Conspiracy on a pin for luck and money. Good luck conspiracy

Magical pin plots have been popular for more than one century. We sometimes forget about the ancient, but very effective methods of attracting luck, health or money. And quite simple conspiracies and spells that came to us from our ancestors will surely attract what you want to you.

The pin is considered a versatile magical tool that is easy to find. A charmed talisman is able to protect a person from any adversity, drive away any evil from your home, and attract positive energy.

It would seem that an ordinary pin, which is in every home - what can it change? But our grandmothers also knew that its use in witchcraft practice is useful for many areas of human activity.

Most ceremonies do not require special magical skills, so anyone can handle them.

Pin Conspiracy Rules

The first and most important condition that should be observed when reading a conspiracy is to believe that its result will be as positive as possible. The amulet will become reliable and useful only when you are one hundred percent sure that the ritual being performed is effective.

Another important rule is purity of thoughts. Never litter your mind with unnecessary information. Don't think about bad and evil. Let go of all grudges and don't dwell on them. Direct all your actions for the benefit of yourself and others.

Remember once and for all: by broadcasting negative programs to the created amulet, you harm yourself first of all. Such a talisman can only attract evil.

When starting the ceremony, take care of the surrounding peace and quiet. Ideally, if you are completely alone in the house, so that no sound can distract from the magical process.

You should dwell on the rules for wearing a charmed amulet:

  • Attach the talisman so that the needle cannot hurt you.
  • The best place is the heart chakra area.
  • Sorcerers recommend piercing the seam of clothing with a pin.
  • It is allowed to transfer a pin from one wardrobe item to another. But this rule is prohibited for talismans conspired to protect against energy attacks (damage, evil eye).
  • Afraid to leave the pin overnight? Place it gently under your sleeping area.

Conspiracy on a pin from damage and the evil eye

How to speak the amulet so that it turns into a reliable defender? Buy a regular candle at the church and light it at midnight. Bring the eye of the pin up to the flame and wait for it to warm up well. Now you need to read the plot on a pin three times slowly and thoughtfully:

“My guardian angel, given to me by fate, cover with your protective hand from an evil gaze. May it be so"

When you're done, tilt the candle so that the bead of wax falls onto your ear. Let the wax drain itself - do not touch or wipe it off.

Now a powerful defender from corruption will always be with you. And in moments when you feel weak and powerless (especially when in society), mentally say:

“The Lord is ahead. The Mother of God is behind. Protect the servant of God (name). Amen"

Conspiracy on a pin for money

For the ceremony, you will need banknotes. But not real. You can borrow them from a gift shop or make copies.

A gold-colored pin is also required. Place it in a container of water that was previously sanctified in the church. Let the energy fill up for a few minutes. Then take it and start piercing the bills - put on the needle as much as possible and fasten the pin.

Now it's time for the sacred spell:

“The pin is sharp and nimble, I found the money, tidied it up for myself. She clung to them tightly, returned to me with a profit "

Carry the charmed amulet in your wallet or put it in a place where you keep money at home.

Love pin plots

Take a piece of any red fabric. Carefully cut two straight hearts out of it. Write your name on one, and your chosen one on the second. If on this moment you do not have a partner, just write on the heart "beloved" or "groom (" beloved "," bride ").

For the ceremony, you will need a red candle. It should be lit and placed on top of the hearts. Open the pre-made pin and touch it to the flame. Say it quietly and calmly:

“The fire flares up bright, like summer time, hot. I instill in hearts sincere love, pure feelings. I fasten it with a pin, I wish you a quick meeting. Unbreakable sympathy, lifelong mutual love will wake up. "

Until the talisman has cooled down, fasten both hearts with it. When you go to bed, place them under your pillow.

If good dreams come to you on this night, after which your soul will feel warm and comfortable, it means that soon you will meet with the love of your life. If you have nightmares or see illogical images, you will have to repeat the ceremony after three days.

Lucky pin conspiracy

At exactly twelve o'clock in the morning, take the pin (the most small size). Find a secluded place where no one will disturb you - no other people's conversations, no phone calls, no street sounds.

Light a candle on a white napkin while reciting the following text:

“A small pin is a great happiness. I say the sharp end for good luck, the dumb end for getting rid of problems. I carry a pin with me, I don't tell anyone. I bring prosperity to life "

Let a few drops of wax fall on the pin - do not touch it, let it harden. And when you wake up in the morning, carefully remove the wax remnants, and pin the amulet to your jacket or sweater. Do it so that it is not visible to anyone.

How to make a talisman out of a pin

The whole mystery of the effectiveness of an ordinary pin lies in a small spiral - it collects all the negative energy around and destroys it.

It is not for nothing that it is so often hung on a child's blouse or a newborn's diaper, because these innocent creatures are most susceptible to witchcraft attacks. They have not yet formed the protective barrier that an adult has.

But, nevertheless, even those who have already left childhood, such a safety pin from the evil eye will not hurt - it not only drives away evil thoughts, resists damage, but also attracts luck and happiness.

There is a very simple way to speak with a pin. Place the buttoned amulet in your palm and squeeze it firmly. Now pray to the Lord (Our Father). And that's all - your amulet is ready.

Consequences of pin conspiracies

We all know that witchcraft and magic entail a number of consequences - not a single ritual passes without a trace. I wonder what the pin conspiracies can turn out to be? Let's try to figure it out.

If all your actions are aimed at your own protection, then they will not bring any negative. You are initially fighting against evil, so you do not expose yourself to danger.

But those who wish to use pin magic for selfish purposes should be very careful. The use of a conspiracy to improve the financial situation in the future can result in a major financial loss or other problems (for example, illness).

This is a kind of retribution for the previously provided assistance. But this only happens when you ask for much more than you really need.

The rituals and ceremonies described in this article refer to white magic - used for good purposes, they are absolutely safe.

But there is one important note! If you try to harm someone with a pin, don't expect anything good. Your goal will certainly be achieved. But in the future, you will face a lot of problems that you cannot solve on your own.

The created evil will return in an increased size. This is a karmic law - there is no defense against it.

Alena Golovina- white sorceress, master of Cosmoenergy,site author


An ordinary sewing accessory will help protect yourself and loved ones from damage and the evil eye that envious people can bring. Which pin conspiracy will help make it a powerful amulet, and which one is a talisman for attracting well-being, you will find out by reading this article.

The safety pin is not only an accessory, but also an energy storage device. With its help, you can protect yourself and your family.

Pins are used in magic as often as in everyday life.

The safety pin was invented not so long ago - at the end of the 18th century. But people quickly realized that this item would be useful not only in everyday life, but also in magic. Some plots on a pin are even considered ancient, but in fact they are no more than a couple of hundred years old, like the product itself.

The pins have a large magic power, therefore they are able to become an effective and reliable amulet against negative energy... Believe it or not, the fact remains. This has been tested in practice by more than one generation of people.

There are days when everything falls out of hand, and bad news just comes on your heels, making you worry and worry. In such cases, they often say: "You must have been jinxed." Just one small amulet pin can help get rid of negativity, giving mental stability and tranquility. It is not by chance that she became a magical object and symbol. It's all about its special form - a ring, a lock, an infinity sign, beginning and end.

A pin is a conductor that is capable of containing any type of energy. The principle of a vicious circle works flawlessly. To neutralize damage or the evil eye, it is necessary to "spin" the energy flow to close the possibility of its exit and hitting the target.

Having made an amulet, you definitely need to monitor the integrity of the vicious circle. Plots on a pin from damage or the evil eye will only work if the fastener is closed. If the amulet itself unbuttoned or fell and got lost, then its main purpose was fulfilled. He took on the negativity directed at you and self-destructed.

