Periods of Mercury Retrograde by Year. What to do when Mercury is retrograde

There are several misconceptions associated with Mercury retrograde. It is usually said that Mercury retrograde brings difficulties and a lot of trouble in your life, but this is not entirely true. If there is a retrograde movement of Mercury, this does not always lead to trouble. On the contrary, such situations bring a lot of happiness and prosperity to life.

As a rule, several assumptions are formed for the assumptions about the retrograde of the planet. It is generally assumed that its occurrence leads to regression or backward movement and the addition of problems in life. Well, in reality, the planets will not be able to start moving backward or in the opposite, reverse direction. In our system, all planets move in their orbits. If any planet accelerates and overtakes any other planet, then it is called transit. Likewise, if a planet is overtaken by other planets due to its slow speed, it is called retrograde. Later, when this slow planet starts to accelerate again, then it is said to be straight or in a straight position.

Being closest to the Sun, the planet Mercury becomes retrograde, transit or straight ahead of all other planets. According to Vedic astrologers, Mercury retrograde has completely different consequences, both positive and negative. However, the exact impact is calculated based on the ratio of Mercury to the positions of other planets. In astrology, Mercury is considered a favorable planet, however, due to the influence of other unfavorable and harsh planets, it has an adverse effect.

Mercury is considered to be the driving factor of intelligence, speech, transmission of knowledge and feelings. Consequently, Mercury retrograde has negative consequences for the intellect, speech and communication of a person, which leads to dramatic changes in his personality. His thoughts and feelings change, and his ability to make decisions is also negatively affected.

Mercury retrograde 2018 dates and times

Typically, the planet Mercury goes retrograde three or four times a year. Read the exact dates and times for Mercury Retrograde this year in the following table:

Mercury Retrograde Significance

This movement of Mercury has a profound effect on intelligence, speech, logical reasoning, decision making, writing, business and statistics. Usually, if a planet is retrograde, the effects it produces are magnified. Consequently, the person's mental capacity also becomes sharper, he becomes more hardworking, and his overall efficiency increases.

Mercury usually has a good influence on other planets. But when he becomes retrograde, his influence becomes even stronger. If Mercury has a negative impact on any planet, retrograde Mercury can lead to serious consequences. If Mercury is in a very high position, Mercury retrograde gives excellent results. A person with such a planetary position can expect a sudden increase in wealth.

The influence of Mercury retrograde on the profession

Mercury directly affects the profession and career, so if a Mercury retrospective, transit or direct position occurs, then this will naturally affect business or professional life. IN Vedic astrology strong Mercury has a positive impact on one's career and profession. On the other hand, a weak Mercury causes a financial downturn or loss of business.

Increased intelligence and power of thinking

Mercury has a profound effect on the human mind. Hence, Mercury retrograde can sharpen his intellectual and thinking abilities. A person acquires farsightedness, and his interest in psychological and philosophical issues increases. As a rule, it is said that people with a strong influence of Mercury at birth have great thinking skills and logical thinking and are well versed in diplomacy and public affairs. They are especially good at astrology or divination.

Retrograde effects of Mercury

The greatest effect of Mercury Retrograde depends on the person's behavior and personality. You may notice clear changes in the person's behavior. This event affects a person's communication and decision making. A person may make some unexpected decisions that are in direct conflict with the situation. He may realize the consequences later.

