or you are blissful, experiencing the experience of pure consciousness and the Euphonic feeling in addition, you not only heal yourself, your environment, but also the one you are thinking about at this moment.

"The CS has two more unique features. Firstly, if you are anxious and somehow interested in obtaining a specific result, you will most likely not get this result. You are required to conduct a CS session - and forget! Waiting for the result, emotional addiction from him - a bad help for success. You are not the ones who heal - not yours and concern! On the other hand, if the healer himself has some bad sore, it is difficult to be impartial! The same problem arises with the healing of close relatives. This is where the second feature comes into play. So, secondly! At the time of the QS session to heal others, you heal yourself (and your immediate circle, I suppose). Without expecting this, without laying any intentions in this regard, you will still get a positive result for yourself. And this applies not only to health, but to almost all aspects of life. Kinslow writes that his life has changed dramatically since he started practicing. Generous gifts from life have become completely commonplace, including in the material sense.

The only thing is that ordering them is pointless. For all our conscious desires are a product of the Ego, and the benefits of their implementation are very, very controversial. The Higher "I" fulfills our unconscious, deep desires and dreams, and only those that really suit us for the future - here a mistake is excluded. "

Again two very important points are described that in the best words I could hardly express. As Frank explained more than once in the workshop, the results may not appear at all when you expect them. Moreover, they may appear in a completely different way from what you expect. Therefore, the best thing you can do is to stop expecting anything at all. For example, on the first night, when Frank asked for a volunteer from the audience to demonstrate the COP, a woman climbed onto the platform, who was using crutches because of her recent surgery on one of her knees. Do you think she needed them after the session in order to return to her place? For reasons unknown to us, the healing in this case happened instantly. However, when on the second day a woman left the hall with a back injury, there was no positive effect after the session. However, no one was surprised, because Frank notified us in advance that the results do not have to appear instantly, they can come the next day, and in a week, or in a month. Sooner or later they will appear, and this is a fact that is simply worth believing in order to be satisfied with it yourself!

"What happens during CS, what forces are used to heal diseases and situations? Despite his enlightenment, the author, oddly enough, has a rather vague idea about it. However, he guesses that there is no healing happening! to another reality, in which everything seems to exist, everything is the same, but this disease does not exist. It looks like a shift in the Space of variants, so vividly described by Vadim Zeland. But these are only guesses. In general, F. Kinslow says, any attempt to analyze such the phenomenon did not lead to anything sensible. Perhaps, at the level of our three-dimensional, down-to-earth, materialistic thinking, it is simply impossible to understand such things. But using the COP for our own and general benefit does not interfere in any way! So, helping others - we help ourselves! What can And most importantly, the constant practice of QS in itself brings more and more pleasure, the feeling of euphoria intensifies over time, the connection in the Higher Self becomes Everything is clearer and more stable. Feeling serenity is nothing more than a sign of Enlightenment - becomes a constant companion of the practitioner. "

It is true that Frank does not really undertake to explain the phenomenon of QS practice. First of all, I was struck by the definition of what QS is NOT. This is not the transfer of energy, this is not Reiki, this is not healing, it has nothing to do with any other known methods of healing, because he simply DOES NOT consider KS as a method of healing. But we talked about this above: healing in this case is just a pleasant by-product. Frank joked at the seminar, saying that in fact he is teaching us a kind of "nothing". Everything is so simple that it makes your head spin. "How? Is that all?" - the restless mind rushes about, but now it can be easily turned off by activating your Eufeeling.

"And everything would be great, but you should not delude yourself. Frank Kinslow writes that there is nothing easier than Quantum Displacement, that you can master it faster than reading about it. Yes, it is, but the Eufeeling that you get at the beginning is Silence (and it’s not a fact that you’ll get it right away) - it’s too weak to immediately expect great Miracles from him. Personally, after many attempts, I rarely, rarely manage to get to Tranquility, and no more. I just introduced the practice of QS among my habits - and that's all. As they say, the master's work is afraid ... "

You know, apparently, I thought something too after reading Frank's book and before meeting him personally. Books are so many and so few at the same time. They give us knowledge, but they don't show us how we should apply it. They show us the ways, but they say nothing about how faithfully we follow them. They introduce us to technologies in which we, without the help of the person who created them, are unlikely to be unequivocally sure about how correctly and effectively we use them. The work of a master is afraid, but is every person ready to feel like a master in acquaintance with something unknown, with what he may have never encountered in his life? How many factors will play against him in this case? Uncertainty, mistrust, skepticism, doubts - all this often does not allow us to make the read theory a part of our daily activities. Therefore, it is good when the authors good books sometimes they decide to help their readers in this matter, at least to those who need this help. After all, readers are different :-)

I would like to take on the role of mediator in the dissemination of QS. In any case, I will try to try to answer all the questions that you have before or after reading Frank's books about this technique. I am not taking on the role of teacher, since he is the only one in this case - this is Frank, but I can help you feel the COP a little closer and gain a little more confidence in this matter. If someone has a desire, I can also do a remote QS for you. Now I practice it several times every day, and each time I admire its simplicity, ease and enjoyment. The cop drives :-)

Let's move on to the technique itself? Frank calls it triangulation in view of the fact that your attention will need to be focused on three things at the same time, but believe me, this is not so difficult. In fact, as the alternative name of this method says, and it is also called the method of two points, attention should be focused only on them, and as a result - bang! - you have that very longed-for Euphonic feeling! Frank calls it triangulation only because there is a point A, there is a point B, and there is a feeling C that arises. You will, of course, read about all this in detail in his books, and I will tell you how it happened at the seminar. Firstly, there are two free meditations to download on Frank's site at that I would highly recommend you listen to. This will be a small test for entering a state of pure consciousness, besides, Frank has an amazingly pleasant and pacifying voice. Further, everything turned out to be much simpler than I thought, much simpler than it is described in any of his books. So, for the first time, I suggest you exploit the back of a loved one, it could be your husband, your child, your friend, etc.

