Turkey meat potassium content. Why is turkey meat so useful and is there any harm from it? How is turkey meat different from rabbit meat

Increasingly, turkey meat can be found on the shelves of supermarkets. It is presented in the form of whole carcasses, packaged parts of meat, breasts, wings, thighs and, of course, minced. Buyers have begun to increasingly prefer turkey meat over chicken, although the price is much higher. This is due to the fact that turkey meat has big amount beneficial properties and it is very beneficial for the human body.

Protein can be found in all types of food, including fish, eggs, milk and vegetables, but turkey meat is a particularly good source.

What is healthy about turkey meat, how healthy and harmful it is, now we will look into this in more detail.

Useful substances in turkey

Turkeys are a common species of poultry from the chicken and pheasant family, which is descended from the wild turkey. The bird has a varied diet, eating grass, clover, alfalfa, berries, plant and tree seeds, acorns, beetles and grasshoppers. Therefore, meat has great nutritional value and, accordingly, is very useful for humans. Including it in our diet, we saturate the body with vital substances.

The benefits of turkey meat are undeniable; it contains complete protein and a complete set of amino acids necessary for the human body. He has:

  • phosphorus, copper, iron, potassium, calcium, zinc and magnesium,
  • as well as B vitamins (B, B2, B3, B4, B6, B7, B9, B12), H, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids.

11 Health Benefits of Turkey Meat

  1. Strengthens the nervous system

    Turkey meat is less fatty than other types of meat (pork, duck) and it is very rich in quality protein. Everyone knows that a lack of protein leads to muscle weakness, absent-mindedness, nervousness and lack of energy. Having eaten good meat birds, we eliminate the risk of these symptoms and strengthen the nervous system, magnesium and phosphorus help us with this.

  2. Improves brain function

    Turkey meat contains an alpha amino acid called tryptophan. It is not produced by the human body and must come from outside, in this case from poultry meat. And tryptophan, in turn, promotes the formation melatonin and serotonin, very necessary substances for the brain that improve brain function, relax and improve mood. By consuming turkey meat, we take care of quality work vessels of the brain and its functioning in general.

  3. Strengthens bones

    Thanks to the vitamins and microelements it contains, in particular calcium and phosphorus, it helps strengthen the skeletal system. Eating a small piece of poultry meat can replenish the body with necessary and beneficial substances, strengthen bones and protect the body from many diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Meat is very useful both at a young age and for the elderly.

  4. Normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland

    Turkey and its beneficial properties normalize thyroid function. One serving of meat alone contains half daily allowance Selena. Selenium maintains hormonal levels and prevents the thyroid gland from functioning and protects it from many dangerous diseases.

  5. Resists cancer

    Turkey meat has beneficial cancer-preventing properties. The selenium it contains protects the immune system very well, as strong antioxidant What are antioxidants and what are their beneficial properties for the body? Content of antioxidants in food products. Is it worth taking antioxidants in pharmaceutical preparations? it fights the carcinogenic activity of free radicals. Thus, it protects the human body from many cancers, such as malignant lesions of the prostate, bladder, lungs, stomach, esophagus and many other organs.

  6. Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system

    Another benefit of turkey meat is that the vitamin B12 it contains reduces the level of homocysteine, which is responsible for all cognitive changes. Meat contains niacin, which actively reduces bad cholesterol and normalizes “good” cholesterol. Reducing cholesterol and normalizing blood pressure due to the low calorie content of the product is an excellent support for the healthy functioning of the cardiovascular system.

  7. Helps in weight loss

    For those who dream of resetting excess weight, nutritionists recommend normalizing metabolism and improving performance gastrointestinal tract. High concentration useful substances and vitamins such as B3 and B6, which are present in poultry meat, greatly help obese people easily lose extra pounds. Turkey meat accelerates metabolism, normalizes intestinal motility, eliminating the formation of toxins, constipation and other unpleasant symptoms of gastrointestinal dysfunction. Poultry meat is included in the diet.

