How to paint wooden windows. How to paint a wooden window yourself (part 2)

If the paint on wooden windows is cracked and peeled off, this does not mean that you need to change the window frames or call specialists to restore them. you can do it yourself. This work will not take much of your time and effort.

Painting a wooden window is not particularly difficult, the main thing is to choose the right paint.

Choosing paint for wooden windows

To choose the right paint, you need to know in what conditions the window will be used. Today there are several types of paints that are great for wooden structures:

  • acrylic;
  • alkyd;
  • oil.

Acrylic paints are water-based and belong to the group of paints and varnishes with a high polymer content. Thanks to them, the paint has increased resistance to moisture and fading in the sun. You can dilute it with plain water. To achieve the desired shade, you can add color tint. Acrylics are odorless and dry quickly.

The basis of alkyd paint contains various resins and oils with high penetrating power. If you treat wooden windows with such a substance, it will protect the material from the harmful effects of moisture for at least 4 years. Alkyd paints protect window frames from temperature extremes, dirt and other negative environmental factors. Windows painted with this paint can be washed with any detergent.

Of the disadvantages of alkyd paints, it should be noted that they dry for a long time, and for dilution they require the use of caustic solvents (for example, white spirit).

Oil paint weakly penetrates into wood, but forms a moisture protective layer on the painted surface. This allows you not to use solvents in the process. It has good hiding power, so its consumption is lower than in the first two types of paints. The only drawback is the time of complete drying, which, depending on the temperature and humidity conditions, can last up to 3 days.

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Tools and materials required to complete the work

The list of required tools depends on the state of the window. To work you need the following tools:

  • building hair dryer for removing old paint;
  • sealant gun;
  • spatulas for removing old coatings and applying putty;
  • paint brushes;
  • plane;
  • a hammer;
  • pliers;
  • sandpaper.

From materials you may need:

  • wood putty for sealing large defects on the window frame;
  • deep penetration primer to improve adhesion of putty and wood;
  • paint;
  • solvent;
  • masking tape to protect glass from paint.

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Preparing a wooden window for painting

Window painting tools: brushes, rollers, sandpaper, tape.

Before you paint the window frames with your own hands, you need to properly prepare them. The preparation process includes removing the old paint layer and filling up all defects with a putty mixture. Of course, painting can be done without dismantling the old paint, but in this case the quality of work will be much lower.

You can use a construction hairdryer to remove old paint. When the wooden frame is heated, the paint changes its structure, which allows it to be removed without much effort with a kitchen knife or spatula. In this case, the temperature regime of the hair dryer should be monitored and the material should not overheat. It is recommended to remove paint from all accessible areas.

If you are unable to use a hair dryer, an aggressive remover can be used to remove old paintwork. It should be noted that it is dangerous not only for paint, but also for your skin, therefore, when working with it, you must protect your hands with rubber gloves, and your eyes with goggles. The wash is applied with a brush over the entire painted surface. After a while, the paint will begin to swell and soften, which will make it easy to remove with a spatula. Repeat these steps several times as necessary until the wooden frame is completely cleaned.

Do-it-yourself painting of wooden windows involves degreasing the surface. Grease on the frame will impair paint adhesion, which will affect the quality of work. Therefore, the entire surface should be well cleaned with a solvent. After that, the decayed areas of the tree must be removed with a plane, the entire surface of the frame must be treated with a primer, and the resulting chips and cracks must be repaired with putty. Then the frame is cleaned with sandpaper.

As a result, you should get an even, smooth and clean base. In some cases, before painting wooden windows, a decision is made to remove the glass and replace the glazing beads. If you decide not to dismantle the glass, then their edges need to be pasted over with masking tape so as not to splash them with paint during work.

Not all of our contemporaries rushed to acquire standard plastic double-glazed windows in unison, some prefer safe, natural, wood-made structures. Modern wooden windows have a lot of advantages in addition to environmental friendliness: reliability, durability, high quality workmanship. At the same time, such frames require regular maintenance, in particular, painting of wooden windows is required. Of course, if you have chosen some of the best wooden windows, then this task will not appear before you soon, but if your windows are already several years old, it is time to think about maintaining their beauty and functionality.

  • What is the best paint for wooden windows?
    • Interior and exterior paint
    • The choice of paint by characteristics and composition
  • How to paint wooden windows?
    • Materials and tools
    • Important points before starting work
    • Rules for removing old paint
    • Preparation of fittings and glass
    • Putty for wooden windows
    • Primer for wooden windows
    • Multi-layer painting of wooden windows

But before you paint wooden windows, and even with your own hands, you need to stock up on all the necessary tools and materials in advance.

What is the best paint for wooden windows?

The first question that arises is which paint for wooden windows is better? A paint suitable for wooden windows must meet the following requirements:

  • be moisture resistant to protect the wood from fungus and rotting;
  • be flexible so as not to crack when the frame shrinks and swells;
  • to be "breathable", because after processing the wood must retain the ability to let air into the room, thereby creating a healthier microclimate there.

Interior and exterior paint

Painting windows indoors:

Alkyd paints, to which oil is added, meet all the requirements as to which paint is best for painting wooden windows. They are quite flexible and durable, and they also give the surface a great look.

But it is best to paint the frame with alkyd paints from the side of the room.

