Cheerful letter h. Stories about the letters, composed by first-graders and recorded by their parents

| Site collection
| Vitaly Bernstein
| Red Cat

On the third night, the cat got out of the grave. Came on a hilly under the tree, he tried to figure out what happened to him. The leaves of the tree above the head vaguely whispered about something. Gone, in the semit of the summer moon night, the outlines of a small house appeared.
Gradually, scattered groides of memory began to return to the cat. The house seemed familiar to him, there was a vague memory, as if he had already lived there. Cat thoughtfully scratched the rear paw behind the ear. And suddenly realized a strange change. When he scratched his ear, the skin did not feel any touch. The cat brought closer to the eyes and carefully examined the paw. Previously covered with wool - red, with white spectacles - the paw now has become transparent. Located between the eyes and trunk of the tree, it did not interfere with seeing this trunk. Pilate consisted of air. Only on its contour could be caught a light bluish flicker. Studying the rest of the paw gave the same result. He became disembulily.
Finally, the truth reached the cat: his body, already touched by a delen, was left in this pumped earth. Here, on the grave holly, is only his soul. (People's soul, of course, is more extensive, harder. But she was in his own way in his own way). Now the cat has become clear why he managed so easily to get out of the pit. The soul is easier to do than the body. Choosing, the cat did not feel any resistance of the Earth - he would seem to sleep through it.
In this pit, in the corner of the courtyard, his owner buried him. Three days ago on the street, not far from their house, the cat shot down the car. Unlike people before running across the street, cats do not look around. Not because stupid. They simply have no knowledge of the threat that the racing car is taking. And when this knowledge comes, it is usually too late.
To the warm July morning the cat was going to visit the house on the opposite side of the street, where the white kitty lived. He did it regularly, trying not to miss infrequent days when she became loving. On these days, other cats, inhabited in this small suburban settlement, were bought at her house. In the struggle for the favorance of cats, they threaten each other at each other, organized bloody fights ....
So, in the morning, the red cat jumped off the sidewalk on the roadway of the street, without feeling no danger. The danger could come from other cats. But the air outside did not contain their smells. And other smells did not have a relationship to the cat, because he did not make anything wrong with anyone, just fled on his cat affairs. The danger arose suddenly, on the left, in the form of something big, rumbling, terrible. Discern what it is, there was no time - the cat just pushed his paws from the asphalt by jumping to the side.

Here is a familiar fragment of the book.
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Under the window there was a short whistle. Jumping through three steps, Seryozha jumped into a dark garden.

Levka, are you?

Something kept in the lilac bushes.

Seryozha ran to his friend.

What? He asked in a whisper.

Levka with both hands pressed something big, wrapped in a coat.

Healthy like hell! I will not carry in any way!

From under the coat, a fluffy red tail was leaned.

Caught? - Armored Seryozha.

Right behind the tail! He how bodies! I thought - everyone would run away.

Head, get his head better!

The boys crumbled.

And where are we going to him? - worried earlier.

What - where? Give someone, and Basta! He is beautiful, everyone will take it.

The cat is plaintively jammed.

Bat! And then you will see us with him ...

Levka pressed a bundle to the chest and, bending to the ground, rushed to the gate.

Seryozha rushed after him.

On the illuminated street, both stopped.

Let's give here somewhere, and all, "said Seryozha.

Not. Here is close. She will catch alive. Wait!

Levka opened the coat and freed the yellow pretty fruit. Cat Zapyrkal and climbed his head.

Tenka! Take a cat! Mice will catch ...

Woman with a basket of boys gladly glance view:

Where it is! His cat is tired of death!

Well, okay! - Roughly said Levka. - The old woman goes along the side, let's go to her!

Grandma, grandmother! - shouted serenitions. - Wait!

The old woman stopped.

Take our cat! Pretty, redhead! Mice catches!

But where is he you? This, or what?

Well yes! We have nowhere to go ... Dad with my mother do not want to keep ... Take yourself, grandmother!

Yes, where I will take it, my doves! He probably will not live with me ... the cat is accustomed to his house ...

Nothing, will become - the boys assured, - he loves old ...

You are, you love ...

The old woman stroked the soft fur. The cat arched his back, clung to the claws in the coat and clogged in his hands.

Oh, you are father! He suffered from you! Well, let's do that, perhaps it takes.

The old woman opened the shawl:

Go here, nice, do not be afraid ...

The cat fiercely dismissed.

I do not know if it is reported?

Donkey! - the boys shouted cheerfully. - Goodbye, grandmother.

The boys crossed on the porch, listening to every rustle. From the windows of the first floor to the path, covered with sand, and the lilac bushes fell yellow light.

Houses looking for. Over all corners, right, shake, - pushed Comrade Levka.

Sripped the door.

Kitty Kitty Kitty! - came from somewhere from the corridor.

Seryozha snorted and pushed his mouth with his palm. Levka burst into his shoulder.

