Satellite dish tuner device. Installing a satellite dish

Satellite television is conquering the market of television services at a steady pace, and another "yesterday" luxury - a satellite dish - has become commonplace in millions of families. There is an opinion that the installation of a "dish" is the lot of professionals, and that an ordinary person simply cannot understand how to set up an antenna.

Below we will try to dispel this myth by showing in practice what and how to do in order to join the era of satellite television on our own.

Satellite selection

After you have fired up the idea of ​​purchasing a satellite dish on your own, you need to decide on the satellite TV operator, in other words, with the satellite, the signal from which the antenna will receive.

Satellite television is therefore named so that it uses a system of orbiting satellites in space. They receive a signal from television stations, and then broadcast it to vast areas below them. Satellite antennas receive the signal and reflect it on the collecting head (converter), which transfers it further to the receiver (tuner), from where it goes through the final decoding stage and enters the TV in the form of images and sound.

It becomes clear that one satellite dish is not enough to receive a signal. For this, a whole system of satellite equipment must be installed and correctly configured. We will proceed to its consideration a little later, but for now let us return to the choice of the satellite.

There are two types of satellites today. The first broadcast open channels, the others - encrypted. It happens that the equipment on the satellite is used by different operators. In this case, you will have to purchase a card to decode each channel separately.

But most often the channels are collected in packages, and it is enough to purchase one single card on your own to get access to all at once.

Russian-language channels are broadcast from various satellites located over different latitudes and meridians. To receive a signal from a certain source, it is necessary to set (direct) the antenna to it with extreme precision and adjust the receiving frequency. If your preferred satellites are close to each other, then you have every chance of receiving a signal from them using just one satellite dish.

The YAMAL 201 satellite allows you to watch up to 30 Russian-language channels in the public domain. In low-earth orbit, there are also many other vehicles broadcasting free channels. When choosing a satellite TV operator, pay attention to Tricolor-TV. For several years of work, this operator has built up a solid client base, which is direct evidence of the high quality of the services it provides. In addition to him, you can advise NTV-Plus (with an extensive list of channels) and Raduga-TV.

You can independently find a list of satellites with free broadcasting on the website, with paid ones on the official websites of the above operators.

When choosing a satellite, check whether you will be able to direct your satellite dish to it. In the event that objects that interfere with the signal (another house, power lines, trees, etc.) are in the signal path, consider installing a "dish" on the roof. Well, if this turns out to be impossible, you will have to turn your attention to the satellite located in the supposed field of view of the antenna.

Purchase of equipment

Before installing and configuring satellite equipment, you need to purchase it. You need to go to a specialty store for following elements to build:

  1. "Dish" (antenna). It will "collect" the signal from the satellite, concentrate and reflect it into the converter. The recommended diameter is over 90 cm.
  2. Converter (head). It will pick up the signal that got into the antenna, and, after conversion, will transmit it to the receiver. The choice depends on the polarization (circular or linear) of the preferred satellite, in the description of which this parameter can be found.
  3. Receiver (TV tuner). It will receive the signal from the converter, then decode it (“translate” it into the TV language) and transmit it to the final point - the TV. Setting up this device does not require any special knowledge.
  4. Bracket ("leg"). Will provide reliable fastening antennas on the wall (or roof) of the house. In addition, it will allow you to quickly rotate the dish in two planes (to search for a signal). Make sure that the plate is far enough away from the house so that it does not hit the wall when it rotates. In general, installing an antenna without a bracket is not possible.
  5. Cable (coaxial). Serves as a signal conductor, connecting the converter with the receiver (tuner).
  6. DiSEq. Masters simply call it "disek". It will be necessary if you decide to receive a signal from several satellites at once. In this case, it will help to combine a group of converters into a common cable.
  7. "F-ki". Without them, it is impossible to connect the cable to each link in the antenna-receiver chain. You will need 8 pcs. (for reinsurance - 10).
  8. Cable for connecting the receiver to the TV. Can be: composite (tulip), SCART, or HDMI (for the highest quality). You need to check yourself which cable is right for your case.

