Purpose and main functions of the policy. What are the main features of political conflicts? The question is what is the political

political attitude management society

Political interest is the selective attitude of institutional and social subjects of politics to socio-political processes, events and phenomena, the real reason for their political activity, based on well-defined worldview principles, beliefs and attitudes. In other words, this is the internal conscious source of political behavior that encourages the subjects of politics to set certain political goals and carry out specific political actions to achieve them.

Based on the specifics of the nature of political needs and political interest, the latter is inherently a subjective expression of objectively existing political relations from the point of view of the implementation by the subjects of politics of their social goals.

The object of political interest are: power and power relations in society; mechanisms and ways of exercising political power; political activities of parties, socio-political movements, public organizations and lobbying groups; political elite and individual representatives at the national, regional and local levels.

The whole set of political processes, phenomena and events is the subject of political interest. They are perceived and evaluated by the subjects of politics in terms of their usefulness and the possibility of using them to achieve their goals.

Political interests, due to their diversity, are a complex systemic formation. They can be classified on various grounds. For example: a) by the degree of generality (personal, group, class, public;) b) by the degree of awareness (spontaneous or conscious); c) in their direction (domestic policy, foreign policy); d) by the nature of the subject of interests (national, state, party, class, etc.); e) if possible, their implementation (feasible and imaginary); f) in relation to the objective trend of social development (progressive, reactionary, conservative).

Political interest, being an integral property of all subjects of politics, in functional and active terms is their creatively transforming attitude to the surrounding reality. It reveals itself at all levels of the subject's activity (in the process of theoretical modeling of possible actions, in specific practical actions, etc.). In general, a number of channels of implementation are of political interest: 1) the activities of power structures (representative, executive and presidential); 2) political influence of parties, organizations, unions, churches, mass media; 3) pressure of mass political forces (strike movement, rallies). The realization of political interest presupposes the implementation of two opposite tendencies inherent in it, but suggesting one another: the tendency for political self-affirmation, expressing the aspiration of the bearer of interest to satisfy their political needs, and the tendency for historical creativity, expressing the selective orientation of the subject to the realization of one or another objective possibility.

These two tendencies form a dialectical contradiction in the realization of political interest. Their mutual negation is manifested in the fact that they do not coincide with each other, are not identical to each other, since they form two processes with mutually opposite directions and results. The trend towards historical creativity produces a change and transformation of the conditions of life through the realization of the possibilities contained in them. Its result is a politically transformed environment. In contrast to this, the tendency towards political self-affirmation is aimed at reproducing and developing the subject himself through consumption and use of the results of political activity. The result of the process of political self-affirmation is the development of the subject itself - the bearer of political interest.

Realization of political interest is impossible without the manifestation of the political activity of its bearer. In the political activity of individuals or social groups, the following approximate scale of the intensity of political actions can be constructed: 1) reaction (positive or negative) to impulses emanating from the political system, from its institutions or their representatives, not related to the need for their own high activity; 2) participation in periodic actions related to the delegation of authority (electoral behavior); 3) activities in political and related organizations; 4) performance of political functions within the framework of institutions that are part of the political system or act against it; 5) direct action; 6) active (including leading) activity in non-institutional political movements directed against the existing political system and seeking its radical restructuring, etc. Based on the proposed scale of the intensity of political actions in the political behavior of classes, nations, social groups and strata, individuals, two main forms of realizing their political interests can be distinguished: political participation and political activity.

Political participation is an action or a set of actions that are a response to political events, processes, etc., with the aim of influencing the position and activities of political subjects. It includes two types of participation.

Political activity is a set of actions of public groups to realize their political interests regarding the conquest, use and retention of power.

It should be noted as a conclusion.

1. The process of realizing political interests is continuous. At the level of everyday awareness, this process takes place in the form of the development of political knowledge, assessments, orientations, which, in turn, determine practical activity, social activity and citizenship.

To realize their fundamental interests through state (political) power, certain social groups create their own political parties.

2. The fundamental political interest of society lies in the constant development of democracy, in the consolidation and expansion of genuine democracy, the self-government of the people. In the mechanism of action of democracy, taking into account, capturing, and expressing the objectively determined interests of social groups is of particular importance. Here, much depends on the methods of identifying, coordinating and subordinating these interests. In addition, it is necessary to systematically clarify the extent to which general political interests are perceived by citizens as their own, and to what extent they become a source of behavior for specific individuals and groups. The complication of interests, the increase in their versatility in modern conditions, implies the constant improvement of those superstructural structures with the help of which political interests are taken into account and implemented.

