Yellow boots in a dream. Interpretation of sleep by shoe colors

Often we can see anything in a dream. They can be people. We dream of relatives, friends, long-dead persons. In the world of sleep, we can also see various animals. And sometimes we may even dream of any inanimate objects.

General interpretation

And if we attach special importance to dreams in which animate beings appear before us, then, having seen in a dream, for example, boots, we often do not pay attention to this special attention... But such dreams can tell us a lot and even warn us against rash actions. As you probably guessed, we will talk about why we dream of boots.

In a general sense, a dream in which boots are present indicates that a series of changes is coming in a person's life. But how successful or unsuccessful these changes will become depends on what kind of boots the person dreamed of.

What do old, foreign boots mean?

So, for example, old, worn and torn boots in a dream do not bode well for a person. These can be poverty, failure, and deception by other people. If in a dream a person wears someone else's boots, then in real life he will have to carry on himself other people's problems and concerns.

And if in a dream a person experiences discomfort because a boot rubs his leg, then such a dream serves as a signal that something in life is worth paying attention to and rethinking the events that are taking place. Throwing out boots in a dream is considered the most bad sign.

Why do new boots dream

Most dream books interpret dreams in which we see new boots as a good sign. Seeing new boots in a dream means success in all endeavors and deeds. Moreover, such success will affect not only the material side of affairs, but also affect your relations with relatives and friends.

New boots in a dream may mean that a gift awaits you soon or new purchase... However, not all dream books unambiguously interpret such dreams. So, for example, Vostochny female dream book indicates that seeing new boots in a dream means any changes in life, both good and not so.

Rubber boots in a dream

Many dream books say that dreams in which a person sees or puts on children's, men's or women's rubber boots warn him against new dubious acquaintances. Such a dream indicates that a person is especially vulnerable in the face of the danger that comes from ill-wishers, and he should be more careful in communicating with new acquaintances.

Why do black boots dream

Dreams in which a person dreams of black boots are interpreted in different ways. Much depends on who they dreamed about. For a man, such a dream does not bode well, since it is believed that if he dreamed of black boots, then his future family life will not work out. For a woman, such a dream predicts chores around the house and taking care of children.

For a young girl, a dream in which she sees black boots can predict a meeting with a man. An important detail the success of such a meeting is what kind of boots she dreamed of. If he is handsome and good in quality, then a man will meet handsome, kind and decent.

Putting on black boots in a dream can mean that in real life a person will be constantly accompanied by luck and success in all endeavors. Black boots in a dream can also contribute to the fact that in reality a person will plunge headlong into memories of the past.

Some dream books, with the complete opposite, claim that seeing black boots in a dream means the inevitability of some kind of failure.

White boots in a dream

The dream of white boots usually brings good luck in business. Quite often, such a dream becomes a harbinger of a long trip. Unlike dreams, where a person dreams of beautiful black boots, dreams where he sees beautiful and solid white boots warn him against unnecessary spending and throwing money down the drain.

White boots seen in a dream promise women a lot of attention from the opposite sex. And if such boots also have a high bootleg, then a woman will have violent sex. This opinion is shared by various love and erotic dream books.

A man who sees white boots in a dream can count on meeting with beautiful girl who will become his wife. In a number of dream books, white boots in a dream are interpreted as an omen of general success in business.

Red boots in a dream

Red boots in a dream are a kind of symbol of desires and ambitions. A person who sees red bright boots in a dream clearly dreams of something distant and often unrealizable.

The red color of the boots indicates that a person has any worries, worries and irritation in real life. But for people of age, such dreams foreshadow caring for children and memories of the years of youth.

Some dream books indicate that red boots in a dream promise a person a possible career growth. Another part of dream books interprets red boots in a dream as a high probability of getting involved in some dark affairs.

Boots are a very common item, but, nevertheless, they are a multi-valued symbol in a dream. Therefore, it is not at all easy to understand what life events can be influenced by boots seen in night dreams.

There is a huge variety of dreams in which boots can be imagined. In this case, of course, great value for correct decryption dreams, the type of this shoe and its color plays. But it is also important to remember all the actions that were carried out by the dreamer with boots, and the sensations that arose during this.

Why do black boots dream

Very often the question is asked about why black boots dream. A dream with such shoes, according to the testimony of dreamers, is very common. Sometimes, black boots symbolize a person's melancholic mood and nostalgia for the old days.

But still, more often, after such a dream, in reality you should expect changes in your personal life:

    For a girl, such a dream portends a meeting with a soul mate; For a man, a dream indicates that he is marrying a woman with a tough character.

White boots - dream book

Answering the question of why white boots dream, first of all, it should be noted that such shoes are a symbol of travel and travel. After such a dream, in the near future you will have the opportunity to go somewhere and enrich your world with positive emotions and interesting information. In addition, a dream with white boots symbolizes the onset of a bright life streak. In terms of personal relationships, such a dream indicates that you will discover in close people dignities that you did not notice before. And if, according to the plot of the dream, you see yourself at the moment when you admire the white boots in the shop window, then this indicates that you are a shy person.

Red boots - interpretation of sleep

Another question that interests many dreamers is why red boots dream. This is a symbol of a festive and very bright event in reality. Also, such a dream can be interpreted in relation to the sphere of a person's love relationships. If a young woman has a dream with red boots, then soon a lover or groom will appear in her life. But, in general, for everyone, night dreams with red boots portend the beginning of a new romantic relationship.

Boots, other colors

Other interpretations of dreams with boots according to the color of the shoes may be as follows:
    Blue boots foreshadow meeting people in real life that are close to you in spirit; Brown boots are considered a harbinger of a business trip.

Luxury boots

In addition to color, it is imperative, when interpreting dreams with boots, to take into account other external characteristics this type of footwear. Luxurious boots, from which it is impossible to take your eyes off, testify to the extravagance of the dreamer. And this character trait can have a detrimental effect on a person's well-being.

Why do new boots dream

New boots are always a good sign in a dream. It is a symbol of prosperity and success. In this case, in real life, you can expect profitable deals, valuable gifts and Enjoy the shopping... But if you dreamed about old boots, then the dreamer's budget can be significantly reduced due to various unforeseen expenses. In addition, such a dream focuses a person's attention on the fact that a difficult period awaits him in life, when not everything will work out on the way to the goal, and this will negatively affect the financial condition.

