DIY plywood box for small things. A good gift for mom - DIY plywood box

Wooden boxes are a versatile item that can serve for many purposes. Do you need a gift for your birthday or anniversary, for housewarming or for New Year? A man, or perhaps a woman? Have no place to put your jewelry or no place to store gift cards? The box can be bought, but if you don't want to spend a lot or are wondering how to make a box, this article will come in handy.

DIY casket

This work was done by Lyudmila Pelymskaya, who dedicated for a long time such a hobby as artistic cutting with a jigsaw.

In order to make such a box you will need the following tools:

Workplace preparation

As usual, the first thing you need to do is equip your workplaceon which you will work. The rules are not complicated: there should be no unnecessary things on the table, the entire instrument should be in its place and be at hand. Not everyone has their own desktop and you probably already thought about creating it. Making a table is not difficult - it is more difficult to choose a place for it in the house. A good option - this is an insulated balcony, on which you can start working on your craft at any time. If you have a specially equipped room with a workbench, then you are lucky. In a separate article, you can read about where I tried to describe the whole process of its creation in as much detail as possible. After you have completed the process of creating a workplace, you can proceed directly to your future craft.

Plywood selection

The main elements will fit on A4 plywood, since some parts need to be made in several copies, you will need several blanks. The thickness of the plywood should be from 2.5 to 3 mm, and depending on the thickness, sawing should be performed along the inner or outer contour, this is important for the grooves into which the craft elements are inserted. Before transferring the drawing to plywood, sand the workpiece with coarse sandpaper and then fine. Wrap wooden block sandpaper, and then start sanding. Sand the finished plywood along the layers, not across. A well-sanded surface should be even, perfectly smooth, glossy-matt in the light and silky to the touch. Pay attention to the location of the fibers, knots, dents and other defects. Quality and color. If the plywood is not very good quality and delaminates when cutting, read the recommendations for elimination.

Transferring the drawing to plywood

You need to translate the drawing accurately and accurately: secure the drawing using buttons, double-sided masking tape, or just hold it with your left hand. Check if the drawing fits the dimensions. Individual details arrange so that you can use the plywood sheet as economically as possible. You shouldn't rush, because your future craft depends on the drawing. If time is short, then to speed up the translation process, you can use the technique of fast translation of a picture, for this I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the article in the tips section:.

Sawing the box "Parachute"

There are many rules for sawing, but you need to be based on the most common ones. First, you should cut out the internal elements, then start cutting out the contour. There is no need to rush when cutting. The main thing is to always keep it straight at an angle of 90 degrees when cutting. Saw parts along precisely marked lines. The jigsaw must always move evenly up and down. Also, do not forget to monitor your posture. Try to avoid bevels and irregularities. If you get off the line while cutting, don't worry. Such bevels, irregularities can later be removed with a flat file or "Coarse-grained" skin.


Fatigue occurs when sawing. Often, fingers and eyes, which are always tense, get tired. While working, of course, everyone gets tired, but in order to reduce the load, do a couple of exercises. You can watch the exercises. Repeat this several times as you work.

Assembling the box "Parachute"

The assembly of the parts of the Vase in this work is simple. Refer to the drawing when assembling. If some parts are not included in the required parts, file them. When the craft is assembled without problems, glue it. You need to glue the dish using PVA or titan glue. You don't need to pour a lot of glue.

Varnishing crafts

If you wish, the dish can be varnished with a marilka imitating valuable wood species or simply transparent, this is not necessary, but it will give a greater personality to your craft. Try to choose a good quality varnish. do it with a special brush, take your time. Try not to leave visible streaks of bubbles and lint from the brush.

A do-it-yourself plywood box is made quite quickly and at no extra cost. For those who are passionate about crafts, instructions on how to choose the right material, what tools you need and, in general, how to make a plywood box with your own hands.

Material selection instructions

  1. When choosing a material, you need to pay attention to its quality. Only premium / second-grade plywood is used to make the box. Other varieties are not suitable. All layers of the sheet must be well glued.
  2. In order not to break the files when cutting the material, it is necessary to dry the plywood.
  3. Next, you should decide on the color. If the box is going to be varnished or painted, then in this case the color of the plywood can be any.
  4. In order to avoid difficulties with the processing of edges, you should choose plywood with a thickness of 4-6 mm, at least.

