Disclosure of anahata. Reanimation of the heart chakra

Anahata is the chakra of love, and it would be quite suitable for the role of the most important, because love is the best that has ever been available to humanity. Working with Anahata, you can revive self-love and harmonize both the external and internal world.

Of course, other chakras are also important, but love takes one of the main roles. Because of love, wars happened, and it was love that reconciled everyone. We receive love at birth, with mother's milk. All discoveries were made with love for their work. We are surrounded by this feeling everywhere, and it is this feeling that is the most powerful universal tool.

How to open the chakra of love

Anahata is the heart chakra, it is not for nothing that it guides the feelings of love. The state of health of the heart, and affairs on the personal front, and harmony with the world depend on the state of this energy center. Anahata is not responsible for physical attraction, but for spiritual attachment.

For correct work with this chakra there is an easy meditation that you can do every night before going to bed or after waking up. Ideal option it is considered if you do this meditation both in the morning and in the evening. By meditating in the morning, you activate Anahata, and good luck and happiness will accompany you throughout the day. In the evening, meditation will help cleanse the accumulated negativity, relieve tension and restful sleep.

Meditation on loving yourself and the world

First you need to choose a time so that no one bothers you. Even though sometimes meditation takes only a couple of minutes, you must be sure that no one distracts you from the process.

Get into a comfortable position. You can sit on a chair or lie on the bed. Relax, take a few deep breaths in and out. Smile at yourself and the world, feel harmony and tranquility.

In the second stage, imagine how your love reached its destination, and everyone responds to you. Feel how the warmth returns to you, multiplied by a hundred times, and accept it. Thank everyone for their love. And you can return to reality and get down to business.

Do not be upset if you fail to open the chakra the first time. Perhaps you are skeptical, and then you need to learn until you succeed. Or you’re so used to sharing love that you simply don’t accept the fact that you can still accept it from someone else. So give Special attention doing the second part of the meditation. Try as best you can to feel how the world is responding to you. For some, it is so unaccustomed to receive love in return just like that that trying to close it seems like a natural habit.

The most important thing in everything is to find a middle ground. And the golden mean of the Anahata chakra is the ability to both give and receive love. Each of us wants to love and be loved, but nothing will work out until you start by loving yourself. By denying yourself, you are denying the love of the world. These are the people who most often feel unhappy. Develop your this light feeling, give it to others, and they will reciprocate you. And don't forget to press the buttons and

24.09.2015 00:20

Today about astral body and much is known about its capabilities. But there is a lot of information ...

Anahata is the chakra of love. It is the center of love, compassion, mercy, caring and loyalty that governs our ability to give and receive love, give, forgive, and compassion.


Fourth chakra Anahata

Green color. This is the heart chakra, which takes an active part in all vital processes of a person. She is responsible for the connection between the upper and lower chakras, earthly and spiritual, fortitude and grounding, success, health.

The heart chakra is blocked by the experience of grief. A blocked chakra can manifest itself as an unpleasant pain in the region of the heart. The feeling of grief is a more dangerous and destructive state also because it is much more difficult to remove the blockage than in other chakras. It takes a lot of willpower to open this chakra so that you can come out of the state of apathy. Appathy is an insidious companion of grief, which almost always accompanies it. It takes a lot of striving to be able to see what your situation teaches you, what tasks of the soul you need to complete, what lessons to go through in order to gain strong heart energy.

The meaning of the Anahata Chakra.

A positive property is love, a negative one is envy / resentment.

Green color.

Element: air.

Desires: to love and be loved.

Objective: to gain self-confidence.

Key word: emotions.

Anahata is located in the area of ​​the heart, between the nipples. Corresponds to the cardio-aortic plexus, the apex of the cone is located between the 4th and 5th thoracic vertebrae.

Emotionally, the chakra is responsible for compassion, self-respect, and respect for others. People experiencing the dominant influence of anahata are sympathetic and caring both towards themselves and towards others.

In terms of health, it is responsible for the functioning of the lungs, heart, thymus, hands.

When imbalanced, it can lead to heart and lung diseases, vegetative-vascular dystonia of hypertensive or hypotonic type, bronchial asthma, mastopathy. At the psychological level, social passivity, sadness, egocentrism, and a tendency to resentment are manifested. The result of the dysfunction of this center is millions of deaths on a scale of mankind, a real "epidemic" of cardiovascular diseases, which are steadily getting younger.

Anahata chakra is a flower of love.

Anahata - the pursuit of beauty, harmony and balance, the vision of beauty in others, in the surrounding world, in nature, Anahata - merging with beauty, the joy of movement in the stream, love devoid of hatred. When this chakra is blocked or unbalanced, a person experiences unnecessary attachments, dependence on love and the opinions of other people, he doubts the existence of love, fears rejection, passive aggression accumulates in him, he is lonely and sad, he has heart and lung problems. When this center is blocked, your ribcage is out of balance, your diaphragm does not work well, and you lose 1/3 of your vitality... If the chakra is not balanced, you will give to those who do not need it and share with those who do not want it. If the chakra is unlocked and balanced, a person is sociable, loves others without conditions and sees God in everything, he is in harmonious relationships, he understands that everything is going as it should, he is full of sympathy, kindness and forgiveness.