Never pick up someone else's pin you find. It is not known for what purpose and by whom it was used. This can be dangerous because you might accidentally pick up someone else's negativity.

Talisman or amulet?

Even in ancient times, people discovered that some objects and materials have special properties, thanks to which they can be used to protect against negativity spread by unkind people. It is enough to carry out a certain ritual and say special words - conspiracies.

One of these items is a safety pin. It can be both a talisman and a talisman. It all depends on how the pin is charmed:

  • If something goes wrong in a person's life without an objective reason, health problems have arisen, and luck literally "floats away" from the hands, we can assume that the troubles have arisen due to the evil eye or damage. And it's time to think about pin protection.
  • And vice versa, in order to increase the duration of the "white streak" of luck, you should read the conspiracy for luck and money on a pin.

How to choose a pin?

A pin with a conspiracy superimposed on it is strong amulet, which will reliably protect you from the evil eye or damage.

People with special powers say that it is very difficult to speak metal. It has a dense structure, therefore, a certain energy message can be “built in” into a product only at the moment of its manufacture, that is, smelting. The pin is the exception to the rule.

Made of gold, silver or any non-precious metal, it is an excellent conductor of energy due to its oblong shape. Moreover, it absorbs both positive and negative equally well. Therefore, wanting to make a conspiracy on a pin from the evil eye and damage, you need to use a new product.

It is also important to choose the right type of pin. For a talisman or talisman, a needle French one with a loop or decorative knob at one end is best suited. It must be fixed with the head down so that it absorbs the negative directed at the person and directs it into the ground. But such pins are quite dangerous, they definitely cannot be pinned on a child's clothes. Therefore, you can choose the second option - a French pin. Representing a vicious circle, she accumulates the protective energy sent to her through a conspiracy.

Contrary to popular belief, it doesn't matter what metal the pin is made of. The fact that it is golden only increases its material value, but does not in any way affect the level of energy charge. Since you need to wear the amulet out of sight, an ordinary accessory is perfect.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

Pin Conspiracy Rules

Firstly, a person who decided to read a conspiracy from the evil eye and damage to a pin and thereby create a reliable amulet must believe that the ritual he performs will definitely work. He must be pure in his thoughts and realize that the actions he is conducting are directed for the good - solely to protect himself or his child. In no case should you broadcast negative thought forms when reading a conspiracy, otherwise the pin will "absorb" them too. Secondly, the ritual itself should take place in a calm atmosphere, away from prying eyes.

Exists general rules wearing a talisman:

  1. The pin should be attached to clothing as close to the body as possible, but in such a way as not to accidentally injure itself;
  2. It is better to place it in the area of ​​the Anahata heart chakra, which is in the middle of the chest;
  3. Often such a charm is stabbed at the seam;
  4. It is permissible to peel the amulet from one clothing to another, if the conspiracy allows the possibility of opening the pin, that is, it is not protection against damage;
  5. A pin that cannot be opened should always be with you;
  6. If there is a fear that the fastener will unfasten during sleep and prick you, clothes with a pinned amulet can be put under the pillow at night.

Conspiracy on a pin for luck and money

For any person, financial well-being matters. A good luck pin conspiracy can only be read at night on the growing moon. The conspiracy words are simple, so you need to learn them by heart:

"I drive away evil forces, I call for luck and prosperity"

Attracting good luck, you can use a self-written text or speak from the heart. The main thing is that all the energy of desire and desire for success is put into your speech, all your thoughts should be directed towards achieving the goal.

Conspiracy "For salt, sugar, rice"

To plot on a pin "salt-sugar-rice" you will need:

  • 3 tbsp granulated sugar;
  • 3 tbsp salt;
  • 3 tbsp white rice;
  • An elegant ceramic saucer, which is a symbol of a rich life, because for a good luck conspiracy, the object must be appropriate.

On the night of the growing moon, pour the components in a saucer in the following sequence in a saucer: first sugar, and then salt and rice. Stick a pin on top, and say the magic words of the pin conspiracy for money.

The pin slide should be intact all night. In the morning, the saucer with the contents can be removed, and the magic amulet will be ready for use. Always carry a charmed pin with you, then luck and financial stability will become your constant companions.

Plot on a pin "Before bedtime"

There are many different money pin plots that are done before going to bed. After reading the slander, you should fall asleep as soon as possible.

Here is one of the many such slanderous words:

From now on, come wealth to my house, bring good luck with you.

Let all my enterprises argue, get along, but bring me income.

I will build a solid cozy home and I will live in riches in it.

My family will not need anything, it will live in abundance.

A lot of money will arrive soon, it is already on its way to me.

Let the profit go to me, let the table be bursting with appearances,

There will be cattle in the yard, joy and goodness in my house.

Money will love me, wealth will bring me to my house.

And silver and gold coins will fall into my hands, they will give me joy.

I open the door to prosperity, I drive sorrow and poverty away.

In order for the magical formulations to begin to work, it is necessary to approach them with confidence in a positive result. At the time of the ritual, one must be in a good mood, since negative emotions can nullify the action of the ritual, which attracts good luck and financial well-being to life.

Conspiracy on a pin "For luck with blood"

For this conspiracy, you will need a new safety pin, which must be disinfected in an alcoholic liquid. Holding the pin in my hands, I must say:

"I appeal to luck, conjuring with blood."

After that, you need to prick your finger with a pin so that blood comes out, and continue reading:

Only kind people they meet on my way, only on the trodden paths I pass.

Anyone who is met with kindness comes to me, with help in all my affairs.

As I say, so be it.

If at some time you need a lot of luck, you need to often touch the pin that is hidden in your clothes, with the words:

"Luck is with me."

This phrase must be pronounced in a whisper so that no one but you hears it.

Shamanic conspiracy "On a pin for good luck"

The most favorable time for this ceremony is Sunday afternoon. A pin should be placed next to a lighted candle in such a way that the candle wax, melting, falls on its round ear. While the wax is dripping, you need to whisper the words of the hex three times:

Let the spell penetrate this object

I call the spirits through the eye of a pin

Do not leave this subject,

I call on the spirits to protect me with their strength,

I urge the spirits to carry through this object,

My success on all days of the week, at all times of the day.

May it be so. Amen".

It is very important that you are alone during the ritual, no one should hear what you are saying.

Conspiracy "On a pin for money"

To get rid of financial problems, to attract material well-being into your life, you can carry out the following ceremony. You need to take a safety pin and say the following on it:

O Lord almighty!

May I have a lot every day

Opportunities for realizing your own,

Let my family and children know no need for anything.


The conspiracy will begin soon, the maximum time after which the conspiracy will take effect is seven days.

Conspiracy on a pin from the evil eye and damage

It is very easy to create such a talisman, because that item is in every home.

A regular safety pin is simple and effective method get rid of the evil eye. But you need to keep the secret about the perfect ritual, regardless of whether you yourself created the amulet or you were helped by a more experienced magician.

The conspiracy from the evil eye to a pin can only be read in good location spirit. It is advisable to carry out a ceremony of protection on the waning moon. In this case, the main role is played by the ability to concentrate, which will help to make a very strong amulet.

Before reading the conspiracy on a pin from the evil eye and damage, metal product needs to be cleaned. To do this, you need natural water, such as stream or river water. Put a pin and any silver item in it for 3 days and 3 nights. The glass should stand on the windowsill to be charged by the rays of the moon and the sun. After that, the pin will be completely ready for the plot.