What you need to work

To make a box with your own hands you will need:

  • plywood sheet (base material);
  • jigsaw and saws;
  • screwdriver;
  • files, sandpaper and hammer;
  • roller, brush and cloth;
  • pVA glue.

Instructions for making the box

Making a plywood box with your own hands, a master class for novice craftsmen:

  • Four parts are cut out of plywood, 100x80 mm in size.
  • The cut rectangles (sidewalls) are set at an angle of 45 degrees. This is necessary in order to make the future box more attractive. To do this, you need to make a note for trimming inside the part.
  • Using a knife, make a cut at an angle of 45 degrees. The edges are sanded.

Important! When joining the sides, the angle between them should be 90 degrees. Otherwise, the craft will turn out oblique.

  • The walls are connected with glue. The result is a frame.
  • The bottom is glued to the resulting quadrangle. Then attach the top, similar to the bottom.

  • Then you should wait 24 hours. This is necessary so that all parts are securely adhered to each other. The next day, if glue remains somewhere, it is removed, and the corners are rounded.
  • Draw a straight line on the face of the sidewall. In this case, you should step back from the edges by two centimeters. On each side, along the drawn line, cuts are made with a jigsaw / circular saw (a regular saw will work as well). The result is a base and a lid.
  • All details are sanded. Then the hinge is chamfered. Hinges can be purchased ready-made or made by yourself, for example, from a tin can:
  1. four small rectangles are cut out of the can with scissors for metal;
  2. the wire is used to make the axle;
  3. the axis is placed in the center of the rectangle;
  4. clamp the workpiece with pliers.

  • Small holes are made in the middle of the front wall and lid (also in the middle). This is necessary so that the cover does not move in the future. Then a dowel is inserted into the hole made (into the walls) and the cover is attached using self-tapping screws.


There are several ways to decorate the product. For example, you can decorate it using decoupage technology, or you can make a carving. The decoration depends on the style in which the master wants to see it.

The most in a simple way the design of the box is artificial aging. The product designed using this technology looks very interesting and elegant.


In order to finish the box using this technology, a stain is required.


  1. The box is covered with a layer of stain.
  2. Then the product is sanded with sandpaper.
  3. Next, you need to repeat the first and second paragraphs three more times.
  4. The box is painted in the chosen color. It is necessary to apply the paint in several layers, while it is necessary to let each soybeans dry.
  5. All edges are finished with a coarse sanding sponge. As a result of the work, you should get a product that looks like it has been used for more than twenty years.
  6. The lid can be customized. For example, you can apply carving or it can be finished using decoupage technology.

It is also possible to arrange gilded plates using modern technology.


  1. The plaque is made from a small piece of wood, which is about three millimeters thick. The size of the block should be approximately 10x40 mm.
  2. A layer of bronze paint is applied to a piece of wood.
  3. Then a layer of gold paint is applied.
  4. Externally, the plate should look like it was made of a piece of metal. An awl is scratching the inscription. The result is a craft that can be donated. On the plate, for example, you can scratch the name of the birthday person with an awl.
  5. The label with the inscription is glued to the lid or side.

If the box has no hinges, then the lid can be equipped with a handle for easy opening. Most often, a handle is attached if the product is large. For such boxes, both a regular plastic handle and a wooden one are suitable. It all depends on the design of the product itself.

If using plastic handle, then it is pre-painted with model paint. The result is a sophisticated, eye-catching pen that serves as a decorative element.

Concerning interior decoration caskets, then it can be trimmed with velvet, suede or some other pleasant material.

If the box is intended for a teenage girl, then in this case, the product can be decorated with beads / beads. In addition, you can attach a small clasp. Also, the box can be painted with acrylics.

Interior models are most often painted to match the color of furniture / walls. If they are going to store medicines in such a craft, then on the lid you can depict a doctor, a syringe or a red cross.

If you are going to use the box for sewing accessories, then in this case, it is better to divide the inside into several sections. Old postcards or photographs can be used as partitions.

If the box will be used for cosmetics, then it will be important to place a small mirror on its lid. You can also use a jigsaw to write poems, quotes or any other meaningful inscriptions.

If you like the visual aids more, then you can see how the plywood box is made with your own hands in the video below

To make the box smell nice inside, drop a couple of camellas inside essential oil.

