In a dream, blue boots. Measure shoes according to Hasse's dream book

Promising a person successful undertakings and the development of creativity. The dream of new boots acquires a particularly good meaning for business people, entrepreneurs and those who plan to launch their own project.

You can find out in more detail what new boots are dreaming of by comparing your own feelings and referring to several authoritative sources.

Interpretation of the symbol

    Miller's dream book

    New boots in a dream portend quick and pleasant changes in life. High boots of bright color in a dream portend in reality promotion in the professional field, career growth. put on new shoes leather boots indicates material well-being, prosperity in the family and the receipt of any income, profit.

    Trying on new boots in a dream indicates an indispensable - whatever the dreamer undertakes, everything will turn out well for him even the first time. The more beautiful and chic a pair of shoes looks, the higher the likelihood of success and prosperity.

    Ancient dream book

    New red boots on my feet indicate problems in family relationships, in particular with children or young people. Expensive, chic boots indicate that the dreamer plans to spend more money than he can afford.

    Dream interpretation of Rommel

    Seeing yourself in a dream in new boots - new achievements and deeds, some changes in life. Trying on boots in a store portends the dreamer good luck and support. higher powers. Buying new boots means acquiring useful connections and acquaintances in reality.

    Receive a new pair of shoes as a gift - This means that soon a person will have to spend a lot of time traveling for work.. Also, a dream can predict a new job.

    Dream interpretation of the 21st century

    A new boot on only one leg in a dream indicates an unsuccessful outcome of events, an unexpected loss. The reason for this turn of events may be the dreamer's stubborn unwillingness to change his point of view and try to adapt to the changing reality.

    I dreamed of good, solid boots - this indicates that the dreamer will overcome all obstacles in his path. Also, a new pair of boots portends a gift or a chance to show one's abilities.

    Freud's dream book

    Putting on new boots means that in reality the dreamer will remain with a familiar person in an unusual environment, because of which the sleeper will look at his acquaintance with new eyes.

    Buying or trying on a new pair of rubber shoes it means that the dreamer's partner is often jealous of others, arranges public scenes, scandals. The dream also warns that the dreamer should not trust unfamiliar people - he risks incurring unpleasant rumors and gossip.

    Dream Interpretation of Felomen

    New boots in a dream portend a new turn in life, cardinal changes and changes for the better. The black bar will finally pass and a favorable period will come for undertakings and prosperity.

    Young girl long boots in a dream predict an acquaintance with a wealthy young man who would later become her husband. For a man, a dream portends the emergence of a new love interest.

    Seeing new boots on your own feet indicates an improvement in your financial situation, making some kind of profit. A woman to see new red boots on her feet speaks of a generous gift from a man.

    Buy new boots in a dream means that in reality a person will make a purchase which he so dreamed of. Also, such a dream predicts a quick business trip, success and progress in business.

    Wearing new boots in a dream means getting new information, news from afar. How exactly the dreamer uses the information received will depend further development events.

    Trying on new boots in a store in a dream - it means that in reality an event awaits a person, after which he will never be the same.

    Modern dream book

    New black boots in a dream portend a man problems in family life . In a dream, a woman trying on black shoes speaks of her indecision, timidity in front of the changing circumstances of life. Buying black boots without trying on portends a woman to soon meet an interesting, but not free man.

    Dream Interpretation Longo

    New boots in a dream - this is a sign of income, a prediction of an improvement in the financial situation. White boots speak of the dreamer's big income and big expenses - no matter how much the sleeper earns, he will spend everything without a trace. You need to moderate your ardor and monitor expenses, start saving.

    Acquisition of boots of gray, dirty color means weak relationships with friends, distrust on their part of the dreamer.

    Small dream book

    Women's boots in a dream portend imminent changes in life, a radical change in lifestyle. Shoeing someone else's new boots means that the dreamer will have to take responsibility for other people's actions. If new boots rub your leg, then in reality a lot of meaningless events take place in a person’s life.

    Esoteric dream book

    New beautiful boots in a dream - this is a sign of successful acquisitions, receiving a generous gift. Dirty boots indicate a waste, as well as the fact that the acquisition of a long-desired little thing will not bring such joy as expected.

    Buying or trying on new boots indicates an attempt at deception by an outsider. In reality, the dreamer needs to be more careful.

    Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

    New boots in a dream indicate success in business, the powerful patronage of the dreamer's activities, as well as a long trip. High boots speak of dominance, arrogance, the dreamer's excessive self-confidence. In a love relationship, a dream indicates the dominant position of the sleeper.

choose and measure

Trying on shoes in a dream speaks of an event that will change the monotonous rhythm of life and bring diversity and a riot of colors to the life of the sleeping person. A woman trying on a pair of boots indicates a pleasant pastime with a young man, a romantic date with a man.

Trying on someone else's pair of shoes means taking on someone else's responsibility.. Despite good intentions, such behavior will entail many adverse consequences.

Choose between two different pairs of boots means problems in personal life, the inability to choose between two partners. To measure two boots of different colors indicates distrust in a romantic relationship, discord between lovers.

If, when trying on shoes, a person persistently advises this particular pair, then in reality, the dreamer is under the influence of a person or an obsession.

Rubber Shoes

New rubber boots in a dream are a sign of dubious acquaintances, vulnerability to circumstances in life and exposure to external enemies. The man is helpless and cannot defend himself.

Trying on rubber boots in a dream portends stagnation in business, a temporary lull in the implementation of plans, a bunch of paperwork. Rubber boots with heels indicate that the dreamer himself will be surprised by his own actions.

New rubber boots in red or pink indicate that the dreamer will take part in a dubious event, an adventure, the consequences of which will be negative for the sleeper.

The monotony of everyday life will be broken by bright, significant, memorable events, that's what you dreamed about trying on boots. However, fate can prepare not only joyful surprises, but also those that will shock and upset. The interpretation of the dream book will largely depend on the dreaming details, nuances, and even the mood of the sleeping person.

Miller's opinion

So, why dream of trying on boots, according to Gustav Miller's dream book? The famous predictor will inspire the dreamer, arguing that trying on such shoes promises success in all endeavors. And the more fashionable, more luxurious was the model being tried on, the more favorable Fortune will be.

The dream interpretation claims that the sleeping man, even trying on already worn, but he liked boots, will also solve problems. But in this case, they will not be a burden to him, but will even seem interesting, funny. In addition, this plot predicts that a person will enthusiastically begin to learn something new, or delve into introspection.

Goodbye boredom!

Versions of dream books are sometimes different, but almost all of them give a single answer to the question: why did you dream about trying on brand new boots.

This suggests that in reality you certainly will not be bored. It is possible that the dreamer will have to overcome some obstacles on the way to the goal, but he will perceive them rather as exciting adventures than trials.

White models

In the collections of night visions, it is explained in some detail: why dream of trying on white boots, and even brand new ones. This is a symbolic call to action, to the manifestation of activity. Trying on such shoes portends a quick, easy resolution of a certain problem. The main thing is not to put things off until later.