1. Ask your partner if they have physical or emotional pain / discomfort.
2. Ask him to identify on the 1-10 mark how severe the pain is.
(moreover, the zero state will essentially be the state of that very pure consciousness when absolutely nothing bothers you, when you are immensely happy and enjoying life :-)
3. Formulate and relax your attention on an intention, for example, pain to disappear.
4. Touch your finger right hand to the back of your partner and be aware of all the sensations from this contact.
5. Now touch the finger of your left hand to your partner's back and become aware of the sensations from the contact.
6. Now just keep your attention on the sensation of both fingers on your partner's back.
7. Wait until you experience the Eufeeling, expressed in the silence of the mind and the calmness of the thoughts.
(by the way, at the same moment when I fix two points, my thoughts disappear by themselves,
and when they are not in the head, it becomes light and clear, and the soul is light and calm from this)
8. Now keep at the same time your attention on the sensations from the finger of the right hand (point A), the finger of the left hand (point B), and the very Euphonic sensation (point C). (You don't need to expect some kind of insane euphoria from simultaneously touching two points on your partner's back. The euphoria can be different for everyone, the main thing is that you feel comfortable. In addition, most likely your partner will feel the real feeling of euphoria first of all. , not you yourself. So, at least it was with me in the beginning. Now, when I initiate QS for myself or do it remotely, the sensations are the same).
9. You will notice that your partner's body relaxes and begins to sway from side to side.
(Or it won't start, everything here is purely individual, but swaying from side to side is a fairly frequent sign that the method has begun to work. A surge of heat in the body is also possible).
10. After a couple of minutes, end the session and interview your partner again on a scale of 1 to 10.

According to my feelings, I will say that as a rule, either when I do the KS myself, or when I do it, I immediately get a fever in the solar plexus area, sometimes it can appear in the legs, spread throughout the body, etc. thereby letting us know that the blood circulation in the body has improved significantly. When you have practiced QS with your fingers a few times, you can try using your palms as well (which I personally like a lot more). Such incredible warmth always emanates from the palms of the COP initiator that you don't want them to come off your back (by the way, we practice on the back only at the beginning, later you can choose other points on the body: for example, one hand - on the back , the other on the stomach). It is an incredibly pleasant sensation that gets even more intense with practice. You can also do a COP at a distance, while you can touch your palms either to yourself, or to another person who is nearby (the main thing is to represent the person to whom the COP is intended), or to a teddy bear, pillow, toy, etc. Also, two points can be fixed physically in the air, or just imagine them.

For a pleasant aftertaste, here's a video with Frank. I am glad that I came to his seminar, since Frank, as for me, has a special gift to express his gift in a very simple, accessible, concise and easy way. To me, there is much more in his books than we need to know to practice QS. Everything is much simpler than we imagine. And his seminar showed it.

p.s. if you are interested in this post, follow the comments: there are a lot of additions!
upd: Judging by the fact that my article on KS did not have the desired effect on some of my readers, I decided to present you my version of light. This is not the ultimate truth, but PERSONALLY FOR ME it works and works WELL. So why shouldn't it work for you then ??? I repeat that this is just ONE of the ways that I have chosen for myself. I share my experience in the hope that it will be useful to you too. Thank you for the spontaneous idea midasik ! So let's get started:

1. When you put your palm on your body, do you feel warmth from it?
I assume you answered yes. The palms of all peopleusually warm :-)
Place your palm on your chest now, for example.

2. Keep your palm on your ribcage and enjoy the warmth in the area.
3. Now place the other hand on your stomach. Do you feel the warmth of your hand here too?
4. Continue to keep both hands in the above places and continue to feel the warmth.
5. You can close your eyes if you want. Hold your hands like this for at least two minutes.
6. Now tell me that it doesn't give you a pleasant and warming sensation!

Gives, you say? Congratulations! You managed to feel that very Euphonic feeling! If you hold your hands on your body longer, you feel warm and pleasant, that is Eufeeling, will increase. If you include cool relaxing music as an accompaniment, it will take you away to distant worlds! So simple, yes. You can lie down, you can sit, you can stand. Yes, it's just an elementary concentration on yourself and your feelings. There is no hocus-pocus here. Practice daily and peace be with you!

The stages of mastering the KS technique are as follows:

1. Learn to observe your thoughts and catch pauses between them (see Practical Healing Method Exercise 1). The perception of pauses between thoughts is, in fact, the perception of non-being - in any case, the mind in this place stops, is lost and dies for a while - it has nothing to deal with, since the very basis of thinking - thoughts - cease to come to it for processing ... The intention not to think leads to a violation of the connectedness of the picture of the world, it stops, and we have the opportunity to discover something else besides thoughts, to find pauses-intervals between them. Observing these pauses leads to rest and relaxation of the body, which is very important in this case.

2. Ask the question "Who is watching thoughts?" and understand what the mind is observing. When there are no thoughts (in the pauses between them), there is no mind - in the pauses the mind dies, because there is nothing to watch. But always the Observer remains. He is - pure awareness, that is, It observes itself. In other words, I am real - this is pure awareness observing itself. And this is the true self.

3. Having realized this state, learn to enter it at will and reproduce whenever it is necessary to restore your integrity of perception. He calls the entry into the state of pure awareness "the technique of the gate" and gives a dictation that helps to feel this state well.

(here you can choose a language and listen to audio files using this method:
Instant Healing Technique (Quantum Displacement)

a) find the painful area associated with the violation and put the fingers of one hand on it; fix the sensation that occurs in the fingers;

b) find a similar healthy area on the body (for example, symmetrically located on the other side) and feel its “health” with the fingers of the other hand;

c) keeping fingers lightly on both areas (sick and healthy), observe them simultaneously, calmly and relaxed. At the same time, after a while you plunge into a feeling of pure awareness (go through the gates of pure awareness, since you have already learned to plunge into pauses between thoughts). Immersion in pure awareness is accompanied by the experience of a special feeling - euphoria, in Frank's terminology - spontaneous and unconditioned. It can be described as pacification, peace, serenity, joy, lightness, bliss, etc.

d) triangulation - to hold simultaneously three points (three states) - painful, healthy and euphoric. Healing occurs by expressing your intention to heal the area and holding three states simultaneously in consciousness. At the same time, you don't need to do anything yourself - just be aware of what is happening.

