Children about a past life. Why little children talk about their past lives

A few months ago, I came across an article on one of the information portals that collected some rather unusual children's sayings. It was also interesting to read the reaction of readers to these statements. In short, the reaction can be roughly divided into two types.

  1. Those who believe in reincarnation and past lives. Such users reacted rather calmly to these children's statements, realizing that all this was related to past lives.
  2. Those who do not believe in reincarnation. From such readers one could hear something like: "Children's fantasy is good."

Let's talk a little about this. And I will start with an excerpt from the AllatRa book, where it is written very well about all this.

« What is a human being? During life, a human being is a multidimensional spatial object that is built around the Soul and has its own intelligent Personality. The familiar form and structure of the physical body visible to the eye, together with its physicochemical processes and control system (including the material brain), is just a part overall design a person who belongs to the three-dimensional dimension. That is, a person consists of a Soul along with its informational shells, a Personality and a structure, shall we say, consisting of various fields of other dimensions (including the physical body, which is in a three-dimensional dimension).

What is an intelligent person? In a new structure, in a new body, a new Personality is also formed - this is who any person feels during his lifetime, the one who chooses between the Spiritual and Animal principles, analyzes, draws conclusions, accumulates personal baggage of sensual and emotional dominants. If during life a person develops spiritually to such an extent that his Personality merges with the Soul, then a qualitatively new, mature Being, different from the human being, is formed, which goes into the spiritual world. This is, in fact, what is called "liberation of the Soul from the captivity of the material world", "going into Nirvana", "achieving holiness" and so on. If during the life of a human such a merger did not occur, then after the death of the physical body and the destruction of the energy structure, this intelligent Personality leaves together with the Soul for rebirth (reincarnation), turning, let's say, conditionally, to understand the essence, into a subpersonality. When the physical body dies, the human being continues to exist. In the transitional state, it has a spherical shape with spiral structures. This formation contains the Soul along with its informational shells - subpersonalities from previous incarnations, including the Personality from recent life.

In the photo of the Soul, the edge shell is clearly traced. It consists (as it deepens towards the ball) of red (the remainder vital energy- prana), as well as yellow and white-yellow colors of other energies. The spherical shape itself is sky blue with shades of light green; has a characteristic spiral structure, twisted towards the center, with shades of rainbow and white blotches.

The information shells located around the Soul are sensory-emotional clots, more precisely, a reasonable information structure, which can be associatively compared with a kind of nebula. Simply put, these are former Personalities from past incarnations. There can be many such subpersonalities near the Soul, depending on how many reincarnations a person has.

Anastasia: It turns out that the subpersonality is a Personality, like you, which was active in the past incarnations of your Soul.

Rigden: Yes. In other words, this is a former Personality from a past life with all the baggage of sensual and emotional dominants (positive or negative) that she has accumulated in her time during her life, that is, with the result of her lifetime choice.

A personality, as a rule, does not have a direct connection with subpersonalities, therefore a person does not remember about past lives and, accordingly, the experience, acquired knowledge of these subpersonalities. But in rare cases, with the imposition of certain circumstances, a vague feeling of déja vu is possible, or short-term spontaneous manifestations of the activity of the last (previous current incarnation) subpersonality. This is especially characteristic of a person in early childhood.

There are cases, recorded in works on psychiatry, when children who do not have any abnormalities, with healthy parents, show short-term unnatural behavior akin to borderline personality disorder. Let me give you one example. A four-year-old girl began to have the same dream: against the background of the light, a boy who calls her to him, but also does not let her into the light. She began to complain to her parents about this depressing dream, and in the evenings she showed unpredictable, previously unusual aggressive behavior and unusual strength. A four-year-old girl in anger turned tables, chairs, a heavy curbstone, did not recognize her mother, threw a tantrum at her in an accusatory form that “you are not my mother,” “you will die anyway,” and so on. That is, the girl's words and behavior were unnatural for her, but very characteristic of a subpersonality that has experienced reincarnation and is in a state of "hell", experiencing torment and animal pain. And the next day, the child again became normal, behaved as usual. This is a typical case of a short-term manifestation of the negativism of the previous subpersonality. The best thing that can be done in this case is to actively develop the child's intellect, expand his horizons of knowledge of the world and wait for the initial surge to occur, a new Personality is formed.

The primary surge occurs, as a rule, by the age of 5–7 years of a person's life. The fact is that in early childhood, before the initial surge, a similar short-term activation of the previous Personality (subpersonality) can occur. The latter, while a new Personality is being formed, is trying to break through to consciousness and seize power over a person.

But much more often there are other cases of manifestation of subpersonality. This is when children aged 3-5 (in the period when a new Personality has not yet been formed) begin to reason from the perspective of an adult, experienced person. In rare cases, it may be detailed details of their previous adult life, which, in fact, are impossible to know at that age. And most often it happens that a child unexpectedly wisely speaks out on some occasion, expressing clearly not childish thoughts, and this sometimes mystically frightens adults. Parents should not be afraid of such manifestations, but should simply understand their nature. When the personality of the child is formed, they will pass.

So, each subpersonality retains the individuality of its past consciousness in the form of desires, aspirations that dominated during its active life. Personality, as I said, has no direct connection with subpersonalities, that is, a person does not consciously remember his past lives. However, at the subconscious level, such a connection between the Personality and subpersonalities remains. Indirectly, the latter can influence the Personality and "push" it to certain actions, inclining to make certain decisions. This happens at an unconscious level. In addition, subpersonalities, figuratively speaking, are like "foggy filters", due to which the direct connection between the Soul and the new Personality is significantly hampered, so to speak, between the source of Light and the one who needs it. " (pp. 83-89)

Well, now, I will give examples of interesting children's sayings, of which there are enough on the Internet.

I am not giving the full story, because it is big, but in short, Maksim's mother had an older brother, 14 years older than her. He loved and cared for his sister very much, their dad died early. My brother was a civil aviation pilot and died in a car accident while returning home from a flight. The story ends with the words of little Maxim: “Do you remember, I promised to take you on a plane? So, when I grow up, I will definitely become a pilot and fulfill my promise, mom! "

“A boy with a long red mark on his head was born in the Druze community on the border between Syria and Israel.

When the child was 3 years old, he told his parents that he was killed in a previous life. He also remembered that his death came from a blow to the head with an ax.

When the boy was brought to the village from his memories, he was able to give his name in a past life. Local residents said that such a person actually lived here, but disappeared about 4 years ago.

The boy remembered not only his home, but also gave the name of his killer.

When he met the child, this man seemed frightened, but he never confessed to the crime. Then the boy pointed out the place where the murder took place.

And to the surprise of everyone, a human skeleton and an ax were found at this very place, which turned out to be a murder weapon.

The skull of the found skeleton was damaged, and it is exactly the same the mark was on the child's head

“At the age of three, the boy impressed his parents by declaring that he was not their son and that his name was Chen Mingdao before!

The boy described in detail the place where he lived before, and even gave the names of his parents.

He also remembered that he died during the revolutionary actions from saber blows and shots. Moreover, on the belly of the child there were actually birthmarks that look like saber marks.

It turned out that Tang Jiangshan's former birthplace is not so far away. And when the boy was 6 years old, he and his parents went to his former native village.

Despite his childhood, Tang Jiangshan was able to find his home without difficulty. To the surprise of everyone, the boy spoke fluently in the dialect of the place where they arrived.

Entering the house, he recognized his former father and introduced himself as Chen Mingdao. Sande - the boy's former father could hardly believe the child's story, but the details that the boy told about his past life forced him to admit his son.

Since then, Tang Jiangshan has had another family. His past life father and sisters accepted him as the former Chen Mingdao. "

(English Ian Pretyman Stevenson) (October 31, 1918 - February 8, 2007) - Canadian-American biochemist and psychiatrist. The object of his study was the presence in children of information about the lives of people who lived before them (which, according to Stevenson, proved reincarnation, or reincarnation).

Over the course of 40 years, Stevenson has investigated over 3,000 child reports of past events. Each time, the researcher documented the child's stories and compared them with actual events.

Stevenson tried to find explanations for the phenomenon not only in terms of the possibility of transmigration of souls, he tried to exclude both deliberate deception and cases where children could accidentally receive information in the usual way, or if there is a high probability of false memories of both the subject himself and members of his current or supposed past family ... Stevenson rejected several cases. Stevenson did not claim that his research proved the existence of reincarnation, cautiously calling these facts "supposed reincarnation," and considered reincarnation not the only, but still the best explanation for most of the cases he studied.

After spending many years researching reincarnation, Stevenson wrote:

“Orthodox theory in psychiatry and psychology presents the human personality as a product of the genetic material of a person (inherited from ancestors through parents), which changes under the influence of the environment in the prenatal and postnatal periods. But I have found that there are cases that we cannot satisfactorily explain by genetics, environmental influences, or a combination of both. ”(Family Circle, June 14, 1978)

Stevenson had his own learning system, his own set of techniques. In his work, the doctor was based on the following principles:

  • families in which there was a child who possessed information about the lives of people who had already died were never paid a monetary reward,
  • studies were carried out mainly with children from two to four years old,
  • a proven case was considered only one for which it was possible to obtain documentary evidence of the events being recalled.

Jan loved working with children. They usually remember "their" previous life and start talking about it from the age of two or three. The most typical age is from two to four years, less often memories of a past life appear in older children. Often a child begins to talk about his previous life as soon as he has learned to speak. Sometimes he has to use gestures to supplement what he cannot yet clearly express in words (Stevenson. Reincarnation: Field Studies and Theoretical Issues, p. 637.)

By the age of five or six (and almost certainly by eight), these memories fade and disappear. This is the very age at which the child's social circle expands, he begins to go to school, etc. Presumably, this new experience is superimposed in the child's memory on those layers that contain memories of a previous life, and over time the latter become inaccessible.

(Stevenson. Explanatory Value of the Idea of ​​Reincarnation. - Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, May 1977, p. 317.)

In many cases, the first words spoken by children are the names of the places where they lived or the names of people they knew before, which completely discourages their parents.

When talking about a past life, the child may behave somewhat strange. His behavior may seem unusual for members of his family, but it is consistent with what he says about his previous life (and in most cases his full compliance with the description given by the relatives of the deceased person is found) ... Another feature: the child often shows " adult "attitude to the world and behaves beyond his years seriously, wisely, and sometimes with patronizing condescension towards other children. This is typical in cases where the subject is convinced that he is still an adult and not a child.

(Stevenson. Reincarnation: Field Studies and Theoretical Issues, pp. 637-38.)

Subjects often talk about the strangeness of their sensations in physical bodies. They express dissatisfaction with the fact that they were small children.

(Stevenson. The Possible Nature of Post-Mortem States. - Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, October 1980, p. 417.)

The events that children remember best relate to the death of their former personality and the circumstances that led to it. If a person says that in a previous life he did not die by his own death, then traces in the form of moles, birthmarks, scars, scars may remain on the body. About 35% of children who talked about their past life had birthmarks or birth defects, the location of which corresponds to wounds (usually fatal) on the body of a person whose life the child remembers.

(Stevenson. Reincarnation: Field Studies and Theoretical Issues, p. 654.)

The information from Stevenson's research, which I briefly cited in small fragments, in my opinion, correlates very well with what is written in AllatRa. At what age do unusual children's statements begin and end, what is their character and child's behavior.

Well, one more thing that I will leave without comment. In some cases, children talk about how they chose their own parents. I will give several examples of such statements. How true these statements are, I cannot judge.

Jim Tucker from Charlottesville (USA) is the only academic scientist in the world who has been researching children's stories about past lives for 15 years. Now Tucker has collected selected cases from the United States in a new book and presents in it his own hypotheses on the scientific aspects that may be hidden behind the phenomenon of reincarnation.

Below is a translation of the article "The Science of Reincarnation" originally published in the University of Virginia Journal.

Spontaneous memories and childhood games

When Ryan Hammons was four years old, he began acting as a film director, and commands such as "Action" were constantly heard from his children's room. But soon these games for Ryan's parents became cause for concern, especially after he woke up one night from his own scream, grabbed his chest and began to tell that he dreamed of his heart exploding when he was in Hollywood one day. His mother Cindy went to the doctor, but the doctor explained this with nightmares, and that the boy would soon outgrow this age. One evening, when Cindy was putting her son to bed, he suddenly took her hand and said: " Mom, I think I was someone else once".