Conspiracy "With fire and smoke"

Fire perfectly cleans objects from negative energy. After firing, the pin will become a "blank sheet", ready to absorb the conspiracy to protect against negativity.
You need to buy a wax candle and set it on fire for the first time at the time of the ceremony.
The sharp end of the pin should be glowed on a candle flame, then put the amulet on a saucer and drip a few drops of wax on the ear and say the following three times:

Needle, pierce, drive away evil from the servant of God / servant of God.

I temper the metal, I conjure you. Amen

Now the amulet can be safely pinned to clothes.

Pine smoke pin conspiracy will be for you suitable solution, if next to your house there is a forest or a park in which other people rarely walk. In a park or forest, you need to collect dry coniferous branches, preferably pine. They make a fire from the branches or burn them in an iron container. Ideally, the container used should be new, or used only for performing magical rituals.

The future talisman against the evil eye must be held over the smoke and whispered to it:

Noble coniferous smoke, protect me from the evil, help the good.

You are my main assistant, my path runs with you.

Conspiracy "With Epiphany Water"

Water is the most powerful conductor of energy. has a special power that can be transmitted to people and objects. A pin charmed on holy water becomes a double amulet, which no evil force can resist.

A little Epiphany water must be poured into a saucer. A pin is placed in the water and left until morning. In the morning they read "Our Father" three times and take out the amulet. To reinforce the protective properties of a pin, you can pronounce the following words:

As a pin sinks in the saint's water,

Let those thrown at me perish (servant of God / servant of God)

Evil thoughts and evil eye... Amen.

There is another version of the conspiracy: the safety pin must be dipped into a container with holy water and left for a day. A day later, before you get the amulet, you must say three times:

Be me, pin, faithful protection from demonic wiles,

From human envy, from damned corruption.

A pin spelled in this way should also be worn under clothes and with the point down.

Conspiracy "On a pin and a candle"

Take a wax candle, light it with matches, a lighter in such cases is absolutely not suitable. Dropping candle wax on the blunt end of the pin, you must say the following:

You are sharp, pin-needle, you pierce everything evil with your point,

As in the fire the word is conjured, so in the damask the case is tempered.

This amulet should be worn from the inside of a garment with the sharp end of the pin down. When the wax from the ritual begins to crumble from the pin, this should not cause you anxiety.

Conspiracy "On a pin with beads"

Sometimes colored beads are put on a safety pin, thus enhancing the power of the amulet. The color of the beads plays an important role:

  • If a plot is made on a pin from the evil eye for a child, a green ring is strung on the tip;
  • If a charm for a friend is being spoken, take a yellow bead;
  • A pin with a red bead is made for a husband or beloved;
  • And to parents - with blue.

Conspiracy "With a red thread"

The use of a red thread for protection is one of the most ancient and effective rituals of everyday magic.

Red woolen thread can protect against the evil eye and damage. At least this is what Kabbalists and some Christians believe. Despite the fact that the official church does not accept such amulets, the Slavs have tied a thread on the child's wrist since ancient times and continue to do so now. It is often combined with a pin. A thread is threaded through her ear, a dozen knots are tied, each time saying:

From the evil eye, from evil spirits, from envy,

From sin, from disease, from evil,

From betrayal, from the state house,

From blasphemy, from slander, from temptation, from blasphemy.

The plot is fixed by dripping candle wax onto the nodes.

To carry out another conspiracy on a pin with a thread, you need to take a red thread from wool or other natural material about eight to ten centimeters long. The thread is threaded through the hole on the blunt side of the pin. Then twelve knots should be tied on a thread, each time saying:

A dozen forces, a dozen defenses, I conjure you, you will support me in everything,

Save from troubles, carry out service with fidelity,

The knots are red, you turn away troubles and misfortunes from me,

From human malice, but protect misfortune.

Let my amulet not be worn out forever.

This amulet is worn on clothes in the same way as in the previous methods, but together with a thread.

Conspiracy "On a pin with a bow"

To carry out another conspiracy from the evil eye, you need to take the usual onion saying the following words to him:

Bow fighter, be the crown of my protection, crown,

Turn evil deeds, demonic tricks away from me.

Protect, protect, chase away all troubles.

The more evil the bow you use during the ritual, the stronger the effect will be. With an onion spelled in this way, you need to grate a pin, which will become your talisman.

The easiest version of a protective conspiracy

To carry out the simplest slander, you will not need anything except a safety pin. The pin must be placed on an open palm and the following words must be said:

"Take away everything evil, turn away evil people, take away the evil eye, take away, save me."

Protective conspiracy "For a child"

A conspiracy for a pin to protect a child will be more effective if it is carried out by a mother or godmother - women who sincerely love the baby and do not wish him harm. Having attached the amulet to children's clothes, you can not tell the child about it, so that he does not start bragging about it in front of his friends. Shown to outsiders, the charmed pin loses some of its power.

Conspiracy "From spoilage"

Neutralizing induced damage is a complex and multifaceted task. Experienced magicians say that it is easier to prevent an impact than to fight against it. There are a huge number of types of spoilage, because the methods of dealing with it also differ.

Any negative is based on anger, resentment, hatred. They have destructive power, causing unsuspecting people and even entire families to suffer. The horror of what is happening lies in the fact that it is possible to bring damage to death, among other things. Help yourself and your loved ones, make a conspiracy from damage to a pin to protect yourself from aggression.

For the ceremony, you only need to choose a new pin. It does not yet have traces of the energy of the previous owners, therefore, it will be able to provide maximum efficiency. To enhance the magical effect, you can use additional attributes that are worn on a needle.

Never use black beads when plotting on a safety pin. On the contrary, they attract negative energy to themselves. .

In order for the conspiracy to work flawlessly, the ritual should be performed correctly. It is believed that when working with this item, the choice of the day of the week is absolutely not important, but in the case of protection from damage, the situation is completely different. Experts recommend buying the pin on Friday night and performing the ceremony on Tuesday when the moon is waning.

They read a magic text on an open pin, and then immediately fasten it on clothes, better than that which you wear most often.

  1. Take a candle and light it with matches. The use of lighters for magical purposes is not practiced.
  2. Heat a pin over a flame. Literally 2-3 minutes will be enough.
  3. Place the candle wax on the ear of the pin three times. Before each drop, you need to read the words of the text for a protective conspiracy.

I burn a pin on a candle, Body, mind, space

I close it from damage and the evil eye. How strong is my word

As the fire is hot, As the metal is strong -

So let him keep me, From all the bad

Vicious circle. Amen.

After the completion of the ritual, the amulet is pinned to the clothes in such a way that the point "looks" downward, directing the negative to the Earth. Since any magical actions are aimed at interacting with natural forces and elements, it is recommended to attach it to clothes made of natural fabric.

Periodically cleanse the amulet from the accumulated negative energy. To do this, you need to rinse it in natural water with salt and repeat the ritual of a protective conspiracy.

If you put a safety pin in a secluded place (in a nightstand, in a laundry drawer, next to clothes) or pin it with back side curtains, then it will become a powerful amulet for the house.

Effective conspiracy "From corruption"

Before lunch on the first Thursday on the waxing moon, three small pins must be purchased. It is important to buy pins more expensive than they are, not to bargain and take the change. Returning to the house, without crossing the threshold, one must read the "Our Father" three times and make the sign of the cross three times.

Exactly at noon, the pins must be pinned to the hem of the dress in such a way that the outer ones are turned with the point to the top, and the point in the middle, on the contrary, looks down.

When pinning the pins, you need to say the following:

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Needle, needle

Protect me three times, protect me, reflect all evil from me.

