Ladoga square. The history of the formation of the Lake Ladoga and its compounds with the Baltic Sea

Ladoga lake (It has the second name of Ladoga, was previously called as unbearable) is considered the largest freshwater reservoir in Russia. Ladoga in its popularity is only a little inferior to Baikal, known throughout the world. Hundreds of tourists come to his coast every year to enjoy wonderful views and capture the beauty of these places in memory.

In this article, you will learn the main features of this reservoir - where it is located, what characteristics it has, which surrounds the lake, what is the flora and fauna, what it is in winter and summer periods.

Lake Lake belongs to two territories - East and North Coast are located in the Republic of Karelia, and the South and West delights residents Leningrad region. The lake belongs to the pools of the Atlantic Ocean and the Baltic Sea.


Lake Square

If you take the total area of \u200b\u200bLadoga, then the impressive figure is 17,870 km², and even take into account the islands, then 18,320 km². The volume of water in the lake is 838 km³. The maximum fixed width is 125 kilometers, and the shared coastal length is as much as 1570 kilometers.

The height above sea level is only 4.8 meters, but the depth is ten more. It is impossible to measure the depth all over the lake, it is uneven - in the northern part of the spread in numbers from 70 to 220 meters, in South - from 19 to 70 meters. But the greatest depth was measured, in the lake Ladoga it is 230 meters.

Water temperature

Like the whole Leningrad region, Lake Lake is in a cold rainy haze round year. average temperature Water during warm periods of the year is about +19. In the fall, it descends to +10 degrees, and in winter frosts up to -3 degrees. In August, if the year was turned out to be successful, the temperature of +24 degrees can be caught on the surface of the lake, but it will be closer to the bottom to be only +17 degrees. At a depth of more than 200 meters, the water temperature is almost always equal to +3, +4.

Nature Ladoga

North and East Coast (Karelia) belongs to the zone of average taiga, and part of the lake in the Leningrad region - to the subzone of South Taiga. For the northern subzones, the appearance of mosses and shrubs (mostly blueberries, blueberries), the abundance of Elnikov; For the southern part there are darkened forests, sometimes linden and maple is found, but the moss cover is weaker.

In Ladoga, scientists have more than 110 species of aquatic plants. There are one of the subspecies of blue-green algae grow more than 76, and there are also green algae and diatoms. Together with the buoy underwater world We found our refuge and plankton animals. In the lake there are branched wearlute wraps, provicrats, daphnia, cyclops, water mites, a wide variety of worms, mollusks and other crustaceans.

The rich water of Ladoga is not only ticks and unicellular organisms, more than 50 species of fish are found. For example, Ladoga slingshot, trout, siga, salmon, bream, born, red-barrel, pike perch, catfish, raw, horse, pillow, roach, perch, pike, sturgeon, guster, lime and many others. The richer area of \u200b\u200bthe sea is a shallow-water southern zone, where the depth is only 20 meters. But in the northern deep-sea district, the catch will be less diverse.

In addition to fish, this reservoir can demonstrate to tourists more than 200 species of birds. The most attractive place to stay feathers - the southern zone, however, and in Karelia, you can see many birds. In the territory of Ladoga, the lake meet: seagulls, river ducks, geese, swans, cranes and wrenches, fibilies, cobwebs, marsh owls, skops, cobschiki, herbalists, golden rzhanks and even an orlan-white-tailed.

Lake Lake has become a place of habitat for the world's unique representative of the laston-legged - Ladoga ringed nerve (a special subspecies of the collected nerve). In total, they are about 4,000 in the world, so these animals are listed in the Red Book and are strictly protected by law.


On the shores of the lake, the following cities are located: Priozersk, New Ladoga, Sortavala, Shlisselburg, Pitkyaranta and Lachdenpools. The largest of them are Priozersk and the new Ladoga, although the number of man there does not exceed the bar in 50 thousand.

Near the Ladoga Lake houses the cities are larger, for example, St. Petersburg. From the northern capital of Russia to get to Lake Lake different ways, ranging from public transport (electric trains, buses, trains, ferries) and ending with the car by car. At the same time, the time on the way will be not more than three hours, and if you use the machine and put the right route on the map, then you can manage it for one and a half.

From the northern part of the nearest city to Ladoga - Petrozavodsk. From there can also be reached by car or by public transport. However, the road will have to spend a little more than 4 hours.

Climate and seasons of Ladoga Lake

For avid tourists it is no secret that in the autumn and winter months of Ladoga looks extremely intense. Even in Karelia, where the picturesque rocks and wildflowers are circle, making their way among thick herbs, Lake Lake is index.