Painting windows from the street:

If the question is being decided, what is the best way to paint wooden windows from the street, then in this case it is better to stop at nitro paints or acrylic paints. They dry quickly, without a pungent odor, and give a very durable coating. These are also suitable for window sills.

Universal paint:

For those who do not want to get confused about what is better to paint wooden windows from the outside and than from the inside, and who prefers the use of a universal composition, it is worth recommending atmospheric glossy enamel.

Some people struggle to decide which paint to paint their wooden windows with. Our climate is characterized by significant temperature drops, variable weather with precipitation. Alkyd enamels and water-based acrylic paints Caparol, Remmers and Dulux performed well in such conditions, although they are quite expensive. You can also choose cheaper domestic counterparts.

The choice of paint by characteristics and composition

In addition, wood surfaces can also be painted with traditional oil paints, enamel paints and adhesive dispersion paints. To finally decide which paint to choose, you need to think about the features of the conditions in which the painted surface will stay, the humidity of the atmosphere, the properties of the painted surface. The cost of a particular paint strongly depends on the composition of the composition and its performance properties.

Acrylic and polyurethane paints

The most modern and technologically advanced are acrylic and polyurethane enamels and varnishes. All of them contain organic solvents that make them more toxic, but also more stable. The most promising in terms of sustainability are polyurethane paints, which provide the most wear-resistant coating, so they are currently the best coating for wooden windows. But still more often acrylic paints are used for doors and frames, which are more affordable. After drying, which happens very quickly, they are no longer afraid of water. Acrylic can be diluted with water and tinted to the desired shades. Of course, they should not be confused with acrylic paints for artists, which are available in small tubes.

Alkyd paints

Alkyd paint can be a good option when choosing the best way to paint wooden windows, since it is not only resistant to various manifestations of atmospheric adversity, but also to mineral oil or detergents. The surface pre-primed and coated with alkyd paint will retain its appearance for 4 years. She perfectly tolerates extreme heat (+60) and extreme cold (-50).

Nitrocellulose paints

Nitrocellulose paint may also be a correct option for what paint is better to paint the wood of window structures. True, acetone serves as a solvent in it, which evaporates very quickly, so the room must be intensively ventilated. This paint is very flammable.

Recently, owners of wooden windows have increasingly begun to cover them with transparent varnishes, which allow them to preserve all the magnificent wood texture. In essence, such transparent varnishes are the same alkyd enamel, to which there is simply no coloring pigment added.

How to paint wooden windows?

Before processing wooden windows before painting, you need to take into account that different types of wood require different processing:

  • pine must be impregnated with compounds that protect it from grinders and getting wet;
  • oak windows are not afraid of moisture, but insects love to feast on them;
  • larch does not need the processing agents used for either pine or oak, since it does not rot and is avoided by grinders.

Materials and tools

A master who knows how to properly paint wooden windows will certainly first prepare not only the paints and brushes themselves, but also some tools and consumables.

It is quite obvious that before painting wooden windows with peeling paint, you need to remove all this paint from the surface, as well as various foreign objects sticking out in the frames. Therefore, when working, a variety of tools may be required:

  • screwdrivers and pliers are needed to remove various screws and nails from the frame;
  • it is convenient to remove old paint with a small spatula;
  • you will also need a small hammer to install the glazing beads in place, because the latter will have to be temporarily dismantled in order to remove the glass from the frame;
  • you will have to sand the surfaces with sandpaper;
  • so that the slopes do not get dirty during painting, they must be temporarily sealed with masking tape;
  • you will need brushes to apply paint, and if the frames are quite wide, then they can be painted faster with a roller;
  • jars or trays for paint;
  • a crowbar or a small nailer will be needed during the dismantling of glazing beads, as well as doors and vents;
  • it is also worth preparing a rubber spatula, a fine mesh for filtering the putty and the putty itself on wood. The fact is that on old frames, chips, cracks or dents are often found, which can be successfully leveled with such a putty;
  • antiseptic impregnation for wood;
  • an effective solvent for the paint used in case you need to quickly remove a stain that has got into it.

If the painting of old wooden windows will be carried out with acrylic paint, then a color scheme may also be required (if the paint itself is white and its tone must be corrected with a dye). But if there is no experience in tinting, then it is better to immediately buy the desired shade.

Important points before starting work

To make wooden frames last longer after painting, you need to choose the right time for work.

It is best to do this on a warm day, when there is no bright sun, but the humidity is low, then the ultraviolet light will not destroy the dye. Wooden frames will dry out even when the humidity is less than 80% and the temperature is only +5 degrees.

The paint should not be applied to damp wood, otherwise bubbles will come out and the frame will have to be repainted.

In addition to dampness, poor surface preparation also leads to flaking of the paint. If the windows are painted indoors, then before starting work there must be cleaned so that dust does not settle on the frames.

Rules for removing old paint

It was already mentioned above how to prepare wooden windows for painting - the first step is to remove the old paint:

  1. You should arm yourself with an industrial hair dryer or blowtorch and try to warm up the surface of the frame with them. If the paint begins to peel off when heated and can be easily removed with a spatula, this means that a good way has been found to remove it.
    If the paint does not give in, then it will remain to work hard with a spatula and a chisel or soak the old paint with a solvent. In this case, you will need a scraper and coarse sandpaper.
  2. If the frame is difficult to close, then sand the “conflicting” surfaces with a sander. The latter must be acted upon delicately so as not to damage the frame material itself.