Dreamed of graceful women's boots

If you dreamed about graceful women's boots, then in real life they will definitely come pleasant changes... And they will be connected with the fact that you will have the opportunity to perform extraordinary actions, and this must be taken advantage of. Other dreams can be interpreted as follows:
    A torn pair of boots warns you that you might accidentally hurt your loved ones. Be careful in your words and actions, otherwise rash behavior can cause hostility that can drag on for a long time. High-heeled boots for a woman portend many admirers. High leather boots indicate the dreamer's sexual liberation. Rubber boots warn the dreamer that that you need to be careful about new acquaintances. If you show attentiveness and observation during this period, you can notice a lot in the people around you. Suede boots speak of you as a soft and accommodating person. Such a dream indicates that you need to be tougher when making decisions. Kersey boots portend that in real life you will have to fight with someone or something. Dirty boots are a warning that the dreamer may make unnecessary purchases. thereby aggravating their financial situation.

Buying shoes

If you dreamed that you were buying boots, then this is a very good sign. It indicates that you are an open and kind person, which allows you to successfully realize yourself in real life. But on the other hand, after such a dream, you need to remember that sometimes other people can use excessive trust for selfish purposes.

Lose your boots in a dream

Many are interested in what the loss of shoes is about in a dream? When, according to the plot of the dream, you had to lose your boots, then in reality you can lose the trust of a loved one. Such a dream warns of the need for loyalty to your partner, otherwise a complete breakdown of the relationship may occur. But if your boots were stolen in your nightly dreams, then soon a person will appear next to you, whom you can completely trust. You should not close your heart from him. After all, it is he who can become your soul mate.

Winter warm shoes

If you see yourself in warm winter boots, then this may be a harbinger of a meeting with your closest relatives, for example, with your parents. In addition, they indicate that for this you will have to travel to another city. Other actions with boots in various dream books are interpreted as follows:
    Putting on someone else's boots - taking on a lot of other people's worries. Of course, you need to help other people, but you should not overload yourself, as a nervous breakdown may occur. Putting children's boots on yourself - trying to get more out of life than your knowledge and experience allow. Rub your feet with boots - you should stop going with the flow. , you need to learn to make your own decisions that will help turn your life in the right direction. To clean boots is to try to hide something from your life from loved ones. To wash boots is to try to get rid of unpleasant sensation... Sometimes such a dream can portend life changes. Trying on boots - will get acquainted with a person who can become a powerful patron in reality.

Broken heel on boots

If you dreamed that the heel in the boots broke off or the sole flew off. This indicates that in reality vain efforts will be spent to implement your ghostly venture. Be realistic and don't set yourself impossible goals. If you have a trip planned in the near future, then after such a dream it will be unsuccessful. Therefore, if there is an opportunity, then it is better to postpone it.

Different boots on my feet

When you saw in a dream that you have different boots on your feet, this symbolizes a certain imbalance in your life. You need to make an effort to regain your confidence and harmonize the world around you.

The main characters in dreams are people. They appear before our eyes in different images, sometimes reincarnating several times during sleep. But it so happens that some one detail in the image is vividly remembered and does not let go of our thoughts, forcing us to think about it constantly. If in a dream you were hooked by the look of boots, or you performed any actions with them, look at the interpretations given by the dream books. Perhaps the subconscious is trying to warn you about something important.

  • A dream, boots, tells about a turning point in life and an important path ahead.
  • Why dream of a pair of boots? A dream predicts a long and strong relationship for lovers.
  • Sleep: tarpaulin boots warn of an important trip that strongly influences your destiny.
  • The dream interpretation, a new pair of boots, is interpreted as a gift from a loved one.
  • Sleep, old boots, warns of problems in money matters. Think in advance about additional source financing so as not to be left without a livelihood.
  • Why do many boots dream? Cases that require immediate permission will pile up suddenly and disorient you.
  • Why do girls dream of boots? Meeting with an attractive man, with the likelihood of building a strong and serious relationship.
  • Torn boots in a dream warn of a scandal with one of the relatives.
  • Sleep, white boots - speaks of a good sense of style and the dreamer's well-being.
  • Dream interpretation: wearing white boots speaks of positive and exciting changes that will soon occur.
  • Why do you dream of red boots? An important and bright event in your life.
  • Why do black boots dream? A coup in personal life. For a man, a dream promises a complex character of a wife.
  • Why do brown boots dream? You will have to devote all your attention to work, a business trip is possible.
  • Why do blue boots dream? The future promises a meeting with a person who shares your beliefs and worldview.
  • Dream interpretation: pink boots - speaks of the need to take advice in a love relationship. A dreamy view of the world.
  • Why do suede boots dream? Your softness and compliance should not be your disadvantage. Learn to show character when needed.
  • Why do women's boots dream? Unexpected events and meetings with bright people.
  • Why do winter boots dream? Warm and cozy meeting with parents or loved ones.
  • Why do children's boots dream? Your desires do not match your capabilities. Pause and think about what is most important to you.
  • Why dream of high heeled boots? For a woman, such a dream promises a lot of attention from fans.
  • Why dream of a broken heel on a boot? A clear sign of failure: everything will go to pieces, difficulties in work, quarrels with loved ones, unsuccessful business negotiations.
  • Remember and explain the actions that you performed in the dream with shoes.
  • Putting on boots in a dream - fate favors you and will present you with a strong protector and patron.
  • The dream interpretation, losing boots in a dream, prophesies treason on the part of a woman.
  • To measure other people's boots in a dream - you have to solve problems that have nothing to do with your business. Also, you will have to share responsibility for them before the management.
  • Dream Interpretation: cleaning boots means that you will try to hide impartial information about yourself from your environment, but it will still leak out.
  • Why dream of washing boots? A dream indicates a problem or anxiety caused by the condition of the legs. You may need to relax yourself more often.
  • Why dream that boots were stolen? Someone will be able to use your best practices for their own benefit.
  • Why dream of walking in boots? The interpretation depends on the condition of the boots: if new and clean, good luck awaits on the way, if dirty and torn - poverty and poverty.
  • Dream interpretation: to find a boot - you will have a good time with a representative of the opposite sex.
  • More accurate descriptions will help interpret the dream for you if you refer to different dream interpreters, putting together a complete picture of them.

Dream interpretation of the 21st century

  • Why do boots dream? A vision predicts a road that will have a strong influence on the choice of your life path.
  • Why are new boots dreaming? Expect to receive a pleasant surprise in reality.
  • Why do torn boots dream? Beware, the dream warns against unpleasant incidents.
  • The dream interpretation, old boots, is interpreted as a harbinger of a plight and loss of sources of income.
  • Why dream of wearing boots? A revolution in life, passion for something new and unusual.
  • Why do lost boots dream? The dream warns of female infidelity.

