Work program (grade 7) on the topic: The program of the Cossacks. Work program for extracurricular activities in elementary school "Cossack games"

Extracurricular activities course Cossacks " is aimed at forming students' ideas about the origin of the Kuban Cossacks, about the Cossack chieftains and heroes, their Orthodox faith, traditions, folklore, military art, etc.



Krasnodar region

Municipal Formation Krymsk District

municipal budgetary educational institution

secondary school number 1 of the city of Krymsk

Municipal Formation Krymsk District


for specific types of extracurricular activities



program implementation period - 4 years

age of students 7-11 years old

compilers of the program:

primary school teachers

Semenova I.L.

S.V. Kachura

Extracurricular activities course"The history and culture of the Kuban Cossacks " is aimed at forming students' ideas about the origin of the Kuban Cossacks, about the Cossack chieftains and heroes, their Orthodox faith, traditions, folklore, military art, etc.

Specificity of the course "The history and culture of the Kuban Cossacks" consists in the fact that it, having a pronounced integrative character, not only unites social science, historical, cultural knowledge, but also through research, practical activity enables the child to have a holistic and systematic understanding as the foundations of history and culture the Kuban Cossacks, and about their kind, their family, presenting the opportunity to join the way of life of the Kuban Cossacks.

Relevance course is determined by its focus on educating a citizen of Russia who is able to "build" his life path on the basis of the organic unity of the interests of the individual, society and the state. Diversified information about the native land broadens the horizons of students, helps to adapt in adult life, form an active life position and more fully realize their civil liberties, rights and obligations.

Target - the formation of an initial idea of ​​the Kuban Cossacks, familiarization with the historical and cultural traditions of the Kuban Cossacks, awareness of their involvement in the spiritual and cultural heritage of the Kuban Cossacks, the formation of patriotism among students.

The tasks solved by this program:

  • education of students as patriots, active citizens of the Kuban;
  • instilling moral and spiritual foundations of the Kuban Cossacks;
  • acquaintance with the way of life of the Kuban Cossacks, their traditions and customs, basic occupations, crafts and trades;
  • familiarizing students with the traditions and customs of the Kuban Cossacks;
  • acquaintance with some events in the history and modernity of the Kuban Cossacks;
  • the formation of ideas about the Kuban Cossack army;
  • development of the creative abilities of children;
  • the formation of students' interest in research work.


The student will learn (basic level)

The student will get the opportunity to learn (advanced level)

Tell about the main stages and key events in the history of the Kuban;

Talk about the types of economic activities and occupations of the population;

To use in practice knowledge about the integrity of the development process of societies (family, settlement, region, country, world), religious beliefs and features of the cultural development of the first inhabitants of the Kuban;

Show on the map the territory of the Kuban, the settlement of peoples, the main settlements, the places of the most important historical events;

Distinguish between material, written, visual and oral historical sources;

Work with various sources of knowledge about the population, the history of their area;

Distinguish fictional (mythological) from authentic, mythological heroes - from real historical figures;

Express at the level of emotional assessments the attitude to the actions of people of the past, to cultural monuments;

To present in oral and written form the knowledge gained on the history of the Kuban Cossacks, participating in discussions, quizzes, olympiads, competitions, performing creative work (essays, reports on excursions, abstracts); - doing project activities;

Describe the appearance of representatives of the flora and fauna of land and water bodies;

Assess the consequences of their actions in relation to natural components;

Search for information on local history topics in local media, the Internet, etc., differentiate facts and opinions;

To reconstruct the conditions and way of life, the occupations of the people who lived in the region;

Express your attitude to the most significant events in the history of the Kuban, historical figures, argue your own point of view;

Understand the figurative language of various types of art; to evaluate the creativity of the folk masters of the Kuban.

to use the acquired knowledge and skills in practice and everyday life with the aim of:

Realization of oneself as a representative of an ethnocultural, confessional community and space, a citizen of Russia;

Fostering respect for basic national values, cultural and historical traditions of the peoples of the Kuban;

Developing the ability to communicate with people of different nationalities and religious views, fostering artistic taste, emotional-value attitude to the artistic and cultural heritage.

Create scientific projects on a local history topic.

The program "History of the Kuban Cossacks" contributes to the formation of the followingpersonality traits:

  • patriotism;
  • tolerance and respect for history, traditions, rituals, culture, language of the Kuban Cossacks;
  • responsibility and a sense of duty, mercy, dignity, respect;
  • hard work;
  • persistence;
  • discipline;
  • love for a small homeland;
  • not indifferent to the revival of the traditions of the Kuban Cossacks:

Personal outcometeaching the history of the Kuban Cossacks is the formation of:

  • cognitive interest in studying the history of the Kuban Cossacks;
  • comprehensively educated, developed personality;
  • understanding the significance of the culture of the Kuban Cossacks;
  • feelings of pride in their small homeland;
  • respectful attitude to the history and culture of the Cossacks and other peoples;
  • the idea of ​​the Kuban as an inseparable part of Russia;

Development toolpersonal results are educational material aimed at:

- the ability to formulate one's attitude to traditions, military life, folklore, historical figures of the Kuban;

- the ability to use historical and local lore knowledge for creative activities.

Metasubjectthe results of studying the course "History of the Kuban Cossacks" is the formation of universal educational actions (UUD).

Regulatory UUD:

Ability to independently acquire new knowledge, skills and abilities;

The ability to manage one's cognitive activity, organize it, determine its goals and objectives, choose the means of achieving the goal and apply them in practice, evaluate the results achieved: independently identify and formulate an educational problem, determine the goal of educational activity, choose a project topic. To put forward versions of the solution to the problem, to be aware of the final result, to choose from the proposed ones and to search independently for the means to achieve the goal. Draw up (individually or in a group) a plan for solving the problem (project implementation). Working according to the plan, check your actions against the goal and, if necessary, correct mistakes yourself. Improve independently developed assessment criteria in dialogue with the teacher.

Ability to navigate in the world around, choose target and semantic attitudes in their actions and deeds, make decisions.

By means of formationregulatory ECDs are: the technology of problematic dialogue in the study of new material and the technology of assessing educational achievements.

