How to treat stress at home. How to Relieve Tension and Stress: Helpful Tips

Here are 25 effective ways to calm down quickly: study them, choose the most suitable for you and live a happy life without stress and illness.

All people every day are faced with a large number of stressful situations of varying degrees of intensity. However, if for some they pass without consequences, then for others they become a cause of increased anxiety. It can be difficult to calm down quickly for people with increased emotionality without the use of sedatives.

The impact of a stressful situation on the nervous system can be so intense that a person has physical manifestations, incl. insomnia, increased irritability, etc.

Emotional stress often becomes the basis for the development of depression and other mental disorders. In addition, stress can provoke the development of certain diseases of the internal organs.

Feeling anxious is a natural response to external stimuli. It occurs especially often when a person finds himself in an unfamiliar environment or is faced with a situation that he may not be able to cope with. In some circumstances, it is even useful to be nervous, because mild anxiety allows you to experience a fuller sense of happiness in the future. This effect is often observed in expectant mothers before childbirth.

However, modern living conditions have led to the fact that a person can constantly be in stressful situations. This can severely shake the nerves and lead to the fact that increased anxiety and feelings of uneasiness will not leave the person even after he gets home, where all the conditions for relaxation and calming are created. When emotional stress is present, it can seem like you are nervous about anything.

In addition, against the background of experienced stress, pathological phobias or fears may appear, for example, the phobia of speaking in front of an audience or. This often becomes a problem that interferes with life. A person cannot quickly calm down before a public speech or a presentation to colleagues. In such conditions, the feeling of anxiety before some event may increase in the future.

Emotions often prevent people from building relationships and careers. In these cases, you need to take measures to improve the emotional background and acquire skills that allow you to quickly cope with yourself in a stressful situation. In most cases, there is no need to resort to medication, because There are many psychological methods for correcting an increased level of anxiety.

How to calm yourself down in a stressful situation?

Not all people manage to calm down quickly in a stressful situation. Often, after falling into an unexpected or unpleasant environment, the feeling of anxiety persists throughout the day, and sometimes for a longer period.

In psychology, the phenomenon of increased anxiety has been studied for a long time. A lot of auto-training techniques have been developed that allow you to quickly regain composure in any situation. In addition, there are some physical methods to help you regain your composure in a stressful situation.

Some of the most effective ways to get anyone back to normal quickly include:

  • avoiding an annoying situation;
  • physical exercises;
  • breathing exercises;
  • contact with water;
  • getting positive emotions;
  • massage;
  • careful analysis of the situation, etc.

If you wish, you can choose the most suitable method that will allow you to calm down most quickly in any situation.

A way out of an annoying situation

Feelings of anxiety and increased irritability can occur on someone else's birthday, while going bowling, or in other situations that should normally cause positive emotions.

Overstrain often occurs when meeting an unpleasant person or communicating with people who are too harsh or may deliberately say offensive words.

Given that rest in such situations is already spoiled, one should not remain in an annoying situation and continue to experience negative feelings. It is better to immediately go home, where there will be an opportunity to relax in the usual way and get unpleasant thoughts out of your head. Thus, in cases where a way out of an irritating situation is possible, it is better to use it to calm your nervous system.

Breathing Exercises and Meditation: Thinking Only of Breathing

The following effective exercise can be performed as needed. After a sharp breath, you need to tightly clench your hands into fists. You can dig your nails into your palm. On exhalation, you need to sharply unclench your fists and relax your fingers. This exercise should be repeated at least 10-12 times. When doing it, you need to concentrate on the sensations in your hands. This method will help you quickly calm down in any situation.

Drinking plain water or a hot drink

Slow mental counting from 1 to 10

Relaxing massage course

“Life is a comedy for those who think, and a tragedy for those who feel,” said the Finnish writer and journalist Martti Larni. And what kind of life would we choose?

During the day, each of us has various minor troubles that make us nervous. Fortunately, the big ones that make us nervous don't happen very often. However, the inability to calm down and the daily stay in an agitated state will sooner or later end.

Anger, resentment, discontent, indignation, indignation and other similar feelings turn us on to such an extent that we want to immediately break something, kick, or even kick someone. And not everyone manages to restrain themselves from such a temptation.

