School conflicts: types, solutions, techniques and examples. How to resolve conflict

The concept of conflict

A conflict is a clash of different interests; a natural process that should not be feared. With the right attitude, conflicts can teach us how to interact optimally with the world, get to know ourselves and people better, and bring out the diversity of points of view. The resolution of interpersonal conflict brings relationships to a higher level, expands the capabilities of the group as a whole, unites it.

- this is a clash of personalities with different goals, characters, views, etc.

The prerequisite for conflict is conflict situation. It appears when the interests of the parties do not coincide, the pursuit of opposite goals, the use of different means to achieve them, etc. A conflict situation is a condition of conflict. For the situation to turn into a conflict, a push is needed.

Ways to resolve interpersonal conflict

  1. Evasion- unwillingness to participate in the conflict resolution and protect their own interests, the desire to get out of the conflict situation.
  2. fixture- an attempt to mitigate the conflict situation and maintain relationships, yielding to enemy pressure. Adaptation is applicable to conflict situations in the relationship between the boss and the subordinate.
  3. Compulsion- this is conflict management by pressure, the use of power or force, in order to force one to accept one's point of view.
  4. Confrontation focused on achieving its goals without taking into account the interests of the other side. There is no scope for coercion. This way of resolving the conflict does not resolve anything.
  5. Compromise is the settlement of the conflict through mutual concessions.
  6. Cooperation involves a joint search for a solution that meets the interests of all parties.

The best way to resolve conflict is cooperation.

Any group, family or couple is system, united by one field.
All parties to the conflict are equally necessary for the system.

Conflict management

A sudden conflict can be avoided. If it is not possible to avoid it, it must be met calmly and strive to resolve to the satisfaction of all conflicting parties.
To permission conflict situation gotta get ready. Define your goal. What would you like? If you are resolving a conflict through negotiation, choose a time and place that is convenient for both parties.

For the correct management of interpersonal conflict, it is important not only to remember your position and understand the position of the other side, but also to be aware of the state of the field as a whole.

Calmly declare your interests, ask your opponent if he wants to work on resolving the conflict. If he does not want to, then how he sees the solution to the problem. Suggest different variants. If they are not accepted, work on the conflict yourself.

If the enemy is ready to resolve the conflict, be aware of your state: what you are feeling now and whose side you are taking at this moment - yours or your partner-opponent.

Seek understanding, not victory. Calmly discuss the causes of the conflict. Understand what led to the conflict: the actions of the other side or your misunderstanding of the situation. Assume the best, don't blame until you figure out what the other meant. Ask the right and tactful questions.

Defend your position, but do not put pressure on your partner. Don't ask him to change. Pressure limits the possibilities of both sides and does not contribute to the resolution of the conflict.

Watch what you say:

  • Use words that "lift" a person, not "lower" him.
  • Ask yourself if what you are now saying is true, are you exaggerating?
  • Do not use the words "always" and "never".
  • Be truthful and do it kindly.
  • Sometimes it is better to remain silent.

Attack the problem, not the person.

  • Talk about specific things, don't generalize.
  • Solve the main issues, do not cling to the little things.
  • Don't talk about him, talk about yourself. Instead of "you're lying" say "I have different information".
  • Relax and don't be afraid. Remember the spirit of the field, if you do not interfere with it, the conflict will be resolved in the best way.

Be aware of your feelings and express them. Be sincere with yourself and your partner. Share your feelings the right way. This will help your partner understand you better. Allow your partner to freely express their emotions. Understand your feelings: determine which emotions you can express and which ones you suppress. Why? Reporting your feelings is one way to defend your position.

Manage your emotions don't suppress them, but don't let them control you either. As you express them, be aware of the space around you. Once you've expressed your emotion, calmly let it go. Don't cling to your fear, resentment, or pain. If, after fully and sincerely expressing your emotions, you feel uncomfortable, you can back off. Concession does not mean defeat, but gives the opportunity to continue the dialogue.
A flexible and creative attitude to the situation is one of the conditions for conflict management.

Learn to feel the state of the other, the general "atmosphere" of the conflict. Remember that you are in general field where each participant plays a role in the overall process.
Be open to the possibilities that may arise in the process of conflict resolution.

When you become aware of the subsidence of emotions or loss of interest in the conflict, admit it. Get out of your role and literally change position- go to another place, look from the outside at the conflict, at yourself and your partner.
What have you learned about yourself and the current situation? Perhaps you will open up new options for relationships.

If you now want to help your partner, return to the conflict and take his position. Do it sincerely, ask how you can help him. Watch him, try to feel what he is experiencing now. Help him express his feelings.

Taking the position of our adversary helps us understand which sides of ourselves we are currently in conflict with. A conflict situation arises because we ourselves have something that agrees with our opponent. The field organizes the conflict so that we understand ourselves better. And until we understand this, we will fall into similar conflicts or stay in one conflict situation for a long time.

If you were able to sincerely work through all the moments of resolving the conflict, it will subside or move to new level where other problems and new feelings will appear. Work on this level too.

If the conflict subsides, get out of it. Forgive yourself and your opponent. Forgiveness frees, restores relationships, eliminates negative emotions. Find words that correctly reflect the situation, without humiliating you and your partner.
If a person says "no", it is not yours problem. You do what is right for you.

If joint efforts did not lead to a resolution of the conflict, try to solve the problem yourself. To do this, imagine the parties to the conflict as internal parts of your "I" and work through it.

To become a master of conflict management, you need to develop receptivity. This makes it possible to feel the intentions of the partner (opponent), allowing for a more constructive dialogue. To develop receptivity, learn to live in the present moment - “here and now”. In the present, a person is balanced and open to new things, able to respond flexibly to a changing situation.

Conflict management is available to those who know how to manage themselves. This can only be learned through personal experience, in the process of internal growth.

To prepare for the resolution of interpersonal conflict you can use the help of a friend. Describe the situation as objectively as possible. Ask him to play the role of your opponent. Use what you read above.

