Rules subject and predicate and others. The main members of the proposal

In this chapter:

§1. The main members of the sentence are subject and predicate


The subject is main member sentence independent of the other members of the sentence. The subject answers the questions I.p.: who? What?

In a sentence, the subject is expressed in different ways.

How is the subject expressed?

The subject can be a word or phrase.

Most often the subject is expressed:

1) noun: mother, laughter, love;
2) words that have the function of a noun: nouns derived from adjectives or participles: sick, manager, meeting, ice cream, canteen;
3) pronouns: we, nobody, anything;
4) numerals: three, five;
5) indefinite form of the verb: Smoking is harmful to health;
6) a phrase, if it has a meaning:
a) compatibility: husband and wife, duck with ducklings, me and my girlfriend;
b) uncertainty or generality: Something unfamiliar seemed in the distance. One of the guests covered the window;
c) quantities: 2 million people live in the city;
d) selectivity: Any of them could become the first. Most of the students coped with the control;
e) phraseological unit: The white nights have come.


Predicate- this is the main member of the sentence, denoting what is being said about the subject that is the subject. The predicate depends on the subject and agrees with it. It answers different questions: what does the object do? what happens to him? what is he? who is he? what it is? what is the subject? All these questions are varieties of the question: what is being said about the subject? The choice of a specific question depends on the structure of the sentence.

The predicate contains the most important grammatical characteristic of the sentence: its grammatical meaning.

grammatical meaning- this is a generalized meaning of the sentence, which characterizes its content in terms of two parameters:

  • reality-irreality,
  • time.

reality-irriality expressed by the mood of the verb.

  • Verbs in the indicative mood are typical for statements that reflect the real situation: It's raining., It's getting light.
  • Verbs in the imperative and in the conditional mood are characteristic of sentences that reflect not a real, but a desirable situation. Don't forget your umbrella! If only it didn't rain today!

Time- an indicator of the correlation of the situation with the moment of speech. Time is expressed by the verb forms of the present, past and future tense.

Simple and compound predicate

The predicate in two-part sentences can be simple and compound. Compounds are divided into compound verbal and compound nominal.

Simple predicate- this is a type of predicate in which the lexical and grammatical meanings are expressed in one word. A simple predicate is always a verb. It is expressed by the verb in the form of one of the moods. In the indicative mood, verbs can stand in one of three tenses: present - past - future.

He knows the verses by heart.

indicative mood, present. time

He knew the verses by heart.

indicative mood, past time

He will learn the verses by heart.

indicative mood, bud. time

You will memorize these verses.

imperative mood

In a circle, you would learn poems by heart.

conditional mood

Compound predicate- this is a type of predicate, in which the lexical and grammatical meanings are expressed different words.
If in a simple verbal predicate the lexical and grammatical meanings are expressed in one word, then in a compound one they are expressed in different words. For example:

Suddenly, the baby stopped singing and started laughing.

Stopped singing, started laughing - compound predicates. The words sing, laugh are called action, while expressing the lexical meaning. The grammatical meaning is expressed by the words: stopped, started

Compound predicates are verbal and nominal.

Compound verb predicate

A compound verbal predicate is a predicate consisting of an auxiliary word and an indefinite form of the verb. Examples:

He finished working.

I want to help you.

Auxiliary words are divided into two groups:

1) verbs with the meaning of the beginning-continuation-end of the action, for example: start, finish, continue, stop, stop;

2) verbs and short adjectives with the meaning of possibility, desirability, necessity: to be able, to be able, to want, to want, to desire, to strive, to try; glad, ready, must, obligated, intends.

In a compound verbal predicate, auxiliary words express the grammatical meaning, and the indefinite form of the verb expresses the lexical meaning of the predicate.

In the event that a short adjective serves as an auxiliary word, then it is used with a bunch. The link is the verb to be. Here are the relevant past tense examples:

I was so glad to meet you!

In the present tense, the word is is not used, it is omitted: the link is zero, for example:

I'm so glad to meet you!

In the future tense, the link to be is put in the future tense. Example:

I will be glad to meet you.

