Games for an adult company in the summer. Fun games for the company of adults

The games offered are suitable for entertainment in large rooms, in the yard, on the street or at a picnic.

To carry them out, in addition to skill and ingenuity, it is worth stocking up on chairs, matchboxes, balloons, buttons and other small things. And then the fun to the fullest is guaranteed!

Wild Beast Tamer

Chairs are arranged in a fairly wide circle in the room, on the basis that one guest will be left without him. A tamer of wild animals is chosen, the remaining guests take chairs. The owners of the chairs name the animal whom they will impersonate (the names are not repeated), the tamer remembers. Then he slowly walks in a circle, naming all the animals in a row. The named "animal" gets up and follows the tamer. When all the "animals" are raised and follow the tamer in a chain, he says: "Attention, hunters!" And now the task of everyone, both the "animals" and the tamer, is to take free chairs. Those who did not have time and were left without a place takes the position of a tamer of wild animals, the game continues.

Guess who am I?

If a large number of guests take part in the game, then it will be much more fun. A leader is chosen, who is blindfolded, the rest of the players stand around him, holding hands. On the clap of the leader, the players begin to lead a round dance. And one more clap of the leader - the circle freezes. The presenter points to any player who must guess. If the presenter named the player correctly the first time, then the “recognized” one becomes the presenter. If the first attempt was unsuccessful, then the presenter is allowed to touch the player and try again to guess. With a correct guess, the identified player becomes the leader. For quick identification of the person and the variety of the game, you can introduce a rule according to which the host asks the guests to give a voice, for example, meow, bark, crow, and so on.

Hands up!

Team game for a team of 8 people or more, the main number of participants must be even. Those present are divided into 2 teams and are seated on opposite sides of the table. You need to have 1 coin to play. The coin is presented to one team, the participants pass it from hand to hand under the table. The leader of the opposing team is slowly counting to ten (you can silently), and then says: "Hands up!" The team passing the coin must immediately raise their hands, clenched into fists. After the command of the “enemy” leader: “Hands down!”, The players put their hands, palms down, on the table. The player who has a coin in his hands must, imperceptibly for others, cover it with his palm (while lowering his hands). The opposing team at the general meeting decides who has the coin hidden under the palm of their hand. With the correct guess - the coin go to them, with the wrong one - it remains with the team. Game continues.

Hit the hat!

As you might guess from the name of the game, the guests are invited to fire at a target - a hat, which is placed on a chair and the distance from which the shelling of the headgear will pass is determined. Each player is given 5 "grenades" - playing cards, Chinese sticks, unpeeled nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, etc.), cocktail straws, etc. Ammunition can be issued in various calibers.

Break the ice!

It is better to arrange such a game in the bosom of nature in sunny weather. Vacationers are divided into 2 teams, each of them is given an ice cube (cubes of the same size). It's very simple, the first team to melt the ice is the winner. The cube is passed from hand to hand in the team, each as he can and melts (warms in his hands, rubs it, etc.).


This game is more fun to have fun in a large company. Everyone calls their own musical instrument which he chose to "play". It will be more interesting if the players choose different tools... For example, flute, saxophone, drum, etc. A "conductor" of the formed orchestra is selected, who faces him and starts playing his chosen instrument (for example, imitates a drumbeat if he chose a drum or puffs out his cheeks - if a flute). The orchestra also begins to play their instruments, while not taking their eyes off the conductor. Suddenly the conductor starts playing another instrument (chosen by another player). The player who was taken away from the instrument stops "playing" and covers his ears with his hands. The rest of the members of the orchestra play the instrument of the chosen conductor. After a certain period of time, the conductor returns to playing his instrument, and the orchestra also begins to play their instruments. Thus, the conductor changes instruments, and the orchestra must keep up with him and not make a mistake in choosing an instrument.


One variation of the bottle game, no kissing. On several sheets of paper (according to the number of participants), various tasks are written, for example: "Draw (sound) the animal shown in the picture", "Run around the house", "Give a flower to the first girl you meet", "Squeeze out 5 times", etc. The leaves twisted into a tube are pushed into the bottle. Players sit on the floor in a circle. The bottle is placed in the center of the circle and spins, the player in front of whom it stopped takes out a leaf and performs the written task.


