Pluto transits to personal planets. Transit Pluto in Aspect to Mercury

Pluto is the slowest hand of the space clock in modern astrology. It completes its cycle in 248.4 years. His speed in the Zodiac is very variable. It transits some signs relatively quickly, while others slowly. So, the "perestroika" period in the XX century fell on the rapid transit of Pluto across Scorpio, he slipped through the entire sign of his control in 12 years - from 1983 to 1995. The changes that took place at that time are very difficult to overestimate: the bipolar model of the world order collapsed; the world's largest superpower has disappeared. The transformation processes that began at that time completely reshaped both the economic and political map the world. But the closer to Taurus, the lower its speed. In the 19th century, he walked along Taurus for over 30 years. Due to such differences in the speed of its movement, cyclical aspects to its own position in natal chart do not correspond to certain ages. People born in the late 19th century experienced Pluto square Pluto at the age of 75. And those born in the 1980s will experience it in their thirties.

In all transits of Pluto there is a characteristic feature - it gives too much of something. He seems to be constantly testing us for strength, pushing the boundaries of what we considered psychologically acceptable. Pluto pushes us to go beyond the generally accepted norms or our own psychological patterns. He always expands our horizons of understanding ourselves. He "adores" extremes. A planet that accepts its aspect is forced to learn, often painfully, new experiences. In general, on the transits of Pluto, a psychological shock and, often - serious changes in life are always waiting for us. Its transit always activates life, makes us do something very intensively. We can guarantee that when Pluto is in transit, we will not be bored of idleness. This is a hard and fast rule - "in such and such a year you will have a very intense life in such and such an area." And you won't be wrong about that.

Another feature of Pluto is that it pulls us into collective events. The more a person is connected with a collective, with groups of people, the more powerful are all the effects associated with the transits of Pluto.

Psychologically, the transit of this planet is experienced as falling into a rushing stream, which is very similar to the feeling that a swimmer experiences during a storm, or a surfer - on the waves. Circumstances "lift" us and swiftly "carry" us, and soon you realize that our efforts do not mean anything in comparison with this Element. The heart sinks into the heels, and all that remains is to wait, where will it take us when the wave subsides. And hope that in the end we will not be hit by sharp stones. Often its transit is accompanied by a person's obsession with some narrow topic, which seems to be extremely important. This obsessive concern is clearly imperative and difficult to resist. Often during this transit, the Tarot arcana "Doomsday" (20) and "Death" (13), as well as the runes Uruz and Hagalaz, fall out.

In the most general case, with harmonious aspects of Pluto (+), a very good time for "collective players" - our place in the group will be unique, and our decisions or actions will have an impact on all its members. Under the influence of Pluto, we can experience ups and downs, heights and depths, sometimes in the most literal sense of the word. But these experiences are exciting, joyful, like riding on rides.

Intense transits of Pluto (-) are also often accompanied by ups and downs. But this is already pure stress, there is no positive in it, or very little. This is a bad time to be in strong collective energies - stadiums, subways, rock concerts and the like, as we can get hurt in these situations. Intense transits of Pluto are often accompanied by conflicts with a group of people, boycotts, and public censure.

Pluto transits by planets

Pluto on the Sun- there is a radical revision by a person of his "I", a reassessment of his own personality.

  • (+) The energy potential increases significantly, a person becomes capable of actions that previously seemed inconceivable to him. The ability to be creative and create new things increases. The native becomes like a generator of energy, large-scale projects become up to him. This is one of best moments in life, in order to realize and master what is called magical intention, that is, originally inherent in all of us, but atrophied ability to shape circumstances and influence people directly with their will.
  • (-) Something valuable in ourselves, in our personality will have to be lost. If he clings to his past, to his habitual psychological stereotypes, this loss will be accompanied by pain. Transit, as a rule, does not just take something out of our life, but does it in such a way that it has a serious transforming effect on us. For men, transit is more dangerous due to overexertion and high levels of stress. May cause heart disease or dysfunction.

