The psychology of gestures is the science of reading thoughts and feelings. Facial expressions: exercises, how to develop beautiful facial expressions

  • Does facial expression age?
  • Charging for the face
  • Exploring emotions
  • Guessing game
  • Bad facial habits

Facial expressions are a powerful tool for expressing emotions and feelings, which can be more eloquent than any words. No wonder there is a separate genre of theatrical art - pantomime. Mime knows how to make the audience cry and laugh, playing the performance with his face. Imagine how poor communication will be if you deprive him of additional ways transmission of the internal state - intonations, gestures and facial expressions.

There are many professions for which the ability to control facial expressions is very important. This is a vivid expression of emotions, and vice versa - the ability not to betray one's feelings. Actors, teachers, leaders, diplomats, businessmen, TV presenters ... But not only for work, you need to know how to train facial expressions - everyone should be able to convey their feelings beautifully and reliably.

In parallel with facial expressions, it is necessary to develop the speech apparatus - these two mechanisms are inextricably linked with each other. For example, there is a therapeutic complex of facial exercises for children with dysarthria - a disorder of the pronunciation function. Speech and facial expressions have a “mutual responsibility”: the clearer the speech, the better the facial muscles are developed and vice versa.

But before we learn how to develop facial expressions, let's deal with a question that worries many.

Does facial expression age?

There is an opinion that lively facial expressions quickly age a person: where folds often appear, deep wrinkles form over time. Is it so?

In order not to be unfounded, let's compare film actors known for their mimic skills. Jim Carrey comes to mind first. He is in his early 50s and already has noticeable wrinkles, especially around the eyes. The actor himself admits that his career as an actor with the most expressive face gave him wrinkles. But at the same time, Kerry never did plastic surgery or Botox injections - since they make facial expressions more constrained, this is categorically contraindicated for a movie star. In order to slow down the aging process, Kerry uses creams.

Jackie Chan is another person with rich facial expressions who is always smiling. He is a little over 60 years old, but he looks great. Of course, he also has facial wrinkles, but in his entire life, Jackie has done only operations related to injuries - no plastic surgery.

Johnny Depp is also a little over 50, but it's hard to believe - it seems that he is a maximum of 40. But there is one secret - Captain Sparrow did plastic surgery: a facelift, brow lift and blepharoplasty (around the eyes).

But the actor, famous for the almost complete lack of facial expressions - Keanu Reeves - does not age at all. He is the same age as Depp and Kerry, but at the same time he looks 30. They say that Neo does not disdain Botox, but the actor himself does not admit it. His main acting tool is his eyes.

Indeed, certain facial habits leave an imprint on the face - but this happens in the allotted time, when a person has natural wrinkles, and not earlier. And what kind of wrinkles it will be - it's up to you to choose: either deep furrows from a gloomy frown forehead, or charming rays around the eyes from laughter. And don't forget that actors known for their grimacing skills have been doing it professionally all their lives. They filmed millions of takes and made more grimace than a human would need in Everyday life. Imagine Jim Carrey in office room. Did you laugh?

Those who are afraid of losing their youth need to remember about additional factors - this is heredity, skin type, exposure to the sun, facial care. Massage, anti-aging procedures, creams and oils will help you not to be afraid of the appearance of early wrinkles.

Charging for the face

In order to develop your facial expressions, you first need to make your face more mobile, liberate the facial muscles. Athletes before training do a warm-up - let's do it. You need to stand in front of the mirror, put your hair in a ponytail, pin up your bangs. The whole face must be visible.

Start moving hard different parts of his face, trying to develop as large an amplitude as possible. Here are examples of such movements:

  • Raise and lower your eyebrows;
  • Open and close your mouth wide;
  • Smile as wide as possible without baring your teeth, then sharply fold your lips into a bow or “duck”;
  • Open your eyes wide and squint.

It is important that when exercising on a certain part of the face, the rest are not involved. At first, this can be difficult - some muscles “pull” others along with them, and together with your eyebrows, for example, you begin to reflexively raise your lips.

These exercises should be repeated regularly, even when you have already developed facial expressions. They help muscles stay fast and flexible. At first, you need to train 3-4 times a week, then you can leave one session. One lesson should last about half an hour.

As an addition to the exercises, you can make faces for yourself - this also warms up the facial muscles well.

Exploring emotions

As you remember, we will need the development of facial expressions first of all in order to colorfully convey emotions. Therefore, you need to learn the appropriate facial expression, and learn how to apply this skill in communication. Many people do not know how to convey emotions "on order": you ask them to portray anger, but you get a comical mask. All because they don't know what they look like from the outside. This problem will be eliminated with the help of the following exercise.

Stand in front of a mirror and try to portray such emotions:

  • Suffering;
  • Joy;
  • Astonishment;
  • Disturbance;
  • fright;
  • Anger;
  • hopelessness;
  • thoughtfulness;
  • Delight.

If you are not satisfied with the result, look at the faces of the actors in certain situations and try to repeat their expression. You can’t evaluate the results of your work in the mirror - take a selfie, it’s easier to draw objective conclusions from a photograph.

At the sessions, the fashion model is obliged to portray all the feelings and states that the photographer gives her: “Do me tenderness! Innocence! Aggression! You saw a kitten! They gave you a car!” And all this she must perform no worse than a Hollywood film star.

Many people think that models only need beauty and figure, but very important role plays in this profession ability to be photogenic and own your face. Try to be a fashion model and portray all the emotions and reactions that come to your mind.

Guessing game

She needs another person who is also interested in exercises for facial expressions. Better yet, if it is a company - then you can play fun game. It is similar to a game of "crocodile" - one participant depicts a hidden emotion, the rest guess.

Learn to do what you can't

1. Wink.

Yes, not everyone knows how to do it beautifully and playfully. Someone can just close one eye, and someone can’t even do that - it turns out to blink only with both. Look at actors or acquaintances who know how to wink, and repeat this in the mirror. You may at first have to help yourself with your hands, holding those parts of the face that do not obey.

2. How to raise one eyebrow?

The ability to raise eyebrows was given to us by evolution. In addition to people, only monkeys can do this - this is how they demonstrate the threat.

Anyone can raise both eyebrows, but not everyone can raise one. Those who are endowed with this superpower flaunt it right and left. Don't worry - it can be developed. Again we stand in front of the mirror and begin to raise one eyebrow with the help of our hands, holding the second. We remember which muscles are working. Learn to raise an eyebrow without using your hands. Aerobatics - quickly lift them in turn, as if playing.

