Why dream that I was imprisoned. Interpretation of the meaning of sleep in various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud and others

A fairly common vision that different people dream of.

The modern dream book writes that most often it means a restriction in freedom and actions, which can be associated both with the fear of getting into a colony, and with other reasons.

If you dreamed that you or someone else was sent to prison, pay attention to the circumstances under which this happened and whether this person could even end up in places not so remote, even simply by mistake.

This is what such a dream most often means in various variations.

If you really didn't break the law

Prison is rarely dreamed of by people who do not have any problems with the law and do not get involved in situations that may end in a pre-trial detention cell or a trial.

However, sometimes she appears in a dream, not necessarily in a modern form.

If you want to understand why you, a law-abiding person, were put in jail in a dream, pay attention to the setting of the dream.

A person may fear that he will be isolated due to the fact that society does not accept him at all as he is. It is possible that you have some kind of skeleton in the closet that can open up in the most difficult and unforeseen circumstances. Why dream of a prison in which someone is trying to put you in for no reason at all?

The dream interpretation writes that this vision predicts accusation and isolation in society because of it. It seems that your act, even the most ordinary one, runs the risk of being very disliked by someone, and you may be boycotted.

If an elderly person dreams that he is in prison, this is a very bad sign. There is a danger that he will become a victim of the disease and because of it he will not be able to even go outside.

Modern books indicate that a similar dream that I had young man or a girl means that they can lie in bed for a long time due to a long illness.

For example, breaking a leg and spending a lot of time in a hospital in a cast, having an accident, or even getting a heart attack or stroke, although these diseases are believed to mainly attack the elderly.

If there is a danger of being in the zone

Going to jail in a dream for those who do something bad can turn out to be a literal sign. Modern books write that because of some trifle or an annoying nuisance, you can fall into the hands of the guardians of the law and end up in the police for interrogation.

If a similar situation happens to a familiar person who may be guilty of some kind of crime, then the dream can be literally fulfilled. Especially if you see how he is put in jail, and you know why. In other situations, a similar plot predicts trouble for a person or a restriction of his freedom that is not related to criminal activity.

If you dreamed that someone was in prison, expect trouble or that this person will soon be isolated or alone. Lovers dream of imprisonment for separation if they see that they are imprisoning someone alone.

To be in a cell together - you will be rejected by society. Most likely, it will turn its back on you or make you outcasts. Sometimes a dream means falling in love to spite everyone.

If someone alone managed to somehow get into prison, this is a separation. It seems that circumstances will develop in such a way that you will not see each other soon.

An obstacle can be not only real or possible imprisonment, but also moving to another city, training there, the army and much more.

And what does the dream book write if you dreamed that you were personally sent to prison, and for this and in real life could there be reasons? This night vision predicts trouble for you or that you can actually get into the zone.

If this is over, then the dream book writes that prison means in a dream a restriction of freedom, a boycott, or an extremely hopeless situation.

In some situations, this night vision predicts the loss of a loved one, a job that will turn out to be so disgusting that you will lose all interest in it and feel that you are not doing business, but are serving a sentence.

Break out, leave or break free

If you dreamed that you were sent to prison, but released, you can rejoice. The painful circumstances will soon end, and you will feel freedom.

Sometimes you may just dream of a prison as a sign of captivity and dependence on another person, for example, love. Because of her, the girl may not feel freedom, although in another situation she would be happy with her.

If you are imprisoned by accident or on false charges, modern dream book indicates condemnation or scandal, because of which many people will be set against you.

Breaking out of captivity in a dream predicts that you will be able to get out of a difficult situation and again enjoy your freedom and life in general.

In some situations, the dreamer will find new job, activity or leave the team, where everyone humiliated or insulted him. So you can rejoice in favorable circumstances, liberation from burdens.

In some situations, such a dream promises death to a seriously ill person requiring long-term care.

English dream book

Why dream of prison:

This dream has the opposite meaning. If you dream that you are in prison, then this means favorable circumstances for businessmen, the absence of financial difficulties, family happiness. Quineas Pipatus says that if a virgin dreams that her lover is in prison, this is a sign that she has a strong place in his heart and will remain with him until death separates them. If a young man sees a prison in a dream - this dream means what awaits him life success, he marries the one he has chosen and is afraid of losing. He will always be a living idol for him. This good dream and for widows, for it gives them hope. To escape from prison is a dream that promises a person in a difficult situation a change of circumstances. The time for misfortune is over. This dream also portends recovery to all patients.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Seeing a prison in a dream means:

Prison is a sign of painful silence, fatal reticence.
If you dreamed of a prison building, then this means that you will be entrusted with a secret, which will be painfully unpleasant for you to keep, you will be tormented and worried.
If in a dream you see yourself as a prisoner in prison, then this dream portends that you will not be warned of danger or threat in time. You will suffer because you do not talk about important things with a person you know.