Murly! Murly!

Lower Silicke in an old scarf with a long fringe, laughing on one leg, seemed on the track.

Purr, nasty odor! Murly!

She covered the garden with her eyes, spread the bushes.

Kitty Kitty!

Slapped wicket. Sand creaked under the legs.

Good evening, Marya Pavlovna! Favorite looking?

Your father, whispered to the left and quickly sleeve in the bushes.

"Dad!" - wanted to shout Seryazh, but the agitated voice of Marya Pavlovna flew to him:

No and no. How to go to the water! He always came on time. Scratched a paw window and waits for now I will open him. Maybe he buars in the barn, there is a hole there ...

Let's see, - suggested souls dad. - Now we will find your fugitive!

Seryozha shrugged.

Chudak dad. I really need someone else's cat at night looking for!

In the yard, near Sarai, rang round ears of an electric lantern.

Purr, go home, kyuyka!

Search for winds in the field! - giggled from the bushes left. - Here is fun! Your father is looking for!

Well, let him look! - he was angry suddenly Seryozha. - Go to sleep.

And I'll go, "said Levka.

When Serezha and Levka also went to kindergarten, tenants came to the lower apartment - Mother and Son. Under the window hanged a hammock. Every morning, the mother, a low, whiming old woman, endured a pillow and a blanket, champed the blanket in a hammock, and then from the house, having embarrassed, the son came out. On a pale young face, the early wrinkles lay, from wide sleeves hung long, thin hands, and a red kitten sat on the shoulder. The kitten had three drops on his forehead, they gave it a feline physiognomy a funny concerned expression. And when he played, his right ear turned inside out. The patient quietly, dismissed laughing. The kitten climbed towards him on the pillow and, curled the ball, fell asleep. The patient lowered thin, transparent eyelids. Mother moved silently, prepared his medicine. Neighbors said:

What a pity! So young!

Autumn hammock empty. Yellow leaves circled over him, stuck in the grid, rustled on the tracks. Marya Pavlovna, having embarrassed and hardly dragging a sick leg, walked behind the coffin of his son ... The red kitten shouted in an empty room ...

Since then, Seryozha and Levka grown. Often, throwing home bag with books, Levka appeared on the fence. Lilac bushes closed it from the window of Maryia Pavlovna. Looking down two fingers in the mouth, he called a short whistling. The old woman did not interfere with the boys play in this corner of the garden. They floundered in the grass, like two bearish. She looked at them from the window and in front of the rain hid thrown toys thrown on the sand.

Somehow in the summer, the left, which, having matched on the fence, waved her hand on the scene.

Look ... I have a slingshot. Made himself! Beats without mishai!

Snogat tried. Small pebbles burned over the iron roof, they walked in the bushes, hit the cornice. A red cat fell out from the tree and jumped into the window with hiss. Wool stood on his abnormal back. Boys stumbled. Marya Pavlovna looked out of the window.

This is a bad game - you can get into the purr.

So, because of your cat, you can not play? - Dreeko asked Levka.

Marya Pavlovna looked at him intently, took the purr in his arms, shook her head and closed the window.

Can't, what is your loft! I deftly, I chumps her, - said Levka.

She probably was offended, - said Seryozha.

Well, do not care! I want to get into the drainage pipe.

Levka squinted. Pebble disappeared in thick foliage.

Past! On, you try, "he said Seryozhe. - Sucker one eye.

Seryozha chose the pebbles bigger and pulled the gum. From the window of Maryia Pavlovna with a ringing glasses sprinkled. Boys frozen. Seryozha frightened around.

Bat! - whispered Levka. - And then they will say on us!

In the morning, the glazier came and inserted a new glass. In a few days, Marya Pavlovna approached the guys:

Which of you broke the glass?

Seryozha blushed.

No one! - jumped forward Levka. - Self burst!

Not true! Broke sellers. And I said nothing to your dad ... And I waited ...

Found fools! - snorted left left.

What is I going to talk for myself? - drove sellery.

We must go and tell the truth, - Marya Pavlovna said seriously. Are you a coward?

I'm not a coward! - Serezha broke out. - You do not have the right to call me!

Why didn't you say? - looking at Serezhu intently, asked Marya Pavlovna.

Why, why, yes, on what occasion ... - Selo-left. - reluctance to talk! Send, earrings!

Marya Pavlovna looked after them.

One coward, and the other is Grubian, "she said with regret.

Well, too - kidnapped her guys.

They have come unpleasant days.

The old woman will surely complain, "said Levka.

The boys remembered each other and, pressing her lips to a round hole in the fence, coped:

How? Flew to you?

No more ... and you?

And I do not!

What a fruitful one! She is on purpose for us to be afraid of more. And if I would tell about it, how she wrapped around us ... I got into her nuts! - whispered Levka.

And what she clutched for some unhappy glass? - Serezha indignant.

