If you have a TLL on the apple tree: how to deal with not to lose the crop. TLL - Garden pest, fighting measures and prevention

Probably it is difficult to imagine anything more annoying and indestructible than the TLL on the apple tree. Every year in the summer, hundreds of trees are attacked by these little insects, which in a matter of weeks destroy the whole green part and, being satisfied, begin to multiply. However, not only the tribes are dangerous, other insects, for example, ants themselves are attached to the pair. In this article, we will look at what kinds of Tly are striking an apple tree and how to deal with them to get rid of times and forever.

Types of Tli

Before moving to the types of Tly, which spoil apple orchards, should be discharged on what a word is in nature. This is a miniature insect, whose caller rarely exceeds 7 mm. Depending on the type and preferred for use in the food, the plants varies and the color of the Tly: light green, dark green, black, gray, orange, light pink.

TRU refer to the family of phytophages, insects with a trunk to violate the upper cover of plants. One of the key features of this type of insect is that in the process of life, they leave on the occupied leaves and stems a pair, a substance with a high content of sugar, which is not averse to enjoy the ants, wasps, bees and flies. Aphids on an apple tree, she is a red-headed or gray, "comes from the family of Tley. Eggs winter on the crust of branches of fruit trees; Spring from eggs appear females that base the colony on the selected tree. The length of their body is about 2 mm, green with a red head and white mustaches, tubes on the back and tail part - black.

Females produce up to 40 larvae at once from which females grow without wings that fill the lower part of the leaves. In June, a generation of females with wings appears, their color changes - the body is black, and the abdomen is green. It is they who become parents for the winged and heartless males and females. The peak of development and reproduction of Tley falls on September.

Signs of Tli

To identify the presence of aphids on an apple tree is quite easy - the leaves are twisted down, become black and dry. Gradually, the red blossoms will appear on the leaves, which precede twist. The leaflets are covered with a sticky fluid - a step, which attracts ants. In the early stages, the defeat of the tree tool is quite difficult to track, because the invasion they begin with the upper young tree shoots.

However, with time insect, there are little fresh leaves and they descend below, leaving themselves exhausted and dying shoots and leaves. On the lower parts of the tree, detect the presence of the Tly is easier - it is enough to simply flip any sheet and you will find dozens of larvae. Ants are also one of the symptoms by which it is possible to determine that the plant is infected. Also pests live on the underside of the leaves and in buds. Turn the leaflet or open the twisted sheet and see insects. Besides the pests suck nutrients From the plant, they are carriers of viral diseases. It should be started to fight against insects without delay, using folk remedies or special drugs.

Methods of dealing with tool

So, what ways can you fight with hordes of the tool? Use vegetable infusions, chemicals, nutritional supplements that should be sprayed against the affected tree. Chemicals are best treated with an apple tree in the spring when the kidneys have not yet blocked.

Thus, you reduce the likelihood of leaving chemical burns on the leaves, but will apply a significant damage to Tsi larvae.

200 g of the drug "Nitrophen" is divorced in 10 liters of water, which treated the tree before the kidneys dissolve. He is highly appreciated for the destruction of eggs tool. - It is possible to treat a tree with a 4% solution of the drug "oleokuprit", which also destroys insect eggs.

The preparation of "spark" helps to get rid of insect eggs, young larvae throughout the daisy of the apple trees. To prepare a solution in 10 liters of water, 1 tablet of the drug dissolve. You can make a spraying every 3 weeks. Fighting tool requires re-processing trees, but in this case, so as not to burn the leaves. Therefore, it is recommended to use "safe" drugs: "Spark", "Decis", "Cepermethrin". Also, subsequent treatments can be carried out by plant infuses, as they cause the least harm to the tree, but at the same time quite effective against insects.

Take 500 g of tobacco, 40 g of soap, 20 liters of water. Soak tobacco in 10 liters of water for 3 days, then strain the infusion, dilute the remaining water, add soap. You can make processing with such a solution every and a half weeks.