  1. If Mercury retrograde occurs in the first house of the horoscope, then the person works faster; but sometimes this haste becomes a cause for concern. The person also tends to make hasty decisions that may not work later.
  2. Likewise, if Mercury retrograde occurs in the second house of the Horoscope, then a person makes a lot of money due to his intellect and thinking capabilities. If the Mercury retrograde occurs in the eighth house of the horoscope, then the person becomes more religious, philosophical and spiritual in nature. In the same way, Mercury retrograde in the third house, it makes a person more courageous and determined.
  3. If Mercury retrograde occurs in the fourth house of the horoscope, then the person leads a royal life. If this happens in the fifth house, then the person carries more female children than male children, who also deserve a lot of respect and glory for him / her.
  4. Mercury retrograde in the sixth house makes a person depressed, and his outlook on life becomes more negative. His behavior becomes erratic and unpredictable. On the other hand, such a movement of Mercury in the seventh house blesses a person with an excellent life partner.
  5. The retrograde position of Mercury in the eighth house shortens the life span of a person. A person earns a lot of money and respect because of hard work and determination. If the emergence occurs in the ninth house, the person's interest in research increases and he is likely to become a doctor, teacher, or scientist.
  6. If the Mercury retrograde happens in the tenth house, the person is likely to inherit the father's property. The person tends to become a strong personality with a political mindset. A person who has Mercury retrograde in the eleventh house is rich, happy and has long life... A person with Mercury retrograde in the twelfth house is a warrior and fights enemies on the battlefield. He is also sincere and has a keen interest in religion and spirituality.

Things to avoid when Mercury is retrograde

Again, Mercury affects intelligence, thinking, decision making, writing, and profession. Therefore, when a person witnesses Mercury retrograde, he must think and work patiently. Since Mercury retrograde seeks to make a person excessive, he should avoid making hasty decisions. The person should also avoid starting any new project or business. He must focus on the existing business, and let the work continue, remains as it is. In addition, people are advised not to engage in any construction or renovation work, or to make any long-term financial or business investment. It is also considered the right time to tackle any long-term problems.

You have probably heard more than once about Mercury retrograde, but you have not always wondered what it really means and how it affects representatives of different signs of the zodiac. To begin with, let's make a reservation, what is “its charm”: this is one of the few astrological phenomena that always takes place predictably, according to the same scenario, and its consequences are obvious. Watch it closely - increase your own productivity and avoid disappointment.

What's happening?

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun, whose orbit is much shorter than Earth's. 3-4 times a year it begins to move, at this time we enter the retrograde period - the time of turbulence in everyday life. Fasten seat belts!

This year, Mercury retrograde has already tested our strength: from December 19, 2016 to January 8, 2017 and from April 10 to May 3. Do you remember anything? But this is not the end. Once again, the planet backed down from August 13 to September 5.

Traditionally, Mercury is responsible for all kinds of communications, including negotiation, recruiting, training, editing, researching, selling and buying. This is the planet of contracts, agreements and other important documents: be it course work or drawing up a will. Travel and transportation are associated with Mercury. When the planet is retrograde, all of these spheres either skyrocket in value or spiral out of control.

What shouldn't be done?

How to solve problems?

What if you can't wait for weeks? Try to be as flexible as possible. For example, before making a purchase new apartment, rent it for a month. And if you decide on an important matter, do not be afraid to ask a lot of clarifying questions.

The key to solving all problems is the constellation in which Mercury is located. It is important to know which element it belongs to. If Mercury retrograde falls on the signs of the earth, it means that you should be as practical as possible in finding solutions and strictly adhere to the given limits and budget. Money often plays a big role in the decision important issues... If Mercury retrograde falls on fire signs, you need to apply forward-thinking strategies and offer the most unusual, innovative solutions. In the air sphere - discuss and say out loud each question, a lot will be solved thanks to communication skills. And if Mercury is backing on the water - use your intuition, you will not go wrong.

What can you do?

Don't give in to internal panic, it's not all bad. There are exceptions to any rule. Astrologers advise turning to your past during this period. For example, this is a great time for a little "escape" from the office to places from your childhood or to a city that you once loved but have not been there for a long time. Looking for a job? Think of your former boss who was incredibly comfortable with you, try joining him in the present. Afraid to take on new things? Why not revive old projects! In this case it comes about a professional relationship that you actually started a long time ago - feel free to take on this work. Repeat old attempts, resume former contacts, meet with relatives. Set aside time for general cleaning, sort out clothes that have not been worn for a long time. Perhaps you will find a thing that you thought was lost or that you forgot about the existence.

