Retro Saturn in the first astro quadrant. Influence of the retro-Saturn transit

> Saturn

It manifests itself at intervals of 4.5 months. The planet indicates those areas where people in a past life could not become mature. The person has not taken responsibility in the past, therefore new life should put it in a similar framework and provide another opportunity. It is better not to run away from responsibility, but to boldly meet it halfway.

Saturn retrograde is in karma. A person cannot eradicate it for several periods of life. Time is wasted but the courage is lacking. As a result, the heavy burden continues to press on his shoulders.

The soul does not know calmness, lethargy is felt on each side. Especially negative attention affects those moments when you do not expect reckoning.

The planet makes a person think. Past life taught a significant lesson from which he did not draw any conclusions. The efforts were in vain and the student was left for the second year. Saturn makes it possible to rectify the situation.

The retrograde planet possesses ancient wisdom. A person appreciates what he gets from life and takes it seriously. Traditions don't pay much attention to him. Saturn moves away from external forms for the sake of individuality. He is characterized by patience and a certain conservatism. Professionalism is developing and is constantly being updated. Past experience, including moral, plays a decisive role in life.

If outwardly Saturn seems soft, even malleable, then inside it is as strong as flint and has rigid attitudes. Being at the head of the Cosmic Law, he is the main guardian of order. As a verdict, Saturn can make a karmic verdict.

Saturn can be seen as a wound that must heal in the life process. Retrograde Saturn- this is a very large wound. It is much more difficult to sew it up. The wound can be found by the location of the planet. Events can break down, plans can break down. This happens during the retrograde positions of Saturn, after 4.5 months. Any undertaking or work will be carried out with tremendous effort and delays. Instead of the normal course of events, you will have to deal with clarifications, alterations and bringing to mind.

Chagrin will bring constant waste of time to overcome obstacles. The inability to cope with the deadline, when time is especially precious, will constantly dominate you. Still, you have to adjust to long and frequent expectations and slowly move forward.

Persistence in correcting the situation will only lead to increased problems. During the advancement of the planet along different houses everywhere its influence will manifest itself. No need to experiment and start new businesses. Instead of bold steps, it is better to engage in strengthening positions that have long occupied a place in your life. Taking a retreat will teach you how to stay balanced and calm, as well as control time.

To successfully complete tasks will require systematization of the thought process and complete self-discipline. With a certain amount of effort, you can count on the fact that Saturn will pass the position of retrograde and after that you will be rewarded for your efforts.

An initiative in a retrograde position will not succeed. Even problems at work, delays in career advancement may begin. It is better to take a passive position for this time and not waste your energy. Everything will happen by itself.

Retrograde Saturn in the 1st house

The past life did not allow to unfold, clamped in the grip of restrictions. Now there is an opportunity to prove yourself, to win the trust of others and their authority. You should find common ground with people and become more tolerant of other people's opinions.

Retrograde Saturn in the 2nd House

The past has brought true wealth and independence. But just sitting on the money will not work. Current karma does not make you live in poverty, but you need to take spiritual values ​​more seriously, pushing material values ​​aside.

Retrograde Saturn in the 3rd house

The past life was spent trying to break out of the usual circle. Refusal to communicate with others led to a lonely ascent to the top. The man left his brothers and sisters without fulfilling his obligations. Now the burden of past problems begins to weigh on the shoulders. The severity even intensified. To improve karma, you need to put aside caring for your “I” and pay more attention to your loved ones. Do not deny them affection, money and time.

Retrograde Saturn in the 4th house

A person does nothing to help loved ones. Even if the spouse went to bed with a serious illness, then even then he will not do household chores. The whole problem is in the strongest selfishness. It is worth changing your mind and making the life of your family easier.

Retrograde Saturn in the 5th house

He did not want to take care of his offspring in that life and abandoned his duties. This life will not give him children. Even if they appear, they will cause a lot of trouble. To redeem and improve karma, you need to help orphans and sick people, and give all your free time to raising children.

Retrograde Saturn in the 6th House

The main place of work in a previous life was one of the communal services. I didn't like the job. I had to be a bureaucrat and selfish. Now money comes with hard work, success is very difficult. A conniving attitude towards one's health in that life can become the cause of chronic diseases in this one. Self-discipline is needed to solve problems.

Retrograde Saturn in the 7th house

The person was afraid of responsibility and rarely fulfilled obligations. In working with partners, he could calmly break his word. Now you need to learn to respect your spouse and business partners.

Retrograde Saturn in the 8th house

The past life is multivariate. If there was an opportunity to undergo spiritual training, then the person neglected it. Perhaps this was facilitated by the infatuation black magic... Great knowledge about death and human sacrifice. To ease karma, you need to take care of your conscience. If you develop it, then everything will work out.

Retrograde Saturn in the 9th house

In that life, he could follow the path of a teacher or a spirit shepherd. There was not much success due to the lack of initiative and inertia. Now you need to closely follow the spiritual life and try to keep abreast of the latest philosophical and religious trends. We need to put aside the systematization. Only a search for something new can lead to happiness.

Retrograde Saturn in the 10th house

Previously, the first place was their own career and personality cult. In relation to others, a complete lack of sympathy. Now the personality cannot develop at an accelerated pace. A high position can appear only at the end of life. Using your own authority fairly will help expiate your karma.

Retrograde Saturn in the 11th house

His karma is in his friends. The past life was spent among ordinary-looking friends, against which you can stand out well. Now real friends can leave him if the meaning of life is not comprehended.

Retrograde Saturn in the 12th house

Suffering is to be experienced. For his many lives, he did not want to atone for karma. Now, for redemption, you need to show concern for the suffering, help the prisoners. Only such work can accomplish what was conceived. Atonement can be realized through one's own illness or imprisonment.

