Homemade cars with a chainsaw engine. Unusual homemade chainsaw: a new look at an old tool

The versatility of gasoline chainsaws is proven not only by their multitasking and functionality, but also by the abundance of useful homemade products that craftsmen have learned to make with their own hands. They save money on expensive factory devices that most people simply don’t have money for. But, as they say, the need for invention is acute. Therefore, speaking of chainsaws, many represent not only felling or pruning an orchard, but also winches, ice screws, boat motors, grinders, sawmills, which technically competent craftsmen have learned to adapt from everyone's favorite gasoline tool.

Means of movement deserve no less attention - bicycles, mopeds, go-karts, ATVs and much more that can be assembled using a chain saw with a gasoline engine. We will talk in this article about how and from what to recreate them and surprise others with an incredible motorized design.

DIY chainsaw motorcycle

Not every lucky bike owner is delighted with the need to pedal and waste your energy. A motorized bicycle is more convenient and less expensive in terms of power.

A bicycle with a motor from a chainsaw with your own hands is not as difficult to make as it seems at first glance. For this you will need:

  • a bike;
  • a saw with a gas engine power of at least 2000 W - it will depend on this indicator whether it can get under way. As practice shows, the engine power is 2 hp. it is enough for the motorbike to reach a speed of up to 40 km / h;
  • a tank for the future fuel tank;
  • cable from an old bike;
  • handle to be able to adjust the throttle;
  • bolt ties, nuts and other small consumables for creating fasteners;
  • connecting elements for creating a connection between the wheels and the engine.

The process of putting a chainsaw engine on a bicycle is as follows:
  • we aggregate the drive shaft - remove the rear wheel tire and put on a tire with a diameter of up to 2.5 cm. This equipment will help to take the engine speed and, like a gearbox, reduce the speed;
  • we weld the stand from the corners with electric welding - it will help to install the engine from the chainsaw;
  • alteration of the clutch - you can use a centrifugal one from a factory saw, connecting it to the wheel;
  • we adapt the gas tank - it can be located next to the engine, or on the frame;
  • we fix the wire from the ignition system of the motor to one of the bicycle handles;
  • attach a cable from the carburetor to the throttle handle so that the throttle control is simple and quick;
  • we equip the motorbike with protective equipment: mirrors, a flashlight, and proceed to testing a homemade bicycle from a chainsaw.

As you can see, it is not so difficult to put a motor from a chainsaw on a bicycle.

How to make a moped from a chainsaw?

The dream of the youth of most of our fellow citizens was and remains a moped. It develops a higher speed and has a structure that is more perfect than the above described motorbike. Buying a ready-made moped is not a cheap pleasure. We will tell you how to make it from scrap materials.

For this you will need:

  • a motor from a serviceable powerful saw (in our version, this is the "Friendship" model);
  • 2 wheels from an old bike;
  • pipe with a diameter of 2 cm (metal);
  • cable;
  • bicycle sprockets; as well as forks;
  • old motorcycle parts - a ready-made fuel tank, a headlight, and a seat if desired, although you can also make it yourself;
  • steering part;
  • throttle lever.

The process of creating a moped looks like this:
  • we cook a frame to which we connect bicycle wheels, forks, as well as a gas tank and a lamp;
  • adapting the motor - the composition of the installation will depend on the configuration of the frame;

  • we fasten the gas tank and battery;
  • we check that the newly installed elements do not dangle;
  • we make a chain drive - it will allow the wheels to receive the motor torque and move. You can use a belt instead of a chain pulley. But we must not forget that its wear will be noticeably higher;
  • we set up the ignition system - we connect the battery and the brake lever with it;
  • we fit the exhaust pipe.

The assembly process is complete: you can start testing the moped.

DIY chainsaw karting: step by step assembly

Karting is a modern vehicle that can cover a considerable distance in a short period of time. Exclusive kart is the dream of every car enthusiast. It is not necessary to participate in races with it: you can easily move on rough terrain, on rural roads, and in general everywhere where a larger car will not pass.