How your life energy is taken away

Arouse guilt - "All children are caring, but we have ...".

Indifference to the gift given to attention, give the flowers to the gift immediately.

Arouse pity: "Help, good people, there is nothing to eat for a month."

Break off communication (unfinished dance).

Remind me of my heartfelt attitude: "Remember, I gave you a gift."

Keyword for each chakra

Anahata "I LOVE"

The heart chakra is the gateway to the higher chakras that connect you to your Soul Self and Spiritual Self. When your heart chakra is imbalanced or nearly closed, you will basically act as an instinctive human being ruled by the lower three chakras of the physical self. By balancing the energies of the heart mind / emotions (the center of life and love power of the body), you step into the power of the unconditional love of GodMind. You will quickly release all energies and thinking patterns manifested in the form of jealousy, envy, selfishness, guilt, or low self-esteem. By igniting the Threefold Flame of Divine Will, Wisdom and Love, you begin to develop compassion and oneness with life and with everything.


I love and approve of myself completely and unconditionally.

I am at peace with my thoughts.

I take care of myself with love. I walk easily through life.

Order and harmony are inherent in my thinking.

I am in harmony with the entire universe. Finally it was revealed to me how beautiful I am. I want to love and enjoy myself.

I greet each other with joy every morning.

And with gratitude I see off every day

My thoughts are full of tenderness and goodwill.

Prosperity and growth of well-being is my divine right!

All channels of my financial support are open.

I use all the resources in my hands wisely.

My income is constantly increasing and I easily and happily multiply my fortune.

The universe loves me and it has everything for everyone. I always have everything I need.

I forgive myself, I forgive everyone who offended me, I am free, I am always safe.

I accept others for who they are and let go of all expectations.

Everything happens in the best way for everyone.

Love gives me success.

I am worthy of love.

Now I am attracting an ideal partner into my life, who needs me exactly the way I am.

Now all good things have become normal and natural for me.


Singing mantras contributes to the harmonious work of the chakras. Each chakra has its own mantra.

The fourth chakra - Anahata - is concentrated in the area of ​​the solar plexus. For this chakra, use the Yam mantra.

Tibetan Singing Bowls - 4 Anahata (Green)

Singing bowls (also known as Himalayan bowls, Tibetan bowls; in Japan they are called Rin or Suzu) - a kind of bell as a musical instrument. Singing bowls are a stationary instrument, unlike conventional bells, they are not suspended or attached to the handle. The sound is born from the vibration of the walls of the bowl and its edge.

Singing Bowls - Ancient musical instrument used throughout Asia as part of the Bon religious traditions and Tantric Buddhism. Nowadays, in addition to the traditional religious use, singing bowls are used everywhere as a tool for meditation, relaxation, various medical practices associated with biorhythms, in yoga.

Music "Heart Chakra (Compassion)", performer: SPA Strings ( Google play iTunes eMusic)

The work of the chakras in the process of human life.

Anahata chakra - is responsible for building loving and friendly (enemy) relationships. True love is only possible when both partners are synchronized on this frequency. Otherwise, the word love is understood as something else ...

Kundalini Yoga - 4th Chakra - Anahata (Flower of Love) Maya Fiennes

All these practices can be used independently to increase the vibrations of the second energy center, or you can add to them sessions of cosmoenergy to launch and balance the chakras, which will speed up the process at times and will allow you to quickly achieve harmony in consciousness, find your place in the Universe and start fulfilling your mission.

Useful information

Why do we need energy centers?

Why is chakra balancing needed?

Energy anchors

Subtle bodies

The difference between men and women on the energy plane

Why do we lack energy?

Translated from the ancient Sanskrit language, anahata means "uncreated sound." In the material world, sounds are created due to the impact of objects, when vibrations or sound waves arise.

However, there is a sound of a different kind - the original sound, it is born outside our world and is the source of all other sounds. It is he who is called "anahata".

The image is a circle containing 12 green petals. Each petal is inscribed with a Sanskrit letter, which symbolizes negative quality inherent in the chakra:

  1. deception;
  2. lustfulness;
  3. regret;
  4. laziness;
  5. impatience;
  6. indifference;
  7. incompetence;
  8. discrimination;
  9. arrogance;
  10. audacity;
  11. false hope;
  12. indecision.

Inside the circle is a hexagram (six-pointed star), consisting of two triangles .:

  • First triangle pointing downwards, is associated with the energy of the earth and represents the lower nature and passions of a person. He is also associated with feminine, Water and Moon.
  • Second triangle directed upward, is associated with spiritual energy and symbolizes the higher nature of man. He is also associated with the masculine principle, the Sun and Fire.

Together, the two overlapping triangles symbolize the unity of opposites, as well as the well-known principle "as above, so below." By the way, take a look at the article about what chakras are and how many of them a person has in total.

Location of anahata and its meaning

Let's determine where the anahata chakra is located - in the picture below you will see that it is located in the center of the sternum, at the level of the heart.

The heart of our soul, the source of unconditional Divine Love, beautiful delicate flower- all this can be said about the anahata chakra.

She is the center of Spirituality and Faith, Love and Compassion. It is Love that is the basis of all human life, both terrestrial, and that, another that exists behind the foundations of terrestrial life.

