How to breed fuel for two-stroke engines. How much to mix gasoline with chainsaw oil

The chainsaw engine is the "heart" of the tool, so it is very important to use the right fuel mixture.

Fuel mixture for chainsaw It is prepared from two components - oil and gasoline. Chainsaws are equipped with two-stroke engines, so the oil is not added to the lubrication system (like a four-stroke engine), but directly to gasoline. At the same time, it is very important to observe the correct proportions of the ingredients, of course, in no case should you try to work on pure gasoline, because in this way you will “kill” the chain saw very quickly.

The oil must be intended for two-stroke engines of gardening and forestry equipment(that is, in no case should oil be used for outboard motors or scooters). As practice shows, this oil can be bought at any store or service center where chainsaws are on sale or the latter are serviced.

If we talk about what kind of gasoline to fill in a chainsaw, then it would be optimal to use fuel with an octane rating A-95, in this case, saving on fuel can turn out to be deplorable. Often European manufacturers indicate that A-90 or A-92 gasoline can be used, but in post-Soviet countries the quality of gasoline is inferior to European, so in our realities it is better to use higher quality gasoline.

As for the proportions of benzo-oil mixture, then everything is simple here: you must follow the instructions for the tool. All manufacturers of chainsaws indicate the required ratio in the instruction manual or in the tool passport, in addition, the proportions for refueling a chainsaw may differ depending on the model. chain saw. As a rule, the proportion of oil and gasoline to a chainsaw of famous manufacturers is a ratio of 1:40 or 1:50, which means 1 part of oil to, for example, 40 parts of gasoline. Now arithmetic 1 liter of gasoline \u003d 1000 ml of gasoline, divide by 40 and get 25 ml of oil. If we perform the same steps for the relation 1:50, then we get 20 ml of oil per 1 liter of gasoline. As for budget Chinese-made chainsaws, the situation is slightly different. The ratio of gasoline and chainsaw oil Made in China 1:25, that is, 1000 ml of gasoline divided by 25, we get 40 ml of oil. The thing is that in branded chainsaws, a solid assembly and the distance between pistons and cylinders in the engine are much smaller than in Chinese chainsaws, and therefore required amount oil differs almost twice.

In order to measure the correct portion of the oil, use a conventional medical syringe of sufficient volume.

Another subtlety– In a dry canister for gasoline, first fill in gasoline, and then oil. The procedure, on the contrary, is fraught with a low-quality fuel mixture, because the oil is denser, sticks to the bottom of the canister - what a good mixing.

Be sure to prepare the fuel mixture in a canister and pour ready-made special fuel into the gas tank! Never cook or mix it directly in the chainsaw's fuel tank!

If you figured out the question of how to breed gasoline for a chainsaw, then on storage conditions and shelf life of the fuel mixture it is worth saying a few words. It is best and easiest to prepare a gasoline-oil mixture for 1 liter of gasoline, it is recommended to do this immediately before working with the tool. Chainsaw fuel tanks have a volume of 0.3 to 1 liter. In conditions domestic use in one session, the entire volume of the prepared combustible mixture is rarely used, so the remainder can be saved until the next session. It is necessary to store the fuel mixture in a special canister for gasoline, in a dry, dark place. It is optimal to count the shelf life of the finished mixture will be 7-10 days. The fact is that the oil currently on the market is not synthetic, but organic, that is, natural. After 10 days, all lubricating properties are lost, gasoline simply "eats" the oil. Naturally, it is no longer possible to use such fuel, this can cause breakdown and failure of the chainsaw.

At the end of the work, it is necessary to drain the fuel mixture, start the chainsaw, the tool will stall (so that the saw has a dry carburetor) and now you can leave it until the next operation session.

Unsuitable fuel mixture must be disposed of.

Compliance correct proportions oil and gasoline for chainsaws avoids the vast majority of the problems that arise with this tool. At the same time, it is necessary to select lubricants for both the saw set and the engine.

Ready solutions

The quality of the composition of the fuel mixture for a chainsaw depends on the uninterrupted operation of its operation, the consumption of components and engine wear.