The players form a semicircle, one step away from them the driver becomes the back to the faces. The driver covers the right side of the face right palm limiting your view, and back side left palm presses to the right side. One of the players gently hits the driver's palm with his palm. All players draw right hand with a clenched fist and raised thumb. The driver faces the players and guesses who hit him. If the attempt is successful, the “identified” one replaces the driver; if it is unsuccessful, the game is repeated.

Lift the chair

Various options for pressing a chair: holding the chair with one hand by the front leg or by the back, by the upper crossbar of the back of the chair, but with two hands, etc. It is necessary to lift with outstretched arms above the head, who managed to lift the most without lowering the chair to the floor - the winner.

Prize draw for account 3

The prize is placed on a chair between two participants. The leader keeps the count: one, two, three ... twenty two, one, two, three ... one hundred and four, one, two, three ... twelve, etc. The prize will go to the most attentive and agile, who will be the first to take the prize after hearing the word “three” from the host.


Two participants come out of the team, who are tied with their hands (the right one with the left of the second). With their free hands, respectively, the left of one and the right of the other, the participants should pack the previously prepared gift in a roll, then tie it with a ribbon, the ends of which should be tied in a bow. The leading pair is awarded a point. Then the winning team is determined by points.

Catch the bottle

Required props for the game: cut a small ring (diameter 2-3 cm) out of wood, cardboard or a plastic cover. Attach a stick more than a meter long to the ring using a rope (wire). In some place in the room they arrange different bottles... The player, holding the end of the stick, must throw the ring over the neck of the bottle. Multiple sticks can be prepared to increase the number of players simultaneously playing. For excitement, bottles can be arranged with the contents: "Fanta", "Coca-Cola" or strong drinks. Whoever "caught" the bottle gets its contents as a prize. It is advisable that each player stays with a prize.


To begin with, players are invited to make a "discovery" new planet- inflate as quickly as possible Balloons... Next, you need to "populate" the open planets with inhabitants - also quickly draw them with a felt-tip pen. The winner is the one with the most populous planet.


A game for song lovers. Players form a circle facing inward. The presenter drags on a song, verse, or speaks if he cannot sing. Without pausing, the next player continues to sing the verse of another song. And so on, but the new verse must contain at least one word from the "old" verse. They sing verses without a pause, each time the player on the right picks up the song.


The host invites all players to sing in chorus. First, a well-known song: "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" or another. The presenter claps his hands once - the choir sings, the second time claps - they sing mentally (to himself), the third clap - again loud universal singing. Thus, several times until some singer gets lost. The lost singer becomes the presenter and proposes his own song, also well-known, for reproduction. The host helps the choir, especially with mental singing.

Keep your melody

The leader is selected. The rest of the players remember songs, words and motive well known to them. In addition to the presenter, each player will perform the song of his choice. One clap of the leader - everyone is mentally singing (to themselves). Two claps from the host - loud chanting of all players. The main thing is not to go astray when hearing extraneous singing. Then the presenter claps once - everyone sings mentally, claps twice - they sing loudly. The player who has finished the song to the end, without ever getting lost, is declared the winner. The presenter is watching this. The reward is the opportunity to sing your favorite song without extraneous voices and claps from the host.

Sound technician

To play you need special devices and sound accompaniment... The source of characteristic sounds can be, for example: cans filled with dry peas, a baking sheet, a closed can of dry peas, ski boots and a board, saucepans with lids, a metal spoon, rags, etc. You need to prepare a tape recorder and a blank cassette. Everything is now ready for the radio show.
Tell any fairy tale, for example: "The Legend of Good and Evil." The beginning of the tale may be as follows: - “Once I went into the forest to pick mushrooms (putting my hands in my shoes, it’s easy to touch the board), making our way through the pine trees (the sound of moving pine paws - hitting some surface with a rag) and suddenly there was a sound someone's steps (also hands in boots, but slowly move over the board). The footsteps came at first quietly, and then the sound kept growing and growing (knocking the lid on the pan). And then I turned around and there was a bear in front of me. From fear, my veins began to shake (shaking with a closed jar of peas) and at this time thunder struck (intensively with a spoon on the baking sheet). I raised my head to the sky, and large drops of rain fell from it (shaking tin can with peas), turned to the bear, and he walks away with an open umbrella ... ".
Record the tale on a tape recorder and listen later.