Compound nominal predicate

A compound nominal is a predicate consisting of a linking verb and a nominal part. Linking verbs express the grammatical meaning of the predicate, and the nominal part expresses its lexical meaning.

1. The linking verb to be expresses only grammatical meaning. She was beautiful yesterday. In the present tense, the link is zero: She is beautiful.

2. Linking verbs to become, to become, to become, to be, to be considered, to seem, to be called, to appear: The house from afar seemed like a point.

3. Linking verbs with the meaning of movement or location in space: come, arrive, sit, lie down, stand: Mother returned tired from work., Mother sat thoughtful, sad.

In all these cases, linking verbs can be replaced by the verb to be. The sentences will be synonymous, for example:

Mother sat pensive, sad. Synonymous: Mother was thoughtful, sad.

He was considered the most talented of us. Synonymous: He was the most talented of us.

With such a replacement, of course, all the nuances of the meaning are not transmitted. Therefore, the language offers various linking verbs that emphasize different shades of meaning.

Combinations of a linking verb with auxiliary words are possible: She dreamed of becoming an actress.

The nominal part of the compound nominal predicate

The nominal part of the compound nominal predicate is expressed in Russian in different ways, and, paradoxically, not only by names. Although the most common and characteristic is the use of names as a nominal part of a compound nominal predicate: nouns, adjectives, numerals. Naturally, names can be replaced by pronouns. And since the role of adjectives and participles is similar, participles can also act along with adjectives. Adverbs and adverbial combinations are also possible in the nominal part. Examples:

1) noun: Mother is a doctor., Anastasia will be an actress.,

2) adjective: He grew up strong and handsome.,

3) numeral: Twice two four.,

4) pronoun: You will be mine., Who was nobody, he will become everything ("International"),

5) communion: The composition turned out to be lost., The daughter was finally cured.,

6) adverb and adverbial combination: The shoes were just right., The trousers turned out to be just right.

The nominal part can contain not only separate words, but also syntactically indivisible phrases. Examples:

She ran into the room with cheerful face.
She sat with thoughtful eyes.

It cannot be said: She ran in with a face., She sat with her eyes., Because phrases with a cheerful face and thoughtful eyes are syntactically indivisible - this is the nominal part of the compound nominal predicate.

test of strength

Find out how you understood the contents of this chapter.

Final test

  1. What members of the proposal are considered the main ones?

    • subject and object
    • definition, circumstance and addition
    • subject and predicate
  2. Can the subject be expressed by words derived from adjectives or participles: head, sick, in love?

  3. Can the subject be expressed in phrases, for example: we are with friends?

  4. What is the subject of the sentence: Any of you can prepare for the exam and successfully pass it.?

    • any
    • any of you
  5. What characteristics are included in the grammatical meaning of the sentence?

    • reality - unreality and time
    • type and time
  6. Is it true that a simple verbal predicate is a predicate whose lexical and grammatical meaning is expressed by one verb?

  7. Is it true that a compound predicate is a special type of predicate in which the lexical and grammatical meanings are expressed in different words?

  8. I can't help you.?

  9. What is the predicate in the sentence: He was always taken seriously.?

    • simple verb
    • compound verb
    • compound nominal
  10. What is the predicate in the sentence: Two by two is four.?

    • simple verb
    • compound verb
    • compound nominal

Subject-predicate relations are expressed in a sentence with the help of two main members - subject and predicate: Language develops. Speech correct And expressive.

The subject is a "grammatical object", the main member in the sentence, denoting the subject of the message, and the predicate - "predicate" - a sign of the subject, expresses the assertion or denial of something about the subject. They are interconnected, mutually directed. The combination of the main members constitutes the predicative (grammatical) basis of the sentence, serves to express predicative relations and predicative connection.