3. Political participation and political activity as a form of realization of political interests can, with good reason, be considered as criteria for the development of the political organization of society.

A citizen in a democratic political system is distinguished by the manifestation of interest in politics, involvement in political discussions, participation in elections, the presence of certain knowledge of politics, competence, everything that is necessary to influence government activities. In general, these qualities can be summarized as activity, involvement, rationality. At the same time, these qualities are also inherent in a citizen in the system of a one-party dictatorship.

One form of participation is a system of representative democracy, in which representatives of the people exercise power on their behalf. Another form of participation of citizens in the system of power is through referenda, civil initiatives or the recall of deputies.

What is the role of the political sphere in human life and society? What is its main social function?

When answering this question, the opinions of political scientists were also divided. One group of scholars believe that the purpose of politics is integration of society into a single whole , the implementation of the rules of cohabitation and the principles of justice and the maintenance of public order (Aristotle, T. Hobbes, G. Hegel, T. Parsons). With the help of state power, regulation (direct or indirect) of all the main spheres of public life is carried out, norms of behavior are established, the most common interests of various social groups are realized, and conflicts between them are overcome. Thus, in the sphere of politics, a set of actions aimed at achieving the common good is carried out. Of course, the order, the social system and the choice of a strategy for social development do not provide equal benefits to different groups of the population. But they are in themselves necessary conditions for the existence of society and therefore determine the main purpose of the political sphere.

According to another point of view, the political sphere is primarily struggle , conflict, the desire of individual groups to achieve the realization of their interests by imposing their will and establishing political dominance(K. Marx, K. Schmitt, R. Dahrendorf (Germany), G. Lasswell (USA). For example, K. Schmitt defines politics through the concepts of "enemy" and "friend": in politics, "friends" mobilize and fight against " enemies").

The desire for power is natural and logical for any subject of politics, since it makes it possible to influence the solution of social problems in such a way as to realize their group interests. Political struggle is inevitable due to the difference in the interests of social groups and the lack of economic, social, cultural and other resources to satisfy them. It manifests itself in elections to government bodies, in parliamentary debates, in the competition of political parties, in political controversy in the media, at rallies, strikes, etc.; extreme forms of struggle include the use of physical and military force (revolution, civil war, terrorism). In this struggle, small but close-knit groups (elites) usually win, seeking various privileges by seizing state power or influencing it. Politics is a zero-sum game: winning some groups means losing others. The nature of the political process directly depends on the severity of the political conflict and the balance of power in the political arena.

These points of view on politics and its social purpose complement each other. The essence of politics, according to the French political scientist M. Duverger, is always ambivalent; politics, like the god Janus, has two different faces. At all times, it has been a means of domination of some groups over others and, at the same time, ensured the integration of society and the achievement of the common good. The ratio of these functions of politics is in the process of constant change, but both, to one degree or another, are present in all political systems. They express the unity and interconnection of the integrative and differentiating principles in politics. Politics is possible only in conditions of conflict of interest; if there was complete agreement between people, then there would be no need to create political institutions that ensure the resolution of social conflicts in a civilized form and the regulation of relations between people. On the other hand, the realization of the interests of certain groups and the preservation of their dominance are impossible without a minimum of agreement between the subjects of politics. There is no politics in the so-called "state of nature", where, according to Hobbes, there is a "war of all against all."

In this way, main policy functions are: 1) maintaining and strengthening the integrity of society, ensuring public order, and 2) the realization of individual and group interests in the process of struggle for power and its implementation.

Other major policy functions, closely related to the previous ones, are: 3) leadership function (development of goals and objectives for the development of society and mobilization of resources for their implementation); four) regulatory function (regulation of other spheres of public life, control over their activities); 5) communication function (ensuring interaction between different social groups and rules of communication). In addition to them, more specific social functions are implemented in the political sphere, the set of which depends on the nature of the social system (expansion of the territory of residence, legal consolidation of the privileges of certain groups, protection of human rights, involvement of citizens in decision-making, etc.).