Pluto on the Moon- even a harmonious aspect is difficult to experience. It is typical to strive to understand your own feelings and their reasons, but it will be very difficult to control your emotions. Unconscious attraction to tense, dangerous situations is also typical. Behavior stereotypes that were formed in early childhood will be involved and will be radically transformed.

  • (+) A period of very intense experiences will reveal to us new boundaries of our personality. High degree involvement in some business described by the Moon in the horoscope. For many people, intuition is greatly enhanced, subtle forebodings turn into a strong unconscious conviction, confidence.
  • (-) Typical transit of severe emotional stress, up to the hospital, to psychosis (depending on how unfavorable the Moon is in the natal chart). The world in general at this time is perceived as a painful place. Exposure to bad influences, including hypnosis, suggestion. Danger of overstrain, nervous breakdowns, somatic disorders. Many adults act like moody children in this transit.

Pluto over Mercury... Mercury is one of the planets that most easily perceives any transits. He does not make tragedy even from the tense aspects. However, the amount of information and contacts that we will need to "digest" increases dramatically.

  • (+) There is a stream new information... A colossal number of new contacts with unfamiliar people. A qualitative leap in self-education, the acquisition of new practical skills in a very short time. Our word, our thought suddenly becomes very significant for a large number of people. We are quoted and referenced to our words. Often this transit is accompanied by intensive research, even among people who are not engaged in science. Intellectual activity acquires considerable power, secret and hidden things are easily revealed.
  • (-) Overload in communication, in contacts, too much information, all this is taken hard. Phones are constantly ringing, at the same time knocking on doors, the day is scheduled for hours and minutes, but we constantly have to add extra urgent matters to urgent matters. Some show suggestibility, dependence on the opinion of authoritative personalities in a close circle, the inability to even think contrary to the opinion of the majority.

Pluto over Venus- one of the transitory aspects of fatal infatuation. Venus, as a rule, denotes feelings and a desire to acquire or have something. Pluto, passing on Venus, makes this desire obsessive. If this is a romantic hobby - it becomes very powerful, with passion, drama, jealousy.

  • (+) In men, the attraction to women increases significantly. In women, their own sex appeal, sexual magnetism increases. For both sexes, an increase in the number of admirers / admirers can be expected, often beyond any norm and common sense, and love adventures are also not uncommon even among moderate people. There is typically a desire to renew and improve existing romantic attachments. But the consequences of these efforts are best viewed from the synastric transit aspect (for more details see "Transits in the synastry"). The acquisition of a fundamentally new sensory experience is also typical.
  • (-) Emotional excitement, the desire to capture, win love and sexual intimacy. Usually this transit is accompanied by an explosion of sexuality and the seemingly special importance of this topic. People are not inclined at this time to look back at the "conventions" in the form of marital ties, moral standards... For permanent existing relations, the period is difficult, crisis. Also, this transit often manifests itself in shopaholism, unnecessary shopping, compulsive overeating, drinking and other spontaneous pleasures. In women's horoscopes, the period increases the risk of getting into dangerous situations with the participation of men.

Pluto over Mars- Penetration abilities, courage, determination, the ability to endure emotional and physical pain are significantly increased.

  • (+) Huge influx vitality and the ability to do a lot in a short amount of time. What a person considered impossible for himself, he begins not only to do, but also to get pleasure from it. An active competition period, even if the whole competition consists in the victory of our stamp collection in the philatelists' competition. In men - the time of a physiological increase in potency and an increase in the secretion of the hormone testosterone in general. In women, transit often manifests itself as obsessive attention from men. Often a person is promoted by the wave of this transit as the main character, the spokesman for the will of the whole team. We may be instructed to smash a bottle against the side of a ship or be the first to start plowing the virgin soil. Typically at this transit, people begin new training cycles as well.
  • (-) Risk of injury. Situations will appear when you need to exercise physical activity in order to avoid a dangerous situation, or vice versa, as a result of your own remarkable efforts to drive yourself into dangerous situation, "run into". Aspect is dangerous by clashes with aggressive people and possibly groups. There is a danger of rape for women. In both sexes, transit can facilitate sexual experimentation, in particular sex with elements of pain or violence. The aspect is dangerous in that in a team, in a group or under their influence, a person can "cheat" in such a way that he will disentangle the consequences of a significant part of his life. It is advisable to avoid pyrotechnics and explosives.

