How to properly cut tiles with a tile cutter: tips and nuances. How to cut tiles at home: the best ways How to properly cut ceramic tiles with a manual tile cutter

It has already been briefly described and shown on this site.

At first glance, there is nothing complicated about this. But in any business, there are details. The devil, as you know, is in the details.

Cutting in a straight line is not particularly difficult. Having to cut out the tiles with the letter “G” is somewhat confusing.

So usually you have to cut tiles on slopes and around various hatches and doors.

Step-by-step cutting of a piece of tile.

Previously, using a square and a marker, it is necessary to mark 3 corner points of the cut piece. Sometimes a short wedge and a pencil are enough for marking. (VIDEO AT THE END OF THE ARTICLE).


Draw the cutting wheel of the tile cutter along two lines, according to the markings.

Cut a short cutting line with a grinder. The cut-off wheel must be designed for cutting ceramic tiles (this is always indicated on the disc packaging). The cutting wheel, when cutting, should not be located along the line marked by the tile cutter, but along the edge, on the side of the cut (unnecessary) piece.

All these difficulties are needed so that the cutting wheel does not leave chips on the enamel.

If the tile is “very budget-friendly,” as in the picture, the enamel will bounce off even when cutting with a new wheel and an expensive tile cutter.

Part of the cut made by the "grinder"

After a short cut has been made with a grinder, the tile must be installed with the long side on the tile cutter, exactly along the line previously drawn with the wheel, and broken off with the handle-lever of the tile cutter.

The lever (with a cut-off roller) for breaking tiles, must be installed at the beginning or at the end of the tile, 2-3 cm back from the edge of the tile.

setting the lever of the tile cutter when pressing on the cutting line

In this way, tiles up to 12-15mm thick can be cut. But not with every tile cutter.

Cheap tile cutters, with two pipe guides, bend and cannot break, often, ordinary porcelain stoneware. The tool shown in the photo can cut tiles up to 18mm. Only in this case, it is necessary to make cuts on both sides of the tile.

Broken piece

After a piece of tile is broken off, it is necessary to refine the corner with a cutting wheel.

The whole process is completed by sanding the cut edges with a float with emery paper. This operation is especially important when the cut part of the tile is not covered with anything.

When it is not possible to install a tile cutter on a table or workbench, then they work directly on the floor. With a significant amount of undercutting, the knees begin to hurt. This can be avoided by placing a 5 cm sheet of styrofoam next to the tool. This will not only create comfort for the knees, but will also help to trim large tiles.

"LITTLE TIPS" when cutting tiles with a tile cutter

A short video on how to mark and cut a tile with the letter "G"

Questions and consultations in skype:

1. How to cut corrugated tiles?

An electric tile cutter is most suitable for trimming corrugated tiles. This is the case when it is superior to mechanical (my opinion).

With a slight tuberosity of the tile, the last version of the tool is also quite suitable.

But the more relief the tile has, the more difficult it is to break with a lever along the cut line of the roller. Therefore, the cutting wheel should draw as much of a line of irregularities as possible. Then there is a chance that the tile will break along the cut line.

And the smaller the cut piece, the less chance for a successful cut. In the video below, you can see that half of the tiles always break successfully.

No matter how hard we try to complete the installation with whole tiles, it still won't work. The reasons are different - the non-standard dimensions of the room, the way of laying, in which you cannot do without pieces, etc. Therefore, you need to get used to the idea that you will have to cut in any case.

If you have already decided on the question, then you probably know how many and what pruning will be in the process. Today we will tell you how to properly cut tiles at home.
You probably know that fired clay is used for the production of tiles, which is coated with glaze for strength and beauty. It is practically impossible to break it manually, but it is worth putting it on the slightest unevenness and it bursts even with minor loads. The process will become much easier and the line will be exactly where it is needed, if the glaze is loosened, in other words, cut and then break.

The glaze layer can be loosened in three ways, namely:

  • with a special tool - a manual or electric tile cutter,
  • tongs; grinder;
  • different improvised sharp objects.Today we will introduce you to each method of cutting tiles.