Saturn in a retrograde position shows where a person stopped in his previous development and where he will have to apply his strength and energy to continue the interrupted path. In this life, the individual will have to direct all his strength and energy to make up for lost time, in this he will be helped by the experience gained in past lives. Retrograde Saturn indicates karma accumulated over several incarnations and, in order to at least soften it, you will have to complete unfinished business with renewed vigor.

In a past life, an individual abandoned his duty and responsibilities, shied away from responsibility, now you have to subject everything old to a strict reassessment and try to correct old mistakes, blunders and delusions. Now from the individual is required special perseverance, perseverance, seriousness, determination and patience. Now fate itself compels him to return to his old deeds, and until they are completed, do not start new ones. He needs a more serious approach to any business than it was in the past, and the ability to complete matters, bring them to the end, no matter how difficult it was for him. To do this, the individual will have to change his behavior, his approach and his methods. To give up not only shyness and shyness, but also from impudence, rudeness, self-will, willfulness and various whims and whims. Now you have to play a fair game, taking into account the requirements of your own conscience.

Everything must be done so that the lesson learned in the past life is not in vain. And for this, Saturn gives his ward life wisdom, a sober mind, logic and the ability to concentrate his thoughts on deeds. Now the individual is given the opportunity to successfully fight not only against his inner unconscious temptations, but also against the temptations that come from outside. Saturn helps to accumulate everything necessary and important for an individual to become a strong personality, possess a strong biological field and magnetism, which help to polarize his own inner world.

Retrograde Saturn has a certain connection with the Moon and depends on where it is located in its orbit, i.e. in its inner part or in its outer part. In the first case, the Moon will have a joint influence with the Sun and, perceiving solar energy, creates a pronounced introvert, and in the second - being in opposition with the Sun - the Moon has a joint influence with that planet (with those planets and elements of the horoscope) with which (which) it currently forms any configuration, but always with a strong an emphasis on loyalty, objectivity, impartiality and strong outward feelings.

It is not recommended to start new business during the period of the retrograde motion of Saturn, and it is not recommended to engage in old unfinished business until Saturn has turned from the retrograde position to the direct one, and even more until it reaches the degree of the ecliptic from which it began its retrograde movement. After he passes this degree, you can start new projects.

1.4.1. Retrograde Saturn in the signs of the zodiac

Retrograde Saturn in Aries

In a past life, the individual experienced difficult times of struggle both with his own negative character traits and with various competitors, opponents and enemies, and this struggle was almost always waged on his own. Now, as an echo of those times (past lives) - spiritual and mental hardening, striving for personal and spiritual freedom, independence, independence. The experience gained in past lives and the acquired wisdom of life now allows you to direct your strength and energy to achieve the main goal set for yourself in past incarnations. The individual is now able to do this purposefully, with great patience, without turning off the road. He is able to bring all decisions and actions to the end and is ready to bear full responsibility for this. This is a legacy of strong trials in the past.

Retrograde Saturn in Taurus

In a past life, the individual did not recognize anyone or anything. He lived and accumulated wealth at the expense of other people. He was probably a large landowner who worked for wage laborers or slaves. All of them were subjected to ruthless and merciless exploitation. Now Karma demands the rejection of the past way of life, the rejection of unrestrained hoarding, one should proceed to the accumulation of spiritual values. Now, to redeem your Karma, you will have to reconsider your views and beliefs and start serving for the good of other people: helping people financially and supporting them morally. Man-hatred in the past will have to be replaced by philanthropy and altruism and to engage in spiritual growth. Retrograde Saturn here will help to strengthen love and affection for members of your own family, respect for others and the elderly.

Retrograde Saturn in Gemini

In a past life, the individual neglected his talents, lived too frivolously and windy. For fear of exposing his inner structure, he lived under the guise of a joker, having fun with the same frivolous persons like himself. He devoted too much time to communication, exchange of opinions, but it was all rather superficial pastime. Now Karma requires a different approach to everything, more serious and deeper. Now the individual must be responsible for his thoughts and words, he needs to work seriously, for this he has been given diligence and efficiency. He also cannot complain and complain about life. In this life, he needs to fully devote himself to intellectual, written work, to learn to speak rationally, wisely and weightily in front of an audience. He must first systematize the information received, discard unnecessary and only after that transfer to others. It's easier to do this on paper.

Retrograde Saturn in Cancer

In a past life, the individual was too chained to home life and the family, to the parental home, where he existed from birth to death. Parental home was the fortress that protected him from all misfortunes and adversities. He tried not to appear in public, for he was afraid of them. He was a slave to his parents and relatives, without their instructions, he could neither decide anything nor do. And so he came into this life. Now you have to get rid of the ballast and trash of the past life. Now Karma demands that the individual begin to think and make decisions on his own, begin to decide his own affairs and make his own efforts to implement them, refusing the advice and recommendations of other people. Only in this case will he be able to achieve success in life and at work. In the first half of this life, he will have to get out of the shackles of a past life, gradually he will become more and more independent, he will want to see the life of other people, look at the free world, travel, travel. In the second half of his life, he will be able to buy his own house, start a family, arrange for everyone, and only then leave.

Retrograde Saturn in Leo

In a past life, the individual was too fond of the outer brilliance, applause, longed for recognition and approval, did not take into account the desires of others too much. He looked at the world from his bell tower, communicated with people at his own discretion, choosing interlocutors to his liking. Ambition, vanity and lust for power prevailed over everything else. Everything was done only for their own benefit, for their own good. Now you have to give up the past way of life and start serving other people. Now you have to observe the laws and traditions of society, recognize the right of other people to their opinion and their desires. One should abandon lust for power, coercion, violence and engage in charitable activities. Give up self-centeredness and selfish goals, from cruelty and ruthlessness in the fight against your competitors. And also to give up selfishness and self-interest and with full responsibility to participate in the affairs of others, helping them mentally and financially. This position of Saturn can bring success in public affairs, in the political arena, in administrative activities, in the field of charity and solving social problems.