Interest in general is the orientation of a person (or social group) towards the implementation of a specific goal that satisfies some needs. . Political interest - this is the orientation of a social group or individual to win their proper positions in the system of political power. Ways to achieve this goal are various forms of participation in politics.

Depending on the carriers, interests can be personal, group, corporate, class and national. Social content - economic, political, spiritual. According to the degree of stability - long-term and transient. By urgency indigenous and secondary.

Political interest is primarily an objective phenomenon. However, the objectivity of interest is not at all equivalent to its evidence. In order to turn into an actual motive for action, interest must be recognized. But this is already an area of ​​the subjective, where various complications are possible. A person's idea of ​​his interests does not always coincide with their actual content. A more or less adequate representation of people about their needs and interests requires an understanding of the entire set of cause-and-effect relationships that determine their actual position in the system of social relations. This is not always possible, not only for an ordinary person, but also for those who own the minds and destinies of people. Therefore, in real practice, people are guided not by their own interests, but by ideas about them. False ideas, as a rule, become a factor of political destruction. This circumstance is clearly manifested in the phenomenon of public opinion, which, under the influence of circumstances or manipulations, can vary very quickly and with a large amplitude. When, for example, the results of the democratic process do not justify inflated expectations, democratic values ​​are declared imaginary, and a search begins for another form of expression of political interests - through authoritarianism and traditionalism.

If possible, only the diversity and competition of such political institutions as ideologies, parties, movements help to avoid such situations. By introducing into the political process elements of competitiveness, and, consequently, criticality and debatability, they can help to establish the real content and correlation of any political interests.

The lack of resources to meet the diverse needs of people creates a conflict of interests and values. The lack of political positions and statuses, which are the object of claims from numerous political actors, as well as the differentiation of political roles (into managers and managed) serves as a source of political conflict. The role of conflict in politics cannot be overestimated, because it acts as a source and driving force of the political process. After all, politics in its essence is a way of coordinating the interests of various social groups and individuals by various means. In a conflict-free society, the need for it simply disappears.

political conflict- this is a disagreement or confrontation between various political subjects in their desire to realize their interests and goals, related primarily to the struggle for gaining power, its redistribution, changing their political status, and political prospects for the development of society.

At the heart of the political conflict are socio-economic, ethnic and proper political contradictions, objectively inherent in any society, which acquire a conflict form due to the orientation towards ousting the counterparty of conflict interaction from the sphere of their interests.

Conflicts can be typified on various grounds, for example, by the nature of contradictions (antagonistic and non-antagonistic), internal and external (depending on their relationship to the social system), by spheres of manifestation (economic, political, spiritual, interethnic, international).

Conflicts are classified according to the time of action: protracted or transient; intensity: weak or strong; by scale of action: local or regional; by manifestation forms: peaceful and non-peaceful; according to the level of openness and degree of development: latent and open; by the number of participants: multi-subject, or multipolar, and bilateral, or bipolar; according to the degree and nature of normative regulation: systemic or non-systemic, institutionalized or non-institutionalized; according to their consequences: positive or negative, constructive or destructive.

When typifying conflicts, attention should be paid to their origin and stages of development. Conflicts caused by factors of an internal nature are designated as endogenous, external - in relation to this system - exogenous.

Any conflict, as a rule, has certain stages of its development: beginning, hidden (latent form); open form, or stage of confrontation; post-conflict phase.

The nature and nature of the conflict is determined by:

- the conditions of its occurrence and course;

- the composition of the participants in the conflict;

- means and methods used by the conflicting parties to create a conflict situation and resolve it;

- the current image of the conflict situation;

- the nature of the conflict;

– spatio-temporal parameters of the conflict collision;

- stages and intensity of the flow;

- effects.

There are many methods of conflict resolution, among which it makes sense to mention "the theory of principled negotiation and tolerance". The essence of the "principled negotiation theory" is that the parties seek to find mutual benefit wherever possible. Where interests do not coincide, it is necessary to achieve a result that would be justified by fair norms, regardless of the will of each of the parties. Principled negotiations are based on the following principles:

- concentration on interests and rejection of positional bargaining;

– use of objective criteria;

– search for mutually beneficial options;

- the distinction between the participants in the discussion and the issues under discussion;

- skillful interaction tactics and connecting, if necessary, a third party to them.