Russian dream book

  • Dream interpretation, why do boots dream? Vision is a sign of style and good fortune.
  • Why do beautiful boots dream? Match your spending with reality, you are unnecessarily wasteful.

Aesop's dream book

  • Why dream of shoes boots? A sign of good taste, you follow the fashion.
  • Why dream of new red boots? Promises the fulfillment of romantic desires.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

  • Dream interpretation: why do boots dream? This is a warning about the obstacles that will appear in the implementation of cases.
  • A dream, beautiful boots, tells how you will brilliantly solve all the problems that have arisen.
  • Why do dirty boots dream? Calculate your own strength, difficulties may not be up to you.
  • Why do boots and shoes dream? The vision predicts good luck in upcoming business projects. Hurry to take advantage of Fortune's favor.
  • Dream Interpretation: rubber boots - you will want to run away from piled up problems.
  • Dream interpretation: boots were stolen - work will have to be postponed due to serious interference.
  • The dream interpretation, boots with heels, characterizes the dreamer as a person with a strong will.

Eastern female dream book

  • Why do you dream of new boots on your feet? Serious turning points will occur in your life, have time to prepare for them. (cm. )
  • Why do other people's boots dream? You will have to deal with the worries of strangers.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

  • Why do torn boots dream? The dream warns against unfortunate events that will happen very soon.
  • on boots? You will face an open confrontation, the enemies will decide to act head-on.
  • Why dream of trying on boots? The vision is interpreted as your neglect of your family and friends.
  • Why dream of putting on new boots? Significant phenomena that will greatly change you.
  • Dream interpretation: washing boots - separation from family, moving to another city.
  • Boots are dreaming, a pair is a long relationship for lovers.

General dream book

  • Why dream of putting on new boots? Expect highly influential events in your life.
  • The dream interpretation, to wear old boots, is interpreted as a prediction of poverty and distress.
  • boots? The changes will affect the working area.
  • The dream interpretation, women's black boots, interprets as a sudden turn of your love story.
  • Dream interpretation: seeing red boots is a hint that the time is coming for acquisitions and investments, they will be more successful than ever.
  • Dream interpretation: washing boots from dirt - to recovery from illness.

Ukrainian dream book

  • What does it mean if you dream about boots? A vision promises a trip or a business trip.
  • Why dream of putting on new boots? Soon you will receive long-awaited news.
  • Why do old boots dream? You will find yourself in an awkward situation.
  • Why dream, boots are torn? Difficulties and obstacles in the implementation of planned activities.

Modern dream book

  • To see boots in a dream means that soon you will have to get ready for the road.
  • New boots in a dream, for a girl they promise a rich lover who will pamper her.
  • A dream, holey boots, predicts that you will undergo an undeserved insult, or you will be deliberately offended.
  • Dream Interpretation: boots are white with gold, they talk about unusual incidents that will soon come. Do not get lost and know how to take advantage of the situation.
  • In a dream, to lose your boots and not find it - slowness and lack of a quick reaction are to blame for your interference in business.
  • In a dream, measure beautiful boots - a very wealthy awaits you living together with a man.
  • To clean your boots in a dream - no matter how hard you try, you will not be able to hide your wrongdoing, it will still be revealed.
  • Why dream of buying boots? New interesting acquaintance that will enrich you with knowledge.
  • Why dream of putting on boots? In comprehending the situation, you are missing a lot of factors. There is a high probability of deception.
  • What is the dream of trying on boots? You are in search of your other half and are ready for a serious relationship.

Children's dream book
Why do boots dream in a dream? A business trip associated with certain difficulties.
Small Velesov dream book

  • Why dream of seeing boots? The future is preparing changes in your destiny. Prepare to welcome them with honor.
  • Dream interpretation: putting on boots is a good event that gives joy.
  • Why dream of taking off your boots? Bad phenomena that will adversely affect your lifestyle.
  • Why dream of losing boots? Expect losses and losses.
  • Why dream of trying on new boots? Successful completion of business awaits you.
  • Why do different boots dream? Foreshadowing the loss of financial benefits, loss of position, debts.
  • Buy boots in a dream, why? A period of favorable phenomena occurring in your existence.

Esoteric dream book

  • Why dream of buying new boots? Brilliant acquisitions and profitable investments. Make the most of this stage of your life.
  • Why do you dream about dirty boots on your feet? Refrain from shopping, bad time to purchase.
  • I dream of trying on boots - be careful when making purchases, you can be deceived.
  • Why dream of cleaning boots? With an effort, you can fix the situation.
  • Why do yellow boots dream? You will be visited by thoughts about religion and spiritual self-improvement.
  • Dream interpretation: boots with heels with rhinestones - successfully fulfill your plans.

The newest dream book

  • Why dream of new heeled boots? You are surrounded by loyal and reliable friends.
  • Why do white boots dream? You will receive help in difficult times.
  • Why do golden boots dream? You will be deceived.
  • Sleep: boots are brown - a series of your actions will set in motion the destructive mechanism of your life.
  • Hints received in a dream
  • Dream interpretation: boots in a dream warn of difficulties and obstacles that will affect the work area. We'll have to make every effort to pass this period without loss.
  • Dream interpretation: beautiful boots - you are not afraid of any difficulties.
  • Why is the boot torn in a dream? Difficulties will be stronger than you. It is worth asking for help, your family will not refuse you.

Combined dream book

  • Dream interpretation: boots are a harbinger of decisive events in your destiny.
  • Dream interpretation: to wear boots - a vision promises a long way or a journey.
  • Wearing black boots in a dream speaks of extraordinary success in all areas of activity.
  • Why dream of buying boots? In reality, you will get worthwhile thing, extremely useful to you.
  • Why do rubber boots dream? Your gullibility will bring trouble, treat strangers with caution, and do not rush to confide your secrets and important information to them.
  • Why dream of buying new boots? Favorable change of events, bearing positive emotions.
  • Dream interpretation: to lose boots - expect a streak of bad luck and material losses.
  • Why dream of a pasted boot? Loss of a large amount Money, beware of dishonest people.
  • Why dream of boots without a pair? Difficult choice regarding a companion in family life.
  • Why dream of trying on boots? Get a tempting ride offer from a close friend. There will be an opportunity to learn the unexpected sides of his character.
  • The dream interpretation, high-heeled boots, advises women to show more grace and femininity when dealing with a man.
  • Dream Interpretation: red high-heeled boots speak of a special attitude towards you on the part of the leadership.
  • What is the dream of a torn-off sole on a boot? Pay attention to your loved ones, it is difficult for them without you.
  • Dreaming: they give boots - expect pleasant surprises.
  • Why dream of white boots on a woman? Let go of humility and enjoy your relationship with your partner.
  • To measure white boots in a dream - you are inattentive to loved ones, show participation, otherwise you will turn away from you in difficult times.
  • Why dream of washing boots from dirt? Improving financial affairs, gaining stability.
  • Selling boots in a dream - you will receive extremely unpleasant news.
  • Children's boots in a dream - characterized as the inability to get what you want in full. You should decide for yourself what you want from what suits your capabilities.
  • Sleep: wearing long boots, speaks of the onset of a positive stage in life. Make the most of it.