Place in front of me, praying and baptized, my

Guardian, my Guardian Angel, shield from human

Envy, from enemy misfortunes.

May my word come true. Amen

After the ritual, you need to go to the temple as soon as possible, putting a candle to the icon of Nicholas the Pleasant. Leaving the cathedral, one must make offerings to those asking and distribute a commemoration of the departed relatives. You cannot tell anyone about the ritual performed, otherwise the amulet will cease to work. Conspiracy pins must be worn in clothes for 3 months.

Powerful conspiracy "From any evil eye"

The most favorable period for making a very effective amulet against bad people is the first Tuesday after the new moon. For a conspiracy, you need to take a white candle and a pin - your future talisman.

The most favorable day to buy a pin is Friday. Pin for holding magic ritual a new one must be taken.

After lighting a white candle, you need to bring a pin to the fire and, igniting it, whisper the words:

Lord, send an angel to me, my Guardian, protect me.

Cover from evil intrigues, Wash with transparent fire.

May it come true. Amen.

After that, drop a drop of wax onto the blunt side of the pin. It is necessary to ignite the pin, read the words of the hex and pour wax on the pin 3 times. Then, after waiting for the pin to cool, it is pinned to the clothes in such a place that it is inaccessible to prying eyes. Such a charm does an excellent job with human envy and negative messages directed in your direction.

Love pin plots

Conspiracy "From a rival or mistress"

If you are married, the family boat may leak. A homemaker lover can get in the way of your happiness. Protect yourself and your husband from her influence, neutralize the negative energy that can destroy the family hearth. To do this, make a conspiracy on a pin from your mistress to redirect the negative energy flow in a different direction.

In this case, we are dealing with. During the ritual, you must believe in a positive outcome of the case. A man should not know anything about a pin on his clothes. You need to pin it up with a conspiracy after midnight with the waning moon.

The principle of the ritual is aimed at stimulating quarrels and discord between lovers. During a meeting with another woman, a man will feel discomfort, his mood will decline, he will be nervous, which will gradually lead to the complete extinction of attraction.

Conspiracy "To return the husband to the family"

It happens that it is impossible to simply let go of a loved one from your life. In such cases, a pin conspiracy against the husband is effective. This ritual is able to help in returning a loved one and cooling his passion for a lover. To carry out the ceremony, you need to take pins, a glass bottle, water and salt.

In some container, you need to put the pins so that they are half full. Then salt water is poured into this container to the top, and then the container is buried away from human eyes. After burying the pins, you must say the following words:

You prick others, pins, and drive evil away from me.

Hubby on his own nut,

I will let him into the house, but I will not let him go to his mistress.

After you perform this ritual, the beloved will again reach out to his wife, to his home. This conspiracy on a pin on a husband can be read not only when the mistress has already appeared in the man's life, but also in advance in order to prevent such a situation.

Conspiracy "On the beloved guy"

First you need to buy 7 identical safety pins. Then open one of them and hide under the carpet in the hallway. After the chosen one steps over the threshold, the pin must be taken out, fastened and whispered:

Let all your thoughts be about me. Only I will be in your words.

Let our destinies intertwine, and our union only becomes stronger over the years.

This conspiracy is carried out 7 times. When the pins run out, they must be put in a linen bag and bury away from prying eyes, where other people do not walk, so as not to give them the opportunity to step on the charmed bag. After such a ritual, the narrowed one will stay with you forever.

Conspiracy "To return love to the family"

There is a pin conspiracy that allows the spouse to return to love relationship subsided attraction. To do this, you need to take a new pin and pin it to the clothes that are worn every day. For three days in a row, this garment should be worn along with a pin to give it the opportunity to recharge. After three days, the following should be whispered over the pin:

“Keep it with you, do not lose it, do not betray the servant of God (name of your wife) to oblivion. Amen".

Then the pin is pinned to the spouse's suit in such a way that he cannot see it. "

Conspiracy "To longing"

A conspiracy can re-awaken love feelings, and if a man is far from you, then after the ritual he will begin to feel longing for his beloved, not noticing the women around him. The ceremony should be performed at night, it is important to be alone.

You need to take a piece of plain paper, a candle and three safety pins. The candle must be lit using matches, when it begins to melt, with the help of wax on a piece of paper, draw a human figure, meaning a spouse or loved one. Be sure to drip wax in the part of the figurine where the heart should be. Then you need to take a pin and piercing the head of the drawn man, whisper the following:

Remember me, miss me, bored with me!

These words must be written on top of the paper. The second pin is stuck in the heart of the figure with the words:

Feel love for me!

These words are also written on a piece of paper. The third pin pierces the genital area of ​​the figurine, while it says:

Feel the desire for me!

Like the previous ones, magic words must be written.

Touching each of the pins three times, you need to repeat the magic words. After that, the pins are thrown out, the paper is burned, and the remaining ash is scattered.

How to wear a charmed pin?

Depending on the ceremony performed with the pin, one must not forget how to properly handle and store it:

  • Any charmed pin is not intended for prying eyes and discussions. It is advisable to pin it to clothing in such a way that it is invisible to others.
  • If you lose such a pin, you do not need to be very upset: this is your amulet, so it is very difficult to harm you using it. But of course you will lose its protective properties.
  • If you have lost a pin, then most likely it has fulfilled its role as an amulet, taking away strong negativity from you. After such devastation, protective items, as a rule, are broken or lost.
  • It is recommended to put a pin that is not intended to be worn on clothes away, in a box, in documents. Since this is the guardian of the integrity of your aura, you do not need to open it, otherwise it will lose its properties.
  • A pin, like any charmed amulet, requires respect and careful handling. Do not leave it anywhere, leave it in places accessible to strangers.
  • You can hang on it a symbol of your faith - a small icon, the eye of Fatima, the Star of David, the Egyptian eye or ankh;
  • From time to time, it is recommended to clean the amulet pin with fire and speak again;
  • If you find a pin in an unfamiliar place, there is no point in picking it up. It can be someone's amulet that will not benefit you, but it can throw the troubles of its owner onto you.

How to cleanse a charmed talisman?

To clean a brooch or pin, they are placed in a glass filled with spring water for three days and three nights. You need to put a silver coin into the glass. If a silver coin is not at hand, it can be replaced with a silver jewelry.

All amulets designed to protect us from bad people should be cleansed as often as possible. The easiest thing you can do is rinse the amulet in running water when the moon comes. After the cleansing ritual, the pin should be spoken again.

Items placed on the amulet that contribute to protection, such as threads and others, must be removed and burned before starting the purification process. These items are replaced with new ones.

Consequences of pin conspiracies

After the ceremony, people begin to feel better, get sick less, their affairs are gradually improving, the chances of getting into random trouble are reduced. There are known cases of increased attractiveness for the opposite sex. Children begin to study better, argue less, become more open to communication with their parents.

Video: “Conspiracies for the Pin! We attract Luck, Money and Love! "

Site Visitor Comments

    What conspiracies and prayers from enemies on a pin can you use? I know for sure that there are envious people at work, but I don’t know, maybe it’s better to try which prayer?

    I know for sure that a plot from the evil eye on a pin should be read only at night. Or is this incorrect information? In general, what can you say about the timing of the ritual? Does it matter?

    I know for sure that a pin helps against the evil eye. I always attach it to the inside (to the hem or inside pocket) of my child's clothes, so as not to jinx it. My great-grandmother suggested a prayer to me that needs to be read on a pin from the evil eye

    Fine. It's just that in my environment there is a girl who, as everyone thinks, uses the services of black magic, and it is very scary to be next to such a person. I have long wanted something like a talisman against damage and the evil eye. Now I will make myself a charm, thanks for the article.