Ways, methods and methods of conflict resolution everyone needs to know, because sooner or later in life one has to deal with difficult situations disputes and contradictions. Everyone wants to get out of an acute situation with dignity, while not spoiling relations with another person and a group of people. However, most often the conflict takes a more critical form and leads to a break in relations. How to learn to resolve issues of disagreement, and if possible avoid them altogether?

Conflict is inherently a normal state of human personality. It is collisions with others that indicate that the individual realizes his life activity. At the same time, it is extremely necessary to know the mechanisms for resolving conflict situations, since this knowledge will help strengthen relationships in the social, professional and personal spheres. Skill resolve conflict quickly and competently- a very necessary skill that is useful for organizing a comfortable environment around you and in the team in which you have to be.

Most people are not even aware of what conflicts they are involved in, what events in their lives can be attributed to such acute situations, and what are the reasons for the appearance of disagreements. For a person, discord has an extremely negative effect, since all disagreements with others first of all give rise to an intrapersonal conflict. Which, in turn, leads to poor health, nervousness, changes the character of a person in a negative direction. Have you noticed how a pessimist gradually develops from a cheerful acquaintance with installed program loser? The problem of such people is hidden in the wrong communication in society. If you are not happy with such a prospect of metamorphosis, you should find out what are ways and means of conflict resolution.

The term conflict in psychology is defined as a clash of inappropriate and polar aspirations in relationships between people, in social groups and within oneself, which leads to emotional experiences.

Conflicts arise on the subject of contact of ideas, views, interests. The conflict is especially acute when it comes to one's own achievements, goals, desires, ideas and motivations. The mechanism of the influence of the conflict on a person: a collision - an emotional shock - a desire to feel one's significance, to ensure one's safety, to retire.

Ways to resolve conflicts

Options and ways to resolve conflicts are varied. In those situations where the interests and opinions of each other are affected, there are various aspects of people's behavior worked out by specialists. Based on this analysis, main ways to resolve conflict situations:

1. Competition.

Such a strong-willed way of resolving a controversial situation is suitable for strong personalities who are active and determined to realize their own interests in the first place, without relying on the interests of other individuals who are in the work process. Distinctive feature such people - the ability to force others to accept his means of resolving differences.

This method is the sharpest of all the other conflict resolution options. Suitable for those who have a powerful reserve internal forces in order to turn the tide and win over others to their side. Most often, such methods of conflict resolution are acceptable for leaders. In this case, it is easiest to achieve the subordination of employees, the positive fulfillment of the tasks set, and set the team up for the success and prosperity of the company. It is strong personalities that are able to lead organizations out of crisis, raise the general spirit and mood of the team for effective work and achieving positive results.

Competition implies a strong position in the person who resorts to this type of dispute resolution. However, there are often people who use this method of neutralizing the current conflict because of their own weakness. A familiar situation when a person loses hope of resolving the situation in his favor and resorts to inciting a new contradiction with others. So, children often provoke their elders, getting what they deserve, they already act as a victim, complaining to their parents about the behavior of another child, whom he himself pushed to hurt himself or hurt himself. It is not uncommon for people to act as provocateurs solely because of their stupidity. This situation is the most difficult and difficult to resolve in a team, especially if the boss becomes the culprit of the next conflict, which is difficult to resist due to subordination. Ways to resolve the conflict are diverse, however, having decided to resolve the confrontation in this way, you need to be confident in your own abilities and definitely know that the chances of stabilizing the situation in your favor are very high.

2. Evasion.

There are a variety of ways to resolve conflicts, however, it is reasonable to use this method when the advantage of the opposing force becomes obvious.

"Escape" considered to be cowardice and weakness, but not when it brings an advantage in further work and in relationships. More than once, most likely, you have come across how leaders are playing for time, delaying the adoption of a resolution, and postponing the resolution of issues for an indefinite period. The justifications for this are varied. Remember that there is a risk of a complete fiasco, since it is quite difficult to avert the inevitable, and you should not constantly get carried away in this way of resolving conflict situations.

However, there are situations when it is reasonable to use evasion to buy time. This is a manifestation of the strong and smart side of the personality. True, one should clearly distinguish between the desire to avoid responsibility and be in a wait-and-see position in order to resolve the conflict in one's favor. Luck may not turn around for you, then defeat can be a strong blow and emotional shock (awareness of one's own indecision). Therefore, use this way of resolving contradictions wisely.

3. Fixture.

In this form, you can resolve differences in the case when you recognize the dominance of the opponent. Here you have to neglect your interests for the sake of settling disputes. You can regard adaptation as a manifestation of weakness, or as a reasonable position if:

Yielding to your opponent, you do not suffer great losses;
the priority for you is to maintain friendly relations with a colleague or team;
you do not have all the necessary resources and power to suppress differences;
you realize the importance of the opponent's victory over you;
resistance and continuation of the struggle can significantly harm one's own interests, further career and health;
the competitor has too powerful suppression levers, it is necessary to adapt, look for loopholes and other ways to resolve the conflict in order to stay afloat and develop stronger than the rival in the future;
you are aware of the pitfalls behind the decision. By giving an opportunity to an opponent to implement an idea, you gain an advantage in case of confirmation that this decision on the part of the opponent was reckless.

4. Cooperation.

This way of resolving the conflict is based on the fact that both sides find favorable positions for reconciliation and, without resorting to ignoring their own and others' interests, enter into positive interaction. All methods of conflict resolution have their pros and cons, however, this way to resolve disputes is the most favorable.

When both parties accept responsibility, have all the necessary resources to reduce or complete elimination of the conflict then they are ready, taking into account mutually beneficial decisions, to continue cooperation. This position is definitely for tactful and strong individuals who are able to express and voice their opinions, goals, desires, intentions and listen to the opponent in order to come to a common conclusion.

As a rule, those organizations that are far-sighted and able to find more global facets of common interests face this form of conflict resolution. Proper prioritization allows later to resolve disputes at intermediate levels of a narrow direction or temporary nature. This is a manifestation of strength.