Among the possible options for equipment, home-made karting from a chainsaw has gained immense popularity - no less powerful and productive than their serial counterparts. Let's consider in stages.

Preparatory stage

It starts with a detailed drawing and design. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the finished drawing, which will save time on design;

The proposed dimensions are suitable for a person of average height. For teenagers and tall people, the design should be customized according to their individual parameters. For teenagers, you can use the other scheme below.

Putting together the base of the construct

This is a chassis that will require:

  • square pipes (up to 10 m);
  • steel pipes;
  • thick steel plate;
  • bottom blocking equipment;
  • armchairs.

The process looks like this:

  • pipes are cut according to the proposed scheme and welded by electric welding.

  • Here's what should come out after welding;

  • the front axle is equipped with plugs;
  • the rear axle is aggregated - it is welded to the frame itself in such a way that its turning is ensured;
  • the bottom is cut out of metal or solid wood according to the drawing and fitted to the frame;
  • seat - in this case, you don't have to bother and take a ready-made one from an old card or car.

Karting equipment by motor

  • remove the motor from the chainsaw;

  • we make a base for the motor - from a steel plate and a corner. Its pulley must match the last frame structure;
  • screw the pulley with screws;
  • we take 2 metal rods, which we bend at right angles - this will drive the kart steering wheel;

  • adjusting the brakes - it is desirable that the braking extends to all 4 wheels. Do not forget about the brake pedal: it will be very inconvenient to press the brake with your hands;

  • we equip karting with wheels - wheels with a small diameter from an old racing car are suitable;
  • we adjust the ignition - we connect it to the throttle valve and the gas handle;
  • reliability control assembly and testing of the finished unit.

Go-karting is a luxury for an ordinary person, but with the help of improvised means, you can create a budget version - go-kart with a chainsaw engine.

No less famous homemade product, which the domestic "Kulibins" have learned to make. To recreate it, we need:

  • a scooter designed for the weight of the person who will be driving it. It is desirable that he initially had a manual braking system. The pneumatic wheelbase of the scooter must be strong;
  • the chainsaw from which the engine is removed - medium and high-power models are suitable.

The scooter assembly process looks simplified compared to previous homemade products:

  • First, remove the motor base and fix it at the rear of the scooter frame. We make sure that the motor and wheel sprockets match;
  • we fix a manual accelerator with the ignition of the chainsaw - so the operator can control the movement process;
  • if necessary, equip the scooter with a brake pedal, but in most cases, the lever for manual control of the scooter is enough for its full operation.
  • testing a scooter from a chainsaw - in case of serviceability, the new motorized device is ready and can be used.

Homemade children's ATV from a chainsaw

The last homemade product we will look at will be dedicated to ATVs. In fact, building an ATV requires similar materials as for a go-kart or tricycle:

  • engine from an old powerful and working chainsaw;
  • reducer - increases the thrust of the motor and takes over its working speed;
  • ATV frame - it should be stronger and more stable;
  • driver's seat - it's good if you have an old moped seat: a teenager will be more comfortable in it than in a bulky car;
  • wheels with rough tread, diameter not less than 34-35 cm each. This will improve the cross-country ability of the ATV and make it an analogue of an SUV.

If desired, the prefabricated structure of the ATV can be brought to perfection with shock absorbers: the ATV's maneuverability will increase, and the working stroke will become smoother.

Homemade vehicles are cheap, but not always reliable. They can only be used with strict adherence to all safety regulations.

The engine of any chainsaw can be used to make simple equipment: from a mower to a helicopter. It all depends on the tasks and goals of the master. But not everyone understands why the engine is from the Druzhba 4 saw. Not everyone fully understands how and what can be done with their own hands. This article was written to help the wizards and fill this gap.