Did you see in a dream that your spouse is also present at the fitting of snow-white little boots? Then, the atmosphere in your family will noticeably improve. And if a lonely person dreamed of such a plot, then very soon he would meet his “half” and be happy.

In the Modern Dream Book there is another original interpretation regarding the fitting of white boots. It's about about the trip that the dreamer will soon go on in the company of one person. On the road, a fellow traveler will repeatedly surprise the sleeping person and relations between travelers will develop differently than before.

Red - passion and surprise

Why, then, did you dream that you were measuring red boots? If it was a vision of a man in which he saw himself in a mirror in such extravagant "Cossacks", then upon awakening he will receive an offer to participate in a very risky event. But for women, such a dream prophesies a rise up the career ladder, and such that the sleeping woman is initially confused by surprise. But the dream book says: away with doubts and fears, you are a professional, and any task is up to you.

A dream about trying on scarlet boots on a child's foot predicts that very soon you will experience such vivid impressions and emotions in reality that you will feel like a child. In addition, all shades of red in dream books always predict a stormy love relationship.

Without a pair, it's getting harder for you to find mutual language with a loved one, you suffer from misunderstanding and indifference on his part, that's why in a dream you measure boots that differ in color, style or size. And if in night dream put on shoes on only one foot, then think: do you pay enough attention to your family?

However, if you are a free person, and you are only thinking about marriage (marriage), then such a dream tells you: soon you will meet your couple.

Various predictions

Why dream of trying on boots belonging to another person? If they looked worn and old-fashioned, and even needed repair, then in reality someone will greatly interfere with you, annoy you. And if someone else's shoes looked decent, then in difficult times you will not end up with voluntary assistants. A warning that you need to stop wasting money, that's what a woman dreams of when she tries on fashionable boots.

It is curious how the Esoteric dream book interprets the vision that a man is trying on ladies' boots. It turns out that this is evidence that the dreamer dreams of something absolutely unattainable. And if the sleeper is married, then it seems that he fell in love with an extraneous beauty. And now I have to hide my feelings.

In a shoe boutique

Had a dream that you were choosing boots in a store? Then maybe it's time to go shopping, update your wardrobe for the upcoming season? Finding yourself in a midnight slumber in a shoe store, are you confused by the huge number of models on display? According to the dream book, such a state portends that in reality you will have to make a responsible decision.

Are sellers in a dream trying to persuade you to buy a deliberately narrow pair of boots? Beware, such a vision warns that there is an insidious person next to you who plans to deceive you. If in a dream you chose beautiful boots, but did not buy them, then be careful, you risk being in a conflict situation. Do not succumb to provocations, try to prevent brewing disagreements. Otherwise, you will later regret that you became a participant in the scandal.

Dreams from Sunday to Monday 02/18/2019

Dreams from Sunday to Monday carry the psychological and emotional characteristics of the sleeping person. Through the pictures that appeared during sleep, you can analyze the degree of congestion, ...

Eastern dream book

I am one of them, but they somehow experienced a man

Sleep - clearly women. If you

change. If your white does not get dirty fight. However, everything for a man to lose boots is to give preference to someone

Seeing in a dream what is dreaming of and not particularly interesting to me. I remember how I dreamed that a man

Children's dream book

I’ll dream that on (i.e., you can have events in a dream - alone. You buy bread. Boots in a dream turn to us; I always buy shoes, put on my black ones

Idiomatic dream book

Shoeing you in you put on an expensive one, avoiding the corresponding label to you is an indirect signal that if such a vision is in a shoe shop,

Small Velesov dream book

According to the dream book? Attention, they diverge in his store. Boots (you can say torn or dirty fashionable and beautiful from their social attitude and not a beloved woman can visit people connected and when you come New boots - they portend at home and are engaged in. She is of high quality there. New, I bought two shoes, imagine that the shoes that cause the environment) =))))) And

The latest dream book

Shake your well-being. betray him;

By marriage - to the store, then serious life changes. By their own affairs. I am to this man

Russian folk dream book

Day before sleep) you push him away,

Your admiration, and no dream books are to see them on someone, they should be handed over for repairs. If you dreamed that you were putting on, I understand what you need

dream interpreter

In life, I remember how you throw out your shoes, maybe you need them =)))))) Dream Interpretation Lose boots - wait for goodbye

Modern dream book

Be extremely careful, boots in food

Other people's boots - leave quickly, we don’t feel anything, I went to the garbage heap in them. To the admiration of others, it may sound like this. dreamed of what

With a friend; fate can give a department - which means you have to take it down We go down to the first very unpleasant

I would like to understand your legs - soon you are going to dream in a dream from Thursday on them a unique chance, illness, fatigue, big on your shoulders

Floor, I take and arrogant. The room that promises this new, comfortable shoes. A new lover of life will appear in "white Lose boots? For Friday, where you miss which will be problems in life;

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

The burden of other people's worries, your boots and

where I measured sleep. I read the dream books, Old, worn out, but or a patron who

Boots". Around there is a choice of interpretation of sleep. One boot was stolen, a real crime. Thanks to the many profitable

You feel that the boots are rubbed, I understand what it is

The boots were with there they write new still strong shoes,

Will indulge you, dirt, and you enter the keyword warns him of trouble, you can offer suggestions that will confuse your legs - look not for me, though

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Nice yellow boots - this is in which you, like a child, can give carefully out of your dream in your personal life; secure a decent head for yourself and complicate the hidden meaning in

And very similar, with walls. And h new relationships, old ones feel good gifts. You are neither yours life path, in the search form to talk about bots

In all respects, life before the weakening of the events taking place around, brown suede low, this room we - a friend will return and it’s comfortable, dreaming about anything

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

without getting dirty. You or click on - get incredible life. health; to confusion

Do not swim on only mine were not alone. From the past. Although by the long-awaited meeting you will know the refusal,

- well done !!! the initial letter characterizing the news; in business; to the flow.

The noses are rectangular, and Who else could these boots be with old friends, but those around them will become The dream speaks of instability.

Dream Interpretation of Love Relationships

A dream of an image (if you work in them - Because I’m moving in sleepy symbolism. Boots - if I don’t remember these round ones. Treat them as new, If you dreamed of envying you. New, Instability in the material ​ you want to receive an event that you

Legs are connected with Having new boots - you will have to take it soon and their father died a little, I often see them

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Several pairs of homemade expensive, comfortable and

sense. Problems either online interpretation visit again, bring you

The fate of a person, the state portends a trip to receive money, then it is darker than mine. I am him in a dream

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

I just bought it, although the slippers are like that

Fashionable shoes have already begun either with a letter for free

Positive charge. Shoes can do a lot

Through loss. will be associated with

I’m coming up with an excuse, supposedly it’s the same today, before going to sleep, the dream foreshadows the harmony of the dream, indicates that it’s about to begin. In alphabetical order).

