Fables invented by schoolchildren. Fable of your own composition with moral

We write fables. 6th grade

goose and ducklings

The sun shone brightly on a hot summer day,

And the duck took the family for a walk.

The ducklings were too lazy to follow their mother,

And they set off together to the bank of the river.

And there in the water sat a grouchy goose

And everything was wrong for him:

Why make noise? Why splash?

After all, you can just admire


He grumbled for a long time. The ducklings are bored.

Here mother duck swam up:

Well, why are you sitting?

Look at me and repeat like this.

Ducklings swam merrily along the river,

And the goose got down to business again,

He began to grumble, but he was left alone.

Elizaveta Karpenko, 6-B class

Sparrow - thief

Under the roof of house number 5

There lived a gray sparrow.

He was a terrible tomboy

Thief and liar.

He boasted to a neighbor from house number 2:

“Here I have an apartment, not like yours!

I stole a brooch from a cat last week.

And there are such crumbs! You won't find a better one!"

But the cat taught the tomboy thief a lesson,

And the poor sparrow was left without a tail.

The neighbor laughs at him:

"The thieves get it!"

And the sparrow hung his nose:

“And really, what are you going to sing here.”

Vlad Boyarkin, 6-B class

Swallow and Cuckoo

Two swallows started to build a nest.
Successfully choosing a place for him,
They carried twigs and clay without noticing anyone.
The cuckoo was watching them at that hour,
And, as it seemed to her, the advice is smart
Gave the builders to make the house comfortable
For future children.
Why are you building a nest under the roof of the house?
All the birds build nests on a tree in the forest,
And you don't need clay and straw,
I'll bring you needles with leaves now.

Not noticing those practical tips,
Swallows worked, hurry!

Cuckoos do not build nests, but only give advice,
In other people's nests podselivaya cuckoo.

Irina Zhulieva, 6-B class

hare house

In one autumn park,
Where everything is always in order
The sad bunny just sat

And bitterly, bitterly, he roared.
- Oh, how can I continue to live,
Winter is already knocking on the window
And I'm sitting without a home,
I will die from the cold.

Why are you crying in vain

Building a house is easy
Said a passing mole.
And the hare just opened his mouth and said to him:
-So help me build a house,
Simply, you say.
- Okay, so be it.
Bring an ax and a tree over there, let's cut it down.
And the hare set to work,
Only his ears were ringing:
“Not here, not there, not like that!”

A week later, the case was over,
And just in time, winter is almost here.
And the mole to the bunny says:
-Take me to live with you
After all, I prompted you and helped,
And you, only you were lazy ...
But the hare slammed the door on the mole.
Deliver us, God, from such judges.
No wonder people say:
"Grumbling you get bored,
And you will teach by example!

Yulia Naumenko, 6-B class

bull and donkey

One day the donkey says to the bull:

“What, life failed?

Today you plow and tomorrow you plow.

And I'm lying under the sun sunbathing,

And every single day I drive the bullshit.

Don't you want a heavenly life like this?"

“No, I don’t want to,” the bull quietly replies.

And he does the job strictly.

It's been a month, three...

And now winter has come.

But it is a pity that the donkey was gone.

And the bull lived quietly in the barn.

The moral of this fable is this:

Don't spare the strength

Work and don't cry!

For us, work

The best doctor!

Gachechiladze Sofia, 6-B class

Sometimes a person comes up with various thoughts and strange questions, for example, about how to compose a fable. For all lovers of strange questions, we will try to give a certain direction in solving this problem. Naturally, most likely, a person who asked such a question is unlikely to claim the laurels of La Fontaine and Krylov, and nevertheless, sometimes a person wants exotic things, or he has schoolchildren. And at school, as you know, there are all sorts of tasks.

Moral of the fable

Before you think specifically about how to compose a fable, you need to understand what kind of morality you want to “mount” in it. Simply put, what should this creation teach.

If we read interviews of different writers, they almost unanimously say: "The idea is the head of everything." In this case, the volume of the work of art is absolutely not important, the main thing is that it should not be empty.

Usually, if a person asks himself how to compose a moral fable, then he has a clear goal, why he needs it. For example, a parent wants to compose something to show a child how to keep his room clean. The plot is built according to the author's intention.

Since our task is to show a specific example of composing a fable, we will use the moral of the fable “The Fox and the Grapes” and come up with new characters, or rather, even a face.


