Diy water pump control device. Simple submersible pump control circuit

Pumping units used to normalize the water supply have a certain warranty period, but in order to extend it, it is advisable to use automatic control of the water pump. Such equipment is an installation that prevents damage to the pumping device if the water level in the source is insufficient.

If the pumping station operates without a suitable sensor, the risk of its failure increases, since it is not designed for dry operation. In conditions of liquid deficiency, equipment begins to deteriorate and burn out. If you install a water level sensor, you can prevent this kind of trouble. This article is devoted to solving the issue of choosing a protective device, its principle of operation and features.

The selection of a relay to protect the pumping station from idling and maintain an optimal water level at home requires no less attention than. First of all, you should take into account the characteristics of your own well, as well as use indirect advice:

  • installation should be convenient and accessible. Therefore, you should not purchase too massive installations. They must also match the characteristics of the pump itself;
  • ideal if your sensor has a simplified automatic adjustment. In other words, the device has the ability to independently disconnect from the network until the water in the well reaches the previous level;
  • make sure that the protective relay is well waterproofed, since moisture on the case will disable the mechanism if the liquid level rises;
  • check with the seller how the pump part is durable and reliable. It does not hurt to find out how the frequent loss of the water level in the well affects the operation of the protection;
  • the price should correspond to the optimal parameters, regardless of the manufacturer. Cost may vary due to different pressure ranges and general specifications.

Important! If you made the right choice and carried out the installation, the relay will be able to independently stop the device without harm to the working mechanism of the pumping equipment.

Sensor working mechanism. How does the structure behave when included?

A conventional idle switch for a pump is set to operate in a pressure range of 1 to 8 bar and is guided by the liquid level. The internal mechanism of the sensor is a block with tuned springs that are responsible for bi-directional pressure limits. They are regulated by special installed nuts. The pressure indicator is monitored by a diaphragm plate, by means of which the spring is weakened at minimum pressure and tensioned when the maximum value is reached.

The pressure sensor spring is triggered when the circuit contacts open and close. If the pressure drops, the contacts close, which is carried out by the protection sensor, and the pump comes to the operating position. In the opposite case, the pump is turned off and does not work until the pressure is normalized to optimal levels.

To set up the correct operation of the sensor, you need a pump control circuit. In order to fine-tune it, it is necessary to bring the pump unit into working condition - this will increase the water pressure in the well. The operation of the installation can be adjusted using specially removed screws under the cover, which protects the sensor automation.

You can independently adjust the response limits of the protective device. To do this, perform the following steps sequentially.

  1. We fix the maximum and minimum pressure limit according to the liquid level in the tank, at which the pump is in working order. Be sure to read the pressure gauge.
  2. We disconnect the pumping unit from electricity and disassemble the protective device.
  3. Remove the housing cover and slightly release the nut holding the small spring.
  4. Then we set the minimum pressure: tighten or release the large spring also using the fixing nut.
  5. We open the tap in order to reduce the pressure in the pipeline system. In this case, do not forget to monitor the operation of the pump.
  6. We pay attention to the readings of the pressure gauge, if they are optimal for your case, we leave the relay in this state, if not, we adjust it further.

Attention! When adjusting the monitoring idle speed sensor, you must take into account the capabilities of the pump unit. For example, if its factory lossy value is in the order of 3.5 bar, the relay should be set to 3 bar. Otherwise, there is a possibility of equipment overload.

A few words about automatic control of the pump for water

Devices based on the "machine" scheme can be useful in home and farm conditions. It is especially important to have such equipment in systems where water level and pressure control is required.

Sensors based on an automatic control scheme are considered useful and do not require constant monitoring of the equipment of a well, well, or other source of water supply. Also, such designs are often used multifunctionally.

Pay attention to the automatic pump control circuit, it has nothing to do with the common tank, from where the water comes through the pump.

Often it is not enough to have only a pump for pumping out or replenishing water, it is also necessary to control it, that is, to turn it on and on on time. Everything would be fine if such processes are planned for you, and if not, then what to do? Let's say you have a cellar where water comes in ... Or the opposite situation. There is a tank that must always be full, ready for watering. During the day, the water gets warm, and in the evening you water. So, one and the other must be constantly monitored, and this is all the time, worries, your labors. But in our century, such tasks are already being solved once or twice, that is, the process can be automated. As a result, the automation will do everything for you, pump or pump out water, and you just have to very rarely monitor it. Check its performance. Well, my article will just be devoted to such a topic as the implementation of a scheme for pumping or pumping water by level, then I will tell you about this in more detail and in detail.