  8. Strengthens muscles

    People involved in sports or physical labor are recommended to consume poultry meat, as it contains protein. High Quality. Turkey breast is very healthy; many steamed dishes are prepared from it, combined with vegetables, fruits and other healthy ingredients. Meat makes it easy to carry physical exercise, makes the body resilient, strengthens and builds muscles.

  9. Good for men

    Turkey meat is very beneficial for men's health and for enhancing sexual activity. Frequent use of this useful product will lead to increased potency and libido. In addition, turkey meat has a positive effect on reproductive health.

  10. Beneficial for children's body

    Pediatricians in all countries include poultry meat in baby food from the age of 6 months. Meat is anti-allergenic, is well absorbed in a still fragile body and provides it with protein, which will help strengthen the musculoskeletal system and teeth. If a child’s weight gain is poor, many doctors recommend adding turkey puree to the baby’s diet.

  11. Increases hemoglobin

    People weakened by illness, as well as children with poor health and low hemoglobin turkey meat is what you need. A simple broth made from turkey giblets or neck will improve the health of the patient, and the liver will significantly increase hemoglobin. Most fast way to increase hemoglobin - boiled buckwheat with liver and pomegranate juice.

What is healthier, chicken or turkey?

Nutritionists unequivocally state that chicken and turkey meat are dietary meats and each of them is very healthy. Chicken can be eaten daily and does not pose any threat to human health and figure; it is an excellent source of protein and other useful elements. Chicken broths They are considered medicinal, they restore strength lost during illness and strengthen the immune system. Chicken meat has more calories than turkey meat, but this does not make it less popular among chicken lovers.

This is interesting: Beef bone marrow broth: benefits and harms

People who eat turkey meat rarely have a bad mood because the tryptophan contained in the meat produces hormones of happiness - endorphins Endorphins are “happiness hormones” that the body produces on its own. The article does not include medicinal methods increasing endorphins in the body.. And balanced fatty acids make turkey meat an ideal product for losing weight and sports people leading a healthy lifestyle. Anti-allergenic poultry meat is good for children; it can be consumed by hypertensive patients and diabetics, since it has little fat and bad cholesterol, and even more protein, amino acids, calcium and phosphorus than chicken.

The table below provides macronutrient comparisons between various types fried meat chicken and turkey. The main difference is that chicken breast contains slightly more calories than turkey breast, and dark meat chicken provides more calories than dark meat turkey. The amount of macronutrients is similar between chicken and turkey. However, the calorie (and fat) content is higher in dark and white meat.

Micronutrient Comparison Chart

The vitamin and mineral content of chicken and turkey meat is very similar. These foods are good sources of iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, niacin, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12. There are no significant differences in micronutrients between chicken breast and turkey breast, or between dark meat chicken and dark meat turkey. However, dark meat is the best source of zinc, and white meat is richer in niacin.

100 g serving Chicken breast

(fried, without skin)

Turkey breast

(fried, without skin)

Dark chicken meat

(fried, without skin)

Dark meat turkey

(fried, without skin)

Iron 1 mg 0.7 mg 1 mg 1 mg
Zinc 1 mg 2 mg 3 mg 4 mg
Magnesium 29 mg 32 mg 23 mg 27 mg
Phosphorus 228 mg 230 mg 179 mg 212 mg
Potassium 256 mg 249 mg 240 mg 227 mg
Niacin 14 mg 12 mg 7 mg 7 mg
Vitamin B6 0.6 mg 0.8 mg 0.4 mg 0.4 mg
Vitamin B12 0.3 mg 0.4 mg 0.3 mg 2 mg

So which is better?

Because chicken and turkey are so similar that the best choice for you really depends on taste preferences and the issue of price. Both meats are excellent choices as sources of nutritious, high-quality protein.

How to choose and store turkey meat correctly

When choosing meat products, it is best to pay attention to farm or homemade meat. It is still natural and no pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics or other substances that could be harmful to health were used when raising poultry.

The meat must be healthy and beautiful view and when pressed with a finger, the dent should immediately return to its original position. Meat is heat sensitive, so after purchasing it, it should be cooked immediately or stored in the refrigerator or freezer. Once cooked, turkey can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than four days.

