Not allowed to surrender oge. They are not allowed to attend the OGE due to debt on project activities

What to do if the child did not pass the OGE?

If in the ninth grade your child suffered a complete fiasco, did not pass the GIA or was not allowed to take the exam, this does not mean that all doors are closed to him. Instead of a certificate, they give a certificate. Let's figure out together what to do with it and where to go to study further.

Shall we try again?

By law, children who have completed grade 9 with a certificate of the established form can try to pass the GIA again in a year as an external student. At the same time, subjects for which unsatisfactory scores were obtained must be surrendered.

If you wish, your daughter or son can stay for re-training and pass the GIA together with new classmates for the next year. As a rule, this applies to those who were not admitted to certification.

Where to go for help?

Until 2015, in order to complete training in different programs vocational training for specialties, mainly workers and employees, school certificate was a prerequisite. Now enroll in vocational secondary educational institution possible with help.

Who will be your daughter or son?

The list of working specialties and positions of employees is not limited to a janitor, a plumber and a turner, who are so fond of scaring teenagers. In fact, there are many more professions:

  • educator;
  • private security guard;
  • cook;
  • driver;
  • seamstress;
  • driver;
  • flight attendant;
  • cynologist;
  • hairdresser;
  • electrician, etc.

If your son or daughter succeeds in their profession, then they will be able to earn very good money. Here, as elsewhere, the main effort and desire.

You can check with your local department of public education which colleges accept grade 8 students in your area. In most cases, training is conducted on a paid basis.

Why go to college?

Admit it, after thinking: “What a horror! You didn’t pass / didn’t pass the GIA! the next one was: “Losing a whole year, what to do?!”. Idleness has a corrupting effect even on an adult, what can we say about a teenager who is not averse to scoring his studies anyway. In this situation, primary and secondary professional education is a good option.

  • First of all, the child will be busy with business, and will not sit for days at the computer or hang out somewhere.
  • College education for children with a certificate lasts up to 6-8 months. They study specialized disciplines and gain practical skills in production. Classes usually start in October. Just a year will pass before the retake. During this time, your child will receive a profession and the appropriate category.
  • If your son or daughter successfully passes the GIA, they will be able to continue studying for free in any specialty. A college degree with honors gives certain advantages when entering a specialized university. In addition, many colleges participate in the "college - university" program, their graduates can immediately enter the 2nd or 3rd year of a specialized university.

As you can see, the college offers good prospects. If your son or daughter immediately tunes in to study, then they will succeed in the future.

How to prepare for the retake of the GIA?

Without passing the state final certification, your son or daughter can get a profession, increase their rank, but their level of education will remain the same. Employers always pay attention to this column in work book. Therefore, the GIA will still have to be passed. We have already written about the rules and established deadlines for retaking the GIA.

  • A professional tutor will prepare your son or daughter, but classes are very expensive and can be disrupted due to his illness or other pressing circumstances. After all, he is also human.
  • Many colleges offer preparatory courses. They are slightly cheaper than courses in educational centers, but are not always effective, as there are always large groups. Classes are taught by the same college teachers.
  • Classes are never canceled in educational centers. Groups are made up of 5-6 people. Teachers are often certified GIA and USE experts and are focused on high results.

There are no hopeless situations. If your child received a certificate instead of a certificate, do not rush to blame only him for everything. You, too, are involved in this, admit it. Somewhere they didn’t make me sit down for lessons on time, somewhere they were allowed to skip the day. Instead of looking for someone to blame, make the most of the situation. Focus on going to college and preparing for the GIA retake.

Question (in detail):

Good afternoon, 01/23/2017 I was invited to the director and was notified that my son did not pass the "Project" which is included mandatory requirements for admission to the delivery of the OGE, because. education in our Lyceum takes place according to new standards, respectively, it is not allowed to pass the OGE. There were two retakes, the first time I missed the retake due to illness, the second time the reason for not defending the project was that he did not provide a "product", his topic was "Creating dry ice at home", it is not possible to provide dry ice, director The way out that I was offered was to leave their school. The child does not play truant, there is no remark on behavior, he does not have deuces for quarters and six months. Now looking through the schools I found that there are no vacancies anywhere. Are their actions legal and how to protect the child?