The fourth chakra personifies such Love - the Highest, Divine, beautiful, unconditional, which does not cause pain, does not cause suffering, does not manipulate and does not subdue, based on complete acceptance and mercy.

So what is the anahata chakra responsible for? First of all - for the manifestation of unconditional love, as well as, for:

  • responsiveness, sensitivity of human nature;
  • openness to the perception of higher-order vibrations;
  • internal choice of a person;
  • unity of spirit and mind;
  • harmony of body and soul;
  • inner wisdom;
  • healing abilities and intuition.

With the help of the heart chakra, a person is able to perceive the beautiful - the beauty of nature, works of art, poetry. All the beauty of the surrounding world and the spiritual beauty of people.

The relationship of the green chakra with the element of Air gives us the breath of life. A sunbeam gently touched the face, a quiet breath of breeze in have a wonderful night, the scent of a rose in the delightful silence of the morning, a nightingale trill in the air saturated with spring bloom, a bird soaring in azure blue ...

All this caresses human souls, bringing them inner peace and tranquility. It is at such moments of our life that one can hear, feel the quiet and gentle sound, subtle vibrations of the beautiful music of the soul, called the anahata chakra.

If the words of love are pronounced with a pure mind, these are just empty, meaningless sounds without feelings and sensations.

Only by using the anahata chakra, you can express all your love to the fullest - to convey all the inner light, the greatest tenderness and vastness of love to another human being.

How a healthy chakra works

The flower, a delightful twelve-petal lotus, symbolizes the beautiful anahata. Each of the petals reflects those spiritual qualities that are inherent in a well-developed and fully opened anahata heart chakra. It:

  • the joy of being;
  • humility, that is, complete acceptance of yourself and the world around you;
  • harmony with the whole world and oneself;
  • purity of the soul;
  • clarity of awareness and knowledge of the meaning of being;
  • unconditional, Supreme Love;
  • understanding of eventfulness - for what and for what purpose certain events take place in our life;
  • the immense kindness of the human soul;
  • true compassion, not pity, but compassion;
  • comprehensive forgiveness;
  • patience;
  • being in bliss no matter what.

Opening their hearts to the world and Divine Love, people awaken in themselves all of the above qualities. They cultivate and cherish a flower of wonderful beauty, fragrant with unearthly Love, called the heart chakra.

The sensations of such people become fuller and thinner. They are able to open the hearts of other people with awakened creative abilities.

Beautiful poems and pictures that touch the soul, incredible beauty melodies and books - all these creations are born when the anahata chakra reaches full perfection.

Love moves such people - love is boundless and all-embracing, healing souls, opening the doors of hearts, in which the music of happiness and bliss plays. Love, which has no edge or end, it is the language of our hearts and the Divine call, a quiet, barely perceptible and inexorable cry of eternity.

Inside, the Light of Love and happiness shines for people with a healthy green chakra. Only a person who initially accepts and loves himself can love other people.

Anahata is responsible for accepting oneself as they are, with all their advantages and disadvantages. Allows you to love yourself without any conditions - even fat, ugly, angry, irritated.

The revealed anahata allows us to look at ourselves from the outside and see our reflection in other people, as in mirrors, awakens in us the ability to love everyone and everything.

This level of consciousness approaches the collective as much as possible, causing in us the awareness of unity with all beings and the whole Universe.

Imbalance in the work of the heart chakra

People with a diseased heart chakra are often angry, arrogant, indifferent, selfish, irritable, envious, deceitful, and angry.

The norm of life for such people is suffering. They cry all the time at the injustice of life, and they themselves are ready to go over the heads of others in order to achieve their goals.

Signs of an imbalance in the heart chakra:

  • distortion of the perception of reality;
  • lack of joy;
  • feelings of guilt and shame for the suffering of others;
  • sentimentality;
  • feelings of loneliness and a state of constant depression;
  • dependence in love on another person;
  • hypersensitivity to someone else's grief;
  • self-sacrifice and an immense desire to give.

People with an unhealthy heart chakra often have problems in love and relationships. Either increased exactingness (demand for love), love with conditions ("I love you for this or that" or "I love you, and you must love me"). Or excessive sacrifice, which makes love out of dependence, deprives of freedom of action, as well as the fear of losing love and being abandoned.

Self-dislike, self-flagellation, constant stress, attributing to others those qualities that they do not have, as a result of which disappointment and not living up to expectations.

Discontent, capriciousness, the need to change other people without changing oneself, the imposition of help on those who do not ask for it - these are just a few components that indicate violations in the heart chakra.

Misunderstanding, resentment, hatred, grief and sadness can block energy center anahata, disrupting the circulation of energy throughout the human body, which leads to stagnation of energies at the level of the fourth chakra.

Because of this, feelings of tightness appear in the chest, a constant feeling of anxiety and mental pain. The strength of these sensations directly depends on the negative that we have (negative emotions and thoughts). The more this negative, the stronger the stagnation in the heart chakra.

Anahata and the physical body

The fourth chakra is directly connected with the human body through the heart. All heart diseases, heart failure and pressure surges indicate that there is an imbalance in the green chakra.

Also, the 4th chakra is responsible for the following organs and systems of our body:

  • chest, lungs and bronchi;
  • the immune system and circulatory system;
  • back (upper part);
  • thymus gland;
  • hands and skin.