In different outlets you can always find ready-to-use mixtures. In them, the proportions of oil and gasoline for chainsaws are already observed. These include mixtures "Partner", "Calm", "Huskvarna".

However, the latter are not a cheaper analogue of the total purchase of oil and gasoline and self-manufacturing formulations.

Raw material requirements

The gasoline used in the preparation of the mixture must be at least brand A-92. Can also be used such as AI-92 or AI-95. Their shelf life should not exceed three months. This is due to the fact that after its expiration in gasoline increases mass fraction resins, which causes the occurrence of polymerization reactions, which adversely affects the combustion chamber, in which a layer of soot is formed. Gasoline must be unleaded, as using the leaded variety will damage the engine.

The expiration date of the oil must also be observed. For the preparation of the mixture, you can use any High Quality type "Partner", "Calm" or "Husqvarna". The choice of oil should be determined by the fact that it is impossible to use the latter for four-stroke engines and boats to prepare the desired composition.

In the manufacture of the mixture, it is imperative to read the instructions for forcing the engine. The last indicator shows the ratio of the volume and power of the motor and maximum speed).

Characteristics of the oil for the mixture

Chainsaws are equipped with this and the choice of oil must be appropriate. They may be of the API-TA and API-TB classes intended for them, which have air cooling and are able to work under heavy loads.

Motor oils consist of a base and additives. The latter provide the best mixing of oil and gasoline. With their help, they prevent corrosive processes, as well as the formation of deposits, which reduces the smoke output and keeps the engine parts clean. You can read about the effect of additives on the packaging.

Oil types

For use in warm time mineral oil is suitable. This is due to the fact that it has a high viscosity. These oils can be purchased from 113 rubles/l (TNK 2T).

Synthetic oil has a high fluidity, which can also be used in winter conditions at low temperatures, that is, throughout the year. Mainly used for industrial chainsaws. This type is thermally stable and chemically stable. Their cost starts from 135 rubles / 0.2 liters ("Zubr-Expert").

With not very heavy loads on the tool, semi-synthetic oils can be used for year-round use. They are included as a base component mineral types to which synthetic ingredients are added. The cost of these oils ranges from 185 rubles / 0.946 liters (Resoil Ultra 2T).

Manufacturers oils are painted in various colors so that you can control how to breed gasoline for a chainsaw.

The capacity of the container must be selected based on the use of the tool. With a rare action of a chainsaw, 0.8-1 l of volume per season is sufficient. In the case of daily many hours of use, you need to focus on 5-liter canisters.

chain oil

The saw set is not lubricated with motor oils. For this purpose, special chainsaw fuel is used, which is characterized by high adhesion to the surface. Chain oil reduces friction and wear on parts that come into contact with each other.

Modern brands of chainsaws have a tank on the body that contains chain oil, with which the saw set is automatically lubricated.

During the operation of the tool during the cold season, semi-synthetic or synthetic oils are selected, during the warm season - mineral.

On some brands of oil, you can see the CEC marking, which indicates that they are made from plant-based and do not harm environment.

Main question

It consists in observing the proportions of oil and gasoline for a chainsaw. An extra first ingredient will cause carbon deposits to form on the candles and pistons. Excessive gasoline contributes to the fact that seizure will appear on the pistons, which will cause a quick failure of the engine. The exact proportions are indicated by the manufacturers themselves.

Husqvarna and Stihl recommend taking 4 liters of gasoline per 100 ml of oil. This is typical for tools with motor power up to 1.5 kW. With more power, the proportion should be 1/50. On average, when answering the question “How to dilute gasoline for a chainsaw?” recommended to proceed from the following proportions: 20-50 ml of oil per 1 liter of gasoline.

As you can see, different manufacturers have different approaches to observing the proportions of oil and gasoline. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the instructions that go to the specific brands of the instruments in question.

Mixing must be carried out in special canisters, on which dimensional divisions are applied and there are two holes: one for oil, the other for gasoline. Components are poured there, the container is tilted and mixed with the lids closed. Water droplets or solid particles must not get into the prepared mixture.