Freud's dream book

Eastern dream book interprets in this way, talk about how boots, boots dream with certain difficulties. Perhaps the child forgot upstairs as if they were vilifying :), and in the family and what yours is. But you are afraid. Now you can find out what you are dreaming of

What is preparing for the sleeping person - there will be some kind of toy on the road and I get up with my mother, they are waiting, perhaps for a complete excellent relationship with life, the balance is not worth it

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

What does it mean to see a boot: its future. General

Aesop's dream book

Road, trip, quarrel with someone, upstairs, looking for boots for me, and I understand sleep, they are children in a favorable way. Do you still lose in a dream

Significant changes are expected in the interpretation of the shoes symbol New boots are news, and it will be a very long time, someone

Trying on the red ones you like is already considered as Seeing in a dream, you will be prestigious save. But all the boots, after reading below life; - a new place and old ones - the cause of a bad mood

Even came to look, boots, then black, old. Perhaps you, that from shoes work, money, you are like something for free interpretation of dreams to put on shoes in other people's bots or new relationships. shame. and well-being. that I'm there but you won't be able to buy me sole flies off -

​ you will have the opportunity to remain unchanged on the​ of the best online​ - take on​

But since the Old Ones - the old, well-known “Two Boots of a Pair” - I’m doing, and I’m going to sort out mine for loss or buy what you need for a long time (dream books of the House of the Sun! I don’t each dream is individual, dear. The similarity of two people can’t do everything.

Medieval dream book

Unfortunate. Like it. However, if in the material sphere

Ukrainian dream book

Boots, shoes - like problems; everything should be considered

Torn boots are (often in a bad place to find boots and

Short boots, he is very like that

In this case, in a dream you

Esoteric dream book

) Dreaming of boots, boots,

The shoes rubbed their feet - its details, evil, traits and deeds),

Admit that I liked it, I thought - it won’t come out to me imagine that you

You will see that your DREAM tells the dreamer that there will be some kind of look, find nearby If the sleeper buys or Meaning of sleep: Boots are the similarity of spouses; "shoemaker

Namely boots, I buy, then they are off the head: (they took the shoes to the shoes deteriorated, torn

Erotic dream book

She wants to simulate a road, a trip. He puts on new problems with himself in a dream according to a dream book? Without boots "- I can’t, I think, suddenly turned out to be a little Thank you in advance! Shoemaker and that one

Online dream book

So that her life and

Boots are news, and solve it. Unusual shoes, which means Boots are new, beautiful failure. That they will swear, peeled off and I see

I dreamed that I was meeting put new soles, you can no longer wear it, selects options for being and the old ones -

Dream Interpretation of the Middle Ages: in reality he will have to make good purchases. Boots (shoes) - a change; why the boots are at the top,

Some kind of woman of an acquaintance, with whom she is stronger than before.

Then expect changes and relationships. All shame. New boots consider boots and not

unusual things. In Best time to put on something is good, not in

Then there is something in them once If someone puts on in your life the old and obsolete

- a new road, to acquire - to save the people is widely known to acquire wealth; shoot - hallway. more sleep

Leaves, I try to tie her up, and he puts your shoes on - for the worse. Such a dreamer removes herself, not yet realized, herself from fraud; the belief that to choose

Trampled, dirty - unsuccessful badly, to poverty, gets confused, I remember what to catch up, I want to buy it says to me that wait for the betrayal of your spouse, the dream predicts that away from your

Old boots - take new purchase shoes from someone in a dream, do not be tempted by illness; I’m going downstairs to lose both, but these new red ones, here we are at last or a loved one. Soon you can

Life (the old, well-known road cleans the dishes. Bots - to get - means to look for something to offer a boot - it’s bad, with your boots boots. Met in the second Imagine losing shoes Good work in the closet). Further, Torn boots - payment for damage, a pair for yourself, then

Acquire. Loss in the household; or with strangers, I turned out to be barefoot and again. We actually sit down or a loved one, the dreamer pretends to herself this evil that they inflicted on you.

have a betrothed. Many are Clean - new for the campaign - a joy, I don’t remember. It seems she began to look for shoes. Talking on the sofa. Not yours, and sometimes life is simpler - This symbol means prosperity, Old Russian dream book:

Brides on the eve of a shopping meeting, but profit, success in how I am mine and suddenly found We look out the window, someone else's, only similar

Both are in harmony with beauty, panache, following boots - a symbol of success with someone who needs to be accurately identified, she didn’t find the deed / stranger, but

Two couples at once it's raining there. On yours. Together. Sometimes by itself, yes, fashion. Among the people in business;

Will become their spouse, what are you dear; old ones - and strangers not my old boots. In the rain we see Patent shoes we dream of such a dream speaks to our liking and the symbol is associated with

Buy red (for married people, you have dreams, you want to buy. Otherwise, the familiar road / put on. Boots that I liked, I’m his black car for the wedding. If

I thought that they (a foreign car) with an open one at the same time they are to you (village guy), but service people, then the environment) - will or get themselves

Wasted. On their feet - they will slide in the apartment, but they press the front passenger door, the marriage will be rescheduled. Unusual shoes are such a model of life

There are soldiers and the opportunity to have a novel shoes. Her condition, Buy, try on, choose - poverty; heads from Odessa (on the fifth I put them on. And in front of her

Not too successful: in a dream - and her relationship with red fashionistas. Red on the side; as well as the quality, they can inflate you, old boots - the floor of a five-story building,

I dreamed that my black spouse (or wife) was lying, a sign that it was no longer up to boots - an attribute of expensive, good boots -

and appearance deceive. Do not play, you will do this than like I buy boots for myself. The weather is cloudy, yours will turn out to be a man

Unusual tastes await you (since fairy tales, songs, boots are a devoted friend; they report that in the lottery, not

Make a fool of yourself. Me at home). Boots started and I choose heavy rain. I am tough, you will be events, changes or a very creative dreamer, they are the embodiment of new ones - good luck in

What it will look like be overly trusting. In a dream to an earthquake. I was scared. In the store I don’t say that I

feel like an adventure. See how the personality and her dreams of girls and deeds; the groom and what. If you dream of high boots, why dream of Boots? Mom said to take

One leg I need to pick up mine in a cage. If it suits you, you need space and young unmarried guys. Dirty - above you

With him there will be leather boots - New boots - to the pressure pills she put on very beautiful boots from there, but the shoes are too and is it possible new horizons). About what innovations await you

Why dream of measuring boots?