Cognitive UUD:

Formation and development through historical and local lore knowledge of the cognitive interests, intellectual and creative abilities of students;

Ability to conduct an independent search, analysis, selection of information, its transformation, storage, transmission and presentation using technical means and information technology: to analyze, compare, classify and generalize facts, concepts, phenomena. Identify the causes and effects of simple phenomena. Comparison and classification, independently choosing the grounds and criteria for the specified logical operations. Build logical statements, including the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships. Draw up abstracts, different types of plans. Be able to identify possible sources of information, search for information, analyze and evaluate its reliability. Present information in the form of abstracts, tables, diagrams, graphs. Transfer information from one type to another.

By means of formationcognitive UUD are educational material and tasks of the textbook:

- awareness of the role of history and Kuban studies in the knowledge of social processes taking place in the world;

- mastering the system of local lore knowledge about the history of the Kuban, on the basis of which the historical thinking of students is formed;

- using the skills acquired in the course of studying historical local lore for the analysis, assessment, forecasting of modern social problems;

- the use of maps to obtain local history information.

Communicative UUD:

- defending one's point of view, presenting arguments confirming their facts.

- understanding the position of the other in the discussion.

By means of formationcommunicative ECDs are the technology of problematic dialogue (stimulating and leading dialogue) and the organization of work in small groups, as well as the use of elements of productive reading technology in the classroom.

Subject results

Know (understand):

The main stages and main events of the history of the Cossacks from the moment of resettlement to the present day;

The most important cultural achievements and value systems formed in the course of their lives;

Studied types of historical sources.

Be able to:

Correlate the dates of events in the history of the region with the century; determine the sequence and duration of the most important events in the history of the region;

Use the text of a historical source when answering questions, solving various educational problems; compare evidence from different sources;

Show on the map of the region the borders of the region, city, places of significant historical events;

Tell about the most important historical events and their participants, showing the meaning of the necessary facts, dates, terms; give a description of historical events and cultural monuments based on the text and illustrative material of the textbook, fragments of historical sources; use the acquired knowledge when writing creative works;

Correlate general historical processes and individual facts; explain the meaning of the studied historical concepts and terms, identify the commonality and differences of the compared historical events and phenomena; determine, on the basis of educational material, the causes and consequences of the most important historical events;

Explain your attitude to the most significant events and personalities in the history of the region, cultural achievements;

Use the acquired knowledge and skills in practice and everyday life to understand the historical causes and historical significance of events and phenomena of modern life;

Express their own judgments about the historical heritage of the population of our region;

The peculiarity of the structure of this program is the selection by the authors of six main thematic sections during each of the 4 years of study: "Kuban Cossacks", "Traditions and customs of the Kuban Cossacks", "Labor and everyday life of the Kuban Cossacks", "Orthodoxy in the life of the Kuban Cossacks", "Kuban Cossack army: history and modernity ”,“ Traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks ”. Sections are designed to implement the goal and objectives of the program. The content, the main forms of work of each section become more complicated depending on the age of the students.

135 hours are allocated for the study of the course "History and Culture of the Kuban Cossacks" in elementary school. First grade - 33 hours (1 hour per week, 33 academic weeks). In grades 2-4, 34 hours are allocated (1 hour per week, 34 academic weeks).

  1. year of study
  1. Kuban Cossacks.

Why are we studying the course "History and Culture of the Kuban Cossacks". Who are the Cossacks. Our ancestors are Cossacks.

Cossack village. Respect for elders, for the elderly. The custom of mutual assistance. Cossack family. Family traditions and customs. The customs associated with birth and childhood are Cossacks. Loyal friend of the Cossack.

  1. Labor and life.

How the Cossacks lived. Cossack's hut. Red corner. Life of a Cossack family. Home improvement, household utensils. The work of the Cossack family. Craftsman hands. Help children. Responsibilities of children in Cossack families.

A Cossack without faith is not a Cossack. Temple. Rules of conduct in the temple. Cossack traditions. Nativity. Cossack traditions. Bright Resurrection of Christ.

How the Cossacks came to the Kuban. Kuban Cossack army. Ataman. Cossack commandments. Cossack service. Cossacks during the Great Patriotic War. Kushchevskaya attack.

Children in a Cossack family. How the Cossacks were taught. We are Cossacks. Cossack behavior and form. Family heirlooms. Games of the Kuban Cossacks. Cossack proverbs.

  1. year of study
  1. Kuban Cossacks.

Moral values ​​of the Cossacks: labor, truth, honor, Fatherland. Cossack commandments.

  1. Traditions and customs of the Kuban Cossacks.

Cossack village. Traditions and customs of the Kuban Cossacks. Honoring the guest.

  1. Labor and life.

Yard. House. The way of life of the Cossack family. Occupations of the Cossacks. Cossack food.

  1. Orthodoxy in the life of the Kuban Cossacks.

A Cossack without faith is not a Cossack. Orthodox churches of the native village, city. Cossack in the temple. Why do they come to the Orthodox Church. The saint, patron saint of the Kuban Cossack army, is the faithful prince Alexander Nevsky. Saints, especially revered among the Kuban Cossacks. Icon in temples and dwellings.

  1. Kuban Cossack Host: Past and Present.

Kuban Cossacks on the borders of the Fatherland. Founding of the first kureni. Yekaterinodar is a Cossack city. Monument to Cossack settlers. Commemoration of the Cossack heroes of the Kuban Cossack army. Our Cossack Society.

  1. Traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks.

Folk art for the Cossacks. Songs, fairy tales, sayings, legends in my family. Kuban "balachka". Song culture of the Kuban Cossacks. Bandura is a Cossack musical instrument.

  1. year of study
  1. Kuban Cossacks.

Peoples of the Kuban. Good neighborliness. Moral qualities of the Kuban Cossack. The strength of spirit and valor of the Cossacks.

  1. Traditions and customs of the Kuban Cossacks.

Respect for a woman: grandmother, mother, sister, wife, widow. Mother Cossack Day. Cossack family. My pedigree. Calendar holidays and ceremonies of the Kuban Cossacks.

  1. Labor and life.

A Cossack is a master and a worker. Occupations, crafts and trades of the Kuban Cossacks. Cossack clothes. Cossack clothes. Decorative and applied art of the Kuban Cossacks.