We work as a manual tile cutter

The option is very popular with both professional tilers and amateurs. It is not difficult to buy this tool, the cost starts at 300 rubles. The price depends on the size, reliability and special fixtures. If the tile cutter has a swivel base and a built-in ruler to cut at 45 degrees, then the price will be decent.

Try not to even look at the cheap model, waste money in vain, because they have a bad hold and a weak base, so in most cases the tiles break incorrectly.

We insert the tile into the tile cutter, combine the markings on the tiles and a special mark on the tool. We lower the handle and move away from ourselves with a smooth movement. The speed should be the same, the pressure should be uniform, then the glaze will be cut with the same depth. One cut with a roller is enough. If the movements are repeated several times, then we can get a poor-quality break.

The tool is equipped with special paws, which, when lowered, break the tiles into pieces of the desired size. The main thing is to press the lever sharply. All, without exception, tile cutters have a platform with a metal tubercle and soft pads.

When the paws are pressed against the edge of the tile, the notch is under maximum pressure. With the correct alignment of the cutting line and the lining, the tile will split very evenly.

According to the words, this process may not be entirely clear, especially for beginners. It is better to look clearly and understand how to cut tiles correctly with a tile cutter.

Cutting tiles with the letter G

The tile cutter is designed only for straight cuts, so if you need to make an L-shaped cut, you have to work a little. The easiest way would be to cut the tiles into two parts, and then one of them again and when laying them, fold them with the letter G.

And as a result, we get an additional seam that no one needs, which is striking.

You can go the other way - the short side is cut with a grinder, the long side - with a tile cutter.

This method is also suitable for cutting outer corners, the main thing is to correctly mark and subtract about 5mm + grouting + slight indentation from the wall.

There is one more way: a cut on the glaze surface is performed using any available cutting and stabbing object, and then the excess is broken off with the help of pliers. We use sandpaper to process irregularities.
In this way, you can make rounded cuts, which are placed at the risers.

We cut porcelain stoneware

Everyone knows that porcelain stoneware belongs to the group of the hardest materials used for the production of floor tiles. The cutting method for it is the same as for standard tiles.

Often, floor tiles lend themselves to cutting much worse than porcelain stoneware itself. This is especially true for hardened tiles, on which it is almost impossible to see the incision in the glaze surface. Often, even with a diamond disc, it is not possible to make an even cut. In this situation, we take a grinder, cut out a groove from 2 to 3 mm on the reverse side, which will be the place of the break.

We cut the tiles with a tile cutter-tongs

The cost of a tile cutter-tongs is from 200 to 400 rubles and they can only perform small amounts of work. It is suitable for household chores to cut thin ceramic tiles.

Instructions for using the tile cutter-tongs:

Marking is applied in which gaps and seams have already been taken into account, i.e. - 5 mm.
The metal ruler should lie along the line of the marking. We take the cutter and lead it along the ruler, pressing so as to leave a visible strip. The torch should move towards you.

The pins of the forceps should be positioned along the break line at the edge. Place the sponges on top of the glaze, the straight part on the bottom.

The edges of the upper lip should be on both sides of the fault line at the same distance from it.

Pressing the handles must be done smoothly, then the tile will break off evenly. It is not advisable to raise it high, you can accidentally break it.

We work as an electric tile cutter

For a large volume of work, it is more advisable to use an electric tile cutter, then speed and quality are guaranteed for you.
It works with a diamond wheel, automatically supplies water to the cutting site to cool it and remove dust. The most inexpensive type of "amateur" class is sold at a price of 3 to 4 thousand rubles.

Cutting tiles with a grinder

In the process of laying tiles, you may need not only whole elements, but also very narrow strips, the width of which is from 0.5 to 2 cm. It will not work to make such a cut using a conventional tile cutter, it has very wide legs.

In this case, the grinder will help out. A cut line is drawn on the tile with any pencil, the main thing is that it is clearly visible. We cut it down with a grinder with a diamond disc. It is better not to try to cut the strip at a time, it will break off in parts. Try not to press on the grinder, smoothly walk a couple of times along the cutting line until you get a groove up to 2 mm deep. The disc should pass exactly next to the cut line, only in this case we will get a strip of the required size.