From a grammatical point of view, the predicate depends on the subject and is likened to it, and such a connection is often considered as agreement between the predicate and the subject. For example, in such predicative combinations as language is being studied speech correct, stories read, word said the forms of the predicate depend on the morphological properties of the subjects, they agree in gender, number, or only in number. However, the grammatical connection of the predicate does not fit into the usual framework of agreement. The form of the predicate has the opposite effect on the subject, it stands only in a certain form of case, gender and number. The agreement between the subject and the predicate is not purely attributive (attributive) in nature, as in a subordinating phrase, but turns into predictive agreement, in a kind of mutual coordination. Outwardly, such a connection resembles an agreement that is carried out throughout the system of forms, for example, language unit, language unit, language unit etc., and when coordinating, two specific word forms of the type are combined: Speech pronounced(only im.noun + conjugated form of the verb). The verb-predicate is consistent with only one form of the noun in the nominative case; the verb-predicate does not combine with its other cases.

Predicate- the main member of a two-part sentence, grammatically dependent on the subject and expressing a predicative feature - a characteristic of the subject indicated by the subject.

The grammatical dependence of the predicate on the subject - predicative agreement - is manifested in the fact that the predicate has the same forms of person, number, gender as the subject:

students hand over exams. You drawing portrait. Artist painted scenery.

The main structural types of the predicate are distinguished taking into account the ratio of lexical and grammatical meanings, namely: are they expressed together, in one component; or separately, in two components.

Three types of predicate are distinguished by structure: simple verb, compound and compound.

Simple predicate represented by a single verb. It expresses the lexical meaning - the name of the action attributed to the subject, which is indicated in the subject, the grammatical features of the person, number, time, mood.

In a simple verbal predicate, grammatical signs of person, number, tense, mood and lexical meaning are expressed in the usual one form of the verb.

In a compound predicate grammatical and lexical meaning are expressed separately - in two forms. A compound predicate consists of two words - a link and a link member. The link not only connects the linking element with the subject, but also is the carrier of grammatical meanings - person, tense, mood. The lexical meaning of the compound predicate lies in the linking part.

Depending on the morphological nature of the linking part, two types of compound predicate are distinguished: a compound verb, in which the linking word is expressed by the infinitive: But my enemy has become languish(Lermontov); and compound nominal: in which the linking word is expressed noun, adjective, numeral, pronoun, participle, adverb. For example, Levitan was an artist of a sad landscape(K. Paustovsky). Taiga stands dumbfounded, all in thought. They are so kind. Three times three nine. Faces became stricter.

Compound verb predicate consists of an auxiliary verb and an indefinite form of the verb, in which the auxiliary verb is subdivided into:

1) phase, i.e. denoting the beginning, end and continuation of the action: begin, begin, begin, stop, stop, continue;

2) modal, i.e. denoting the possibility or impossibility of action: to be able, to be able, to be able, to teach; want, wish, dream, try, try, try; thought processes, mental experiences : think, be afraid, delay, endure, love.

For example, people began to sing loudly. The actor managed to make the audience laugh. He loved to tell funny stories.

The subject and predicate are those members of the sentence without which the main syntactic unit untenable. In addition to their definition and designation, there is another difficulty in the scheme - punctuation. The dash between the subject and the predicate is often skipped, which leads to errors and lower points. Consider the main members of the sentence in the light of syntax and punctuation.


The subject of the sentence indicates the subject of speech. It always stands only in the nominative case. For example, "Summer days are replaced by autumn coolness." By asking the question, what is being said here, you can easily find the subject. It's about being cold. The word is used in the form of the nominative case, respectively, the train of thought is correct.

Most often subject are:

  • Nouns in the nominative case.
  • Pronouns (similar in morphological features to nouns): Everyone thought about the trip after the incident.
  • Infinitives: Hard work is the main rule of a successful career.
  • Collocations: The three brothers stood a little way off.


The predicate is presented in Russian more extensively. It indicates what is narrated in the sentence about the subject of speech. It is a mistake to assume that this member denotes only an action. It can denote what an object is, who and what it is.

For example: I'll talk to the director of your problem tomorrow. The predicate "I will talk" indicates an action.

The trees turned silver from the first snow and light frost. The predicate "became silver" indicates what the subject of speech is.

The tiger is a beast, though dangerous, but extremely cute. The predicate "beast" says who is doing the action.