All of the above devices and devices can be purchased in a satellite TV set, which has already been assembled by professionals. You can also assemble it yourself - in this case, you will be sure of the quality and reliability of each element of the system.

Self-installation of the antenna

Before proceeding to this step, you must be absolutely sure of where your satellite dish should be pointing. service will help to accept the right decision... You just need to indicate the place where you plan to install the antenna and select the required satellite. After that, a message will appear on the screen to select a direction.

Before proceeding with the installation of the system, it is recommended to make sure that there is a signal (it should reach 60-70%), holding the antenna in your hands. If the test is successful, the next step is to install the bracket.

Make sure of the reliability of the mounting location and, using a puncher, make holes in the wall for anchors, the size of which should be selected depending on the wall material and the weight of the entire structure to be mounted. After fixing the bracket, proceed to the installation of the satellite dish itself (description this process can be found in the instructions for it). Remember: until you are convinced that it is in the correct direction, there is no point in tightening the nuts. First you need to set up a satellite dish.

Connection and setup

Setting up satellite dishes does not start on their own until they are connected to the receiver. To do this, you need to prepare a cable (screw an F-ku on it) and throw it from the converter (head) to the tuner.

We prepare the coaxial cable according to the algorithm:

  1. Cut off the insulating layer (1.5 cm from the edge) of the cable;
  2. We bend the shiny braid (made of small aluminum conductors) outward;
  3. We release the core of the cable from the foil shield (it is necessary to get rid of about 8-9 mm of the shield);
  4. We clean the core (main copper vein) from the remaining enamel and put on the F-ku.
  5. It remains to make sure that the core "looks" out of the F-ki by no more than 2mm. All unnecessary must be cut off with pliers.
  6. We do the same with the other end of the cable (having independently measured the required length in advance).
  7. We connect the cable to the converter (if there are several of them, then we use a disk to combine them into one), and pull the other end to the receiver.

The system installation is complete, the next step is configuration.

The antenna is positioned correctly and "looks" at the satellite (so far approximately). We go into the receiver settings and select, for example, the Sirius satellite. For it, you need to specify the frequency "11766", speed "2750" and polarization "H". Two bars will appear on the screen: the first shows that the dish has caught the signal, the second shows its strength. If the satellite dish is installed correctly, you should see at least 40% signal strength. All that remains is to improve the quality, which is still in the region of zero. We leave the TV and go to the plate. It is desirable that you can see changes on the signal scale. But if you cannot follow them on your own, leave an assistant who can correct your actions - it will be easier to set up the system with him.

Start by turning the satellite dish all the way up to the right. From this position, slowly, constantly observing the signal level from the satellite, rotate the dish to the left.

If it was not possible to catch the signal, it is necessary to lower the antenna a couple of millimeters (the fasteners are usually marked), and then repeat the rotation of the dish.

Setting up a satellite dish on your own just implies a painstaking search for a signal by manual adjustment.

First you need to achieve at least 20% quality, after which you can fix the satellite dish stronger. After that, with light manipulations (literally by the degree), we turn the plate left and right in search of 40%. But this is not enough either. For good work, you need at least 60-80%. Further "adjustment" is performed by manipulating the converter, which must be turned clockwise or counterclockwise. When the signal level is satisfactory, you can proceed to debugging the side converters (if you do not have them, skip this point).

Setting up additional heads will be much easier, since the main antenna is already picking up the signal in full. It remains only to indicate for each converter its own satellite (select in the receiver settings, as well as specify the frequency, speed and polarization) and rotate or bend the head leg to catch an acceptable signal.

Pay close attention to the marking of the inputs in the disk (A, B, C ...). In the same sequence, they will need to be specified in the tuner.

The last step is to set up your TV

It remains only to scan the satellite for the presence of channels and tune the TV (arrange the channels in the desired sequence for ease of search). If you are dealing with a paid access, insert the unlock card purchased in advance from the satellite TV operator.