In case of irregularities, we will grind them with a grinder.

What to be guided by when choosing a disc for tiles

Any cutting is performed using metal discs with diamond-coated edges. But they differ in that each is designed to work with a specific material. Some cut concrete, others bricks, others stone.

Tile discs are produced flat, without holes, with a uniform and smooth soldering. Concrete discs have slots on the solder, so vibrations cause chips. If you cut ceramic tiles with such a disc, you can get injured by a chipped piece.

Washed down at an angle of 45 degrees

Very often, when laying tiles, it becomes necessary to join the outer corners. You can also get a beautiful edge with a ceramic corner, but many tilers prefer to cut at a 45 degree angle.

With the help of a professional electric cutter with an inclined surface, an angle of 45 degrees is very easy. But, unfortunately, not everyone can boast of having such a tool. Let's try to make such a cut ourselves, with our usual grinder. You need to draw a cut line and draw a disc along it, tilting it slightly inward.

We cut tiles without a tile cutter

Sometimes it happens that only a few pieces of cut tiles are needed. It is not rational to purchase a tile cutter for this. This task can be dealt with with the help of tools that are always at hand, namely:

  • glass cutter;
  • drills, ideally it should have a victorious tip to make the tile easier to scratch;
  • nail;
  • construction knife.

A metal ruler is applied at the cut. Using a glass cutter or drill bit, scratch a line along the ruler on the enamel of the tile. We carry out only once, if with a knife, then several times.

Place the tile on a corner, align the cut with its edge and press sharply on the edge of the tile. The line will not be straight enough, as with a tile cutter, but it will save money on its purchase.

Craftsmen know that cutting ceramic tiles will be easier if they are soaked in water for an hour.

Summing up

Cutting ceramic tiles is actually not a complicated process. This will become clear later, when the first successful experience comes. In the meantime, try to take into account the percentage of losses when buying and buy material with a small margin of 10-15%.
Sometimes sellers offer their services for sawing, but this offer can only be used if you know the exact size and shape.

Most people choose ceramic tiles to decorate a bathroom, kitchen, bathroom. Many of the tenants install it themselves. To avoid unevenness and achieve perfect coverage, you need a tile cutter to cut the material.

However, before you know how to cut tiles with a tile cutter, you should choose the right one.

Choosing a tile cutter

By choosing a suitable / high-quality model, it will be possible to quickly and accurately cut the elements of the required size, while avoiding the appearance of chips and cracks during the cutting process.

Electric and mechanical tile cutters are used to cut ceramics. Mains powered models are relevant for industrial scale construction.

Manual models are more suitable for performing work at home, but they require more skill and physical strength.

Manual tile cutters are of several types:

  1. Roller... The device is a product consisting of a handle and a cutting roller. Use this device as a stand-alone tool or complete with a saw station.
  2. Mechanical... Such options are able to cope even with a hard type of tile. Due to the presence of a rigid carriage, it is possible to carry out precise cutting.
  3. On bearings... This option is used when you need to cope with very durable tiles, the thickness of which is more than 16 mm.

If we talk about which tile cutter is better, the frame cutter is the most popular. It is characterized by the presence of a rigid frame with fixed rails along which a cutting element with a handle moves.

Attention! Please note that even the highest quality manual tile cutter will not be able to cut a strip less than 1 cm wide from the edge.When the need arises, they resort to nippers. They also make a curly edge.

All manual models have a number of positive aspects, which makes them in demand in the market of building materials and tools for working with ceramic tiles:

  • work regardless of the presence / absence of electricity, which is very convenient;
  • compactness - you do not need a separate room for work, a small area on the table / floor will be enough;
  • low weight - the product weighs on average from 200 g to 9 kg;
  • mobility;

Before you start using a manual tile cutter, you need to carry out a number of preparatory work that has a direct impact on the final result.

Preparing the tool for work

  1. Inspection of the product for any damage. Watch the video - there should be no distortions, jags. Otherwise, you will have to replace it with a new one.
  2. Pay attention to cleaning the fixture, not forgetting to wipe the guides and the surface of the bed.
  3. All nuts and bolts must be tightened.
  4. Lubricate the carriage with oil if problems with movement are observed.