But wait ... I will arrange a thing! Will she know ...

Levka showed the purr on peacefully sleeping outside the window and hesitated something to his ear.

Yes, it would be nice, "said Seryozha.

But the cat has seen other people's people and did not go to anyone. Therefore, when Levke managed to catch him, Seryozha penetrated with respect for his friend.

"Here is a dexter!" - he thought about himself.

Embeding with a blanket and freeing one ear, Sergei listened to the conversation of the parents. The mother did not go to bed for a long time, opened the window, and when the voice of Mary Pavlovna came from the courtyard, she won his hands and asked her father:

What do you think Mitya, where could he go?

Well, what can I think! - My father grinned. - I went to walk, that's all. Or maybe someone stole? There are such scoundrels ...

Sereza frown: Suddenly the neighbors saw them with the left?

It can not be, "Mother said resolutely," everyone knows Mary Pavlovna on this street. No one offends the old one, the sick woman ...

And you are what, - yawning, said Father, - if the cat does not exist in the morning, the detachments of Seriously look at the neighboring courtyards. Guys will rather find.

"No matter how much ..." - Serezha thought.

In the morning, when Seryozha drank tea, loud voices were heard in the kitchen. Residents discussed the loss of a cat. Through the noise of primoses heard was heard like a neighbor Esphyr Yakovlevna ran out of the kitchen in the room and screamed her husband:

Misha, why are you not interested in someone's unfortunate? I ask where to find this cat?

An old man, a professor, having laid a short chubby hands behind his back, walked across the kitchen.

A prenegenial event ... it is impossible to stay indifferent ...

Seryozha sled cold tea and pushed the cup. "All yell ... And what they do, they do not know. Great Importance - Cat! If it would also disappear ..."

Mother came out of the next room:

Esphyr Yakovlevna! You do not worry, I will send Serezh in search.

Oh, I beg you ... After all, this purr - so that he burned out! - All her life.

Seryozha grabbed a tubette and quietly slipped past the women.

"Here the Taramars raised! I would know, I did not contact," he thought with her annoyance. "" And the old woman is also good! I burst into the whole yard! "

He was drawn to look at Mary Pavlovna.

Looking hands in his pockets and casually swaying, he went in the garden. Due to the fence looked left. Seryozha approached closer.

Peeze, "he said to Hmuro. - Moved, fool, noise for the whole courtyard.

What? Looking for she? - asked Levka.

Looking for ... Pluckled all night ...

I spoke, to bind over the paw only, and you completely gave, the fool is sick!

Oh you! Scared! - squinting left. - And here I've neither a bit!

It goes, "Serezha whispered anxiously.

Marya Pavlovna jumping, uneven gait walked along the path. Grayed hair, knot-knot on the back of the head, ignored, and one strand crumbled on a crumpled collar. She approached boys.

I disappeared the purr ... you didn't see him, guys? - Her voice was quiet, gray eyes, empty.

No, looking to the side, said Seryozha.

Marya Pavlovna sighed, ran his hand over his forehead and slowly went home. Levka spoke to the grimace.

Slipped ... And the harmful still, - he twisted his head, such words swears! "Grubian"! This is worse do not know what! And now led: "Boys, did not see my cat?" - he stretched thinly.

Seryozha laughed.

And really, herself is to blame ... Thinks if we are children, so we can not stand up for yourself!

Fi! - whistled Levka. - What kind of swakes! Think - Red cat disappeared!

Yes, he, they say, she was still with his son. So she kept him for memory.

For memory? "Levka was surprised and suddenly, slapping himself along the knee, choke from laughter. - Red Cat for memory!

The old man was passed by a professor. Going to the opened window of Marya Pavlovna, he knocked the index finger into the glass and, putting his elbows on the window sill, looked inside the room.

Well, how, Marya Pavlovna? Didn't I find it?

The boys listened.

And this one climbs? - Surved left.

He regrets her, "Serezha whispered. - It's a sorry for some reason ... Would wrap them, like us, would not be sorry! Let's go, let's go: maybe she will turn to us on us.

They approached close and hid behind the bushes.

Marya Pavlovna said:

For a long time he could not forget ... and he went to the cemetery ... there was something warm, living ... Colino ...

The window links. The boys looked frightened on each other. The old man Professor was worried:

Marya Pavlovna! Golubushka! What do you? What do you? We reserve your purr. So I came up with something. "He trembling his fingers corrected Pensna and climbed into the side pocket." - Here I wrote the announcement, I want to ask the guys to put out somewhere on the pillars. Just calm down, post yourself!

He broke away from the window and walked to the house.

Guys! Guys!

Go! - Suddenly Stroyl Levka.

I go! - snapshed in Seryozha.

The old man approached them.

Well, the ka, young people! There is an order to you. Do not refuse an old man: Slip the announcements somewhere on crowded places. BUT? Live! - He nodded to the window. - I feel sorry for the old woman, it is necessary to help her somehow ...