Dream interpretation of Felomen

  • Why dream of looking for boots? The vision speaks of a joyful and exciting trip that will bring many positive emotions, but only if in a dream you found a loss.
  • Seeing many boots in a dream - you will have to prove in court the right to own a valuable thing.
  • Dream Interpretation: Hole Boot - Your carelessness will cause a fatal mistake.
  • Boots are different in a dream, they talk about rumors around you and the difficulties of the material plane.
  • Why dream of women's shoes, boots? Idyll in a love relationship. Fast-paced business success.
  • Dream Interpretation: men's boots, speak of a generous reward for the effort spent.
  • Why dream of white women's boots? The vision promises to be a success with fans.
  • In a dream, wearing women's boots - a new acquaintance will develop into a serious romance.
  • Dream interpretation: knee-high boots talk about the dominant role of a person in relationships.
  • Dream interpretation: winter boots - you will find peace and pleasure from a quiet, peaceful life, fate will give you peace and tranquility by sending a reliable assistant.
  • The dream interpretation, to wear white boots, interprets as an acquaintance with a rich man.
  • Why do green boots dream? The vision prophesies well-being and success. Use this period wisely, but do not get carried away, everything can change.
  • Blue boots, sleep promises joyful moments, meeting old friends.
  • Yellow boots, the dream book interprets as a good period for the implementation of plans. Having done now what you have dreamed of for a long time, you will be successful in the future.
  • Dreaming of new black boots - a vision speaks of a difficult and costly work in the future.
  • Why do black high boots dream? Approaching bad events, try to exercise caution and prudence.
  • Why do high-heeled boots dream? You will find the ideal partner for you sexually.
  • Why dream of red heeled boots? The emergence of a new fan.
  • Dream interpretation: brown boots speaks of a clash of interests in the work sphere. Serious passions will boil around you, but they will not be able to deprive you of peace and well-being.
  • Why do big boots dream? Your indiscipline leads to the fact that you waste your energy. In order for actions to be effective, they must be planned.
  • Why dream of choosing boots? Doubts about the correct choice of your companion.
  • Dream interpretation: choosing boots in the store - conflicts and scandals among the people around you.
  • Dream interpretation: trying on boots in a store - uncertainty and doubts in relationships will push you to change them.
  • To measure women's boots in a dream - you will start a new project that will bring you benefits and success.
  • Why dream of buying boots in a dream? In reality, you can become a victim of unscrupulous people.
  • If you dreamed: boots were presented - you will be offered a job associated with numerous trips and travels.
  • Why dream of finding boots? A date that will satisfy both you and your partner.
  • Why dream of stealing boots? You feel a sense of envy for a particular person. Needless to say, it is necessary to fight with it, otherwise it will only bring you negative emotions and negativity.
  • Losing a woman's boots in a dream promises parting with a person dear to her heart.
  • The dream "1 boot is lost" characterizes you as a person who pays little attention to his partner. In the future, you will have to regret it.
  • In a dream, a dog grabbed a boot - a vision warns you that your occupation is not in your interests and may cause harm.
  • Dream Interpretation: forget boots - in reality, engage in cleansing your thoughts of everything unnecessary. Decide on the important life goals and focus on them.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

  • Why dream of boots on your feet? Important business trip; help in a difficult situation.
  • Why do long boots dream? Continuous chores, you will have to make efforts and moderate ambitions in order to achieve success.
  • Buying boots in a dream speaks of upcoming expenses. It is wiser to estimate the expenses in advance so as not to get carried away by emptying your wallet.

Erotic dream book

  • Why do high boots dream? It is worth adding variety to your intimate sphere.
  • Why do leather boots dream? Your partner will surprise you with his intimate addictions.
  • Seeing boots with heels in a dream, a dream promises a man an acquaintance with an ideal partner for him; for women - a bad sign, you will destroy everything with your desire to rule.
  • Dream interpretation: look for boots and not find - paying little attention to your partner, you run the risk of facing his betrayal.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

  • The meaning of sleep boots, is interpreted as a harbinger of a long journey that carries changes and is a turning point in your life path.
  • Why dream of trying on new boots? Wait for a present from your loved one.
  • The dream interpretation, a torn boot, is interpreted as causing harm to you from loved ones.
  • Why dream of trying on boots? You will gain an influential protector.
  • Why dream of losing boots? A vision predicts treason on the part of a woman.

Freud's dream book

  • Dream interpretation: women's boots are a symbol of female sexuality.
  • Dream interpretation: to put on boots, interprets it as the likelihood of a trip to the countryside or to nature with a well-known person. In a new situation, he will open up to you from the side that you did not know about.
  • Why dream of rubber boots on your feet? Be careful when meeting people, there is a possibility of experiencing a fit of jealousy without reason.
  • Dream interpretation: wet boots, fears of sudden pregnancy.