Contraindications to eating turkey meat

There are very few harms and contraindications for eating turkey meat. It, like all other products, should not be abused, especially

  • people with kidney failure and gout patients.
  • For people susceptible to hypertension, doctors recommend do not salt the meat, since it already contains sodium.
  • Research shows that a large number of tryptophan may make you drowsy.

A turkey may not look that big, but it contains about 150 bones, which is slightly less than the number of bones in a human (206).
It's funny but true - just like people, turkeys can die from a heart attack. This was discovered when many turkeys died from the shock and noise of jets flying overhead.
An interesting fact is that turkeys cannot raise their heads during rainstorms; a turkey can even drown when it rains.
Turkeys and peacocks have similarities, and turkeys also extend their colorful feathers and dance to attract the opposite sex.

Kira Stoletova

The fashionable health trend has put an end to many animal products. To prolong youth and maintain your figure, you need to be careful about the food you eat. What is the benefit of turkey meat, whose appearance revolutionized cooking? Let's look at the strong and weak sides popular food.


The homeland of turkeys is America, and the first turkeys were brought to Europe on the ships of the Spanish conquerors at the beginning of the 16th century. I liked the tasty and low-fat product, so they started eating the bird. With skillful care, males reach 20 kg, and females - 15.

Fiber contains practically no cholesterol, but a sufficient amount of nutrients and vitamins. The rate of absorption of protein exceeds that of rabbit and chicken. Satisfaction comes with a smaller portion of food, so it began to be recommended in many diets.

In America and Western Europe Turkey meat has long enjoyed well-deserved popularity. It has firmly taken a central place in national cuisines or replaced fattier components. Domestic consumers look at supermarket shelves with caution, not knowing where and how the product can be used.

In terms of taste, tender meat is between chicken and. It does not have the specific aroma of poultry, which is so annoying when consumed regularly. The minimum amount of fat is absorbed very quickly and does not leave extra centimeters on the waist and hips.

What does turkey meat look like? The breast is colored White color, and the legs have a pleasant pink tint. The view in the photo shows a gradual transition from light parts to darker parts. The fillets are not as dry as chicken fillets. There is practically no fat layer under the skin.

The benefits of turkey meat are its amazing composition. If you are keenly following own health, then this is the perfect food for every day. Delicious food contains many useful microelements.

  1. Vitamins. Includes all the components necessary for the development of the body. Group B, A, E and PP are responsible for many functions within the body.
  2. Protein. The substance is involved in DNA synthesis and muscle construction. Responsible for correct work organs, metabolic processes.
  3. Phosphorus. Prevents joint diseases, “builds” bones. In terms of the amount of component, the product is not inferior to fish.
  4. Tryptophan. Improves the functions of the central nervous system, and also make the emotional background stable.
  5. Microelements. Iron, potassium, calcium are involved in the creation of blood, and copper, chromium, zinc and cobalt stabilize the functioning of all internal organs.
  6. Folic acid. Needed for healthy formation and child development in the womb.

This amazing product contains components that are important for humans. They manage all functions of the structure of internal organs and are responsible for strong immunity. When used wisely, the product can relieve many problems, including insomnia and manager's syndrome.

The nutritional value of the popular protein is 270 kcal per 100 grams. Additionally, poultry contains the daily requirement of unsaturated Omega-3 acids, which increase brain activity. The benefits and harms depend on the correct preparation of the dish.

Beneficial features

Food of animal origin has long been present in the human diet. But the cholesterol content in pork and beef has forced the world's thinning population to give up tasty food. The main benefit of turkey meat is that lean fiber does not include a dangerous component and will be a good addition to the diet menu.

What are the beneficial properties of turkey meat? The unique concentration of potassium and unsaturated fats can have a positive effect on the health of the heart and blood vessels. The product is mandatory element therapeutic diet for cardiac diseases.