Video on how to remove old paint from wooden windows:

Now, to remove old paint, they began to produce special fluids, which significantly speed up the preparatory process. These include Ukrainian "Svema" or "Shostka" or Finnish from "Tikkurila". It can be found in auto dealerships as it is used for cars. The liquid must be applied and wait until the paint begins to wrinkle and turn into something curdled, which can be easily removed with a spatula and then rubbed with coarse sandpaper.

Preparation of fittings and glass

Preparation for painting involves dismantling window sashes and fittings, then after restoration the window will look neater. In addition, faulty elements can be replaced or repaired at the same time. If the locks and handles do not want to be easily removed, then they can be wrapped with masking tape, protecting them from paint.

Glass should be prepared no less carefully, especially if wooden windows with double-glazed windows are being painted. For beginners, it is better to cover the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe glass with newspapers, fixing them with masking tape 2 mm from the edge of the frame so that the paint fills these cracks and does not allow water to accumulate in them later. For experienced craftsmen, one scotch tape is enough, glued along the edge of the glass.

It is best not to reuse old glazing beads. New glazing beads need to be sanded, primed and painted separately from the frames, and in this form they must be nailed into place.

Putty for wooden windows

Some people who know very well how to paint and prime a wooden window use old recipes, mixing rosin or wax with turpentine. For the rest, it is better to rely on ready-made compositions, which, fortunately, are always available in specialized stores, where you can find a variety of base paints, primers, solvents, finishing varnishes and paints. Putty for paintable wooden windows should be specially designed for wood, usually acrylic and packaged in 200 g cans.

The most popular brand in our country is, perhaps, "Tikkurila", at least on the forums it has received the most positive feedback from consumers. But they also mark its "biting" prices. Famous brands include Teks, Pinotex, Zawosan and a number of others.

The order of puttying wooden windows is as follows:

  1. Before you putty wooden windows for painting, the frame must be carefully examined. All elements made of iron (steel hinges, stud heads, etc.), which can rust over time and spoil the look of the window, should be pre-treated with a special iron primer.
  2. An important stage in the preparatory work is the processing of wood with an antiseptic, thanks to which the structure will be protected from rotting and the spread of fungus, will not allow insects to settle in the frames, and in general will extend the life of the frame.
  3. After treating the frame with an antiseptic, you need to re-examine its surface. There will probably be potholes, irregularities, cracks that need to be putty. This should be done gradually, in several approaches, because if you immediately apply a thick layer of putty, then it will then easily fall off along with the paint layer and all repairs will go down the drain.

  1. On the surface of wooden frames intended for painting, putty is applied in a regular layer. If the frame is treated with wood stain, then the putty places will show through it, so the putty must be tinted exactly to the color of the wood. You can even make your own putty using wood flour and epoxy or glue.
  2. After applying the first layer and hardening of the putty, its surface must be treated with sandpaper.
  3. Then a second layer of putty is applied and a few hours after it dries, the surface must be treated with sandpaper in the same way.
  4. These operations must be repeated until a perfectly flat frame surface is formed.

Useful video about preparing a wooden window for painting:

Primer for wooden windows

This procedure is necessary to ensure high-quality and reliable adhesion of the paint to the surface. The modern primer forms a transparent protective film that allows you to maintain the appearance of the natural pattern of the material. In addition, modern primers have antiseptic properties, so they protect the entire frame (especially outside) from decay, mold and swelling, even in rainy weather. The primer contains oil, glue, resin and color pigments.

The formulation of the primer mix can vary significantly, however, all mixes for wood must certainly retain its natural structure. That is why no metal primer is used for wood.

It is quite easy to determine which primer is needed in a particular case:

  • For water-based paints, choose an acrylic-based primer with a composition similar to that of the paint.
  • Alkyd drying oil must be applied under the enamel.
  • It is useful to treat the windows with a wood-protective stain, in which the solvent is white spirit.
  • Then the wood will absorb less moisture, and grinders will not start in it.
  • You can also find a putty that has the same shade as the wood itself.

The surface before priming must be degreased with white spirit, if it has not been previously putty. It is better to prime not with a roller, but with a brush.

If the putty is not completely dry or some area was missed during the priming, then dark spots often form in these places after painting.

Multi-layer painting of wooden windows

After the procedures described above, the window becomes flat and smooth. Next, the painting process should go:

  1. Before painting, the room must be carefully cleaned, especially from dust, so that it does not settle on fresh paint.
  2. Having opened a can of paint, the contents must be thoroughly mixed and filtered into a bath through a special sieve.

Many neglect this and smear paint taken straight from the can. But paint is usually sold too thick and requires preliminary thinning. If you paint with undiluted paint, then its layer is too thick, so it is distributed unevenly, with beads and traces of brush fibers. After drying, such paint will begin to crack faster.

  1. The degree of paint dilution is determined only empirically, but strive should be made to ensure that the applied paint layer is uniform, but does not flow like water.

It is not necessary to dilute all the existing paint at once, but pour some of it into a separate container and bring it there with a solvent to the required consistency.