The next step in solving the “how to compose a fable” problem is choosing a character. Usually these are animals that are very similar to people. But here it is important to observe some realism. Animals should really be like people in their habits or in those ideas that are traditionally accepted in society. For example, the ant in the fable cannot be lazy, and the dragonfly cannot be a workaholic. For this is contrary not only to certain images of animals, but also to cultural tradition. And yes, this is especially important when we are talking how to compose a fable with a moral.

In other words, maybe a fable is, of course, a fiction, but everything in it must be realistic and built on the basis of at least worldly common sense.

The Dog and the Showcase, or the Fox and the Grapes in a New Way

Imagine a wet, hungry stray dog ​​walking the streets, he is malnourished and underdrinking. And then a butcher shop window appears in front of him, there are hams, chicken, meat for every taste and wealth. But here's the problem: dogs are not allowed in the store. Our dog walks around the window this way and that, but no. Glass does not allow him to break through to the desired object. And then he says to himself: “Probably they sell rotten stuff,” and goes away to dig in a nearby trash can.

This is how the essay turned out, we wrote it as an answer to the question of how to compose a fable. It cannot be said that we succeeded, like the classics, but it also seems to be quite tolerable.

Now let's talk about what to do if the fountain of fantasy has dried up.

How to find a plot and moral for a new fable?

By the way, that is why the main characters fables are usually animals. They represent some collective images all people, and if all, then no one in particular. They are laughed at because no one thinks of himself and everyone looks at his neighbor. They cackle at our smaller brothers. And all because the fabulists, thinking about the plot of the next fable, are wondering what kind of fable to compose about animals? But if animals composed, then we, people, would not think enough.

If nothing comes to mind, and you are creatively fruitless, then try to imagine those around you in the guise of animals. Your wife, boss, colleagues, friends. In this case, life itself will helpfully suggest a plot.

Child and fable

True, if a child decides to engage in creativity, then everything is much simpler for him. Children think very figuratively, probably up to 15 years, then, when the turbulent time of puberty begins, a person loses the connecting thread with childhood, and thinking becomes “adult”.

After all, it was not for nothing that Christ bequeathed: "Be like children." And the point here is not only that the newcomers to the world are sinless and very close to God, but that children's thinking is not yet blinkered, they are very close to life, to its primary source, so writing is very easy for them. For them, writing is like breathing. It is also indicative that for a child the world of fantasy is closer than real world. Children could subscribe to the words of G. Hesse: “Reality is rubbish”, but when people grow up, they take this rubbish seriously and forget about the important.

Thus, if you offer a student, for example, a 5th grader, to create a fable, he will easily do it. True, only if the parents control the process. They should ask themselves the question of how to compose a fable. 5th grade, for example, can be chosen as a target, so he should take it favorably. If you are lucky and you have a quick-witted fifth grader at home, then give the composition of the fable to him at his mercy, just direct your child’s violent fantasy into the mainstream of cultural norms and common sense.

We hope that the article will help to write at least one decent fable.

Many literature teachers give tasks to their students related to writing a fable. Most often, if the student listened carefully to how this is done in the lesson, then he will not have any problems with this task. And if the student was absent or missed everything, then he will have to be guided by the following tips.

Rules for writing a fable

First you need to find in explanatory dictionary, which means the word fable itself. The fable is usually written in the form of regular verse or prose. It differs in many ways from other similar genres in that it has a moralizing, as well as a satirical bias. More often than not, the fable ends with a moral. The main idea of ​​the author should be expressed in a short and clear form.

It is recommended that the author write his work from the very end, that is, directly from morality. Since usually the fable ends with some famous saying or proverb. As an example, you can see the statements of the famous fabulists S. Mikhalkov or I. Krylov. After that, you need to think a little about how you can correctly rhyme your favorite thought.

What will be the illustration of the fable?

Various animals;


Or inanimate objects.

For example, in Krylov's fables, you can see a picture of a crow talking to a bird or a dragonfly listening to moralizing from an ant. It is worth thinking carefully about which hero is suitable for your morality. It will be good if the reader of the fable has an image of the hero of this morality in advance, let it be a smart crow, a cowardly hare or a cunning fox.

The invented story must be written down in the form of prose. All sentences in the fable should be very short and understandable to the reader. Like all other works, the fable consists of a plot, then the development of events follows, the climax and the denouement itself, which precedes the morality itself. It's just that here each of the listed parts has a small set of words. A fable may well be written without rhyme, but most often the poetic form is better perceived by the listener than ordinary prose. Therefore, it is worth trying to read a prosaic passage in poetic form. Which size to choose does not really matter, everything will depend on personal desire. An energetic trochee or a classic iambic, or something else, is quite suitable for this.

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