How to feel your true self - (Practice "Quantum shift")
Sit back and close your eyes. Let your mind wander freely wherever it wants for 15-30 seconds. Just watch the thoughts come and go. Now take what you think more consciously. The content of thoughts does not matter. Just observe very carefully all the thoughts floating on the screen of the mind. Study them with full concentration. No need to strain or try to somehow concentrate your thoughts. Focus your attention in a relaxed manner - like a cat watching a mouse hole. So, with relaxed, focused attention, observe your thoughts for one or two minutes.

Don't read any further until you've been watching your thoughts intently for a minute or two. I'll wait…
So, you just watched your thoughts closely for a minute or two? Okay, let's continue.
Observing your thoughts, you should have noticed that they became calmer and slowed down almost immediately, right? They started to sound less loud. Thoughts became paler and less frequent, and thinking and the whole became calmer. In the meantime, remember that if your thoughts behave differently, that is also normal. Whether your thoughts are fussy or calm - it doesn't matter. Your task is to be an impeccable observer. You just follow to find out what they will do next. That's all you have to do: observe with calm attention.
Have you noticed that at times thoughts stop altogether? At first they turned pale, and then, perhaps, you suddenly notice that they have completely disappeared and you were left alone with pure awareness. Great, isn't it? But this is just the beginning.
Did you also notice that after doing the first part of the exercise, your body became more relaxed and your mind more calm?
These are all very pleasant consequences of being aware of pure awareness, whether you notice them or not. Soon, you will be functioning at That quieter and cleaner level, even when driving through crowded streets during rush hour. However, we still have things to do - let's get back to them.

Close your eyes again. As last time, observe your thoughts innocently and with close attention. This will be easier now - you may find that thoughts calm down very quickly or even stop altogether. Just watch carefully for a couple of minutes. After two to three minutes, pay attention to how you feel.

And again I will wait ...
During these two or three minutes, did you feel serenity, silence, peace? Or perhaps you felt joy, love, compassion, excitement, bliss, etc.? All these good feelings are euphoric.
In the next step, when you sit with your eyes closed, I want the next from you. Observe your thoughts and wait for euphosuppression to arise in your consciousness. Remember that the euphoria should be either very simple (peace or quiet) or very intense (ecstasy). This is not to say that one euphonic feeling is preferable to another. Whatever it is, just watch it at ease. If thoughts come back, just watch them.
Then thoughts will be replaced by either no-thought, or pure awareness, or euphoria. Whatever it is - a thought, pure awareness, or euphoria - simply and naively observe it and do nothing else. This is very important: don't do anything, just watch your thoughts and expect euphoria. When you are aware of the presence of euphoria, focus on it clearly and intently. At times, you may not have euphoria or thoughts. This is pure awareness. In a moment like this, just wait in a state of pure awareness until your euphoria arises again.
See how simple it is? Whatever appears on the screen of the mind, your position always remains unchanged: you are an observer and nothing else. Never interfere and do not try to control either thoughts or euphoria. Believe me: everything will work out by itself. Did you have to work to relax or calm down? No, it happened spontaneously. As soon as the euphoria is realized, its wise presence ensures everything else. Do not complicate this process, otherwise you will come back.

So, repeat the QC process with your eyes closed, following the instructions outlined above. Let this part of the lesson last for about five minutes. When you're done, slowly open your eyes and read on.
How do you feel now? Are you aware of your euphoria? I'll try to guess: your eyes are open, but you are still aware of the presence of euphoria. Isn't it amazing? Before, you had to close your eyes and dive deep into your mind to find it. But look what happened now: the euphoria followed you into the world of everyday activities. Cool?
Remember that euphoria is infinite, therefore it is always present in you. You just neglected him almost all your life. And you will forget about it again ... however, if you begin to regularly perform KS, you will soon learn to almost instantly enter this state at any time. And this is the basis for tremendous changes in your life. In the not too distant future, you suddenly realize that you are constantly experiencing such bliss that you never dared to dream of before.

Meanwhile, we have not finished our session yet. In fact, the best is yet to come. I want you to continue with the QS.

Close your eyes and watch what happens on the screen of your mind. Look until you become aware of the euphoria, and then observe it with gentle attention. Don't get involved - just look deeply into the euphoria. If it turns into some other euphoria, then gaze into this new one. Do it within 3-5 minutes.
Then, when you feel that the time has come, slowly open your eyes and continue the QC process.
Sit with your eyes open and, looking relaxed in front of you, be aware of the euphoria. Perform QE with open eyes. You will observe thoughts, euphoria, and pure awareness, but your eyes will remain open. Continue this for one to two minutes, then stand up slowly and look at any close object. Look at him and at the same time be aware of the euphoria. Then move your gaze to another object, continuing to contemplate the euphoria.
When you're ready, walk slowly across the room. Feel the movement of your body. Feel how you transfer weight from one leg to another, feel the pressure of the floor on each foot. If the euphoria fades, find it again with simple awareness.
Pay attention to the noises in the room. Feel the air touching your face as it moves. Run your hand over a plant or other object. Include taste and smell. And all this time, return to the euphoria - you will hardly notice that it is not there, stop and be aware only of the euphoria; Feel how it intensifies or turns into another euphoria. In reality, it does not increase or change at all. You are simply more acutely aware of the endless manifestations of your True Self. This is you - the way you are meant to be. You simply abide with your True Self, inaccessible to the manipulation of the ego, which is trying to entangle you in networks of endless actions spurred on by fear. Nothing is more important and nothing is more satisfying.

Sit back and close your eyes. Let your mind wander freely wherever it wants for 15-30 seconds. Just watch your thoughts. Now try to be more aware of what you are thinking. The content of the thoughts does not matter now. Just watch very closely all the thoughts floating by.

Now try to study them with full concentration. There is no need to strain or try to somehow concentrate your thoughts. Focus your attention in a relaxed manner, like a cat watching a mouse hole. So, with casual, focused attention, observe your thoughts for one or two minutes.