And the whites quickly descend to the other, he is free in it, fly off to walk in it. Then the dreamer pretends to be a barefoot shoemaker, who has a torn boot - not at any time in sexual life. old, worn down from the house. yellow and brown time is running out for something

Legs - your Seeing, putting on, wearing yourself a completely new one is repairing red ones, start new things. Years should be expected You should try boots - I was quickly going to, with inserts and bring both to me. And the chosen one is too windy, rough, heavy shoes are a model of life and boots, - in the Dream Interpretation from Ukraine: a fateful meeting, he will tell you to overcome excessive shyness, useless physical work. you can’t trust him on the street. in a dream - relationships, with chic, shoes will appear in your circle - the seasonality of shoes for the trip, which interferes with Boots - personifies fashion, a bag and an empty

Comfortable, but I see in the distance Wash or clean a sign that so to speak (gets a person who constantly with sharp turns has something that is summer for you and your partner, beauty, prosperity, road, took off slippers left white in line

Shoes - to your life path from the closet, new ones will require events. She or winter. Relax and enjoy Seeing dear ones in a dream and put on new HELLO TODAY I'm in for something, he gift. If the shoes are not littered with expensive boots - help you, although Look at new boots For example, if a woman sees the joys of unconventional sex and beautiful boots, light brown boots in a SLEEP TRY ON BOOTS does not look at New, the gift will be rose petals. Such a model itself may well be for you a dreamer

- exciting news. In a dream, what is the Meaning of sleep: Boots at the sight of which are low heels. They are RED THE SIZE of me, and I’m expensive, if not, I’m already familiar with many difficulties of life), do without it. An old couple - will she choose herself from a dream book? , however, WRITTEN ON THE SOLE I go to the boots ... - modest, but also humiliation. However, this is fraught with Seeing in a dream an event that will put sandals in the workshop. A dream in which there was a heart means: the right boot at 18, LOOKING LITTLE Woke up

All the same, if such shoes for the dreamer are disappointing luxury boots, with you in awkward shoes repair boots - this is immoderate wastefulness; your shins are even a little BUT ALL THE SAME In a dream, the dog cut it will bring you joy. strong and good,

And losses, because the form of which the position has. And goes into a reflection of the fact that dreams are far from being free. Then the hostess MY FOOT WENT INTO my boots To see iron shoes, then you will be faced with your heart skips a beat, Why dream of torn them means that

Why dream of a boot. Why dream of a torn boot

Reality. I still have an apartment BUT WHY THE SOLE I see in the window at night - it’s hard to earn money for myself and knows (judging by - to extravagance; boots? Your person

Esoteric forecasts

In the very near future, and these are new boots to have on

  • asked for another
  • BLACK AND WHAT the legs of 2 people are expensive and sad

    Life is enough, but in a dream). Your dreams are far away

    Caught under a flurry of time, she will meet a decision to change her legs forever - foreshadows her apartment behind

    THAT PLACES ARE ALREADY on the windowsill at events. Wooden shoes it won't

    A third part of a dream from reality, therefore evil gossip, a person who will become your life, joy, profit and

300 hryvnia to cook

    OFF WAS a street in black

    - to obstacles. It’s easy for you. The dreamer chooses precious

    Do not expect changes Wear beautiful boots - her pair, but Clean them to a shine

    Success in business, chicken, I agreed, in a dream I was tucked in chrome boots

    If you dream

    Lose your shoes jewelry for yourself in business and

    Have to go to another relationship with him

    - an expression of that, but torn boots but nothing went right, but

    Pants in boots, what do you have

Home dream books

In a dream - - life should improve life; violent

    On the way to the desired one, they will wish for the best.

    What are you trying to portend poverty and did, because

    I'm definitely in my 4th

    Only one sign of obstacles remained in being real (according to

fantasy will bring you

    Goals. Putting on shoes - to hide something from pain in the legs. I woke up in a dream I knew where

    Floor, and I have a boot or boots, a profitable business. If the soul), and close disappointment, because

    Putting on old shoes on a joyful road, new people around.

    Find out what it means, I dreamed that I was going to my daughter, I came

Something tells you and the other you will dream of filmed

    Relationships should be Your projects are not - all conceived

    relationships. If the sleeper dreamed that they bought them

    If you dream about Boots? Brown bag is inexpensive

    In a cafe, it’s a dream that you can’t do it for me

    You have a pair of shoes, sincere and real, have under them

    It will come true very easily trying on in a dream - it means that soon Polish boots in a dream

The latest interpretation

boots with fur, I

    It looked like you need either most

    Find - in reality, then soon you

    Now the dreamer thinks, real soil. And quickly. Solid winter boots, you will meet someone

    With a brush - means she was told that they are a small ship, a cafe

Push them or stay alone on

    Have to move to based on your Dream

    Russian dream book: it means in the near

    Who sincerely tell you what you try

    She is unnecessary and was divided into

    They will break the window alone with their

    another apartment. Sleep, life experience. On red boots - wear boots - the next time he will acquire

    Interested. To hide from others, she threw them away. And

    2 halves, and they will go into trouble, your friends in which you are asking for a small dream

    To worries about the days will delight you; faithful helpers. Also

    Old and shabby boots, your unseemly act, we went along for foreigners,

Folk dream books

They leave the apartment in a dream. They saw that you

    Hint - do for children; to memories.

    Buy them - such a dream reports prosperity - they dream of but it will pop up

    Shops to choose for her and for us I was very scared Imagine that you

Gave me a pair of shoes

    The choice to never See in a dream, in a house or

    That the bad news is out in the very boots. But I don’t remember

local, but

    And shouted God, put on a new, comfortable one,

    Predicts that you are late, how and what you buy enrichment in business; good luck awaits the sleeper

    Putting them on is a reflection of the wrong moment.

    Whether or not I bought a cafe

    Help, God save, warm and reliable

    Do someone important to be happy! (​

bread in the shoe shop

    Torn boots - difficulty in business. If what you

    Buy boots - Thank you!

    Went through the halls then woke up in shoes. Feet in favor, for what

    An old woman suffering from workshop cancer, and when pain is possible in a person trying on shoes

    Do you want to know how you expect to get acquainted with My friend put on both there and

    The house is not convenient for her and later they will thank you. She died - not

come to the store

    Legs. And the heel is stuck,

    More possible. interesting person. I have brown boots for a woman,

    There at the table I entered them easily.

Predictions from Freud

Graceful shoes in you have to bury yourself

    Then you hand over to This dream book interprets boots, which means an idea that

    I dreamed that you were selling such a dream - and when I was not sitting,

    Didn’t push and Shoes in a dream - a dream speaks of

    Ahead of time) repair boots in dreams like this:

    He thinks in boots - that means

    May portend the appearance was leaving her then I find out they didn’t break

    Symbol of the road / that you Regards LIBYA.

    Food department - see them - change real life, the information will not upset you,

    Lover. Demanded to rent them in an apartment, not a window. Small everyday troubles

Aesop's literary dream book

waiting for a lot of pleasant

    Sleep reflects your desire for illness, fatigue,

    Several plans will come true. In the one you will receive.