Retrograde Saturn in Virgo

In a past life, the individual lived only for himself and his pleasure. He was not interested in anything except the material side of life - money, things, bodily pleasures. He disregarded the rules of his society, tried to impose his will, and a point of view that could be very different from the generally accepted. Now he will have to reconsider and reevaluate all this. To get rid of the unhappy legacy of a past life, you will have to open the doors of your own conscience and feelings and live according to the laws of decency and justice, bring goodness into the world, try to expand your spiritual horizon. Karma will require service from him, most of all for this are medical activities, healing, charity. You will also have to pay more attention to your own health.

Retrograde Saturn in Libra

In a past life, the individual behaved carelessly, frivolously and windy. On the stage of life, he played the role of Don Juan or a courtesan, he loved to gather around him a whole horde of admirers, lovers, mistresses. He had one desire - to become an idol, an idol of the public. He was engaged in intrigues, could quarrel among himself not only his competitors and opponents, but also friends and relatives. The individual avoided responsibility, was not always fair, he fluttered from one flower to another, not tormenting himself with remorse and not feeling special pity for those who were abandoned or deceived by him. In today's life, you will have to live according to the laws of conscience, take into account the needs of people, not destroy their hopes. Now you have to obey all the rules of society, fight for justice, truth, truth, live honestly yourself and teach others this, fight for social justice and equality before the law. Thoughts, ideas, plans and intentions should serve truth, goodness, beauty.

Retrograde Saturn in Scorpio

In a past life, an individual did not reckon with anyone or anything, pursued only his own selfish and selfish goals, achieved his goal by any means, by any means. He “walked over corpses,” but achieved his goal. His lust for power exceeded all boundaries. He sowed death, evil, misfortune, hatred. His revenge for the insult was boundless, and the destructive force did not spare even himself. In the present life, you will have to correct the old, old mistakes. Karma can be mitigated if the individual devotes himself to serving people. Knowing his strength and power over others, he must abandon his former self-deception, selfishness and lust for power and bring people joy and happiness. From his former life, he inherited fighting skills, but now they need to be used only for good deeds. You should categorically abandon deception, coercion, violence. Intuition, increased discernment, the innate gift of detective and explorer, inherited wisdom of life should now serve good.

Retrograde Saturn in Sagittarius

In a past life, the individual had to submit to the will of other people, which he did not like very much, but he was unable to resist anyone because of his bondage position. The individual himself, most likely, was an unhappy wanderer, and his inner circle consisted of homeless people and stray dogs. He did not recognize any laws, any rules, avoided human society, preferred to live as a recluse in the bosom of nature and wanted to feel like a free person. And in the present life, the individual longs for personal and spiritual freedom, independence and independence, as this is the legacy of a past life. Karma now teaches him nobility, generosity, encourages him to observe the laws and rules of society, understand and protect cultural values, honor God, and participate in religious rituals of the chosen religion. Karma requires knowledge and understanding of philosophical and religious issues, calls for abandoning fanaticism and dogmatism, to be indulgent and patient and consciously help the weak, the poor, the sick and the humiliated.

Retrograde Saturn in Capricorn

In a past life, the individual was most likely a large landowner and industrialist, for whom an army of workers worked. In addition to material values, he did not recognize anything else and refused everything that could elevate his spirit and feelings. It was a materialist the purest water, cold block of ice. His brain worked in only one direction - in the direction of profit. Now Karma gives an opportunity to correct. He came to his present life with such valuable qualities as perseverance, perseverance, endurance, endurance. From his previous life, he brought out purposefulness and purposefulness, now he will have to acquire patience, humility and justice. The ability to concentrate can contribute to the affairs of science and research work, and communication with people contributes to the development of philosophical thought, enhances religious feelings, gives an understanding of other people, their feelings, desires, aspirations.

Retrograde Saturn in Aquarius

Retrograde Saturn in Pisces

In a past life, an individual may have been a pirate whose name would make his hair stand on end. Songs and poems were written about his fearlessness and audacity. He was not afraid of anyone or anything, sowing death and grief wherever he appeared. Although his life was a legend, it was short. Shortly before his death, a long-gone father appeared before him, who showed him all his crimes and said that he still had a chance to correct his previous mistakes, but for this he must not only stop his unrighteous path, but also distribute all his wealth to the poor, infirm, sick, crippled and weak. If he fulfills all this, in his future life he may be able to atone for his guilt before those whom he once offended. Indeed, he became a mystic and a virtuous person. The former brothers could not forgive this and killed him. In his present life, he was born as a mystic and a virtuous conductor of lofty ideas. For deliberate departure from the wrong path in his former life, fate rewarded him with the ability to hear his inner voice, as well as some phenomenal abilities, the gift of foresight, as well as mercy and benevolence.

1.4.2. Retrograde Saturn in the fields of the horoscope

Retrograde Saturn in field I

In a past life, the individual was highly dependent on other people. He had to adapt to everyone and everything. Those around him repulsed him, humiliated him, from which he suffered immeasurably and fell into deep pessimism. In this life, using the experience and wisdom accumulated in the previous one, he must boldly and courageously defend himself against any attacks. In this case, he will be able to gain prestige among professionals, gain a reputation in society. Now he can be completely independent and not always listen to the opinions of others, but still he must act within the framework of existing laws and regulations. Fate endowed him with perseverance, patience, endurance, hard work, great spiritual strength and intellectual abilities, so he has every opportunity to achieve a high social level and a stable financial position. True, on condition that he will use only his mind and achieve everything with his own efforts.

Retrograde Saturn in field II

In a past life, the individual was as poor as a church rat, and his only dream was to get at least one hair from the "golden calf". He dreamed of wealth, perceiving money as strength and power, and believed that they could eliminate all the problems of his earthly existence. In this life, he almost from the cradle began to strive for money and material values, material wealth, to acquire land plot and own real estate. Now he must realize that besides material values, there are also spiritual ones, without which he will not have a full life. He should understand that material independence without spirituality will not give him joy and happiness. So he will have to transfer his life track to a spiritual direction, and in order to pacify the call of conscience, he will also have to engage in charitable activities.