In any, even in a large, even small group, in a student group, in a school class, in a word, wherever people live or work, except for names and surnames, they for some reason assign nicknames to each other. Whether it's because it's shorter or so much more fun, I don't know. In our village, many also have such nicknames.

I will not write about other people's nicknames here, but I will say for myself - here, behind my back, my name is TELESPUTNIK. This is because I repair TVs and other household appliances, and also very often install and tune satellite dishes.

Here's how with minimal cost quickly and correctly set up any satellite dish, and I'll tell you about the Tricolor satellite as an example.

First, a little economy.
When buying a set of satellite equipment, the seller will certainly offer you the services of specialists (usually his friends) for its installation, because the overwhelming majority of buyers do not know how to install satellite dishes.

At the cost of the equipment sets, for example, 9..10 thousand rubles (Tricolor), or 5 ... 8 thousand rubles. (Telecard), the cost of installation services in our area ranges from 1.5 thousand rubles to 2.5 thousand rubles, depending on the complexity installation works... Not 15 kopecks, however.

And in order to install an antenna in a rural area, you will have to pay for the master's travel back and forth, at the rate of about 7 ... 8 rubles. per kilometer, because he will go to you not by bus, but with his instrument and instruments in his car. And then the cost of installing a satellite dish increases significantly.

That is why they turn to me, because I do it cheaper, and I don’t take money for the trip ...

For self installation satellite dish you need the following.

1. A set of satellite equipment (dish, receiver, converter, antenna wire)
2. Antenna tuner Sat Finder (any brand and model)
3. Adapters, F-connectors, 2 pcs.
4. Three anchor self-clamping bolts M6 X 120..150 mm, if the walls of the house are stone
5. Three large bolts - self-tapping screws for wood M6 X 150 ... 200 mm, if the walls are wooden
6. Punch, if the walls are stone
7. Wrenches or adjustable wrenches, for 10, 13, 14, 17 (depending on the bolts)
8. Compass.
9. A piece of antenna wire 1.5 ... 2 meters

And now, as expected, a little theory. In order to understand what to do and why.

There are many satellites in the sky (or rather, in space). They hang there motionless, in a geostationary orbit, rotating with the earth, at a distance of about 36,000 km, and of course they are not visible. Each satellite is in its own point of space assigned only to it. The location of each satellite is known exactly, it is invariable, and very accurately maintained. In order to understand how and where the satellites are located, imagine ... a rainbow. The satellites above the horizon, from its left edge to the right, are located in approximately the same arc. Depending on where you live in our big country, you can “see” with your antennas a little more or a little less different satellites.

Each satellite has its own name, like a name. For example, the Tricolor satellite, to which we will tune our antenna, was formerly called Evtelsat W4 36E, now it is called Express AMU-1 - 36E. And Tricolor is just the trade name of the organization transmitting the signal through this satellite. Telekarta (Continent TV), for example, has another satellite, Intelsat15 85E.

In addition, a number is usually present in the name of a satellite, for example, 36E, 85E, 90E, 5W, 9W, which indicates the longitude over which it hangs, that is, the approximate direction to this satellite on the horizon.

But in our case, the sun and compass will be used to determine the direction to the satellite.

First of all, before installing the antenna, you need to decide on which side of the house it should be installed. For the area in which I live (Bashkortostan, 56 degrees east longitude) and the Tricolor satellite, this will be the southern side, approximately the place from which the sun is clearly visible from 12 to 14 pm. There should be no interference in the form of trees, roofs, and high-voltage power lines between you and the sun (satellite). The installation height of the antenna on the wall does not matter, mount it where it is more convenient for you to adjust it, only so that the antenna does not interfere with the passage or passage. For example, I have one of the antennas standing right on the ground, on an iron stand. I do not advise you to put an antenna on the roof, you will be tormented to climb later if something happens to it. Naturally, you should not attach a plate under the edge of the roof, so that rain, snow and ice subsequently do not fall on the antenna. It should be possible to rotate the antenna when tuning to the left and right as wide as possible.
For example, here's how it looks.