3. Tricks with tongue

You remember that in order to improve facial expressions, you need to develop the speech apparatus. Tongue exercises will not only help with this, but will also make you a star among friends - after all, very few people know how to twist the tongue into a tube, fold it like an accordion or reach it to the nose. True, with getting to the nose there is one prerequisite - a long tongue. But you should at least try. But the rest of the exercises will be given to the owner of the tongue of any length. You can’t explain the technology in a nutshell - it’s better to look for a training video on the Internet.

Bad facial habits

To have beautiful and expressive facial expressions, you need to get rid of the habits that spoil your facial expression and cause early wrinkles. Many of us squint, wrinkle, make faces and frown, not even knowing how much it hurts them. If you know such habits behind you, control them. And in order not to relax, periodically squint or frown in the mirror - look how ugly it is, and you will immediately have an incentive to get rid of these grimaces. If you constantly forget about self-control, ask someone close to remind you. Mothers will cope with this best of all - they worry like no one else that their children are beautiful and charming.

Everyone has facial expressions - it is laid in the brain in childhood, when kids look at their parents and copy their facial expressions. But uncontrolled facial expressions are like an ill-mannered person - they will always find where to mess things up. You can compare it with a horse riding a rider - instead of making life easier, uncontrollable facial expressions complicate it. They say about such people: everything is written on his forehead. I would like to hide my feelings, but I can't.

Do not belittle its role - only one ability to use facial expressions correctly can significantly change the fate of a person. And you can start learning this skill at any time, regardless of age.

P.S. Find out " What is artistry and how to develop it»

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To convey to others their feelings and thoughts, a person helps oral or written speech. In the first case, not only voice transmission of text is used, but also non-verbal means of communication, such as gestures or facial expressions. They enliven speech, giving it a more emotional coloring. The ability to correctly read non-verbal signals allows you to understand the true motives of the interlocutor, since it is facial expressions in communication that express a direct relationship to what is happening.

The value of facial expressions in human life

Non-verbal communication does not involve the use of speech, only sensory or bodily contacts: facial expressions, touch, gestures, glance. They help people reach mutual understanding at the level of emotions. Studies have found that only 35% of the information we transmit to each other through speech. The rest 65% is accounted for by non-verbal signals: body movements, gestures, gaze, facial expressions. They complement spoken phrases, enhancing their significance.

In fact, non-verbal means of communication are quite capable of replacing themselves. This is what happens to deaf-dumb people. For them, speechless communication through gestures and facial expressions is a common way of communicating with others. The same can be said about children who have not yet learned to speak. People use non-verbal communication techniques to establish communication links with representatives of the animal world.

The importance of facial expressions in the process of communication cannot be underestimated. Indeed, sometimes facial expressions, coupled with other non-verbal signals, carry more information about the feelings or mood of the interlocutor than words. People are used to being in control of what they say. However, non-verbal manifestations are difficult to hide. Many movements occur reflexively, before the emotion is evaluated by the brain. By learning to capture and interpret facial expressions and other non-verbal signals, you can understand not only what the interlocutor wants to say, but also what he is trying to hide.

Manifestations of feelings and emotions through non-verbal signals

Gestures, pantomime and facial expressions are means of communication that are related to optical-kinetic. This system of non-verbal cues includes appearance, voice timbre, hand or head movements, body position in space. The successful establishment of contact depends not only on what the interlocutor says, but also how confident his facial expressions, voice, look are. This is the reason for the interest in studying the meaning of non-verbal signals on the part of psychologists, businessmen and people who want to build a career.

What will the facial expression say?

The most important element of non-verbal communication is facial expressions. American psychologist Paul Ekman developed Facial Affect Scoring Technique, or FAST for short, which allows you to determine the emotional state of the patient visually. The professor suggested conditionally dividing a person's face into three zones:

  • forehead and eyes
  • nose and area around it,
  • mouth and chin.

According to the FAST methodology, the value of non-verbal facial expressions is considered only in the totality of changes in at least two of these areas. Such a simple analysis non-verbal signal allows, for example, to distinguish a feigned smile from sincere joy.

There are six basic emotions that are most vividly expressed through facial expressions:

  • joy,
  • anger,
  • astonishment,
  • disgust,
  • horror,
  • sadness.

Involuntary or reflex facial expressions these are non-verbal manifestations that the person himself does not control. It is she who reflects the true emotional state.

We propose to consider the most significant non-verbal manifestations of feelings reflected in facial expressions, which are schematically shown in the picture:

  1. Emotion joy reflected in the area of ​​the forehead and mouth. The corners of the lips are raised, the teeth are parted. There are slight wrinkles around the eyes. Eyebrows are also slightly raised in relation to the bridge of the nose.
  2. The face of a person experiencing happiness, relaxed. This is expressed by half-closed upper eyelids, while the eyebrows are slightly raised, the look is radiant. The corners of the lips are drawn to the auricles.
  3. For surprise characterized by raised eyebrows, rounded eyes, slightly open mouth.
  4. Doubt expressed in a person's gaze shifted to the left. It is the left hemisphere of the brain that is responsible for analyzing the situation. The position of the lips resembles a sarcastic smirk, that is, only one edge of the lips is raised.
  5. Gloominess or despondency express lowered eyebrows and corners of the mouth. The look is dull, indifferent.
  6. The face of the frightened man is tense. Fear expressed in raised eyebrows, wide-open eyes. Teeth are partially visible through parted lips.
  7. Rounded eyes, parted mouth, raised eyebrows - this is how facial expressions express shock.
  8. A one-sided grin, a sideways glance, squinted eyes and a raised eyebrow - this is what it looks like mistrust.
  9. man's gaze, thinking about a problem, directed upwards. The corners of the lips are slightly lowered.
  10. Wide-open, recklessly shining eyes, raised "house" eyebrows and a parted mouth, express joy over came up with a brilliant idea.
  11. Person, self-satisfied, looks relaxed. His eyebrows and eyelids are lowered, and his lips are folded into a half smile.
  12. O insidious plans will tell the look with a squint, the raised outer corners of the eyebrows, the lips compressed into a thread, folding into a forced smile.
  13. cunning narrows his eyes, looks away. The left or right corner of his mouth rises.
  14. demonstrating determination, a man compresses his lips, tightly clenches his jaw, looks from under his brows. His pupils can narrow sharply, his gaze becomes menacing.
  15. embarrassed, people fix their eyes down, smile with closed lips so that one edge of the mouth rises. The inner tips of the eyebrows creep up.
  16. Resentment expressed in pursed lips, low lowered eyebrows and eyelids. The gaze is taken away from the interlocutor.
  17. Concentrated when thinking, most people move their eyebrows so that a crease forms on the bridge of the nose. At the same time, the gaze seems to be directed into itself, the chin is tense, the mouth is motionless.
  18. Uncertainty expressed in a slightly bewildered, wandering look, raised eyebrows. The corners of the lips are lowered.
  19. Expression daydreaming on the face is characterized by highly raised inner corners of the eyebrows. The gaze is directed upwards, the corners of the mouth are asymmetrical.
  20. Fatigue expressed in complete relaxation of the facial muscles, including the eyelids. The lips take on the shape of a horseshoe, with the tips pointing down.