Retrograde Saturn in III field

In a past life, the individual has abandoned strong relationships with close relatives, brothers, sisters, neighbors, and work colleagues. He refused to study and communicate with peers, looking for a more noble society. He offended those who were weaker than him, refused to help those who needed his help and asked for it. He was a chatterbox and an idle talker, and also arrogant. His entourage was made up of frivolous, windy people, mainly from the world of bohemians. In the present life, the individual will use the accumulated baggage of previous lives, but he must become more just, honest, sympathetic, he should reevaluate and reconsider his relations with others, be more condescending and more benevolent to them, not refuse to help those who are in it. needs. The best activities for such people are intellectual.

Retrograde Saturn in field IV

In a past life, the individual was a tyrant and despot in both parental and own home, and in relation to the immediate environment. This was a dictator whom everyone feared and avoided meeting with him. He forced everyone to work for himself, for his house and his plantations. Slaves and wage laborers worked for him. He was a ruthless and merciless exploiter who owned large tracts of land and farms. I was at a low spiritual level myself and did not give the opportunity to develop spiritually for others. Now you have to deliberately give up greed, greed, selfishness and self-interest, take care of loved ones and try to make their life as easy as possible: not to burden them with hard work and difficult tasks. According to the old habit, he will most likely be engaged in agriculture, gardening, floriculture, greenhouse farming, animal husbandry, cattle breeding, and animal husbandry. Love for nature and animals, as well as love for friends and relatives, can greatly soften the Karma earned.

Retrograde Saturn in V field

In a past life, the individual was a Don Juan or courtesan, had many love affairs, illegitimate children, whom he gave neither love, nor upbringing, nor education. He was irresponsible, he had no sense of duty at all. He may even have been involved in the seduction of minors. Now he will have to change his views, beliefs and even worldview. The best way to do this is to sublimate sexual potential into creative power invested in science or art. A past life hobby can become his profession. Success is possible in the field of pedagogical or educational work. In this case, it would be better not to have children, as they can be included in the so-called “difficult” lists. Over time, the individual will experience their ingratitude or even receive retribution for their past sins. The sooner a person realizes this, the better for his own salvation. We must deal with children, in spite of everything, love them with full dedication, disinterested and selflessly. In order to avoid past mistakes, fate will give him self-discipline, self-control, the ability to self-control, as well as a sober attitude towards the very concept of "love" and a certain chill in relation to intimate life.

Retrograde Saturn in VI field

In the previous life, the individual was absorbed in his service and work. He did not reckon with anyone or anything, he tried to take everything from life that it could give. But he overdid it and was excessive in everything: in food, in entertainment, in pleasure. The main thing is that he did not spare either his own health or the health of other people, whom he exploited ruthlessly and mercilessly. He has accumulated many troubles that will have to be paid for in this life. Now he will have to give up selfishness, selfishness, greed and greed, put up with everything that fate gave him at birth in this life. Now you have to carefully monitor own health: observe diet and personal hygiene, work and rest. You will have to honestly treat your servants, subordinates, service personnel, your colleagues, even your pets. If an individual avoids any kind of chronic illness, disability or disability, he will have to engage in serving others, for example, as a doctor or other healthcare professional, healer, artisan, archivist, librarian, pharmacist, or simply a civil servant, official, or veterinarian.

Retrograde Saturn in field VII

In a past life, the individual was a poor marriage partner and unimportant business partner. He behaved too frivolously and windy, lied to everyone, deceived everyone, violated the concluded agreements and signed contracts, refused to repay debts, neglected his duties, avoided any responsibility, ignored human rights, violated laws and generally accepted rules. Now you have to answer for everything, become an honest and decent person, observe loyalty and impartiality in all matters, and keep this word in relations with partners and fulfill all obligations. To avoid the fatal blows of fate earned in previous lives, you will have to observe the laws and rules of society, strictly control not only your actions and actions, but even thoughts and words. Now he needs to give people joy and happiness, the world of art serves as the best environment for this. The opportunity to atone for one's guilt is also possible in such spheres of activity as, for example, jurisprudence, advocacy, i.e. where an individual can do good deeds to protect innocent people.

Retrograde Saturn in VIII field

In a past life, an individual could engage in witchcraft or black magic, or maybe he traded in robbery, robbery, violence and crime. He prepared various potions and poisons, sowed death and misfortune. This position of Saturn indicates that this person, during several incarnations, has developed one of the most difficult variants of hereditary Karma. Now, in order to mitigate this Karma, because it is unlikely that it will be possible to work it out completely in this life, a person will have to categorically abandon all types of witchcraft and sacrifices, so as not to awaken the old passions. Failure to comply with this condition can lead to grave consequences, up to and including premature violent death, accompanied by great torment and suffering. In this life, he is allowed to engage in occult sciences only on the conditions that he will bring people relief in their suffering. He is allowed to engage in extrasensory affairs, healing, herbal medicine, psychotherapy under the same conditions, but these activities should not become a means of self-enrichment. Rather, it should take place as an act of mercy and charity. The individual must sublimate his great sexual power and direct it to research work or creative expression in art. Such people are shown law enforcement, more than others are shown criminology, here favorable circumstances will be created for the individual for active participation in the fight against crime.

Retrograde Saturn in field IX

In a past life, the individual may have been a vagabond, a wanderer if he had no education, or an inquisitor and executioner if he had a theological or legal education. His spirituality was filled with fanatical dogmatism, he was a devoted novice and slave to his supreme priest: the pope, cardinal, patriarch. If he had a more elevated spirit and striving for divine truth, then he could be a missionary in some distant country, and if his dream was only money and power, then he could just be a sea pirate. And yet whoever he is, he will have to redeem his Karma. Now his task for this incarnation was to get higher education, do science, law, or take the path of charity, charity or healing. You can do scientific travel, research, study and practical application medicine or occult sciences. It is necessary to develop and use the accumulated experience of the past, acquire new knowledge and improve spiritually. In any case, he should try to raise his spiritual level, expand his spiritual horizon and completely abandon all types of dogmatism, fanaticism, sectarianism or atheism. He can only benefit other people when he himself is strong in spirit and body. He needs to study, analyze and process information objectively, without bias and pass it on to others, while being aware of all philosophical and cult trends, both previous and of his own era.

