Methylene blue dye instruction. Methylene blue

Hello dear listeners! Blue iodine is not a novelty, but a forgotten old remedy. Almost a century ago, it was used to treat dysentery, which at that time was killing thousands of people. Later, the mixture was used in the fight against sore throat, ulcers, the consequences of a stroke, etc. So where did the iodinol go from the pharmacies? He suffered the fate of potassium permanganate: constant prohibitions and restrictions. Of course, it’s more profitable for pharmacists to sell you a whole expensive package of drugs, rather than one cheap one. Then we will take care of our health ourselves! Let's remember what kind of animal it is - blue medical instructions for use, properties and methods of preparation.

Edible iodine

Sounds crazy, doesn't it? How does blueprint differ from its fellow? The usual remedy cannot be taken orally, even in the form of tinctures. If it burns the skin, then everything is inside - and even more so. However, the properties of iodine seemed quite promising, and the scientist V.O. Mokhnach invented a way to make it safe. It's very simple: you just need to add starch! Antimicrobial properties are enhanced, and the additive neutralizes the effect of toxins: it creates protective layer... The mixture is even administered intravenously for severe poisoning.

Let's find out how iodinol is useful.

  • Kills bacteria and germs. Copes with any infection from tonsillitis to conjunctivitis.
  • Cleans blood and blood vessels. The level of cholesterol and sugar decreases, the number of red blood cells increases.
  • Normalizes pressure and makes the walls of blood vessels elastic.
  • Dramatically improves immunity. Helps the body fight most diseases.
  • Heals burns.

And these are far from all of its qualities, only the main ones. It is important to know how to use methylene blue correctly, as it is still a concentrated medicine.

We use it wisely

There is no need to drink liters of medical blue. Do not forget that such shock doses can harm the thyroid gland. The list of exclusions includes only a few cases. Let's talk about them and about the standard methods of application.

1. Prevention

Afraid of iodine deficiency? If you are not getting the substance, just drink 1 tsp. methylene blue twice a week. It'll be enough. The whole course will take a month, you can repeat it in six months. During seasonal epidemics, the dose can be increased to 3 spoons per week.

2. Dysentery

Drink 0.5 liters of liquid during the day. Take a little, literally a tablespoon. After a few days, the condition returns to normal.

3. Acute poisoning

Will save, for example, in case of intoxication with vinegar. You need to take up to 2 liters per day in 100 ml portions. The treatment will take several days.

4. Ulcer

Dose - 1 liter. Prepare a new batch daily. Add more syrup to make it easier to drink. During the day, take the medicine several tablespoons before meals. Drink the remainder in the evening. The duration of the course is a month. The remedy helps even when the stomach looks like a sieve.

5. Stomatitis

It is enough for a child to simply irrigate the oral cavity. Adults should have applications. Usually, recovery occurs on the 3rd day.

6. Inflammation of the gums

Mix methylene blue with water (1: 1) and rinse your mouth twice a day. After about 2 days, the inflammation will disappear.

7. Candidiasis

Killing a fungus is incredibly difficult. Often, medications destroy not only the pathogen, but at the same time the entire gastrointestinal tract. Medical blueing is much safer in this regard. To get rid of the fungus, you need to take 50 ml orally three times a day and spray 30 ml into the mouth. Gradually, the growths will disappear and the mucous membrane will return to normal.

8. Angina

Gargle with a concentrated solution every hour. After the procedure, drink 3 sips 2-3 times a day.

How to prepare your own medicine

The best pill is the one you made with your own hands. In addition, it is not so easy to get ready-made medical blueprint now. You, of course, can kill a day looking for iodinol, but it is better to cook it in 5-10 minutes.

You will need:

  • 1 tsp starch (10 g)
  • 1 tsp sugar (10 g)
  • several crystals citric acid(0.4 g)
  • 1 tsp 5% alcohol solution of iodine.

Please don't neglect the components! We need lemon for acidification, so that starch does not lose its properties. Sugar partially neutralizes toxins and improves taste. If you plan to give the medicine to your child, you can add more sugar or fruit syrup.

  • Dissolve the starch in 50 ml of water
  • Add the rest of the solid components
  • Bring 150 ml of water to a boil. Pour in the workpiece slowly
  • Remove mixture from heat. Let her cool
  • Pour in iodine.

It remains only to observe the color change. Miracles of transformation!


You can not take medicine for lactating and pregnant women, as well as young children under one year old. Be sure to observe the dosage. In large volumes, the drug is drunk only with severe intoxication, dysentery and some other diseases.

You should give up methylene blue if your thyroid gland is destroyed or removed. The product is incompatible with silver water, thyroxine and potassium permanganate. Any chemicals in combination with iodinol can give an unexpected reaction, so consult your doctor first.