For exact definition emotional state by facial expressions or by aggregate non-verbal signs, it is necessary to take into account such details as the direction of gaze, the state of the pupils. If a person experiences strong antipathy towards the interlocutor, he involuntarily squints. The liar averts his eyes to the side, he is betrayed by frequent blinking or, on the contrary, by an unblinking look. Insincerity is evidenced by the asymmetry of the face, too mobile facial expressions.


The interpretation of non-verbal behavior of people by facial expressions or gestures depends on many factors. These are the cultural traditions of the country, gender, age of the interlocutor, the situation in which it occurs. It is worth remembering that non-verbal gestures and facial expressions among the inhabitants of Europe or Asia are different. In addition, most adults have good control over their non-verbal reactions. To capture genuine emotions from the facial expressions that flashed across the face in a matter of fractions of a second, a certain skill, observation is required.

Not many of us know what physiognomy is, and so, it is a science, or rather an unfounded doctrine, which is directly focused on determining the character of a person and his spiritual qualities based on analysis characteristic features face, head features and facial expressions. So in China and Japan, this art was especially developed in the Middle Ages. In these countries, schools were created where the human face was carefully studied, and it was studied literally in every millimeter, while paying attention to every bump, redness or blanching of the skin. And already after, based on the accumulated material, physiognomists tried to determine the character of a person and even determine his fate.

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Principles of physiognomy

Many scientists tried to prove the fact that it is necessary to study physiognomy, but, unfortunately, today this science is considered frivolous. But still, the study of the connections between a person’s character traits and his thoughts, as well as the expression of his face, is necessary primarily for artists and actors, as well as for those people whose work is directly related to people, that is, investigators, teachers, sellers, etc. .d.

Four of the available five sense organs are directly located in the face area, it is with their help that we receive information about the world around us. Eyes, ears, nose and mouth act as peculiar antennas, it is with their help that we perceive the information that is happening around us. Basically, a person perceives this information most strongly at the age of five or up to six years. This is even clearly visible on the face of the child, many, most likely, paid attention to the fact that children have large open eyes, sometimes it seems that he wants to see everything at once, ears that hear everything in the world, a nose that tries to feel everything smells, even the most subtle ones, the mouth, where he sends everything that just comes under his hands, it is these sense organs that help the children to call for the surrounding information.

Unfortunately, over time, the sharpness of feelings passes, becomes dull, and an adult already loses the ability to notice everything that previously brought him so much joy and surprise, this, in turn, is the result of the fact that a person gets used to the world around him, to its influence, and these he does not need sensitive antennas. As for the human psyche itself, it, in turn, becomes rigid, and this is directly reflected on the person's face. That is, the reduction process begins, that is, the eyes lose their brilliance, become a little sunken, they are no longer interested in what is happening around, the face loses its mobility, and the mouth takes the form of a narrow gap. The character of a person becomes closed, and he gradually withdraws into himself. For each person, such changes occur at a different speed, regardless of age, for someone the face begins to change only by the age of seventy, while for someone such changes have already occurred at twenty.

For a person whose face quickly lost its liveliness, pessimism is characteristic, he already treats everything new with fear, and endures changes rather painfully. His character is characterized by the manifestation of the traits of an introvert. It is quite difficult to persuade such a person to do something that could. Such people tend to think by the age of forty that life is over and they just have to wait in the wings. But people with this type of character are quite rare. Basically, people with this behavior suffer from some kind of illness, or suffer for some reason, but when all the bad things that happen to him end, this person is quite a short time transforms right before your eyes. He is getting younger, his antennas are starting to work with new force, accepting signals from the world around him and he is again interested in everything new.

You can often meet people in old age who, despite their gray hair,. The faces of such people are often not subject to reduction and, accordingly, their antennae do not close until old age. By the type of their character, these people are extroverts, in their hearts they always remain big children. They are pretty easy to find. mutual language with others, it is easy for them to make a new acquaintance, but at the same time it is very easy for them to quit what they have started in order to do something more interesting and informative. Such people are distinguished by open and brilliant eyes, due to which they are often very popular in society.

Nowadays, a lot of attention is paid to the language of facial expressions and gestures. This method information is considered natural. All of us quite often pay attention to the body movements of other people, and in this case it is worth noting that they not only carry information that our mind perceives, but are also able to influence another person. It is due to this that sign language has received quite wide use in politics and business. Using gestures and facial expressions, people are much more interested in people in this or that matter, which in turn helps to make presentations much more efficiently, captivate the audience with their speech, etc.

As for the direct perception of the gestures and facial expressions of the surrounding people, it is they who determine our reaction and attitude towards those people. It is necessary to learn to better understand the bodily signals given and to correctly use this knowledge, applying it for more effective interaction with people.

When communicating, in addition to spoken phrases, a person makes many subtle or noticeable gestures, which are also not made senselessly, they also express his point of view on these circumstances. Each of the interlocutors perceives these gestures on a subconscious level, but basically our consciousness does not lend itself to their rational analysis. By learning such a hidden language, one can read all the hidden information.

Scientists believe that this ability to read other people's thoughts by facial expressions and gestures is characteristic of all people. Due to external signs, starting from facial expressions and up to the adopted posture, it will help to guess about the intentions and feelings of this or that person.

It is possible to read the information that gestures and facial expressions speak about due to the fact that, regardless of the cultural level of people and specifically any person, the words and, accordingly, the movements accompanying them coincide with such a degree of predictability that a well-trained person, even by voice, can determine which the movement will be made by his interlocutor during the pronunciation of a particular phrase.

The ability to communicate with other people, understanding their psychology, intentions and interests dominates in any communication. A person who knows how and can put himself in the place of another person and understand him will always be lucky in life.

The very shape of his face says a lot about the character of a person. Basically, it is classified into four types: 1) round; 2) square; 3) triangular; 4) rectangular; 5) trapezoidal.

Types of faces and their characteristics

The round type of face is characterized by an expansion in the middle part, in the cheekbones and neck. The dimensions of the face in this case are very close both horizontally and directly vertically. Roundness is observed in the area of ​​the lower jaw, chin and temporal cavities.