Dream interpretation of the world

  • Why dream of boots in a store? Will betray you close person, enjoyed your unconditional trust.
  • Why dream of buying women's boots? You will have a chance to prove yourself in reality, and earn the respect of your work colleagues.
  • Why do men's boots dream? Your efforts will be appreciated, and the reward will not be slow to arrive.
  • Why dream of choosing boots in a store, but not buying them? They will try to cheat you in money. Do not take part in risky transactions and refrain from spending.
  • Why dream of a leaky boot? A series of problems and troubles.
  • Seeing boots with heels in a dream - you strive to achieve popularity and recognition.
  • "Pink boots" the dream speaks of the dreaminess and some naivety of the dreamer.
  • What does it mean to see a red boot in a dream? In reality, such a dream indicates profitable acquisitions.
  • A dream, trying on boots, speaks of the possibility of starting a new relationship. Consider this a chance to start life from scratch and build strong and harmonious relationships.
  • Trying on new boots in a dream - warns of the likelihood of a distant business trip.
  • Why dream of breaking the zipper on your boots? Your plans do not correspond to real possibilities and are extremely far from being fulfilled.
  • Dreaming that your boots are being washed - finding balance in money matters.
  • Sleep, a man in dirty boots, warns of fierce competition at work. You shouldn't give the slightest pretext for gossip, and be collected and careful.
  • In a dream, to lose boots and look for them - warns of a very long path, at the end of which you will find what you have been trying to find for so long.
  • Dream: buying red boots is an unforgettable, albeit short-term, love story.
  • Seeing yourself in a dream in black boots informs about the imminent fulfillment of all your plans.
  • To steal one boot in a dream - for a girl, such a dream means that she will pay attention to a busy man.

Dream interpretation of Karatov

Dream interpretation: why are new boots dreaming? This vision communicates that your business plans are being successfully implemented, bringing you prosperity.

Dream interpretation of Vasiliev

  • Why do you dream of new beautiful boots? Career.
  • Dream interpretation: walking through the mud in boots - an ignorant man will interfere in your fate, causing you to be negative and rejected.


  • Why dream of new long boots? In the near future, cash receipts are possible.
  • Why dream of torn boots on your feet? The vision promises losses and unnecessary waste.
  • Why dream of buying new boots? A favorable period for planning and drawing up new ideas.
  • Why dream of selling boots? Minor difficulties in work and household matters.
  • The dream interpretation, white boots, is interpreted as a successful execution of work processes.
  • The dream interpretation, black boots, is interpreted as a high probability that your plans will fail. It is not worth starting the implementation of ideas during this period.
  • Dream Interpretation: red boots, informs that a risky venture awaits you.
  • Sleep: rubber boots warn of a threat to your well-being.
  • Why dream of trying on boots in a dream? You will soon become the subject of gossip.
  • Dream interpretation: old boots are presented - bad news.
  • Dream Interpretation: boots on your feet - business that excites you will soon be resolved.
  • Why dream of wearing other people's boots? Responsibility for other people's problems.
  • Why dream of trying on boots in a store? Stop dreaming and start realizing your goals, it will bring you more benefit.

Generalized dream interpretation

  • Dream interpretation: boots in a dream are a symbol of the path and movement.
  • Seeing winter boots in a dream - a vision speaks of a future warm and cozy home environment. Enjoy this period of peace to the fullest and gain strength for new achievements.
  • Dream interpretation: suede boots - you are an extremely good-natured and malleable person, others use this for their own purposes.
  • Dream interpretation: leather boots - variety in the intimate sphere.
  • Dream interpretation: measuring boots - in reality you will be looking for a life partner.
  • Dream interpretation: white boots to see - good income as a result of a lucrative deal.
  • Dream interpretation: new white boots - be careful in spending, your extravagance will turn into a serious disruption in finances.
  • Why dream of measuring red boots is a significant advancement in the career ladder.
  • Dream interpretation: dress red boots - to fulfill the dream of beautiful life will have to work hard and shrink in funds now.
  • Why dream of shoes, brown boots? Make your travel dreams come true.
  • Why do black women's boots dream? For men, a dream prophesies a stubborn wife; female sex- a meeting with the chosen one.
  • Why dream of black boots with heels? Do not take a hasty conclusion, weigh and consider everything carefully.
  • Dream interpretation: new black boots - a revolution in personal relationships. What this will lead to depends only on you.
  • What is the dream of tarpaulin boots? It is very likely that there will be a desire to flirt with new acquaintances.
  • Why do pink boots dream? You will need a love counselor.
  • Dream interpretation: green boots - well-being and comfort at home.
  • The dream interpretation, blue boots, recalls pleasant memories from the past.
  • Dream, blue boots, talks about new acquaintances with people with similar interests.
  • Children's boots tell about the exorbitantness of your requests. Desires should be correlated with real possibilities.
  • Dream interpretation: different boots on your feet - your reputation is in danger.
  • Dream interpretation: why do men's boots dream? Your efforts will bring long-awaited results.
  • Why does a woman dream of men's boots - in a joint life you will have to adapt to the character of your partner.
  • Dream interpretation: big boots - you have to do someone else's work that exceeds yours.
  • Dream interpretation: long boots - listen to your inner voice if it warns you that something is wrong.
  • Why dream of washing dirty boots? Parting with a loved one.
  • Dream Interpretation: boots were stolen - predicts bad luck due to your softness.
  • Dream interpretation online, find boots by accident - you will have to solve issues unrelated to your affairs.
  • Why dream of buying boots in a dream? Vision speaks of minor problems that will soon arise in your life path.
  • "Two pairs of boots" dream speaks of the need for a final choice.
  • Boots burn in a dream - conflict with best friend will turn into parting. Another interpretation sounds like getting rid of problems, new stage in your life.
  • Dream interpretation: boots on the platform remind you that in a difficult situation you always count on the help of family and friends.
  • Walking in boots and a dress in a dream - important stage life's journey, characterized by the beginning of a grandiose project.
  • The dream "a friend bought new boots" says: she will probably need your advice when a new fan appears.
  • In a dream, take away new leather boots - a dream suggests that those around you are tired of your manifestations of envy and abuse. Reconsider your communication until everyone has decided to stop communicating with you.

Dream interpretation of Medea

  • Dream interpretation: torn boots - to worries and troubles in everyday life.
  • Dream interpretation: new boots - wait for cash receipts. For girls, a dream promises a meeting with a person who will later become the only one.
  • Buying women's boots in a dream - today you have to make the final decision on an important matter.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

  • Dream interpretation: different boots, warns of a delay in business matters.
  • Dream interpretation: seeing old boots warns of losses and expenses.
  • Dream interpretation: buying boots is an excessive wastefulness.
  • Why do women dream of black boots? Business success.
  • Dream interpretation: black high-heeled boots - problems with creditors.
  • The dream "came off the sole on the boot" warns: beware of traumatic places.
  • Dream Interpretation: boots were stolen in a dream, predicts that you will not be able to take the necessary actions in order to win the favor of colleagues.

Dream interpretation giant

  • Dream Interpretation: the interpretation of boots means a trip; new hobby; acquaintance.
  • A dream about old boots speaks of the emergence of old relationships from the past, or unfinished business.
  • Why dream of a torn boot on your leg? Someone close to you will get sick.
  • Why dream of walking in one boot? You doubt your idea and do not know if it is worth continuing to carry it out.

