The future is now: an overview of electronic locks on the door. Electrocum on the door electromechanical mortise lock on the door

In pursuit of safety and quality doors, electronic locks came to the market. Such devices guarantee the safety of any room. The electronic lock at the entrance door has many advantages over its predecessors and has already managed to conquer confidence in many houses of the country.

Electromagnetic electromechanical combination
Biometric invisible

According to the principle of the mechanism, the shut-off electronic structures are classified as follows:

  • electromagnetic;
  • electromechanical;
  • combined;
  • biometric;
  • invisible.

Electromagnetic mechanisms are customary to use on such objects where big crossings, or it is necessary to provide the possibility of opening the door in the event of an emergency power outage. It is allowed to install them in buildings where electricity has not been carried out. They are usually used on the doors of emergency entrances, warehouses and other similar rooms.

Electromechanical are installed on the gate and in the entrances. This type of locks can be opened in several ways: using the key, electrical drive or when using the secret code.

Combined systems are considered the most common. These devices are opened using electronic keys or by a special card. The mechanisms of this type are the most secure and reliable.

Biometric locking devices are high-tech mechanisms that work, reading information from hand and fingers. Such instruments are installed in places that require a high degree of protection. They are comfortable by their practicality, because when they are used, they do not need keys and other additional items that have the taste of leaning.

One of the most reliable types of shut-off mechanisms is invisible. To determine where it is located, you need a special device. Therefore, open the door with such a lock is impossible. The mechanism is controlled remotely.

Principle of operation of electronic locks

Depending on the type of mechanism, each design has its own system:

The electronic magnetic mechanism works with a powerful electromagnet. It attracts a plate of metal that is attached to the door. When the sash is closed, an electric current passes to the magnet, it creates a strong magnetic field. This field holds the metal plate on the door until the electricity is supplied. To open the door, you must click on the button. It turns off the current, then the magnetic field disappears and departs from metal doors.

According to its design, the electromagnetic doors are distinguished, which open to the gap and on the shift. On the canvas, the magnets are attached to the overhead or mortise. Most often use overhead mechanisms that work for a gap. They longer serve and work, regardless of climatic conditions.

The electromechanical lock for the design of the inlet door works with the help of a riglel, which moves as a result of supplying the voltage to the solenoid. When the door is closed, the main beegel shifts and compresses the spring. At the same time, the Rigel falls into the lock part, and the door becomes locked. During the opening of the door, the voltage is transmitted to the solenoid, which removes the retainer holding the rhegel on the spring. This type of device can be opened with the key.

Combined shut-off structures combine several types of mechanisms. Their principle of work is based on which devices were selected for use. It is impossible to open this design, not knowing how all previous latches are opening on the door.

The principle of operation of the biometric castle is that it scans a fingerprint or hand. After, the scanned imprint is compared with the previously laid in memory. If everything is true, then the door is successfully opened.

Invisible locking devices operate on the base of the electric motor and gearbox, which regulate the opening and closing of the riglel. They are in the door in an unknown for other place. To open the doors, you must use the remote control from this device. It works at a distance from 1 to 10 meters.

Advantages and disadvantages

Consider the main advantages of electronic locks:

  • Reliability is the main advantage of such devices. These mechanisms are difficult to open attackers. Such devices do not require additional protection, because the mechanism that works in the lock is already a security guarantee.
  • The lack of driving parts in the structures of electromechanical, biometric and invisible types contributes to the durability of use.
  • Practicality and convenience. Some electronic locks can be opened at a distance or without the use of any items. This avoids the loss of keys or situations when they disappeared at the most inopportune moment.
  • Efficiency. The door locking mechanisms of the electronic type consume the minimum amount of electricity, thereby combining ergonomics and reliability.
  • Electromagnetic locks do not depend on weather conditions, so they can be used in places that are affected by nature. Thanks to this property, you should not worry that due to the rain or frost, the devices will fail.
  • For electromechanical structures, it does not need a constant power supply. Thus, they become very economical. For the operation of such devices there is enough batteries that changes once a year.
  • Biometric devices have a number of their advantages. After all, besides the main function, they have a backlight, the notification function that the door is not closed, and its own signaling system that is notified of trying to hack.


  • The main disadvantage of most electronic locks is their dependence on electricity consumption. If, in the case of electromechanical devices, you can install the battery, then in other door locks it will create difficulties when there will be no electricity.
  • Installation Door mechanisms of electronic type - very expensive pleasure. A non-specialist will be difficult to install on your own.
  • Everything electrogramIn addition to electromagnetic, the effects of water and frost are affected. To protect the device, you need to put a visor or canopy over it. In the case when the doors are indoors, this deficiency will not be a hindrance.
  • Set The biometric mechanism may not work if there are cuts on hand or finger, or they are dirty. To prevent such situations, several scanning options must be made in memory.