However, these containers have a minimum mark of 1 liter, therefore, with smaller volumes, you can make a measurement yourself. For this you can take plastic bottle with a capacity of 0.5-1 l. Pour 102 ml of water into them (up to 816 ml) using measuring utensils. After filling each portion, a mark is made, at the level of which numbers are written from 2 to 18 in increments of 2. In order to measure the oil, we use a syringe without a needle with a volume of 10-20 ml. A step in 102 ml of water provides a proportion of 1/50. For other proportions, it must be changed accordingly.

The finished composition is stored for no more than 1 month. Even better, use it up within a few days. This is due to the fact that oxidation processes take place in it, which change it chemical composition. Perfect option mixture consumption - one day. If the engine breaks down due to overexposed fuel, this will be considered a non-warranty event. If, after the end of the season, the prepared mixture remains in the chainsaw, then you need to turn off the engine and remove its remnants.


We found out that it is imperative to maintain the proportions of oil and gasoline for chainsaws. It is best to follow the chainsaw and oil manufacturer's instructions. On average, the proportions of gasoline:oil should be 1/25-1/50. In this case, gasoline must be grades or AI-95. Oils can be mineral oils if they are planned for summer use, synthetic or semi-synthetic for all-weather use.

Since their introduction, petrol saws have steadily become more and more popular among consumers. Demand for them is growing in the most different countries. And this is not surprising, since they are indispensable tools for agricultural work, repairs, cutting down trees. This technique has gained popularity due to its reliability and efficiency, but, like any equipment, it needs proper handling and proper maintenance.

This is especially true for the gasoline-oil mixture used to power this tool. The functioning and efficiency of a gasoline saw depends on its quality. Below are various questions related to the requirements that this liquid must meet: how to dilute gasoline with chainsaw oil, what ratio of ingredients is required for this mixture, which oil should be added to chainsaw gasoline.

Before considering the issues listed above, it is necessary to understand the design features of the chainsaw in order to have at least general idea about her device. At its core, this tool belongs to the classic mechanisms that work through the use of an internal combustion engine.

This type of tool is considered the simplest among all such mechanisms, since there is no gearbox in the chainsaw, and it is driven by a simple two-stroke single-cylinder gasoline-powered engine.

The main advantage of the chainsaw lies in the simplicity of its design, which ensures high reliability and trouble-free operation even in difficult conditions. The design of the chainsaw includes the following elements:

  • motor;
  • fuel system;
  • clutch;
  • air purification system;
  • ignition system;
  • starter;
  • chain brake;
  • carburetor;
  • chain;
  • chain tension mechanism;
  • tire;
  • chain lubrication system.

Timely and proper lubrication of the parts of a gasoline saw is of great importance. Like all mechanisms, the chainsaw as a whole and the individual parts that make up its design need regular maintenance, including periodic lubrication.

This is necessary to extend the life of the tool. During the operation of a gasoline saw, its parts produce constant movement. It should be smooth and smooth so as not to harm nearby parts.

Everyone knows that the surface is destroyed by friction, therefore, in the absence of lubrication, the elements of the saw will wear out very quickly, which will lead to its failure. To avoid this, it is necessary to provide necessary care behind the chainsaw. In this case, it will serve you for a long time.

Choosing the right quality oil

After buying a chainsaw from its owner, a logical question immediately arises: what kind of oil to use to dilute gasoline? Proper Care for the technology used to construction works, allows you to significantly improve the quality of its functioning and prevent the occurrence of various breakdowns.