It is a pity that we are gradually weaned from such simple medicines. Okay, if there was worthy alternative, and so we are almost immediately stuffed with antibiotics for any symptoms. Then we wonder why we have such weak immunity.

Tell your friends about blue iodine so that they too will remember the forgotten remedy!

An experienced livestock breeder, in addition to the usual medicines, always has an antiseptic on hand. If attentive parents buy brilliant green for children, then life-wise farmers buy blue for birds. Methylene blue for chickens is a penny drug that can surprise with a wide spectrum of action and will help to cope with many diseases.

Bacteria were the first inhabitants of planet Earth. They live literally in every corner of the planet, even in the organisms of living beings. For example, the human body contains more than 2 kg of bacteria, which are mostly harmless. However, sometimes pathogenic microbes come to visit and begin to adversely affect the work of cells. Effective remedy the control of these pests are antiseptics.

A few centuries ago, the concept of disinfection did not intersect with medicine in any way, until the Austrian Ignaz Semmelweis discovered a connection between dirty hands and an increase in mortality rates. From his "clean" hand, the Scotsman Joseph Lister invented the first antiseptic in the 19th century.

These disinfectants are actively used to heal wounds and to eliminate bacilli and fungal infections.

There are several groups of antiseptics.

Halogenatedchlorine, iodine
Oxidantshydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate
Metal compoundspreparations of bismuth, zinc, lead
Acids and alkalissalicylic and boric acid, sodium tetraborate, benzoyl peroxide
Herbal preparationsflowers of marigold or chamomile
Dyesmethylene blue, brilliant green

Many of them have defects that appear when used externally, such as chlorine, the pungent smell of which irritates the mucous membranes. Methylene blue, on the contrary, does not have a negative effect on mucous membranes.

Popularity of dyes as disinfectants: green, red, or blue

It's amazing how many colorants have proven to be antiseptics. Take methylene blue, for example: it has traditionally been used to "turn" fabrics blue. However, he was destined for a more significant, health-improving mission.

Comparative characteristics pharmacological properties antiseptic dyes

NameIndications for useRelease form
Brilliant green
  • antiseptic.
It is produced in the form of green alcohol solutions (1% and 2%), as well as in the form of pencils.
MagentaAqueous solutions are obtained with a saturated red color, however, the drug is not used on its own, only as part of some combined antiseptic agents, in particular fucorcin.
Methylene blue
  • disinfecting effect;
  • antidote for poisoning;
  • antimalarial agent;
  • pain reliever.
It is produced in powder and in ampoules containing 20 and 50 ml of 1% methylene blue solution in 25% glucose solution.

As can be seen from the table, brilliant green has the narrowest spectrum of action, moreover, recently there has been an active debate about its effectiveness as an antiseptic. Blue has the greatest radius of influence, the disinfecting properties of which are successfully used in the livestock sector.

Medicines are an important part of any poultry farmer's arsenal. We figure out what sets of first-aid kits exist, which drugs are used and what they are used for, as well as how to assemble a first-aid kit for chickens with our own hands.

Composition and form of release

Methylene blue is included in the antiseptic category. In veterinary medicine it is widely used for the prevention and treatment of the following diseases:

  • fungal diseases of fish;
  • horse rheumatic ailments;
  • infectious diarrhea of ​​sheep and goats.

He has also demonstrated excellent performance in the treatment of avian diseases caused by various infections.

Characteristics of the drug

You can buy it at any pharmacy, it is dispensed without a prescription.

AppearanceCrystalline granules
SolubilityIt is diluted in water in a ratio of 1:30, slightly soluble in alcohol.
Storage conditionsIn a tightly closed container, in a dark place at temperatures from 150˚С to 250˚С.
Release formPowder and ampoules containing 20 and 50 ml of 1% methylene blue solution in 25% glucose solution; alcohol solution: in glass bottles of 10 ml.
Shelf life
  • powder: no limit;
  • solutions: 3 years.
Composition10 ml alcohol solution:
  • methylene blue - 100 mg;
  • excipients - 9900 mg.

The principle of action of blue is the ability of an active substance to form compounds with proteins of a pest cell, which helps to destroy harmful bacteria.

Using methylene blue to treat chickens

Traditionally, this agent is used for disinfecting premises, however, the range of its application is not limited to this:

Methylene blue creates a protective layer on damaged tissues.

Methylene blue cannot be called a panacea that cures 100% of all possible ailments, but in a number of diseases it can be an excellent helper, especially in combination with other remedies.

Mode of application

The drug is intended for both external and internal use.

When treating the skin with the drug, the injured areas and adjacent healthy areas are treated. Avoid contact of liquid with mucous membranes.

Drug dosage

Depending on the type of disease and the method of use, the allowable amount of drug use varies.