Pluto over Jupiter makes us change our view of our social priorities, morality or religion. Rapid changes in social status are possible.

  • (+) The authority of a person increases significantly, even in such a narrow circle as a garage cooperative. For many, this is their little chance to be more popular than usual. Large projects are successful, a good chance to do something really socially significant. How long the consequences of this act will last depends on which quadriplecity Jupiter is in.
  • (-) Scandals due to our authority, usually public. Conflicts with a group of people attacking our good name. A person may not fit into the team, they may try to declare a boycott or arrange public censure. Inflating pride and vanity at this time leads to serious blunders due to overestimation of their strengths and capabilities. One of the key transit problems is an adequate assessment of their social role and significance.

Pluto according to Saturn- is no longer understood by all people at the psychological level. It has greater importance in events.

  • (+) Often manifests itself in periods when people voluntarily limit themselves for the sake of self-education, the development of endurance. It is not uncommon for a native to fast on this aspect, which he has not done before, begins to practice yoga or similar practices. There is a steady interest in isolating our personality from the influences of other people and from social myths, a healthy skepticism turns on, allowing us to voluntarily get rid of unnecessary things in our lives. Including beliefs that we previously considered the inherent happiness of ourselves.
  • (-) Transit tests the strength of our ability to withstand circumstances, to remain ourselves - in spite of external influences and the emotional storm that occurs in the heart. You should be willing to sacrifice something important that is now proving to be a source of pain. But not to surrender to circumstances completely, leaving something without which we cannot imagine ourselves. Some people, especially with the problematic Saturn, the transit is perceived as the processing of the soul with a file.

Transits of Pluto to Uranus, Neptune and their natal position - in most cases they do not have a pronounced psychological content. The transformation that Pluto brings with it will manifest itself in the events in those houses in which these planets stand or which they rule. The nature of the changes themselves is determined by the nature of the aspect and the presence of a repeated connection with the natal chart. The main meaning of these transits is precisely the events, and not those changes in our unconscious that the transit causes.

Transit of Pluto at the North or South Node... It makes sense to take this transit into account only in connections. According to Rahu, this is an aspect of the persistent idea of ​​personality transformation. There may be no events, but a characteristic psychological dominant arises, the fixed idea that everything needs to be changed. The source of this will be the house in which Pluto stands and rules. During this time, we will receive important life lessons from the people associated with these houses, even against their will or conscious will. Transit on Ketu is twofold. As a rule, we will be faced with the decision to give up something, for which Pluto is responsible in this natal chart. But, much less often, it also happens that we receive the karmic debts of other people on this transit. We are given what we owed a long time ago. Some strangers appear, help without any requests, leave us their property, etc.

Passage of Pluto by Lilith considered one of the most dangerous slow transit aspects. Although the transit manifests itself in the major aspects, but here the principle is the connection. During one and a half to two years of transit, Pluto draws us into the studies and experience of Lilith. In a very intrusive manner. This is an aspect that literally expands the possibilities and horizons for Lilith in our natal chart. It is not always, however, that you can then tell other people what we did during such a transit - it is sometimes ashamed. The more significant Lilith is in the horoscope, the more powerful the consequences. The more we are influenced by the herd instinct, the more dangerous it is for us. There is a danger of facing someone else's mental uncleanliness, which will change us, literally teach us to act in a similar way. A characteristic feature of such a transit is usually that we ourselves are not able to fully assess the scale of the immersion in our Shadow, before its completion. Pluto's Black Moon Transit is one aspect of psychological abuse that we may experience or participate in.