We are preparing for exams, it is planned to take biology and chemistry additionally, all preliminary (trial) exams have been passed.

Non-admission to the OGE is possible only due to the presence of academic debt for the 9th grade. If the project is part educational program Lyceum and for the first half of the year a debt has formed - you should be given the opportunity to correct the assessment twice in accordance with the requirements. The period of illness according to the law is a good reason for postponing the recertification. If there is a confirmation of the disease, you have the right to demand a retake. The work must be submitted again to the commission. In addition, if there are doubts about objectivity, you have the right to contact the department of education with a request to send a representative of the department or a representative of another school to the commission.

You can write an application addressed to the director of the lyceum (register the application with the secretary) with a request to ensure the possibility of re-taking on the basis of Article 58:

5. Students with academic debts have the right to pass an intermediate certification in the relevant academic subject, course, discipline (module) no more than two times within the time limits determined by the organization implementing educational activities, within one year from the moment of formation of the academic debt. This period does not include the time of the student's illness., being on academic leave or maternity leave.

6. To conduct intermediate certification for the second time, an educational organization creates a commission.

We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the current educational program of the lyceum and make sure that the subject for which there is an academic debt is really included in the educational program as a mandatory one.

It is worth familiarizing yourself with the procedure for grading in the lyceum, if such are adopted by local acts (Regulations on student assessment and regulations on intermediate certification) and make sure that non-certification in the subject corresponds to the grading procedure. What matters is whether it is an assessment based on the results of the six months or the result of a test work. If you find a discrepancy between the principle of grading you and how it should be graded, you can appeal the grade to the school administration, in case of refusal, to the education authorities.

Taking into account the specific circumstances, progress during the year in the subject, the requirements for the work for which the deuce was set and what was done by the student, you can try to appeal the assessment. This is not always easy, it depends on many circumstances. But the presence of a valid local act at the school, which describes the procedure for grading, including the cases in which the work can be assessed for a grade of 2, would greatly simplify the task.

Please note that applications for passing the OGE with an indication of the selected subjects are submitted by schools until March 1. The lyceum is obliged to send an application and register all students who are enrolled in it for the exam. The decision on non-admission to the OGE can only be made at the end of the academic year, if the student still has an academic debt.

Transfer to another school can only be on your initiative. Without free places schools have the right to refuse admission. For assistance in finding a place in another school, you can contact the educational authorities. But if you decide to transfer, it is advisable to do this before applications are submitted and graduates are assigned to specific schools for passing the OGE.

For high school students - the first important test on the way to complete secondary and higher education and building a professional career. Exams allow you to check how well students did in the study of certain subjects, and whether they can apply for education in specialized classes and colleges. In addition, passing the OGE is the basis for issuing a certificate for the 9th grade. This fully explains the excitement and anxiety with which students and their parents are waiting for the exam.

The opportunity to take exams is not provided automatically - in order to write the OGE, it is not enough just to submit an application. First, even the most negligent students will have to get admission in all subjects, having worked out absenteeism and correcting negative marks. Another recent innovation is the oral part of the exam, which is conducted in the form of a final interview and precedes the OGE. Well, let's figure out what the concept of admission to the OGE includes, and what requirements you need to fulfill in order to get it.

To be admitted to the OGE, you will have to pass an interview and close the tails!

The procedure for obtaining admission to the OGE

The rules for obtaining admission to the OGE are a list of conditions that a student must fulfill in order to be able to apply for four certification exams in the general secondary education program. The list of rules and exceptions to them is as follows:

  • the student should not have an academic debt in any of the subjects studied at school;
  • the individual plan should be completed in full and annual marks should be at least at the level of a triple;
  • not only students who study under the regular program are entitled to pass the OGE school education, but also those who studied subjects at home or as part of family education, schoolchildren who received education abroad, children from refugee or migrant families. Such guys can take the OGE as external students;
  • from some exams that are part of the OGE, students who won the profile Olympiad in the 2017/2018 academic year, winners of such Olympiads or members of teams representing Russian Federation at international olympiads.