If the decision is due to weakness, then such cooperation is more likely to take the form of accommodation. However, this option is not negative if there are no sharp changes in the distribution of opposing forces in the near future.

5. Compromise.

When choosing conflict resolution methods, one should not forget about such a way of resolving disagreements as the desire of both parties to compromise solutions. Sometimes this can be the only rational way to suppress the conflict. This the way is fine for those individuals who seek to realize common interests, but believe that their simultaneous achievement is unlikely. This situation often arises when the parties have an excellent margin of opportunity, but have different scheme winning results and mutually exclusive interests. In this case, the best option is short-term cooperation on compromise terms and gaining benefits for both parties.

Ways to resolve conflicts

All existing on this moment conflict resolution methods are of two types and carry two results of confrontation settlement:

Negative methods;
positive methods.

Negative ways to resolve conflict include obligatory struggle with the subsequent destruction of the unity of relations. Handling problems positive methods both parties either come to an agreement or subsequently retain the ability to interact, negotiate and have a constructive dialogue.

In practice, both methods complement each other, since the element of struggle is equally inherent in any method of settling disputes. In order to come to a consensus, it is necessary to defend your own interests, set priorities, put pressure on opponents to incline to your side. Moreover, creative rivalry gives rise to new ideas, gives impetus to the development of technologies, brings to life the innovation necessary for further development. In addition, we remember the saying that " truth is born in a dispute».

Although the types of wrestling are varied, they all have common features. Purpose of the fight- the direction of the conflict situation in the direction of reconciliation or victory. Nevertheless, each side considers it its duty to remain in a superior position. Fighting is impossible without an awareness of the chances of victory, strategy, the right time and place to strike.

There are the following ways to reverse the situation:

Direct or indirect influence on the opponent;
a change in the balance of opposing forces;
informing the opponent about his intentions both properly and truthfully;
analysis of the capabilities of the enemy and their forces.

Conflict resolution methods

Conflict resolution methods can overlap and be combined with various types struggle. You can consider the main ones.

1. The desire to achieve victory in order to gain authority and space for the implementation of their further actions.

the main objective- this is the destabilization of the opponent by suggesting to him those in which he is weak. It is important to weaken the position of the opponent, to limit his freedom, to sacrifice one's own benefits in order to obtain better positions and mechanisms for further suppression of the opposing side.

2. Using the resources of the opponent to achieve their own benefit.

The main goal is to incline the enemy to those actions that will bring obvious benefits for themselves.

3. Criticism of the workflow of rivals.

The purpose of this method of struggle is to reveal, expose and disable the opponent's key control centers. denunciation, discredit, refutation, criticism, disclosure negative side helps to gain time and prepare a platform for the realization and promotion of one's own interests.

4. Tightening.

Aspects such as the speed and timeliness of striking play a fundamental role in defeating the enemy. To implement such methods of struggle, they resort to deliberately delaying solutions to pressing issues. You can just buy time to pick up right moment, weaken and crush the enemy.

5. "Time works for us."

A way for those players who are confident in their chances of winning and are waiting for the moment when they can strike. During this period, you can arrange forces, collect the necessary resources and prepare. The most striking example of this type of struggle is the expression of one's position at the very end, when there is an opportunity to weigh all the pros and cons, to use the ideas already voiced, while maintaining equanimity and dignity.

6. Avoidance of responsibility.

This method of struggle has something in common with the 4th method, it is only used not to get a temporary opportunity to gather forces and wait for the right moment to strike, but is used to completely destabilize the enemy. As a rule, in the end, the decision is not made at all, due to the physical, moral and financial exhaustion of the opponent.

7. Complete withdrawal from the conflict.

At first glance, it may seem like a manifestation of weakness, however, it makes it possible to gather strength, study your opponent better, solve a problem or find ways to solve it and deliver an unexpected blow, and then become a winner in a conflict situation.

Positive Ways to Resolve Conflict based on constructive negotiations. As a rule, the goal of interaction with an opponent is a unanimous victory over him. However, the variant of achieving one's superiority is chosen to be softer, in comparison with the above described methods of struggle. Negotiations help to determine the position of the opponent, to probe weaknesses, play on their own advantages in a particular issue, come to mutual concessions, make a mutually beneficial decision.

Ways to resolve the conflict through negotiations are based on the basic rules of conduct, which, if observed, bring a positive result and success in confrontation.

1. It is necessary to concentrate on the subject of negotiations, and not on their participants, to refuse criticism of the opponent, as this leads to emotional stress and exacerbation of the communication process.

2. As a rule, rivals emphasize their positions, clearly defending them. However, one should go deeper and return to the question of what interests the opponent is pursuing. Thus, it is possible to find out the sincere intentions of the enemy and come to an open dialogue, resolving all the contradictions between both sides.

3. It is advisable to analyze the benefits that both parties will receive in the event of an agreement. Finding problems and ways to solve them that are based on the interests of both teams will help steer the negotiations towards reconciliation. be against anyone common problems psychologically correct than being opposed to each other.

4. Objectivity in the analysis of the problem makes it possible to avoid negative attitudes towards the opponent. One way or another, having discarded subjective characteristics, it is much easier to come to a single decision and focus on meeting common interests without prejudice and pretensions.

Ways to resolve conflicts also depend on how they will be regulated. Sometimes a lottery method or the involvement of a third party to resolve disputes is used. This is convenient in the case when negotiations reach an impasse, and it is extremely difficult to come to a common solution.

Speaking of disputes, one cannot ignore such an important indicator as emotionality. In order to successfully solve the problem on the way to mutual understanding, you should have several skills that contribute to the successful completion of conflict situations:

Have peace and. This allows you to more adequately assess the situation and the current situation;
keep your emotions under control and monitor your behavior;
be able to listen to the opponent and not interrupt, monitor the feelings of the people present;
understand what people have different ways dealing with a given situation;
try to avoid insults to the opponent.