It should be noted that among the factors on which the performance of the tool directly depends, the most important role is played by the use of suitable lubricant and high quality fuel. Most of the serious problems that arise when using a gasoline saw are caused precisely by the wrong choice of oil. The following are guidelines to help you avoid these problems.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the fact that almost all gasoline saws are equipped with a two-stroke carburetor engine and two tanks: for oil and gasoline. To choose the right oil for a chainsaw, you should be guided by the following criteria:

  • First, we must remember that Russian-made gasoline saws require the use of extremely simple oils (the same as those used for motorcycles). Unlike them, chain saws of foreign manufacturers require the use of branded oils, since they have higher technical specifications. Of course, the owner of a gasoline saw has the right to independently determine which lubricant to use for his equipment. He can pour Russian-made oil into an imported chainsaw. However, in this case, he needs to be prepared for a significant decrease in the productivity and power of his tool.
  • Most often, chainsaw owners use engine oil, and if it is not available, gear oil. Experts say that, in principle, it is permissible to use any oil, including one that is poured into a Zhiguli car. However, there are certain nuances. So, for the equipment of the Hurstavna brand, the use of engine oil is quite acceptable, while for the equipment of the Shtil brand, only transmission oil should be used.
  • To choose the right oil, you should know what color it should be painted. For example, oil for equipped with a two-stroke engine petrol saws should be green, blue or red. Moreover, when buying oil, it is imperative to take into account the recommendations regarding the composition of the oil given by the manufacturer of the chainsaw.
  • The simplest and reliable way The choice of lubricant consists in purchasing a special oil designed for a specific model of a chainsaw and released by its manufacturer. The cost of such oil is not so high, but in this case you can be completely sure that there will be no problems with your chainsaw during its use. On the contrary, buying cheap oil saves a little money, but as a result of using it, the chainsaw can fail prematurely, in which case you will have to incur costs that far exceed the savings obtained by buying cheap oil.

The ratio of gasoline and oil

After considering the issues related to the design features of the chainsaw and choosing the most suitable oil for each model of this equipment, we can begin to consider an important problem that worries all owners of chainsaws: how much oil should be added to the fuel for this equipment? First of all, it should be noted that two high-quality ingredients are used to make such a fuel mixture.

The first of these is unleaded gasoline with an octane rating of at least 92. For example, gasoline grades AI-92 and AI-95 are perfect for this purpose. The second ingredient is a special oil, designed specifically for equipment equipped with a two-stroke engine, which is designed for gardening.

This issue must be approached with the utmost responsibility. In general, about 20 ml to 50 ml of oil must be added to one liter of gasoline.

A chainsaw model with a power of approximately 1.5 kW will require approximately 25 ml of oil per liter of gasoline.

If the power of a gas tool significantly exceeds this indicator, then it needs more oil - at least 30 ml per liter of gasoline. The necessary information is indicated on the oil container, however, the exact information can be found in the table contained in the instructions that are attached to the specific chain saw model.

How to mix gasoline with oil?

To maximize the life of your chainsaw and minimize problems when using it, you should know how to properly prepare the fuel mixture for this equipment. Nowadays, on Internet forums, many visitors constantly ask a variety of questions related to this topic. Therefore, below are helpful tips and reliable information on the subject.

First of all, before preparing for the manufacture of the fuel mixture, you need to purchase AI-92 or AI-95 gasoline. It is very important to use exclusively unleaded gasoline, otherwise the engine will inevitably experience serious problems, which are highly likely to lead to its failure.

It must be remembered that gasoline and oil should be mixed in strict proportions. When considering the required proportion of oil and gasoline in a chainsaw fuel mixture, it must be understood that excess oil in it will lead to the formation of deposits on pistons and candles.

Lack of oil will lead to the formation of scoring on the pistons, as well as to the rapid failure of the motor.

Another important question is which containers should be used to prepare the fuel mixture. Currently, specialized stores sell canisters that are marked with measured divisions and in which there are two holes - one for gasoline, the other for oil.

The procedure for preparing the fuel mixture is not difficult: you need to pour the necessary components into the canister, tighten the lids and mix the mixture thoroughly by changing the position of the canister. Many chainsaw owners use glass and plastic bottles for this purpose. However, it must be borne in mind that when using this method, a static electric charge may occur, so maximum caution should be exercised. Under no circumstances should the slightest amount of water or any foreign objects be allowed to enter the fuel mixture. In addition, it is important to remember that the maximum shelf life of the finished fuel mixture is 25-30 days.