We ... Please - Mashed Seryozha.

Levka stretched out his hand:

Let's! We are now ... Quick. Ida, earrings!

Well, well, here are well done!

The boys jumped out on the street.

Read what is there? Said Seryozha.

Levka unfolded.

Five rubles! Wow! How much money! For some red cat! Did he sleep, or what?

Seryozha shrugged.

All sang, - he said frowning. - Maybe all residents will give. My father would give too. On the buttons, hold.

And where will hang? It is necessary on crowded places.

Let's go to the cooperative. There are always people pursuant.

The boys ran.

And another piece of paper at the station hang - there are also a lot of people there, fatty, said Seryozha.

But Levka suddenly stopped.

TPRA, earrings, stand! After all, we will delp with this thing like flies in honey free! Well, fools! Here are fools!

Seryozha grabbed his hand.

Grandma will bring, right? And tell about us, yes?

Levka, something that think, violently gnawed nails.

How now to be? - Looking into his face, asked Seryozha.

We break, - shoved the leg of the left, - and go to the ground!

It is not necessary, "Seryozha wrinkled, - will ask everything ... Again you will have to lie ...

So what to lie? In one we will talk!

Or maybe the grandmother would bring a cat and the case end? Maybe I would not tell about us?

- "Maybe, maybe"! - messenger left. - Ponali on the old woman, and she will bring it, breaks throughout the courtyard.

True, "Serezha sighed. - It is impossible! Dad said: "Scounds stole some ..."

You live well, you will still make a scoundrel! Let's go for an angle, tear and skare under the bench.

The boys wrapped around the corner and sat on the bench. Seryozha picked up the papers and, rushing them in her hands, said:

And she will be waiting again ... Perhaps, and sleep does not fall today ...

Clearly, does not fall ... and why did her son die?

I do not know ... I had a long time ... And even before, my husband died. One cat remained, and now there is no cat ... It's a shame after all!

Okay! - resolutely said Levka. - Do not disappear because of this? Come on RVI!

RVI itself! Why should I? Heather too!

Let's get honestly: you are one and me alone! Come on! Here!

Levka ripped an ad on small pieces.

Seryozha folded a piece of paper and slowly ripped it in half. Then grabbed the chips and dug the hole.

Blow! Purchase!

Both lightweight sighed.

I would not scold us with such words ... - I said unfortunately.

And about the glass, she still did not say anyone, "Seryozha reminded him.

Well, okay! Tired of me to mess with it! I'm better to go to school tomorrow. There our guys play football. And then all holidays in vain will pass.

Will not go ... Soon we will go to the camp. There, at least a month without trouble, live ...

Levka frowned.

Let's go home, or what?

What do you say?

Hang, that's all! One word to lie only: "hung".

Well, let's go!

The old man was still standing by the window of Marya Pavlovna.

Well, guys? He shouted.

Hang! - unexpectedly shouted both.

A few days passed. There was no hearing a spirit about the purr. In the room Marya Pavlovna was quiet. She did not go to the garden. That alone, then the other tenants visited the old woman.

Every day, Yakovlevna Esphyr sent her husband:

Misha, go immediately demolish the poor woman jam. Pretend that nothing happened, and do not raise the question of pets.

How many grief for one person fell out! - Summer's mother sighed.

Yes, - Kmuril's eyebrows Father, - Still it is incomprehensible, where is the purr to go? And no one appeared on the ad. We must think, dogs drove somewhere poorly.

In the morning, Seryozha rose in a gloomy mood, drinking tea and ran to the left. Levka also became awesome.

I will not go to your courtyard, "he said, - let's play here!

Somehow in the evening, sitting on the fence, they saw how the curtains clonightly rose in the window of Maryia Pavlovna. The old woman lit a little light bulb and put it on the windowsill. Then, having embarrassed, walked to the table, poured into a saucer of milk and put it next to the light bulb.

Waiting for ... thinks he will see the light and comes running ...

Levka sighed.

Anyway he will not come. Locked it somewhere. I could get shepherd to her: I promised one boy. Only I wanted to take it myself. Good dog!..

Do you know what? - Suddenly he was revived. - Here the aunt has a lot of kittens born, let's go, let's ask one tomorrow. Maybe the redhead will come! Take her, she will be delighted and will forget her purr.

Let's go now! - jumped out from the fence of the left.

Yes, now late ...

Nothing ... Let's say: I must, be sure to rather!

Serezha! - Mother shouted. - Time to sleep!

Those will have tomorrow, "said Levka disappointed. - Only in the morning. I will wait for you.

In the morning the boys jumped early. Alien aunt, who has a cat gave birth to six kittens, met their friendly.

Choose, choose ... - She said, pulling out fluffy lush lumps from the basket.

The room was filled with a peak. Kittens barely knew how to crawl - their paws drove around, turbid round eyes looked surprised at boys.