  1. Orthodoxy in the life of the Kuban Cossacks.

A Cossack without faith is not a Cossack. Prayer. Orthodox churches of the Kuban. Military temple. Military priest. Orthodox holiday of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos.

  1. Kuban Cossack Host: Past and Present.

Resettlement of the Cossacks to the Kuban. Timeline. Major memorable dates. Heroism of the Kuban Cossacks. Commemoration of the Cossacks of the Kuban Cossack Host. Kuban Cossack army today. Departments of the Kuban Cossack army. Ataman of the Kuban Cossack army. Serving as modern Cossacks. Honor guard of the troops. Hour of Glory of the Kuban.

  1. Traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks.

Oral folk art of the Kuban Cossacks. Cossack tales, bylichki. Speech of the Kuban Cossacks. Dance culture of the Kuban Cossacks. "Cossack Did" Fyodor Andreevich Shcherbina.

4th year of study

  1. Kuban Cossacks.

Territory of residence, language, culture of the Cossacks. Cossack troops of Russia. Cossack commandments.

  1. Traditions and customs of the Kuban Cossacks.

Parents and children. Raising boys. Preparing for service, for adulthood. Raising Cossack girls. Preparing for adulthood. Cossack kuren. Cossack circle. Calendar holidays and ceremonies of the Kuban Cossacks.

  1. Labor and life.

Traditional crafts and trades of the Kuban Cossacks. Decorative and applied art of the Kuban Cossacks. Cossack military suit. Cossack weapon. Awards.

  1. Orthodoxy in the life of the Kuban Cossacks.

A Cossack without faith is not a Cossack. Commandments of God. Orthodox churches of the Kuban and Russia. Traditions and customs of the Kuban Cossacks according to the Orthodox calendar.

  1. Kuban Cossack Host: Past and Present.

Timeline. Major memorable dates. Commemoration of the Cossacks of the Kuban Cossack Host. Kuban Cossack army today. Management of the Kuban Cossack army. Carrying out service by the Cossacks in our time. Protection of order. Help in emergencies. Help in nature conservation. Outstanding Cossacks of the Kuban. Preservation of the history of the Kuban Cossacks. Monuments and museums. Regalia and relics of the Kuban Cossack army.

  1. Traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks.

Cossack family in modern life. Attitude towards the family in the Kuban. Family history in the history of the native Kuban. Preservation and enhancement of family traditions. Ritual folklore of the Kuban Cossacks. Kuban Cossack Choir.


1 year of study

Total, hours

Number of hours



Chapter " Kuban Cossacks ".


Get acquainted with the goals and objectives of the course "History and Culture of the Kuban Cossacks"

Our ancestors are Cossacks

Get to know the concept of "Cossack"

Cossack village

Get acquainted with the way of life of the Cossack village

Respect for elders, old people

Develop a set of rules for dealing with older people

The custom of mutual aid

Get acquainted with the customs of mutual assistance

Cossack family

Complete a project on the theme "My family"

Customs associated with the birth and childhood of the Cossacks

Get acquainted with the customs associated with the birth and childhood of the Cossacks

Loyal friend of the Cossack

Prepare message

Section "Labor and Life"

How the Cossacks lived

Cossack's hut

Excursion to the museum

Life of the Cossack family

Get an idea of ​​the life of the Cossack family. Excursion to the SKTs (study of ethnography)

Home improvement, household utensils

Organize an exhibition of drawings of Cossack utensils

Labor of the Cossack family

Prepare message

Artisan hands

Get an idea of ​​work in a Cossack family

Helper children

Form an understanding of the responsibilities of children in Cossack families

A Cossack without faith is not a Cossack

Temple. Temple Rules

Excursion to the temple

Cossack traditions

Get to know the Cossack Orthodox traditions


Bright Sunday of Christ

Prepare messages about celebration in the family

How the Cossacks came to the Kuban

Get acquainted with the settlement of the Cossacks in the Kuban

Kuban Cossack army


Meeting with Cossack mentors

Cossack service

Cossack commandments

Cossacks during the Great Patriotic War

Prepare message

Kushchevskaya attack

Meeting with a museum employee

Children in a Cossack family. How the Cossacks were taught

Get acquainted with the training of the Cossacks

We are Cossacks

Get to know the life of little Cossacks in the modern world

Cossack behavior and form

Develop a set of rules for the Cossacks

Family heirlooms

Prepare message

Games of the Kuban Cossacks

Get to know the Cossack games

Cossack proverbs

Make a baby book

2nd year of study

Names of sections, blocks, topics

Total, hours

Number of hours

Characteristics of student activities



Chapter " Kuban Cossacks ".

Moral values ​​of the Cossacks: labor

Form a concept of work

Moral values ​​of the Cossacks: truth

Form an idea of ​​the truth

Moral values ​​of the Cossacks: honor, Fatherland

Form ideas about honor, Fatherland

Cossack commandments

Get acquainted with the Cossack commandments

Section "Traditions and customs of the Kuban Cossacks"

Cossack village

Traditions and customs of the Kuban Cossacks

Get acquainted with the way of life of the Cossack village, the Cossack family

Honoring the guest

Develop a set of rules for hospitable treatment

Calendar holidays and ceremonies of the Kuban Cossacks

Prepare message

Section "Labor and Life"


Get an idea of ​​how the Cossacks lived


The way of the Cossack family

Occupations of the Cossacks

Get acquainted with the activities of the Cossacks

Cossack food

Organize a master class

Section "Orthodoxy in the life of the Kuban Cossack"

A Cossack without faith is not a Cossack

Get acquainted with the Cossack commandment - the protection of the Orthodox faith

Hometown temples

Excursion to the temple

Cossack in the temple

Why do they come to an Orthodox church

Saint Alexander Nevsky - patron saint of the Cossack army

Prepare message

Saints Revered Among Cossacks

Prepare message


Making a model of the elements of the Kuban hut

Section "Kuban Cossack army: history and modernity"

Cossacks on the borders of the Fatherland

Meet the defenders of the Kuban

The first Cossack kurens

Develop cognitive processes


Virtual excursion

Monument to Cossack Migrants

Prepare a presentation

Commemoration of the Cossack heroes

Meeting with a museum employee

Our Cossack society

Meeting with Cossack mentors

Section "Traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks"

Folk art for the Cossacks

Get acquainted with folk art. Excursion to the library

Songs, fairy tales in my family

Make a baby book

Sayings, traditions in my family

Kuban "balachka"

Song culture of the Kuban Cossacks

Collect an audio selection of Cossack songs

Bandura - Cossack musical instrument

Get acquainted with Cossack folk instruments

3rd year of study

Names of sections, blocks, topics

Total, hours

Number of hours

Characteristics of student activities



Chapter " Kuban Cossacks ".