Hypertension and angina pectoris can occur due to a constant feeling of resentment and irritability. Grief and sadness, as well as discouragement and despair can lead to chest pain.

If a person is unable to love themselves fully, they may have problems with the respiratory system. After all, our breathing is the ability to fully experience life and accept it as it is, with all the pros and cons. The same can be said about accepting oneself - a loved one.

One of the manifestations of the disharmony of the anahata chakra is asthma, which can arise due to the suppression of such wonderful feeling like love.

If a child has asthma, then this suggests that the parents suppress the child with their love, not allowing him to breathe on his own.

Video about anahata chakra

To understand the issue even better, I advise you to watch a video on the topic of the anahata chakra.

People! LOVE open your hearts!
The one in which there is no beginning and end -
Only love on earth
Happiness will open to replace darkness ...

Anahata Is the fourth chakra in the system energy centers person. It means "the ever-sounding drum" in translation from the ancient Sanskrit language. Anahata is also called the "heart chakra".

The main purpose of Anahata- the combination of the upper and lower, lower and higher energies into one whole.

Symbol- a circle surrounded by twelve green lotus petals, inside which is inscribed a six-pointed star with written letters meaning the sound "JAM".

Chakra Anahata

Meaning- love, compassion, mercy, poise

Location- in the center of the chest at the level of the heart

Element- air

Colour- green

Feeling- touch

Hormones- thymus

Body organs- heart, lungs, circulatory system

Stones and crystals- emerald, malachite, rhodonite, aventurine

Imbalance problems- heart disease, high blood pressure, outbursts of anger, aggression, insomnia.

Chakra Anahata is the "heart" for the rest of the chakras, as it is located in the center and connects the lower three chakras with the upper three. Thus, it unites the physical and spiritual world of a person, his emotional center with the mental.

Heart Chakra Anahata is the center of love, mercy, faithfulness, healing and caring for others. It is thanks to her that we can energetically connect to another person, empathize with him, feel him spiritually and emotionally.

Through Anahata, we get a connection with the Universe, perceive the divine beauty of Nature, its harmony, understand and appreciate art and types of creativity.

Our emotions, born in the third chakra of the solar plexus Manipur, after passing through Anahata, are transformed, purified, and through throat chakra Vishudhu go outside.

Our desire and ability to love is manifested through the heart chakra. It is she who gives us the opportunity not only to accept, but also to give love, to share it disinterestedly, to be open and generous. It unites all types of love - from physical love for a person to unconditional love for God, Nature, the Universe.

If the fourth chakra is not fully open or out of balance, we feel lonely, abandoned, needless and lack of love.

It can also manifest itself in self-dislike. “Love your neighbor as yourself” - said Christ, and this means that love for yourself, as a part of God, is primary. To love our neighbor, we must first of all love ourselves. Otherwise, in each person we will find reflection of our own shortcomings and negative qualities.

If Anahata is completely open and well balanced, we feel love for everything that surrounds us, including ourselves. We notice the divine presence everywhere - in every atom and particle of creation. In every living being, we see a piece of God and can connect to all the good in them.

When the heart chakra works with hollow power, our heart is open, we reveal our inner being and allow ourselves to be soft and sensitive. We do not need to wear "protective armor", we feel sufficient inner strength and firmness to show feelings, gentleness and compassion.

When Anahata is open and balanced, we live with a sense of inner faith. We understand that love for God is manifested in love for everything that surrounds us, for all forms and manifestations of life. We vibrate at a higher frequency, which allows us to feel part of the universe, part of the universe and experience unconditional love.

Working with the Anahata heart chakra

There is a certain type of people who have a much stronger influence of the heart chakras than others. People with a dominant Anahata differ from others primarily by their openness, kind-heartedness, disinterestedness and ability to compassion. They are exalted in love and relationships, have high moral principles and highly spiritual.

If the work of the fourth chakra is disrupted in such people, then this is manifested in vanity, arrogance, excessive fanaticism.

Anahata imbalance at the physical level causes problems in bioenergy and disturbances in the work of the heart muscle, is the cause of heart attacks, hypertension, steno-and-tachyocardia.

If you notice the above signs in yourself, then it is necessary to carry out work to restore the normal activity of the heart chakra, to balance and balance it.

Meditation is an ideal tool for tuning energy centers.

To enhance the effect of meditation on the Anahata chakra, it is recommended to listen to the Yam mantra while meditating.

Below is a video clip “Activation of Anahata with the mantra“ YAM ”, which you can download by clicking on the buttons of social networks.

Anahata chakra activation (video)

Enjoy your meditation!

Arthur Golovin

The heart chakra becomes clogged with records of your negative emotions. Resentment, irritation, anger, indignation, accusation, guilt. Energy-information masses are formed, which at first inhibit the work of the chakra, it begins to generate less energy. Less energy makes it harder for a person to cope with difficult situations, there is even more resentment and indignation. Deteriorating relationships with other people, women, men. Firstly, because a weak emotional energy emanates from a person, and those around him are less noticed.
Secondly, more negative energy, other people subconsciously feel it, and avoid contact.