Caskets were originally intended for storing jewelry and expensive things, so they were mainly in the homes of wealthy gentlemen.

The variety of shapes, sizes and materials for making caskets amazed the imagination. They were made of gold and silver, inlaid with diamonds and other precious stones... There were also simpler wooden boxes. Centuries have passed, but the fashion for these original and elegant products has survived to this day.

Remarkable, but do wooden box with your own hands is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The main thing is to apply a little skill and connect your own imagination.

Where to begin

Making any craft begins with a project, a diagram. The master imagines exactly what his masterpiece will be, and already, starting from the drawings, he stocks up necessary materials and tools.

For many ordinary people, a wooden box is a rectangular box with a closing lid. This is true, but not quite. The box is a real work of art, and even a handicraft made from scrap materials can look like expensive antiques.

Any casket has its own purpose in the house. Based on this message, the master thinks over the shape of the product. The following options are possible here:

  • for jewelry ... These wooden models have a traditionally rectangular shape, but the inner surfaces are lined with velvet, and the lid is complemented by a mirror. As a result, jewelry is not scratched and is easy to try on;
  • for jewelry, knickknacks. Characteristic feature such products are drawers that move freely inside the case. The number of pull-out elements is unlimited, and a tight fit does not require special guides;
  • a small box for those dear to the heart, memorable items... Made in the shape of a heart and is great for storing letters, postcards, photographs and other things;
  • puzzle . Quite a complex product that simultaneously serves decorative decoration and a children's toy. A system of wooden gears resembling a clockwork is installed here, and the lid is opened after turning the handle or one of the wheels;
  • to hide a small amount of money... Made in the form of a rectangle, but exterior decoration made for a book;
  • for needles, threads... These wooden boxes usually have several compartments where sewing accessories can be stored. The housing is often complemented by a carrying handle.

In addition, there are boxes with clocks, locks and secrets, original boxes and boxes for storing cigars, products that emit melodious sounds when the lid is opened. The shape is not limited to rectangular. In fact, with modern tools for woodworking, it can be anything, including round.

It is noteworthy that all of the above options can be done independently at home. But still, it's better to start learning how to make wooden caskets with your own hands with simple designs, complicating the task as mastery skills emerge.

How to make a classic box

Even a teenager with minimal skills in handling woodworking tools can cope with this task. Such a box is made of multilayer plywood, while the selected sheet should not have visible damage: knots, cracks.

At the initial stage, you will need a pencil and a ruler. In order not to complicate the task, for the walls, lid and bottom it is better to choose the correct geometry of the shapes, for example a square or rectangle. The outlines of four walls are drawn on a sheet of plywood: 2 lateral ones are shorter and 2 frontal ones are longer.

Note! The sides of the bottom are calculated in such a way that after gluing the sides, it is recessed inside the walls.

Then all the drawn elements are carefully cut out with a jigsaw, the irregularities are processed with sandpaper. So that the end and side walls are beautifully connected to each other, small grooves can be made at the ends of the ends, corresponding to the thickness of the plywood sheet. This tip will help give the chassis a monolithic look and overall strength. The walls are glued together, then the bottom of the box is placed. If the bottom part comes in with difficulty, the edges are filed. The bottom fit must be tight.

After that, they begin to manufacture the cover. To make the design more original, it is better to choose the option not of a flat, but of a deep cover. For this, the scheme described above is used. Cut out large workpiece, which will be directly the cover, end and side walls. In fact, a reduced copy of the box body is obtained. All parts are processed with sandpaper, glued together. The cover is attached to the body with small hinges. After assembly, the finished product is varnished or painted in any color you like.

Similarly, you can make a box made of solid wood. For this use wooden board... It must be sanded and cut into pieces of the required size. The wood is more difficult to cut with a jigsaw, it is better to use a circular saw. Curly edges can be made with a router.

If you need a box

The whole box is made of wood with drawer manufactured in the same way as classic version, but there are a number of peculiarities here.

The simple rectangular shape of the lid and bottom will spoil the appearance of the product. The long sides of these elements are best wavy using an electric router. In addition, having chosen this option, the lid and bottom are not placed inside the case, but are left outside.

The walls are made different heights... In particular, the rear part and the ends are made of the same height, glued together. For the front wall, cut out a strip half the width of the back. This element is not recessed between the ends, but is overlapped and fixed with glue.