Levka with delight grabbed a yellow kitten:

Ginger! Almost redhead! Seinery, look!

Aunt, can you take it? - Serezha asked.

Yes, take, take! Although you take all. Where to give them?

Levka ripped from the head of the Kartus, put a kitten into it and ran out to the street. Seryozha, bouncing, hurried behind him.

The porch Marya Pavlovna was both stopped.

Go first, "said Levka. - She's from your yard ...

Together is better ...

They passed on the tiptoe along the corridor. The kitten has finished and floundered in the Kartuze. Levka knocked quietly.

Sign in, the old woman responded.

The guys sidewood squeezed on the door. Marya Pavlovna sat in front of the opened drawer. She raised his eyebrows in surprise and suddenly worried:

What do you cook with you?

This is we, Marya Pavlovna ... Here is a red kitten to you ... Instead of the purr ...

Levka put the card on the knees of the old woman. From the attachment looked out of the Breeding Mord and Yellow Tail ...

Marya Pavlovna looked down her head, and tears quickly quilted in the carriage. The boys backed up to the door.

Wait! .. Thank you, dovers, thank you! "She wiped her eyes, stroked the kitten and shook her head." - Everyone with the purr of the troubles. Only in vain you worried, guys ... Take the kitten back ... I'm not used to it.

Levka, holding the back of the bed, the stroke to the floor. Seryozha wrinkled, as from dental pain.

Well, nothing, "said Marya Pavlovna. - What to do? Here I have a memory card ...

She showed a small table near the bed. From a wooden frame looked at the boys a big sad eyes, a smiling face and a surprised pretty murder nearby. Long fingers of the patient drowning in fluffy wool.

He loved the purr ... fed himself. It happened, worship and say: "The purr will never quit us, he understands everything ..."

Levka sat down on the edge of the bed, her ears burned, it was hot from them all his head, and sweat was performed on his forehead ...

Seryozha looked at him with a glimpse: both remembered how the caught cat was scared and dismissed.

We will go, - said softly.

We will go, "Serezha sighed, hiding in the Kitten card.

Go, go ... Take the kitten, good ...

The guys attributed a kitten, silently put it in a basket with kittens.

Back brought? - asked aunty.

Seryozha waved his hand ...

Here, - said Levka, jumping over the fence and slamming to the ground with a sweep, - I will sit here all my life!

Well? - incredulously stretched Seryozha, planting in front of him. - So you do not see!

If only to the camp rather go! - with despair told Levka. - And then dissolve only on vacation and all sorts of trouble are obtained. Stand in the morning - everything is nothing, and then - Batz! - And you make something! I, Seryozha, the tool invented not to swear, for example ...

Like this? Salt into the tongue sprinkle, right?

Not. Why salt? Simply, how to get angry very, immediately turn away from that person, he grumble eyes and count: once, two, three, four ... until the anger will pass. I already tried it, helps me!

And I do not help me, "Sareence crashed. - To me, very one word hits.

What? - Interested in Levka.

The fool is what! - whispered Seryozha.

Stayed, "Levka said strictly and, stretching on his back, sighed. - If this cat is getting, then everything would be fine ...

I told you, tie the paw ...

Fool! Parrot unhappy! - I boiled Levka. - You just repeat it again, I hang such pills to you! Behind the paw, behind the paw, behind the tail! It is necessary to search, that's what! Bald stupid!

Consider, - Serezha said sadly, "count, and then you swear again!" Oh, you, inventor!

That's how we walked, and so she went. - Levka showed his hand to the other side of the street.

Seryozha, leaning for a fence, gnawing a green twig of lilac.

The old women are all similar, "he said," all wrinkled and crumpled.

Well, no, there are such straight, long, like sticks, those are easy to find out. Only our lowest was ...

In a scarf, or what? - asked Levka.

Yes, yes, in the scarf. Oh, what old woman! - Serezha said bitterly. Immediately took and dragged. I did not even really ask anything: whose cat? Maybe you need very much?

Well, okay, - frowned left. - We will find somehow. Maybe she lives closely. Old women do not go far ...

Two kilometers, or even three, any old woman can now smell. Yes, in what direction ...

And at least in all four sides! We will go everywhere! Today in one, tomorrow to another. And we will look at every courtyard!

So all summer and pass! Well, if before the camp, otherwise you do not have time to swim ...

Eh you, swimmer! Lost someone else's cat damn grandmother and does not want to look! - I spoiled Levka. - Let's go better. Three kilometers directly!

Seryozha spat out of his mouth and walked next to his comrade.

At least once in life lucky!

But the boys were not lucky. On the contrary, things went even worse.

Where are you rushing, sellers? Avoid, blaked ... From morning to evening you disappear! - Mother was angry.

Why do I do at home?

Well, I would go to school. There, the guys on the swing swing, playing football ...