There are simple and compound predicates. The former consist of one or more words and contain both lexical and grammatical meaning. "I study at the best institute in the country" - the predicate "I study" is expressed by the present tense verb, consists of one word. "I will study at the best institute in the country." Here the predicative consists of two words, which are a form of the complex future tense.

A compound predicate contains two or more words. Its main difference from the simple one is that each of the parts carries either a lexical or a grammatical component. "I wanted to study at the best institute in the country" - here the predicative consists of two words, one of which (wanted) indicates grammatical features: singular, m.r., past. time, and the second (to study) is in the form of an infinitive, but contains a semantic content.

It should be noted that the subject and predicate are equal members of the sentence. Between them does not exist subordination. In other words, they are not phrases. However, consistency in number or number and gender is still present.

The dash is placed when?

Usually the subject and predicate are not broken by punctuation marks. However, there are situations when, without an auxiliary part, the grammatical basis contains nouns, infinitives or numerals. In such cases, a dash is placed between the subject and the predicate. Let's analyze these cases, give examples.

  1. Subject and predicate are nouns. In this case, there is a compound nominal predicate without an auxiliary verb: "A cat is a pet, tamed many thousands of years ago." The subject is "cat" (noun), the predicate is "pet" (noun).
  2. The main members of the sentence are infinitives. Here is a compound verb predicate without a linking verb: "To learn is to contribute to one's own future." The subject is "to learn" (the verb in the initial form), the predicate is "to do" (the verb in the initial form).
  3. The subject and predicate are numerals. "Five ten - fifty." The part before the dash is the subject, "fifty" is the predicate.
  4. Grammatical basis: a noun as a subject and an infinitive verb as a predicate. "Your duty is to help your colleagues." The subject is "duty" (noun), "to help" is a predicative in the form of an infinitive.
  5. The case is the opposite of the previous one: the subject is an infinitive verb, the predicate is a noun. "Helping your co-workers is your duty." "Help" - the subject in the form of an infinitive, "duty" - a predicate expressed by a noun.

Also, a dash between the subject and the predicate must be put if indicative particles are used in the predicate: "Kindness is a ray of light in the world of soullessness"; "Hope is what remains after many disappointments."

Dash is not put

Sometimes, incorrectly defining the subject, predicate, the dash is put erroneously.

Let's look at cases where this punctuation mark not needed:

  1. If the predicate contains negation (particle "not"). The heat is not a reason to stay at home.
  2. If comparative particles are observed adjacent to the predicate. The forest is like a fairy tale.
  3. With a subject pronoun, the predicate is not separated by a dash. He is a talented general practitioner.

An educated person is distinguished, first of all, by his ability to correctly express his thoughts both orally and on paper. In order to follow the rules of punctuation, you need to know everything about the main members of the sentence.

The grammatical basis of the sentence (aka predicative) consists of the main members of the proposal, which are subject And predicate . Usually the subject is written out and singled out with one line, and the predicate - with two.

The article answers the most important questions:

  1. How to find the grammatical basis of a sentence?
  2. What members of a sentence make up its grammatical basis?
  3. What is the grammatical basis?

The subject is a word that indicates the subject to which the predicate refers. For example: The sun came out from behind the mountains. The sun is the subject expressed by the noun. A wide variety of parts of speech can act as a subject.

The subject can be expressed not only by single words, but also by phrases.

  • The combination of a noun in the nominative case with a noun in the instrumental case. For example: Katya with Arina love to figure skate.
  • A pronoun, as well as a numeral and an adjective in the superlative degree. For example: The most daring stepped forward.
  • A pronoun or noun in the nominative case combined with a participle or adjective. For example: Someone bad tore her album with drawings.
  • A combination of a numeral in the nominative case and a noun in the genitive case. For example: seven guys went out into the yard.

Interestingly, the subject can be even a phraseological unit.


The predicate is related to the subject and answers questions such as “what does the object do?”, “what happens to it?”, “what is it?”. The predicate in a sentence can be expressed through several parts of speech:

Compound predicates

The predicate often consists of several words. Such predicates are called compound. Compound predicates can be verbal or nominal.