Revitalizing the picture

The game is a team, each in secret from the other team comes up with the plot of their picture. Next, the teams show a pantomime of the conceived pictures to each other, for which 15 seconds are allotted. Time is given for discussion and a version of the title of the picture is put forward. The teams announce what they portrayed. Two nominations of winners: who guessed better, who portrayed better.


The leader is chosen, the rest on the count of three freeze in various poses. "Stirlitz" remembers the clothes and poses of the players, leaves the room. At this time, the players change 5 elements (in clothes or posture) - 5 elements for all participants. Stirlitz must find changes and return everything to its original position. If he managed to find all five, he gives the task to the players, which they must complete. In the opposite case - Stirlitz remains and everything starts anew.

Original acquaintance

The players form a circle. Everyone takes a new name - a foreign one or a pseudonym, which he announces, taking a step forward. For example: "I am Napoleon." In addition to the name, a gesture characteristic of the chosen image is invented, it is shown during the presentation of the name. So, for example, you introduced yourself and put your hand behind your jacket. The next player repeats everything after you and then introduces himself. The third player has to repeat first after the first, then after the second player, and only after that he introduces himself. And so, like a snowball in a circle. Whoever makes a mistake, then starts over with the repetition of the previous player (name and gesture) and again "the lump grows" in a circle. After going through several circles, identify the owner of the longest chain and somehow please him.

Draw a shape

For the game, there is a breakdown into pairs. Each pair will perform in turn. Unnoticed by other players, a partner in a pair draws any figure on the back of a colleague with his finger. The player, on whose back it was painted, depicts this figure in front of the other couples: dancing, walking, somehow moving. Everyone guesses. By the decision of the judge, the winning pair is determined - the pieces that were recognized by most of the players.

Pass the orange

All players form a circle and pass an orange or other round thing (apple, ball, round toy) to each other. The transfer of the orange takes place without the help of the hands - chin or shoulder. The participant who dropped the object is eliminated from the game. The two remaining players will be the winners.


They all form a circle. Everyone invents and depicts a pantomimic caricature of one of the colleagues present in the circle. Then, in a circle, the participants try to consistently depict cartoons of all the players. One depicts, the rest is collectively guessed. If you guessed correctly, the “exposed” leaves the game. Otherwise, the parody author leaves the game. And so on in a circle, the most persistent are the winners.

Chocolate bar

Team game for those with a sweet tooth. The facilitator prepares the same chocolate for each team (2). The teams are seated on opposite sides of the table, the leader is in the center. Leading, commanding: "Start!" distributes a chocolate bar to the players closest to him. The first players must quickly unfold the chocolate and take a bite, then pass it to the next participants, who also take a bite and pass the baton. The winning team is the first to eat the chocolate, and absolutely all players must take a bite of it, so you still need to be able to properly distribute the sweet inventory.


Players are standing on the field and throwing a balloon to each other. The rule of the game is not to move from a place (do not lift your feet off the floor). A penalty point is awarded to the one who budged or, in the case when no one caught the ball, touched it last. The player with three penalty points becomes just an observer. The last one remaining on the playing field is the winner.


Do you remember a fairy tale where a spouse, in spite of her spouse, did everything the other way around? The presenter comes out in front of the players and shows some kind of movement, and the players do the opposite. Lead picks up left hand- players lower their left hand, spread their arms - players reduce, crouch - jump, etc. The new leader is the player who made the mistake.