Retrograde Saturn in X field

In a past life, the individual was the idol of society and an idol for a certain part of the public and the crowd. His dream was to win fame, honors, titles, awards, fame. He tried to achieve this by any means, by any methods, even if he had to “walk over corpses”. Now the individual will have to redeem his debt to those who have suffered because of his aggressiveness, lust for power, vanity and ambition, and to whom he has caused damage due to lies, deceit, cunning, illegal and unlawful methods. Now, in order to redeem or mitigate Karma, he will have to take the path of righteousness, justice, humanism and altruism, treat friends, relatives, associates and authorities more nobly. A person must carefully analyze the reasons for his previous mistakes and delusions, develop his own authority, his own personality, continue spiritual evolution, and use the power and power achieved only to serve others - a team, society, people or even humanity. A high state post is possible in the last third of life or at the end of life, but in order not to lose it, one must give up everything that could harm others.

Retrograde Saturn in XI field

In a past life, he gravitated towards the society of scum and scoundrels, over which he had power, against which he looked more vivid. He tried to curry favor with his superiors and higher officials and chose as his friends those who could bring him any benefit. He tried to use his friends, acquaintances, acquaintances, even the first comer to satisfy his own ambitions. Selfishness and greed prompted him to exploit everyone without exception. He lacked such concepts as honor, decency, nobility, generosity, or benevolence. Now you have to think about all this and take all possible measures in order to improve. In this life, fate gives him the opportunity to choose his friends and acquaintances from the world of science, art, among those who are engaged in spiritual practices or occult sciences. If an individual walks along old track, then in his later years he may find himself completely alone and lose faithful friends who contribute to his spiritual growth, which will only aggravate his already difficult Karma.

Retrograde Saturn in XII field

In a past life, the individual lived at the limit of his strength and capabilities. He did not reckon with anyone or anything, he bore one of them torment and suffering, others he simply ruined, not really thinking about the consequences of these or those of his actions. His slander, intrigue and anonymous letters ruined both competitors and opponents, and innocent people. He disregarded all the then existing laws and rules of the community. He refused and did not accept the cultural traditions of his society and people, he refused to perform religious rituals, to participate in public life. He recognized only himself and lived exclusively for his own pleasure. He was not blind, he was simply in his own world, invented by him, in the power of hallucinations, in captivity of his own lies and self-deception. The Karma earned by him is heavy, it is simply impossible to redeem it during one life, it can only be softened. The suffering that befell such an individual is only a consequence of past mistakes, blunders and delusions. Now the maximum of humility is required of him, and his task is to disinterestedly, selflessly serve people, his environment and society. In this life, complete self-sacrifice is needed. It should make life easier for sick, weak and humiliated people who are doomed to physical or mental torment or mental suffering and who are simply not able to cope with the difficulties of life on their own. Only mercy and charity can mitigate this Karma. Running away from difficulties will only aggravate his Karma.

Historical faces with retrograde Saturn

Julius Caesar (Aquarius, I), Michel Nostradamus (Cancer, IV), Michelangelo (Cancer, VII), Richard Wagner (Taurus, VII), Galileo Galilei (Virgo, X), Gustav Carl Jung (Aquarius, I), Jules Verne (Gemini, II) Peter Paul Rubens (Capricorn, III), Brigitte Bardot (Aquarius, I), Antoine de Saint-Exupery (Capricorn, IV), Ludwig van Beethoven (Aries, V), Pablo Picasso (Taurus, VII), Rudolph Steiner, (Virgo, X), Willy Brandt (Herbert Framm) (Gemini, II), Henry Kissinger (Libra, V).

Once a year for four and a half months, Saturn is in the retrograde phase of its movement, which affects the arc of 7 - 8 degrees. Like Jupiter, Saturn's retrograde effect affects social life more than personal. To some extent, we can say that the phase of retrograde Saturn is much "closer in spirit" to those people whose Saturn is also retrograde in Radix. It is possible and even necessary to take into account the factor of Saturn retrograde to those people who are engaged in business or are part of any serious structures, for example, hold a government office or are representatives of the law. But the retrograde of Saturn does not have any obvious effect on personal life. As in the case of Jupiter, retrograde Saturn reveals the problems of those areas of life that are associated with the sign of the zodiac, in which he is at the moment of retrograde.

Considering possible influences retrograde Saturn, you should first of all consider general rules concerning retrograde planets, namely: any retrograde planet slows down affairs that are included in its sphere of influence, it kind of turns back time and makes a person follow his own footsteps, and more than once. The retrograde planet returns us to cases that were abandoned halfway or unfinished for a number of subjective or objective reasons, provides an opportunity to correct mistakes, correct plans, and introduce additional components. For this reason, when you are retrograde, you should do old things and not start new ones. Saturn is no exception. The period of its retrograde phase of movement is the time of completing affairs, summing up, revisions, revising plans, making changes to plans, etc. At this time, they often begin to reorganize, reorganize everything that fits the definition of "structure". Thus, with retrograde Saturn, the feeling of inviolability, fundamentality, stability disappears, the spirit of change begins to hover in the air. Although these changes may be limited, for example, to a change of one or two leaders, and this is where the reorganization ends. For global and radical changes, Saturn alone is not enough, more powerful forces are needed here, moreover, Saturn sways for a long time. Before the changes have time to affect the entire structure, the retrograde phase ends happily.