The shape of this type of face characterizes people with heavy weight. If at the same time a person has a small nose, then this characterizes him as a carefree nature that loves life's comfort. A person with such traits is a great gourmet and lover, by nature he is very soft and peaceful, gentle. People with a round face do not aspire to high position or fame, because they are in more they are materialists. Basically they are not ambitious. People with a round face, penetrating eyes, prominent cheekbones and a high bridge of the nose are thinkers, with a characteristic ordered mind.

The square face itself is wide in the middle part and cheekbones, the lower jaw is much heavier, wider, and the angles of the lower jaw are pronounced. The square shape of the face is characteristic of a courageous, rude, thin type of people who have a rather quick temper. Such a person is by nature a great fighter, a leader. As a rule, they are stubborn, persistent, slow-witted, resolute both in business and in love, have an immediate desire for success and are good performers. If a woman is endowed with such a face shape, then she, in turn, is a stubborn rival in any business, in family life she occupies a dominant position.

The trapezoidal face has the form of a compressed upper part, in the area of ​​the temples, while the lower part of the face is heavier, and the angles of the lower jaw are sharply expressed and deployed.

This face shape indicates that this person is quite artistic, intelligent and receptive, but, unfortunately, he lacks a fighting spirit. Women with this type of face are mostly very loving, their family life is always happy.

The triangular face has the shape of a pointed chin, lower jaw area.

This form indicates that a person is busy with himself and hypersensitive. This face shape is found in intelligent people, smart, quirky, cunning, devoid of affection and devotion, jealous. Triangular-faced people can be excellent scientists, philosophers, or artists, but they can also be shameless businessmen, traitors, and spies.

An elongated face is characterized by an elongated chin and a high forehead, in this case, the vertical dimensions win, in contrast to the horizontal ones.

An elongated or rectangular face shape needs the same width of the jaw and forehead. It is also called the aristocratic face shape. Such a face is characteristic of a sensitive, intelligent, far-sighted and prudent, calm and fair person. People with this type of face are endowed with excellent organizational talents and are excellent at working with other people in order to achieve their goals. Basically, these people achieve success in life.

Combined face shapes

Oval face - has a smooth outline, especially the chin, cheekbones and lower jaw. Such a face is usually called a classic or ideal.

Rhombus face - this type of face is characterized by strongly protruding cheekbones, which in turn are outlined by subzygomatic depressions, a narrow forehead. In the upper region at the temples and lower - the chin and jaw, parts of the face narrows, but expands in the cheekbones.

As for the facial muscles themselves, they can also tell a lot, depending on whether they are relaxed or tense. People who are characterized by hypertonicity of facial expressions, or in other words, great muscle tension, which in turn can be manifested in all kinds of twitches and tics, as a rule, have a lot of problems that disturb him. These problems can be both real and far-fetched, it doesn’t matter anymore, the main thing in this case is that they don’t let you forget about yourself for a minute.

Because of this, often such fears do not give a person the opportunity to make new decisions that completely change the situation, he is afraid that everything that he built with such difficulty will collapse and, as a result, he will have to start all over again. But, despite this, such people are quite energetic, in the case when they are confident in the success of a new business, they take on it with great enthusiasm, they are quite easy to climb, in addition to this, they have a much stronger ability to make various kinds of decisions, and they are much more in need of communication.

And a person who has relaxed muscles, that is, with hypotonicity of the face, behaves in a completely different way. This type of face is characterized by a somewhat pronounced sagging of the cheeks, sleepy, half-closed eyes, a slightly ajar mouth, and the expression of complete indifference is mainly on the face. The thoughts of such people flow more slowly, and actions are devoid of enthusiasm and energy, if they do something, then only because it is necessary, if it were their will, then they would hardly do anything at all.

They do not want to solve any problems, and, in fact, they do not have those. They let everything take its course, so that it resolves itself. It should also be noted that muscle hypotonicity and hypertonicity is only a reflection of the state of the human nervous system, its immediate stability and excitability. Accordingly, the higher the muscle tone, the easier it is to be excited. nervous system, and the faster hypertonicity is replaced by hypotonicity, the less stable it is. Such differences are mainly observed in people with an affective type of face.

The affective type of face is characterized by a somewhat rough face, too uneven, with sunken cheeks, prominent cheekbones, and with many protrusions and depressions, which are directly left by strong emotions that arise quite often. A person with this type of face quite easily enters into a state of passion, namely, when strong emotional arousal appears, it happens to him quite often, he cannot control it.

This type of face can directly belong to both an introvert and an extrovert, and equally. This manifests itself in extroverts with open faces, and in introverts with reduced faces, affects, of course, manifest themselves in different ways. For example, if an extrovert has anger, anger and resentment very emotionally and violently spills out, then for an introvert negative emotions find their manifestations in emotional experiences, for a long time, corroding his soul.

It is customary for physiognomists to mentally divide human faces into three parts, the first is called vital, comes from the word vita - life, it shows how strongly a person defends his right to exist. This part directly includes the chin, which perfectly makes it clear to what extent a person uses his strong-willed qualities in order to achieve his goal. It is clearly seen that when a person needs to defend his point of view, he unconsciously begins to strain the muscles of the lower part of the face, therefore, the more often and more successful person defends his rights, the more developed his chin.

But a harmoniously developed chin can already tell a lot about its owner, namely, that this person basically achieves his goals, although he is able to abandon the goal if he sees that it is inappropriate. A person who has a well-developed chin, often has a square shape, achieves his goal by any means, rushing to the breach like a tank, this person cares little about what remains after he reaches the target. It is typical for him to storm new and new heights. But as for the small chin itself, which can be said to be soft to some extent, such a person can easily deviate from his plan, just imagining what difficulties and obstacles may be associated with this. But this may not happen, especially if a person is ruled by desire, or, conversely, the unwillingness to achieve something.

The second zone is called emotional, it directly includes the cheekbones, nose, cheeks, mouth. The most mobile part of the human face is the mouth, as it is the first to react to various changes in the emotional background, reflecting the emotions that a person is currently experiencing, even if it lasts only a couple of seconds.

Such emotions as joy, anger, resentment, contempt, etc., expresses the bend of the lips, even when their owner is in control of himself and tries to hide his mood from those around him, anyway, any emotion will be reflected on his face for a moment, mostly in the mouth area, so you should be very careful and not miss this moment. If you saw that your interlocutor is biting his lips slightly, then in this case, this means that at that moment he is thinking about something, and quite tensely, but whether to interrupt his thoughts or not depends directly on you.

In the event that a person is in some kind of critical situation, he can bite not only his lip, but also his tongue. Also, his nose conveys the feelings of a person very well. During excitement, and of any origin, the wings of the nose begin to swell. If a person sees something that annoys him, then the nose in this case wrinkles.

In addition to the lips, the mouth also includes two nasolabial grooves, a chin groove and the corners of the mouth.