Pluto transits bring destruction and rebirth. Remove outdated patterns of human behavior. They cause external conflicts with the world and internal conflicts with the soul. The Transit of Pluto transforms the individual and does so slowly and deeply. People who are beginning to study astrology are afraid of the transits of the higher planets, predicting all sorts of uncomfortable situations for themselves. This serious mistake... The energy of transit can be expressed in different ways, and by conducting inner work over your patterns of behavior, you can change your life in better side.

Conjunction of transit Pluto with the planets of your horoscope, ASC and MC

Transiting Pluto conjunct the natal Sun

A person thinks about his implementation in society. Strives for power over the world, trying to control any situation. Abrupt changes in the environment of the individual are possible. The desire to insist on your own can lead to negative consequences. Conflicts in various areas of life associated with influential people.

Transiting Pluto conjunct the natal Moon

Uncontrolled emotional outbursts. Family problems. The transit brings to the surface childhood traumas and hidden patterns of human behavior, which at a high level of elaboration of the horoscope can help him realize his destructive subconscious programs.

Transiting Pluto conjunct natal Mercury

The period brings a deepening and transformation of a person's thinking patterns. During the transit, the attention of the individual begins to be drawn to serious life themes for example, questions of life and death. A person speaks convincingly on any topic, feeling his increased influence on other people while communicating with them.

Transiting Pluto conjunct natal Venus

The transit brings a person a rethinking of his attitude to the possession of things and people through the emerging states of jealousy and lust for power. Unbridled love feelings are possible, which will be remembered for a lifetime. The lesson that transiting Pluto teaches during this period is for a person to understand that in life nothing belongs to him, and he cannot control the world.

Transiting Pluto conjunct natal Mars

A period of unbridled and powerful energy that must be directed in the right direction. Human capabilities increase dramatically. The energy invested in creative activity will bring big dividends and will open the way to success. The period contributes to the person's awareness of the programs associated with anger and aggression, repressed into the subconscious.

Transiting Pluto conjunct natal Jupiter

A time of great transformation and increasing opportunities. During the transit period, an individual can completely change his life. With Jupiter in the male zodiac sign at this time, you should act more, actively deal with emerging problems and situations.

Transiting Pluto conjunct natal Saturn

Established habits can be greatly shaken during the transit of Pluto across Saturn. The period makes a person look at his life as if from the outside and get rid of unnecessary structures that he imposed on himself. In the inner world, these may be beliefs that are firmly entrenched in the buddhic body of a person, which will have to be revised in order to develop new ones. Time for changes in established life plans. Development of new views on external and internal discipline.

Transiting Pluto conjunct natal Uranus

The transit brings to the surface the hidden programs of the subconscious of the individual or makes him change his behavior if the latter was too eccentric. If a person suppresses his individuality, the transit will force him to begin to express it to the outside world, while overly extravagant self-expression, on the contrary, will be suppressed and transformed during this period.

Transiting Pluto conjunct natal Neptune

Such a transit can change a lot in a person. This is the time when the hopes, plans, philosophical positions and ideals of the individual are transformed. Often at the end of this period, a person acquires a more sober outlook on life and gets rid of many illusions.

Transiting Pluto conjunct natal Pluto

A person's life can change greatly from the challenges of external circumstances in the world around him. Time of global changes.

Transiting Pluto conjunct the natal Ascendant

Transit brings to a person an inner feeling of strength and power, which must be carefully dealt with in order not to get into the program of a hard egregor. Possible conflicts with authoritative personalities, revision of their key life attitudes, transformation of egoistic patterns of behavior and access to new level development.

Transiting Pluto conjunct natal MC - Midheaven

Time for changes in career and social status. The events that take place require assertiveness and thoughtful decision-making. A complete revision by a person of life positions and ideas about implementation in society is possible.

Opposition of transit Pluto with the planets of your horoscope, ASC and MC

Transiting Pluto in opposition to the natal Sun

Call period for external and inner peace a person who makes him accept responsibility for his destiny. Changes in relationships with people are possible. Often a person meets resistance and opposition to his plans from the outside world. With negative development, the individual experiences an incredible sense of self-importance, strives for success by any means and gets the opposite effect.