For this reason, it is not recommended during the period retrograde Saturn start new businesses. Saturn gives a thorough approach, requires planning, calculations, approvals, approval in higher authorities, it takes a lot of time to swing. Moreover, with retrograde motion, the planet's speed is minimal, and this further delays the process. Often there will be no time left to complete what was conceived and to implement it. In addition, when Saturn begins its direct movement, it will require a revision of many of the positions adopted during the retrograde phase. As a result, the case will drag on for an indefinite period of time. As with other planets, the retrograde period should be used as a preparatory phase, but not as an initial phase. In business, for reliability, it is better to rely on the well-known and time-tested. During this period, it is not recommended to sign long-term contracts, register businesses, buy real estate, move, or get married.

Retrograde Saturn, no matter where it is located in the chart, always represents negligence in performing one's duties in a past life. With retrograde Saturn, a person comes into the current life with a tendency to continue the same goals that he left in the previous life as unfulfilled. Saturn can be a benefactor or bringer of suffering and obstacles, depending on the paths that a person has followed in fulfilling their goals and responsibilities in the past. The qualities of the zodiac sign in which Saturn retrograde is located are clearly indicated by duties that have been ignored, canceled or not completed in the past. If, for example, Saturn is retrograde in Leo, then the responsibility of the leader has not been finalized or has been misused. If Saturn is in Cancer, then feelings, mercy and other indicators of Cancer have been ignored in the past, perhaps the mind is not used for its intended purpose.

Effects of Saturn Retrograde in Various Houses:

1st House: Saturn Retrograde in 1st House shows that the person was not flexible in a previous life and established their own laws based on personal rigid opinion. The born has problems of a personal nature and in order to be healthy, observant, responsible, retrograde Saturn offers a flexible approach and caution in regulating life situations.
2nd House: Saturn in retrogression in the 2nd house reflects a too materialistic approach to life in the past (in exclusive possession - everything is mine), perhaps a person appropriated someone else's wealth. Therefore, Saturn in the second house heals a person through denial, limitations, disappointments in relation to material resources, adapting a person to manage material resources through frugality or accumulation. (that is, this person can have wealth only in this way due to karma).
3rd House: Removal from responsibility in relation to brothers and sisters in the past (shifting all efforts of responsibility to them), the current life by all means consistently forces us to accept responsibility in relation to relatives, regardless of the possibilities and whether the person can fulfill his duties or not.)
4th House: Neglect or abuse of human feelings towards mother, education, home in the past. Saturn tends to establish a constructive atmosphere at home and among family members and relatives, regardless of the native's efforts and his ability to do so.
5th House: In this position, Saturn in retrogression talks about problems with children. This is especially the case when in modern world children early get carried away with vicious habits, which naturally brings parents suffering, grief, disappointment. Or such a situation delays the appearance of children into the world, making it possible to comprehend, realize some of their unworthy actions. Natural creativity has been tainted in the past by negligence or other indicators. The treatment is to cultivate a good attitude towards children.
6th House: Here Saturn watches over the concepts - duty, diligence, official duties. It can, through unnecessary or hard painstaking work with minimal wages and difficult working conditions, incline to develop the ability to long, painstaking, purposeful work. Saturn polishes the edges of the "diamond" of life experience in serving a group, a collective or humanity as a whole with patience, without expecting reward and support from others, which bears fruit for past non-participation or evasion of one's responsibilities.
7th House: Past infringement or restriction of partners' interests, tough behavior towards partnerships. Retrograde Saturn in the 7th house leaves a person the opportunity to accept the only one correct condition successful partnership in marriage or in business (business) - to learn how to compromise and negotiate in order to correct the lack of trust in each other.
8th House: The purpose of Saturn in retrogression in the 8th house is the search for truth in secret knowledge, at a higher level, the study of metaphysical sciences and the transfer of this knowledge to others, (or to help and not hinder others in the acquisition of this knowledge). Retro Svturn's position in this house is the result of past neglect or misuse of secret knowledge.
9th House: A dogmatic approach to religion that establishes violence and cruelty (and you should also look at the aspect of Mars), expressed in religious persecution and following your own life philosophy - in the past, impoverished dharma (spiritual destiny). The task is to cultivate the qualities of a cosmopolitan - a broad view of the world and find your purpose, guarding the light of truth, endowing yourself and others with faith and wonderful inspiration.
10th House: Saturn in retrogression in the 10th house shows a person ways to achieve professional excellence, far from standards, but necessary in his professional activity, and also teaches him to "lend a shoulder" to help colleagues, close people. Help others grow and thrive in society. And the growth of himself depends on the trust of others in him.
11th House: House of Profit and Growth - Unbridled thirst for illegal fulfillment of desires and aspirations, goals and needs in the past by any means, puts the influence of retrograde Saturn as a constraint on these desires, forcing a person to apply additional strength and overtime to fulfill desires without any guarantees to balance this area.
12th House: The Need for Solitude and Service. Ability in psychology and deep understanding of life processes. Asceticism, the ability to overcome any difficulties and hardships. - These qualities are transferred to this incarnation to complete their task, taking into account the unaffected Saturn in the 12th house. Struck by Saturn gives isolation, severe long-term depression.

On March 25, Saturn will become retrograde and will be in a retro phase until August 13, 2016. Saturn is retrograde for 140 days and stationary for about 10 days. In the retrograde phase, it can be in one degree for up to one and a half months, and during the retro-period it covers an arc of 7 - 8 degrees. Degrees of its reversals in 2016:

In retrograde motion, the planet repeats its path along the same degrees of the Zodiac, along which it has already passed in its direct motion. From an esoteric point of view, it is a return to the past, turning inward, rethinking the experience gained. Saturn deals with the basic programs and systemic processes in our lives. It defines the rules and regulations that we follow. It's about duty, loyalty, self-discipline, endurance, boundaries and responsibility. Responsibility towards others and towards yourself.

When it turns retrograde, it is time to redefine the basic positions in our lives. This is a kind of inventory period, and although it does not affect current affairs as clearly as the retro periods of personal planets: Mercury, Venus and Mars, it should not be underestimated. Moreover, this year the retro-period of Saturn coincides with the retrograde of Mars on April 17 - June 30. And this segment of spring and early summer will be one of the most difficult periods of the year.