    You don't have to use regular pins (although plain pins are a classic). Now they sell very beautiful pins. And they do not look like a piece of wire, but like a work of art! And with beads, and with stones, and with various decorations! You just attach such a pin - and no one will think for what purpose you are wearing it. Here is such a decoration!

    My great-grandmother told me about the pin a long time ago. Since then I have always worn it. I even have a special beautiful pin for the evil eye. I can’t say that it helps, but it certainly doesn’t do any harm.

    And the truth is, how it, our pin, is twisted. Get in there some kind of, sorry, nasty thing, try to remove it from there. Here are smart people as they could use it for their black purpose. But according to your recommendation, I will definitely make the amulet. Moreover, it turns out that there is nothing complicated here. And in my mind, everything was connected, that the pin is only our protector.

    I have been walking with a pin for two years already. My grandmother also gave it to me. I always believed that a pin saves from the evil eye. It turns out not always the way our parents or grandmothers tell us. I will take action. But how can you guess and do so as not to harm yourself. Still, I'll think about it, maybe I'll make a talisman, as described here. Based on the results, I will unsubscribe in the comments to the article!

    The pin is mine best friend! :) We use the whole family! And I cling to my child's shirt, otherwise you never know who can wish him anything. Children still have a subtle energy, they are more susceptible to influences from outside than adults. We must take care of the kids, everyone possible ways... And the pin is the simplest and most reliable of them.

    Hello! Please tell me what to do with the saucer, sugar, salt, and rice after the retual?

    hello lost pin charmed. what to do

    For many years my wife and I have worn pins, spellbound from the evil eye and damage. This is one of those conspiracies that I believe in. And you know, it helps. I feel calm and protected. And then it turns out there is an opportunity to use the conspiracy for good luck and financial stability, I did not know this. I will definitely tell my wife, we will try. For us, the pin is already like a member of the family. It is reliable and easy to use. So I advise everyone who still doubts. The charmed pin is effective, you can see for yourself!

    What kind of conspiracy do you need to know to raise money for a pin?

    I have been married with my husband for 9 years. I can't say that we have an ideal relationship, but we live in perfect harmony! Sufficiently friendly and trusting relationship. But in recent times he began to linger at work, the table is secretive and withdrawn. Plotted on a pin and pinned it to his jacket. In a moment everything changed. Apparently, my fears arose for a reason. Now comes on time!

    In my experience, this is the most powerful and affordable way for all people to protect themselves and their loved ones! At the beginning of my passion for conspiracies, I only used it. However, then I discovered many other ways, for example -

    To all good day! My grandmother always attached a pin to my shirt on the right side, said that it was from the evil eye, I myself never really thought about these topics, I was never particularly interested in it. But I did not know that with the help of such a pin you can attract luck and money. I express my gratitude to your site for providing such information. I will try.

    I think everyone knows about pins. Since childhood, to do with it. Grandmothers and mothers pinched on all sorts of performances, to me personally. I have never heard of why the pin is, and to be honest, I never thought about it. But she believed. Even now. It seems to me that even a simple belief in this object, without a spell, already endows it with power.

    All conspiracies work on the principle of "belief" in him. Read any conspiracy or prayer without faith - nothing will work. You can believe in anything, and the result will be the same as when using prayer. Our thoughts are Energy and they materialize (if you very strongly radiate the thought-form into the universe that you need). I believe in it, and when you put on a pin, you kind of charge it for protection.

    Yes. I agree with Catherine. Have you heard this "Yes, according to your faith, it will be given." Who we are now is the result of our past thoughts. " Conspiracies, Prayers are the release of energy directed towards your goal (as a result, it is achieved). And concentration during the process, only on this task. And not the noise, the din around.

    I fully agree with the above. All our thoughts are material. It all depends on how correctly we think. Even scientists have proven that charmed water changes its structure. Is this a modern confirmation of what has been passed on faith for hundreds of years. And in our time, there is already evidence of the power of these things.

    One fortune-teller advised me to wear the thread after she removed the damage from me. She said that you need to wear it constantly and not take it off, since I have a lot of envious people. Thank you for the article. Very interesting. Now I'm thinking of making a real amulet from a thread with a pin, thanks to your article. I believe in this.

    I learned so many new things from what I read! And initially I just wanted to see which pin is better to use. Now I know what is best made of precious metals!
    Well, and most importantly - BELIEVE in what you do, the rest is a matter of technology, as they say

    Yes, Antonina, you are right. This does not work without faith, and the article is really very extensive and interesting.
    Live and learn, as they say.
    And of course, do not forget about the general rules for wearing the pin itself.

    Good evening)) I recently lost a pin, I was so upset, but it turns out not) it just fulfilled its function
    Yesterday I bought a new, silver
    Interested in the conspiracy on sugar, salt and rice, never heard of
    We should try!

    So much has been written about faith in the comments. Haven't heard of the placebo effect? Maybe this is all your faith? I stopped believing in this for a long time ...

    Then what have you forgotten on this site? We'll ask the skeptics to come out!
    Faith is very important! Everything comes from upbringing and childhood. Just do not instill such views on your children, please.

    Personally, I went to update my knowledge. Recently I was on the subway, thinking about the evil eye. And what is the best thing about fighting them? Of course - a pin, everyone knows! The main thing is to observe all the nuances that are written in the article.

    "Some conspiracies are considered ancient, but, in fact, they are no more than a couple of hundred years ..."
    and yet all this is not taken out of thin air. One generation passes on knowledge to another
    And the truth is very interesting))) I learned a lot of new things for myself. I stumbled upon it by accident, but the accident is not accidental, as they say. Now for the pins. For yourself and loved ones!

    Good day! The evil eye in our time is really a matter of everyday life. The pin, I think, really needs to be worn. Moreover, it is not a particularly costly amulet, and it is not complicated, in itself not noticeable. My son and daughter-in-law always attach them to things when they arrive!

    This is the first time I've heard about the self-destruction of a pin, well, live, learn, as they wrote above in the comments. And I knew that it was forbidden to lift someone else's from the ground. It's like buying gold / silver from pawnshops. Precious metals absorb the energy of the owner, it is not always positive ...

    Yes, Tomochka, hence the "avaricious pays twice." Agree?)) And if you find money, then you can raise it, you just need to immediately spend it on all sorts of nonsense. In no case, do not buy anything for the house or useful things with this money! Here's a tutor for you)))

    "Chahry Anahata" ... wow, I hear it for the first time. She herself also went to the site to update her knowledge, what new to learn. I found out)

    But my mother told me about the pin under the pillow at one time.

    At the same time, she spoke a pin for luck and money!
    Useful article. Volumetric

    An interesting selection of conspiracies. This is the first time I hear something.
    In general, I was pleased that the topic does not fade and is interesting to people.
    I think everyone knows about a pin on clothes, but about a pin and money is really interesting.
    I will reread it again, I will definitely choose something for myself.

    As a child, my mother hung a pin on my clothes, so I didn't see it right away, but only when I put it to wash. Now it is clear from where the legs grow)
    A lot of new things have opened up for me, thanks to the article, it turned out informative.
    Perhaps I will take some of the rituals into service.

    For several years now I have been wearing an amulet in the shape of a pin. It began to darken for me. I tried to clean it to no avail. It turns out that it should be so! That's for sure Bezi would not even think of an article.
    Now I know what to do and even though I didn’t speak in the first place myself, now I’ll try it myself.
    Thanks to the author, the article was helpful.