Acceptable concentration of methylene blue

DiseasePermissible concentration
Skin damageRinse wounds with 1 - 3% alcohol solution.
BursitisIntroduce a 2% solution into the wounds at the rate of 0.01% per 1 kg of chicken weight.
Urinary tract infectionsRinse with 0.02% aqueous solution.
Infectious gastrointestinal tractGive with liquid in a ratio of 1: 5000.
Poisoning with poisonsGive intravenously 0.1-0.25 ml of 1% solution per 1 kg of chicken weight.
Poisoning with cyanide, hydrocyanic acid, or hydrogen sulfideGive intravenously at the rate of 0.5 ml of 1% solution per 1 kg of chicken weight.

As can be seen from the table, the main directions of application of the drug: the fight against infections and poisoning, as well as the treatment of wounds.

Side effects

The drug has practically no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance, manifested in the appearance of allergic skin reactions. It is not recommended to apply the solution to mucous membranes.

Symptoms of chicken diseases and the rules for their treatment

Most bird diseases are caused either by illiterate care and nutrition, or by the presence of infections that often do not respond to treatment.

Infectious diseases of chickens and their treatment

Unfortunately, environment contains many viruses and microbes that provoke bird diseases. If the body of birds is weakened, it will be a tasty morsel for the growth of harmful bacteria and microbes, which, when ingested, begin to multiply at a tremendous rate. The main danger is that one sick bird can infect the entire flock and provoke a 100% death.

There are several types of infectious diseases:

  • infectious;
  • fungal;
  • helminthiasis and diseases caused by harmful effects insects.

Infectious diseases

The most common diseases are:

  • bronchitis;
  • pasteurellosis;
  • coccidiosis;
  • colibacillosis;
  • pullorosis;
  • smallpox;
  • salmonellosis;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • bursitis.

The common Marek's disease, avian influenza and Newcastle disease do not respond to treatment.

Read also: Newcastle disease

Newcastle disease is one of the incurable diseases of chickens. What to do to prevent the birds from getting sick? Vaccination and prevention of Newcastle disease, quarantine.

Treatment regimen for infectious diseases

  • lethargic state;
  • limited movement;
  • decreased appetite;
  • intermittent breathing;
  • constant feeling of thirst;
  • saggy belly;
  • lethargy of the ridge.
Antibiotic injections as prescribed by a veterinarian and mandatory disinfection of the chicken coop, it is possible to use methylene blue.
  • weakness;
  • breathing disorder;
  • thirst;
  • watery eyes;
  • loss of appetite.
Prescribe enrofloxacin, neomycin, tetracycline, gentamicin, furazolidone or streptomycin, antibiotic injections, water with a small amount of potassium permanganate or methylene blue.
Infectious bursitis
  • apathy;
  • diarrhea;
  • anorexia;
  • defeat of the fabrication bursa;
  • extensive intramuscular hemorrhages;
  • kidney damage.
A 2% blue solution is poured into the bursa.
Infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • weakness;
  • lethargy;
  • diarrhea.
Blue is given with a drink in a ratio of 1: 5000.
  • weight loss;
  • weakness;
  • heat;
  • inflammation of the joints.
Prescribe a course of antibiotics and disinfection measures using methylene blue.
  • weight loss;
  • weakness;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • red spots on the skin.
In addition to taking antibiotics, spots on the skin should be treated with a solution of furacilin or methylene blue.
  • loss of appetite;
  • a sharp decrease in body weight;
  • hoarse breathing;
  • loose stools.
Prescribe a course of antibiotics, fortified feed and drink with the addition of potassium permanganate and methylene blue in a ratio of 1: 5000 alternately.
  • lethargy;
  • growths on the abdomen.
Taking antibiotics, the stomach should be lubricated with methylene blue solution.
  • the need for food decreases;
  • a sharp decrease in weight;
  • bloody stools;
  • the comb and earrings turn white and go numb.
A course of antibiotics, fish oil should be added to food, and a small amount of methylene blue in the drink.
  • wheezing;
  • coughing up blood;
  • constantly open beak;
  • fear of light.
Prescribe a course of antibiotics and a drink with a small amount of potassium permanganate or methylene blue.
Hemophilia or runny nose
  • decrease in body weight;
  • the appearance of mucus from the nose;
  • shortness of breath.
Drinking water should be diluted with a small amount disinfectant, the use of methylene blue is possible.
  • lethargy;
  • lack of appetite;
  • runny nose
  • inflammation of the eyes.
Aerosol treatment of a chicken coop in the presence of a bird using antiseptic agents: iodine monochloride, monclavite, ASD-2, ecocide or methylene blue.
  • loss of appetite;
  • constant need for plenty of drink;
  • diarrhea;
  • stunting.
Enrofloxacin is prescribed. Add furazolidone to food at the rate of 4 g per 1 kg of mixture, and a small amount of methylene blue to water.
  • dyspnea;
  • wheezing in the trachea;
  • loss of appetite;
  • slowdown in growth rates.
Prescribe to choose from: pharmacin at the rate of 1 g per 1 l, tylosin or tilan - 0.5 g per 1 l, tilmikovet - 3 ml per 1 l, pneumotil - 0.3 ml per 1 l, enroflox 10%, enroxil 10% or enroflon 10% - 1 ml per 1 liter. Add a small amount of methylene blue to the water.
  • depressed state;
  • loss of appetite;
  • green diarrhea;
  • blue discoloration of the comb and earrings;
  • constant thirst.
Prescribe chloramphenicol with food 2 - 3 times a day at the rate of 60 -80 mg per 1 kg of body weight; tetracycline, doxycycline, oxytetracycline: 50 - 60 mg per 1 kg of body weight; norsulfazole: 0.5 g twice a day; spec: 1 g per 1 liter of water; avelox: 1 g per 1 liter or 2 g per 1 kg of feed; floron: 1 - 2 ml per 1 liter; spelink: 1.1 g per 1 kg of mass; add a small amount of methylene blue to the water.