Ryan explained that he can remember a large white house and a swimming pool. This home was located in Hollywood, miles from their Oklahoma home. Ryan revealed that he had three sons, but he cannot remember their names. He began to cry and constantly asked his mother why he could not remember their names.

"I really didn't know what to do", - recalls Cindy. -" I was very scared. He was so persistent in this matter. After that night, he tried again and again to remember their names, and each time he was disappointed that he did not succeed. I started looking for information on reincarnation on the Internet. I even borrowed some library books about Hollywood in the hope that pictures could help him. I haven't told anyone about it for months".

One day, while Ryan and Cindy were looking at one of the books about Hollywood, Ryan stopped at the same page with a black and white photograph from the 30s movie Night after Night. The picture showed two men threatening a third. Four more men surrounded them. Cindy didn't know these faces, but Ryan pointed to one of the men in the middle and said: " Hey mom, this is George. We shot a movie together".

Then his fingers slid to the man in the jacket on the right side of the picture, who looked sullenly: " This guy is me, I found myself!".

Although rare, Ryan's claim is not unique and is one of a total of more than 2,500 cases that psychiatrist Jim Tucker has collected in his archives at the Department of the Medical Center for Perceptual Research at the University of Virginia.

At two years old, children remember their past life

For nearly 15 years, Tucker has been researching the stories of children who, typically between the ages of the second and the sixth year of life, claim to have lived before. Sometimes these children can even describe in sufficient detail the details of these previous lives. It is very rare that these previously deceased persons are famous or popular, and often not at all known to the families of these children.

Tucker, one of only two scientists in the world studying this phenomenon, explains that the complexity of such experiences is different. Some of them can be easily identified, for example, when it is clear that the harmless stories of children occur in those families where they have lost a close relative.

In other cases, as in Ryan's case, the logical explanation is the scientific explanation, says Tucker, which is both simple and surprising at the same time: " One way or another, the child remembers memories from another life.".

"I understand that this is a big step to understand and accept that there is something beyond what we can see and touch."Explains Tucker, who served as medical director of the University Children's Hospital (Child and Family Psychiatric Clinic) for nearly a decade." However, this is evidence that such incidents need to be addressed, and if we look closely at such incidents, it makes the most sense to explain thatthe transfer of memories takes place ".

The key to the existence of reincarnation

In his latest book, Return to Live, Tucker describes some of the most compelling cases he has studied in the United States and presents his arguments that recent discoveries in quantum mechanics, the science of how tiny particles behave in nature, are the key to the existence of reincarnation.

"Quantum physics assumes that our physical world arises from our consciousness, Says Tucker. - This point of view is represented not only by me, but also by a large number of other scientists.".

While Tucker's work generates heated debate in the scientific community, his research is based in part on cases that his predecessor, who died in 2007, Ian Stevenson, who collected cases around the world, led to no less misunderstanding.

For Michael Levine, director of the Center for Reconstructive and Regenerative Developmental Biology at Tufts University and the author of the academic review of Tucker's first book, which he describes as "top-notch research," the controversy stems from the models of science currently in use that can neither disprove nor prove. Tucker's discoveries: " When you fish with a net with big holes, you will never catch fish that are smaller than those holes. What you find is always limited by what you are looking for. Current methods and concepts are simply not able to handle this data".

Tucker, whose research is funded entirely by the foundation, began research on reincarnation in late 1990 after he read an article in the Charlottesville Daily Progress about the Ian Stevenson Research Fellowship on Near-Field Death: " I was interested in the idea of ​​life after death and the question of whether the scientific method can be used to study this area.".

After initially volunteering in Stevenson's department for several years, he became a permanent member of the team and passed on Stevenson's notes that date back in part to the early 1960s. " This job, Says Tucker, gave me an amazing understanding".

Tucker's research results in numbers

Approximately 70 percent of the children studied died (in their past life) from violent or unexpected death. About a third of these cases are recalled by boys. This corresponds almost exactly to the proportion of men with unnatural causes of death in the normal population.

While incidents are more commonly reported in countries where reincarnation is part of a religious culture, there is no correlation between the frequency of incidents and the religious beliefs of families facing reincarnation, according to Tucker.

One in five children who report a previous life they also talk about the transition period between lives - between birth and death. However, in these stories it is almost impossible to find a match for how this transition is experienced. Some of the children claimed that they were in the "House of God", while others stated that they waited at the place of their death before they "entered" their (new) mothers.

In cases where the children's stories could be attributed to some other person, the duration of this transition period, as a rule, ranged from about 16 months.

What are the features of such children?

Further research by Tucker and others showed that children who have touched this phenomenon generally have IQs above average, but they do not have higher than average increased mental impairments and behavior problems. None of the children studied tried to free themselves from painful situations in the family with the help of descriptions of such stories.

About 20 percent of the children surveyed had scar-like birthmarks or malformations that resembled the spots and wounds of those people whose lives they remembered and who they received shortly or at the time of death.

Most of these statements of children decline by the age of six, which corresponds to the time, according to Tucker, when the child's brain prepares for a new phase of development.

Despite the transcendental nature of their stories, almost none of the children studied and documented showed other signs of "supernatural" ability or "enlightenment," Tucker wrote. " My impression is that although some children make philosophical remarks, most of them are perfectly normal children. You could compare this to a situation where a child on his first day of school is not actually smarter than his last day of kindergarten.".

Growing up as a Southern Baptist in North Carolina, Tucker explores other more mundane explanations as well, and investigates cases of financial and publicity fraud as well. " But in most cases, this information does not bring film contracts., Says Tucker, and many families, especially in the Western world, are embarrassed to talk about their child's unusual behavior".

Of course, Tucker does not rule out even a simple childhood fantasy as an explanation, but that cannot explain the richness of detail with which some children remember the previous person: " It goes against all logic that it could all be just a coincidence.".

In many cases, the researcher goes on to say, false eyewitness accounts are uncovered, but there have been dozens of examples where parents have carefully documented their children's stories from the beginning.

"None of the rational explanations put forward so far can still explain another pattern in which children, as in Ryan's case, associate strong emotions with their memories." Tucker wrote.

Tucker believes that the relatively small number of cases he and Stevenson have been able to collect in America over the past 50 years can be explained by the fact that many parents simply ignore or misinterpret their children's stories: " When children are made to understand that they are not being listened to or believed, they simply stop talking about it. They understand that they are not supported. Most kids want to please their parents".

A Quantum Physics View of Consciousness

How exactly consciousness, or at least memories, can be transmitted from one person to another is still a mystery. But Tucker believes the answer can be found in the foundations of quantum physics: Scientists have long known that matter, like electrons and protons, creates events when they are observed.

A simplified example is the so-called experiment with two slits: if you allow light to fall through a hole with two small gaps, behind one of which is a photoreaction plate, and do not observe this process, then the light passes through both slits. If you observe the process, then the light falls, as the plate shows, only through one of the two holes. The behavior of light, light particles, thus changes, although the only difference is that the process was observed.

In fact, controversial and powerful debate also revolves around this experiment and its results. Tucker, however, believes, like the founder of quantum physics, Max Planck, that the physical world can be changed by non-physical consciousness, and perhaps it even originated from it.

If that were the case, then consciousness would not need a brain to exist. For Tucker, therefore, there is no reason to believe that the death of the brain also ends consciousness: " It is possible that consciousness manifests itself in a new life.".

Robert Pollock, director of the Center for the Study of Science and Religion at Columbia University, notes that scientists have long racked their brains over what role observation might have in the physical world. However, the hypotheses put forward are not necessarily scientific: " Such debates among physicists usually focus on the clarity and beauty of such an idea, rather than on circumstances that simply cannot be proven. In my opinion, this is anything but a scientific debate. I think that Planck and his followers observed and observe this behavior of small particles, on the basis of which they drew conclusions about consciousness and thereby expressed hope. Although I hope they are correct, there is no way to prove these ideas or disprove them.".

Tucker, in turn, explains that his hypothesis is based on more than just wishful thinking. There is much more than just hope. " If you have direct positive evidence for a theory, it matters even when there is negative evidence against".

Ryan's meeting with his daughter in a past life

Cindy Hamons was not interested in these discussions when her preschool son recognized himself in a photo over 80 years ago. She just wanted to know who this man was.

There was no information about this in the book itself. But Cindy soon found out that the man in the photo, whom Ryan called "George," is now the almost forgotten movie star George Raft. Who was the person in whom Ryan recognized himself, Cindy was still not clear. Cindy wrote to Tucker, whose address she also found on the Internet.

Through him, the photo got into the film archive, where after several weeks of searching it turned out that the gloomy-looking man was a little-known actor Martin Martyn during his lifetime, who was not mentioned in the credits of the film "Night after Night".

Tucker did not report his discovery to the Hamons family when he came to visit them a few weeks later. Instead, he put four black and white photographs of women on the kitchen table, three of which were random. Tucker asked Ryan if he recognized one of the women. Ryan looked at the photos and pointed to a photo of a woman he knew. It was Martin Martyn's wife.

Sometime later, the Hamons traveled to California with Tucker to meet Martyn's daughter, who was found by the editors of a television documentary about Tucker.

Before meeting Ryan, Tucker spoke to a woman. The lady was reluctant to talk at first, but during the conversation she was able to reveal more and more details about her father, which confirmed Ryan's stories.

Ryan said that "he" danced in New York. Martin was a Broadway dancer. Ryan said that he was also an "agent" and that the people he worked for had changed their names. In fact, Martyn worked for many years after his career as a dancer for a well-known talent agency in Hollywood that came up with creative aliases. Ryan also explained that his old address had the word "rock" in it.

Martyn lived at 825 North Roxbbury Drive in Beverly Hills. Ryan also revealed that he knew a man named Senator Five. Martin's daughter confirmed that she has a photograph of her father, along with Senator Irving Ives of New York, who was in the US Senate from 1947 to 1959. And yes, Martyn had three sons, whose names the daughter, of course, knew.

But her meeting with Ryan didn't go well. Ryan extended his hand to her, but hid behind his mother for the rest of the conversation. He later explained to his mother that the woman's energy had changed, after which his mother explained to him that people change when they grow up. " I don't want to go back (to Hollywood), Ryan explained. - I want to leave only this (my) family. "

Over the next weeks, Ryan spoke less and less about Hollywood.

Tucker explains that this happens a lot when children meet with the families of the people they think they were. " This seems to confirm their memories, which then lose their intensity. I think that they then realize that no one from the past is waiting for them anymore. Some children are sad because of this. But in the end they accept it and turn their attention completely to the present. They pay attention to the fact that they should live in the here and now - and of course, this is exactly what they should be doing. ".

Translation by Alena Ivanova, 2nd year student of the Institute of Reincarnation.

Copying materials strictly with the indication of the journal Reincarnation.

“Recalling their own deaths, many of the subjects gained confidence in life. They were no longer afraid of death. They realized that death is not the end, it is a new beginning. For everyone, the memory of death was a source of inspiration, giving the opportunity to change the course of all life. " “If energy is not created out of nothing and does not disappear anywhere without a trace, and our soul is energy and life force is energy, then why not allow reincarnation? Since no energy dies, why don't we continue to change and transform? " Two excerpts from the book "Past Lives of Children" by American Carol Bowman will immediately determine your mood on the topic. Either you are a 100% realist and nothing outside the ordinary does not interest you, or you are curious in a good way. Still, probably, there are no people, almost no, who, at least occasionally, at least in passing, did not wonder where my thoughts, feelings, sensations, experiences, my whole inner world will go after my death ...

The other day, again, a message about the discovery of British scientists passed through all channels: our consciousness does not die with our physical death. Some are absolutely sure of this, others believe that scientists in this way knock out money for further research. And the phenomenon of deja vu-deja vu, literally translated into Russian - "already seen"? More often it happens at a young age, fading away over the years, as if under the layers of life with its worries and problems. And what vivid moments happen when a sound, a smell, some thing, a tiny detail suddenly cut you off from reality, as if for a moment you were transported to where you were once. Stunning moments! The daeja vu experience is too real to be denied.

