Ventilation check. Cleaning the ventilation shaft in the apartment

As an option, now it came to mind - a load, compact, kg so for 10-15 with a lance at the end, tie it to a cable and lower it - punch ... I will try

I am describing an approximate process for cleaning the ventilation ducts of an apartment building:
(performed by specialized organizations, Self-cleaning is not recommended)
1. At the beginning, you need to accurately determine the desired channel both above the roof and in the premises!
A door-to-door walk is performed with measurements and drawing up a channel layout. At the same time, the type of ventilation device, the belonging of each of the channels to the apartments, the presence of connected TGA and combined channels are determined.
(Pay attention! Channels can be bent, then it will be necessary to dismantle the masonry of the horizontal section located in the attic, (or in the ceiling, or in the wall, or on a technical floor, where sometimes there is even no entrance), with subsequent restoration)
2. All tenants on this riser must be warned in advance of the date and time of cleaning work. ventilation duct... They need to prepare:
Remove food, dishes, and other things from under the ventilation grill, and cover or remove objects in the room. You also need to glue the ventilation lattice on the masking tape with paper.
Keep the door to the room tightly closed.
3. All measures must be taken to ensure the level of necessary safety during chimney cleaning:

  • under the pipe, near the building, warning signs are displayed, the place of probable falling of objects on the ground is fenced with tape and there was always a signalman redirecting human flows and monitoring the safe conduct of work. Suspends work if necessary;
  • Safe ladders for movement are installed on the roof, the places for fixing the safety cable are determined, scaffolds are arranged near the pipe. The width of the scaffold must be sufficient for the free movement of workers and the necessary storage of materials and tools. The handrails are located at the 1.0 meter level. When disassembling the head, it is necessary to install a reflective bar and facade mesh... Roof exit routes must comply with the safety level;
  • The tool must be checked for serviceability before starting work. Chimney sweep three (rope, ruff, load) Rope - no damage, the ball is securely fixed. The elongated weight corresponds to the channel section. The brush needs a diameter;
  • The head of the pipe, or the umbrella, if necessary, is disassembled.
4. Cleaning is most often carried out by punching (punching) the blockage, by lowering a steel ball into the channel.
  • Having reached the level of the blockage, its approximate location is determined, by the length of the cable and by the nature of the sounds emitted during impacts, as well as the content of dirt on the ball and the compliance or elasticity of the blockage;
  • With a reciprocating motion, the first chimney sweep strikes a steel ball on the blockage. At the same time, communication is continuously carried out between the pipe sweepers and the signalman;
  • At the same time, the second chimney sweep controls whether garbage spills down from the previously removed ventilation grill. At the ready, he holds a burlap to cover the opening from pouring debris into the room;
  • The appearance of a steel ball in the opening indicates the removal of the blockage.
  • In cases of impossibility of punching a blockage using the punching method, a section of the wall at the level of the blockage is disassembled to remove debris, with its reverse sealing;
  • By tapping the ball on the blockage, its location is determined by sound. A technological hole is punched 15-25 cm below the level of the ball;
  • Removal of blockage by blows from below is allowed steel pipe, or a flexible shaft, while meeting safety standards to prevent injuries from falling debris in the channel;
  • Other methods of punching debris are also used;
  • After the main blockage has become obsolete, the ball rises and falls several times to fix the debris remaining on the walls;
  • After checking the presence of draft in the duct, a ventilation grill is installed.
5. Garbage after punching the blockage is removed from the ventilation opening of the apartment using a scoop and a broom, as well as manually or using a construction vacuum cleaner;
6. Garbage removal is carried out by prior agreement with the customer;
7. Upon completion of the work, a mark is made in the subscriber book and an act of conducting measures for cleaning the channels is drawn up.

Optimal indoor conditions are created thanks to a properly organized ventilation system. In this case, it is important that the amount of air that enters and is removed from the room is approximately equal. This will help avoid drafts. All the necessary parameters of the air environment (temperature, humidity and air exchange rate) must be normal, so that it is not only pleasant, but also useful to be in such a room. Cleaning the ventilation greatly contributes to this and normalizes the operation of the system.

Reasons for failure of ventilation systems

Even the most productive and efficient system may fail over time. It is possible to determine the deterioration of the circulation of air flows if you pay attention to the lack of a sufficient amount of fresh air; also, the cause of an unpleasant smell in the room can be weak draft in the exhaust ducts, condensation in rooms with a high level of humidity, the formation of fungus and mold. The main reasons why the ventilation system has decreased its functionality are the following factors:

  • blockage in the duct;
  • depressurization of the ventilation duct section;
  • failure of the equipment that maintains the parameters in normal conditions using automatic control.

Most often, a breakdown of the system is the result of a blockage, in this case, ventilation must be cleaned. To avoid such consequences, it is recommended to regularly perform preventive maintenance of the entire system. Measures that even the owner of a private home can take are to organize the cleaning of the most difficult areas (knees, entrances and exits of ventilation ducts). For this, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of access to them when designing the system.

Consequences of dirty ventilation

Cleaning the air ducts of ventilation systems will avoid a number of problems that usually arise if the air has stopped circulating due to the formation of a blockage:

  • equipment breakdown, since if the performance of the system has not been reduced, but at the same time in one of the sections there are obstacles to the free movement of air, then the device will operate at its power limit, which threatens overload and breakdown;
  • irregular cleaning of ventilation systems causes a deterioration in the well-being of people who are in the room;
  • a decrease in the efficiency of the system along with its load leads to a decrease in the service life of the entire ventilation;
  • congestion various contaminants in air ducts, as well as layers of substances on their walls, is dangerous due to the possibility of fire.

Applied technique

Special equipment for cleaning ventilation can greatly simplify the task. This saves time and effort, but the owners of private housing do not own specialized equipment, which means that it is necessary to attract professionals to perform such work. Cleaning the ventilation of industrial and civil buildings has its own characteristics: availability harmful substances in the air, the likelihood of the waste elements settling on the walls of the air ducts, the intensity and level of pollution of the air flow passed through the ventilation ducts, etc. Often it is required to clean the ventilation from fat deposits, for example, it is necessary in establishments catering or in residential buildings in the hood above the stove.

Exist whole line ways to remove dirt accumulated in the ventilation ducts. Much depends on what configuration the system is in the room, which allows the use of different equipment for cleaning ventilation:

  • Brush pneumatic machines.
  • Flexible shafts for cleaning all kinds of ventilation grilles, valves and manifolds.
  • Installations of the vacuum type.

Self-cleaning of ventilation from grease and other complex contaminants will require the use of brushes and detergents. If the central ventilation systems are recommended to be serviced for preventive purposes several times a year, then with local ventilation (hood over the grill, stove), the ventilation ducts must be cleaned once a week, otherwise the build-up of fatty deposits can lead to fire.

Maintenance features

Technologies allow to make a video inspection of the condition of the duct. Thanks to these devices, the specialist analyzes the degree of contamination of the system. In order to determine the level of harmfulness of the circulated air due to the content of dust, bacteria and fungal spores in it, it is additionally performed chemical analysis... Cleaning the ventilation and air conditioning system also includes disinfection. This is due to the peculiarities of the air conditioner device.

Condensation regularly forms on the surface of the evaporator (one of the main components of cooling technology), which is the reason for constant moisture in the mechanism. Taking into account the fact that air flows of varying degrees of pollution pass through it, part of the dust from the air settles on the evaporator.

As a result, favorable conditions are created to support the vital activity of various bacteria, fungal spores. In this case, the ventilation systems are cleaned and disinfected.

In addition to the use of special equipment, other methods are used to clean the ventilation ducts, for example, the use of dry ice. This is the most gentle method and removes almost any dirt. Dry ice can be used in systems with air ducts from different material, moreover, after evaporation, it does not leave condensation.

Cleaning ventilation in apartment building and other large objects is produced using this method due to its effectiveness. Along with it, other cleaning equipment may be involved in certain areas of particular complexity.

Any residential, industrial or public space should be equipped with a ventilation system that is designed to remove exhaust air. The power and design of the system directly depends on the value of the room, so ventilation clean roomssuch as hospital wards, medical laboratories, etc. should be characterized by increased power. For a ventilation system to function smoothly and efficiently, it needs regular cleaning.

To clean or not to clean the ventilation?

The vast majority of users think about cleaning ventilation system , only when there are already clear signs of lack of air exchange in the apartment, such as:

  • Mold on walls and ceilings.
  • The smell of cooking food from neighboring apartments.
  • The smell of the toilet from the neighboring apartments.
  • Stuffiness and stuffiness in the air.

Many are sure that special services should be involved in cleaning ventilation in apartment buildings. This is indeed true, but this rule applies to common risers that unite ventilation outlets from all apartments, special ventilation cleaning equipment is used for their maintenance. The owner of each apartment must independently clean his pipeline to the common riser.
To understand whether cleaning of ventilation in an apartment is required, you need to pay attention to the following signs:

  1. The ventilation grill is overgrown with dust and cobwebs.
  2. One day after wet cleaning dust appears on the floor.
  3. Stuffy and stuffy air in the apartment.

On average, the frequency of cleaning ventilation for preventive purposes is 1 time per year, but under certain circumstances, work should be carried out at least 1 time in 6 months. It all depends on the state of the system, the presence of dust in the air, the characteristics of the room. So, for example, in the kitchen, the ventilation has to be cleaned more often than in other rooms. If the ventilation system works poorly, in addition to regular cleaning, it is necessary to create additional conditions to improve ventilation, which can significantly increase its efficiency.

Important! Do-it-yourself cleaning of the ventilation system is possible only on the section of the pipeline exit from the apartment to the common riser.

Methods to improve the efficiency of the system.

Often, apartment owners face a ventilation problem when replacing old ones. wooden windows on plastic. This removes all window gaps that previously served for the natural flow of air. As a result, the efficiency of air exchange decreases, humidity rises in the apartment and mold may appear on the walls, and cleaning of ventilation systems does not help to restore a healthy microclimate. The first sign of a violation of air exchange in the apartment is fogging of the glass.
In this case, the efficiency of the system can be increased by installing vents on the windows or a special ventilation mode. Also, the problem is solved by installing a supply fan, which will be forced into the room fresh air.
To create more high-quality ventilation premises, it is worth considering the option of a full-fledged supply exhaust system. Ideal option an autonomous network of ventilation ducts can become, independent of the common ventilation riser, but it is rather difficult to create such a system in an apartment.

How to clean the ventilation in the apartment.

To clean the duct section yourselfattached to the apartment, you need to prepare the simplest equipment for cleaning ventilation - a broom, a brush on a long handle, a vacuum cleaner, latex gloves and a respirator. Having prepared all these devices, you can get to work.

  1. Remove the ventilation grill.
  2. Remove dust from the duct with a broom or vacuum cleaner.
  3. Use a brush to clean the channel up and down, scrubbing away dirt and grime.
  4. Vacuum up any dirt particles again.
  5. Wipe the accessible parts of the hood with a damp cloth.
  6. Wash the ventilation grill and replace it.

For many users, at the stage of cleaning ventilation systems, the question arises of how to clean the ventilation grill. Indeed, sometimes it is not so easy to do this. Especially if the grate was in the kitchen and grease and dirt gathered on it. For effective cleaning of the grate, you can use special means for washing dishes and kitchen appliances... The grid can also be washed in the dishwasher.

Important! Only professionals can fully clean the ventilation in an apartment building, therefore, for these works, contact management company to call technicians.

Disinfection of ventilation.

The ventilation system is a collection of various microorganisms that thrive in the thick of grease and dirt. As soon as there are too many microbes, they begin to penetrate into the living quarters, causing various diseases and allergic reactions in the inhabitants of the apartment. To get rid of pathogenic bacteria, after cleaning the ventilation in an apartment building, you need it disinfect.
At home, it is forbidden to use professional disinfectants, but microbes can be destroyed with ordinary hydrogen peroxide. This compound effectively fights against pathogens, while remaining absolutely safe for humans. To disinfect the ventilation ducts, you need to dilute pharmacy peroxide with water in a 1: 1 ratio.
Next, pour the solution into a spray bottle and clean the inner surface of the airway. The solution should be left on the canal walls for 10-15 minutes, after which it should be washed off with a clean, damp cloth. If all of the above actions did not bring desired results, you should contact a professional who will conduct a more thorough cleaning of the ventilation ducts.

Features of professional cleaning.

Professional ventilation cleaning is carried out using special equipment and includes the following work:

  1. System diagnostics... At this stage, specialists, with the help of a special camera, examine the entire path of the exhaust air mass removal. Diagnostics allows you to determine the degree of pollution of the air duct, detect debris and assess the degree of complexity of the upcoming work.
  2. Collection of samples... At this stage, a special robot collects samples from the internal surfaces for subsequent cleaning of the ventilation ducts. Samples are sent to the laboratory to identify pathogenic microorganisms in them. This procedure is mandatory for catering establishments.
  3. Cleaning of chambers and mines. At this stage, using various special equipment, the ventilation ducts are thoroughly cleaned from dirt, grease and soot.
  4. Cleaning the fan blades. All fans are removed and cleaned with special compounds.
  5. Z filter change... If necessary, technicians change all air filters.
  6. System disinfection... Professional disinfection helps to get rid of all types of dangerous pathogens when cleaning ventilation systems, including Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus. Disinfection is carried out along the entire length of the canals and guarantees complete safety of the system after treatment.

What equipment is used.

Professional equipment for cleaning air ducts necessarily includes the following installations:

  • Brush installation for cleaning ventilation.
  • Installation with filters.
  • Installation of vacuum cleaning.

This equipment for cleaning ventilation systems is selected individually for each object. So for industrial and restaurant chains, the power of the equipment should be maximum. Also, when performing work, professionals can use additional settings for disinfection and various sets of brushes to match the pipe diameter.
Today, specialized companies providing ventilation duct cleaning services use two types of cleaning - mechanical and chemical... Professional cleaning is used in industries, in catering networks and for cleaning ventilation risers in apartment buildings.
Now, knowing how to clean the ventilation in an apartment, you can easily perform these works yourself on your own section of the utility network.

It should not be forgotten that during self-cleaning it is forbidden to use chemical reagents that can harm the health of residents.

The ventilation of clean rooms is invisible to people inside the building. Rarely does anyone think about the operation of the air exchange system while everything is functioning properly. Therefore, ventilation cleaning begins only when the living space is filled with dampness, mold, unpleasant odors, and the windows are covered with "dew".

The well-being of a person directly depends on the surrounding space in general, and access to clean air in particular. The body almost instantly reacts to a lack of oxygen in the room: efficiency decreases, chronic ailments worsen, and high fatigue is observed. All the fault is the clogging of filters and, as a result, a violation of air exchange. Therefore, ventilation must be cleaned

Historical retrospective

Until the end of the 18th century, air ventilation was limited to the banal airing of rooms, rooms or halls. All that was required was to open the door or windows. And no ventilation cleaning required. At a certain stage in the development of society, this state of affairs suited everyone. The owners of the houses turned a blind eye to the dirt and dust that entered the houses without hindrance.

The first wells for air exchange between the interior and external environment appeared only at the end of the 18th century, at the same time they began to use primitive equipment for cleaning ventilation. Thanks to the new architectural solution, the quality of life of the then population has improved significantly.

Chimney cleaning was paid well, and chimney sweeps were respected in society

The emergence of something new is certainly accompanied by the emergence of related problems. This rule turned out to be true for the considered system as well. There was a new task - ventilation cleaning. Brick air exchange wells were laid out in the usual way, by analogy with chimney, and therefore, after several months of active exploitation, the hole was "overgrown" with sedimentary rocks from cobwebs, dust, soot and insects.

Chimney sweeps used metal hedgehogs to remove soot

The development of technologies and an increase in the standard of living of the population contributed to the formation of a new profession for that time - chimney sweep. The frequency of cleaning was high due to the prevalence of stove heating and fireplaces, and therefore the occupation was very profitable, albeit dusty.

How to tell when to clean your ventilation system

It is preferable to organize ventilation in an apartment building by means of a forced installation. But in domestic realities, this is the prerogative of housing comfort and premium class. The lion's share of houses old building equipped with conventional air ducts with a common riser duct. We are talking about the cheapest and simplest connection scheme, but you still need to clean the ventilation ducts, and regularly.

A natural question arises - when to engage in "cleaning" work, by what criteria to determine that the hour "X" has struck?

It is important to determine the degree of contamination before cleaning the air ducts.