Game of matches

A box of matches (possibly incomplete) is piled on the table by one of the players. The next player picks up a match from the pile so as not to hit other matches.
If a match other than the one that is being pulled out moves, the player retreats. And a new participant begins to drag matches. Everyone is given 5-10 attempts, whoever managed to get the most matches is the winner. You can determine the winner using a different method: Decorate matches in different colors, assign a number of points to each color, or draw circular stripes on the matches (circle - point). The player with the most points is the winner.

Who is not there and how is he dressed?

A game for a large company, blindfold the driver. One of the guests leaves the room. The driver's eyes are opened and he must tell who came out and fully describe his wardrobe.

Homeostat (group compatibility)

The players form a circle while seated. All players clench their fists and, at the signal of the leader, sharply "throw out" their fingers. The task of the players is to "throw out" the fingers in the same number. They play so far, they will not achieve synchronicity. It is forbidden to look at each other and negotiate.


Things and people are transformed into something else, without the help of words, but by determining the expediency of actions. For example, a room is a beach, then all players are sea, sand, umbrellas. Bazaar - counters, vegetables, prices, shopping bags. Concert hall - operators, "stars", fans, flowers, etc. You can additionally arrange noise accompaniment, image of props.

Removing buttons

Using only your index fingers, pass the button to each other along the chain. The button lies on index finger... The one who drops the button is eliminated from the game, the last one is the winner.

"Football" with buttons

Two gates for two teams. Gate - two buttons on the floor. There are also three more buttons on the floor on each side. The middle button is "hammered" into the goal. Alternating goal scoring.

Button record

The player stands on his toes at the edge of the carpet and tries to put the button as far away from him as possible. At the same time, you can tilt the body forward. A player who could not resist on his toes and fell on the carpet is eliminated from the game. The winner is either the most persistent, or the one who has laid the button farthest.

  1. Jenga
    The game will require smooth and uniform sizes wooden blocks, it is better to buy a ready-made set for Jenga. A turret is being erected from the blocks. Moreover, each of its next levels fits in the other direction. Then the participants in the game need to carefully pull out any block and put it on top level turrets. This must be done carefully so that the structure does not fall apart.

    And the player whose awkwardness led to the destruction of the tower is considered the loser.

  2. Hat
    This game will require 10 pieces of paper, which each player must have. Participants write any words on all their pieces of paper. Then the sheets of paper with the words are folded into the hat. Each participant, pulling a piece of paper out of his hat, must explain, show or even draw a word he has come across. And the rest must guess it.

    The one who turned out to be the smartest at the end of the game gets a prize. Words are wow!

  3. Associations
    All sit in a circle. A presenter is chosen who speaks any word in the ear of his neighbor. The person who received this word is obliged to quickly communicate it to the player sitting next to him, but in the form of an association. For example, a house is a hearth. And he, in turn, transmits his version to the next participant.

    The game is considered successful if the leader's word has nothing to do with the last association. You can play without even getting up from the table.

  4. Get to know me
    This game will require several volunteers who are seated in one row. The presenter is blindfolded and brought to the volunteers so that he could recognize each of them by touch. Any part of the body can be used for recognition.

  5. Crocodile
    The presenter guesses to the participant a word, which he must show with gestures, facial expressions, but without pointing with a finger or drawing. The rest of the participants must guess this word. It's very funny to watch someone wriggle trying to show some object or phenomenon.

  6. Cucumber
    Excellent game for a large company, because here we need as many people as possible. One is chosen by the leader, and the rest are in a close circle and put their hands behind their backs. Each of those standing in the circle, imperceptibly for the leader, must pass a cucumber (or any other suitable vegetable) behind his back. In this case, imperceptibly you need to bite off the vegetable.

    The host's goal is to catch a player with a cucumber. The caught participant becomes the leader himself.

  7. Danetki
    This is a kind of detective story. The presenter introduces the participants of the game to the puzzle that they have to unravel. To do this, players can ask a variety of questions. But the presenter can only answer them "yes", "no" or "it does not matter."

  8. There is a contact!
    Someone comes up with a word, but the rest of the players say only its first letter. For example, the party is the first B. Each of the participants comes up with his own word, starting with B, and tries to explain it to others. Saying the word is prohibited. As soon as one of the players guesses what in question, he needs to shout out: "There is a contact!"