Transiting Pluto in opposition to the natal Moon

Strong chaotic emotions can lead to both a conscious transformation of a person's inner world and forced suffering. Transit brings to the surface the lowest frequency programs of a person's subconsciousness. Carries changes in the family. Makes you see clearly what the person is for for a long time closed his eyes. Achieving desires through manipulation and cunning is doomed to failure.

Transiting Pluto Opposed Natal Mercury

Difficulties in developing a unified position based on multiple considerations. Transit forces you to think deeply, avoiding social clichés. In some cases, the transit Pluto makes for a leapfrog of diverse opinions to find their true identity. During this period, amazing insights and a new understanding of the world, both external and internal, are possible.

Transiting Pluto Opposed Natal Venus

Time for an emotional crisis. Transit can help establish new relationships, break old ones, or redefine existing ones. This implies not only the relationship between the sexes, but also social connections the individual.

Transiting Pluto in opposition to natal Mars

External circumstances are such that a person is forced to take decisive action. It is better to direct uncontrolled bouts of anger during this period to constructive actions.

Transiting Pluto in opposition to natal Jupiter

The person is overwhelmed by the desire for success. He strives for power. He tries new methods of achieving goals and discovers abilities that he did not know about before. With a negative development of transit, irrepressible greed and unshakable faith in one's abilities are possible. The period can bring a crisis of faith, a revision of life positions and philosophical views on life.

Transiting Pluto Opposed Natal Saturn

External forces come from the outside world and disturb a person's peace. The structures that he cherished and cherished for so long are being destroyed. Pluto destroys what is no longer needed by the individual, forcing him to get rid of old established methodologies, while developing new ones.

Transiting Pluto in opposition to natal Uranus

With such a transit, circumstances often arise that push a person forward to new achievements. Often these are unfulfilled desires and ambitions hidden deep in the subconscious. The individual is faced with a choice to be who he is or to become who he may be.

Transiting Pluto in opposition to natal Neptune

The crisis of faith. Revision of life positions and a new look at the world around. It is rare for a person to live up to such a transit, since he must be over a hundred years old.

Transiting Pluto in opposition to natal Pluto

Are you one hundred and twenty-three years old? Congratulations!

Transiting Pluto in opposition to the natal Ascendant

Persistent strength makes the individual manifest himself. The transit brings a build-up of inner confidence. During this period, you need to be on the lookout, since increased ambition can prevent you from noticing other people. Breaking old partnerships and finding a new look at yourself are possible.

Transiting Pluto Opposed Natal MC - Midheaven

A person's habits are subject to changes, the usual way of life is disrupted. Conflicts and parting with relatives are possible. The opinion about their ancestors is changing. Disagreements with parents. The individual develops new life positions.

Speed ​​of passage through the Zodiac: from 1 ° per year.
Time for a complete revolution around the map: about 248 years.

Conjunction of transit Pluto with the natal Moon

When transiting Pluto forms a conjunction with your natal Moon, emotional changes come to the fore. Reflections and reactions associated with family relationships and childhood complexes take on depths that you did not want or could not achieve in the past. Emotional trauma or resentment should be pondered, understood, and resolved. Your mother (or other powerful woman) has a powerful influence on your life, although it is difficult to know if her influence is negative, positive, or a combination of both. Emotional attachments will intensify. Physically, your home and the atmosphere at home can be transformed - probably as a result of emotional changes. Despite the fact that you are exposed to significant disturbances, positive potential includes emotional strength and the possibility of self-realization. During this period, there is the possibility of negative consequences if you try to emotionally manipulate others or allow them (especially women) to manipulate and control you. This period is associated with such emotional upheavals that the desire to fulfill their desires can outweigh all other considerations. Such powerful motivation can lead to impressive accomplishments, but the determination to fulfill your desires will get in the way of being successful elsewhere. The urge to develop your psychic abilities may arise, but even if you are not inclined towards the occult, your basic instincts and intuition will undoubtedly sharpen.