Recommendations of specialists in the operation of electronic locks

In order for the electronic locking mechanism for a long time and smoothly worked, such recommendations should be followed:

  • it is necessary to protect its electromechanical or biometric castle from water and condensate;
  • do not use electromechanical devices in offices, as they are quickly wearing;
  • when choosing an electronic lock on the input doors, take care of the possibility of connecting it to the autonomous power source. It will keep away from unforeseen circumstances.

Installation of electronic castle

To install electric boots on the door with your own hands, you need to go through two stages.

The first stage is to choose a lock that is suitable for entrance doors. It must be taken into account, from which the door is made, where it is, and what degree of protection is necessary in this case.

Specialists say that you need to consider the door cloth and the locking mechanism together. After all, everything should approach each other. The entrance door will differ from the design that is installed in the country house, therefore, the elevation in each case will be different, it is necessary to take into account. The second point for the installation of the door lock is the preparation of the necessary tools.

Electrocum designs themselves have two types of installation: overhead and mortise. The first species is installed on the door canvase, without damaging it. Cuts are put inside the canvas.

Overhead electronic castle

To install an electronic lock on the entrance door with your own hands, you must:

  • Prepare a marker, roulette, pencil, electric drill and screwdriver.
  • Make marking, where the installation of an electromagnetic lock on the door is supposed;
  • In the placed places with the help of an electrician, it is necessary to make holes for fastening. They must correspond to the diameter of the bolts for fastening.
  • Next, you need to drill through a hole, with which the device housing will be connected and the reading mechanism.
  • In the marked place, the housing of the mechanism is installed and fixed.
  • Next, the locking bar is installed.
  • Mounted reader.

Cutting electronic castle

This process occurs a little more complicated, because it is necessary to drill a niche for a hull and a bar in the doorway and a jamb. Consider the step by step installation process:

  • For convenience, you need to remove the door from the loops.
  • Place the size of the niche you need to cut. It should be a little more than the castle case;
  • Next is the clipping niche.
  • When the hole is ready, it is cleaned and removed unevenness.
  • The last step is directly the installation of an electronic lock in a niche and its fixation by fasteners.

How to connect electromask

After installing the lock to the input door is complete, you need to connect it. In most cases, the device is instructed and the electromask connection scheme, which will help connect quickly and without errors to connect it.

But it is better to install electricity forces by professionals, it guarantees not only the time, but also the functional reliability of the mechanism, eliminates the breakdown, which can occur due to incorrect connection.

Electrocum on the entrance door is a reliable place of the room. The advantages of these devices are much simplified by our life.

Sections Articles:

High-quality and reliable locking mechanism at the entrance door is one of the most important elements for ensuring the security of a private house or apartment. The electronic lock at the door recently got widespread and gained popularity among consumers. Such a mechanism can be located in any part of the perimeter of the door block, which allows you to hide its location from intruders. In addition, the electronic lock is not equipped with a keyhole.

As a rule, such locking mechanisms open with the help of a plastic card, electronic keyfobs or personal dwelling owners. In addition, there are models of electronic locks that can be opened only by the fingerprint of the owner.

Features, Advantages, Prospects

The main advantages of electronic locks on the door are ease of operation and efficiency in protecting housing from hackers. The greatest reliability will be able to achieve in combination of such a shut-off mechanism and a high-quality metal entrance door. Electronic locks are two types: electromechanical and electric, equipped with a magnetic carrier.

In addition to private country houses and urban apartments, such locks are used at the entrance doors at checkpoints in office buildings or institutions. In addition, they can be used with efficiency in warehouses. Such locks are cut in the door canvas and overhead.

It should be especially emphasized that hacking such locking mechanisms is almost impossible. Even if such a lock is damaged or break, then after that, open the door itself will not work. The lock will be blocked and stopped functioning. Open the failed similar mechanism can only apply special professional tools. By the way, it will be that such a feature of electronic locks on the door is both dignity and disadvantage. On the one hand, they cannot be opened by attackers, on the other - when breakdown, the master of the premises will not be able to enter or reach it without the help of specialists of special services in opening the doors.

Another advantage of electronic locks is the equipment of some models so-called artificial intelligence. Meaning the presence in the design of the mechanism of the time sensors that allow you to fix when the premises was visited. In addition, such locks can be programmed to implement various additional functions.