    I have a neighbor. Frozen aunt. Every time he passes next to her, she shivers.
    They advised me to buy an amulet against the evil eye, but I do not particularly believe in purchased things that they will work.
    I heard about the pin from many, so I decided to make it myself. I worry about myself and my little son, the neighbor is next to me and we come across with her regularly.

    The little sister went to the hospital for an operation, made her an amulet from a pin, he was all with her
    while she was in the hospital. I returned home, and the threads on the amulet were almost frayed.
    Works! The little sister is on the mend, and I will make her a new amulet, the first one to fulfill its role, thanks to him!
    The information from the article came in handy. I learned a lot.

    I liked the article. A lot of interesting things in one place.
    I was looking for a pin in Google, of course there is a lot of information. But I didn’t find much anywhere else in such detail.
    Thanks to the author, it is clear that he approached the writing competently.
    I wrote out acceptable materials for myself, I will definitely try.

    My wife is pinning a pin on me. Secretly that I would not see. Worries when I leave for the flight. I am a driver and I work on a wagon. I travel a lot, different situations happen.
    Of course, I saw her doing it, but I was delicately silent. I saw and even guessed for what. But I read your page and appreciated her care 100%. Thanks!

    I have tomboy twins. Boys always find where to stick)
    Who can be trusted to protect children when mom is not around? Of course, special pins.
    No, they are not special in appearance. They're just spellbound!
    I pin them the charmed pins, they always protect them.
    The old method is known to our grandmothers even now. Recommend!

    The pin conspiracy helped me return my spouse to the family.
    My husband began to behave strangely. He does not always pick up the phone, and often does not call back. His work is calm, he can always answer the phone, but here is such a situation
    Yes, and in the evening he often began to linger. I remembered about different charms and amulets, I found your site and made a pin. And everything began to beckon to the water.
    I believe that the pin helped.

    For the sake of ridicule, I decided to conduct a ritual on 7 pins for the guy's conspiracy.
    And I decided to do it just to check on a classmate, he helped me with chemistry and we did not feel any feelings for each other.
    I did it as it was written, put it under the rug when he arrived, then fasten it, etc.
    The most interesting thing is that after all that has been done, he invited me to the cinema)))
    WORKS! And now what to do with it?)))

    I love different conspiracies for the night)
    I did the job and sleep well.
    From this page I tried a pin conspiracy before going to bed.
    I did it for the night, I found the money for him. Not a lot, of course, only 1000, but it's still nice

    Pleased with the shamanic conspiracy. I have not heard of this, although I know a lot about this matter.
    The conspiracy itself seems very familiar, perhaps I have already met it, but under a different name.
    True, from the text, it rather acts as a talisman.
    Need to try.

    I am not an expert on all kinds of rituals. From everything I read, I understood little, to be honest.
    Maybe you need to read during the day with a bright head.
    But I saw the same child, a pin on his clothes.
    Touched, it turns out, and they still use it.
    Perhaps I'll stay to read some more.

    Nice beaded pin plot.
    Only I didn't understand a lot, is it possible to wear it as a decoration in this case, or does it still need to be hidden?
    I almost always wear a red woolen thread, but I did not know that it was from the evil eye.
    It was interesting to read. Thanks!

Luck, success, luck - all these are synonyms of the same word, but how are they missing in Everyday life! Do not despair, because to attract good luck, you can do a simple Sunday ritual.

At about 12 noon, when the churches hold lunch services, at home, in the absence of strangers, you should light a candle and wait for its wax to melt. Under its dripping drops, you must substitute a previously unused small pin so that the round hole at the end of the pin is filled with hot wax. At the moment of performing this simple manipulation, the next conspiracy is pronounced three times, but not aloud, but in a whisper. It is advisable to perform the ritual alone and have the confidence that close people are not watching you from another room. No one should know about your action and hear the words of the spell being spoken, otherwise it will not work.

The spell's text is as follows:

“The spell of spirits will penetrate this item. Through this hole, I conjure the spirits to remain in this object, I conjure the spirits to protect me with their strength. I conjure the spirits to bring me luck through this object on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. In the morning, afternoon and evening. Amen"..

Conspiracy on a pin for money.

To get rid of material problems and to attract financial flow to yourself, you can do a ritual. Take a pin and read these words on it:

“O God Almighty, grant me a wealth of money, so that I do not have to sin, so that my pockets are always full. May every day there are more and more opportunities to realize oneself, may my family and my children do not need anything. Amen!"

The pin will begin to work in a few days, a maximum of a week.

Conspiracy on a pin for love.

There is a ceremony that will allow a woman to regain her former passion in a relationship. Take a new pin and pin it to the clothes you wear regularly. Leave it on for three days to recharge it. After that, read this conspiracy:

“Wear it, don’t lose it, don’t forget the slave (name of your wife). Amen".

After that, fasten the pin to the clothes of your loved one. It is important that he does not find it.

Effective pin conspiracy against spoilage.

On Thursday morning during the waxing moon, buy three small pins, overpaying a little, do not bargain and do not take change. Returning home, before the threshold read the prayer "Our Father" three times and cross yourself three times. At noon, pin the pins into the hem of the dress so that the ones on the edge are pointing up, and the middle one is vice versa. During this, it is necessary to say the following words:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Needle, needle, guard me three times Protect, ward off evil from me, the servant (s) of God (s) (your name). Put on me, prayerful (oh) and baptized (oh), my Guardian Angel, my guardian, protection from human envy, from the enemy's misfortune. May it be so. Amen".

In the near future, go to the church and light a candle at the icon of Nicholas the Pleasure. As you leave the temple, distribute the bread remembrance for deceased relatives and make a donation at the church. Do not tell anyone about the performed rite, otherwise, the effect of the amulet will disappear. Wear the pins on your clothes for three months.

Conspiracy on a pin from the evil eye.

The ritual from negative influences does not in any way depend on the phase of the moon, which means that it can be performed at any time. There are many different rituals, we suggest staying at one of them. Take a church candle, light it, and wait for the wax to drip. They need to put a hole in one side of the pin and say these words:

“The pin is sharp, pierce the evil with a needle, move it away from (person's name) away. I conjure with fire, I secure with iron. "

The pin must be attached to the inside of your own clothing. Thus, you can make a talisman not only for yourself, but also for blood relatives.

The conspiracy on a pin is fiery.

Light a wax candle from a match. Pour the melted wax into the eye of the pin (hole), which is located at the end opposite from the point. Say the text of the conspiracy:

“The pin is sharp, pierce the evil with a needle, move it away from me. I conjure the word with fire, I secure the word with iron. "

Attach the amulet to the wrong side of the worn clothes with the tip down.

Plot on a water pin.

Type well or spring water into a glass vessel (glass, bowl), throw a pin there, and a day later, speak a conspiracy over the water:

"Protect me with a pin from an evil eye, demonic spawn and other infection."

Repeat three times. Take the pin out of the water and treat it as described above.

A smoky slander on a pin.

Gather spruce or pine branches (dry) in the forest and light them in a dish that is not afraid of fire (for example, in a brazier, only new, not used). Hold the pin over the smoke emanating from the fire and pronounce the text of the conspiracy:

"Smoke black, noble, protect me, protect me from trouble, drive away anger, only you are strong enough to help me."

Magic pins with knots.

Pass a short red thread (woolen) into the pin and on the part of it that is without a tip, tie 12 knots, reading for each such plot:

“Twelve shields, twelve forces, and they all hold me tight, they serve me, they will save me from evil. Take away, knots, troubles, bad weather, evil, misfortunes. Become a talisman for me from century to century. "

Along with the thread, secure the pin to the wrong side of the garment.