To work at this stage, you will need a pencil / marker with which you need to draw a fault line. In the future, the tool will need to be fixed so that the cutting element is located exactly above the drawn line.

Tile cutting technology

So how do you properly cut tiles with a tile cutter? To obtain an even cut, follow the technology:

  1. Cover the tile with a wet cloth or soak in water for 1-1.5 hours. Thus, it will be possible to make the ceramics more pliable and avoid crumbling.
  2. Fixing the tiles. There are tile cutter models that have clamps - they will take care of the immobility of the die. If there is no such element, you need to support the material with one hand. The cutting element must be located exactly over the future fracture. If the die is large, you can put something under its edges so that it does not wobble.
  3. The cutter should be at the very beginning, at the edge of the tile (where the line is drawn).
  4. In the process of cutting, use force so that later it would be easier to break the die into two parts.

Attention! If the furrow is shallow, you do not need to re-cut with the tile cutter. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the edges will begin to crumble and turn out to be sloppy.


After cutting, gently, slowly press the lever. The tile should break exactly along the line.

  1. If you are looking for a disposable instrument, an inexpensive model, for example, from a Chinese manufacturer, will do. For reusable use, it is advisable to buy a manual professional tile cutter - it will serve for many years.
  2. Regardless of whether you are cutting porcelain stoneware with a tile cutter or ceramic, take into account the length of the diagonal of the die. It is desirable that the length of the working area be greater, or in no way less than the diagonal of the finishing element.
  3. Put some machine oil on the surface of the roller before cutting. Such a solution will significantly reduce the friction of the roller and the die - this will contribute to an increase in the quality of the notch.
  4. In order for the rift to turn out the way it is necessary, do not rush, do not make sudden movements. The stroke of the crown should be smooth, unhurried. Make sure that the box does not get stuck while driving.
  5. Pay attention to the roller, it should not have a backlash.

Safety regulations

Working with a manual tile cutter is less hazardous than working with an electric equivalent. After all, we do not have to deal with vibrations, noise and a rotating disc.

Safety regulations:

  1. Put on a protective casing, special shoes.
  2. You should also wear goggles to avoid getting debris from the tiles in your eyes.
  3. Cutting must be carried out in a special place (in a workshop or in a room where no one will enter during cutting).

Only an adult who has received safety training can cut dies. You also need to know how to provide first aid in case of injury.

Should the tiles be wetted?

In which direction to move the carriage, towards you or away from you? This question arises for many. It is more convenient for someone to work by cutting the tiles in the direction away from themselves. Someone has a smoother furrow when cutting towards themselves.

Choose a tile cutting method that is more convenient and efficient for you.


  • carriage;
  • lever;
  • guides;
  • cutting element;
  • foot - breaks the die.

Tile cutter - a tool on the basis of which runners (guides) are located - a crown with a steel roller made of hard alloy moves along them. On this base and lay the tiles for cutting.

Models may differ in modification. For example, there are tile cutters with add. a device that allows you to make round holes.

Before buying, you should also ask the seller which tile cutter to choose for porcelain stoneware. The fact is that some models are only suitable for thin ceramic tiles.

How to cut tiles without a tile cutter?

Avoid buying a tile cutter if you have other tools at hand that will help you make an even cut.

Tongs - tile cutter

The cost of such a tool is in the range of 200-600 rubles. Please note that it is suitable for rare use (for example, if you have started repairs in your apartment) and only if the tiles are thin.


  1. Markup. Consider all gaps and seams.
  2. Show the fault line.
  3. Position the pliers so that the feet are along the line you have drawn, near the edge. The rectangular part should be at the bottom and the jaws on the front.
  4. Smoothly, without haste, gently push the handle to break off a piece.


With the help of it, it will be possible to cut a strip 0.5 cm wide. A simple tile cutter cannot cope with such a task. We drew a fault line. Next, make a wash down with a grinder with a diamond roller. There is no need to rush and immediately make a cut across the entire tile. Chances are high that the strip will break off.