Saturn represents limitations. The reversal of Saturn slows down the processes so that we can take a break and think about what we can change and improve in order to move on without hindrance. Speaking of Saturn, we are not dealing with momentary matters, but with long-term landmarks. During the period of the retro-phase of Saturn, we get the opportunity to give up what weighs us down and come to terms with what needs to be taken for granted. During this period, we are given a chance to deal with our problems in the sphere of Saturn.

The transit of retrograde Saturn is not equally felt for everyone. V to a greater extent it is felt by those who have natal chart there are planets in degrees of retrograde Saturn, its stations (SR) and (SD) and its opposition to the Sun. This year it is 16 ° 24 ′, 09 ° 46 ′ and 13 ° 03 ′ mutable signs: Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo and Pisces. Connection, opposition and squaring will be felt more strongly. Those to whom this transit will give harmonious aspects will also notice its inhibiting influence, albeit to a lesser extent.

If in retro Saturn does not "hang" on the aspect to some personal planet of the map, its retrograde period does not have an important effect on personal affairs. The period of his retrogradeness has a greater impact on social life, on business, on the affairs of those who, for example, hold a post in a state institution. Since during this period there may be a reorganization of some department, state structure, a change in leadership, which can affect the state of affairs of employees. For those who have retrograde Saturn in their personal horoscope, this is an important period of personal growth.

Retrograde Saturn in the natal chart

People with Saturn retrograde in their natal chart may have difficulty in situations that require them to define their personal boundaries. In childhood, such people might not feel the need for contact with an important parental figure, most often with a father, due to his absence, his passivity in educational process or his tyranny. Children who have had this experience with their parents often have problems learning to love and accept themselves. This can be challenging with relationships with authority figures in their lives. They do not have their own clearly defined psychological territory, sometimes it is difficult for them to establish limits in relationships and, as a result, they do not have sufficient internal stability and stability. Saturn represents the psychological core, the support of our psyche, and in a person with retrograde Saturn, this support is labile. He has a tendency to say "yes" where he should have said "no" for a long time, he may lack resilience. Therefore, when he says yes to others, he should make sure that he is not saying no to himself.

A person with retro Saturn may misunderstand what duty and responsibility are. Here, depending on the strength of Saturn in the sign and its aspects, extremes can be observed - irresponsibility or hyperresponsibility. There are also gradations between them, but I emphasize extreme manifestations in order to outline the problems. In the first case, with a weak retro-Saturn, a person is undisciplined, it is difficult for him to fit into existing norms and rules, he cannot stand external discipline, is often irresponsible, experiences difficulties in taking on obligations or fulfilling obligations and, as a result, unreliable. His problems pile up, and he blames them all but himself. In the second case, with a strong retro-Saturn, often hyperresponsibility, a person takes on “his own” and “someone else's”, accepts responsibility for others, because he does not feel where the boundaries of his interests end and the interests of another person begin. He allows himself to be drawn into exhausting situations, considers himself to be obliged to everyone and, as a result, brings himself to protracted psychological crises. This is especially noticeable in the natal home realm where Saturn retrograde is located.

Erin Sullivan, in Retrograde Planets: An Exploration of the Inner Landscape, writes:

“The house where the retrograde Saturn is located, highlights the sphere of life where a person feels especially insecure, where he has a lot of obstacles and where he needs stimulation and encouragement to realize his creative abilities. And the sign and the house where the Sun is located shows where it will be easiest for a person to understand and manifest his Creative skills if he creates or uses a means of self-expression appropriate to the experience of this house. The sun is the perspective through which a retrograde planet can show its "direct" side by exposing that which blocks creativity to sunlight. "

Do not forget that astrology is very individual, just as our life is unique and individual.

Here I have outlined only a possible problematic.

Influence of the retro-Saturn transit

At a time when the transit Saturn becomes retrograde, we go back to evaluate the projects started or the commitments made, to re-evaluate our actions and internal position. For example, the transit of Saturn retrograde in a relationship house provides an opportunity to redefine commitments and relationships that are a source of frustration. This will allow us to define our boundaries by saying no. But the transit of Saturn retrograde in the house of relationships can also induce us to make commitments, for example, to register a relationship that has long been established and time-tested. Here you need to take into account the specific horoscope and aspects of Saturn to the natal planets. Saturn is the karmic inspector of the Zodiac, he focuses us on the main thing, cutting off the insignificant, he leaves at our disposal only that which will give a true result - spiritual or social.

The period of Saturn retrograde is a time for inner growth, it makes it possible to correct and eliminate what we could not cope with during the direct phase or throughout life. The planet's retrograde phase creates situations in which our choices are limited. Saturn rules reality, and the reality of any situation is what we are responsible for when creating it. The reactions and choices we make, together with the fears we avoid, form the basis of our existence. In the sphere of the planet from which Saturn makes an aspect, we can acutely feel the problem if our previous steps were frivolous or we delayed important decisions... Or, on the contrary, for the duration of the aspect, we can find ourselves "in a vacuum", alone with ourselves, in order to realize anew: what prevents us from feeling integrity or simply interferes.

The more we ignore internal and external signals, the more difficult circumstances will become. We will have the opportunity to understand our destructive attitudes in order to change the situation. In relationships, we have to define our "boundaries" and learn independence without prejudice to the relationship. This is the period when we can see the inner results of our previous aspirations. Internal, as this is a period of latent development. V business sphere we will receive a preliminary result of our past actions, and we can assess which of what we have begun makes sense to continue, and if so, in what form. But this may be a long-awaited result, we can finally see the real outlines of what we have been striving for for a long time.