Summing up

This article provides useful advice regarding the required proportion of oil and gasoline for the manufacture of a fuel mixture intended for chain saws. It also gives advice on the correct dilution of gasoline with oil and the features of refueling different models of this equipment. If you strictly follow the above recommendations and tips, then you can do everything necessary work on their own.

Any two-stroke chainsaw engine runs on a mixture of gasoline and oil, respectively, how long it will last depends on the quality and the correct mixture of these components. Also in chainsaws, it is necessary to lubricate the bar and chain, and the quality of the lubrication is not the last factor affecting the duration of use of these parts of the chainsaw. In this article, we will talk about the oils that Stihl produces and recommends for use not only on chainsaws of its own production.

Stihl engineers develop oils that are optimally suited for all two-stroke engines installed on Stihl chainsaws and trimmers and not only. The line of lubricants for two-stroke engines Stihl includes several product options:

  • Stihl HP;
  • Stihl HP Ultra;
  • Stihl HP S

Stihl HP review

Stihl HP is a chainsaw lubricant designed to the highest quality standards and is designed to lubricate the internal parts of the engine during operation. It is made on a mineral basis and differs good performance combustion (has low level allocation harmful substances during combustion).

The original Stihl HP is red in color and comes in Stihl branded packaging.

It comes in several packaging options, the most popular of which is a one-liter bottle with a built-in dispenser. You can also find Stihl HP in cans of five, ten and fifty-five liters.

The smallest Stihl HP package, which is convenient to use when you need to prepare only one liter of fuel mixture, is a twenty-gram plastic bottle.

The company also produces one hundred gram bottles of Stihl HP, which can be used to prepare five liters of fuel mixture.

Shelf life, when stored in a closed container, is 4 years.

Stihl HP Ultra review

Unlike conventional Stihl HP oil, HP Ultra is designed for high engine loads during operation and is recommended for use on professional chainsaws. This oil is synthetic. So that consumers do not confuse diluted fuel, it has a green color, respectively, the finished mixture of gasoline with Stihl HP Ultra also has a greenish tint.

There are only two packages of this oil. This is Stihl HP Ultra 100 ml and 1 liter with dispenser.

The cost of Stihl HP Ultra is almost twice the price of Stihl HP and for this reason it is less popular in our country.

The shelf life of the Stihl HP Ultra is four years.

HP Super

Designed for high performance engines and four-strokes made using 2-MIX technology. Specifications are slightly worse than HP Ultra, so on this moment HP Super is not supplied to the shelves of official Stihl dealers.

The proportions of the preparation of the fuel mixture

Very often people ask the question, how much oil per liter of gasoline is considered the norm. It is easy to answer it, because in the instructions for any Stihl chainsaw, as well as on the packaging of the additive, it is indicated that when using original Stihl products, the proportions of oil and gasoline should be 1:50. This means that for one liter of fuel, 20 ml of additive must be added.

During the break-in period of a new chainsaw, it is allowed to slightly increase the amount of oil per liter of gasoline. For example, you can dilute one liter, 25 ml of oil, this will reduce the load on lapping parts and extend the life of the chainsaw.

Which oil to choose

If you are a regular chainsaw user and do not use it daily for 6-8 hours, while working only in the summer, then you can use a regular Stihl HP to prepare the fuel mixture for your chainsaw. The optimal ratio of price and quality of the lubricant has made it popular with millions of gas tool users.

Stihl HP can be used to mix any two-stroke engine, including moped and boat engines.

Stihl chain oil (oil review)

The Stihl oil line for chain lubrication includes three types of products, these are:

  • forestplus;
  • BioPlus - for chains;

When working, it is necessary to use the type of lubricant that best suits the conditions and duration of work. Consider each of the oils for the Stihl chain in more detail.

forest plus

ForestPlus mineral oil for chain lubrication is a quality product that creates a reliable film on the tire and on the chain links, which is well retained even at the maximum speed of the chain rotation.

Packed in three types of containers, a liter bottle and canisters of five and twenty liters.

ForestPlus has the shortest shelf life among oils in the Stihl line, which is only three years under proper storage conditions.