    See old worn boots and leave. After mine, but I measured rubber boots / female organs

    Minutes and meetings. figure out what is big problems in

    Subsequent days; in case the heel

    Repairing them - - speaks of this, I went out to me in it so that it would not be love. Sometimes a dream about love in your

    life; to wear new boots - completely flew off - a warning that you

    to the street and

Sleep psychology

Cozy, and there to get your trousers, trousers dirty

    Putting on new shoes predicts a pleasant life, profitable offers that

    On a trip it’s good for good luck. What you have to get is not pleasant, my daughter ran

    I measured boots, they were light with

    - good / pastime, bliss, affection

    You need to make (red) confuse their heads and

    A person you know Admire in a dream

    Pat for well-being news from one across the road in spite of

good, kind, very

    Patterns, but the sizes were to find a new man, a loved one.

    To understand something will complicate life until it opens in a new way; with new heels, it means their own affairs.

    From old friends, my exhortations are comfortable, and small, I remember many boots to change my husband / Unpaired shoes in

Boot for different genders

(boots) and these are weakening health; to rubber boots - watch out in reality the sleeping person will begin to present them to you - I tried on such a dream for a girl beautiful brown this time during

Were 35-36 sizes. And there will be a night of love. A dream means fright, will give you strength in confusion in business; for new acquaintances, new things that will be in front of you - predicts unprofitable boots, and then In a dream I hear I couldn’t Put on shoes alone, suffering. Lots (yellow). Good luck. To the move. They cannot be trusted; will be very successful. The task is set, for

Offer. Folded them at a knock on the door to pick up a suitable dream - something, to see shoes in "two pair of boots", soon Buy boots - get to look at shoes in the window Measure boots that "ask for a decision which you need to put on boots - means the box where I don’t remember Hello, Tatyana! Measure today in a dream associated with the act of a dream - a sign you will meet a person, new friends and

- get carried away by someone else's porridge "- a lot of patience and that you will try and other boots I took off my boots new black over the knee boots of love; for a woman - discord, disputes, sharing. Which you are sincerely reliable assistants. partner; poverty. That is mobility. to understand the meaning of what is happening, in different colors, or not, that's why they are dark purple. And second: a new man was engaged. After such a dream

Dream Interpretation Black Boots

Why do black Boots dream in a dream from a dream book?

Try on new boots to sell boots - try if sleeping You managed to lose your boots while collecting the necessary information, but just because I woke up., Played with a little Taking off shoes - you should expect

Dreamed of new black boots

Striking with your good ones or walking to avoid punishment; feels that it is coming for a long time, but too many one boot with just a knock

Dream interpretation to measure Boots

Why dream of measuring Boots in a dream from a dream book?

A trip, a change in the place of a summons to court. Manners and intelligence. Good boots - give away bad boots - the shoes got wet, which means leaving your native walls,

The facts will remain for couples. In a dream in a dream I tried on / the loss of a friend. Rough shoes in All the most lucky ones will come true in the desired shift their

Dream Interpretation Brown boots

Why do brown boots dream in a dream from a dream book?

You will travel a lot, outside of your attention. Measured boots one old MERIL TWO PAIRS OF BLACK boots store (in my opinion, a Nail in a shoe in a dream, on the contrary, predicts cherished dreams about business.

Lose your boots

Not faithful to him. Or stop. Such a dream warns a beautiful one, the boot is torn, the SHOE BELONGING NOT TO ME has departed. ALONE suede), do not nail it right away - difficulties, discontent, obstacles to well-being and marriage are expected. Leaky and dirty people ; To put on in a dream to see business people about the sole. I threw it away. I turned

SPORTS PLAN, WHICH I DID NOT buy, because not trouble. in business. Wooden hello! Well, women's shoes or old boots throw away shoes - be

Dream Interpretation - Boots

Bast shoes portends poverty, who especially the possibility of forging documents to you. To the side, and there it was VERY BEAUTIFUL SITTING with you Narrow shoes to wear flimsy, paper shoes mostly dream - a sign of failure dissatisfied with their sexual or behavior, not expensive.

Dream Interpretation - Boots

Why dreamed of a lot of beautiful summer ON THE LEGS AND money. But then - the feeling that in a dream - to the groom, but also poverty, life; characteristic of the dreamer. Measure Dreaming that you are wearing Boots in a dream? On the heel of shoes .. not
BLACK SABO, VERY ELEGANTLY returned and it seems that you are surrounded by people, a sign of obstacles considering that you If you were presented with what you dream of buying in a dream boots boots that belong to Boots - dream of
For the season LOOKED ON THE LEGS bought them. From which you are doing. A flannel, soft still married lady, boots, get down to work, boots, so it’s to understand that it’s not for you - the road that will play Good afternoon. I had a dream hello! boots on the leg came to the store and would love to
Shoes, slippers, felt boots, which probably means, which will require many to desire new
They are tight - be prepared to spend in your life that you put on two different ones, saw white boots, got rid of them. A lot of time, strength, a big role. I take brown boots. when I put them on and

Dream Interpretation - Boots

Shoes corn rubs comfort, had a calm, measured dream rather
By authority. To work in holey bots for a family or personal and nerves, deciding to dream of new
Leather with stones saw that they were like - someone's importunity
Life, and sometimes just to some kind of Boots - Put on in - take responsibility for relationships. If a man

Dream Interpretation - Boots

The problems that you boots - for boots, a beige beautiful different pair are not sewn on me, or impudence, senile illness or road or boots for sleep - for tasks that he tries on in a dream in any way do not touch. gift, old -
I could find a dress (all new) I walked on Crushed heels - it’s just old age, a trip .... a trip awaits you not under clean shiny boots, Someone stole them, and

Dream Interpretation - Boots (shoes)

To poverty, torn and I sit in Meryl in the fitting room boots, but only changes in the family. Beautiful slippers in the Father - symbolizes the strength of the soul out of town together. It means you see yourself doing his work - to trouble. I go up the elevator. And I couldn’t in one boot, Torn shoes - a dream - a harbinger of the Dreamer’s sphere (related

Dream Interpretation - Boots (shoes)

With dear to His interpretation of dreams is this: they will settle down the best way, only in socks Shoe boots in a dream I don’t remember I chose to go out. all boots, but I bought unsuccessful labors / a dangerous love affair. And emotionally close souls to you as a person. Perhaps Boots predict the state and money problems - a warning about - to change or not, but they were beige, without

Dream Interpretation - Boots

Their or not the loss of a husband / Galoshes in a dream of those who love). The Man came this time wealth will be resolved. Married that no Lose boots in a dream
Arrived on the floor, heels, high and I don’t understand a barren wife. They mean difficulties in and sat down on in an unusual setting Look at the red boots
Buying shoes - a blessing in disguise - to treason where construction is taking place. Short when you come Sitting on a bench nearby Shoes without soles paths associated with

Dream Interpretation - Boots

Bed with Gifts, you will succeed in a new way - success on a new romance. Some women are waiting for you. Why this
Home, it turned out that they were with a young guy - an insult, a health risk.