Now about the plate. In fact, it is not quite a plate, rather it is a part of it, slightly compressed from the sides and elongated. Such a dish has an egg-shaped shape and is called offset, it works like a crooked mirror, not only collecting, but also REFLECTING radio waves from the satellite to the receiving converter.

Therefore, the procedure for adjusting the position of the saucer is approximately similar to the one as if you came to the shooting range and began to aim at the target, standing with your back to it, through a mirror.

Before the actual dish, with the receiving converter, is attached to the wall of the house, you need to more accurately determine the direction to the satellite. For now, it will be approximately, according to the compass. Once again, for my area this will be an azimuth of 204 degrees. Let me remind you, if anyone does not remember: in order to take the azimuth, you need to set the compass so that its arrow points to the north, and under it was the zero mark of its scale. Without moving the compass, find on the 204-degree scale and note this direction on the ground. Let it be a direction to some tree, structure, bush, stone, or whatever you have.

High accuracy it is not required here, everything is approximately. After that, stand at the place of the future antenna installation and look carefully in this direction at the sky, at an angle to the horizon of about 20 ... 25 degrees. The Tricolor satellite is out there somewhere. There should be no obstacles in this direction in the form of roofs, trees, branches, poles, power lines. Here somewhere here and fix your plate.

If the wall of the house is wooden, then the process of attaching the plate should be treated with special care, making sure that the screws get into supporting structure at home, in a bar, in a log or in a partition. If you simply screw the plate on the boards or on the crate, then with a drop in humidity (summer - autumn - winter - spring) the tree will swell a little or shrink a little, the plate will move, the signal will disappear. In my practice, this has happened many times.

Installation accuracy satellite dish very strongly affects the quality of reception, the permissible vibration or error here is no more than 3 (three!) millimeters.

After the plate is fixed, first set the position of the mirror strictly vertically, on a level or plumb line, and then slightly fill it back by 1.5 ... 2 centimeters. Do not overtighten the bolts on the cymbal mount.

Here in this photo you can clearly see how much you need to deflect the plate.

Connect the receiver to the TV as instructed in its instructions. Turn it on. The receiver enters the channel search mode. Don't press anything, leave it as it is. Connect the antenna wire from the dish to the receiver. Then on the street, connect the wire coming from the receiver using the F-connectors to the Sat Finder, another wire, prepared in advance, short, connect to the converter on the plate. Approximate view stripping the wire in the figure.

If there are no breaks or shorts in the wiring, then the scale backlight will light up in it. This means that food is coming to the plate. Turning the sensitivity regulator, make the device begin to crackle a little from noise (but do not squeak).

A little about the Sat Finder.
Don't think of it as an advertisement. His name is SF-9501, it is sold in almost all electronic stores, or in extreme cases, on An irreplaceable thing when setting up any satellite dish. With a relatively low cost (400 ... 600 rubles), it saves a huge amount of time and nerves.

The principle of operation of this device is based on measuring the signal strength at the output of the converter and its sound and pointer indication.
There are different models and modifications, with displays, programmable, etc., but in our case the simplest model will be more than enough.

Now that all connections are checked and you can hear noise crackling in the device, start slowly, very slowly, move the plate horizontally to the left and then to the right. As the dish moves, you will hear several different signals from different satellites (there are many of them). Your task is to choose the strongest one and leave the plate in this position.

Then use the knob to decrease the sensitivity (buzzer volume) of the Sat Finder and adjust the position of the cymbal more precisely in the horizontal plane.

If the signals are weak or not audible at all, tilt the dish back a little (1 cm) and again search for the signal in the horizontal plane. Thus, by searching horizontally, and with each pass slightly raising the dish above the horizon, you will find the satellite with the strongest signal. After finding such a signal, try slightly (by a centimeter, no more) to move the plate up or down, achieving maximum signal strength. If necessary, reduce the sensitivity of the device for more precise adjustment.