  1. You can ask the seller about which is better to take a solvent for paint or primer or carefully study the text on the package.
  2. The first paint coat applied should be the thinnest possible, since it should penetrate as deeply as possible into all the unevenness of the wood structure.

  1. After applying the first coat of paint, it must be allowed to dry completely and only then proceed with the application of the second coat.

Usually, wooden windows are painted outside in three layers, with reassurance, although with good paint and surface preparation, two layers may be enough.

  1. The paint for the second and third coats should be thicker so that it does not drip. If streaks do appear, then they must be removed immediately using a rag moistened with solvent. If you delay with this, the paint will dry out and the entire surface of the frame will have to be cleaned and painted again.

During work, the brush should not be immersed entirely in the paint, but only half, and the excess paint should be removed by gently brushing along the edge of the container.

Painting should start from the outside of the window.

  1. Care must be taken to have different brushes at hand: more for flat wide surfaces, and smaller for hard-to-reach areas. The width of the brush can be within 3-5 cm. Frames should be painted with flat, not round brushes, they will perfectly distribute the paint along the wood fibers. And it is better to paint over the corners with light, laconic strokes of the instrument.

  1. By the way, newspapers and scotch tape must be removed from the glass until the paint is completely dry, because if you tighten it up, then the paint layer can be damaged later.
  2. Then reinstall the previously removed accessories, but after the paint has completely dried.

Having learned all the most important nuances of painting wooden frames, the reader himself can decide whether to do it on his own or still turn to the services of professionals.

What paint do you choose for painting windows, and why? Tell us about your choice in the comments, and explain it - in communication with other builders, truth is born!

Wooden window frames require periodic painting. In order not to repeat this process every year, you should take it responsibly, prepare all building materials and special tools in advance.

Repairing wooden frames is the most time consuming process. From the street they are affected by sunlight and precipitation, and from the side of the rooms - an increased temperature compared to the street, dry air or water condensation. In addition, insects often grow in wooden windows, and can develop. To avoid these troubles, strictly observe the order of wood processing.

Repair of wooden frames begins with their detailed inspection and preparation of building materials and tools. To paint old wooden windows, you need the following materials and tools: scraper, trowel, sandpaper, sander, roller, brushes, tape, window film, primer, white spirit, thinner, and paint. Do not forget about the mandatory methods of protection against harmful volatile substances: mask, glasses, gloves and a hat.

To paint wooden windows from the inside, they usually use oil-based alkyd paint, and from the street side - acrylic paint for outdoor use. The choice of domestic or imported paint will depend on the cost of your renovation and preferences.

Preparing wooden windows for painting

In order for the wooden frames to last longer, you need to choose the right time for painting. A warm day without a bright hot sun, when the humidity is low, and ultraviolet light does not destroy the structure of the paint, is considered an ideal condition for repairs. Wooden frames dry well at temperatures above 5C heat and relative humidity below 80%. Do not apply paint to a damp surface as later, bubbles may appear on it, and the frame will have to be repainted. Flaking also occurs due to dampness or poor pre-cleaning.

Preparing the window for painting

Let's take a closer look at how to paint wooden frames in a frame house. The first thing to do is to remove the old paint coat. For this work, use a scraper and coarse sandpaper. If you have trouble closing the frame, use a surface sander. Use the machine carefully so as not to damage the wood base of the frame.

Remover for removing old paint

Currently, special liquids for removing the old paint layer, such as Tikkurila, Shostka, Svema, and others, have appeared on the construction markets. This significantly speeds up the process of preparing wooden frames for repair. This mixture is applied to the frames, and when the paint wrinkles and turns into a curdled substance, it is scraped off with a spatula, and the surface is treated with coarse-grained sandpaper.

Before painting, it is better to remove the sashes of wooden windows and all the accessories so that after painting the window looks more neat. If it is not possible to remove the handles or locks, just cover them with masking tape.

We also carefully and accurately prepare all the glass windows. It is necessary to seal all the glasses with newspapers, fastening them with tape on the sides, retreating from each edge by 2 mm so that the paint gets into the narrow cracks and in the future does not allow moisture and water to accumulate. Throw away the old glazing beads, and paint the new ones separately from the frames and nail the finished ones with carnations.

The process of filling and priming wooden windows

Examine the wooden frame carefully. All parts and elements that can rust over time and spoil your repair, pre-treat it specifically for iron (nail heads, metal hinges, etc.).

An antiseptic is an important part of the preparatory work before painting frames. This treatment will prevent wood from rotting, the development and formation of fungus, and will not allow insects to settle in yours. will enable your frame to last longer.

After processing the frame with an antiseptic, we inspect the surface of the window. All crevices, waviness or potholes must be filled. But do it gradually, because a layer that is too thick can fall off along with a layer of paint, and you will have to start repairs again.

After applying the first layer of putty, sand the surface with sandpaper. After a few hours, when the second layer dries well, we once again level the entire surface of the frame with sandpaper. The process must be repeated until the surface of the wooden frame is perfectly flat.

The next step is priming. This process will provide a reliable and high-quality paint finish on the wood. Modern primer mixes are also. When applied, it forms a protective transparent film, which is necessary to preserve the natural grain of the wood. In addition, primer mixtures protect well from mold, dampness and fungi, do not allow rotting processes to develop on the outer side of the frame, even with increased humidity.