The next stage - the heart chakra is clogged with masses. The energy becomes even less. There are manifestations in the body. These are diseases - breast cancer, heart, lung diseases, bronchitis, bronchial asthma. Congenital heart diseases, body features characteristic of a problematic heart chakra - small breasts, an overdeveloped chest, etc., manifestations of karmic problems of the heart chakra.

Relationship problems with the opposite sex are usually caused by a clogged heart chakra.
I think this brief description enough to understand why you need to cleanse your heart chakra. However, do not forget about your INTENTION. You won't be able to do anything without it. Start working according to the methodology only with the INTENTION - I ACCEPT, I FORGIVE. Remember, you are doing this for yourself, not for the person you are angry with or offended at. Your negative emotions are ruining your life, not your abuser. All you need is to calmly ACCEPT WHAT HAPPENED IN THE PAST. Forgive the other, yourself (yourself - it is very important !!! This is very often the main inhibitory masses).

Often, a person builds a whole life philosophy based on children's grievances, closes himself off from emotional contacts with people, puts up barriers - walls, glass partitions, cubes, balls, gratings. These are the images (thought forms) that you may encounter when dealing with your grievances. Blaming the other person is a signal! Before that, there was an insult. The accusation is the subsequent defense built. Sometimes all this inside a person is very confusing. If you do not succeed on your own - contact me. Together - we can definitely do it!

The method of opening and clearing the heart chakra.
Think of a time when you were offended by someone. IMAGINE this situation before your eyes (like on a screen in a movie theater). In the future, I will call the situation you presented a picture. Look at the picture from the side. What does your biofield (overalls) look like there? Consider it and describe it (it is advisable to briefly record what is happening during the execution of the technique). To understand what your biofield looks like in the picture, you need to look at your jumpsuit there. To do this, make it, imagine. Take what you see calmly, without self-criticism. Trust any information you receive. This is the main condition for success. Don't deny your perceptions. Make your body transparent in the picture so that you can better see where the energy-information masses are in it. They look like energy bunches. dark colors, of various shapes. FIND YOUR PICTURE IN THE BREAST AREA FOR A DARK MASS.

Imagine GLOWING HANDS, wind them up for the mass, and easily bring it out glowing hands out of the body. Leave the mass at a distance of a meter or two from the body.

Look inside the mass, see what is written there. The mass recorded the events with which it is associated. This is your previous experience, as a result of which this negative energy clot was formed. Events can relate to both this and past lives. Sometimes you perceive them as pictures of events, sometimes - as symbolic images. The masses are very different. Some do not show what they have inside. They can appear as a stone, emptiness, glass cube. Help yourself WITH INTENT. Say "I am ready to find out what is written there." "I accept what happened." If you saw the entries, analyze it. If not, continue.
Place a black ball near the mass - which draws the mass into itself. The ball either completely sucks in the mass, or it turns into something pleasant. Fill the place in the body where the mass was with the luminous energy of the ball, or put it back, which has changed, if you like it now.

With the help of a ray of light, or a ball in this picture, create a good biofield for you to like it. Then go inside the picture and look at the situation from your eyes. Check if everything is normal in your perceptions. If there is still something unpleasant, repeat the process. If the perception of the situation is comfortable, the work is finished.

Another way of cleaning the detected energy-informational mass. You have brought the mass out of your body in the picture with the luminous hands. Stretch this mass into film; it usually looks dirty, black. This film records the events that formed the mass. You lower this film into the sea, river, lake, water - which is closer to you, it is easier to imagine. Rinse it out there from the dirt. While doing this, direct a beam of light onto a film in water, or a black ball. After rinsing, the film should be clean, colorful and beautiful. Now consider what the taped events look like. How do you feel about them, how do you feel about them? Make the necessary changes - IMAGINE how you would like the events to unfold. This is how you create new model behavior for yourself for the future. After that, put the peeled film back in the place in the body where you took it from. Enter the picture and check how you perceive the situation now. If everything is in order, the work has been successfully completed.

To clear the heart chakra - remember all the grievances that you can remember, and clear them according to the described scheme.

The fourth chakra, Anahata, is located in the region of the heart. It is here that sincere love is born - for oneself, another person and the whole world. It is no coincidence that when we want to express how strong our affection is, we say, "I love you with all my heart."

Is there something wrong with the chakra? The heart chakra grants the ability to be compassionate and forgiving. “Put yourself in the place of another, feel what he feels,” - her voice sounds as a refrain. However, at the same time, Anahata keeps a person's own “I” intact, not allowing him to dissolve in other people's problems. Therefore, one of the signs that something is wrong with the chakra is over-worrying about the lives of others, when your needs are left unattended. They say about such a person: “He takes everything too close to heart,” which gradually shakes his psyche, knocking him out of his inner balance.

People with closed Anahata often suffer from unrequited love or too dependent on the sympathy of others. They are unhappy with themselves, fearful of being rejected and alone. Tearfulness is another signal of the inharmonious work of the heart chakra. In the form of tears, unexpressed emotions, unspoken grievances and claims that have "hammered" Anahata are asking for outward. Chakra problems are also read in irritability, constant dissatisfaction with life and fatigue.

A person with a blocked Anahata literally and figuratively finds it difficult to breathe deeply. It is as if he does not have enough air to realize his full potential.