    Then both players - the one who made the word and the one who guessed it - communicate their versions of this word. If they turned out to be the same, the game continues further. To do this, the presenter voices the next letter from his word "party". Now players have to come up with words using the first two letters - B and E.

  9. Dirty dancing
    The company is divided into pairs. A sheet of paper is laid out on the floor, one for a couple of dancers. The music turns on and you need to dance on the sheet so as not to touch the floor with your foot. If someone from a pair goes beyond the paper, then any member of this pair must remove some thing. The winner is the one with the most clothes left at the end of the dance. The game is very spicy.

  10. Forfeits
    The moderator takes one item from all the participants and puts them in a bag. Next, a player is selected who will assign forfeits. He is blindfolded, offered to take any object out of the bag and give an assignment to its owner.

  11. Fairy tales with a modern twist
    Why not make the guests laugh each other instead of boring and uninteresting professional conversations? It’s very simple. The participants are given sheets of paper and tasks are given: to present the content of all known fairy tales in a professional language.

    Just imagine a fairy tale written in the style of a police report or a medical history. The author of the funniest fairy tale wins.

Players sit in a circle. The host brings out a plush toy. For example, a bear. Each participant must kiss the bear anywhere. After that, the presenter asks everyone to kiss their neighbor in the same place where they kissed the bear.

Drink a glass

Glasses with a drink are placed on the table. The number of glasses must be one less than the number of players. At the signal of the leader, the participants begin to walk around the table. When the presenter claps his hands, they stop, and everyone drinks the glass that he got. Those who are left without a glass are eliminated from the game.
After that, all glasses are refilled again, and their number should be one less than the number of the remaining players.

Guess yourself

All participants sit in a circle, each is glued to the forehead with a sticker on which the name of a certain person is written. famous person or a fairy-tale character. The task of each participant is that he must guess which person's name is written on his sticker.
He can find out with the help of leading questions.

Drawing together

Guests are divided into 2-3 teams. An easel and felt-tip pen are provided for each team. All participants are blindfolded. The presenter takes each participant in turn to the easel, where they will have to draw the sexiest part, in their opinion, (the man is in the woman, and the woman is in the man). As a result, the teams will have fun and varied drawings. After all, everyone will draw something of their own, for example, eyes, breasts, and so on. The team receives a prize for the most "wonderful" drawing.

Feel like a baby

For this competition, you will need bottles of beer and pacifiers in as many as there will be guests in this competition. The presenter opens the beer, puts a dummy on each bottle and distributes it to the participants. On the command “started”, everyone starts to empty their bottles, because with a dummy it's not so easy. Whoever copes first will receive a prize.


Guests are divided into pairs. The participants of each pair stand with their backs to each other, and between their backs they place an object, for example, a balloon or a ball. At the command "start", the teams must rise and run to the goal without losing the ball or dropping it even once, the one who drops it returns to the start and starts the path again. Whoever overcomes the distance faster and more harmoniously than everyone else and delivers the ball to its destination, he, or rather that pair, receives the prize.


The competition requires a glass and some kind of drink. The first guest at the table pours some drink into a glass. The second refills and so on. When the glass is full and the drink begins to overflow, then the guest on whom this happened should say a toast and drink the contents of the glass.

Men's hairstyle

Participants are divided into pairs. Hair ties are given to the girls. Girls should make their boyfriends beautiful hairstyles with rubber bands. Whose hairstyle will be the most beautiful, according to guests, won.
For the best effect, girls can be given not only elastic bands, but also hairpins, combs, and so on.

give me a hug

Guests are divided into pairs. Participants in each pair are tied at the waist with a strong knot. All pairs are in one big circle. At the start command, the participants should try to hug the competitor opposite, so that everyone will be drawn to different sides, and whoever is stronger and more agile will be able to win. The first to embrace will receive loud applause and prizes.