Dream Interpretation Morozova

  • Dream Interpretation: buy boots - meeting people who will show themselves to be reliable comrades.
  • Why do new high boots dream? Luck in business matters.
  • Why dream of wearing boots? A favorable period for the implementation of ideas.
  • Dream interpretation: boots are torn - large waste awaits you, up to the loss of everything.
  • Dream interpretation: presented with boots - they will offer a position related to travel.

Women's dream book

  • Dream interpretation: a boot broke - a series of small unpleasant incidents that can result in great difficulties.
  • Dream interpretation: boots in the mud - your enemies will openly oppose you.
  • Dream interpretation: trying on boots is a reminder that you should pay attention to your loved ones.

Large family dream book

  • Dream interpretation: dreamed of boots, a vision promises a road.
  • The dream "pair of boots" characterizes your desire to find a life partner.
  • Dream interpretation: to measure boots - you dream of a change of scenery.
  • Measuring red boots in a dream is a sharp career takeoff.
  • Dream interpretation: to wear new boots - the probability of changing the profession, you will be carried away by fresh ideas.
  • Seeing beautiful boots in a dream - you will have an influential admirer, which will give rise to a feeling of envy among the people around you.
  • The dream "high boots" suggests that your intimate relationship should be diversified.
  • The dream "the boot is torn" tells that there is a possibility of losing a job or a loved one.
  • Dream interpretation: losing boots in a dream are barriers to the implementation of tasks.
  • Dream interpretation: boots to look for and find - moving, changing place of residence.
  • In a dream, they presented new boots - you will be grateful for the service rendered.
  • Dream interpretation: choose boots - you cannot decide on an important issue.
  • Repairing boots in a dream - your financial situation will improve.
  • Dream Interpretation: to give the boots away - tells about your sincere feelings for the gifted one.
  • Dream interpretation: boots unstuck - predicts parting with a partner.

Miller's dream book

  • Boots, Miller's dream book, like other shoes, interprets as a foreshadowing of the path, or small family conflicts.
  • Dream interpretation: boots in a store promise a sudden profit.
  • Dream interpretation: dirty boots - a number of unpleasant phenomena will follow.
  • Miller's dream book new boots - success in work matters.
  • Dream interpretation: buy new boots - predicts successful acquaintances in the business sphere.

Dream interpretation of Wangi

  • Vanga's dream book, boots, interprets as a prediction of a trip or business trip, minor conflicts are possible.
  • In a dream, I put on boots, the dream warns of female infidelity in the course of a fleeting infatuation.
  • Dream interpretation: take off your boots - get unpleasant news from a close friend, a connection may be broken.

"200 thousand interpretations of dreams"

  • The dream interpretation of shoes, boots is interpreted as a harbinger of a long journey.
  • Dream Interpretation: a pair of boots, interprets the vision as your desire to find a constant companion on the path of life.
  • Dream Interpretation: why a woman dreams of men's boots explains how the appearance of a likely spouse or an interesting admirer.
  • Seeing women's boots in a dream, for men, such a dream is interpreted as the appearance in the near future of a beloved with a very difficult character.
  • Putting on boots in a dream - hit the road.
  • Dream interpretation: to wear new boots - you will be carried away by an interesting new activity.
  • Dream Interpretation: boots were stolen in a dream - you will have to abandon your ideas.
  • Dream interpretation: trying on new boots - you need to change the environment, move to a new place.
  • Dream interpretation: other people's boots - you have your eye on a busy man. Think about whether your relationship has a future before you go on about your feelings.
  • Golden boots, a dream foreshadows the appearance of a rich and influential person who will present you with his attention and gifts.
  • Beautiful new boots in a dream speak of the well-being of your life.
  • Kirz boots - an acquaintance with a person who will give happiness.
  • Torn boots in a dream speak of the loss of a beloved job, or a conflict with a loved one.
  • Dream Interpretation: to lose boots and look, interprets it as interference in an important matter from competitors.
  • The dream "give the boots" is interpreted that your service will not be left without a reward. (cm. )
  • The meaning of sleep, walking in different boots, is interpreted as loneliness and mental anguish.
  • Dream interpretation: a lot of boots - problems with the law are likely.

Eastern dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: why new boots dream, interprets them as decisive changes in fate.
  • The dream "someone else's boots" warns that you will have to solve and be responsible for the problems and mistakes of strangers.

The interpreter

  • Dream interpretation: new boots on your feet - they talk about happiness in everyday life and luck in the business sphere.
  • In a dream, boots broke - promises a disastrous situation. Potential leg health problems.
  • The dream "new boots" for women is about an expensive gift from a lover.
  • What does it mean to lose boots in a dream - the beloved woman will change.
  • Seeing in a dream, trying on boots - such a dream promises that a cardinal fracture will soon break out in your life, which will be an occasion to start a new stage from scratch.

Dream interpretation of Fedorovskaya

  • Dream Interpretation: to see new boots, interprets them as changes in fate that will bring joy and peace.
  • Seeing torn boots in a dream is a loss of a source of income, poverty. Make sure in advance from such a development of the situation.
  • The dream book, buy women's boots, interprets it as a change of activity or hobbies.
  • The dream, gave the boots, is interpreted as bad news about an interesting business for you.
  • To repair boots in a dream - you have to work hard, but this will significantly improve the state of affairs.

Dream interpretation of Rasputin

  • The dream interpretation, the interpretation of dreams boots, gives the following: a long trip will unexpectedly fall on you.
  • Dirty boots in a dream appear when difficulties and delays arise in the process of making a profit.
  • Seeing a torn boot in a dream is a period of mistakes, as a result of which a disaster will break out for you.
  • Losing boots in a dream, why? You will soon get rid of the annoying person's society.
  • A dream, repairing torn boots, tells that despite the external confidence, a hurricane of emotions is raging inside you.
  • Water in boots, a dream predicts deterioration social status, a significant reduction in profits.
  • Dream interpretation: buying new boots is a journey to unknown places.

Dream Interpretation of Adaskin

  • New boots in a dream - you will find loyal comrades.
  • Dream interpretation, to measure new boots, is interpreted as incredible luck in business, have time to use Fortune's smile and implement as many ideas as possible.
  • Sleep "boots in the mud" - bad events will destroy your plans.
  • In a dream, they gave you boots - a large number of movements await you if you dare to change jobs.
  • The dream book interprets walking in boots as a trip with a friend to nature, in which he will open up from an unfamiliar side.
  • The dream "to wear rubber boots" speaks of an unreasonable feeling of jealousy towards a person who is not bound to you by obligations.