It seems that Mercury retrograde should bring with it sheer disappointment, but, in reality, this is a very rewarding and valuable time. During this period, a reassessment of values ​​takes place, we revise our plans, become more circumspect and more discriminating. A rebellious planet allows us to stop, listen to ourselves, and redirect our energies to more productive channels.

Retrograde motion the planet weakens energy by the fact that it reaches us in a distorted form. Periods retrograde mercury are noticeable to all signs of the zodiac, because Mercury is communication, contacts, clarity of consciousness and the ability to speak, reflect.

Mercury retrograde comes so that we have time to unload the information waste accumulated over 12-13 weeks of direct travel in time. In essence, for the sublunary world, this phenomenon is similar to a reboot or an upgrade. software... Difficult to install new target while the process of updating perception on personal level.

March-April Mercury retrograde transited Aries sign... It's a sign Mars, belligerent, risky, causing damage due to negligence and aggressiveness. The ability to analyze has declined due to the factor of haste and adolescent shortsightedness. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, always ready to start a new business, progressive and confident of victory, but retro Mercury forced to work out something unclosed in the past before giving access to a new beginning.

July-August Mercury will transit Leo sign. He will have to go back to To the sun, which means to us - value your surroundings. July will be replete with astro events - eclipses and turn Jupiter as well as retrograde Mars and Mercury... The Leo sign contains the energy of fire, just like the Aries sign. The struggle for progress, for development and recognition is the favorite thing of this sign. To avoid negative influence and not get into bad company, it is worth sticking to old friends, bringing someone from the former team back on board, teaming up with like-minded people. It is very important to seek help during this period. Leo hardly recognizes the need to ask loved ones, so you also need to be attentive and take initiative to them. During this period, it is good to ask for forgiveness and continue to build relationships. A change in command personnel or the acquisition of a whole group of important allies is likely.

November and early December will be under the influence of Mercury retrograde in fire sign Sagittarius... Sagittarius is a sign of the planet Jupiter that empowers and raises spirituality. Sagittarius is an intelligent progressive justice fighter. Old faces in politics may reappear in the public field. International relations will endure both the achievements and problems of the year gained, and you will have to come to an agreement. In a relationship, honesty will come to the fore, unity will become more important than strife.

Thus, 2018 contains special time zones, when the influence of retrograde Mercury is associated with the element of fire. In the spring, new shoots of ideas, relationships, beginnings appeared. It was necessary to get rid of weeds and dead ends, as a good owner does before sowing. In the summer, Mercury retrograde in the sign of Leo will show what you can do, and what responsibility you need to transfer to another. The end of July and the beginning of August are the time to unite with other people based on the principle of similarity and similarity of interests. It is important to become someone meaningful, and not just to have broad connections in society. It may be necessary to change the environment.

Sagittarius and retrograde Mercury will bring out the energy of the elements of fire at the end of the year already at high level comprehension. Spiritual growth, public success, change of plans for New Year, as well as the same twists and turns in cultural ties, global and ordinary. After a kind of retro purification by Mercury, alliances and unions will be successful, since the necessary updates will already be installed. All periods of the retrograde motion of Mercury along the signs of the elements of fire are an indicator of the course for development, because the element of fire is the driving force of the Universe.

Exact dates: March 23 - April 15, July 26 - August 19, November 17 - December 7.

Each planet, as astrology shows, has an impact on a person and events in his life. The retrograde motion of the planet directs its energy inward.

In reality, every planet solar system moves evenly around the sun. But if you look from the Earth, then planets make an intricate "loop", changing the course of movement in the opposite direction... This is due to the fact that our Earth also revolves around the Sun. By the way, it was with the help of these retrograde motions of the planets that Copernicus was able to prove that not the Earth is the center of the solar system (as previously believed), but the Sun.