Low fat content and abundance of phosphorus makes it possible to absorb calcium as much as possible. Such food will be a good addition to the diet during the recovery stages after fractures or joint diseases. By the way, it contains a lot of sodium, which improves metabolic processes in the body.

Turkey meat improves immunity and strengthens human reproductive abilities. Does not cause allergies in babies and helps the proper development of the fetus in pregnant women. It is recommended for men to solve problems with potency. Scientists have noticed that regular use of the product prevents the development of cancer.


Even the healthiest food can be harmful if consumed in excess. Constant overeating on protein foods has a negative impact on digestive system and can provoke various deviations. The predominance of any product in the diet disrupts metabolism.

Turkey meat does not contain cholesterol, but due to the increased concentration of animal protein it can be dangerous for people with kidney disease and gout. It is worth remembering that for any illness, consultation with a doctor is necessary. Changing your diet on your own can lead to disastrous results.

The substance sodium normalizes metabolic processes and restores blood. Excess intake accumulates in the body, causing high blood pressure in hypertensive patients. To avoid exacerbation, experts recommend less salting of poultry dishes.

The composition and calorie content of turkey meat cannot be used as medicine. A large amount of protein contributes to the occurrence of intestinal colic and flatulence. The lack of plant fiber in such a diet leads to constipation.

Vitamins and others important substances will be useless if a spoiled product is consumed. Remember that only fresh food is used in the diet. From turkey meat with foulbrood or unpleasant smell It's worth staying away.

How to choose

According to GOST, retail chains and markets offer customers both whole carcasses and individual parts. On store shelves you can find offal (liver, heart) and minced meat. Red meat is practically no different from veal, and diet breast smells better than chicken fillet.

Experts recommend buying chilled raw materials, although the unique products retain their beneficial properties even after two months of deep freezing. Remember that turkey meat on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator has a limited shelf life. If you do not use it as intended within 24 hours, putrefactive bacteria begin to multiply in the tissues.

No matter how much they talk about useful characteristics food, but you should not purchase fresh product in unverified places. In this case, there is no guarantee that the poultry was raised in accordance with all requirements and that the animal fibers will not contain antibiotics or hormones. You shouldn't experiment with your health.

How to choose the right turkey meat? The skin on the carcass should be smooth, without spots or stickiness. If you press your finger anywhere, the hole is quickly restored. The breast looks light and the legs are pink. The smell of fresh poultry is without chemical aromas, and an unpleasant odor indicates the presence of putrefactive processes.

Frozen fillets should not be cloudy or have dark areas on the surface. If the cost of the product is much cheaper than fresh options, then it is better to refuse the purchase. Retail chains often do not comply with technical requirements, as a result of which the bacteria content inside increases.

How to cook

Hypoallergenic turkey meat is used in the production of semi-finished products and homemade food. Unlike chicken, it does not have a specific aroma, so it can be given to both children and adults. Cooking does not violate the value of the product, maintaining a sufficient amount of iron, potassium and other elements.

Turkey meat with boiled vegetables can be used in diets when a person counts the number of calories eaten. In dietary nutrition, poultry has found many fans, so it is allowed in all popular weight loss systems. The vitamin content is not reduced by this treatment.

Modern technologies make it possible to use tasty poultry in the preparation of sausages and sausages. Low calorie content and excellent taste are complemented by natural food flavors. Semi-finished products are most often produced from breast meat.

If weight allows, then the whole carcass can be baked in the oven with potatoes or roasted on a spit. Turkey meat is often used to make kebabs, which are not inferior in taste to pork. Any parts of the bird's body do not lose their positive properties during cooking.

It is very healthy to eat steamed cutlets made from minced turkey meat - they are suitable even for those who are forced to adhere to a therapeutic diet.

From breast and liver you can make a delicious pate that contains a minimum of calories. Cooking does not require a long time from the cook. heat treatment. This dish does not have the aroma of chicken or pork, and the unique concentration of substances is not destroyed by temperature.

Things to remember

If you are concerned about your health, then you should not fry the valuable turkey meat. The appetizing color of the crust is achieved due to the oxidation of fats, and this negatively affects the digestive system. Eating such food is dangerous for both children and adults.