Islamic dream book

  • Islamic dream book, boots, interprets as getting an assistant in business.
  • Seeing dirty boots in a dream - a vision promises happiness.
  • Putting on new boots in a dream is a sad event.

Autumn dream book

  • Dream interpretation, boots, boots, speak of receiving an unusually valuable gift.
  • Washing boots in a dream - in reality, you will get new shoes.


  • What does it mean in a dream: boots? Like any other shoe, such a vision is interpreted as a harbinger of a journey or journey.
  • Seeing new boots in a dream means material well-being, the future is bright and cloudless.
  • Seeing someone else's boots in a dream - in reality you will have to bear responsibility for someone else's actions.
  • Seeing old boots in a dream - your past may repeat itself unexpectedly for you.
  • Buying new boots in a dream - you will be visited by a thirst for change, and you will independently begin to make changes in your life.
  • The dream "many boots" is interpreted as an opportunity self-choice your life path without outside influence.
  • Putting on boots in a dream - get ready for a trip.
  • Sleep, taking off your boots, is a warning that you will have to give up your dream, due to the impossibility of fulfilling it.
  • Choosing boots in a dream - a dream reflects your need for a change of scenery.
  • Trying on boots in a dream is a conscious choice in reality.
  • To dream of fashionable and expensive boots means a new lover will appear in reality.
  • A dream, green boots, is interpreted as an acquaintance, which in the near future will turn into a strong and trusting relationship.
  • To see white boots in a dream - soon you will have a responsible event.
  • Dream interpretation, black leather boots, interprets as difficulties in life, job loss.
  • Dream interpretation: to wear new black boots - you will be offered another job.
  • Dream interpretation: wearing red boots is a sudden outbreak of passion.
  • Boots big size, the dream book interprets as the unrealizability of your plans.
  • Why look for boots in a dream? You will want to implement new projects.
  • Find boots in a dream - you will find true friend or a loving person.
  • Why do you dream about changing boots in a dream? An attempt to take someone else's place.
  • The cut shanks of rubber boots in a dream, or any other torn shoes speak of bad events that will soon happen.
  • Dream interpretation: losing women's boots is a delay and a hindrance in your plans.
  • The dream "different boots on your feet" says that in the future you will experience feelings of loneliness, longing for human warmth.
  • The dream "wash dirty boots" says: protect your reputation and do not get involved in conflicts. Any aggravation of the situation will hit your position hard.
  • The dream "boots with heels" indicates your position in society.
  • In a dream, boots are stolen all the time - soon there will be problems associated with infringement of your interests.
  • Dream interpretation: deceased mother gives boots - it will be possible to realize those plans for the implementation of which, you have already given up.
  • Modern combined dream book
  • Dream interpretation: stiletto boots tell that your friend secretly envies you.
  • Dream interpretation: breaking a heel on a boot - the future warns of loss.
  • Dream interpretation: walking in boots with heels - do not overestimate your capabilities, otherwise you will find yourself in a stupid position.
  • Dream interpretation: boots in a dream are a harbinger of travel.
  • Dream interpretation: walking in the mud in boots - obstacles and delays along the way.
  • The dream "to wash boots from dirt" says: try to correct your mistakes.
  • Why buy boots in a dream? In the future, you will have a chance to get acquainted with versatile gifted people. Don't miss the opportunity to learn new things from them.
  • Wearing boots in a dream - much of what is happening eludes your understanding, and because of this you cannot correctly assess what is happening.
  • I saw black boots in a dream - in the near future you should be careful, your ill-wishers will become more active, who will want to spoil your plans.

Collection of dream books

  • Seeing in a dream, putting on boots - a business trip will be successful.
  • In a dream, I tried on boots - an advantageous offer in the future.
  • Dream interpretation: walking in one boot threatens the collapse of the relationship.
  • To see boots stolen in a dream - for religious people, such a dream tells that God will not leave them in difficult times.
  • The dream "winter boots" is interpreted as your desire for comfort and a quiet life.
  • The dream "suede boots" characterizes you as a person who does not know how to refuse. Others use this quality for selfish purposes.
  • Seeing rubber boots in a dream - a vision warns of caution when casual acquaintances, do not trust everyone unconditionally.

Chinese dream book

  • Dream interpretation: buying boots - your actions will bring good luck to your assistants.
  • The loss of boots in a dream indicates the dismissal of one of your subordinates.

Dream interpretation interpretation of dreams

  • Interpretation of sleep: boots, sounds like gaining benefit from the actions of subordinates.
  • Dream interpretation: interpretation of dreams, stolen boots - speaks of missed opportunities.
  • Sleep, interpretation of dreams "dirty boots" are bad news.

Dream interpretation for bitches

  • Sleep 'boots different colors"talks about an exciting trip.
  • The dream "to put on new boots" says that the road will be easy and free. Your plans will come true with ease.
  • Boots and coat were stolen in a dream - your inability to defend your point of view and accept important decisions will lead to bad times.

Slavic dream book

  • Interpretation of dreams: new boots, sounds like a symbol of luck in work.
  • What does it mean to see solid boots in a dream? Fate will present you with the opportunity to get loyal and reliable people as your helpers. With them you can achieve a lot.

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

  • The dream "women's boots" symbolizes the female essence.
  • The dream "black boots" tells about bad temper wives.
  • Wearing white boots in a dream - the future spouse will be beautiful.
  • Red boots in a dream - the wife will have a cheerful disposition.
  • The boots are yellow, the dream is interpreted as a serious illness that has befallen a woman.
  • In a dream, trying on new boots is a wedding soon.

Dream interpretation of Pastor Loff

  • What does it mean to see boots in a dream? Significant changes in fate.
  • To put on someone else's boots in a dream - to take responsibility for strangers onto yourself.
  • Boots were stolen in a dream, what is it for? If you suspect someone of this theft, but you can do without the stolen item, then in reality you feel innuendo and deception on the part of this person.