By sticking to these little rules, you will notice that permission interpersonal conflicts will be easy for you, with minimal loss of nerves and with the most favorable outcome.

What else is important to remember about conflict resolution

If conflicts are not finally resolved, the likelihood of their resumption is very high. However, any desire to settle disputed issues has its fruits. First of all, it gives ground for further development. If you are able to resolve the conflict in personal relationships, then you deserve the trust of the opponent. It doesn't matter what conflict resolution methods you use. There is confidence that you will be able to solve even the slightest troubles and problems, while maintaining a solid relationship.

If you feel fear when a conflict arises, it means that deep down you are afraid that the chances of a positive resolution for you are minimal. Moreover, if in the past the experience of resolving conflicts is negative, then confidence in a favorable outcome of the dispute is reduced to zero. As a rule, in this case, you will make concessions, flight, which will lead to sharp outbursts of emotions that can only aggravate the situation.

Which ways, methods and methods of resolving conflicts you should use depends on your character and internal qualities, the main thing is to implement your own in the process of resolving the conflict and, if possible, avoid resuming clashes.

The method of conflict resolution involves their division into antagonistic (violent) conflicts and compromise (non-violent).

Violent (antagonistic) conflicts are ways to resolve contradictions by destroying the structures of all conflicting parties or refusing to participate in the conflict by all parties except one. This side wins. For example: the complete defeat of the enemy in a dispute (elections of authorities, etc.).

Compromise conflicts allow several options for their solution due to mutual changes in the goals of the participants in the conflict, terms, conditions of interaction. For example: the supplier does not send the ordered raw materials to the manufacturer within the specified time. The manufacturer has the right to demand the fulfillment of the delivery schedule, but the delivery time of the cargo has changed due to the lack of funds for transportation due to non-payments. By mutual interest, it is possible to reach a compromise through negotiations, changing the delivery schedule.

Self defense. This is the easiest option. It does not require conscious decisions. In fact, this is an intense desire to protect one's Self. But this option does not take into account the interests of other people and can lead to isolation and alienation.

There are four types of self defense.

Weakening. The accused simply tries to calm the other side, remove anger, grief, irritation, assures that there are no reasons for a quarrel, that, in general, everything is in order. Good words exert their beneficial effects, peace ensues. But for how long? After all, the person did not delve into the essence of the accusations. As a result, the problem remains. There is no longer any opportunity for emotions to show, but they accumulate.

The actions of people that caused discontent can be repeated and will be perceived with even greater indignation, and new assurances that “everything will be fine” will no longer inspire confidence. There is a growing possibility that eventually the illusion of the world will collapse.

Evasion. This is a departure from the conflict, behind which there can be caution and even cowardice. The accused party to the conflict refers to the fact that now is not the time or place for the trial. Therefore, everything is done in order not to get into situations that lead to contradictions. A person tends not to enter into a discussion of issues fraught with controversy. When a conflict arises, it is pretended that there are no problems. “What's the point of fighting, you won't achieve anything anyway,” argues a participant in the conflict. I don’t want to talk about this topic, so he just leaves the “battlefield”. In most cases, such a departure does not eliminate the conflict, because the cause of discontent has not been eliminated, has not reached the consciousness of the accused, he did not want to think about it. Result: people's feelings do not receive expression and "burn out" in vain, needs remain unsatisfied, goals remain unachieved. The conflict is driven inward.

Crowds are born from capitulators, obedient to the will of the leaders. At work, this is an employee who dutifully follows the orders of his superiors, and criticizes him behind his back.

Dominance (coercion). The initiator of the conflict resorts to it, imposing his will, forcing him to accept his own point of view at any cost. The person who tries to do this is not interested in the opinions of others. The main driving forces here are the desire for power and self-affirmation. As a rule, coercion is resorted to by those who are confident in their influence and power, who are quick-tempered, impatient and poorly educated. This is the opposite of the normal leadership style, in which the leader does not need to assert himself at the expense of suppressing others. Domination really brings the fastest results: the initiator of the conflict quickly achieves his goal. This style can be effective in situations where the leader has significant power over subordinates. But the outcome of the conflict in this case will be the most unfavorable. This behavior suppresses the initiative of subordinates, because it does not take into account other points of view. The person treated so unceremoniously feels deeply offended, humiliated. Even without protesting, he still retains a bitter sense of resentment in his soul. And it is possible that at the first opportunity he will get even with the offender. Thus, coercion, although it is often used in life, is the worst option. The interests of the parties to the conflict will never be fully taken into account. This leads to frustration and hidden dissatisfaction among employees, even if they are assured that everything was done in their best interest. Sometimes there is an extreme degree of dominance - the desire to destroy the source of the conflict.

Cooperation. The most desirable way out of the conflict is an open, frank discussion of the issues. In this case, the conflicting parties put forward their arguments and arguments, together they look for a solution that could satisfy everyone. And one more decisive condition for success: in discussing the circumstances of the conflict, one must be able to maintain correct tone. It seems to many that words spoken calmly reduce the significance of the claim. However, it is precisely irritability, rudeness, harsh expressions that can obscure the very essence of the issue, lead the usual squabble into hopelessness. Anyone to whom harsh words are addressed may become indignant and will have the right to refuse discussion altogether. The right tonality immediately gives the conflict a completely different color. In this case, the conflicting parties do not quarrel, but together they clarify the misunderstanding that has arisen and look for a way out of the situation.

There is good rule: you need to be able to listen and hear! It is necessary to try to understand the other side, to delve into its position and condition. Conflict is not a battle, and the point here is not at all to defeat the enemy. When resolving a specific problem, a dispute that has arisen, it is necessary to help achieve a deeper mutual understanding, strengthen good agreement. As a result, conflicts will arise less and less often.