Electronic locks have a long service life and relative to other types of shut-off mechanisms are estimated as more reliable. Despite a significant amount of advantages, such mechanisms have a number of shortcomings:

  • Insufficient stability of electron microcircuits under the design of electron microcircuits to mechanical damage;
  • The probability of failure in the operation of electronics due to the difference in atmospheric pressure indicators;
  • Availability in some models of opening and closing functions using a password. This code may forget the owner of the room or see a potential attacker.

The last drawback can be leveled by contacting specialists who are able to program the electronic lock to work with a new secret combination.

Types of electronic locks

To date, the range of electronic locks is represented by several main types. The electronic locking mechanism, which opens with a plastic card, is used, as a rule, on the doors in hotels, cottages and office buildings. This type of locks is quite reliable and protects the rooms from unauthorized access.

The electromechanical lock on the door can open in three ways. The first of them involves the use of keys and an electric leading mechanism. Such locks can be opened in close proximity to the door and at some distance. In addition, such shut-off mechanisms are opened using a secret combination. This is the so-called digital lock. Often, electromechanical locks are used on the gate or put on the door of the entrances.

Combined shut-off mechanisms are devices equipped with an electronic key. Such a type of locks received the most widespread to date. Such devices are open with a pair of keys or plastic cards and are the most reliable type of electronic shut-off systems. A feature of the combined electronic locks is the inability to open them only one of the keys. Only with the sequential use of all the design provided by the design system can be accessed inside the room or building.

Biometric electric lock on the inlet door can only be opened with the help of a fingerprint, under which the locking mechanism is programmed. There is such a system using the sensor program reading program. The unconditional advantage of such castles is the lack of the need to host the room or building to memorize a secret combination or carry plastic cards and keys.

Invisible electronic locks are hidden from prying eyes and find them on the doorway without the use of special equipment is simply impossible. The process of opening and closing the shut-off mechanism is carried out by rotation of the riglel, which is driven by a gearbox and an electric motor. Such a lock design increases the safety and reliability of the input door, contributes to its effective locking. The basis of invisible shut-off systems is powerful goals, the location of which an attacker can not be known simply. In the design of such a lock there are no wells for keys and user interface. It unlocks away from 1 to 10 meters away.

By the way, it will be possible to say that electric booths can be installed independently with their own hands. First of all, it concerns the overhead models, because in this case there is no need to embed the mechanism at the door. The advantages of electronic castles have already been able to appreciate the owners of offices, warehouses, government agencies and manufacturing organizations. In addition, the most popular such mechanisms can be observed among the owners of private houses and urban apartments.

Today, the market contains many models of electronic locks of various price categories. The cost of such products depends on a number of factors. For example, the price of the electronic lock affects the ability of the device to synchronize with the mobile phone, the presence or absence of a display and keyboard, the distance of the remote opening, the number of deposits. In addition, the cost of electronic locks depends on the connection to the overall security system, the presence of sound alarm on the discharge of the battery, reliability of blocking and resistance to an attempt to output a device.

Operating principle

Electronic locks close the door with the help of a brigade. To open the locking mechanism with a plastic card, the sensor should read with it with it in contact. Such cards are included in the electronic locks and it is impossible to fake. In addition, the use of a plastic card from another similar shut-off device will not give results - they are not compatible.

When unlocking the electronic lock, you must click on the door handle. At this point, the spring is compressed and putting pressure on the rigleel, as a result of which the door opens. When closing the door leaf, the reverse process takes place, that is, the spring is weakened and the rigleel, released, is fixed between the web and the door frame. Rigel control is carried out using electronic magnets or solenoids.

It should be emphasized that locks using solenoid control faster react to the signal, so it is advisable to install them on the input doors with several opening phases. When working with such systems, there is no need for keys. As a rule, they are equipped with a read sensor and a plastic card.

It should be noted that when using electronic locks on the door, the opening speed increases significantly in comparison with traditional mechanical locks with keys. In addition, the service life of the high-quality electronic stopping system is practically not limited. This is due to the smaller effect of corrosion and the rare failure. Constructive elements of such locks almost never encourages.

There are several sources of the signal that receives an electronic lock on the door as a team to lead the Rigel. So, it can be a plastic magnetic map, a contact memory sensor, barcode or biometric sensor. In addition, such a signal comes from the keyboard for a set of code located on the lock itself, keyfob or remote control. Also, fluorescent combinatorial molecular sensors can be noted. The last type of sensors appeared relatively recently and at the moment did not become widespread in domestic use.

Is it safe to use such a castle?

It should be noted that most of the models of electronic locks on the door operates from the electrical network to 220V, but the current will differ. This nuance must be taken into account when purchasing a power supply. Safety specialists are recommended to increase the reliability to the electronic lock on the door to add at least one stop mechanism to add a minimum. At the same time, the principle of operation and the design of the second and any other lock should differ from such characteristics of the main device.