BioPlus chain oil review

BioPlus is made on a plant basis, which allows it to decompose when it enters the soil in the shortest possible time. It is this property that is marked with the European sign environmental safety. According to the information available on the manufacturer's website and is official, BioPlus has been tested according to OECD 301 B.

For maximum convenience consumers, it is packaged in 4 types of containers, these are:

  1. Liter bottle.
  2. Canister with a capacity of three liters.
  3. Five liter canister.
  4. Plastic twenty-liter canister for those who work with a chainsaw on a daily basis and spend a large amount of lubricants.

The price of BioPlus may vary depending on the region of sale.

The shelf life of BioPlus is four years. Brown color.

Synth Plus

SynthPlus is a semi-synthetic oil that retains its properties even under the most severe conditions. It is able to maintain performance at a temperature of minus 25 degrees. SynthPlus mixes well with BioPlus, making it easy to switch from one type of oil to another.

SynthPlus has a long shelf life, which, if stored properly, can reach up to seven years. SynthPlus oil color, brown.

Stihl SynthPlus is packaged in containers of the same capacity as BioPlus.

What oil to choose for the chain

The best option for chain lubrication oil is BioPlus and it should be chosen by those who saw with a chainsaw from time to time. The optimal price and quality of BioPlus have made it the most popular chain oil in the Stihl range.

It is also worth remembering that BioPlus does not harm the environment, because it is made on a plant basis and decomposes in the shortest possible time, which is also important when working with a chainsaw on your own site.

How to distinguish fake Stihl oil

Attackers do not miss the opportunity to make money on the sale of fake products famous brand. Stihl oil is no exception. Most often you can find fake Stihl HP, because its sales volumes are the highest of the entire Stihl line of lubricants.

In order to distinguish a fake from the original, the Stihl company released a special brochure on which it recorded all the main differences between the original and the fake.

Also, we invite you to watch a video in which specific example shows how a package of high-quality Stihl oil should look like and how to distinguish a fake.


We reviewed all the oils in the Stihl line, and found out that the most popular lubricant for 2-stroke engines is Stihl HP. It is to be used in normal conditions, because in this case you will not have to overpay, and the engine will be reliably protected.

The chain of the saw, for ordinary users, must be lubricated with BioPlus, as the rest of the options are designed for heavy duty or work in winter period. Also, we figured out that the correct ratio of gasoline to oil is 1:50, but during the break-in period you can change it a little and make the mixture in a ratio of 1:40, i.e. 25 ml per 1 liter of gasoline. We learned how to distinguish a fake Stihl BioPlus from the original.

One of the most common questions users ask is: "How to properly dilute gasoline for a chainsaw?".
When preparing the fuel mixture, the following factors must be considered:

  • The quality of gasoline, its octane number
  • Brand of oil for two-stroke engines
  • mixing ratio
  • Devices for the convenience of breeding gasoline

Preparing a fuel mixture for a chainsaw

Let's take everything in order:


Gasoline must be with an octane rating of at least AI92. You can also fill in AI95, but its quality at our gas stations leaves much to be desired, so if you are not sure about the quality of the 95th, then it’s better to take AI92 brand gasoline to dilute gasoline in a chainsaw.
You should also not take gasoline that has stood for a long time in a canister, tank or any other container. Gasoline for preparing the fuel mixture in the chainsaw must be fresh, otherwise it loses its properties, in particular the octane number, and even if you run the chainsaw on such fuel, it will not give out full power. And the saddest thing in this case is that the failure of the chainsaw due to low-quality fuel is considered a non-warranty case and leads to costly repairs.
Sometimes it's easier to buy new chainsaw than to repair it after such a breakdown!

Read more about gasoline for chainsaws here:


Oil for 2-stroke engines according to the classification of the American Petroleum Institute (API), the American Petroleum Institute has an API-TB class, there are also oils of the API-TC class, but they are designed to work with less loads than most of our chainsaws.
If you take the power class according to the Japan Automobile Standards Organization (JASO) classification, then focus on the JASO-FB and JASO FD classes (see Table 1 below.). Never use oils for four-stroke engines! Remember that in a two-stroke engine, the oil must burn completely, which means it is better to take synthetic oil, since it produces less smoke and combustion residues. And if you fill your chainsaw with oil for four-stroke engines, which will not burn out completely and as a result carbon deposits will form, then your CPG will fail. The best thing to be guided by when choosing oil for a chainsaw is the instructions for it !!!