Another option: mix 3 glasses wood ash, 40 g of soap, 10 liters of water. Mixing all the ingredients, the solution insists the day. Spray the bottom of the leaves. Thus, it is possible not only to fight pests, but also to hold extra-corner subordinate Tree. Ants, like a side symptom of vital activity, also require destruction.

You can take advantage of the chemicals "phytoverm", "VDH", "Fufaon". Also, ants do not tolerate a variety of traps who do not harm the plant, man and animals, but at the same time extremely effective against lovers of Darm Sahara.

The best means in the line of traps are recognized as "Raptor" and "Combat". Muravei Kerosene dislikely, so you need to use it. For the preparation of a solution in 10 liters of water, 400 g of soap is mixed, 2 tbsp. Parbolic acid spoons and 10 tbsp. Kerosene spoons. The solution should be treated with leaves and apple trees.

Who today does not dream of having a big beautiful and well-kept garden? But seeing how beautiful tree Begins to dry, fade and lose the fruits, these dreams seem unattainable. But even from such a critical situation there is a way out and measures of prevention.

Signs of the appearance of aphids on an apple

This microscopically small animal is up to 4 mm, can destroy the harvest and a whole plantation of trees literally for the month. Aphids breeding with eggs, the supplies of which prepares from the most autumn on the tree bark. As soon as spring comes, young juicy leaves begin to recruit sweet juice, and here our fault, who has been safely overwhelmed, here as here! TLL leads custom tickwhich envelops the apple tree with a web and a multitude of eggs on the leaves, thereby leading to the full death of the plant. But most best friend Tlima are ants. They feed on its secrets, which are called a meal dew. All summer workers deal to the TRU in its jaws on the tree, and in the winter they warm to the winter to the anthill until spring. Signs of the appearance of aphids on an apple tree:

  • Near the roots of the apple tree there is an anthill.
  • The leaves of the tree are twisted, begin to dry, yellow and fall ahead of time.
  • Turning a leaf to the back side, you will see the eggs of the Tly.
  • The appearance of the Klezleter on the leaves, due to the great formation of a medical dew.

Destruction of folk on the apple tree people

The solution prepared by its own hands is reliable, not a poisonous for a person, easy to prepare and use:

  • Syro-garlic solution: In 10 liter bucket, soda on a large grater piece of household soap, add crushed 3 garlic heads. Fill with water, stir up to the foam. Insist 1-2 days, spray the broom better to get to the highest branches.
  • Infusion of Cepurela: Grind dry leaves and stems cleanly, add a grated piece of household soap to them, fill with 10 liters of water. Insist 2 days in a warm place. Before use, strain.
  • Ash and soap: In a big bucket, pour 3 cups of wood ash, squeeze a piece of soap and pour with water. Adjust 2 days. Before use, dreamed 1: 1.
  • Toman solution: Split tomato leaves to half-live weight, add 1 liter of steep boiling water and 5 tablespoons sunflower oil. Let stand the day, after which lubricate the affected leaves on the reverse side.
  • If there are a little bite leaves, then collect them and burn, finishing the remaining solution of the economic soap.
  • The wave does not tolerate sharp smells, sit near the apple tree plants, which it will be afraid - onions, nettle, pyrzym, calendula, garlic, lavender, Dolmatskaya chamomile.

Destruction ofphids on an apple tree insecticides

Chemicals can be treated with an apple tree before flowering and in 5 weeks before harvesting, before the expiration of this time, the fruits are not allowed.

  • Follow the processing in special things to do not get poisoning, rashes on the skin and burns.
  • We enjoy strong poisons in the tragic situation when the tree on the verge of death, in other cases it is recommended to use the people's ways.
  • Pests have a persistent immunity to chemicals, therefore, to use one drug to no avail, they need to be changed in turn.
  • The strongest chemical preparations recommended by gardeners - Kinmix, Spark, Bordeaux liquid, Tanare, Intavir.