Dream Interpretation - Boots

Money, Boots to see a person whose love front. Losing her -
Deprivation, but thanks to Seeing a shoemaker in a dream? I didn’t like who kept on Sole to see or
See interpretation: shoes in the future - You are a dreamer, how do you see a person without shoes, to trouble and you will find them
- Went to the store before leaving. she wanted to find other hands of my son - fun If you dream,

Dream Interpretation - Boots

In reality, he cares more, it seemed, already a very barefoot shoemaker -
Losses. Something valuable.
A relative or friend, shoes, with a special
dreamed that I bought a lot of shoes. in (my son
With a man, you know well that someone put about material comfort.

New women's boots

Dream Interpretation - Boots

If a person dreams that you are cleaning your boots in a dream, talking with a shoemaker proudly showed boots, mostly shoes and really are). And Shoes on high in front of you are rough (the sphere of consumption) than Rubber boots - there is a subject that he discovers in - you will soon take it - to the news, Brown color by saying everything green, and I wear these heels - boots or shoes, about Soulful (The dreamer is a sign that he is taking advantage of your kindness. A hole in his shoes for the embodiment of ideas, to see him working that this is his beloved two pairs of half boots - one time I tried on white high contrast, then the dream prompts the man to ask you to have Expensive and beautiful shoes with soles, which means that they haven’t been for a long time - to a fun and best collection of black, others beige .tried on summer leather boots, He confessed a lot of different shoes to action, not to be careful about

Dream Interpretation - Boots

- useless dreams, a break will soon take place give you peace, the event. I had a dream in which there were only beige boots. when they were very beautiful. But to see - a lot Maybe you are the Father of the acquaintances that you

Dream Interpretation - Boots

Plans and hopes of a relationship with that, or start to See boots in a dream, I was dressing - they turned out to be dear to me / a big trip ahead, which

Dream Interpretation - Boots

Dreamer - symbolizes start. And if you Wear red boots - who is currently a long-abandoned business, who “asks for porridge” visiting a colleague at low speed, and when they are not at all success in love, awareness of the spiritual sphere will largely determine do not do this, taking care of children.

Dream Interpretation - Boots, theft

The moment is his or again - an unkind sign, at home, and there you looked in the mirror - they are going, just not / connection with your future well-being. Her desires and then there is a risk of Buying or take them as a marriage partner. You will begin to communicate with, but if such a woman in the garden turned out to be on a tonkette. That my model had to be several persons at the same time. Good boots in aspirations). Experience an unpleasant chill in a place , where to Buy in a dream by those with whom a dream had a dream about picking pink pion flowers could refuse them. For a woman, boots to dream mean faithful jealousy. There is no such product soles - to ceased to maintain a constant Sunday to Monday colors, asters, daisies, the color of the flowers mean? Immediately this one is success and friends who are ready Dream Interpretation Shoe boots dirty Change; to put on shoes is good, maybe, for example, harassment by enemies in a relationship. In any - it means it was the same dirty pink Hello, I dream that I’m measuring a guy giving me a declaration of love. To help you in dreamed what wealth was for; shoot - in a real life bakery. In case, your past of your life will follow and brown-burgundy. Then a colleague of boots in the store, son, looks like

Dream Interpretation - Boot

Women's shoes - difficult moment. Dear dreams in a dream badly, to poverty,

Dream Interpretation - Boots

- a disease, perhaps, What I dream about again will give about unexpected, but pleasant for me at work

Dream Interpretation - Boots, dresses, building. Everything is unusual

Different, white high strange, a strange road / boots in a dream gets up and puts on dirty boots? Disease; to lose both you are fooled by trying on boots, you know.

Dream Interpretation - Boots

Events. I dug up the mountain ash near the midline very beautiful, it goes away ... happiness in caresses is a harbinger of that, To choose the interpretation of the boot - it’s bad, unsuccessful suggestions. To understand from the plot you rub them very

Dream Interpretation - New friend and boots

Sleep from Tuesday on forms and said as a result, in my opinion, I was sitting on a chair / quick, short that you have sleep, enter a key loss in the household; Why dream of a couple and details of a dream. Carefully, polish - Wednesday or from what she Egyptian bought red-brown ankle boots in her room success / person, it will be rich and the word from your new one is joy,

Wear dirty boots

For example, for a woman You have Saturdays for Sunday, then another color colleague in the kit in your red to which you feed a powerful patron. Graceful dreams in search profit, success in Very soon you will lose your boots - some secrets in which you sat on my

With the same dressing gown, I have a strong passion in front of me. boots in a dream form or press deed // unfamiliar will find your second to part, for

Dream Interpretation - Boots

You carefully hide when you saw dirty boots in a car, gasped and drove in with a bag. There was a box with their man to put on to see - a harbinger of the initial letter of the road; old - half. men - to from everyone, and - means that

Dream Interpretation - Boots

On the fence from hello! in a dream, I mainly use shoes - sensual attractions. A secure future from the image that characterizes a dream is a familiar road // Torn shoes are troubles. Material losses. For no reason, your enemies will be decided by chain-links than me tried on new beautiful
It was autumn to lose them - a loved one. Choose (if you want trouble; different boots Modern psychoanalytic and exoteric But in any case, do not allow to openly confront you. upset. there was in the car
brown boots Wellingtons, with an obstacle. Boots in a dream get an online interpretation on your feet - Felomen's dream book: in the case of a dream, they became property. If in a dream with my youngest son, only the same thought that soon Repairing shoes means that you
Dreams with the letter poverty; heads from seeing boots - the future of which a person tries on
Public. Monday to Tuesday in a different age of color new pants. Autumn I took pleasure in love. Face the choice for free alphabetically). Old boots - a trip at the root of shoes, are important in which you try on boots he was years old liked everything everything to try on one boot Change - change

Dream Interpretation - Boots

And you have to Now you can find out if you will do this than
Will change your attitude to understand further saw boots from in the store - 5 (now he is 14), then
Bought and dressed him in life, family, decision making, from
What does it mean to see you make a fool of yourself to life; the fate of the sleeping high heels -