The box consists of two parts: the box, which fits freely between the walls, and the front part - similar in size to the top plate. The elements are also planted with wood glue.

A partition is installed between the upper and lower parts, which will serve as the bottom of the upper compartment of the box. Inside the pull-out and stationary drawers, partitions can be made of thin plywood, delimiting the internal space into several compartments. The cover is mounted on decorative hinges, the wood is covered with several coats of furniture varnish.

How to decorate with carvings

Carved boxes look much more original and interesting, but such work requires certain skills and knowledge. For beginners who decide to try their hand at woodcarving, experienced craftsmen recommend starting with simple geometric shapes and large patterns. With a certain amount of patience, even a novice master will be able to cope with such a task.

The drawing is applied to the surface with a pencil, each line is well drawn. After that, a pattern is carefully cut out with an oblique knife or chisel in strict accordance with the applied markings. Small blemishes and irregularities can be corrected with a file or fine sandpaper.

How to put a lock

An interesting solution is mortise lock, which will open with a small key, but such work is difficult to perform even for an experienced specialist. Therefore, it is better to limit yourself to a padlock or decorative hook.

To install the padlock, hinges are placed in the central part of the side wall and cover, which are screwed on with small screws. The location of the hinges must be calculated in advance: even a slight displacement will break the symmetry, and the box will lose its attractiveness.

Making a box complex shape solid wood will take significantly longer. To do this, you must definitely use a power tool, while parts from plywood can be cut even with a hand jigsaw. For artist for decoration finished product opens large field work. You can paint it with paints, attach decorative fittings, perform decoupage or burning.

Plywood boxes are not only beautiful, but also quite functional. They can be adapted for storing jewelry, sewing accessories, shoes, spices. Having made them yourself, you can give them a look that will not only fit well into the interior design, but also decorate it. Anyone can make a box out of plywood; it does not require any expensive and complicated tools to make it. Plywood is quite easy to process, anyone can learn it.

The plywood box can be adapted to store jewelry, shoes, sewing supplies or various spices.

Material selection

First of all, you will need, of course, plywood. The quality of the veneer on it should be the best: you should choose the first or second grade. The plywood surface should be free of resin streaks, knots, blisters and other defects. The higher the grade of plywood, the better the result you can get.

Before starting work, plywood is thoroughly dried, since material soaked in moisture can cause the tool to break. The veneer should be glued over the entire surface of the workpiece, especially if you decide to cut patterns. The color of the veneer is only important if the surface will not be painted and varnished. If plywood will be processed, then when choosing it, it is better to focus on quality.

The thickness of the plywood should be chosen based on what dimensions the future product will have. For decorative table boxes, plywood with a thickness of 4-5 mm is usually chosen. It is not recommended to use thinner material, as it may begin to delaminate when cutting.

Small nails will be needed to connect the parts, furniture glue or self-tapping screws. To decorate the box, you will need varnish, paints, beads, ribbons or others decorative elementswith which you want to decorate the product.

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The jigsaw is needed for neat and quick cutting of drawings in plywood.

  1. Electric or manual jigsawthat can be used for curly carving.
  2. A hammer.
  3. When using self-tapping screws, you will need a screwdriver.
  4. Wood saws (for cutting plywood sheets).
  5. Jigsaw blades.
  6. Wood files (triangular, flat and round).
  7. Tampons, rollers and brushes for finishing the box.
  8. Sandpaper.

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Manufacturing technology

Before you start making a box, they are determined from its appearance, think over design and dimensions, make drawings. The first step is to make a sketch and put all dimensions on it. To avoid unexpected surprises, it is better to make a layout in advance from paper or cardboard. Thus, you can be sure that the box will be the right size... If the layout completely satisfied you, then you can start making drawings on graph paper.

Based on the drawings, a cutting sheet is formed. Recently, craftsmen increasingly use a special computer program for cutting a sheet for this. The lid, bottom and walls of the future box are cut out according to the cutting sheet. You can cut the parts yourself, or you can order them at the company, but in this case, the cost of making the box will increase.