Turkey. The healthiest meat.

Turkey fillet in balsamic vinegar- Delicious Easy Healthy

The quality of turkey meat depends on how it was raised. Unlike chickens, it requires more time and costs. To reduce the cost of live weight, some farmers use antibiotics and hormonal agents. Such additives accumulate in tissues and can be harmful to the consumer.

The type of low-quality meat is practically no different from ordinary meat, but it is not advisable for children and sick people to eat it. To avoid a dangerous purchase, we advise you to purchase food from reliable retail chains. Stores that respect their reputation will not take risks with untested goods.

Turkey meat has long been a favorite of foreign and domestic cuisine. Low calorie content and excellent taste make it possible to replace fatty pork. Our recommendations will help you identify useful and harmful sides popular food.

Turkey is considered the largest poultry. Turkey meat is highly valued; it ranks second in consumption after chicken. Turkey meat is tender and not fatty, its preparation does not require special skills - boiled, fried, baked, stewed. Turkey is considered the main decoration of the Christmas table. However, poultry meat is not only tasty, but also healthy. It is the benefits of turkey meat that we will talk about today.

Turkey meat is considered one of the most dietary. Turkey meat is a low-calorie product. The energy value depends not only on the method of preparation, but also on the part from which it was cut. Breast contains the fewest calories - only 120 kcal/100 grams. The indicated amount of fried turkey contains 280 kcal. Boiled turkey meat is considered less nutritious - 195 kcal/100 grams. Well, the lowest calorie is stewed meat (110 kcal per 100 grams).

However, turkey meat is valued not only for its low calorie content, but also for its rich composition. Turkey meat is rich in vitamins (B6, B2, B12, PP) and minerals. Poultry meat has a high content of phosphorus (turkey meat is equal to fish in terms of this substance), sodium (exceeds even veal in this indicator), iron (turkey contains several times more Fe than chicken and 2 times more than beef) . Among other things, magnesium, selenium, calcium, potassium, sulfur, iodine, and manganese were found in the meat.

Turkey meat: benefits

After the composition of turkey meat, we should talk about the beneficial properties of meat, which are due to it. First of all, you need to inform us that turkey meat is absolutely hypoallergenic, which is why it is included in baby food. This type of meat should be included in the diet of pregnant and lactating women, sick people, as well as those whose activities involve heavy physical labor, since it will saturate the body with all the necessary substances. Turkey meat is very useful for depression and stress.

The beneficial properties of turkey meat also include:
beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system,
ability to strengthen immunity.

However, not only meat is useful, but also internal organs turkey, and poultry fat.

In turkey liver contains a large amount of vitamin K, which plays important role in metabolism in bones and connective tissues. In addition, it contains vitamins A, PP, B5, B6, B9, E, as well as almost the entire complex of macro- and microelements, including potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron and selenium. Turkey liver calorie content is 276 kcal.

Turkey heart saturated with proteins, minerals (iron, selenium, zinc, phosphorus), vitamins A, B (especially a lot - B1, B2, B5, B6, B12), C. - 114.8 kcal. The only disadvantage of this product is its high cholesterol content.

Benefits of turkey gizzards due to their high iron content and folic acid. They also contain vitamin A, thiamine, niacin and riboflavin (B vitamins), as well as potassium, phosphorus, sodium, zinc, magnesium, cobalt, manganese, and copper. The calorie content of turkey ventricles is 114 kcal.

Turkey fat contains not only essential acids, but also vitamins E and D. In addition, they contain selenium and choline. The energy value of turkey fat is 900 kcal.

Turkey meat: harm

We are sure that after all that has been said, all doubts about the benefits of turkey meat and offal have disappeared. However, remember that only fresh and high-quality products are healthy. If you suffer from gout or kidney disease, it is not recommended to indulge in dishes that contain turkey meat. You will also have to limit their consumption if you have hypertension, due to the fact that meat has a high sodium content, or do not use salt during cooking.