Onion amulet made of a pin.

Onions have long been considered one of the most powerful protective plants in magic. Pierce a large onion with a pin and start a plot:

“Bow-fighter, protect my crown, turn away the evil allotments from me, devilish tricks. Protect, protect, turn away all troubles ”.

The hex on a pin is rowan.

Open the pin and string three dried rowan berries through the tip, while pronouncing a hex on each of them:

"The mountain ash is red, it has brought me protection."

The pin, along with the berries, is attached to the seamy side of the garment.

The pin plot is simple.

Open the pin and place it on the palm of your left hand. Read a conspiracy on a metal object:

"Take away all evil, turn away unkind people, turn away the evil eye, protect me."

Fasten the pin with the tip down on the wrong side of the garment you are wearing.

When using a safety pin as a talisman, it is important to remember a few points:
Be sure to rip the charmed object onto the clothes you are going to wear, be it a suit in which you go to work or a dressing gown. The pin should always be with you. Only at night is it allowed to put it under the pillow, so that in a dream it does not accidentally unfasten and hurt you.

If the charmed pin suddenly broke, unbuttoned, lost, or you just felt an urgent need to remove it, it means that the amulet has already absorbed the maximum of negativity. You need to clean it by removing all additional accessories from it (thread, berries) and putting it in a glass with spring or well water for three days, at the bottom of which a silver coin (a ring, an earring, etc.) is also thrown. The peeled amulet of a pin, speak again in any of the above ways.

This pin needs to be cleaned periodically. As the full moon comes, you need to remove the pin and rinse it in running water, this will cleanse it of the evil that has settled on it. And if you don't clean it regularly, the pin can become clogged and won't help you anymore. If this happens, gently attach it to the needle cushion with a red thread and let it stand for 7 nights.

If a pin protects a woman, you cannot attach it to trousers - this is not women's clothing. And in order to protect the room from the evil eye, the pin must be attached to the curtain from the inside, as close to the floor as possible. In the room, you do not need to close the pin, let it look at the floor with a point. Only there will be such protection: if a guest comes to the house with an unkind intention, the pin will not let the negative pass over to the owner in this room. But if the guest's intention is not only in his head, but also the object he brought some spoiled, then there will be no help from a pin, you need to turn to specialists. But it is not customary to protect the bed, be it a child's bed, a married man's bed, or a bed of a lonely adult, with the help of pins, although it would seem that you can attach a pin even to a blanket, a sheet or a pillow.

Take advantage of these ancient conspiracy and you will definitely achieve your goal.

The main thing is not to let anyone know about your actions!

It would seem that a pin is the most common thing. It is available in every home, costs a penny and is used everywhere. However, in white magic, the safety pin is a powerful conspiracy item, a powerful talisman and amulet for good luck. What is the reason for such attention to this thing?

About this, as well as about strong conspiracies on a pin, read the article.

Why is it customary to read plots on a pin?

Since ancient times, it has been believed that a pin pinned to a seam protects from damage, evil thoughts and black magic. In white witchcraft, any metal object that is closed has the properties of resistance and screening out negativity. An evil pin aimed at its wearer easily catches and cuts off. Its elongated shape and metallic structure serve as a good conductor of magical energy. A small size make it universal tool for any conspiracies.

A pin used as a magic attribute has two purposes:

  • mascot attracting good luck and goodness;
  • amulet protecting from evil.

Depending on what you expect from the pin, you need to choose the right function.

If a difficult period has come in your life, failures follow you on your heels, all plans collapse - make a pin amulet... And vice versa, in the period of extreme luck and luck, good energy can be accumulated on it as on talisman.

Definitely, the advantage of the pin conspiracy is complete independence from the lunar phase and time of day. These rituals are simple and do not require a great deal of knowledge of magic. Such a talisman-amulet can be independently made by everyone.

What can you talk about?

A variety of conspiracies allows you to do right choice, but in order for the magic to work correctly, it is important to meet three conditions:

  1. Choose a goal: protection from negative influences or bringing good luck. Concentrate on her. Imagine evil events or good moments in your mind.
  2. Take a brand new pin, free of extraneous information. A pin belonging to another person takes over his energy.
  3. Read the conspiracy in a calm state, postponing the ritual during a period of illness or poor health.

You can talk a pin for everything: love, money, health, success in business and much more.

Conspiracy for luck and money for a pin

At all times a man prays higher powers and asks them for luck. Without luck, no business is unthinkable; feeling unlucky, a person suffers defeat. Failure in new endeavors, work, relationships can break a person and his will. Self-confidence is vital and can be enhanced with an effective talisman.

One of the strongest is considered to be a pin conspiracy for luck and money. It is carried out using a red thread, a powerful talisman of protection.

For this conspiracy, it is not necessary to follow lunar calendar and choose a favorable phase. It is held at any time, subject to availability essential elements and related training.

Preparing for the ceremony

The pin and red string conspiracy requires the following set of materials:

  1. New gold-colored safety pin. The smaller it is, the better.
  2. Red thread for weaving shambhala bracelets or woolen thread. It should be taken from a new ball.
  3. Church candle.
  4. Five red candles.
  5. Three sticks of cinnamon incense.
  6. Dish or wooden board.
  7. A cup of holy water and a drop of any essential oil.

First, light the incense, wait a few minutes for the air in the room to clear. Arrange what you need on the table. Light five candles and place in the form five pointed star... Wrap the thread around them. Dip the pin into a glass of water and leave it there until the end of the ritual.

Light the church candle first, the red ones should start from it. When reading the plot, you need to drip 5 times on the red thread with the wax of the church candle.

Spell text

“As my desire is strong, as my will is strong, so my strength will be great. I overshadow my life with the flame of candles and the fire of order. I conjure the grace of the Lord to become a companion of my life, I will focus it on a red thread, on a yellow pin, on sweet wax. May luck not leave me in my daily affairs, may my wealth grow, my health grows stronger. I conjure my accomplishments for a prosperous outcome, by the power of fire, light and human will. Amen!"

The plot is read three times. Then remove the red thread, tie a knot in place of each drop and connect the ends with a pin.

It is necessary to wear this bracelet without removing it. It is also better to seal the pin with wax, so that it does not open and prick the wearer.


A pin charmed with the help of white magic will bring good luck to its owner. Together with the red thread, such a talisman has a powerful effect. Any evil magic is powerless against him.

It should be remembered that the basis of such a ritual is mystery. Keep the ritual a secret and do not tell anyone about your possession of such a powerful amulet. To questions about where you got it from, answer briefly: they gave it. Keeping the ceremony a secret enhances its effect and duration. A charmed pin can serve you for many years with proper handling.

The pin conspiracy came to us from such ancient times that it seems that it was passed on to our great-grandmothers by more ancient people who know the main secret of all life. A small pin can make anything special. You can put a shield against damage and the evil eye, a talisman against various viruses and diseases. You can read a conspiracy on a pin for success in negotiations and promotion on the career ladder, or even for a successful love date. The pin helps unconditionally. Even if you are an outright skeptic and do not believe in such an event plan.

It is also possible not to believe that bad words affect a person's mood and, accordingly, spoil the atmosphere. Call you a bad word, and the smile fades from your face, the word sits deep inside, interferes with work and the reception of good news, by the end of the day a migraine will play out, you will start to be rude to loved ones, and your appetite will disappear - here is a kind of spoilage. What does the pin have to do with it? Clip it on the inside of your garment, saying:
"Pin, pin, protect, dear, from damage, from the evil eye, from all the infection at once."
Take a chance look at her at lunchtime. She is in place, you are calm. Its strong fastener keeps kind words and your request, reflecting like an invisible shield all negative waves resonating in your direction.