So, have you just watched your thoughts closely for a minute or two? If so, okay, and let's continue.

Observing your thoughts, you should have noticed that they became calmer and slowed down almost immediately, right? They started to sound less loud. Thoughts became paler and less frequent, and thinking and the whole became calmer. In the meantime, remember that if thoughts behave differently, that's okay too. Whether our thoughts are fussy or calm - it doesn't matter. Our task is to be an impeccable observer. Just follow up to find out what they will do next. That's all there is to do: observe with calm attention. Have you noticed that at times thoughts stop altogether? At first, they turned pale, and then, perhaps, they completely disappeared and you were left alone with pure awareness. Great, isn't it? But this is just the beginning. Did you also notice that after doing the first part of the exercise, your body became more relaxed and your mind more calm? These are all very pleasant consequences of being aware of pure awareness, whether you notice them or not. You will soon be functioning in That quieter and cleaner level, even while driving during peak hours. However, we still have things to do - let's get back to them.

Close our eyes again. As last time, we observe our thoughts innocently and with close attention. This will be easier now - you may find that thoughts calm down very quickly or even stop altogether. Just watch closely for a couple of minutes. After two to three minutes, notice how you feel.

What did you feel in those two or three minutes? Silence, serenity, or perhaps peace? Or perhaps joy, love, compassion, excitement, bliss, etc.? All these good feelings euphoria.

In the next step, when we sit with our eyes closed, I want the following: Observe your thoughts and wait for the consciousness to be born euphoria... remember, that euphoria must be either very simple (peace or silence) or very intense (ecstasy). It cannot be said that one euphoria preferable to the other. Whatever it is, just observe it at ease. If thoughts come back, don't be scary, just watch them. Then thoughts will be replaced by either no-thought, or pure awareness, or euphoria... Whatever it is - a thought, pure awareness, or euphoria - simply and naively observe it and do nothing else. This is very important: do nothing, just observe your thoughts and expect euphoria. When you are aware of the presence euphoria, focus on it clearly and intently. At times you may not have euphoria, no thoughts. This is pure awareness. At a time like this, just wait in a state of pure awareness until your euphoria arises again. See how simple it is? Whatever appears on the screen of the mind, the position always remains the same: you are the observer and nothing else. Never interfere and do not try to control either thoughts or feelings. Believe me, everything will work out by itself. Did you have to work to relax or calm down? No, it happened spontaneously. It's worth realizing euphoriaand his wise presence ensures the rest. Don't complicate this process, otherwise you will be back on the path of struggle and suffering. So, repeat the closed-eye Quantum Entrainment process following the directions above. Let this part of the lesson last for about five minutes. When you're done, slowly open your eyes. How do you feel now? Are you aware of your euphoria? I'll try to guess: your eyes are open, but you are still aware of the presence euphoria... Isn't it amazing? Before, you had to close your eyes and dive deep into your mind to find it. But look what happened now: eufeeling followed you into the world of daily activities. Cool? Remember that euphoria unlimited, therefore it is always present in us. We just neglected it almost all our lives. And we will forget about it again ... however, if we begin to regularly perform Quantum Shift, we will soon learn to almost instantly enter this state at any moment. And this is the basis for tremendous changes in our lives. In the not too distant future, you suddenly realize that you are constantly experiencing such bliss that no one previously dared even dream of.

Meanwhile, we have not finished our session yet. In fact, the best is yet to come. I want you to continue doing Quantum Entrainment.

Close your eyes and watch what happens on the screen of the mind. Watch until you realize euphoriaand then watch it with gentle attention. Don't interfere - just look deeply into eufeeling... If it turns into something else euphoriathen peer into this new one. Do it for 3-5 minutes. Then, when you feel that the time has come, slowly open your eyes and continue the process of Quantum Displacement C. With open eyes, looking relaxed in front of you, be aware euphoria... Perform Quantum Entrainment with your eyes open. You will begin to observe thoughts, euphofeed, and pure awareness, but your eyes will remain open. Continue this for one to two minutes, then slowly stand up and look at a nearby object. Look at it and be aware of it. euphoria... Then move your gaze to another object, continuing to contemplate euphoria. When you're ready, try walking slowly around the room. Feel the movement of your body. Feel how to transfer weight from one leg to another, feel the pressure of the floor on each foot. If a euphoria fade, find it again with simple awareness. Pay attention to the sounds in the room. Feel the air touching your face as you move. Run your hand over a plant or other object. Include taste and smell. And all the while, come back to euphoria - barely noticing that he is not there, stop and be aware only euphoria; feel how it intensifies or turns into another euphoria... In reality, it does not increase or change at all. You simply become more acutely aware of the endless manifestations of your True Self. This is you, this is your Self, exactly what it is meant to be. You simply abide with your True Self, inaccessible to the manipulation of the ego, which is trying to entangle us in networks of endless actions spurred on by fear. Nothing is more important and nothing is more satisfying.

Look beyond your impulses, beyond your actions, and soon you will pierce the bubble in which you are enclosed.

Action will never lead you to who you already are. Track the idea that prompts you to action to its origins. There you will find the end of a journey that never began.

X. V. L. Punja
Let me emphasize that I-consciousness is not a process, but a way of perception. It is a shift from trying to fix the world to accepting it completely. And remember: this shift happens spontaneously, without effort. Everything should happen by itself, without effort on your part. Making Quantum Displacement (QS),you discover pure awarenessand thereby gain I-consciousness. At this moment, you find yourself in a state of harmony not only with your own world, but also with all other created entities that crawl, fly or flicker high in the sky. Amazing, huh?

When you realize your True Self,it turns out that there are no problems that are beyond your strength. At first, you may still doubt it, but soon you relax in the embrace of serenity, and the mad bustle of the world just rumbles by without touching you. You identify yourself more and more with silence and less and less with activity. You wonder why people get so nervous about all sorts of nonsense, and then you realize that the same nonsense upset you yourself quite recently. When you gain distinct awareness True I.problems become little more than playful children who test the boundaries of what is permitted. They are neither good nor bad. They just are. And you were lucky enough to contemplate these wondrous creations of the Universe. They are exactly the same as they have always been - but there is still a fundamental difference. Now these problems have forever tasted of inexplicable all-encompassing peace.