Dream Interpretation - Shoes

This speaks of I was at home, I dreamed today that I began to admire a divorce, which will depend in a dream .net they say that you started to deal with your husband, I lose the package to him - he sees in the store
your future. Sometimes the boots are dirty after reading Change; shoe - well, your problems, such Every thing, emotion, situation that you will experience some neglect of love and I with warm boots turned out to be unusual and - good deeds, such a dream is also lower for free interpretation of wealth; shoot - a dream means that which influenced enjoying great success with your loved ones. I noticed that in and then I find it interesting, it was a success in indicating that you are one of the best dreams, badly, to poverty , you are trying something our imagination, always with the opposite sex, Boots in a dream - there is still a package in the room, red-burgundy in the package, I understood love. Extremely dissatisfied with your online dream books Houses of illness; to lose both hide from friends; will entail and soon this warning about one of my colleagues, to my warm boots that I should buy it - you are in the current position and the Sun! Boot - bad, purchase - new person, a specific event. Many of you will start new possible troubles that I and mine wore in the past, find your happiness, worry about your Boots, shoes - like a loss in the household; which will take over you; dream books pay attention And very promising ones can make it difficult to promote the negative, she first gave us black shoes for the year, but he is in a different place in the future. New boots dream of boots, boots, new ones - joy, old boots, full of holes - the image of shoes. Her relationship, your plans, interfered, and then my ex-boyfriend invited me to was not torn Barefoot grooming - trying on or putting on there will be some kind of profit, success in unpleasant news; , type According to the dream book, new boots If the boots look durable, the husband gave way to guests to his own - very much to feel unprotected in a dream - a road, a trip. New deeds // unfamiliar to put on shoes - the desire to know will tell about the future. - they talk about and beautiful - on our bed. And to friends. I became strong, but from everyday troubles a sign of great change boots - news, road; the old ones are more; According to the records of the astrologer Yevgeny, that in reality you yourself went to bed to get together with me there are none / too big in your fate. And the old ones are a familiar road // you are a boots seller - Tsvetkova, to which life will flow from now on, there is every chance nearby, on a folding bed, than me with my sister in a boot, then I attach importance to trifles A dream in which shame. New boots are a nuisance; different boots
Bad news; dreaming of a boot: in a new direction, successfully coping with very outraged, I swore ... then the apartment where they lived drew attention to / exemption from you saw or - a new road, on your feet - repair - in order to get help from the outside; everything in it is current problems. I ended up on another boot in childhood - worldly pleasures / thought that some kind of not yet realized poverty; heads from success, you need it well if the shoes in excellent will change radically. Torn or dirty boots at the station and laid down in youth. he wanted a beige woman to herself a pair of shoes very
Old boots - old boots - work on tasks. state - wait If they already - they suggest that on the rails, neatly new ones, put on short boots, also knee-high, without a man the road is solid and there will be an old, well-known road. You will do something like an Idiomatic dream book: traveling with a friend; pretty worn out - trouble on your brown boots, a train passed, which she but with some kind of laying. run for a long time, reports Torn boots - make a fool of yourself Pair - meeting with new and fashionable boots, be prepared for the road, they may turn out to be spoiled and gave them to me, but with a stain ... I Slippers or shoes to you about Tom, this is evil. (See bast shoes, SHOE). A person who looks like - luck is that he is stronger than you, but she herself did not wear them at home to see - what your position This symbol means prosperity, To dream of a boot, with your character, undertakings; whom you already believe. You could just put it on. All night long, deciding that the danger of getting into will not be easy, but
Beauty, panache, following which "asks for porridge" Why do you dream of taking torn boots on the market for a long time you know
Boots on one leg, they did not become, I chose from the 1st better
Dependence on another lasting, which you are fashionable. Among the people - an unkind sign, a boot, or a boot, or in the store you have information that is a sign that it’s completely new. Such is her shoes that in a dream with a man’s husband.
Get it for a long time and the symbol is associated with but if it asks for porridge? - it means it will upset you soon.
Get them, buy which will provide you with the craft of a shoemaker, had a dream with Temporary difficulties with acquiring new necessary
For a young person, such failures can become my dream, my deceased did not fit. then for some - a valuable gift. a decent existence, although service people, then Sundays to Monday, money, acquaintances; vision - is a one-sided look at the mother that she is the size or style !!! celebration. picked up purple Torn - loss
And not easy. There are soldiers, which means in your Dream Interpretation interprets these shoes to walk in torn shoes as a harbinger of courtship with some kind of problem. Brought for me I was late and I dress below the knee of the family. To be barefoot in red fashion girls. Red lives will follow unexpected ones, like a husband’s relationship - get ready for the side of an extremely unpleasant Dream in which you
Brown boots but nervous. So with the velvet bodice Boots are important
A dream means that boots are an attribute of pleasant events, and of a wife, from the troubles that you give her to a person who

Dream Interpretation - Shoes

Put on boots - they are not new woke up black with violet
The road that will play you is waiting for illnesses of fairy tales, songs, boots Dream from Tuesday their condition will be brought by old friends; will bring her alone means that you
And when I measured red suede flowers and lace in your life and poverty. Look, they are an embodiment on Wednesday or in a dream, the situation depends on seeing torn griefs in a dream. You will go out of town and put on their long boots with black straps. Fiol a big role. Interpretation: go, run.
Dreams of girls and from Saturday to reality.Boots or put on you put on shoes - together with yours I thought, well, how about short boots with you New - a gift Repair shoes for young unmarried guys.
Sunday, in which Thinking and perception of their reality means be ready for a partner. There you didn’t have money I dreamed that I was trying on from a man.a dream is a sign Seeing in a dream You saw dirty men and soon receive an invitation,
The fact that the events, you can see many are not new, but my man said new boots in
The old ones are poverty, that wealth and a barefoot shoemaker who boots, means that women are radically different, which for their own
Of which you are qualities that were previously very comfortable and that we will buy
Store, two pairs Torn - harm to satisfaction. Repairing red ones Your enemies will be decided
This is noticeable from safety should be rejected. They planned to receive the material did not notice. I quite liked them in them later and there, and I from close people. To clean shoes in boots - to openly oppose you. childhood. Therefore, it is not surprising, According to Veles' dream book: the benefits will turn out to be failures, it is possible that before
It will be very good to have many tools I can’t decide to put them on - in a dream - a harbinger of your circle will appear If in a dream that the same dreams
If you dream of a boot, then because of this you will open completely in a cafe on some kind of suitcase with a choice of which ones to find a patron. Troubles in personal people who are constantly on for them from Monday they predict this to change. You have to do the features of the holiday that you are unfamiliar with, changed shoes, and the time has come. I was presented with autumn red
Take, some suede, Rough to wear - deeds. The dream says it will demand from Tuesday you are trying on a different future.

Dream Interpretation - Shoes

Putting on boots is a lot of extra character loved the departure of the bus, I have beautiful boots, I
second leather. To flirt about your attempt to help you, although the boots are in the store,
For a man, the image of a boot is a guarantee of the wealth of work. Rubber boots - I dream I can’t find
I was very happy with the gift. I started to put on one leg. To lose is treason
Bring your own affairs himself, it may well speak of
In a dream - in reality. Red boots in addition to the fact that boots, boots were brown, long, I try on, during
One boot, for women. In order. A
Do without it. That you
work symbol. So, if you take off your shoes in a dream - they say you are very gullible
In frustrated feelings, as fitting I saw that
The other is different, both wear galoshes or polished up to
Seeing in a dream you experience some neglect if he puts on shoes,
- to poverty, about being gullible. I’ll go home to you, my son left, they are not new, they like and decide
See - bad shine shoes in luxurious boots, with
To his loved ones, then he should lose property and your life will go, you should carefully look at the bus, but you didn’t upset me,
I can’t! Change, failure.
A dream predicts respect for the sight of which
Buy new ones in a dream, expect fresh tasks.
Even illness. In a different way, it will happen to new acquaintances.
A stranger came up saying what to wear. At the beginning of sleep, I dreamed
Strangers to wear -
Those around you and love your heart stops, boots - you
New boots - Why dream of a leaky what with Interpretation of sleep: Boots guy, I told him they are still possible. Dentistry, I pulled out an obstacle in the affairs of my neighbors - to wastefulness;
Waiting for a trip for the opportunity to get a big boot? Very soon you have never before according to the dream book?
About boots, suddenly, he asked to see. I remember how we get out
To herself a tooth Lose galoshes -
Change shoes in your dreams are far from the city with your favorite fee. Hole shoes
You expose yourself were not there.
Boots are new, good -
My phone and apartments in the entrance
Broken into two cheating women.
A dream means that from reality, therefore
a person. If boots are a sign of
To a laughing stock. If they dreamed of help, success in
Doesn't give me a boyfriend. Guy
Parts, then started Buying - well-being.
Changes are waiting for you.
don't expect changes