Window priming

The primer consists of the following elements: oil, resin, glue, and various pigments. The formulation of each primer is significantly different, but what is common among all wood primers is their ability to preserve the natural structure of wood. Therefore, a primer for metal is not used for wooden parts.

Before priming the surface, you must thoroughly degrease it with white spirit. It is better to prime with a brush, not a roller. If the putty has not dried very well, or if you missed a spot when priming the surface, a dark spot may form on the spot after painting.

Painting a wooden window in several layers

After the above treatment, the window is smooth and even. Before painting, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the room, to clean the space near the wooden window from dust so that it cannot get onto the freshly painted frame.

When repairing, many are faced with the question of what color to paint the windows? As a rule, water-acrylate or alkyd enamels are chosen for painting wooden frames. Their main advantages are high moisture resistance, elasticity and resistance to fading from sunlight. In our country, with sharp temperature changes, changeable weather, precipitation, Dulux, Remmers, Caparol will stick well on window frames. This option is quite expensive. Domestic paints for windows are comparatively cheaper.

On average, repairing and painting a window will cost from 500 to 10,000 rubles.

Examples of alkyd enamels from Russian manufacturers
  • The paint must be thoroughly mixed in a jar, filtered on a special metal sieve into a bath.
  • The first layer of paint is more watery than the next, because its purpose is to impregnate all the unevenness of the wood.
  • To thin, use thinner or white spirit, see paint composition.
  • The paint must dry after the first application. And only after that you can start painting on the second layer.

As a rule, windows are painted in three layers, although sometimes two layers will be enough.

It is worth noting that the second and third layers of paint should be thicker to avoid subsequent stains. If they do appear, it is necessary to urgently remove them with a rag and solvent. If this is not done in time, later you will have to re-clean and paint the entire surface of the frame.

When painting, do not dip the entire brush into the paint, only half of it, leave the excess paint in the bath, brushing gently along the edge with the brush. Start painting from the outside of the window. It is important to have several types of brushes: small for more hard-to-reach areas, large for smoother surfaces. The width of the brush varies from 3cm to 5cm. A flat brush is suitable for painting frames.

The paint will adhere perfectly along the grain of the wood. Paint the corners with light, short brush strokes.

Another important note - remove scotch tape and newsprint from glass before the paint is completely dry. Failure to do this in time can damage the paint layer.

The previously removed fittings are installed after the wooden frame is completely dry.

Despite the popularity of plastic insulating glass units, many homeowners choose traditional wooden windows. Such structures, in comparison with plastic ones, have a lot of advantages: they are environmentally friendly, safe, and most importantly, very durable. However, wooden windows need constant maintenance. Over time, the coloring layer and protective impregnations wear off and require replacement. The correct paint for wooden windows will help maintain the color and integrity of the window frame for a long time.

What paint to choose for wooden windows

Novice craftsmen often do not know which paint is better to paint wooden windows. A wood covering must have the following characteristics:

  • increased resistance to moisture, pests and fungi;
  • an elastic structure that can withstand expansion from moisture;
  • breathable, porous surface that will let air into the room.

These characteristics of the paint will not only extend the life of the windows, but also improve their performance. Knowing the characteristics of different materials will help to figure out which paint to choose for painting wooden windows.

LKM for interior and exterior window decoration

Usually, alkyd paints are used indoors. They have an elastic structure and give windows an aesthetic appearance. A flexible coating structure is achieved due to oil inclusions.

Outdoor work requires more durable coatings such as acrylic and nitro paint. Such paintwork materials dry very quickly, while they do not have a strong odor, and after drying, a strong film forms on the window frame. However, paints will not work for windowsills. It is possible to figure out how to paint wooden windows only when taking into account the characteristics of different materials.

Universal paint

If you want to save money on painting wooden windows, go for all-purpose paints. Such coatings can be used for both indoor and outdoor use. The universal paintwork materials include atmospheric glossy enamel.

When buying a coating, pay attention to its resistance to temperature extremes and precipitation. In the realities of the Russian climate, it is recommended to use alkyd enamels and water-based acrylic coatings.

Characteristics of various paints

In addition to the above coatings, oil, enamel and adhesive coloring compositions are used to paint wooden windows. To decide which paint to use in your home, compare all the characteristics of the climate: humidity, precipitation and temperature difference. It is also important to consider the condition and type of wood to be painted.

Polyurethane and acrylic coatings

Paints based on acrylic and polyurethane are considered to be the most resistant to adverse conditions, especially moisture. The composition of such coatings contains toxic organic solvents, which make the composition durable. Among these two types of paints, polyurethane paints are more durable, they are extremely wear-resistant, therefore they are recommended for use in outdoor decoration. However, polyurethane paints have one drawback - high cost. In this matter, acrylics are inferior to them, because they are more popular with novice craftsmen. It is also important that acrylic coatings can be diluted with water, mixed with pigments to obtain complex shades. However, white paint is most often chosen.