How to open the heart chakra (Anahata chakra)

The colors of the fourth chakra are green and pink. Frequent wearing of clothes or accessories of this range helps to awaken the dormant Anahata and maintain its harmonious work. And since the element of the heart chakra is Air, then the fabrics from which the clothes are made should be light, thin, for example, silk and muslin.

Some gems from the jewelry box are in tune with the vibrations of Anahata.

  • Rose quartz heals wounds of the heart resulting from unrequited love and someone's rough treatment. In addition, it makes a person more sensitive to the beauty of poetry, music, painting, and awakens the power of imagination.
  • Tourmaline teaches that love is not only taking, but also giving.
  • Emerald strengthens and deepens love at all levels. This stone is like a young apple for the heart and soul.
  • Jade endows the heart with wisdom, teaches to see the beauty in the world around and in oneself.

It is better if these stones are inlaid with beads or pendants, the length of which reaches the region of the heart.

The menu to awaken the heart chakra should include lettuce, spinach, Swiss chard, parsley, dill, different types cabbage, cucumbers, green radish, green onions... On a fruit plate, place kiwi, green apples and grapes, pears and avocados. The vibrations of Anahata correspond to the sound "Yam" - its regular chanting also has a beneficial effect on the work of the chakra. It will help harmonize this energy center and inhale the aromas of sandalwood, rose and cedarwood oils.

Exercises to open the Anahata chakra and second wind

Exercise 1. Sit on your heels and straighten your back. Place your hands under your chest and inhale deeply through your nose. Feel the chest opening. Exhale slowly through your nose, while rounding your back and leaning forward slightly. Close your eyes and focus on the heart chakra level for 10-15 seconds. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Exercise 2. Sit on your heels, straighten your back and spread your knees to the sides. Stretch the top of your head towards the floor. Take a deep breath through your nose and roll to the top of your head, as if you want to do a forward roll. The buttocks at this time rise from the heels. Important: keep your body weight on your hands, which rest your palms on the floor, the pressure on your head should be minimal. Smoothly return the crown to its original position, stretch your arms forward (palms down) and stretch your fingers to an imaginary wall. Relax and lie there for 10-15 seconds. Repeat the exercise 5 times.

Spend at least 15 minutes a day with these exercises - and soon you will notice how the second wind will open! Since Anahata is also associated with the senses, with the tactile perception of the world, simple and useful exercise for her disclosure there will be ... hugs! Spread your arms wide, and then hug yourself, pretending that the universe itself is doing it! Observe the sensations - see how the mood rises from this exercise.

The fourth energy center is the source of love and compassion. Anahata teaches to intuitively understand people and heal diseases by cleansing subtle body from the negative. By filling the chakra with energy, a person learns the depth of compassion and the essence of Divine love. Intuition, poise, harmony and the power of healing are few of the gifts of the revealed Anahata.

In this article

What is responsible for

The chakra is located in the center of the chest, near the heart. Anahata is an energetic mediator between the chakras. It regulates the upward and downward flows of energy in the body.

The following human principles merged in Anahata:

  • emotional;
  • spiritual;
  • material;
  • physical.

The symbol of the heart chakra is the twelve-petalled lotus. In the center of the lotus, two triangles are depicted - with a point up and a point down. The six tops of the triangles symbolize the five senses and human consciousness. The downward pointing triangle symbolizes the three male energy channels. Another triangle means three female channels.

Anahata symbol - green lotus

At the physical level, the energy center is responsible for the work:

  • hearts;
  • the lower part of the lungs;
  • blood;
  • skin;
  • the immune system.

Sensual cognition of the world depends on the state of Anahata. The purpose of the heart chakra is to unite beings through love.

The depth of compassion depends on the degree of openness of the chakra. With developed Anahata, a pink tint appears in the aura. This speaks of the abilities of the healer. Such a person acts out of concern and compassion for the Creator's creations.

With a developed heart chakra, a person easily makes contact. Fear, doubt and hatred in relationships are traces of negative energy affecting the subtle body. Open Anahata cleanses the subtle body from destructive forces.

Anahata is full of love

Anahata teaches loyalty in relationships and the ability to love without selfishness and calculation. The human heart opens, filling the subtle body with the energy of Creation. A similar feeling arises when people see art.

With the opening of Anahata, thinking changes. Chakra teaches you to see the beauty of the Universe and understand the divine order. The heart energy center gives a person harmony with himself and with the world around him.

Video tutorial on the fourth chakra:

What is this subtle body

The heart is a subtle mental body that accumulates the energy of green and pink shades. The open chakra glows in green... Pink appears when the healer's abilities are unlocked.

Anahata's subtle body affects:

  • emotions;
  • the ability to express yourself;
  • thinking.

For the development of the subtle body, it is important to learn something new, comprehend it and share it with people. Useful scientific work and meditation.

Anahata body work webinar:

What element

The heart chakra belongs to the air element. Air is responsible for life processes and creative energy in the subtle body.

Spring corresponds to the air element

It is in harmony with the elements of Fire and Water and interacts with the Earth with difficulty. Spring corresponds to air, when air energy is most strongly manifested.

Anahata and hormones

The work of the thymus gland depends on the state of the fourth chakra. It is located in the chest and is divided into two hemispheres.

In newborns, the thymus gland reaches enormous sizes. It actively produces a hormone that strengthens the immune system. When a person turns 15, the secretion of the hormone stops, the gland decreases in size and stops functioning.