Have you ever listened to the strange stories of young children between the ages of two and five? Once the son of my friend (now an adult boy, but then under five) told in detail how he found a wallet on the road. Fifteen years have passed, and I cannot forget this seemingly insignificant case, the narration was so detailed: the wallet lay on the side of the road, sprinkled with small pebbles, brown, with cracks, and there were ancient coins... I remember a friend said: "Again fantasies ..." And here is what Carol Bowman writes about this. A child, carried away by fantasy, creates a temporary reality that changes according to his will: now he is a soldier, and in a minute a doctor or a tsar. Memories of past lives are a coherent reality with detailed, reliable details. She is confident that a mother who knows her child well can distinguish fantasy from memories of past lives. And the impetus for her research was given by her four-year-old son: he suddenly had a violent hysteria during the fireworks, and then he began to tell that he was a soldier, as it was later clarified, in the American Civil War. Carol studied a few studies on the topic of reincarnation, collected a huge amount of facts.

Leah, a two-year-old girl, was driving with her mother in the car on a special child seat and looking out the window. On the bridge over a deep gorge, she clearly and confidently said: "Mom, this very much resembles the place of my death." The mother even stopped the car and carefully asked a few questions. And this is what I heard: “The car fell from the bridge into the river. I was not wearing a belt, and I flew into the water. I was lying on the stones and saw a bridge above, sparkling in the sun, and bubbles that were rising up. " The mother was stunned: her tiny daughter could never see any bubbles in the water anywhere. For about a year, Leah occasionally recalled her death and was always worried about seat belts.

The baby had an ear ache and explained that he was hit by a big truck on the street and died. A two-year-old girl was presented with a toy dog. In great excitement, she said that the dog reminds her of the dog Muff, which she had before. The girl constantly talked about four gray houses, about her mother "in long skirt". Her “fantasies” seemed too stable to her parents. And one day the girl asked why she was not a boy who lived by the railroad. On the tracks he was killed by a train. She even named the town of Harward and the surname Benson. It turned out that it was not far away, and one day the family went there. The reality coincided with the description given by the child. The Bensons were found in church books. Indeed, in 1875 they had a boy, but after six years, mentions of him disappeared.

"Investigations" by Dr. Ian Stevenson

But the most striking facts of children's memories of past lives are provided by India, they periodically appear in the press. And there is an explanation for this, but more on that later.

Swarnlata Mishra was born in 1948. When, at the age of three, she was driving with her father past the town of Katney, located at a distance of hundreds of miles from her home, she suddenly pointed to the side and asked the driver to turn to "her house." And then other details began to appear, which my father wrote down. The girl's name in that life was Biya. She described her home inside and out, remembered railroad and a lime kiln, a school. She died of "sore throat" and remembered the doctor's name. The rumor about Swarnlat spread, and one day the husband, son and brother of the real Biya, who died in 1939, came to her family's house, and she was ten at the time, without warning. Swarnlata immediately recognized her older brother and affectionately called him "Babu", as she had called in that life. The ten-year-old girl recognized Biya's husband and her son, who was thirteen years old at the time of her death. They tried to knock her down, posing as other people, but she stood her ground. Swarnlata reminded her ex-husband that before she died she had given him two thousand rupees in a box. And that was true. A few weeks later, the girl was brought to the house where Biya lived and died. She immediately noted the changes, asked about the parapet, about the tree, which was now gone. She remembered and named more than twenty people from among the relatives and friends of Biya with the emotions corresponding to their relationship. Swarnlata grew up, graduated from university, got married and kept in touch with the Biya family.

More Indian phenomena. Four-year-old Ravi told his parents that he was Munna, the son of a hairdresser. He described in great detail how two men, another hairdresser and a window cleaner, lured him into the garden, slit his throat and buried him in the sand. These "fantasies" began to bore his loved ones, and the boy also threatened to run away "to his other family." Rumors of an unusual child reached the real Munna's father. They met, and the boy recognized him, remembered his toys, the watch that his father bought for him in Bombay. Ravi was born with a stripe running all the way down his neck, reminiscent of a long knife scar. With age, it began to decrease. Yes, even at the age of eighteen, Ravi himself did not remember anything, and knew about his memories only from the stories of his relatives. The Shamlini girl screamed when trying to redeem her and cried hysterically when traveling on the bus. After learning to speak, she said that she was hit by a bus while walking along a dam during a flood.

Indian facts were compiled by Ian Stevenson, MD, psychiatrist, whose works were studied by Carol Bowman. Faced with the facts of children's past life memories, he traveled to India in 1961 to investigate a case he knew. Three years later, there were over four hundred of them. Dr. Stevenson's innovation is that he turned to young children for evidence of reincarnation. The memory of a child, unlike that of an adult, is pure, not touched by worldly experience, not clogged with books and especially television. Ian Stevenson limited his research to spontaneous memories only, without any exposure to hypnosis or other stimuli. Like a detective, Stevenson sets the goal of uncovering a case, verifying it (verification is checking the truth, establishing certainty). He does his best to avoid mistakes. He uses the services of two or even three translators, records on a tape recorder, collects documentary evidence, builds a chronology of memories, takes only testimony from witnesses, and not from second hand. Conducts "cross-examination" of the child, his family members, relatives of the previous person - a term for determining the deceased. He considers as verified only the case that can be explained beyond any doubt only by memories of a past life. There are about nine hundred of them in his archives. Why is the vast majority of cases from India? Perhaps the fact is that in this country they have always believed in reincarnation. That is why parents do not consider such recollections of children to be "children's fantasy." They listen to the child, go to meet him, if he wants to go to the place of his past life.

Has Dr. Stevenson proven that reincarnation - the reincarnation of a soul into another body - exists? He himself insists that he has collected evidence in favor of reincarnation, but he never says that it is proven. His position: here's evidence for you, and then decide for yourself. Carol Bowman does not hide the fact that she believes in the reality of past life memories. What are their common features?

Listen to a child with heart and soul

The first is extraordinary early age when children begin to remember themselves in the image of previous personalities: between two and five years, or even earlier, as soon as they begin to compose the first phrases. Later, the memories fade away, sink into the subconscious, pale like dreams in the morning. The second trait is phobias (fears) in children with pronounced memories of past lives. More than a third of these children have fears related to the cause of their death in that life. If the previous person died under the wheels of a truck, then the child is afraid of cars. If drowned, he is afraid of water. Fear of heights, fear of airplanes can be associated with a fall. Dr. Stevenson's findings provide confirmation of what psychotherapists have guessed: deaths in a past life cause phobias in the present one. The third feature is the significance of the moment of death. More than 70 percent of children, according to Dr. Stevenson's research, remember how they died, and half forcibly. Death leaves a much deeper imprint on the memory than everyday events. And especially a violent death that comes suddenly, unexpectedly, scary, with strong emotions. The author of the book confronts these conclusions with the conclusions of other psychotherapists, turns to Eastern philosophies - Buddhist, Hindu, in particular, to the fact that consciousness exists separately from the body and continues after death. This idea is difficult for people of European culture to understand, we were taught something completely different, that consciousness is born with the body and fades away with it. But now, even in our long-blinkered country, there are many supporters of reincarnation.

So, if we return to the significance of the moment of death, then with a sudden, terrible death, a person does not have time to comprehend his life and his departure. And he dies as if incompletely, overwhelmed by negative emotions - fear, hatred, guilt, anger ... This means that he leaves this world "with unfinished business of the soul" and transfers these emotions intact into other lives. And already there he suffers from fears, incomprehensible experiences, becomes a patient of psychiatrists. Why are most childhood memories tragic? Because at the heart of their stress in a past life, a terrible death. Happy long life, blissful calm departure into another world does not lead people in another life to a psychotherapist.

Carol Bowman, having studied what was possible, went on. She decided to confirm that childhood memories can heal. Few of my friends and acquaintances accepted this idea. In some, skepticism prevailed. Others felt that she had forgotten about common sense. (It is possible that the readers of "Vecherka" are experiencing something similar now.) One friend said that Carol entered dangerous territory, from where there may be no return ... But Carol found like-minded people. Participated in the conference of the Association for the Study and Therapy of Past Lives. She was invited to the famous Oprah Winfrey show in the USA, after which she became quite famous in the USA and began to receive letters and calls, which expanded and replenished her knowledge of reincarnation and the possibilities of healing. I decided to write a book for parents: to help them recognize the true memories of children about past lives, transfer them to the level of consciousness and thus heal from fears and complexes.

Carol Bowman identifies four features of past life memories that are designed for personal communication with a child. A confident tone when children do not wait for the reaction of their parents, but directly declare something that is not even subject to doubt: it was - and that's it. Impermanence in time, stability of memories, no matter how much time has passed since the moment of the first mention of the past. The child can enter additional details, but the skeleton of the event is always preserved. The third sign is knowledge that cannot be explained by experience. A boy and a half years old suddenly says that he died while skating: he fell and hit his head on the ice. And he names a small town, the existence of which even his parents do not know. But they find this town on the map. Suddenly the child begins to speak in words and phrases in an incomprehensible language, which he could not even hear in this life, for example, in Aramaic, and he sounded two thousand years ago. The fourth sign is the correspondence of past life behavior. The little boy, who first appeared in the cockpit of a small plane, examined the instrument panel, pressed the buttons, the pedals - he demonstrated that he knows how it all turns on.

Parents in any case should not brush it off, laugh it off at the strange words and behavior of their children. Remain calm, show interest, admit the truthfulness of the child's story, even if you suddenly hear: "When I was with another mother, I was a boy." Try to understand what your child wants to express, Carol advises. No need to ask the question "Why?" This word forces the child to seek explanations or interpretations, interrupting the flow of memories. And it is imperative to show sincere interest, this will inspire the kid to a deeper penetration into his memory. Past life themes don't have to be negative. A child can remember his beloved grandmother from a past life and this will warm him up. It is important to let the boy or girl express emotions to the end. Parents notice how their child suddenly fell silent in the middle of the game, staring with glazed eyes at something visible to him alone. This is where it can begin. It is possible that with tears, hysteria. Or even in complete detachment. The son says: "I was shot and killed." Then he looked at his mother and shouted in a loud angry voice: "You did not save me!" And he repeated this several times. It is necessary to reassure the boy gently and convincingly: "There was not me, but another mother." And then maybe he will tell what happened. Emotions will splash out, negative feelings will be forgotten.

It is, of course, impossible to present a book full of facts. The author advises: write down everything that your child says, and not only words, but also gestures, facial expressions. Recording is a great way to understand your own thoughts and the experiences of your child. You may discover connections between childhood memories and personality traits of a son or daughter ... There are many tips. I am sure that some people will think: they say, when you do this - you have to work, to collect for life, we are not some Americans who are well paid. It is their mothers who can sit with children. And where do we go to past lives, then we could hold out in this one. Anyway, all this is "dangerous territory". What is there to answer. If you are preparing your children for a normal life and see this as one of the main goals, then you will always find time and attention. The value of the book is not even in the search for a past life, but in the ability to listen to children with heart and soul, which was shown by Carol Bowman.

Recently I re-read the post of my country-mummy friend and about her blond angel .. an amazing child .. and decided to replenish my knowledge through the Internet. I believe in all the stories, I believe that this exists! Why not?) Do you believe that? Do you allow reincarnation? This is what I dug while surfing the web.

The memory of past lives is restored not only as a result of recurrent hypnosis. There are people who retain the memory of past lives without any special procedures. This happens most often with children. It is believed that they recall their past lives more often than adults. Naturally, their memories fade as they grow older.
Mr. Hemendra Banergi, who has lived in America since 1970, founded the Paranormal Association in India in 1957. He observed children who, for some reason, had recollections of relatives and friends from past lives, which convinced him of the reliability of reincarnation. Children who remember their past lives always say: “When I was big ...” Some argue that in this life their gender has changed to the opposite. They miss their relatives or regret lost friendships. They want to have the same food and clothing or live the same lifestyle as in their previous life. This even applies to alcoholic beverages, drugs and cigarettes.