The cut strips are sanded, while giving special attention cleaning the edges. Sketches prepared in advance are applied to the parts and the images are transferred for cutting. If you need to do through holes, then they are made with a drill, the patterns are cut with a jigsaw. The openwork parts are processed with a file and sandpaper, while chamfering and removing splinters. If openwork images are not provided, then you can immediately proceed to the assembly.

The first step is to fasten the side walls together. It is best to use an adhesive bond that can be reinforced with furniture nails or staples. After that, the bottom of the box is attached to the frame. Hinges are installed to the top with self-tapping screws. Next, a lid is hung on these hinges, which can be made flat, or can be assembled in the form of a box.

After the box is assembled, with the help of sandpaper, all the corners and surface are once again cleaned, the burrs that appeared during the assembly are removed. All joints are putty, eliminating irregularities. When the surface is dry, the putty is sanded until the surface is perfectly flat.

After that, all external parts are primed. The primer is applied so that the varnish layer adheres well to the wood. The varnish is applied in several layers. If a varnish with colored pigments is used, then a darker layer is applied first, and at the end the lightest transparent layer. Instead of varnishing, the box can be painted with special wood paints. At the end of the work, fittings are installed on the box: latches, handles, locks, etc.

How to make a plywood box with your own hands in stages?

It couldn't be easier to glue several plywood planks together and attach the lid to the hinge joints.

But if you want to make beauty, then you have to work hard.

DIY plywood box: drawings and manufacturing technology

Firstly, you need to be able to work with a jigsaw, this is the main part of such a box:

or if the difficulties with cutting out, you can try burning them out, they are simpler and easier to make:

The easiest way to make a box is this:

take a sheet of plywood 10 mm. or thicker, the dimensions are your personal choice and we cut the bottom and lid blanks to the same dimensions, then there are only four side walls. But the most important thing in this business is to maintain the right angles of the cut of the blanks.

When the blanks are ready and driven, they can be glued on epoxy resin this glue does not require nails or screws. To fasten the lid, it is necessary to carefully remove the 45-degree chamfer on the back of the box itself, and make the same on the lid, then make recesses for fasteners both on the box and on the lid.

and in the opposite side we make a fixing dowel:

In principle, everything is ready now it's up to your imagination. If you want to make carved onlays, you just want to burn it out, or if you just want to cover it with antique veneer, paste the application very nicely.

To make a plywood box with our own hands, in addition to plywood, we will need:

  • glue,
  • circular or jigsaw,
  • loops,
  • acrylic lacquer,
  • latch (optional)
  • paint (optional)
  • manual jigsaw and drill with fine drill (for delicate work).

It would be nice to sketch at least an approximate appearance of the box, make templates for the sides (walls, bottom, lids), then you need to mark future blanks on plywood and cut them out. If necessary, you can sand the unevenness with sandpaper. We now have a kind of constructor that we need to piece together. We take the glue and work, press the parts well together so that the connections are strong. In several places, you can additionally strengthen the connection with thin studs, but I prefer not to do this so that everything looks "clean", although these places can be decorated with something in the future.

Further steps are performed depending on the design of your box. If the cover is to be hinged, then, accordingly, we drill holes and screw the hinges. Next, you can paint the box, apply some patterns and varnish (the hinges and latch, if any, are best removed for the duration of the work).

The simplest version of the box was described above, but if you wish, you can do something like this:

If the box should contain openwork through patterns, then they can be made on a separate sheet of plywood, and then glued to a simple box from the description above.

If you show your imagination, you can make a multi-level box according to the same principle.

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The most common among wood craftsmen are caskets. different designs and flowers. Such original products made of a huge number of materials, they can perfectly decorate any interior. Some craftsmen can make them according to your individual drawing, giving the decoration individuality. In this article, we will talk about how to make beautiful DIY plywood boxes.

Plywood product options

Very intricate plywood box

When you need to make a gift, the problem immediately arises of what is best to present. Most the best option quite often there is an original plywood box, created by hand according to an individual scheme. This element of the interior can be decorated with various decorative sawn figures, as in the photo below. This feature will give the box a special chic and bring some meaning to it. This will be an original gift with a piece of your soul.

DIY plywood box is not only simple, but also incredibly interesting. In addition to saving money, you can create a unique item according to individually designed drawings. Believe me, even you, two absolutely identical products will never work.