Total acceptance makes you beyond the reach of the sword of suffering. Outside the sphere of action of sensory sensations, you feel the Perfection. You are Perfection. Finding True Self,silently flickering in the heart of all created things, you come to know God. Realize that you yourself (your True Self)- and there is God.

And that's not all - for there is something more than God. God is determined through His (Her) creation. God exists only because the universe created by Him (Her) exists. And outside of God there is Nothing that gave birth to Him (Her). Nothing is absolute peace. You don't need to comprehend God or Nothing. You do not need to piece together the pieces of your life in order to know the Integrity. You only need one thing: do the practice. KSand guilelessly continue to move through life. This is the only mantra, the only preaching of serenity. It's that simple.

KSrepresents a shift in perception through stopping movement, thanks to which we gain I-consciousness. Then, staying in this immovable state pure awareness,we re-enable the perception of thoughts and phenomena of our world. It's as if you stop the movie of your life and look at the white screen where the movie has just been projected. Then, when you replay your life story, you will have a slightly different outlook - broader and more compassionate. You will learn to see and appreciate the I-consciousness - the screen onto which the difficult road is projected, where your life journey takes place.

And yet - this new perception without any effort on your part will create a feeling of peace, love and joy. This reflection pure awarenessin the mind, which we have already talked about. This is the birth True Self- a very, very pleasant feeling. Such pleasant feelings I call euphoses.

Eufeeling- unique phenomenon in the universe. This is the first manifestation of completeness through which cosmic matter must pass before it becomes a house in a village, a graceful butterfly or a quieter flow of lava. Feeling euphonicno threats are known. This is the only created thing in the universe, free from any restrictions and contradictions.

It is completely open and fluid.

For the mind euphoria -it is first-class dark chocolate, freshly flashed love and a flight to heaven in a rocket - all in one. To know euphoria- the most important goal of the mind. When this goal is achieved, the mind no longer strives for anything. Mind Established in Awareness euphoria,feels completely protected. He can go his own way between the horrors and difficulties of life, constantly feeling that his mother is looking after him - she is waiting for him with open arms, ready to protect and console.

What exactly is euphoria 7 . Good question, your mind identifies euphoriawith joy, peace, stillness, silence, boundless love, bliss, ecstasy, etc.

Not to be confused with our euphorismseveryday emotions - happiness, admiration, anger, regret, conditional love, jealousy, fear, and so on. I call these emotions conditioned feelings because they depend on such circumstances as the acquisition of money, the loss of money, the loss of a loved one, the acquisition new job etc.

Conditioned feelings are also associated with the past or future. We are anxious or angry xia,or we rejoice when old (or very close) memories come up or when we think about what the future has in store for us. The strength of these emotions is also conditioned. The strength of conditioned feelings is determined by the mind (both consciously and subconsciously). Here the devil himself will break his leg. Everything is very confusing, but, fortunately, now we do not need to discuss this topic in detail. Fortunately with euphoseseverything is extremely simple - and no intricate cause-and-effect relationships.

In fact, there is only one euphonic is too subtle to be defined in words, but the mind needs labels. Mutability is in the nature of the mind. Therefore, he endows the only subtlest euphoriamany different flavors and shades. It's like looking at the ocean and different weather. Sometimes he is deep of blue color, sometimes - gray, sometimes - green ... That's the one and only euphoria,reflected in the depths of the mind, it is felt now serenity, now joy, now equanimity. Thus, initially euphoria -it is not a feeling at all. However, it leaves imprints in the mind, which are then interpreted as beautiful calm feelings that uplift the spirit and fill our empty heart.

I will reveal to you little secret. Eufeeling- That's what it is True Self,It's true. Your True Selfreflected in the mind and joy, and love, and serenity. Amazing, right? True Self- outside the field of vision of the mind, just as the rays of the sun that color the ocean are not visible to the eye. Meanwhile, you can easily feel the slightest movements True Self- for it is they that awaken serenity.

Do you understand what follows from this? If your True Selfreflected in the form euphoria,then it is pure good. It is necessary that this pearl does not get lost among all the rubbish. This is a very important discovery and needs to be investigated thoroughly.

If you think your True Selfis "somewhere in heaven" or at the bottom of your mind, then you did not understand who you are - or, more precisely, whatyou are. You are still identifying yourself with the body-mind. And in reality you are this euphoria -and nothing less. remember, that True Selfunlimited and eternal. If you remember, we found out that it is pure good and this goodness is reflected in the mind. The body-mind can experience pain and suffering only when the mind forgets about True I.Forgetting about Him,you look like an amnesiac king. You are doomed to begging until you remember everything and regain your throne. Luckily for us, remembering everything and regaining the throne is a piece of cake.

If your mind is a lamp, then the electricity flowing through it is pure awareness,The white light emanating from the spiral is euphoria,which spreads in all directions and at some point meets stained glass on its way, representing the external individual mind. Limitless euphoria(light), passing through the glass of the mind, acquires individuality. This is where conditioned feelings arise.

^ For example, if the glass is gray, you radiate despondency, a red lamp can mean anger, and an orange lamp can mean happiness. When euphoriapasses through the lamp glass, it changes according to the individual characteristics of the glass. Right here euphoriatakes on the features of anger, despondency, or happiness.

The bottom line is that euphoriaalways clean and transparent. Is always. It doesn't matter what feelings or thoughts you transmit to the outside world - inside you are a pure reflection of your True Self- euphoria.If someone judges you by the color of your radiations, he misses your most beautiful (and his own) manifestation - euphoria.