Mixed up clothes

Guests are divided into pairs. Each couple, not having time to wake up in the morning, was going to an important meeting and mixed up their clothes: the man put on a women's blouse, and the woman - men's shirt... So, in each pair, the man puts on a blouse, and the woman puts on a shirt (any thing with buttons in the same quantity, if necessary, buttons can be sewn on) and fasten all the buttons. At the start command, the participants of each pair unbutton, change things, change clothes and fasten. The pair in which the participants change faster will be the winner.

Hello dear friends and guests of the blog about original gifts and congratulations! Let's funny contests for adults for a birthday, let's discuss?

So, I give the floor to Lena.

Hello everyone! I think that before the next holiday, which is planned to be celebrated at home, you also have a variety of thoughts. How to prepare a delicious table, how to clean and decorate an apartment or your own yard. But for the celebration to be remembered not only by fatigue and a bunch of envelopes with money, special emotions are needed. And achieving this state is much easier than you might think. All you need is an interesting program of the event.

What does this include? And everything that your imagination can suggest: games and funny contests, unusual ways giving gifts and even various theatrical performances... We used to have birthdays with a very ambiguous feeling. They all looked alike. And sometimes tears would come from this routine on a seemingly solemn day.

But now, before each holiday, I try to arrange something new so that not only the guests, but also we, the hosts, have pleasant emotions from the time spent.

In general, I am sharing my work today! I really hope that this article will help you compose your own interesting and bright holiday program with your own hands. All elements of the entertainment program, which I will present below, have already been successfully tested by us. So you can safely use it if you like something.

This article is about birthday contests. So, choose for joy!

Competition "Rhymelette"

While the guests are not very warmed up, it is pointless to take them out from the table. Therefore, you can start with "sit-down" contests. This competition is simple, its essence lies in the fact that the participants are given cards on which any 3 words are written. The task is to compose a poem in honor of the holiday, the birthday man and other heroes of the occasion, using all these words in the text. The number of participants is not limited.

The winner is the one who gets the most creative, funniest verse.

A variation of this competition: a famous poem is given. The task is to remake it according to the meaning of the holiday and certainly into a rhyme. We played like that at a friend's wedding, there were two teams with enough a large number participants. I'll tell you, they laughed incessantly.

Competition "Fabulous"

This competition can also be held while sitting at the table. 2-3 participants (or two or three teams) are selected who need to be told famous fairy tale in the genre of comedy, thriller, melodrama, horror, etc. Participants draw genres in the lottery. The most exciting fairy tale wins.

The competition is very unusual in fact, it requires a creative approach, but it's worth it! We made fun of the pockmarked chicken 🙂.

Sausage competition

This game is also from the category of "sedentary", but it is better to conduct it when the guests are cheerful enough. Everyone is playing! The task is this: the leader asks questions. And the participants take turns answering them with the word "sausage" or with the same root adjectives, participles, adverbs (for example, sausage, sausage, etc.). Everything would be simple, but you only need to answer with a serious face. The one who smiled, and even more so laughed, is eliminated. The most persistent wins. You can even get a diploma for endurance.

The more inadequate, the more fun. By the way, it is better to think over the list of questions in advance and make it as long as possible.

The guests enjoyed playing this game, it was a lot of fun, especially when not very adequate and not very decent questions were asked.

Well, is it time to leave the table?

Competition "Ideal Gift"

Funny birthday contests for adults can be not only drinking, but also lively and noisy!

To participate, you need 2-3 teams of 2 people each. As well as props: wrapping paper (you can use thin corrugated paper, which is sold in any stationery store), ribbons and blank boxes with small gifts for the birthday man. It is better if these boxes are non-standard form for example round.

Team members sit / stand side by side, and they have one hand tied (that is, one left, the other right). Hands are free at the edges of the tandem. Assignment: In 5 minutes, pack the box with a gift in paper as neatly and creatively as possible, tie a beautiful bow. And then present your work to the birthday man, saying, of course, your sincere congratulations.

The catch is that participants can only use one of their hands. The second hand is the partner's hand. Try to rebuild right away)))) We tried, the gifts turned out to be what we need 🙂!