Composite verbal predicates are expressed in the following ways:

Compound nominal predicate may consist of:

  • The linking verb to be and the short adjective. For example: Today Margarita was especially beautiful.
  • Verbs to become, to be, to be and other semi-significant verbs in combination with a noun. He finally became a doctor!
  • Verbs that have the meaning of the state of an object. Marina works as a teacher.
  • Verb combined with an adjective in different forms.His dog was prettier others.

In a two-part sentence, both main members are present. However, there are also sentences in which only one main member is used. They are called singletons.

The subject in one-part sentences is most often a noun in the nominative case.

It can be expressed by means of a verb in its various forms.

In one-component definitely personal In the sentence, the predicate is expressed by the verb in the first/second person, singular/plural and present/future tense in the indicative mood, or by the verb in the imperative mood. Today I'm going for a walk. Don't touch the dirty dog!

In a one-part indefinite-personal predicate, the verb is in the third person and plural, present, future or past tense in the indicative mood. Also, the predicate can be expressed by the verb in the imperative or conditional mood. There's a knock on the door! Let him call Aunt Dasha. If I had been informed earlier, I would not have been late.

IN generalized-personal In a sentence, the predicate is expressed either by a verb in the second person singular or plural, or by a verb in the third person and plural. This is how they talk to visitors now.

In one-component impersonal the predicate is a verb in the form of the third person singular and the present or future tense. Also, the predicate can be a neuter verb in the past tense or conditional mood. Makes me sick. It was getting dark.

It is important to remember that the number of grammatical bases in a sentence is not limited. How to determine the grammatical basis complex sentence? grammatical basis complex sentence is as easy to define as the stem simple sentence. The difference is only in their number.

What questions does the subject answer? You will receive the answer to the question posed in the presented article. In addition, we will tell you about what parts of speech this member of the sentence can be expressed.

General information

Before talking about what questions the subject answers, you should understand what it is. The subject (in syntax) is called the main member of the sentence. Such a word is grammatically independent. It denotes an object whose action is reflected in the predicate. As a rule, the subject names what or about whom in question in a sentence.

What questions does the subject answer?

Sometimes for the correct and competent writing of the text it is very important to determine. In order to do this, you should know a few rules of the Russian language.

So, the subject answers the questions "Who?" or "What?" It should also be noted that for this member is underlined by only one line. The subject, as well as all the secondary members of the sentence that relate to it, form the composition of the subject.

Expression by different parts of speech

As we found out, the subject answers the questions “Who?” or "What?" However, this does not mean that the presented member of the sentence can only act as a noun in the nominative case.

The subject is often expressed by other parts of speech that have various forms and ranks.


The subject of a sentence can be:

  • personal pronoun: She looked right and then left.
  • Indefinite pronoun: There lived someone lonely and rootless.
  • Interrogative pronoun: Who did not have time, he was late.
  • Relative pronoun: He keeps his eyes on the path that goes through the forest..
  • Negative pronoun: Nobody needs to know.

Other parts of speech

Having determined what questions the subject answers, it can be quite easily found in the sentence. But for this you should know that such a member is often expressed as follows:

As you can see, it’s not enough to know that the subject answers the questions “What?” or who?". Indeed, in order to correctly determine this member of the sentence, it is necessary to know the features of all parts of speech.

Subject as a phrase

In some sentences, the subject may be expressed syntactically or lexically using indecomposable phrases. Such members usually belong to various parts speech. Consider the cases in which these phrases occur most often:

Other forms

To determine the main member of the sentence, ask questions to the subject. After all, only in this case you can determine it.

So what other combinations of parts of speech are possible that appear in a sentence as a subject? Examples are given below:

Plan for parsing the main member of the proposal (subject)

To determine the subject in a sentence, you first need to specify its way of expression. As we found out above, it can be:

  • Any single word that belongs to one of the following parts of speech: adjective, indefinite form verb, numeral, pronoun, participle, noun in the nominative case, adverb or other invariable form used in the text in the meaning of a noun.
  • Syntactically indivisible phrase. In this case, the form and meaning of the main word should be indicated.

Sentence parsing example

To determine the main member of the sentence, you should ask a question to the subject. Here are some examples: