Device for carrying out plastic windows. What do you need ventilation in plastic windows

September 18, 2016
Specialization: Professional in the field of construction and repair (full cycle of finishing works, both internal and external, from sewage to electrician and finishing), installation of window structures. Hobbies: Watch Column "Specialization and Skills"

Probably, many of us have come across the situation when a plastic window from the ventilation mode is not closed, or the ventilation occurs not with the intensity that we need. In general, the issue of providing ventilation in the room where plastic windows are installed, quite interesting and extensive.

Therefore, here I will share the most important information that will be useful not only to craftsmen, but also by the usual Owners of PVC structures.

Methods of ventilation

Method 1. Standard ventilation

So, if you have a plastic window installed, then the easiest way to ventilate the room is to open the sash. Modern designs from PVC have two opening modes:

  • rotary - the sash completely opens the opening, turning on both hinges;
  • folded - the sash leans inside the room. At the same time, the upper angle comes out of the loop and is held with a special element of the fittings.

In fact, the sash can also move up or aside, but we almost do not encounter such systems. This is due to the fact that the sliding mechanism cannot provide sufficient tightness and clamping of the sash to the frame, therefore heat loss through such a window will be very large. In general, the climate does not have.

When turning opening, the air exchange is very intensively, therefore it is used mainly for "volleam ventilation". Typically limited by the campaign mode:

  1. The sash is installed in the closed position.
  2. Turn the handle up and simultaneously pull on yourself.
  3. The sash leans, forming a fairly wide clearance through which fresh air comes into the room.

It should be noted that the ability to set the sash to the folding position is not in all windows - for its implementation corresponds to a separate element of the fittings, which is placed in the upper part of the strapping.

That is why it is better to think about it in advance whether you need this feature: to remake the plastic window to ventilate in principle, but this is due to additional costs, and you can hardly handle this task with this task.

The folding ventilation has one substantial minus - sometimes the plastic window does not open on the ventilation or sash, which is called, "falls", hanging on one bottom loop. This situation is quite common, the reasons for it are eliminated quite simply, and I will tell about it in a separate section.

Method 2. Micovenofing

Traditional ventilating with the installation of the sash to the folding position is very effective, but there is also disadvantages. So, in winter, the intense flow of air leads to a rapid cooling of the room. In addition, it is not necessary to leave, leaving the sash ajar - the attackers will open such a window literally in a few seconds.

And in that and in another case there is an alternative - slotted ventilation or microventilation:

  1. Air access to the room is ensured due to the fact that the sash when turning the knob to 450 upwards from the frame literally to several millimeters.
  2. For this, a small metal part is replied, which is embedded in the accessories and comes in engaging with its elements that ensure the movement of the hinges.
  3. When installing the microventation mode, the window looks tightly closed. At the same time, the air continues to flow regularly - albeit small portions, but, without leading to the supercooling of the room.

Method 3. Stage opening

The usual opening is good, microventilation is also, but sometimes both options are not suitable. That is why many PVC design manufacturers provide windows by either two-position opening regulators or special devices that allow you to adjust the angle of inclination of the folding sash.

The opening controller is located in the upper part of the frame on the inner side and is a lever of a variable length:

  1. If the regulator is completely disclosed, then the sash will swell as wide as possible, providing an intense air flow.
  2. If you shorten the regulator lever, the sash becomes the so-called winter ventilation - the gap is 1 to 2 cm, which makes it possible to minimize the preservation of the room.

An example of such a device is the "Winter - Summer" system in the Siegenia Aubi Favorit fittings.

Step opening also works quite simply:

  1. The so-called "comb" is responsible for the functioning of the system - a small detail that is embedded in the accessories.
  2. When opening the window onto the fold, we turn the handle to the angle 450 (as when installed on micro-taking).
  3. At the same time, the handle passes four or five positions, each of which corresponds to its own width of the opening of the sash. By installing it in the selected position, we will provide the intensity of the ventilation.

The features of most fittings do not allow simultaneously installing micheology, and step-by-step mechanism. However, as a rule, the extreme position of the step ventilation approximately corresponds to the finest slit, because these systems are largely interchangeable.

In addition, to implement the function of the step-by-step opening, you can establish the simplest mechanism - plastic comb. This item is a toothed rack that is placed on the frame and when opening it in engagement with the response protrusion installed on the sash (attached to the handle). Externally, of course, it looks not as gently as the built-in mechanism of stepper ventilation, but its function performs.

The advantage is the fact that the comb can be put on any window - if only his sash opened in a folding / turning position. At the same time, for installation, the master is not required: there you just need to spin three or four screws.

Ventilation valves as a special tool for air exchange

The principle of operation of devices and their advantages

If you do not want to face problems like "jammed the window", "from the open opening blowing", then instead of traditional ventilation you can install a special ventilation valve:

  1. Valve of window ventilation is a device that is usually mounted in the upper part of the frame and overlaps through a hole.
  2. Inside the valve is a mechanism that adjusts the intensity of air intake into the room.
  3. The most simple designs are provided with mechanical adjustment: if we need, we open the valve, if not, close it, completely or almost completely blocking the air exchange.
  4. More complex valves function at the expense of a hygroscopic sensor: the higher the humidity of the air indoor, the more intense the ventilation is.

All valves of this type provide only the influx of fresh air. It is very important for their normal functioning that in the room it normally worked the extractor - natural or forced.

Such devices have several obvious advantages:

  1. You can specify the intensity of the ventilation once, and adjust it only when changing weather conditions.
  2. When carrying out the window remains closed, therefore the level of protection against unauthorized penetration is not reduced.

  1. The air enters the room gradually, and in small volumes. In addition, the vent hole is located at the top of the room. Because the cold air masses are mixed with warm air under (pure physics!) And the apartment does not cool so much as with ordinary ventilation.

The most important minus is the price of devices. Thus, Ventair Thermo valve will cost us about 1,800 rubles, and the simplest model from Aereco (with humidity regulation) - 2 - 2.5 thousand rubles.

How to install the valve on the window

The ventilation valves themselves are expensive, but in addition to buying a device, we will have to spend on its installation. However, if there is a snarling, it is quite possible to cope with your own hands.

I perform installation of the supply valves according to such a scheme:

  1. The sash is removed from the loops and is installed vertically on a flat surface.
  2. From the top of the sash, I remove the elements of the fitting strapping - they will interfere with the performance of work.

  1. The mounting bar is a part that is used to fix the valve - I apply to the protrusion of the sash outside, after which the marker marks the size and position of the ventilation holes.
  2. By marking with a drill, drill 4-5 holes. Then, with a thin saw or an electric bitch, connect the holes, forming a long groove or two grooves separated by a thin partition.

  1. On the sash, self-drawing fix the mounting bar. Shake bar and sash using moisture-resistant silicone.

So that with intensive ventilation, the air does not whistle, making the silicone, also opened cameras in the window profile.

  1. I repeat the operations on the frame, but instead of the mounting plank, I install a visor outside. The visor design can be different, ranging from a simple canopy and ending with a complex system with an acoustic curtain that reduces the volume of the passing sound.
  2. I return to the place dismantled elements of the fittings and inspired the leaf on the loop.

  1. The valve itself snaps on the mounting strip mounts in such a way that the vent hole is directed at the angle up.
  2. With the help of a slider or handle, adjust the intensity of the ventilation, choosing the optimal mode.

This instruction is familiarized, as the installation technology in different valves may differ (for example, there are models that are attached without mounting plank, right on the window). But in any case, following her, you can install a device to provide a supply ventilation through a plastic window.

Solving a problem with a jamming sash

Talking about ventilation through windows, it is impossible to get around and the problems associated with this process. So, very often ask what to do if the plastic window is jammed in ventilation mode?

The reason for this situation is as follows: if you try to translate the sash in the folding mode from the swivel, without closing it quite tightly, then the lower angle may simply not be entrenched. As a result, the sash hangs on one loop and lever limiting the opening.

The problem is solved as follows:

  1. We raise the jammed sash and press to the frame, returning to the closed position.
  2. Separately press the lower corner of the sash, which is located opposite the bottom loop.
  3. Turn the handle by transferring it to the "closed" position - i.e. lever down.

If the handle jammed, i.e. It does not turn, no need to act "for power" - just break the lever. This situation most often occurs when sowing sash, therefore it should be initially trying to accurately eliminate the skew. To do this, it is usually enough to dismiss the sash, applying the effort to the antharodet, and after opening it is to adjust the position of the loop.

  1. After that, we repeat the attempt to open in the mode of ventilation - everything should work out!

To avoid similar development of events, it is worth installing such an item as an erroneous opening blocker. It prevents any attempt to transfer the sash to the turning position until it is completely closed and all the loops will not be engaged.

Sometimes the reason for the fact that the plastic window does not open on the ventilation, is the wear of the fittings. In this case, the optimal output will be clean from contamination (a mixture of dust and oil often forms a dense crust on pin and response elements) with subsequent lubrication.

After lubricant, you should turn the handle several times, believing how freely the window opens.

Well, if it does not help, it will probably be helped here, only an accessory specialist - therefore it is worth contacting the master.


If the window does not open the window on your home or apartment - you should never be wondering bad well-being. To provide fresh air access, ventilation is needed.

And modern metal-plastic structures have many mechanisms that can provide this ventilation. To understand their assortment will help the video in this article. , And on all your questions concerning window ventilation, I will answer here in the comments or on the forum.

September 18, 2016.

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The installation of hermetic window structures entails the deterioration of the microclimate of the room: the humidity increases, the lack of oxygen and the ingredion of air appears. Problems can be easily solved by placing a trim valve on plastic windows - the device normalizes natural ventilation and stabilizes air exchange.

We will tell you how to choose the right ventilator to ensure the supply of fresh air into rooms with plastic window boxes. We have described in detail the popular models of the device. For independent home masters, we give a detailed installation instruction.

The basis of the normal microclimate of the room is the presence of effective.

Air must constantly circulate - contaminated with an excess of carbon dioxide is removed through the hood, and the clean comes from the outside.

Gallery of images

Old imperfect designs effectively coped with the task, providing a sufficient air flow even in winter. Lack of wooden frames - bad noise- and thermal insulation

An attempt to restore air circulation by opening the window in the ventilation mode cannot be considered a successful solution for the following reasons:

  • the advantages of "plastic" are reduced to zero - the efficiency of the insulation of the room is reduced;
  • ventilation only works with an open window, which is especially problematic to organize in the cold season or with wind weather;
  • air flow is uneven and uncontrolled - drafts appear.

Some manufacturers of window systems learned the effects of complete tightness and improved metal-plastic structures.

Violation of air exchange negatively affects the health and life of people. Condensate appears on the windows, slopes and walls are covered with mold - the concentration of toxic substances increases

Special ventilation accessories:

  • ventilated profiles;
  • opening limiters;
  • partially air-permeable seals;
  • strokes with regulating valve.

To ensure air inflows through the previously installed window, a trim valve is used.

Supply ventilation on plastic windows allows you to constantly maintain a favorable microclimate. We will talk in detail about this aspect.

Plastic windows provide almost complete seal sealing. In the conditions of a harsh Russian climate, this is a huge plus. In the warm season, the lack of oxygen is solved simply by ventilating, but in winter such a measure is impossible due to severe frosts. Lack of fresh air is fraught with many problems:

  • Moving windows.
  • The appearance of fungus and mold on slopes.
  • Puffer air. This creates discomfort indoors.
  • Little children can manifest allergic reactions.

Additional ventilation in a room with plastic windows is provided by installing special valves. They have various design features, but their main purpose is to skip the street air without temperature losses. They cope with this function, albeit with different degrees of efficiency.

Tip: In most windows, you can adjust the closing density. In the warm season, put the sash in the summer mode - in this case, the frame will not be closed too tight, which will allow the oxygen to penetrate the room.

In which cases, the organization of additional air circulation is necessary:

  • If small children live in the house. As already mentioned, the lack of oxygen can adversely affect their health.
  • Indoors with plenty of plants. Without oxygen, they simply die out.
  • When the house is heated using convectors or oil radiators. Such heaters are monstrously dried air.
  • In production. In the workshops (if they are associated with toxic substances) it is necessary to organize the maximum influx of fresh air.

All known varieties

Valve ventilation for plastic windows is only at first glance a simple device. It is divided into several varieties that have essential constructive differences. They should be known to choose the best option.

This is the easiest, and most importantly cheap option. With their help, the street air enters the room through small cuts. The main advantages of this technology are as follows:

  • Low cost.
  • No need to dismantle the installed PVC windows.
  • It guarantees the preservation of the soundproof properties of the glass package.
  • High speed and simplicity of installation.
  • Ability to automate.

Among all the advantages were one, but a very important minus - weak bandwidth. Because of this, folding ventilation with closed windows has weak efficiency.


Fresh air to the room comes from special channels. Usually they have a size in the range of 160-400 by 10-16 mm. As a rule, such a valve is equipped with two blocks - intake and regulating. On more advanced models, he is one (universal). Pros technology:

  • Absolute protection from external factors (precipitation, insects). This is ensured due to the presence of a regulating unit.
  • High (in our case average) skipping ability.
  • You can use without dismantling the glass package.

Serious minus in this case can be found only one - relatively complex installation. However, some models are devoid of such a shortage (about this later). Therefore, this category is the most popular now.


In residential premises such structures are practically not applied. This is due to their serious shortcomings:

  • The thermal insulation properties of windows is seriously reduced.
  • Soundproofing is reduced to almost zero.
  • Installing such a supply ventilation valve can only be installed until the double-barker is installed. In particular, it is necessary to adjust the size of the opening.

However, this technology has been widely used in the manufacturing sector. The main reason for this is the highest throughput.

Market Leaders - Aereco and Air-Box

The domestic valve market by 90% was taken by two Aereco manufacturers (France) and Air-Box (Russia). It is necessary to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe peculiarities of their products:

Quality and practical option

Valves from Aeropo are a lining having an attractive appearance (there are colored variations), which fits into any interior. The most optimal installation option is during the manufacture of PVC windows. However, if the double-glazed windows are already standing, then the installation can also be made. To do this, it will be necessary to make a small drilling of frames.

The device is made of 8 (16) moisture sensitive plates. Depending on the level of humidity, they can open or close the barrier. And for their work, no power is necessary. The principle of operation is based on the physical law of thermal expansion.

You can easily build them in the wall. Such a method is used mainly in wooden buildings, for the milling of the RB structures is extremely difficult to produce. From the point of view of their qualities, this manufacturer looks the best analogue in the market. However, he has an important disadvantage - a high price (from 2500 thousand rubles).

Cheaper analogue

The Russian AIR-BOX manufacturer makes its products much easier, which at the same time almost does not lag in efficiency from their more expensive "counterparts". Such models allow you to penetrate the outdoor air through the space between the frame and the sash. It seages the replacement of the regular seal. To control airflows, you need to move the knob of the regulator.

Such models are much easier, and require manual control. At the same time, they carry two very important benefits in themselves - low cost (on average from 400 rubles) and a simpler assembly method. AIR-BOX is installed in two ways - by means of milling frames (like the previous manufacturer) and by replacing the seal (it will be discussed below).

Possible installation options

Forced ventilation in the window can be implemented in three ways that vary greatly.

The most difficult method - the adjustment of the size of the opening

The most time-consuming and costly method is associated with the installation of the above-mentioned elements. They are mounted as follows:

  • Available glass windows.
  • Expands the opening on the magnitude of the lining.
  • The glass is installed back.
  • In the resulting gap sets the pad.
  • The gaps are embedded with cement mortar (or something similar).

The technique looks deadly time consuming and unreasonable. Therefore, in this order, no one does work, because it is fraught with the cosmic costs of strength, time and money. It is necessary to take care of additional ventilation in advance, that is, before installing the glass package.

The most thoughtful people, ordering the PVC windows, immediately plan the installation of an additional air intake. To do this, the opening is done a little wider than the glass vehicle requires. This technique is the most efficient, and the main thing is rational.


However, what if the double-glazed glass is worth it? Aereco models are installed on a simpler technique. It is as follows:

  • Selects a place to install the channel. If possible, it should be the least noticeable area.

Please note: additional window fittings should not prevent installation. Take this fact when choosing a place.

  • Then markup.
  • We screw to the selected bar with the help of special self-tapping screws for PVC structures.
  • We place the location of the technological grooves on the focus.
  • Remove the bar. With the help of a drill and electric jigsaw, we cut the holes in the sash and the frame itself.
  • We once install the bar.
  • Fix the valve using special latches.

This procedure is relatively laborious. In addition, it requires special tools that are far from everyone. Another factor - a person without proper experience will not be able to do work neatly. Conclusion - Installation of such a device is better to trust a specialist.

Air-Box - installation without problems

There is another technique with which to cope with anyone. The Air-Box manufacturer created a model that is mounted without the use of tools. The kit includes a special seal and self-tapping screws on PVC. Work is made in such a sequence:

  • Select the estimated installation location.
  • Cut in this place a regular seal (which is located on the sash).
  • We insert a new (from the kit).
  • Remove the protective film from the valve.
  • Fix it at the installation site of the new seal with the help of special latches.
  • We close the sash and make a mark on the frame along the length of the valve.
  • Cut the existing seal in this place and install a new one (the same one from its place).

If something is incomprehensible to you, you can watch the video from the manufacturer itself. It will clearly understand everything.

The system presented in the market can be divided into three categories.


The device is mounted in the upper part of the opening flap or vertical impost. For installation, you have to remove part of the accessories and milling the holes in the metal-plastic profile. If not confident in your abilities, it is better to entrust the work of professionals.

Structurally, the system consists of two blocks. One mounted from the street. It serves simultaneously air intake and a visor who protects the channel from precipitation. The second block is put on the inside. It contains a mechanism that regulates the intensity of the ventilation.

The main advantage of such a design becomes high throughput. Ventcanal length varies in the range of 170-400 mm, and width 12-16 mm. This is enough to organize a microclimate in large rooms.


They are integrated into the window profile at the stage of manufacturing the frame. Install their postfactum will not work. In everyday life, such systems are not used due to excessive bandwidth. They are usually used for the ventilation of large offices and trading halls.

Products are indispensable in solid glazing pavilions, when there is no possibility to make ventkanals in the bearing structures. Unlike wall models, their disadvantage is low sound and thermal insulation.


Became popular thanks to the cheapness and simplicity of installation. Install them can be independently literally for half an hour.

Put a product on the top of the sash in the gap. Fresh air to the room enters through a small slot in the seal. The design is very simple, but provides for the possibility of adjusting the air flow.

It is useless to put such devices in the hall or a large living room. They will not provide proper air exchange. It is better to use them on, kitchen or small bedroom.

Ways to adjust the valves on PVC windows


On the housing of such devices, a handle or engine is provided. Its movement changes the position of the flap, which means the intensity of the air flow. Such designs are reliable and durable. There is almost nothing to break into them. However, there are a number of shortcomings:

  • Limited access. Control elements are in the top of the sash. Every time you need to change the position of the flap you have to take a chair. In some models, this problem is solved by setting the lace, as in the blinds.
  • Static. Maintain with their help constant microclimate is very difficult. To achieve comfortable conditions, it is necessary to change the position of the shutter depending on the weather. It is not always possible to choose the right mode.


Such products have a number of benefits:

  • Support constant microclimate. The device independently creates pre-installed comfortable temperature and humidity. The intensity of the air flow is adjustable based on sensor readings.
  • Autonomous. The product works without electronic components. He does not need food from a network or batteries. The flap moves nylon tapes. Depending on the pressure, they change their length and, accordingly, the position of the flap.
  • Efficiency. The influx of fresh air increases with increasing humidity, for example, if there are many people in the house or underwear will dry. In a relaxed atmosphere, the device does not overeat the house, which reduces heating costs.

Pros and disadvantage of supply ventilation valves


  • Household appliances are simple and reliable. You can install them with your own hands.
  • Ventalojack removes excessive moisture from the most favorable place for its formation - the boundaries of the temperature difference. If the glass packages were an Hispin or condensate, the number of drops decreases or they disappear at all.
  • There are no drafts in the room, as with micro-taking or full opening of the window. So, the risk of colds is reduced.
  • The air exchange between the apartment and the street occurs continuously. You breathe fresh air all day, not only during ventilation.


  • With strong freezing, budget models can freeze.
  • In the overwhelming majority of products there are no filter elements. Because of this, dust and extraneous smells fall into the house.
  • With full adjustment of the microclimate only expensive models are coping with. In budget, it is necessary to independently monitor the temperature and humidity in the house - to constantly change the position of the flap, depending on the weather conditions.

How to choose a trim valve on plastic windows

We list the most important criteria for which you need to pay attention to when choosing:

  • Noise. When air masses at high speed pass through a limited cross section, noise appears. Comfortable sound level is within 30-40 decibels. Models in which a narrow long slit is formed on the minimum focus, with strong winds can make whistle. If in the working position, the valve is not tightly adjacent to, it can rattle.
  • Performance. Directly depends on the conditional passage of the ventilation holes. The larger the channel area, the more fresh air falls into the house. When choosing a specific device, it is necessary to repel from the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and the number of tenants. The performance of different devices varies in the range from 6 to 150 m3 / hour. It is better to choose the device not exactly in its parameter, but with a reserve of 1.5-2 times.
  • Preheating of air. In classical models, cold air masses are heated by a warm convection flow from the radiator. In the northern regions it may not be enough. Then you need to pick up equipment with electric heating.
  • Type of filters. In the structures that are mounted on the sash, they are missing. Models integrated into the frame can be equipped with filtering elements. When using them, dust from the street does not fall into the premises. But the filter needs to be constantly cleaned, otherwise the performance of the device drops greatly.
  • Method of installation. There are universal models that integrate in the window profile of any manufacturer. Some of them can be installed independently. But part of the structures must be mounted at the framework of the frame.
  • Price. Each of the above options affects the cost. If you are too demanding towards the microclimate, it is worth comparing window devices with other climatic products.

How to install a trim valve on plastic windows with your own hands

There are several varieties of products for domestic products. The rating of popular models includes products of French and Russian production:

  • AIR-BOX.
  • Aereco.

We will tell you about the installation of their systems.

Air-Box Installation Instructions

The device installs on the top of the sash. Work in the following sequence:

  1. Pencil celebrate the center of the frame.
  2. Open the sash, we apply an internal mounting bar for it and put the marks around the edges.
  3. By tags, cut out the sealing gum section.
  4. Instead of regular rubber, insert the seal that comes in the kit.
  5. In the resulting separation of the seal, install the device itself, after removing the protective film from it.
  6. We screw the brackets with self-draws.
  7. Close the window and mark the dimensions of the device.
  8. On the markup, cut out the fragment of the frame seal.
  9. Insert a new fine gum.

Optionally, the product can be supplied with an outdoor air intake. It is installed in it a filter element that delays atmospheric dust. Step-by-step installation guide to give the video.


The devices are designed to automatically regulate the microclimate. They are integrated into the frame, thanks to which the larger air exchange is provided. When installing, the integrity of the profiles is disturbed, so you need to be careful. If you doubt your abilities, it is better to use the services of competent specialists. We carry out work in the following sequence:

  1. Match the middle of the window sash.
  2. We screw the metallic pattern or plastic mounting bar.
  3. Drill with a diameter of 4-5 mm make centering holes at the edges.
  4. By the template, we note the contour of future slots and remove it.
  5. Drill holes with a drill with a diameter of 10 mm.
  6. Lobzik, renovator or milling dumps between holes.
  7. When the window is closed, we transfer the dimensions of the holes on the frame.
  8. We establish a template on the frame profile and repeat all operations on the milling grooves. For convenience, we temporarily pull out a sealing gum.
  9. We screw the mounting plate on the inside.
  10. I do not establish an element with a valve adjusting air exchange.
  11. From the outside, screw the protective visor.

You can clearly see the installation process in the video.

If you need to avoid a small room or get rid of the fogging of the glasses, simple designs are suitable for the type Air-Box. To autonomous microclimate control, the best solution becomes the products by type Aereco. And the tips and recommendations will help you install the valve for ventilation with your own hands.

  • Material prepared: Igor Stepankov

A distinctive feature of metal-plastic windows is the ability to maintain heat in a residential building. They effectively prevent sound penetration, cold, moisture. At the same time, these solutions do not allow the internal space of fresh air in sufficient volume. The only correct solution is to establish a trim valve on plastic windows. What kind of products are this, and what is their purpose?

Do I need supply devices at all?

Plastic windows have a mass of obvious advantages. They appreciated not only the owners of urban apartments, but also country cottages. That's just with all its "advantages" visually beautiful decisions of de facto worsen microclimate housing. Installation of the supply valves on the PVC windows is the most affordable and simple way to normalize the temperature and humidity regime, leveling the risk of mold formation, fungus.

So, what is this device and how does it work? A trim valve for plastic windows is a small solution that is customary to be installed in the upper frame of the frame. It is located in a strictly horizontal position, so that the exhaust function is implemented. The small valve not only levels the likelihood of condensate formation in the frame, but also contributes to the support of a comfortable microclimate.

Supply valves on the windows are advisable to use for a number of reasons:

  • in the process of its functioning, any thermal losses are excluded, the sound insulation level is preserved at the initial level;
  • in contrast to traditional ventilation, there are no drafts;
  • the window opening does not change in terms of light penetration;
  • the product can be easily installed, no problems occur during operation;
  • the device can be corrected at its own discretion.

Why do not need supply valves

Construction Features and Nuances of Functioning

The competent installation of the supply valve on the plastic window is possible only if there is an exhaustive understanding of the mechanism of operation of this device. In the process of assembly work, a plot with a rubber seal is removed from the window opening design, and like the sash and the frame. It is replaced with an additional layer of the seal and the supply device, which is delegated to the role of passive ventilation.

Decisions in this way make it possible to divert warm air to outward and exercise a fence of fresh oxygen into the room. This is achieved at the expense of the pressure difference. The system works under the condition that the temperature outside the window is not lower than + 5 ° C. Ventilation products in the sultry heat are powered due to the forced hood.

The valve on the plastic window includes a number of items:

  • outdoor design air intake (Mounted only with the outer side of the frame). A trump card that prevents penetration into the penetration of inside of moisture, atmospheric residues should be present above the most time.
  • compact telescopic canal - a small element combined with a window case and fixed by a special sleeve;
  • inner fragmentLocated inside the room. From the structural point of view, it is one of the most complex elements of the system, which includes: control mechanism (to adjust the air flow), filtration grille and exhaust nozzle.

Design device

There are a number of conditions necessary for efficient work in plastic windows:

  • operation of the main house ventilation channel;
  • the presence of a natural air exchange (small slots in the floor, in interior door);
  • tightness of the entrance door;
  • outside the temperature window is not lower than + 5 ° C.

Be sure to watch the video on the principle of operation of the supply device.

The transfer of the "Miracle of Technology" on NTV, about aircraft supply valves (Aereco)

There is a wide range of exhaust solutions for PVC windows. As for the differences between specific models, they are usually considered for a number of criteria.

Varieties of supply devices

Depending on the prevailing in the design material:

  • metal;
  • wooden;
  • plastic.

According to the method of intake of fresh air Inside the room:

  • Overhead solutions. Valve valve for plastic windows characterized by high efficiency. The key feature is the need to "fit" the framework of the frame and the glass unit under the exhaust device. Such products cannot be embedded in the finished window. The main scope of application is warehouse objects, manufacturing complexes.
  • Continuous-slotted structures. Air fence is carried out through 16-cm gap. Inside the room is a special adjusting unit, and outside the intake, preventing insect penetration, small particles and precipitation. To install, there is no need to dismantle the window. The product is characterized by sufficient high performance.
  • Fold products. One of the most affordable varieties of window. The supply of fresh oxygen is carried out by means of small cuts located in the focus. Solutions are characterized by good soundproofing, low throughput and simplicity of installation.

By type of management:

  • manual;
  • automatic.

note! The original designs in the form of valve-handles are in great demand. This product replaces the traditional window handle and does not violate the appearance of the outlook itself.

Step-by-step instructions for installation of the ventilation valve

Let us dwell in more detail on the nuances of the valve mounting with your own hands. For this event, no specialized skills are required, and in time the whole process lasts up to 40-60 minutes.

To install a trim valve on the windows with your own hands, you should prepare:

  • template;
  • dumping medium length;
  • complete valve;
  • stationery knife.

All listed items needed for installation of small products are present in the standard supplies set. The valve length does not exceed 35 cm. In addition to it, you will need 2 seals, the length of each of which is at least 16 cm, as well as the additional segment by 35 cm. For fixing the design, special attachments are used on self-drawing.

Stage 1. . Localization of the installation site. Window supply valves are customary to be placed in the top of the sash. Experts recommend noting the place in the middle of the design, and then attach a template to it and circle around.

Stage 2. . Reception of the seal. In the specified area, you must remove the standard seal. It is not fixed too tight and if you make small cuts by a stationery knife, then the rubber product can be absolutely free to remove.

Stage 3. . Installation of dowels-fixtures. In the free groove it is necessary to insert 3 dowel-locks. Their main purpose is the fastening of the valve body on the base of the sash. One dowel is shifted exactly in the middle, and the remaining 2 are placed around the edges.

Stage 4. . Installing the ventilation device window. To work it was more convenient, we recommend to the surface of the sash pre-apply double-sided assembly tape. The valve is located in the most preferred position.

Stage 5. . Fixing valve on the window sash. The ventilation product must be attached to the profile design using the screws (do not forget about dowels). This will allow enough to secure the product.

Stage 7. . Dismantling of the old frame seal. In order for the ventilation device to function properly, it needs to ensure the influx of clean air. To this end, experts strongly recommend refusing a typical seal, replacing it that comes with the valve. In front of the fixed valve, a segment is tested, the total length of which should be at least 35 cm. We dismantle the old seal with the subsequent replacement of the new one.

The sealer in the frame has the appearance presented in the image below. If you take a narrower seal, then a small gap is formed between the sash and the base of the frame, through which there is a fence of fresh oxygen. The window will remain operational.

This is considered to be completed. At its own discretion, you can adjust the oxygen inflow using a small engine. In the right position, the curtain will be open completely, therefore, the air flow will be maximal.

The device discussed in our article is a useful and necessary solution for each house, which allows you to improve the housing microclimate. Installation work, if desired, can be performed by the personnel without resorting to the help of specialists. Features of the installation depends on the configuration, design and specific valve model.