And even though later you have to regret what was done, the tension subsided, the person calmed down. The former feelings that forced him to explode are replaced by remorse, regret, and tears. Some people in stressful situations grab a cigarette, glass, or "seize" stress, emptying the refrigerator.

Is it possible to calm down in another way without harming your own health? Psychologists believe that it is possible, and suggest using several recommendations.

1. Treat nervous tension or stress consciously

To do this, you need to learn more about the mechanism of stress.

The very word "stress" has come into our use relatively recently. By it, we usually mean increased psychological stress in response to adverse factors. It is unlikely that any of us thought about what happens in our body at the moments when we, for some reason, start strongly.

Briefly, it can be described as follows: in response to a stress factor - a stressor, a small gland called the pituitary gland, which is located at the base, connects the hormonal system to work. The thyroid gland releases an increased amount of a hormone called thyroxine - and we become irritable and nervous. The adrenal glands produce adrenaline, an anxiety hormone, which rapidly increases metabolism, activates the cardiovascular system, and increases the heartbeat. They also release the hormone norepinephrine, which prepares the brain and body to respond to stimuli and adapts the body to stress.

Thus, at the moment of strong nervous tension, a command is sent to bring the whole organism into tone, and this is provided by the hormonal system. Thanks to hormones, physical activity increases, muscles tense, because in case of danger, which is signaled by stress, a person must either attack or run away.

That is why he cannot calm down quickly. The body needs to "work out" the stress hormones first. Other words like "Calm down immediately!" cause him even more indignation.

2. Use, "work out" stress hormones will help physical activity

During physical exertion, physical discharge occurs: the stress hormones that have managed to be produced in response to the stress factor are “burned” and at the same time the hormones of happiness - endorphins - are produced. That is why it is worth doing some vigorous exercise if you are stressed out. If time permits, it is worth going to the gym (they say that strength exercises will be the most effective in this case), the pool, for a run, for a walk. And even wash the windows or clean the apartment.

To relieve nervous and muscle tension, you can do several gymnastic exercises:

Reaching for the stars

Let's stand up straight, put our feet shoulder-width apart. Taking a slow deep breath, we stretch our arms up and stretch as if we want to reach the ceiling. As we exhale, we lower our hands;

Stretching the shoulders

We take the same starting position as in the first exercise, only we put our hands on our shoulders. At the moment of inhalation, raise the elbows of the arms as high as possible, and throw our head back. On exhalation, we return to the starting position;

We wrap our legs

We sit on a chair, we press our legs to ourselves. The toes are on the edge of the chair, the chin is between the knees. We wrap our arms around our legs and press them as tightly as possible to the chest. After 10 seconds, we sharply weaken the grip;

These exercises must be repeated several times. They relax the muscles of the shoulders, back, neck.

Sex is a great stress reliever. During intimacy, endorphins are released - hormones that have a healing effect on the nervous system and contribute to emotional relief.

Physical activity not only allows you to calm down, but also develops stress resistance. Nordic walking with sticks, swimming, cycling, etc. are the methods available to everyone for the prevention of neuroses and stress.

But what if you need to relax quickly?

3. Do breathing exercises

Breathing exercises can help restore emotional balance.

Slow breaths in and out

For 4 seconds, slowly inhale the air, hold your breath for 5-6 seconds and exhale slowly for the next 4 seconds. We repeat this exercise up to 10 times;

Breathe belly

We take a sitting position, slightly raise the chin and take a deep, slow breath, first filling the stomach with air, and then - the chest. We hold the air for a few seconds and make a slow exit, first freeing the chest from the air, and then pulling in the stomach. We repeat 10-15 times;

We inhale and exhale alternately through the left and right nostrils.

We take any relaxed position and close our eyes. We close the left nostril and take a breath through the right, hold our breath. Then close the right one and exhale through the left. Then we do the exercise the other way around. We repeat it several times.

4. Resort to aromatherapy

Some essential oils can help you escape stress. They are sold in pharmacies and can be kept just in case in your desk, purse and at home. If necessary, apply a few drops of anti-stress oil to the temples or wrists.

Oil of orange, lavender, mint, lemon balm, cedar, bergamot relieves nervous and muscle tension, restores energy and improves mood.

To create a peaceful atmosphere in the apartment, a ceramic aroma lamp is useful, into the side opening of which a candle-tablet is inserted. In the upper part of the lamp, you need to pour 5-10 ml of water, where to drop a few drops of your favorite anti-stress essential oil (for 10 square meters of the room - 4 drops of oil).