Alkyd paints

Today, alkyd paints are increasingly chosen. In addition to resistance to weathering, this type of coating has another plus - it perfectly withstands treatment with aggressive detergents and oils. The coloring composition applied to the primed surface can last up to 5 years. Such a paint is able to withstand temperatures from plus 60 to minus 50. Such a paint is good for application to coatings in the open air.

Nitrocellulose Window Coatings

Nitrocellulose paints are also suitable for wood window frames. The only feature worth remembering when using such coatings is the mandatory active ventilation of the premises during operation and drying. The paint contains acetone, which gives off vapors after application. In addition, paint burns very easily and should be kept away from sources of ignition. White coatings are very popular.

Increasingly, homeowners are covering window frames with clear compounds. Varnishes perfectly protect wood and allow you to admire the natural structure of the material. The composition of clear varnishes is identical to alkyd enamels, with only one difference - no coloring pigments are added to varnishes. The choice of this material is the best solution if you want to preserve the texture of the wood. The main condition is that the selected material must correspond to the operating conditions.

DIY painting of wooden windows

Before processing a wooden frame, you need to understand that different breeds require different work:

  • oak does not require impregnation from moisture, but they need to be protected from woodworms and other pests;
  • pine absorbs moisture well, so it just needs treatment from water and pests;
  • larch, unlike oak and pine, is resistant to pests and moisture, so it does not need impregnation.

Painting tools

Before any work, you need not only to buy a high-quality coating, but also to prepare the entire tool. If you do not know how to paint wooden windows with peeling paint, start with surface preparation. For this, the coating is skinned and small carnations, chips and other protrusions are removed. The working surface should be as flat as possible. For work, you will need the following tools:

  • pliers, cutters, and other tools for removing screws and nails;
  • spatulas and sandpaper to remove paint if it peels off;
  • when disassembling, be sure to remove the glazing beads; you need a hammer to attach them after cleaning;
  • small frames will require brushes; for large frames, you can use rollers;
  • containers or cans for paint;
  • to remove glazing beads, a nail puller is needed; they also remove the sashes;
  • you will also need a putty and a spatula for it; dents and chips of old frames are treated with the composition;
  • antiseptic composition for wood processing;
  • solvent for removing paint from brushes and glass.

When treating windows with acrylic paint, tint or pigment is often used. With their help, you can give the composition the necessary shade, it is recommended to buy ready-made colors, since not everyone can tint the first time. To find out what paint to paint wooden windows, you should get acquainted with some tips and tricks.

It is very important to choose the right time for painting work, this will ensure excellent adhesion of the paint to the wood. It is optimal to paint windows on a warm, not very sunny day (since ultraviolet light destroys paint pigments). It is best if the humidity is low that day. For most paints, the optimum humidity is less than 80 and the temperature is above 5 degrees, but even under such conditions the coatings dry out perfectly.

Advice! Better to paint wooden windows outside. Thanks to this, you can keep the room clean.

Also, paint can flake off due to poor substrate and unfavorable indoor conditions. It is recommended to carry out wet cleaning from dust and dirt at the place where the painting will be performed. You should also learn how to remove the old coating.

How to remove old paint

Before applying the coating on the old frame, you need to remove the first layer of paint, for this use the following technology:

  • The window frame is heated with a building hair dryer or blowtorch. The coating that is not too old will bubble quickly, allowing all paint to be removed with a spatula. If this method does not work, you will have to soak the frame with solvent, peel off the paint with scrapers and spatulas.
  • It is important to prepare the frame itself, it should be flat and easy to close. In case of problems with slamming, it is necessary to grind off the unevenness preventing the closure. Grinding equipment is used for such work. Clean the coating carefully, otherwise the wood layer may be damaged.

If you cleaned the paint with a solvent, be sure to dry the frame thoroughly after the procedure.

To understand how to remove old paint from wooden windows, you should use not only solvents, but also special liquids to remove old coatings. Similar substances can be purchased at a hardware store. To remove the paint, the liquid is applied to the surface and wait until the paint turns into lumps. The resulting mass can be easily removed with a spatula or stiff brush. Such cleaning will ensure ease of subsequent work.

Preparing the window for painting

In order for the frame to look neat after applying the paint, it is necessary to remove all the fittings, the doors themselves, and protect the glass before painting. If the latches and hinges are faulty, they are repaired and replaced. Locks and handles that cannot be removed are simply wrapped with masking tape to protect against paint. This will avoid unnecessary cleaning.

In addition to fasteners and handles, glass sheets must also be prepared for painting. Most often, white paintwork materials are used for coating, which, after drying, are very noticeable on the glass. Therefore, even before mixing the paint, the joints of the frame with the glass are sealed with wide masking tape on both sides. It is better for novice craftsmen to glue all the glass with newspapers. We paint the frames carefully so as not to create unnecessary work for ourselves.

Note! Scotch tape is not attached to the frame, but with an indent of 1.5-2 mm. This distance will allow paint to penetrate into the cracks in the frame, thereby protecting the wood from destruction and moisture accumulation.

It is not recommended to use old glazing beads for glass on old frames. Such structures wear out quickly, so it is better to replace them with new ones. For preparation, new glazing beads are sanded, covered with a primer and paint. After drying, they are nailed onto the frames. We choose high-quality coating materials so that after a while you do not have to replace some elements with new ones.