Note that the disc must go along the line. If it follows the line, the width will decrease. Run along the seam several times to cut the strip.

Glass cutter

  1. Place the die with the beautiful side up on a flat table.
  2. Place a ruler along the cut line. Without removing the ruler (acts as a guide), attach the glass cutter to the top of the die.
  3. Using force, draw a notch line to reduce break resistance.
  4. Place a nail under the die.
  5. Press gently on the edges of the tiles, trying to evenly distribute the load. The product should burst along the notch line.

Drill with a victorious tip

This device is useful if you plan to make a hole in the tile. A drill with a victorious tip does not cut, but crumbles the material being processed.

Waterjet machine

Waterjet cutting is relevant for any material. This method involves cutting by applying a mixture (water + sand) under high pressure.


Taking into account all the features, in the process of cutting and choosing a tool, as well as watching an introductory video, which describes all the stages of cutting with a tile cutter, it will be possible to perfectly cut the block perfectly evenly.

Video review

When carrying out construction work on your own, there is often a need to cut ceramic tiles at home. To do this, it is not at all necessary to have a professional tool - a tile cutter. The tile is cut with improvised means, you just need to be patient and time consuming.

Choosing a cutting tool

For cutting tiles at home, both versatile and highly targeted tools are suitable. To perform tile cutting with a tile cutter, the following devices are used:

The tool is selected from the list in accordance with the type of work carried out... When a small number of tiles are to be cut, a glass cutter and wire cutters are sufficient. For a large amount of work, a tile cutter or grinder is used.

Using a manual tile cutter

It is necessary to consider the structure of the tool in order to understand how to properly cut the tile with a tile cutter. The tool consists of the following elements:

Manual tile cutter easy to use, allows you to cut ceramic tiles with minimal effort. Among the disadvantages, it is noted that it is impossible to cut off the edges of tiles with a width of less than 5 mm.

Preparatory stage of work

Before using the tile cutter again, you will need to carry out its external examination in order to check the functionality and eliminate the likelihood of injury during work. The check is recommended to be performed in the following sequence:

Making an incision

Having prepared the tool for work, they start cutting the tiles. The process consists of several stages:

Cutting without specialized tools

It is not difficult to cut a tile using a special tool, however, there are ways to achieve a good result using improvised means. Let's take a closer look at how to cut tiles without a tile cutter, using the example of specific tools and work technologies.

Making a cut with a grinder... The grinder is a versatile tool that is also suitable for cutting ceramic tiles. With this tool, you can make both a straight and curved cut of any shape. To work you will need:

  • Bulgarian.
  • Stone cutting circle.
  • Protective glasses.

When all the tools necessary for the work are prepared, they proceed to marking the tiles. Do it using a marker or sharp object... In the process of working with the grinder, a lot of dust is formed, so the previously outlined lines can be erased.

After the marking is completed, the product begins to be cut. Cutting with a grinder is performed in the following main ways:

  • Several passes are made according to the markings made. For each pass, they deepen to a distance of 3 mm. This operation is performed until the final result is achieved.
  • If the length of the marking is less than 2 cm, then the cut is made over the entire thickness of the product.
  • The markings are applied to both sides of the product. On the front side, a cut is made up to a depth of 3 mm. Then, on the reverse side, an incision is made along the markings, 3 mm per pass. Although this method is laborious, it avoids accidental mechanical damage.

It is recommended to use a grinder for complex cuts, as when using it, a lot of dust is generated and it takes a long time to get the final result. For straight cutting, simpler solutions are used.

The use of a jigsaw

To use this tool with tiles, you will need a special stone file. The tile is installed on a flat surface, where the cut is made. To simplify the process, it is recommended to soak the tiles in advance.

The jigsaw is used if you need to cut curved line segments with a large radius... It should be noted that this tool is not recommended for use when cutting porcelain stoneware, as this material is much stronger than tiles.

Glass cutter or tool with cutting edge

With this tool, only tiles are cut in a straight line. To make a cut, you will need: a glass cutter or another tool with a sharpened cutting edge made of diamond or Pobedita; metal ruler for drawing a cut line.