5. Use folk remedies

Herbal infusion of thyme will help strengthen the nerves. Put a tablespoon of thyme in a jar, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, cover tightly with a lid and leave for 40 minutes. Divide the resulting infusion into three servings and take them throughout the day.

6. Practice meditation

People underestimate the importance of relaxing the mind and body. It seems to some that this is not serious, to others - that this activity is exclusively for those who practice yoga. Nevertheless, numerous scientific studies support its benefits for mental health.

Let's try to calm down our nerves with the simplest meditation: we just sit down as it is convenient for us, close our eyes and for 10 minutes focus our attention on one thing, for example, on counting, on a candle flame, trying not to be distracted by any other thoughts. Over time, giving a short respite to your nerves in this way and calming your mind will become easier.

7. "Feed" your nerves correctly

During nervous tension, the body especially needs nutrients, and especially protein, vitamins E, A, C and vitamins of group B. For example, under severe stress, the body's need for vitamin C increases 75 times!

With their lack, stress resistance is significantly reduced, because they are necessary for the normal functioning of the pituitary gland. Thus, the ability to overcome nervous tension largely depends on how complete our nutrition is.

8. Develop the correct perception of any situation

Situations when it is impossible not to worry and not be nervous do not happen so often. Usually we do it for trifles that are not worth attention. Remember: “It doesn't matter what is happening around me. What matters is how I feel about it ”- and we will try to treat troubles philosophically.

The human body responds to any unforeseen situation with a protective reaction, which is called. Under stress, the body secretes the hormone adrenaline, which is necessary for the activity of the heart.

The very concept of stress is very broad, it includes many designations and formulations. To understand how exactly the body responds to a particular situation, one should consider the mechanisms of development.

Development mechanisms

Any human body has mechanisms in itself that can deal with negative events. In the absence of such abilities, the body can die from the accumulation of negative emotions.

Any temperature drop, trouble or happiness, even medications cause stress in a person. In one case, it is insignificant, in the other, it is very strong. A biochemical reaction occurs in the body, as a result of which adrenaline is released.

But people react differently to and in different ways. It happens that a person, having experienced pain and experiences, soon pulls himself together and continues to enjoy life. But it also happens in another way. A person is not able to overcome his emotions and again and again returns to events that are unpleasant to him, he becomes nervous and cannot calm down in any way. Why it happens?

Stress is an exercise system

This system involves three stages.

Alarm stage

At this stage, all the protective reserves of the body are mobilized and at the same time those tasks that are of the slightest importance are suppressed. for the body's survival during stress. First of all, tissue regeneration, growth, digestive function, as well as the reproductive system and lactation suffer.

The body responds to stress through both external and internal receptors. And also the nervous system is involved. The body sends impulses to the brain, where the assessment of the situation takes place. The brain then sends signals to the organs that are responsible for protecting the body from stress.

In addition, the release of adrenaline and norepinephrine increases. Excessive amounts of these hormones protect the body from stressful situations.

Changes that occur in the body at this stage:

  • increased glucose production;
  • pulse quickens;
  • the muscles of the heart are contracted more strongly;
  • muscle strength increases significantly;
  • pupils dilate;
  • there is a narrowing of the abdominal and expansion of the cardiac vessels;
  • the metabolism in the body increases;
  • thinking works faster;
  • the bronchial tubes expand.

This condition can last for two days after a problem has arisen. How this state will be expressed depends on how intense and prolonged the situation will be, as a result of which a person experiences stress. The stage itself is divided into two sub-stages.

  1. Shock- in this state, the body becomes very vulnerable. The pressure decreases, the muscles weaken, the protective reactions decrease, and in this state a person can die.
  2. Counter shock- when this stage comes, then all reserve functions of the body are turned on, hormonal secretion increases, and then the body is restored. In the event that the body overcomes the state of shock, then the next stage will come, called the stage of resistance.

Stage of resistance

At this stage, mechanisms are turned on that allow the body to show resistance to stressful stimuli. In this case, the person either fights back or flees. In this case, all the body's reserves are mobilized and it prepares for activity or adapts to stress.

During this period, the body is very excited and at the peak of its capabilities. For this reason, all abilities are enhanced and a person can act completely unexpectedly and with the force that cannot be predicted in a calm state. All of these abilities disappear when the threat is over.