Depending on the incision of the oral fissure, the mouth can be small or large, and as for the corners of the mouth itself, they can be lowered or raised.

If a person has a wide mouth and a square face, then this indicates that the person is authoritative and has the talent of an organizer.

If the mouth is large and does not close tightly, then this, in turn, indicates that this is an indecisive and careless person.

If a woman has a large mouth, then she is more likely to show great abilities for a career career than for domestic work.

In the presence of a wide mouth on a full solid base in people with a large bone structure, it indicates that the person is aggressive and ambitious, adventurous, indifferent to his defeats and successes.

A person with a small mouth can be said to be constantly engaged in the struggle for existence, has a weak shy character who does not dare to take responsibility. A protruding mouth (the mouth of a person is considered in profile with closed lips) - indicates that the person is active and decisive, has a quick mind.

Characteristics of a person by his lips

If the lower and upper lips overlap one another and the lower lip is protruding, then this indicates that a person is selfish by nature and may be unsuccessful in marriage.

In the case when the upper and lower lips overlap one another and the protruding lip is the upper lip, this indicates that the person is vain and indecisive, has an insatiable libido and often starts extramarital affairs.

If the line between the lips bends downward, then this characterizes a person as stubborn and self-centered, who lends himself to being liked only with the help of praise and flattery.

The presence of thin lips, poorly closed and corresponding to each other, says about a person that he does not have special business ambitions, he is characterized by criminal inclinations.

In the case when the line between the lips curves up in the middle, this indicates that the person is agile and resourceful.

A wide, coarse, long upper lip and a pointed or small lower lip indicate that these people are bad businessmen who can become victims quite easily.

What will the nose tell us?

And he says the following:
  • Oddly enough, but the nose controls the fate of a person from about 41 to 50 years old, it is during this period of life that the question of success or failure of the individual is decided.
  • So, the owner of a long nose, the following main character traits appear - unsuitability for business enterprises and conservatism. They have elements of contemptuous-arrogant behavior, they have the ability for intellectual achievements (in the field of science or technology).
  • The owner of an over long nose is characterized by: conservative spirituality, quite often unrealistic and capriciously speculative personality.
  • A short nose characterizes its owner as a person with an open character, optimistic and friendly, having a free sexual morality, he can be easily irritated over trifles, emotional impulses are a good motive for doing work, so he needs to be constantly patted on the shoulder.
  • A bony nose with a small hump and a high inflection speaks of its owner that he is a proud individual, stubborn, aggressive and determined.
  • A high and very bony nose says that a person lives in loneliness. And if the nose also has a pointed tip and looks quite full and flat, then in this case we can say that the person is endowed with a rather enterprising spirit and impulsiveness, which in turn quite often repels relatives and friends, thereby dooming himself to complete loneliness .
  • A skinny, bony nose indicates that it is very difficult for a person to concentrate. In the case when the nose is located quite high in accordance with the face as a whole, then such a person can be said to be a very proud person, difficult to communicate and arrogant. If such a person is endowed with power, then problems with subordinates are inevitable, sometimes even in family relationships it does not go beyond mere tolerance.
  • If the back of the nose is well rounded, then this person is quite artistic and happy in marriage.
  • If the platform of the nose has a break, a depression and horizontal lines crossing the back of the nose, then this person is endowed with poor health, even early mortality is possible.
  • If the nose has a high tiny area between the eyes, then this person has tight family bonds, loyal and long lifespan. In the case when the site is full and flat, this, in turn, says that the person has a warm heart and is quite happy in marriage.
  • If the nose has a broken back with many small ridges, then such a person is characterized by poverty and deprivation.
  • If the nose is narrow and looks like the edge of a sword, then such a person has a life full of hard and exhausting work.
  • If the back of the nose is slightly flattened and, moreover, intersected by horizontal lines, then misfortune awaits such a person.
  • When the back of the nose is flat, well balanced by both wings of the nose and large, then this person is prudent in nature, having a forecast for wealth.
  • If a person's nose has a weak back, then this person is endowed with chances for early success and, unfortunately, a late failure in life.
  • A nose whose back widens in the middle and is only slightly covered with flesh, in combination with small nostrils and low cheekbones, this in turn indicates that a person has a somewhat banal and boring life, full of hard work and practically unrewarded.
  • If the back of the nose has a slope to the side, then this indicates that, most likely, failures will haunt the person.
  • A nose whose back is crossed with deep lines says that the fate of such a person will be to some extent connected with disasters.
  • In women, such a nose is evidence of a difficult marriage and an imminent divorce.
  • If veins are visible on the back of such a nose, then this is a possibility that it will have.
  • If the tip of the nose hangs like a nut, then this person will occupy a fairly strong position in society, and prosperity in business.
  • If the tip of the nose sags strongly, then this indicates a person's oversexuality. If the tip of the nose is pointed and not fleshy, then this indicates that the person is prone to betrayal and treachery.
  • If the tip of the nose has the shape of an eagle's beak, then this is a vindictive person, we can say that to some extent he is obsessed with mania, that everyone constantly interferes with him. In the case when the tip of the nose has a slightly reddish tint, it indicates that its owner is lazy and unsteady, a careerist will not work out of him, but he is quite insightful and gifted with foresight.
  • In the case when the back of the nose is high, in the presence of weak cheekbones and jaws, this indicates that the person was born in a family with high social position, in middle age disasters await him, and in old age - hardships.
  • When the nose has a sagging shape and a skinny tip, which in turn covers most of the upper lip, then this is a treacherous and treacherous nature.
  • If the tip of the nose is split, then this person is suspicious, vindictive, shy, preferring to solve his problems on his own, with the help of his original mind.
  • If the nose has a full, large, convex tip, then this indicates that the person is sincere, kind-hearted, always ready for self-sacrifice, if there is a controlled gleam in the eyes.
  • A nose that has a round and full tip, which covers a certain part of the groove above the middle of the upper lip, then this person has extraordinary energy, unlimited business acumen and a shrewd mind.

The ideal nose is considered to be a nose of normal length, balanced with the mouth, eyes and chin. There must be two deep lines on both sides of the mouth. Such a nose says about a person that he is honest, temperamental, sexually active, proud, active and having great authority.

The third zone of the face directly includes the upper part of the face, eyebrows, forehead and eyes, this part is called the intellectual. In the eyes of a person, the thought processes that take place in the head of a person, their speed and direction are always quite clearly displayed. Brilliant eyes and a lively look indicate that their owner is enthusiastic and passionate about some idea. And, accordingly, half-closed eyes with an extinct look indicate that a person is depressed or depressed. American scientists have found that people basically look in six different directions, it directly depends on what is happening at the moment in their brain.