Correct dream book

A dream with a prison in a dream book is interpreted as:

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

Dream with prison means:

Symbolizes the state of impotence In-se.
Onto In-se (Italian In-S? ontico - ontic "in-itself") - the basic project of human nature; life principle, without which life is impossible. Compliance with this principle leads a person to self-realization, health, happiness, deviation from it causes illness, pain, suffering (synonymous with the soul).

Miller's dream book

The meaning of sleep prison:

To dream of others in prison means that you will insist on granting privileges to persons whom you unconditionally believe.
If you dream of a prison with brightly lit windows, this means that your insight will help you avoid trouble.
If a young woman sees her beloved in a dungeon in a dream, she will, not without reason, be disappointed in his decency.
Seeing yourself in prison portends events that will badly affect your affairs.
Happily avoid imprisonment in prison - promises you. Participation in several profitable businesses.
Most auspicious sleep about a prison, portending that you will avoid trouble or cope with it - this is a dream in which you see the release of a prisoner.

Dream Interpretation of Zhou Gong

What does it mean if you dream of a prison:

Collapses, collapses - there will be an amnesty, fortunately; to go to prison and suffer suffering - a glittering career and nobility; to go to prison is a great nobility; sit in prison - there will be mercy, forgiveness; death in prison - the decision of the case in the service; helping a person go to prison is wealth and happiness.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

What prison can dream of:

Prison is a symbol of lack of freedom, isolation and loneliness.
Seeing yourself as a prisoner in a dream means that in reality you are under the control of your complexes, which will prevent you from fulfilling your plans.
If in a dream you look at the world through a prison window - perhaps in the near future a person will appear next to you who will have unlimited power over you.
A dream in which you are trying to break out of prison warns the dreamer about the consequences of his hasty decisions.
Seeing in a dream how you break the prison bars is an attempt to free yourself from other people's influence.
If in a dream you saw one of your loved ones sitting in prison, it means that you are abusing the trust of your loved ones too much, who are beginning to see you as a tyrant.
To release someone from prison - in reality you will have to urgently solve the problem of loneliness.

In a dream, they want to put you in jail? In reality, mental trauma, depression, a serious illness, complications in business, or even seeing off to the army are coming. How to understand why this unexpected plot is dreaming? The dream interpretation offers a complete interpretation.

Miller's opinion

Did you see that someone is trying to put a completely unfamiliar character behind bars? The dream interpretation thinks: you are too afraid of failure, and therefore do not decide on radical changes.

Did you happen to see that they want to put you in prison, and you desperately resist in a dream? This vision means: you will successfully complete some undertaking.


Why dream of trying to put you behind bars? An event is coming, during which you will experience real helplessness.

It's good to see in the night that you managed to avoid arrest or escape from the prison itself. The dream interpretation is sure: you have every chance to become the absolute winner. True, you still have to fight.

Had a dream that you were in the dungeons, despite all your efforts? Ahead is a difficult life stage, which will negatively affect the future.


In a dream, were you suspected of a serious crime? The dream book advises to remember whether there were grounds for this.

If you have not done anything reprehensible, then in real life you will bypass competitors and rivals. In the opposite situation, be prepared for an incredibly difficult streak of bad luck and setbacks.

What's next?

What does it mean if you were arrested and sent in a dream to places not so remote? The dream interpretation warns: in reality, lose the competition.

It's good to dream about how you managed to escape. This means that soon some painful problems will be safely resolved.

When did you dream?

Why dream if they don’t just want to put you in jail, but have already put you in jail? The dream interpretation advises taking into account the day of the week when it happened to see the indicated plot.

Had a dream that you are a prisoner? The planned business will not be realized. But if you became a prisoner on Thursday night, then in reality you can get rid of some complexes.

On Monday night, did you happen to break the bars or make an escape? Beware: your own frivolity will lead to trouble. An attempt to free a prisoner in a Wednesday or Friday dream warns that you have to deal with other people's problems.


Had a dream that they wanted to put another character in jail? To get the most accurate interpretation of a dream, it is necessary to at least roughly identify his personality.

  • A man is a surprise, a worthy offer.
  • A woman is a condemnation, a nuisance.
  • Stranger - indecision, loss of confidence.
  • A friend - getting timely help.
  • Beloved person - doubts about his decency, love.

Love or tyranny?

Why does the woman in question dream of? There is a possibility that she will soon jump out to get married or seriously fall in love. For a man, the same plot in a dream predicts a good deal and participation in some kind of profitable business.