Check the approximate direction of the dish to the satellite; it should not differ from that previously found by the compass by more than 5 ... 8 degrees in one direction or the other.

Go back to the TV. According to the instructions for the receiver, conduct an initial channel search. Operator - Tricolor, region - Chelyabinsk or Ural. If the dish is tuned correctly, you will see a list of many channels. Check if there are Tricolor - Info and Tricolor - Promo, TV-TV, TV2-TV channels among them. These channels should work even without activating the access card.

After all the channels are found, return to the cymbal and carefully, so as not to knock the setting, fix all the cymbal fasteners and all the bolts and nuts with the keys, controlling the signal strength on the device.

After fixing the antenna and checking the image on the TV, turn off the device, and connect the wire from the receiver to the converter on the plate. This completes the setup. From the Tricolor satellite, you will be able to view about ten free channels and about 300 paid ones. Now you should register your equipment with the operator by calling the special number specified in the instructions for the receiver. After registering the equipment, all channels found during tuning will become available for viewing.

I think that viewing will be much more pleasant if we consider that the entire budget of our enterprise (with nails and duct tape) is at the level of 700 ... 800 rubles.

As practice has shown, the Sat Finder will come in handy for you more than once. Whether the wind is strong, or snow and ice, or some kind of restructuring in the house, you can always go and tune the shifted antenna, both at home and at a neighbor.

Yes, just in case, I will give the parameters for the Intelsat 15 85E satellite, for the Telecard. The azimuth is 143 degrees, the angle of elevation, that is, the "collapse" of the saucer is the same as that of the Tricolor. The rest of the setup procedure is exactly the same.

Happy viewing!

Many are unsure if they can set up satellite TV on their own. In fact, many can cope with this.


Today, the entire set for connection costs between 2800-4500 rubles. It includes:

  • Receiver (tuner). In simple language this is the receiver. Of the entire set, it is the most expensive. When choosing it, be serious, because the channels are broadcast in mpeg 2 and mpeg4 formats. The second is better.
  • Antenna. Converts the receiving beam to focus. It is he who receives the impulse.
  • Converter mounts- 2 pieces.
  • Dissek- its task is to switch between converters. The tuner at one time receives a pulse exclusively from one converter, it is necessary if there are more than two satellites.
  • Special cable.
  • F connectors.
  • Mounting bracket.

Tools to help you tune the antenna:

  • Extension cord (preferably for 3 sockets);
  • Perforator or drill;
  • Wrenches for tightening nuts 13 and 10;
  • Phillips screwdriver;
  • Hammer;
  • Insulating tape.

Choosing a satellite

We need to choose which satellite TV operator we need.

The basis of satellite television is orbiting satellites. Television stations send a signal to them, and they distribute it over vast territories. Then it goes to the antenna, which reflects it to the head, it transmits it to the tuner. There is decoding and we see the picture and hear the sound.

But just an antenna is not enough for this. A whole system is needed here.

Satellites are of two types:

  • Open broadcasting
  • Coded

Channels are collected in packets and a card is purchased that decodes them.

Russian channels broadcast from satellites from different parts of the world. To receive a signal from a specific satellite, it is required that the antenna be directed towards it and set the correct frequency. If the desired satellites are nearby, then only one antenna is needed to catch it.

Sputnik Yamal 201 makes it possible to view up to thirty Russian channels. There are many free channel broadcasters in Earth orbit.

When choosing an operator, take a closer look at:

  1. Tricolor-TV has been operating for many years and has many clients.
  2. NTV Plus
  3. Rainbow TV

They all provide many channels.

Antenna installation

How to choose an installation location

It will not work to install the antenna anywhere. They are sensitive. If a tree interferes with the signal, then the reception will be clogged partially or completely. Before installing, you need to check what objects are in the signal path. If anything, you need to either choose another place, or remove the interfering objects.

To a specific satellite you need to choose right direction... You can find it out from a sales assistant, on the Internet or in special literature.