Control circuit (shutdown) of the pump for pumping water by level

I'll start with the scheme for pumping water, that is, when you are faced with the task of pumping water to a certain level, and then turning off the pump so that it does not idle. Take a look at the diagram below.

It is such a basic electrical circuit that is capable of pumping out water to a predetermined level. Let's take a look at how it works, what's here and why.

So, let's imagine that water replenishes our reservoir, it doesn't matter if it is your room, cellar or tank ... As a result, when the water reaches the upper reed switch SV1, voltage is applied to the P1 control relay coil. Its contacts are closed, and through them there is a parallel connection to the reed switch. Thus, the relay is self-locking. The power relay P2 also turns on, which switches the pump contacts, that is, the pump turns on for pumping. Further, the water level begins to decrease and reaches the SV2 reed switch, in this case it closes and supplies a positive potential to the coil winding. As a result, there is a positive potential on the coil on both sides, the current does not flow, the magnetic field of the relay weakens - relay P1 turns off. When P1 is turned off, the power supply for the P2 relay is also turned off, that is, the pump also stops pumping water. Depending on the power of the pump, you can choose a relay for the current you need.
I didn't say anything about the 200 ohm resistor. It is necessary so that in the process of switching on the SV2 reed switch, a short circuit with a minus does not occur through the relay contacts. It is best to choose a resistor such that it allows relay P1 to operate reliably, but at the same time has the highest possible potential. In my case, it was 200 ohms. Another feature of the circuit is the use of reed switches. Their plus is obvious when applied, they do not come into contact with water, which means that the electrical circuit will not be affected by possible changes in currents and potentials in various life situations, be it salty or dirty water ... The circuit will always work stably and "without misfires." There is no need to configure the circuit, everything works right away, with the correct connection.

After 2 months ...

Now about what was done a couple of months later, based on the requirements to reduce power consumption in standby mode. That is, this is already the second version of everything that I described above.
You yourself understand that according to the scheme above, a 12 volt power supply will be constantly turned on, which, by the way, also consumes not free electricity! And based on this, it was decided to make a circuit for activating the pump for pumping out or filling water with a standby current of 0 mA. In fact, it turned out to be easy to implement. Take a look at the diagram below.

Initially, all circuits in the circuit are open, which means it consumes our stated 0 mA, that is, nothing. When the upper reed switch closes, the voltage through the transformer and the diode bridge turns on relay P1. Thus, the relay commutes through its contacts and a 36 Ohm resistor the power supply to the power supply and again to itself, that is, it self-catches. The pump starts up. Further, when the water level reaches the bottom and the P2 relay is triggered, it breaks the self-pickup circuit of the P1 relay itself, thus de-energizing the entire circuit and putting it into standby mode. The 36 Ohm resistor serves to limit the current to the pump, at least slightly, when the upper reed switch is turned on. Thus, reducing the induction current on the reed switch and extending its life. When the power supply is already powered through relay P1, after it is triggered, such a resistance will without problems provide voltage for holding the relay, that is, it will not be critical, and secondly, it will not warm up, since a small current will flow through it. This is just the current from losses in the winding and the current supplied to the relay P1. Therefore, the requirements for the resistor are not critical, unless you take it more powerful!
It remains to say that in any of these circuits, not only a reed switch, but also just end sensors can be used.

Well, now let's analyze the opposite situation, when it is necessary, on the contrary, to pump water into the tank and turn it off at a high level in it. That is, the pump turns on when the water level is low, and turns off when the water level is high.

"+" - ease of assembly and does not require adjustment. Does not consume current in standby mode!
"-" - The system has an end sensor operating with high voltage, so it is better to take it out of the water

Control circuit (shutdown) of the pump for filling water by level

If you cover our entire article quickly and at once with your glance, you will notice that we simply did not give the second scheme in the article, except for the one above.

In fact, this is a self-evident fact, because what is essentially the difference between the pumping circuit and the pumping circuit, except that the reed switches are located one from the bottom and the second below. That is, if you rearrange the reed switches, or reconnect the contacts to them, then one circuit will turn into another.

I summarize that in order to convert the above circuit into a circuit for pumping water, swap the reed switches. As a result, the pump will turn on from the lower sensor - reed switch SV1, and disconnect at the upper level from the reed switch SV2.

Implementation of the installation of reed switches as end sensors for pump operation depending on the water level

In addition to the electrical circuit, you will need to make a structure that ensures the closure of the reed switches, depending on the water level. For my part, I can offer you a couple of options that will satisfy such conditions. Take a look at them below.