There are two types of cooperation:

Compromise. This is the unification of the conflicting parties by accepting (to a certain extent) the point of view of the opponent. In this case, the principle is used: a bad peace is better than a good quarrel. Compromise found in the controversy and accepted voluntarily by the two parties, as a rule, is stable. It means reconciliation without losers and winners and therefore gives a sense of satisfaction to all parties to the conflict. The ability to compromise is highly valued in management, as it makes it possible to quickly resolve the conflict to the satisfaction of both parties. However, such unity is sometimes not superficial and formal, meaning only an agreement to avoid further complications. Compromise may make enemies less intransigent, but it is not enough to turn them into friends or allies. As a result, even greater complications are possible. Therefore, a persistent further search is needed. radical solution conflict.

Interaction (problem solving on the merits). This is a significant step forward from compromise. Anyone who enjoys this type of cooperation is looking for best option conflict resolution, and does not try to achieve his goal at the expense of others. The conflicting parties seek to establish common goals for all participants, convergence of points of view and interests, as well as obtaining mutual benefits on a solid basis and on long period time. Interaction helps to create an atmosphere of sincerity necessary for successful solution problems, and requires realism, patience, focus on what unites, not divides.

There are 7 stages in the search for interaction paths:

it is necessary to recognize the existence of a conflict (this can be difficult);

it is necessary to agree on a procedure for resolving the conflict (where, when and how to start work to overcome the conflict);

it is necessary to delineate the boundaries of the conflict, to recognize the conflict as “our problem” (this will help to establish a spirit of cooperation). At the same time, both sides should speak out (in what they see the conflict, how each evaluates his contribution to the conflict situation). One should not get personal, but should focus on the specific actions and needs of the parties;

it is necessary to check possible options for resolving the conflict. In this case, you can use the method of "brainstorming". Here, all solutions should be considered and analyzed;

it is necessary to come to an agreement. From the proposals made to resolve the conflict, the most appropriate one should be chosen. In some cases, it is necessary to draw up a document (resolution, memorandum of cooperation, etc.);

the plan must be put into practice. The plan should clearly and clearly describe what needs to be done, when and with whom. The implementation of the plan should be started as soon as possible, delays may cause doubts and suspicions of the parties;

needs to be assessed decision. Even at the very good decision may be offended. They need to be given the opportunity to speak openly.

Consequences of conflicts. The spectrum of consequences of conflicts is quite representative. They can be differentiated into two main groups: positive (functional) and negative (dysfunctional). They significantly affect the performance of the enterprise: in the first case, increasing production efficiency, and in the second, respectively, reducing it. In turn, certain consequences of conflicts can affect the possibility of eliminating or, accordingly, the emergence of new causes of future conflicts.

Each person in life has their own goals related to different areas of application. Everyone strives to achieve something of their own or in their own way. But often people connected by bonds of joint business activity collide in their own interests, and then a conflict occurs, which is one of the main enemies of the manager, because. it disorganizes people, transforms them into emotions, not reason. Therefore, one of the functions of a manager, as a person working with people, is to prevent the occurrence, smooth out the consequences of a conflict, resolve disputes, and the ability to bring people out of hostility of interests to cooperation and mutual understanding.

But often managers who cannot concentrate in a conflict situation, take an objective position, instinctively try to either prevent the conflict or postpone it, which does not provide a complete solution to problems in the business team.

The concept of conflict

The concept of "conflict" is characterized by an exceptional breadth of content and is used in a variety of meanings. by the most in a general way conflict can be defined as "the ultimate aggravation of contradictions." Psychologists also emphasize that such an intractable contradiction is associated with acute emotional experiences.

In the specialized literature, conflicts are considered at the social, socio-psychological or psychological levels, which are dialectically related to each other. Below we will talk about conflicts in socio-psychological terms. Based on analysis a large number Russian and foreign works N.V. Grishina proposes to define a socio-psychological conflict as a collision that arises and proceeds in the field of communication, caused by conflicting goals, ways of behavior, attitudes of people, in the conditions of their desire to achieve any goals. The determining factor in the origin of conflicts is the appropriate combination of objective and subjective factors. Factors that objectively determine the occurrence of conflicts are interpreted as a certain set of objective parameters that cause an objective conflict state of the system of interpersonal interaction. At the same time, the essential dependence of the conflict on the external context in which this conflict arises and develops is also emphasized. An important component of this context is called the socio-psychological environment, (various social groups with their specific features), understood quite broadly and not limited only to the immediate environment of the individual.

The determining role in a person's perception of the conflict situation is played by the subjective significance of the contradiction underlying the conflict, or the "personal meaning" that this contradiction has for a given individual. This personal meaning is determined by the entire individual life experience of a person, more precisely, by such characteristics of his personality as value orientations and motivation.

The moment of realizing the situation as a conflict is also associated with exceeding the individual threshold of tolerance. This universal psychological mechanism for the emergence of conflicts does not exclude the possibility of subsequent multivariance in the development of a conflict situation.

The role of the socio-economic structure in shaping the socio-psychological climate of the production team is very important. In accordance with this, the most significant factors that ultimately determine the nature of interpersonal relationships in a team are the totality of social relations of a given society, its socio-economic structure, and, as a result, the content of social consciousness. This factor determines in interpersonal relations, both at the level of the main production team, and at the level of all its structural divisions, up to the primary team. However, this determination at the level of individual production teams cannot be rigid. Thus, the possibility of non-coincidence of the features of a specific structure of relations at individual enterprises with relations of mutual understanding characteristic of the whole society as a whole is noted.

The main types of conflicts. Their causes and mistakes

The task of optimizing the socio-psychological climate of teams dictates the urgent need to identify the causes of conflicts between their members. One of the first steps towards solving this problem is the development of a socio-psychological typology of conflicts. Such a typology is proposed on the basis of research in various enterprises. This typology is based on the relationships of people within their relationships in the primary production team.

Firstly, these are interconnections of a functional nature, determined by joint labor activity. These relationships are both direct and indirect.

Secondly, these are interrelations arising from the belonging of workers to one primary production team.