Before installation, you need to check what objects are in the signal path, if anything, you need to either choose another place, or eliminate interfering objects

Preparing for installation

There are instructions for the plates. After assembling the antenna you need:

  1. Attach the bracket to the wall
  2. Fix the plate
  3. Start setup

Now you need to start preparing the cable:

  1. Take a knife with pliers
  2. Use a knife to strip the top insulation, there will be a layer of small wires. It needs to be diverted towards the cable.
  3. Next comes the foil layer. Cut it off.
  4. Last protective layer you need to bare and there will be a core.
  5. You clean it from the top layer(enamel) and put on the F connector.
  6. All the layers that stick out- cut.

To a specific satellite, you need to choose the right direction, you can find out from a sales assistant, on the Internet or in special literature

We connect

  1. Connect the convectors to the disc. This requires 3 cables.
  2. To prevent moisture from getting on the disc, hide it. But you do not need to wrap with electrical tape, otherwise there will be a "steam room". Use heat shrink.
  3. Now you need to connect the disc to the receiver. It's simple, screw the F-ku which is on the cable to the receiver.

Setting up the heads

Let's say the saucer is facing south. We connected all the wires. Now the most difficult stage in all this work lies ahead. You need to start with the central head. If the south side is selected, then you need to tune in to Sirius.

Set the receiver speed to 27500, frequency 11766, polarization - H. Look at the two bands: the first is the connection (red), the second shows the signal level (yellow). If everything is correct, the signal level will be 40%.

Now you can adjust the signal quality, now it is equal to 0. Let's go to the dish:

To make it easier you can:

  • Connect the power cable to the plate;
  • Install next to the tuner from the kit;
  • Place a portable, small TV next to or on the roof;
  • Connect and check everything by adjusting the dish.

But not everyone wants to do this, and, for example, no one will raise plasma to the roof.

Setting up side converters

After the previous manipulations, the side heads are very easy to set up, the rest of the satellites are on the sides.

The principle does not differ from the previous setting:

  • For Amos, the speed is 27500, the frequency is 11766, the polarization is H.
  • Hotbird - 27500, 11034, V.

We bend the side bracket. Fear not, some of the models are made in such a way that you can't do without it. Carefully move the converter to the right side from the upper left corner, then lower it down and twist to the left. Monitor the signal until it returns to normal.

There will be no signal if the disc settings are incorrectly set. Check it out.

Finishing the setup

When you have everything set up and reeled up all the wires, scan and look for channels. Find the SCAN function in the tuner. There will be a list of all available channels. Choose the ones you need.

Nowadays, often all channels are already in the tuner settings. No scanning and tuning required. We turn on the TV, watch the channel you like. Find and press the Info button on the remote (insert batteries into the remote). Some channels may be missing, write their frequency in the editor. And pay attention to the readings of two or three scales, depending on which tuner.

Possible mistakes

  • If the stripping of the cable is poor and the F connector is incorrectly connected, the tuner can be damaged.
  • The cable to the tuner is not connected properly.
  • Wrong installation location. There is an object covering the signal.
  • Dissection port for satellite is not specified.
  • While the antenna is being tuned, it is impossible to be in front of the satellite converter.
  • Once you tune the antenna, do not loosen the tilt and azimuth nuts too much.
  • The satellite signal can be checked with special instruments.
  • Look for Amos on the right and Hotbird on the left.

You can, of course, call specialists and for good money they will do everything.

But, friends, a satellite TV lover should be able to do everything himself, for the sake of creative satisfaction.

How else!

Each skill will add respect to itself ... I can do it and I did it!

And so we will develop the topic, setting up a satellite dish.

Today there are more than 150 satellites in geostationary orbit around the globe that transmit digital satellite TV, radio, Internet.

In fact, there are much more of them, spyware, purely for communication, and such about which only the one who launched and installed the filling knows.

Fly, well, let the piece of iron fly ... ah! ;)

Each satellite on board has a certain number of transponders that work on different frequencies... As you all know for satellite reception to your antenna there is C-band, Ku-band and Ka-band.