As a result of the COP, the mind is filled with euphoriaand from this it acquires harmony. Then the mind radiates this harmony to the outside world - for the good of everyone. Thanks to KSwe spontaneously perceive euphoniccomponent of the moment reflected in our mind. And we also learn to be aware of this inner purity in other people. We neglect the errors of the observed radiation and see in people living serenity and serenity euphoria,realizing that this is our essence. It is at the level of awareness euphoriawe are all one.
How I opened the COP

We've talked a lot about pure awareness,I am conscious and euphoria.It's time to roll up your sleeves and ... do nothing. You should remember that KSis a way to stop any movement so that your perception, like a flat bivalve shell lying on the ocean floor, can withdraw from any worries and easily focus on pure awareness.You should also remember that pure awarenessnot interesting to our mind,therefore, he very soon begins to get bored - and returns to a more active level of consciousness, like an air bubble from the bottom of a pond.

Many effective healing techniques use this very principle - regardless of whether the practitioner realizes it. They plunge into perfect harmony pure awareness,and then return to a more active level of mind to bring healing.In order to start the healing process, we leave the level of that very awareness (pure awareness). which, in fact, heals. Restless mind, unable to find in pure awarenessnothing interesting, turns to the outside world for more fun activities. Imagine the energy we could gather if we could still focus our minds on the source of healing. We would receive incredibly powerful healing powers. Such a technique would not only effectively save us from physical and mental ailments, but would also affect all areas of our life: spirituality, social problems, education, environment, politics, mental and physical processes. Well, be prepared to be surprised: there is such a technique!

CS is just such a method. This is truly a genius creation. I speak with all my usual modesty. I opened KSnot because of outstanding intelligence or sharp observation. (Everyone who knows me will readily acknowledge that I do not possess such qualities.) Quite the opposite: I discovered the art of giving up after my years of efforts were unsuccessful. (See Appendix B.) I have failed on both the outer and the inner path. Finally I gave up, and then it dawned on me: all this time, right in front of my nose was a hidden third way!

When I humbly accepted what it was and stopped trying to fix anything, the heavens opened and the transcendent sun shone so brightly that I had to buy dark glasses for the Third Eye. A wonderful feeling! And when I began to look deeper into this amazing feeling, it intensified! There was no other reason for my delight other than that I had stopped all my previous activities and began to observe what would come of it. However, I did not try to find the reasons for what happened. It was enough for my mind that he already knew. And if I still tried to analyze what was happening, the feeling of joy and limitless presence disappeared. So I stopped trying and euphoriaoverwhelmed me again. It was all extremely simple and powerful. In the words of Padahasta, it was just like a fruit in my palm.

Very soon I learned to keep it euphoriaduring daily activities. Weak at first, and then more and more intense pure awarenessand euphoriacontinued to shine in me even when performing the most energy-intensive activities. Nowadays it is very rare that any business supplants my euphoria,and if this happens, then only for a few moments - euphoriacomes back almost immediately and we embrace each other again like good old friends.
How to do KS

I hope you have already decided to master COP ...Then let's start learning. I've been looking forward to this moment ever since I started writing this book, and I think now is the time. So are you ready? Let's start.
First of all, find yourself a quiet place with comfortable chairwhere you won't be disturbed by family, friends, animals and phone calls for 30 minutes. You can also ask someone to read the instructions for you, but just read - no chatter! Or you can write down the instructions yourself, making sure to pause for the appropriate length where it says you need to sit in silence with your eyes closed. Well, prepared?

Sit back and close your eyes. Let your mind wander freely wherever it wants for 15-30 seconds. Just watch the thoughts come and go. Now take what you think more consciously. The content of thoughts does not matter. Just observe very carefully all the thoughts floating on the screen of the mind. Study them with full concentration. No need to strain or try to somehow concentrate your thoughts. Focus your attention in a relaxed manner - like a cat watching a mouse hole. So, with relaxed, focused attention, observe your thoughts for one or two minutes.
Don't read any further until you've been watching your thoughts intently for a minute or two. I'll wait...
So, you just watched your thoughts closely for a minute or two? Okay, let's continue.
Watching your thoughts, you should have noticed that they almost immediately became calmer and slowed down, right? They began to sound less loud. Thoughts became paler and less frequent, and thinking and the whole became calmer. In the meantime, remember that if your thoughts behave differently, that is also normal. Whether your thoughts are fussy or calm - it doesn't matter. Your task is to be an impeccable observer. You just follow to find out what they will do next. That's all you have to do: observe with calm attention.
Have you noticed that at times thoughts stop altogether? At first they turned pale, and then, perhaps, you suddenly notice that they completely disappeared and you were left alone with pure awareness.Great, isn't it? But this is just the beginning.

Did you also notice that after doing the first part of the exercise, your body became more relaxed and your mind more calm?

These are all very pleasant consequences of awareness. pure awareness,whether you notice them or not. Soon, you will be functioning at That quieter and cleaner level, even as you drive through crowded streets during rush hour. However, we still have things to do - let's get back to them.
Close your eyes again. As last time, observe your thoughts innocently and with close attention. This will be easier now - you may find that thoughts calm down very quickly or even stop altogether. Just watch carefully for a couple of minutes. After two to three minutes, pay attention to how you feel.
And again I will wait ...
During these two or three minutes, did you feel serenity, silence, peace? Or perhaps you felt joy, love, compassion, excitement, bliss, etc.? All these good feelings euphoria.
In the next step, when you sit with your eyes closed, I want the next from you. Observe your thoughts and wait for the consciousness to be born euphoria.Remember that euphoriashould be either very simple (peace or silence) or very intense (ecstasy). It cannot be said that one euphoriapreferable to the other. Whatever it is, just watch it at ease. If thoughts come back, just watch them.

Then thoughts will be replaced by either no-thought, or pure awareness,or euphoria.Whatever it is - thought, pure awareness, or euphoria,- just and naively observe it and do nothing else. This is very important: do nothing, just watch your thoughts and wait. euphonic

state.When you are aware of the presence euphoria,focus on it clearly and steadily. At times you may not have euphoria,no thoughts. It - pure awareness.At a moment like this, just wait in a state pure awareness,bye yours euphoriawill not arise again.