In the evening, remove the pin and put it in charged water in order to remove the negative accumulated during the day from it.

How to charge

You can charge the pin with a church candle and simple conspiracy... At night, light a candle and bring a pin to it, "passing" a tongue of flame through the eye of the pin. Then drip wax onto the head of the piece and say:

"Serve me as protection from envy, evil eye, dark corruption, slander and other infection."

Do not wash the wax - it will naturally wear off over time.

How do I charge the water for a pin?

If you don't have holy water supplies at home, it's okay. Take your favorite silver jewelry and put it in a mug or bowl of water with good intentions and the words:

"Water-water, red maiden, drink silver good, recharge yourself for good deeds."

It is better to speak when the waxing moon can be reflected in the water or in the first days of the full moon. But, if the matter is urgent, then the energy of the person asking, of course, will increase the charge of water at any hour.

How to clean

A gold or silver pin that is worn all the time needs to be cleaned monthly (while a regular metal piece is better to simply replace). The easiest way to cleanse is to hold the amulet under running water. Perfect option- use a glass of well or spring water, where and place the pin for three days. Then the amulet is buried in salt (ordinary, sea or Thursday) for a day. After the procedure, the pin will become clean, and the salt and water will absorb the negative (therefore, both must be given to the ground - pour out the water and bury the salt away from home).

Can a pin conspiracy be used to harm a person?

The pin has the ability to absorb bad energy and exchange it for a strong, kind one. If you wish to harm a pin by reading a conspiracy on it to take away happiness and health from a person. Soon, your evil intent in dual power will return to you. Therefore, leave "revenge" on a dry, cooled head. You must calm yourself down and understand that turning into a monster and a low creature for the sake of self-gratification is a great sin and it will leave a huge dirty imprint on your fate. The pin is very easy to magically manipulate. This is due to the fact that it is made of metal, which easily absorbs any energy - positive or negative. The tip of the needle accumulates energy in itself and directs it to the person to whom it is intended. The pin can become a strong and effective amulet, but, unfortunately, it is more often used to spoil.
With the help of plots on a pin, this ordinary metal object can be turned into a real amulet, irreplaceable and valuable, which can be easily saved from spontaneous damage, the evil eye, everyday negativity, the consequences of envy and other mild negative influences.

Conspiracy on a pin so that no one jinxes

Open the pin and place it on the palm of your left hand. Read a conspiracy on a metal object:

"Take away all evil, turn away unkind people, turn away the evil eye, protect me."

Fasten the pin with the tip down on the wrong side of the garment you are wearing.
When using a safety pin as a talisman, it is important to remember a few points: be sure to re-strap the charmed object onto the clothes you are going to wear, be it a suit in which you go to work or a dressing gown. The pin should always be with you. Only at night is it allowed to put it under the pillow so that in a dream it does not accidentally unfasten and hurt you.

If the charmed pin suddenly broke, unbuttoned, lost, or you just felt an urgent need to remove it, it means that the amulet has already absorbed the maximum of negativity. You need to clean it by removing all additional accessories from it (thread, berries) and putting it in a glass with spring or well water for three days, at the bottom of which a silver coin (a ring, an earring, etc.) is also thrown. The peeled amulet of a pin, speak again in any of the above ways.
This pin needs to be cleaned periodically. As the full moon comes, you need to remove the pin and rinse it in running water, this will cleanse it of the evil that has settled on it. And if not cleaned regularly, the pin may become clogged and will no longer help you. If this happens, gently attach it to the needle cushion with a red thread and let it stand for 7 nights.
If a pin protects a woman, you cannot attach it to trousers - this is not women's clothing. And in order to protect the room from the evil eye, the pin must be attached to the curtain from the inside, as close as possible to the floor. In the room, you do not need to close the pin, let it look at the floor with a point. Only there will be such protection: if a guest comes to the house with an unkind intention, the pin will not let the negative pass over to the owner in this room.
But it is not customary to protect the bed, be it a child's bed, a married man's bed, or a bed of a lonely adult, with the help of pins, although it would seem that you can attach a pin even to a blanket, a sheet or a pillow.

Quick plots on the pin

On the fire, burn a pin on the fire of a candle and sentence:

"A pin is a pin, take fire, burn the problems around me, take away the evil word, turn it into good."

Rowan pin

Place the rowanberry on the needle. You can have several, for beauty. Read this conspiracy:

"The pin is sharp, but the mountain ash is red, it brought me protection and peace."

In order to pronounce a conspiracy on a pin, it is not necessary to select any special one. Decorative ornaments perfect for an amulet and protection from unkind people. The more beautiful the pin, the more willing to show it to people, but the evil eye cannot be avoided. After all, even from a friend you can catch a wormhole.

Here is the conspiracy itself:

"Beauty is in me, and in my pin there is a solid shield from evil intentions."

With so short and active conspiracies on a simple pin, you will always feel great, and your vitality will not leave you against your will.

The pin from the evil eye is one of the oldest and most common ways to neutralize negativity, allowing you to protect yourself from envious eyes, condemnation and witchcraft. Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers often wore this simple item on themselves, pinned them to the clothes of their household, purchased pins from the evil eye for newborns, and hung them over cribs and front doors.
Resorting to this way protection, you need to know: how to wear a safety pin, how to fasten it correctly, for whom and how to choose. In addition, in order to make an effective talisman out of a pin from the evil eye, it should be additionally talked or charged with the help of special ceremonies and rituals.

How does it work

It is believed that the pin protects against negativity due to its shape, which resembles a looped spiral loop. Getting under the head of the pin, the dark energy circulates through the “loop”, remaining inside the pin and not causing harm to the person it was directed at. There is an opinion that the material of manufacture is unimportant here, however, this is not entirely true. From the point of view of the scheme of exposure, a silver or gold pin is no different from an ordinary metal one, however, silver and gold still contribute to the protective properties of the amulet.
Silver pins gain extra strength thanks to magical properties metal. Silver items are especially good for women: they increase intuition, helping to avoid envious people and dangerous situations; neutralize the effects of the evil eye, slander, and sometimes damage. Since the pin from the negative can be fastened not only from the inside of clothes, but also from the outside, shiny jewelry made of gold and silver protects us, distracting the attention of others. They are very effective against the so-called "unintentional" evil eye, when others have a negative influence involuntarily - by envy or paying close attention to us, without having a conscious intention to do harm.

How to wear

How to pin a pin correctly so that it serves as protection from envy, evil eye, slander and other negative influences? This accessory should be pinned or fastened vertically, head down. This amulet is worn in two ways - from the seamy side of the garment or from the front. From the inside, it is better to attach it closer to the hem - this is how our ancestors did. Outside, the magic accessory should be attached in the most conspicuous place, classic version- on the left side, at the level of the heart (at this point, the pin from the evil eye can be pinned both from the outside and from the inside of the clothes).
There is a belief that the bride, preparing for the wedding, must cling to the pin on the inside of the hem of the wedding dress and wear it without removing it during the celebration and festivities (you can also pin two pins in the shape of a cross). This recommendation is quite logical, because at every wedding, attention is mainly focused on the bride.
Moreover, if you do not wear this accessory all the time, you should attach it to your clothes before any crowded celebrations, performances and other events, where you find yourself "under the gun" of numerous glances. It makes sense to wear a flashy gold or silver jewelry over clothes and put it on display, and it is better to pin ordinary metal pins to clothes from the inside as a "secret" amulet.