A few signs indicating that it is better to hurry up with cleaning ventilation in an apartment building:

  • in summer season the rooms turn into a "thermos"; it is not possible to normalize the humidity regime even with regular cleaning;
  • dust actively appears in the living room;
  • the surface of the filters, as well as the grate of the exhaust system, are covered with a layer of viscous soot (typical for kitchens);
  • double-glazed windows constantly "cry", condensation is visible on them;
  • dampness is felt in all rooms, mold and mildew are present on the walls.

Signs of contamination of the ventilation system

For all of the above, often the only reason is a clogged air duct. It is important that ventilation ducts are cleaned at least once every 2 quarters. It is better to delegate the relevant work to specialists; this problem cannot be solved by yourself. The snag may be outside the apartment.

Checking the performance of ventilation ducts

Experts identify several effective ways, allowing to determine the quality of the air ducts, the degree of their pollution. The simplest and most reliable is to direct the flame of the lighter into the grill of the hood. Be extremely careful - if the inside of the mine is filled with fine dust and cobwebs, there is a high risk of their ignition, spread and fire.

The flame is sensitive to the presence of draft in the ventilation duct

Cleaning the ventilation in the apartment is not required if the flame goes out or is directed inside the channel. If visually noticeable deviations are not noticeable, immediately contact the management company, in the housing office, for help. The optimal frequency of cleaning is once every 6 months, at least, routine inspections - once a month.

How special services check ventilation

Maintenance of ventilation systems is a responsible event assigned to the management company, due to its belonging to the common property. For this purpose, the Government of the Russian Federation has developed a special Resolution No. 410. In fact, these are a set of rules and regulations for the Criminal Code on cleaning ventilation in apartment buildings, preventive examinations.

The specialist can accurately determine the degree of contamination of the duct

To carry out routine maintenance, a prerequisite is that the company's specialists have a license of the established form. Verification activities are carried out on a quarterly basis, in accordance with the approved plan, during repair and restoration activities, as well as when rebuilding or changing the configuration of channels, lack of traction.

In the arsenal of specialists there are professional devices for checking the functionality of the system, equipment for cleaning ventilation. The channels are periodically disinfected. To remove contamination, pneumatic brushing machines and other devices are used.

Ventilation cleaning: applied equipment

Cleaning the ventilation ducts is a responsible event, which consists of several stages. At the preliminary stage, the specialist determines the degree of contamination of the local air duct, selects optimal way elimination of the problem, if it is detected. Then a decision is made on the expediency of a common channel (coordination of work with other residents of the house).

Equipment for cleaning ventilation systems

Ventilation cleaning is carried out with special equipment:

  • chemical reagents for dissolving stubborn dirt in hard-to-reach places;
  • electromechanical device;
  • vacuum devices;
  • devices equipped with several pneumatic-driven brush mechanisms;
  • powerful industrial vacuum cleaners.

In emergency cases, cleaning the ventilation system ducts can be done by yourself using a flexible shaft with a brush connected to an electric drill.

Not only household processing is in demand, but also industrial cleaning of ventilation and ventilation systems. For such work, highly specialized equipment is used, with the help of which the level of contamination is assessed through a video camera, after which the channel is cleaned and disinfected. During the process, specialists remove all debris, even fatty ones.

Cleaning the ventilation yourself: effective ways

In accordance with the current rules for the operation of housing, apartment owners are prohibited from interfering with the work of engineering and trunk systems. Cleaning the ventilation ducts is the responsibility of the management companies, which can only delegate them to licensed services. But do not forget that "the salvation of the drowning is the work of the drowning themselves."

Self-cleaning of the duct

Each owner should not only know how to clean the ventilation in the apartment, but also be able to do it. The work is simple in its essence, and consists of several steps.

  1. In all rooms where ventilation grilles are installed, they are removed. Accumulated dirt, viscous grease and dust particles are removed. I don't think it's worth focusing on how to clean them with detergent.
  2. The area around the hole is cleaned with a plastic or metal scraper.
  3. To clean the ventilation system, it is better to use a powerful vacuum cleaner by placing the hose in the channel. It is important to "walk" the entire inner area of \u200b\u200bthe hole.
  4. After completing the cleaning measures, the accessible area of \u200b\u200bthe duct is wiped with a damp cloth, the grill is installed in place.

Powerful vacuum cleaner arm with fixed brush

To deal with persistent grease contamination, it is worth contacting a specialized company. Often, their anti-raid arsenal consists of chemical substanceseffectively eliminating residual products that cannot be eliminated with the usual means.