Stage of exhaustion

In the event that a stressful situation continues for a long time, the body loses its ability to resist and then a stage of exhaustion begins. And at a time when in the first two stages the body is struggling with the problem, then at this stage a state of apathy sets in, which is very dangerous for the body.

Stress is a state of a person that does not leave a person all his life. It is not possible to completely get rid of it, but the person himself can control the situation and facilitate the stages of development.

Causes and sensations

Everything that happens in a person's life has a cause. And of course, there is no stress without, the main of which are:

Stress can arise in a split second. And it can pass in the same way in a minute or two. The first symptoms are: irritability, increased pressure, tension, fatigue, a change in facial expression.

  • angina pectoris;
  • diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • heart attack;
  • increased acidity;
  • gastritis;
  • insomnia;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • neuroses;
  • colitis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • depression;
  • decreased immune system.

All these diseases are the result of stressful situations. Therefore, at the first symptoms of stress, it is necessary to consult a specialist. And to cope with stress, you need to use all possible methods.

How to relieve stress - step by step to calmness

Many people have a question about how to deal with anxiety and stress, overcome depression and just learn how to control yourself. There are several effective ways to deal with, regardless of the factors that trigger the development of stress. These methods include.


During times of stress, a person must learn to control their emotions. And relaxation is one of the most effective methods to maintain your health. With relaxation you can:

  • get rid of ;
  • to learn without certain skills;
  • defeat fatigue and irritation;
  • learn to look calmly at any difficult situation.

You need to relax in private in order to be able to completely relax. Such exercises provide an opportunity to find peace of mind. To do this, you need to lie on your back, throw your head back, while completely relaxing and breathing deeply through your nose.

During relaxation, you first need to not think about anything bad, concentrate on your breathing. Then you should alternately hold your breath and at the same time strain and relax the muscles. After that, you need to tense and relax each part of the body in turn.

Respiration regulation

With proper breathing, you can learn to get rid of such conditions of the body:

  • muscle tension;
  • panic and fears.

Breathing exercises can be done at any time, regardless of whether the person is lying or standing. Thus, a person stabilizes his breathing, calms his nerves, and relaxes.

Since breathing often becomes difficult in a stressful situation, you need to learn how to breathe correctly. First of all, you need to distinguish between several types of breathing:

  1. First exercise breath recognition... At the same time, a person listens to how he breathes. Inhale and exhale into full lungs.
  2. Belly breathing... To do this, you need to lie on your back and start breathing in your stomach. In this case, one hand should be on the chest, the other on the stomach. And it is worth watching how the hand rises and falls with each inhalation and exhalation.

With these exercises, the nervous system comes to rest and the stress goes away.

How to get rid of stress, nervous tension and unnecessary nerves - control techniques, methods and methods of struggle:

Additional package of measures

Other effective methods to help combat stress, depression and anxiety include:

In no case should you seize stress. Although in most cases people start to eat during stress, and the amount of food eaten is sometimes startling. But it should be remembered that such food will not lead to anything good.

What else can you offer

There are many other ways to relieve stress. Let's consider some of them:

  1. Tea drinking... As surprising as it may sound, the tea is really good. The main thing is to choose the one that suits your taste.
  2. Hobby... Each person has their own favorite pastime. And during times of stress, it is best to indulge in your hobby. In addition, you should find people who have the same hobby. You can chat with them on a topic that unites you.
  3. Help your neighbor... You can find someone who needs help and support. By caring for someone, your problems are forgotten.
  4. Pet... Pets are the best stress reliever. Therefore, you should get yourself a cat or dog, caring for them is a great distraction from depression.

Relieving stress is easy, choose only the one that will definitely help you get rid of anxiety.


In order not to succumb to stressful situations, it is imperative to lead a healthy lifestyle. To do this, you need to eat right, eat only natural products and in no case buy food in fast foods.

To be able to rest and relax, for this you do not need to lie on the couch all day, but you can go with friends for a walk in the park, to the river. Do not forget about healthy full sleep, with the help of which you gain strength for the whole next day. Also, do not forget about sports.

If your neighbor is in a fever

When it is very useful not to leave a person alone with himself. But, in no case should you show pity or seek an excuse for such a state. In order to help your relative get rid of depression, you need to try to drastically change the situation, take the person for a walk, and introduce interesting people.