If you decide to diversify your diet useful products, then be sure to include turkey meat in it. Stew, boil, bake, in a word, experiment and pamper your household! Dear visitors to our portal, we will be grateful if in the comments to this article you tell us about the properties of turkey meat that you know, and also share recipes for its preparation.

Turkey: benefits and harm on the site.

Live in modern world is replete with many factors that negatively affect a person. The main ones are poor ecology, questionable quality of food, polluted drinking water, poor quality medical care, and stressful situations And bad habits. Therefore, it is so important to pay attention to regular health improvement of the body with the help of various methods and funds. Before using the information, be sure to consult with your doctor. All advice on the site is for informational purposes only and does not replace examination, diagnosis and consultation with a specialist.

Turkey meat is rich in nutrients. Two thick slices (84 grams) of turkey contain:

  • Calories: 117 kcal
  • Protein: 24 grams
  • Fat: 2 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 0 grams
  • Niacin (vitamin B3): 61% of recommended daily intake (RDI)
  • Vitamin B6: 49% of RDI
  • Vitamin B12: 29% of RDA
  • Selenium: 46% of RDI
  • Zinc: 12% of RDI
  • Sodium: 26% of RDI
  • Phosphorus: 28% of RDI
  • Choline: 12% of RDI
  • Magnesium: 6% of RDI
  • Potassium: 4% of RDI

In addition, turkey skin contains a lot of fat. This means that cuts of meat with skin contain more calories and fat than cuts without skin.

For example, 100 grams of skin-on turkey has 169 calories and 5.5 grams of fat, while the same amount without skin has 139 calories and only 2 grams of fat.

Keep in mind that the difference in calories is small. What's more, fat can help you feel full after eating.


Turkey is rich in protein and is an excellent source of many vitamins and minerals, especially B vitamins. Turkey meat without skin contains fewer calories and less fat than turkey meat with skin.

Health benefits of turkey meat

Eating turkey may provide health benefits.

Healthy Source of Protein

Turkey is a protein rich food.

Protein is important for muscle growth and maintenance. It gives structure to cells and helps transport nutrients all over the body.

Additionally, a high-protein diet may even help you lose weight by promoting a feeling of fullness.

Just 2 thick slices (84 grams) of turkey contain 24 grams of protein—an impressive 48% of the RDI.

What's more, turkey may be a healthier alternative to red meat, as some observational studies have linked red meat to an increased risk of colon cancer and heart disease.

However, other studies suggest that it is processed meat, not red meat itself, that has the negative health effects.

Rich in B vitamins

Turkey meat is a particularly rich source of B vitamins, including B3 (niacin), B6 ​​(pyridoxine) and B12 (cobalamin).

Two thick slices (84 grams) of turkey contain 61% of the RDA for vitamin B3, 49% for vitamin B6 and 29% for vitamin B12.

These B vitamins have many beneficial properties:

  • VitaminB3 (niacin). This vitamin is important for efficient energy production and cellular communication.
  • VitaminB6 (pyridoxine). This vitamin supports the formation of amino acids and helps produce neurotransmitters.
  • VitaminB12. B12 is vital for DNA production and red blood cell formation.

In addition, turkey is good source folate and vitamins B1 (thiamine) and B2 (riboflavin).

Rich source of minerals

Turkey is rich in selenium, zinc and phosphorus.

Selenium helps your body produce thyroid hormones, which regulate metabolism and growth rate.

Zinc is an essential mineral needed by many various processes in the body, such as gene expression, protein synthesis and enzymatic reactions.

Finally, phosphorus is vital for bone health.

Turkey also contains small amounts of magnesium and potassium.


Turkey meat is an excellent source of high-quality protein, as well as many B vitamins and a number of minerals.

Potential harm of turkey meat

Although this meat has many health benefits, it is important to limit your consumption of processed turkey products as these foods can be high in salt.

Processed varieties, such as turkey hams, sausages and nuggets, can contain high amounts of salt. Sodium is usually added as a preservative or flavor enhancer.

Research shows that excess salt intake may increase the risk of developing stomach cancer. Conversely, reducing salt intake can reduce high blood pressure.