Had a dream that the prison threatens a close relative? The dream interpretation insists: you find fault with family, friends or colleagues too much. Change, otherwise you will become a local tyrant. An attempt to free a stranger from prison symbolizes the imminent deliverance from loneliness.

In a dream, she also promises mostly trouble. However, the exact interpretation depends on other circumstances of the dream, so they must be remembered in order to be reproduced later.

In general, being behind bars has two interpretations: restrictions (for example, the loss wages, dismissal, visa denial and other hardships) and a heavy secret that you will have to keep. Both values ​​can be combined. In order to find out in more detail why you are dreaming that you were put in jail, you need to consider a lot of details.

I'm sitting in a cell: what does that mean?

If you often see dreams where you are put in jail, think about what is going wrong in life. You have lost control over your feelings, desires and inner world. The sleeper himself can interfere with the successful development of events due to complexes, prejudices, and principles. Throw away everything that prevents you from living happily, get out of arbitrary imprisonment.

Going to jail can also mean the sleeper's guilt for doing the wrong thing.. Once you acted ugly, and now you are tormenting yourself for the consequences that your action led to.

    Miller's dream book

    A dream in which a prison building flickers is associated with a relative restriction of freedom in business in real life. If you were put in jail, it means that problems at work will soon begin. The release of a person who has already served his term gives hope that in reality you will be able to prevent trouble and avoid trouble.

    If in a dream it was not you who was imprisoned, but other people, in real life you will protect those around you, whom you strongly believe.

    Freud's dream book

    Detention in a women's prison and continued detention in a prison cell for symbolizes complete dependence on their secret desires or from your love partner.

    You have a strong passion, so you need to be extremely careful. On the other hand, such a dream may reflect your own stiffness and embarrassment in intimate matters. that interferes with free communication with the opposite sex. Due to internal tightness, you cannot embody your desires in your intimate life. unusual ideas and desires.

    Loff's interpretation

    The dream in which you are put in jail can be interpreted ambiguously. In some cases, it also means positive changes in life.. Being in prison may not symbolize the loss of freedom, but the acquisition of some kind of armor that will protect you from the influence of the outside world and others.

    You are given a chance to find harmony, to understand inner world and come to terms with yourself. If you were sent to prison, you tried to escape from imprisonment, but to no avail, which means that in reality you will not be able to finish a serious matter and achieve your goal.

    Family dream book

    Sitting in prison in a dream - in reality, expect a serious illness that will greatly torment you. If a man in love has such a dream, then he will have a happy family life without a divorce.

    Did you get out of prison in a dream? Soon you will be free from things that seriously weigh you down. A dream predicts the emergence of excellent opportunities to achieve heights in life.

    Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

    Prison means that in reality, you have chosen the wrong goal of life. After such a dream, think about life guidelines and try to change them. If in a dream you were simply arrested, wait for a safe family life. Soon you will change priorities, and the family will become the most important thing in your life.

    Psychological dream book

    If you dreamed that you were put in a prison with brightly lit window openings, expect trouble that your own insight and cunning will help you deal with. Seeing yourself in prison - events will soon come that will badly affect your work. If you manage to free yourself or avoid imprisonment, you will be involved in matters that will bring material profit.

    The jailer accompanying you promises the emergence of obstacles to the fulfillment of your desires. Someone else's treachery will confuse all the cards. A large crowd of people trying to open the doors of the prison you are in is a bad sign and portends serious evil. Friends may try to fraudulently lure a large amount of money.

    The dream, the central event of which is the release of the prisoner, is the most auspicious of all prison dreams. It promises victory over troubles and the disappearance of problems.

    Chinese dream book

    Being in prison portends a manifestation of mercy and forgiveness from others.. If there is a lot of dirt and bad smell, which means that you are waiting for work and household chores. The destruction of the prison promises the emergence of great happiness.

    Going to prison and severe suffering during imprisonment portend career advancement and fame. Death in prison warns that business affairs will be resolved successfully in reality.

    Spring dream book

    If a girl was put in jail, she will soon have a successful marriage if another person, then soon he will have to get into a debt hole.

    Italian dream book

    Getting into a prison cell for a man symbolizes the restriction of life's freedom. You cannot realize yourself, you have limited opportunities, prospects and. Such a dream may mean your desire to get rid of thoughts and feelings that poison life.

    Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

    If you are put in jail, handcuffed or chained, it means that you are a prisoner of your own principles or prejudices. There are many things you don't get in life because of the limits you set for yourself. Complexes that do not have any soil under them prevent you from moving up. You have to get rid of all this yourself, then life will become much easier.

    If in a dream you are trying to break the bars of a prison cell, then you will try to get rid of the excessive influence of another person. The dream in which you see your loved ones in the cell makes you understand that they perceive you as a tyrant and despot. The hand-made release of another prisoner promises you a quick solution to the problem of your own loneliness in reality.