Well, yes, football! Very interesting ... like leg, stay chrome for life, you will scold then. And then with the swings drop.

Tell me please! - Dived his mother. - Yes, since when did you get so quiet? That all patches: "Buy a soccer ball", the rest with our father did not give, and now ... see me, I'll solve yours ...

Levka also flew away from his father.

What do you say, how do you stick on the fence? Take, says something finally! - I complained about Levka Seryazh.

Many streets were obsessed during this time. In the same yard on the roof it seemed a red cat. The guys gratefully rushed after him.

Hold! Hold! Go ahead! - shouted left, turning up his head.

The cat jumped on a tree. By rushing knees, the left desires for him. But Seryozha, standing downstairs, disappointed:

Peel! Not the same: white breast and face is not.

And the thick aunt with a bucket jumped out of the house.

Again pigeons! She screamed. - So I will break you away from your yard! March from here!

She waved a bucket and opened with cold water. On the back and on panties, mashed potato husk. Boys as scraped jumped out per gate. Seryozha squeezed his teeth and grabbed the stone.

Count! - Anxiously shouted the left. - Consider soon!

Once, two, three, four ... - George began, threw a stone and burst out. - fool, fool, fool! Nor consider, all the fool!

Levka silently squeezed panties on it, sliding with them the imputatory husk.

At night it was raining. Sleeping bare feet on warm puddles, Levka was waiting for Serezhu. From the opened turns of the upper apartment came the loud voices of adults.

"We scold us ..." Levka was frightened. - Both or one earnest drove to the wall? Only for what? .. "During these days, they didn't do anything bad. "Made did not, and adults, if they want, always find what to find face."

Levka hid in the bushes and listened.

In the end, I don't approve this at all - get yourself a car because of the unfortunate cat! - Yakovlevna's Esphyrian screaming irritably. - She does not take Makowinka in his mouth ...

Useless animal, in general ... - began a professor.

Levka smiled contemptuously.

"It's good to talk, but I don't even want to eat to her," he thought about Mary Pavlovna, if I had a shepherd, I would love her, brought up, and suddenly she would disappear! Clearly, dinner not Would ... Kvass somehow drank, and that's it! "

What are you standing? - pushed him seinery. - Let's go as soon as the mother is busy!

Let's go, - Roman delighted, - and then soon to the camp!

It was decided to go to the market.

There is an old woman apparently invisible! - Levka swore. - Who is behind the milk who for what ... will gather in a bunch near the ages - immediately everyone can see. Maybe ours there.

I now remember her - she dreamed of it, "said Seryozha. Low, wrinkled ... just to see such!

The day was a festive. The people pushed randomly on the market. Seryozha and Levka, supporting panties, looked concernedly under each handkerchief. Having freezing the appropriate old woman, they rushed to her inversely, knocking on the legs of home owners.

Shamelessness! Hooligans! - shouted to them after.

In the crowd of people, the boys noticed the school teacher.

They hid out of him for a stall, waited until he disappeared, and again ran in the market. Old tall, low, thick and thin was a lot.

But where is ours? - Angry left. - At least meat came to buy yourself! Is it really not cooking dinner?

The sun began to have a very straining. Hair stuck to forehead.

Let's go kvasu, - suggested Levka.

Seryozha pulled twenty kopecks from his pocket.

Mug for two! - he ordered.

Though in three, "the merchant burned lazily, wiping a red face with a handkerchief.

Pey, "said Seryozha, marking his middle a mug. - Pei still.

Levka, closing his eyes, slowly pulled cold liquid.

Leave the foam, - Serezha got worried.

A low old woman in a black scarf approached them on the side and looked at both curiosity.

Not that I designated, guys, not that is not? She said loudly.

Seryozha looked over with her, and pushed his comrade with a swazem:

At the left, the teeth were talked and kvass splashed on the neck.

Eh! - He snapped, spreading his hands. - Earrings! She is! She is!

Grandma, is that you? - Choking, asked Seryozha.

The old woman rinsed his head:

Yes Yes...

Levka jumped and, waving a circle, shouted in all her throat:

Old woman! Pretty!

The seller, having frowning through the counter, pulled him for panties:

Return a mug, a citizen!

Levka, not looking, put his empty mug.

Seryozha scratched the head and licked the dry lips.

Grandma, run to your home! How many kilometers? Four five? Grabbing the old woman under his arms, the left shrewd.

Stove! My father, if you, if you? She was fighting.

Let's go, let's go, grandma! - Levka on the move smacking the old woman in the dry cheek.

You are like a grandmother love guys! - broke into the smile of thrush. - Show everyone!

They slow down at all, "some old man shook his head.

Dolly! - Oral Levka, swelling passersby. - Zhar, grandmother!

Darling, doves, all the people poured themselves around themselves! .. Love these sorties! - The old woman was angry.

At the gate of the market, she rested in his feet to the ground and shouted thinly:

Why do you need from me?