It is important to emphasize that the electronic code lock on the entrance door is equipped with a battery, which is capable of providing some time of operation of the device even in the absence of a constant electrical supply. When the battery is discharged, a notification will be sent to the Mobile Phone Host Mobile Phone using SMS or a beep sounds.

Do not forget that even such reliable and progressive locking systems need periodic service. This will extend the life of the electronic lock, increase the quality characteristics of its operation and, accordingly, protect the property of the premises owner. By the way, it will often be the use of electronic locks at the entrance doors often puts in a dead end of intruders who are accustomed to see traditional mechanical products in front of them. This can allow winning precious time and prevent hacking and making theft. In conclusion, it is worth noting that the installation of high-quality electric to the entrance door is a progressive solution. The door with such a locking system will be a reliable obstacle on the path of intruders.

The lock on the entrance door should remain reliable and durable. At the same time, a high degree of convenience of use is also desirable. Classical mechanical designs with this point have several difficulties, as the key and the immediate presence of a person next to the keyboard are needed to open. An alternative will be the electric chain on the door that can be integrated into centralized access control systems, controlled in remote mode, which is convenient for apartment owners or at home.

Principle of device

The most common designs with an electromechanical lock. It is fundamentally similar to the usual, and the main difference is to control the mechanical system of the electrical component. To activate the latter, one of the following options can be used:

  • code on the keyboard;
  • key;
  • magnetic map;
  • button on the control panel.

As soon as the electronic device receives a signal, the lock is unlocked. Such a design gives the following advantages:

  • independence of the system from the presence of electricity (there is a large lack of conventional electromagnetic structures);
  • the ability to open the electric lock "classic way" in its fierce;
  • easy to introduce an electric shut-off mechanism into the "Smart Home" control system.

Types of electrical constipation

Class valid mechanisms can be classified on the principle of device and action. The first parameter implies the division of electrical locks into two groups:

  • Overheads, which are installed on the door leaf, do not require its opening. Another advantage remains a device forced opening, which is relevant in the absence of power supply.
  • Curling electric locks can be connected to the intercom, allow you to establish additional deposits to increase the reliability of the entire design.

The principle of operation of the electrical lock determines the method of blocking and unlocking the shut-off mechanism. For this parameter, all options are divided into three groups:

  • electromagnetic;
  • electromotive;
  • electromechanical.

Electromagnetic lock

The principle of operation of the electromagnetic lock is a powerful magnet and the winding, with which the retaliatory metal plate is held. It provides low cost and high reliability. Such systems are not afraid of moisture, which allows them to use them as shut-off mechanisms on a gate or entrance door in the entrance, an office building. Of the disadvantages of electromagnetic locks, it is worth noting the need for constant electricity supply to hold the door in a closed position. Another disadvantage of these systems is residual magnetization, which creates additional discovery resistance. In the ideal case, this parameter should not exceed 1-2 kg, which will allow you to use the door to the child.

When the power supply is disconnected, the lock automatically opens, so it is important to provide an additional power supply.


A feature of this type remains its as close as possible to the "classic" option. Inside the housing of the shut-off mechanism there is a key cylinder and levers system that can be powered by a small electromagnet. This design allows you to open the door outside the key, and from the inside by the intercom or the button located on the housing.

Electric motor

Constipation of this design remains the closest relative of electromechanical. The main difference is to use as a source of an electric motor, and not a magnet. To increase the durability of such a lock, there is a smooth opening system, which reduces the load on the drive. Higher complexity of these shut-off mechanisms determines their high cost, which must be considered when choosing.

What to pay attention to when choosing

Today there are hundreds of electronmake models for entrance doors and wickets, so it is important to know the following points when choosing a specific option:

Place installation. Input doors usually put mortise locks, and a more affordable price is suitable for a gate, but no less reliable, overhead electromagnetic street castle.

The magnitude of the load "on the separation" (The moment is relevant for electromagnetic locks). For light interroom doors, this parameter may be within 150 kg, for standard input doors weighing up to 100 kg "Opening" load should be 300-500 kg, and for heavy structures there are already more tons.

Method of control. By default, the magnetic lock connection scheme provides for its control in remote mode. To do this, integration can be used into the common system "Smart Home" or to unlock by pressing the button on the lock panel.

Ability to use without power supply. If there is no power, individual options can automatically be released or vice versa block the electrical lock. To prevent this, it is necessary to envisage the opportunity, depending on the case, the presence of backup power, opening the lock key and so on.