Preventive measures in the fall from the Tly on the apple

Prepare an apple tree to winter thoroughly defending against ants and aphids. Remove all strokes next to the tree, the wave loves young shoots and will be happy to settle on them. Fill all the anthills on the plot of steep boiling water, excavating the dealer. Paint the central branches of lime, treat the chemical at a temperature not less than +6 degrees.

How to deal with aphids on an apple tree, there are many ways. Gardeners are used folk remedies, biopreparations, chemical insecticides. Each of these methods of struggle has advantages, disadvantages, before choosing the best, it is necessary to study information about all.

With whom you have to deal

The TLL is the most common pest of vegetable gardens, gardens. Apple Tlla is a small bug with a length of the body not more than 7 mm. The color varies, because several species of such insects of one species at once dwell on a tree.

On a note!

TLL on the apple tree passes short life cycleBut I manage to give huge offspring. For 1 time the female postpones up to 40 eggs. From May to June, exclusively females are born. To reproduce the offspring of individuals in fertilization do not need.

Closer to September, a generation of winged Tly appears. After the marriage period, young females scatter on different trees. Put on the apple tree eggs under the crust closer to the kidneys. An early spring of them appear larvae, which immediately begin to hydrate.

Signs of the presence of Tli

The insect sucks juice from the leaves, struggles young shoots, leaves behind a sticky sweet substance, which attracts ants, flies, OS, other insects. After vital activity, the leaves are yellow, twisted, die away. The tree becomes vulnerable to diseases, the yield is significantly reduced.

On the seedlings of the apple tree dry the twigs, cease development, growth. In such a state, young sprouts are not able to survive. On the leaves of the apple tree appear dark spots, flare, mold.

When to fight

Watch the condition of the apple tree is constantly. Some types of apple tolls are capable of migrating. Also help them move through the whole garden of ants. It is necessary to start emergency action immediately after the detection of pests, but it is better to do it in advance.

You can still destroy in early springWhen leaflets are just started to bloom. However, spring treatment is carried out only by folk remedies. The fleece from the Tly is valid for almost 20 days, its presence on the tree carries the danger to insects, which should pollinate flowers.

Actively from Tlima should be struggling in June. At this time, their winter eggs will appear adults, the fruits will have to start. You can handle after flowering anyone suitable tool - folk, biopreparation ,.

Spray apple chemicals Not recommended 20 days before harvest. A break between processing should be about a month. Otherwise, toxins penetrate into the human body together with apples.

The fight against the tool on an apple tree in the period of active ripening of fruits is conducted by biological products, folk remedies.

Biological methods

In nature, everything is interconnected, each insect is a ring of a single nutritional chain. Many bugs that do not harm garden crops are hunting ladybugs. To attract these insects to the garden, it is enough near the apple tree to plant dill.

Get rid of the Tly on the apple tree. In early spring, when it only melts the snow in the garden, a dense layer of ashes are poured under the tree, dripped the ground. On top of water hot water. The ash penetrates the juice of the apple tree, he becomes bitter than scares the TRU.

Remove the TRU and her eggs are possible in autumn. Watch trees, block damaged twigs. This is the entire period of the vegetation of the apple tree. The leaves struck by larvae, the leaves, the shoots break, burn.


The garden broke the flower beds from calendula, peppermint mint. Plant parsley. The smells of these plants scare the TRU, help save the apple tree.


If a question arises than to handle apple trees from the Tly, you should pay attention to the safe drug. The active components of the tools are the products of the vital activity of bacteria, mushrooms, other microorganisms. A bright representative of this category of funds is.


Effective tool from the Tly on the apple tree is a new generation insecticide. It helps to destroy TRU in a few days, most of the pests die already during processing.

Methods of struggle Each gardener chooses for themselves individually. The most reasonable solution is combining.