Some processed turkey foods, such as salami and pastrami, contain up to 75% of the RDA for sodium per 100 grams. The same serving of turkey sausage provides more than 60% of the RDI.

By comparison, 100 grams of unprocessed, cooked turkey contains only 31% of the RDA for sodium.

Therefore, to minimize your salt intake, choose unprocessed turkey over processed turkey.


Processed turkey products often contain too much salt. To avoid overconsumption, choose unprocessed turkey.

How to include turkey meat in your diet

You can include turkey in your diet in a variety of ways.

You can buy fresh or frozen turkey all year round at your local grocery store or butcher.

This meat is often baked in the oven, but it can also be simmered until tender using a frying pan, saucepan, or slow cooker.

You can add it to the following dishes:

  • Salads. Add it hot or cold to salads to boost your protein levels.
  • Curry. Turkey can be used instead of chicken in curries.
  • Casseroles. This meat is great for making casseroles.
  • Soups. Turkey meat is good for making soups and bone broths using the bones of this bird.
  • Sandwiches. Pair with your favorite toppings and spreads such as lettuce, tomato, mustard or pesto.
  • Cutlets. Ground turkey can be mixed with stuffing or breadcrumbs to cook the cutlets.

Turkey meat can also be purchased in ground form and used in place of ground beef in dishes such as navy pasta or spaghetti Bolognese.

As noted above, it is best to limit your consumption of processed turkey products, such as sausages.


Turkey meat is incredibly versatile and can be added to soups, salads and casseroles. It is also a good substitute for ground beef.


  • Turkey is a popular meat that boasts high-quality protein, B vitamins, selenium, zinc and phosphorus.
  • Its consumption can support various aspects of health, including muscle growth and maintenance, due to its rich supply of nutrients.
  • However, it is best to avoid processed varieties as they are high in salt.
  • You can easily include this meat in soups, salads, curries and many other dishes.

The homeland of the turkey is the American continent, where it was domesticated one and a half thousand years before the arrival of Columbus's expedition to these lands. It was the Europeans, who drew attention to the important role of this bird in the life of American tribes, who called it turkey. The ancestors of the legendary Chingachgook could not imagine their menu without tender turkey meat. They cooked it over coals, first covering it with clay. Under the influence of temperature, the clay hardened and then moved away from the carcass along with the feathers. Although sometimes the bird was plucked, and then all the feathers were useful application. They were used to decorate clothing, for religious ceremonies and to equip deadly Indian arrows. Turkey bones were also used for making needles and awls. The Spanish colonialists liked the taste of turkey so much that they took the bird to Europe, among other wonders of the American continent. By the middle of the sixteenth century, the bird was already bred in many European countries. But turkey has always enjoyed the greatest popularity in the USA; it is an indispensable attribute festive table on Thanksgiving and Christmas. What can I say, the turkey almost became a symbol of the United States. At least, this was the decision almost taken by Benjamin Franklin, who dislikes the bald eagle because it does not hesitate to eat carrion. Franklin considered the turkey a more respectable bird and worthy of being placed on a coat of arms. Turkey meat is considered one of the healthiest on the planet, so we will discuss these benefits, diluting the boring list of vitamins and microelements with interesting facts related to turkey.

Composition of turkey meat

The main value of turkey fillet is its high content of high-quality, easily digestible protein and amino acids. For example, turkey contains more amino acids such as tryptophan than cheese. There are also enough minerals in meat; here you have a daily dose of selenium and iron more than in beef, and a whole scattering of other microelements. B vitamins have a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole, and this benefit is supplemented by polyunsaturated fatty acids, known as Omega 3 and 6. Turkey meat is highly nutritious while containing few calories, especially if we're talking about about fillet.