As a monopreparation, methylene blue is practically not used, however, in combination with other medicines is an effective assistant in the fight against ailments.

Fungal diseases

Compared to infectious diseases, fungal diseases are not so scary. However, they should not be ignored, as they are also contagious and spread very quickly. Most of them are caused by the lack of proper cleaning of the chicken coop.

Treatment regimen for fungal diseases

Unlike aspergillosis, ringworm cannot be treated.

Helminthiasis and diseases caused by the harmful effects of insects

Treatment regimen for some helminthic diseases

  • poor appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • cessation of laying;
  • blockage of the intestines.
A course of hygromycin B, carbon tetrachloride and phenothiazine is prescribed, methylene blue is added to the water in a ratio of 1: 5000.
  • stomach upset;
  • chickens constantly sit on their tails.
Prescribe fenasal and microsal. From folk methods it is recommended to give garlic and pumpkin seeds. Methylene blue should be added to the drink in a ratio of 1: 5000.
  • severe exhaustion;
  • malfunctions of the upper respiratory tract;
  • exsanguination and death of adult chickens and young animals;
  • in some cases, the death of fingers and even feet.
Treatment of birds with any permitted insecticides: sevin, pyrethrum or ecophils - for one bird no more than 15 g. The powder should be sprayed on the surface of the feathers, and in diluted form, disinfect the chicken coop with an aerosol. Methylene blue can be used as a disinfection aid.

Bed bugs, lice, worms and fleas,of course, they are not as dangerous as infectious diseases, but in some cases, if timely treatment is not started, they can be fatal.

federal State autonomous educational institution higher vocational education


(NRU "BelGU")




Course work

3-year full-time students, group 041004

Ushakova Natalia Sergeevna


PhD in Chemistry,

senior lecturer Simakov S.V.



Literature review

1 Chemistry of methylene blue

2Preparation of methylene blue

2.1 Caro synthesis of methylene blue

2.2 Berntsen synthesis of methylene blue

2.3 Kerman synthesis of methylene blue

3Application of methylene blue

experimental part

1Selecting the optimal wavelength

2Construction of a calibration curve




<#"justify">1.Literature review

1.1Chemistry of methylene blue

Methylene blue (MG) was first synthesized by the German chemist Heinrich Caro in 1876, who was also the first (together with Bayer) to obtain synthetic indigo, and also discovered peroxomonosulfuric acid, named after the famous chemist Caro's acid.

Methylene blue (Latin Methylenum coeruleum) (N, N, N`, N "-tetramethylthionine chloride trihydrate, 3,7-chloride, methyl blue, methylene blue). They are dark green crystals with a bronze sheen, dissolves in water with staining the solution in dark blue color.

Chemical formula- C16H18CIN3S or in the form of crystalline hydrate C16H18CIN3S · H2O.

Molecular weight 319.86 g / mol. Solubility: slightly soluble in water, ethanol, practically insoluble in diethyl ether and chloroform. Easily reduced E0 = + 0.53 V. In aqueous solutions, the monomeric form absorbs light in ? max = 668 nm, dimer - in ? max = 612 nm; dimerization constant Kdim = 5.00 · 103 (pH 4-5.5).

1.2Getting methylene blue

Methylene blue - tetramethyl substitution of thionine, occupies a prominent place among dyes.

1.2.1Synthesis of methylene blue according to Caro

The synthesis of methylene blue was first carried out by Caro (1876), its structure was elucidated by Beritsen.