Sextile of Pluto in transit to the natal Moon

The sextile of the transiting Pluto to your natal Moon symbolizes the possibilities associated with your emotional life and situations that will ultimately lead to the fulfillment of desires or more. high level emotional satisfaction. There may be more comforting family relationships, positive changes in the home environment, success in the family business, and the chance to sell or refurbish a home or household items. You can find the right diet or other ways to improve your health. Circumstances can lead to a better understanding of your childhood experiences and a better relationship with your mother and other women playing important role in your life as well as with children.

The square of Pluto in transit to the natal moon

The obstacles you will encounter when transiting Pluto squares your natal moon are likely to be related to compulsion and obsession, the negative influence of a domineering woman, or negative attitudes and behavior caused by childhood complexes. During this period, your ability to overcome depression and frustration will be tested - as will your determination to fulfill your desires and make your dreams a reality. Emotional commitments, family relationships, and the home and atmosphere will be surrounded by intense energy that will require deeper understanding and close attention on your part. The emotional outlook during this period will have a significant impact on your overall health and your physical fitness.

Trine transiting Pluto to the natal moon

If you want to attract the attention of those around you, you will surely succeed in your intentions during the period when the transiting Pluto forms a trine to your natal Moon. Your emotional life will improve markedly, but how and how much depends on the specific circumstances. For example, if you are married, you may be tempted to engage in extramarital affairs. If you're single, it's time to make an effort and find a true soul mate, as Pluto's influence implies karmic connection in your emotional obligations. While the circumstances are in your favor, focus your efforts on home and family, relationships that provide emotional security and support, starting a family business, developing creativity or more proper nutrition and taking care of your health. This period is favorable for the mother, other close women and children in your life. Thanks to them, you can find good luck.

Opposition of transiting Pluto to the natal Moon

Persistent striving for the realization of unreasonable desires will look rash, because during this period, unfortunately, you will understand the depth of the meaning of the expression "beware of your desires." When transiting Pluto forms opposition to your natal Moon, remember that nothing lasts forever. Emotional manipulation, trauma, and abuse are situations you may encounter. The struggles or disagreements you face are related to family relationships, your childhood and upbringing, and the ability to manage your own feelings. Retribution is to be expected if your attempts to achieve emotional gratification or control have been questionable. Your children, mother, or a woman who plays an important role in your life is unlikely to benefit during this period, and their difficulties can either create inconveniences for you or become part of your own inconveniences. Perhaps the environment in your family will be significantly influenced. Because of the constant struggle, you will receive little emotional satisfaction from developing or using your creativity, starting a home, family, or family business, or participating in anything other than good nutrition and health promotion. Despite the negative circumstances, do not panic - it will not improve your situation. Take a balanced view and action to preserve what is valuable to you. Use wisdom and caution in all situations.

Probably every astrologer has his own "favorite planets". I have astrological love with Pluto, the planet farthest from the Sun. Pluto is unlimited power, steel character, sex, the deepest feelings. This planet is large-scale, collective, Pluto does not know halftones, it is black or white, life or death, love or hate. From the outside, it may seem like a young girl might like the planet of power, but, as is often the case in love, I cannot logically explain what characteristics I distinguish this planet from others. After all, they love not for something, but in spite of. And today I wanted to write a post about the transits of Pluto, because in my opinion, the period of life when this transit planet aspects any of your natal planet is the most fateful and memorable.

Transit of Pluto across the Sun

The sun is probably the most important planet in the chart of any person. She can share the reins of reign only with the Moon. And therefore, the transit of Pluto along these two luminaries, as a rule, promises, as a rule, radical transformations in life, great changes. Moreover, changes can be perceived by a person, it is very painful. Pluto always gives something, but it will also take something, and it will take it even without your consent. And you will resist, you will only make it worse for yourself. Probably the most important thing to understand during such a transit is that Pluto removes from your life only that which has completely outlived itself. But, a person is such a creature who is inclined, to heartbreaking screams, to hold on to something that is already essentially unnecessary.