Kitics of redhead, grandmother! Remember, we gave you in the evening outside.

The little sister cries on it, stood like a match, "the left led.

What are you ... ago, then you want to take?

Back! Now back!

That's about ... Well, so I would say, otherwise it was broken on the part.

Does he still live, the cat is red? - frightened asked Seryozha.

The old woman was releasing the folded four-fold handkerchief, she won the face and, slowly, was walking on the sidewalk.

Alive or not? - grooved left.

And why should he get it? Thick such a quotes ... and then truth, you take it better - stupid, passion! Only and climbs throughout the apartment, on all corners sniffs ...

Let sniffs! Bad, grandmother!

The old woman released a hand from the left-handed fingers.

Take ticks! That and your cat is annoying like you. In the morning yells and night the yell. I don't like me at all. I gave him his daughter.

As a daughter? What else daughter there? One two three four...

Massed? - Armored Seryozha.

Why comes us?! For service.

But where does she live at least?

Did the daughter? In Moscow. Where she lives, there is a kids there ...

Address let's! - said Levka, squeezing his teeth.

What is the address? One thing I do not go there. The city is noisy ... The dead man in the son-in-law, it happened, and rolling on the meter ...

Seryozha waved his hand:

Murly died!

Well no! - Zakipel left. - I will go to Moscow, and with the dead at the subway riding. How the sins are dried, and getting of this cat!

What can I get it? - Suddenly said the old woman. - I brought his daughter yesterday. Here is my house. Come on, you will be!

She coated sharply to a small porch, climbed the keys and shook his finger into the window:

Sit, Sit, Redhead! What was exposed? Glass sell, persistent which ...

Levka jumped into the parisader, clung to both hands behind the frame and pressed his nose to the window:

Murly! Mixed ...

Ear, ear, look! - Surride sinking.

A minute later, Levka solemnly walked down the street.

Red cat with sharp claws scratched his neck. Seryozha, having fun bouncing, said:

He fines you great! Come on, terribly!

Just be not missing now, - spanks left.

Marya Pavlovna removed the saucer from the windowsill, poured out of him the milk milk and, standing in the middle of the room, listened. The door opened wide.

Here! - shouted left, sprinkling hands.

The red-haired fluffy whom frightened with his chest and, pulling the tail, jumped on his own mistress. A saucer with a joyful ring slid on the floor.

My childbirth! .. Yes, how is it? ..

Seryozha slapped a spine on the back. Both rolled out the door and the squeal fell into the grass.

In a brown boyish joy, they tuyned each other under the sides:

I found it! .. Found! Mustachioed - Striped!

A drum fraction was crumbled on a green alley. In white panamans, pioneers had fun with backpacks behind his back. According to side paths, touched and died, parents were in a hurry. The left knocked out of the order, jumped and waved her hand.

Watch who is worth!

At the green wicket, whonsting the eyes of the sun with dry palm, Maria Pavlovna was looking for someone in the ranks. Big red cat, twisting an inside out the ear, sat on the fence.

Marya Pavlovna! Goodbye!

Levka hot cheek pressed to the fence.

Murlyshchka, goodbye!

Seryozha stroked the tip of a fluffy tail.

Calculate spy

A foreigner in Russia can be recognized by how he utters words in which there is a letter h, for example, a "miracle" or "night". In the Englishman or German, the sound [h] campaign into two components - [t] and [sh]. The fact is that the sound [h] - affrust. It consists of two sounds, pronounced. In English, too, its affrier - [j]. It consists of [d] and [F] and reminds the sounds that we have pronounced at the junction of the words "here". But English j - ringing and solid. And our part is the opposite, soft and deaf. Therefore, we pronounce the word "miracle" as [Chyududo], and in a combination of CN for an illiterate person, a hand stretches to put a soft sign. A foreigner to reproduce [h] it is very difficult, instead comes hard [TSH].

Family ties

His outlines, according to one of the versions, borrowed from Greek y (Ipsilon). But in the Greek language there is no such sound, and the creators of Cyrillic alphabet had to come up with a new sign for h. In ancient Russian letter, the letter is very similar to C - the same twisted church candlestick. It is not surprising, because the sound [C] by properties is similar to [H]: Also affrirous, only firm. In the goves of the Russian language, these two sounds sometimes change places or displacing one other. So, in Russia there are regions in which instead of "damn" say "CHAT", and somewhere instead of the "church" pronounce "Cherkva".