Peoples of the Kuban.

Good neighborliness

Give examples of peaceful coexistence of peoples in the Kuban

Moral qualities of the Kuban Cossack

Get acquainted with the Cossack commandments

The strength of spirit and valor of the Cossacks

Get acquainted with the military exploits of the Cossacks

Section "Traditions and customs of the Kuban Cossacks"

Respect for a woman.

Get acquainted with the way of life of the Cossack village, the Cossack family

Mother Cossack Day

Prepare message

Cossack family

Prepare a presentation

My pedigree

Drafting and defending a project

Calendar holidays and ceremonies of the Kuban Cossacks

Prepare message

Section "Labor and Life"

Cossack master and worker

Get to know the responsibilities of the Cossack head of the family

Classes, crafts and trades of the Kuban Cossacks

Get an idea of ​​the occupations, trades and trades of the Kuban Cossacks

Cossack clothes.

Cossack clothes

Execute illustration

Decorative and applied art of the Kuban Cossacks

Organize a master class

Section "Orthodoxy in the life of the Kuban Cossack"

A Cossack without faith is not a Cossack


Get to know the Cossack prayer

Orthodox churches of the Kuban

Virtual tour of the Kuban temples

Military temple

Get acquainted with the Cossack Orthodox traditions, behavior in the temple

Military priest

Get to know the service of a military priest

Orthodox holiday of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos

Prepare message

Section "Kuban Cossack army: history and modernity"

Resettlement of the Cossacks to the Kuban

Get acquainted with the resettlement of the Cossacks to the Kuban


Compose a timeline

Key memorable dates

Prepare a presentation

Heroism of the Kuban Cossacks

Virtual excursion

Meeting with Cossack mentors

Departments of the Kuban Cossack army

Meeting with Cossack mentors


Ataman of the Kuban Cossack army


Meeting with Cossack mentors


Service by modern Cossacks


Meeting with Cossack mentors


Hour of Glory of the Kuban


Drafting and protecting it

Section "Traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks"



Oral folk art of the Kuban Cossacks


Get acquainted with the folk art of the Kuban Cossacks


Cossack tales, bylichki


Excursion to the library. Make a baby book


Speech of the Kuban Cossacks


Collect an audio selection of Kuban legends


Dance culture of the Kuban Cossacks


Prepare a presentation


"Cossack Did" Fyodor Andreevich Shcherbina


Get acquainted with the work of F.A. Shcherbina


Territory of residence, language, culture of the Cossacks


Get to know the peoples inhabiting the Krasnodar Territory


Cossack troops of Russia


Get to know the Cossack troops of Russia


Cossack commandments


Get acquainted with the Cossack commandments

Section "Traditions and customs of the Kuban Cossacks"



Parents and children


Prepare message


Raising boys. Preparation for service, adult life.


Prepare message


Raising girls. Preparing for adulthood.


Prepare message


Cossack kuren


Get to know the Cossack kuren


Cossack circle


Get to know the functions of the Cossack circle


Calendar holidays and ceremonies of the Kuban Cossacks


Get acquainted with the calendar holidays and rituals of the Kuban Cossacks

Section "Labor and Life"



Traditional crafts and trades of the Kuban Cossacks


Get an idea of ​​the traditional crafts and trades of the Kuban Cossacks



Organize a master class


Cossack military suit


Execute illustration


Cossack weapon


Excursion to the museum. Execute illustration




Execute layout

Section "Orthodoxy in the life of the Kuban Cossack"



A Cossack without faith is not a Cossack


Expand the understanding of the religion of the Cossacks


Commandments of god


Drawing up a memo


Orthodox churches of the Kuban and Russia


Virtual tour of the temples of the Kuban and Russia


Traditions and customs of the Kuban Cossacks according to the Orthodox calendar


Prepare message

Section "Kuban Cossack army: history and modernity"





Compose a timeline


Key memorable dates


Prepare message


Heroism of the Kuban Cossacks


Virtual excursion


Kuban Cossack army today


Meeting with Cossack mentors


Management of the Kuban Cossack army


Meeting with Cossack mentors


Carrying out service by the Cossacks in our time


Meeting with Cossack mentors


Protection of order



Help in emergencies and nature conservation


Prepare a selection of newspaper articles


Outstanding Cossacks of the Kuban


Prepare a presentation


Monuments and museums


Virtual tour of memorial sites and museums


Regalia and relics of the Kuban Cossack army


Drafting and defending a project

Section "Traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks"



Cossack family in modern life


Drafting and defending a project


Family history in the history of the native Kuban


Prepare message


Preservation and enhancement of family traditions


Think over solutions to preserve and enhance family traditions


Ritual folklore of the Kuban Cossacks


Prepare a presentation


Kuban Cossack Choir


Get acquainted with the work of the Kuban Cossack Choir

  • Ivan A. Prokopenko, Head of the sector for work with the Cossack societies of the Volgodonsk region. Deputy Ataman of the First Don District of the EKR VVD for work with Cossack youth

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Education since its inception and at all times has had a great influence on the development of national culture.

"Changes in the socio-economic life of Russia at the present stage of its development, - according to Professor A. N. Vaneev, - demanded a reassessment of values." And the main thing that education is aimed at at the present time is the upbringing of a citizen, the formation of an active life position in the student.