In the first case, a construction is implemented using a thread, a cable. In the second, a rigid structure, when the magnets are mounted on a rod floating on a float. There is no special sense in describing the elements of each of the structures, here, in principle, everything is perfectly clear.

Pump connection according to the operation scheme depending on the water level in the tank - summing up

The most important thing is that this circuit is very simple, does not require adjustment and almost anyone can repeat it, even without experience with electronics. Second, the circuit is very reliable and consumes minimal power in standby mode (option 1) or nothing at all (option 2), since all its circuits are open. This means that consumption will be limited only by current losses in the power supply (option 1) or even less!

Video about the operation of level sensors for pumping and pumping out water

The goal of this development is to design a simple but effective water pump control scheme for filling or emptying a water tank. Pump control circuit built on an integrated circuit K561LE5, consisting of four logic elements.

The device uses two sensors: a short steel bar - is a maximum water level sensor and a long one - a minimum level sensor. The container itself is metal and is connected to the minus of the circuit. If the container is not metal, then you can use an additional steel rod with a length equal to the depth of the container.

The circuit is designed so that when water comes into contact with a long sensor, as well as with a short sensor, the logic level at pins 9 and 1.2 of the DD1 chip, respectively, changes from high to low, causing changes in the pump operation.

When the water level is below both sensors, pin 10 of the DD1 microcircuit is logic zero. With a gradual increase in the water level, even when the water is in contact with the long sensor, pin 10 will also have a logical zero. As soon as the water level rises to the short sensor, a logical unit appears at pin 10, as a result of which the VT1 transistor turns on the pump control relay, which in turn pumps out water from the reservoir.

Now, the water level is decreasing and the short sensor will no longer be in contact with the water, but pin 10 will still be a logic high, so the pump continues to run. But when the water level drops below the long sensor, a logical zero appears at pin 10 and the pump stops.

Switch S1 provides reverse action. When the resistor R3 is connected to pin 11 of the DD1. the pump will run when the container is empty and will stop when the container is full, that is, in this case, the pump will be used to fill and not empty the container.

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It often happens that it is not enough to have only a pump for pumping out or replenishing water; it is also necessary to adjust it, that is, to turn it on and on in time. Everything would be fine if such processes are planned for you, and if not, then what to do? Let's say you have a cellar where water comes ... Or the opposite situation. There is a tank that must always be full, ready for watering. During the day, the water warms up, and in the evening you water. So, one and the other must be constantly monitored, and this is all the time, worries, your labors. But in our century, such tasks are already being solved once or twice, that is, the process can be automated. As a result, the automation will do everything for you, pump or pump out water, and you will only have to very rarely monitor it, check its performance. Well, our article will just be devoted to such a topic as the implementation of a scheme for pumping or pumping water, then we will talk about this in more detail and in detail.

Control circuit (shutdown) of a pump for pumping water by degree

We will start with a scheme for pumping water, that is, when you are faced with the task of pumping water to a certain extent, and then turning off the pump so that it does not idle. Take a look at the diagram below.

Actually, such a basic electrical circuit is capable of pumping out water to a predetermined degree. Let's take a look at how it works, what's here and why. So, let's imagine that water replenishes our reservoir, not much that it is your room, cellar or tank ... As a result, when the water reaches the upper reed switch SV1, voltage is applied to the coil of the largest relay P1. Its contacts are closed, and through them there is a parallel connection to the reed switch. In this manner, the relay is self-locking. The power relay P2 also turns on, which switches the pump contacts, that is, the pump turns on for pumping. Further, the water level begins to decrease and reaches the SV2 reed switch, in this case it closes and supplies a positive potential to the coil winding. As a result, there is a positive potential on the coil on both sides, the current does not flow, the magnetic field of the relay weakens - relay P1 turns off. When P1 is turned off, the supply of tables for relay P2 is also turned off, that is, the pump also stops pumping water. In bondage to the power of the pump, you can choose a relay for the current you need.
We didn't say anything about the 200 ohm resistor. It is necessary so that in the process of switching on the SV2 reed switch, a short circuit with a minus does not occur through the relay contacts. It is better to choose a resistor in total such that it allows relay P1 to operate reliably, but at the same time has the highest possible potential. In our case, it was 200 ohms. Another feature of the circuit is the use of reed switches. Their plus when applied is obvious, they do not come into contact with water, which means that the electrical circuit will not be affected by possible changes in currents and potentials in various life situations, be it salty or unclean water ... The circuit will always work stably and "without misfires."
Well, now let's analyze the opposite situation, when it is necessary to pump water into the tank on the contrary and turn it off when the level is high.