We make a unique decorative element

To make a plywood box with your own hands, take the usual tools at hand (jigsaw, PVA glue, sandpaper, etc.), which can be found in almost every home. You do not need any specific skills to work with different materials, you just need to have the necessary patience.

DIY plywood box: instructions and video

Standard plywood sheets are sold in almost every hardware store and are affordable. Choose the size of the canvas depending on the parameters of the box. More often than not, one sheet is enough to make a plywood box.

First of all, determine what height and thickness the walls of your product should be. The type of plywood and its technological features... Please note that the quality of the material affects the durability of the final product. Below is the creative project using the technology, a plywood box with dimensions of 10x10x8 centimeters. The thickness of the sheet is one centimeter. Even if you have experience with similar materials, you should use drawings, diagrams and templates that will help in creating any ideal product.


All the steps are shown in sufficient detail in the video, but below we will describe some of the main points of how to make a plywood box:

  • First of all, we cut out 4 side walls with dimensions of 10x8 centimeters using a jigsaw or a hacksaw;
  • We create the lid and bottom of our product with the same sides of 10 cm;
  • The side walls must be connected together in accordance with an angle of 45 degrees. Thus, you can achieve a more accurate and attractive appearance of the product. To do this, initially make the markup for cutting (the drawings of the plywood box are shown below). It is very convenient to make such a cut with a jigsaw;
  • Then attach the fitted edges to each other using PVA (note the instructions in the photo below);
  • The plywood walls are placed in such a way that a frame is formed;
  • Attach the pre-cut bottom and cover to the finished base. You should end up with a parallelepiped;
  • It is best to leave this structure for about a day to completely fasten the walls together. If necessary, then you can remove excess glue and slightly round the edges;
  • Using the ready-made template, draw a line on the front wall so that it retreats from the edge by two centimeters. So that you get a beautiful plywood box with a jigsaw, or circular saw or a hacksaw, make neat cuts on all sides of the base. Pay special attention to this stage, as the final result depends on it;
  • After that, from the back of the plywood base, chamfer the hinges should be removed. Such a procedure is needed so that they sit more neatly and do not stick out much. Such actions are done by all professional wood craftsmen, and if you decide to design a plywood box on your own, then you cannot do without it. Thanks to such a simple procedure, the final appearance of the product looks much more attractive. Cutting chamfer boxes from plywood can be done with a jigsaw or other handy tool.

Now you should pay attention to the loops. If you decide to design a plywood box with your own hands, then you can use accessories purchased in a store or make it yourself. The latter is cheaper. There is not much difference between these loops. Optionally, you can create them from a regular tin can. To do this, you need special metal scissors. Cut out blanks from the form as shown in the photo below. An ordinary dense wire or an unnecessary piece of wire can be used as an axis. After that, we lay it down in the center of the hinge tin blank and clamp it along the edges with pliers. On your own, you can create loops that are ideal for your plywood box.

To prevent displacement of the product cover, make small holes in it. It is desirable that the depth is about half a centimeter. These holes are drilled in the middle of the front wall and in the front of the lid of the plywood box. It is advisable to outline the holes in the drawing before this.

The cover is attached to the base with ordinary self-tapping screws of short length. We screw them through the hinges to the walls. After that, you can make further decoration of the product.

If you want to surprise your friends and loved ones with an original gift, you can create a homemade plywood box. If you strictly follow the recommendations given in this article, then it will take you a minimum of time and effort.

Plywood boxes are not only beautiful, but also quite functional. They can be adapted for storing jewelry, sewing accessories, shoes, spices. Having made them yourself, you can give them a look that will not only fit well into the interior design, but also decorate it. Anyone can make a box out of plywood; it does not require any expensive and complicated tools to make it. Plywood is quite easy to process, anyone can learn it.

The plywood box can be adapted to store jewelry, shoes, sewing supplies or various spices.

Material selection

First of all, you will need, of course, plywood. The quality of the veneer on it should be the best: you should choose the first or second grade. The plywood surface should be free of resin streaks, knots, blisters and other defects. The higher the grade of plywood, the better the result you can get.

Plywood grades.

Before starting work, plywood is thoroughly dried, since material soaked in moisture can cause the tool to break. The veneer should be glued over the entire surface of the workpiece, especially if you decide to cut patterns. The color of the veneer is only important if the surface will not be painted and varnished. If plywood will be processed, then when choosing it, it is better to focus on quality.