At present, when interest in national cultures, in the rituals and customs of our ancestors, in various stages of development of peoples and tribes is reviving, great importance in the educational process is given to the social education of the younger generation. And social education, emphasizes K.S. Cherevik, is one of the main links in the process of socialization of the individual. “Socialization,” as defined by the scientists A.V. Petrovsky and M.G. Yaroshevsky, is a historically conditioned process, carried out in activity and communication, and the result of assimilation and active reproduction of social experience by an individual. Socialization can proceed as in conditions of upbringing, i.e. . Purposeful formation of personality, and in conditions of spontaneous impact on the developing personality of various, sometimes oppositely directed factors of social life. Education is the leading and defining principle of socialization. "

The child is always interested in learning new things. He not only needs knowledge, but also the very participation in this or that business he likes. That is why he chooses additional classes for himself in creative associations according to his interests and needs. For a child, first of all, knowledge about his native land is attractive, which contributes to an increase in his general culture, the acquisition of useful knowledge, abilities, skills. This forms the responsibility for the natural historical whole of the modern generation. This enables the child to learn more about the land on which he lives, whose name is Motherland. And love for the native land, knowledge of its history is the basis on which the growth of the spiritual culture of the entire society can be carried out. folk culture is a living tree, it has not only branches, but also roots, and it is extremely important that growth begins precisely from the roots. Therefore, we must strive to get to the roots of the history of our people. And history can be treated in different ways, but the main thing is that it must not be forgotten. It is necessary to know the past not only in order to correctly correlate the role and actions of individuals, but also the generation as a whole. A person cannot live without the past, he needs it in order to understand for himself the connection and nature of current phenomena, to understand where these phenomena came from and what they can lead to. And today this connection is especially acute. The past and the present, expressed in the close interaction of material monuments, human creative activity, cultural traditions, excite us, make us turn to our origins again and again.

The history of culture occupies an important place in our historical past, it is associated with events in the development of science, art, education, literature, theater, folk traditions, holidays and rituals, reflects the characteristic features of its time. Reviving folk traditions, we enrich our culture, improve the world around us.

That is why scientists-educators at all times conduct a tireless search for new educational means and forms, study the conditions for the spiritual development of the younger generation, explore various technologies of upbringing that ensure the process of socialization of the child's personality.

The development of a creative personality, its independence and initiative is one of the important tasks of the socialization process. And the traditions of folk culture have always carried a huge educational potential, contributing to the important process of socialization of the individual.

Social upbringing of a child is his introduction to the cultural values ​​of the past and present.

Explanatory note

The Origins program is a modified (adapted) educational program. This program provides for changes taking into account the peculiarities of the organization and formation of groups of children, the regime and time parameters for the implementation of the activities of children, the non-standardness of the individual results of upbringing and education.

The creation of the educational program "Istoki" is dictated by the need for children of primary school age to know the life, everyday life and cultural traditions of their fellow countrymen - the Don Cossacks. The history and modernity of the native Don region is amazing. Preservation, revival and promotion of the cultural traditions of the Don Cossacks is a noble cause of every Donetsk resident. The cultural heritage of the Don Cossacks is an integral part of the folk culture.

The relevance of the educational program "Origins" lies in the need in modern conditions through the cultural traditions of the people to influence the minds and hearts of the younger generation in order to familiarize the young to the inexhaustible source of folk wisdom. The culture of the people carries the richest educational potential, forming an active life position of a young citizen. The beneficial influence of folk culture on a person's personality is emphasized not only by Russian teachers and scientists, but also by foreign ones: K. Ushinsky, A. Makarenko, N. Krupskaya, V. Serikov, E. Bondarevskaya, V. Kuvakin, B. Kupriyanov, V. Gavrilyuk , A. Mudrik, J. Komensky and others.

Purpose of the program:

  • creation of conditions for the all-round development of the personality of the pupil with the aim of his successful socialization through familiarization with the cultural traditions of the Don Cossacks.

Objectives of the program:

  • fostering love for their small homeland;
  • familiarizing children with life, everyday life and cultural traditions of the Don Cossacks;
  • development of creative abilities, communication skills, moral qualities of pupils;
  • preservation of the child's mental and physical health through the creation of a favorable microclimate in the children's team and excursions outside the educational institution.

The program is designed for children of primary school age.

Program implementation period: 3 of the year. Number of hours: 216 hours. Number of classes: 2 hours per week, class time: 40 minutes.

The process of mastering the educational program "Istoki" includes: the mastery by children of theoretical and practical material about the life, way of life and traditions of the Don Cossacks on the basis of Cossack folklore, historical data about the place of the Don Cossacks in the history of the Russian state, historical information about the native Volgodonsk region through various forms classes and activities. The main pedagogical technologies used in the implementation of the educational program: museum pedagogy (reliance on museum lessons) and health-preserving technology (reliance on excursions). Forms of organizing classes: exhibition, conversation, exposition, excursion, museum lesson, illustrated story, quiz, meeting evening, etc.

  • The first year of study under the "Origins" program provides for the pupils' mastering of knowledge about the life, way of life and cultural traditions of the Don Cossacks on the basis of Cossack folklore (fairy tales, proverbs, sayings).
  • The second year of study in the educational program gives children the opportunity to learn more about the life, way of life and traditions of the Don Cossacks through historical sources, museum material.
  • The third year of mastering the educational program "Istoki" expands and deepens the knowledge of children about the way of life, life and traditions of the Don Cossacks on the basis of historical material about their native Volgodonsk region, the native village of Potapov.

The peculiarity of the educational program "Istoki" is its integration. Classes are held not only in the educational institution itself, but also provide for going beyond it: to enterprises, on excursions, etc. The pupil himself learns to oil on a large scale: he seeks to participate in various events, can draw independent conclusions. A feature of the program is its regional component. Among the variety of sources of the program, an important place is occupied by a book about the native Volgodonsk region "Volgodonsk region: history and modernity" by authors V.P. Melnikov and S.Yu. Shenderuk.

In 2009 - 2010 academic year The author of the program "Istoki" presented his work experience in the methodological manual "The Role of the Center for Out-of-School Work in the Social Education of Children" at the All-Russian Festival "Open Lesson", as evidenced by the diploma of the festival and a certificate for the right to publish the presented methodological manual in the Moscow publishing house "First September ". The reviewers of the manual are A.A. Shmydko, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, TSPI and V.I. Novikov, professor at Moscow State University. M. Lomonosov.

Pedagogical monitoring

Control over the development of the educational program by students is carried out in stages.

Purpose of control:

  • Stage 1 - preliminary: identification of the initial level of knowledge;
  • Stage 2 - intermediate: correction and management of the educational process;
  • Stage 3 - final: determining the success and effectiveness of the program.