Let us name a number of arguments why it is worth using the Druzhba chainsaw for the alteration:

  • popularity - the chainsaw was very popular during the Soviet era, because there were simply no other drank, except perhaps the Ural.
  • cost - today in the secondary market, the price, depending on the state, varies from 1000 to 2000 rubles.
  • power - the saw belongs to the category of professional ones, designed for felling trees, so it is well suited for such homemade products as a mower, helicopter, sawmill, all-terrain vehicle, motorized dog and others.

What you need to work

To do it yourself, homemade from the Druzhba chainsaw, you need a set of tools of a novice master, a desire and an idea. The main tools required for work are a grinder and a welding machine. You already have a desire, otherwise you would not be on this page. The very idea for converting the Friendship chainsaw into any unit can be found in this article.

In the article, we offer only an idea, without step-by-step instructions for action. Otherwise, the article would be ten times larger. If, after reading, you still have questions and you need detailed instructions, then leave your wishes in the comments to the article and we will write a step-by-step guide for converting a chainsaw into a specific unit that will collect the most wishes.

What can be done from a chainsaw Friendship

The technique that you can do with your own hands from has a large list. Everything is limited only by the imagination of the master. A lot of videos have been published on the Internet with a detailed description of the step-by-step making of homemade products. As part of the article, we have collected only the best videos, on the basis of which you can easily make the technique you need. The simplest homemade product is considered to be a boat motor, and the most complex is an all-terrain vehicle, a motorized dog, a lawn mower. Here are examples of homemade products from simple to complex.

Tire knife

This hack is not directly related to the Druzhba 4 chainsaw, however, it is in demand, because a knife from the Friendship chainsaw tire holds sharpening very well, is resistant to corrosion. For manufacturing, you only need the tires from the saw itself. The price on the secondary market varies from 200 to 500 rubles. To implement the craft, we suggest watching an interesting video, the author of which describes in detail how to make a kitchen knife from a tire. The peculiarity of the video is that the author shows a simple method of making a hole in the steel of the handle, without drilling.

A bike

To make a bicycle with an engine from a Druzhba chainsaw, you will need the saw itself and a bicycle, preferably a Kama with a trunk. Homemade craft process:

  1. Secure the motor to the bike frame.
  2. Route the throttle cable and trigger to the steering wheel.
  3. Connect the chain between the drive wheel of the bike and the pulley on the saw motor.

Mower (lawn mower)

To make a mower, again you need the Druzhba 4 chainsaw itself, small wheels, a knife and rolled metal for the manufacture of a body and a protective casing. The knife will fit either a brushcutter or a lawn mower, it all depends on what working diameter the project will lay. We present to your attention a review of the video, the author of which made the mower from the Ural chainsaw (there is no significant difference from Friendship, therefore we recommend it for viewing).

Boat motor

Converting a chainsaw into a boat motor will already be much more difficult than converting into a bicycle or a mower. The product will be aimed at contact with water, and with it, as you know, you need to be extremely careful. According to the recommendations of many craftsmen, the drive and shaft are best used from an old outboard motor. The engine from Friendship 4. It remains only to connect them together. For example, we recommend watching an interesting video, the author of which made a boat motor out of a Druzhba 2 chainsaw. The author demonstrates the operation of a saw in a barrel of water.


To make a sawmill from a chainsaw, it is enough to make a device for longitudinal dissolution of a log. Its task is to keep the saw bar in an even plane relative to the log. For a visual representation, we recommend watching a video demonstration of how to work. From the video it becomes clear that homemade products require a minimum of materials - ordinary rolled metal (shaped pipe).

All-terrain vehicle

Converting a chainsaw into an all-terrain vehicle is already very difficult, but still possible. There are many videos on the Internet whose authors have implemented this idea. The whole point is that you need to make your own chassis: frame, wheels, drive, etc., and the Druzhba 4 chainsaw will be used as the engine. The only recommendation is to use ordinary cameras instead of wheels, connected around the perimeter, such wheels are essential lighter than those with tires, respectively, the motor will be much easier while driving.

For the review, we suggest watching an interesting video about a homemade all-terrain vehicle from a Druzhba 4 chainsaw. The homemade product uses a scooter, a goose, so it is most likely a snowmobile rather than an all-terrain vehicle.