To make the cut even, the scratch on the glossy surface of the product must be applied carefully, firmly pressing the glass cutter to the work surface... After making a cut below the glossy layer, the tiles are split. There are the following split methods:

  • Using a solid rod. The tile is placed with the back side in place of the risks on a solid rod. After that, a sharp pressure on the product with hands is carried out from both sides.
  • With clamps. The essence of this method is to fix the products between the clamps at the risk and press sharply on the protruding edge.
  • Hit a flat corner. When using this method, the tile is taken in hand and a sharp blow from the back is applied to a scratch on the product. The blow must be applied sharply from a distance of no more than 5-10 cm from the surface of the corner. For a fault to be of good quality, the angle must be sharp and hard.

It is advisable to use tile nippers to create shaped holes. It is recommended to apply to the surface of the cut line along the breakout boundary in any way possible.

Biting off pieces of tile when using this tool is recommended in small pieces, so as not to break off the excess area outside the cut border.

Round Hole Cutters

A type of tool such as a drill or screwdriver is used to create round holes in the tile. When drilling holes, it is important to know which nozzle to choose in a particular case.

It is necessary to drill at low revs(no more than 500 per minute), otherwise not only the product, but also the nozzle will be damaged. Depending on which holes need to be obtained, the attachments are divided into the following types:

  1. Small diameter (15-30 mm). These attachments include sharpening drills and lance drills for tiles.
  2. Large diameter (30-50 mm). This type includes bits with various coatings (diamond, tungsten carbide, etc.).

If you want to cut a hole over 50 mm in diameter, then you can use the grinder.

Thus, tiles can be cut without a specialized tool, provided that the cutting technology is followed.

The tile cutter is a special tool designed for cutting ceramic tiles, porcelain stoneware, glass. These building materials are very common: finishing work is rarely done without the use of tiles, which are used for revealing the floors and walls of kitchens, bathrooms, hallways. At the same time, you constantly have to face the need to cut the material to the desired size, create holes in it, for example, for sockets or switches, pipes. But cutting the tiles with a tile cutter, like other materials, should be correct in order to reduce the number of rejects and get the best possible result. The technology of the workflow is determined by the type of equipment used.

There are many tile cutter models on the construction tool market. All their variety according to the type of energy due to which the work is performed is divided into two main types:

  • mechanical;
  • electric.

By using mechanical variety carry out a straight or figured (curvilinear) cut of the tile, create holes in it. In this case, the thickness of the processed material is limited to 16 mm. They are distinguished by their high productivity: they are able to cut tile material with a thickness of more than 16 mm.

The principle of cutting tiles with mechanical and electrical tools is different. But models of equipment of both types are used both in everyday life and in professional activities in accordance with their functionality.

Mechanical tool design

Mechanical tools are divided into hand-held and stationary (table-top) models. Manual tile cutters come in two varieties:

  • in the form of wire cutters, the design of which is shown in the photo below;
  • in the form of a roller cutter having the device shown in the photograph below.

The device of hand models is very simple, but with their help you can only work with thin tile material.

Stationary products represented by a large number of different modifications. But in all cases, the table-type tile cutter device has the following structural elements:

  • a carriage with a cutting roller and a handle, moving along the guides;
  • base (also called a platform, table or bed);
  • a lever with which the cut tile is broken;
  • tabs fixing the tiles.

The guides are fixed to the racks. All considered details are shown in detail in the following photo.

Some models have measuring rulers, which allows cutting without preliminary marking. If the mechanism has additional accessories such as ballerinas, then you can use them to cut holes of different diameters.

With hand torches and stationary models, the work is carried out according to the following principle:

  • an incision is made with a roller in the material to be sawn;
  • break the tiles along the cut line.

With the help of a tile cutter, small pieces are bite off the tiles. You can work with this tool only along the edges.

Electric cutter device

Electric cutters are similar in design to a circular saw. They are divided into two types:

  • manual models;
  • machine tool (stationary) electrical equipment.

The main nodes of any model are:

  • electric motor;
  • a head with a diamond disc attached to it;
  • lever;
  • power button.