The first synthesis of methylene blue was carried out according to the Laut reaction and consisted in the oxidation of nesym-dimethy-n-phenylenediamine and hydrogen sulfide with ferric chloride. In this case, the salt of indamonium (green Brindschedler) is formed as an intermediate product, which then, condensing with hydrogen sulfide, turns into a thiazine dye:

As for dyes of the oxazine series, for dyes such as methylene blue, both ortho and para-quinoid formulas are now considered equal.

2.2Berntsen methylene blue synthesis

The old synthesis of methylene blue according to Caro was subsequently replaced by the synthesis according to Berntsen, starting from 1 mol. dimethyl-n-phenylenediamine, 1 mol. dimethianiline and sodium thiosulfate.

The initial product in the synthesis of methylene blue is nitrosodimethylaniline, which is reduced with zinc dust in a hydrochloric acid medium in n-aminodimethylaniline (I). n-Aminodimethylaniline under the action of thiosulfate in a neutral medium in the presence of sodium dichromate and zinc chloride is converted to dimethyl-n-phenylenediamine thiosulfonic acid (II).

Dimethyl-n-phenylenediamine thiosulfonic acid reacts with dimethylaniline in the presence of sodium dichromate in an acidic medium. In this case, sparingly soluble tetramethiindamine thiosulfonic acid (III) is formed:

Tetramethiindamine thiosulfonic acid, when heated with zinc chloride in the presence of hydrochloric acid, cleaves off sulfurous acid, turning into the M.G dye.

In the production of methylene blue, the dye is usually isolated as a double salt with zinc chloride called methylene blue C:

Zinc is precipitated with a solution of soda, and the dye is obtained in the form of chloride.

1.2.3Kerman synthesis

Finally, mention should be made of the third synthesis of methylene blue proposed by Kerman. This synthesis has no industrial significance, but deserves attention because it establishes a simple genetic link between the ancestor of this class of compounds, thiodiphenylamine, and the dye. When an excess of bromine acts on thiodiphenylamine, phenazthionium perbromide is formed, which, when combined with dimethylamine, turns into methylene blue. This process apparently proceeds in two stages: first, the amine is added to the quinoid ring, and then intramolecular oxidation occurs, with the role of the oxidizing agent being played by the Br3 group.

1.3Application of methylene blue

Methylene blue is used for the manufacture of ink and pencils and for dyeing paper, can be used in dyeing cotton over tannin mordant, as well as silk. Due to the fragility of the resulting colors, its use in the technical industry is limited.

Methylene blue is the first synthetic drug used in medical practice. This drug was used to treat malaria at the beginning of the 20th century, but during the Pacific War of 1937-1945 it was rejected by the Allied troops: you see, writing with a blue stream turned out to be noncomilfo. Now in medicine<#"101" src="doc_zip10.jpg" />

Methylene blue reduction reaction:

Difficulties were encountered in determining the redox potentials of methylene blue. Methylene blue was difficult to purify and decomposed when dried above 110 ° C. Analysis of carefully recrystallized samples showed a high content in them and, therefore, the presence of electroactive impurities. To eliminate these obstacles, it was necessary to get a number of commercial drugs and compare all the results obtained for each of the samples. It was found that the redox potential of methylene blue at pH = 7 is + 0.011 V, and at pH = 0 + 0.53 V. Its color changes when the redox potential changes from + 0.54 to - 0.146 V. The main advantage of methylene blue is its intense color (much brighter than, for example, the color of indigosulfonates), and therefore it can be used in dilute solutions. In addition, it is in the usual potential area, where there is little choice.

b. Chromium metal indicator<#"justify">ColorlessAmmonia bufferCa10ColorlessAmmonia bufferCd10ColorlessAmmonia bufferCo (II) 10ColorlessAmmonia bufferNi10ColorlessAmmonia bufferZn10ColorlessAmmonia buffer

The table lists the metals that can be directly titrated complexometrically in the presence of this indicator. Metals are not indicated, which are determined by bone methods or by back titration. Each metal indicator can be used for this type of titration.

with. Acid-base indicator

Methylene blue has the properties of acid-base indicators.

A clear change in color is shown by those indicators, the acidic and basic forms of which are painted in additional colors, for example, red and green. Such ideal indicators do not exist, therefore, by adding an inert dye, both colors of the indicator are changed so that they become complementary colors. Instead of the red to yellow transition characteristic of methylene orange, methylene red and dimethyl yellow, you can add a blue dye, for example methylene blue, to obtain a more contrasting transition from violet to green. The color change of such a mixed indicator, consisting of a mixture of methylene blue and other indicators, is shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Mixed indicators

The table shows the titration index (pT) - the pH value at which the color change of the indicator is clearly noticeable.

