Stories about birds for children. Cognitive fairy tale for children about wintering and migratory birds

There is a film by Stanislav Govorukhin "Ten Little Indians", which was based on the novel by Agatha Christie and today is considered a cult detective. This picture tells about ten criminals who escaped justice in their time, but did not escape lynching on a distant island. A mysterious "judge" passes ten death sentences, but his identity remains unknown until the very end of the film.

Another soviet film from this category - "Ten years without the right to correspond". Ironically, this picture also tells about lynching. The film takes place after the war, when main character, returning from the front, set out to take revenge at all costs on the informer, because of whom his father was shot during the Stalinist repressions.

foreign paintings

The number "ten" is also present in numerous American youth comedies. So, the film "Ten Reasons I Hate" in 1999 describes a standard teenage problem: the father does not allow his daughter to meet with, but is ready to make concessions if she finds for her sister, who is of little interest. It is noteworthy that some of the titles in the film are borrowed from Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet.

"Ten Dirty Things" is also a comedy made in the USA, but with a completely different plot. The main character of the film will have to do ten not the most chaste and highly moral deeds in just one night, however, not at all for fun - this can allow him to help out a friend, win a girl and add popularity to himself.

But the film "Ten Years Later" is no longer drawn to a youth comedy - this film tells about the meeting of graduates, which took place ten years after school graduation. Alcohol and fun flows like water, and old love may well sparkle with new colors. What will come of this, you can find out only by watching the film in its entirety.

One of the oldest films to have the number "ten" in its title is the 1956 film The Ten Commandments. The picture tells about the biblical descriptions of the life of Moses: his birth, years of growing up, the tablets of the covenant and the legendary exodus of the Jews from the Egyptian lands.

As for fairy tales, there are periodically found names with a "ten". For example, “How a kid learned to count to ten” or “Rock-marked hen and ten ducklings” by Marshak. But among the screened fairy tales the most famous was the mini-series "The Tenth

Nadezhda Nikolaeva
Tale of wintering and migratory birds

Tale of wintering and migratory birds

Forest doctor - woodpecker said: “I have a strong beak and a long tongue - I’ll pull out the destroyers of bark beetles from anywhere. Without my supervision, trees cannot be neither in winter nor in summer.

Owl said: "I can't fly to either warmer climes. There are a lot of mice divorced in the summer, and if they are not destroyed in the winter, then in the summer they will eat all the mushrooms and berries.

Pigeon said: “I want to stay because I'm used to people. It's warm on the roofs of the houses and there are my nests. I don't want to leave my house."

sparrow thought: “Chick-chirp, jump-jump. We sparrows are nimble, fast. People hang feeders in winter to feed us and others birds. I don't think we will be hungry.

These the birds have become hibernating.

Rest birds - heron, a swan, a seagull, a crane, a duck flew away because the water in rivers and lakes freezes in winter, and they are waterfowl.

Starlings, swallows, cuckoo and others birds who ate insects also flew away to warmer climes and became migratory.

One rook thought for a long time, and when the snow covered the fallen grains in the fields, he also decided to fly away, but promised to return first.

Since then it has been like this: alone birds flew away to warm lands where the water does not freeze and there are a lot of fish and insects. Some birds stay and feed themselves in the winter. And many birds remained in the care of people to bring up kindness and sensitivity to feathered friends.

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