The electric motor for network electrical equipment can be single-phase (operates on a voltage of 220 V) or three-phase (designed for 380 V).

There is equipment equipped with diamond band saws instead of discs.

Hand models have a support sole. Some products have special rollers on it so that it is convenient to move the power tool over the surface of the material.

Some electric cutters are equipped with stops, rulers, goniometers, as well as water tanks to cool the cutting site. These structural elements are clearly visible in the photo below.

For dust removal, some modifications are equipped with a dust collector. There are device options with the ability to connect a vacuum cleaner such as the pictures below.

Manual electric cutters can work on batteries... Such models are supplied to the market by RYOBI (for example, LTS180 M) and Makita (4191 DWD, CC 300 DWE).

Machine tool electrical equipment, depending on where the electric motor with the saw head is installed, there are the following modifications:

  • with the bottom placement of these nodes;

  • cantilever (the table with the workpiece moves, and the disk is stationary) and bridge (the cutting head moves relative to the material) with the upper location of the electric motor.

A detailed design of a bridge electric cutter using the example of Elitech PE 1000 / 92P is shown in the following photo.

Electricthe tile cutter works on the same principle as the circular saw... When the power button is pressed, the electric motor starts to work, driving the diamond disc into rotation. It completely cuts the tiles laid on the table at different angles, not just 90 degrees.

Cooling consists in supplying water to the cutting area. At the same time, the liquid prevents the formation of dust, cleans the disc from tile particles.

Preparation for work

Before you start sawing porcelain stoneware, glass or tiles, you need to prepare a working tool, and in some cases, adjust it.

Any instrument is preliminarily inspected for external damage. For mechanical models, check:

  • the condition of the roller - free rotation, presence of defects, sharpness, reliability of fixation;
  • smooth movement of the carriage, the presence of backlash;
  • the bed for the presence of contamination, if necessary, removing them;
  • defects on the handle;
  • if there is a stop, then measure the value of the angle between it and the axis of the cut.

The cutting roller must rotate freely, be clean and of the correct shape (no potholes, dents). It should be sized to match the thickness of the tile being cut.

After preliminary checking and cleaning, the guides and the cutter are applied small amount of grease(machine oil). Then, using a construction pencil, marker or felt-tip pen, marking lines are applied to the surface of the tile materials, along which the cut will be carried out.

If the modification is equipped with a stop and a measuring ruler, then marking is not necessary.

Before cutting the tile with an electric cutter, check the reliability of the fastening of the disc. A dirty disc is cleaned of adhering debris. If the power tool is equipped with water cooling system, then maintain the presence of liquid in the required amount. Dirty water is completely replaced so that the cutting site is well cooled.

For electrical equipment, the power cord must be complete and dry: only in this form is it allowed to insert the plug into the outlet. Also, during the operation of the device, the water circulating in the cooling system should not get on the cable. After the electrical equipment works, you need to make sure that the fluid supply is continuous.

The power tool is normally adjusted at the factory, but the settings may be changed during transport. For this reason, you may need to adjustment of the cutting angle and length of the working movement of the blade... The adjustment of each model has its own characteristics. The process of setting up the used installation is described in the operating instructions for it. To set the angles, you will need to use a protractor, goniometer or square.

Cutting tiles and porcelain stoneware with a mechanical tile cutter

In order to properly cut the tile with a tile cutter, it is recommended to pre-hold it in water for some time - this makes it easier to cut it.

By using mechanical stationary tool cut the tile material in the following way:

  • a marking line is applied on the surface of the tile;
  • lay the tiles on the bed so that the markings coincide with the trajectory along which the cutting wheel (carriage) moves;

  • lightly pressing on the carriage, hold it once along the incision line;

  • the handle is set to the working position, then it is sharply lowered, breaking the tile along the cut.

In order for the edges of the final pieces to be neat, the cutting line should be at least one centimeter from the tiled edge.

The pressure on the carriage should be so strong that the wheel cuts through the tile enamel, and the tile does not break through. Do not carry out several times, because the edges of the fragments will turn out to be uneven. When the edge is uneven and chipped, it will need to be additionally sanded. It is possible to cut porcelain stoneware with a stationary type tile cutter only with a tile thickness of up to 15 mm. The process algorithm is completely similar to that stated above.