For the determination of mercury cations in the form of methylene blue polyiodide:

To obtain which, an excess of a solution of iodine in potassium iodide is added to a solution of methylene blue. When standing in the cold, water-insoluble polyiodide precipitates in the form of an almost black precipitate. When a solution of a salt of divalent mercury is added to an aqueous suspension of polyiodide, the iodine bound to the dye transforms into a poorly dissociated salt with mercury. This releases the dye, imparting a blue color to the solution. The reaction is very sensitive.

As a sensitive reagent for the perchloric acid anion СlO4-, in the presence of which a red-violet color is formed.

Of the substituted methylene blue, its nitro derivative is interesting, obtained by nitrosation of the dye and subsequent oxidation of the nitroso group with dilute nitric acid. This dye is known as methylene green B

Co-oxidation of dimethyl-p-phenylenediimine-thiosulfonic acid with methylethylaniline leads to the formation of basic blue (I).

Stains with a more reddish tint than stains treated with methylene blue give new methylene blue (II), obtained from aminoethyl-o-toluidine according to the same scheme as methylene blue

Unsymmetrical dimethylthionine - azure I is obtained by oxidation of methylene blue with dichromate, accompanied by partial demethylation. Azur I is used in histology:

methylene blue indicator kerman

Methylene blue as an agent for determining the specific surface area of ​​porous materials:

Methylene blue is used to determine the adsorption capacity of activated carbons<#"15" src="doc_zip18.jpg" />H + + Cl-

Let us consider the mechanism of the adsorption of methylene blue on the surface of porous materials:

The sorption mechanism is very complex issue and we cannot say for sure, however, from what is known from the literature, we can talk about the ion-exchange mechanism of sorption. The adsorption of methylene blue dye on the surface of porous materials is ion-exchange adsorption, that is, there is an exchange of ions between the methylene blue solution and the solid surface. In this case, adsorption of ions from the methylene blue solution and desorption of ions from the solid surface into the solution occur. The MG molecule can be exchanged not for one calcium ion, but for two or more ions.

For the quantitative description of adsorption, two quantities are generally used. One is measured by the amount or mass of the adsorbate, that is, the number of moles or grams per unit surface area or per unit mass of the adsorbent (for a solid in a powdery state); this value is usually denoted by the letter A.

Another characteristic of the magnitude of adsorption is determined by the excess of a substance in the surface layer of a certain thickness in comparison with its amount in the same volume of the phase, also referred to a unit surface area or a unit mass of the adsorbent. This value is called Gibbs adsorption and is denoted by the letter G.

If an adsorbent of mass m is placed into a solution of volume V with the first initial concentration C0, then part of the substance from the solution will be adsorbed on a solid surface. As a result, the concentration of the substance will decrease from and become equal to C. The decrease in concentration by the value of C0 - C occurred as a result of the adsorption of the substance on the surface of the adsorbent, the value of excess adsorption Г (mmol / g) can be determined by the formula:

where C0 is the initial concentration of the adsorbate, mol / l;

C is the equilibrium concentration of the adsorbate, mol / l;

V is the volume of the solution, ml;

m is the mass of the sorbent, g.

Determination of the specific surface area Ssp by the BET method includes two stages: an estimate from the adsorption isotherm of the capacity of a monolayer G and a calculation by G of the Ssp value using the molecular area w0. The area of ​​one methylene blue cation, according to X-ray structural analysis, is 95.6 Å2. If the maximum sorbed amount of methylene blue corresponds to the monomolecular layer of the dye on the sorbent surface, then the specific surface area can be calculated using the formula (2):

beats = G? * NA * w0 (2)

Where is the value of the limiting sorption Г? determined from the graph by the slope tangent:

NA - Avogadro's constant, numerically equal to 6.06.1023 mol-1; w0 is the area occupied by one methylene blue cation, m2.

2.experimental part

Materials and equipment: 0.001 M methylene blue solution, 25 ml volumetric flasks, 1 ml, 5 ml, 10 ml pipettes; glass glasses with a capacity of 150 ml; 10 mm cuvettes, Specord 50 spectrophotometer.

Analysis progress:

2.1Optimal absorption wavelength selection

A solution of methylene blue (C = 0.1 g / mol) is placed in a 10 mm thick cuvette, the optical density is measured on a spectrophotometer at different wavelengths. Distilled water is used as a reference solution. The results are recorded in the table and the dependence of the optical density of this solution on different meanings wavelengths.

Fig. 1. Optical density of a methylene blue solution versus different wavelengths.

According to the received data, optimal length the absorption wavelength is 665 nm.