The thickness of the plywood should be chosen based on what dimensions the future product will have. For decorative table boxes, plywood with a thickness of 4-5 mm is usually chosen. It is not recommended to use thinner material, as it may begin to delaminate when cutting.

To connect the parts, you need small nails, furniture glue or self-tapping screws.

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To decorate the box, you will need varnish, paints, beads, ribbons or other decorative elements with which you wish to decorate the product.


The jigsaw is needed for neat and quick cutting of drawings in plywood.

  1. An electric or manual jigsaw that can be used for curly carving.
  2. A hammer.
  3. When using self-tapping screws, you will need a screwdriver.
  4. Wood saws (for cutting plywood sheets).
  5. Jigsaw blades.
  6. Wood files (triangular, flat and round).
  7. Tampons, rollers and brushes for finishing the box.
  8. Sandpaper.

Manufacturing technology

Before starting to make a box, they determine its appearance, think over design and dimensions, make drawings. The first step is to make a sketch and put all dimensions on it. To avoid unexpected surprises, it is better to make a layout in advance from paper or cardboard. This way, you can be sure that the box is the right size. If the layout completely satisfied you, then you can start making drawings on graph paper.

Drawing of a plywood box.

Based on the drawings, a cutting sheet is formed. Recently, craftsmen increasingly use a special computer program for cutting a sheet for this. The lid, bottom and walls of the future box are cut out according to the cutting sheet. You can cut the parts yourself, or you can order them at the company, but in this case, the cost of making the box will increase.

The cut strips are sanded, while paying particular attention to cleaning the edges. Sketches prepared in advance are applied to the parts and the images are transferred for cutting. If it is necessary to make through holes, then they are made with a drill, while the patterns are cut with a jigsaw. The openwork parts are processed with a file and sandpaper, while chamfering and removing splinters. If openwork images are not provided, then you can immediately proceed to the assembly.

The first step is to fasten the side walls together. It is best to use an adhesive bond that can be reinforced with furniture nails or staples.

After that, the bottom of the box is attached to the frame. Hinges are installed to the top with self-tapping screws. Next, a lid is hung on these hinges, which can be made flat, or can be assembled in the form of a box.

After the box is assembled, with the help of sandpaper, all the corners and surface are once again cleaned, the burrs that appeared during the assembly are removed. All joints are putty, eliminating irregularities. When the surface is dry, the putty is sanded until the surface is perfectly flat.

After that, all external parts are primed. The primer is applied so that the varnish layer adheres well to the wood. The varnish is applied in several layers. If a varnish with colored pigments is used, then a darker layer is applied first, and at the end the lightest transparent layer. Instead of varnishing, the box can be painted with special wood paints. At the end of the work, fittings are installed on the box: latches, handles, locks, etc.

Decorating the box

Craquelure, when dried, creates microcracks on the surface of the varnish.

It has recently become very fashionable to use craquelure for finishing; when it dries, it creates many microcracks on the surface of the varnish, which create an aging effect. If you own the decoupage technique, then you can paste over the box with decorative images before varnishing.

If you wish, you can also finish the inner surface of the box. The easiest way is to sand and varnish. If you wish, you can paste over the inner surface with velvet or sheathe with fabric. This will make her look much more attractive. If the box is intended for storing spices or other food products, then it cannot be varnished inside.

A box for a teenage girl can be trimmed with beads or beads and attached to the top with a small lock so that a young girl can keep her secrets there. If the box is made for a woman, then using acrylic paints and brushes it can be decorated with your favorite colors or patterns. Interior boxes are usually painted to match the color of furniture or walls; on a medicine box, you can depict a picture of a doctor from a cartoon or draw a red cross. It is better to divide the box for sewing accessories inside into several compartments (make partitions from plywood). The box can be trimmed with pieces of photographs, used for decoration with autumn leaves and butterfly wings.

There are a lot of technicians, it remains only to choose the appropriate option!


With a jigsaw inside, you can write a dedication, poetry or quote. A few drops of essential oil can be dripped inside the box: this will neutralize the smell of varnish and will give a pleasant aroma to the things stored in the box. You can glue a piece of mirror to the lid of the cosmetics storage box. With a little imagination, you can easily decorate the box to your taste, thereby realizing your creativity.