    Wangi's Dream Interpretation

    If you see the prison building or feel that they want to put you in jail, then in reality you will have to hide someone's personal secret. Soon close person entrust it to you. The burden of responsibility will be great, it will not be easy to keep the secret a secret. Seeing that you are sitting in chains means that you will not be informed of the danger.

    Dream Interpretation of Medea

    Go to jail in a dream - a serious illness awaits you, which will be difficult to cure. If you dreamed of another who is sitting behind prison bars, then in reality you want to stop communicating with someone.

    French dream book

    Being in jail portends the appearance of some secret that will cause you great suffering and cause trouble.

husband in prison

If a woman sees that her husband is in a prison cell, it means that very soon she will be seriously disappointed in her other half and will bring her to clean water.

The impure deeds of her lover will shock her. She will have to doubt the decency of her boyfriend. Further continuation of family life will not bring anything good. Probably, the spouse looks at the other and, perhaps, is already paying attention to her.

One way or another, if a person has such a dream, it does not bode well. Most often, such a dream can mean serious problems in work affairs. This means that a person needs to seriously think about his career, because there is a risk of missing out on a promotion.

What if I dream about why I dream that they put me in jail?

Often, immediately after sleep, a person begins to think about why he dreams that I was sent to prison. Such a dream cannot but disturb, but it has nothing to do with breaking the law in real life. A prison in a dream can only mean that someone limits a person in his actions or thoughts, prevents him from developing and hinders his career or personal relationships. Sometimes it also happens that a person imposes some kind of framework on himself and builds obstacles in life. Sometimes even the person himself does not admit to himself that he creates unnecessary difficulties for himself, while this is reflected not only in his life, but also in his consciousness. In any case, after such a dream, you should think about what in life is not happening as it should be.

Another reason why you may dream of such a strange dream, is a person's personal experiences for some reason important event or business in life. Of considerable importance in this dream is the prison cell itself. For example, if it is damp, dark and cramped, then a person in the very near future will face the collapse and collapse of all his plans. This may be a demotion, the illness of one of your loved ones, or problems in the love sphere. And on the contrary, if the prison cell is bright, and even has a window, then a person will very quickly be able to get out of the troubles that have fallen on him.

You should pay attention to the presence or absence of strangers in a dream, since, often, they characterize the future enemy of a person. However, if there were no people at all in a dream, this may mean that only minor troubles await a person, and real trouble will bypass.

It should be noted that it is important not to leave such dreams unattended, and always turn to the dream book for what reason such an ominous dream could have occurred and why. “It is a dream that you were sent to prison, which means that you should reconsider your relationship with your loved ones,” many astrologers think so, since such a dream means an unfavorable attitude towards a person from one of his relatives or close friends. However, often the one who had a dream about prison can also be insincere. Having seen such a dream, you must try to remember the situation that prevailed in the prison room. Namely, was there any kind of bed, even if not quite good quality, window or lamp. All of these items, in one way or another, speak about the current life of a person.

If a person dreams that he was put in the same cell with one of his relatives or relatives, this means that he uses these people for selfish purposes, without giving anything in return. It should be noted that the attitude of these people in a dream to the person himself, whether negative or positive, is of great importance. Good attitude means that these people are really friends and are not dangerous, but unfavorable familiar people in a dream mean secret ill-wishers.

What portends?

Seeing a prison in a dream and being in it can also mean that soon a person will be entrusted with a personal secret that he will be unpleasant to keep. If in a dream a person was put in a prison without windows, then such a dream means his hopelessness in an important life situation that has been created for him, and you should think in advance about what can be done to change the situation. Being a prisoner in a dream in some cases means loss own health. When suddenly a person dreams that he is being released from prison, it means that with the help of his cunning and ingenuity he will avoid serious trouble and the loss of one of his close friends.

In general, a person also dreams of a prison if he had some sins or unpleasant deeds in the past, of which he himself is ashamed. Then the dream only personifies his inner experiences and does not portend anything in the future. In addition, a dream about prison can also mean a false path along which a person is walking in the present tense. Perhaps his decision or behavior may soon lead to dangerous consequences and the dream only warns of this. Moreover, such a dream can also refer to a wrong lifestyle. In this case, it is best to reconsider your attitude to life and find the very mistake that could cause trouble.

If in a dream a person, once in prison, does not feel anxiety and fear because of the oppressive atmosphere, such a dream can also have a positive interpretation, for example, it means imminent financial well-being, pleasant acquaintances or new love.

Thus, a person who finds the answer to the exciting question: “why is it dreaming that they will put me in jail or have already put me in prison”, can eventually change some of their current life situation and, in the end, avoid danger on their way.