Control circuit (shutdown) of the pump for filling water by degree

If you cover our entire article quickly and at once with your own eyes, you will notice that we simply did not give the second scheme in the article, except for the one that is larger. In fact, this is a self-evident fact, because what essentially distinguishes the pumping circuit from the pumping circuit, except that the reed switches are located one at the bottom and the second at the bottom. That is, if you rearrange the reed switches, or reconnect the contacts to them, then one circuit will turn into another. That is, we summarize that in order to convert the above circuit into a circuit for pumping water, change the reed switches with points. As a result, the pump will turn on from the lower sensor - reed switch SV1, and turn off at the upper degree from the reed switch SV2.

Implementation of the installation of reed switches as end sensors for pump actuation in bondage from the water level

In addition to the electrical circuit, you will need to make a structure that ensures the closure of the reed switches, in bondage from the water level. For our part, we can offer you a couple of options that will satisfy such conditions. Take a look at them below.

In the first case, a construction is realized using a thread, a cable. In the second, a rigid structure, when magnets are introduced on a rod floating on a float. To describe the elements of each of the constructions of a special neti reason, here, in principle, everything is perfectly clear.

Connecting the pump according to the operation scheme in bondage from the water level in the tank - summing up

The most important thing is that this circuit is very simple, does not require adjustment, and anyone can use it to repeat it, even without experience with electronics. Second, the circuit is very reliable and consumes minimal power in standby mode, since all its circuits are open. This means that consumption will be limited only by the loss of current in the power supply, no more.

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If you, for financial reasons or for some other reason, do not want to purchase a ready-made pump control device, then the "Master KIT NF250" set will help you, which allows you to assemble a simple electronic device to maintain the required water level in the storage tank.

The principle of operation of the "smart assistant" is as follows. When the water level in the shower tank falls below a certain level "L", the pump turns on and starts pumping water into the tank. When the water level reaches the set level "H", the device turns off the pump (Fig. 1). The general view of the device is shown in Fig. 2.

Figure: 1. The principle of operation of the device for controlling the suburban pump.

Figure: 2. General view of the device.

Figure: 3. Electrical schematic diagram.

Device Specifications
Supply voltage, V - 12
Quiescent current, mA - 1
Current in relay actuation mode, mA Switching power, W - 1300
PCB dimensions, mm - 61x41
The electrical schematic diagram is shown in Fig. 3.

Operating principle

Water is electrically conductive. While there is no water in the tank, transistors T1 and T2 are closed, a high voltage is present on the collector of transistor T1. This high voltage, coming through the diode D1 to the base of the transistor T3, opens it and the transistor T4, which leads to the activation of the executive relay, to the power contacts of which the pump is connected.

The pump starts pumping water into the tank. The LED turns on to indicate pump operation. When the water level reaches the "L" sensor, the transistor T1 opens, the voltage on its collector disappears. However, the pump continues to work, because voltage is supplied to the base of the TZ transistor through the resistor R8 and maintains the TZ-T4 switch in the open state.

When the water level reaches the "H" sensor, the T2 transistor opens and a low level goes to the base of the T3 transistor. The TZ-T4 key closes - the relay turns off. Only when the water level drops below the "L" level again, the relay will turn on again.
The list of elements is given in the table.

Figure: 4. External view of the printed circuit board from the side of parts and from the side of conductive tracks.


Structurally, the device is made on a printed circuit board made of foil-clad fiberglass with dimensions of 61x41 mm (Fig. 4). As sensors "L" and "H" can be used materials at hand, for example, copper plumbing half-inch nuts, firmly attached to the insulated wires.

Turning on the device

Connect the sensor wires to the board and place them in an experimental tank the same height as the used tank in such a way that they correspond to the positions:
"COM" - at the bottom (if the container is iron, then you can connect this wire to the container body);
"L" - at the desired lower water level (pump activation level),
"H" - at the level of pump shutdown.

Connect the device to the power source, observing the polarity. Do not connect mains voltage and pump yet. Turn on the power. The indicator LED should light up and the relay should "click", connecting the pump. Pour water into a container. When the water level reaches the "H" sensor, the relay should turn off. Empty the container. When the water level drops just below the "L" sensor, the relay should turn on.

Now you can finally mount the sensors on a real object and, being careful, connect the 220 V circuit and the pump to the contacts.

Y. SADIKOV, Moscow

Evgeny 2016-05-01 21:43:00

In the circuit, where did R8 go ?!

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