Doctors believe that thanks to the thymus gland, children live up to adolescence... The fragile body of a baby does not tolerate the effects of bacteria and infections. Anahata stimulates the secretion of the hormone until the baby gets stronger.

Exercises to activate the thymus gland:

How it manifests itself in a healthy state

People with an open Anahata are happily married. They remain faithful to their partner and are in awe of family values. Their family life filled with love and understanding.

In communication with each other, people with a developed Anahata are calm and balanced. Often, intuition prompts the thoughts and mood of the interlocutor. After communicating with the owner of a developed heart chakra, problems are solved by themselves. A feeling of harmony and the assistance of the Higher Powers comes.

People are drawn to the carriers of developed Anahata for support and sympathy. The energy of divine compassion that flows through the heart does not differentiate between the righteous and the sinner. It is controlled by intuition and directed to someone who needs support.

Heart help is selfless and aimed at solving the real problem.

Chakra draws on the power of nature

The energy of Anahata helps to see the trace of the divine essence in everything. People with a developed heart chakra are drawn to nature. There they draw strength, inspiration and energize the heart. V rare cases healers develop abilities for natural magic.

Nature sounds for relaxation and meditation:

How to open

The opening of the chakra is preceded by the cleansing of the subtle body from the negative. Give up evil thoughts and aggression, tune in to self-knowledge. Only after that you will be able to establish Anahata's work.

Working with the energy center includes adjustments:

  • location;
  • colors;
  • vibrations;
  • size;
  • rotation.

To develop Anahata, you need a flexible mind and the ability to think logically. Train your memory and form the depth of thinking - all these are the conditions for realizing the divine wisdom hidden in the heart.

It is equally important to keep joy in your heart and to overcome life's trials with enthusiasm. Combine spiritual practices with asanas. Yoga will teach you how to distribute the energy of the subtle body and break through the blocks of negativity.

A set of Kundalini Yoga exercises for opening the fourth chakra:

How to develop

For each person, Anahata develops independently before adolescence. From 13 to 15 years old, due to lack of parental love, the chakra closes. Heart blockage is fickle. At any age, spiritual practice and self-control will breathe life into Anahata and awaken the divinity hidden in the heart.

A properly working fourth chakra is an essential condition for white magicians and healers. Helping people is impossible without Divine love and compassion.

Use the Yam mantra to cleanse the heart of negativity. Even listening to a mantra will help you tune in and feel the power hidden in the energy center.

Yam vibrations awaken the heart chakra

Develop the power of compassion. Try not to judge people by their appearance and be sympathetic to those who are faced with difficult life choices. Gentleness of character and sensitivity to other people's troubles are the properties of strong and strong-willed people.

But do not forget the main rule - to distance yourself from other people's problems. Passing negative through the soul, you will harm the subtle body. Only experienced psychics can survive this.

The methods of sincere help are far from indulging weaknesses and bad habits. A healer is a person with a strong character and inner core. In the salvation of destinies, he is guided by intuition and the voice of the Creator emanating from the heart.

Anahata chakra development video:

Physical sensation when opening

For closed chakra are characteristic:

  • heartache;
  • pectoral muscle cramps;
  • tingling sensation;
  • chest discomfort.

TO unpleasant sensations leads to stagnation of energy when the chakra is blocked by negativity and does not work properly.

What is felt

Opening Anahata, you will feel joy and euphoria, warmth in the middle of your chest. This is a sign that the chakra is clearing. When the heart is balanced, people feel a tingling sensation at their fingertips.

Warmth in the heart is a sign of an open chakra

When you open the energy center, you will feel a sense of flight and lightness. Energy will fill the subtle body and nourish Anahata with the power of the Cosmos. It will seem that you are floating in the Universe, like an incorporeal spirit.

Asanas, shakti, meditation

Asana meditation is one of the ways to normalize the work of the heart chakra.

Pranamasana is a prayer pose. Stand and fold your arms across your chest, palms facing each other (Namaste). Breathe deeply and evenly. Concentrate on the work of the energy center.

Pranamasana fills the body with prana

Eka Pada Pranamasana - one-legged prayer pose (also called the tree pose). The asana strengthens the lymph nodes and muscles of the legs, teaches balance and concentration. It is recommended to perform up to half an hour. Follow the sensations. Pain is a sign that you have taken the wrong position. Do not round your back, direct your tailbone to the floor - this way you will allow Shakti (creative energy) to flow freely along the spine.

Tree pose

These two asanas are suitable for beginners. Once your legs and back are strong, look for poses for the next level of fitness.

Among them:

  • Samakonasana (cross twine pose);
  • Ardha Ushtrasana (incomplete camel pose);
  • Supta Vajrasana (lightning posture lying);
  • Sarpasana (sliding snake pose).

Kanti yoga for opening the heart:

The meaning of the petals

Each petal of the lotus of Anahata has a corresponding bija sound:


They symbolize the twelve directions of the twelve energy channels in the human body.

Correct pronunciation of petal sounds from Shri Mataji:

Chakra imbalance - what it looks like

The disturbed work of Anahata leads to:

  • anger;
  • irritability;
  • selfishness.