Manufacturer.Today the market presents a wide range of manufacturers of electromagnetic locks, among which the following are the most popular:

  • ISEO (Italian company, whose locks can be opened by the usual key);
  • CISA (feature of the company's products in special coded keys supplied with the lock in the sealed form);
  • Mingyang (Taiwanese brand offers electric locks for doors opening inside and outwards, which are guaranteed at a temperature not lower than 10 degrees of frost, which should be considered when choosing).



In the presence of due skills, the installation of a magnetic lock on a gate or an electromotor locking mechanism at the entrance door does not take more than 2-3 hours. Installation is usually used using a T-shaped corner connecting the frame and profile. To do this, pre-locate places for drilling mounting holes. It is necessary to do this very precisely and gently to prevent follow-up improvements. After drilling the mounting holes, it is necessary to equip the channels for an electrical cable in the frame, which from the door afternoon will be held in the frame profile. This cable is required to power and connect to the intercom for remote control of the shut-off mechanism.

If you plan to connect an intercomlectrical lock to the control system, you must additionally purchase a connecting cable. As the latter, you can use a twisted pair or a special combined conductor, which is able to simultaneously transmit video signal, sound and electricity. The peculiarity of such cables in the presence of several flexible flexible livers at once, one of which has a copper braid.

Connect to intercom

To connect a video intercom to a gate, you need to focus on the colors and contact numbers of terminals, which are almost always on the call panel and the domicile. It is also important to provide a separate power supply for the lock. Here, with all the simplicity, it is not necessary to use a video intercom as a source due to the risk of the appearance of various malfunctions. When choosing a power supply, it is necessary to take into account the parameters of the valve mechanism itself.

An example of a video intercom connection scheme

A definite recommendation will be before installing the pre-installation of the power supply and connecting the intercom to the lock "on the table". This will allow you to immediately monitor the performance of the system, and if there are problems, you quickly make adjustments, sobering with the connection process.

Advantages and disadvantages

The increasing distribution of electricians to the input doors and wickets is due to the following advantages:

  • maximum comfort for residents of houses, due to the ability to open doors in remote mode;
  • high reliability of systems due to the absence of rubbing elements, relative ease of design;
  • increased complexity in fake magnetic maps and keys;
  • resistance to low temperatures, moisture and other external conditions;
  • easy to integrate locks into the access control system of any degree of complexity.

At the same time, electric locks are unlikely to completely push traditional mechanical structures, which is associated with the following disadvantages.

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The equipment of the modern house includes reliable door protection, while there is a wide variety of structures. An important element is a locking mechanism that determines the level of protection against any damage or unauthorized penetration. From the selected view, such factors as the discovery method also depend. Putting the electric booth to the entrance door, you can adjust the opening remotely. However, this is not the only advantage.

Characteristic Electrocus on the door and its types

Electrogram is a modern filling for the door, ensuring the safety of your housing at a high level with the possibility of control using an electrical signal. There are several varieties of such devices that differ in closing type.

Types of electrical devices of door protection:

  • - the basis is based on the electromagnetic field, which is created using current supply, with its help, the mechanical bar is saved in one position and provides the door closure;
  • - Closing depends on the level of protection, the basis is a blower, the management of them is carried out by the remote control;
  • - Work provides a short voltage supply, the energy for such a mechanism is necessary only during the opening / closing of the door.

Electrocamon on the mechanical type door works with the help of an electric chain, which is the retaliatory part of the lock. When the command is received from the key, it frees the door from the constipation, without the need to turn the key. Castles with an electromagnetic card are particularly popular, which are actively used in office-type premises, as well as banking and secret institutions. Also actively apply on the doors in apartment buildings with intercom. They are opened with special plastic cards, GSM beacon, touch keys, signal from key fob, and using a special code.

Such castles are able to ensure reliable protection against penetration of unauthorized persons. Functions from the supply of a special signal from the remote control, which adjusts the opening / closing of the door.

Advantages of electric flats on the door

The solution to purchase electricity to the entrance door should be based on the characteristics. It is necessary to take into account the pros and cons of devices, since their use should not deliver discomfort. Modern protection has such advantages:

  • opening - from the inside provides key, with outdoor - special block, control panel or code;
  • simple structural characteristics;
  • reliable protection against ill-wishers;
  • easy control.

However, if you decide to buy electric booths for your home, you need to take into account the need for a constant flow of current. If the electricity failure occurs to open it independently, it will be impossible. Features of the design will require the intervention of the wizard.

Connecting the electric booth acts as the basis for its further functioning. This should be engaged in a specialist, because it can guarantee the correctness of the installation. In addition, a good master is able to provide good service in the future if such a need arises.

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