Thirdly, these are interconnections of a psychological nature, caused by the needs of people in communication.

Based on these relationships, which normally should be of a consistent nature, the following main types of conflicts have been identified that disrupt the successful implementation of the corresponding connection:

1) conflicts, which are a reaction to obstacles to achieving the main goals labor activity(for example, difficulties in completing a given business assignment, incorrectly solving a production problem, etc.);

2) conflicts that arise as a reaction to obstacles to the achievement of personal goals of employees as part of their joint work activity (for example, conflict over the distribution of business tasks that are considered "profitable" or "unprofitable", dissatisfaction with the proposed vacation schedule, etc.);

3) conflicts arising from the perception of the behavior of team members as inconsistent with accepted social norms of joint labor activity (for example, a conflict due to violation of labor discipline by one of the members of the advanced team with an overall high level of attitude to work);

4) purely personal conflicts between employees, due to the incompatibility of individual psychological characteristics - sharp differences in needs, interests, value orientations, and the level of culture as a whole.

Type of conflict

Horizontal conflicts

Vertical conflicts - bottom up

Vertical conflicts - from top to bottom

1. Obstacle to the achievement of the main goals of joint labor activity

The actions of one hinder the success of the other Organizational conflict

The leader does not provide the possibility of successful achievement of the goal of the activity by subordinates

The subordinate does not provide the manager with the opportunity to fulfill the main goal of his activity

2. Obstacle to achieving personal goals of joint labor activity

The actions of one hinder the achievement of personal goals by others Organizational conflict

The leader does not provide the subordinate with the opportunity to achieve his personal goals

The subordinate creates obstacles for the leader to achieve his personal goals

3. Contradiction of actions to accepted norms

Conflict of behavior and norms in the group

The contradiction between the activities of the leader, his style of work and the expectations of subordinates

The contradiction between the activity of a subordinate as a carrier of a certain social role and the expectations of the leader

4.Personal conflicts

Personal incompatibility

Members of the collective do not live up to the expectations of its leaders and authorities

This classification, like any other, includes the considered phenomena in a "pure" form. In the real activity of teams, conflicts are more common, which are combinations of several of these types.

The main erroneous types of behavior in conflict

If you look closely at the communication style of individual leaders in conflict situations, you can see the typicality of this behavior. For one, the characteristic slogan is: "The best defense is an attack" (typical of "practitioners"). For another - "Better a bad world than good war(more often manifested in the behavior of "interlocutors"). For the third - "Let him think that he won" (distinguishes "thinkers").

"Interlocutors" are not capable of a long confrontation. Otherwise, there is a conflict between "thinkers" and "practitioners". Immersion in oneself, the slowness of the thinker contributes to protracted states of tension in relationships. "Effectiveness" of a practical type also increases the duration of the conflict. The most dangerous for business and personal relationships are prolonged confrontations. After all, they impede the clarification of relationships in communication. Conflicting personalities fix their negative state with a very long tension. The practical type of personality compensates for the complexity of relationships by focusing either on duration or on the search for other contacts.

The "thinker" builds in his mind a complex system of proofs of his own rightness and the wrongness of his opponent. And only changed life circumstances or a third accomplice - the arbiter - can lead the conflicting parties out of the impasse.

“The interlocutor knows how to get out of this unpleasant situation in such a way that the deepest feelings of the personality are less affected. He is more sensitive to changes in the partner’s mood and tries to remove misunderstandings and tensions in a timely manner.

The "practitioner", due to the "effectiveness" of his motives, motives, needs, tends to underestimate the consequences of conflicts, is less susceptible to petty omissions. Therefore, the fact of the conflict testifies to the great depth of the violation of relations.

The "thinker" is more cautious in his actions, he thinks over the logic of his behavior more, although he is less sensitive in relationships than the "interlocutor". At work, in a wide circle of communication, he is more distant in relationships, so it is more difficult for him to get into a conflict situation. But he is more vulnerable in close relationships. In this area, the depth of the conflict and the degree of involvement will be greater. The conflict proceeds in different ways, depending on the psychological types of the debaters. The “interlocutors” enter into it least often, since their focus on communication, communication skills relieve tension in a timely manner. This type of personality is more open to accepting the positions of the "rival", does not seek to change his opinion and behavior. Another thing is "practice". His irrepressible need to transform the outside world, including the positions of those around him, can lead to various clashes. Naturally, even entering into fleeting contact, two such people will experience interpersonal tension. But what if they jointly have to solve the problem and the relationship of "leadership - subordination" is not predetermined by the official instructions? Conflict is almost inevitable.

The relationship of two or more "thinkers" is specific due to their self-orientation and poor controllability from the outside (they cooperate ineffectively, since the interpersonal distance is mutual and, as a result, they will act more independently). The conflict of "thinkers" is specific in that intensive communication at this moment is extremely important for them, allowing them to better understand the cause, circumstances, and position of the parties. Without awareness and verbalization, it is very difficult for them to understand what is happening to them.

Types of leaders are differently sensitive to contradictions and conflicts affecting different areas of the personality. Thus, "thinkers" most sharply accept contradictions in the sphere of spiritual values, ideological kinship. "Practice" is important unity of practical outcomes, goals of joint activities. If a contradiction arises in the sphere of goals and means of activity, influences and management, they very quickly come into conflict.

A more favorable position of "interlocutor". He usually plays the role of arbiter in conflict situations. It is no coincidence that these individuals become unofficial emotional-confessional leaders in the team. True, they also have vulnerabilities and are extremely sensitive to the assessment of their emotional and communicative abilities. Unlike "thinkers", for whom the main value is the intellectual, spiritual world, they are less touched by the assessment of intellectual abilities and practicality. The "practitioner" is also sensitive to unfair statements about his efficiency, punctuality, and success in his work. The severity of the reaction to the assessment of these areas may be weakened if such a person is satisfied with the achievement of practical, intellectual, affective-communicative goals. Sensitivity increases if there are obstacles in the way of meeting personally significant needs and goals.