Manual roller cutters work in the same way as stationary devices. In this case, only tiles of minimum thickness are suitable: such tools are not intended for professional use. Some beginners often have a question about whether it is possible with a tile cutter cut glass... This can be done, but only with ordinary material. Cutting hardened varieties will require a special power tool.

Tile cutter-nippers work like this:

  • the tool is brought to the edge of the tile, placing its wide part on the front surface of the ceramic, and the central part of the nippers is placed along the bend line directly above the groove;
  • then gently break off pieces of material.

With the help of wire cutters, you can make round holes, but to do the job well, you need to have the appropriate skills and be careful.

Electric cutters of different types work in the same way, so the technology for cutting tile materials with their help is the same. Working with an electric tile cutter is not particularly difficult, you just need to be careful and attentive. Hand models are more difficult to handle: the evenness of the cut depends mainly on the skills of the worker.

To properly use an electric type tile cutter, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • before work, you must turn on the cooling system;
  • pre-mark the surface of the workpiece;
  • fix the tile to the desktop;
  • after that, it is necessary to carefully advance the tile to the disk or vice versa (depending on the model of the unit being operated), constantly monitoring the pressing force;

  • before the end of the cutting line, reduce the impact force to prevent the formation of irregularities or chips.

In addition to a straight cut, various shapes are cut with the help of electric cutters. In this case, the process occurs in the following sequence:

  • markup;
  • make cuts with an electric cutter, cutting off excess fragments and breaking them off with pliers;

  • process the edges of the workpieces, for example, with a file.

The use of a power tool allows you to cut the tile into thin strips several millimeters wide, while the cut is smooth.

Possible errors when using the tool

Errors when working with both mechanical and electric tile cutters are not only made by beginners. It is very rare, but there are mistakes among professionals. An inexperienced worker needs time to master the used device and achieve a high quality tile cut.

The most common are the following common mistakes when using tile cutters.

  1. Employees do not use personal protective equipment, the minimum set of which must include safety glasses with gloves.
  2. After the end of the work, the operated tool is not cleaned of various adhering debris, for example, from small pieces of ceramic tiles, porcelain stoneware or mortar. With subsequent use, this affects the quality, safety and cutting efficiency.
  3. The slab material being cut is poorly fixed: as a result of accidental movement, the straightness of the cut is disturbed.

At operation of mechanical equipment such additional errors are possible:

  • for work, a device is used, the cutting element of which does not rotate freely, which leads to the formation of various defects (for example, potholes) along the edges of the cut line;
  • when cutting the workpiece, uneven pressure is exerted on the cutter, which causes damage to the tile enamel;
  • if there is a special handle for breaking tiles, they do not use it, but do everything by hand inaccurately;
  • it is carried out several times with a cutting element along the surface of the material, which leads to damage to the decorative layer and a curved fracture line.

Working with an electric cutter among inexperienced users, it is also accompanied by errors, the main of which are the following:

  • for machine models, the replacement of the coolant (water) is untimely;
  • the contact of the disc with the tiled surface is carried out not smoothly and easily, but abruptly;
  • do not use headphones and a respirator;
  • electric cutters are operated with signs of external damage or with other malfunctions;
  • when sawing porcelain stoneware or ceramics, exert excessive pressure on the working tool, overloading it with this;
  • turn on electrical equipment when the disc contacts the surface of the cut material.

Errors when using devices for cutting tile materials lead not only to premature wear and tear of the equipment and its failure, but are also associated with injuries of varying severity.

To learn how to work well with an electric or mechanical tile cutter, especially with their hand-held models, you need to practice in practice, constantly improving your skills. Before using the equipment, you should read the instructions for its use. It indicates the necessary measures for the periodic maintenance of the model, preparing it for work, and initial setting. Also, the operating instructions contain the necessary recommendations, the observance of which allows you to safely perform the work. Failure to follow these guidelines will result in injury. It should be borne in mind that a power tool is more dangerous than mechanical counterparts. When working with him, you need to be very careful.