2.2Building a calibration graph

In seven numbered 50 ml volumetric flasks, 1,2,4,5,7,10.50 ml of a standard solution of 1 * 10-3 M methylene blue are placed and brought to the mark with distilled water, the optical density was measured on a spectrophotometer at 665 nm using cuvettes 10 mm. Distilled water was used as a comparison solution.

Rice. 2. Dependence of optical density on the concentration of methylene blue solution.


Methylene blue is a dark green crystal with a bronze sheen, first synthesized by Heinrich Caro<#"15" src="doc_zip25.jpg" />H + + Cl-


1.# "justify"> 2. Organic chemistry course. Translation from German 13th revised and enlarged edition. V. E. Wasserberg, E. M. Levina and L. D. Rodionova. Edited by M. N. Kolosov. L., -1960. - 1216 p.

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.Rabinovich V.A., Khavin Z. Ya. Short chemical reference book: Ref. Ed. / Ed. A. A. Potekhin and A. I. Efimova. - 3rd ed., Rev. And dol. - L .: Chemistry, 1991. - 432 p.

.GOST 4453 - 74. Wood powder active clarifying coal.

.Voyutsky S.S. Colloidal chemistry course. - M .: Chemistry, 1975 .-- 512 p.

.Greg S., Singh K. Adsorption, specific surface area, porosity. - M .: Mir, 1970 .-- 408 p.

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These are medicines belonging to the same pharmaceutical group, which contain different active substances(INN), differ in name, but are used to treat the same diseases.

  • - Aerosol for inhalation
  • - Solution for injection 0.4 mg / ml
  • - Substance powder 0.5,1,5,10,35 and 40 kg
  • - Solution for intravenous administration
  • - Solution for intramuscular and subcutaneous administration
  • - Substance powder 0.5 kg; 1 kg

Indications for the use of the drug Methylene blue alcohol solution 1%

Burns, pyoderma, folliculitis; infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract, incl. cystitis, urethritis; poisoning with cyanides, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, methemoglobin-forming poisons (nitrites, aniline and its derivatives), drug methemoglobinemia

Release form of the drug Methylene blue alcohol solution 1%

alcohol solution 1%; dropper bottle 10 ml;

Pharmacodynamics of the drug Methylene blue alcohol solution 1%

It is an acceptor or donor of protons in redox reactions. The antiseptic effect is due to the interaction with mucopolysaccharides and proteins of microorganisms. In low concentrations, it reduces methemoglobin to hemoglobin, in high concentrations, on the contrary, it oxidizes hemoglobin. Possesses antidote properties in relation to aniline, potassium permanganate, hydrocyanic acid. The action in case of hydrocyanic acid poisoning is based on the ability (in large doses) to convert hemoglobin into methemoglobin, which binds to cyanides, forming non-toxic cyanmethemoglobin.

Pharmacokinetics of the drug Methylene blue alcohol solution 1%

After intravenous administration, it is approximately evenly distributed in the body. It is excreted in the urine mainly unchanged and in small quantities in the form of a metabolite - leukomethylene blue. It stains urine blue, and therefore can be used to study the functional ability of the kidneys.

Contraindications to the use of the drug Methylene blue alcohol solution 1%


Side effects of the drug Methylene blue alcohol solution 1%

Allergic reactions; systemic effects: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, pain in the kidneys and bladder, headache, loss of appetite, mental discomfort.

Method of administration and dosage of the drug Methylene blue alcohol solution 1%

In / in, outwardly. As an antiseptic agent: for skin diseases - topically 1% alcohol solution; with cystitis and urethritis - washing the cavities with an aqueous solution of 1: 5000 (0.02%). As an antidote: in case of poisoning with cyanides, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide - i / v, very slowly, 50-100 ml 1% aqueous solution; in case of poisoning with methemoglobin-forming poisons - in / in, in small doses (0.1-0.15 ml of 1% aqueous solution per 1 kg of body weight).

Precautions when taking the drug Methylene blue alcohol solution 1%

It is prescribed with caution parenterally to women of childbearing age. Should not be administered subcutaneously, intrathecally. Introduce IV only very slowly (intermittently for several minutes).

Storage conditions of the drug Methylene blue alcohol solution 1%

List B: In a dark place, in a tightly closed package, at a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C.

Shelf life of the drug Methylene blue alcohol solution 1%

Belonging of the drug Methylene blue 1% alcohol solution to the ATX classification:

V Other drugs

V03 Miscellaneous other drugs

V03A Miscellaneous other preparations

All known, effective and affordable drug for the treatment of a number of diseases can be safely called Methylene Blue. Its antibacterial, analgesic and antidote properties are used in many fields of medicine.

V superficial use methylene blue is used for burn injuries, purulent and inflammatory skin processes.


In the pharmacy, you can also find modern analogues of the drug, where the active substance remains the same, just the name, percentage and additional substances are different:

  • methylthioninium chloride;
  • methylene blue and the name of methylene blue;
  • methyl blue;
  • methylene blue.