For right-handers, it is typical, with some kind of memory or if they represent something, to direct their gaze up to the right, and for left-handers, respectively, up to the left. When remembering some kind of sound of music, the right-hander will direct his gaze to the right, and if he imagines some kind of sound, then to the left. The right-hander looks down to the left when he wants to remember a sensation, taste, smell, and looks in the opposite direction when he is conducting an internal dialogue. As for the left-hander, the same thing happens to him, only in the opposite direction.

If you want to check who is in front of you, you can ask that person to remember some image or sound and look at the movement of his eyes accordingly. It is worth noting that in Chinese physiognomy, wrinkles that directly appear in the corners of the eyes, when laughing, are called the tail of a goldfish. And the larger and more magnificent this tail, it means that this person is sympathetic and kind. On the face of a person, it is not uncommon to notice two small vaults above the eyes, they are especially noticeable in people with great powers of observation. It is generally accepted that they mean a desire to help and increased attentiveness.

Quite often, but not in all cases, a large forehead is a sign of a great mind, but sometimes circumstances develop in such a way that a person cannot develop his intellectual potential. But it also happens that a rather smart person, in the field of knowledge, does not understand at all in another field. Therefore, with regard to the assessment of the mind, here with each person it is necessary to be quite careful. In adults, a furrow in the middle of the forehead can be clearly visible, which in turn indicates that he is an introvert and has a high degree of introspection. In the case when a person concentrates quite often, focusing on something, he accordingly forms several vertical folds above the bridge of the nose.

Eyes are like an open book, you can read a lot through them.

If a person has large balanced eyes with irises, then this person is conservative, calm and kind.

Proportionate eyes, but smaller than usual, indicate that a person is modest by nature, tries not to attract attention to himself, the personality is dim, stubborn and internally self-satisfied. For women with such eyes, purity and impregnability are characteristic, married women remain faithful and faithful, but very jealous.

Proportionate eyes, but more than normal, say about a person that he is a sensual and receptive nature, domineering and courageous. Women with such eyes are characterized by an aesthetic face and inclinations.

Small eyes with small irises are inherent in people who are not satisfied with their position in life, they are grouchy and unwilling to accept the existing order, they are characterized by the manifestation of cruelty and the use of force to achieve their goals.

The eyes are raised up, which means a person is sensitive, courageous, greedy and decisive. If at the same time a person has a hooked nose and a low forehead, then these features are negative. Women with such an appearance are characterized by irrationality, jealousy and violence.

In the case when the outer corner of the eyes (the one at the temple) is sharp and long, then such a person is endowed with a strong mind and insight, ruthless and artistic.

Eyes slanted to the bottom indicate that the person is optimistic, good-natured, able to win favor.

If the corners of the eyes look down, then this person is calm, pessimistic and submissive by nature.

It would seem that eyebrows are just a trifle, but they also say a lot about the character of a person. They are directly thin, wide, fused at the bridge of the nose. If the eyebrow is short and thin, then this indicates that the person is alone in the struggle for life. If short eyebrows have an uneven or coarse structure, then this means a changeable career. Too thin and almost invisible eyebrows - characterizes its owner as slutty and cunning. As for the general characteristics, a thin eyebrow is primarily a sign of an amorous nature and happy life married.

If a person has the shape of an eyebrow that resembles a boomerang, then by nature he is an inventive and quite strong person, able to set in motion his ideas and turn them into actions, this is a self-confident and sexual nature. A woman with such eyebrows is trying to take the initiative in love relationships on himself, dominates in marriage, has a fairly strong physical attractiveness.

In the case when the eyebrows are closely connected and form a horizontal line, they are sometimes so rigid that they can bunch up at their outer ends. A person with this type of eyebrows is characterized by resourcefulness and determination.

If the eyebrows are located obliquely, and practically converge in the middle of the forehead, then this person has excellent imagination, courage, and foresight. A woman is characterized at first by some violation of beauty, but later she will succeed in her career.

When both eyebrows and, accordingly, the eyes are at the same level, well balanced and proportional, this indicates that a person is by nature very good-natured, honest, serious, lucky, conscientious, and is in excellent relationships with society.

In the event that part of the eyebrows goes in the opposite direction, it indicates that this is a rather stubborn person, devoid of flexibility, uncompromising in relations with people.

The eyebrows join and form a heavy and thick line, characteristic of a straightforward person who does not consider the opinions of others. A woman with this type of eyebrows is endowed with a rather strong character, she does not have a tendency to lead household, most likely her marriage will end in divorce, but, as far as directly career and professional activities are concerned, everything is successful here.

From the facial features of a person, as well as from his facial expressions, you can tell a lot about what mood a person has, what he thinks about, how he will behave in the future, but in order to be able to read it in the face, it is necessary to study the facial features well and possible further behavior.


« facial expressions of the human face »

1st year student

Group 131

specialties: Medicine

Fedin A.D.


Panasenkova T.S.


Types of facial expressions…………………………………………………….6

Emotional facial expression as a subject of facial expressions…….7

Determining facial expressions……………………………..8

Methods for diagnosing emotions by facial expression…..9-10

Mimic changes in the faces of patients……………………..11

Conclusion………………………………………………………… 12

List of sources used……………………….13


People often say one thing and think something completely different. Therefore, it is important to learn to understand their true state. When transmitting information, only 7% is reported in words, 30% is expressed by the sound of the voice, and more than 60% goes through other non-verbal channels: look, facial expressions, etc.

People tend to say one thing and think something completely different, so it is very important to understand their true state. When transmitting information, only 7% of it is communicated through words (verbally), 30 percent is expressed by the sound of the voice (tones, intonation) and more than 60% goes through other non-verbal (look, gestures, facial expressions, etc.) channels.

For a correct understanding of the speaker, it is desirable to evaluate what is being said in the inextricable connection of words, speech, pantomime and other "accompanies" of communication, bringing your perception to some completeness.

The emotions experienced in the soul, people usually express:

conventionally (in a standard way accepted in a given communication environment);

spontaneously (involuntarily).

When a partner seeks not to give away how he relates to what is being reported, everything can be limited to a simple conventional non-verbal hint, sometimes true, but more often disorienting.

People often weigh their words and control facial expressions, but a person is able to simultaneously monitor no more than two or three of all reactions born inside. This “information leakage” allows you, if you have the appropriate knowledge and experience, to identify those feelings and desires that the object would prefer to hide.

The reactions that involuntarily arise in people are purely individual and are well read only with excellent knowledge of the partner. Failure to understand this moment can lead to fatal self-deception in the knowledge of another person.