Who takes the GVE exam?

After the ninth grade, students can also take a final test in the form of GVE - the state final exam. Among these students are Russian regulations include:

  • those who have mastered the school curriculum in an educational institution with closed type education, as well as persons who studied while serving sentences in correctional institutions;
  • pupils who received their secondary education abroad;
  • children who have a degree of disability;
  • students of Crimean schools.

Teenagers who received home education also have the right to write the OGE

Rules for applying for the OGE

Students must select subjects and write appropriate applications by March 1, 2018. Applications must be submitted at educational institution, on the basis of which the GIA will be held. The rules for passing the final examination allow that the student can rewrite the application after the specified period, changing the list of selected subjects, but this will require a good reason. Applications stop accepting two weeks before the start of the final tests scheduled for the 9th grade.

Who can retake the OGE?

It is known that there are several periods in the GIA schedule for grades 9 - early, main and additional. The last of them is intended for such categories of persons:

  • schoolchildren who received a deuce in one of the compulsory subjects (i.e. in the Russian language or mathematics);
  • students who wrote the OGE during the main period, but were forced to leave the exam without finishing work with the ticket (for example, due to poor health). The reason why the student could not complete the exam must be documented;
  • students who filed an appeal regarding a violation of the procedure for conducting the OGE in the main period. They can write the exam again if their complaint was satisfied by the members of the conflict commission.

You may not be allowed to retake the OGE if the exam results were canceled by members of the examination committee (for example, due to cheating), as well as if the student was removed from the audience for violating the rules of conduct (moving around the class, talking with neighbors, etc. .d.). If the student was still unable to obtain a certificate for the 9th grade, then he remains for the second year, receives a referral to study according to an adapted program, or is transferred to an individual plan.

For a number of reasons, you can pass the OGE-2018 earlier or later than the main deadline

Admission to the early delivery of the OGE can be granted:

  • ninth-graders who study in evening school, if they wish to be called to, and at the same time are suitable for age;
  • athletes who plan to go to all-Russian or international competitions or training camps;
  • schoolchildren representing Russia during the main OGE at a competition or olympiad at the level of Russia or the world;
  • students who plan to move to another country (for family reasons or for study);
  • children who are referred for treatment or prevention for health reasons.

Such an application must be submitted in advance (before March 1, 2018), otherwise you will have to take the OGE with the main wave of students.

Russian language interview as admission to the OGE

According to Olga Vasilyeva, who holds the post of head of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, students in the ninth grade must pass without fail. The decision to include the oral part in the OGE in the Russian language was made on the basis of the Improvement Concept school curriculum in Russian language and literature.

The purpose of the Concept is to develop in the younger generation of Russians the skill of using beautiful literary speech when conducting dialogues and monologues, as well as presenting the material read. Specialists from FIPI last year developed several models for conducting oral examinations, testing them on two groups of schoolchildren.

In addition to memorizing the rules, you need to practice competent Russian speech

According to the first of them, the students were interviewed by representatives of the examination committee, and the second assumed that the student would pass the oral part in computer form, writing down their answers. Testing of 1.5 thousand schoolchildren showed that live communication is the preferred form of this test. In 2018, students will have to show their skills in “spontaneous” speaking and complete several tasks:

  • read a text fragment of a scientific journalistic style. Correct intonation, stress and emotional coloring will bring you up to 2 points;
  • retell the fragment that was presented in the first task. A further two points would require a clear statement of the facts and the author's thoughts, as well as the student's own comments on the subject;
  • to speak in the form of a monologue on a topic chosen from the three proposed options. If the student sticks to the plan attached to the task, he will be able to get two more points;
  • conduct a dialogue with a representative of the commission, which is estimated at another three points.

If the student is able to give his answer correct design and comply with the norms of the Russian language, then another 5 points can be awarded to him. To be admitted to the main OGE, you will need to get a credit for the oral part - this right is given by 8 points out of 14 maximum.