In other cases, the only drug close to methylene is brilliant green (brilliant green).


Blue is used in many areas of medicine: therapeutic and surgical dentistry, nephrology, toxicology, dermatology, general surgery.

But the first place in the activity of its use belongs to dentistry. It is recommended to resort to methylene blue when there are diseases such as stomatitis, gingivitis, abscesses, boils and phlegmon in the oral cavity.

Methylene blue helps in the elimination of methemoglobinemia, panaritium, superficial pyoderma, burns, intoxications caused by hydrogen sulphide, foul gas, aniline, nitrate substances and hydrocyanic acid. In nephrology, it is used for the treatment of urethritis, cystitis and for the purpose of diagnosis, after ingestion, a solution of methylene blue gives the urine a bluish tint.


The active ingredient in the drug is methylthioninium chloride, which exhibits a disinfecting, analgesic effect, participates in oxidation and reduction processes, and serves as a transporter of hydrogen molecules.

The main characteristic of a medicinal substance is the ability to create poorly soluble complex compounds with mucopolysaccharides and the protein part of the cells of pathogenic microflora. This destroys microorganisms. The use of externally powdered methylene, excludes its entry into the circulatory system.

Produced as:

  • Powdered methylene, 10 g each.
  • 1% alcohol solution (10 and 15 ml each).
  • 1% solution in 25% glucose (ampoule, 20 and 50 ml).

Instructions for the use of methylene blue

Blue, like a powder, is an organic thiazine dye that looks like dark greenish crystals with a bronze tint. They are slightly soluble in water and ethyl alcohol.

Chloroform and diethyl ether as solvents are also not suitable for it.

1% alcohol methylene is applied to damaged, previously cleansed skin and healthy areas around the injury site.

0.02% aqueous solution (powder is diluted in water, ratio 1: 5000) is used for washing with cystitis and urethritis.

0.1 g of methylene blue is taken orally 3-4 times a day. Depending on the age for children, the dosage is calculated on the basis of 0.005-0.01 g for each year of life.

The 1st aqueous or 1% glucose solutions prepared on the 25th glucose are administered intravenously in case of poisoning with nitrites, anilines, hydrocyanic acid, carbon monoxide and other substances that form methemoglobin nuclei. Medical blue is administered at the rate of 0.1-0.15 ml for each kilogram of a person's weight.

What is methylene blue? It is an aniline dye and is used not only in medicine. But as an antidote, the function of blue in toxicology and hematology is to restore methemoglobin to hemoglobin. Overdose leads to the opposite process - hemoglobin is oxidized to methemoglobin, a state when oxygen cannot be supplied to tissues and organs with blood, which inhibits metabolic processes in them.

Side effects

Superficially applied blue can provoke a local allergic reaction, especially in large areas of damage.

A drug administered quickly intravenously or its overdose in some cases causes:

  • vomiting, nausea, lack of appetite, pain in the epigastric region;
  • urinary tract and kidney area;
  • pain in the urinary tract
  • headache;
  • mental disorder;
  • symptoms of anemia.

Use in dentistry

In case of aphthous stomatitis, aphthae and intact tissues around are cauterized with a methylene blue one percent solution in water, applied to a cotton swab or cotton-gauze swab every two to two and a half hours. The medicine can be combined with other medicines. Treated aphthae are lubricated with stomatidin, and an hour later, the oral cavity is rinsed and Shostakovsky's balm is applied.

1-2% methylthioninium chloride aqueous solution is used to treat gingivitis. Methyl blue is applied to the affected areas of the gums. The frequency of repetition of the procedures depends on the extent of the spread of the infection, but at least three times a day.

The composition of methylene blue is also allowed in the conditions of modern medicine to successfully fight against candidal stomatitis.

1% methylene blue is applied to the places where the fungus is spread: for adults - from 6 to 15 times, for children - from 3 to 6. If everything is done correctly, the disease and its symptoms will begin to fade on the fourth day.


Blue can not be used with individual intolerance to the constituents of the drug (methyl, thiazine dye, ethanol, glucose). The drug is not indicated for children under one year old.

Pharmacy blue is sold ready-to-use, the main thing is to know what kind of medicine (in percentage concentration) it is based on.

Shelf life of the drug- up to two years.

Methylene blue price

RussiaMoscow33 - 40 rubles.
RussiaSt. PetersburgRUB 32-39
RussiaKazan33 - 38 rubles.
RussiaEkaterinburg32 - 39 rubles.
UkraineKiev12 - 23 UAH
UkraineOdessa13 - 24 UAH
UkraineKharkov12 - 23 UAH

No prescription is required to purchase the medicine.