When evaluating personal expression, not only innate differences are taken into account, but also the influence of traditions, upbringing, environment and general life culture. It is desirable to be aware of both the background state (mood) of the individual and his reaction to some emerging stimulus (probing, act, situation).

Much more clearly than in men, the emotions present in women are visible, which are usually (though not always) easy to read. Success in hiding one's feelings depends on the nature of the person (it is more difficult for a choleric than for a phlegmatic person), the accompanying circumstances (affectability, surprise) and the experience of the perceiver.

When stimulating personal feelings, for greater persuasiveness, all expressive means are usually used in excess. Keep this fact in mind when appreciating the sincerity of other people and trying to portray your experiences.

Experiences that arise in the soul of a person are highlighted in his appearance and movements in a very definite way - this is probably the simplest and least controversial zone. We found that many people do not understand at all that communication can occur through facial expressions. They never tried to understand how it happens.

During business negotiations, you can observe the widest range of facial expressions: at one extreme - an aggressively tough person who looks at negotiations as a place where you need to "do or die." This one usually looks you straight in the eyes, his eyes are wide open, his lips are firmly compressed, his eyebrows are furrowed, and he even sometimes speaks through his teeth, almost without moving his lips. At the other end of the spectrum, someone with impeccable manners, an infantile look from under closed eyelids, a slight veiled smile, peacefully arched eyebrows, without a single wrinkle on his forehead. He is probably a capable and approachable person who believes that cooperation is a dynamic process.

Under the influence of the feelings experienced by the individual, coordinated contractions and relaxations of various facial muscles are born, which determine a facial expression that perfectly reflects the emotions experienced. Since the state of the facial muscles is easy to learn to manage, the display of emotions on the face is often tried to mask, or even imitate.

The sincerity of human emotion is usually indicated by symmetry in the display of feelings on the face, while the stronger the falseness, the more the facial expressions of its right and left halves differ. Even easily recognizable facial expressions are sometimes very short-lived (fractions of a second) and often go unnoticed; to be able to intercept it, practice or special training is needed. At the same time, positive emotions (joy, pleasure) are more easily recognized than negative ones (sadness, shame, disgust).

The lips of a person are distinguished by special emotional expressiveness, which are not difficult to read (increased facial expressions of the mouth or biting the lips, for example, indicate anxiety, but a mouth twisted to one side indicates skepticism or mockery).

A smile on the face usually shows friendliness or a need for approval. A smile for a man is good opportunity show that he is in control of himself in every situation. A woman's smile is much more truthful and more often corresponds to her actual mood. Since smiles reflect different motives, it is advisable not to rely too much on their standard interpretation:

excessive smiling - the need for approval;

a wry smile is a sign of controlled nervousness;

a smile with raised eyebrows - a willingness to obey;

a smile with lowered eyebrows - showing superiority;

a smile without lifting the lower eyelids is insincerity;

a smile with a constant expansion of the eyes without closing them is a threat.

Typical facial expressions that communicate the emotions experienced are as follows:

joy: lips are twisted and their corners are pulled back, small wrinkles have formed around the eyes;

interest: the eyebrows are slightly raised or lowered, while the eyelids are slightly dilated or narrowed;

happiness: the outer corners of the lips are raised and usually laid back, the eyes are calm;

surprise: raised eyebrows form wrinkles on the forehead, while the eyes are dilated, and the parted mouth has a rounded shape;

disgust: eyebrows are lowered, the nose is wrinkled, the lower lip is protruded or raised and closed with the upper lip, the eyes seem to squint; the person seems to be choking or spitting;

contempt: the eyebrows are raised, the face is long, the head is elevated, as if a person is looking down on someone; he, as it were, moves away from the interlocutor;

fear: the eyebrows are slightly raised, but have a straight shape, their inner corners are shifted, horizontal wrinkles pass through the forehead, the eyes are dilated, and the lower eyelid is tense, and the upper one is slightly raised, the mouth can be open, and its corners are pulled back (an indicator of the intensity of emotion) ; when there is only the mentioned position of the eyebrows, then this is a controlled fear;

anger: the muscles of the forehead are drawn in and down, organizing a threatening or frowning expression of the eyes, the nostrils are dilated, the wings of the nose are raised, the lips are either tightly compressed or drawn back, assuming a rectangular shape and exposing clenched teeth, the face often reddens;

shame: the head is lowered, the face is turned away, the gaze is averted, the eyes are fixed downward or “run” from side to side, the eyelids are closed, and sometimes closed; the face is reddened, the pulse is quickened, breathing is interrupted;

sorrow: eyebrows drawn together, eyes dull, and outside corners lips are sometimes somewhat lowered.

Knowing facial expressions during various emotions is useful not only in order to understand others, but also for the most thorough practice (usually in front of a mirror) of your working imitations.

Thus, if facial expressions are a movement of the muscles of the face, reflecting the internal emotional state of a communication partner, then the possession of facial expressions is necessary, in fact, for any person, but especially for those who, by the nature of their activities, have numerous contacts with people.

facial expressions(from others - Greek μῑμέομαι - imitate) - "expressive movements of the muscles of the face, which are one of the forms of manifestation of certain feelings of a person" or "movements of muscles in coordinated complexes, reflecting a variety of mental states of a person." “Approximately the same wording of the latter is given in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, but instead of “reflecting”, “corresponding to various mental states” is used. It should be noted that in these definitions, emphasis is placed on the reflective function of facial expressions, on its correspondence to the state of the psyche. The physical state of the body, apparently, is combined with the mental one, which can hardly be considered fair.<...>Besides important element facial expressions is a look that depends on the size of the pupil, the color of the iris, the luster of the cornea, which are not controlled by the somatic muscles. In the definition of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, only “feelings” are indicated as part of emotional processes, while it would be more correct to indicate the many forms of experiences in the form of “emotional states of a person”, which explains the meaning of the term from a psychophysiological point of view. Among other things, from a pathological point of view, in the definition of the word "facial expressions" it is important to take into account somatic processes, since the face, according to Hippocrates, is the first indicator of the patient's condition, by which one can judge the state of health and identify " whole line diseases of internal organs, which causes the appearance of quite peculiar memes<...>» . From an artistic and theatrical point of view, facial expressions are the ability or ability to arbitrarily use such muscle movements, which can be called "the art of expressing feelings and moods<...>”, “through gestures, postures and various facial expressions (min)”. For example, in the term of the beginning of the XX century. from the dictionary foreign words included in the Russian language, edited by Pavlenkov, was an approximate and incomplete unification of today's definitions of facial expressions, which was as follows:

“Movement of muscles corresponding to the work of the brain. But this movement can be produced artificially, both to achieve a resemblance to someone, and for greater expressiveness of the expressed thought (theatrical facial expressions).