You can also use a contrast shower to bring a person out of a trance. Tell similar stories, from which strong people got out, give examples. And most importantly, talk to the person. Don't let him withdraw into yourself.

How to get out of different stressful situations

Different types of stress need their own approach:

If the fight against stress was successful, then the person becomes calm, looks at things soberly. The feeling of oppression disappears, the world becomes more colorful. External stimuli no longer act on the nervous system. Breathing becomes even, thoughts are pure. The person becomes natural and sociable.

Modern conditions and rhythm of life make us think about how to get rid of stress and anxiety without resorting to the help of various specialists.

We have prepared a selection of methods for you that work much more efficiently than a trip to the spa, a weekend or even a vacation.

And most importantly, any of them will work after 15 minutes.

How to relieve stress at home


Fighting stress will end in your victory with just a few minutes of practice.

It's simple:

  1. Sit on the floor
  2. close your eyes
  3. Focus on the positive mantra, recite it aloud or in a whisper.
  4. Place your hand on your stomach. This is how you synchronize what you read with your breaths.

Daily meditation can fill you with positive emotions and change the neural pathways of the brain.

Concentrate on the physical sensations

Scan your body in your mind.

This will allow you to understand how anxiety is imprinted on you and get rid of worries and stress.

Lie or sit on the floor with your legs extended. Take a close look at every millimeter of your body.

Try to imagine how the impact of negative emotions is reflected on a particular part of the body.

When you feel heaviness or other unpleasant emotions emanating from the area you are focusing on, take a deep breath and relax as much as possible.

For a deeper immersion in the sensations of your body, watch several video tutorials on kundalini yoga.

Advice: don't try to change anything - don't massage your skin, don't take medications, and don't use ointments designed to relieve the condition. Just accept these sensations. Understanding the body’s response can help you prevent the effects of stress.

Keep warm

A simple scarf or blanket will help you get rid of stress. Wrap it around your neck and shoulders for at least 10 minutes.

Make yourself a cup of lemon and ginger root tea. Relax the muscles in your face, neck, upper chest, and back.

The feeling of warmth will not leave you, and relaxed muscles will help you forget about troubles.

Advice: staying warm, you will always feel much more comfortable and calmer than in the cold. That is why, when we get into unpleasant situations, we feel the desire to wrap ourselves up in many warm blankets and hide from the whole world.


Everyone knows what stress is and how to get rid of it. But most of all athletes know about it.

Any exercise, be it yoga or just walking, can help relieve depression and anxiety by promoting the release of endorphins.

You can go for a walk around the house, take the stairs up and down, or just sit down a few times.

In addition to alleviating anxiety, exercise also tone muscles, contributing to overall health.

Hear the scent of lavender

This herb has a soothing scent that can lower heart rate and blood pressure.

Both of these factors can help you relax and fall asleep. Your sleep is guaranteed to be restful and pleasant.

Plus, your favorite pleasant scents can relieve stress and anxiety as well.

Tip: Place lavender in a vase near your bed, or fill a bag with dried flowers that should be placed next to your pillow. You can also use a scent lamp with a few drops of lavender essential oil.

Take a bath

Fluctuations in water have a calming effect on a person.

Experts explain this by the fact that when we get into warm water, we experience sensations similar to being in the womb.

A bath is especially effective in relieving stress after a breakup.


It is important to choose the method that suits the particular person in the particular situation.

The most difficult thing is to get rid of stress during pregnancy, as the way to find harmony should be chosen responsibly.

Particular attention should be paid to sleep, because discomfort in the body can lead to its loss.

Unfortunately, lack of sleep is also a key contributor to stress. This vicious circle makes the brain and body work hard.

If you convince yourself to go to bed on time, you can get up early, which will greatly improve your well-being.

Tip: You should get at least seven to eight hours of sleep per night. Turn off the TV early, make the lights dim and soft, and give yourself time to relax and fall asleep.

Drink chamomile tea

This is the method used by grandparents.

Not surprisingly, research shows that one of the compounds in this herbal decoction acts on the same receptors in the human brain as drugs like Valium.

In other words, chamomile tea acts as a mild tranquilizer.

Try to drink a cup of herbal tea before bed.

This way, you can guarantee yourself fast sleep and high quality sleep.