The case of the Indian girl Symi
As one of the examples related to children's memories of their previous life, let me introduce you to the story of the reincarnation of the Indian girl Symi. Master Asahara heard it in Dharmsala during his trip to India. In 1979, a three-year-old girl named Simi, who lives in Nangal, Punjab, unexpectedly insisted on going to Sundalnagal to take her injured son to hospital. She also stated that the house where she lived was located there and that her husband, Mohandala Sin, who worked as a driver, lived there.
Due to material problems, her family did not go to meet her. There were economic reasons for this. However, a year later, her father's affairs forced the family to move to a city called Srapath near Sundalnagal. When the father found out about the existence of a man named Mohandala Sin, who works as a bus driver in the same area, he decided to pay him a visit with his daughter.
In March they went to Sundalnagal. When they were near the destination of their journey. Simi herself led her father. Approaching one of the houses, she shouted joyfully: "Dad, this is my house!" - And she listed all the neighbors. To her regret, Mohandala Sin, who was her husband, left for Mandhi on business at that time; there were no other members of the family. However, in the house, she found one photograph, saying: “This is my photograph. My name was Krishna. In 1966, I died due to illness. "
On the 21st of March, Simi did meet with her husband. She remembered exactly what happened in the past. Those who were her sons in her past life gathered and went with her to Pirasbuk to her seventy-year-old mother. The mother spoke to her and was convinced that this three-year-old girl was indeed a reincarnated Krishna. She made a check - showed one handkerchief. Simi said: “Mom, you once made a dress for me from the same material. I remember that very well; it’s a pity that due to illness I didn’t have to wear it. ” Thus, since Simi's memories were so accurate and her relatives are still alive, it was proved that she is indeed a reincarnation of Krishna.

The riddle of the little American

A tragedy struck in the family of Henry and Eileen Rogers: running across the street, he was run over by a truck and his 12-year-old son Terence died. For a long time, grief-stricken parents could not get used to the idea that their only child was no longer there. Three years later, 38-year-old Eileen gave birth to her second boy. At first, the parents did not pay attention to the behavior of Frank, all of whose movements were a copy of the gestures of the deceased older brother. They believed: all newborns behave the same. However, when Frank was two years old, amazing things began to happen to him.
Eileen was knitting in the living room one day. The child went up to the mother, wrapped his arms around her legs (it was the late boy's habit) and said in Terence's voice: "Turn on the TV, I want to watch a movie about the sheriff from Dodge City." The woman almost felt sick when she heard this voice and this unusual request: the film about the sheriff from Dodge City had not appeared on the screen for ten years. In early childhood, he was one of the older boy's favorite films. Where did Frank know the title of the movie? Hardly anyone from the adults could remember old picture... But that's not all.
That same evening, Frank met his father with a joyful exclamation: "Pa has come!" Terence called his father by this diminutive, but since the day of his death, no one in the house has ever uttered a word. After a while, the kid suddenly asked where their old red Pontiac was. Indeed, the Rogers had such a car seven years ago, in which he and Terence made the long journey to the West Coast. The next time Frank asked his father to repair the tricycle. He did not understand what kind of bike he was talking about, but then he remembered that a long time ago Terence had a bicycle with a broken wheel ...
Of course, it would be foolish to talk about Terence's second birth, but the repetition of the deceased's favorite words, his habits were evident. For example, the baby suddenly baptized Toots' dog in Butch: that was the name of the spaniel with whom Terence loved to play and who died several years ago. Once he asked: "Did you bring Robbie with you?" Robbie is the nickname of a dog that died a long time ago. The child did not even see her in the photograph ...
The parents finally decided to turn to a familiar priest, who, in turn, recommended a psychiatrist to them. The child was shown photographs of Terence's schoolmates, his teachers, distant relatives, and cousins. The doctor was amazed: Frank called everyone by name, listed their habits, recalled some episodes that happened to this or that schoolboy long before the birth of Frank himself.
Three-year-old Frank Rogers became interested in scientists at Harvard University. Now the boy spent more time with doctors in research laboratories than with toys. But the riddle of the little American was never solved.

Strange Elena Marquard

This bizarre incident happened in West Berlin to 12-year-old Helena Marquard, who was badly injured in the crash. When the girl was brought to the hospital, she was unconscious, and the doctor on duty said that her condition was hopeless.

Days passed ... One morning the girl suddenly came to her senses and spoke in an impeccable Italian language, which she did not know before. Everyone was amazed when Elena said that her name was Rosetta Castellani; that she lives in the town of Noveta, near Padua, in Italy. That she was born on August 9, 1887. Then she exclaimed: "I have two children - Bruno and Frans, they are waiting for me. Tell the doctor that I need to go home." Then she added that she died in 1917.
At first, the doctors decided that it was a brain injury that led to delusional fantasies. But pure Italian? We turned to the famous West German psychologist Rowedder. He went to Noveta with a girl and a reporter and found a record in the old parish register: a girl named Rosetta Theobaldi was indeed born on August 9, 1887 and married Gino Castellani on October 17, 1908 ...
They were told the address where she lived, where she died on October 17, 1917, and where her daughter Fransa still lives. The most interesting and curious thing was that when they came to the indicated street, Elena pointed to one of the buildings and said confidently; "This is my home." It turned out that she was not mistaken, Fransa herself opened the door for them. At the same moment, the girl said: "Here is my daughter Fransa."

Who was I in a past life? This question has repeatedly arisen from those who are interested in finding the meaning of life and their purpose. But it turns out that for some children the answer to this question is not closed.

The stories and stories below are non-fictional children's memories of past lives. All of them were written by readers in the comments to mine, which I published in the Star Hour group on

This topic aroused great interest and responses from readers, and in this article I gave the most interesting comments that say that young children remember their past life and can even tell about it in detail .. Names - "nickname" and the style of the authors left unchanged)

True stories - memories of children and adults about a past life


My younger son at the age of three he told a lot of interesting things - according to his descriptions, it turns out that one of his incarnations was in England (or the English colony), somewhere in the 18-19 century - offhand in the time of Mark Twain, with details of everyday life, architecture, interior, historical wardrobe ... in such small details, which a child at this age simply cannot yet know.

Sergey Rodnik:

Katerina, this is a very interesting testimony and proof of a past life! Could you describe your son's story in more detail?


Where do you start?

Probably, from the fact that I began to communicate with him during my pregnancy. (Now he is almost 8 years old). The most vivid memory is that exactly a month before his birth (he was born on the Annunciation - April 7), he dreams of me and says that he wants to congratulate me on March 8. What is looking forward to our meeting. What will be white and blue-eyed (this is how it is - and this is for mom - a brunette with brown eyes). He wants us to call him Anatoly. It just so happened that they did not listen to me and named my son Mikhail. About three years old, when he was already speaking fairly tolerably, she asked if he liked his name, to which he replied: “The name is good, and the angel is good, but I had to call me differently!”

Another time, which I remember, he cured me of a concussion. I didn't even have time to get to the emergency room. She was lying on the couch with severe nausea and headache after hitting her head on an iron beam. He came up to me:

- Something so on the head you wanted to stroke ... Does it hurt you, or what ??? "

And he sat at the head of the bed for about 15 minutes, fingering his hair with his hands.

Once I touched my neighbor's grandmother to tears - her hip fracture did not heal properly and she is suffering very much. She and her son are sitting on a bench:

- Baba Sonya, this leg hurts you ...

- Baby, how do you know?

- And I feel ”(also 3-4 years old)

Well, about England - I even wrote down that I had time, like in stenography courses - it turned out a page and a half, if you recreate, you get about the following coherent story: (this is during the game, without addressing anyone ... he told me - he put them in front of him and in a state of "here-now" - as if he had brought them on an excursion).

Look - this is our house, yes, this is such a big one. This is a staircase. The portraits on the walls are my relatives. And this is mom and dad. See how beautiful the flowers are in these vases - our gardener puts them every morning. Aunt loves fresh flowers (unfortunately. Aunt's name has disappeared from memory, and I can't imagine where to look for this entry now, but it was something similar to the names from The Forsyte Saga). And my mother loved while she was alive.

And on the second floor is my room. From the window you can see the garden - there these flowers grow. And the meadow is visible. And the forest. There are wolves in the forest. But they don't come here - there is nothing for them to eat. They go there where the cows live - in those houses over there. There people still live, who look after the cows. And I can feed the cat - give her milk - the wolves do not need milk. And we do not store so much meat in the house, they bring it to us from those houses. Here are the fruits - I can eat as much as I want. My room is my toys, my books, my clothes. My aunt gave this hat for my birthday last year. My dresses - this is to go to church in this, and this is my favorite! To the hat ... "

Well, something like this ... And since I'm drawing, I quickly threw in a drawing of a 12-year-old girl, Becky Thatcher from “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,” I show it to my son, he answers: “Yes, it's me!”

Then he suddenly looks at me with suspicion:

- Wait, mom, how do you know what kind of girl I was ???

Well, specifically for me, clarifications in the wardrobe: (just having already switched to children's language) hats with ribbons - some sewn, and others like baskets, made of sticks (twigs or straw), and if you lift the skirt - there are long pants with here like this (showing with his hands - like "frills") and shoes with ribbons. And the dress has laces on the back. And in front of the apron ...

There were also moments, but they are erased from memory ...

Interested in:

I'm sure it's all true. When my son was 2 years old, he also surprised us very much. We arrived at the dacha with my husband and son. In general, he began to speak very early and very cleanly. We had barbecues, we are sitting with my husband on the steps, my husband smokes. The son comes up from behind, hugs, and says:

- I have known you for a very long time, even then I noticed.

- I ask: when then? Is talking:

- Well, a long time ago. You understand mommy, even then when you lived with your grandmother Galia in Ukraine, and daddy with your parents.

- And how did you choose us?

- I don’t remember how, but I knew for sure that I would be born with you and would live with you, and you would never offend me.

- Sometimes I still remember something, but less and less - said the little boy, pointing to the sky with his finger.

Here's a story.

* Nikol *

Thank you very much for the article !!!

My eldest son, at the age of 3, said to my husband and me: Mom, when I lived in heaven, I looked at a lot of pictures and in these pictures I saw you and I really wanted to live with you.

Yeah ... ours also somehow put it this way in response to daddy (our son is the third - after two daughters)

- How long we have been waiting for you - 9 years!

We got this phrase:

- Hee ... they were waiting! Here I WAIT- this is daaaaaaaa! Much longer than you!


My 4-year-old daughter also surprises me, once again I notice that she sometimes says something - time passes and everything comes true, as the child said. More than a year ago she said that we would live in the city (she said the name of the city, we lived 2.5 thousand km from this city). And what do you think - everything turned out so that we really moved in six months and live in this city. Now she strongly says that we will buy a car and points her finger at a foreign car))) I say that there is no money, she insists on her own)))). So be it)))).

And he often says about the sea, that you need to come and say hello to some water ... during pregnancy and her first 2 years of life, we really lived by the sea. She calmed down when I brought her in a carrier and put her by the water quite crumbs, was not at all afraid of water and ran to the water in any weather ... Some kind of mysticism.

Shumaeva Irina

My son also surprised with similar things, telling that he had parents, called their names. My brother (it turns out that it was when he did not know us), but they all died in a car accident ... The next day, when I asked him to tell us more about it, he got angry and said that I was not supposed to know more, this information closed to me. The next story was about the ocean, which connects the subtle world with the physical, souls who want to come to earth enter it, and it is called “Elkraing” or something like that ... Of course, I will tell you to perceive all this ... something ... the head does not fit, it is easier for those people who study all sorts of esoteric knowledge ... well, now he often "pleases" me with knowledge of energy, where is the light in a person (by chakras) ... And so - a completely normal child ... amazing.


A wonderful phenomenon! All of the above is a confirmation of the hypothesis of the arrival of a new generation of amazing children on Earth. This is a completely new formation of people! They remember their “past”, they have a connection with the energy-information field of the Earth, and, therefore, access to the future! People! Take care of them! Create all conditions for them - they are the future of our civilization!