Benefits of turkey fillet

The benefit of turkey fillet lies in its balanced composition, which no other type of meat can boast of. Turkey contains a lot of high-quality protein, the lack of which in the body can lead to a number of unpleasant consequences. Such as lack of energy, absent-mindedness, general weakness, pallor. At high level cholesterol, doctors recommend that their patients replace beef, pork and chicken with dietary turkey. Not many people know that turkey fillet is one of the top twenty foods in terms of healthiness. Meat contains many vitamins and other useful elements; it is highly valued by fans of a healthy lifestyle for its high nutritional value and low calorie content. It also has a very low percentage of fat and cholesterol, which makes it so healthy. The high cholesterol content in pork, beef, chicken and any other poultry can lead to problems with cardiovascular system. Turkey fillet is a source of easily digestible iron and zinc, which increases the body's protective properties and strengthens the immune system. Turkey is also an excellent choice for people with hypertension due to its high sodium content. With the help of this element, the basic metabolic processes in the human body are normalized. The high sodium content even allows you to eliminate salt during cooking, which will be beneficial for people with high blood pressure or heart or vascular disease.

It is also worth noting that turkey fillet is a hypoallergenic product, so it can be consumed by people prone to allergies and nursing mothers. Turkey fillet can even be given to small children as complementary food, because it is easily absorbed by the body and contains many valuable substances. Sometimes doctors recommend consuming turkey meat for people with sleep disorders, since it contains a certain amount of tryptophan, which has a positive effect on the quality of sleep. This element also promotes the production of the “happiness hormone”, so it is useful to consume meat in case of depression. Among other things, we can highlight the fact that due to its high protein content, turkey fillet is recommended to be eaten by athletes, as it will help quickly restore strength and “recharge your batteries.” The meat of this bird is a valuable product due to its high phosphorus content. Nutritionists emphasize that turkey contains more phosphorus than fish. It also contains a lot of magnesium, iodine, potassium, as well as vitamins A and B. If you regularly consume turkey, then you are following a proper diet and significantly reduce the risk of developing cancer in the body.

Turkey fillet harm

To begin with, it must be said that a lot depends on the integrity of the manufacturer, so it is better to choose a farm turkey raised in free-range conditions on natural feed. You should also be careful when buying semi-finished turkey products, the benefits of which are several times less than those of the same fillet. If not passed on, turkey meat cannot harm an adult, except in cases of individual intolerance. People with urolithiasis, hypertension, or kidney failure should refrain from eating turkey meat. We must not forget that high-protein foods, if the recommended portions are not followed, overload the liver, making it difficult to remove bile. In principle, if you remove the skin from the meat and refuse to use salt and spices, then within reasonable limits turkey fillet can be consumed even by those whom we named just above. The main thing is that the meat is of high quality and fresh. If you observe moderation, then turkey meat is beneficial for men and women, and not in any other way.

  • In conclusion, a few promises interesting facts related to turkey meat. Go:
  • Do you think that turkey is a non-traditional bird for Russia? But no. Americans, who are big fans of turkey meat, identify eight of the most popular types of turkey, and four of them were bred by Russian breeders;
  • Turkeys already lived on the American continent more than ten million years ago!;
  • The first turkeys were brought to Europe by Columbus in the sixteenth century, and a century later, a new species of turkey bred in Europe went in the opposite direction;
  • It’s interesting, but at first Europeans bred turkeys mainly for their bright plumage, and only in the thirties of the twentieth century did they focus on meat breeds;
  • Did you know that turkeys also turn red when they are excited?
  • The domestic turkey cannot fly, but its wild companion not only flies short distances, but also runs at speeds of up to 40.23 km/h;
  • Baked turkey in a bag became the first meal that American astronauts who landed on the moon ate;
  • Despite the lack of ears, turkeys have excellent hearing. However, like taste, despite the lack of smell;
  • In December one thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine, the world's largest turkey was cooked, weighing almost forty kilograms;
  • Turkey is a traditional Thanksgiving dish in the United States. Two hundred and sixty-nine million turkeys are raised in the country specifically for this date, almost one for every adult American;
  • If a turkey lifts its head up during rain, it may drown;
  • Male turkeys are distinguished by a characteristic growth on their beak. Despite all the efforts of scientists, the purpose of this growth still remains a mystery.

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