The sun is your ego, consciousness, and the transit of Pluto actually pulverizes your personality, character. Even more strong people during this period it may seem that they are not in control of their own lives. Situations of psychological or physical pressure on a person, stress, depression are not uncommon. But it should be fairly noted that it is precisely on the favorable transit of Pluto across the Sun that a chance appears to show oneself, new opportunities open up for the implementation of ideas and plans.

Transit of Pluto on the Moon

In my opinion, this transit is the most difficult of all personal planet transits. The moon is our subconscious, and when Pluto begins to wield it, it will certainly affect our mood, psychological state, emotions. Often during this period, old chronic diseases, phobias, fears emerge, which, as it seemed to us, we hid deep within ourselves. There is a complete restructuring of the subconscious. If you give a metaphor, then, the subconscious is a closet chock-full of clothes. You will no longer carry many things from this closet, but for some reason you keep them. It is not easy to find something really worthwhile in such rubbish, and even if you buy a beautiful skirt or dress, you simply won't be able to hang them in the closet. Pluto shoves all this stuff out. First, he will weed out all those unnecessary things that you keep so carefully, then carefully put everything on shelves and hangers. Therefore, it is likely that after such a transit, instead of a heap of "rags", only 2-3 dresses will remain in your closet. Thus, Pluto, before depriving you of phobias and fears, will first raise them out so that you remember what you wanted to forget, relive these emotions anew and draw a conclusion for yourself.

I often noticed that girls became mothers on such a transit, because the Moon is associated with motherhood, as well as home, family, so great changes can affect parents, especially mother. Such a transit is potentially a great time to attend various kinds of personal growth trainings, a psychotherapist, a psychologist. And although they say that "if you dig deep, you will never come out to the light," nevertheless, you can carry out a general cleaning in the closet of your own soul to make life easier in the future.

When Pluto ironed my natal moon, I had a desire to work in a hospice. For those who do not know what this place is, I explain: the hospice - medical institution, in which people with the last stage of cancer are. The days of such people are numbered, so the hospice considers it its goal to brighten up the last moments of their lives, to alleviate their suffering. Moreover, I wanted to get a job as a volunteer in a children's hospice and work with children. It seemed to me that these were not simple children, they had already learned some kind of life wisdom, went through many trials, but unfortunately, this did not help. In astrology, Pluto is just responsible for cancer, cancer, and the Moon is directly related to children, childbirth, care. I did not get a job in a hospice, because I have to come there on weekdays in the afternoon to meet the staff, doctors, and no one would let me go from work. The boss would simply not understand my aspirations, since our relationship was very tense. By the way, she is also an Ascendant Scorpio.

Transit of Pluto on Mercury

This aspect is difficult in that it has to interact with large quantity people, which, in the end, can lead to nervous exhaustion. It is likely that either you yourself will feel pressure from a group of people, or you yourself will be able to influence and pressure people. Ideally, this is a good transitional aspect for a university lecturer when it is necessary to arouse the audience's interest in the material being told. There are many ideas, as well as moral strength to implement the plan. With a favorable connection between these planets in natal, during the transit you will be able to realize how much your words, ideas and thoughts have an impact on your environment, strangers.

Often books are written and published on such a transit, for example, Vasilisa Volodina published her book on the transit of Pluto to the natal opposition Mercury - Pluto. In general, this period is very good for brain activity.

Transit of Pluto on Venus

The transitory aspect of fatal love and passion. As a rule, this is always a difficult and very intense relationship that requires a lot of emotional costs. A characteristic feature of this aspect is that you begin to be incredibly attracted to your partner, there is a constant desire to know what he or she is doing, the desire to control the other half at any cost. But, for obvious reasons, such African passions are often banally unbearable, so the couple break up. The central theme of the relationship that began in this transit is power, manipulation, and sex. Your couple may have a great sex life, but outside of bed, the relationship will not be so rosy.

During this period, women develop greater sexual attractiveness for the opposite sex. Some on such a transit marry or get married, but this is more a rarity than a regularity, in general, transformations take place and qualitative changes in the partner sphere, love, relationships.