My girls were 3 years old and 1.5. We walked in the street. A woman was passing by with her grandson. The grandson is a little older than my girls. Stood up near us. The children played out, and we struck up a conversation. The woman told me how her grandson in a past life lived in France, stood on the balcony and saw how the Nazis from the sky on parachutes descend into his city (she even named the city and what it was called before now I have already forgotten). How was he then shot, and asks me if I did not find out from my children who they were before? I am the daughter of communists and atheists, a side away from her, a side away. She took the girls home.

And at home, out of curiosity, she asked the elder - who she was. The daughter replied - a princess. I didn't have any more questions ... They are all princesses up to 10 years old. But all the same, she asked the youngest. And she says - a grandmother. I say:

- Well, I thought that I only had princesses.

The youngest is so very serious:

- No, she says, my grandmother.

And she begins to tell, she lived on a mountain in a green house with another grandmother, there is no water, you have to go to the river, and uphill oh how hard it is to carry water. And this is a city kid from a high-rise. Goosebumps crept down my spine. I didn't want to experiment. It's a pity, maybe the eldest was really a princess. Now I would ask a lot. The woman said that children can be questioned until they are 4 years old. They remember everything well, even if they themselves do not begin to talk about this topic.

Here are some more interesting stories submitted by readers.


“My daughter has a scar under her eye after surgery, she had a skin transplant, in short, a large scar. And apparently my grandmother spoke to her about this scar, to which My daughter replied: “I knew that I would have such an eye, but I wanted so badly to be born that I agreed.” Here are some such words. She was three years old then. It is now 13 years old, but she still remembers it and confirms it when we ask her. I'm honestly shocked. I don’t understand, maybe he is inventing, but something is stirring in my soul, because in my childhood I also had some kind of "craving for a past life" in the form of very vague memories, similar to fantasy. "


"Hello. I vaguely remember the faces of some people. I know my appearance down to the details. And even a name. I know for sure that I was born as a guy in the Middle Ages. I don't remember where. Was a warrior for 19 years. I remember the king and mine best friend warrior. I constantly remember this ... I want to return ...

I would like to add. I know everything down to the details, the memories are events every day, especially when I listen to music.
I remembered some five girls, two of them are sisters, and I can even describe my family.

  • Older brother - dark curly hair, pale blue bottomless eyes, dark shirt, green vest.
  • My father is a big-eared man.
    Mother is a woman in a headscarf.
  • There was a six-year-old younger brother. Blue eyes, a round face with almost no hair.
  • There were also three best friends.
  • As I said, I was 19 years old. Short dark hair, brown eyes.
  • I remember another person and a blacksmith who made me a sword

In short, I'm tired of listing ... If anything, I'm now 13 years old.

The most interesting thing is that I communicate with a girl, she describes a past life, and all her people coincided with my memories. It turned out that she was my friend, her name was Valerie, and my name was Robert.
Yes, there were a lot of beautiful guys and girls there. Those were good times ...
True, I seem to have died from the spears of the Vikings.
She lived in Spain, as I recall, in Tanros, the war took place near the castle of Miravet.


[email protected]

Now I'm 33 and I don't really remember what thoughts I had in childhood. But from a very young age I am fascinated by the Indians and everything connected with them. At the age of 7, I read children's detective stories about Nancy Drew for the first time. The heroine went to Peru, where the book was set. Reading the descriptions of the area, the rituals of this country, I felt a burning interest. When I grew up, I did not lose interest, but another strange phenomenon joined it ...

A friend of mine gave me a cassette of North American Indian songs. During the first audition, I began to cry bitterly, I felt so melancholy, I wanted to “go home” so much. Back home, to the world where these sounds are. This music accompanies me all my life, every time I miss my distant home. I understand exactly. that this is a longing for the past, which I do not remember with my mind, but remember at the level of spirit. And for some reason I know for sure that I was a man.

Dream stories

There was a period, about 5 years ago, when every night I was visited by vivid strange dreams. I already write down their beginnings. For example ... I live on another planet. Me and my people. We have no atmosphere on the planet and we live inside it. In order to eat, you need to go to the surface and catch one of the many energy balls that fly there. This was our food. One day we go to the surface and find that there are almost no balls left. There was a feeling of sadness in a dream. We got it. that it's time to look for a new home. And I woke up. Another dream .... I run to swim on the lake (we have no lakes in the city) through the forest, I run up to the railway embankment, it is high.

I climb this embankment, cross the rails and, as if from a hill, I run down to the lake, which is somewhere out there ... in the distance. From all over I run into the water .. And water, it’s not even water at all, it’s sparkling sparks of happiness, love, fun, it’s hundreds of trillions of refreshing sparkling not wet diamond drops! This is such a crazy magic, this is such ecstasy, it is impossible to describe what happened to me in this lake…. And what a pity it was to open my eyes ...
Another short dream: it was getting dark, I and some guy go out onto the roof of my 9-storey building and see that a huge red planet hangs very very low. You are seriously looking at her and understand that the time has come for serious changes on Earth.

And probably the coolest dream I've ever had ...

I sit on the couch in the hall (at home), in the lotus position. There is some kind of round medallion on the neck. I sigh and quite consciously take the medallion in my hands and “activate” it. I slowly rise above the sofa and hover over it. The feeling of the absolute normality of what is happening, the understanding that I have always been able to do this. And then something starts to emerge inside. Some kind of tremendous energy that needs to be released. I spread my arms to the side and it splashes out of me with a bright light, but it's not enough for me. I need to free myself from my body. it bothers me, I need to distribute this love, which is breaking out of me, there is too much of it ... The whole body begins to glow and vibrate, I scream in my sleep, I want to remove this body that is holding me back ... ..

And I wake up, morning ... I can't understand what is happening, why I am lying on the bed in my body, I am shaking, I have waves of vibration throughout my body. I get up, hobble into the hall, sit down on the sofa, in an attempt to do the same thing that was in the dream .... no medallion, it doesn't work…. All day I walked like a beaten one, so I wanted to return what was in my dream ... At the physical level, all the cells trembled. It is impossible to explain this in our language, just words will not be enough. Gradually, the sensations passed, the cycle of strange dreams also stopped. But the memory is there, maybe something will start again after a while ... I should know)))) Here's a little experience, maybe something will come in handy)))

Watch also the video - the boy's recollections of a past life


After such stories - memories of a person's past lives, you begin to think about the secrets that each of us carries. And who knows if these stories are not proof of the life after death that all religions and mystical teachings speak of?

And if some children remember their previous existence or reincarnation in another body, then for many of us - adults, the answer to the question of who I was in past lives is still a mystery that has yet to be solved.

Dear Readers!

If you know such stories, please share them in the comments.

Children remember and talk about a past life: not fictional memories and stories sent by readers Related articles:

Reviews 89

    How interesting! I had no doubts about the rebirth of our souls before, but now I wanted to ask my acquaintances who have small children to ask them such a question, who were they? new evidence may be revealed

    Elena, if you have any interesting evidence, please share it in this thread or by mail. I am collecting these materials for a book.

    Well, I thought that only I believe in it :-).
    I have two whole examples.
    My oldest niece, between the ages of 3 and 5, often repeated the cryptic phrase: “When I had little boy… ”Those who heard this from the little toddler started laughing and she fell silent in embarrassment. At that time, she still did not go to kindergarten and there were almost no little boys around her.

    Second example. My youngest niece. She once said: “It was when I had three children ...” It was said that it was natural. As something that really happened in the past.

    Thanks for the informative comment! I hope that when enough such testimonies are collected, faith in the reincarnation of the soul will become knowledge.

    And for such "tricks" my parents took me to a psychiatrist ...

    Sergey, are you only interested in reincarnation of souls? Or something else?
    As for past lives:
    I saw a lot and describe for a long time - in short, Tutathamun - saw myself as a boy standing in front of a mirror (the mirror was made of some kind of metal). I knew exactly who I was.
    Then - the astrologer - saw herself with a huge ancient pipe - looked at the stars and made a star map in the form graphic scheme.
    Then a hermit monk collected herbs, brewed a potion, healed ...
    But who was on the territory of Poland? Did not watch.
    just during the 90s she was engaged in the so-called commerce. And during a visit to one castle (we lived in it), all the nooks and locations of buildings, I knew as my apartment.
    I even knew where the nearest church was. I went and found him there ...
    The house in which the family of the Romanovna tsars was executed - horrified me. I was stuffy there and could not describe the feeling of fear. I just flew from there and did not go there anymore.
    I didn’t consider it.

    Svetlana, you have a very interesting experience! At what age did memories of past lives begin to come?

    a friend's older child often gave out something like that ... there are a lot of things about the church, although he was not taken there then and in general the family is far from religion. then his grandfather and grandmother took him to a Catholic church for Christmas, and when he saw the manger and the whole composition, his face was soooo distorted, so surprised and embarrassed ... as if he simply could not relate what he saw to reality ... the rest of the day walked shocked…

    another friend, who has 4 children, said that the third son also comments on some things, and once said that her older children in a past life were husband and wife ... said that the girl will be born, but not this time (when she is pregnant went fourth), ...
    and my mother asked how her pupil (3 years old), Liza, do angels exist?

    Elena, thank you for the valuable testimony! This once again proves the continuation of life outside the physical world.

    “And if children remember their past life, then for adults, former existences remain a mystery that has yet to be solved.”

    If only for the purpose of treating incomprehensible fears and phobias. Regressive therapy can help in this regard. Just like that, out of curiosity, you should not go into past lives. I remembered a dream that I had when I was 4 years old, and I clearly saw how I was killing a small child. After remembering such an old dream, any desire to delve into my past life has disappeared. I am very sorry that I did this in a past life. Therefore, I have sores above the roof. But now I am doing good deeds and correcting myself.

    I agree that out of curiosity, you shouldn't go into past lives. Such a memory must open naturally when a person is ready to accept it. In addition, the personality in each incarnation is updated for a specific task, so digging into past lives can even interfere with the fulfillment of your mission. This is given to children because the soul finally enters a new body only by the age of 7, and therefore they remember the memories of a past life.

    And I began to remember my past life when I was 10 years old, maybe earlier. different moments come to me in fragments. I know that I was famous. Lived very busy life, I enjoyed life, I had many friends, I was very rich and beautiful. but memories come in fragments (not like others who remember all their lives). I even remember 1 room of the apartment (or house) in which I lived. it was very richly furnished. I led a life that many famous top models lead, etc. When I see somewhere how they live famous people, it becomes familiar to me, as if I also lived the same way.

    Anastasia, this is a valuable experience. Be sure to write these passages down - they will help you understand the reasons for the events in your life.

    I think I did something bad in that life. In this one I pay. Now I am not a star, with complexes and many disadvantages, I live in a poor family, not a beauty, etc. In short, everything is the opposite of a past life.

    Do not despair, in this life everything can be fixed. For this it is given.

    and if from childhood some fragments of moods of either happiness or sweet sorrow have been tormented ... and as if I should find the same feelings, experience in this life ... you also cannot try to understand what it is for? is it not worth it to pry into the knowledge of past lives anyway, if I am sure that all these memories are connected precisely with past (or past) lives?
    I remember myself from the cradle of this life, how I lay in the crib, how my parents rocked me ... I still could not speak, even turn over ... that is. I was several months old. But even then I perfectly understood everything, just like now. I understood the speech of the parents, every word, like an adult.
    I remember asking my mother at the age of 5 “are there past lives”? Mom answered that no, life is one and after death our soul flies to heaven to God.

    Marina, I still do not understand from your comment: do you admit the existence of past lives or not?

    Each of us has snatches of past life memories in our minds. Some have clear ones, down to the details - as in those given in this article, some have vague ones. I also sometimes recalled some moments from past lives, and then from various sources I learned that these are not fantasies at all, but we really come here many times, each time changing the physical shell, but the memory of all lives is not erased, but simply forgotten for a period next incarnation.

    I wonder if dreams are really memories of other incarnations?
    Recently I was at the Regression. Out of 15 people in the hall, only I did not remember. Everyone else remembered. Their stories were very convincing.