To resolve a political conflict, it is necessary:

- to localize the conflict;

– avoid simplification of the problems that served as the basis for the political conflict, their dichotomous interpretation;

- go beyond the conflict situation, consider it from the point of view of the general that unites both parties;

- not to allow delay in taking constructive efforts and measures, since time in resolving the conflict is one of the decisive factors;

Political contradictions and conflicts cannot be cancelled; they are an inevitable attribute of the political process. The question, therefore, is to create and introduce into the political process the practice of fair and rational resolution of political conflicts on the basis of civilized norms and modern technologies.

Each of us knows a lot about politics. We know everything about the policy of the state, our company, and even pursue our own political line in family relations. What is politics? Let's try to understand this issue.

What does "politics" mean

The word politics came to us from ancient Greek. It comes from the word politike, which translates as public or state affairs. Many famous philosophers gave their definition of politics. For example, Plato believed that politics is the art of managing all other arts (judicial, oratory, military, etc.) in order to improve the lives of citizens. Machiavelli believed that politics can be called knowledge about the correct and wise government of the state.

What is politics: a modern definition

Politics is the general direction for decision-making and actions that facilitate the achievement of the set goal. The policy sets out the directions to follow in order to achieve the goal. In addition, she explains why it is necessary to follow these directions. Although politics directs actions towards the fulfillment of a set task or the achievement of a certain goal, however, at the same time, it leaves freedom of action.

What is the essence of politics

The concept of "politics" has long been included in our speech and everyday life. But did it become clearer from this? Let's try to explain what the essence of the policy is:

  1. Politics is created by state structures and social movements, so it is inextricably linked with them.
  2. Politics is a struggle for power, the use of it and its retention.
  3. Politics can be seen as a procedure for making decisions in a society in which there is no complete unity. These decisions can satisfy the interests of a large group of people or vice versa, a very narrow circle of people.
  4. Politics can be compared to an art form. After all, a skillful politician always achieves the goal with minimal losses, is able to try on the warring parties, take into account both the long-term and short-term interests of his party, people and state. And all this is not possible if the politician does not have deep knowledge, talent, intuition.

What does politics do

Politics plays a significant role in the development of any society. Let's take a closer look at what politics in society does:

  1. Ensures the stability and integrity of society.
  2. Ensures the effectiveness and mobilization of all types of social activities.
  3. Regulates and manages the public interest.
  4. Provides socialist socialization by drawing the individual and entire groups of the population into social life.
  5. It creates the rights and freedoms of the individual, and is also the guarantor of their observance.

What about politics

Politics can be attributed to everything that is in any way connected with social movements, political parties and state structures. This can be explained by the fact that it is all of the above that creates a policy, and, therefore, is inextricably linked with it. Any problem, if it falls into the sphere of attention of the state, a social movement or a party, immediately becomes a political problem.

What is included in the policy

Politics is a rich and varied world that includes:

  1. Various sciences, as politics is inextricably linked with them.
  2. Goals, interests and attitudes of various political institutions and social groups.
  3. Mechanisms for coordinating and regulating interests that prevent a split in society.
  4. Direct interaction of objects and subjects of policy.

The elements of politics can also include political relations, political power, political organization and culture, political consciousness, as well as subjects of politics.

What is an accounting policy

Accounting policy is the documentation that regulates the maintenance of tax and accounting records at an enterprise or organization, as well as a whole set of rules for reflecting expenses and income on the organization's accounts, putting property on the balance sheet and compiling reporting documentation.

In other words, an accounting policy can be viewed as a whole set of documents that facilitate accounting and reduce taxation.

A well-designed accounting policy allows you to legally reduce the taxation of an enterprise or organization.

The accounting policy is developed by the chief accountant, and approved by the head of the organization, who issues an order on its implementation.

What is the relationship between politics as a social phenomenon and political science?

Political science is the science of politics and its relationship with man and society.

Politics - means state and public affairs, a sphere of activity associated with power relations between people, social groups, classes. Parties, nations and states.

Politics is studied by the system of political sciences, among them: political science, theory of state and law, political philosophy, political economy, political history, political sociology. Political science occupies a special place. It acts as a kind of integral discipline that studies politics in all its manifestations. Political science generalizes and systematizes political knowledge, analyzes the patterns of formation, functioning and development of the political life of society and, above all, political power. Based on this, we conclude that the subject of political science is the state and other political phenomena, i.e. politics as a reality.