Motorized dog (motorized towing operator)

Making a motorcycle dog from a Druzhba 4 chainsaw, as in the case of an all-terrain vehicle, also comes down to the initial development of the chassis: frame, track, control, etc. And the saw motor is just the driving force.

We offer you to watch an interesting video, the author of which shows how to make a motorized dog almost from scrap materials. For example, the caterpillar hooks are made of ordinary plastic pipes, and the entire frame of a motorized towing vehicle is welded from a regular small-diameter profile pipe.


Converting a chainsaw into a helicopter is most likely just an experiment, there is no practical application. There is a video of aircraft on the Internet, the authors of which have developed such projects and implemented them, for example, a homemade aircraft from a chainsaw.


Friendship 4 is ideal for DIY crafts. Inexpensive and affordable, it's not a pity to spoil it, a lot of ideas for implementation. The main thing is desire, if there is one, then there will be a mower, and a boat motor, and an all-terrain vehicle, and much more. Good luck engineers!

Traditionally, a gasoline saw is used to cut wood. However, in times of total shortage, craftsmen got used to using it as a drive for other machines and mechanisms. Anyone who understands mechanics and knows how to hold a tool in their hands can make homemade products from a chainsaw. Thus, you can build an interesting and useful device in everyday life.

Useful Chainsaw Items

It all depends on the fantasy of the master.... From a chainsaw you can make:

  • snowmobile;
  • motorized towing vehicle;
  • motorbike (moped);
  • motor cultivator;
  • lawn mower;
  • motor drill;
  • boat motor;
  • snow thrower.

A snowmobile is very easy to make on the basis of a small bicycle. A ski is placed in front, a pair of ultra-low pressure wheels are placed on the back on a solid axle. Such a homemade product from the Druzhba or Ural saw will run quite briskly on ice or rolled snow.

For deeper loose snow, such a snowmobile model is unsuitable, the saw engine power will not be enough. More versatile is a snowmobile that uses a caterpillar as a propeller. The simplest caterpillar is assembled from a conveyor belt. The role of the hooks is performed by flat wooden slats attached to the tape. Because of this, such snowmobiles are traditionally called "stick insects".

The same principle is used in the construction of motorized towing vehicles (motorized dogs). This option is even preferable to a regular snowmobile, since this homemade product from the Ural chainsaw allows you to move even on loose snow. In addition to the engine, a gearbox must be installed on a motorized towing vehicle or snowmobile to reduce the speed while increasing the torque.

A bicycle with a motor from a chainsaw with your own hands is the easiest to make. Any frame bike is suitable for this. The throttle control cable is routed to the steering wheel. Chainsaw and bike chains have the same links, so no special gears are required. The torque can be directly transferred to the rear wheel of the bike. It is only necessary to put a sprocket with an increased number of teeth on the rear wheel in order to increase the gear ratio and increase power. This will reduce the speed. This is a good thing, since a regular bicycle is not designed to travel at speeds greater than 20 kilometers per hour.

A motor cultivator can also be made using a chainsaw as a drive. However, the power of a walk-behind tractor from a chainsaw is small, and it is not widely used in agriculture. It is unrealistic to plow virgin soil with such an apparatus, but to dig furrows for planting potatoes is quite.

The lawn mower is also quite simple to assemble. It is based on a conventional four-wheeled hand trolley. A chainsaw engine is mounted on top of it. The torque is transmitted to a rigid shaft, the other end of which is brought out under the bottom of the bogie. There, either a metal knife or a block with a trimmer line is attached to it.

To make a motorized drill, you will need a small worm gear and a screw from a fishing ice screw. With this device, you can effortlessly drill a large number of holes on the river in winter. If the drill is planned to be used for drilling holes in the ground, the auger and the nozzle will have to be strengthened.

To build a homemade boat motor from a chainsaw, a gearbox is not needed. You just need to weld a frame with two clamps for attaching to the boat transom and install the propeller on the shaft. Those who made homemade trimmers with their own hands can easily make a boat motor from a chainsaw.