Why do you need putty

Adherents of old technologies use a mixture of rosin, wax and turpentine for priming. Today, such formulations have outlived their usefulness and are rarely used. The construction departments are full of various primers, putties and other compositions intended for painting. Acrylic materials are most often used for priming wood surfaces. Putty application includes the following steps:

  • The frame is inspected for damage. If metal parts are worn out or have cracks, areas of rust, they are treated with a metal primer.
  • Before applying the primer, the wood surface is impregnated with an antiseptic. This measure will protect the array from beetles, rotting, which will significantly extend the life of the structure.
  • After applying the antiseptic, the frame is re-inspected. Antibacterial impregnation will not cover serious cracks and chips, it is precisely these that need to be covered with putty. The procedure is performed in stages, filling the cracks over and over again. If you spread a large layer of material on the wood, it will fall off along with the paint.
  • If it is planned to paint the cleaned window frame, then the putty is applied in a middle layer (the material will not be visible under the white paint). For processing under varnish and stain, the putty is tinted to match the color of the array. You can also make the filler yourself, from epoxy resin and wood fibers.
  • First, the composition is smeared on chips in one layer and wait for it to dry. After that, the layer is cleaned from dents and protrusions.
  • After drying, the second layer is smeared and also cleaned.
  • The procedure is carried out until the frame becomes level.

Note! Before applying a primer for a specific coating, the surface is degreased with a solvent. It is recommended to apply the primer with a roller as this provides a smoother surface.

Painting the frame in several layers

After filling, the frame becomes smooth, which means that the paint will lie flat. In order for the coating to have a dense surface, a multilayer application is used. Painting is quite simple:

  • the work surface is cleaned of dust and dirt so that fresh paint does not come in lumps;
  • the composition is opened, mixed and filtered through a fine mesh.

Some masters apply paint from a can to the prepared coating, which is highly discouraged. Typically, various coating materials are sold very thick, and a thick film of paint and solvent forms on their surface. When applied, this formulation gives a thick layer that will drip and form thick accumulations of paint. Such a coating will not look aesthetically pleasing, and over time it will quickly crack.

It is not recommended to pour the entire jar into the dilution vessel. Add a little paint to achieve the desired consistency. You should not choose a solvent on your own, ask a consultant about which composition is recommended for this coating.

The first layer of paint is made liquid so that it penetrates into the structure of the array. Before applying a second coat to an already painted surface, the first must dry completely. The third layer promotes adhesion to the wood. For two finishing layers, the composition is made thick to prevent drips. If drops and accumulations of paint form, remove them with a cloth and solvent. Do not wait for the drips to dry, they quickly harden and spoil the look of the entire frame.

When painting the window frame, the brush is dipped into the vessel only half of the pile. This will protect the instrument from the formation of surplus and permanent smudges. Coating begins on the side facing the street.

Note! It is best to work with several 3-4 sizes of brushes. To cover a large area, use a thick one, and for difficult areas a small one, a couple of centimeters wide.

The window frames are painted with a flat brush, it creates a flat and even stroke. To keep the line straight, the brush is placed on top of the frame bar and released, allowing the brush to slide under its own weight. Under the force of gravity, the tool draws a straight, almost perfect line.

After the window is completely painted, you need to wait until the frame is completely dry. Only after the coating is completely dry, the protective tape is removed. It is worth remembering that paint should be removed from wooden windows before work.

Having familiarized yourself with the features of different coatings and the rules of application, you can paint the windows yourself without the help of specialists. When choosing a coloring composition, its characteristics should be correlated with the operating conditions of the coating.

Despite the fact that modern pvc windows have a number of positive qualities, when making renovations, some owners are in no hurry to change their old wooden frames for fiberglass or plastic. It is for such connoisseurs of wood that our article will be, in which we will reveal the secrets of how to remove old paint from window frames and how to paint wooden windows with our own hands. Our article will help you avoid making repairs every year and will extend the life of your wooden frame.

Painting windows

Window frame made of wood is one of the most labor-intensive areas in apartment renovation:

  • outside, it lends itself to ultraviolet radiation and precipitation;
  • from nutria - high temperature, condensate and dry air;
  • both outside and inside the apartment insects can start in it;
  • mold and mildew easily develop on the outer surfaces.

Such unfavorable factors destroy the structure of the tree, so it is better to treat the frame with special impregnations, which will help to avoid such troubles in the future.

What tools and materials will you need?

We prepare tools for painting windows

Do-it-yourself wooden window frame repair requires careful preparation of the base. You need to start by inspecting the condition of the material, both outside and from the side of the apartment, after which all the necessary tools and materials are prepared.

We will talk about the paint itself a little later, and besides it, you will need it:

  • solvent;
  • putty for woodwork;
  • brushes with different sizes of the working blade;
  • rollers of different diameters;
  • a scraper so that peeling paint can be removed;
  • sandpaper of different grain size;
  • empty containers for paint and primer.

Also, do not forget about your protection. Be sure to prepare glasses, respirator, gloves.

How to choose paint?

Choosing paint for wooden windows

Considering that the window is an integral part of the apartment, which protects the room from atmospheric influences, from the outside, the frame should easily cope with external factors, transfer excessive heat or cold, not be afraid of high humidity levels, etc.