3. What are the main categories of political science and disclose their content?

The most common categories of political science are the categories of "politics" and "political". The category "politics" is a complex category. Its derivatives are: world politics, international politics, foreign and domestic policy, financial policy, national policy, etc. The category "political" - it more broadly reflects the properties, features and affiliation of a particular process. This category is concretized in such concepts as a political phenomenon, political system, political power, political relations, political parties, political regime, etc. In political science, concepts are reflected that characterize specific aspects and processes of the political life of society and the individual: political behavior, political leadership, legitimacy, the electoral system, etc.

What is the relationship between theoretical and applied political science?

Theoretical political science studies the essence of politics, its nature, significance for man and society, political relationships between classes, nations and states, as well as between the individual, society and the state. It reveals and explores the patterns that determine the development of the political life of society, individual political processes, phenomena, and events. Within the framework of theoretical political science, ways of cognizing political phenomena are explored. Applied political science explores private political problems, forms knowledge aimed at solving everyday practical problems of the political life of society, at analyzing the political situation that is developing in it. On the basis of knowledge, practical advice and recommendations are developed for participants in political events, what actions to take in the current situation. The conclusions and recommendations formulated on the basis of applied political science research serve as the basis for the corresponding theoretical generalizations. Theoretical political science serves as a methodological basis for conducting applied political science research.

What are the main functions of political science?

Gnoseological, or theoretical-cognitive is to study the political reality. He studies the trends in the development of the political life of society, the political processes taking place in it, analyzes various aspects of political activity and their political relations.

worldview- is expressed in the creation of a holistic picture of the political development of society, understanding the place and role of politics in the development of the whole society and its main areas, including economic, legal, spiritual.

Practically predictive.- she develops recommendations regarding various options and methods of political activity, makes forecasts for the development of political processes.

In domestic political science, the following functions of politics are noted:

Expression of powerfully significant interests of all groups and strata of society,

resolution of social conflicts, their rationalization,

management and management of political and social processes in the interests of certain segments of the population or the entire society as a whole,

integration of various segments of the population by subordinating their interests to the interests of the whole, ensuring the integrity of the social system, stability and order,

political socialization,

· Ensuring continuity and innovation in the social development of society.

The role of political science in the formation of civil qualities of a person

Political science is of great importance for the formation of civic qualities and political culture. For honest people, politics can be attractive by the possibility of joining power and possessing power, which greatly expands the possibilities of serving the good of society, the country and realizing one's political ideals. Politics is also attractive to many because it is usually associated with wide and everyday communication with people. Political science teaches orientation in a wide and varied range of human values.

The ideals of observance of human and peoples' rights, democracy and humanism, civil society and the rule of law are no less important and significant than the ideals of a civilized market economy and general welfare, social harmony and justice, high morality and spirituality. They are able to attract many to serve them.

The importance of possessing the scientific foundations of political life and politics naturally and sharply increases when, as in modern Russia, we are talking about a deep, complex and difficult reform of society and the state, about their transitional state on the path of movement from the continuous nationalization of the economy and all public life and totalitarianism to a market economy and true democracy, freedom and humanism.

The concept of political leadership and its specificity.

A leader is an authoritative member of an organization, a social group, society as a whole, whose personal influence allows him to play a significant role in social processes. Political leadership includes an informal aspect (assumes public recognition) and a formal one (priority influence on members of a person of a certain organization). Political leadership is: a kind of power, influence on other people, managerial status, a special kind of entrepreneurship. Political leadership is the permanent and legitimate influence of an individual holding positions of power on a group, organization, society as a whole.

What is the essence of political science as a science?

Political science is the science of politics and its relationship with man and society.

Politics - means state and public affairs, a sphere of activity associated with power relations between people, social groups, classes. Parties, nations and states.

Initially, political science existed as part of philosophical knowledge, as a set

ideas about the ideal state, ways to achieve the public good, about the highest good of man and the state, etc. but ancient authors still do not single out the subject of political science in its modern sense, do not differentiate between it, philosophy and ethics. This was done only in the Renaissance. In modern times, political research acquires relative independence. By the middle of the nineteenth century, political science was finally formed as an independent science. In parallel, the process of turning political science into an independent scientific and educational discipline is under way. In 1880 at Columbia College in the USA (later it became a uni-

university) created a school of political science. By the beginning of the 20th century, this process had basically come to an end.