    And my parents told me this case: I was 3 years old (I was born in 91), mom, dad and I were sitting in the room, and then for no reason, for no reason, I give out: “When I was big, they cut me open belly, pulled out the intestines and stitched up the belly. Then they cut my head and took out my brains ... ”The parents were shocked. At the same time, I showed the exact anatomical lines along which pathologists cut the corpse ... That is, it turns out that I was telling what my soul saw after death?!?!?! I myself do not remember this moment, how I said it, although I remember a lot from early childhood 1.5-2 years. What do you think about this?

    I think this memory is related to one of the past lives. But what you described is more like the preparation for mummification, which was common in ancient Egypt and was used in the burial of noble people. After leaving the body, the soul of a person can see for a while everything that is happening around the body and even feel what is happening with the body.

    Hello. I vaguely remember the faces of some people. I know my appearance down to the details. And even a name. I know for sure that I was born as a guy in the Middle Ages. I don't remember where.
    Was a warrior for 19 years. I remember the king and my warrior best friend.
    I constantly remember this ... I want to return.

    I remember a dream I had in sixth grade. the outskirts of the city, the building is L-shaped on 2-3 floors, the clothes are hanging on the ropes. There is an arch in the house near the corner. behind the house there is a field, high culture, up to the waist, and mountains in the distance. I hear the noise of technology. at this moment a tank enters the courtyard, a small one, clearly not Russian. The tank makes a U-turn inside the courtyard, ripping off all the ropes. Dust burnt….
    people start to run in the field and I run with them. bright sun. they shoot from behind ... at some point I feel a severe pain in my leg, I fall and wake up.
    was it a dream….

    Elena, thank you! An interesting memory.

    Dmitry, episodes from past lives may appear in a dream. Especially if the dream feels very realistic.

    Thank you Sergey!
    This is how I connect. Moreover, over the next years I have operated on this particular leg 2 times.

    In response to the story of Shumaeva Irina

    ... The next story was about the ocean, connecting the subtle world with the physical, souls who want to come to earth enter it, and it is called "Elkraing" ...

    It is very interesting, because in translation, Crying is not only “crying”, but in some cases also “crying”, calling, “praying” or “glorifying”, and the prefix El means holiness.

    Lena, if you know how to draw, sketch what you remember. And write before you forget. Memory has a tendency to lose. And at an older age, it may be necessary to remember something…. And if it's not just Fantasies, then it could be a good opportunity to sort out today's problems.

    Anna, thanks for the addition - deciphering the word "Elkraing".

    Elena, thank you for your story about a past life, I put it in an article. Interested that you are communicating with a girl whom you met in a past life. Perhaps in this life you have some kind of joint task - a mission to be realized.

    Thanks to all readers for participating in this thread!

    Alena, thank you very much for interesting stories! This is a truly spiritual experience of remembering past lives, not only on our planet, but also on another planet and in the Subtle World. The description of the state with a medallion and swimming in the “lake of love” is very interesting. If you remember anything else, please share with me and the blog readers.

    being on regressions with Maria Manok, one girl of 18-22 years old refused to tell what she had seen at the moment of regression. The woman alone began to simply compose something…. It looked funny.
    One 35-year-old man said that he saw himself in the form of a woman. He talked about his hard life in the body of a woman.
    and another lady saw herself as the captain of the ship, who died after hitting the reefs.
    Of course it is interesting to hear these stories. and on the sites to climb where there are these stories. But is this not the usual reading of information from our brain from the field of the earth?
    I recently heard, I don’t remember where, that the brain, in principle, cannot think. He is not adapted to this. But he can create conditions for thoughts.

    Dmitry, I have come across similar information about the brain. Its essence is that the brain is only an information processor (such as a processor in a computer), and thoughts and memory are not in the brain ... I will not go deep where - this is a separate topic. As for regressions, I admit that there may be a play of imagination or fantasy. But I fully trust personal experience, such as Alena's.

    F.p.s group song morning breeze song just in time
    I was a man in past lives, strange memories periodically emerge, then I am someone like a mafia, then a dandy from old England, or a businessman ... And strange habits emerge, friends also notice and are very surprised because a lot of things that sometimes happen to me are not typical for me ... Up to 13 for years I saw vivid and very believable dreams constantly shocking my relatives, but unfortunately after several concussions I practically do not remember anything, but the feeling of deja vu does not cease to haunt .. Sometimes I can interrupt the conversation and finish the person what he wanted to tell me) scares many))

    Yes, it seems that in dreams a memory of something experienced appears, and it seems not in the present tense (incarnation). While this can be compared and assumed with the fact that the incarnation was before ... everything else is like fortune-telling ...
    that people do predict and finish other people's thoughts, it may just be the experience of a conversation. already knowing in what key the conversation is moving, our consciousness suggests to what point it will come. Here you can turn to the question: "What is consciousness?" And apparently you are not the only one who has this opportunity.

    I read somewhere that the earth is a storage device of information, and it is quite possible that we periodically connect our brain to this storage device, and it reads the file we need at the moment. Anything can be the key, and how the opponent is conducting the conversation, and how you met. and what drink did they drink at lunchtime ...
    Remember “love”, too, does not arise from scratch. He is attracted to one person, not to another. Years pass, we are growing and we already see in those whom we did not want to look at, something completely different, and you notice that an interest is shown to you. And it may be that life has put you on a common wave (for a while, for always - unknown), but now you are drawn to each other ....

    Psychologists are not always able to help patients, for the simple reason that they have not experienced that their patient, for them it is just a job. And a person who has gone through a similar situation without any education will be able to enter the situation and help resolve it.

    In general, psychology and the relationship of psychologists with patients were well spoken about in the 1988 Soviet film "The Jester", with Kostolevsky in the title role.

    Nastasya, Dmitry, thanks for the valuable comments!

    Let these non-fictional stories serve for new understanding and attitudes towards human life... The experience of remembering past lives is very important for realizing the events that take place in this life.

    I thank everyone who participates in the discussion of this topic.

    I remember my childhood dream, which I saw quite often at the age of about 3-5 years. I'm in a Russian hut, the door is locked and I can't get out. The house is on fire, I can hear the crackling of a tree. I only have two exits: a window and a door, but I can't get to either of them. There is a small child in her arms, he does not cry, he sleeps. And I will lay it on the floor over the stove with a child in my arms. And I don’t know how to explain: under the ceiling all over the room, it’s like the boards are lying like that, something like shelves, only you can climb on them. It resembles beams, only the distance between the board and the ceiling is such that you can crawl on your knees. I remember that I crawl there with my left hand, clutching the child and the thought in my head that I have very little time left. The crackle of fire is getting stronger, the fire is already under me, but from the street I hear voices of both women and men, and such a hope for salvation. In general, I almost crawled to the other end of the hut, when I heard the crunch of a tree behind me, I turned around and saw that the beam was starting to burn. And I scream save him and throw the child out the window, hoping that he will be caught there. I myself also wanted to climb there, but I did not have time. The tree cracked and broke, and I fell into the fire. I remember screaming and it was hot and painful for me. Then a flash, everything turns white and I woke up.
    The dream was dreamed so often that I remember some of the details today. I woke up in a cold sweat, called my mother and cried. It is already being recreated according to her notes and my memories. Then I did not know the principle of the decoration of the hut, only later, in the 7th grade, in the lessons of local history, they showed and explained to us. I looked at the pictures and knew that I once lived in this one.
    By the way, since childhood, there is a fear of being near a fire and fear of hot temperatures. I cannot go to the bathhouse, I cannot drink too hot tea or wash myself under hot water

    Here is another confirmation of Dinara.
    Apparently these are not just children's fears, but based on something more.

    Dinara, thanks for sharing your dream. In my opinion, this dream is a memory from a past life, this is also evidenced by the fear of fire and hot.

    As a child, I often began to tell stories to my parents, especially my father from the words when I was an adult, but he got angry and I stopped, as a child I talked a lot .. .. I often saw a strange woman crawling towards me, holding onto belly, the other one reaching out to me, I don’t know who it is, I’m now 19 years old, which I already told, I don’t remember, but I can’t forget about this woman, when I was in school 5 years ago I saw one woman, I got into a stupor and I immediately remembered that ... Who she was, I did not know and did not try to figure it out, until a special time I thought that that woman was Me, but there is a possibility that I, on the contrary, killed her .. .. I wish I could remember everything again ...

    Here again I remembered a case from my childhood, I often said that you are not my real parents, you adopted me and so on ... In this spirit. Always tenula to the original teachings of the Buddha, always admired him.

    By the way, too interesting fact, I was born I had an older sister Olga, then I, after me three more brothers Ilya Semyon and Egor share. So, when my mother was pregnant with Semyon, I often had the same delusional dream. I dreamed of a war, a man in a suit but with a strange sewn-on type head, in which I stood, but this is not so important, I also dreamed of another boy, small in stature, all ugly, bluish in color, sitting in some kind of cage and now and then repeating the words, I am Semyon, I am Semyon, at the end this creature was beaten with spears or swords, when, as, I woke up in sweat. I thought that the one who was born to my mother would be a freak, or I don’t know why it seemed to me so, but an absolutely normal kid was born, without flaws, but on the back, and on the left side of the seeds, the seeds still have birthmarks, now he is 11 years old, as a child, I remember he constantly played games in which he called himself a colonel. I don’t know, maybe it’s just a coincidence, what does the color readings in a dream have to do with it? I do not know. But many of the relatives of his uncle's grandmother still call him a colonel.

    Alexey, thanks for the interesting stories! Judging by some details, these are indeed memories from past lives. Children often in childhood call themselves names associated with past lives in games or somehow manifest these memories. For example, in my childhood I was very fond of war games and constantly drew officers of different ranks in the uniforms of the tsarist Army with orders, shoulder straps and aiguillettes. And he drew them for a reason, but in ascending ranks - as if it was my career in the Army. So your stories are one more proof of our past lives. And if someone does not believe or doubts - give a link to this article. There are so many stories and with such details it is impossible to invent.

    About six months ago, I had a dream. I'm 23. As a child, I didn't talk about any rebirth. But the dream was very much remembered. It all started with a slide. A mound in a wasteland, which is swept by snow in winter and it is so cool to ride from it as from a hill, and next to it is a lonely tree. Around wasteland. So here I am a boy, although in life a girl, about six years old, I ride down a hill with my father. Then I am already fourteen years old in the city, a war begins. The Germans got close. In a dream I live in Leningrad. Only the beginning of the blockade, I have a father, mother and younger brother. So my father is being called to war, and they want to evacuate me, my brother and my mother. But I'm a man, it's not a matter under a woman's skirt. And when the refugees were leaving, I put my mother and brother in the car and told them that I would go to take a pee, and I hid and watched my mother leave. As she shouted, she wanted to jump, but the military held her back. I ran to my father satisfied. The father was angry, but left. The Germans went on the offensive. I don’t know what it’s called, but we made a hill out of the ground. Like a mound. We are fighting off the Germans behind them. I was killed in the first week of the war. A bomb fell nearby and a blast wave covered me with sand. In short, I am small, I did not get out of the sand, and I died. The only thing that is certain is that my biggest fear since childhood is to be buried alive. I learned everything about lethargic sleep. I was afraid that they would be confused and buried. I'm not afraid of anything in my life, but this is terribly straightforward. And then in the continuation of the dream. My brother, who left with his mother, has a son, and that one has his own. And now, at the age of six, a boy and his dad are rolling down a hill in a vacant lot next to a tree. And he says he was already here. In a dream, it is 70-80 years. Like this.

    Alexey wrote here that he saw a woman and came to a stupor ..
    And I saw an old man .. Who looked at me, as if watching .. when I was watching TV with my whole family, as I remember now ... everyone was sitting with their backs to the door of the room, I was lying on the floor with my arms under my head ... song -84, roofing felts 86…. And how I switch off ... And I know - he stands there, turn around - yes! ... Long beard, long white clothes ..
    I remember, I ask my friends, I was asleep? And they - no, I watched the concert.,.
    And so it happened a couple of times ...