See how simple it is? Whatever appears on the screen of the mind, your position always remains unchanged: you are an observer and nothing else. Never interfere and do not try to control either thoughts or euphoria.Believe me: everything will work out by itself. Did you have to work to relax or calm down? No, it happened spontaneously. It's worth realizing euphoria,and his wise presence ensures the rest. Do not complicate this process, otherwise you will return back to the path of struggle and suffering.

So repeat the process KSwith your eyes closed, following the directions above. Let this part of the lesson last for about five minutes. When you're done, slowly open your eyes and read on.

How do you feel now? Are you aware of your euphoria?I'll try to guess: your eyes are open, but you are still aware of the presence euphoria.Isn't it amazing? Before, you had to close your eyes and dive deep into your mind to find it. But look what happened now: euphoriafollowed you into the world of daily activities. Cool?

Remember that euphoriaunlimited, therefore it is always present in you. You just neglected him almost all your life. And you will forget about it again ... however, if you begin to regularly perform KS,you will soon learn to enter this state almost instantly at any moment. And this is the basis for tremendous changes in your life. In the not too distant future, you suddenly realize that you are constantly experiencing such bliss that you never dreamed of before.
Meanwhile, we have not finished our session yet. In fact, the best is yet to come. I want you to keep doing COP.
Close your eyes and watch what happens on the screen of your mind. Watch until you realize euphoria,and then watch him with gentle attention. Don't interfere - just look deeply into euphoria.If it turns into something else euphoria,then gaze into this new thing. Do it within 3-5 minutes.

Then, when you feel that the time has come, slowly open your eyes and continue the process. COP.

Sit with your eyes open and, looking relaxed in front of you, realize euphoria.Do KSwith open eyes. You will observe thoughts euphoriaand pure awareness,but the eyes will remain open. Continue this for one to two minutes, then stand up slowly and look at any close object. Look at it and be aware of it euphoria.Then move your gaze to another object, continuing to contemplate euphoria.

When you're ready, walk slowly across the room. Feel the movement of your body. Feel how you transfer weight from one leg to another, feel the pressure of the floor on each foot. If a euphoriagrow dim, find it again with simple awareness.

Pay attention to the noises in the room. Feel the air touching your face as it moves. Run your hand over a plant or other object. Include taste and smell. And all the while, come back to euphoria- you will barely notice that he is not there, stop and be aware only euphoria;feel how it intensifies or turns into another euphoria.In reality, it does not increase or change at all. You are just more acutely aware of the endless manifestations of your True I.This is you - the way you are meant to be. You just stay with your True self,the unmanageable ego that tries to entangle you in networks of endless actions spurred on by fear. Nothing is more important and nothing is more satisfying.

QS - an overview of the practice Sit back, close your eyes, and let your thoughts wander freely for 10-15 seconds.

Contemplate your thoughts simply and innocently - like a cat watching a mouse hole.

Over time, your thoughts will become calmer, or slower, or disappear altogether.

Continue to calmly observe what is happening.

Soon you will feel a pleasant feeling - euphoria.

Now watch your euphoria- perceive it clearly, but with the utmost simplicity and innocence.

It will intensify, or turn into another euphoria,or some thoughts will come.

Just watch what is happening, whatever it is, like watching a movie.

When you open your eyes, continue this simple process of innocent observation.

Start walking around the room, engaging in leisurely interaction with objects.
* When you realize that euphoriaslipped away, just get how you feel. Observe this feeling for a while, and then return to researching the next subject.
Chapter 7

Whenever you need an answer, a solution or creative idea, stop thinking for a moment and focus on the inner energy field.

Eckhart Tolle
If you stop thought (and remain in this state), then in the end you find yourself in the space of consciousness, located at the base or outside of thinking ... and you realize the existence of a much larger “I” than that to which we are accustomed.

Edward Carpentierr
The process you just learned is called "Basic Quantum Entrainment".This is the basis of all practical varieties. COP.That's all you need to be aware of yours. True I.Meanwhile, if you want to apply KSin other areas of your life — for example, to improve relationships with people or to get rid of physical pain — then you should become familiar with specialized varieties of this basic technique.

Touch the person with both hands and ask them not to try to help the healing process. Tell the patient, "Just let your mind go wherever it wants."

Once your hands are firmly but gently on the patient's body, follow the process COP.And then ... well, that's it. You don't need to do anything except the COP. Just be aware of yours hey-feeling,or pure awareness,as I taught you. Remember that you are not healing anyone, and you are not even creating healing energy. You just do COP.It's so cool! While the body-mind of your patient is going through colossal metamorphoses, you are simply in a state of bliss. What could be more beautiful?

You can sometimes change the position of the hands, but not too often, so as not to disturb the patient. I advise you to change the position of the hands in turn - not both at once. When you're done, just step aside.

Perhaps, during the session, the patient will begin to sway like a tree in the breeze. Make sure he doesn't fall. KSvery relaxing, and after release from the centers of muscle tension, the body may want to take some unexpected position. Just be ready to catch the person if they start to fall.
Once I went with my friends to a festival of alternative medicine. My companions had a camera that captured the Kirlian effect - a colored glow around the body that displays emotions. One woman asked to take this picture, and it showed colorful bubbles around the head and shoulders. Then this woman asked what I was doing. I replied that Quantum Displacement.When I tell people about this, they often frown, and then squeeze out a sour smile and say, "Well, that's good." That woman reacted in the same way, and I offered her a session. As soon as I touched her, she began to fall. If I had not been ready for this, the patient would have simply collapsed on her back. I held and sat her down, and after a couple of minutes I helped her up. She said she felt good and my friends suggested that I take another picture. This time there was only one color - a solid gold rainbow from shoulder to shoulder. I don’t understand the meaning of the colors in the Kir-Lian photographs, but the woman herself and my friends seem to have come to the conclusion that this is a very positive change. Meanwhile, if I hadn't been ready to pick her up, she might have fallen and hit. I note that this is an extreme case - 99% of people taking KS,only slightly sway when their muscles and emotions are released from tension. Remote COP Remote KSvery similar to contact, only you do not touch the patient. If you are in the same room, it doesn't matter. But if the patient is visiting his aunt and her lame dog on an oyster farm somewhere abroad, then the remote KS-this is exactly what the doctor ordered. And this procedure is performed as follows:
When do you KSremotely, ask the patient to sit still, close his eyes and be sure to let the mind go free (let it wander wherever it wants). Tell the patient how long the session will last and have them call you (or send you an email) afterwards. It is the patient who should call, because he may want to stay in this blissful state longer or fall asleep (as a result of which the healing can become deeper). It would also be good to assess the patient's condition before and after the procedure (regardless of what kind of problem he had - physical or mental). I will explain how to do this in the next section of the book.