It is possible to construct a simple snow blower from a chainsaw. To do this, you need to install the saw on the sled runners and add a homemade auger assembly. The slide snow guide can be made from a regular sewer pipe.

The power unit from the saw can even be put on a scooter.

Our hands are not for boredom

The Druzhba chainsaw is best used as an engine and drive for the following devices:

  • generator;
  • water pump;
  • sawmills;
  • circulars;
  • grinders.

The simplest belt drive from a chainsaw to a car generator will provide a country house or cottage with electric light. In the same way, you can connect it to a centrifugal pump to pump out water from the basement.

By adding a worm gear to the chain saw, you can easily design a simple winch.

A semblance of a band sawmill is easily constructed from a chainsaw, where instead of the tape the carriage with the saw attached to it will move. This design will allow you to dissolve the trunk of the tree yourself into a bar. Theoretically, it is possible to cut boards, but due to the wide cut there will be large losses.

Technique on the verge of fantasy

For a long time there was a story about a prisoner in the Soviet Union, who was able to fly out of the zone on a homemade helicopter made from a chainsaw... In fact, this is just a beautiful legend, although it also has real scientific developments.

In 1971, a group of students from the Moscow Aviation Institute presented a new unusual development to the Academic Council. It was a single-seat flying platform with eight engines from the Druzhba chainsaw synchronized in one block. Prototypes of these developments have been repeatedly shown at various exhibitions. Despite this, such models were never mass-produced.

The dream of the sky for those who like to design something from chainsaws is still a dream. Nevertheless, attempts to make a single-seat knapsack helicopter using engines from the Ural or Druzhba do not stop.

A gasoline saw is a good helper when harvesting firewood, cutting down trees, caring for a garden, and cleaning an overgrown area. It is based on an internal combustion engine, which is distinguished by its compact size, reliability, low weight, and good power indicators. Such advantages of the drive allow you to create various original homemade products from a chainsaw: a walk-behind tractor, a grinder, a snowblower, a lawn mower, a sawmill, an electric generator, a go-cart, a snowmobile. The motor is also installed on a bicycle, a boat, making these vehicles more practical. At the same time, craftsmen often use not only the engine, but also other parts from the unit. The difficulty in reworking lies in the exact fit to the size of the parts of the assembled equipment.

Making a boat motor from a chainsaw is not difficult. Redoing is performed as follows:

  • remove the tire from the saw;
  • instead of it, an independent or factory-made boat propeller is attached to the motor using a special adapter;
  • then the entire structure is fixed on the boat so that the propeller is immersed in the water at an angle.

Instead of an adapter, some craftsmen install the reducer... A possible result of the work is shown in the photo below.

For fishing enthusiasts, a home-made boat motor is an economical option that allows you to significantly speed up your movement on the water surface of lakes, rivers, ponds.

Assembling the sawmill

When building houses and other structures from logs, it is often necessary to dissolve them into a bar. A sawmill from a chainsaw allows you to do this as efficiently as possible with good cutting accuracy. Moreover, the tool itself does not require any alterations. Its just fixed in the frame made, for example, from metal corners or shaped pipes. The processed logs are placed on the guides. The entire structure is shown in the diagram below.

In a self-made sawmill, the log is not moved: the carriage moves with the saw, which is fixed at the desired height (depending on the thickness of the lumber) with four screws. Due to the fact that the frame moves precisely, the sawing takes place neatly, the cut is smooth. The created device (its version is shown in the photo below) also allows you to saw boards and prepare firewood without any problems.

A small disadvantage is the formation of a large amount of sawdust. This is due to the considerable thickness of the chain.

Homemade bike with a motor

Craftsmen have come up with many options for converting a bicycle into a moped. Their meaning boils down to the following:

  • take a bike;
  • a motor with a gas tank is attached to the trunk or frame;
  • a gearbox (having a gear ratio of 18 to 1) and a special gear are installed;
  • additional shock absorbers are mounted;
  • the brake is put on.