AZ EMS start and end

Many words on h in Russian are back up toward an ancient Indo-European language (7-5 \u200b\u200bmillennia spoke on it). Here, for example, "Chado" - the word outdated, but we are still understandable. Praslavyanskoe ČędoTo comes from the root with the meaning of "start". This root, in turn, correlates with Indo-European Ken. The sound [k], standing in front of [i] and [E], in the general Slavonic gave the sound [h], [EN] passed into [ę] (e nose), and then in [a]. So there was our word "Chado." It turns out that the child is "the one who just begins." Another interesting story is connected with the same root. Did you think where the words "beginning" and "end" come from? Time is a loop, every end means the beginning of something, and any beginning in the end leads to an end. Ken / kon root has a time value. One of his option led to the appearance of the word "on-Cha-Lo" (the same change of sounds as in the word "child"), and the second to the emergence of the word "end". Similar alternation in the root of vowels E and about quite often used in Indo-European language to form new words with a similar meaning.

Rule of continuous exceptions

In Russian [h] can go up to different sounds. First, it arises in place [k] where several thousand years ago were [i] and [e], as in the word "beginning". Secondly, [including] turned out to be tj, kj at all. That is why we say "candle" - she "shines" and "I cry" from "crying". Another amazing feature of the letter h: despite the fact that it is always soft, we write her as if she is solid. There are vowels next to her, which usually "command" solid sounds: a, oh, at (and not me, it, Yu). But for and and e, an exception is made: remember at least one word from Chi and Che. Difficult? Almost impossible. But Chi and Che - how much please: "Celebly", "Reader", "Cheburek", "Cherry", etc. There is a simple explanation for this: once in Russian, every consonant sound was either soft or solid. He did not depend on the vowels. But then this rule stopped working, and two sounds began to hide the same letter. Before the "hard" vowels - solid, in front of softening, which had to come up specifically for this, - soft. The letter h That did not touch it - there was no solid [h] and not yet. Cha, Chu, Cho can not be read differently than [whose], [Whose], [what], and therefore, the softening letters did not need - the fact that the schoolmen had a rule "chapish with the letter A".

: Letter "h"

The letter with the number became friends,

The day of the mirror was spinning -

Amazing similarity

And draw so simple!

But the letter is capital

The view is completely different.

"CE" suggests beauty -

Chubchik goes in the wind,

The fourth is a strict look,

As a soldier she stands.

Appetizing alphabet. Letter C.

Garlic and doctor us and friend

wood if, your ailment

he will cure at one point.

Garlic sausage - hello!

ABC plants in verses. Letter C.

Chumazy boy eaten

Fell from the cherry - grew bump,

Will continue to be science - to get something,

Best of all on the stairs to get up.

Alphabet animals in verses. Letter C.

Seagulls with cry fly

Above sea wave

Screams overlap them

Terrible roar of the surf,

Crashing into dust about the rock

Waves swell seek

Only seagulls - the children of the sea -

Storm are not afraid.

ABC fruit vegetables. Letter C.

Baby Babynika ate,

So that the eyes do not hurt.

ABC in verse. Letter C.

Hours for us time showed

That we have long been late

Need to go on time

To get up on time ...

And then it will not be necessary

Our watch scold.

Turtle with a suitcase through the street goes,

At the clock it looks, reads, scratches the leg, cleans the mouth,

i talked with a worm, tea from the cup drove ...

An hour passed, and the turtle did not pass the meter!

Miracle, a miracle of miracles!

Prunes on the kettle Vlez

and said: I dream brothers

in black tea swim!

Alphabet for children. Letter C.

Sit in the kitchen with a candle,

Sits a kitten on the shoulder,

At the queue of the letter CE.

Garlic grows on our dacha.

The drawing of the boy is good.

Chicorins on a bird branch.

Crank on dancing is having fun.

The suitcase is naked things.

Charlie is our cheerful.

Alphabet for kids

Wants tea Cheburashka,

The kettle took a cup.

Turtle invited

I waited a long time, and the tea was cooled.

An hour later she came

And Bilberry brought.

One, two, three, four, five,

Let the letter "h" we need to know!

Merry alphabet for children. Letter C.

Turtle house house

wear straight behind your back.

Help from enemies

shelter to help her ready.

And under it, not knowing fear,

turtle wanders quietly.

Children's alphabet. Letter C.

With us at home in a bright evening

Wonderful pure little man.

He's dad on his shoulder

Listens to the letter C.

Flower alphabet. Letter C.

H - Chernushka

Orange coil!

Hiding from other colors

Veil thin leaves!

Alphabet for children. Letter C.

Cup with warm milk

On the table stood.

On the table I fist -

And she fell.

And on the floor of the stream

Quickly fled.

And from the cup of the shard

Just stayed.

Alphabet of the gardener. Garlic

Garlic - seasoning king,

He loves this role.

Let the town and odorous

But for turning it is the best.

Children's ABC Mysteries - Riddles on the letter h

Mysterious alphabet. Riddles - Letter H - Stuffed

Meeting and hat

visible for the mile.

Always - be it night or day -

at the post.

It is silently,

with the hostess in Lada,

Frightened forty distension

Alphabet in riddles (plants): cherry

White brushes fragrant colors

Everyone on the tree is ready to smell.

Black, sweet and binding fruit

Fresh eating, or cook compote. (Cherry)