At the end of each topic, a thematic control is also carried out.

Control methods: conversation, testing, creative work of a child, expert assessment.

The knowledge and skills of children are determined by the activity of mastering the material during the classes themselves and during events of various levels.

Expected results of the program

Based on the results of mastering the educational program "Origins", pupils should:

1 year of study:

be able to:

2nd year of study:

  • master the following competencies:

be able to:

3rd year of study:

  • master the following competencies:

be able to:

Equipping the pedagogical process

  1. Literature for classes (list attached).
  2. Handouts for classes (indicated in the lesson plans).
  3. Map of Russia.
  4. Map of the Volgodonsk region.
  5. Russian anthem.
  6. Flag and coat of arms of Russia.
  7. Anthem of the Rostov region.
  8. Flag of the Rostov region.
  9. Coat of arms of the Rostov region.
  10. Exhibition material about the life, way of life and traditions of the Don Cossacks (based on a personal family museum).

1 year of study

Academic-thematic plan

P / p No. Topic name Number of hours
Theory Practice Total
1 Introductory lesson 1 1
2 Folk culture 1 1
3 Cossack folklore 1 1
4 Cossack tales 30 20 50
5 Proverbs and sayings of the Don Cossacks 14 4 18
6 Final lesson 1 1
Total 48 24 72

1. Introductory lesson.

Goals and objectives of the program. Safety precautions. Convention on the Rights of the Child. The Constitution of the Russian Federation on the Protection of Cultural Heritage.

2. Folk culture. Folk culture is an invaluable experience of older generations.

Form of organization of the lesson: conversation, illustrated story, exhibition.

3. Cossack folklore. Cossack folklore as a constituent part of folk culture.

Form of organization of the lesson: conversation, illustrated story, exhibition.

4. Cossack tales.

  1. The fairy-tale world of the Cossacks is unique.
  2. Cossack fairy tale "Biserinka". The kindness of the Don Cossacks, sung in a fairy tale.
  3. Mutual assistance of friends in the fairy tale "Biserinka".
  4. Cossack fairy tale "Ivan the Lamp". Commenting on a fairy tale.
  5. Good and evil in the fairy tale "Ivan the Lamp".
  6. Cossack tale "About the son of a merchant and the daughter of a shoemaker." Commented reading of the tale.
  7. Classes of the Cossacks in the fairy tale "About the son of a merchant and the daughter of a shoemaker."
  8. Cossack fairy tale "Vanyusha and Baba Yaga". A unique Cossack dialect in a fairy tale.
  9. Cossack sharpness and resourcefulness in the tale "Vanyusha and Baba Yaga".
  10. Cossack tale "About the tsar's daughter and the shepherd". Commenting on a fairy tale.
  11. Cossack professions in the tale "About the Tsar's Daughter and the Shepherd".
  12. Cossack fairy tale "Wedding loaf". The ability of the Cossack to keep his word.
  13. Cossack wedding ceremony in the fairy tale "Wedding loaf".
  14. Cossack tale "About the Tsar's Daughter and the Kid". Commented reading of the tale.
  15. Unusual Cossack dialect in the fairy tale "About the Tsar's Daughter and the Kid".
  16. Cossack fairy tale "Tanya and stepmother". Kindness of the Cossacks in a fairy tale.
  17. Cossack customs in the tale "Tanyusha and Stepmother".
  18. Cossack tale "The Black Cow and Annushka". Commenting on a fairy tale.
  19. Kindness and hard work of the Cossacks in the fairy tale "The Black Cow and Annushka".
  20. Cossack fairy tale "Cat and Fox". A trick in a fairy tale.
  21. Cossack tale "The Cossack and the Fox". Cossack diligence and resourcefulness in a fairy tale.
  22. Cossack tale "The Fool and the Stallion". Greed and stupidity in a fairy tale.
  23. Cossack tale "Mityai is a fearless Cossack". Commented reading of the tale.
  24. Love for the Motherland of a Cossack in the fairy tale "Mityai is a fearless Cossack".
  25. Cossack fairy tale "Cossack Chigin". Commenting on a fairy tale.
  26. Cossack patriotism in the fairy tale "Cossack Chigin".
  27. Fairy tale "Woe - Unhappiness". Cossack wisdom in a fairy tale.
  28. The Cossack's ability to overcome everyday difficulties in the fairy tale "Woe - Unhappiness".
  29. Tale "The Wayward Wife". Commenting on a fairy tale.
  30. Foundations of Cossack life in the tale "The Wayward Wife".
  31. Fairy tale "Dashing One-Eyed". Cossack dialect in a fairy tale.
  32. Cossack sharpness and patience in the fairy tale "Dashing One-Eyed".
  33. Fairy tale "Cossack and Fate". Commented reading of the tale.
  34. Cossack wisdom in the tale "Cossack and Fate".
  35. The tale "Lobasta". A unique Cossack dialect in a fairy tale.
  36. Cossack family style in the fairy tale "Lobasta".

Forms of organizing classes:

5. Proverbs and sayings of the Don Cossacks.

  1. Proverbs and sayings about Cossack friendship.
  2. Proverbs and sayings about the love of the Cossack for the Fatherland.
  3. Proverbs and sayings about the Cossack's faithful service to his Fatherland.
  4. Proverbs and sayings about the Cossack good-neighborliness.
  5. Cossack proverbs and sayings about the chieftain.
  6. Proverbs and sayings about a faithful friend - a horse.
  7. Cossack proverbs and sayings about kindness.
  8. Proverbs about the Cossack family.
  9. Proverbs and sayings about the Cossack faith.
  10. Proverbs and sayings of the Cossacks about good.
  11. Proverbs and sayings about Cossack hard work.
  12. Proverbs and sayings about Cossack happiness.
  13. Proverbs and sayings about the conscience of a Cossack.
  14. Proverbs and sayings about loyalty to the Cossack word.
  15. Proverbs and sayings about Cossack modesty.
  16. Proverbs and sayings about the Cossack order.

Forms of organizing classes: exhibition, conversation, exposition, excursion, museum lesson, illustrated story, quiz, meeting evening.

6. Final lesson.

Forms of organization of the lesson: exhibition, excursion.