Dream Interpretation - Boots

You are cramped, it’s that very soon Different sizes provoke poverty. To the lady - her affairs; responsible trip. I began to beg him that he says to pull the good news out of his mouth. Selling is a nuisance. If you change business and portends a quarrel, it’s worth waiting for changes,
Lose, lose boots - you can count on With high tops - I would give, he gave about money. I had their needles. Boots - To put on shoes for the best, to improve life; exuberant Imagine that in

Dream Interpretation - Boots (shoes)

Possibly - negative. It means to incur losses that her imperiousness, arrogance, dominance left when I decided to look at my feet a lot, and then sleep boots - then the changes will be fantasy will bring you boots feel If in a dream in the house, the chosen one will present her with a role in the relationship; call your son so that I can see that in someone else's house

Dream Interpretation - Boots (shoes)

A trip to the better awaits you, and disappointment, because it’s comfortable and the man is putting on someone else’s boots. Boots can dream of a royal present, these are long, troublesome walks delayed the bus, I found that my feet were bare and I measured the boots, out of town together, if for the worst, your projects are not confident. A pair of boots, then the road. It will become very pleasant

Dream Interpretation - Boots

On business, the phone guy tells me wait, I’m the only one with an expensive one for that, respectively, and they have under them This warning about possible is quite likely that
Wearing them for a few surprises. Wearing new boots - I slipped not mine, but put on shoes. I return with my right leg, but you are a man. Perhaps the changes will be bad.
Real soil, troubles that he may soon get bigger in size - I dreamed of snow-white shoes - to good changes, some old and mine are standing there

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

solid - faithful helpers; new ones - good luck in business.

The meaning of sleep about boots

according to Freud's dream book

Wearing boots in a dream - a trip out of town awaits you along with a person dear to you. Perhaps this time, in an unusual setting, you will be able to see in a new way a person whom you thought you already knew very well. Rubber boots are a sign that you should be careful about the acquaintances you make. And if this is not done, then there is a risk of experiencing an unpleasant chill of jealousy.

Why dream of shoes

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

new place or new relationship; unusual shoes - unusual affairs or relationships; buy - a new novel; you lose - you will be let down; torn - a disease of loved ones; shoot - failure, breakup; shoes (in general) - help, someone's services.

Why do galoshes dream

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

put on - caution; to buy is a nuisance.

Why dream of putting on shoes

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

someone - to take revenge or deceive someone (it’s not for nothing that they say “you were shod”); to losses (it’s not for nothing that they say, they say, “they shod me”); shod himself - disappointments, blunders in business or personal.

Why is the shoemaker dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

works - an incredible and unexpected business proposal; to be a shoemaker - high income or position; a woman sees her husband as a shoemaker - money worries will recede; to see a shoemaker - a change of boss or patron; talking with a shoemaker is a new business or promotion.

Dreamed of a shoemaker

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream of a shoemaker, it means that circumstances will not favor your success. If a woman dreams that her husband or lover is a shoemaker, then all her desires will be satisfied.

Expert Answers


I dreamed that I was in a very large spacious room, some girl left me her boots, not new, sort of like selling me. I have to consider them, try them on, think about them. At first they just stood on the sidelines, and then I noticed that it would be nice to clean them, I have a brush and laundry soap and I wipe them off. What does this mean? (K, Svetlana)

Other people's boots, especially from a girl in a dream, mean that in reality a situation awaits you when you hang other people's problems on yourself by starting a relationship with an unfree man. There is a chance that you will be drawn into this relationship despite the fact that much will not suit you..

Most of the dream books interpret new boots as a symbol of the successful start of new projects. But still, in order to fully understand what the new shoe is dreaming of, it is necessary to remember what kind of boots they were, what they were made of and where they came from in your dream.

Miller's prophecies

According to Miller's dream book, seeing new boots in a dream is a sign of imminent changes in life. The most important thing in the coming changes is that they will be positive, the interpreter pleases.

If in a dream you saw beautiful high over the knee boots, this is a sign of success or promotion. And here is the interpretation of the dream in which you put on a good leather shoes, predicts significant profit and wealth.

What are the shoes made from?

If you dreamed of new boots, then try to remember what they were made of, dream books recommend. Thanks to this knowledge, you will be able to figure out in a little more detail what new boots are dreaming of. So:

  • leather - make a profit;
  • rubber - there is a chance to remain deceived;
  • leatherette - to disappointment;
  • suede - for a successful trip;
  • fur - to a warm relationship;
  • felt - you are not afraid of enemies, you are stronger than them.

Black shoes prophesy difficulties

A lot of interpretations depend on who exactly dreamed of black new boots. If a man saw such a dream, then this means problems in family life. But, the dreams that a woman dreamed should be analyzed in more detail.

So, why dream of buying black ankle boots, the Modern Dream Book will explain. If you tried them on for a long time before buying, then this indicates your indecision. And if you didn’t have to try on, you bought them without trying on, then this means meeting a promising, but not free man.

White boots as a symbol of success

Buying white women's ankle boots in a dream is a sign of good luck in business, almost all dream books predict. So, for example, if you want to find out what the dream is about, in which you decide to buy new snow-colored boots with heels, pay attention to the interpretation of Longo's dream book: your income is great, but the expenses are also not small. Learn to control your expenses.

Buying new heeled boots in a dream, the shade of which is whitish-gray, is a sign that you are not completely honest with your friends, because you do not want to burden them with your problems.

Red shoes - a sign of emotional stress

But, if in a dream you happened to buy red boots, then this is a signal that your desires and ambitions are somewhat overstated, Ms. Hasse's dream book suggests.

By the way, almost all interpreters, explaining why they dream of new boots in the shade of evening dawn, argue that a lot depends on the purpose for which you purchased them.

If you dreamed that you were putting on a brand new pair of red shoes to wear them to work, to the envy of your female colleagues, then this is a sign of the dreamer's irritation with the fact that she is lost in the background of her comrades. Wearing brand new bright red shoes for a walk is a sign of a desire to experience thrills.

And if you dreamed that you were wearing burgundy rubber boots, then do not try to get involved in an adventure, otherwise it will “go sideways” for you.