Instead of a reducer, use two toothed pairs connected to each other using a bicycle chain. Various old bicycles are often taken as a basis (as in the photo below), and more modern (mountain) models are used much less often.

Usually a bicycle with a motor from a chainsaw is made for the sake of entertainment: such a motorbike rides at a normal speed.

Homemade lawn mower

Lawn mowers are technology for grass harvesting... They are used by owners of private houses and summer cottages to give land plots an attractive, well-groomed look. Factory-made models are easy to use, but they are not affordable for everyone. A self-made lawn mower from a chainsaw will cost much less than branded counterparts. Its capabilities are quite enough for domestic use.

Home craftsmen collect homemade lawn mowers of various types and capabilities. But any design provides for the presence of such elements:

  • drive;
  • frame;
  • pens;
  • wheels;
  • knives;
  • control systems;
  • protective casing.

Manufacturing process the lawn mower runs in the following sequence:

  • a frame of a suitable size is welded, for example, from metal corners 25 by 25 mm;
  • using bolts or welding, handles made of iron pipes are attached to the frame;
  • wheels are mounted at the corners of the frame;
  • remove the handle and tire from the gasoline saw;
  • screw the rest of the tool to the frame with the help of studs and nuts so that the shaft of the gearbox, turned 90 degrees, is directed downward;

  • lengthen the gas cable;
  • a telescopic shaft is made from two metal tubes, which is then attached to the gearbox;
  • make a knife on their own (for example, from a hand saw blade) or purchase a factory product;
  • using bolts or welding, connect it to the shaft.

Fit stroller wheels, from an old car. If you use pipes of different diameters, you can make a telescopic handle with the ability to adjust its length - this increases the ease of use.

Knives there are different designs. Their simplest version is shown in the following photo.

The presence of a telescopic shaft will allow you to adjust the height of the grass left after mowing.

High-quality steel knives are not afraid of meeting small stones. They are able to mow even thin bushes. Homemade mower is additionally equipped by some craftsmen grass collector, thanks to which there is practically no cut grass on the site.

Snowmobile making

Home craftsmen managed to make a snowmobile from a chainsaw. The machine consists of the following structural elements:

  • frames;
  • an internal combustion engine (ICE) with a capacity of about 5 hp;
  • a suspension with a shock absorber;
  • steering wheel;
  • passenger seat;
  • skis or tracks;
  • control systems (clutch, gas).

Own-made snowmobile can be equipped with optional equipment skis or tracks... If you put the skis on, you will get a snowmobile that will look like the sample of technology presented in the photo below. The movement of such a machine will be carried out due to the rotation of the screw. A snowmobile is easier to make than a snowmobile.

When choosing tracks, an important point is the organization of a well-thought-out unit for transmitting torque to them from the engine. On the snowmobile being created, the possible appearance of which is shown in the photo below, you will need to install a centrifugal clutch along with a chain and a belt. To increase the traction capacity of the drive, it is recommended to equip the crawler shaft with gears of a larger diameter than that of the engine.

As a rudder this part is suitable from a bicycle or a scooter. You can also make it from metal tubes.

The more powerful the installed internal combustion engine, the greater the cross-country ability of the assembled snowmobile.

Creating a trimmer

A trimmer, like a lawn mower, is used to cut the grass in an area. But the brushcutter is used for relatively less work or on the uneven terrain, rocky ground. A self-made chainsaw trimmer will cost significantly less than its factory counterpart. The performance of such a unit is quite high.

The simplest option for creating a brushcutter is to use a special factory attachment for a gasoline saw, the work with which is shown in the following video.

Snow blower with a petrol saw engine

In order not to throw snow with a shovel in the winter season, it is quite possible to make a snow blower from a chainsaw on your own. For the practical implementation of the project, it is necessary motor with a power of about 3 kW(4.1 hp), for example, from the Stihl saw. In addition to the drive, the snow blower consists of the following units and parts:

  • intake compartment with an auger with blades located inside;
  • pens;
  • frames;
  • snow thrower.