People with a closed energy center are lonely and angry. The extreme degree of Anahata's neglected work is living for two families. Stagnation of energy leads to the fact that a person becomes a zealous owner. He does not want to destroy the old family, and fear prevents him from leaving for a new one. Such a person complains a lot about fate and blames relatives for his own sins and mistakes.

Imbalance leads to anger

Signs of disrupted work of the fourth energy center:

  • sentimentality;
  • anxiety;
  • a life of illusion;
  • feeling lonely;
  • depressed state;
  • depression;
  • feelings of guilt and shame;
  • envy of someone else's love;
  • excessive desire to give.

Anahata imbalance leads to relationship problems. People are either demanding and principled in small things, or they are imprisoned, becoming sacrificial slaves because of the fear of loneliness and guilt.

Evidence of an imbalance in the human heart:

  • discontent;
  • whims;
  • desire to change others, fearing their own changes;
  • imposing help when it is not needed.

People with a disturbed heart energy center do not like themselves. They engage in self-flagellation and suffer from bad qualities that they do not have. The result is disappointment and personality destruction.

In men

Men more easily endure energy stagnation in the heart. With the imbalance of Anahata, the role of an intermediary between the energy centers is played by the Manipura chakra, which is responsible for willpower and a person's sense of his own importance.

Manipura - solar plexus center

Signs of imbalance in men:

  • loneliness;
  • anger;
  • despondency;
  • gloominess;
  • desire to please everyone;
  • the desire to assert itself.

The desire to get rid of aggression and anger will help to establish a free flow of energy. It is easy to start cleaning, the main thing is not to give up the practice of self-knowledge at the first difficulties.

Among women

The first thing women lose with a closed Anahata is joy. Then success and family harmony disappear from life.

It is important for a woman to know that she is loved.

Interest in life and the creation of a family disappears. Appear bad habits, health problems of body and mind.

Reanimation of the heart chakra

To restore the work of the fourth energy center:

  1. Analyze the past. Think about situations and words you regret. Think about giving up those principles that brought trouble and suffering.
  2. Get away from business and rest. Taking a break will clear the energy channels of negativity, and you will feel a surge of energy.
  3. Calm the flow of thoughts. Chaos in the head makes it difficult to assess the situation and draw the right conclusions.

On vacation, take a meditation course. Spiritual practice in combination with the YAM mantra will restore the vital spirit and normalize the flow of energy in the heart chakra.

Video on how to unblock Anahata chakra:

How to recover

To resume Anahata's work, get rid of the burden of negative emotions, forget about old grievances, focus on love.

Love is hidden in every heart

In the heart of every person is hidden the Creator's love for own creations... Restoring the work of the heart energy center, you are drawing closer to the Creator.

How to pump

To enhance the positive vibrations of the chakra, use meditation visualizing the green light that comes out of the Anahata.

For this:

  1. Sit down. Relax. Close your eyes.
  2. Concentrate on your breathing. Think about how the negativity leaves the body with the exhalation.
  3. As your heartbeat slows down, visualize the chakra in your chest filled with green energy.
  4. Let the energy leave the heart and enclose the body in a green, shimmering cocoon.
  5. Feel the vibrations of healing energy that emanate from the heart.
  6. End the meditation session by returning the energy to Anahata. Open your eyes.
  7. Do not move for 5-10 minutes. Return your heartbeat to its original rhythm. Breathe.

Meditation on Anahata

Practice daily. To enter a meditative state faster, use music that reproduces the vibrations of Anahata.

Mantra for Anahata sung by Deva Premal:

How to clean with vibrations of stones

Wearing the following stones has a positive effect on Anahata's condition:

  1. Rose quartz. The mineral protects against unrequited love, rudeness and injustice. Quartz awakens cravings for art and beauty.
  2. Tourmaline. Jewelry with tourmaline fill the subtle body with love and the realization that love is a process of continuous energy exchange, and not an act of selfishness.
  3. Emerald. The stone enhances the depth of feelings.
  4. Jade. The perfection of the world and wisdom manifested in the love of the Creator are revealed to the bearer.

The closer to your heart you wear jewelry, the more positive qualities it will show.

Parapsychologist's lecture on stones:

Breathing cleansing

Do the exercise daily for 10 minutes and soon you will notice how the world around you harmonizes:

  • take the starting position - sitting on your heels;
  • keep your back straight, without bending in the lower back;
  • put your hands on your hips and inhale deeply through your nose;
  • feel the chest expand;
  • exhale slowly, leaning forward and slightly rounding your back;
  • close your eyes, focus on Anahata.

Starting position

Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Video about the connection between breath and energy center:


Opened Anahata gives the owner a feeling of warmth, love and happiness. Feelings acquire depth and poignancy. The life of a person who has embarked on the path of self-knowledge will never be filled with suffering and loneliness.

A Happy Life Is Part of Divine Purpose

The Creator of the Universe has put energy into every creation for happiness, harmony and peace. But people continue to live in suffering, following illusions and walking the path that leads away from the Divine plan.

Which path to follow is your choice.

A recording stimulating Anahata's work from our YouTube channel:

A little about the author:

For me, esotericism is the key to the heart, spiritual practice. This is the desire to look behind the screen of the world and find there the abyss of the divine. Wake up. Step into the fire during life, which opens the gates of immortality, and find true freedom.