How to get rid of stress at work

Breathe deeply

Take a short break and concentrate on your breathing. Then sit up straight, close your eyes, place your hand on your stomach and inhale slowly through your nose.

Feel inhalation at the bottom of your lungs and trace the entire path of the air flow to your mouth.

Then exhale and take a deep breath through your mouth.

Feel the flow of air on the way back. This exercise is one of the foundations of pranayama.

Try a few more exercises in this area and you will see how easy it is to get rid of stress.

Tip: Deep breathing relieves anxiety by slowing your heart rate and lowering pressure in your arteries.


How to quickly get rid of stress? Chat! The people around you will definitely help you.

Tip: if you have no desire to devote others to the details of your life, then try to communicate on abstract topics that cause you positive emotions. The negative will recede. To a large extent, they contribute to the improvement of communication by doing yoga for two or any other joint practice.


A sincere, strong laugh can help relieve stress, depression, and blues.

It helps lower levels of the stress hormone, cortisol, and increase the activity of chemicals called endorphins.

They evoke positive emotions, help to regain self-love and good mood.

And laughter also prolongs life!

Turn up the music

Listening to soothing music reduces:

  1. Blood pressure
  2. Heart rate
  3. Anxiety

Nice melodies to relieve stress, calm light tonality, lyrics that are close to your heart will help you get rid of stress and nerves.

Create a playlist of songs or your favorite nature sounds (ocean sounds, babbling brooks, rain sounds, birds singing) and let your mind melt into different melodies, instruments or voices.

Be grateful

If the previous tips did not help, and you still don’t know how to get rid of lingering or chronic stress and depression, then try to remember everyone to whom you are grateful and everything for which you are grateful.

This way you can bring back good memories of what happened in your life.

You can also start a journal and collect all the positive emotions and events, and, being in a negative state, just re-read all the best that happened to you.

As soon as you start to feel negative, take a few minutes to review your notes to remember important things.

Tip: The appearance of pleasant thoughts will balance the negativity and help to distract from what is happening for a short time.

Eat chocolate and strawberries

When something unpleasant happens in life, we often try to seize the problem with sweet.

It's pretty easy to avoid this. Take strawberries and dip them in dark chocolate.

Another great dish is baked apples with honey.

Tip: It is dark chocolate that has a destructive effect on the hormone cortisol produced by the body under stress.

Massage your head

Of course, massage is one of the most effective methods of dealing with disorders.

However, what to do, how the negative takes us by surprise, and there is no time to go to the massage therapist?

For example, in a situation where we change the place or type of professional activity?

Massage your scalp with your fingertips, working from the hairline to the back of the scalp.

So, quickly and easily, you can relieve stress and get rid of stress in your new job.

Massaging your scalp also helps release natural conditioning oils.

Therefore, doing it regularly will make your hair look even better. and try to attend an Ayurvedic massage at the earliest opportunity.

There are many ways to deal with anxiety, but still, try to prevent negative situations, because it is always much easier than dealing with their consequences.

Are you familiar with such a state when the nerves are strained to the limit and any little thing can drive you crazy? Probably everyone has experienced this at least once in his life. But this becomes a problem if irritability becomes a constant companion. The readiness to explode for any reason interferes with communication, and just normal life. Finally, nervousness can have far from harmless reasons.

Everything you need to know about increased irritability and how to deal with it, we have collected in this article.

Irritability: a necessary outlet for emotions or a health hazard?

Irritability, or, as they often say in everyday life, nervousness is an increased emotional reaction to external stimuli, which, in terms of the strength of their impact, usually do not correspond to the effect produced. Simply put, a person loses his temper over every trifle.

This condition is sometimes explained by a bad character. In fact, severe irritability as a personality trait, according to psychiatrists, is rare - only 0.1% of people. So if your loved ones or you yourself suffer from constant nervousness, you need to look for the cause of this condition. The factors provoking bouts of irritability are somatic and psychological, we will consider them in more detail.

Cerebral disorders

Increased nervousness and irritability can be a consequence of insufficient blood supply to the brain - as a result, for example, of atherosclerosis or hypertension. In this case, they are combined with other emotional, mental and somatic disorders. In patients with atherosclerosis, memory deteriorates (especially for recent events), concentration of attention weakens, and intellectual activity decreases. With hypertension, the leading symptom is a persistent increase in pressure, headaches are not uncommon. Against this background, anxiety disorders and a state of nervousness arise.