All these nodes are visible in the following photo.

Craftsmen presented wheeled and equipped with sled runners models of snow removal equipment. The latter option is structurally simpler to implement. A variant of the design of the frame and intake compartment is shown in the photo below.

The main points are to select a pair of gears and to make a good auger (shown in the photo below), which will be driven by a motor through a chain drive.

For the manufacture of intake compartment housing galvanized steel sheets are suitable. The auger blades are often made of thick rubber. A plastic sewer pipe is quite suitable as a snow thrower.

Making a grinder

An angle grinder is a multifunctional tool necessary for a number of works. Despite its availability and prevalence, craftsmen made a grinder from a chainsaw (a sample is shown in the photo below).

The disk of such home-made equipment will not rotate with an electric motor, but with an internal combustion engine from a saw.

Grinder assemblies using a special device for a chainsaw, it goes like this:

  • remove the chain and tire from the gasoline saw;
  • a pulley is installed on the gearbox shaft;
  • instead of a tire, a special nozzle is also mounted with a pulley, after putting a belt on it;
  • tension the belt drive like a chain;
  • attach a protective cover;
  • put the disc.

The self-assembled Bulgarian gas cutter will help in performing many practical tasks. Its capacity is sufficient for productive concrete work.

Assembling a go-kart and buggy car

Karting- This is a race on small cars (karts) that do not have a body, elastic suspension at the wheels. Such a car is designed for driving on a flat asphalt surface, where it is capable of developing a sufficiently high speed.

At home, it is quite possible to assemble a go-kart from a chainsaw and the following parts:

  • wheels;
  • steering assembly;
  • frame;
  • brake and control systems.

The following video contains a detailed overview of the possible options for homemade karting.

A kart powered by a gasoline saw is relatively inexpensive. For children, it will become a fun way to spend time.

Structurally and in purpose, they are similar to the kart, but they have a suspension. This feature makes it more convenient to drive over rough terrain (off-road).

Self-assembly of the buggy is similar to making a kart (except for the suspension) and is performed in the following sequence:

  • weld the frame;
  • a suspension is made, for example, of a torsion type;
  • make steering parts;
  • collect the suspension;
  • mount the steering wheel and rods;
  • attach wheels;
  • put on the brake;
  • install a chair;
  • fix the engine.

A chain or belt is used to transfer rotation from the motor to the wheel. Accordingly, sprockets or pulleys are installed. To make the car run quieter, improve the existing gasoline saw muffler or make a new one. There are variants of home-made cars that can reach speeds of more than 40 km / h, so you need to drive carefully so as not to get into an accident.

Electric power generator with internal combustion engine from a chainsaw

Most modern appliances are powered by electrical energy. Away from power lines, it is mainly obtained from power generators. Such equipment of a portable type, together with batteries, is used and in field conditions... To save money, you can make your own generator from a chainsaw. Its construction is shown schematically below.

In the photo above, the following structural elements of a portable power generator correspond to the numbers:

  1. gasoline saw;
  2. transmission gearbox;
  3. drive belt;
  4. tension bar;
  5. electric generator;
  6. control Panel;
  7. clamps;
  8. saw stop;
  9. fastening nut (designed to be attached to the gearbox frame);
  10. drive pulley.

Homemade mini power plants equip AC or DC power generators(for example, from a car for 12-14 V). The value of the output voltage and its other characteristics of the current depend on this.

Motoblock for home use

A walk-behind tractor is an agricultural technique that, thanks to the possibility of installing various attachments, is capable of plowing and cultivating the soil, making furrows, and also performing other operations. In fact, powerful models are mini tractors. Factory-made equipment is expensive, a walk-behind tractor from a hand-made chainsaw will cost less.

The assembly of the unit is not difficult. The device of a homemade walk-behind tractor is shown in the video below.

There are many designs of motoblocks made by folk craftsmen. You should choose the option most suitable for the available components and functionality.