2nd year of study

Academic-thematic plan

P / p No. Topic name Number of hours
Theory Practice Total
1 Introductory lesson 1 1
2 Folk culture. Life and culture of the Cossacks 12 6 18
3 Cossack crafts. 4 4 8
4 Folk clothing. Cossack clothes 7 4 11
5 Foundations of Cossack life 6 4 10
6 Cossack symbolism 5 2 7
7 Customs, ceremonies and holidays of the Cossacks 4 3 7
8 Bright pages in the history of the Don Cossacks 6 3 9
9 Final lesson 1 1
Total 45 27 72

1. Introductory lesson.

Goals and objectives, program. Safety precautions.

Forms of organization of the lesson: conversation, story, exhibition.

2. Folk culture. Life and culture of the Cossacks.

  1. Folk culture is an invaluable experience of older generations.
  2. Don Cossack culture as an integral part of folk culture.
  3. Everyday life, customs, rituals, holidays, traditions of the Donetsk people are a wonderful heritage of our ancestors, the Cossacks.
  4. The history of the origin of the Don Cossacks.
  5. The tale of the glorious Don River - Don Tikhiy, Don Ivanovich.
  6. The first Cossack towns.
  7. Cossack estate.
  8. Kuren is the main Cossack dwelling.
  9. The stove is the hostess in the house.
  10. Cossack cooking.
  11. Hata is a rare dwelling on the Don.
  12. Decoration and amulets of the Cossack dwelling.
  13. Don Cossack dishes.
  14. Clay pots and cast iron.
  15. Cossack salt lick is the main subject of the Cossack table.
  16. Wickerwork in the Cossack household.
  17. Copper cookware.
  18. Irons in Cossack life.

Forms of organizing classes: exhibition, exposition, excursion, museum lesson, conversation, illustrated story.

3. Cossack crafts.

  1. Village crafts in the old days and modern professions of the Cossacks.
  2. Skillful basket makers.
  3. Forged blacksmiths.
  4. Wonderful potters.
  5. Don millers.
  6. Grain growers are golden hands.
  7. Hardworking melon growers.
  8. Shepherds and shepherds.

Forms of organizing classes: conversation, exhibition, exposition, excursion, museum lesson, illustrated story.

4. Folk clothing. Cossack clothes.

  1. Folk clothing is the skill of the people.
  2. Russian folk clothing is the basis of Cossack clothing.
  3. Cossack clothes.
  4. Men's Cossack clothing.
  5. Zipun and caftan, Circassian coat and burka.
  6. Women's Cossack clothing.
  7. Features of oriental clothing in a female Cossack costume.
  8. Elements of Russian clothing in a female Cossack costume.
  9. Decorations in the clothes of the Cossacks.
  10. Russian folk clothing.
  11. Homespun linen products in the Cossack life.

Forms of organizing classes: quiz, competition, conversation, exhibition, exposition, excursion, museum lesson, illustrated story.

5. Foundations of Cossack life.

  1. The Cossack family is the basis of the life of the Cossacks.
  2. The role of father and mother in a Cossack family.
  3. Raising a boy in a Cossack family.
  4. The custom of mounting a little Cossack on a horse.
  5. Raising a girl in a Cossack family.
  6. The little Cossack woman is the main assistant to her mother.
  7. Cossack pedigree.
  8. The name and surname of the Cossack.
  9. Modern Cossack pedigree.
  10. Remarkable people from Donetsk are our contemporaries.

Forms of organizing classes: conversation, exhibition, exposition, excursion, museum lesson, illustrated story, meeting evening, quiz.

6. Cossack symbols.

  1. Anthem of the Great Don Army.
  2. Flag of the Great Don Army.
  3. Cossack circle.
  4. Symbols of the Cossack power.

Forms of organizing classes: exhibition, conversation, exposition, excursion, museum lesson, illustrated story, quiz, meeting evening.

7. Customs, ceremonies and holidays of the Cossacks.

  1. Baptism.
  2. Maslenitsa.
  3. Easter.
  4. Trinity.
  5. Cover.

Forms of organizing classes: museum lesson, exhibition, exposition, excursion, illustrated story, meeting evening, quiz.

8. Bright pages in the history of the Don Cossacks.

  1. Ermak the Mighty is one of the most revered heroes in the history of the Don Cossacks.
  2. Don Cossacks are the defenders of Azov.
  3. Don Cossack Stepan Razin.
  4. The ancient fortress Taganrog.
  5. Kondraty Bulavin - ataman of the Bakhmut town.
  6. Emelyan Pugachev is a Don Cossack.
  7. Matvey Ivanovich Platov is the most outstanding Cossack military leader.
  8. Yakov Petrovich Baklanov is a famous Cossack general.
  9. A good horse is a loyal friend of a Cossack.
  10. Don Cossacks are famous defenders of the Fatherland.

Forms of organizing classes:

9. Final lesson.

Forms of organizing the lesson: exhibition, exposition, excursion

3rd year of study

Academic-thematic plan

P / p No. Topic name Number of hours
Theory Practice Total
1 Introductory lesson 1 1
2 Volgodonsk district on the map of Rostov region 1 1 2
3 The native area of ​​Volgodonskaya is a part of the Don Territory 3 1 4
4 Historical past of the Volgodonsk region 2 2
5 The emergence of farms and villages of the region 6 2 8
6 Stanitsa Romanovskaya. History of origin 2 2 4
7 Modern Romanovskaya 8 2 10
8 The villages, farms and villages of the region today 6 2 8
9 Native farm Potapov on the map of Volgodonsk region 1 1 2
10 Sights of the Potapov farm 4 2 6
11 Wonderful farmers 3 1 4
12 Veterans of the Great Patriotic War of the native farm Potapov 3 1 4
13 Potapovtsy are amazing masters of arts and crafts 5 3 8
14 Family traditions of farmers. Pedigree 2 5 7
15 Presentation of the program "Origins" at the All-Russian educational youth forum "Seliger-2010" 1 1
16 Final lesson 1 1
Total 48 24 72

1. Introductory lesson.

Goals and objectives, program. Safety precautions. The Constitution of the Russian Federation on the State and Citizens of Russia.

Forms of organization of the lesson: conversation, story, exhibition.

2. Volgodonsk region on the map of the Rostov region.

Forms of organization of the lesson: conversation, story, exhibition.