Folk remedies

If the Tlla attacked the garden, you should not immediately run to the store for insecticide. Pests are able to cope, which are preparing independently for popular recipes. They can be treated with apple trees during flowering, ripening fruit, at any time of vegetation.


The young apple tree is especially dangerous. It is necessary to act immediately. In this case, the ammonia alcohol will help. From Tly - one of the most common means.

On a note!

The drug is more suitable for low young apple trees, since it is recommended to process from watering can. This is explained by the fact that in small splashes ammonia quickly splits, not the reach of the leaves.

For the preparation of the solution is 10 liters cold water Dilute 50 ml ammona alcohol, add 40 g of any soap.


Apple tree can be at any time of vegetation of the plant. Strong smell Scares the TRU, pests disappear the next day. It is necessary to dilute in 10 liters of water 200 g of tobacco powder, boil 2 hours on low heat. Before applying, entering a soap base. Handle apple trees need twice with a break of 5 days.

On a note!

To not attack the garden, tobacco should be planted between apple trees. Unpretentious culture grows on any basis, does not require much care.


Economic soap from the Tly is used in brooms, liquid form. In the first case, the product should be preincted on a large grater. Initially bred in 1 l warm water. Then add required amount Cool liquid.

In order for the apple tree to give a lot of fruits round year, you need to constantly care for it. One of the most important proceedings is the fight against pests. Today in this article we will talk about such a pest, like a wave and tell how you can fight with it by folk remedies.

But for starters, let's figure out who is such a word. Aphid - This is a small insect of yellowish-green. Despite his very small size (up to 3 millimeters long), it causes very large damage not only to apple trees, but also other plants in the garden.

TLL destroys the leaves of the plant and young shoots. Because of her you can fully lose the crop. TLA lays eggs in autumn. In the spring of eggs, young offspring appears. For season 1, the word is capable of postpone the eggs 17 times!

The trouble is capable of destroying in 1 season adult tree. Therefore, it is so important to fight this pest in a timely manner in your garden.

To date, there is a huge amount of funds to combat TLEY. Many are asked: What can handle apple trees from?

The most important thing in this matter is not to miss the time. If you find a TRU, the first spraying is best to produce at a time when the leaves are just starting to break through the kidneys. The following processing is produced a month after the first, as a rule, this period occurs in June.

The trouble is very afraid of God's cow. If there are many these insects in your garden, then the tri can not be afraid.

SAME effective methods Fight with the troubles are chemicals. They very quickly destroy the pest. Below will be written a list of the most effective drugs from T'li. But first we will tell about the fight against the philodi means.

Folk remedies.

Folk remedies show themselves quite effectively. Of course, they are inferior chemical preparationsHowever, folk remedies are absolutely harmless.

Telicress of TI No. 1. Well helps onions and his husk. For cooking, you need to take 200 grams of onion husks and various onion cleaning. All this poured 10 liters hot water And it insists within 4-5 days. This means of apple tree spray 3 times with an interval of 5 days.

Folk remedy for Tlima №2. One bucket of water is taken, in which it is dissolved: 200 grams of soap, one glass of tobacco beam, half a cup of wood ash and a quarter cup of kerosene. Spraying is made 1 time. This remedy helps to get rid of the Tsley on the apple tree with a massive lesion of trees.

Folk remedy for Tlima №3. Another folk remedy for tobacco. 250 grams of tobacco are taken and insisted in 6 liters of water within 2-3 days. Then the infusion obtained is filtered, and another 6 liters of water is added to it. After that, half a piece of household soap is added. All remedy can be applied in the fight against Tly.

Folk remedy for Tlima №4. For cooking effective means To combat pests it is necessary to stir 2 cup of ash in one bucket of water. Then add half a piece of household soap and mix thoroughly. We give the solution to strengthen 1 day. All, the tool is ready for use.

What to treat apple trees from Tly? Special funds.

Many gardeners are asked - what to treat apple trees from the Tly? Today in stores a huge selection special Tools To combat this pest. Consider a list of the most efficient and proven.