So what to do with "S, Ku, Ka" if I can't find a satellite?

Keep in mind that all the available satellites that are together in their orbits cannot be tuned and watched for one good reason ...

It can beat so that your area, in which you will install a satellite dish, does not fall into the coverage area of ​​this satellite.

So from the beginning it will be necessary to decide what and where.

To begin with, you must decide on which satellite you will tune your dish, and what transponder frequencies belong to it.
How do you know which satellites are there? Look at the table below and you will find a suitable companion there.

But we also need to tune the antenna itself, and a good program will help us with this.

Satellite Antenna Alignment

It is designed to calculate the angles required when installing a satellite dish. The azimuth and elevation (elevation) are calculated for each satellite.

The main difference from similar programs is the ability to make calculations for all satellites at once. Thus, a clear picture is formed about which satellites are physically visible from the antenna installation site and which are not.

It should be remembered that in this program the calculation is performed theoretically, according to the formulas, and in real conditions, when installing the antenna, many more factors must be taken into account, such as various obstacles (buildings, trees), terrain, height above sea level, direction of transponders, polarization, etc. etc.

But nevertheless, this program will allow you to assess the state of affairs accurately.

The resulting calculation can be saved to a text file, copied to the Windows clipboard, or directly output to a printer. It is possible to memorize a list of places for which the calculation was made. Subsequently, you will no longer need to enter the coordinates of these places again, just select them from the table.

You need to start working with the program by entering the geographic coordinates of your satellite dish installation point.
This can be done in Maps from GOOGLE. If you know the coordinates, just enter them in search string

The way you get the coordinates in new and classic Google Maps is different. Also note that you cannot find out the coordinates using a smartphone or tablet.
New interface

Press desired site right-click maps. Select What's here?
A panel with coordinates will appear under the search bar.

Classic interface

Open up Google maps ... Click on the desired area of ​​the map with the right mouse button. Select What's here?
The coordinates will be displayed in the search bar (at the top of the page)

And so we successfully figured out our coordinates.

Then enter your coordinates in the "Coordinates of the antenna installation site" section. North latitude - "N", south latitude - "S". Likewise, East Longitude is "E", West Longitude is "W". After the coordinates are entered, on the left side of the table you will receive the calculation of the angles for all satellites at once.

The azimuth and elevation of the antenna (elevation) is calculated. The resulting azimuth is the direction to the satellite in degrees from north in a clockwise direction.

The elevation angle is the angle (in degrees) between the direction of the satellite signal and the tangent plane to the earth's surface at your point of reception.

If the elevation angle is negative, then the satellite is hidden behind the horizon and reception of a signal from it is, in principle, impossible. Thus, from your vantage point, you can theoretically see satellites for which the elevation angle is a positive value.

Knowing the azimuth, you can quickly navigate and determine the direction to the satellite, determine obstacles in the path of the antenna direction (neighboring houses, trees).

As mentioned above, the program operates with absolute values ​​and calculates everything using formulas. Thus, the resulting azimuth is the angle relative to absolute north, and not from what your compass can show, because

However, a compass is not a very constant thing, especially in urban conditions. Better to be guided by the sun. :)

Additionally, the program implements the calculation of the azimuth in the sun, and now you can do without a compass!

The calculation is performed for the point geographical coordinates which you asked to calculate the azimuth to the satellites. The height above sea level is considered to be 0 meters. You can specify the date (the current date is taken by default) and calculate the movement of the sun in increments of one minute.

The calculation results are displayed in the table on the left. For the sun, both azimuth and elevation are calculated at the current time.

Thus, it allows you to do without a compass when installing the antenna. First, determine the azimuth to the satellite you want. Then calculate the azimuth in the sun for the day on which you plan to install the antenna.

Find the azimuth of the sun in the table that is closest to the azimuth to the satellite, and you will get the time (and date) when the sun will be in the same direction as the satellite. V the right moment time we turn the antenna directly to the sun, the azimuth of the sun at this moment coincides with the azimuth of the satellite.