Types of way out of the conflict

Let's try to characterize the types of outcome from conflict situations.

The first is avoiding resolving the contradiction that has arisen, when one of the parties against which the "accusation" is brought, transfers the topic of conversation in a different direction. In this case, the "accused" refers to the lack of time, the untimeliness of the dispute, and "leaves the battlefield."

Departure as a variant of the outcome of the conflict is most characteristic of the "thinker", who is not always immediately ready to resolve a difficult situation. He needs time to think through the causes and ways to solve the conflict problem. This type of permission is also used by the "practitioner", while adding an element of reciprocity of the accusation. But in general, "practice" is more characteristic of the activity of the position, so it is most often chosen in interpersonal contradictions.

The tactic of leaving is often found in the "interlocutor", which is explained by its main property - "cooperation under any circumstances." The “interlocutor” understands the situation of interaction better than others. He is also more malleable in relationships and communication, preferring avoidance of conflict rather than confrontation, and even more so coercion.

The second outcome is smoothing, when one of the parties either justifies itself or agrees with the claim, but only at the moment. Justifying oneself does not completely solve the conflict and can even aggravate it, as the internal, mental contradiction intensifies.

This technique is most often used by the "interlocutor", since any, even the worst, unstable peace is preferable to him than the most "good war". Of course, this does not mean that he cannot use the method of coercion for the sake of maintaining relationships, but for the purpose of eliminating, and not exacerbating contradictions.

The third type is compromise. It is understood as an open discussion of opinions aimed at finding the most convenient solution for both parties. In this case, the partners put forward arguments in their favor and in someone else's favor, do not postpone decisions for later and do not unilaterally force one possible option. The advantage of this outcome is the reciprocity of the equality of rights and obligations and the legalization (openness) of claims. Compromise while respecting the rules of behavior in a conflict really relieves tension or helps to find the best solution.

The fourth option is an unfavorable and unproductive outcome of the conflict, when none of the participants takes into account the position of the other. It usually occurs when one of the parties has accumulated enough small grievances, gathered strength and put forward the strongest arguments that the other side cannot remove. The only positive aspect of confrontation is that the extreme nature of the situation allows partners to better see the strengths and weaknesses, understand each other's needs and interests.

The fifth option - the most unfavorable - coercion. This is a tactic of direct imposition of the variant of the outcome of the contradiction that suits its initiator. For example, the head of a department, using his administrative right, forbids talking on the phone on personal matters. He seems to be right, but is his right so universal? Most often, coercion is resorted to by a "practitioner" confident in his absolute influence and power over his partner. Of course, such an option is possible between the "interlocutor" and the "thinker", but it is completely excluded in the relationship of two "practitioners". The accused "practitioner" most likely uses confrontation in this case and only as a last resort, leaving, but only in order to "take revenge" another time.

This outcome of the conflict, in a sense, really quickly resolves and decisively eliminates the causes of the initiator's discontent. But it is the most unfavorable for maintaining relationships. And if in extreme conditions, in the official relations of military personnel, regulated by a clear system of rights and duties, it is partly justified, then in the system of modern personal, family, marital relations, it is becoming more and more obsolete.

Dispute Resolution Plan

With a sincere desire to resolve a controversial issue, you need to follow the following conversation plan. It is better if your opponent is familiar with your conflict resolution partner. It is better to conduct a conversation on cleanliness at a specially chosen time and in a room where there will be no extraneous witnesses.

A constructive dispute as a consciously organized clarification of opposing points of view contributes to the resolution of conflict situations in interpersonal relationships. The methodology for conducting it is quite simple and can be used in business and personal areas. It allows you to actively develop the psychological structure of mutual relations.

The development of a constructive dispute should have three clear and consistent phases.

1 phase - introductory. The "victim" must say what he wants to ask. For example: "I want to find out so-and-so, why did you do so-and-so and not do so-and-so?"

Phase 2 - medium (actual dispute). Talk about the essence of the matter, and not around the bush. Be sure to respond to the expressed misunderstanding, criticism. State your opinion specifically and clearly.

Phase 3 - the final one, when a decision is made on the issue that caused the controversy. Admit your mistake or prove otherwise. Find something pleasant in another person that characterizes him positively.

Typical mistakes that arise in a dispute.

In the process of conducting a dispute, positive and negative trends can be detected. The former facilitate its course, the latter lead to a "dead end".

Consider the typical mistakes of the leader in resolving the conflict and ways to solve them.





Other controversial events are recalled, facts that have nothing to do with this topic or happened a long time ago;

It must be admitted that the dispute has a cause;

    the behavior of the "accused" is called "typical", for example: "all men ... all women", etc.;

    "attack or defense" is aimed at clarifying only this controversial issue, and only "now and here";

Unproductive communication

Productive communication

Constant repetition of the same thing, unwillingness to look at the controversial issue through the eyes of another; - "deafness" to the statements of another;

Hints, ambiguities in explanation, ambiguous statements;

Clear, clear, open communication;

Everyone speaks only for himself;

Everything is said as it is thought; each listens not only to himself, but also to the other;

dishonest dispute

honest dispute

Evidence, facts are irrelevant and directed to the opponent's weak, sensitive spot.

Exclusion of "low blows" in the absence of strong evidence of their innocence;

Considering how much the opponent is able to argue, his endurance is not tested.

The results of the dispute can resolve the situation or lead to a dead end. But in both cases, the opponents must sum up the results for themselves and each other in the final phase.

There are four final phases. They have both positive and negative implications for the participants.

Negative meaning

Positive value

negative information

positive information

    I didn't learn anything that I didn't know before;

    I didn't learn anything;

I learned something new about the controversial issue and about the interlocutor;

I learned something new

negative emotional condition

Positive emotional state

    tension remained or increased;

    there was a feeling of disappointment: "why is this necessary?"