    I remember the dream of 3-4 grade, then I studied at the boarding school:
    I'm at war. It's too light, and I have to go down the cliff. I do not have time to descend, I see, as it were, from the sidelines that the Germans are standing over the cliff and are starting to shoot at me. The cliff is gentle, rather a hill, but at the bottom there is a river. The Germans shoot and my leg hurts. Waking up, I feel that my leg is on the metal frame of the bed, the mattress has slid under the deflection of the springs. The leg really hurts.
    I remember this dream, but it was not uncommon to compare it with the fact that a movie about the war was shown in the orphanage ... And it worked out for me in this image.
    I already wrote about a dream in which I run across the field from a tank that shoots and also hits the leg. Only there is a plot in some Latin American country. And again the leg…. Truth is, here I did not hit where.

    I very distinctly remember how I was swinging on the swing between the palm trees and as an adult I fell from them and, apart from the palm trees around, I remembered nothing else ... When I started talking, I immediately asked my mother: “Do you remember that place with the palm trees and the swing from which I fell?”. To which my mother replied that we had never been in a place where palm trees grow and I did not fall from a swing, we lived in a city and my mother did not put me on a swing ... I still clearly remember those palm trees and remember the high swing from which I I was falling, I even remember the rumble of knocking on the ground ... Maybe these are not memories of a past life, but a combination of brain activity? After all, a child hears his parents a few weeks after conception….
    And I remembered one more curious fact-in This year I did an MRI of the cervical spine, because my head and neck hurt a lot all my life. In childhood, they said that the puberty period then everything will pass. Now I'm 25 and nothing has changed. According to the results of the MRI, three doctors had and they all asked me one question: did you fall down in childhood, hit in the neck area? I always answered that no, I never hit my head or neck, I never had concussions ... Maybe it's somehow tied up ...

    Ekaterina, it is difficult to understand what this memory refers to. Perhaps it is connected with some kind of memory from a past life, especially since in this life neither you nor your parents were in such an environment. But, some diseases in this life are often associated with injuries or diseases from the past. It can also be fears related to past life trauma.

    Anargul, interesting story, thanks! With a probability of 80-90%, this is a memory from a past life. The brain is not able to invent such details and leave them in memory.

    Hello. I read your stories and decided to write my own. Firstly, I want to say that I heard about reincarnation for a long time, and not to say that I did not believe, rather I did not pay attention to all (as I already understand) my abrupt memories from the past incarnation, until my son was born. He is now 2 years old, he started talking very early. He was about one and a half, he spoke a quatrain in some incomprehensible language (at first it seemed to me childish babble), but then I began to draw that he was constantly repeating the same text with a RHYTHMIC VERSE, he was 1 and 6 and he I could not have composed it myself, soon he began to hum the same text in rhyme under his breath, pronounced words clearly and it was clear that this was not a collection of meaningless words, it was a different language. At this he did not cease to amaze me, a couple of months ago, he just came running to me and hugged me and said: “Mom, let's go to Batumi,” I didn’t pay attention, and besides, I didn’t immediately understand what this word was, after about 10 minutes again runs up to me and says: "Mom, I want Batumi." I asked: “what? What is Batumi ”, he repeated again:“ I want to go to Batumi ”. I asked: "son, what is it?" I was amazed by his answer, he said: "there is my house." I immediately caught myself, went to the Internet and typed the word "batumi", and what my surprise was when I gave out a search engine that this is one of the cities of Georgia. I was shocked how a 2-year-old child could have known about this city. We have no relatives of the guuzin, we have never been to Georgia, he could not even hear it on TV, since he does not watch TV at all, and besides, he answered my question “what is Batumi?” answered “THERE IS MY HOUSE”. I don’t know how to explain it, and he often, in between times, always, without getting confused, says “Mom is a mom, and dad is a grandfather. He always says so, does not get confused.
    I began to analyze everything, and I dare to assume that my crumbs have memories from a past life. Now, remembering my memories, I realized, although I do not claim that, even for milliseconds, episodes from past lives flashed in front of me. I used to constantly, kay only eyes were thrown, a picture stood in front of me as if I was in an inevitable situation, they wanted to kill me, moreover, the pictures surfaced from the time of the war, I am scared, I stand and REALIZE THAT IS THE END, AND I am blown up. Until now, I have such a fear as if I would find myself in a situation where death is inevitable, and I will have to come to terms. And once I looked at myself in the mirror and before my eyes, for a couple of seconds, the face of a bearded red-haired old man slipped through, although I am deaushka and her red-haired, and a burning brunette. And the most interesting thing is that I felt that it was C. It did not end there. Once with the child I rolled up, and on the sofa I closed my eyes to take a nap, and a bearded old man appeared in front of my gaze again, and at what I saw it as if not from the side, and I was that old man. I was wearing dirty worn pants, old shoes, and I was at the bazaar, trying to find someone with my eyes and fiddling with my beard ... I immediately woke up in a cold sweat, looked at my watch, I took a nap for only 3 minutes.
    Here are the things. Now I don’t know what to think, I’m trying to understand with my mind. But how? How is this even possible?

    Hello Anna. Children often remind us of past lives, but not all adults pay attention to this and take it seriously. About your question - how is this possible? Science cannot yet provide a clear explanation for such memories, but there are noteworthy studies by scientists, for example, Ian Stevenson, who researched and described about 3,000 such cases. So it is possible, but it is difficult to understand because of the limitation of our materialistic mind.

    Thanks for answering. I left my story on several sites so that at least someone would respond.
    I will continue my story ... A couple of days after the story with Batumi, I decided to finish off my own child with questions and say: "Son, what did you do in Batumi?" he replies: “played” I ask: “who did you play with, with Lily?” he answers “no” and calls some strange name and without further questioning he continues “they played horses, climbed high, high up”, and at the same time shows how they jump on horses, continues “he climbed up, I'm scared, I I'm afraid, Mom, I want to go down here ”and looks down and points to the floor. I say: “you, too, do not be afraid,” I try to get into the situation and play along. And he looked down again, made SCARED ROUND EYES, said “I'm afraid my mother, I don't want to” rushed to my neck and hugged me tightly around my neck, it seemed that right now he would strangle me with fright. I myself was frightened, but did not get upset and in between times decided to ask: "Sonny, who is your mother?" he let go of his neck, looked at me and said: "you are my mother." Finally, I calmed down and decided not to bother my son and not to injure his psyche anymore. But I have no other words like - to go nuts, this cannot be.
    She told her husband, he laughed and twisted his finger near his temple with the words: “you seem to have sat at home, you should have to go to work, otherwise you’ll be crazy, dear”. He didn’t believe it, but I’m sure a son at that age would not have been able to compose such a thing.

    The fact of the matter is that children do not compose. I also know interesting case when a 4-year-old child persistently told his parents that he had fought at the front, his name and that he was buried in such a place, he named the settlement near Novosibirsk where they lived. And the father decided to check this information and really found in this settlement in the cemetery the grave of the man named by his son. This case was reported in a newspaper several years ago.

    Only after 5 years of age, children most often forget these memories, and then, in an older age, they may even deny that they said something like that.

    So I had the idea to ask the kid and film everything and see what he has to say about it as an adult. Then I think, why injure the baby. By the way, he often says about him that I and his mother and grandmother's mother. And funny and no. She says, when my grandmother was little, she said my mother (I meant as if she called me my mother), if you listen to the words of your son, it turns out that my mother-in-law was my daughter. I think about becoming funny)))

    Anna, shoot on video - good idea!

    I remember that I was a man and saddled in prison, then I was shot. My wife came to prison, kept crying and forgave me for all the pain I brought her. I was betrayed by all whom I trusted and only my wife remained to the end. I remember that I was someone from the intelligentsia (there was a complete lack of expectation from the betrayal of relatives and friends, I hoped for them to the end). I remember that I had mistresses, and my wife forgave them. He was sitting in a dirty cell, smelly, wrists constantly ached from handcuffs, heard the clatter of keys and expected death. Now I am a girl and even met people from a past life, looked at them as relatives, they did not understand this.

    Anne on 11/26/2015

    Anya, where do you know that they are from a past life?
    How did you understand this?

    Anna, according to your story, an association arose that it was during the "Stalinist repressions" in the 30s of the 20th century. Perhaps you were some kind of official, many of whom were then shot. I wonder how you recognized in this life those with whom you knew in the past?

    And all my life I want to go home, even when I seem to be at home. And to mom, being next to mom. I always feel older than many people, including my own parents, so I have been lonely all my life.
    I remember in detail the house in which I lived 2 of my lives. In my first life I don’t remember who I was, but I remember going into my house, wooden and two-story with a large staircase that bifurcated to the right and left. On the right, on the second floor, there was a piano, there were lace napkins and I was met by a young, but seemingly sick woman in a dark dress and a light collar. It felt like the beginning of the 20th century. The weather was autumn, I felt cold, but my soul was calm.
    And the second life - as a child in Soviet sandals, I run and play with other children on the first floor of the same house, where the dining room was located. Then I go from room to room and know that there is another way out of the house. The interior was already completely different. From the house they made either a dormitory, or a communal apartment, or an orphanage. I remember the porch very well, it was summer and sun.
    Often there is a strong melancholy that I am now in the wrong place and with the wrong people, although everything is fine in my life. How can I finally find harmony with the present reality.

    Very interesting story, Strange.
    Maybe hypnosis could clarify more?

    Accidentally climbed this site, and when will the book be published? And then I have above the roof of paronormal information on personal experiences, including past lives I remember .. The last one in sufficient detail, and the previous episodes. I myself thought to write a book, otherwise my head would explode to store so much information.

    Veronica, I don't have enough materials for the book yet. If you have materials on the topic of memories of past lives that have not been previously published on the Internet, I can publish them on this site in the form of separate articles with the preservation of your authorship. For publication questions, please visit the page

    Good day, Sergey! I read the comments and agree with many things, except for one position - communication between the mother and the child in her womb. I believe that these are her fantasies, since we are being moved into the bodies of already born people. I can't really explain who "us" is, but I'll tell you everything in order. There are two strange fragments left in my memory that time did not erase. I never told anyone about them, since I was born in the USSR and I would be considered mentally abnormal. Then, in the 90s, work in law enforcement agencies, then in the 2000s, civil service, etc. Fragment one - I am in some kind of “room” that looks like a medical laboratory, next to me are two outwardly similar to people, we communicate in a language that I cannot remember (I think under hypnosis I could reproduce a conversation in this language), one I will say that it was a “sentence”, I did something wrong in the previous body and must serve the sentence again. Then, after manipulating the devices of one of those present in the room, a sphere appeared, in which there was something like a portal to the room in which a newborn child was lying in a stroller. I really didn’t want what was to happen and resisted it in every possible way, which apparently gave a small glitch in the blocking of my memory and this fragment remained in it. This is where the first memory ends. The second fragment - I am in the child's body, I clearly understand that it is absolutely not controlled by me, the child lies in a stroller, two people bent over him and speak in a language unknown to me, since I still think in the language I spoke in the first fragment. I realize for sure that I am very indignant and do not want what is happening, I am trying to do something, but as if I am locked in a cage in an uncontrollable body ... I repeat, I think that under hypnosis I will probably be able to describe everything exactly and reproduce that communication speech. And at the expense of the line of fate - in the course of my life there have been such moments, in which I clearly realized that this has already happened to me, so to speak, a feeling of deja vu ... I think that hypnosis is needed and pull out all the details of memories from me.

    There are many Specialists in Reincarnation (Reincarnation) in Moscow. One of these specialists is Maria Monock. I visited her 2 times for a general reincarnation. It didn't work on me either the first or the second time. And the people who were with me (15 people) told a lot of interesting things. Including my wife. And then I even tried to sketch from her words what she saw.
    Dial “Maria Monok” on the Internet, and you will find out how to contact her, and the cost. The general session is up to 1000 rubles, and the individual one should be discussed with her.
    There are other specialists, you can also find it. The process is interesting.

    As for memory and visions, it seems that something was seen in childhood, and maybe it was real. Or maybe a dream….