When preparing a fuel mixture of gasoline and chainsaw oil, be sure to check the manufacturer's recommendations. Why is it so important to follow these recommended proportions? With a small amount of oil in gasoline, the cylinder and piston will heat up and, accordingly, scuffing will occur, and this is the failure of the CPG and repair. If there is a lot of oil in gasoline, then this is carbon deposits and failure again. Each manufacturer has its own recommendations for proportions (see table 2 below).
Try not to keep ready mix longer than a month. Do not store it in direct sunlight and open form. Avoid water and dust ingress - this will lead to failure of the carburetor, since the fuel filter is often not able to completely clean the fuel.

Since they often come from search engines with queries like “how much oil to pour into 1.2.5 liters of gasoline”, I add another table under No. 3 in which you can find out how much oil to add to gasoline according to the accepted proportions. The proportions can be found in table 2 or, more precisely, in the instructions for your chainsaw.

Devices for diluting the fuel mixture

Of course, you can use a canister, syringe or measuring bottle, but there are more convenient options. It is worth noting here that, for example, Stihl oils are available in 2 types of packaging - with and without a dispenser. With a small difference in price, a bottle with a dispenser greatly facilitates the process of preparing the mixture. There are also many different canisters with a dispenser, with compartments for oil and gasoline separately. All these devices reduce the preparation time for starting and operating the chainsaw.

Stihl canister with compartments for oil and gasoline

This canister has two compartments for storing oil and gasoline separately. The petrol tank has a volume of 5 liters and the oil tank has a volume of 3 liters. Often, many owners of gas tools with two-stroke engines in this canister carry oil in one compartment, and a ready-made fuel mixture in the other.

Husqvarna canister with compartments for oil and fuel mixture.

Husqvarn's canisters have a feature: the oil container can be unhooked from the main one and used separately.

Stihl oil bottle with dispenser.

This bottle, as you can see in the photo, has two stoppers. One stopper allows you to pour oil into any container directly, and the second is located on a special dispenser compartment. By tilting the bottle, you allow the oil to fall into this compartment, which has marks indicating the required volume. I must say that this is a very convenient feature and the difference in price between bottles with a dispenser and without is small.

Dilution tables for oil and gasoline

Table 1

table 2

Table 3

Quantity of petrol (litres) 1/25 1/40 1/50
1 liter of gasoline AI-92 40 grams of butter 25 grams of butter 20 grams of butter
2 liters of gasoline AI-92 80 grams of butter 50 grams of butter 40 grams of butter
3 liters of gasoline AI-92 120 grams of butter 75 grams of butter 60 grams of butter
4 liters of gasoline AI-92 160 grams of butter 100 grams of butter 80 grams of butter
5 liters of gasoline AI-92 200 grams of butter 125 grams of butter 100 grams of butter
10 liters of gasoline AI-92 400 grams of butter 250 grams of butter 200 grams of butter
15 liters of gasoline AI-92 600 grams of butter 375 grams of butter 300 grams of butter
20 liters of gasoline AI-92 800 grams of butter 500 grams of butter 400 grams of butter
25 liters of gasoline AI-92 1 liter of oil625 grams of butter 500 grams of butter

Answers to frequently asked questions about mixing fuel mixture for chainsaws

Question:“And if I poured green oil into gasoline, and now I pour red. Will this damage the chainsaw?

Answer: No, it will not damage your chainsaw, brushcutter or other two-stroke tool. The main thing is that the oil is cattle specifically for two-stroke air-cooled engines.

Question:“I have fuel mixture left over from last season. Can I add fresh to it or is it better to drain the old one?

Answer: Better drain. Although it depends on the amount of the old mixture. If you have 100 grams of it left and you want to fill in another 5 liters of fresh, then you don’t have to drain it!

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