As a result of the dispute, relaxation came;

- "resentment" is gone, and relief has come;



The rivals became even more distant from each other, the alienation became even stronger;

There was a feeling of even greater misunderstanding of the controversial issue and, most importantly, of each other;

The dispute helped to understand each other;

Rivals felt interlocutors and even allies in this controversial issue;



Nothing was decided, everything remained the same;

Nobody wants to get better;

Nobody wants to forgive.

The problem that divided the rivals was decided in favor of both;

There is an experience for the future;

Mandatory apology and forgiveness on both sides.

The very fact of knowing what the specificity of the dispute is, involvement in it, communication, fair fight gives the dispute reasonableness, irony in relation to oneself, without which interpersonal communication, business and personal relationships are difficult. The result of the dispute makes it possible to evaluate the informational benefits of communication, emotional state, unity - the difference in positions and relationships.

Conflict prevention.

The one who first commands himself: "Stop! No rudeness and tactlessness!" He prevents a quarrel. It's called "pull yourself together". The master often has to deal with a similar situation.

To understand the causes and sources of the conflict, any person can be helped by the advice of an older, more experienced comrade, a superior leader. But the main thing is not to rush to objectify the conflict, make it public or publicly assess. This can only offend a person.

It is better to see good intentions in each of the conflicting parties. If you see them only from one side, then the other will be doomed to the role of a tell-tale.

To eliminate the conflict, you do not need to rush to say something harsh, insulting or threatening. In such a situation, psychologists advise, first of all, to get rid of internal anxiety or excitement. A disturbed feeling is a bad adviser to the mind. In order to master oneself well in a conflict situation, it is useful to pause in a conversation, take a deep breath, stand up, walk around, or transfer the conversation to another topic, or transfer it to another time.

In order to master one's own speech, emotions and behavior in a conflict situation, a production manager may find it useful to use methods of autogenic training, a conscious concentration of volitional effort on the idea of ​​the need to be calm, to be self-possessed, to be benevolent. To begin with, you should feel your pulse, count its beats, concentrate your will, pronouncing the necessary words-commands to yourself. If you periodically apply this technique, you can get rid of unnecessary tension in conflict situations.

To make it easier to find an individual approach to conflict resolution, it is useful to determine the possible type of mutual reaction of the conflicting parties. Here it is useful to recall temperaments. Choleric is characterized by increased excitability, melancholic - on the contrary. But the latter remembers longer and experiences resentment. The phlegmatic is difficult to convince, the sanguine is easily calmed down, but it is also difficult for him to restrain his feelings.

One of effective means conflict prevention is their prohibition at work. The leader, as a powerful person in the team, can simply order: "Do not quarrel!" But such an order is not always expedient and feasible. Sometimes it is not possible to prevent interpersonal conflict. In this case, you can weaken its strength in various ways. One of them is to transfer participants to other places, load them with work so that they have no time to conflict, etc.

The best ways to resolve production and organizational conflicts are the manager's constant concern for improving working conditions, timely informing workers about the production situation.

Any team sooner or later faces conflict situations. In theoretical terms, conflict seems to be the most acute way to resolve disputes between opposing participants. In the ordinary sense, the conflict is the disagreement of the parties with each other and the aggravation of contradictions associated with negative experiences.

Conflicts are caused by many reasons, among which are: the complexity of the labor process; psychological features human relations (sympathy and antipathy); individual characteristics of each employee (inability to control their emotional state, biased attitude, pessimistic attitude). Experts advise not to succumb to emotions and follow a simple algorithm for resolving conflict situations in a team.

1. Apologize. This rule is forgotten by many, but it is an apology that helps to ease tension and put opponents on the path out of the current situation. In this case, it does not actually matter whether it is your fault or not. The interlocutor, having heard such words, will treat you differently.
2. Take responsibility for the problem. Show the other side that you will together take a way out of the situation and you are ready to provide assistance and assistance to resolve it.
3. Make a decision. This stage will help to fully establish certainty in the matter and put an end to disagreements with the opponent. Offer several options for the final result that will have a real impact on the subject of disagreement. Do not get personal and use only phrases that are directly related to the situation.
4. Take action. Transition to real action help to distract from unnecessary discussions and accusations against both sides and unite the parties to the conflict with one goal, which will be the most optimal in a particular situation.
5. Check the fulfillment of the conditions for resolving the conflict. Make sure the solution is completed. This is how you prevent new conflicts on this issue and build confidence in yourself among colleagues and partners.

Ways to resolve the conflict

To resolve conflict situations, you need to choose suitable style behavior that will most effectively solve the problem.
Let's consider several ways:


  • achieve peace and stability of the situation;
  • build trust and mutual understanding;
  • admit your own wrong;
  • realize the priority of maintaining friendly relations with the opponent, rather than defending one's point of view;
  • come to understand that winning an argument is more important for your opponent than for you.


  • possible when equally convincing arguments are presented by opponents;
  • more time is needed to resolve the conflict;
  • both parties are aimed at making a common decision;
  • abandoning one's directive point of view;
  • both parties have equal power;
  • you can slightly change the goal, since the fulfillment of your conditions is not very important for you;


  • joint efforts are envisaged to make a decision;
  • integration of points of view and obtaining common ways conflict resolution;
  • the goals of the discussion are the acquisition of a common result and new information;
  • strengthening personal participation in the project;
  • the parties are ready to work on developing a new solution suitable for both.


  • the source of disagreement is insignificant in comparison with other tasks;
  • conditions are required for restoring calm and a sober assessment of the situation;
  • seeking additional information is preferable to making a quick decision;
  • the subject of the dispute leads away from solving serious problems;
  • conflict can be resolved by subordinates;
  • the tension is too great for a decision to be made at the moment;
  • you are sure that you cannot or do not want to resolve the dispute in your favor;
  • you do not have enough authority to resolve the conflict.


  • urgent action is needed to resolve the situation;
  • recommended when solving large-scale problems;
  • with a rigid line of company management;
  • real results depend on the outcome of the situation;
  • only you have the right to solve the problem.