Paper Shredder Competition

We need 2 participants, 2 A4 sheets, 2 bowls and a stopwatch. Task: in 30-40 seconds (maximum a minute) tear a sheet of paper into a bowl into small pieces with one hand. The winner is the one with the smallest piece of paper left in his hand (well, or no paper at all). You can't cheat, and the pieces in the bowl should be small!

Competition "Catch the ball!"

We need 2 teams of 2 participants. Props: 2 plastic bowls, a pack of ping-pong balls. In each team, one of the participants holds a bowl at chest level. And the second participant moves away to a distance of 3-4 meters. Assignment: within a minute, he must throw as many balls as possible into that bowl. Naturally, the team with the most balls wins.

The trick is that the balls bounce off easily and it is very difficult to keep them inside the bowl even after they seem to have hit.

Birthday Creative Contests (my favorites)

These contests allow you to show your talent, which many may not even guess about.

Competition "Clip"

The essence of this competition is to show a famous song using acting skills: facial expressions, gestures, characteristic sounds. Be sure to prepare a few of these songs. So, the song turns on, and then the participant (s) in the image comes out and begins to show everything that is being sung about in the selected composition.

We tried this on New Year to the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”, moreover in 2 versions - one year as a team, and another time one person showed. It was very interesting and fun.

Competition "Universal Artist"

I will not say to which show exactly the meaning of the next competition is close, tk. I just don't watch TV, but the bottom line is this: you need to sing a song in the style of a famous person.

Props: cards with the words of songs on the theme of the holiday or just favorite songs of the birthday boy, cards with famous characters (politicians, show business stars, cartoon characters and other public figures). The number of cards in both categories must be the same.

Participants (there should be no more than character cards) take turns drawing a piece of paper from the first pile, and then from the second.

We put on a real show, where I was the presenter, announcing, as it should be, each participant. Of course, there was applause, standing ovations and a lot of positive emotions. Especially when V.V. Zhirinovsky appeared on the stage. I strongly advise this competition, this is not for you to look for clothespins on someone else's body 🙂!

Actually, you can still find a lot of interesting and funny birthday contests for adults on the Internet. I have given you just a small part of what was tested and remembered from the recent (and how much else is lost in the depths of memory!).

So try it, don't sit at the table. It's good if you have somewhere to run around, look for gifts. But also in an ordinary apartment you can arrange a real fun holiday, moreover, without disturbing neighbors with a stomp and getting real positive emotions... And I talked about how to arrange a holiday in nature on my blog Domovyonok-Art (see the article at the link).

These are funny birthday contests for adults that each of you can arrange. I am very grateful to Lena for this interesting stuff... I hope that you will definitely use the information prepared by Lena and arrange an unforgettable holiday! Write your opinions and your favorite contests in the comments below this article!

It's great to get together with friends and play various games at home or in nature, taking a break from the work bustle! After all, games exist not only for children, but also for adults: fun games, prank games, table games, outdoor games. People of any age can participate in the games: adults, adolescents, and children. Games are different: fun, educational, romantic, calm or active. Games help to relax, forget about shyness and shyness; make it possible to get to know each other better; give laughter, a smile along with colorful memories and vivid experiences that remain with us for life. So you can have a lot of fun on the weekend! Do not forget about exciting games, they bring joy and fun into our life. We have compiled a collection of games for any occasion especially for you! Take advantage of it and bring more positive emotions into yours and the lives of those around you!

In contact with

Funny, active and exciting contests in nature for a fun company

On fresh air you can spend an unforgettable holiday. After all, everyone wants his birthday to be enchanting, noisy and memorable.

Outdoor contests for children

Competitions for parties and feasts

Board games make dull gatherings interesting, fun and tasty at the same time. And there won't be one sad face on the holiday! Ideas funny contests for fun company, which celebrates its holiday at the table.

Competitions for children

  1. Children's games help children have a wonderful time, get to know everyone and make friends. Is it possible to think of some kind of entertainment for babies who are only a year old? It turns out you can! And here are some of them:
  2. Next contests for older kids - 5-6 years old

    Slightly matured children at this age already want to be active participants, and not passive observers. It is better to hold harmless contests without winners so that there are no tears.