DIY agricultural cultivator

A cultivator is a technique designed to loosen the soil layer and cut the roots of weeds in it. The working body of the unit is rotary cutter... Due to its rotation, the cultivator also moves along the cultivated area.

In terms of its power, a motor-cultivator is inferior to a walk-behind tractor. For the latter, there is a special cultivation attachment.

A self-assembled chainsaw cultivator is fine. for processing a small area... A design option for such a homemade technique is discussed in the following video.

Petrol saw hiller

The hiller is a highly specialized technique that is used to hilling potatoes... At the same time, weeds are removed between the rows.

It is not difficult to assemble a hiller from a chainsaw. Its construction is shown in the diagram below.

The following structural elements correspond to the digital designation in the diagram:

  • 1 - motor control handle;
  • 2 - cable;
  • 3,4, 7, 10 - gear sprockets;
  • 5 - chain;
  • 6 - wheel;
  • 8 - handle;
  • 9 - fuel tank;
  • 11 - motor mount;
  • 12 - platform for the engine;
  • 13 - ICE;
  • 14 - frame;
  • 15 - plow (hiller attachment).

In addition to the options considered, taking as a basis the drive from a gasoline saw, you can make an ATV, a mini-helicopter, a winch, a yamobur or an ice screw with your own hands. For most homemade products, an engine with a capacity of 2-3 kW (approximately 2.7-4.1 hp) is suitable, for example, from the Shtil, Druzhba, Ural chainsaws. But for a helicopter, a motor with a large given parameter is required. To find out the required specific amount of power, it will be necessary in this case to carry out precise engineering calculations.

For rework, it is recommended to use an old inexpensive tool, so that in the event of a quick breakdown of the created mechanism, you do not incur special financial losses. It is better to use models that are easy to disassemble, and it is not difficult to find parts on them if replacement is necessary. During assembly, you should carefully connect the parts, making sure that they dock without problems. Pre-generated drawings will make the process easier and faster. In any case, a homemade unit must be safe.

- This is a device that is sometimes simply irreplaceable in the household. Operation speed, high productivity, ease of use are just a few of the advantages of this device.

However, not all consumers know that the use of a chainsaw is not limited exclusively to working with wood, and many of its structural parts are so functional that it becomes possible to build completely new mechanisms that are completely different from the original design of a gasoline apparatus.

This is due, first of all, to the design characteristics of the chainsaw: its engine is reliable and unpretentious, and fuel leakage is almost completely excluded. What can be made from a chainsaw will be discussed further.

Features of creating a motor-drill from a gasoline saw

In order to make a motor-drill with your own hands from a chainsaw, first you need to adjust the engine speed, since you will not need maximum performance for comfortable and safe work.

An element such as a gearbox, which needs to be fastened to the chainsaw engine, can cope with this task. At this stage, it is important to think over the fastening system so that the parts of the future structure are tightly connected to each other.

For the device to work reliably, the drill and knives for it must be selected so that these parts coincide in rotation with the "native" mechanism.

Chainsaw motor-drill. The video demonstrates the use of the tool as an ice drill.

Chainsaw scooter device

With the help of a chainsaw engine, you can assemble not only devices for manual use, but also a full-fledged vehicle that operates on combustible fuel. One of these designs is a homemade scooter with a chainsaw motor.

To create this device, you need a regular scooter equipped with a handbrake system and inflatable wheels. The saw motor must be secured to the rear platform of the scooter and make sure that the star line of the motor and the rear wheel matches.

To control the level of energy supply to such a scooter, the manual accelerator must be connected to the wires responsible for turning the chainsaw motor on and off. In case of difficulties, installation of a special pedal is allowed.

A bicycle powered by a chainsaw, the so-called moped. The principle of using the engine is the same as that of a scooter.

How to mount a sawmill from a chainsaw?

One of the devices where the structural parts of the chainsaw are used to work with wood, not only for the purpose of cutting it, is a sawmill, with which you can cut high-quality beams of the required diameter.