Tools used for cleaning air ducts

For local cleaning of ventilation systems, protective grids, channels in the house, any detergent... It is better to remove the fat layer with specialized thick consistencies intended for washing kitchen hoods... In this case, one cannot do without disassembling the air duct, but the cleaning class upon completion of the work will be much higher. Treatment of problem areas with a disinfectant (hydrogen peroxide is quite suitable), will get rid of microbes, spores, "traveling" through the system.

Detergents work well with grease and dirt in the ventilation system

To clean the branched ventilation system, you will have to resort to chemicals and professional equipment. Private homes cannot do without appropriate solutions. country cottageswhere the channels are located under the headliner. And if household chemicals are quite suitable for cleaning filters, then to solve narrowly focused tasks you will have to buy professional formulations, which is not always profitable.

Duct cleaning cost

Most of the owners, who receive an exhaustive answer to the question of how to clean the ventilation in an apartment, are wondering how much the corresponding services will cost if they contact a cleaning agency. The price factor depends on the region in which the company is located, the remoteness of the object, the list necessary work.

Below is the price list for the services discussed in this article:

Cleaning the ventilation and air ducts will be much cheaper if the company is contacted not by the owner of one apartment, but by a representative from the whole house. In this case, you can count on a significant bonus. If you order regular preventive examinations, having transferred to the status of a regular customer, the total cost of work will be much lower.

Management companies are reluctant to contact the relevant services. It is easier for them to turn a blind eye to the existing problems and to feed the residents "breakfast". Laws, regulations and rules are not written for them, especially when it comes to old houses.

Professional cleaning of ventilation ducts

You should be extremely careful with self-cleaning. In pursuit of perceived savings, it is easy to disrupt the functioning of the system. Don't skimp on own health and the health of your family.

Ventilation is the only way to remove increased moisture from the room. Not only moisture leaves, but also stuffiness, fresh air comes in. Of course, you need to regularly ventilate the rooms of the apartment, but ventilation still bears a great responsibility. In the apartment, ventilation is located in the toilet, bathroom and kitchen.

If the ventilation ducts in the toilet are clogged, it starts to work in the opposite direction: you will not only not be removed unpleasant odors, but all the "aromas" will come from the bathroom of your neighbors on the riser.

In the event of a blockage in the bathroom, taking a bath or shower, the room is steamed, moisture does not leave, hot air, it all dries slowly, and this increases the likelihood of mold and mildew on the walls and ceiling.

As for the kitchen, odors will not go away there, as well as the consequences of use gas stove - combustion products. It is imperative to install a hood and regularly clean the ventilation ducts.

Cleaning is done regularly, at least once every six months, but it must be done as needed. In order to find out the need for cleaning, it is necessary to carry out the following procedure in stages:

  1. Remove the grate on the wall, unscrew, rinse it from howling and dirt. Then put it back in place.
  2. Attach to ventilation grill a piece of paper, after opening the doors, window, etc. If the leaf is attracted, the traction is good and everything is fine, if there is no ate - a blockage.
  3. Another reason for the lack of traction, other than blockage, may be in the redevelopment of the room from the neighbors above. If the fact of such self-righteousness is confirmed, you will have to call specialists and write complaints. It may be ugly, but their complacency will lead to many problems. Better to get them to fix the problem than to constantly mess with the fungus.
  4. If the ventilation in the kitchen has poor draft after cleaning, and the neighbors have nothing to do with it, then the matter is most likely in the recently installed plastic windows... Sudden tight sealing requires ventilation at least occasionally.

How to clean the ventilation? Of course, you are not allowed to do the entire amount of work yourself, but everything that depends on you must be done, in addition, a sudden check can write you a fine for blockage and dirt.

To clean the ventilation shaft to the common house, first, protect the plumbing from dirt, cover, move possible furniture. Remove the grate, rinse it, degrease it, can be replaced if worn out. Cover the gloves and carefully scoop out all the debris from the ventilation duct. We clean the walls of dust and cobwebs with a spatula. We do everything carefully so that insects do not suddenly run out, do not stumble upon a sharp one. You can clean the channel with a vacuum cleaner. Now we put the grate in place, open the windows and doors and check the draft.