In the cold periods on the lake there is an arctic anticyclone, which carries the strengths of wind, storm, protracted rains and a minus temperature of the air. In October, the storms season begins, it becomes raw and wet, the lake appears frequent fog. The only intense for fans of autumn recreation is September, this month of Ladoga is more or less ready to share beauty - torrential rains come not often, water surface Tranquil and clean, the air saves a particle of summer.

In the summer, the reservoir kindly welcomes the guests of the South Anticyclone, pleases with picturesque places and transparent water. Only hardened people can swim here, but everyone will enjoy beauty. The average air temperature in July and August turns over the mark of +20 degrees, so tourists will definitely be able to capture the sun glare playing on the surface of the Ladoga.

Card coverage area:

Lake Lake, Neva River, River Delta Neva, Nevskaya Guba, Lake System of the Vuoksa River from the former Gateway (threshold of the River) to Lake Ladoga, including Sukhodolsk Lake, River Stormy, Wu ooxy-Visor and Priozersky Plove, Lake Otradnoe, Pioneer, Beauty, Krasnogvardeyskoe, Nakhimovskoe, deep, Pravdinskoye. Lake Ilmen, River Volkhov, to ride. Cities of St. Petersburg, Kronstadt, Priozersk, Shlisselburg, Strelborn, Peterhof, Lomonosov, Sosnovy Bor, Veliky Novgorod.

Additional Information

Detailed logats with depths, fairways, hazardous obstacles, etc. For Lowrance navigators / cardplotters, Furuno, Raymarine, Humminbird are supplied on SD / CF cards and ready to use immediately after installation.

The SonarCharts ™ layer is available - this is a baaptic card, which, thanks to the greater saturation of the depth data, allows you to display improved bottom detail on the screen of your cardplotter on the screen (depth grades, from color gradation). It is great for finding fishing sites at any depths.
Important! SonarCharts ™ layer cards are automatically generated and not intended to navigate.

The key features of the Navionics cards include the depths of the depths, the base of debris, tides and flows, port plans, real contours and the colors of Buuleur and the other auxiliary equipment To ensure clear paths to the harbors. It is also possible to select security contours.

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Check your equipment for compatibility with Cartography Navionix.

Information from the official resource

Lake Lake is the largest freshwater lake in Europe. Located on the territory of Karelia and the Leningrad region.

The first name of the lake was different. In the ancient Russian chronicles, it was called Nevo. Scientists believe that the name happened from the Finnish word "swamp, quagm." In the treaties concluded with Hanseatic cities and in the Scandinavian sagas, he is called Aldog, from the Finnish "Wave". The current name is in use only since the beginning of the 13th century. The lake began to call Ladoga, forming the name from the name of the city of Ladoga.

Scientists have proven that the Ladoga Lake Lake of Ice and Tectonic Origin. In the Epoch of Paleozoic, the water of the ancient sea splashed here, later the glacier was formed in this place, in many respects, formed a modern relief of the reservoir and surroundings. The area of \u200b\u200bthe lake is 18,400 square kilometers. Its length from the south to the north is about 219 km. The maximum width of the reservoir (from the west to the East) is 138 km.

Due to its origin, Ladoga is distinguished by uneven depths. The most "small" part of the lake is South. Local depths do not exceed 70 m. But in the northern part, the average depth of Lake Lake is about 100 m. There are places where the water thickness reaches 260 m.

The Lake Ladoga is notable for regularity: the coagher, the greater depths of them are located. The highest and steep shores in the north, directly at Schächer. In the south, they are more gentle and depth there are small.

By the way, the peculiarity of the Ladoga is an uneven water level. In the old days they said that he grows seven years and falls seven years. On average, the water reserves of the lake make up 908 cubic kilometers. For comparison, Baikal - 24,000 km³.

There are 32 rivers in Lake Lake, and only one - Neva flows out of it. Many rivers connect a palogue with other lakes. Through Volkhov, it is connected to the Lake Ilmen, through the Spear River - with Onega, through the Vidditsy - with the Vedotozer, through Tullema - with Tulmboser.

Sunset on Sviri. The River Svir binds Ladoga and Onega Lakes.

Lake is rich in the islands. Most of them are in the north. These are famous Ladoga Schhers, a beautiful necklace of islands, which are divided among themselves by a whimsical labyrinth of the straits. Component Ladoga Schcher is the most famous Valaam archipelago, where the old Savior Transfiguration Monastery is located.

Lunculansaari, Konevets, Mantinsaari, Dresinceari and others are among the large northern islands. In the southern part of the reservoir of the islands, it is very small and all of them are small: poultry in the Volkhovsky lip and Zelents in Shlisselburg.

On the shore of Lake Lake.

The unique inhabitant of the lake is Ladoga Nerpe. This is the only appearance of marine mammals, which has adapted to life in a fresh reservoir. Their rookers on the Islands of the Valaam archipelago are under special protection.

Since the end of the eighth century, Slavic settlements appear on the shore of the lake: the city of Ladoga, later - Korela, current Priozersk. At the beginning of the 14th century, the root of the Neva built the fortress of the nut, the current Shlisselburg. Famous monasteries on Valaam and Konevech were founded a little later.

Lake Ladoga shore.

At the end of the 17th century, the southern, northern and west coast of Ladoga Lake moved to Swedish Ingermanland. Swedes rename the Russian nuts and Korela to Noteburg and Kexholm, based on the settlement of Sortavala. With the beginning Northern War Lake Lake is becoming a host of hostilities. The most famous battles of that period became the battle of ships under Kexholm and the capture of the Noteburg. In 1721, the Ladoga coast was again Russian.

Lake Lake is rich in the most interesting places:

Ladoga Schhers.

Schhers are the rocky islands separated by narrow straits and ducts. They occupy a significant part of the northern part of the lake. Schhers stretched by semicircle from the city of Pitkyarant to the village of Berezovo. In the whole world, they are amazingly beautiful, however, the most majestic landscapes begin to the northeast of the island of Coinsaary, who closes the Ladoga Turly from the expanses.

On the northern coast of Ladoga Lake is the amazing city of Sortavala. It is obliged to three states in his own historical and cultural appearance: Finland, Sweden and Russia, which at different times was located. This is a beautiful Karelian city, surprising by its unusual architecture.

Oriental beaches

The east coast of Ladoga is famous for its clean sandy beaches. The shallow water is well warmed, especially if June and May were treated warm. These beaches are considered an ideal place for relax.

Lake Lake in these places seems endless, and on the coast in some places you can see sand dunes. There are also near the village of Vidlitsy. The old settlement was spread in the mouth of the river of the same name. In the village you can admire the church of the Great Martyr George. The vicinity of Vidnitsy attracts incredibly beautiful nature.

Beach in the area of \u200b\u200bVidnitsy.


The ancient Korela, modern Priozersk, refers to the number of ancient Russian cities with unusually an interesting story. This is a beautiful town where vintage orthodox churches and the majestic Lutheran Kirch. There is a unique ancient fortress here. The pearls of architecture are surrounded by beautiful scenery with picturesque rivers and dense northern forests.

Fortress Oreshk

The Schlisselburg Fortress Oreshk is considered to be a monument of history and architecture. Lined at the beginning of the 14th century on a nut island. She served as the outpost on the Swedish border. The citadel has repeatedly withstood fierce storms, fully justifying their name. Later the fortress was the "Russian Bastilia", where they sent the most dangerous criminals. Today, a museum, which works, despite restoration work, which has been continuing since 1966.


Archipelago, consisting of fifty islands, the largest of which is Valaam. This is one of the most important shrines of Orthodoxy, North Athos, as it is called. Here is the oldest Men's monastery in Russia. The history of his origin goes in the 1st century, when Valaam visited Andrei Varozvannaya. Almost a thousand years ago, the first buildings came from Novgorod to the island. Valaam is a unique place. Here is a circle of wildlife, practically not changed from the moment of mastering the island by a person.

Stormy waves of Lake Lake, which in windy weather looks like the sea, incredible sunsets and sunsets, sheer rocks Schher and sand dunes of the eastern beaches. All this remains forever in the heart of everyone who at least once saw these magnificent landscapes. It's worth come here, because harsh Ladoga is not only live story, but also one of the most beautiful places in Russia.

Ladoga lake on the map.

  1. Ladoga Schhers;
  2. Sorted;
  3. Priozersk;
  4. Balaam;
  5. Fortress nut;
  6. Beaches on the eastern shore of the lake;
  7. The mouth of the river Svir.

Petrozavodsk, Kivach, Martial Waters, North Ladoga, Russian Waterfalls, Valaam and more. Car and pedestrian travel for every taste - Choose, and Karelia will dream of you for a very long time!


Lake Lake, ancient Russian title - Nevo, (Ladoga - Karelsk. Luadogu, Fin. Laatokka) - Lake in Karelia (C and To Coast) and the Leningrad Region (s, Yu and You Shore), the largest freshwater lake in Europe. Refers to the Baltic Sea basin. The area of \u200b\u200bthe lake without islands is from 17.6 thousand km² (with the islands of 18.1 thousand km²); The volume of the water mass is 908 km³; The length of the south to the north is 219 km, the greatest width is 138 km. The depth is uneven in the northern part it ranges from 70 to 230 m, in South - from 20 to 70 m. On the shores of Ladoga Lake there are cities of Priozersk, a new Ladoga, Schlisselburg in the Leningrad region, sorted, Pitkyaranta, Lachdenproje in Karelia. More than 30 rivers fall into Lake Lake, and only one - Neva takes. In the southern part of the lake - three large bays: Svirkaya, Volkhovskaya and Shlisselburg lip.

The name of Ladoga wears river, lake and city. At the same time, until recently, it was not quite clear which of the names is primary. The name of the city was output from the name of the Lake Ladoga (from Fin. * Aaldokas, Aallokas "Worker" - from Aalto "Wave"), or from the name of the Ladoga River (now Ladoga, from Fin. * Alode-Joki, where Alode, Aloe - "Low The locality "and jok (k) I -" River ").

In PVL 12 V. Mentioned as "Lake Great Nevo." Perhaps from the name of the River Neva. Etymological Russian-language dictionary of Fasmer: Neva - River, connecting Lake Ladoga and Fin. Bay, for the first time Dr.-Russian. Neva, live. Alexander Nevsk. (XIII century), p. 2; Previously also Nevo - Ladoga Lake (review. years and yet in the book. Big features.). From Fin. Nevajoki, Nevajarvi from NEVA "Baloto", from where and Shv., CP.-NJ. Na "Neva", perceived by People. etymology as "new (river)".Etymological dictionary of Krylova: Neva - the name of the river, on which King Peter built a new capital of Russia, goes back to the Finnish name of Nevajoki - "Swamp River" formed from the word NEVA - "swamp".

In the saga, and later in contracts with the Hansees cities, Lake is referred to as Aldog (Wed Fin. Aalto - Wave). Since the beginning of the XIII century, the name is located in the city's dough - Lake Lake, formed from the name of the city of Ladoga, in turn, called the same name of the commander of the Volkhov River in its lower flow (Fin. Alodejoki - River in low-terrain). Other options for the origin of the lake name: from the Karelian word Aalto (Karelsk. Aalto - Wave; from here Karelsk. Aaltokas - Wavy). Part of the researchers are considered the primary hydronism of Ladoga, from Dr.-Fin. * Alode-Jogi (Joki) "Lower River".

There is also a hypothesis about the origin of the word "Ladoga" - from the dialect Russian word -alav - Meaning open lake, extensive water field (Mammont N. Toponymy Ladget). Etymological Russian-language dictionary of Fasme: Alder - Well. "Polyana, extensive and smooth locality", Arkhang, Mes., (Dal), also "Open Lake, an extensive water field", Zoons. (Sandpiper). According to Mikcol (JSFOU 23, 11), from Fin. * alode, contemporary. Fin. Alo, Alue "What is below. Doubtful borrowing from Fin. Aavo, Aavu "Steppe, Open Lake";Explanatory Dictionary. V. Daly: Alder - Well. Arch Mes. Polyana, extensive and smooth terrain. Alarm place is smooth and open.

fig. 1 Islands of Lake Ladoga.

fig. 2 Lake Lake in the District of Sortavala.



The Ladoga Lake Basin has glacial and tectonic origin. In Paleozoic 300 - 400 million years ago, the entire territory of the modern lake lake basin was covered with the sea. The sedimentary sediments of that time are sandstones, sands, clays, limestone - cover a powerful thickness (over 200 m) a crystalline foundation consisting of granites, gneisses and diabases.

The modern relief was formed as a result of the activities of the glacial cover (last, the Valdai glaciation ended about 12 thousand years ago). The main factor was: change in the level of the world's ocean, the water of the glacier and its weight - began (and continues) the rise of sushi. After the departing of the glacier about 12,600 years ago, a fresh Baltic Ice Lake was formed with a level of 25 meters above the ocean. About 10-9.6 thousand years ago, the water of the lake broke through in the region of Central Sweden and the Aloldiye Sea was formed, the level of which was 7 - 9 m above the modern level of the Baltic Sea.

Approximately 9500 years ago, Sushi raised the shed in Central Sweden and an anchoric lake was formed. In the north of the Karelian Isthmus, it was combined with a wide strait with the Lake Ladoga. The MGA river at that time flowed to the east and fell into the lake in the area of \u200b\u200bthe modern source of the Neva.

Approximately 8500 years ago, the Tectonic processes open the Danish sheds and the Latio Sea is formed. The water level was albeit significantly higher than the current one, but less than in the Lake Anchyl. This led to the formation of the Karelian Isthmus, and the formation of Lake Ladoga.

How long the lake was completely isolated - it is unknown - the water level in the lake rises faster than the rise of sushi occurs, and when the level of Ladoga exceeded the level of watershed, lake water, flooding the valley of the MGU river, broke through the Tosna River Valley.

Thus, about 4 thousand years ago, a new strait between Lake Lake and the Finnish Bay, which became the Valley of the Neva River. The old strait in the north of the Karelian Isthmus by this time was already above the lake level. Last 2.5 thousand years, the relief has not changed significantly.

The northern part of the Lake Ladoga lies in the Baltic crystal shield, South - on the Eastern European Platform. In the area nearest to Ladoga, the southern border of the shield passes approximately along the Vyborg - Priozersk - the mouth of the Vidica River - the source of the River Sviri.

The crystal foundation of the northern ligation refers to the ancient primary foundation of Fennoscandia and formed about 2000 million years ago. These are the most ancient geological formation on earth. For millions of years, the ancient mountains of the beetralist shakeped to the picturesque hills, rocks and cliffs. Wpadina Ladoga Lake was formed in the tertiary period as a result of a powerful geological discharge. At the same time, as a result of faults, the formation of the archipelago and the coastal part of the North-West shore of Lake Ladoga. 12 thousand years ago, after the departure of the glacier, almost the entire surface of the liking was under the water of the ancient Baltic Ice Lake. The climate, water level and salinity of the lake changed gradually. About 4000 - 3000 years ago, the formation of the Neva and the level of Lake Lake decreased by 10 meters.

At the end of 9 V.N.E. The change in the hydrography of the region (lowering the level of the Baltic and, respectively, the Lake Ladoga), led to the simultaneous process of cropping the rivers of the Ladoga basin, including wolf with tributaries.


fig. 4 Ancilant lake includes a palogue 9500 years ago. Labeled stock in the ocean.

Directly in Lake Lake, 32 rivers flow - more than 10 km long, the lake falling into Ladoga, the lake belongs: p. Svir, arising from the lake, r. Vuoksa, originating in Finland, r. Volkhov, arising from Lake Ilmen, r. Locking and others.


fig. 5 River Svir - Podporozhskiy district in the Saint of the Leningrad Region.


fig. 6 River Svir, Thresholds.


fig. 7 Sandwear River Svir.


fig. 8 Vuoksa River.

The Vuoksa River is mentioned in Novgorod chronicles. In the vicinity of the river from prehistoric times, people lived - the parking lots of the Stone Century period were found, there is a mention of the ancient epic "Kalevala". In the distant era of King Ivan Grozny, the Vuoksa River is mentioned as a place of congress to solve state issues.


figure 9 Vuoksa in Melnikovo.


fig. 10 Dam on the Vuoksa River in Imatre.


fig. 11 Priozersk Vuoksa River.


fig. 12 Rippipes of the Volkhov River.


fig. 13 Volkhov River in the district of Art. Ladoga and Lyubi (Chernavino-5), mounds in the "Cutting Up".


fig. 14 Volkhov River - near the mouth.


fig. 14 River asleep.

Lake Lake is Nevo.


fig. 16 Ladozhskoe Ozero.


fig. 17 landscapes of Lake Ladoga.


fig. 18 Ladoga Lake - Coast.


fig. 19 Ladoga Lake - Burun.


fig. 20 Lake Lake - Forest.


fig. 21 Ladoga Lake - silence.


fig. 22 Ladoga Lake Autumn.


fig. 23 Stony lake Ladoga shores.


fig. 24 troty rocks, pos. Vyartsil, northern liking.


fig. 25 Ruskeala, a former marble quarry. The height of the cliffs: 30 - 40 m, northern lump.


fig. 26 Ladoga Lake - Stones.


fig. 27 Voton Voslitza - River in Karelia, put it.


fig. 28 on the islands of Lake Lake.


fig. 29 Cape Rahaneii. Shine on August 18, 2003.


fig. 30 Gorskii Headoladozhsky Channel Photo 1909


figure 31 Korena Fortress in Priozersk.

Korela (SC. KEXHOLM, Fin. Käkisalmi "Kukushkin Strait") - stone fortress in the city of Priozersk, on the island of Vuoksa River. Medieval Korela was the north-western city of Russia. The fortress was laid at the turn of the XIII and XIV centuries. Novgorod on the island of the riverpower(Vuoks) To protect the Northwestern Lights of the Republic from the Swedes.

Priozersk - [Karelsk. Kägöisalmi, Fin. Käkisalmi - Kukushkin Strait, Swede. KEXHOLM - Cukushkin Island] - administrative center Priozersky district of the Leningrad region. The city is located on the Karelian Isthmus, on the shores of the northern sleeves of the Vuoksa River, between Lake Lake and Lake Vuoks. Until the early XVII century, the center of the Korel Land, the Korean county of the Water Five. From the XIV century to 1611, the city is known as Korela. C 1580 to 1595 and from 1611 to 1918 the city was called Kexholm. Since 1918, the city, as part of the independence of Finland, became known as Kyakisalmi. In 1940, after the Soviet-Finnish war, the city was departed to Soviet UnionThe name Kexholm was returned. In 1941-1944, during the Soviet-Finnish war, the city was engaged in the troops of Finland and was called Kiakisalmi. In 1944, after the Moscow truce, the city immediately departed to the Soviet Union. In 1948, renamed Priozersk.)


fig. 32 Fortress Oreshek - Walnut Island, (Fin. Pähkinäsaari) - a small island in the origin of the Neva. Main attraction - the old Novgorod fortress of the XIV century nut.


figure 33 Map of the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron. Ladoga lake. (Clichable)


Lake Lake is located in the Republic of Karelia and the Leningrad region of the Russian Federation. It is considered one of the largest freshwater lakes in Europe. Its area is about 18 thousand square meters. kilometers. The bottom is uneven: In one place, the depth can be 20 meters, and in another - 70 meters, but the maximum is 230 meters. In this waters there are 35 rivers, and only Neva flows. Ladget is divided into North and South, East and West.

Formation of aquatorium

Scientists suggest that Lake Lake has ice-tectonic origins. At the place of his hollow about 300-400 million years ago, there was a sea. The glaciers affected the relief change, which led to the rise of sushi. When the glacier began to retreat, then a glacial lake appeared with freshwater, an anchoric lake appeared, which connected with Ladoga. New tectonic processes occur 8.5 thousand years ago, thanks to which Karelian shells were formed, and the lake was isolated. Over the past 2.5 thousand years, the relief has not changed.
In the Middle Ages, the Lake was called "Nevo" in Russia, and in Scandinavia - Aldog. However, its real name happened from Ladoga (city). Now it is so called not only the city, but the river and the lake. It is difficult to determine which object first was called a palm.

Climatic features

In the area of \u200b\u200bLadoga Lake, the type of climate is moderate and transitional: from continental to the sea. It depends on the circulation of air masses and from the location. The amount of solar radiation is small here, so the moisture evaporates slowly. The average number of days a year is 62. Basically the weather is cloudy and cloudy. The duration of the daylight at different times changes from 5 h. 51 min. up to 18 h 50 min. From the end of May, in mid-July, there are "white nights", when the sun sits down the horizon about the 9th, and the evening smoothly goes in the morning.

Water resources of the lake are the main climate-forming factor in the Ladoga area. The water area contributes to the smoothing of some climatic indicators. So air masses from the continent, passing over the surface of the lake, become marine. The minimum atmosphere temperature drops to -8.8 degrees Celsius, and the maximum rises to +16.3 degrees, the average indicators are +3.2 degrees. The average annual precipitation is 475 millimeters.

Recreational wealth

Despite the fact that even in the summer water in the lake is very cold, a large number of people come here to rest every year, so there are beaches for tourists. Many vacationers ride on catamarans and kayaks.

On the lake there are 660 islands, and they were mainly concentrated in the northern part of the reservoir. Among the largest are the archipelagoes of Western and Valaam, and the greatest islands - Riekkalansari, Valaam, Mantsinsaari, Tulolysari, Kilple. In some islands, monasteries (Konesei, Valaam) are built, where the power of the saints rests and are sacred Relics. Here there is a Memorial "Road of Life".

On the territory of the Ladoga pool is the Nizhneysk Reserve, where they live different kinds Fauna, including rare. These types of flora grow here:

  • blueberries;
  • green mosses;
  • elm;
  • maple;
  • linden;
  • mushrooms.