The paint should provide:

  • resistance to high humidity and not to rot outside;
  • resistance of the tree to shrinkage and swelling;
  • sufficient air exchange in the apartment.

A comparative table of the most popular paints for wooden windows is given below.

View Characteristics of paint
Odorless acrylic water-based paint It is highly resistant to moisture, can be used both outside and inside the room, it is also perfect for further painting the gratings; has a vapor-permeable breathable structure and a rich color palette; available in price and application; does not have a pungent smell.
Silicone resin paint The paint is odorless and very similar to acrylic analogs; elastic; has a thick consistency; forms a glossy film; differs in dirt-repellent properties.
Silicate water-borne paint Penetrates deep into the structure of the tree; does not have a pungent odor; resistant to moisture and natural disasters; has a high level of adhesion. Fiberglass has antiseptic properties.
Polyurethane paint Dries quickly; wear-resistant; frost-resistant; non-toxic; without smell; does not fade in the sun.
Water-based dispersion paint Eco-friendly, quick-drying composition; does not fade and does not fade under the sun's rays; frost-resistant; lends itself to tinting; odorless, can be used even in children's rooms
Stain Odorless; allows you to preserve the texture of the tree; unpretentious; easy to apply and dries quickly; does not form stains; has a different color.

Here are some practical tips from experienced finishers to make your life easier:

  1. For DIY painting work on a wooden frame, it is better to use an oil-based alkyd paint. It is a more durable and elastic material, which has excellent decorative features and does not have a persistent smell. The purchase of such a paint for the frame will save financial costs for painting window grilles, because this material can also be used for metal.
  2. "Repair" of the frame should be done in this way: for outdoor work it is worth choosing acrylic paint, and for indoor work - alkyd paint. Using different compositions of paint outside and inside the apartment, you can preserve the texture of the tree, as well as paint the grilles for the windows in the future.
  3. You can also use a universal composition - atmospheric glossy enamel. This paint is equally good both for outdoor work on a wooden frame and for indoor work, because it does not have a strong persistent odor.

Please note that the color of the frame depends on where it is installed:

  • If the windows face the sunny side, pick up the paint as lighter as possible. This helps reflect the sun's rays from the surface of the tree, which will prevent it from drying out quickly.
  • If your windows are in the shade all the time, outside they can be painted in darker coloring compositions, but here it all depends on your wishes.

I would also like to mention a process such as painting plastic windows.

Related article: Scrapbooking scheme for installing eyelets on curtains: recommendations and tips

We are all accustomed to the fact that a PVC window is only white, but this is absolutely not the case. The color of pvc windows can be completely different, but if you once installed white frames, and after the renovation they did not fit into your improved apartment design, you should not even think about replacing them (if, of course, their quality suits you perfectly). It is allowed to paint a pvc frame, just be careful, because not all paint and varnish materials are equally good for this. If there is a great need for painting, think over the whole process well and acquire special materials and tools.

Surface preparation for painting

Preparing windows for painting

In order to carry out high-quality repairs to your frame outside with your own hands, choose the most optimal time of the year, so that you are not hindered by the burning rays of the sun, torrential rains and, even more so, snow. The ideal time of the year is spring.

A wooden window frame dries well at a temperature of at least 5 ° C, with a humidity of no more than 80%.

Please note that it is not recommended to paint a damp surface, because the paint may bubble, and all the finishing will have to be done again. Also, paint can flake off from dampness, poor quality soil and poorly prepared surface.

First of all, the restoration of the frame should begin with the dismantling of the window grilles, after which it is necessary to proceed with the preparatory work.

Surface preparation, first of all, consists in its high-quality cleaning, which is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Remove the old coating with coarse sandpaper or a scraper. Try to act carefully during the work so as not to damage the tree. A special solution will help speed up the cleaning process. For this, the frame is covered with a special liquid, and after a while the paint turns into "curd", which can be easily removed with a spatula. After that, the frame is simply cleaned with sandpaper.
  2. Unscrew all the fittings from the window, or remove all the sashes completely. It is also necessary to remove all grilles. In order not to stain with paint, protect all parts that could not be removed with masking tape.
  3. Then you need to prepare the glass. The best way to do this is to use newspapers and tape.
  4. Replace all old glazing beads with new ones. Please note that new ones need to be painted separately, and then nailed to the finished window

Putty and primer application

DIY window painting

The priming and putty stage is as follows:

  • With your own hands, cover all metal products that can corrode with a primer for metal work.
  • Next, you need to use antiseptic substances with which it is worth covering the tree - this will save it from rotting.
  • Putty all kinds of gaps, cracks and other defects. But, be careful not to overdo it with a layer of plaster, because too thick areas can fall off. To do this, you can use a putty, which is designed for woodwork, it is based on acrylic. If you do not want to use paint, but decided to do with a stain, first tint the putty in the same shade so that it does not show through.
  • After applying the putty and drying it, the surface is cleaned with sandpaper, then the dust is removed and the evenness is checked.
  • Then it's time for the primer. To do this, you can pick up a primer together with an antiseptic - 2 in 1. The primer forms a transparent protective film on the surface, which does not prevent the preservation of the natural wood pattern. Also, the primer does not allow the frame to rot even when exposed to high humidity. But, before applying the primer, it is worth degreasing the surface with white spirit.