Big universal dream book Smurova

  • Walking in boots in a dream - a vision predicts the time to get ready for the journey.
  • Wearing red boots in a dream - you will suddenly be carried away by a new business.
  • To dream of trying on boots - a vision tells about your desire to change something in your life.
  • Seeing tarpaulin boots in a dream is a difficult path in life.
  • Boots were lost in a dream - competitors will create obstacles in the advancement of your business.
  • Dream interpretation: interpretation of dreams stole boots, is interpreted as the appearance in your life of a person to whom you dare to open your heart.
  • The dream "new black boots" prophesies cardinal changes in fate.
  • "True dreams are the most full dream book»
  • In a dream I dreamed about boots - your problem has a solution. The appearance of the boots will help you figure out the clues.
  • Why dream of trying on boots in a dream is a favorable period for improving your financial situation.
  • Big boots in a dream - promises parting with a person who will disappoint you with his actions or words.
  • Sleep "boots on one leg" says that your life will flow measuredly, without outbursts of emotions and bright events. At the same time, nothing bad will happen, and your well-being will not be in danger.

Dream interpretation Dashka

  • Why measure boots in a dream? A dream promises the coming into your life of material wealth, you will be surrounded by beautiful things.
  • To see red boots in a dream is expensive - such a dream speaks of your excessive thirst for spending money.
  • The dream "walking in boots" tells about your immoderate appetites. In order not to be disappointed in your dreams, you should correlate them with real possibilities.


The boots seen in a dream portend trips, travels or work trips, and also characterize our life path... Remembering what kind of shoes you dreamed about, you can understand what to expect from the near future. New expensive boots portend success, prosperity and material wealth, and leaky, worn out or dirty warn of excessive spending, and remind of the need to save.
A man who sees such a dream should show more concern for his life partner. The girl should wait and not miss her chance for a strong and long relationship. To measure boots means to doubt your choice of a partner, think about why this is happening.
Even the oldest boots do not bode well. A series of troubles is possible, but it will not turn into a serious illness or death. Therefore, if you saw boots in a dream, then get ready not to miss your luck. Take advantage of a period of promising success, or prepare for troubles in advance so that they do not come as a surprise.

dreamed boots

If you saw in your dream a new pair of boots, then your business will improve significantly. If a young girl or woman tries on new boots in a dream, then a gift from her lover is waiting for her. If a man dreamed of boots, then a career takeoff awaits him. If you are trying to put on someone else's boots, it means that soon they will try to transfer other people's responsibilities to you.
If the boots that you see in a dream are badly worn, bad news awaits you from an old friend.
If a lonely girl buys boots in her dream, in real life she will have a lover or even meet her destiny.

boots in a dream what is it for

If a person dreams of boots, then he definitely needs to be more careful with making new acquaintances.
If a person sees rubber boots in front of him, then alienation has appeared in his personal relationship with a loved one, so you should pay more attention to this aspect of life.
If in a dream you are wearing dirty boots, it means that you have suffered from your own gossip, many loved ones have turned away from you because of this.

boots in a dream what is it for

In the event that you see yourself wearing new sturdy boots, this means that you always have kind and sympathetic people who will always come to the rescue and will never betray you. If you see new boots that have not yet been sold and are going to buy them, it means that soon, luck will begin to haunt you, and all unfinished business will be completed with a favorable outcome.

what does it mean if the boots are in a dream

The boots seen in a dream mean the loyalty of the people you are forced to do. If the boots are worn - to failures in the monetary field, if new - great success awaits you. But if you chose good-quality boots, despite the fact that you used them, and refused new ones, then your affairs will improve, no matter what.

interpretation of sleep boots

If you are walking in a dream in new boots, it means that you will have a fascinating journey with your loved one, during which he will show himself from unexpected sides, and you will have the opportunity to look at him with a new look. If you wear rubber boots, you have to be careful, especially when it comes to meeting new people. After all, your loved one may react to this with incomprehensible jealousy, which you do not expect to see from him.

boots in a dream what is it for

If you dream of boots, a long road awaits you in the near future. If the boots are new, a loved one will deceive you. If you see torn shoes, the death of someone close to you is possible. If your sole falls off while walking in your sleep, you should expect an accident or big losses.

interpretation of sleep boots

If in a dream you saw new boots, your life will change dramatically in the near future. better side... If you tried on someone else's boots - in reality, you should beware of taking on someone else's worries on yourself. If these shoes have rubbed calluses on your feet, then you should rethink everything that happens on this moment and draw conclusions, whether you need all this, or should you change your attitude to some things, because your life is in your hands.

Why do you dream of red boots? I wonder why they appear in a dream and what can they mean? Be sure to read what the dream book says about them. You will find in it information that will undoubtedly allow you to look at the surrounding reality with new point vision.

Why do red boots dream - Freud's dream book

Red boots - the meaning of sleep. To begin with, red is the color that in our dreams expresses madness, passion, fire, and also love. Therefore, the symbol wore desire, mainly those associated with sexuality. And the shoes symbolize your position, the situation in which you are. What if we combined these two elements? We will get a picture of what is happening in our private life. And this is how the dream book interprets red boots. As an expression of what is, what is happening around us, what we want.

Red boots, why a woman dreams- Miller's dream book

A description of why a woman dreams of red boots is also available in Miller's dream book. Regardless of the context in which you dream of red boots, they are most likely a reflection of your sexuality. If you see red boots in a dream, this means that a woman is well aware of her attractiveness. And what exactly are you at the stage of a relationship that, on the one hand, fascinates you, and on the other, they are full of dramatic moments.

Why dream of new red boots- Dream interpretation of Wangi

Why are the new red boots dreaming? The dream interpretation explains that if you see in a dream, as you believe, new red boots, this is a sign that you should carefully study yourself, and especially your obedience to temptations. Maybe you give in to them too easily? Maybe you are not too susceptible? If not everything ends happily for you, it really may be time to begin to dominate your desires more. Especially those who are born any minute. Which are an expression of sudden temptation.

Why do red boots dreamdress- Dream interpretation of Nostardamus

When you have to wear red boots in a dream, the dream book suggests that what you learn can be of great importance for your future relationship. They remain, however, in the sphere of intimacy with another person, however, they are not an expression of your desires, but symbolize the discovery of a secret or learn the secret of another person. You don't need to be afraid. Maybe this means that you will recognize the stain that has made your relationship "dirty" until now and jointly get rid of it, and you will discover the joy of being with each other again.

Why dream of red boots with heels - Dream Interpretation Hasse

High-heeled shoes. Red heeled boots also have their own hidden meaning. They symbolize your too high demands and expectations. However, remember that the dream book, talking about what the red high-heeled boots mean, is at the same time the key for you. This means that he is trying to convey to you so that you change your attitude, and then everything will be fine between you. If not, sleep heels will be a symbol of what crushed your relationship, what destroyed it.