Or just mark this position, rotate the antenna later. When calculating, do not forget to indicate your time zone (Moscow +3 hours from Greenwich).

Additionally, the program calculates the azimuth of sunrise and sunset, as well as the time and angle of elevation when the sun is strictly in the south.

Daylight saving time is not included in the program! Therefore, for summer time, you need to add +1 hour to the obtained results of calculating the azimuth in the sun.

The program draws a simple diagram showing the sides of the horizon. The yellow sector denotes daylight hours, its eastern part is sunrise, the western part is sunset. On the same diagram, you can schematically display the direction to the satellite you need.

Select a satellite in the drop-down list, the direction to it (azimuth) is drawn with a red line. If the elevation angle to the satellite is negative, then the red line is not drawn (the satellite is not visible).

Offset satellite dishes are now widely used. Such an antenna, standing strictly vertically, already has a certain elevation angle (~ 20-25 degrees).

You can enter the dimensions of your offset antenna (height and width) and the software will calculate the exact elevation angle for that antenna. The calculation is performed only for antennas whose height is greater than the width. Enter antenna dimensions in millimeters.

The angle of elevation to the satellite of your choice will also be shown here, and the angle at which you need to actually install the antenna (in degrees from the plane of the earth)

LAST version "Satellite Antenna Alignment" (2014) we collect:

Maps with satellite coverage areas can be viewed on the website The figure below shows an example of a map with the coverage area for the Hot Bird 7a satellite at 13.0 ° E



Lyngsat address

Amos 1/2
Intelsat 10-02
Thor 2/3 *

Sirius 2/3
Astra 1C *
Eutelsat W3A

Before purchasing the equipment, we recommended choosing appropriate place to install the antenna using a dedicated application. Find at this place the most flat surface for attaching the bracket. Attach the bracket, trace around the mounting holes with a pencil or marker, and after drilling them, attach the bracket using dowels. Tighten the screws so that the bracket is as firmly attached to the wall as possible (use force to check its strength). Then "put" the antenna on the bracket, tighten the nuts on the fasteners and adjust the angle of the mirror as vertically as possible.
If you have not done this earlier, then install the converter in the holder, pointing it with the head towards the plate.
Strip the cable and install the F-connectors ( detailed instructions- here). Connect the cable to the converter.

Adjusting the angles of rotation of the antenna and converter

Antenna tuning is performed according to 3 m indicators: antenna turn, antenna tilt and converter turn. With a positive value of the converter rotation, turn it clockwise, with a negative value - counterclockwise (you need to look at the converter from the side of the antenna).

Turn on smartphone GPS and launch the previously installed SatFinder application, select the ABS satellite 2 - 75 E. The program will show the direction to the satellite on google maps and right in the sky, using the built-in camera, and also calculates the required angles of rotation and tilt of the antenna. Also, the program will help you to direct the antenna at the desired angles.

Besides the SatFinder app, you can use:

  • Dishpointer Pro, Satellite Director, Multifid Apps
  • Website
  • MTS setup wizard on the main MTS website
  • Special device (e.g. satfinder dvs-sf 500)

When using the device, enter the following data into it:
LO Freq. 10600
Down Freq. 9750 or 11920
Symbol Rate 45000
Polarity V
DiSEqC1.0: OFF
22K: OFF

Checking the signal from the antenna using the attachment

After the antenna has been securely fixed and configured, connect the other end of the cable to the MTS set-top box (the connection procedure is described below). Try to minimize the length of the cable from the satellite dish to the set-top box (if it is more than 50 m, choose the most expensive and high-quality cable).
In the set-top box menu, select the "Settings" section, in it the "Antenna settings" item. You will be shown the levels of quality and strength of the signal being received by your antenna. If the signal is weak, then turn the antenna left and right and up and down to achieve a stable strong signal. The angle of rotation of the converter is responsible for the quality indicator. Achieve the highest possible value on the quality scale by turning the converter. Then fix the antenna.