In general, "as you can see, the most accurate definition of facial expressions is not yet available." Mimicry refers to expressive movements and is one of the links in the chain of various forms and methods of communication between people, and between representatives of the animal world during biocommunication. At the same time, mimic, including bodily, manifestations are usually called emotional expression, which are considered as the main defining components of emotions. In everyday life, facial expressions are called the "language of feelings", facial expression or expression, expression of emotions, or simply expressiveness.

Types of facial expressions

1 . According to I.A. Sikorsky, "facial facial expressions can be conveniently divided into three groups that correspond to the three main mental functions":

mind - the muscles surrounding the eyes are witnesses or spokesmen of mental acts;

· will - the muscles surrounding the area of ​​the mouth, which are associated with acts of will;

Feelings - nevertheless, in general, facial muscles that are able to express feelings.

2 . Distinguish:

involuntary (reflex) everyday facial expressions;

· arbitrary (conscious) facial expressions as an element of acting art, consisting of conveying the state of mind of the character with expressive movements of the muscles of the face. It helps the actor in creating a stage image, in determining psychological characteristics, the physical and mental state of the character.

Facial expressions, just like speech, can be used by a person to convey false information (that is, in order to show the wrong emotions that a person really feels at one time or another).
3 . Forms of mimic complexes

Amimia, which refers to the absence of visible facial expressions; with low mobility, facial expressions speak of hypomimia;

Intense facial expressions, accompanied by the motor skills of a tightly closed mouth with a corresponding tension in the upper part of the face;

Facial expressions of interest, characterized by a slight raising or lowering of the eyebrows, a slight expansion and narrowing of the eyelids, as if to increase the field of view or sharpen the focus of the eyes. Facial expressions of interest are quite common, as they are determined positive emotion and is a kind of motivation in the development of skills, knowledge and intelligence;

· Mimicry of a smile. Despite the outward simplicity, the facial expression of a smile is very polymorphic; it is not common during normal contact. A smile serves to pacify or distract from aggressive behavior, manifests itself when greeting.

Emotional facial expression as a subject of facial expressions

The facial expressions of a person's face, from the point of view of non-verbal psychology, are a very valuable source of information. Using it, we can determine what emotions a person experiences (anger, fear, sadness, grief, disgust, joy, satisfaction, surprise, contempt), as well as the strength of their manifestation. But despite the expressiveness of a person's face, it is it that often misleads us. However, the expressiveness, expression or facial expressions and inner experiences of a person are very difficult to separate from each other, which is why his concept includes the following components:

Designated (designatum) - the main characteristic of the perceived personality;

designation - a visual configuration that represents this characteristic;

means - physical bases and manifestations (skin, muscles, wrinkles, lines, spots, etc.);

interpretation - individual characteristics perception, with which it is necessary to be careful and attentive, since from birth we get used to patterns and stereotypes of behavior, where a formal smile or, on the contrary, an expression of sadness become part of everyday life.

Physiognomy is the science of reflection psychological characteristics and emotions of a person on his face.

V modern world people are increasingly interested in psychology and study books on the study of techniques that help to reveal the inner content of their interlocutor.

Facial expressions, gestures, posture that a person takes during communication, much more accurately convey the real thoughts and feelings of the opponent. Knowing how to read them, you can easily determine what a person is thinking about and how much he is disposed towards you. And if you use knowledge correctly, you can adapt to a person and achieve what you want from him.

Psychology of gestures


In case of danger or unwillingness to show his inner state, a person tries to hide from everyone, instinctively closing himself off from the outside world. This can be seen in the arms on the chest or in the “foot to foot” position. When a person takes such a pose, then there can be no talk of any open feelings, he does not trust his interlocutor and does not want him to climb into his space.

An additional barrier in communication can be an object that the interlocutor holds in front of him, for example, a folder or papers. He sort of withdraws from the dialogue, keeps his distance.

Clenched hands into fists speak of the combat readiness of the opponent to enter into an open conflict and it is better not to provoke this person.

2. Openness and predisposition

Often these gestures are used by managers or trainers to inspire confidence in the client.

When speaking, a person gesticulates smoothly with his hands, open palms up, or connects his fingers at a small distance from the chest, in the form of a dome. All this speaks of the openness of a person, that he is ready for dialogue, he does not hide anything and wants to finish off the interlocutor's predisposition to himself.

The fact that a person is relaxed at the moment is evidenced by the unbuttoned upper buttons on the clothes, the inclination towards the interlocutor during communication.

3. Boredom

Such gestures are intended to convey information about the lack of interest in the conversation, and perhaps it is time for you to move the conversation to another topic, or end it altogether.

Boredom is indicated by shifting from one foot to another, a hand supporting the head, tapping the foot on the floor, looking at the situation in the area.

4. Interest

When showing sympathy for the opposite sex, women, for example, fix their makeup, hairdo, sort out a lock of hair, shake their hips when walking, there is a sparkle in their eyes, a directed long look when talking with an interlocutor.

5. Uncertainty

The doubts of the interlocutor can be said by sorting out an object in the hands or fingers between themselves, a person rubs his neck, sorts out a piece of clothing.

6. Lie

Sometimes a person talks very confidently about something and seems to be true, but intuition tells us that there is a catch somewhere. A person, when lying, subconsciously rubs his nose, earlobe, may even close his eyes for a while. Thus, he himself tries to isolate himself from this information by transmitting signals to you.

Some children cover their mouths when they lie in an attempt to stop the lies. Growing up and gaining experience, they can veil this gesture with a cough.

Psychology of facial expressions

1. Joy, happiness

The eyebrows are relaxed, the corners of the lips and cheeks are raised, small wrinkles appear in the corners of the eyes.

2. Irritation, anger

The eyebrows are brought to the center or pubescent, tense, the mouth is closed, and stretched out into a single straight line. The corners of the lips look down.

3. Contempt

The eyes are slightly narrowed, the corner of the mouth is slightly raised on one side, the lips are frozen in a smirk.

4. Surprise

The eyes are rounded and slightly bulging, the eyebrows are raised, the mouth is open, as if it wants to say the letter "o".

5. Fear

The eyelids are raised along with the eyebrows, the eyes are wide open.

6. Sadness, grief

Empty look, extinct. The eyes and eyelids are lowered, wrinkles form between the eyebrows, the lips are relaxed, the corners look down.

7. Disgust

The upper lip is tense and raised, the eyebrows are practically joined together, the cheeks are slightly lifted up, the nose is wrinkled.

Of course, this is only a small part of the gestures of facial expressions, the rest can be studied independently by reading books on physiognomy. Psychology is very interesting science, which never ceases to amaze with its discoveries in the field of human studies.