Such retrograde changes in the movement of the planets affect us and our perception, bring indifference, depression, inadequacy of behavior, stagnation in business, inhibition in endeavors, conflicts in the family into life. With secret knowledge, you can mitigate the negative impact of the retrograde motion of the planet and use this period effectively. First of all, this information must be owned by people who plan new beginnings, are related to monetary transactions and interact with big amount of people. Mercury has at least three retrograde periods of about 24 days each year.... During the period of movement of retrograde Mercury, constant overlaps occur in communication, people misinterpret information, distort it or tend to deceive, underspeak, conceal. This does not always happen consciously, more often a person does not own all the information, without knowing it himself. The purchased item can quickly break down, require repair or additional costs for its operation. Letters and documents can get lost, phones, equipment, cars can break down, people can disappear from your horizon. Critical contract errors are found that can take a significant amount of work to fix. Mercury retrograde is of particular importance for people doing business and social activities.... This is a period of risk and deception, instability in the future and difficult obstacles in new business. In order to prevent people from getting into a difficult situation, astrologers, numerologists, psychologists and a number of other specialists offer effective strategies. First of all, you need to control your emotions and not succumb to any provocations, sensibly evaluate the incoming information, control aggression and anger. It is undesirable to sign new agreements, conclude long-term contracts, open factories, launch equipment, introduce new technologies, initiate legal proceedings, buy real estate and expensive things, engage in expansion or merger, enter new job, get married.

During the period of the retrograde movement of Mercury, it is best to do the restoration of lost connections, collect information, take inventory, search for missing things, make only those purchases that you have been planning to make for a long time, put things in order in the documentation, throw out unnecessary trash, fire employees, think over those ideas for implementation which you will be able to transgress after the exit of Mercury from retrograde motion. During this period, you can establish relationships with relatives and old friends, renew previous contacts with business partners.

The period of retrograde motion of the planets is favorable for introspection, working with emotions, studying new spiritual practices, cleansing the body, restoring energy and correcting the biofield, observing one's energy-informational field. Any esoteric practices related to the restoration of the aura will be effective. This is the time when you can analyze the mistakes of the past and realize your karma. Astrologers and tarologists use this period to get rid of karmic knots and work with a spiritual level.

Tatiana Kulinich, Yana Novikova

Mercury is a planet dedicated Greek god Hermes, who was closely associated with concepts such as intelligence, communication, information, commercial activities. By retrograde motion of the planet, they mean that it seems to us from the Earth that it, moving forward, then slowed down and turned around, moving backward. In reality, it is only an appearance that she is moving back, she just slowed down her speed. When a planet is retrograde, it strongly affects the affairs it controls, and it makes sense to be guided by the knowledge of what can and cannot be done on the retro movement of the planet.

During periods of Mercury retrograde, we may experience difficulties associated with the spheres of its influence. Mutual understanding between people can deteriorate, we tend to misinterpret the words and behavior of people, which leads to confusion. Travel plans can suddenly get frustrated. There are unpleasant delays with the paperwork and obtaining the necessary information; at the most crucial moment, the technician can fail. Communication equipment is disrupted. False information appears, unnecessary vanity, which ultimately does not lead to anything, etc. Thinking also fails. We tend to confuse information, hear and notice not all information, lose sight of important details lose vigilance. Your equipment and means of communication can constantly break down at this time, annoying you with new and new breakdowns that require repair and purchase of parts. Everything that concerns the movement forward in affairs under the auspices of Mercury is stalled. From somewhere there appears a mass of obstacles and delays that are beyond our control, in the end we are forced to just wait, standing still, and this is best case... At worst, it is constantly redoing the same thing, making mistakes or encountering difficulties over and over again. We do not see the situation in full, although it seems to us that on the contrary, everything is fine and there are no mistakes. But some of the important information about the situation is hidden from us, and we cannot do anything about it now. Everything will come up then. When Mercury turns forward.

But a retrograde planet, like any astrological configuration, has positive sides their manifestations. For example, during periods of Mercury retrograde, people from the past, former partners, friends and colleagues often return to our lives. In general, the topic of intellectual rethinking of the past is one of the key ones at this time. You will feel the need to look back and reflect on how you used to perceive and comprehend the world around you.