I do remote sessions COP withpatients all over the world. Sometimes I don't know anything about a person at all - even from what he wants to be healed and what his name is. And all the same KSworks. The fact is that pure awarenesshe cannot but know something and space does not matter to him. It knows what to do because it itself has created an apparent problem; and it knows where to go because it is already there. I am only a witness to what is happening, despite the fact that the ego tries to convince me otherwise.

Remote KSbrings a lot of joy and benefit to both the one who performs it and the patient. My wife Martha works as a chiropractor for professional athletes. To really improve the client's well-being, she has to work hard. Sometimes, after a complex massage session, having worked the countless muscles of an athlete, Marta, squeezed like a lemon, comes to my office and sees how I work remotely with my client: I sit in cozy armchair in a state of deepest bliss. When my wife walks past me, I distinctly hear her chuckle, as if to say: "Well, I found myself a job!"

If you have a good imagination, you can imagine that the client is in a closet room, or you are in his room, or you meet somewhere in an imaginary cafe for coffee and COP.In any case, in your imagination, you are just doing the same thing that you would do if the client was around. Imagine vividly that you are working with a person personally, and do COP.What exactly you do doesn't really matter. The only thing that matters is the fact that you are conducting Quantum Entrainment.

You can also use a mock-up like a doll. Touch your hands to the doll as if it were your patient. You can use your own body as a dummy. The easiest way to do this is while sitting -

touch your thighs or another easily accessible part of the body, then begin the exercise COP.Alternatively, you can use a photograph or even just write the patient's name on a piece of paper. Another person can also play the role of a dummy. Just work with your buddy as if it were a client, and all three of you will heal as a result. Finally, you can do what I call "air KS ",- like a guitarist who has forgotten his instrument at home, he plays the strings with his fingers. All these tools are needed with only one purpose: to help your mind. Don't feel like you absolutely need a photograph of a patient or need to know what problems you are working on.

Just remember that pure awarenessat the right time and in the right place will do its healing work. And you just have to watch.
Extended COP

What is extended KS,it is clear from the name. Instead of one or two minutes, you spend a lot more time on the procedure - up to an hour. Most often, extended sessions are performed with a remote COP.Personally, I usually practice sessions that are 20 minutes long.

An extended COP allows the client - and, of course, the performer - to be under the influence longer pure awareness,as a result of which his body-mind is exposed to a deeper healing effect. Extended sessions are especially good for deep mental trauma or chronic physical illness.
Start extended Quantum Entrainmentexactly the same as basic. Remaining able pure awarenessmore time, you will be able to notice that your mind rises to more subtle energy levels, and perhaps even see the contours of the healing powers flowing around you. You may receive revelations about how the universe works, or solutions to gross problems everyday life... Perhaps angels or disembodied Masters will visit you - but all this only distracts you from the task at hand.

Resist the urge to leave the state pure awarenessand join the game. Your task is to fulfill KS,remain aware of your euphoriaand pure awareness.Everything else is tinsel. You can't even imagine how much you can get by staying at the most subtle level of the mind and remaining indifferent. Play with the angels later, I promise.
When working with healing using any types of KS, the results appear long after the session. Even if at first it seems like nothing happened, changes can be noticeable after 20 minutes or 20 days. Usually I check the client's status immediately after the session, then talk to him for a minute or two and check again - very often, during the second check, there is a significant improvement. My seminar was once attended by a woman who had been suffering from ringing in the ears for 30 years. In the morning I had a minute session COP.The patient did not notice any changes. Before lunch I asked again how she was feeling - nothing new. Her condition did not change by the evening. But three days later she called me and said that when she woke up in the morning, she found that the ringing in her ears had weakened by eighty percent. The patient was delighted.

So it's very important not to get attached to the results. Pure awarenessalways works, but we can almost never predict exactly how it will work.
Overview of Section I

  • Most important question, which each of us should ask ourselves, is the following: "How to get rid of the need to control the world around us?"

  • The problem is that we don't need more.We need smaller.Less small. We do not need anything, or rather, we need Nothing.
When you bring the concept of Nothing into your life, as well as the experience of Nothing, it has a profound effect on you. You get rid of suffering.

  • The ego is always trying to add something to itself in the hope of improving its existence. The ego creates suffering.

  • Process Quantum Displacementacts by subtraction. He offers your mind less and less, until there is pure Nothing left.
You are pure awareness,aimed at Nothing - a pause between thoughts.

Pure awarenessabides everywhere and always.

  • Thoughts are spontaneously born out of pure awarenesswithout the control of our mind.

  • Along with the understanding that we are not in control, serenity comes.

  • Freeing ourselves from the desire to control our world, we gain not only inner serenity but also outer well-being.

  • Is our TrueI am unique. It stands with two feet in two worlds: in the absolute ocean pure awarenessand in the fragmented world of the created cosmos. It never hurts, it is infinitely caring.

  • Our mind is unable to comprehend pure awareness,nor True I.

  • Any paths give only the illusion of movement towards deliverance from suffering.
Achievement of any goals whatsoever cannot give lasting serenity.

  • Quantum Entrainmentcauses cessation of movement combined with experience pure awareness.

  • Eufeeling- this is True I.
Eufeelingis reflected in the mind as joy, serenity, serenity, silence, boundless love, bliss, ecstasy, etc.

  • KS -it is the I-consciousness that keeps the mind in bliss- but the feeling.

  • I am consciousness and KSenrich life at all levels.

  • Any of us can perform COP. KS- the innate ability of each person.