  1. Nitrophen is a very strong agent against insect pests. You can use this tool only in early spring, even before the appearance of foliage. Otherwise, it can simply burn it. For the preparation of the solution, we have 200 grams of funds in 10 liters of water. Everything can be searched for spraying.
  2. Insecticide Kinmix - a universal drug that is intended to destroy all insects that suck juices from plants. This drug should be applied during the flowering of the apple tree. Detailed instructions By application, you can read on the package.
  3. Karate. This remedy has proven itself very well among the gardeners. In addition to efficiency, the drug has another advantage - efficiency. 10 liters of solution is enough for 1 weaving of trees.

The TLA on the apple tree is now not trouble for you. You know how to deal with it and what means.


How to deal with the phone on an apple tree? Video.

Perhaps, every gardener faced his site with such a problem as the appearance of aphid on fruit trees. It happens, as a rule, at the moment when they actively dissolve the leaves, i.e. in the late spring - early summer. This insect is quite dangerous for both harvest and wood as a whole. Many are asked than treating an apple tree from Tly and at the same time not to harm the fruits themselves. These and other questions will try to answer the article.

What you need to know about

The wave on the apple tree in June - the phenomenon is often. It is at this time that the leaves of the trees are naipped with juice, so young greens - the greatest delicacy for this insect. If you successfully passed this period and your trees were not amazed by pest, you should not relax. The second phase of the appearance of the Tly can be the end of summer - it is then that the insect is often refunded.

It is worth noting that pests are multiplied very quickly. Females can postpone up to 100 larvae at a time. To prevent this, it is necessary to observe the prevention measures, and when the tribium is detected, the trees will immediately spray.

Is it a word?

Everyone experienced gardener Must know what he poses a word on an apple tree, how to deal with her and defeat it. It would seem that a threat can represent the insect, the length of which does not exceed 3.5 mm? And the consequences can be the most sad, ranging from the fineness of the harvest, ending with the death of a tree.

Several types ofphids are distinguished, they differ among themselves. color gamut and eating preferences. Juice from young leaves, shoots, fruits they suck with a special trunk. After that, the tree leaves are twisted into the tube, dry and fall.

If you don't get rid of the in the summer, it is safe to say that next year this attack will again be on apple trees and other fruit trees on your site. Insect can be overwhelmed in the egg phase. In the spring, small larvae will appear from it, which will affect the kidney of the tree. Closer to the summer they will turn into the winged females flying throughout the garden and infecting all new trees.

Many are afraid to handle apple trees with chemical solutions, and in vain. Drugs from Tlima have long passed all chemical and biological tests and have proven themselves with best side. They not only get rid of the tree from this insect, but also do not make harm to the fruit.

On the apple tree green wave

Green Tlla loves to damage young trees that are just beginning to grow. As a result, the leaves are twisted if there are shoots, they dry out, and in the end the apple tree ceases to be fron. If the TLL started on the site, then by the end of summer on the tree there will be a characteristic black flare, which in the people is referred to as a sage fungus.

The insect breeds in a huge pace, per season, the female can give up to 10-11 generations. Do not think that in winter the pest will die. Green Tlla puts eggs in the bases of the kidneys, there they perfectly spend time before the onset of heat. An early spring can already be observed larvae, and then adult individuals.

Get rid of pest

Gudders need to know than to treat the apple tree from the ribbon. It is necessary to do it in early spring, before adults appeared. In this case, the ideal is suitable for the "Nitrafen" means. It will allow you to destroy not only Tley larvae, but also an apple tree. Spraying worth not only tree branches, but also the soil around, it will give 100% result. If there is no possibility to purchase a similar means, it is necessary to make a spraying of green oil with a concentrate.

If the insect appeared in the hot season, the question arises than to treat the apple tree from the sun. In this case, a tobacco infusion or other popular recipe will come to the rescue.