    In childhood, quite often, at the time of falling asleep, I saw a person lying on the bed. I saw it from the side and in the haze, but I clearly realized that it was me. And around people with sad faces.
    And such a feeling is frightening-accelerating-coming off ... And anxiety that I am leaving these people. But, the incredible horror was precisely from this feeling, which even now I cannot put into verbal form.
    I always cried, and my mother, who tried to calm me down, and still, is surprised:
    as a child of 2 years old could cry like an adult: "Oh, Lord!"
    I was also surprised because they themselves were raised as atheists and communists. And at that time, no one spoke the name of God in the family.
    Perhaps this is the memory of the moment of death, which was not “erased” at the moment of birth?

    Anna, this memory really resembles the moment of leaving the body. Obviously, the emotion was very strong, and therefore remained conscious.

    Andrey, I apologize for not immediately responding to your very interesting and valuable comment. About communication between a mother and a child in the womb, not everything is so simple. I think that this is not a fiction, but communication with a child or, more precisely, a soul that will move into the child's body at a spiritual level, i.e. not through the body. We all consist of several levels of consciousness and bodies corresponding to them. And it also seems to me that the soul enters the body exactly at the moment of birth, and according to some teachings this process continues for several years (up to 5 or 7 years).

    As a child, I saw the same dream 5-7 times, I can't get it out of my head. I saw exactly the moment of death (as it seems to me, my past body). I didn't tell it to anyone, but he creates questions that torment me. The hike of the soul who saw the torment retains the memory of them.

    Dmitry, very few people retain the memory of their death in a past life and torment. Obviously, you need this experience for some reason in this life.

    My sister said at the age of three that she was already in this (in one of my relatives' apartments) bathroom and asked where is the mirror and why is it not smooth? -pointing your finger at the wall. The mirror was removed before she was born, and repairs were made, the smooth tiles were replaced with wallpaper. Then her mother noticed certain phrases in her, inherent in her great-grandmother, who died one year before the birth of the baby. Already being an adult, my sister periodically gives out such pearls that everyone remembers as grandmothers. But NOBODY in the family expresses itself, and does not speak. Those. she had nowhere to hear or know.
    I will say about myself that as a child I really liked the theme of cowboys, well, it was also fashionable, therefore it is difficult to say how much it is connected with reincarnation. But I also really love horses, and even in my childhood I was engaged in this sport, but I was always attracted by the feeling of freedom, I wanted to ride across the field, not in a hangar. And never attracted care, like others. I chose the most wild, evil and daring horses. And I always found with them mutual language... This feeling did not leave. As a child, when everyone was playing with dolls, I certainly chose the role of a cowboy - a boy.

    Hello. I do not even know where to start. Since childhood, I remember a lot of things that obviously did not happen in this life. These are not just memories from any one life, these are hundreds of passages and sensations that have been preserved in my memory from past lives. Moreover, the most interesting thing is that it cannot be called only excerpts from lives, what I remember applies to travels in other worlds and subtle matters. I don't know why I remember all this. But I was born with a firm conviction that I “came here myself” for some purpose. And I was always more than sure that physical death is not death at all. If I tell all the memories, it will be a very long time. I'll tell you the most interesting ones. From extraterrestrial memories, I remember how I passed from one dimension to another, I remember how I walked to the endless horizon in the distance, it took a long time to go and I forced myself to overcome it all, because I needed to get there, I knew that as soon as I got to this horizon, I will find myself in another world. It looked as if I was walking on some field, and it was endless. I know for sure there is no time, therefore, if I am not mistaken in my feelings, to make the transition it was necessary to go forever. In general, of course, I find it difficult to explain all this in detail. I also remember myself in these different worlds, it's hard to describe it. I remember myself as a bright white creature.
    How much I remember! This is so strange. From life memories I remember a moment: I look at people who swim in the pool, next to the sun loungers, in my opinion this is a cruise ship, because there is something above the pool. I am happy at this moment, there is peace in me. I also remember sitting in the waiting room and looking at front door, was clearly waiting for someone and worried.
    Often I recall some sensations clearly from past lives to this day. And lately, in a dream, it seems like lightning strikes me and I see myself in another incarnation and “this is me” is spinning in my head.
    I also remember from childhood a few foxes, or what it is without a clue. I’m like a lifeless body, forgive me for the terrible details, but it consists only of muscles, it sways me, there is an endless desert, only rails, I cross these rails staggering and immediately after that a train passes along them. It seems to me that this is some kind of hint for me in this incarnation. Perhaps I was "shown" before my birth. All my life I have been trying to decipher, probably the train symbolizes time, and this body is inaction and passivity, because of which I can lose time and literally “the train will leave.” Probably in this life I need to “catch” some train.

    Thank you for the interesting story! I sent you to email address proposal for cooperation. Did you receive the letter?

    Good afternoon.

    I wanted to ask if it is possible to personally contact someone from those who have encountered similar cases? Perhaps the child told a story, did the parents talk about what you said as a child, or do you yourself remember?

    I am a student of an art university and my project is connected with rebirths and as a research topic I would like to personally communicate with someone.

    The topic is interesting. Some children have an open mind and they remember their past lives. This is all understandable. We all rotate in the wheel of reincarnation. And we live a huge number of times. But there are Stellar children, such as Indigo and Crystal. They also talk about themselves. Just not about past lives, but about where their star homeland is. About their planets, about their spiritual Kin. My friend has a familiar girl-crystal. She is 9 years old now. Until 5 years old she told where she came from and who she is. But people they reacted strangely to her conversations. She stopped talking about it…. And such cases are not isolated. A girl with a very deep and adult look. From the moment of birth, she looked through the eyes of an adult, consciously. This is the main sign of such children. She is on self-study at home. She refuses to go to school. Does not recognize the school system, any violence. Does not go well with children who are not like her. Different thinking ... Feels through people, any insincerity, falsehood. She is also a very creative person. Such children are born more and more often. They come here without karma, they are different. Do not spin in the wheel of reincarnation. They come from the Higher Worlds. I continue to watch this girl with pleasure.

    Dara, it is for such children that this topic was created on the site, so that their parents would be more attentive and appreciate such messengers of space. It would be great if you could share your observations about this girl. I am ready to publish them and promote them in ways available to me. Write - send to the address in "Contacts".

    And I often have déjà vu, and it is so real and vivid that I am absolutely sure that I lived in the frames that the brain gives out. For example, having arrived in another country for the first time and walking in the forest, in an instant I suddenly clearly understood that I had already been here. And not just was, but I know every tree, bush. I know that behind the hillock there will be a stream and a cellar dug in the ground. And so it turned out. Perhaps this is my past, in which I lived? Rather, one of them.

    These most interesting examples are the most direct confirmation of the transmigration of souls and reincarnation. It often happens to me, too, when you begin to “remember” something that has definitely not happened to you in this life.

    When my daughter was 3 years old, I asked her who she was in her past life, she was jumping on the sofa at that time and immediately rapped out “Baba Tanya”. Baba Tanya is my husband's mother, her grandmother, whom I hate! My daughter is already 8 years old, but I still think, what would that mean? By the way, then after a while I asked again, but she did not understand the question and did not answer anything.

    Once I read such stories for the night and I had a dream: I am an Indian, I have a 10-year-old son. I'm scared to death of my husband, but I love another person. I'm going to run away with him. Then my son appears and I cry, stroke his face and say that I will be back. Here my husband comes out, I get scared and say, something like that I love him. He seems to guess. I do not know what kind of dream. But I thought earlier that in a past life I was a soldier in the Second World War, I often dreamed about the war, they killed me, or as I hide in a building from the Germans, I have a small child with me.

    Thanks for sharing. It is difficult to determine from dreams who we were in a past life, since memories can come from different incarnations.

    Hello everyone! I was born on 06/04/1986. In childhood (I’m not a writer, I will warn you right away, I’ll explain how I can) I was very attracted during the pre-war period. I don’t know how to convey that state (this is how I lived very long time in the same house, in his own home, and then left) To my parents, I don't even remember whether I said it or not, but I knew and dreamed of buying bread, a lot of bread at that time. I remember one of the adults asked me a question - what is your dream? - I said, buy a bakery store. I understood with all my gut, until a certain time (age), that I did not belong here. Each of us has a feeling that he is a super person, you will agree, especially at 18….
    I don’t want to write anymore) I’m in the bathroom) p.s. I’m not registered with psychdis ...
    I think those who have felt will understand.
    Waiting for an answer.

    Hello Victor. Here you will definitely not be mistaken for a psycho)), tk. gathered people who, in one way or another, faced similar phenomena. Any vague sensations and impressions of some other life at a different time period may be associated with partial memories of past lives. In fact, such sensations and memories are often found in people's lives, just few people pay attention to them. Many do not consider them worthy of attention. Thanks for sharing!

    Hello. My son, born in 1991, did not speak until 3 years old, when he was 1.5 - 2 years old, I put him to bed during the day, lay down next to him, he fell asleep and I slowly began to get out of bed, he shuddered , whimpered and spoke (with closed eyes), as if I wouldn’t tell you now, but the meaning was that he was riding in an autobus, described the weather, bright sun and a summer day, then an accident, he flew out through the windshield, all around the fragments, blood, green grass , dead people, he even named the brand of the bus PAZ. At that moment I experienced a real shock - a child who did not speak at all told a whole confession in correct Russian just like an adult. He began to speak almost a year after this incident. At the age of 4, he walked with his grandmother from kindergarten and on the way told her something (I don't remember what, it took a lot of time), she constantly asked him who told you that - it couldn't be, he answers her: parents, she says not could your parents say this to you, but he tells her grandmother these are not these parents (here it was already creepy for grandmother), she says: what kind? says well there, there is like a pipe, I'll show you now, they walked by reinforced concrete ring(well), he let her down and says well, how is it over there in the pipe. My eldest son started talking when he was 11 months old and nothing like that happened to him.

    Hello. Thanks for your story! From such stories, the idea of ​​life is formed as a continuous process with a change of scenery. And new children, or as I call them “children of the future”, help us to realize that in fact a person is immortal.

    Good afternoon.
    It would be good for you to understand the meaning of life. In what happens to our "I", in physical body... By realizing this, you will understand the reasons for these memories. They are, of course, for "something". But, for now, you only state them. Memories of past lives, of early childhood are like a tool for adjusting awareness, your self-perception. But, how can you do the tuning, if the necessary "parameters" are not known to you. Realizing these parameters and realizing the meaning of life are the same thing.

    Good afternoon.
    I have a question, I'll start with the fact that when my first son was born that feeling of his gaze does not leave me, I mean at first glance, he was so thirsty for help, the baby was constantly crying, especially when I bathed him, after that everything passed, maybe this is to be associated with a past life? after when the second son was born, his glance was not studying
    everything around and named after my face, it all didn’t last long somewhere, and when I asked my friends, mothers or acquaintances what their baby’s first glance was like, then everyone somehow didn’t attach any importance to this and always asked what? mother said that does not remember what look we had, we have three children in our family

    Victoria, our children are always connected with us in past lives, because people in the family have karmic connections from past lives.

    Dear Sergey!
    I will be glad to tell you about my experience, as I have always been attracted by this topic: the past and its perception by different people, psychology of artistic creativity. I try not to believe in reincarnation, although I do not deny such a possibility. I am a believer, therefore I do not undertake to take upon myself such a responsibility, claiming that God can do something, but can not do something, or all his possibilities are exhausted by revelations. Perhaps we cannot imagine all the diversity and complexity of the world, and it is more useful for our souls not to know something. Therefore, you should not limit your consciousness to sacred texts, but you should not fantasize too much about this topic. Human guesses and fabrications will remain human guesses. And yet there are a number of facts, an attempt to substantiate which, even without any connection with the phenomenon of reincarnation, can lead us to amazing discoveries, to the knowledge of how our mind, memory, etc. are arranged. After all, one should not deny the possibility of the existence of the noosphere, etc. . e. Can these cases be explained by something else? For example, like in this story with Kevin. After all, no one in the Roberts family died, this is not associated with rebirth. But the dog, the house, and so on are described correctly. And why did he so persistently call James Roberts his father? Where does this information come from? Let's put aside religious concepts about karma, etc., and analyze the facts. I will tell you the details in a personal letter. Sincerely, Victor.

    Hello Victor. I would be grateful if you share your experience with the blog readers.