In mythology, which later became the basis for astrology, Mercury-Hermes was also a trickster god, an insidious and skillful rogue who can both open a person's eyes to the true will of the gods and cloud his consciousness. Therefore, during the period of Mercury retrograde, we may encounter life situations that touch upon the themes of lies, deceit, and deception. At this time, you should especially carefully monitor your words, as the interlocutor may misunderstand you at a completely inopportune moment. It is possible that during the retro of Mercury, some long-hidden information will come to the surface.

Do's and don'ts on Mercury retrograde

While Mercury is retrograde, postpone signing any business or personal contracts, the chances are all too great that you will miss out on something important. Avoid mailing important documentation, an expensive gift or making purchases online, the package may get lost, or you will make a mistake with the choice of a particular product due to misunderstood information, or hidden information, which you will have to regret later. If possible, postpone travel, if this is not possible, do not rely on "maybe" in choosing a place to stay, a company, this time it is better to plan everything in advance. Do not forget to check the availability of documents and other necessary things before leaving. If your work is closely related to information technology, information, teaching, you should pay special attention to the periods of retrograde of this planet. Do not start new business projects, the course of presenting a new and important material at that time.

What else cannot be done on Mercury retrograde, according to astrologers? It is not worth purchasing equipment. In general, you should be careful with your purchases, especially if you suspect that the seller is cheating or hiding something. Retro Mercury is not the best time to start a new job or start training. Now you can hardly commit right choice and demonstrate your intellectual abilities to your superiors. In addition, later, you will be surprised to find that the working conditions or requirements for the employee turned out to be completely different from what they initially looked.

Avoid meeting people who persistently advocate something: a religious movement, magical methods of healing from diseases, rapid career growth, etc. The vigilance and adequate thinking of most people during the periods of retro Mercury is somewhat dulled, and you can easily fall for the bait of scammers.

If there is no urgent need, postpone for the time being the planned medical examination, testing, it is possible that their testimony or the doctor's interpretation will not be entirely correct. But retrograde Mercury is the most the right time to contact a psychologist or psychotherapist. If you have long wanted to understand the past that weighs you down and finally let go of it, do it now.

So, what not to do on Mercury retrograde:

  • starting important business;

  • start a training course;

  • open your own business, your own business, the implementation of an idea, project;

  • sign contracts, agreements, important documents;

  • get a new job;

  • change position, professional direction;

  • meet new people, make new connections - if an acquaintance nevertheless happens, then your imagination will draw the image of a person not corresponding to reality, or both of you will not be ready to continue acquaintance when Mercury turns forward, and, in any case, the new acquaintance will be the wrong one who he looked and will disappoint in the end; or this acquaintance will not be of the same nature as you planned or thought initially - for example, romantic courtship will simply develop into cooperation, or friendship, and a business employee, initially hired by you for one position, will subsequently perform completely different functions - but also in this case, all these relationships run the risk of being short-lived;

  • negotiate;

  • accept important decisions(later they will be revised due to the information that has surfaced, which will turn everything around);

  • come up with new ideas for development, projects (only if they do not relate to the rework of what has already been done or started earlier) - they will turn out to be erroneous, untimely, untenable, etc.;

  • make large purchases (and often small ones), especially buying equipment, communications and transportation - then, with a high degree of probability, it turns out that you bought the wrong thing, or of the wrong quality, or a defect or mistake (for example, a pair shoes will have different size, the radio will not pick up the wave you bought ceramic tile turns out to be defective, the computer will break down or break immediately, etc. - everything will be a "surprise", which you will often find out about later, when Mercury completes its retrograde motion and the necessary information emerges; however, purchases of clothes, furniture and everything that is not controlled by Mercury are permissible, may be successful, but the risk of making a mistake or confusing, not noticing something still remains, so it is better to postpone it if possible;

  • send or order important correspondence, parcels - they will either get lost, or take a long time to go, or come with a defect, or with the wrong product, etc.;

  • take tests, go to doctors for a diagnosis, start a new course of procedures, treatment, especially if it is associated with manual work (manual therapy, massage, dentistry, surgery) - errors and confusion are possible that will require further alteration;

  • start and submit important scientific papers, manuscripts, etc. for final approval;

  • start trips, business trips;

  • move to a new place of residence or work, buy or rent premises.