Than dangerous gray wave

Gray toast, unlike green, striking adult trees. As a rule, in spring in pending eggs, the larvae ripen, which first affect the bark of the apple tree. Then go to the leaves. The wave of this type of characteristic gray color.

The leaves of the tree affected by this insect are swollen, change the color, then twisted and dry. The pest proves quite quickly, so the struggle measures must be applied immediately.

TLL on the apple tree: how to fight and defeat

The initial stage of combating this type of Tly is the same as with green. It is necessary to handle the tree. Table drugs should be used carefully, accurately following the instructions.

After chemical treatment of wood, you must remove upper layer bark. Then paint the trunk whitewash. In order for the insect again not appeared on the apple tree, you can put a special trap. To do this, the trash belt is fixed on a tree stamper, which are made of thick paper or straw. If the word appear again, it will definitely postpone the eggs there. Late in autumn Similar traps must be carefully removed from the tree and burn.

We try folk remedies

What can prevent the collection of good, high-quality crop? Of course, the wave on the apple tree. How to deal with such insects? Here is a question that often ask lovers to grow vegetables and fruits on dachas and gardens. You need to know that the spraying of wood with chemical means is always helped, but there is also folk recipeswhich also give a wonderful result.

    Coca-Cola is an excellent remedy for Tly on an apple tree. It allows you to get rid of this insect in a few days. The method is not cheap, but at the same time effective. One tree leaves several liters of drink. The only nuance is not to give ants access to spray branches. For this, special velcro traps are attached to the trunk.

    Soap and ash. Here is another way that has long been known to the lovers of lovers. Need to graze laundry soap On a large grater, dissolve it in water and add ash. Soap water settles a white film, the wave with great difficulty can contact a similar piece, and the ash adds an unpleasant taste.

    Nurture made of nettles - the cheapest tool from the Tly on the apple tree. It is enough to narrow near a kilogram of nettle, fervent in warm water, and you can spray a tree.

    We use tobacco. Kilogram of Machorkas or other tobacco waste needs to be twisted in 10 liters of water. Let break for several days (to speed up the process, you can boil the tincture for 10-15 minutes). Then the mixture was then strain and add 20 liters of cold water. After that, the tincture is ready, you can proceed to spraying trees.

    Onions will help in the fight against pests. It is enough to grind 100-200 grams of onions, add the so many rusk repressed and pour all 10 liters of warm water. Let it breed 5-6 days. After that, you can proceed to spraying. It is possible to carry out such a procedure for no more than 3 times in six months. Such a tincture protects the tree from Tsley, ticks, leaflers.

It is worth noting that folk remedies are good as prevention or when the TLL only appeared on the tree. If these methods of struggle did not help, do not hesitate, it is better to use proven chemicals ("Intavir", "Nitrafen" and others).

Prevention measures

After fruit tree The trouble was found, the question arises: "How to make an apple tree from pests?". Not always application chemicals Useful for wood and harvest. To prevent the death of wood and fruits, it is necessary to take prevention measures that minimize the risks of pest appearance on panstone:

    one of important rules - on time to remove weeds under the trees, so that the wave does not start there;

    if there appeared roasting sprouted, get rid of them on time;

    do not squeeze the cabbage and flowers next to the fruit trees;

    fertilize the soil, feed the trees so that they grow healthy;

    on time to make spraying branches;

    if an anthill is detected next to the tree, it needs to be destroyed;

    the main enemy of Tlima - ladybugs, you need to create a favorable environment for them, plant spicy greenery: cumin, parsley, dill, etc.

So that the question did not arise than to treat the apple tree from the colors in the summer, it is better to undertake preventive measures And prevent the pest appearance in my homeland. Remember: this insect is quite dangerous for the harvest and wood as a whole.

Having on the site fruit trees, Many gardeners ask what to do if the TLL appeared on the apple tree? How to deal with her and not lose a crop? The answer is obvious: you need to spray trees in time, applying folk formulations or chemical preparations.