Venus is also associated with finances, so if there is an indication of wealth in the card, then this period can be remembered, among other things, by a significant increase in income.

Transit of Pluto on Mars

One of the most dangerous periods in life is associated with this transit aspect. It carries with it aggression, and in astrology it is considered an aspect of violence. It is especially dangerous for girls who have a tense aspect between these planets in their natal. Because transit activates the sore spot. In the feminine chart, Mars, like the Sun, is an image young man, therefore, it is likely the beginning of a relationship with a powerful and dominant man. If possible, try not to be alone in dark time days until the transit disintegrates. In time, this is a period of two to three years. You should be wary of situations related to crime, which, by the way, will come across more than once on such a transit. There are frequent clashes with the police, authorities, so my personal advice, which I give to my close friends, who have such a "gift" in their card to refrain from going to meetings and demonstrations, and generally bypass large gatherings of people.

The energy in such a transit increases many times over, you may get the feeling that you can handle everything. In fact, in the case of an auspicious aspect such as sextile or trine, this is indeed the case. But with squaring and opposition, the energy just overflows, sexual excitability, traumatism, and aggressiveness increase. In order to neutralize the negative manifestations of this transit aspect, I always advise you to engage in martial arts or, at worst, just sports, so that the energy of the transit goes in a more or less constructive direction.

L.A. Filippov. Predictive astrology

In spiritual people, it gives a powerful creative take-off, a high feeling of love, the transformation of sexual energy into more subtle forms. Money. Sexual attraction, good time for conception.
In a negative aspect - life under the influence of instincts, danger sexual perversions, rape and sexually transmitted diseases (now AIDS).

Pavel Globa. Transit connections

V best case: very high love, and some have a transformation of sexual energy, tantric work. It is very good to work with your marriage partner during this period; through conjugal intimacy one can comprehend spiritual things, because it during this period during this period is accompanied by a huge creative upsurge. It is possible to conceive a child, and in material terms, receive money.
Worst case: the person is being trapped sexually transmitted diseases, sexual exhaustion, there is a danger of rape, perversion, treason. The desire to live only by their needs, instincts.

Larisa Nazarova. Transit aspects

The person becomes sexually attractive and gains the hypnotic power of influencing others. Under the influence of the aspect, previous ideas about love can collapse, there is a tendency for sudden, passionate love, for secret love relationships, a tendency to torment oneself and cause suffering to a loved one. Love fanaticism appears. The aspect is fraught with an overexpenditure of sexual energy, which will affect health. With evil Pluto, domineering sexuality and a tendency to coercion. There is a real danger of rape. In the positive case, creative irresistibility as a result of energy sublimation. The ability to financially
case, especially if the aspect is related to the 8th house.

Transit - Business

A period of important emotional experiences and changes in financial situation. Such changes occur regardless of your will, but under the influence of circumstances, usually large-scale political, economic or natural phenomena. An aspect can act both destructively and beneficially, and the nature of its action can only be clarified in an individual consultation. Serious conflicts are possible in the working environment, with business partners. Exposure to public sentiment, it is best to avoid large crowds. There is a need for some transformations and updates. Possible collision with the law or public organizations... Nevertheless, during this period, the issues of joint finance, corporatization, taxes and duties, debt obligations, as well as inheritance or alimony can be successfully resolved. It is possible to reveal and intensively develop many talents and abilities, especially in the field of arts.

Transit - Health

The fracture period in the course of major diseases, usually for the better. But in some cases, it is possible that serious illnesses, manifestation of symptoms of latent diseases, especially diseases of the thyroid or thymus glands, genitals. During the entire period, the danger remains during scientific experiments, from explosions and natural disasters, radiation, injuries, burns.

Transit - Love and Family

It may be necessary to break the old love relationship and building new ones. This is a critical period for an exhausted relationship. Family events will also require renewal and some sacrifices. Forced separation, parting, conflicts, outbursts of jealousy, possessive instincts and irrepressible sexuality are not excluded. Updating issues of alimony or inheritance, as well as property or financial problems. Often - a successful solution. A collision with someone's death is possible.