Saturn, as the significator of the tenth house, has to do with career, reputation, our position in society. When he changes the direction of movement in transit, regardless of which house of Natal this happens, we re-prioritize, define our career preferences, revise the structure and principle of the business, and define new tasks. During this period, we may be overwhelmed with responsibility or work, confined within our own limitations, or we may feel obstacles in trying to achieve some goal. When it comes to "pay according to merit", it is most likely that Saturn was included in the picture of transits. Circumstances may focus our attention on the home situation, relationships, career, social status, etc., but this will always be a very real facet of life. Periodic research and evaluation of your material world (Saturn) is necessary for growth. We have to establish where we are now and align with where we want to go. To move forward, we must build on what we have gone through and be realistic about what we can achieve.

Saturn is associated with time in its broadest and most concrete sense. This is Chronos, measuring minutes, periods, cycles. Saturn is the time that heals and the trials that make us wiser. Slowing down, sometimes it is very healing for the soul and good for business, especially when we take on an undertaking that has not been sufficiently prepared. The planning of any business, the maturation of any phenomenon and the development of any event takes place in time and takes time. Therefore, the transits of Saturn also have a positive side. During such periods, there is an opportunity to clarify issues that were previously unclear. Aspects of Saturn are associated with slowing down, but it is they that contribute to the formation of such a necessary patience in life. Saturn teaches us never to lose patience - this is the last key that opens the door we need.

During periods of Saturn's reversals from direct to retrograde (R) and from retrograde to director (D), the influence of the sign in which it is located increases. The sphere of the house of the natal chart, in which Saturn changes the direction of movement - makes a stop and a turn - requires our increased attention. This is especially noticeable when Saturn in a U-turn makes a major aspect to the planet or the corners of the horoscope, “pedaling” the theme of this planet for several months.

Saturn Retrograde Period 2016

So Saturn will be retrograde from March 25 to August 13. In addition to its aspects to the natal chart, it is necessary to track the mundane aspects of retro-Saturn, its interaction with others transit planets and the phases of their mutual cycles. If in transit Saturn makes an aspect that repeats the aspect of the natal chart, this period can activate the theme of the natal aspect by sympathetic connection, even if the degrees of transit do not coincide with natal ones. For example, if there is an opposition between Venus and Saturn in the natal chart, then the days near the transit opposition Venus-Saturn on June 04 can manifest the problem of the natal aspect.

Time - GMT

I will not describe all aspects of retro Saturn in transit, I will write about them in monthly forecasts, but here I will touch on the most difficult and important period to which you need to pay attention.

When Saturn, like any outer planet, becomes retrograde, it begins to move into opposition with the Sun. Days near the transit opposition are an important point in the Sun-Saturn cycle and one of the difficult periods of this year. On the one hand, at this time we may realize that it is preventing us from moving towards the goal, where we have taken on more than we can bear, or, on the contrary, in what we have shown dishonesty, since the situations of this period can bill us for being irresponsible ... This period can bring difficult situations if you have had problems with discipline, the law, an immature or disrespectful attitude towards parents, partnerships, or a desire to step out of obligations. On the other hand, at this time when we can become aware of our destructive attitudes and get rid of them.

May-June 2016, astrological forecast

In 2016, the opposition of the Sun and Saturn will be June 03. This aspect is of particular importance also because the last week May and the whole of June can be a dramatic period, since at this time the Grand Cross will form: on June 04, Saturn has another opposition - with Venus, and this opposition will be in square with Jupiter and Neptune. And in the second half of June, Venus will be replaced by Mercury in the Big Cross. June 20 Saturn has opposition with Mercury and square with Neptune. Do not forget that all this will be against the backdrop of retrograde Mars.

From May 22 to June 12, problems are possible in relations with the authorities, with the law or people in power. Someone who, due to age or status, has the right to tell us "must" or "must not" can hinder the implementation of our plans. Problems with parents or parents are likely. Some important relationship, for example, an unsuccessful marriage, romance or business partnership, may go through a crisis or come to an end. This is a difficult period for personal and work relationships, and an unfortunate period for resolving issues in official instances. Perform duties carefully, observe chain of command, refrain from arguing with your superiors, do not enter into conflicts with government officials, this will lead to serious problems. Pay attention to older family members. This period can remind you of responsibilities, duty and "bill" for past irresponsibility. At this time, you need to act only by legal methods and avoid despondency and disappointment if you have to part with something. Starting a fight at this time, you can achieve nothing, on the contrary, now it is better to be flexible and learn to “float in the stream” in order to get out of this period with minimal losses. During this period, you need to highlight the main thing and not overwork, this is the time for lowering vitality... Special attention to health should be paid to people with problems of the cardiovascular system.

On June 17-23, there is a high probability of receiving false information, delusions and errors will lead to incorrect conclusions. Secret information or deception can be revealed. Need to be careful with new people.

Business and other relationships that will be established at the end of May and most of June will not be reliable, you can meet with non-obligation or fraud. In business, there is a high risk of miscalculations, unprofitable transactions; in this regard, the whole of June is unfavorable.

The last decade of May and the whole of June is a period of social and economic instability. This period can bring a wave of layoffs due to economic problems. During this period, you can experience profound changes in your beliefs. What a person is used to relying on, what gave a feeling of security, becomes unreliable. Something important, which was a familiar picture of the world and seemed to be the truth about life, will turn out to be false or obsolete. Most people's reaction to this is anxiety and fear of an uncertain future. Contradictory emotional condition, ideological throwing and unrealistic plans make this period unsuccessful for important undertakings. Conflicts with the law and involvement in criminal matters should be avoided. Don't make important decisions at this time.

Periods for introspection

I invite readers to analyze the previous periods of the retro phases of Saturn and remember what happened to you at that time. Such an analysis will be especially useful for people with retrograde Saturn in the birth horoscope.

Periods of Saturn retrograde in 2005-2024.

The first date - R - the beginning of the retro period, the second - D - the beginning of the direct.

11/22/2005 R - 04/04/2006 D Lion

06.12.2006 R - 19.04.2007 D Lion

12/19/2007 R - 05/02/2008 D Virgo