What to do on Mercury retrograde

During this period, it is good to refer to previously done matters related to training, information, communication, which, in your opinion, require adjustment. For example, if you are currently studying, this is a great time to systematize your existing knowledge and fill in the gaps. If you work hard to write scientific work or other important text, pay enough attention to the correctness of its design, check if the links are correct, if the quotes are accurate.

Another tip on what to do on Mercury retrograde concerns working with important papers... Check if the expiration date on your passport, credit card or other documents is running out. If you plan to sign a contract or deal in the future, do not be lazy to thoroughly analyze every detail of it. Perhaps in this way you will save yourself from making an unfortunate mistake, or you will make the terms of the deal more profitable.

Retro Mercury provides excellent opportunities to connect with long-lost people from the past. If you dreamed of finding a bosom school friend, a business partner with whom you once worked, it is better to start this search at this time. Also, if you just realized that you have not seen old friends for a long time and are starting to lose touch with them, friendly gatherings filled with touching memories will be especially successful now.

  • repetition of already learned material for those who are studying;

  • rechecking and correcting what has already been done before;

  • return to those affairs that were once started, but not completed - their completion will go well now, but the final point must be put on direct Mercury, meanwhile everything must be prepared for this;

  • to comprehend the deep meaning of the perfect and the accomplished - you will see it with different eyes, more capaciously, “the picture will form a whole”; analysis and rethinking "in depth" of what has already been accomplished, a mental return back in order to dot all the i's, to understand what has not been assimilated;

  • checking documents, searching for errors and inaccuracies in what has already been done;

  • meeting with old acquaintances, returning to previous connections in order to complete them, forgive, or understand something important that these relationships gave - “complete the gestalt” (very often people from the past appear in your life on retro-Mercury);

  • putting things in order, clearing unnecessary information, papers, files; work on chaos and mistakes;

  • thinking over and rethinking ideas and projects that came to mind earlier;

  • shop at secondhand stores, stocks, sales - where things are re-sold - but do it very carefully!

  • contact a psychologist, psychotherapist.

Periods of Mercury retrograde for 2014-2034

Mercury is retrograde three times a year for about three weeks.

Before Mercury becomes retrograde, it is stationary (stands still), the same - when the planet becomes direct again, moving forward. We present to your attention a table listing the period of Mercury retrograde in 2014-2034. Please note that it is better to take time "with a margin", at least a day or two before, and a day or two after the retro movement:

2014 7.02-28.02 07.06-01.07 04.10-25.10
2015 21.01-11.02 19.05-11.06 17.09-09.10
2016 05.01-25.01 28.04-22.05 30.08-22.09
2017 19.12.2016-08.01 09.04-03.05 13.08-05.09 03.12-23.12
2018 23.03-15.04 26.07-19.08 17.11-06.12
2019 05.03-28.03 07.07-01.08 31.10-20.11
2020 17.02-10.03 18.06-12.07 14.10-03.11
2021 30.01-21.02 29.05-22.06 27.09-18.10
2022 14.01-04.02 10.05-03.06 10.09-02.10
2023 29.12.2022-18.01 21.04-15.05 23.08-15.09
2024 13.12.2023-02.01 01.04-25.04 05.08-28.08 26.11-15.12
2025 15.03-07.04 18.07-11.08 09.11-29.11
2026 26.02-20.03 29.06-23.07 24.10-13.11
2027 09.02-03.03 10.06-04.07 07.10-28.10
2028 24.01-14.02 21.05-14.06 19.09-11.10
2029 07.01-27.01 01.05-25.05 02.09-25.09
2030 22.12.2029-11.01 13.04-06.05 16.08-08.09 06.12-25.12
2031 26.03-18.04 29.07-22.08 19.11-09.12
2032 07.03-30.03 10.07-03.08 02.11-22.11
2033 18.02-13.03 21.06-15.07 16.10-06.11
2034 02.02-23.02 02.06-26.06 30.09-21.10

Tatiana Kulinich, Yana Novikova for

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