There are other types of encephalopathy (brain damage): renal, hepatic, diabetic, toxic, post-traumatic. In all these cases, the basis is a serious illness, poisoning or injury, and, of course, irritability is not the only manifestation of the above conditions.

Endocrine diseases

Hormonal imbalances often affect the emotional sphere. If you are worried about excessive nervousness, it does not hurt to examine the thyroid gland. An excess of thyroid hormones accompanying some of her diseases - thyrotoxicosis - is accompanied by constant irritability, fatigue, insomnia, weight loss with increased appetite, tremors, tachycardia, and stool disorders.


The onset of menopause is often accompanied by a whole range of different symptoms, and the feeling of irritability is almost always present among them. Of other disorders on the part of the psyche and the nervous system, women during this period note tearfulness, instability of mood, fatigue, impairment of memory and attention, and sleep disorders. If these signs are observed in combination with hot flashes, excessive sweating, headaches, then, most likely, there is a pathological menopause.

All unpleasant manifestations go away by themselves within several years after the complete cessation of menstruation. To alleviate the condition, including reducing irritability during menopause, it is worth contacting a gynecologist-endocrinologist to prescribe corrective therapy.

It is important
Nervousness and irritability are constant companions of premenstrual syndrome. In this condition, the symptoms may vary: some are more worried about edema, others - headaches, and still others - pain in the mammary glands. But almost all women with PMS complain of a sharp irritability that occurs a few days before menstruation. The same mechanism - neuroendocrine shifts due to changes in hormonal status - is activated during pregnancy.

Diseases and mental disorders

Severe nervousness and irritability occur against the background of such common mental disorders as neurosis, depression, anxiety disorder. Sometimes they develop as a result of the transferred psychotrauma. Irritability in mental disorders is often combined with insomnia, suppressed or, conversely, unreasonably high spirits, fear, obsessive thoughts.

Sometimes the increased nervousness hides a serious mental illness, such as schizophrenia. People suffering from alcoholism, drug addiction and other types of addiction are prone to irritability.

Only a doctor (psychiatrist, psychotherapist) can accurately determine the presence of a mental illness or disorder. Symptoms are often mild and at first glance it is difficult to tell that the person is really sick. To make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination.

Nervous exhaustion

This condition is sometimes considered as a type of mental disorder, but we decided to talk about it separately, because it is perhaps the most common cause of irritability. With the modern lifestyle, many people suffer from exhaustion of the nervous system - from schoolchildren and students to office workers and housewives. Excessive mental and mental stress leads to neurasthenia, which, in turn, arises from the workload and study, constant lack of time, an abundance of information, excessive demands on oneself, negative experiences and other features of the life of the inhabitants of modern cities.

In this respect, one cannot fail to mention the habit of suppressing emotions. Society requires a successful person to be strong, balanced, stress-resistant. Trying to fit into this imposed image, fearing to seem weak, many people (this is especially typical for men in high positions and generally associated with increased responsibility) restrain emotions, do not allow themselves to show them. Nervous tension, which does not get an outlet, steadily accumulates and sooner or later reaches a critical mass. The result is neurasthenia, which at best leads to constant irritability and nervousness, and at worst to a stroke or heart attack.

How can you tell if you have nervous exhaustion? A complex of signs will allow you to suspect this condition. If you work a lot and have little rest, often experience stress and against this background you begin to feel irritability, chronic fatigue, apathy, difficulty concentrating - it is likely that your nervous system is exhausted. Often with neurasthenia, psychosomatic disorders occur: instability of pressure and heart rate, digestive disorders, unusual sensations on the skin.

Manifestations of a nervous state

So, nervousness is not a character trait and not a consequence of bad upbringing, but a pathological condition that requires correction. At the same time, unmotivated outbursts of anger are usually not the only manifestation. The nervous state is often accompanied by other signs:

  • Insomnia. Anxious thoughts keep you awake or make you wake up in the middle of the night. Sleep is superficial, does not bring a feeling of rest; after waking up, a person feels tired and overwhelmed, as if he had not slept at all. Daytime sleepiness interferes with work and normal activities.
  • Permanent feeling of physical fatigue. This is an inevitable consequence of excessive nervous tension and lack of sleep. Due to chronic fatigue, efficiency decreases, it becomes difficult to carry out the usual activities.
  • Headache. They increase with physical or mental stress.
  • Anxiety, suspiciousness and anxiety. A person suffering from nervousness is haunted by unreasonable fears, obsessive unpleasant thoughts, often he "finds" symptoms of dangerous diseases. Small domestic troubles in this state are perceived as a disaster.

People who are prone to increased self-control sometimes have the opposite picture: outwardly they are calm, but inside they boil with irritation and anger. We have already talked about how harmful suppression of emotions is.

How to get rid of irritability and nervousness

Before thinking about how to deal with irritability, you need to understand why this condition has arisen. To establish the cause, diagnostics are carried out. For an initial consultation, you can contact a neurologist or psychotherapist. The set of studies depends on complaints, anamnesis, concomitant symptoms. The doctor may order general blood and urine tests, electrocardiography and other diagnostic procedures to identify or rule out somatic pathology.

Treatment will focus primarily on eliminating or alleviating the underlying disease. But there are special methods for reducing irritability.


Various psychotherapeutic techniques allow you to work out the causes of a nervous state, master the skills of controlling emotions. People who are accustomed to containing irritation and anger learn to channel them in a positive direction. The psychotherapist develops a program for getting rid of nervousness individually, taking into account the personality characteristics and lifestyle of the patient. Techniques such as:

  • behavioral psychotherapy, during which the patient learns to properly respond to traumatic situations, to effectively cope with irritants in everyday life, to get more positive emotions;
  • cognitive psychotherapy, aimed at understanding and working out the internal causes of irritability;
  • hypnosis.


Medication for nervousness depends on the cause. For example, if irritability has arisen due to hyperthyroidism, therapy should be aimed at normalizing the function of the thyroid gland, and the treatment in this case is carried out by an endocrinologist. If the cause is depression, a psychotherapist is in charge of prescribing medication. In such cases, antidepressants are prescribed.

But there are also symptomatic remedies, the reception of which allows you to cope with irritability, regardless of its cause. Non-prescription herbal sedatives (sedatives) have a minimum of side effects. Their action is aimed at reducing the excitability of the nervous system, weakening the response to stimuli. Many sedatives can help normalize sleep.

In severe cases, with nervousness, potent drugs are prescribed - tranquilizers and antipsychotics. These drugs have many side effects, including addiction, and should not be used unless absolutely necessary.

Lifestyle correction

When patients ask how to get rid of irritability and nervousness, the first thing doctors advise is to change their lifestyle. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the factors leading to nervous exhaustion:

  • if possible, establish a work and rest regime;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • normalize sleep (try to go to bed and wake up at the same time, not watch alarming news and programs at night, eat dinner no later than three hours before bedtime).

General recommendations for a healthy lifestyle are also relevant in the fight against increased irritability. Try to stick to a proper diet, exercise, and be outdoors and outdoors more often. To compensate for the lack of nutrients in the diet, you can take vitamin and mineral complexes.

People suffering from increased irritability often hear such advice as "be more tolerant", "avoid conflicts", "change your attitude to the situation." However, not all so simple. Such "recommendations" are more or less relevant only if nervousness is the result of stress, and not of any disease. At the same time, one should not underestimate the severity of psycho-emotional overstrain: it can turn into a chronic form and itself provoke malfunctions in the work of organs and systems. In any case, irritability is a wake-up call. Therefore, do not neglect the consultation of a specialist: he will be able to find out the cause of this condition and, based on it, choose the correct methods of treatment.

An over-the-counter medication to relieve symptoms of nervousness

For quick relief of symptoms of irritability, an affordable Russian drug can be recommended. Unlike the classic Corvalol, Corvalol Fito from Pharmstandard does not contain phenobarbital, a substance that can be addictive and is equivalent to drugs in a number of countries. The drug contains herbal ingredients, the soothing effect of which is manifested separately and in combination.

Ethyl bromisovalerianate in the "Corvalol Fito" helps to reduce excitability and enhance the processes of inhibition in the central nervous system, due to which a sedative effect is achieved. Also, the drug is able to normalize vascular tone. Motherwort herb tincture soothes, reduces heart rate, has a mild hypotensive effect. Peppermint oil relieves spasms, promotes vasodilation. Thanks to the complex of these three components, "Corvalol Phyto" allows you to relieve irritability, weaken vegetative symptoms of stress, and normalize sleep.