3. The native area of ​​the Volgodonskaya is a part of the Don region.

  1. Don region as a component of the Russian state.
  2. Volgodonsk region: education, culture, health care.

Forms of organizing classes: exhibition, exposition, excursion, museum lesson, illustrated story, conversation, competition, quiz, meeting evening.

4. Historical past of the Volgodonsk region.

  1. The emergence of the region, its name.
  2. Territory of the region.

Forms of organizing classes: exhibition, exposition, excursion, museum lesson, illustrated story, conversation, competition, quiz, meeting evening.

5. The emergence of farms and villages in the region.

  1. Khutor Yasyrev.
  2. The village of Bolshovskaya.
  3. The village of Kargalskaya.
  4. Ryabichi farm.
  5. Khutor Kholodny.
  6. Semyonkin farm.
  7. Khutor Kalinin.
  8. Farm Pirozhok.

Forms of organizing classes: exhibition, exposition, excursion, museum lesson, illustrated story, conversation, competition, quiz, meeting evening.

6. Stanitsa Romanovskaya. History of origin.

  1. The name of the village.
  2. The location of the page.
  3. Sights of Romanovskaya.
  4. Page objects.

Forms of organizing classes: exhibition, exposition, excursion, museum lesson, illustrated story, conversation, competition, quiz, meeting evening.

7. Modern Romanovskaya.

  1. Map of the village.
  2. Streets of Romanovskaya.
  3. District administration.
  4. Education.
  5. Culture.
  6. Healthcare.
  7. Production facilities.
  8. Regional Museum of Local Lore.
  9. Heroes of the Romanov underground.
  10. Festival "Strings of the Soul".

Forms of organizing classes: exhibition, exposition, excursion, museum lesson, illustrated story, conversation, competition, quiz, meeting evening.

8. The villages, farms and villages of the region today.

  1. Rural settlements.
  2. Production facilities.
  3. Education.
  4. Culture.
  5. Sights.

Forms of organizing classes: exhibition, exposition, excursion, museum lesson, illustrated story, conversation, competition, quiz, meeting evening.

9. Native farm Potapov on the map of the Volgodonsk region.

  1. The territory of the Potapov farm.
  2. The Potapov farm is my homeland.

Forms of organization of the lesson: conversation, story, exhibition.

10. Attractions of the Potapov farm

  1. Memorial of Military Glory.
  2. The mass grave of the defenders of the Potapov farm during the Great Patriotic War.
  3. Potapovskoe khutor Cossack society of the Romanovsky yurt of the 1st Don Cossack district.
  4. Cossack houses - kurens.
  5. Cossack courtyard.

Forms of organizing classes: exhibition, exposition, excursion, museum lesson, illustrated story, conversation, competition, quiz, meeting evening.

11. Wonderful farmers.

  1. F. Turuk is a wonderful corn plant.
  2. A. Bogachev is a participant of the Exhibition of Economic Achievements.
  3. I. Bashkintsev is an honored combine operator.
  4. R. Chepukhova is a multiple winner of socialist competitions.
  5. R. Vince is the first virgin.

Forms of organizing classes: exhibition, exposition, excursion, museum lesson, illustrated story, conversation, competition, quiz, meeting evening.

12. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War of their native farm Potapov.

  1. Ivan Alexandrovich Yarulin.
  2. Alexander Petrovich Pariev.
  3. Elena Andreevna Shevchenko.
  4. Ivan Ivanovich Lukovskaya.

Forms of organizing classes: exhibition, exposition, excursion, museum lesson, illustrated story, conversation, competition, quiz, meeting evening.

13. Potapovtsy are amazing masters of arts and crafts.

  1. PF Sirenko is a master of golden hands.
  2. Sisters L.K. Baranovich and O.K. Makhnovets are craftswomen of homespun linen.
  3. MA Kovtunovich is a master of artistic embroidery.
  4. R.V. Vins is a master of artistic knitting.
  5. R.A. Likhacheva is a skilled craftswoman.
  6. K.A. Radkova is a craftswoman of artistic knitting.
  7. A.A. Popov is a master of basket weaving.

Forms of organizing classes: exhibition, exposition, excursion, museum lesson, illustrated story, conversation, competition, quiz, meeting evening.

14. Family traditions of farmers. Pedigree.

  1. Cossack family.
  2. Modern family.
  3. The role of parents in the family.
  4. Raising children in the family.
  5. The traditions of the modern family.
  6. Family holidays.
  7. Cossack pedigree.
  8. Modern pedigree.

Forms of organizing classes: exhibition, exposition, excursion, museum lesson, illustrated story, conversation, competition, quiz, meeting evening.

15. Presentation of the program "Origins" at the All-Russian educational youth forum "Seliger-2010".

Form of organization of the lesson: presentation.

16. Final lesson.

Forms of organizing the lesson: exhibition, exposition, excursion.

Based on the results of training, pupils must:

1 year of study

  • master the following competencies:
  • the concept of a Cossack tale, proverbs and sayings about the life, way of life and culture of the Don Cossacks;
  • the concept of an extraordinary Cossack dialect reflected in a fairy tale;

be able to:

  • tell about a Cossack tale, define its theme;
  • use the acquired knowledge in everyday life;

2nd year of study

  • master the following competencies:
  • the concept of life, everyday life and cultural traditions of the Don Cossacks;
  • the concept of the place of the Cossacks in the history of the Russian state;
  • the concept of the culture of the Don Cossacks as an integral part of the folk culture,

be able to:

  • talk about the life, everyday life and cultural traditions of the Don Cossacks; use the acquired knowledge in practice;

3rd year of study

  • master the following competencies:
  • history and modernity of the native Volgodonsk region, the Potapov farm;
  • wonderful Cossacks who glorified the Don region;

be able to:

  • tell about the history of your small homeland;
  • to use the acquired knowledge in practice and everyday life with the aim of further developing communication skills, adaptation to social conditions.


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Presentation " Potapovskoe farm Cossack society

Romanovsky yurt I Don Cossack district.

The activities of the voluntary Cossack squad of the Potapov farm to revive the traditions of the Don Cossacks, founded on March 14, 2008 "(see on electronic media).

Presentation "All-Russian Youth Educational Forum